#therefore making it hard for you to explain or trust them. whatever man
avvocarlo · 4 months
holy shit I hate the rules and politics within the community services industry
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genshinluvr · 2 years
Burning Desire
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: You and the men are exploring the Chasm to search for the flower dubbed the Scent of Spring. A rare flower that is the last of its kind. While trying to pull the flower from the cracks in the wall, the flower sprays a strange powder all over you. When the flower sprays powder all over you, you end up inhaling a large amount of it.
Note: Welcome to a new smut series by yours truly, me! Thanks to the requester, there is a new smut series where every man gets their own smut fic and the readers get to choose who's starting the smut series and who will be next after the previous character! This request was sent in before the harem had 25 people, therefore I am making it into a new smut series other than Crave. There will be a poll per chapter and whoever gets the most votes will be the one to start off the smut, and whoever is voted the most after that character the started the smut fic (for example: Aether), will be the next chapter. Instead of making the reader drink an aphrodisiac, I decided to have the reader inhale it. Anyway! I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: No smut in this part (darn), but there are some implications of sex and masturbation. Reader inhales a large amount of sex pollen/aphrodisiac.
Word Count: 9.2k
Burning Desire "chapters"/routes: [1], [2], [3], [4]
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You have recently decided to work for the Adventurer’s Guild! Kind of. The Akademiya and the Adventurer’s Guild decide to team up and let the Akademiya students explore around and take on an adventurer’s task. You are tasked to investigate the Chasm and find a mysterious flower that went extinct thousands of years ago. Rumor has it that there is only one flower that managed to survive the extinction, and you are on a mission to find that flower.
When you informed your twenty-five boyfriends about your task in the Chasm, they were hesitant to let you go to the Chasm. Not because they didn’t trust you but because it’s the Chasm, and many things can go wrong down there. Plus, it’s hard to tell whether the air conditions are safe down there or not. Hence why miners would go into the Chasm with finches in the cage— to test whether the air quality is good down there or not. At least, that’s what you can recall. 
“Why the Chasm? Why not somewhere else that isn’t dangerous, like the Chasm?” Aether asks, leaning back in his seat while gazing at you worriedly.
Al Haitham chews on the inside of his cheek, his eyebrows furrowing. “Did they assign you the Chasm?”
You shake your head. “I chose to go to the Chasm! There’s this rare— I’m not sure if I should call it rare— flower in the Chasm. It’s the only flower that managed to survive while its fellow species went extinct. Because botany is what I specialize in, I want to find this flower, bring it back to the Akademiya, and have it studied,” you explain.
“And you want to go to the Chasm alone?” Tighnari asks, staring at you with wide eyes.
You quickly protest, “No, no! I’m not! I was hoping you all would go to the Chasm with me and keep me company!” You say, fiddling with your thumbs.
The corners of Childe’s lips quirk up after hearing your response. Childe gets up from his seat and walks over to you. Childe wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you to his chest, and caresses your face in front of the other men around you two. You and Childe hear collective scoffs and groans from the men.
Childe has a shit-eating grin on his face. “Do you all hear that? My precious snookums wants me to keep them company to the Chasm!” Childe exclaims dramatically, resting his cheek on your head while rocking you back and forth.
“You mean us, Harbinger. [Y/N] wants us to join them in the Chasm while they search for this mysterious flower for their Akademiya research,” Diluc interjects, rolling his eyes.
Childe rolls his eyes and mouths “whatever” to himself while suffocating you in his arms. It wasn’t hard to convince the others to join you in the Chasm while you searched for this flower. And now, here you are, walking through the Chasm with your beloved boyfriends following behind.
Your professors at the Akademiya have been raving about this mysterious flower when you were a new student at the Akademiya. Despite the professors raving about the flower, they were afraid of going to the Chasm to search for the flower, which is a bit ironic because most Akademiya scholars would risk it all for their research and experiments. 
The flower is dubbed the “Scent of Spring,” and you’re not entirely sure why the flower is called that when none of these scholars have gotten close enough to the flower to smell it. While the scholars at the Akademiya have some knowledge of the flower, the knowledge did not help you and the men find this flower. You only know what it looks like.
