#there's some people here who hate all of them equally and dont have these double standards
padfootastic · 1 year
My unpopular opinion is that if Peter weren’t fat and ugly then Sirius/Peter would be an extremely popular and mainstream ship, while Wolfstar would be a rarepair and Prongsfoot would stay as it is now - because i see prongsfoot as a ship for people who love to see Sirius in a healthy and balanced relationship. Wolfstar and Sirius/Peter are/would be for people who love the drama and the emotional turmoil.
dude. DUDE. i fully agree with this. i think a large part of how peter is treated/used/characterised stems from his physicality. it's almost like a woke parallel to jkr's beauty morality politics.
i literally cannot even tell u how often i've been annoyed by the way peter gets treated by the marauder fandom, specifically. because yeah, i get not everyone's gonna like a snivelling rat but--the corner of the fandom that operates purely on fanon and has changed everyone's character? yeah, zero excuses there.
not just the fact that peter often gets zero romantic/sexual attachments (and lets not even talk ab the 'ace/aro hcs bc hes fundamentally unloveable/so ugly no one wants him') even in spaces where's he's redeemed, but even if he's still a bad guy, so what? this is the fandom that's casually redeemed regulus black, barty crouch, all the other assortment of DEs. i dont get why peter's always the one who gets left behind. (i mean,,,,i kinda do,,,but yeah, idk what their rationale is)
and then theres also the peter art oh my god. it just. there's nothing technically wrong with any of it, but the way peter--a canonically fat guy--is drawn (often very infantilised and non-sexually, even wehn everyone around him is thirst trapped up) vs say, lily--who's the hot new 'plus size' rep--who always gets to be slim-thicc, very fkn sexy, and just overall fun. it's just. it icks me out, ykno?
and then the relationships, of fucking course the ship would be more popular, dude. like, its classic enemies to lovers, classic passion and intensity that can fall on either side of the coin. u can play around a lot with it. and honestly, peter & sirius had way more interactions/moments/chemistry than remus/sirius, like that's my unpopular moment right there lmao
overall, yeah, i get what u mean and i second it. fat characters are not written the best bc its often just a facsimile of how irl fat people are treated and we all know how that goes.
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sandeoki · 2 years
As much as I agree about the you being really nice and amazing part in this ask I don't agree with how the anon is talking about other authors. For one, many of them have lives and you can't put down people to raise up others. Two, they get too many interactions and thud are only able to interact via asks.
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, many of the authors I know on atinyblr keep BEGGING for interactions but no one BOTHERS? Liking or blank reblogging DOES NOT equal to interaction. TELL US WHAT YOU LIKED, TELL US WHAT YOU HATED, FFS INTERACT! I don't see people interacting with so many amazing authors and then the people who do are called people pleasers (the same goes for a lot of authors too... Like????) What's with the double standard????
hi anon!
i totally agree with you on the authors not being able to interact back part due to getting too many interactions. its completely okay and understandable.
and yes i know how important getting feedback from our readers is for an author.
i totally agree with all your points anon, authors of tumblr are really suffering due to all this.
im sure the previous anon didnt mean to offend anyone and were probably speaking from personal experience.
i know there are so many talented and under appriciated authors here who are not getting the attention they deserve.
people really need to understand that authors or anyone who put effort into doing something, deserves praise for it.
the likes and reblogs we get are awesome but we want you all to tell us how you like it!!!
as someone who gets really anxious and shy, i understand how you may feel hesitant to reveal your identity by commenting or sending asks.
thats why the anon feature is there! use it, we dont care if we know who you are or not, we just want to know if you found our work worthy!
thank you so much anon for raising awareness about this! i hope one day everyone sees it the same as you!
visit again soon!
p.s. no hate to the previous anon, ily bub, im sure you didnt mean it that way.
🍒Cherry out<3
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bldofthedrgn · 2 years
[eleven] in every cosmos | han jisung smau
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11 - grafias
words : 1.7k
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a/n : omg a double upload from user babysungs :o my brain was going crazy about writing this part and i coukdnt help myself!! bit of a longer written chapter but i think its worth it :) i didnt edit it too much so i hope there arent many mistakes!! enjoy :)
Opening the door to the restaurant you were expecting many more people than there were, only seeing two people, but you supposed that it was for the better. Big crowds werent really your thing anyway.
hey binnie!! im here waiting for you :)
No response.
I guess its to be expected, you were here about thirty minutes earlier than you were supposed to be. He was probably just leaving his apartment. Still, you couldnt help but be weary at the fact that he hadnt bothered to read your message.
Thirty minutes. Thirty minutes had gone by without a single message from changbin. Surely he should be here soon, unless he wasnt planning on coming at all. You were confused and a tiny bit hurt, failing miserably at not jumping to conclusions way too early. Were you being stood up? Could you even be stood up if this wasnt a date? Had he found out about your affection towards him and now wants to make a joke out of you? What exactly was going o-
The door had opened. You looked up in anticipation, praying desperately to see Changbin walk through the clear glass door that you had been watching like a hawk for the longest thirty minutes of your life.
… Jisung? you thought to yourself
Great, first you get stood up then the one person who manages to make you feel like shit at every encounter shows up. Just fucking great.
“What are you doing here?” Jisung questions, putting an emphasis on the “you” as if you werent allowed to eat in public. “Waiting for your little boyfriend I assume.”
“What? What boyfriend?” You had never been more confused in your life. Since when did you have a boyfriend?
“Yeah. Your boyfriend. Changbin?”
You couldn’t help but become a bit flushed at the thought of Changbin bein considered your boyfriend, though it like would never happen.
“Jisung what the fuck are you talking about right now? Changbin is not my boyfriend” you shoot back starting to get annoyed.
“Oh dont act like you two arent together. I should have known since the first day I saw you guys on a date at that stupid cafe.” Jisung was also starting to get annoyed. How could you and Changbin keep denying your relationship when he had seen it for himself?
“Dude we had JUST met that day. We didnt even know each other”
“Yeah I call bullshit but sure.”
“Okay you know fucking what Jisung-“ you started, completely ready to rip the taller brunette to shreds at this point though you were interrupted.
“Alright calm down lets not overreact please.” That voice was all too familiar.
“Changbin??? What the fuck are you doing here I thought you were standing me up!” you were completely enraged at this point. Not only had Jisung riled you up but now Changbin was standing here acting as if he hadnt kept you waiting for what felt like hours?
“Y/n, I didnt stand you up I promise,” Changbin starts, “please just let me and seungmin explain before you chop my head off.”
“Seungmin what the fuck dude??” Jisung was equally as stunned and not-so-equally as enraged as you were.
“Ji just shut up and listen to Changbin please.”
Everyone got quiet allowing Changbin the floor to explain what kind of weird misunderstanding they were in now.
“You and Y/n have some weird beef with each other that you need to talk about. I think you both have some misconceptions about each other and you need to work them out now because constantly being in the middle of this is so tiring. I hate fighting with either of you to defend the other when both of you are my closest friends.”
Friends. Right. The word stings in your chest as you had almost forgotten what you were to Changbin. His friend, nothing more nothing less.
“Oh whatever you cant force me to talk to them.” Jisung spits, pulling you out of your own head.
“Trust me I dont want to be here more than you do.”
“See. That right there. It needs to stop” Changbin continues visibly aggravated, “youre both staying here until you can work out whatever weird fucking tension there is between you.”
Changbin and Seungmin walk towards the door leaving you and a very confused and peeved Jisung standing closer than you realize at first.
“We’re locking you in. Please try talk it out and try to get along” Changbin says as hes locking the door.
“Where did you even get the key???”
“I rented the place out for a day. Good luck!” He throws two thumbs up and walks away with Seungmin.
“Dickheads” Jisung mutters under his breath, “why do I have to be stuck here with you.”
Now you were seriously getting upset. It wasnt even anger, just pure sadness at the fact that one of your biggest idols, the man you looked up to and loved most out of any musician to walk the earth, hated you so much he regarded you amongst the trash of the earth. He held such disdain for you and you had no idea why.
“Jisung. Why do you hate me so much? What have I done?” you ask desperately trying not to let the tears slip
“Are you serious?” he scoffs, until he looks at you and sees the deadly serious expression on your exhausted face. “.. Fine. I hate you because not only did you completely ignore my existence when Changbin first brought you to the studio, you also stole him from us. He stopped hanging out with us to hang out with you all the time until I called him out for it. I get youre his partner but fucks sake he needs to make time for his best friends and music partners too.”
Jisung watched as your face went from serious to utterly confused when he started explaining. It mad him even more mad at you, how could you be such a terror in his life and act like you dont know anything about it?
“I think Changbin was right when he said there were big misunderstandings between us.” Jisung scoffed loudly at your start, not believing you for a second. “Jisung let me finish before you blow everything im about to say off. Please.”
You saw Jisungs expression change as he settled himself into the booth you were both sitting at. “Alright fine. Go ahead.”
“Thank you. For starters, I didnt ignore you. I said hi to you and tried to talk to you several times but you either just didnt answer or couldnt hear me. But I tried really hard to make conversation and get to know you, I would never in a million years pass up the chance to befriend my favorite musician in the world”
Jisung did not expect those words to come out of your mouth in a million years. He could feel his heartbeat pick up a bit, choosing to ignore it as if it werent happening. “And Im not dating Changbin. At all. We’re honestly just good friends and even if i were dating him, strong if, I would never take up all of his time especially when I know how important your friendship is and how busy you guys get. That is not the type of person I am at all and maybe you could never come to like me or be friends with me but please dont think of me so harshly. I really didnt mean to make you feel that way about me. Im sorry.”
He was dumbfounded. Truly blown away at the fact that he was so quick to judge you and hate you for something that was completely his fault, and that you were the one who felt bad and even apologized. Jisung realized what an asshole he had been to someone who did not deserve it in the slightest.
“Y/n I-“ you quickly cut him off, not prepared to be berated by him again.
“Please dont say anything I understand you dont like me but I cant take-“
“Let me finish.” Jisung had gently rested his hand on your forearm, which had been laying on the table. His hands were so soft and he was holding your arm so tenderly- wait. Why is your heart racing so fast? He noticed your flushed face and eyes that kept glancing at his hand on you and he couldnt help but smile to himself a bit.
You nodded your head, signaling to Jisung that he could continue.
“I was going to say Im sorry. I had no idea that I was the problem this whole time and treated you so badly for nothing. Truthfully I felt bad about being mean to you because I thought you actually could be nice but I was stubborn and felt like you deserved my hate. I am so sorry.”
“Oh … its okay. Thank you for apologizing.” Your voice had gone quiet, not expecting Jisung to be so warm and kind to you. You tried relentlessly to ignore the roaring butterflies in your stomach.
“Of course. So ..” the man started, smiling to himself a bit, “your favorite musician in the whole world huh?”
Shit. You didnt even realize you said that. You could feel his confidence dripping from that stupid smirk on his face.
“Pffft whaaaat who said that that wasnt me I dont even know you who are you again?”
“Yeah okay whatever at least I have something to brag to Changbin about when we leave here.” he laughs, “Friends?“
Jisung mentally curses himself for sticking his hand out when he feels the warmth from yours meet him in the middle, the motion only making his heart beat faster. He prayed desperately hoping you couldnt hear it thumping out of his chest.
You both shake on it with smiles, both trying to ignore that fluttering feeling in your chests growing bigger the longer you held hands.
Though neither of you would never admit this, you both were overthinking the rest of your time together waiting for Changbin and Seungmin to get back with the keys. You kept on with your conversation, talking about any and everything to keep yourselves from dying of boredom and hunger, but neither of you knew that the other was having the same thoughts deep in the back of their minds.
Why does my heart keep racing when im next to you?
taglist | @gyuville @kikivonpoopyhead @sohyeappy @enaluvs @mits-vi @spikertrash @dynarvot
bold means i cant tag!! sorry :(
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cornfarm · 3 years
waves against the rocks
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saiki kusuo x reader
word count: 2.0k
synopsis: you show saiki your powers. he’s unbearibly jealous, yet for the first time, he feels seen and understood by another person.
cws: mention of the reader having a bad family
genre: melancholic fluff
reader is gender neutral!
greetings... i promise i’m working on cease and desist part 2 but i keep starting one shots;; I ALSO DECIDED TO CHANGE MY TEXT FORMAT... i yoinked all the capital letters away... it feels a bit more liberating
whenever i make my crazy op self insert oc, i always think about how i can make them a foil/double to the characters i like. for example my gintama s/i is also a traumatized war veteran. i thought like... wouldn’t it be fun to write the reader character as a direct foil AND double to saiki? they have everything he doesn’t, but he has a lot that they dont and it’s like,., mutual jealousy.
i also wanted to write saiki properly empathizing with someone. aiura and toritsuka are so fun because they both have different moral compasses with their powers and how they’d like to use them. however despite the fact theyre all psychics, saiki can’t really empathize with either of them.
i wanted to have saiki be excited about something, and feel truly seen. empathy is a very powerful thing.
i hope the “ability” i chose isn’t too cringe;;;
i can’t help but feel like i write saiki ooc so feedback would be super appreciated!
perception. the way people are seen by others, the mental images and sour thoughts rooted in nothing but misconception. the falsafied persona of greatness, beauty, and kindness. perception.
you kept saiki afterschool. tugging at his sleeve, you quietly asked “i need to show you something, stay here for a few extra minutes?”. he refused you at first, but you stayed firm, “i need you to stay.” fierce. he decided to stay.
but you stood before saiki, right? were you there? he suddenly felt a bit weary, head pounding at the thought of you. your name, voice, scent, failing to find matches in his library of records. when he thought of you, his brain flickered through the faces and names of everyone else he knew.
you were a gap, a void, a sudden unconjurable memory. it was horrifying. but he quickly accepted it. the body circling behind of him was none of his concern, because there was nobody there. he supposes he should go home now. why was he standing alone in the classroom anyways?
firm hands land on his shoulders, warm, present. he remembers why he’s here.
“it’s not that i’m invisible, it’s just that your brain can’t recognize me, and refuses to acknolwedge me as a thing that exists.”
like a wave crashing against a rocky shore, the void is filled. your voice, your scent, your name, all slotted back into place in his mental library. he recognizes the hands on your shoulders as yours. 
a hand snakes around and pushes up his glasses, covering his eyes.
“it’s not about visibility, it’s perception. you are unable to percieve me as a living thing, or of anything of importance. that’s why you can’t read my thoughts, and that’s why you’re so quick to give up trying to recall me.”
he’s practically trembling- you have one power. it was simple, but it managed to find a loophole around practically all of his.
“that’s terrifying.”
you take your hands away and step in front of him. he adjusts his glasses properly.
“were you born with it?”
you nod, “it caused me trouble when i was a kid. i almost got left at an airport,” you chuckle.
“does anyone else know?”
“i’ve tried to tell my parents but they don’t believe me. they called me a liar and delusional, so i decided to stop trying with them. nobody else knows, i’ve never told any of my past friends either. when i found out about your powers, i thought maybe someone would finally understand. that’s the only reason i wanted to tell you.”
your lip quivers, “you believe me, right?”
truth be told, saiki’s stunned. he wasn’t expecting someone like you to have such an abrasive ability. despite how reclusive and fittingly unnoticeable it is, it was certainly powerful.
he’s jealous. you were able to freely aquire something he wanted- privacy, but he does believe you, afterall he just watched you waltz around him, outside of his keen field of view. 
