#there's so much gender to explore in this Thang
genderkoolaid · 6 months
has anyone else watched the regime on hbo. im personally in love. these people are so profoundly fucked up. I need more weird gay people's opinion on this show stat
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laithraihan · 2 months
What do you think of the idea of Girl Reigen and Minori? Give that thang a mom
Yknow I actually thought of it before but I discarded the idea. Mainly because Reigen would just end up being like a big sister/auntie figure to Minori, and I think the idea of big sister Reigen can already be done in a more complex and impactful way with girl Mob. So unfortunately there's not really much to explore when it comes to this, but I still think that the idea is cute and I like seeing anything when it comes to them.... so I wouldnt be opposed to seeing content about it at all 🫶
But in general I think Reigen's gender matters a lot whenever I think of Minori and Reigen. Not just because of Minori's father but because of Reigen having seemingly nothing in common with a teenage girl which makes it troubling for him to deal with her... it's this sort of disconnect that makes it fun for me to draw them together. Girl Reigen would already be more familiar with Minori's behavior since both of them would be girls, and it wouldn't ever get to the point of it being very distressing for Reigen. My goal is to make Reigen as uncomfortable as possible because I like it when he's uncomfortable
Also! I wanted to say I find it interesting that you pointed out the mom thing... I know it's probably because I mentioned her having father issues, but if we talk about family relations then at most she would see Reigen as an older brother rather than her father... I don't really think she'd consider him her "new father" or anything like that. Fathers have power over their children, and Minori wouldn't be comfortable with Reigen if he had power over her instead. I like to think that she would be more casual with him but still enjoys being spoiled by him, kind of just using him to fill the role of a reliable adult in her life who doesn't force anything on her (and whenever he scolds Minori, she doesn't really feel threatened by him which is something important for her)
I think she would behave this way because of her father being overly protective of her and deciding everything for her, and she finds that annoying especially if it affects bigger aspects of her life like career and marriage. But it would be done subconsciously without the intent of finding a new father if that makes sense... that's just what I personally think.
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puyoginge · 2 years
What's been going on with me.
3 years later I’ve decided to resurrect my Tumblr because it is my sanctuary and the social media ever. I disbanded twitter because it makes me angry all the time and for the sake of preserving my dwindling adult sanity. lol.
You may remember me from my few posts under the username yaboinate28. very 2018 lol. I posted a lot of trans / general mental health relatable stuff to manage my struggle with gender dysphoria and hopefully connect with others who felt the same as me. If you want to get a taste of what's been going on since then then please do read on below!! (TW mental health stuff)
Some time in 2020 I purged all my trans posts, removing all my incentive to return to this new decade apocalypse of a site. I guess was feeling really insecure about the discordance between my Tumblr open-transness (??) and my irl extreme stealth thang. I was chronically worried about people from my real life finding my account basically. 
Much of my stuff was very Tumblr cringe and probably stuff you’ve seen before but there were a couple of self help posts that were actually insanely good resources for coping with gender dysphoria (particularly in the early stages of social transition) which I seriously regret deleting. I remember a lot of my memes “blowing up” which made me feel really special and like I could contribute something to the world. As a young teenager struggling with self harm and severe depression as well as navigating my life within a home that outright rejected my trans identity, my Tumblr was my lifeline, the people I met made me feel hopeful for the future, and seeing people reblog with “I needed to hear this” or “thanks so much for posting” meant everything to me.
But its important for me to address that I’m not the person I was back then, !!and whilst I'll be attempting to find and repost some of those self help resources!!, I probably won’t be posting about my trans experience much anymore other than within this entry. But please please reach out if you need someone who’s been through it to talk to. I’d love to support you however i can!! I’m only a message away. 
Since 2019 my attitude on life has changed a lot and whilst coping with my mental health issues are still a daily hurdle, I’ve found myself a groove in which to sit and ride the wave. Essentially I’m managing and I’m happy and able to maintain a positive outlook on life, which is good. Additionally, with time my family have softened to my trans identity. Its not perfect, but I’m not at risk. I love my family and I don’t blame them for their actions, I’m just taking it slow. 
Passed my GCSES with flying colours, passed my A-levels with regular colours, and I'm going to uni. Life has continued and its good. And whilst I would rather eat my own shit than go back and relive the days when my mum had to force me me out the door to get me to go to school, I made it through every last day. That's fucking badass, and tbh I'm pretty resilient now because of it lol.
