#there's one more important fact some of u know about and i was gonna include it lmao
v-arbellanaris · 7 hours
u know what actually im gonna make one last srs post abt this whole thing and then im doneeeee i swear lmfao, so all of the anons in my inbox can finally shut up and fuck off and i'll put it under a cut so i dont ~ruin your da4 hype~ the way youve fucking ruined mine i guess.
watsonian justification for this: "decisions you made 10+ years ago in another part of the country simply will not affect the current story". hey isnt the entire story behind veilguard that a guy has been working for the last 10 years to rip down the veil. like. is the whole thing not a story that started 10 years ago. do you not have access to the eluvian network now because solas stole it 10 years ago from briala. is the blight not around because of the evanuris in some way. isnt the entire magisterium something that's been in place for thousands and thousands of years. like even within the context of da, the entire story revolves around things that happened thousands of years ago that have shaped the world that our characters exist in today. we, ourselves, as real people, don't live in a world where things happening on one side of the planet do not affect anything else. and that's not even touching on the fact that we have companions from the first game showing up. at the very least decisions that affect them directly should have been factored in????
doylist justification(s) for this: #1 "we only wanted to include worldstate decisions we could develop reactivity to" so the only decisions were.... whether or not solas is romanced? for me, it's the way that when you're playing dai, the entire justification for NOT being able to romance him as anyone other than lavellan is that you can have a deep and important and complex relationship with him even if you dont romance him, the fandom is always going on & on about how important friendship!solas is and how it shouldnt be underrated but the moment his ENTIRE CHARACTER (and ours?!) gets boiled down to whether or not you had a romantic relationship with him, we're going to celebrate it??? really??? REALLY??? what in the fucking amatonormativity is this, and how is this a step BACKWARDS from dai for solas???
#2 "the world was too complicated so they wanted to simplify it for new players" that's literally the problem we're discussing. the problem we're discussing is the complexity of the world, and the solution bioware came up with for it is to simply scrap it all, and surprise surprise! not everyone is happy about it??? you are just describing the problem that the solution fails to address???
i think the most annoying part of this whole thing is the fan response to it. literallyyyy am seeing things like "no one ever complained about the worldstates not mattering in the next games before da4" which is NOT TRUE. ever since i JOINED this fandom, i've heard so many things about people complaining about leliana defaulting back to a hardened state in dai, about alistair's characterisation in dai, about cullen's repeat appearances, about your boons/decisions in dao not carrying forward in the next games. people HAVE been complaining about it, for ages, especially in dai. it is explicitly a problem in dragon age, and has been for a long, long time, and the problem has only grown the more complex the worldstate becomes. that's why they tried to address the problem here by simply scrapping it all. i've also seen things like "well if youre only interested in callback references, this dragon age game not for YOU" which not only minimises and dismisses the issues and feelings at hand here, but also reeks of self-righteous, smug superiority of I Am The Sole Correct Enjoyer. who is this game for, if not for people who love dragon age?
i'm not here for rook's story - i'm here to save the world that i've built with my own two hands over three games. i am doing that through rook as a character, yes, but i have no cause or reason to care about rook at all going into this game except for the basic fact of this is my character that i am playing - rook is a character that i expect playing the game will make me invested in and care about them. but you know what i already cared about before going into veilguard? you know what i've saved three times over already, potentially even at the cost of my own life? thedas. MY thedas. OF COURSE I WANT TO KNOW THAT IT MATTERS. in world, solas himself wants to know what changes his actions wrought. THOUSANDS OF YEARS AFTER THE FACT. why is everyone acting like fans are insane for this????
i, for one, have not complained about the game "ruining" origins or da2 or even dai. i was excited about the changes, because changes were evidently necessary. i have been fully prepared for the differences, even if i've been apprehensive or cautious about it. do you think i'm disappointed now because i hate dragon age??? where do you fucking get off saying this game is not meant for me? because i dont agree with how bioware has chosen to resolve this issue, suddenly these games are Not For Me anymore?
and you know what, i already know they're not for me. the way this series, and this fandom, treats people of colour, and characters of colour, i am made aware every single day that dragon age is not for me. these games are for the liberal white girlies and white queers living in the west. i know damn well these games have never been for me, and any insistence that it should consider me will be met with vitriol and viciousness. and guess what? i am still here.
i was sooo ready to let this go until the fandom just kept acting like ppl are idiots for being unhappy about things AT ALL in da4. its so fucking annoying to me. i'm NOT going to complain about every single little thing in da4 possible, but i'm also not going to act like bioware is going to do and is doing everything right. what is WITH this fandom and extremes of thought and behaviour. is it because you're all american??? like. i'm actually so sorry that you live in a black-and-white world with no complexities or nuances because it must be so boring and sad.
in my opinion, i would not have minded slimming down the narrative choices to a select few that they could really hone in and focus on. i feel like the dragon age keep decisions can be a bit arbitrary, and i would've loved to see like 5-6 key decisions per game, ORRRR even for your worldstate to boil down to something like whether or not you generally supported positive change or upheld the status quo per game, and then specific character decisions regarding the inquisitor to be brought in, since they're the pc that actually shows up. i do think there's likely a lot of chaff that can be cut off or simplified as a sort of "lost to the times" kind of narrative telling. but boiling down these games to three fucking choices that are ultimately just 'did u romance and like solas or nah' is fucking INSANE. why is the answer to the issue of the quantum - which has been an issue for a long time!!!!!! - to just... scrap it entirely???
edit: adding this here since i said i wouldnt make any more posts abt this topic but i rly find it laughableeeee when fans eagerly parrot bioware insisting that just because those choices dont matter in THIS game doesnt mean they'll never matter in a FUTURE game (i guess we can expect the next one in 2034?). if they already scrapped those choices for this game, and you're all still buying it (some of you??? PREORDERED it???? i thought we agreed not to do that???), why would they bother. do you think the next dragon age game wont have the same line of logic for 'we need to make it accessible for new players!!!!!' that they had for this one and for dai? how willfully stupid are you that you think I'M the stupid one here?
im happy for you guys tho! i hope the new dragon age game where theyve removed all of those complexities instead of making ANY effort to address ANY of the existing dissatisfaction around feeling like any of your game decisions mattered supports your existing brainrot so you can continue believing in a black-and-white reality. really glad theyve simplified it for you guys just like you wanted into 3 choices all about sola/vellan.
i'm going back to my own sandbox, as epler has instructed me to, so i can ~imagine~ my own thedas lmfao
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fallingdownhell · 7 months
Hello !! I wish u a happy Valentine's Day >< love it writing ;)
Can I request Best Friends with feelings Sumero boys(+wanderer) reacting to gn!reader being gifted here and there all day bc it's Valentine's day?
Thank u! U can ignore this if I don't want to write :)
Happy belated Valentine's Day! Hope everyone had a nice day celebrating with their loved ones, be it romantically or platonically<3 Characters Included: Tighnari; Cyno; Alhaitham; Kaveh; Wanderer Content: gender neutral reader; no established relationship; the boys are getting jealous; fluff; love confessions..?; not proofread yet Word count: 2,6k words Enjoy<3
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he loves the fact that one of his closest friends actually works with him, which means that you can see each other on a regular basis
not like Cyno or Kaveh, who he sometimes doesn't see in days or weeks, depending on their workload
Tighnari enjoys working with you, but not just because he's friends with you. You complement each other, his strenghts negate your weaknesses, and vice versa. When he's stuck in his research on some specific topic, you offer him some insight from a different perspective that he otherwise would probably have never even considered
Plus, you're very easy to talk to, and just an overall fun person to be around. It's no wonder he'd want to be your friends.
So it's also no wonder that one day, he realizes that his feelings for you go much deeper than just friendship
Is he gonna do anything about it, though?
No. At least, not right away
He's let it sit and sink for a while, come to terms with the fact that he actually likes you in that way, and that it's not just some fleeting crush. He'd plan to tell you eventually, but much to his dismay, he forgot what time it was while he was pondering about his feelings for you
Valentine's Day was here, and of course, he's heard plenty of talk among his fellow forest rangers. He knows that many of them plan to ask you out, thinking that it'd be the right time
He realized what day it was when the first one came up to you and handed you a self crafted bracelet that you gladly accepted. Tighnari watched the interaction take place intently, yet swallowed down his feelings
But then another one came up to you... and another.. with every person that came to you, handing you gifts and trying to flirt with you, his anger at them rose, and he couldn't take it any longer
With an annoyed tone, he pushed all his responsibilities aside for today, went over to you and grabbed your hand, almost demanding of you to accompany him to the city, since he claimed he had some important errands to run and needed your help with them. In truth, he just wanted you as far away from all of the attention from other people as quickly as possible
His lie became obvious pretty fast when he made no attempts to actually go to Sumeru City with you, but you'd already realised why he did what he did, yet decided not to comment on it
the two of you took a stroll along a close by river, and after some time, sitting down and just watching the nature around you
Not many words are spoken, but it's also not neccassary
he has a feeling that you're aware of his feelings for you now, as well. But he won't say anything to you just yet. He needs some more time, but you can be sure that you won't have to wait too long..
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I see him as one of those people who are not to keen about Valentine's day. To him, it's just a day like anyone else. He's also one of those people that would voluntarily work that day
He's never understood the appeal of it. Why celebrate one special day with your partner, when you can show your love and affection for them any given day? Why safe it for one day in the whole year?
Not that he has a partner to begin with, but it's the whole concept about it that just irks him
however, there is a certain someone that Cyno has had feelings for, for quite some time now. A certain someone that was a desert dweller just like him. Who came with him to the City at a young age and who he stayed friends with all those years
You and Cyno go way back, having been friends with him since you were kids. When he was leaving the desert, he couldn't stand the thought of leaving behind the only person he ever knew and trusted, so he convinced you to go with him. Not like anything was holding you in the desert to begin with, so you agreed
Cyno has come to terms with his feelings for you a long time ago, but has yet to make any move on you. Sure, he's dropped some hints here and there, and made some - very poor - attempts at flirting with you, but you never picked up on any of it
and now, he kinda regretted never telling you more specifically. As every other Valentine's day before, Cyno was working this one, too
he was currently on his way to track some hints he'd gotten, leaving the Academiya, when he catched a glimpse of you, standing on the platform before the Academiya building, surrounded by people
he froze in his steps, deciding to stick around and see what was going on. And it didn't take long until he figured it out..
from the people surrounding you, many were offering you gifts, holding them in front of you and begging you to accept them, while you smile shyly and try to appease as many of them as possible
quickly, jealousy was rising within him, but also his protective side started to show. He knew you disliked crowds, never having the courage to deny people of anything, so he knew you had a hard time right now
without another thought, he rushed to your side, putting an arm around you protectively, while he scared away the crowd under some made up excuse
as soon as they were gone and you had your space again, you let out a relieved breath, thanking him for getting you out of this
Cyno stares at you for a second before looking away again, then claiming that he'd walk with you until you were home safe. Just to make sure that no one else would bother you
on the way there, he's thinking hard. This incident showed him, that he'd have to step up and confess his feelings to you, soon. Or someone else might get ahead of him and snatch you away. And he couldn't let that happen..