You hold the sketched image of the “Scent of Spring” in your hands. “It looks like an apple blossom! And the colors are supposed to be a gradient of light steel blue and a medium slate blue,” you murmur, stroking your chin.
“It’s dark down here. How are we supposed to find this mysterious flower in a place like this?” Kaveh asks, squinting to search the darkness ahead of you all.
You shrug, following behind Albedo (who has the Lumenstone Adjuvant). “I’m not sure! It should be somewhere in the Chasm, but my professors and the other scholars weren’t clear on where the flower can be found,” you sigh.
“Sounds like they don’t know what they’re talking about. What if they led you on a goose chase, and they’re watching our every move to get what they wanted?” Cyno asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
Oh, dear archons. You sure hope the Akademiya scholars aren’t leading you on a wild goose chase. This is part of your assignment and research project. You will be disappointed if you go through all that trouble just to find out the flower doesn’t exist or the scholars already have it.
Albedo hums thoughtfully, shining the Lumenstone Adjuvant in another direction in the cave. “I don’t think a couple of scholars are capable of doing that. But if they attempt to do that, we won’t let it happen,” Albedo murmurs.
“How does a flower thrive in an environment like the Chasm? It’s underground, away from sunlight. There’s no way a flower can survive without sunlight,” Scaramouche interjects, kicking a pebble across the cave.
“Well, there are plenty of plants that can grow without sunlight, Scaramouche. I find it strange that a flower can survive in an environment like the Chasm. We can barely breathe in some areas of the Chasm,” you mutter, propping your hands on your hips before looking back at the sketched image of the flower. 
The area all of you are in is dark and wet. It’s disgusting, but the air is breathable compared to other areas of the Chasm you all explored a while ago. It’s kind of a win. The sound of water dripping from the ceiling in the cave is all you can hear. As you and the twenty-five men continue to walk further into the cave, the sound of the waterfall running gradually becomes louder.
Venti points forward. “Maybe the flower survived in the Chasm because of this stream that is connected to the waterfall!” Venti theorizes, skipping ahead of the group.
You stop in your tracks and think about what Venti had just said. He’s not wrong. While the air in the Chasm is unbreathable in some areas, there is a source of running water in the Chasm that could be keeping the flower alive. You and the men progress into the cave, the waterfall getting louder and louder the more you all approach the end of the cave.
“Are there any other descriptions given about the flower other than its color? Does it glow in the dark? Is there a strong scent?” Heizou trails off, looking around the cave to search for the flower.
You shake your head. “My professors didn’t give me any further details about the flower other than it being dubbed the Scent of Spring,” you say dramatically.
“And what does the scent of spring supposed to smell like? Spring?” Itto asks, making a “pfft” sound and walking over to where you stand and props his arm on your head, using you as a personal stand. 
You shrug your shoulders and move Itto’s arm off your head. “That, I do not know! However, I think that means we should start sniffing flowers,” you say, pulling out your flashlight and begin searching for this rare flower your professors and the scholars in the botany department have been raving about for who knows how long. 
You believe once you have given the scholars the flower, they will try to find a way to bring back the population of the extinct flower. Though, you wonder if they will continue to revive their population if the flower ends up being dangerous to inhale or be around. Now that you think about it, there are dangerous plants throughout Teyvat that are used for experiments to create new medicine or cure for diseases.
“Once you find the flower, what are you going to do with it?” Ayato asks, his eyes landing on the giant mushroom in the Chasm.
The giant mushroom in the Chasm illuminated the area. You shine the flashlight around, hoping to catch a glimpse of the flower the Akademiya scholars have been talking about nonstop. You hum and prop your hand on your hip, thinking about what you will be doing with the flower once you find it.
“I’m going to give it to the Akademiya, but I want Albedo and the others to get some research done on it. It wouldn’t be fair if I find something rare and immediately hand it off to the scholars at the Akademiya,” you say.
Dottore smiles and throws his arms around your shoulders. “It’s sweet how you’re putting us ahead of the scholars,” Dottore coos, pinching your cheek with a cheeky grin on his face.
“Since this is for [Y/N]’s assignment, let’s not distract them any more than we already are. They need to focus and find the flower,” says Baizhu, crossing his arms over his chest.