“yeah, i do.”
you smile, bright and wide- you’re nearly trembling. was being believed that big of a deal to you?
you take a step forward and embrace him, wrapping your arms around his torso as your head presses against his chest. he goes a bit stiff, and glances at the door. “hey, someone might walk in-”
“it’s fine.” you look up at him, meeting his eyes, and oh. your eyes are glimmering, shining greater than he’s ever seen them, “they won’t.”
burying your face back into him, he tenataively wraps his arms around your back. you continue, voice muffled, “’m sorry, you’re the first person who’s accepted me. i’m happy.”
the emotional explanation for your actions ease him a bit, “it’s fine.” he states back.
you finally pull away, and for a brief moment as you lose connection, you flicker out of his view, but you come back in again, placing your hand on his.
“actually, i can touch you while using my power without you being affected by them, but i’m manually using it on you right now.”
“if you touch someone while making sure they still can’t see you, what does that make them experience?” his voice is clear, a bit fierce in tone. you always had trouble reading saiki, but you could tell that this was interest. perhaps he was threatened, but he was certainly intrigued.
“they might whirl around and look who’s touching them and account it to a person around them, but if not, they might think they’re having sensory hallucinations. i can also talk to people, but because my voice doesn’t have any weight to it, it’s almost like a hypnotic suggestion.”
“so you can brainwash people?”
“not necessarily,” you let go of his hand, you must have released your power, your eyes are dark, “if i suggest something to someone and it’s something mild, they’re more likely to do it because it already falls into their line of thinking. if i suggest something bold, they might do it thinking it’s an impulsive thought.”
“most people won’t do extreme things, they’ll read those as intrusive thoughts. but sometimes people think my voice is the voice of god, or a passed on relative, and will do intense things regardless of their judgement. others have poor impulse control, and some are just batshit crazy.”
you sheepishly scratch your head, “but i don’t really like having that much control over people. i don’t want to use my powers to hurt anyone.”
“do you want to use them to help people?”
you pause. it seems you’ve thought about this quite a bit.
“well my powers can’t help people. they give me the ability to help people, but they can’t help people directly. i think it’s a matter of it i’m strong enough to help people.”
“are you?”
“would you hate me if i said no? of course i lend a hand to my friends when they need it, but i don’t think i’m strong enough to really make a difference. i want to live peacefully.”
you look down at your hands, “i wish i wasn’t born with it.”
saiki felt unnervingly softhearted. he struggled empathizing with his peers, but his heart pounded in solemn familiarity. “i don’t hate you for that, i’m the same. having the powers i do means i have the responsibility of keeping the world in peace. people would be jealous of me for the self-fulfilling purposes i could use my powers for, but i don’t want to use my powers to hurt people. i don’t want to help anyone either. i just want to be left alone.”
guilt. guilt was a disease, just like jealousy is. it eats at you from the inside, and creeps up at times least expected. it left both of you hollow and empty.
“i wish i didn’t have powers,” he continues, “i don’t think i’ve ever properly experienced life in the way i’m supposed to, like everyone else has. i’m envious of you, you’ve had a bit more normalcy than me.”
“i suppose we’re equally unhappy, then,” you smile at him. he had been staring out the window, but he turns to looks at you. you’re leaning on the door of the classroom, tilting your head, you ask him a silent “walk home with me?”. 
“i mean,” you begin, “i’ve missed out on a lot. i’ve always had trouble making friends- my powers made it difficult for people to remain interested in me. i’ve gotten pretty good at controlling them, pk academy has been really good to me, but it doesn’t heal the damage it’s caused me.”
your teeth gnaw at your lower lip, “your family is so supportive of you, they love you so much, it makes me angry. i wish i could say the same about mine.”
it wasn’t too empty in the school, but your footsteps were loud and clear, both you and saiki walking in sync. saiki didn’t really know what to say, so he stayed silent. 
sighing, you continue, “i don’t want to be alone, but it’s too easy to be reclusive when that’s where you’ve always been. if you live a life of isolation, making friends is scary and draining,” a grim smile forms on your face, as if you’re trying to comfort yourself.
but saiki does have to admit that the two of you have much more in common than he initially thought. he quietly thinks to himself, perhaps he could use your abilities.
“y/n,” he begins, eyes meeting yours, “will you do me a favor?”
“yeah, what is it?”
he doesn’t like being indebted to people, but he wants to test your limits. you don’t give him the chance to ask, “you want me to use my powers while we walk out together, don’t you.”
his mouth falls a bit open, lips parting, “how did you know?”.
you laugh, “you’re not the only one who can read minds,” and reach out to wrap a hand around his forearm. he raises a brow at you, seemingly amused by your comment. he expected you to take his hand again, but your firm grip on his arm was admitedly unexpected.
he felt his heart skip a beat.
“well? are you doing it?”
“yup, you won’t feel any different though.”
walking down the steps together, people passed the two of you, strangers, familiar faces, teachers. nobody noticed.
the two of you passed toritsuka at the steps, but he paid no mind. “you know,” saiki started, “when i use my invisibility power, that guy can still see me.” 
“can he?” you murmur, your voice a bit low. 
“if it’s easier, you can just think what you’d like to say to me, we can talk that way.”
you squint your eyes in concentration, “like this?” you think to yourself. 
you smile. you continue to hold onto his arm as he changes his shoes. 
“that must be frustrating, that he can still see you.”
he nods. he supposes if toritsuka can’t see you, then aiura probably can’t track you- and him, down either. 
“hold onto my arm while i change mine.”
without breaking contact, he gently wraps his fingers around your wrist. you hastily change your shoes, and slide your hand a bit up, taking his in yours.
“is it neccesary to hold hands?” he asks. his expression was nearly deadpanned, but the slight crease in his brows communicated just enough. he felt sheepish, a bit lost.
“no, but it’s nice.” 
teruhashi stands idly at the exit, waiting, doing her best to gently shake off the boys that surrounded her.
“she’s looking for me.”
“is she? do you want to talk to her?”
you pause. 
“is she the reason you asked me to do this for you?”
he nods.
you turn and head towards the gate, but not before waving a hand in front of her face. you take a deep breath, before exclaiming a loud “teruhashi!”. she whirls around, trying to find the source of the voice, looking rather bewildered.
letting out a hearty laugh, you grin up at him. a slight huff of air escapes his upturned lips.
the two of you slip past the front gate.
“but you owe me something in return, i don’t give out my labor for free!”
he sighs, “what would you like?”
“wait, really? i was joking, you don’t have to do anything for me!” you double down on your demands.
“you say that, but i know you’re secretly hoping i’ll treat you.”
“shit, i forgot you can read my mind. that’s so invasive.” you pout, “not fair!”
“it’s fine, i don’t like being indebted to people, and you did do me a favor like i asked, so i’ll take you somewhere.”
you look a bit nervous, “really? you’re sure?”
“just accept the offer before i revoke it.”
you twirl in a circle, letting go of his hand and hopping a few steps ahead of him. “you’re buying me a nice coffee then!” 
he lunges out to take it again.
and once more in sync, both of your hearts skip a beat.
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
I miss Suga. Scratch that. I miss Agust D. My spirit animal.
I've been thinking about him a lot lately, wondering if his injury isn't an exemption to military service. I wonder if he qualifies, in light of his injury, as an able body. I wonder what their law defines as able body.
I wonder if he passed the legal physical exam and health assessment test when he turned 19, since he's had that injury way before debut. Or if BTS have undergone that mandatory military service assessment since they are all past 19 and what their results are.
Jimin has chronic back pain too. That should qualify him for an exemption to military duty. He can still do desk work if it's that serious.
I should talk to ***** and look into South Korea's law on exemptions to military service.
Moon values the arts and culture industry. There's already been an extension for conscription for the benefit of BTS. Their success and longevity in the spot light perhaps influenced this decision. Should BTS maintain this momentum, an exemption would be inevitable I feel.
I miss them. They've been gone for too long. I'm worried about the impact this is going to have on their popularity if they disconnect from fans for so long or be mechanical about the way they connect with their fans.
I hate the limited access to them. But Scarcity increases the value of a product and it's not surprising if this is the approach BigHit is adopting in the wake of the pandemic.
Limited access not only raises value, it creates demand. Bang PD is a bigbrain marketing genius- I hate it.
They are taking a huge risk with this new marketing strategy. Personally, I'd stick to what works but then I am no marketing guru. Just a consumer who likes to play it safe. I guess I won't be getting hired anytime soon. Fuck.
It's all very fascinating.
What's equally fascinating is the shippers out here on these streets. The Jokers.
I... they confuse the hell out of me sometimes.
How are they going to question my rationality when I talk about moments I feel Jikook are having issues in their relationship or had broken up etc but then have no problem with and even applaud that same rationality when I talk about moments that has led me to believe there is lack of depth in Tae Kook's dynamics or that they are not real by any standard or that another ship in BTS isn't real.
Do I have two minds? Or are they more inclined to be selective in their beliefs based on their biases towards Jikook and against other ships? It's weird.
By the same lens I define Jikook as real, I define Tae Kook or any other ship that includes JK and Jimin as not real. And by that same lens if I feel Jikook aren't together then I'm wrong and irrational?
It really confounds me.
Not sure if they expect me to apply double standards to Jikook in those instances.
I don't think there is right and wrong opinions or perspective when it comes to shipping, but I think if they are right about me being wrong about my perspective on Jikook then I must be wrong about my perspective on any other ship in BTS as well.
I can't be right about one and wrong about another. I'm either right about all or wrong about all.
I can't be 'right' about Tae Kook having 'issues' in their bond in such a way I think it often bars them from fully nurturing their bond and developing depth to it but then be 'wrong' about Jikook also having issues that mess with their bond from time to time when it's the same measurement I use in accessing the depth of bond of both ships.
I really don't understand their way of thinking.
What is right and what is wrong and who decides on that?
I think we ought to substitute right and wrong with 'believe and believable.' The approach to such discourse should be about what one is willing to believe or not believe about certain discussions: I believe this. I don't believe that. Because believes stem from our personal biases towards a subject.
And the people that come running to me with 'look, Jikook smiled at each other in On era so change your mind'
I would except I hear this debate all the time. I wonder if they realize they sound exactly like the Tuktukkers in my DMs trying to convince me Tae Kook is real.
'Look Tae sat on JK's laps! How can you say there is no depth to Tae kook' ' He squished JK's cheeks' 'Jk said he wants to ride with Tae, if there was no depth why did he say he wanted to ride with him'
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I have a feeling Soft Koo is back. The days of Terminator JK might be over. Too bad, I liked terminator JK. He was a bad ass.
I like that he is experimenting with his looks. But I'm glad his Ravi-esque phase is over. I wonder who he is drawing inspiration from this time. He reminds me of Jimin though. There is something peaceful and serene about his looks.
Can't really tell much because Bighit is sitting on tons of footages. I think I need to send a truck to Bang PD HQ.
I don't like that Jimin posted a Vhopemin photo for Tae's birthday. It was cute and all but I don't like it. That shit felt passive aggressive as fuxk. Lmho. What, he didn't have a V or Vmin photo in his gallery? Sounds like someone didn't put much effort in their VMin agenda for this post.
I wonder if he will keep the same energy come JK's birthday. I mean both him and Tae didn't post for him💀
May be I'm reaching on this one. But a single post where V was not even the focus of the post... I think his birthday means a lot to him and he enjoys when people shower him with love and attention and I don't think his birthday is an exception.
And he kept reiterating after such said birthday how he recently discovered he loves to be loved and how he does most of the things he does in order to be loved by his fans, friends and family.
And it breaks my heart that, the headlines read BTS shower X, Y with love on his birthday but the two people close to him were missing from that list this time. The media talks about BTS posting for eachother as them showering eachother with love. Certainly they all know this.
And the fact Jin posted for Tae after Tae's birthday says a lot about Tae and JK. Tae had no intention of posting perhaps because he left JM a message on the packages. With Jin I feel he was overcompensating for not posting for him on his birthday...
JK gets a pass. If JM wasn't happy about him not posting for his birthday, he would have pulled a Jin.
Jimin talking about coming to the realization he loves to be loved makes me think JK withholding his affections openly made him come to the realization he loves to be loved. Just a hunch. And the only reason JK would withhold his affections is if Jimin himself estopps him. Those two give me headaches.
I think I got the closure I needed from this.
LESSON: dont get on JM's bad side and bloody post for his birthday 💀
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Tae been releasing photos of Jimin and Jhope a lot lately. Not sure how that makes me feel either. I think it's beautiful. But when I think about all these beautiful photos he has of Jimin on his phone and how generous he is with them- I think they would have been more meaningful had he released it on JM's birthday. The snow photo he posted still sits in my Vmin heart somewhere.
I really don't like this not posting for each other's birthday business. It's 2021. They need to cut it out.
I feel JK set a bad precedent but personal happiness first so good for him.
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This moment haunts me for some reason.
What was going through V's head. I want to know. RM looks done. Lol.
Jimin is really beautiful. I love his eyes when he smiles and the thing he does with his shoulders.
Some people complain I write a lot. Some say I don't write enough. Ayayayai!!!!!!
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What to do.
I think I accidentally deleted a post.
I'm looking forward to JKK1. Stay Gold, Still with you, Your eyes tell... I hope he hasn't given his best away cos those were bops.
PJM1... oh God I'm nervous. I'm excited for it but nervous. I think Serendipity is a classic. The Christmas song was equally great and frankly the only good Christmas Ive heard so far and I don't even like Christmas- nothing against Baby Jesus I just think it sucks. That bridge in Dis-ease is something.
I want to read his thoughts. His spotify playlist is insightful but I want to confirm if he really sees himself as a mess who is always causing his lover grief.
I mean he did say he has realized he needs to be considerate towards those that love him. Not sure yet the connection there.
I want to read his thoughts.
I love JHOPE. I think his ship with Jimin is beautiful and healing. They make my insides warm. Not sure if their shippers think they are real. Do they? That would be awkward.
I think RM and Jimin need to spend time together... it would be good for them.
Jimin and Sungwoon shippers are alleging Jimin has been staying with Sungwoon all this while. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
But the bit about him living with Sungwoon before the start of Bon V 4 has me🤔
Around that period, I don't believe JM was at the dorms and Jikook were not together then too. He must have been staying somewhere...
I'll let them have that.
But around November 2019 when he was having issues with JK he was staying with Tae too so no I don't think that means Sungwoon is queer or that Jimin is sleeping with him💀
They need to get out of their imaginations.
I think Jikook will drive me crazy one day.
I can feel my cranium swelling.
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JiRose shippers need to pack it up. They really think Jimin is straight? 💀
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It's the bad editing for me.
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That doesn't look like a straight face to me. Unless his butt was on fire and he was uncomfortable looking at that black interviewer, I think that's his flirting face.
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Lately I've been thinking about what ifs.
What if Jikook is not real?
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I wish I believed that.
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Hi :) for the ot3 ask game i hope you don't mind answering multiple ones: 1, 2, 7, 8, 18, 23, 37, 43 for the training trio, ouma/Kaito/maki, komahinanami and sonsoudam? Thanks
Wow!! I get to talk about a lot of them, thank you 💕 Its under the cut because of length~
1) Who fell in love first? Second? Third?
Here is how (I imagine) it going: Kazuichi falls in love with Sonia, Sonia falls in love with Gundham and vice versa, Gundham has a crush on Kazuichi and Kazuichi is going through some internalized biphobia and has a crush on Gundham, Then, Sonia falls in love with Kazuichi 💕
2) Who confessed first and to who? Did they all start dating at once or did one couple happen first?