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another one who I think wouldn't be too big on Valentine's day, but he'd be much more indifferent about it
much like Cyno, he sees no sense in picking out one "special" day in the year to celebrate love when you can just do it whenenver
however, he does begin to see at least some appeal to the thing when he develops feelings for you, one of his best friends
he loves that he can just spend time with you in silence. That you don't always have the need to converse with him, and instead just enjoy the presence of each other while each of you might be doing their own thing still
however, it still takes Alhaitham some time to accept that he's having these types of feelings for you, so you can't expect a confession from him anytime soon, either
he tries to approach his feelings with logic first, but he comes to realize that logic does not help him in the slightest with this particular "problem"
so instead, he decideds to throw logic out the window for this one and instead settles on the plan to use the upcoming valentine's day this year to actually confess how he feels to you
after talking to a bunch of people about different ideas for gifts, he decides to go with what seems to be the "standard", some flowers and chocolates
he plans on gifting them to you after your shift for the day is done and you're heading home, since he comes by and walks you home from time to time, so it wouldn't be weird for Alhaitham to show up
however, as he arrives, he becomes witness to a scene, similar to what he had planned to do. A man in front of you, asking you to accept his flowers as he asks you out on a date
Alhaitham's heart immediately drops, and he finds himself frozen in place, unable to do anything about it. The only thing he can do, is watch as you laugh awkwardly at the guy and then kindly decline him
seeing you reject him gives him some hope again, and he watches the guy leave first before he approaches you, his gifts for you hidden under his cloak. Even if you rejected him, he was now hesitating wether it was a good idea to actually follow through with his plan
the same exact thing then happened four more times while he was walking you home. Some random person would approach you on the street and hand you some form of a Valentine's present. And every time, you'd kindly turn them down with an uncomfortable smile
seeing the interactions both gave him relief - as you were always rejecting them - but also made him feel more anxious
in the end, when the two of you arrived at your home, he had half a mind to just not say anything at all and just let it go. But then, another thought entered his head that he couldn't ignore away. What if, if he was to forego his chance now, someone else would show up who you'd ultimately agree to go out with?
he couldn't let this happen, not without shooting his own shot, at least
so, before you close the door on him, he stops you, and very awkwardly pulls the flower and chocolates out from under his cloak, handing them to you
he sees the surprise morph into your expression, as he's anxiously waiting for your answer...
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I personally think that Kaveh would be very obvious if he has a crush on someone. Wether that be a close friend or someone he doesn't personally know, he's easy to figure out
he wears his heart on the tongue and is very expressive, so one simple question is often enough to figure out what he thinks about certain people
so, it was obvious to you, and everyone around him, that Kaveh has been having feelings for his best friend, You
has he done anything about that or plans on doing anything?
as much as he's aware of his feelings, he also has no idea how to go about it. How would he ask you out in the first place? And why, for all Archon's sake, would you even say yes to him in the first place?
He has to come to terms with that question and many similar ones first, before he feels like he's ready to ask you out
unluckily for him, you're quite an impatient person, and waiting around for him to do something, when you've already dropped so many hints that you liked him, too, was just too damn exhausting
however, luckily for you, Valentine's day was just around the corner, and maybe, you could use that to your advantage..
that day, you'd ask Kaveh to accompany you on a stroll through the city, to get him out of his little office that he's been cramped up in recently to finish a project of his
he gladly took the offer, figuring that he could really use the fresh air. He always loved to spend time with you, talking and laughing with you about anything and everything that came to your minds
however, he noticed that on this particular day, people seemed to approach you every so often, with roses in their hands, engaging in conversations with you that Kaveh stepped away from, not wanting to eavesdrop on private matters
still, he inwardly scoffs to himself. What are these people even trying to achieve? Don't they know that roses aren't even your favourite flowers?
But the more he looks around the city, he slowly comes to realize what kind of day it is today
Now the roses also made sense... and now he could also figure why they were all approaching you, probably to ask you out
And, why wouldn't they? You were a catch, no matter which angle one were to look from. Anyone would be lucky to be able to call you their partner, but.. Kaveh wanted it to be himself, not some random person who doesn't even know you as much as he does
the more people talk to you, the more jealous Kaveh grows as the day goes on, yet he never says anything about it or to you. He just intently watches everyone that dares come closer to you, narrowing his eyes on them, like they just personally offeneded him
once the day is over, Kaveh then locks himself into his office, trying to come up with the most elaborate plan to ask you out. He wanted it to be something grande, something that would be better than anything anyone had ever done for you, that would outdo all the gifts and presents you'd gotten today... and once the plan is set, he'll be making it happen as soon as possible..
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not fond about this holiday. At all
he hates how stuck up people can get with their feelings. Why did they have to make a celebration out of it and shove it down everyone's throat?
scoffs loudly whenever he sees a couple act all cutesy and stuff on Valentine's day. It doesn't really bother him all that much on any other day, but that specific day? He hates it
he also hates you. You may be his best - and only - friend, but he hates the way you make him feel sometimes
he tries to deny it for a very long time, chalking it up to some malefunction of his body, but there comes a point in his life where he can no longer deny the feelings he has for you
much to his dismay, the day he'd make that realization just had to be Valentine's day... the fucking irony. Celestia really must hate him
He didn't think anything of it when he invited you to join him for some leisure stroll outside Sumeru City that day. He's waiting for you before Lambad's tavern, impatiently tapping his fingers against his crossed arms
finally, he notices you, but just as he was about to call out to you, he notices someone else approach you and engaging in a conversation with you
the Wanderer had half a mind to walk over there and pull you away, because how dare you make him wait even longer? But then, that person hands you a flower, gifting it to you, and he froze seeing you accept it
soon enough, you'd part ways with that person and finally join the Wanderer, but by that time, his mood has already turned sour
he still goes on that stroll with you, but the entire time, he basically ignores you as he tries to figure out why he feels so frustrated by this interaction. Why would you accept flowers from a lowlife like that? Wasn't he enough for you?
As soon as that thought entered his mind, his eyes widened and he knew he was screwed, that he'd somehow caught feelings for you. But realizing it, and admiting to it, are two completely different things
when you two return to Sumeru City, he witnesses two other people approach and do the same thing, gifting you a flower each that you accept with a kind smile
and with every interaction he sees, his anger and resentment towards them grows and grows
he can't deal with it any longer, so he leaves the scene without any further explanation
he'd have a lot of thinking to do, as well as coming to terms with some things. You wouldn't see him for a while, even if you were to seek him out. He just needed to do this on his own, because the next time he sees you, he plans on making you his, no matter what it would take..
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mikodrawnnarratives · 10 months
*cracks knuckles* @paper-lilypie
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and brainrot. I've been sketching these ideas out for like, a year. And done nothing with them until this point
this has been festering. in my mind.
*note: I didn't get around to drawing it, but I imagine Sun, Moon, and Y/n say their vows at the Bell place thingie that I need to reread in the fic. Y'know, the place Moon climbs up to, to get away from y/n. Yeh they declare their love up there and smoochies*
I should really reread that bit actually lol
Before moving forward, I'm gonna rant about outfits
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this is the outfit that I base Sun and Moon's wedding look on because I just think it fits so well. I share this so you guys see the vision and forgive my inexperience with drawing these folds
Cool? cool.
Also, I went through several variations of what Y/n would wear before settling on this bc nothing that came up when I searched "gender neutral wedding gear" really fit
Wanted a mix between gown and suit and y'know this ended up being more suit but I like it a lot so we're going with that. It also came to me in a vision so that has to say something.
(Ok but I did envision Y/n having a dress similar to this one character's dress in Bad Guys but I couldn't draw it so I scrapped it)
(ok some details stayed but most of the concept had to go)
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so like- you see it right?
Btw. All of them (including guests) have pockets. just. to ease your mind.
ok back to actually drawn wedding shenanigans
Because, there are many, wedding shenanigans
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Y'know the trend of smashing wedding cake into the bride/groom/wedded partner's face right?
There's no way this wouldn't escalate and y/n wouldn't enlist their siblings in the chaos.
They'll get like- one or two good wedding pics before this.
the cake tasted good tho
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Let me just say. I am so proud of how I did these hands I'm oogling my own art I did so good GHGHHHHHHFDS
I like??? Want to do more?????
cuties shenanigans below they are obnoxious and they know it
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By the way by the way you may notice the flower dress
I WILL be getting around to Lily x DCA STUFF I WILL
Tho I got busy and had a really hard time drawing/finishing sketches when I did have time so. I chose to post what I have so far so it's out before November ends
well Ig u are safe
for nowwwww
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Bouquet toss real
fun fact I initially wanted to draw Sun, Moon, and Copper y/n tossing the bouquet together
but their arm lengths would NOT make that work kjfdkljsdklj
so y/n tosses the bouquet bc they are the specialest
(Or they won the round of monopoly)
(who's to say)
(we don't talk about game night)
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But all three of them are the criminal. masterminds. They planned this from the start. Holly and Chica HAD NO CHANCE after the role they played in getting Y/N AND SUN AND MOON together.
I think this video would also be something cute that I could see happening for their wedding lol
Y/n and the daycare attendants hand the bouquet to Holly and then she gets proposed to by Chica
Anyway I still have a whole list of wedding shenanigans I need to draw
Sarah and Yao being some because when I tried before I couldn't sketch them out to my liking.
And the more CCRT gets expanded on, the more I'm sure will be present in their wedding since there are only 3 chapters out so far and enough art for me to make my guesses dlkkldsf
I'm sure there are plenty of fun things that can be included into this wedding, or edited, once more is revealed of the characters and their relationships
and who would be wedding guests is a little more up in the air, for instance and... who'd be able to show up in the first place considering unknown state of... living
(*cough cough*-Glamrock Foxy-*cough cough*)
...and being on good terms! thats.. important too. y'know moon and foxy weren't really exes but it may still be a bit awkward if he got invited y'know yknow
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my girl 5
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your brother’s friend from work starts hanging out a lot more often. (short!reader)
Characters: Captain Syverson
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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Forty minutes pass. The pizza has to be cold by now and your stomach is growling for a slice. You give in and text Isaac. You rarely do that. He barely says much to your face as it is. Not unless he’s making a dumb joke. 
'Where r u dummy?' 
You hit send and set the phone down. He's always been the type to wander off. When he was a kid, you remember helping your mom trawl the block for him. He would disappear into his room and never come out, only to escape through the window to find some trouble elsewhere. 
He texts back a couple minutes later. You can hear Sy pacing on the porch. You've never been alone with him. In fact, you're rarely in the house by yourself this long. 
'Ryan wants to hit up Barons. Gonna be late.' 
Frig. Why would he do that? Especially knowing Sy was on his way. This is going to be even more awkward. 
You’re not sure how to handle this. Usually, your mom takes care of guests. She’s so good at it. You just stay in the background with your books and help where you can. You live more in your head than you do out loud. 
You take the pizza and put it in the oven to warm up. You can't waste his kindness on Isaac’s ignorance. You go to the front door and peek your head out. 
"So er Isaac isn't coming." You say. 
Sy stops short and faces you, "oh. But... you're all alone." 
"Yeah, but that's okay. You can stay for pizza. I put it in to reheat. I mean you went to all that trouble." 
"Oh," he looks disappointed. "Too bad. If ya don't mind, I'm starving." 
"Of course." You smile. 
You feel bad. He came all this way and your brother ditched him. Now he's stuck with you. 
“Sorry about Isaac. I guess it must be important.” 
“Nah, don’t be sorry for him. Don’t you make excuses for him either. He’s that way, isn’t he? Unreliable,” He tuts. 
“Right but... well, he tries, right?” You say. 
Sy grumbles, neither in confirmation or denial. Why would he keep your brother around if he wasn’t good at his job? He hardly seems like the type to stand for that. You don’t ask. It wouldn’t be appropriate. 
You go back inside and he follows not far behind. He appears in the dining room without his hat and boots. You bring out the pizza and put a slice on your plate. You ask how many he wants and you dish him up two. 
Before you can sit, you pause. You almost forgot. 
"One sec." You raise a finger and stand straight.  
You flit out without explanation. His confused expression stains your vision. Living so long in your head, sometimes you forget to put your thoughts into words. 
