#there's too much vaguness to tell right now if they're gonna fall to the 'evil' trope or not--
undercoverxs · 2 years
mik09to: YO this is so cool!? i love finding little nuanced tidbits like these that often get glazed over when translating, they really speak so much personality that can say the world about a character... thank you for sharing, i'd love to read more in the future! and if you have anything on mikoto especially... 👁 i am all ears.
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(( they really do........... always happy to find more who appreciate these things >:33
I’ve been working through them more or less in order, and only just got to Mikoto, like. literally the other day. I’m very afraid to try making sense of these words tbh. But I can say that........ it’s... difficult??
okay listen so. “If I could laugh, if I could back, I’d play dead even though I’m alive, right?”   -- That’s.. it works, and it’s what the officials decided to use, so maybe I shouldn’t over-complicate it. But japanese tends not to use pronouns--  Most of the time, who the subject is is decided by context. But this is a song, and this is milgram song, and context is. hoo boy what is it actually.
the fact is, there’s no “I’ used here.
“if laugh. if return.” (I can’t pin if ‘return’ is in the sense of time or place or something else, either) “playing dead even though alive.”
I don’t know. But here’s what I’m thinking, very possibly over-complicated -- Every song so far (of the first season) has felt at least partially addressed to the victims, or referencing them in some way, or something-- but Mikoto’s at least seems to be entirely focused on himself. But, since this part in the video is the only time we see his victim at all, I’m just. curious? Exactly who is laughing? Go back to what, when, where? Playing dead, isn’t that something one does to avoid actually dying? Does the context suggest “I”, or “you”? Does it ever change? Who’s doing anything here?
What am I supposed to do with any of this?? no clue at all, enjoy
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milkiijustwrites · 3 years
Anon asked:Ok so.. Can I request prompt no. 46 from the Hurt/Comfort prompts with Kokichi and Shuichi "separately if you can do both". Please take your time and drink water and milk. Have a nice day, Kiibs! 💜
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This is the kokichi one for one of the request by the same anon! Hope you like it!
For anyone who wants to request me on a sentence prompt, this is the post
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Slight depressing
Couple relationship
They/them reader
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#C.46 "Hey...hey.. it's just me"
Kokichi ouma
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"rustle rustle....."
There's a rustling noise that echoed through the entire room. You stood at where you were , looking at the window in front of you.You thought to yourself, is this really a good idea?
Suddenly, a figure appeared on the window, you quickly ran towards it and open up the window immediately, letting the figure in.
It was a purple haired boy, wearing a checkered scarf, it was easy to recognise him with that scarf he's wearing.
Kokichi ouma, the partner of your life.
"Phew!! I actually made it up!! Praise me Y/N!!! "
Kokichi stated enthusiastically, holding both of your hands while swaying them in the air, asking for your praise.
"you actually made it which surprised me but.... Is this really a good idea?"
You couldn't help but doubt about the choice you made. It seems that kokichi denied that thought as he shook his head and comforted you by saying that it's gonna be alright!
"don't worry y/N! Plus, if we didnt made this decision, when will we ever meet in person? "
Stated kokichi, while lifting his shoulders,showing a helpless look.
That's right... You guys can't help but to meet in person in this kind of way, since your parents doesn't allow you to have any association with him. The reason? Well , for some reason, they hated him. Maybe it's because of his attitude towards people . But, they don't even understand him, that's what makes you mad.
" yeah, let's do this"
You stated, you already prepared to get scholded by them after this, but who cares at this point? You just wanted a peaceful date with your beloved with no parents watching and staring.
You both jumped off of the window and immediately got welcomed by a big sheet, held by the d.i.c.e members. So when you both fall down, the sheet will help you both prevent from hurting yourselves.
It was fun , you bounced on the sheet along with kokichi's laugh.
You all quickly escalated to a big truck and leave the house immediately. It was frightening and exciting experience for you, you immediately started laughing out loud.
"now that's thrilling!!"