I guess my point is (crass warning) see the joy in what you have. Take life day by day. Don’t let yourself take the easy route, because then you’ll learn how fucking strong you are. And you are stronger than you think even if all your cards are stacked against you.
Since the last time we spoke I’ve legally transitioned, and am (at the time of writing) dealing with the initial admin of medical transition. I’ve been speaking regularly with a gender specialist therapist for 2 years. more recently I’ve been exploring my gender expression with my new found freedom. AND I’m in a relationship with someone who is beautiful and kind and couldn’t be more supportive of me (I adore them). And.... I’m still as stealth as ever. Just as resistant to say “yAYYyy i’m trAns!!!” as I’ve always been. I fucking love it. Some things never change lol. As I said family are being dragged by the tail along with me and have warmed to the whole thing. Support is not the word, but acceptance is pretty apt. They both realise it’s always been “me” at this point and that's enough for the time being.
I’m now an adult (wtf so surreal????) I have allowed my passion for retro gaming to flourish, recently got super fucking into rhythm games, developed a healthy collection of games and consoles which I may post about perhaps. Resurrected my love for anime, particularly dumb slice of life shows and Madoka Magica (all hail you beautiful broken masterpiece of infinite spinoff potential)
I found my interest in psychology (wowwww surprise!!) Got a job, found some friends, told some people a long overdue fuck off. And rounded myself into a much more open minded person than I used to be.
I couldn’t care less how many people read this, mainly I’m doing it for me. To provide myself a clean slate and stuff. But if you do read this, and you used to enjoy my silly little posts or find them helpful or whatever: I hope you’re well, I’m glad you stuck around and I hope you stay :)
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hannahshattuck · 4 years
A Birthday Getaway
Pairing: Bi!TJ Hammond x Reader
A/N: My first prompt for helping @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ clean out the archive. I teared up when I came across this prompt. The B&B is an actual place in West Virginia and I would love to visit. Send in an ask or DM to be part of my taglist. Enjoy! This is gender neutral although if there is a slipup please let me know.
Warnings: angst, slight smut (blowjob), curing, mention of drugs and alcohol, mention of suicide, TJ deserves all the love in the world, 
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TJ has always had a hard time finding love. The deep, meaningful connection of love. With being the gay son to a president and having his life mistakes being plastered for all to see, TJ has had many people use his unwanted fame for their own gain. Well that was until he met you.
You were the most kind and selfless person he’s met. He ran into you, literally ran into you, when he was stumbling out of his club. You helped him get to his home and stayed with him until he was fully sober. He cried in your arms when he realized that even though you knew who he was you didn’t take advantage of him in his inebriated state. You two exchanged information and you were the one he called when he needed a savior or someone to talk to so he didn’t make a mistake. After about two years of being friends, TJ confessed that he had feelings for you through tears streaming down his cheeks. That night was spent making love with tears from both of you. 
TJ didn’t celebrate his birthday when he was on his own. He usually spent his birthdays high, drunk, with a hook up, or all the above. This would be the first birthday you spent with him as a couple. You reserved a suit at the Hillbrook Inn and Spa in Charles Town, West Virginia for the two of you for his birthday. You reserved a whole week that way the two of you could relax without feeling rushed. You decided to surprise him with it before the club opened. You worked with him at said club mainly taking care of stuff behind the scenes. 
You walked in and saw TJ stocking up the alcohol behind the bar. Even though his parents believed that owning a club would be detrimental to his recovery, you’ve seen first hand how well he’s been doing.
You leaned on your elbows on the bar, “Hey sweet thang. How’s set up going?” 
TJ turned around and lit up when he saw you, “Hey baby! It’s going good. We’re running low on a few things but we’ll be good for tonight. I made a list so we can make an order tomorrow.” He leaned over and gave you a quick kiss on the lips.
“Well, you’re gonna have to give the list to someone else because tomorrow morning we’re heading to a B&B in West Virginia for a week for your birthday.” You smiled.
TJ’s jaw dropped, “What?”
“You. Me. Birthday trip. West Virginia.” You could see tears well up in TJ’s eyes and knew in that moment this is the first time anyone has done something like this for him. “Oh baby.” You grabbed his hand. He laid his head down on the arm you weren’t holding and cried. You ran you fingers through his soft, fluffy hair and just let him get his emotions out.
TJ sniffled as his cries subsided, “Really? Just the two of us?” It broke your heart to see how doubtful he was. To know how many people took advantage of him. To know that he most likely didn’t get the love he deserves. To know how many times he’s been ‘just another hook up’.