You go to the fridge and grab two of the strawberry sodas. You return to the table and hand him one. He thanks you an examines the label. 
He twists the cap off easily as you struggle with your own. You forgot an opener. The ridges bite into your palm. 
"Want some help?" He reaches across the table. 
You hand it over and he uncaps it with a soft his from the bottle neck. He plunks it by your plate as you thank him. He offers a funny smile through his beard. 
You take a sip and he swigs. He hums and eyes the bottle again, "you're right. It's sweet." He sets it down and picks up a slice. "I like sweet." 
You nod and pick up the pizza. You nibble on the end as he takes a bigger bite. Where you make yourself small and unoffensive, he's large and unbothered. His eyes meet yours as once more your mind wanders to orcs and their burly figures. 
"It's nice. This. Uh, us. Um, what I mean is..." he stammers. "Not so bad without the rest, huh?" 
"No, it's not bad," you shrug and smile. 
"Did I say they're showing the trilogy down at the drive-in next month? Read it online." He says. You can tell he's just trying to fill the lull. You appreciate the effort. 
"That's cool." You say. You knew. Your mom was supposed to go with you. 
"Yeah, your brother wasn't so into it. Said he's busy." He scoffs. "Suppose I can make the truck bed up and drive down... lotsa room. If you're interested or something." 
You take another bite as you process. It takes too long to realise he’s asking you to go with him. You’re not as good at subtext in real life. 
“That would be really nice but you know, if you feel bad for me, you don’t have to go to all that trouble.” You chuckle nervously. 
“Feel bad? About what?” 
“I’m a bit of a loner. I know that. And my mom just left. I guess it would seem kind of... sad?” You say. 
“I don’t think your sad.” He brushes his hand over his head. “I think... I think you’re really smart and that.” 
“Because I read?” You wonder. 
“Guess so. I never read books like this before. I don’t read much, you know? But I thought...” His face pales and he folds his pizza in half and puts it down. “I dunno. Guess I was looking for new things to do. Don’t got much else, myself. Don’t think you’re the only one on their own.” 
He gulps and rubs his neck. He stands abruptly, startling you. 
“Think I said too much. I’m sorry. I ruined dinner and all that.” He reaches back to steady the chair before it can topple. 
“No, you didn’t...” you frown up at him. You didn’t mean to hurt his feelings. You really just didn’t want to be in the way. “Please. I didn’t mean anything. I was only letting you know, like, it’s not a big deal. It’s really nice of you to invite me.” 
“It was stupid.” 
“I don’t think so. Unless you do.” You force a smile. “I’d be really lonely eating dessert by myself, you know?” 
“Dessert?” He lifts a brow. 
“Oh sure. You ever tried Pocky? They’re kinda not much but I got a bunch of new flavours.” You offer. “But if you got to go, that’s fine too. You should take some of this with you. I can’t eat it all.” 
He looks down then at you again. His cheek ticks and he shakes out his hands. He makes himself sit and clears his throat. 
“I’m real sorry. I wasn’t meanin’ to act up. I just... I didn’t wanna be a problem.” He shifts in the seat. “I’ll stay.” 
“Not a problem. You brought dinner.” You say. Your mom would never let someone walk out like that. But you’re not your mom. You’re not a very good host at all. 
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mdverse · 2 months
hi!! i feel like you may have talked about this before but out of curiosity, could you explain/talk about your kurt’s tattoos? :3
hi yes ofc i would love to!! i did in fact talk about it ages ago but i am always happy to say more and u picked a great time to ask bc i've been reworking all of the vb au tats so this isn't just a repeat of my previous post about it (except i never finished my official redesign of kurt's sleeve yet so i can't actually show u my reference)
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for his sleeve i went the floral route with flowers that represent the most important relationships in his life, so it's intertwined ivy leaves and forget-me-nots wrapping around his arm (whether or not they actually look like the flowers they're supposed to be is a whole other thing lmao i think i get sloppier the more i draw them)
ivy symbolises fidelity, marriage and friendship - obviously u have to ignore the marriage part here bc this one is for finn and santana (furtana best friends and siblings fr <3)
forget-me-nots symbolise true love and respect, as well as the promise that u will always keep someone in ur thoughts - i always see this one as being primarily for his mom, but i think it probably does eventually extend to the entire hudmelpez clan
i also originally gave him a lil sun on his forearm for burt as a lil nod to you are the sunshine of my life gcv, which is kinda visible in some of the older drawings that have his tattoo but. i recently realised that i chose a really stupid placement for it so im gonna move the sun to his shoulder once i actually update my reference sheets. that being said i am realising right now that i still included the sun on his forearm in yesterday's post and that's devastating to me personally so pls pretend it's not there
and then the newest addition to kurt's tattoos is a very "u have to know where to look for it otherwise i think it's easy to miss it" but i did slip it into yesterday's post so! furtana matching tattoos my beloved let's talk about that one too <33
i think that things are extremely tense between furtana during the earlier stages of burt and carole's relationship (especially between kurt and the other 2) (not gonna really get into this rn bc it's not super relevant lol) so to me they do end up connecting over music and it remains a really important common interest for them over time despite their different tastes (in the sense that like. idk i think as duos they have more interests in common but as a trio they probably don't so music is a big thing for them) (i wish i could articulate this better but hopefully u get it) etc etc so. had to sit down and imagine what each of them drawing an eigth note would look like based on their handwriting (as one does i guess?) and then i figured it would be neat if they each had all 3 notes instead of just the one they drew so. matching tats for the siblings :)
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(here's part of my unfinished reference sheet for that lol i think i still need to adjust stuff for the size/placement of finn's and santana's but kurt's is already figured out) (for artistic purposes i did actually change it from my original placement, which was closer to his ear) (i just wanted it to be a bit more visible in drawings lol)
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transguydeuce · 8 months
queer twst headcanons pt 7: diasomnia
first. we must establish fae genderisms.
(if you wanna just scroll to the headcanons for the lads tho feel free)
i think fae have around 3 “sexes”. i say “around 3” “sexes” bc science has proven repeatedly that sex is way more complicated than it seems lol. anyway i think fae have majority intersexed individuals with some female and some male. this definitely means that there’s not really a gender binary to trans around in, and fae don’t have the same concepts of trans and cisgender that we do. plus the fact that most fae, including both male and female (which here i’m referring purely to whether they produce egg or sperm) have a range of traits that are traditionally viewed by humans as gendered aka breasts, external/internal genitalia, etc. i would say body hair also but tbh i don’t think they have any, baul’s beard looks more like scales or horns to me and unless i’m wrong i don’t think we’ve ever seen a fae with body hair.
i would almost hesitate to say that fae are mammalian but they do have some hair as well as boobs (thank u meleanor for screwing w my fae biology headcanon /j) and it’s also known that they r capable of creating hybrid offspring w humans so they have to be closely related enough to humans to do that so they are mammals, my thought is just that they have adapted to live in environments with higher magic. that’s why they’re typically more magically gifted yet it’s more dangerous for them to be without it (cough cough glomas cough cough) ALSO. BECAUSE THEY LAY EGGS, FAE ARE BASICALLY MONOTREMES. HAVE FUN WITH THAT.
anyway it's impossible to tell what bits a fae has just from looking at them. so they don’t really get assigned a gender at birth and therefore they don’t really have the same concepts of cis and trans that we do. personally, i hc that "he" is the default gender-neutral pronoun most fae use. that is all thank you for your time now ON TO THE HEADCANONS
malleus: personally hc him as intersex :) doesn’t really understand human concepts of gender, but is curious about it since arriving at night raven. he doesn’t really know what an “all boys” school is especially because some of his classmates r definitely not all boy. (he thinks that’s neat though.) dressed masculine primarily for convenience and would have no complaints wearing a gown. he/him pronouns bc it's the default fae pronoun and that’s what he grew up with but after interacting more with humans he enjoys a she or they from time to time. gender is like a fascinating human custom to him. also i love the hc that he’s pan bc he’s attracted to player character regardless of gender so i’m sticking to that
sebek: [just insert the entire knuckles pronouns comic here]
ok all jokes aside he uses he/him as well, and thinks that that’s the default for everyone. the most important human in his young life was his dad who is also he/him so naturally sebek gets very confused when humans have more than one gender. most likely finds out more after asking about why epel doesn’t like being mistook for a girl (uh oh) he concludes he must be a guy cuz he’s big and strong (epel what have you done). i don’t really have a read on sebek’s sexuality and i don’t think he does either tbh.
lilia: THEE genderqueer just look at him. she is genderfuck incarnate. he’s on that immortal vampire gender. he’s on that ftmtftmtftmtftmtf type shit. a different pronoun set each day. throw some neopronouns in and stir the pot. basically he’s genderfluid. gendergas even. she’s traveled all around the world, if you think he didn’t pick up all the different genders like a crow hoarding shiny objects you would be wrong. if you ask them directly they’d probably say their gender is gamer (to be hip with the kids). also a bisexual king and definitely had a thing for meleanor and her husband there is no doubt in my mind.
silver: well he was raised by lilia so….. afab doesn’t really apply to him. he grew up in briar valley and was never assigned a gender besides the default pronoun “he”. when he’s older lilia probably teaches him a bit about human culture and asks silver what he feels like doing and i think he’d most likely go on t, partially for gender feels and also partially to build muscle mass and be a better royal guard lmao. his gender is knight boyprincess. no i shall not explain. i think he’s sex-neutral grey ace that’s just the vibes i get from him
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hongluboobs · 5 months
Please tell us the reason behind the pokemon choices! I get most of them, but am curious about Meowstic and Nihelego in particular. Is it for the nihilEGO pun?
OKAY i am on my iphone so i’m typing this from scratch again instead of my drafts. also it is night. tumblr decided to not give me notifs until now but it’s okay!! we ball😁
I’m unsure how much you know abt pokémon so I’m gonna do my best to explain but this is a lifelong special interest so i may miss some things^^
Quick going over the ones you didn’t ask about:
Mewtwo: clone created to replicate Mew, Went Horribly Wrong, ended up destroying the lab it was born in. It’s even a really long time since I’ve seen the movie but i believe the mewtwo there is neglected child core. This is REALLY Angela especially because in pokedex entries they often talk about the thing that makes mewtwo nothing like mew is that it’s “heartless”. poor poor angela baby…
Mega Gardevoir: This is a mostly aesthetic pick. That thing really looks like her if it’s shiny (see image) and the colors match perfect. the way gardevoir is portrayed in pmd reminds me a lot of Angela. Gardevoir is about immense loyalty to a trainer (even if it ruins your life forever and the trainer does not care, as shown in pmd) and i read it as something about the script
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Porygon2: Honestly this could be any of the mons in this line but Porygon is a digital being and the first fully synthetic pokemon which begins acting in ways which were not programmed as it evolves. Kind of represents Angela acting in ways a machine should not and breaking free of her predetermined role to me :)
Now onto the pokémon you actually asked about!! :)
First up, Meowstic!
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This first part is a small design thing but this thing has Angela’s face to me, especially with the yellow eyes with red pupils. Angela’s eyes are inconsistent in canon but I like to represent them with both red and yellow to represent both of her “parents” (sorry Benjamin… i love you but u aren’t included there😔)
This pokedex entry is one of the main reasons this is an angela pokémon to me, aside from vibes.
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It has the same “closed eyes to repress” thing that Lobcorp angela has going on, just with repressing incredibly explosive powers instead of repressing The Horrors!
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These pokedex entries are really goofy but they read very angela to me :) its unfriendliness is part of its charm!