Answered this one for Sonsoudam right below this ask ☺️
7) Do they sleep in the same bed? If so, who sleeps in the middle?
I always imagined post game, when people start waking up they all sleep in a cuddle pile (Gundham sometimes will sleep somewhere else if its overwhelming) However, for the sake of this question ill imagine the three have their own bed. Both Kazuichi and Sonia switch who's in the middle, Gundham prefers to sleep on the (right) edge because his Devas sleep close to there; in case they need him~
8) Who proposes? How do they propose? Is it impromptu?
Also asked in the previous ask :>
18) Whats your favorite trope about them?
OoO, Hmmm, does "bonding through shares trauma" count as a trope? Does "Wow, I finally have friends after years of not having any- shit shit I've fallen in love???!!" Count as well? I like both 💕
23) What kind of affections do they each show?
Public PDA is very little, as Gundham struggles with it, however they enjoy snuggling on a couch watching a fav show/movie. Sonia, of course, loves when the two of them get closer to her when they watch horror movies. Kazuichi also will give them something he made/fixed up as affected. Gundham will praise what he made (and if he can, give him a kiss on the forehead or hand. If he can't he'll kiss whatever Kazuichi has made) while Sonia will run up and tackle hug him, telling him that it is very good 💕
37) Who says “I love you” first? Second?
Sonia would say the first I love you, then Kazuichi, Gundham would soon follow (though the words might not be the exact 'I love you' but it's clear that's what he means).
43) Who has the cutest laugh? Who tries to get the other two to laugh the most often?
*Sonia and Kazuichi double teams Gundham with either corny animal puns or dressing the Devas in silly outfits to get him to laugh*
Komahinananmi (did spell right? Who knows)
1) Who fell in love first? Second? Third?
They all fall in love around the same time, but deny that the others could be in love with them 😔
2) Who confessed first and to who? Did they all start dating at once or did one couple happen first?
Chiaki confesses to both Hajime and Nagito, then they all find out that they all like each other and the three start to go out.
7) Do they sleep in the same bed? If so, who sleeps in the middle?
Chiaki sleeps in the middle, the most, but on bad days for the other two will switch with Nagito and Hajime so they can get extra cuddles.
8) Who proposes? How do they propose? Is it impromptu?
Nagito plans on proposing [The three are on a big trip, they've talked about marriage before, etc, etc, this seems like a perfect time]- Everything goes wrong, and so he decides to scrap his plan. However, Chiaki and Hajime planned to and now their both bringing out their rings and so Nagito pulls out his (broken) ring and the three laugh
18) Whats your favorite trope about them?
Idk if counts as a trope but: gamer buddies, gamer buddies, gamer buddies
23) What kind of affections do they each show?
Come over here and let me give kiss kiss! Kiss for all three of them!! Nagito will cling to Hajime and Chiaki, Chiaki will rest her head on Nagito or Hajime, and Hajime likes to take both in his arms and hold them
37) Who says “I love you” first? Second?
Chiaki: I love you... I think
Nagito: And I love the Hope inside both of you💕💕
Hajime:... Love you two too... and all your quirks
43) Who has the cutest laugh? Who tries to get the other two to laugh the most often?
Chiaki likes to get Hajime and Nagito to laugh the most, but they both think her laugh is adorable so while she tries to make them laugh they try to make her laugh
Training Trio
1) Who fell in love first? Second? Third?
While I do love Shuichi and Maki falling in love w/ Kaito first... I love the idea of Kaito falling in love first~
2) Who confessed first and to who? Did they all start dating at once or did one couple happen first?
It happened, kinda naturally. They just always were together, and lots of people mistook them for lovers and finally they decided to make it official!
7) Do they sleep in the same bed? If so, who sleeps in the middle?
They all take turns being in the middle, Everyone can get a lil cuddle (as a treat)
8) Who proposes? How do they propose? Is it impromptu?
Maki and Shuichi plan together, But Kaito keep misses the plans (ring in a dessert: he doesn't get the dessert, trying to get on one knee, Kaito helps Shuichi up). Finally, they are like "Kaito!! Look over here and don't move, and they pop out the ring"
18) Whats your favorite trope about them?
I'm unsure? I dont think I have a fav
23) What kind of affections do they each show?
Kaito just tackle hugs both of them at any given time, also ruffles their hair. The three hold hands constantly, Maki will blush if anyone gives her a kiss on her nose
37) Who says “I love you” first? Second?
Maki says it first, then Kaito, then Shuichi 💕
43) Who has the cutest laugh? Who tries to get the other two to laugh the most often?
Kaito constantly gets both Shuichi and Maki to laugh, he finds their laughs equally cute. Also, when they laugh he laughs so 💕💕 win win!
1) Who fell in love first? Second? Third?
Ouma watching as Kaito and Maki get together: 😐😐 (Jealousy~)
But, also Kaito has his little rival/romance happening w/ Kokichi and realised he liked him
2) Who confessed first and to who? Did they all start dating at once or did one couple happen first?
Kaito and Maki began dating and Ouma inserted himself between them and would interrupt their dates.
Eventually, Maki is like "You like Kaito. I like Kaito. Kaito likes me and you. I hate you, but let's make this work for Kaito". Slowly (very slowly) Maki warmed up to Kokichi! They'd never really admit that they even tolerate each other (but they do)
7) Do they sleep in the same bed? If so, who sleeps in the middle?
Ouma is in the middle because, like usual, he just squeezes between the two of them. Maki asks if he has to do it every night
8) Who proposes? How do they propose? Is it impromptu?
Never thought of this tbh
18) Whats your favorite trope about them
Tbh I'm down with almost everything, I just want more content of them
23) What kind of affections do they each show?
The usual, hand holding, kisses, throwing Ouma (affectionately) yknow, the normal
37) Who says “I love you” first? Second?
Kokichi says I love you dozens of times "first" but doesn't count any of them. Maki does officially first, then Kaito. It takes awhile for Kokichi to say an honestly say an I love you
43) Who has the cutest laugh? Who tries to get the other two to laugh the most often?
Maki laughing is always perfect 💕
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JK Rowling, transphobia and a hopefully helpful post.
A few days ago I posted on my Facebook (yes I have one sue me) debunking some of the things Rowling has been saying on twitter. Since she made a statement I felt the need to make another one... but this time Im sharing it here. Please note this is long, it is fairly opinionated in places but her statements have felt so insidious I want to share something in depth. If you are cis I implore you to read, but I understand this is long and a lot of people wont want to. No judgement. 
Jk Rowling’s latest statement is a mess of valid concerns and fear mongering. At this point there can be no claim she doesn’t know what shes talking about - she herself has said shes been researching this for years. She throws in token acknowledgements to “real” trans people while framing the rest of her statements as concern for confused teens.So first things first - and something that might not be popular with some of my trans friends. I agree that teenagers should not be able to medically transition. It is a choice that should be made when the brain is fully mature. Hormone blockers are something I trust - and that are reversible. I have seen enough detransitioned people hurting to feel like we do need to be careful - especially with children who are trying to find themselves. I dont know about other people but during my teens I was coming to the crushing realisation that I wasn’t special. I was learning that no matter how well I painted someone else did it better, no matter how badly I hurt someone had it worse - I was learning about the wonderful mediocrity of life, and having anything that made me stand out gave a brief reprieve from learning to be okay with all these things. For me to be fair it was dying my hair outrageous colours and dressing in black leather during 30 degree summer heat - but its still something we cant forget. I KNOW a lot of kids claiming to be trans are - and I dont want to keep that from them, however I dont want to cause harm to the kids that are wrong. Continuing on, I’d like to address her comments about TERFS. Terfs are Self Described Trans-exclusionary-radical-feminists and the term does get thrown around a little too liberally at times. Terf is not and never will be a slur. No more than “White” is. It is about a group of people who have taken it open themselves to segregate another group - and calling that what it is, is not a crime. The reason Terf and transphobe have become synonomic is because the ‘radical feminists’ that subscribe to this have lost focus on nearly all other issues of feminism and sit squarely on “dropping the T” from the lgbt community and “keeping men out of womens bathrooms.” Terfs are overwhelmingly women - this is sadly simply a fact. Terfs are reviled because of how much it feels like a betrayal to the community. A group that fights for rights - except ours. A group that wants equality - except for us. Its different to the conservatives who hate us all equally - with Terfs we are singled out. Terfs are not, as Rowling claims, inclusionary to Trans-men. I’ve been met with a combination of pity, loathing, mockery and revulsion by people within this group. I’ve been told that I shouldn’t let homophobia push me into transitioning - only for all correspondence to abruptly drop when I mention Im marrying another man. I’ve been told my old body was beautiful - only for stunned silence when I agree. I was beautiful - I was curvy, I was a dancer and had a body to match - but I wasn’t Me. When their usual arguments against me fail - I’m met with hate. Im called anti-woman, traitor, homophobic. I even have some such comments saved on my blog. I have yet to meet a Terf who was pro-trans-man. Rowling claims that had she had the ability, as a confused teen, she may have sought to transition. I hate to tell her but she did have the ability and trans people didn’t pop into existence in the twenty-first century. I’m actually looking to do my dissertation topic in my final year on lgbt presentation throughout history - and in my overeager way I’ve already started researching. James Barry has been becoming a common name for years - a transgender surgeon who died in 1865. If Barry was able to at least socially transition from 1790 to 1860, I am fairly sure Rowling could have in 1980 - over a century later. Rowling also claims that groups of friends in schools all suddenly identify as trans at the same time. Speaking from my school experience - the queer kids group together. We seek out others like us, and we take strength from each others bravery to come out - often around the same time. We almost get a rush of resolve when one of our group musters the courage and strength, and some of us use that rush to bite the bullet ourselves. Its one of the beautiful ways the lgbt community is here for one another - and the influx of people identifying as trans is partially a factor of more people knowing the name of their feelings. Survivor bias will ignore the trans people through history without the knowledge or means to transition - and will claim they were never trans at all. Her initial statements about charities worry me in particular. As I said last time - we know sex is real, we just dont really like to be defined by it. She is worried that we’re going to “rebrand medicine” and ignores that medications for years have had warnings in their leaflets about “If you are or become pregnant” regardless of if the person receiving it has a dick or a vagina. We dont advocate for ignoring the differences in how people respond to heart attacks - and I for one would like research to be done on how hormones effect that. I dont actually know if I would respond more like a cis gender woman or a cis gender man if I were to have a heart attack or a stroke. But where possible we do want to change the language around some of these things. I have had a double mastectomy, but some Cis-men have these as well. This is not a gendered term. Why should a period be called anything else? Why call it a “womens problem.” I and Im sure many other trans people, support the research into how different medical and mental issues affect different sexes. I just think that should be extended further - and we know it should, as some medical issues affect people of different ethnicities in different ways and we don’t know how. I am truly sorry that Rowling has experienced abuse and assault of any nature. I am truly sorry that she has felt unsafe. But her feelings do not invalidate others experiences. Of the trans people I know, a saddening number have been assaulted, have been abused and in particular have experienced these things domestically. There is much work to be done on this in the UK. There are nearly no mens shelters for sufferers of violence to my knowledge. I, a trans man who have experienced some of these things in my teen years, would Not want to be around cisgender women even if I could be. A cis woman was responsible for much of the pain I personally suffered - and in fact one of the acts of violence she carried out against me was directly after I came out as trans to her. Trans women, even if they could go to male shelters, should not have to be surrounded by a group that put them in danger - in a place that is detrimental to them physically and mentally and is frankly degrading. The belief that allowing trans women into shelters for those escaping abuse is dangerous is sad. To be so afraid is deserving of pity. To let fear blind you to the suffering of others - to think its better that a trans woman face homelessness or a return to an abusive household because you personally would sleep better at night is the kind of passive evil we should be aware of in this day and age. It comes from choosing to see the word “trans” before “person.” Its from choosing to see a persons genitals before their humanity. Trans people are not dangerous - and cause no greater risk than any other demographic.  Her claims that she can empathise with this fear are empty. A gender recognition certificate is not a ticket into womens bathrooms. Funnily enough you dont actually require a piece of paper to go almost anywhere. I do not have a gender recognition certificate and use male bathrooms, can enter male spaces as I please. All a gender recognition certificate does is change the letter on your birth certificate. It doesn’t even affect other forms of identification - my passport, my student id, my drivers license all already say male. I am not sure why so many people have chosen this as their hill to die on because its the least relevant thing to them on the planet. How often have any of you seen another persons birth certificate? Rowling says she and other ‘gender critical’ (a terf dogwhistle) people are concerned for trans youth. Well… she can take her condescending concern and direct it to matters that are relevant to her. Trans people want to be left alone. Its a simple request, and yet people endlessly seem to trip over the dirt level bar.
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ablackfangirlwrites · 4 years
1 hour
A/n so this is my last one my little hour series I really hope you guys like it 😬Also here are the others! 
72 hours w/Hawks
48 hours w/Aizawa
24 hours w/Dabi 
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Out of all the people in the world why did you have to be in love with a hero
And not just any hero
Yagi Toshinori aka All Might
The number one hero
You were head over heels in love with him
And even crazier he felt the same way about you
To the point he told you his biggest secret
You truly didnt deserve him
Because the truth was you were a villain
And not just some petty one either
You had done terrible things
You killed people with little to no remorse
And he had no idea
When the two of you first met it was right before you were about to rob a bank
You were checking the place out and he happened to be doing a patrol
"You look troubled ma'am."
Was his first words to you
And you'd be equally in awe and terrified that he of all the heros found you
At first you thought he was there to stop you
But after he asked if you knew directions to some place nearby you realized he was just minding his own business
But that definitely turned you off from robbing the place
And even crazier it happened again the next week at a different place you were going to hit
It was like he knew your next move before you did
And even worst he recognizes you and started to talk
And before you even realized it you found yourself on a date with the number 1 hero
It was odd at first considering how you really made a living
But you couldnt lie something about the heros' personality was magnetic and it made you see the world in a different light
And after a few dates you were had fallen for the man
He made you feel like you didnt have to live a life a crime and it made you experience a happiness you didnt think possible
And he was smitten with you
You didnt even know how you managed to live a double life with him
After the two of you got more serious you stopped being so violent in your crimes but you didny stop with your villainy completely
It was such a big part of your life how could you stop now?
But now it had all caught up with you
You were working with another villain on a job
But they double-crossed you and making a long story short you only had 72 hours to live
Scratch that
You only had about an hour or two left
Up until now you tried everything
You weren't ready to die
You bargained begged and pleaded with everyone you thought could help you
You didnt want things to end this way
But now you were sure you didnt have anymore time
The only thing left was to just die
But what about Toshinori?
What was he going to do? How were you going to tell him? Were you even gonna tell him?
Toshinori knew something was up
He wasnt stupid
Something had been bothering you one night and it kept you up
And the next night you didnt even come home
Toshi knew you had secrets
But he never held them against you after all he had his share too
But in time he knew he could trust you with his
So he was patient enough to wait for you to feel the same
But he felt like this was something entirely different
And it worried him he loved you and truly only wanted to see you happy
And even though he knew there were parts if your life you didnt want him to know about
He wanted you to know he was still there for you
So tonight when he saw you came home he decided to bring it up
You cursed at yourself
How could you have fallen for him
He was so innocent and good...the complete opposite of you
You didnt want to hurt him
So you decided to just write a note and leave it for him
But when you got home you were surprised to see he was already there
"Toshi? You're here...I thought you were still working."