You stated out loudly, along with a few laughs as well.
Kokichi couldn't help but let out a grin as well while he saw you having fun.
You both went to the dating spot with a peaceful ride. You were having fun playing cards ,singing, playing games with them, you thought this day will continue like this, peacefully, but you're obviously wrong.
Do you really think you could escape by your parents evil clutches?
It seems that when they realise you were gone, they immediately went out and check , unfortunately, one of the d.i.c.e members were caught by them and were being threatened by them,forcing him to tell the location of you and kokichi.
And now they're right behind the truck, driving their car, honking vigorously , implying the truck to stop.
" Ah Shi- here we go... Don't worry we'll drive as fast as we can to get rid of them."
Said kokichi while checking out the car behind them, letting out a pissed off look on his face.
The truck started to get faster, as your heart beats faster as well, you couldn't even enjoy the cold breeze at that state, it's making you having second thoughts, though it's already been too late.
Should you stop the truck and go back to them like a good guy? But what if you don't? Will they call the police in kokichi?
You thought awhile, and finally , you let out a soft voice.
"... Stop .. stop the car"
Sure enough, you can only choose to be an obedient child towards your parents. With all dissatisfaction , you decided to hid them in yourself.
Kokichi looked at you, he wanted to help you, but he couldn't, your family just don't welcome him at all. So he kept silence , while the truck slows down...
It was a hurtful scenery, while kokichi and you had to leave each other, while the d.i.c.e members being sad , while you listened to your parents nagging.Holding back the tears, you took the car all the way back home .
When you went back home, you immediately shut yourself in your room, let alone your parents nagging about you and kokichi, you sat in front of the door , weeping, by yourself . You could Vaguely hear those nasty words your parents said about kokichi.
" such a disgusting being, how could they think of such ideas? "
" we shouldn't let them have any association ever!"
" we shouldn't let our child learn nasty things from that ... "
" I heard he lies a lot, how bad...."
"I'm sure his parents were definitely disappointed"
"Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up"
You mumbled, trying to cover your ears, not wanting to hear anything they're saying.
You finally let down tears, throwing all the dissatisfaction out from your heart, tears rolling down your cheeks, dropping to the ground, the tears could not stop dripping , you wiped and wiped but theyre still dripping.
You just wanted to have a normal relationship with kokichi, with the person you love, why is it so hard?
Suddenly, you heard footsteps drawing closer to you, you couldn't see anything fur to your wet eyes, but you certainly thought that it was your parents.
" go away! I don't want to see you guys at all!"
You screamed, while your voice still stays a bit of hoarse. It hurts your throat when you did that, but that isn't comparable on what you've been through just now.
"hey... Hey... It's just me"
You heard a familiar voice in the room, you quickly wiped off your tears, looking around, only to find kokichi standing in front of the window, smiling.
You ran toward him and hugged him tightly , tears immediately began falling down again. He hugged back you too and shuffled his hand into your hair , comforting you.
"there there... You don't have to worry y/N, no matter where are you, I'll always find you, Okay?"
With a rare tenderly tone , he stated, he then kissed your forehead and tuck you to bed.
Maybe it's because you cried too much, you immediately fell asleep, not knowing kokichi had been accompanied you for a long time.
He left when he heard your parents' footsteps and said goodbye to you as well.
"good night Y/N, sweet dreams "
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Okay I tried T-T hope you like it!!
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onesillybeach · 3 years
New Beginnings Ch. 18
F!Reader x Liu Kang/Kung Lao
This one is short and I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me. Also, yay Helena cameo~ But also, aw, Helena cameo ;-;
@ancientowlgirl @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @shang-hung
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 *15 16 *17
You two hadn’t had sex. You’d made out. You’d talked. You’d made out some more. You’d talked some more. You’d fallen asleep with Liu in his bed. His light snores had lulled you to sleep comfortably. Finally, relaxed.
You’d woken up the next morning when Liu had shifted. You felt his lips on your forehead and smiled before opening your eyes to look at him.