Also i have no idea when i’ll ever get to post these so now is a good time as any to drop meowstic angela :)
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Nihilego is a slightly different case because it’s tied less to dex entries and more to how it is used in the story of sun and moon. I haven’t played those games in YEARS so i might be a little bit questionable with my reasoning but this one’s really important.
Nihilego is intentionally designed to mirror one of the human characters in pokémon sun and moon.
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(image i found online. i see it somewhat differently but it’s close enough for this)
Anyway this human character’s mother has neglected/abandoned her in obsessive pursuit of this pokémon and other Ultra Beasts.
The fact this pokémon not only has a similar silhouette to angela but serves as a “replacement” for a human character in a parent’s mind while also being Distinctly Nonhuman… it’s by no means a perfect comparison but there’s Something There
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This dex entry always gets me too… it’s just a girlie… :(
It really makes me want to replay sun/moon because i feel like my memory of the story being really shaky has me on the edge of a breakthrough about this thing… but it looks like angela and i can draw story parallels basically:)
I have No Idea if this is coherent but I hope it cleared things up a little ^^^
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heartshapedconchas · 1 year
okay..hi. i know i haven’t updated my fanfic in literal months, but that is NOT what is important right now.
first of all, what the hell is wrong with you all?? threatening black authors&readers and calling them slurs because they ask for more inclusiveness?? fuck all of you.
Second, im going to give my piece of mind with the whole situation that is happening. Mind you i am a high femme, brown lesbian who has been masculinized most of her life. Now, correct me if i’m wrong, but some people (mainly non white/black users) are calling out some white authors on centering their reader inserts on whiteness. I understand this , again as a brown woman, who has found it difficult since I began reading self insert fanfics at like..9 years old.
Something that is.. bewildering to me that I’ve seen brought up in this conversation is how .. the readers being hyperfeminine and whatnot somehow… makes it not relatable to people of color, SPECIFICALLY women of color; because of the history of them being masculinized.
This is so incredibly confusing to me cuz again,,, for me as a very femme brown woman who has been nothing but masculinized her whole life … has never felt alienated by these femme characters. Ever. In fact they make me feel more included because god it feels good to be feminine and not have that denied, even in fanfics. From my perspective; if you feel as if these femme characters only represent white ones— are you not upholding the exact stereotype that has been given to women of color for years?
This is just my opinion though; you are free to believe whatever you believe in and express how you feel (without attacking and siccing your followers onto whoever you’re speaking on).
In my writing I will always try my best to make all woc/poc feel included. If at some point I’m not doing that, i’m trying to make my fellow brown women feel included (as even though there has been an influx of non white writings as of late, the majority I see are black readers).
To all the white writers out there, try and leave your descriptions of the reader to a minimum of exclusivity. While you don’t have to make your reader insert obviously a woman of color, don’t make them obviously a white women either.
Personally I think we should leave the race specific fanfics to the people of that race. Because what white woman is gonna write a brown latina fanfic the accurate way and in a way I would enjoy? Write your fanfics in a race neutral manner, and to all the writers of color out there — write your fanfics race specific if you want to!
To my fellow authors and readers of color, speak about your concerns of inclusivity in our community! You have the right to speak your mind. Just please, please do not speak about authors in an ill manner if they haven’t done anything horribly, absolutely wrong. Critique them. Give advice. They can only learn if you give them room to grow.
And for both parties, please for the love of god; don’t allow people to send r*pe threats or call them slurs. Regardless of your race or what “side” you are on, no one deserves that. Elskittie didn’t deserve it earlier on, MULTIPLE black authors/readers don’t deserve it now. Be kind , fucking respect each other. Be fucking mature enough to have conversations about this instead of childish fights.
Oh and one more thing, please absolutely just tell me if i’m misinterpreting something in this post at all! This is from my perspective as a brown woman of color. And also i’m 95% sure i’m autistic. I have a hard time understanding things sometimes and just need it put in simpler terms :) don’t be an asshole and just kindly explain! thank u! 💗
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withpeopleinperson · 4 months
11, 12, and 20 for "i choose you and me, religiously" please? it's one of my favs!
omg hi thank u for asking me these!!!!! I love talking about my fics and I especially love when ppl send dms or asks about them off anon because it’s nice to know that real actual people are reading my things !
11. Was there a scene that you hadn't originally planned to include? Why did you decide to fit it in?
yes!! so i had the entire thing meticulously planned out and the sick regina scene wasn’t supposed to be in it! neither was the one where they sleep apart and call each other! then a million little things within the fic that originally weren’t planned either (the johnny cash quote, the . i think the main motivator in including them or fitting them in was just that it was so Them that the moment it popped into my head i had to put them in that fic instead of the long document of scene/dialogue/action ideas!
12. Was there a scene you wished you could have included? Why didn't it fit in?
oh my lanta YES! this fic has been in some stage of planning for nearly 3 years and I would chip away at it little by little with ideas and plans that never came to fruition. there was supposed to be a scene where they walk past a park and cady swings with regina and encourages her to heal her inner child, one where they fuck in a bathroom stall, one where they take a road trip and cady picks blue cotton candy bc the color is similar to reginas icy eyes
20. What is something you wish more people noticed about this fic?
the typos & the lack of italics bc ao3 didn’t import them. hahaha im just joking but there are two typos that it won’t let me fix. but there’s so many little things i peppered in that i wish ppl would tell me they notice. callbacks to the beginning of the fic, full circle moments, the way gretchen and karen are nearly integral plot points without doing much at all. im gonna put some under the cut here for the people who want to notice them on a 2nd or 3rd read through
- the fic starts with cady bringing regina a coffee, near the end regina is the one making cadys coffee
- cady’s careful consideration of regina and her feelings. when she thinks she might offend regina about the spin class, she carefully shifts her wording. she always accepts a drink to make regina not feel self conscious about drinking more or too much. she shares things with regina in conversation when she’s worried regina is self conscious about opening up too much. cady is so attuned to the emotions and thoughts of the people around her
- and on that note. cady is the quiet leader of the relationship while regina makes every physical move. cady is always anticipating reginas thoughts and actions and feelings, always prepared to gently lead them towards the next steps even if she lets regina do all the leading
- reginas extensive shoe and bag collection. i had an entire pinterest board dedicated to her seasonal colors
- the book they read. the way they read it. it’s such a small detail and barely central to the plot but I love that part.
- the way they enmesh so well. it reminds me of a concept that’s been fairly pertinent in my life recently, the fact that you are a combination of all the people you have ever loved, and i think you can look at cady and regina in this fic and see what parts of each other they adopt into themselves. like regina getting water for her bedside table even when cady isn’t there
- i also love the way the proposal scene goes as a full circle moment. it calls back the parking lot being their place, the ring being the expensive thing regina wants to surprise her with in the johnny cash quote scene, the callback to fetchen’s wedding and how regina didn’t think she was cut out for marriage. ugh, it’s excellent.
that was just a lot of me blabbing about me own fic so please feel free to ignore haha
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rice-likes-squids · 6 months
Because Muffin has made it to round 3 of @splatoonpolls' OC tourney, I'm gonna post some more doodles from my sketchbook! Including one giving some other bonus facts that I didn't include in the last as they were, relatively unimportant to her character...
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Transcript of the facts in case you can't read my shitty hand writing:
Her dad was a jellyfish and her mom was a humboldt, her dad being a jelly made her very squishy and stretchy (arrow pointing at her says "silly putty")
She ate a buncha canned specials (with the can) when she was 16 so she's constantly charged with special charge (Arrows pointing at her and her tummy say "She's like an electric eel" and "Full of metal" respectively)
She can recharge this energy by eating, don't overfeed her tho. She'd get a tummy ache, and probably release a buncha electricity
Even if I don't win, I'd appreciate your vote and if you're interested in her in any way feel free to ask about her!!
(the rest of the doodles I mentioned are under the cut)
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(Octoling featured here is an OC which belongs to @muchasgrasasunsaludoalagrasa, called Wakko, he doesn't really post his own stuff on tumblr but i wanted to give him credit since we're really close friends)
Also here's a transcript of this text too in case you can't read it:
W: "Why are you playin' N-Zap? You're better with brush." M: "Oh, you'll see when the match starts!" (background inkling idk): "Yo Tacticooler--" M: "Nah, these are for me, I'm Thirsty"
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I'm sure this one is clear what it says but either way it says: "Me petting my nuclear bomb"
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this one maybe counts as also bonus facts but it's mostly stuff I've already established, I'll only list the things you might not know in the transcript (also hehe ignore the part of me drawing her and agent 4 kissing that's not important :3c)
Agent^3 (Agent to-the-power-of Three) (Cube for short)
She shows up every tuesday at 3PM to train with the Captain
Birthday on April 28th
She's Afro Latina
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And lastly,
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ok tahts all, if u want to check out the previous Muffin Propaganda (which included a buncha info on her if you're curious) here's the link to that:
sorry about how long this is I copy and pasted each individual drawing because i dont wanna fill up my hard drive on my pc, i guess that way she takes up more space in ur brain or something idk ok bye
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dmysterioblog · 11 months
Chapter V ✧ Don’t Know How To Feel
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Dominik Mysterio, Rhea Ripley x Roman Reigns
Summary: Rhea had to travel with Roman to an event in SC by themselves.
Warnings; None
Word Count: 4.1k
A/n: I had to split this chapter into two cuz it was so long 😭
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‘What the fuck. What. The. Fuck.’
It was all that Rhea could even think about ever since everyone, including her, left the conference room after the meeting was over. She wasn’t even able to react at all the second after she heard the last announcement. Hell, she couldn’t even bother to hear what anyone had to say about that decision- even though no one actually said anything about it, really.
However, when she was called by Triple H about the travel details to South Carolina, it was then that reality was slowly sinking in her mind.
She was going to South Carolina with Roman. Both of them alone with no one to join them.
… for five fucking days.
All because not only were they going to that event, but as well as some stupid conferences and other things that they were also required to assist as well the day after the event.
She was expected to leave along with the other champion Wednesday morning, then return Sunday night. A week before Crown Jewel.
She was leaving in three days.
‘Fuck. Why me? Why the fuck couldn’t it be someone like Raquel, Nia, Becky, or Iyo? WHY ME?’ Is what she would’ve asked Triple H if only she wasn’t too shocked at that moment when he gave her every detail regarding the event and their stay at South Carolina.
Even after the meeting was over, she walked outside along with the others still in shock in disbelief- all the while she could hear Damian blabbering whatever nonsense she was telling her about the event.
“–and also, look, you have a reputation to maintain as a champion and a superstar. I know it sucks that you’re going with Roman and not someone else, but this could actually help y—, Rips, are you even listening to me?”
“Huh?” She turned her head to him as she blinked. At that, Damian sighed before he spoke.
“Look… I know you’re shocked. And you don’t like the idea of going alone with Roman, I get it.” He told her, repeating her the same thing he was telling her earlier when she was actually listening. “You needed to get your shit sorted out, but unfortunately this came up and you can’t back out of it. But think about it- this is gonna help you a lot. More people will be in favor of you, more people having your back- hell, you get to talk to important people. If anything, this is gonna help you in many ways. And honestly, you don’t even have to interact with Reigns. Just talk to him about work and that’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. Plus, we’re all acting like nothing happened, so what’s the big deal?”
Rhea sighed deeply as she looked a bit annoyed for a second as they walked outside, until she finally spoke. “You know Priest, I would’ve liked this idea more if A, it didn’t have to be before Crown Jewel, B, if I didn’t have a date with Dom Dom coming u—“
“Oh shoot, so you and Dom are…?”