“Yeah baby boy. Just the two of us.” Your thumb rubbed the back of his hand in comfort. He looked at you and then a teary smile spread across his face. He jumped over the bar and pulled you into a tight hug. You laughed and hugged him tight as well.
“Hey, T. We open in 15.” One of the bouncers yelled across the club. TJ gave him a thumbs up as an acknowledgement. TJ grabbed both sides of your face and pulled you in for a big kiss. You smiled into the kiss knowing this would be the best birthday for him.
The next morning you two got up bright and made the 5 hour drip from D.C. to West Virginia. You drove and let TJ sleep since he had a late night. He woke up as you pulled into the entrance of the B&B. 
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TJ gasped, “It’s so pretty.” You giggled as he acted like a little kid in wonder. He probably didn’t get to act like a kid when he was a kid but you didn’t mind. You found a parking spot and got out. He got out as well, jaw still dropped at the sheer beauty of the place. You started to grab yours and TJ’s bags when he snapped out of his wonderment.
“Nooo! Let me grab them!” TJ ran around the car. “You drove! I can get them!” You laughed as he grabbed the two duffle bags out of your hands and swung them over his shoulders. “Let’s go!” He grabbed your hand and dragged you over to the front entrance. You two checked in, got your room, and chilled for a bit before exploring the place.
The day of his birthday he woke up with his dick in your mouth. His hand flew to your hair and tangled his fingers, “Fuck babe.” You kept going until he warned you, “I’m gonna cum.” You doubled down your efforst until he released into your mouth, “Fuck. That’s a way to wake up.”
You swallowed and kissed up his naked chest, “ Happy birthday, baby boy.” A kiss to his lips progressed into a slow make out session. “Today is all about you so we can do whatever you’d like.”
“Does that mean we can stay in bed all day?” TJ smirked.
You giggled and kissed his nose, “If you absolutely wanted to.”
He shook his head, “Nah. I just wanted to know what you would say.”
You playfully slapped his chest and rolled your eyes. You got off him and headed to the shower. “You gonna join me, birthday boy?” TJ scrambled out of bed so fast he felt out of bed. You giggled. He stood and took a step but fell again because you left his boxers around his ankles. You doubled over in laughter as he kicked them off and ran to you carrying you the rest of the way into the shower. 
After a wonderful day of exploring, sex, lunch, more exploring, presentation of gifts, and a wonderful dinner at a nice restaurant you had one last surprise for him. He called the club to make sure everything was running smoothly and you took that moment to set up the bathroom. 
A bubble bath. Candles lit throughout the entire space. Bubbly apple juice because he’s done so well to stay sober and didn’t want to ruin that. Good smelling soaps. Soft towels and warm, fluffy robes. You make sure the water was hot but not scalding and walked out the bathroom just as he hung up.
“Everything is good at the club. What’s on the itinerary now?” TJ walked over to you. You just smiled and grabbed his hand dragging him to the bathroom. He gasped. His eyes took in everything around him as you silently began to strip him. Once he was naked you helped him in the tub and started to wash his body from outside the tub. 
Once his body was cleaned you took off your clothes and climbed in behind him. You got his hair wet and started washing it. Taking your time to run your fingers through his ultra soft hair. He was quiet the whole time but you noticed silent tears streaming down his face when he leaned back against you. You didn’t bring it to attention but instead continued your movements. You grabbed the plastic cup you set aside and started rinsing his hair. After all the soap was out of his hair you wrapped your arms around his shoulder and held him while he cried.
The two of sat there with you placing kisses in his hair and whispering affirmations. Just letting him know you were proud of the choices he made to change his path. How proud you were even though he was dealt a bad hand. How proud you were of in with the success of the club. How proud you were of him in general.
The water started to get cold so you gently sat him up and got out before you helped him out. With your frame wrapped up in one of the robes, you grabbed the other and wrapped it around his tying it at his waist. You grabbed one of the towels and wiped his face of tears and dried his hair. You giggled a bit because of his hair sticking out in many directions which made him smile. You walked him over to the bed, pulled the blankets back, and pulled him into bed with you. TJ laid on your chest as you cuddled him nails scratching against his scalp. 
“That’s the first time anyone has be gently with me. It wasn’t sexual. It’s wasn’t for drugs. It was just-” He trailed off not knowing how to describe it.