“Good morning,” Liu said softly.
“Sure is,” you said, then returned the kiss, but to his lips.
“Didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s alright.”
“Did you want to train with me this morning?”
Yes. You did… But you trained with Lao in the morning. And today was supposed to be Lao’s day with you as well. If you ditched him for Liu… You didn’t want to think what would happen. But, instead of telling Liu that, you shook your head and snuggled under his covers, inhaling his scent. “I’m gonna sleep a bit more. I’ll see you at breakfast?”
He grinned and nodded as he got out of bed. “Take your time,” he told you, grabbing his gi-top from the floor and tossing it into a basket. He took another moment to watch you with a smile before stepping out into the hall.
As weird as it was to notice, Raiden had not been acting like himself lately. Him being distant wasn't new. Raiden had seemed to keep a distance between everyone. But as you trained with Kung Lao, you noticed Raiden watching with a solemn expression.
When you finished training, Lao had given you a kiss. Oh, that kiss. It wasn’t a simple kiss. No. You’d learned that Lao wasn’t a fan of giving you those little pecks. When he kissed you, he did so with purpose. He’d held your face. His lips engulfed you. That alone could be all the encouragement you needed to train harder. As he pulled away, your smile brought him to smile in return. You could tell the kiss encouraged him as well. It was a reward for both of you. But instead of following him to Breakfast, you told him you would catch up later.
You watched Lao walk off… watched his ass a bit selfishly, then turned your attention towards Raiden. He was watching you.
You gave him a respectful bow.
He gave you a bow of his head.
"Lord Raiden," you addressed as you approached him. "Are you alright?"
He raised his brows to you. "Of course I am, Y/F/N."
"You don't look it," you pressed.
Raiden took in a stiff breath. "I assure you, I am fine."
"You can't lie to a nurse," you told him. "We know better."
That got a little chuckle from him. "You are quite observant."
"I was trained for it."
"I suppose you were."
"So what's bothering you? Is it me? Am I not training hard enough?"
"You are doing well."
“The kiss? Was that awkward for you?”
"Then what is it?"
Raiden sighed. His glowing eyes shifted away from you. "Your issue has painfully reminded me of my own."
"Of the person you loved?" You’d remembered.
"I still love," he corrected you.
"Didn't you say it's been like five-hundred years?"
He nodded.
"They're… still alive?"
"Oh..." You weren’t sure what to say.
Raiden sucked in another breath. You could tell this was difficult for him to talk about. "She was killed in a tournament."
"What was her name?"
Raiden frowned a bit. "Helena Morana," he'd breathed.
You blinked at him. "A human?"
He nodded.
"What was she like?"
“Just and selfless. She used her magic to help others, even myself.”
"She was a witch?"
“A sorceress.”
"Like Shang Tsung?"
Raiden frowned. "No. Not like Shang Tsung. Shang Tsung is a snake corrupted by evil… Helena Morana… My Helena… Was once a beacon of light and hope for me." As Raiden stared at you, you could tell he was hurting. You could see the pain in his eyes. He wanted to say something else, but no words came from his lips. You frowned to him.
"You are concerned for me?" Raiden asked, now amused.
You nodded. "She must have meant a lot to you.”
“She still does.”
You were quiet then. The way he spoke of Helena, as if she still existed, made you wonder. He must have read your mind again, because he chuckled and nodded. He then offered you his arm. You took it carefully despite your confusion. He began to lead you through the halls.
"What do you know of Mortal Kombat's history?" He asked you curiously.
You cringed. History was never your forte. You barely passed your history classes in highschool. And you honestly didn't remember much of what Liu had told you. You blew out your cheeks.
"Ah." Raiden nodded, not at all disappointed. "It is a complicated history. Do not worry."
"Liu told me all kinds of things. I just…" You made a vague motion with your free hand.
"It is alright. You are being forced to learn much in little time."
"Yeah…" You frowned despite Raiden's understanding.