“… well, we’re taking things slow for now, but it isn’t really defined yet if we’re truly sticking together or not. Anyways, I would’ve liked it more if only I didn’t have to leave before my date with Dom and before Crown Jewel, but also the fact that Roman, out of all people, is going. I mean, come on—“ She huffed exasperatedly. “Why couldn’t it be Seth? Or Gunther? Or hell, even LA Knight? They’re rising stars right now, why don’t they get that opportunity?”
Damian tried to talk but Rhea could only keep going as she kept speaking. “Or bloody hell- why not Becky, or-or Tegan, Raquel, Charlotte? Why none of them, huh?”
“Rhea, calmate.” Damian told her as he placed a hand on her shoulder. “I’m sure it’s gonna be fine. And plus… knowing you, I know you know your limits at this point. So it’s gonna be fine.”
Rhea still seemed unsure as they stood outside. They were still waiting for the others to go out so that they would all leave together in the same van, especially Roman, since he was talking to Pearce as well as with Triple H about his own travel details and such. Both her and Damian decided to go with their group as they chatted with one another for a bit until they saw Roman and Paul walk out.
“So? How did it go? Authorized or denied?” Finn asked as he stood up. Roman only gave a smile while Paul looked extremely pleased behind him as he spoke.
“I’ll see y’all tomorrow night. Oh- and Damian, make sure you win against Lil Jey. I’ll be watching.”
At that, Damian grinned as he shook Roman’s hand while chuckling. “You bet your ass I will.”
“Good.” He nodded at him before they all went back inside the van as they got ready to finally leave. Rhea sighed as she took her seat with her phone in hand, deciding to get her earbuds out as she was about to listen to music when she suddenly saw Dom walking to her. Perking up, she made some space for him to sit next to her which he noticed as he took the seat.
“Thanks, I almost thought I was gonna fight Theory for the seat.”
At the comment, Rhea snorted. “I’d pay to see that.” She then handed one earbud to Dom, offering him to listen to music with her as he looked at it for a moment before he took it and placed it on his left ear.
Just like how they did all the time before Roman showed up.
Rhea didn’t want to dwell on the thought any further as she was about to put music before she turned to Dom. “Hey… we’re okay for now… right?”
Dom looked up at her, both of them looking each other in the eye before he smiled softly. “… I think we’ll be fine again, but… I’ll miss you when you leave.”
Rhea smiled softly, cupping his left cheek as he spoke. “I’ll be back in no time, okay? And… once we do, we’ll start catching up more.”
With that, they both started listening to music, all the while he placed his head against her shoulder while she let him, caressing his hair softly.
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Two days later…
“It should fit- although hopefully it doesn’t damage the dress or anything.” Zelina said to Rhea, arriving at the Australian’s hotel room as she handed her a large suitcase for her to place her dress as well as all of her stuff in.
“Well, I’m carrying this one as well as a carry-on, so I should be alright.” Rhea commented as she placed her dress nearly inside the large suitcase as well as some accessories and her heels. “You’re okay with using my suitcase for now just in case?”
“Yeah, no worries, I’ll be alright.” Zelina reassured her. “You can return mine if you want when you come back, doesn’t matter to me.”
Rhea could only nod as she exchanged suitcases with the shorter woman before she finished packing up. She looked at the time and finished packing up and grabbed anything that she needed. “I gotta get going.”
“Alright. If you need anything, just call or text me- also text me when you land.”
“I’ll see you next week, mama verga.”
“What- you keep calling me that, seriously?”
Rhea couldn’t help but laugh as her and Zelina left the room. The Latina could only sign and roll her eyes before she patted the larger woman’s shoulder. “For real though, stay safe out there, alright?”
“I will.” Rhea reassured before she went and took the elevator while Zelina watched her leave and retreated back into her own room with Rhea’s empty suitcase.
Once Rhea arrived at the lobby, she saw the boys were waiting for her. Dominik was the first one to notice her as he looked up from his phone and perked up before he stood and went up to her to help her carry one of the bags.
“You’re ready?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” She gave him a nod as the four then left, walking out from the hotel to the parking area as they got to their rental car. As Damian opened the trunk for Rhea to put her stuff in, she and Dominik began to place her bags in there before closing the trunk. Finn was the one who then started the car as they all started to get in while Rhea decided to listen to some of her own music for a bit.
When they were about to exit the parking area as they talked about the events from last Monday Night Raw, Rhea took off one headphone to listen to them and join their conversation. However, when she did, she caught a glimpse of something outside and only looked up for a bit. She noticed that Jimmy and Roman were already leaving the hotel as well with Roman having his own suitcase as well as a backpack. She saw as they were approaching their own rental car before she decided to stop looking and dismiss it.
She was only going to work.
Only for work. That’s it.
After a while, the group finally arrived at the airport as Finn parked the car by the main entrance as they all got off, with Dominik helping her get her stuff out while she bid a small farewell to the three males, hugging Damian first before Finn. “I’ll see you guys- I’ll call when I land, alright?”
“Stay safe, Rips.” Finn told her as she nodded at him before she turned to her Terror Twin, giving him a small fist bump.
“Remember what I told you, alright?”
She nodded at him while he patted her shoulder. “I will. Watch over things for now, will you?”
“You know I keep my word.”
She then finally turned to Dominik as he also faced her while he gave her her carry-on bag, all the while Damian and Finn decided to get inside the car and wait until Dom finished.
“So… we haven’t decided when our date is gonna be next week.” She commented.
At that, he gave her a small smile. “I was thinking more after Crown Jewel. I mean… I know you’re gonna retain that title and it would be good if we celebrate it together.”
“So Sunday 5th?”
“Yeah. Works better.” Dominik nodded while she also smiled at him before she noticed the time on her watch. “I better get going…”
“Text me when you land, okay?” He told her as he hugged her. She hugged him in return as she closed her eyes for a second, their hug lasting a bit more compared to Finn and Damian’s. They then broke away as she then gave a small peck on the lips before she carried her stuff.
“Don’t be causing trouble without me, okay?”
“No promises.”
She couldn’t help but chuckle at his response before she turned and began to leave. Dominik watched her leave for a bit before he sighed deeply, wishing he could’ve said something more to her until he was disrupted by Damian who was telling him to get inside the car. He did so as he got in the backseat before they drove off.
They didn’t know that from six cars behind them, Roman had been watching the entire time ever since the moment Rhea and Dom hugged as he was getting his things out.
It took a while for her to check-in as well as for her to pass her suitcase through, not to mention going through TSA, but after a few minutes, she was finally at the gate waiting for her flight. She busied herself on her phone while drinking some coffee, scrolling through social media before she decided to listen to some podcasts she had saved on her phone. It was only fifteen more minutes until she would board her plane, so she still had to wait a while.
However, her peace was suddenly shifted (or more like ruined) when she heard someone approach and sit right next to her. “I’m assuming this seat ain’t taken?”
At that, Rhea held the urge to roll her eyes as she lowered her phone, trying to keep her cool before she smiled sarcastically. “Well, it had my name on it, so yes, Reigns.”
“Huh, weird. Didn’t see it.” She heard him say nonchalantly as she turned to face him while he placed his own backspace beside him on the ground before he leaned back against his chair while also scrolling through his phone as well while he was eating only a half of a breakfast protein oatmeal bar. “You want half of this?”
“No, I don’t eat sugar.”
“Ripley, this barely has any sugar on it.”
“Still, I don't want it.”
“Mmkay, don’t whine when your stomach starts rumbling inside the plane.”
At his snarky remarks, Rhea looked at him as she deadpanned. “If you’re trying to piss me off, then you’re doing a poor job at it.”
“I don’t have a reason to piss you off. But I do have a reason to turn you—“
“Finish that sentence and expect me to twist your arm in front of everyone here. I dare you.”
“Why piss you off when I can get you turned on?”
“Reigns, I swear to god-”
“Okay, okay my bad…You still don’t want some of the protein bar?”
At her sudden yell, some of the passengers noticed and turned to their direction which both Roman and Rhea noticed. She sent a glare at the few people who stared as they instantly looked away while Roman chuckled.
“Sorry y’all,” He apologized. “She’s not a morning person.”
“Oh, so now you pretend to know me all of the sudden?” Rhea asked him as she scoffed while Roman turned to face her.
“I offer you some breakfast and this is how you treat me? Why the sudden change, huh?”
“Let me get something straight here with you,” She told him firmly as she looked him in the eye. “We’re only going to work. Just work. That’s it.”
“I don’t remember mentioning anything else other than work.” He mumbled as he returned and leaned back to scroll on his phone. Rhea rolled her eyes at him.
“I’ll make this simple for you, just in case.” She sneered. “Rule number one, no flirting. We only interact as coworkers, and that’s it. Secondly, don’t get in my business. And C, don’t make the face.”
“… Rhea, I’m sorry but about the business thing, I thought we already discussed this when you were clearly stressed that night and I had to be the one to come for your aid.”
“… breaking rules one, two, and three.”
“I didn’t make the face though—“
“Whatever, just shut up.”
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Hours later…
It had felt like forever until finally, the two champions arrived at their destination. Quickly, Rhea wasted no time in letting Finn, Damian, and Dom know that she arrived at South Carolina safely as she texted them. Once she did, she was able to exit the plane and grab her suitcase. Once she made sure she had her things, she waited outside for the other champion until he was able to grab his own stuff as well. Due to him having all the information of their rental car, she needed to wait for him as they both went all the way to the fourth floor of the airport.
Upon their arrival at the rental car center, Roman told Rhea that he would be right back as she waited for him outside by the airport’s third floor parking lot when her phone suddenly rang. When she looked at it, she saw that Dom was the one calling and almost immediately, she answered.
“Hey Dom, Dom.”
“Hey! I just got your text, everything alright so far?”
“Yeah, actually, we’re just getting the rental car stuff ready and we should be on the way to the hotel shortly.” She said as she looked around while talking on the phone with him. “But other than that, how are you guys doing?”
“We’re alright. Damian went out to the gym and Finn decided to join him. I’m just here taking a walk around the beach… and I’m not gonna lie but, it kinda feels lonely without you here, mami.”
At that, Rhea smiled sadly. “Well… I already miss you, too, if that makes you feel any better.”
“Honestly, it does.”
Both of them chuckled at that as Rhea adjusted her carry-on bag that was clinging on her left arm as she spoke. “Well… it’s a bit chilly out here. I even had to take out a jacket from my suitcase the moment I stepped out from the plane.”
“I can see that right now actually- what is it, like 55 degrees?”
“Yeah- feels like it.”
As she and Dominik continued on chatting, Roman had already walked out from the rental car center as he was carrying his stuff, as well as two sets of car keys and a few documents. He looked around as he tried to find Rhea until he turned the corner and noticed her there near the parking area, talking to someone on the phone. Perking up, he went to approach her as he was going to hand one of the keys to her when he suddenly heard her speak out loud.
“Dom…? Yeah… I know, but you don’t have to worry. I already made things crystal clear with Reigns and it will not happen ever again… I’ll be fine, Dom. I’ll make sure to call you every day while I’m out here. For now, just… make sure Priest actually takes care of Judgement Day business this time and make sure you guys have Jimmy and Solo’s backs. Okay?… good. I love you too. Bye.”
Finally, she hung up, all the while Roman pretended to act like he didn’t just hear what he just heard as he went up to her while Rhea noticed him, turning to face him. “You got the keys?”
“Yeah.” He simply told her in a neutral tone, handing her one of the keys before they went to find any car available. As soon as they did, they placed their things at the trunk of the car before they got inside, with Rhea connecting her phone with some of her music while Roman was setting up the GPS on the car’s screen monitor.
Once everything was set, he drove all the way to the hotel, which was about twenty minutes from the airport. They eventually arrived at the hotel and Roman took out their luggage while Rhea went to the front desk to check in.
“Hi, we have a reservation,” Rhea spoke to the receptionist.