“I know baby.” And you did. You’ve seen the aftermath of what non-gentle touches have caused.
“Sometimes I wonder how different my life would be if I didn’t fuck up so much. Maybe my parents and Dougie would be proud of me. Maybe my mistakes wouldn’t be broadcasted for everyone to judge. Maybe if my suicide attempts worked people might say nice things about me.”
That last phrase set you off, “Thomas James Hammond,” you sat up pulling him up with you, “You know how I feel about you talking like that. I know how sucky life was to you. I’ve been with you through a lot of it. But there are people who are proud of you. Hell, I’m so damn proud of you there are no words in any language that can describe the feeling. You’ve managed to push through the worst life has thrown at you and come out on top. I love you so damn much it hurts every single time you doubt your accomplishments. I know none of what I said will change your mind overnight but I will keep telling you everything and anything until the end of time.” You lifted his head to look at you, “I love you so, so much Thomas James.”
You pulled him into a teary kiss. When you pulled back you saw a small smile grace his face. “There’s that smile I love so much.” That caused a bigger smile. You kissed his nose and he scrunched his face. You pulled him to lay back down and cuddled him close. You laced your fingers with his and laid in silence. After a few more silent moments, TJ looked up at you.
“Thank you making this the best birthday.”
Tags: @patzammit​ @sherlocksmanwatson​ @katiew1973​ @bugsbucky​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​
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getthebutters · 3 years
When most people think of intimacy, they think only of sex. Really, intimacy is “a close, familiar, and affectionate personal relationship.” It’s connection and energy that create intimacy.
Even the most mundane activities can be intimate when you’re with the right person. These non-sexual activities will make you laugh and feel sexy but most of all bring you closer as a couple.
 1. Give a spa treatment
Imagine coming home from work to a massage from your beau. Sounds luxurious, doesn’t it? What about having your partner wash your locks during a shower and massage conditioner into your hair? Let your partner know they deserve the best by pampering them. Activities can include painting nails, greasing scalps, giving manicures and pedicures and shaving.
 2. Cook and feed each other 
You’ve heard the phrase, “A way to man’s heart is through his stomach.” Well, any gender likes food. Prepare a meal for your mate or cook your favorite foods together. The stove won’t be the only thing hot in the kitchen. After the dish is done, go the extra mile and feed your partner the delicious noms you’ve prepared.
 3. Pick out lingerie or clothing 
Many of us will be heading out on the evening of Valentine’s Day, but this tip can be used for any date night. Whether you’re going out or staying in, having your partner pick out your outfit is sexy. Play dress-up and watch your partner strut his or her stuff in your favorite clothing of theirs. A bonus perk of this activity is that you’ll have even more fun taking them off later.
 4. Have a dance party
Yes, sex burns about 144 calories a half hour, and a dance party can burn some calories and get you excited beforehand with your partner. Shake your groove thang to your favorite songs. Better yet, create a playlist made by both of you and dance the evening away. The cardio will increase blood flow and release hormones to get you ready for the horizontal tango (that means sex).
 5. Plan a game night
You can keep your clothes on (or not) and have an exciting game night with your partner. Depending on your tastes, there are hundreds of games to explore. Board games like Scrabble or Trivial Pursuit will stimulate your brains. Let video games bring out your competitive nature as you enter a virtual fantasy world. Take a chance and play blackjack or hearts with your partner. Any game will do as long as you’re having fun.
 6. Have a photoshoot
You don’t have to be a professional photographer to capture the chemistry between you and your lover. Play around with your expensive Nikon or have fun with your webcam. Photoshoots can be whatever you want. They can range from sexy and suggestive to fun and whacky. Create memories together, and the best part is you can look back on those photos and laugh.
 7. Share your best and worst sex stories
Depending on how both parties feel, telling stories sex stories can be a hilarious experience. Laugh, cry and be aroused as you reveal your past sexcapades. This discussion could even reveal something about your partner’s sexual desires and needs; you could learn how to please them better after the conversation.
 8. Build a fort
Rekindle your childhood and get those creative juices flowing while building a fort with your mate. Create a name for the newly created fort and let the fun begin. There’s so much to do in the fort. You can watch movies and eat popcorn or role-play and pretend to be pirates or soldiers. Bring out your inner child and color or watch cartoons. With a fort the adventures are as unlimited as your imagination.