"He did not mention my Helena?" He asked.
You shook your head. “I don’t think so. I know he told me about a bunch of people, but I think I would have remembered your girlfriend. It’s kind of… odd.” He lifted a brow to you then. You quickly tried to explain yourself. “I mean. You don’t usually hear about gods falling in love with humans… Except for like, Greek mythology.”
Raiden laughed. A good laugh. But he said nothing as he continued to lead you through the halls. Eventually, they grew totally unfamiliar. You'd never seen this part of the temple, but you knew you were deep in. The air smelled different… musty.
Raiden stopped before a large wooden door and turned to look at you. "Prepare yourself. I know mortals are rather uncomfortable with what rests behind this door.” And before you could answer, the door had opened and revealed to you the source of that musty smell.
Tombs. Catacombs. Hundreds--No, thousands— of bodies were at rest, lined neatly along the walls, dressed in robes. Most of them were nothing but skeletons now. Some seemed mummified. You quickly realised who these people were as you stepped in: Monks. Your brows knotted. Why had Raiden brought you here? And why weren’t you grossed out?
Probably because you’d seen your fair share of disgusting things. Being a nurse wasn’t all bandaids and booster shots.
“Come,” Raiden said, pulling you from your head. You turned to see him walking further into the catacombs. You quickly followed. “Those who perish in my service, do not go forgotten,” Raiden said.
“Are all of these people… Did they all serve you?”
“Yes,” he simply answered. The further he led you, the more you were grateful he was there to guide you. The catacombs were an absolute maze.
“This place is insane…” You whispered as you looked from one body to the next.
“Those here are only the ones who wished to be here… or had no other place to go.”
You turned your head to look up at him.
“You may be put to rest here as well, if you choose.”
Your jaw stiffened. You were sure Raiden meant that as a simple offer, and not a warning of what was to come. “Thanks…” You said. “But… I don’t think I’d match the dress code.” Joke. Humor. Always when awkwardness hit.
Raiden glanced to you. “There is no dress code.”
Maybe he just didn’t understand that it was a joke. “The robes… And the… bones. I think I’d look too fresh.” Oh, God, what was wrong with you? You weren’t a slab of meat! “I mean—”
“They were not all just bones and robes when they entered here.”
“No, I… I guess so. I just… I’m sorry. You just threw me a curve ball and I wasn’t expecting it.”
“Ah,” He nodded.
You must have followed Raiden for several more minutes before you began to notice a change. Some of the bodies wore armor instead of robes. Were those… fighters? Former Earthrealm defenders? Wait, if those ones were here… “You’re taking me to her, aren’t you?”
Raiden let a small grin pull his lips.
“How did she die?” you asked. “I know you said in a tournament, but… how?”
“Shang Tsung defeated her. He took her soul.”
The catacombs had twisted and turned the whole way so far, but Raiden now led you into a large, circular room. The walls were lined with more remains, all in different clothing. Some with beautiful armor, some in simple clothing. One section of a wall in particular caught your eye. Nine bodies, each with their own burning incense, were lined up on their own shelves. And the shelves and remains themselves were neat and clean. Stepping closer to them, you could hardly see a speck of dirt nor dust on either of them. It was such a stark contrast to the rest of the bodies in the room, and in the rest of the catacombs, where the bodies had mostly seemed left alone. But these nine seemed actively taken care of. Why?
“Kung Lao’s ancestors,” Raiden answered your curiosity.
Lao’s ancestors. Nine of them? Surely there were more...
“This room is for Earthrealm’s former defenders,” Raiden answered your thoughts again.
“So these are all the past Kung Laos?” You asked, stepping back to look them all over as a whole. “Then this one here—” you pointed to the one you figured was the oldest.
“The Great Kung Lao,” Raiden answered. He sighed then and rested his hand on the edge of a raised, open, sarcophagus in the center of the room. “And this is my Helena,” Raiden said slowly, painfully. He wouldn’t even look at his lover’s remains. It was too painful. You looked, though. You couldn’t help yourself. You’d stepped right over and peered down into the stone sarcophagus.