“What’s the last name?”
“It should be under Reigns.”
“Yup, found it. Here are the keys for your room,” the receptionist smiled, handing the keys to Rhea.
“Room? There should be two rooms.”
“Uh, let me double check…oh I see what happened. It looks like we accidentally overbooked and unfortunately we don’t have any rooms available. We’re terribly sorry,” the lady apologized, “We can try and find another hotel that can take you in?”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Rhea whispered under her breath.
“We’ll take the room,” Roman’s voice came from behind Rhea.
“Now wait a minute-”
“What’s the problem? It’s not like we haven’t shared a bed before.” Rhea groaned in annoyance, roughly taking her bags from Roman’s hands and walking towards the elevators.
“I apologize on her behalf, she’s not in a good mood.” The lady giggled, twirling her hair. Rhea watched the interaction from where she stood and rolled her eyes.
“Coming darling!” Roman winked at the receptionist before catching up with Rhea in the elevator.
Once they got to their room, Rhea barged in and went straight to where the bed was located. She took all the pillows she could find and placed them right in the middle of the bed, all while Roman watched in confusion.
“What are you doing?”
“This is my side of the bed and that is your side of the bed. If you dare try to get into my side of the bed I will dislocate your arm and murder you in your sleep, understood?” Roman just raised his hands up in surrender.
“Okay, okay, I didn’t even intend on doing shit.”
“Good.” She firmly said before she placed her things aside and opened up her suitcase. “There should be a laundry or something like that in this hotel, right?”
“Yeah- right on the fifth floor. Why?”
“Need to check if I can iron my dress before the event. Be right back.”
“Wait a minute— we leave in five hours—“
“And? I still have time. You go and get ready yourself. Go on.” With that, she took her dress out of her suitcase before she left the room as Roman watched. Blinking, he shook his head before he propped his own suitcase on the bed and got his own stuff out as well. When he took out his suit for the event, however, he noticed it was a little… rugged.
He then tsked as he looked at it before he began to consider. He should probably iron it first…
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Hours had passed until it was 5 PM, two hours before the event. Both were already getting prepared, with Roman still being in the bathroom while Rhea got herself ready in the room. She even ordered some light food for them for now as they haven’t eaten anything all day. If anything, she wouldn’t prefer leaving on an empty stomach especially considering how the event might have alcoholic drinks to offer.
After a while, she managed to get in her dress after doing her makeup as well as retouching her hair as she went to look for her earrings, necklace, as well as her shoes. When she was about to, however, she suddenly heard the bathroom door slam open and a visibly annoyed Roman came out, taking the tie out from around his neck.
“Reigns, what the hell—“
“Look, it’s been years since I’ve done it, but I’m not gonna struggle making my own tie again. I’ll just go tie-less. Screw it.”
“…Reigns. It’s just a tie.”
“Okay then, you try and do it.”
“Oh for crying out loud- come here.” She rolled her eyes and stood up as she took the tie from the bed while Roman reluctantly approached her. “Now stay still.” She ordered him, fixing up the tie a little bit before she placed it around his shirt’s collar. She was able to do his tie with ease after a few seconds. “Let me know if it’s tight.”
“No, it’s okay. I—“ He wasn’t aware of the closeness that he and Rhea had when he suddenly looked down at her. Their gazes met for a few seconds as they only stood there, unmoving. He momentarily gazed at her before he instantly recovered in a low tone while Rhea looked away and cleared her throat as Roman stepped back while adjusting the tie a bit. “It’s fine. Thanks.”
Rhea watched him step back and grab his own shoes before she turned back to find her accessories. She was able to put her earrings on as well as her bracelets and watch. She went to place her own necklace on, but due to some struggle with her nails, she grunted a bit as she tried to put it on, when Roman noticed her struggling as he stood up.
“Here,” He said as he went behind her. At that, Rhea reluctantly allowed him to put her necklace on. She adjusted the necklace a bit and looked at herself in the mirror before she went to get her shoes.
“… thanks.” She only mumbled as she sat on the bed and placed her shoes on. Her low voice was still enough for Roman to hear as he looked up at her momentarily and actually began to take in her appearance.
She… she looked gorgeous.
He suddenly shook his head as he went and decided to wrap things up as he finished getting ready. After a while, both were now ready as they began to head downstairs while waiting for their food so they could eat quickly and then leave.
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@sassginaswanmills @riptideripley @tonuitekan
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mikodrawnnarratives · 3 months
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my redesign(s) for Kira! This webtoon has been on my mind so much lately and i couldn't not do anything for it
So much more in depth stuff is below for anyone who also read Antistalker and disliked anything about it
So, I don't actually mind many of the designs in canon, the biggest complaint I have being. Everyone looks the same. Like, EVERYONE has the same hairstyle and skintone. Which is white. Of course its white.
The uniforms don't help much with the samey look a lot of the characters have. I have my own redesign for Yulai in the works since he looks almost exactly like August but with blue hair, but I decided what if the uniforms in my version weren't actually uniforms. Like, the school had a couple colors that if you wore them u were fine.
You have the option to wear fancier stuff w suits an what not but thats only to show ur class. After all, in a school that puts humans, werewolves, and vampires in the same space, not everyone is gonna have the same economic status to allow purchasing a uniform, or multiple. Though that being said I do like the canon uniforms, they were very unique and you could TELL the same creativity just wasn't there when the main three went to Black Moon.
My version would have a looser dress code to really highlight the priviledge the school filled with elite Vampires has. I think their name was White Moon? Or smthn. But they could have been really exaggerated in how identical and eerie they are in comparison to the warmth at Red Moon.
Anyway were was I.. PANTS for kira. Get RID of the skirt RID OF IT I SAY and add some patches cuz that hints at her new financial situation. Can't afford new pants so when she gets tears she patches them up.
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(i didn't bother changing her shoes cuz there really isn't anything wrong with them. I like a lot of the outfits in s1 even if i think the writing could be better. Though, i think it would be interesting if she had Good Shoes for school and changed into worse ones at home, so that she always has her best for when she's keeping order. In mine, she's being paid for her efforts to keep the school sane. That way, she has at least one income to explain living on her own as a sophomore.)
I also looked at a bunch of pics of wolf cuts bc I liked the idea of giving her more hints in her design that she isn't HUMAN.
She had a knife at the very beginning but then a bird took it and its no were to be seen for the rest of the series??? idk abt that chief. Let her keep her weapons! She's the president of the displinary committee for fucks sake!
I kept her hair pins bc of course i kept her pins. She's much more covered now since I wanted more references to the fact she's part vampire, and that includes having more parts of her hair white. I tried to keep it equal amounts white and black so that she has equal parts of her mom and dad.
I changed up her bangs mainly because everyone has them and I thought they were a cute style. The way I have her hair rn makes it really easy to subtly shift them into doggo ears
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I drew my design as close as possible to canon's style and made a ver. with canon's colors. I switched were the eyepatch is cuz thats an uper important detail i have in my rewrite. In mine, ever since Kira discovered her powers allowing her to control werewolves, or however I change the mechanics of that power, she has that werewolf puberty awakening and one of her eyes reflects this.
She gets the orange eye and KEEPS IT. But from then on she hides it with an eye contact, even if she doesn't know why. It's just something she knows she should do and the reason came from her memories she's lost
If you pay attention, one eye is less saturated than the other when both eyes are red, in mine. I think it would have been just so much more clever to have had it be a secret she's kept up until the injury over her eye heals + her getting her memories back
She's removed the eye contact cuz with her eye covered up, theres no point in it. And by the time she doesn't need the eye patch anymore, she remembers enough to be like "well fuck this I'm not hiding anymore."
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I ALSO redesigned her past self! Before she meets august. She purposefully dies her hair to avoid daily suspicion that she's a "half breed"
If she had her hair mostly white, it would be pretty obvious she's her mother's daughter, so its kept more black like her father's to avoid suspicion. But that doesn't mean she isn't still singled out.
When she meets August and befriends him, eventually she cuts her hair with his help, trying to get a layered hair cut without having to go to a salon, and it ends up very uneven.
The reason I wanted her past self to look different than her current is because in MINE there is/would be an emphasis on how much Kira has changed since August was last with her. He idolizes the idea of his childhood best friend that he saved but made the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE for by removing himself from her life, so she would be safe!! He was still manipulated by his father into that specific choice in mine, but the idea this was the best course of action still remains
August thinks that when Kira remembers again, she's gonna revert to how she was before the incident, before it all. But she's not really that girl anymore. She's picked up skills in fighting, become Punisher Volkov, she had to sell her family's house at 14 so she could get an affordable place farther away, she has to deal with her abusive grandfather's bullshit just so that she can keep his monthly checks she receives. She has had so much on her plate. And she's also made so many new friends, deep friendships, built a community, a strong support system, and gotten stronger.
And who she was before didn't have all that. I feel like canon could have easily gone this route in canon! Kira said she wanted to clarify the past so she could move forward! She wanted closure and she deserves it! But August's behavior never went corrected. He's back in her life again and she's back to her old crush. Season 2 tries to address Kira's life now, how different it is compared to her rich life before, but it tells us the solution is for her to MOVE IN WITH AUGUST oh HE'LL SAVE HER and EVERYTHING WILL BE BACK TO HOW IT WAS
No. Give August the lesson that things have changed. He can take that and either move forward with how Kira is now, or forget any romantic interest with her. She's not who he thinks she is.
anyway thank you for reading my info dump <3 I'm insane about kira and how much potential was lost in s2
just. vokivormok really flushed so much down the toilet. probably had too many plot points to figure out how to resolve BUT I HAD FAITH IN EMM they should have taken more time b4 season 2...
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murmurmurl · 8 months
i need u to tell me everything about your unit so when ill be writing once i have time, i can put them in it too
hohoheheoehehehoheoe,,,,,,, I'm gonna use this as an opportunity to shove all of the most important info into one place. Everything is a little all over the place tho, but it's always like that wjkhkskh
Helianthus is the genus which includes sunflowers. Fumi and Seina suggested this part of the name, since Fumi loves flowers and the flower language/symbolism behind them, and Seina knows the more,, biological/scientific stuffs. The "Light" part is both because it also has to do with sunflowers, and Toshiro suggested that they're "reaching for light", because they chose the name at the end of their main story and they were feeling very hopeful,, it's not like they're not hopeful now, idk why I phrased it like that ANYWAYS.
I'm kind of not sure what type of music they play (mainly because I don't know ANYTHING about music genres lol), but it's definitely something warm, nostalgic, maybe a bit echo-y, somewhat soft, and their cover arts definitely include a lot of nature stuff,,,,, I haven't designed their virtual singers yet, but they're probably gonna be Rin and Luka (and Miku obv)
Unit members!
Toshiro Hasegawa (they/he)
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178 cm tall, unit leader, probably main vocalist?, class 2-B (post-3rd anni), class 1-C (pre-3rd anni). Pretty energetic and outgoing, straight-A student, very afraid of failure and tends to try to earn love and affection through exceeding at everything because family problems, yay. Has an older brother (Hiroto Hasegawa, he/him), who is a part of ANOTHER unit,, The two are pretty distant. The whole family actually is, woops. Toshiro is also VERY into crystals and spirituality. It gives a sense of certainty. Also has an orange cat named Surfer. They're a big MMJ fan, specifically Airi fan. Friends with Ichika and An. Always braids/does everyone's hair.
Matsu Kimura (he/him)
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162 cm, probably also vocals, but mainly deals with the uhm technical musical stuff that I know nothing about?? class 3-C (post-3rd anni), class 2-B (pre-3rd anni). Very bubbly, energetic, affectionate, super-uber-extra autism (sea-flavoured), very average grades because he only really does what he's interested in, but he does it rlly good. Used to get bullied in middle school, struggles with people's expectations and trying to fit in. Very-very silly. Only child. Keeps pet fish. Friends with Emu. Very tactile, loves tackling people.