 9. Try body painting
Some of you readers are Picassos or don’t have any art skill at all, but either is OK. You can have varying skill levels when body painting your partner. Acquire some washable paint and make your partner’s body even more of a work of art. Draw flowers, kittens, rainbows or even penises; the options are endless. You can also try getting macabre with The Blood of My Enemies! Once you’re done, you can take a shower together to clean up.
 10. Narrate your favorite movie together
Many of us wish we could sound like Morgan Freeman, but here’s the next best thing. Find a movie you both love or switch off watching individual faves and narrate the shit out of them. We usually look down on talking during a movie, but this intimate activity will be sure to tickle you and your partner’s funny bone. Add funny commentary or recite your favorite lines. Funny noises and weird voiceovers are encouraged.
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slingsendarrows · 6 years
Women Who Inspire Wednesday: Summer Walker
Today’s Women Who Inspire Wednesday goes to Summer Walker and her debut album Last Day Of Summer. There are too few albums that delve into the complexities of girlhood and emerging womanhood. Much like SZA’s CTRL, this album is a raw expression of self-discovery, vulnerable honesty, and unapologetic sexuality. Each song feels at times too short (averaging about two mins), but it is the deliberate succinctness that makes the subject matter discussed immediate and incomplete. She is offering personal experiences, not the right way to girlhood. Abandoning the idea of what it is meant to be for what it really is: anecdotal, at times disparate and flawed, but always real. Listening to this album brought to bear the appalling reality that even in 2018, the societal gaze on girlhood forces us to function along the restrictive and binary parameters of the “Madonna/Whore” complex. 
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But the reality of girlhood is far more complex and intricate. It is nuanced and varied but there is overwhelming pressure to perform a boxed-in and demarcated version thereof. “Talk Yo Shit” expresses the frustration a girl feels when her efforts to get dicked down are hoisted by the petard of her partner’s determination to be “respectful, courteous, and gentlemanly.” In accordance with the binary protocol, this necessitates some play-acting, pretending the low-cut top with her titties prominently on display is not a deliberate choice on her part and examining her sexually means he must not respect her by default. Her sexual desires can only exist under certain parameters and are not a means and an end unto themselves. But she is clearly here for sex so why are we going through the motions affecting this is something other than what it is? This frustration is further explored in the flagship single “Girls Need Love” in which she admits that while prioritizing her glow up and getting the bag leaves little time for in-depth relationship building, it does not negate the immediacy of her sexual needs and desires: Honestly, I’m tryna stay focused/ You must think I’ve got to be joking when I say/ I don’t think I can wait/ I just need it now/ Better swing my way/ I just need some dick/ I just need some love/ Tired of fucking with these lame niggas, baby/ I just need a thug/ Won’t you be my plug aye/ You could be the one aye/ We could start with a handshake baby/ Imma need more than a hug/ Girls can’t never say they want it/ Girls can’t never say how/ Girls can’t never say they need it/ Girls can’t never say now.
She’s not interested in a romantic love connection, simply a moment of intimacy to “get her booty rubbed,” nothing more, nothing less. The plaintive cry in the song speaks so clearly about the pitfalls of monolithic representations of girlhood and the gender performances that are required to uphold them. In Roxane Gay’s book of essays Bad Feminist, she discusses the way women knowingly and/or unknowingly perform gender and femininity, constantly aware they are acting out a role. These roles endure because the subversion thereof leads to real-life consequences: other women shame you for not conforming and along with similarly-minded men determine you are not worthy of their respect. Society at large cannot categorize you and thereby dismisses you. You are no longer seen or worthy to be understood and at times, a social pariah; you become the worst thing a woman can be, unlikable. But the interesting thing about unlikable women is “that they aren’t pretending, that they don’t or can’t pretend to be someone they are not.”
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“Last Day of Summer” delves into these complex growing pains. Trying to find yourself and lead an authentic life while struggling against outside and internalized expectations of femininity. The pervading assumption is most “acts of femininity" are for the male gaze: make-up, twerking, body-rolling, Fashionova outfitting, body enhancements, etc. That is not to say some women do not do these things seeking out the male gaze, but that is not the reason at all times, in all instances. For me twerking is a confidence booster. Few things feel better than shaking my own booty for my own pleasure as I "back that thang up!” The complication arises when you have to choose your lane for all times and all instances. When you want to switch it up it confuses people. When you decide you just want to get your “booty rubbed” then your female empowerment and independent spirit are questioned. 