You mouthed a “thank you” to Baizhu before proceeding on your search for the flower. Everyone is scattered around the cave, searching for the Scent of Spring. You’re not sure why it's dubbed the Scent of Spring because surely the people would have known what it smells like if they come across it. But because the flower is in the Chasm and no one has gone near it, you find it hard to believe that the flower smells like spring. Plus, what does spring smell like other than flowers? Every flower has its own unique scent.
After searching for about fifteen minutes, you see a medium-sized flower between the cracks in the wall. The flower is sticking out, and it’s shaped like an apple blossom and has the same color gradient that was written down on the piece of paper in your hand. The sound of your gasp alerted the men, and they all ran toward where you were standing.
Kaeya points at the flower. “Is that the flower you’ve been searching for?” Kaeya asks, inspecting the flower from a safe distance.
You nod slowly. “I believe it is! It’s shaped like an apple blossom, it has the same color gradient written on the paper, and it’s the only flower in this area,” you murmur, reaching forward and touching the petals. “It’s really soft, too,” you add.
“Now that we found it, how should we extract the flower from the area without damaging it?” Asks Thoma, tilting his head to the side and scanning the flower in front of you.
You pull a glass case from your bag and place it on the ground, putting on rubber gloves and preparing to take the flower out from where it’s residing. There’s no guarantee you’ll be able to pull the Scent of Spring out of the cracks without damaging it. It’ll be ironic if it dies the minute you pull it out from the cracks, even though it survived for thousands of years while its own kind went extinct.
When you tug on it, you notice the stem is quite thick, almost as wide as a branch. Not only was it sturdy, but you noticed there was some powdery substance on the flower itself. Even though you know little to nothing about this particular flower, you know that most flowers in Teyvat do not have a powdery coating on top of the petals. You rub the powder between your gloved thumb and index finger, testing its consistency.
“That’s odd. I’ve never seen a flower that has this powdery coating on it,” you murmur, leaning your face closer to the flower to inspect it.
“Does it smell like the Scent of Spring?” Kazuha asks, watching you examine the flower closely.
You shrugged your shoulders and gave a whiff of the flower. After whiffing the flower, you have concluded that the flower has no scent at all. Therefore whoever named the flower needs to rename it because it doesn’t smell like spring, nor does it smell like anything at all. It does have a hint of an earthy smell, but that could be coming from the rocks and the dirt it’s planted in. 
You shake your head. “There’s no scent. The Akademiya scholars will need to rename it because it has no fragrance at all,” you say, proceeding to gently grab it by the stem, lightly tugging on it.
When you tug on it lightly, it does not budge. Not even a little bit. You furrow your eyebrows and pull on the flower harder. The harder you pull on the flower, the more you realize the flower isn’t going to be budging anytime soon. Before you know it, the flower sprays the powder all over you. You freeze and release the flower, blinking at the men, who look at you worriedly. 
You breathe in the powder, feeling the powder inhaled through your nose. You coughed and began hacking, punching your chest, doubling over while in a coughing fit. Gorou panics and runs toward you, only for you to shake your head frantically and gesture for him and others not to come any closer.
Gorou whimpers, looking at the others worriedly. “[Y/N], are you okay?” Gorou asks softly.
You calm down after a few minutes and take a deep breath, wincing when you feel the powder in your throat and lungs. You take deep gulps of air and straighten up, looking over at the flower. The flower no longer has a powdery coating on its petals, which was strange because it made you assume the flower never had any powder coating in the first place. What was that thing that coated the flower? Unless it was the flower that spits the powder at you as a defense mechanism?
You stroke your chin. “How strange,” You mutter.
Xiao scoffs. “Yeah, no kidding. You were hacking your lungs up a few minutes ago, and now you’re acting like everything’s okay?” Xiao asks, propping his hands on his hips while narrowing his eyes at you.
You clear your throat, swallowing your saliva. You wince and rub your throat, sniffing the air lightly. You can still feel the powdery substance in your nose, lungs, and throat. It feels awful. It’s almost as if you purposefully inhaled cinnamon or breathed in cinnamon. Your nose begins to itch, making you take your rubber gloves off and rub your nose, hoping to get rid of the itchiness in your nostrils.