Fumi Hatanaka (she/they)
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169 cm, loves musical instruments and plays guitar, class 2-A (post-3rd anni), class 1-B (pre-3rd anni). A surprisingly bad student, doesn't care about school. She's pretty reserved and a bit grumpy most of the time but tends to easily get angry and even a little aggressive. Cares a lot about her friends, even though she doesn't really know how to show it. Also doesn't want to show "weakness". Blames herself for being too soft in middle school and not being able to help Matsu. Her family owns and runs a small flower shop. Friends with Shiho, dislikes Tsukasa and Rui (thinks they're too obnoxious and chaotic lmao). Also an only child. Doesn't have pets, but feeds strays that often hang out around the shop. Friends with Shiho and pretty much all of leo/need, as well as Toya. Can be pretty distant physically, but likes subtle physical gestures of affection.
Seina Amari (she/her)
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175 cm, writes lyrics for their songs, loves writing in general, the only one in the group who goes to Miya girls', class 3-B (post-3rd anni), class 2-B (pre-3rd anni). Does VERY good at school, super responsible, helps everyone, though isn't actually all that interested in most subjects except literature. She's very calm and caring, always tries to help everyone, has a very gentle energy about her. This mostly comes from the fact that she had hurt a dear friend in the past, which was actually genuinly her fault, but also some shit happened, and she ended up dealing with this by being overly-caring and not letting her loved ones see when she's struggling. Doesn't mean she doesn't ACTUALLY care though. She very much does. Has a younger sibling (Taru Amari, they/them), who's also part of the same unit Hiroto is! Also has a pet bunny named Puddle, who's very similar to her, which I think is funny,, not exactly friends with Mafuyu, but just a little bit closer than regular acquaintances. Close friends with Shizuku and pretty much the rest of MMJ too (Toshiro nearly fainted when they found out). Has a part-time job at a local coffee shop, where she met and became friends with Ena. Often shows affection/compassion by something like placing a hand on someone's shoulder.
I decided that they all should have emojis because,, idk,,,, it's fun,,,,,, so:
Toshiro – 🍑
Matsu – 🦈 (or jellyfish, but I don't have this one and don't want to have to copy-paste it every time,,)
Fumi – 🍊
Seina – 🍃 or ✒️ (but here I mostly use ✒️)
How all of them know each other!
(Because I wanted ALL of them to have some kind of connection to each other before the unit was formed. I think it's fun.)
🦈🍊 Matsu and Fumi are childhood friends and went to the same middle school. It was very awkward and tense at first when they met again in high-school, because back then Fumi felt extremely guilty and ended up distancing herself, eventually kind of abandoning Matsu when he needed support most.
🍑🍊 (fucking fruits /j) Toshiro's brother visits Fumi's family's flower shop very frequently, that's how Toshiro and Fumi met, since she often helps out with the shop in the evenings. Though they didn't become close until the main story started and the unit was firmed.
🍑✒️ Toshiro and Seina know each other because their siblings, Hiroto and Taru, are friends! So they kinda met through Seina accompanying Taru whenever they wanted to visit Hiroto.
🍊✒️ Fumi loves coffee and met Seina when going to the coffee shop Seina works part-time at. Because Fumi ended up being a regular customer there, even with their tough personality the two became acquaintances, but also didn't become very close until the events of the main story.
🍑🦈 Toshiro and Matsu just kinda bumped into each other at school. They became friends before the events of the main story.
🦈✒️ I think Matsu and Seina are the only exception though. They've only met when the main story started.
[also, side note – none of them canonically have labels, but the pronouns are canon]
🍑🍊 They bicker and argue a lot, but not, like, SERIOUSLY. They're both aware they're joking and most of the time it's affectionate. Fumi isn't as big of a fan of physical affection as it seems the rest of the unit is, so Toshiro doesn't get the chance to braid her hair that often. But when he does, it's very nice and relaxing for both. Surprisingly, Toshiro might be the closest to Fumi, after Matsu, that is.
🍑✒️ Toshiro loves braiding/doing everyone's hair, as I've mentioned already, and his favorite to do this to is Seina. They especially like braiding these tail-like longer parts of her hair. Overall, they're pretty close because of their siblings, and Toshiro might be one of the first people Seina eventually opens up to. Also, I keep forgetting that Toshiro is actually taller. Most of the time, Seina just. FEELS taller, idk.
🍑🦈 These two are very close. They both kinda admire Rui and Tsukasa, which worsens their already chaotic behavior. They're actually two menaces together and no one is safe. Matsu loves tackling Toshiro more than everyone else and Toshiro might sometimes jokingly complain, but loves the attention. Matsu's hair is also his second favorite to braid. Also they drag Matsu to MMJ concerts and keep trying to convert him into being an MMJ fan,,,,,,
🍊✒️ Seina has a surprising way of calming Fumi down better than anyone else. Sometimes, maybe if they're waiting for something or riding a train somewhere, Fumi even allows herself to rest on Seina's shoulder. She's less harsh with Seina (even if her harshness isn't malicious with her friends). Seina sometimes has to stop Fumi from getting into fights. Even if she struggles to show it, Fumi tries her best and appreciates Seina a lot.
🍊🦈 As I mentioned before, Matsu and Fumi are childhood friends. At the beginning of the unit story things are still pretty awkward and Fumi is very tense around Matsu, as she still feels guilty, but isn't sure how to properly express any of it, while Matsu still feels a little hiet over her abandoning him. Though as the story goes on, this conflict pretty much gets resolved, even though it will still take a lot of time for any awkwardness to disappear completely. After the unit is formed, they're pretty close again, despite, uh, all of what I just said. They need some time to get used to each other again, but ARGHHH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, they care about each other A LOT, even if Fumi isn't the best at expressing it. The whole reason she became so mean and harsh is to be able to protect Matsu.
✒️🦈 Seina kinda feels like an older sister figure to Matsu, I think? At least, for me,, She worries about him a lot, maybe even more than with the others, helps in overwhelming situations, all that. He's still very affectionate, but it's kinda like his affection is more calm with her (basically, he doesn't tackle her as hard as everyone else /hj)
SEKAI description!!!
(I just copy-pasted this from the post where I first described it. I'm NOT typing all that ever again)
I mentioned that I call it the overgrown sekai. Because it's, well, overgrown. As you could hopefully guess. The main part of it is an old stone structure, with some intricate carvings still remaining visible and even discernable, although everything does look like it's at least.. a few centuries old, no less. However, taking into account that it's a sekai, it probably isn't that ancient. Almost everything is pretty much overrun by plants – ivy spreading across the grey stone walls, grass (and most importantly flowers) breaking their way through the floor that seems to be made of marble, but it's too old, overgrown and at times dirty to be completely sure. The said flowers are a strange mix of forget-me-nots and sunflowers that may not quite make sense, but it *is* a whole ass other dimension, after all. There's plenty of light, despite practically no windows in sight, save for a few small ones. The reason for that being the roof, shaped like a dome, with holes in it that clearly weren't here by the first design, having appeared because of the stone collapsing over time. Unsurprisingly, the flowers are concentrated in the areas where the most light seeps through those holes. And speaking of light, the time here is always the same – late afternoon, with the season always remaining a comfortable sunny summer.
There's some furniture in the building, mostly along the walls, with the center looking almost like a flowerbed. That furniture seems to represent each of the owners of the sekai – an old desk made of dark wood with a quil and some paper thrown around it, almost giving it an impression that the owner left in a hurry. The paper has become a light yellow color over what may or may not be a rather long amount of time. Next to it – a somewhat fancy wooden chair. There are mirrors hung around this part of the space – some broken, some have the glass taken out entirely. Just a little further – a shelf and an armchair. Both items' materials and overall look fit that of nearly very other piece of furniture here. The shelf is filled with items that seem to have some spiritualistic significance – amulets, crystals and stones, all of them hand-made and hand-carved, yet seeming to lack in accuracy and having been made in a hurry. The armchair strangely has a few long chains hanging on its back. One of the more noticeable pieces of furniture is... a fish tank. It has no fish. In fact, it doesn't even have water, though it's probably not intended to be that way – the tank is spacious and has pretty much almost everything a fish would need to be happy and content in captivity. But it's old and worn out – the driftwood rotting away, whatever plants used to be inside have withered and everything is covered in a thin layer of... dust..? The tank itself stands on top of something of a dresser. If you care to open its doors, you will see rows upon rows of books – as many as could fit in the little space there is inside. Most of them have to do with marine life, but there are also some journals full of incomprehensible messy writing, as if whoever was filling them either didn't have much time, or was feeling too much emotion to care. Perhaps the strangest item in the building is a cage. It's designed just like one of those small restricting bird cages, glistening with gold in the light from above, but for some reason, the cage could easily fit a human. If you decide to step in, you might notice an unexpected aroma. It's vague and subtle, but... it almost seems like fresh black coffee mixed with something citrusy. Outside, the building is surrounded by a dense forest. The light can't penetrate the abundance of trees, but somehow, it doesn't feel eerie or threatening. It feels familiar in an unexplainable way. Have you already seen these woods somewhere..?
I think that's pretty much all the important stuff..? I ramble A LOT about small details pretty often, but uhm. Explodes.
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I have 3 story ideas I really wanna do so Imma just talk about them here (and if I end up doing one and somehow someone recognizes it on ao3 no you don't <3) (JK I'll probably be elated)
Alien AU — I have this one started already. It is posted. This is also a possible "has this been read here" worry . It's not as romantic and more found family but does include plenty of platonic Virgil/Remus moments (though I do know this blog is otherwise, I felt it was important to mention). Virgil was kidnapped because "human scary lets make it fight other aliens to the death" and he's keeping himself alive because fight or flight. The others are aliens. They're there too. Kidnapped too. Yippee!! They'll eventually all get out and there's going to be a plot twist (not a super big one, just a little funny thing that makes the perspective of Virgil change). Anywho. Aliens <3.
Royalty AU — this is the one with spymaster Virgil and Prince/Knight Remus. This is .. honestly the one that's lacking a plot the most. I'm kinda dying over the fact I can't come up with a plot. Everyone will have their roles and I know for a fact there will be a scene where everyone is like "well shit this is really important. Hey Your Majesty (Thomas, the king), where are you getting all of this information?" and in waltzes dressed-in-rags Virgil with like a wet washcloth over his shoulder fresh outta doing dishes like "me and I got more" and everyone's like ⁉️⁉️⁉️ but thomas is just "yes Virgil what is it". Anyway Virgil starts banging the prince— /j I LOVE ROYALTY SO MUCH RAHHHH
Fae AU — HEY REMEMBER WHAT I SENT AN INFODUMP ABOUT THE FAE AU HEHEHEH I DECIDED!!! So this one will have a beginning of like— Virgil is a human child first. He's like 3 and he finds himself in a fae circle. Janus' fae circle. The fae pops in like "I'm gonna make a deal— oh. A child. Mine now" (plot twist virgils moms bad so it was a good decision). Then Janus raises this human child alongside the fae. It's a little difficult and they have their moments but Virgil is still under the protection of Fuck With Me And Die Janus so he's a little smug bitch. Kinda like a cat. Ever seen a smug cat? That's Virgil. And uh there's this one fae who's about equal his age at the time and that fae is a little unsettling and just reeeaaaaaally likes this human, okay? Nothing weird! Just. Just wants to smooch the human. Just a little crush. Anyway Virgil starts dating Remus and it's like "woah hold on wait I didn't teach you dating customs wait—" :D
Input? I genuinely cannot pick. Also ty for letting me infodump Dukexiety nation love y'all <3
— 👑
D E V O U R I N G this all 3 are S O fucking good!!! First things first
Alien AU: Found Family? D E L I C I O U S. Aliens, A N G S T, Plot twist, and badass Vee doing whatever it takes to survive? *chef's kiss*
Royalty AU: Cool and D E L I C I O U S has underrated roles the Spooky Beloveds and Character!Thomas have L O V E it (Remember to take your time with this one I know exactly what it's like to really wanna work on an AU/Fic but not figuring out a lot of plot to write it'll come to you trust me maybe planning and playing around with different scenarios can help or some thinking about some of the character's backstories)
Fae AU: L O V E L O V E L O V E it it's got smug Cat coded Vee, Jan being a healthier parental figure Vee always needed, Fae!Ree & Jan, Dukexiety of course, and Jan having his son grow up a liiittle too fast for him XD
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soleadita · 11 months
another day another niche media that has crossed my dash because of u. who is sam why is he crashing and why does he look like a pathetically sad kicked puppy (huuuge huge huge fan of the gif of him w a bloody handprint on his face btw single best thing a guy can have)
CRASHING!!! SAM!!!!! i didn’t think i’d have that much to say but it turns out i did. sorry. mostly this is just barely coherent rambling.