She wore a dark dress. You weren’t sure what color it used to be. She wore simple shoes, not too different from the ones you were offered by the temple. Her hands were folded neatly over her stomach. Her hair was long and black and draped over her shoulders. And you could tell, even with how horribly sunken her face was, how mummified she was, that she used to be pretty… gorgeous even. You frowned at the sight. “She’s beautiful, Lord Raiden,” you said softly.
A small, single sound of disbelief left him. “She is nothing but brittle skin and bone now.”
“Well… Yeah,” Your frown sunk. You supposed it did sound silly to say such a grotesque sight was beautiful. “But… That’s not how you remember her.”
Raiden nodded, then let his grin come back to his face. “No, it is not.”
“She’s beautiful, Lord Raiden,” You repeated.
“She is,” he agreed.
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mashiraostail · 4 years
Hi so I had this sorta funny idea. could I request headcanons for hizashi keigo and aizawa somehow upsetting their s/o (not too serious but she's still mad) and her vowing to get back at them not telling how, when or where but tells them to just watch their back and it making the guys a little jumpy whenever they show up around them when they're at work and maybe she's not really gonna do anything except let their own paranoia be punishment
omg drake and josh vibes i see u this is funny! For sure! Under da cut <3
Hizashi: It really was NOT his fault you scared easy, He didn’t do it on purpose (He did it on purpose) ‘Hizashi there is no way to jump behind someone wearing headphones, grab them, and scream boo accidentally!’ ‘it was an impulse! Habitual!’ ‘Either way! It’s the principal of the thing!’  When you warn him he’s gonna pay for it he just laughs, seriously, come on what could you actually do...right?  Things go back to normal hardly an hour after the small confrontation but in the coming days you randomly take on this...tone with him..like you’re up to no good. It freaks him out. He checks the bolts on every chair before he sits down.  He’s jumpy, everyone notices it, even more so when you’re around and looking bored. Aizawa has WAY too much fun with it, if he’s sitting beside Hizashi he’s definitely gonna mutter out a , ‘watch out behind you.’ Just to watch the blonde sputter and spin rapidly around. He’s about to take a bite of food or a sip of his drink and Aizawa will say something like, “are you really hungry?” or “I wouldn’t drink that, personally.” While you snicker across the room at him. He’ll try to make it up to you and he’s extra nice in the coming days but the aura of mischief around you doesn’t disperse at this point he’s terrified.  Even just coming up behind him with a ‘hey Zashi.’ is enough to make him jump out of his skin at you. After a week or so, you start to feel a little guilty.  “Hey you” You chirp hands coming down on his shoulders, he looks skeeved out, like you’ve got a handful of bugs you’re about to drop on him, or worse. “What’s with that face?” You frown at him, “don’t you love me anymore?”  “Of course I love you!” He’ll protest boisterously. “Then relax.” You laugh, “I’m not gonna do anything to you. I just wanted to scare you back.”  He’ll cry about how evil you are the whole way home.  Keigo: Food was food. He saw food, he ate it. It’s not like you’d starve without it! And how was he to know? You didn’t seem all that mad, just a little peeved, which he thought was fair, a couple minutes of brooding and you’d go get cozy with him again. But instead, you insist you’re gonna ‘get back at him when he least expects it’  It doesn’t bother him at first, but then you’re being extra nice, showing up to the agency, smiling at him, kissing him all the time, but all of it is done with an undeniable air of mischief. Something smelt funny here.  He starts to be wary of you, wariness turns into full-blown paranoia.  “You’re jumpy.” Even Tokoyami would notice.  “I’m not.”  “Hey, Keegs I was in the area so-” Your voice alone triggers flailing and falling and jumping, “what the hell?!” You’ll make dinner for the pair of you then say something vague and uncomfortable like, “suddenly I’m not very hungry.”   When he takes off his jacket you murmur out a, “be a shame if something happened to that huh?”  Enji notices, thinks it’s kind of pathetic but also does nothing to calm his nerves, he doesn’t have much of a sense of humor but it’s always fun to watch this guy act like an idiot. “Hey is that who I think it is?” He’ll say as they walk down a main road together in broad daylight, but still, Keigo will look like he’s walking into a dark alley at 3 AM all of a sudden. It’ll probably be Tokoyami who puts him onto the idea of ‘paranoia is his punishment’ but the amount of fear that strikes into him is terrible, you were too good, you deserved to be feared.  You take pity on him about a week after. “Keigo, come here, I need help please.”  “eeehh I dunno-” He looks wary of you but slowly approaches you anyways.  “Closer.” You frown until he’s bending down before you.  “Okay kiss me-” “No way.” “HURTFUL!” You gasp, “I’m trying to make up! I’m not gonna do anything I just wanted to freak you out as payback!” You shove him, “jerk! Go away.” “No, wait, I’ll kiss you!” 