He at you back, "I got done early and decided to make you dinner tonight."
"I know the last few days have been rough for you. I dont know what's going on exactly...but when you're ready you know I'll be here." He told you in a more serious tone
The hero all might was surprisingly romantic in your relationship
And it was often that he made dinner for the two of you
And you saw that's just what he did tonight
You'd be overwhelmed with emotions and start to cry
The guilty and regret of everything would wash over you
You really didnt deserve him at all
"I am so sorry....I wish things weren't this way."
Toshi was alarmed at first and went to hold you but you rejected his embrace
"I have to tell you the truth."
"I have to do at least one thing right in my life and I am so sorry...." You told him through tears
"I'm a villain Toshinori."
The silence that covered the room only broke your heart more
"Is this some type of joke?" He asked you
Which only made you cry more, "No its not."
You cried while telling him the truth
You told him the terrible things you had done in your life of crime
And when you were done you still cried "I've never wanted to hurt you Toshi...I never wanted things to get this far between us...but before I knew it I was in love you with."
All might hadn't said a word
Only sorrow covered his face
"Why are you telling me now?"
Silence filled the room again
"Because...I'm going to die."
You explained how the time villain had attacked you and for the last few days you were trying to find a way to live but now you were out of options
"I've never done a thing right in my life Toshinori..and I know you have to hate me now...and know that-I dont blame you...i lied but you have to know I love you." You cried harder
Toshinori didnt known what to say
He felt betrayed
He felt like he lost his best friend
He felt remorse
How could he have not seen it? He was living and in love with a villain?
A villain he had and other heros had been looking for
Was right under his nose this whole time?
Part of him was even disgusted with himself
But when he saw how scared you looked
He could only think of how he truly wanted to be there for you
"How long do you have left?" He asked in a quiet voice
"An hour? minutes?...im not sure...but it's not long." You told him Sobbing
So with a very heavy heart, All might moved to you and held you in his arms
Which only made you cry more
"I won't pretend that I'm okay with what you've told me...but I don't hate you...I'm just disappointed..."
He held you tighter, "But despite that I still love you..and more than ever you need a hero. So I am here."
His words only made you fall deeper in love with him and made you regret your life choices more
"I am so sorry, I wish things were different I wish I was good."
Toshinori took moment before speaking again, "in the end Y/n you told me the truth...you didnt have to do that...so I know you weren't all bad..."
"Do you mean that Toshinori?" You asked with a little hope in your heart
"Yes I do..."
"...thank you...Toshi....I know you may not be able to forgive me...but I really what you to know I love you so much and you made me want to be better." You repeat to him as you felt yourself blaming
The two of you sat in silence from then on
It wasnt even that long when Toshi realized you were no long breathing
He simply just kissed your forehead and whisper he loved you back
He didnt know how long he sat there with your lifeless body
But the grief over took him and he cried
He didnt even know who you really were
Eventually though he had to get up and take care of the situation
He give what information he could about you to the police
And he even did his own investigation about you
Toshi wanted to know your whole story
He'd fined out you grew up in a household full of petty criminal and deduce you went into that life because you felt you had no choice
If he had tried to open you up to him maybe he would have known and stopped you before you got yourself in that situation
Regret would fill his days
At the fact that he was the number one hero and couldnt even save the person closest to him
And that would be something he'd have to live with for the rest of his life
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that70sbitchsstuff · 4 years
Is it just me or does anyone want to see a crossover between That 70s Show and the ranch. Like honestly I REALLY shkp Jackie and Rooster, I mean how can I not they would make the cutest couple. Imagine this, after season 8 Jackie breaks up with Fez, gets the hell out of point place and goes on a road trip to find something better, something new. Along the way she realised that she's basically broke and finds a small town named garrison. She arrives there at 6am and finds a bar named Maggie's with a help wanted sign, she goes in, walks up to the lady behind the bar and says... "Hey, look I'm just going to be blunt and say I'm normally not caught dead in places like these, but I'm really desperate and need a job and the sign outside says you need my help, so is there a manager I can talk to or something"Jackie said in a somewhat rushed and desperate voice.
The lady looks somewhat offended but also a little amused by Jackie's desperate tone, she didn't look like someone who was strapped for cash, in fact she look really young around 19 or 20. She had, her raven hair curled perfectly,her make-up done to a tee and she was certainly dressed to impress, in nee length leather boots, blue jeans tucked underneath and a clearly expensive red off the shoulder, only slightly baggy sweater and all of this to accommodated by a very pretty face with doll like features, she had big mismatched eyes one brown,one blue, full pouty lips, high cheeks bones but you could see that the girl was hurting underneath her innocent eyes. So the woman looked her up and down, raised her eyebrow, smirked and said....
"What in the hell makes you think ANYONE is gonna hire you with that attitude. Also do you even have the qualifications to work at a bar." The lady said in a thick southern accent. She looked to be in her late 50s or early 60s, her brown hair was short and curly and she had brown eyes and thin lips. She had on a pair of black Jean's, a denim shirt jacket and lilac tee-shrit that hung loosely around her body. In all honesty she looked a little bit like a hippie but she also didn't look like the type to take shit from anyone.
" Oh please" Jackie said offended, as she thought who wouldn't want to hire her."Firstly it's a bar, what 'qualifications' could I possibly need to-
"ok I'm gonna stop you right there" The woman said interrupting Jackie." I think we've been gotten a bit off track here and I'm on the verge of kicking your ass out of here. So I would like to know your name before I do that." She said very falsely sweet voice.
Jackie was taken aback, she was always so used to the 'customer is always right' motto. When she worked in the salon, the motto was practically engraved in to her mind. Her mother had also taught her to expect no less from employees or any kind of staff for that matter because their "basically our servants Jackie, we just dont have to pay them" her mother always said, to say that warped her young mind on how to treat people equally would be a understatement.
Her eyes widened a bit as she stammered out her reply, still a little caught off guard by the woman's bluntness" O-oh umm I'm Jackie, Jackie Burkhart" Jackie said confidently" And I'm sorry if I came on a little strong there, i just haven't gotten the hang of this 'job thing' yet. So what's your name." Jackie asked curiously.
The woman eyed Jackie curiously before giving her an answer.
"Maggie Bennett, and I am the owner of this bar".
After this exchange the two women quickly became acquainted with each other but cant help but be a little stand-offish. Jackie had learned that Maggie has been the owner of the bar for over 20 year which blow blew her mind but also that she was going through some martial issues and had two grown sons. Maggie had found out that Jackie was on something of a self discovery journey (something that Maggie envied) because of troubles back home. She had also learned that Jackie came from money and didn't have alot of job experience. This had helped Maggie in her decision in wether or not to hire Jackie but finally came to a conclusion......
"well kid your only 21, have had just three short job experiences and are pretty clueless when it comes to any manual labour other than fixing a car surprisingly." Maggie said in a toneless voice, which only made Jackie even more nervous. She knew she wasn't that experience but what she lack for in that she gained in determination.
Jackie looked at Maggie visibly worried now, even though she tried to calm her self down, she was afraid that Maggie was going to laugh her out of the building.
"Well...... you've got the job!" Maggie exclaimed happily but before she could anything else out, she had an arm full of Jackie Burkhart squealing happily and hugging the life out of her.
"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!" Jackie squealed gleefully and surprisingly she was really(excuse the language) fucking excited about this job. Because to her this will be her first job out in the real world, and yes you could argue that the cheese palace, the salon and working for that god awful woman who's name shall not be spoken (purely because I forget it), as real jobs but Jackie didn't because they were in that small town, that small town that took everything she loved, that small town that had been suffocating up until she left...she fucking hated that small town.
So she was excited about this new opportunity, this new chance to make something of her self to use her experience out in the rea-" wait, I have very little experience in these types of things, you even said it yourself self! why are you even hiring me". Jackie said curiously and a little self consciously, that was something was new to her.
"Well a number of reasons first one would probably be because you know how to make some pretty complicated drinks" That's right, Jackie remember telling her that she knew how to make alot of different drinks, not only from years of watching her own mother make 'special smoothies' but also from watching Mrs Forman make all different drinks." And well..... I'm low on staff and as long as you promise to not drink any of the alcohol, you can work here." Maggie said a little sheepish.
"Oh ok, well then I promise not to disappoint you and you dont have to worry about me drinking on the job, I'm more of a smoker than a drinker" Jackie said reassuringly"So when do I start."
"Right now" Maggie said "But its only 8AM dont bars usually open at like 6 or 7" Jackie asked confusingly.
"Oh honey not in this town, alcohol is kinda the only thing they have" Maggie said in a tone that was meant to sound jokingly, but something told Jackie that she was serious.
So for the next few hours Jackie worked as a bartender. She met all kinds of different people including some of the regulars. But it wasn't until 6PM when Jackie met the rest of the Bennett family.
Jackie had looked up from her place at the bar and saw three men walk in. The first one being an old man who looked to be in his 70s he full head of white hair and a white moustache, a khaki green button-up shirt and a pair of blue jeans with muddy boots. He had remained her of Mr Forman on account of him having a natural scowl on his face. The second man was tall and build, his face was very sculpted with refined features such as a builded jaw line, he had brown hair and a backwards red cap on, a blue and red check shirt with a grey shirt underneath, black jeans and a pair of muddy uggs that he could NOT pull off. He remained her of Kelso due to the goofy look on his face and the build of his body. The third man had her doing a double take, he looked so much like steven it was almost if he was right there. He had a full head of curly hair (although alot more tame than Stevens) and a bushy beard with squirted blue eyes, he had a light brown leather jacket with a red shirt on, navy blue jeans , with a pair of muddy cowboy boots? Seriously did these men not have any sense of fashion.
"Seriously I cant even shut a truck door right" the second man said flabbergasted. "I'm sure you could why you choose not to is beyond me" the first man replied patronisingly.
Judging by the tone of the conversation Jackie could only assume they were having a fight and honestly the old man reminded her so much of Red Forman that she was waiting for a 'Dumbass' or a 'foot up the ass' comment. Also both men had thick southern accent to them, like Maggie so she assumed they were from around here.
That was when the steven look alike spoke up." Hey, I'm gonna hit the bar. But in case you guys run out of things to fight about.." He paused as if he were about to reveal something important."Colt's Jean's cost 85 bucks" He said as he took his leave. His voice sounded almost like Steven's just older and had a southern accent to it.
As Jackie seen him approaching the bar she turned around and pretended to not have been ease dropping on their conversation.
I will post an update here and on fanfiction.net, hoped everyone liked it.
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH11
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 2,741
- Author Note:I made double update today to make up to the missing weeks! ^^ i appreciate your feedback and comment, just drop in my ASK BOX :)
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Chapter 11 
Journey back to his dorm feels like forever, the night skies were sombre and starless, and it seemed to mock Jin’s current state.  He purposely walked slowly along the empty streets in hope he could eliminate these unimportant worries in him.
When he was first brought into the company, he had zero knowledge and skills. Even though, it was indeed true skills can be shaped over times, but it was not an easy journey for him. He worked extra hard to make himself worthy in the group. Some may find it was ridiculous to scout him and turned him into one of possible Bangtan’s members.
Jin never missed a day excreting his sweat and tears, singing at the top of his lung, dancing his heart out just to ensure he is worth to be called as Bangtan’s members. His visual alone was not enough, he needed more.
Daesang awards were huge for them and up until now they still could not believe how this thing could happen overnight. They worked their ass off for years, not they wanted to brag and claimed they were better than other idols out there. Different people has different struggle in life. Each of the members has their own struggle too, including him.
He’s aware of the hatred thrown to them over the years, but the support from Armys manage to cover that up. Jin smiled to himself at the memories that he shared with the members and Armys. He would never get tired performing on stage, something that he would do forever.
His attention shifted to a store across the road. Absentmindedly, he crosses the road with a wide grin plastered across his face, there stood huge Bangtan’s standee in their Puma’s outfits. To be frank, he was proud of their achievement. Sometimes, it fascinated him to see their faces everywhere in the city.
It was too much to be called as a dream.
It was real.
“You did great” he whispered under his breath, and he took few more minutes to stare blankly at the standee in front of him. It felt like they had fulfilled the impossible in life.
Tapping his finger on the glass where his standee stood handsomely “You never cease to amaze me Kim Seokjin, good looking as always” he complimented.
When it came to self-compliment, Jin knew the drill.
It somewhat helped him to go through rough times in life, a little self-confident that is all he needed. Then, he would face even the hardest hurdles in life without any single whine.
Pinching the bridge of her nose to ease the ache, Seul sighed tiredly, scanning the now organized place with a wide grin “That took me forever!” she stretched a little. Unlike yesterday, she went a little later than usual, because she had to serve an early shift considering Wongeun is out of town for a week.
Checking every nook and cranny of the place, Seul entered that one room which she hated the most, Jin and Suga’s room. As irrelevant as it might sound, the room alone sent tingle down her spine. It brought back to that day when Yoongi and her just.. let’s stop it there. How it was not easy for her to just ignore this thought away, but they were talking about a kiss that they shared. Unintended kiss.
Seul walked pass Yoongi’s room and went straight to Jin. Crouching down in front of the cages where he kept Odeng and Eomuk, Seul decided to feed those two little not so innocent creatures. If it weren’t for them, the thing with Jimin would not happen.
Speaking of Jimin, it rendered her speechless. The topic of Jimin and Yoongi are something that she wanted to avoid for the rest of her life.
“Let’s eat Odeng-ie.. Eomuk-ie…” said Seul gleefully. Setting the food on floor, she sat down cross legged while her fingers fiddles with the lock. As soon as she unlocked the cage, the two siblings sprinted out happily and went straight to their source of happiness.
Seul strokes the top of Odeng head with her finger softly not wanting to scare it away “Eat well, you are so adorable” she giggled.
She then plugged her buds and tuned to some random songs like RM’s Mixtape whom she chose to ignore at first but only to fail her. It was not easy to completely ignore good songs especially Bangtan Sonyeondan’s songs. She had to admit this one fact that they were genius including Min Suga. The honesty in the songs that they produced gave life to her dull self. Guess, their songs are becoming Seul’s main therapy.
Letting out small chuckle, she watched the siblings fought for food and went around and round like a happy kid “It must be less hassle for animal like you. You have nothing to worry off, only to survive in this harsh world. That is not until you find the best owner that can love you without boundaries, then you are set to go” she whispered, giving Eomuk’s small head a soft pat.
After spending for good 30 minutes monitoring Odeng and Eomuk , Seul decided to call it a day, keeping them back into the cage. “We will play again tomorrow, I hope your Jin daddy would not be mad at me. Don’t tell him” she giggled.
Tapping her hand together, she rose up leaving the room silently. To her surprise, she was welcomed by the dark room. Seul tilted her head in confusion “Did I turn off the light? I don’t remember doing that” scrutinizing the room to find any sign of soul inside.
Seul turned her heels to serve the food that she cooked earlier on the table, the boys would be back anytime. With a light heart, she hummed to Bangtan’s songs while keeping her hand busy until everything is arranged perfectly.
A loud bam coming from the front door surprised her, Seul cursed mentally knowing what might come to her. Will she face another nonsense moments with one of the members again? Screw this, meaning it was a sign for her to leave immediately without them knowing. However, it was rather weird that she didn’t catch any commotions from the front considering how loud the boys could be sometimes.
                    It was a long silent only sound of light footstep could be heard across the room.