One of the early girlhood experiences of this troubling dichotomy is depicted in the latest episode of Black-ish when Diane develops a crush on a boy named Wyatt. Her older sister, Zoey, helps her secure her first ice-cream date but when he texts to clarify whether he should pay or if they should each pay for their own ice-cream because he knows she’s an “independent woman,” she gets flustered and panic texts a bunch of random emojis because her trusty guide is not accessible. While this seems like a minor incident it speaks to a greater internal conflict as Dianne leaves her sister a desperate message to call her back and tell her what kind of woman she’s supposed to be: the one who is taken care of or the one who takes care of herself. 
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The consequence of all this that even the most authentic-driven amongst us are forced to pretend and smooth out the edges of our truth to fit the mold of “femininity” that appeals to our potential love interests. We become the required version of the “Cool Girl” as Gillian Flynn’s Amy laments in Gone Girl: 
Men always say that as a defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl. Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex, and jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth like she’s hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang while somehow maintaining a size 2, because Cool Girls are above all hot. Hot and understanding…Men actually think this girl exists. Maybe they’re fooled because so many women are willing to pretend to be this girl. 
Walker also considers the pitfalls of gender-performing in “Shame” and the subsequent “Just Like Me." In the former she pines for a "perfect world” in which: You’re understanding, I’m not a perfect girl/ I would drop my fears at the door/ I will only bring myself and nothing more/ And you let me be, a woman/ And you let me be, a flawed woman/ You would yearn to hear all about my past/ What I’ve done/ What I’ve did, and why/ Below my sick thoughts/ And If I needed to, I could cry/ And you would catch my tears/ You don’t wanna be nobody else’s pain, no, aye, no/ You don’t wanna be nobody else’s play, to hide from themselves/ Shame/ And I’m the one to blame. The latter feels like a continuation of thought in which conflict arises when she’s abandoned for another because she’s: Not the type of girl you bring to mom/ But we’ve got a special bond/ You ain’t the type of guy I bring to my dad/ But there’s nowhere else I’d rather be/ Than with you….You run the streets, you gettin’ cash/ You livin’ life and you spend it fast/ Just like me, just like me/Hey, why can’t we just be back together?  Even though they both know they are better together, the roles they perform for others must sadly take precedent. It’s safe. It’s boring and largely unfulfilling. But hey, it’s safe!
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Needless to say, this album simply beautiful. I could go on and on and delve into each song but I’d rather you “sit back relax your mind and just ride” along to this magnificent gem. You’re welcome!
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mrnerdteacher · 6 years
The Way Splatoon Addresses “Othering” is Noteworthy and Inspiring
WARNING: This post contains spoilers for the Octo Expansion
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Right from the outset, Splatoon was a series that was destined to be considered “fringe.” It was on a console very few people played. It was an online multiplayer game with no in-game chat. It lacked blood, or even bullets. It was a new IP, in a style no one had ever seen before. And despite its devoted following and growing popularity, my little brother, a Call of Duty lifer, refuses to touch it.
It should come as no surprise then, that a colorful (some might even say “fabulous”) game like this became a safe space for the LGBTQ community. Once the series really took off with the success of the Nintendo Switch, Inkopolis became a haven for young kids to come out of the closet and those questioning their gender identity to explore roles outside the expectations their real lives may have for them.
And sure, there has been some pushback. Some players just want to see posts about the game, and are clearly made uncomfortable or even annoyed by people openly speaking their truth and claiming ownership over a shared game space. But due to Nintendo’s dogged refusal to let people communicate with other players, bullying is kept at an absolute minimum. You can’t even see how many “Yeah’s” a post gets, and the only way to downvote is to report something for violating the terms of use. The only posts that get “seen” are the ones most people like, so the result is a truly democratic social media platform in which bullies are not just silenced but eventually turned invisible by a more compassionate playerbase.
However, all of this is a reflection of the players, and that is only one half of a game’s community. The game developers themselves have tackled the concept of “fringe” culture with its recently released Octo Expansion, and their approach was fascinating and brave.
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As the DLC was released, Pearl commented on all the people hanging out in Inkopolis Square sporting “weird new haircuts.” Marina was visibly uncomfortable, because she (and the players) know that these are in fact Octolings (just like Marina). Is Pearl truly race blind, or is she refusing to acknowledge the arrival of the new immigrants into her city? If you know the backstory, it would be no surprise if some in Inkopolis reacted negatively to their arrival.