Aizawa He knew it was your favorite sweater, and he was going to return it, honestly, it wasn’t his fault a small..minor..explosive fight..broke out... and that he had to break it up and in the process perhaps your sweater...caught..fire. Though Bakugou and Midoriya did receive very intense death glares once he realizes his misstep. You were definitely gonna be mad at him. Sure enough, you are, and when you vow to get back at him it does send just the tiniest chill up his spine. He wasn’t scared of a lot of things, he’d argue that he was mostly unafraid of everything, bugs didn’t bother him, not heights, high speeds, big villains, physical fights, injury, all of it was part of his reality, but you...when you had that aura of absolutely up to no good..well anyone would be a little nervous.  Hizashi absolutely loses it when he’s sitting across a table from Aizawa and you come up from behind the poor man and rub his shoulders with a long drawn out, “Hey Shou..” He’s never seen his friend's eyes so wide.  The others are more subtle Aizawa is outright and blunt. Phrases like “Get away from me.” or “please get away from me” and “What are you doing with that?” also “I can’t deal with this right now.” and “stop looking at me like that or so help me god.” become common whenever you enter a room.  Hizashi has way too much fun, with it, “are you gonna take a nap right now? They could be anywhere you know.” suddenly he isn’t so tired. The paranoia came from the fact he had no clue what you would do. You were a capable young professional, you could do some serious damage if you took him by surprise.  Even Toshinori, who tries not to make laughing at other’s misfortune a habit, can’t help but laugh at how skittish Aizawa is. Even his students notice him tense up at your voice or the mention of you. You cave after he tells you to, ‘get away from me before I have a fucking conniption.’ for the tenth time in just a few days.  “Okay don’t give yourself a heart attack. I was just playing with you...as payback. I didn’t think it’d work so well I feel kinda bad now.”  “That...is so cruel.” “Shou you started it by running that sweater!”  “Yeah and I’ll end it when you least expect it.”   
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javisjeanjacket · 4 years
The Phantom Menace Drunk Re-Watch
A/N: y’all asked for more reviews and I am here to serve. :) also THE HORSE IS OUT OF THE HOSPITAL CAN I GET A HELL YEAH YOU KNOW I HAD TO CELEBRATE SOMEHOW!!