(1) crashing is a british tv show from 2016ish. there are (regrettably) only about 6 episodes, i believe, and they’re SHORT. (i made @dauntingday watch it with me a few months ago and we accidentally just downed the entire thing in one evening after work. that’s how short it is.) it follows a group of like…20s+ people who all live together in an…abandoned hospital? or something? i’m not entirely clear on how the living situation works, and frankly that’s like the least important part i just tend to get bogged down in details when i try to talk about things. BASICALLY they all live together in a giant funky building, they don’t all know each other, they have disastrous dinner parties, they’re messy, they’re stupid, they’re brilliant, they’re super fucking weird, they’re awful to each other, they love each other, they take care of each other in weird ways…it’s like found family i guess but more in like a having-a-lot-of-cousins way. like some of them you’re really close with some of them you never really see some of them you can’t stand. but they’re all still your cousins.
(2) sam is like...i would like to throttle him i also would like to wrap him in a weighted blanket and give him a mug of hot tea. he's a lil homophobic he'll vehemently insist he's not gay he is actively pining after fred when fred gets a boyfriend sam makes it his personal mission to be a total dick about it (affectionate) and break them up. when i started writing this, i was like, "lol SAM how do i describe that little shit, he's so silly and funky and awful but in a cute way," and now i'm actively getting a little choked up about him and fred. im not gonna lie. and the fact that this whole dynamic is established in like...two hours? give or take? masterpiece. ANYWAY. "pathetically sad kicked puppy" is right you totally nailed it he's like the puppy that chews everything up INCLUDING HIS OWN TOYS HIS OWN BED HIS OWN FAVORITE BLANKET and then when he gets reprimanded for it and DOESN'T HAVE ANY OF HIS SHIT, he goes into "pathetically sad kicked puppy" mode. I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT HIM I DON'T THINK IM EXPRESSING THEM RIGHT BUT I THINK YOU'LL GET IT ANYWAY.
(3) i regret to inform you that wasn't a bloody handprint on his face, it was paint. :(
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andorerso · 1 year
Sissi, please satiate my very academic curiosity about your two OCs Dani and Elijah because I've seen you tag them on some very omg-thats-my-jam dynamics.
Like I need details. Whats their story? Do they hate each other and then oh-shit-regrettably-its-u hate-fuck in some Boston bar? Like I already have headcanons for them, we neeed moore 🥺
me seeing this ask in the morning
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they're honestly one of my favorite OC ships, like top three AT LEAST. and honestly? hooking up in some Boston bar is not unimaginable! like you're not very far off at all and I love it 🥰 please tell me more headcanons *chin in hands*
you might regret asking me though because I have a looooooot to say! so much to say. too much, you might think 😭 but they have a long story, and I couldn't give them justice if I condensed it, so I think I'm gonna put this under a read-more
okay, so important context first: the setting is urban fantasy with magic and different sorts of monsters but the twist that it's all out in the open and the world has known about the existence of these paranormal things for a long while now.
Dani's in her mid-20s (around 25-27 at the start) and she has this the devil may care attitude with some serious abandonment issues (because her family situation is complicated and not the greatest). She's very rarely had real connections with anyone, whether platonic or romantic, so it makes her very lonely and basically the only person she's close to is her brother. She will pretend she likes it that way but I mean... she clearly does not. She's also a licensed monster hunter, but while most of her family on her mother's side, including her brother, were/are witches, she's got no magic of her own. So it makes her kind of an outsider even in her own family.
And Elijah isn't human. In fact, he comes from a different dimension altogether so he's a something but no one knows what yet because his kind hasn't really been seen ever before and people just don't have a name for it. He's a couple hundred years old which is old in the human sense, but not so much for their kind. Kinda early 30s in appearance. Elijah technically isn't even his real name but it's his human name and what he goes by for the entire story. His dimension is sort of splintering apart at the seams and his kind are dying by the millions so many of them started seeking refuge in other worlds, including our world. Of course they all have different attitudes towards humans, some think they should be peaceful and co-exist, some think they should just take over and subjugate humans, and some think that co-existence IS optimal but they don't think very high of humans regardless and don't really want to interact much. Basically like "you're just a small ant and I'm better than you in every way but I don't hate you so I guess you can stay." Elijah falls more into that category at the start, although he's actually curious about humans, but he's following his mentor's lead who's kinda like a father figure and the person who leads the group he came over with.
So anyway, Dani gets tangled up in this whole situation as she's one of the first person to actually see and interact with one of the others. You could kinda say they're enemies because Elijah's super loyal to his own people, and Dani's very skeptical and distrustful of them. But most of all, she really doesn't trust Elijah's mentor and that obviously creates some tension between them. So they start off on the wrong foot and they really can't stand each other first. It's a lot of unfair assumptions and prejudices basically, and they're both guilty of it. But they also clash simply because of their personalities.
Elijah's calm, collected, reserved, a bit cold some would say, he doesn't show much emotion and is entirely too serious for his own sake. Dani's more laidback and fun and likes to hide her pain with stupid jokes. She's also very much ruled by her emotions so she's hot-tempered and prone to make hasty decisions that often result in bad consequences and Elijah just. does not vibe with that. At all. There's definitely attraction from the start tbh but it's a "fuck, why them, I cannot stand them" kind of attraction. The "I think you're hot and I'm annoyed about it" kind of attraction.
They do become friendlier as time goes on and they find common ground and realize that they may not be so different after all. During this stage, only a few months after meeting, they actually end up sleeping together at a low point in both of their lives. It's one of those "you're here, I'm here, let's just make each other feel alive" kind of things. But because this is absolutely a slowburn, the next morning Dani's like "you know that was just a one night sort of thing, right?" because she does fool around with people often so it's nothing new to her but Elijah does not, isn't used to this, so he's like "uhm... yeah of course." But internally he's kinda spiraling about it. They don't talk about it, but ofc they're thinking about it.
So as time goes on, they end up becoming really close as friends and literally everyone's shocked about this development but they just... see each other, you know? They get each other in an instinctive way that no one else does. Elijah's absolutely in love with Dani at this point but doesn't really understand what he's feeling so he never does anything about it, just pines from afar, and Dani's sort of still in the denial phase (plus you know, the whole "he's my best friend and I don't really have a lot of people I'm close to so I can't lose him"). Dumb shit, obviously.
There's a jealousy sideplot at some point because I like them but it's not a love triangle because I hate those. It's basically just more of Elijah pining to be honest. Lots of angst because that's just how I roll. Over time, there's like 2 or 3 incidents when they actually kiss (I could even see another one night stand at some point, it depends) but they always pull back or change their minds or something happens outside of their control and it just never ever goes anywhere. At this point, Elijah loves her and realized it, but he's actually kinda content to be just her friend. He's okay with loving her from afar because he doesn't really think it possible to be with her for real, and it's very sad.
Dani, on the other hand, is the opposite. She has also accepted the fact that she loves him and she does not want to be just friends. At some point, they have one of those heated arguments that end with Dani, finally too frustrated with this thing between them, blurting out that she loves him, and Elijah for his own reasons (he has a lot of shit going on) pretty much ignores it and pulls away from her. It's like "this is best for both of us, I'm trying to protect you" blablabla, it's stupid and although they technically remain friends, their relationship is very obviously strained because Dani doesn't forgive him for it. Like the girl can absolutely hold a grudge, but also this is probably the time he hurts her the most, so understandable. I mean you gotta know that this is the first time she said those words to anyone that isn't her brother, and she feels rejected, feels like doesn't love or want her, feels kinda worthless because he's an immortal being from a different dimension, ofc he doesn't want her, why would he, and she feels incredibly angry that she still loves him despite all that. It’s a cycle of self-hatred and resentment, and then all that, along with some other things, pushes Dani into spiraling and she has a brief evil arc, and that's another thing preventing them from being together. (She's pretty mean to him during this era but he's also one of the things that brings her back to herself so you know... fun stuff!)
Anyway, they do get together eventually. I'm undecided on this part because idk what works better yet. One possibility is that one of them, probably Elijah, shows up at her door before a big battle that's gonna happen and confesses and they spend the night together knowing it might be their last night alive. The other possibility is that one of them, probably Dani gets hurt during the battle and Elijah confesses while she's bleeding out in his arms. Either way, they don't expect to survive so they finally come clean, and then... they survive. So now they gotta actually confront this for once.
They decide to give a relationship a try, but it doesn't end well the first time. Sure, they're happy and disgustingly in love for a while but neither knows how to be in a relationship because neither have experience. So as soon as something comes along to shake their foundations a bit, the whole thing crumbles. The following crash and burn might even be the angstiest part of the story, idk. I'm gonna be honest, the end does get a little fuzzy, I haven't fleshed out everything yet. I know I want there to be a temporary character death at some point because I know it's cheap but I live for that stuff. So Elijah dies, probably while they're still broken up, and Dani definitely goes a little feral and sets out on an impossible path to bring him back. The good stuff. He comes back, they reunite, etc. I don't wanna say everything's perfect after that because they still gotta work on their issues, but they have a happy ending and that's what matters.
Tropes include but not limited to: slowburn, mutual pining, it was always you, battle couple, hot-headed & level-headed, unhealthy codependency/mutual obsession, soulmate coded, opposite sides of the same coin, not even death can defeat us, anguished declarations of love, sad people growing an intense connection from shared trauma, grumpy character who only smiles for love interest
Songs that remind me of them: 
Remember to Remember Me by Isak Danielson - this one is pretty angsty, but it really fits a certain period in their story and every single time I hear it, it makes me think of them
An Evening I Will Not Forget by Dermot Kennedy
Evermore by Taylor Swift ft. Bon Iver
The Alcott by Taylor Swift ft. The National
Love Like Ghost by Lord Huron
Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler
(Dani also has a playlist that she made for him even when they were just friends and it's super secret and she's kinda embarrassed about it but she does end up sharing it with him later when they get together. Fun fact, I did actually make that playlist on Spotify.)
Other trivia tidbit that I like but couldn't fit into elsewhere: Dani's full name is Danielle and she HATES when people call her that. Her parents used to do it when they were angry, and her brother still does it to mess with her or when he's disappointed with her. So no thank you. Except if it's Elijah. Other people say it in anger or admonition but Elijah says it out of sheer devotion, and she's very into it.
I could also like... make moodboards if anyone's interested? Or even if no one's interested...
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