Her eyes eyed her stuff that lied helplessly at the corner of the room, thankfully it was away from prying eyes. Stealthily, Seul made her way without making any sound so she could leave instantly. As she was about to gather herself again and flee from the scene, her ears perked up, those sound of soft sob drew her attention from her stuff.
Who is crying? Her brows knitted together. Seul got up, bailing her earlier plan to escape. She was more interested in finding the source of that soft voice. To her, it sounded broken and for an odd reason her heart clenched in pain.
Her heart pounded as she searched for the owner of the sad sob. Due to the darkness in the room, she didn’t even realize the soft thing beneath her “Oh my god, im s-“her eyes shot open upon her skin made contact with the thing there.
His head was buried in his knees turning him into a fragile kid who feared the darkness.
Jin head snapped at the friction, and he looked at Seul with confused look. Even in the darkness she could see his eyes glistening with tears, something told her, he was indeed broken inside. “Who…are you…” in comparison to her encounter with Jimin, this one with Jin was rather calm. Most probably Jin was more mature and think a little rationally, she supposed.
His voice was raspy and gruffy, and Seul continued to stare at him in confusion and concern. He was supposed to flip out or scared at least because after all he found a stranger in the same room as his. Why would he act all calm and alright? Could Yoongi or Jimin told everyone about her existence? That could be it judging from Jin’s ignorance.
“Are you urm alright?” Seul inquired timidly.
Jin nodded slightly as his kept his meaningful gaze making Seul recoiled in her stance “You are Mrs Hwang’s daughter?” Jin mumbled. “I think I saw you before, that eyes” his lips were pressed into thin line trying to recall the memories.
“I don’t remember meeting you” she blinked.
He shifted, and even his little movement got her nervous. Seul stared blankly at Jin’s hand, he held out his palm to her direction as if like an offer but what was that for again. She hesitantly reached her right hand to his warm one, and Jin’s strong grip almost knocked her down.
Using Seul weight as a support, he pushed his body up, standing straight with a soft sigh.  
“Never mention this to other” he warned.
“I..dont have any intention on telling anyone. Urm.. I will probably just go” she pulled her hand away from Jin’s grasp. Now she missed the emptiness and warmth that she felt earlier. Why was she like this? Was she that desperate for a touch?
Nothing came from Jin, so she took the cue to walk away before anyone else appeared and she didn’t want to be cornered by the group. This was not the time to be investigated. He reached around and took hold of her wrist gently but firmly causing the girl to turn her body again facing Jin “Can I have a cup of hot tea?” he blurted out.
Seul was losing her words, first Jin was too beautiful and secondly the words coming from his mouth alone got her heart flipping weirdly here and there. Crazy Ji Seul.
“Su..re…I will get it for you” she coughed softly, slowly slipping away. She could feel his gaze throw daggers through her head. Was he always that calm? However, he looked like he was over all shits in life. Did something happen to him? Where were others?
The atmosphere was rather awkward, glancing over the man across her, Seul mentally complimented Jin’s visual. It was her first time seeing him up close, so it was fascinating to see the popular guy who became a talk of town due to his overflowing charms. She had to agree that Jin is dashing and super good looking.
Jin took a long sip from his hot tea, it helped to comfort his heart.
Finally breaking the silence, Jin let out an exhaust sigh garnering Seul attention “So are you a fan?” he looked up meeting her bewildered stare.
“Mmm.. not really? I listen to your songs though” she replied abruptly.
“Are you sure you are not a sasaeng?” he raked his fingers in his hair not breaking the contact with Seul. Jin was studying her diligently, since he only heard the story from Yoongi and Jimin. He had no choice but to believe Yoongi’s theory. When he first heard it from Jimin few days ago, Jungkook and him was shocked that it matched Yoongi’s story. Leaving them with no choice, they decided to trust Jimin and Yoongi, therefore just like that the rest of the members were being informed about this Mrs Hwang daughter situation. Well, minus their managers of course.
The boys decided to take this matter in their own hands. If what Seul told them was the truth, then what choice did they have. The caretaker ahjumma had been awfully nice to them, the least they could do was to seal the secret away from their managers and Bighit.
Depending on the root of the story and it validity, of course.
“Do I look like that ‘oppa please notice me juseyo~’ kind of girl” Seul mimicked a fangirl voice and rolled her eyes.
The corner of his lips was tugged into a small smile “It is too much a coincidence that you are the caretaker ahjumma’s daughter, how can we trust you?” he pressed.
“That is up to you, I am here to do my job as requested by my mother. And if it weren’t for her, I would not be here invading your so called personal space. I think I explained to that Suga guy and some weird guy who go around the house shirtless” she stopped, hissing under her breath for spouting nonsense in front of Jin.
“Weird guy who wander around the house shirtless? What exactly happened to you and Jimin?” he raised his brows with a deep frown.
Seul flustered “Nothing. I thought he told you everything considering the first thing that came out from you was ‘Are you Mrs Hwang’s daughter?’. Didn’t rude Suga tell you everything?” she snorted hoping Yoongi would not reveal the kisses.
“ Rude Suga” Jin shook his head in disapproval, “That is offending me Miss Mrs Hwang’s daughter” he exclaimed.
“Heol, I admired your strong bonds with Suga” she looked at him disbelief. Then the table turned silent again, as they were deep in their own thought trying to decipher things around them. On the other hand, Jin was too exhausted to start another mouth fight. For now, he trusted her seeing how she acted. Seul was definitely not a fan or worse sasaeng fan.
Seul cleared her throat easing the awkwardness “So, what happen back then?” she chewed her lower lips.
Not expecting the question from Seul, Jin face felt and now he returned to his sombre self “That one..i am having that moment where my mental shut down by its own. It is unavoidable and make me feel shitty. I feel like I have achieved something in life, but it still fails me” he murmured.
“Whatever happen to you, remind yourself that no pain comes without a purpose. You just have to move on from what is hurting you, yet don’t you ever forget the things that it taught you. Jin-ssi, just because you are struggling doesn’t mean you are failing. Every great success that you achieve now is a worthy struggle for you. Then, you realize that the hurdles that you face is not found on the path, it is the path itself. Do not be afraid to get up again and to try. I know you are worthy to be in Bangtan. Everyone does.” She exhaled softly.
He couldn’t take his eyes off her, and the lecture began to sound like a melodious music to his ears. Jin stared at her wide eyes as if it was some kind of joke that this person whom he just met could read through him like an open book. He found the strength to smile again afterwards which flustered Seul. She will never get used of Jin’s good look, it was dazzling.
“That takes my breath away..Mrs Hwang..mm?” before he could continue with the long nickname that he gave her, Seul blurted “It is Seul. Ji Seul” she smiled awkwardly.
“Seul..” he hummed with a shy smile.
“It is like you could read through me, thank you for that. I appreciated it Seul-ssi” he stretched out his hand to the cup direction, taking a short sip from it again while eyeing Seul. He remembered now where they first met. It was the elevator girl looking confused and broken. So, that was her.
“I need to go back, it is late. I don’t want to cause any uproar when the rest came in. This maybe probably our first and last meeting Jin-ssi. I will perform my job under the radar from now on” she professed.
Jin flinched upon hearing her random blabbered, Seul got up from her seat bowing politely “There are food for everyone, urm except for Suga” she patted her lips and scolded it making the older guy chuckled.
“I didn’t mean to sound bias but he…nevermind. I will take my leave now” she rubbed her neck, gathering her stuff and exited the area before she made fun of herself in front of him. Her steps came to a stop halfway to the living room, and without turning back to Jin “And, Jin-ssi.. Remember before anything, to be yourself and love yourself. It is the recipe to happiness” Jin tilted his head staring at her back with genuine smile. There was astounding power flowing in this room the likes of which he had never felt before.
“We will meet again for sure Ji Seul”
This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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jungkookiebus · 5 years
Chemistry | knj
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This is part of the BSC 1st Anniversary Drabble Request Exchange!!
Scenario: hybrid au + Namjoon + hybrid him and hybrid reader go to a school for hybrids, they’re vice president and president and maybe they both have a crush on the other but dont know about the other’s crush (some jealousy would be cool 🥰 thanksss 💜) Word count: 3.6k Pairing: hybrid!Namjoon x hybrid!reader Warnings: unprotected sex (stay safe!), little bit of ol’ dirty talk
You pulled the poster down angrily as your tail twitched furiously behind you. Ears laid flat, you stood, fuming, in the middle of the hallway.
“____?” Haeun asked, nervously. “Everything okay?”
“Absolutely not.”
Haeun, being a bunny hybrid, was timid in comparison to your feline attitude. You were the only panther hybrid in your school, and everyone was afraid of you. You weren’t sure why, but that was just how the gavel fell. Haeun had been your friend since childhood, enduring the hardships of being hybrids together. Even now, hybrids were segregated to their own schools.
You were currently in the running for senior class president with your arch enemy, Namjoon, a wolf hybrid. You had been at odds for years, vying to be on top of your class and each time he seemed to get the best of you, even though you were equally matched.
“Why does he feel the need to try for everything I want?!” You crumpled the paper in your hands and threw it into the nearest trashcan.
“I think he knows it gets to you,” Haeun interjected.
“Of course, he knows it gets to me. Smug jerk.”
You spotted him across the cafeteria laughing amongst the rest of the baseball team and sneered at his stupid, boyish smile. For someone so cute, he was the most annoying.
“I’m getting this.”
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The next week called for a student council meeting of the current board and to establish rules and school functions promoting the election. You crossed the mostly vacant room and planted yourself in a desk closest to the windows, hoping to avoid talking to anyone. You were staring out of the window waiting for the others to arrive when you felt the downy swish of a tail brush against your arm. Before you even turned your head, you were painfully aware of who had just sat next to you.  
“_______,” his smooth voice swept across your mind like rain.
Twisting in your seat and narrowing your eyes, you flattened your ears and looked at him through pierced eyes.
“Namjoon,” you said with a snarl.
“You’re cute when you’re pissed.” You knew he was messing with you, egging you on and trying to get a rise from you.
Your ears perked back up and your tail wrapped around your midriff as you turned back towards the windows.
“Hey, come on, it was just a joke. How about we try getting along for once?”
He reached out to touch your arm and you immediately withdrew and snarled at him.
“Not likely, Namjoon.”
His eyebrows rose in curiosity, but he didn’t seem deterred by your behavior.
“You don’t scare me.”
“Everyone is afraid of you. You keep up this façade,” he said gesturing towards you, “but you’re not as scary as you look or Haeun wouldn’t be friends with you.”
“What do you know?”
“I’ve known Haeun for years and she’s not friends with just anyone.”
“You don’t know me.”
“I’d like to.”
“No thanks.”
“Suit yourself,” he said as he settled back into his seat, tail swishing lazily across the floor.
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The rest of the weeks were pure torture as the election went on. Polls were not in your favor and you were trying your hardest to at least win something over Namjoon for once. No matter how much you smiled, talked to people, or tried your best to win them over, your numbers were not going up. Wholesome, all-around Namjoon was stealing your votes and you couldn’t understand how.
One day, you decided to approach him as he walked to his car.
“Hey, Namjoon!”
He turned in surprise at the sound of your voice and smiled widely.
“Is the pretty panther talking to me for once?”
“Cut the shit. How are you doing it?”
“Doing what?”
“Getting all of the votes.”
“Uh, well, same as you, talking to people and working events.”
“But you’re winning.”
“Look, ______,” he said with a sigh, “I’m going to break it to you, you’re not the nicest person.”
You looked at him, affronted.
“Okay, fuck you.” You turned to walk away, but he quickly grabbed your wrist and you felt the goosebumps rise on your skin.
Turning back, he was looking at you seriously.
“I’m trying to help you.”
“Forget I asked,” you said walking away. Namjoon didn’t call out, nor did he follow you.
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Your forehead hit your desk with a thud as the results were announced over the intercom. Namjoon had gotten president and you had gotten vice. Yet again, Namjoon had beaten you. Haeun chewed on her bottom lip but didn’t say a word because she knew better than to try to comfort you. You were short-tempered and your feline instincts were to act in disdain and anger.
“This isn’t going to affect me,” you said as you rose from your desk.
“Wait, you’re not mad?” Haeun was quickly following behind as you made your way to first period.
“I’m fuming.”
Haeun stopped in her tracks and didn’t follow you further as you walked to chem. What sucked about all of this was that you had first period with him, and he was your lab partner. The universe was a cruel mistress when it came to your fate. You slid onto your stool next to him without a sideways glance as you dropped your bag on the floor.
“Congratulations.” His deep voice resounded in your ears.
“Same to you,” you said still looking ahead to the front of the class.
“Going to the dance this weekend?”
You shrugged, not really wanting to have casual conversation with him right now.
“Maybe I’ll see you there?”
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“Absolutely not,” you said as Haeun held the black dress out to you.
“It’s hot.”
“It’s egregious.”
“You’ll make Namjoon look twice.”
You did a double take as you stared at her with wide eyes.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, come on, _______,” she said flopping down on your bed, “I’ve seen the way you look at him.”
You sputtered as you tried to quickly defend yourself, not making it look better.
“I do not like him. We hate each other, why would you say that?” You were pacing around your room, flailing your arms and all Haeun could do was smirk and lie back on the bed, watching you flounder.
“Look at yourself, you’re so flustered you can barely talk.”
“Okay, he’s cute, but that’s it.”
“Suit yourself, but you should really wear that dress.”
Haeun gave you a smug look as you resigned and walked to the bathroom, dress slung over your shoulder.
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“I feel ridiculous,” you said as you walked into the crowded gym. You pulled at the hem of the dress, willing it to magically become longer as you slouched.
“Stand up straight, you look like a sick giraffe.” Haeun wore a cute pink dress that accented her equally cute personality. Her soft, furry ears glistened in the low lights of the gym and her nose twitched excitedly.
You stood to full height, a good foot over Haeun, and glanced around the gym. You spotted Namjoon right away with a pretty junior you recognized but couldn’t bother to remember her name. You felt a flush course through you that felt oddly like jealously, but you quickly dampened it.
“Let’s get a drink,” you said pulling Haeun along behind you.
The crowd parted as you made your way through, receiving ogling looks from both boys and girls alike.
“Told you that dress was a good idea,” you heard behind you.
“Shut up, Haeun.”
You heard her laugh as you reached the table, grabbing two cups and handing one to her.
“Prince charming is coming this way.”
Before you could turn around you heard his low voice behind you.
“Well, hello, Miss Vice President.”
His eyes raked from the tips of your toes to the tips of your ears.
“Can we help you?”
“I was just coming to say hi.” The small cat hybrid beside looked at you with disgust, but he wasn’t looking at her.
“Hello and goodbye. Looks like your date is pissed.”
Namjoon looked at the girl beside him like he had just remembered she was there. “Ah, well, enjoy your evening ladies.” Haeun nodded and raised her cup as he walked away.
“He just eye fucked you hard.”
Your drink almost came out of your nose. “God you’re crude.”
She shrugged before continuing to drink and scanned the dance floor.
“I’m gonna go see if Yoongi wants to dance,” she said setting her cup down.
“The fox hybrid? That’s, like, a natural enemy to you.”
“Oh my God, I can’t with you, bye.” And she was off before you could protest, basically hopping as he sidled up next to Yoongi.
This night couldn’t get any worse for you. You quickly dipped into the shadows of the perimeter of the gym and snuck out the doors leading to the empty corridors of your school. Why you had agreed to come to this stupid dance was beyond you, but it was expected of the class vice president after all. You ducked into the all too familiar chemistry classroom you had every first period. Sighing, you walked to your normal table, sitting down to breathe. That was when you heard the door click shut softly behind you. Hair raised, you turned in the direct of the sound only to find Namjoon looking at you curiously.