I am already regretting re-watching this god awful movie but i can’t do maul dirty
there are spoilers for phantom menace in this list but like...its been out for 21 years. if you havent seen it yet what the fuck are you doing
Jesus christ this thing is 2 hours long fuck me
Starting the opening crawl off with a bunch of high brow political information was a BOLD move at best
Obi-Wan "I have a bad feeling about this." Kenobi
Okay okay wait so around 7 minutes into the movie they have a standoff with two droidekas and the droidekas are kicking their asses and so they escape and then somehow just zoom out of the frame?? like they don't walk they're just pulled by some kind of force??? 1999, man
Obi: "The negotiations were short" what a smug ass bitch i love it
"A communications interruption can only mean one thing-invasion" dude what the hell that can not be the case. have you checked the wifi router my guy
Oh fuck I forgot jar jar binks is in this movie get me another beer
also who plays jar jar?? becauseeee I just want to talk. why would you do this to us
Do you think the phantom menace was for the prequels what rise of skywalker was for the sequels in terms of disappointment in the theater
So fun fact about me I have a horrible fear of the ocean and water in general so this whole underwater sequence is literally making my skin crawl
Naboo is vaguely reminiscent of rivendell from lord of the rings I said what I said
While I do respect how much effort they put into the political side of this movie's plot I feel like it's kind of getting in the way tbh
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"hello boyos." Me trying to flirt
What makes me emo is knowing that R2 was there for literally everyone's adventures and he saw it all and he knows it all but he can't tell anyone :(
Jar jar is the 8th circle of hell
How tall is Natalie Portman?? because standing next to Liam neeson she looks like she's about 3 feet 4 inches
Anakin's first words to Padme: "are you an angel?" 🥺🥺 Oh-
Watto's neck beard makes me increeeeedibly uncomfortable
Also why doesnt Jedi mind control work on toyardarians?? I have questions
Jesus christ sebulba is terrifying
Okay so at 38:38 into the movie r2 is going into Ani's bedroom and there's a wood carving that looks exactly like Maz Kanata??? 👀👀👀
🥺🥺🥺 3PO and R2 meeting for the first time!!!
Not jar jar eating his food from his plate like a fucking dog please just kill me
Qui-Gon: "I don't know there's just something about this boy." Me about literally anythinf with a pulse and floppy brown hair
C-3PO: "You know, I find that Jar Jar creature to be a little odd." Lol SAME
What is wild to me is that ani's midichlorian count is dummy thicc but it's not talked about enough to be something I remember
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Qui-Gon to Watto: "Patience, my blue friend." Sksksksk Qui-Gon please
Wait wait wait one of the pod racer announcers is played by one of the guys who was on Whose Line is it Anyway? I just realized! What an amazing show I miss it everyday
That animal farting in jar jar's face lol he deserves it
Also lol why is sebulba so mean to Anakin?? Anakin is like 9 years old. Sebulba is definitely full grown. grow up you fucking loser
I've reached that point in my drinking adventure that I am get very tired so fingers crossed that I don't fall asleep 🤞🏻
Watching this pod race sequence as a child is part of the reason I have so much anxiety now
"Skywalker's spinning out of control!" Lol same
Anakin ate that race tbh
Has anyone written qui gon x shmii content?? because he just put a hand on her shoulder and 👀👀 I am thönking
Listen LISTEN Anakin is like what 9 or 10 in this movie and Padme is ?? 15? 16? No dude. No giving of a necklace and saying "I care for you" absolutely not. JAIL
Palpatine is so good at emotionally manipulating people he must drive a Honda Accord and his favorite movie must be Clockwork Orange
The reveal of Padme as queen doesn't make any sense. Like why?? You could have just waited until it was absolutely necessary bro no need for a dramatic entrace
Anakin too baby to be in battle
Wait is this movie the Star Wars version of the classic man vs technology?? because I'm thinking about the gungans which are very like organic and versus the droids
Also the gungans shield didn't stop the droids from just straight up walking through so like what the fuck is the point guys
YASSSS Maul and Obi and Qui-Gon here we go!!
Seeing maul bust out the double edged lightsaber really made me tingle when I was a young lass
This maul fight is incredibly extra but what else do you expect from the Star Wars franchise
Qui-Gon meditating while waiting for the barrier to fight Maul is absolutely too much
Yay!! the evil donut blows up
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I did fall asleep towards the end there I'm not gonna lie, but ya know, we've all seen this movie before, so.
it was just as horrible as i remembered it but like....i did enjoy falling in and out of sleep as it played in the background so that counts for something right??
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