As most of you know, Octarians are a race of creature that fought against the Inklings for dominance in the first Great Turf War, and after their defeat were banished (or retreated?) deep underground. DJ Octavio tries over and over again to steal the great zapfish as a resource for his people, as they are running out of power and his society is literally crumbling as a result. Despite this somewhat sympathetic backstory, Octolings have always been one-note villains. They are the Nazis in “Dunkirk”: faceless, imposing, and nothing but a threat.
The Octo Expansion changes all that by letting you play as Agent 8, who was freed from her oppressor’s brainwashing by the soul-cleansing power of Squid Sisters rock. The Octo Expansion follows her/his fight for freedom, as a strange voice over a telephone tasks her with completing “tests” to find four holy relics known as “thangs.” Only then will Agent 8 be allowed to enter “the promised land”, which we all assume to be Inkopolis. By collecting little collectible erasers, Agent 8 reclaims her lost memories, and we learn that she is a sensitive, poetic person with anxiety about being accepted and meeting her idols. Plenty of shooter series have allowed you to play as the enemy (Halo, Killzone, etc), but few made me care about them as much as the Octo Expansion.
Throughout the course of the game you are able to read entries from an online chat room. Here, Pearl learns that Marina is not only an Octoling, but a former engineering prodigy for the enemy. Marina is anxious how Pearl and society at large will treat her when they learn of her past and her true identity, invoking the feelings of “coming out” that many Splatoon fans struggled with irl.
However, Pearl not only doesn’t care that her best friend is an “other”, but is actively excited to be exposed to the Octoling culture! She doesn’t just tolerate differences, she celebrates them. That Pearl is also a “white girl” from a wealthy family just makes her compassion more endearing, especially when we learn that she initially lost fans by teaming up with an “exotic girl” like Marina, and that she didn’t care in the slightest. Their friendship truly transcends all labels, and that’s amazing. Even Captain Cuttlefish, the salty old war veteran who openly distrusts Octolings, comes around and finds friendship with Agent 8 and Marina through their shared love of music.
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Cut to the end of the game, in which we learn that the sinister telephone is actually an AI built by an ancient human scientist. His goal is to literally blend different species together (gross) to create one genetically perfect race to inherit the Earth. However, his goal of ethnic cleansing is replaced by ambitions of genocide when he learns that Octolings and Squidkids are warring tribes, despite being nearly identical in terms of DNA. Marina and Agent 8, two Octolings and former enemies of Inkopolis, are pivotal in the battle to save the city, and when the DLC ends, all signs point to them returning to an accepting, peaceful world without borders.
But is that really how the player base would feel? Splatoon 2 bravely put the compassion of its community to the test with a global splatfest: Squid vs Octopus. Tensions were high going into this one, because it felt personal in a way that “Pulp vs No Pulp” never could. In fact, according to Splatfest Law, one race would be considered legally superior. Yikes.
But then the actual Splatfest rolled around, and the lobbies were chock full of the most compassionate posts promoting peace and harmony between races. The love that permeated this competitive game space was nothing short of inspiring.
No one seemed to care who won; we all just liked playing together. And in the end, the Squidkids reigned supreme (despite team Octopus being more popular), but nobody gloated. No one was salty. Life, and the Splatoon community, went back to normal.
Octolings are here to stay, and for all that represents, I think that’s just lovely.
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anexperimentallife · 7 years
I’m still alive and breathing!
Still fucking sick, but breathing better than I was. Unfortunately, Anders the noodle dog still has to be taken out while @mariuhh​ is at work (and I try to be the one to take him in the middle of the night while she’s trying to sleep, too, because damn, that woman works so fucking hard and then comes home and takes care of my sick ass, and she needs and deserves whatever rest she can get), which starts me coughing again every fucking time.
Maria is bringing home dinner, but we can’t put off another grocery store run much longer. Which means going back out into the cold. Which means more coughing. It just seems like every time I start to feel better, I have to go back out into the cold for something and get worse again. At least it has calmed down enough to let me get a few hours of sleep each night now, though.
Oh, well. Anyway, I thought I’d be over this by today, but I’m not. Hopefully by sometime early next week? We’ll see. Taking all my proper meds at the proper times, as instructed by my doctor, and sitting here with the heat cranked up to “tropical” and a humidifier doing it’s thang. It’s helping; it’s just going so fucking slowly. I mean, this has been what--like, three weeks or more of this shit so far?
Again, thanks for all the get-well wishes, and please forgive me for not responding to everyone individually at this point. It means a lot to know you’re rooting for me. Just, breathing and writing the occasional update post is fucking exhausting right now.