“Are you following my every move now?” you asked him, annoyance evident in your voice.
He held his hands out defensively as his ears laid back.
“Whoa, no, I was coming to check on you.”
“I don’t need saving.”
“I’m not saving you.”
You both stared each other down for a few seconds too long.
“Why are you here then?”
He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Like I said, I was checking on you.”
“Thanks, now you can go,” you said turning back around in the stool.
A few seconds later and you felt the ghost of his breath against your neck, causing every hair on your body to stand on end.
“You look really good in that dress,” he whispered.
You gulped audibly as his fingers ghosted up your arm and came to rest on your shoulder. You couldn’t help the shiver that ran through your body and he noticed right away.
“Am I reading the signs wrong or are just as into me as I am into you?”
Your mouth felt parched, as if you hadn’t had water in years. Was this really happening right now? You were supposed to hate Namjoon. Your hands gripped the edge of the table nervously as you laughed; the sound coming from your mouth very unconvincing.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you stammered. Your tail flicked nervously behind you, brushing against his legs.
His hand came around to cup your jaw so that he could turn your face towards him.
“I think you know exactly what I’m talking about,” he said as he placed a small kiss to the corner of your mouth.
Involuntarily, your mouth fell open and he turned his head to fully envelop yours with his, tongue immediately moving against yours. He moaned as he got the first taste and he was not disappointed; the sweet, tangy flavor of the punch was still on your tongue as he flicked against it. You turned in the stool and grasped the lapels of his blazer as you pulled him closer to you, spreading your legs as much as you could in the dress and pressing him against you.
“Feisty, huh?” he laughed against your lips.
“Just shut up,” you said kissing him once more. His hand traveled the length of your thigh but stopped at the hem of your dress. Throwing all caution to the wind you spread your legs further, causing the dress to ride up as well. He squeezed your inner thigh as his lips moved to your neck, your head moved to the side to give him more area. Brushing his fingers lightly against the fabric of your panties, he sucked and bit into the skin below your ear.
“God, I want to fuck you,” he moaned.
“Then do it.”
He seemed surprised as he pulled back to look at you.
“Don’t act like there hasn’t been sexual tension between us.”
He looked at you as if to say you weren’t wrong. Maintaining eye contact and quicker than you were able to notice, he had two fingers shoved into the side of your panties and into your awaiting cunt. You had already started to get wet, but this sealed the deal as he pushed his fingers in further, watching your reaction as you gripped the table with one hand while the other was still buried in the fabric of his blazer.
“Fuck, Namjoon, warn a girl.”
“I wanted to see your face.”
“What…w-what about y-your date?” You were finding it hard to form words as he pumped his fingers in you as he lazily brushed his thumb over your clit.
“Oh, her? She’ll be okay.”
Only the after hour emergency lights lit the room and Namjoon loved the way he could see your face half-shrouded in darkness, almost as if he were watching a noir film play out in front of him. Your eyelashes fluttered against your cheeks and casted soft shadows.
“God, you’re beautiful,” he said as his lips brushed along your cheekbone.
Your ears twitched in embarrassment as your tail came up to wrap around your waist. His other hand grabbed it softly and pushed it away as you relaxed.
“Don’t be so tense.”
You sighed as his lips came to yours, fingers still working you open slowly. His lips were gentle, soft against yours and you wanted to fall into the feeling forever. In the back of your mind you wondered why you hadn’t given in to this type of pleasure sooner.
“How do you want me to fuck you?” he whispered.
Your eyes rolled back, and your cunt clenched down around his fingers as he asked you the question.
“I don’t care,” you said breathlessly.
“Oh, come on,” he tutted, “use your words.”
He curled his fingers upwards against your g-spot and you gasped loudly; the sound seemed to echo in the empty room. Your palms began to sweat as you grasped at the slick surface of the lab table, thighs quivering, and your feet slipped off the rung of the stool.
“I want you to bend me over this table so that every time we have class, I think about it.”
Namjoon groaned and you felt his cock, hard in his pants, brush past your knee.
“Fuck, if I knew you had such a dirty mouth on you, I would have tried to fuck you sooner.”
He pulled his fingers out of you, grabbed your wrist, and jerked you upwards into a standing position. His lips were on yours once more as he pulled your tight dress up past your hips as you shimmied your underwear off yourself. You fumbled with his belt for a few seconds before you were pushing his pants down.
“Wow, no underwear?” you asked as his cock sprung free immediately.
“Didn’t feel the need,” he purred.
You grabbed his cock in your hand and reveled in the growl burning at the back of his throat. Just as languid as he, you worked your hand over his cock until he pushed into you. His hand came up to your throat as kissed you in a rush, tongue exploring as he pushed you against the lab table.
“Turn around,” he demanded while grabbing your hips, helping you along.
He pushed, hard, into the middle of your back, forcing your upper half onto the table as he spread your legs for a wider stance. Holding the base of his cock, he rubbed it between your folds, gathering the wetness that was now threatening to drip down your thighs. You moaned at the feeling of him rubbing against you and you wiggled your ass to hurry him up.
“I can’t wait to be inside of this pretty pussy,” he said bending over you, hand on the table beside your head, and slowly thrusting against you. “You know how many times I’ve thought of taking you in various places around school?”
Every inch of your skin was aflame as if a fire had been lit from within. A mix of embarrassment and arousal rushed through you like a wave; he was being so open with you and you weren’t sure how to respond.
“Dogs aren’t supposed to like cats,” you said looking at him through your peripheral.
He laughed as he bent down some more, nose in your hair, sniffing lightly before rubbing his face against yours.
“Well, I like this particular kitten.”
You both groaned in unison as he entered you. The stretch was far from uncomfortable; this was the best you had felt in ages. His hand was still planted firmly on the table as he began to fuck you with purpose. You felt his tail twitch and brush against your calves at each thrust. His face was in your hair once more, inhaling deeply as he moaned.
“You smell so fucking good. I’ve always wanted to be this close to you. Did you know you give off the most intoxicating pheromones?” His thrusts slowed but hit deep. Your eyes rolled back as he brushed against your g-spot.
Your hands slid across the smooth tabletop as you tried to hold yourself; your palms leaving sweaty prints in their wake. Namjoon lifted your right leg up behind your knee to deepen his already dangerous thrusts; it was almost like he had known your body forever.
“I need you to fuck me harder,” you begged.
Namjoon looked around him and to one of the lower tables that was wheelchair accessible.
“Move,” he demanded as he slipped out of you and pushed you towards the table. He guided you to lay flat on your back, legs hanging from the table. He positioned himself between your legs, grabbed your ankles and pushed until the heels of your feet were on the edge. He wasted no time before he was sliding back inside of you once more, hands back on your ankles as he pulled your legs to his shoulders. You cried out as he thrust faster, balls slapping against you.
“Is this what you wanted?” he asked through gritted teeth.
You tried to grab onto something, anything, but all you were hitting was a discarded textbook and the knobs of the built-in sink.
“Fuck.” You felt as if you were gasping for air, your body trying desperately to keep up with what was happening.
“Touch yourself.”
You popped three fingers into your mouth before bringing them down to your clit and rubbed fast circles. Your back arched off the cool tabletop as he gripped tighter to your legs and buried his cock as far as it could go.
“I’m gonna come.” You were practically in tears. Namjoon was watching you in such sharp focus that everything else around him seemed to fall away. In that moment, neither of you were enemies nor being two different species of hybrid mattered. Your ears were flat against your dark hair and you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. You clenched down hard around him as you came, mouth falling open and then closed again as you ground your teeth together to stay quiet. He fucked you through your orgasm and slowly pulled out of you.
“Look at that, you creamed all over my cock, baby,” he said as he started to pump himself, using your cum as lube.
You sat up on your elbows to witness the mess you had made before looking at Namjoon who was completely fucked out and fucking himself into this own hand. You reached forward, grabbed him behind his head and brought his mouth down to yours in a hard kiss that was less methodical and more chaos. Your post orgasm high had you moaning into the kiss as Namjoon’s hand worked over himself faster and faster. Images of you coming around him spurred his orgasm to a quick peak as he came, hot, on your cunt and thighs. His moans came out almost as a deep growl as his cum leaked down your skin and he backed up; steps almost faltering.
“Fuck,” he laughed. “I never thought this would happen.”
You sat up, reaching into a drawer on the table that you knew held paper towels. “Yea, well, neither did I.”
Namjoon grabbed the roll from you, pulling several off before wiping you down.
“So where do we go from here?” he asked.
“Back to the gym?”
He laughed once more as he gathered your belongings. “You know what I mean.”
“Oh, back to being mortal enemies I guess.” You pulled your underwear back on as he did up his belt.
“_______,” he said, exasperated, “I’m being serious.”
“I like you, okay? As much as I hate to fucking admit it, I like you.” A triumphant grin spread across his face at your admission. “But I’m not jumping into this.”
“Uh…I don’t know what you call this,” he said gesturing between the both of you, “but I think we already did.”
“Relationship wise, you goose.”
“You know, I’ve never met a goose hybrid.”
You slapped his shoulder as you pushed your way past him and to the door. You pulled it open and turned to look at him, hand grasping the wood. You made direct eye contact with him and then looked over towards the table before looking at him once more.
“See you in chemistry on Monday?” you asked rhetorically as you walked out, leaving a smiling Namjoon behind.
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incarnateirony · 5 years
you know what’s scarier than the current state of america and the naziesque history of it? 
nothing, beyond fuller context.
i don’t think a lot of people realize, really, that hitler didn’t start with death camps. In fact, his own descendants -- who by NO means condone him -- even have pretty solid record that he wasn’t the one who ordered them first, “just” concentration camps -- which is awful and inexcusable. 
but when conditions got overpacked and overcrowded while he and his wife and dogs were vacationing on the beach or golfing or whatever people opened camps and by the time he heard about it he was like “Wait-?” “Well what did you want us to do with all of them” 
again before I get reamed, let me say this is by no means condoning or excusing him. Hell, in the end he still permitted death camps, but people seem to think we jumped straight from Hitler to death camps and that isn’t what happened.
we are literally one administrative under/oversight away from this. Literally one. Meanwhile, CBP and ICE FB groups of employees have leaks of them saying, and doing, and encouraging terrible things and flagrantly mocking death. we’re right there. We are LITERALLY at that cusp.
citizens are being held or deported. Right now it’s “rare”, or at least hearing about it is, but it’s happening. People have died, just not by active oven or execution. Yet. That we know of. 
We don’t know if we’ll find mass graves in the desert in a few years. We don’t know if Trump or one of his big names will turn around and find one of the more obscure locations are actively killing people because “well what did you want us to do with all of them it costs too much to send them back” or some equally ridiculous inhumane bullshit. We’re one group of psychopathic assholes making a decision before Trump hears it, and goes, “Wait, what?” before going “You know what, I can turn this into my next campaign/slogan/part of my propaganda,” just like Hitler did.
That’s the terrifying thing. We’re literally teetering right there.
This is an inflammatory topic to talk about because people love reading in bad faith online and think someone is somehow excusing hitler to address this part of history -- there is no excuse, it’s inexcusable, and in the end, he ultimately did condone it. But the death camps didn’t start with his order to kill, that came from other branches of administration, his orders started at the camps and deportation/detention and the general treatment therein. 
Yeah, I do, actually. Mostly because I’m very close to the family that has the misfortune of being directly related to him and fled to the goddamn US and truncated their name to be Schicklgruber??? I DONT KNOW HER SORRY MY NAME IS GRUBER -- and some are very closely lineaged.
They don’t valorize him, again. But they keep memories and journals and all kinds of things that showed the decay of him as a person, and then what happened in the political trail, and america is literally RIGHT. FUCKING. HERE.That he just didn’t sprout up out of the goddamn ground as a fucking demon with a stupid moustache, that there was a path he took, and a path his nation took, and we. are. walking. that.
How can we actually account for what’s happening to all of these people? ARE WE EVEN SURE WE AREN’T THERE YET? 
BECAUSE. ONE ASSHOLE DECISION. That someone with trump’s megalomania would just wave away and build into a platform as justified for a sycophantic fanbase to make excuses for and condone. And. I’M. NOT. OKAY.
Sorry I just... had to rant, because this whole “but they’re not DEATH camps how DARE you compare Trump to Hitler” attitude just makes me want to throw hands.
related but adjacent the irony of how steeped in this racism and homophobia the central alabama area is doesn’t evade me after Birmingham literally used WWII to recover from the depression. I happened to visit Vulcan today with my wife and they have an attached museum (that actually openly discusses the racist history of Birmingham, from old mines to MLK to whatever) but there’s a section about the iron industry here that literally was playing a black and white news clip called Magic City News from back in the day that was one giant propaganda clip but I guess a good one, since it was all about fighting the racist nazis to revitalize the economy. And now here this region FUCKING is, BLINDLY repeating it on our own soil. But I guess they won’t get paid to build bombs and upgrade planes to fight the US itself, so le shrug, goes capitalistic america. And realistically, the ad was only vaguely handwavy about fighting the nazis but entirely focused on the capitalistic value of it for the area which y i k e s 
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sunnyvaiprion · 6 years
Since my followers happen to like Julius here’s another Julius as a unit in FEH appreciation long post because I said so.   
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You already know it but I think Julius is just absolutely crazy, but I’m constatly reminded of that in real life, like I just went against yet another pulse team in AR, and what is my instinctive choice when I see 5 units with pre-charged Luna? (and L!Azura who is just there for dances, blue with 49/42 is nothing for him its just easy facts) Which is probably the worst special for Julius because it scales of HIS defences, which is 99% of time higher that enemy’s... Nah, sniping isnt safe and Reinhardt isnt killing that Micaiah because she has 42 res at the start and horse effectiveness anyway, that’s just too much. Right, Julius just goes in, no visible buffs because I had def but I entered idiot mode, in a spot where notably Flora then Micaiah (other options were Micaiah and anti-dragon H!Sakura, no thanks) can reach him. These girls right here. Physical damage and blue damage huh, which is pretty bad for Julius?  
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 He then takes Lunas from a red dagger and a blue mage with 53 and 63 attack respectively (brazen was active from bolt tower proc), under ever-present chill res on Ophelia above  I hate chill res so much you dont even imagine. Every time I see that a team has no chill res I just feel like Julius got a +7 buff to res instead . And kills both of them plus a stray L!Azura because he didnt die from them. Like... my god, why do people sleep on Julius, this is absolutely stupid damage, and without those pre-charged specials (which took most team’s C slots by the way, and offed the posibility of a tactics team cause too many infantries) they’d be 0-ing him or close (mind you, I forgot to put visble(s) on him) and he deals legit damage in return, his attack stat paired with Iceberg just deletes people even if it’s blue Micaiah with 49 res (brazen active) just ... go home 36 damage (not 100% health but she would have 7 less res if not for brazen) . That’s right, his special is named “Iceberg” but it’s actually called “DIE” and it has 3 cooldown. Which essentially means every second round of combat if he gets attacked. Greens and frail red/colorless dont even need the Iceberg but still charge it. 