Been spending most of my time reading, with occasional bouts of playing Skyrim SE. Just finished several books by the utterly amazing Octavia Butler (two series and the last stand-alone novel she wrote before she died, which I think was probably supposed to be the first book of a new series), and am now finishing a pretty damn good science fiction novel called “Encounter With Tiber,” by none other than Buzz Aldrin. Yeah, THAT Buzz Aldrin. As in the brilliant, badass space hero Buzz Fucking Aldrin. I give everything Butler has ever written a five out of five stars, and I give the Aldrin book four stars on that same scale.
Just in case you’ve been living under a rock for the past century, the late Octavia Butler was an African-American woman who is widely hailed as one of the greatest science fiction authors to have ever lived (she was also dyslexic), and since Buzz Aldrin is an astronaut, his space travel fiction is pretty damn authentic. Both explore issues of race, human rights, and what it means to be human (or at least sentient), but while Aldrin takes more of a “hard” SF route, Butler speaks to issues of race, sex, and gender on a much deeper level. So like, two people at opposite ends of the privilege scale, but both concerned with many of the same issues.
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Boss Up Or Get Tossed Up
We as people have this mind frame of we are all bosses or want to be viewed as someone of power. Stepping into the real world is a test I don’t think any of us could prepare for. Tracing back we didn’t know what to expect. Challenges, Accomplishments, and Fear. Are these the components of life? You are challenged to excel at moments you thought you’d never overcome, you are challenged to accomplish the beauty of life, finally you are challenged to fear what you think you can’t accomplish.
Question for us as a whole do we challenge ourselves and others to ‘’Boss up or Do we challenge to Get tossed up?’’ Before you can answer that question, let’s look at ‘’Boss up’’ to get a general meaning or standard to compare in order to answer this question. To ‘’Boss up’’ it sounds like to take matters into your own hands to reach your goal of success, it’s taking the opportunities of life and going beyond your limits on your own terms; hint the meaning ‘’Do Thangs Your Way.’’ I was listening to an interview with Master P he did for complex hustle (http://youtu.be/HruGmsOvOIY). The first thing he said was ‘’We live in a culture that’s a billion dollar business, but we create millionaires.’’ He goes on to talk about how we are satisfied with getting paid millions by someone, where they are making billions off of you. The way I took this was, someone offered you a piece of pie, in your eyes it’s a big piece of the pie, about 45% of it, but in reality it’s only about 15% of the pie. Instead of settling for the 15% strive to make 85%.. Another example he used was Nike signing Lebron James from the Cleveland Cavaliers to a billion dollar lifetime contract. Now a billion dollars, is a huge amount of money. According to Forbes 2016 data less than 2,000 people in this world are billionaires. Now every single person would have accepted that deal from Nike. Now that billion dollars Nike is giving Lebron is only 15% of the pie. Imagine if instead Lebron owned the product. You see the huge difference. Master P’s interview spoke so much about how we want to shift people’s mind especially with this blog. Instead of being apart of someone else’s dream and creation while scrapping the crumbs from them, why not create and get the whole loaf of bread.
That’s what ‘’Boss Up’’ is, it’s being able to strive for greatness and going beyond your limits on your own terms... Do Thangs Your Way. I believe that’s a reason many fail to boss up. They have the wrong definition of it. Today to boss up means to step your game up and get money. It means so much more than that. A boss is a person with authority, someone who tries to improve the business, the one who makes the calls and explore things that others wouldn’t. A boss aren’t afraid to let people go who stand in their way of reaching their goal. Most people just say boss up without knowing the true meaning. Another reason people don’t boss up is because they are afraid. Here’s a quote by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, ‘’ You can have ambition but not too much. You should aim to be successful but not too successful otherwise you will threaten the other.’’ When you’re living in a world where you’re discriminated against because the color of your skin, gender, religious beliefs and lifestyles, these things hold people back from reaching the full potential. Everyone was created for greatness beyond our wildest dreams, but we have allowed people and objects to hold us back far too long , we have been afraid to supersede ‘‘The Other’’. It’s time to boss up and do what you have to do in order to reach that full potential. You’re going to lose sleep, you might have to distance yourself from family for a season, you’re going to have to give up a lot of free time. Basically, its business before pleasure. So are you going to Boss Up or Get Tossed Up? - We are not a piece of the product, cause we are owning the product
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