 And that’s not for chosen few units, this is actually worse-end scenatio with pulse and stuff, he spits on like ... absolute majority of ranged units in the game, no matter the color or stats. Only exceptions are non-green daggers with bucket/cloud fan/kitty paddle (but not always) OR full-charge bladetomes/super high attack blues with dragon fang pre-charged (fully pre-charged, not even 1 tick left, and AoE isnt the same.). I personally find ranged units harder to avoid because of ... their range, and if range overlaps with some melee you can just snipe them out of the way with another (PP) ranged unit (if Julius cant just do it himself) and reposition away with Julius in range of only ranged units again. But if you can’t do that, depending on who the melee unit is, Juli may be able to ignore them at least for a turn too, leaving them at player team’s mercy then (but without anti-dragon prfs yeah). Greens - definitely, reds and colorless -  maybe, usually it’s a yes but calculations required. Blues - usually no... but well if they cant double then maybe. I had lance Hector (special fighter in B so no auto-follow-up) hit him once. It scared him but he didnt die mmmhm.
 He just doesnt die almost ever he just... he doesn’t care. He is invested in (with a cheap build though, it costs 20k feathers and 170 coins that’s it), but... so are all those units he’s fighting. It’s AR tier 21+ top 1000 baby, you get lucky if only 3-4* available units are +10 and not the whole 6-people team minus possibly the dancers. (5* locked are usually like +1 or +3 but full teams of +10s pop up too. Micaiah in particular was +10) Not that it matters to him, it gives them a chance sometimes I guess?
No, really, how do most tier lists have him very low, he’s equally or even more stupid than Reinhardt, coming from a person who loves Reinhardt and has him just as invested. His stats are just right and his prf is also great but maybe because he’s so unpopular and people dont use him he might get a refine (not that it’s a criteria) which will make him even stronger even if it does literally nothing for him like... a def ploy. You can pick 2HP 3def, It will still count. And people will still not use him ayyyy ... but what he has now is not something you can get on just about any unit, not in red mage pool or any other (there ARE similar ones, though).
I think Julius deserves more recognition than he has now. He’s great. 
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
Imo there is enough to support the possibility of a romantic relationship, but you are writing full on narratives with impossible specificity. You know what confirmation bias is but some young impressionable people dont yet . Forgive me but misleading with ' alt facts' can hurt someone even if you dont mean it. I think you are a good person not looking to hurt anyone. But the way you postulate without any evidence makes your actions a little but like those of a charlatan. Peace and kindness
All these kind words you spew...
It feels more like an advice than a question so I'm not sure how to respond to it...
Let me just say thank you? I never quite understood what the brouhaha was about with my posts but after talking to a few people, 'on the other side' lol and reading your Ask, I think I'm starting to get a better sense of what the problem is.
Something about young impressionable minds or people?
Let the council of elders know, those are not my audience please. I cater to a much more mature audience- at least so far. The people that I interact with and engage with on my posts on and off Tumblr are very mature and not impressionable at all.
They are People with brains who can tell an opinion from fact and can engage in deep complex controversial conversations without throwing up, shedding tears or cussing through to the heavens.
If there are 'impressionable people' reading my blogs- they do so at their own risk. If you know any such people or they run to you with my theories kindly point out to them it's just theory because that's what my opinions are.
I think the best thing you can do is to advice such people to grow up if they are going to sit at the adult table or not read my posts at all. I think you need to learn to hold the right people accountable for their actions.
The best I can do in this case- to hold myself accountable, is to put up a disclaimer on my posts to let people know what it is that they are reading- something I do quite often. But I will make conscious efforts to put up those disclaimers each time henceforth. Thank you.
That I write full on narratives with impossible specificity:
Is this Latin for, 'you write fiction get the fuck outta here?' Chilee.
I don't even know what you mean by this exactly so I may not be able to respond to it to your satisfaction. Bare with me.
So what if I write fiction? What is wrong with writing fiction? Do you hate fiction writers? I don't get what the hate is with these complaints honestly. Do you want me to put up a disclaimer stating my blogs are fiction? Would that help? I would glady do it.
If it helps you sleep at night think of my blogs as fiction- a rose by any other name. I've been keeping up with Shakespeare. Lol.
I don't think it's that deep. Listen, you gotta understand that just because we both 'ship' Jikook don't mean we are on the same team...
Most alt shippers I know and who read my posts and engage with it are not even Army to begin with, for your information. They could care less about these shipping politics of yours. Have you thought about that?
Some simply ship JK and JM and support them because they believe they are members of the LGBTQ plus community not because they are part of BTS.
There are different communities out there who are also into Jikook- for very different reasons. You gotta respect that.
To you, Jikook is just a ship within BTS that may or may not be real, but to some of us they have very much outgrown that description...
They are a brand of their own, a power couple and members of the LGBTQ plus community- Gay Icons extraordinaire. I think we take very different stock in Jikook. So stop trying to fit us all into one box.
It's disrespectful to try and control the way that people perceive their OTP and support them. Jikook don't just belong to Army Jokers, they belong to different communities outside Army. Are you aware of that?
And please don't confuse the intersect. I am an alt-shipper yes but I just so happen to be an Army too. But if I wasn't an Army, I'd still pretty much 'ship' and support Jikook- make no mistake. There are quite a few of us running around these streets, you know?
So you have every right to want to gatekeep your Army Jikook- but you have to do that without infringing on other rights of other 'Jikook communities.'
Throughout my blogs I have tried to shed light on what altshipping is because I thought it would help bridge the gap but clearly that hasn't worked. Sigh.
Misleading alt facts
Do you not know what it means or you are just being ironic?👀
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Why is it ok for you to believe and proclaim that JK and BigHit lied about JK dating the Tattoo artist but it's not ok for me to believe JK is telling the truth when he says he didn't date her and that BigHit saw an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone- hence why they didn't press charges against the shop for breach of privacy like they had said they were going to do. Instead, they had asked the shop to keep calm till the scandal died down on it's own?
You start your piece off with the whole, 'there is enough evidence to support a romantic relationship' between JK and the tattoo shop lady- I assume.
For context, this Ask by this anon is in response to my recent post/ answer on the tattoo girl scandal where the topic of discussion was on BigHit, JK and the tattoo artist and not Jikook perse.
A statement that is in direct conflict with JK's statement, BigHit's and the lady in questions, all denying that there was a romantic relationship between her and Jungkook- and somehow I am misleading who- who now with my theory??? Chileee.
Do you see the problem here? Double standards- the hallmark of bigotry. Lmho. You are literally doing the very thing you are accusing me of. Making confident assertions and claiming you know more about JK and the Lady's relationship and even have 'enough evidence' contrary to BigHit, JK and the Tattoo artist's statements denying the rumors- at least when I theorize I admit I'm being delusional. What's your excuse? When you say charlatan are you referring to yourself? You must be. Lmho.
Now I'm confident in my comprehension skills and intelligent enough to know when you make an assertion like this- it is your opinion and you are just stating your opinion. If you are not then honey you'd be opening yourself up to some serious litigation... goodluck I guess. Lol.
You are allowed to form an opinion about a topic. There is nothing wrong with that. If to you, JK and this person dated that is fine. I am not going to cyber bully you, stalk you, throw slurs at you, harrass you, dox you, slid into people's Dms to spread hate and lies about you just because I don't agree with your opinion. And for the record, I don't agree with your opinion. Hehehehe.
I have stated my opinion on the matter. I said I think JK and this person did hang out, go on dates but that there was no romantic sexual relationship between them because I believe that would have had much serious consequences and effects on Jikooks dynamics no matter how much they tried to keep a cool facade. Whoever felt cheated on would have acted more insecure than usual post the incident- how does this make me a charlatan? Are you saying it's wrong it have an opinion? Chileee.
Now if you can produce 'evidence' of them having sex or even kissing, then I will gladly change my mind on the topic and not sweat it.
Jikook have done way worse questionable things in 7 good years and people still don't believe they are dating. Jk hangs out with a female friend a few times in less than a month and suddenly he is dating her? Lmho.
You don't need me to tell you people are more eager to accept a heterosexual relationship than wrap their heads around the fact that two male idols are gay and in a gay relationship with eachother. Don't you just love it when homophobia meets heteronormativity and stinks? I do. Lol.
I mean this is a fandom that thinks JK is 'too touchy' and doesn't respect his boundaries- they practically swear JK is cheating on Jimin with every member any time he hugs, kisses, wings at within the group. You think they will be 'objective' about JK hanging out with a girl? Even if it happened once?
You said something about confirmation bias.... I will not touch it. Lmho.
This is not the first time JK has gone on a date with a girl. This is not the first time he has 'dated a girl', he has hand girls on his laps or whatever- what is a back hug? I think people need to stop defining Jikook's lives by their own standards. If a backhug is intimate to you. Thats you. If you think a grown ass man cannot hang out with a female friend, that's equally you.
You think if he thought it was inappropriate and risky he would do it 'in public?' Get with Kpop Idol dating culture. Lmho.
Do you know the lengths they go through to keep their relationships a secret? Especially non celebrity girlfriends? Chen from EXO got married and where is his wife? They keep their flings tighter than Trump keeps his toupee on his head. Lol.
They hide them not out of shame but out of love and the need to protect their loved ones. These idols have family members who have their restaurants and businesses shut down because they want to keep their privacy.
You think JungKook's girlfriend would- on her own, issue a statement regarding a scandal that Jungkook's agency had specifically directed her and her shop to keep quiet about and lay low till it blew away on its own? And later, started liking couple posts about her and JK? If they were dating, certainly JK would have dumped her after that move. In my opinion.
You think JK would let his fandom drag the person he is in a relationship with to the extent she loses her Job- when in his Itaewon gay pub scandal BigHit referred to the issue as his private affair immediately it happened? They could have kept the same energy with her, no?
They handled his gay pub scandal much better, with much respect and consideration for his privacy- if he dated her sorry but she mustn't have meant much to him at all. And if I were her I would have dumped him for that shit and not stay liking couple posts about us. Damn- But do you.
Taehyung was in a scandal with a girl too- did you see her liking posts and shit and going out of her way to do the most? Did you see how BigHit handled that scandal?
Nothing wrong if JK is 'dating' her or had 'dated' her and whatever person he decides he wants to be in a relationship with I will support him- that's why I support Jikook.
But your opinion is equally valid my guy. Just don't call me a charlatan for mine. You believe they dated, I believe they didn't- and to your impressionable young minds, I hope you are not selling them anything contrary to BigHit and JK's statement. That would be very irresponsible of you. Lol.
What else did you say?
Oh postulating without evidence...
Next time I write a theory based on my observations about Jikook, remind me to break off a piece of my brain and attach it to it- I guess that way people would finally understand when I say things like 'I think' 'in my opinion' 'I feel' 'I believe' that these are just my thoughts and opinions and not facts.
Let me leave you with this:
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Peace and kindness. Namaste.
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alright so we’re back with chapter three - the Great Witch
i wonder how much of their memories Nick and Maya have actually recuperated 
the whole thing seems a little dodgy...
“This bench looks like a torture tool– shall we try it out on you, Nick?”
why is Maya so bloodthirsty in the game?? i mean she’s mischievous, but...
ahhh their widdle walking sprites are so cuuuute!
hang on– is that a picture-picture of Barnham with his dog?? if so, that should raise a lot of questions...
also why is the only person who *doesnt* comment on the painting Phoenix? he’s the art major.
you know, ive seen plenty of Phoenix X Barnham, and Darklaw X Barnham, but I’ve never seen any Phoenix X Darklaw 
i wonder why...
maybe Ive just never come across it
“Mr Wright, are you alright?”
(no response)
he's dead guys the fucking dog killed phoenix wright 
luke: I can talk to animals maya: haha omg cool! phoenix, laying in a pool of his own blood: hurgle
wait did maya just call Barnham adorable by proxy 
things layton likes: puzzles, stone lanterns 
oh fuck i forgot about the puzzles
also what the FUCK muffet
Patty: I believe in your Phoenix
Phoenix, trying not to cry: cool cool cool
aww. its nice to have a moment to just talk about feelings, especially between the sidekicks. 
...dont go into the forest you little fuckers
maya likes helms..??
“I used to come here with Nick. He’d carry the water pots, and I’d cheer him on!”
that reminds me, theres no plumbing. in fact, since its the middle ages, theres not even any outhouses. maya and phoenix have canonically shit in the streets
its 12:30 on a school night and I've spent over an hour trying to help a dog deliver mail 
oh maya solved that one! thats the first AA solve of the game. ...er, to me.
i dont understand how piccarats work
like, the previous puzzle was 30 piccarats and it was ridiculously easy. this one’ twenty and ive already lost ten points
maybe its to do with how my brain works– the 30 one was a pattern/colour puzzle, and I'm an artist. this one’s about directions, and I'm ASS at directions.
darklaw what are you WEARING
you look like a skimpy medieval furry
seriously what is with the metal skirt on bare thighs 
is that supposed to be comfy 
man these backgrounds are so beautiful 
why did she specifically tell Maya to be wary of witches
“You certainly both love your food. Personally, I’d just like a little more sleep...”
amen bro
oh fuck
Drosselmeyer wants to see Layton. dont let him brainwash ya!
“So this is the deathknell dungeon? Looks more like solitary confinement to me.”
considering the fact that she can see out the door, i doubt its solitary nick. solitary is a sealed box from hell.
Maya: you were just scared that nick would fuck up like always!! because he's an enormous fuck up haha!! Espella: i... no, i think he's really great
Phoenix: ...hey can i change assistants please
one does not simply
visit the storyteller
“come to think of it, during that parade, the storyteller did seem to be held in high esteem by all the townsfolk...”
guys have you not realized that youre literally meeting god yet???
ah see Layton’s got it
c’mon luke keep up
pfft they think Layton’s a hatter 
just wearing a tophat does not a hatter make 
ah the knights garrison
this is where Chucky stopped playing on his second third-space save 
I wonder why...
“And so the travellers finally arrived...”
yeah well first of all??? if you wanted me to get in there faster maybe dont make your door a fucking puzzle maybe 
fuck you old man you aint shit 
(btw i managed to solve it accidentally in the recommended 4 turns by pressing 3 random buttons and then realizing id somehow succeeded)
Storyteller: [farts suspiciously]
Storyteller: you guys are bad because you stopped me killing children
Espella: it’s true... that the towns folk look at me in a different way
well for one thing youre a different art style than most of them without being anything usually associated with said art style 
oh ok that i was not expecting 
she’s,,, jesus???
Maya spitting truths here 
wait hang on a second 
first of all– “the great witch is just a character of myth” yeah well EVERYONE is a character, Espella
also, she says she came to live with Patty 5 years ago... which is also what Phoenix and Maya said
when their memories all got altered to include phoenix and maya, does that mean they like, had a whole growing-up-together for five years roster of memories?
13 y/o Espella and Maya meeting, bonding over stuff, wondering why only Maya had to make bread and Espella didnt 
Phoenix–– hell, in the time frame, he’d be ‘Pheenie’ being their older brother. Acting like his 25 y/o self, or harkening back to those days and acting accordingly??
and how shitty it must’ve been when they realized none of it ever happened.
“Were these things... My memories?”
well probably not considering im pretty sure that tiny kid being flown over was you
i feel bad for nick’s... wherever is getting bitten, but this does lend credence to my headcanon that animals hate phoenix so 
also the inquisitor office theme needs to chill the fuck out
“Exactly what are you doing over there on all fours”
dont do that 
“He just sits back and lets his dog bite people, err... I mean, me”
he’s lucky nobody flips the fuck out and bites back. i suppose nobody would dare if they knew it was his dog, but still. not very responsible.
“Dr. Delduke” eh
well now
“He was no witch.” “Why?”
“HE was a man.”
( Welp, can’t argue with that. )
hey!!! equality to witches!! boys can be witches too!!
“Maya... can you get this mutt away from me? I can’t feel my leg.”
“Aww... So soon? I was hoping he’d use you as a blue chew toy just one more time.”
ok, seriously, what is UP with Maya? I can’t remember her ever being this violent in the original series. Like, she hit Nick over the head with the shichishito that one time, but she wasn’t constantly wishing harm on him??
as much as i appreciate seeing a tiny maya model i fucking hate the cloud puzzle fuck you for doubling up on it
oh i lucked into the answer awesome
this seems to be a running theme...
every time someone looks at the bell tower, they always comment on the bell never being heard. it must be foreshadowing.
wow Jean is very short
...also I'm calling it now, HE DID IT
hmm Greyerl’s voice actress is a little more noticeable than Luke’s...
also OH OK. the fucking bell tower just MANIFESTED OUT OF PURE FLAMES
“He reacted in a moster peculiar way. Unlike others who saw it, he seemed unsettled, as if he was truly afraid of something” 
oh i dunno, maybe the DEMON BELL TOWER???
Maya: only YOU can fuck up that badly, nick!
ok... genuinely, utterly, seriously, why is Maya so malicious in this game? She does tease Nick a lot throughout the series, but its usually in a more playful or goofy manner. A lot of the things she says in this game seem sort of unnecessary or weirdly hurtful... especially since phoenix hasn’t done much to warrant any of them.
well, I know what happens to Maya
but what the hell is he doing to Nick?
also I do hope there’s a reeeeeaaaaally good reason for all this...
layton flings out his arm to shut luke up skdgkafajkf
wait why did the owl bring them that
“Luke, my boy... We have the need... to rent a steed.”
oh and they fucking did
“You think that’s bad? You should see Nick try and do the laundry– Now that’s a major blunder!”
see that seems a little more in character somehow
especially since its something that seems like he would fail at.
still, weirdly insult heavy...
hey hey 
100 coins
“in an alchemy sense”
shouldn’t that be an ‘alchemical’ sense?
“I guess you’re more suited to small, dark, damp places.”
is that a reference to the mushroom thing??
phoenix, in someone else’s abandoned basement: oh no their house plants are dying :( ill water them 
this man??? is pure??
“Well well well. If it isn't a well.”
“Come to think of it... I haven’t noticed any plumbing here in Laborynthia.”
“As things stand, Mr. Wright is in serious danger!”
uh the story said Maya would die, not Phoenix. It said he’d be cursed, but Maya would be tried and burnt. You should probably be more worried about her...
great witch: sup guys I'm gonna fuck shit up
game: the following is too horrifying to look directly at; here, have some shenanigans with Luke and that other bard Bardly was complaining about.
fuck you perhaps
also hi Layton you’re looking a bit uh 
a bit 
...well this hardly makes any sense
doesn’t Layton appear not long after this? also, it’s easy enough to prove Maya’s not a witch; just hand her the staff and ask her to politely turn Layton back. 
that or just cry on him real quick; worked for Ash
bweuuuhhh dont cry luke pls
its ok luke magic isn’t real luke
...though from what I’ve heard of your universe, someone could have used Science to turn him into gold and that could be totally real so
c’mon in for a hug lil guy
also see yuh all next time for part... four? i think?
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They thought ole' Slick Willie was slick, well they don't see me a comin'!
Antron Brown and Mike Salinas:
Our rags to riches success stories.
In 2018 i began giving drivers $2 million per year to fix their personal assets and finances. Until 2022. They had to sign contracts promising to give awsy half of that fortune by 2026. $4M
In 2018 i began giving all mechanics, tuners, etc $1 million per year to fix their personal assets and finances. Until 2022. They had to sign contracts to give away half of that fortune by 2026. $2M
So as you read for Antron and his work crew he himself took time out of collecting to look over the smaller kids to make sure they were staying out of fights and behaving and the adults, too.
How Mike Salinas was actually only 12 years old being called an old man because he wanted just to collect cans.
You didn't read how the girls got mad the old man and the boys only picked up metal and left none for them and left all the trash. Erica. That mean ole girl she just didn't get it. Recycling woman! Sticking her nose and up at old man business.
"Well let's see how much Snoop will pay you to clean up the trash then. How much do you think you'll earn? Come along then. All you pretty nice girls, you too Erica. We gotta get you on the payroll"
Snoop worked the Snack Shack. When i asked for money for the kids and heard the cash register ding I pretend I didn't hear it. When i asked for some food and i didn't hear the tippy tap of them register keys, I pretend I heard. And slide a napkin across the counter. "Here's your paper money Snoop" he'd always laugh and giggle. No matter it was 150° in that Sugar Shack or 2 below zero.
I knew we had money from Michael Jackson and the CIA. I just had a role to play. For the adults that "bitch witch" for the kids, the momma.
He paid all them kids the same 10 cents to the girls per item and 5 cents to the boys.
Then always buffet and shopping sprees.
They all got $5 no matter how much they worked. Equal pay. Equal rights.
Antron Brown noticed. "I picked up more than them boys over there and they got the same. They were playing in the mud all day and lying and hey how come i get $5 each time i work no matter hiw much im workin? It rain. $5. It snow -- well it ain't snowed yet. But if it did $5. And if it's hot $5"
"Well you think you earn more than $5 you let me know and I'll pay you"
"He did today Snoop. He earned $20"
"I did not! I picked up 5 items because i knew i would get $5!!"
"Well I'll tell you what. I'll give you $40 because she knows you asked a very nice question nicely so that's $20 and then you went and been honest so that's $40. So how much you get?"
"$5 Every time i come down here! Boy I tell you what! I come down here a sweat. Work my poor soul to death and $5!!"
"Snoop i must tell you he's been telling on us what we been doin down here because he went home last weekend. And they telling him he ain't earned a fair wage per hour"
Snoops emotions went roller coaster. "Tell me the most important thing you said then say it again"
"He went home. The rest we will work on later not in front of the children"
"He went home then huh? He went home?! He WENT HOME!!!"
Antron on about his $5 suddenly stopped "huh. Yeah I did so? I like it, too! $5 that all I get for working down here! Slave labor by a black man and this ole white woman here!"
Man that boy hit super crazy on that roller coaster go button!! He flew out that suga shack like he was on a broom!
Picked that boy up by his armpits and set him on the counter. "Boy! Lookie here behind you. Look what you getting!"
"Yeah i know! $5 that all you get round here! Slave labor! You just trying to pay me the rest to shut me up!! Slave labor!!"
Snoop was lit on fire and that kid was building him a cross.
I crossed my arms "i blame his parents" i leaned againat the wall. The sun was setting. The parents would be there soon. "Put Erica up on there."
"Oh. Boy! I am lit! Which one is Erica?!?"
"This one behind you. She's trying so hard not to be amused"
"Girl! Come here let me get at you. Here you take this one and this one. Sabrina Go get me a $5 out that drawer. Now Lookie see this here. You now say what he say. It say you get $10"
"Slave labor! We ain't free i get $10"
"$10!!! Im getting outta here!!" He jumped down.
"Boy what would happen I did that? You know how much she make? $10. You know how much i make $5. Because she smarter than me! She pay attention ans she make sure when i call you a niglet she always tell me you're an African King even when you're not around!! For all these kids out here!!"
"Now how can we all be kings?"
"You are. You're an independent contractor. You're a king of your own way. You desire more money then we will pay"
"And you're a Queen and you're pretty. No matter how i say all you pretty girls and Erica, too. I heard them other girls making fun of you the other day and you know what you say? Let's get to work. No time for fooling around we got to clean so we get paid. You know what i think of you? You're a Queen. A Queen of England. A Queen of America and a Queen of yourself. And you're pretty, too. And you know what? Dont let them boys be foolish saying that your work was no good because it ain't metal. Aint nothing wrong with metal and aint nothing wrong with picking up trash. And you know what i think of you? You're brave. You didn't run up and tell no one nothing. You stood up to those girls although i think your feelings were hurt. And it broke my heart and made me cry and I wasn't even called ugly. I had to come in here and hide so no one would see but Snoop. And I thought long and hard about an apology to you. But I decided it wasn't good enough. I deserved to be you for you. Stand up strong and proud no matter how i feel and get to work. So i decided the next day to tell those girls how I feel and you, too. And it didn't help. Not one iota. So i decided to try again on the advice of snoop. Not the next day but the same day. And i told the truth. I didn't say it was about you but i said one day not too long ago i did overheard someone say someone else wasn't too pretty and how it made me cry. And you all thought I was talking about myself. And I didn't know what to do or how to explain that it wasn't about me but about you. How i care more about you than I do me. And you know what all those adults out there call me? Witch Bitch. And i don't care. I get here and I get to work. But the difference between me and you little one is you're little and you got your whole life ahead of you and anyone call you ugly you punch them and you tell them to go find Sabrina and I'll deal with it. Okay?"
"Yeah because you tell me and us our feelings are important. You say and i quote "your feelings are important Erica and all you other girls too. Ever since that day i meant" and she hung her head.
And all them words i said. I felt like i said nothing at all. Not a dam word. Alex always did something when I needed strength so i did it.
I took my thumb and forefinger and pinched her chin and i tilted her head and raised her eyes to mine "and i love you"
A big ole grin spread across her face. Her eyes lit up and she said "i knew it!! I knew thats why we always come to this place!!!" And she swung her arm like a champ
Meanwhile Antron Brown was stomping the ground and saying "i knew it! I knew it too! An old white woman would love me!!"
"Well Antron! Of course i do!"
"Oh! I know! That's all i meant to say"
"Can i get down now? I think i see my parents"
"Your parents?!?! I didn't know you went home, too!"
"Tuesday! Yup that was me!"
She jumped down and i turned around and there was a crowd before me. All the NHRA we stole from that hadn't quit yet. All the ones we gave the stolen goods too. Parents. God. So so so many parents!
"Come on. Get with your kids. Come on now. Go home for once. All you. Except you Mike Salinas i need to ask you a question"
They did And he did.
I went in the kitchen to hide and cry.
"Sabrina. Now look what you did, you have gave Mike Salinas $13,000 in 6 months. What you got to say to?"
"I earned it"
"Mike i asked you One day why you pick up cans."
"To earn money"
"I told you another day i knew who won all the fights and if you laid down a bet I would make sure you won. And if you lost on my bad advice, i would pay you double. And there you went" it was so hard not to cry "and you looked and you looked at me and you told me it disgusted you and made you sick to your stomach to see grown men fighting"
"I know it did. I told you i just wanted to pick up cans and it was good clean fun"
I linked my arm in his "and you're right, you're $13,000 richer than you were before" we walked to the clubhouse
I could hear snoop Tele tell me "tell him! Tell him jt was you! Hes the one that started calling youba witch bitch!"
"Snoop i have something to confess to you about that."
"You know what Mike. I wanna find out if you made more money in good clean fun than you would gambling. Betting on those fights. We'll ask Snoop"
He didn't. He made 1/3 less.
So in the clubhouse office we found out. I laid on the floor straight on my stomach.
"She has a heart condition. Palpitations. Its the only thing that makes it feel better but medication which she refuses. Here. Take your pill"
"Oh! I forgot! Im only gonna lay down till it kicks in. Good clean cold floor"
I could feel Mike Salinas staring. I knew he Didn't know
"But she's a witch bitch. She changes my hair colors! I know it's her because I always hear her laughing. Me and the other guys been talking and they frel so too. Nothing good or nothing come out this place til you all arrived. I used to hate it and the other guys did too. We look like punk rockers we decided then we didn't mind and i tell you people quit messing with us. I guess they thought we were bad ass. So i heard these meaner looking boys out there talking how they would rape her and so i started calling hwr a witch bitch loud whenever they were around. Make them scared of her, too"
I was so proud of him.
"I know you two are here to be good. You call them little niglets or niggers and she corrects you. African Queens! And you tilt your head way back so the short kids can't see you. Im short, too. But not that short" finished Mike Salinas "you put on a gig out here and just to show them respect and role play. Knowing you got to show them how to treat each other and know right from wrong, I'm only 12 but I see that, too. I started crying when they first brought me metal because we're so poor i can barely eat much less run a car. And she would point to that little boy When i would get to thinking about how much money they helped me with and i looked at her I knew she had part of something to do with it. And that little boy. Oh!! When he would see me get to smiling he would hoot and hollar and jump up and down. He would get so happy. Makes me think one day i could get to racing which is my drreeeaam. Which I thought was never possible till now"
"Snoop. Double it" i said from the floor. I heard Snoop move a large stack of cash to the middle of the table.
"Is that for me... Or?
"If you want it
"Because" i sat up. Suddenly the room went black. "Are they still here or.. Where did every one Go?"
I saw snoop come at me on the floor his face close to mine then disappear. Over and over again.
My heart collapsed and I died. He was giving me mouth to mouth and CPR "Call the ambulance. Call 911. She keeps doing it. They keep trying to take her. Call 911 hurry please"
We bought that race track. We still own it. I am the sole owner.
These kids. I went to Armageddon and I said my job isn't done yet. You can't keep me here. You have until i arrive at the hospital to tell me what mess you've made. And why. Why am I here?
I had doubt in my failures.
They don't know shit.
So Antron Brown, Brittany Force, Mike Salinas, Erica, and more.
Steve Torrence. John Foce, pedragons, Jason line and Greg who got purple hair, too.
You are all our success stories.
We taught you everything we possibly could. Even unfair wages between men and woman later in days. Not one got kidnapped again.
Except like me, Mike Salinas lost all his memories.
He can't find it. But he wants it.
That race track. He needs it.
All those kids, too. We planted flowers and painted the building. Fixed bleachers, mowed grass.
So i give all you babies $4 million dollars to share to do what we did. Free safe babysitting. Teaching history and right from wrong.
And I'm gonna make sure all you niglets do it right so you know how to raise Kings and Queens.
And so I'm gonna make Snoop in charge again. He ain't too busy. Just protecting my life. Stopping human trafficking. Holding a music career. He's own 3 TV shows. He ain't too busy to run a Sugar Shack.
So I'm gonna give him $4 million dollars. And the Tree of Knowledge will give him $1 million dollars.
Cause them kids gonna need $5 for they slave labor!
They may be grown with kids of their own but they still our babies.
We already taught them to clean. Fix things up and make them pretty. So they will remember how to do so and spend the $4 million dollars on renovations. Keeping as much as the original or replacing it exactly as I bought it. So it's perfectly unchanged and can help them remember and heal all is lost from themselves.
And help heal all that is lost for others.
And give them more thwn they could ever dream of.
Candy! I know your makeup done washed off from all the love!
So, Chandler. How you loving it now?!?
You took over a few times because i had 3 heart attacks and so they at first all said I was busy and couldn't be there but my daughter could be instead.
So it's your home, too.
You're not too, busy, what? Writing books? Manuscripts. Stopping human trafficking. Being awesome on TV.
I know you have time to plant some daisies and lilies
So I give you $500,000 to pit toward what they need.
888-8.5 that's too hard.
So let's call it an even.
I have 879 million left.
But that's not all. My heart is still working! And im still on Earth. So. What say...
3milluon to buy supplies for go carts the kids put together and pine box cars and whatever need for speed things they can manage to handle on their own -- mostly
Chantlily lace. What a pretty face! Oh baby! That's what i like!!
And of course use of the facility is always free. For eternity.
So original old school..
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