Zhongli approaches you and places a hand on your shoulder. “Dearest, are you alright?” Zhongli asks softly.
You wave Zhongli off and nod, but you don’t brush his hands away from you. “Yeah! I’m fine! Totally fine!” You say, giving the men a strained smile.
Before any of the men could speak up, you squeeze your eyes shut and sneeze into your elbow. You quickly act like nothing has happened. The men stare at you, and you stare right back at them. You cough into your elbow to clear your throat. You can still feel the powder lingering in your nose, lungs, and throat. You look over at the flower, and you still don’t see any of the powder coatings that you have inhaled. Whatever the powder was, you only hope it’s not a drug that will negatively impact you and your health. Just when Tighnari was about to open his mouth to say something, you sneezed again.
You rub your nose and groan. “Oh my gosh. I can still feel the stupid powder,” you groused.
“We should head back to the abode and get you checked out,” Dainsleif says, now standing beside you.
“What about the flower? It wouldn’t budge when I tried to get it,” you mutter, pointing over at the flower that looks delicate.
Pierro sighs and closes his eyes. “We’ll get it for you,” he says, looking over at Capitano and nodding.
Capitano walks toward the flower wedged between the cracks in the wall. Capitano grabs the flower by the stem and begins to lightly tug on the flower to see how stuck it is in the gaps.
“Okay, but please be care—” 
Capitano grunts and rips the flower from the wall; the flower is still intact and in good shape. Somehow. You look at Capitano blankly, who turns toward you and holds the flower out to you. You, Dainsleif, and Zhongli stare at the flower in Capitano’s hand.
“The flower was firmly planted in the cracks. You need to put more force when you pull the flower out from where it was planted,” Capitano says gruffly.
You grab the flower from Capitano’s hand and place the flower in the glass case. The flower is beautiful, but you’re upset the flower sprayed the powdery substance at you. And now you have to get checked up to see if the powder has any effects on you, your lungs, your nose, and your throat. Other than the lingering feeling of inhaling the powder, you feel fine. You close the glass case and put it back in your backpack, putting the bag on and rubbing your nose with the palm of your hand.
Pantalone looks at you worriedly. “Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t feel strange, do you?” Pantalone asks.
You shake your head. “I’m feeling okay so far! But, we should get to the abode quick. I need to find a safe place to store the flower, then shower to wash this,” you gestured to your body, “off.” 
Tighnari, Albedo, Baizhu, and Dottore walk up to you. Albedo, Tighnari, and Dottore pull out cotton swabs and begin to swipe at the powder on your body and put it in a glass test tube. You blink at the men and watch them pocket the test tube, acting like nothing has happened.
You shake your head with a deep exhale. “I’m assuming you’re all going to put it under the microscope to see what the powder actually is?” You ask.
Albedo nods and adjusts his glove. “We’re also going to run some tests on it to see what the powder is made of,” replies Albedo.
You and the men start walking back to the surface of the Chasm. You made sure the men walked ahead of you while you walked behind them. You don’t want to risk the men inhaling the powder while you walk in front of them, and a gust of wind blows the powder to their faces, making them inhale it. Upon arriving at the abode, you take your shoes off and rub your nose. Your nose is still itching, your throat no longer feels weird, but you can feel the powder lingering in your lungs.
“Are we going to the lab, or are we going to the infirmary for my check-up?” You ask, scratching the back of your head. 
Other than wondering where you need to go for the check-up, you really want to take a shower and wash the remaining powder off your clothes, hair, and body. The powder got everywhere (it covered you from head to toe, pretty much), and it bothered you.
Tighnari hums and taps his chin. “That’s a good question,” Tighnari hums, tapping his foot on the ground.
“Wait! I’m going to take a shower first, then we can start with the check-up,” You said.
You turn around and quickly walk up the stairs to your bedroom. While you are showering, you scrub every nook and cranny with a loofa lathered in a sakura blossom-scented shower gel. You want to make sure to scrub and wash away the powder sprayed at you. 
You might have to dispose of the clothes you wore to the Chasm. You don’t want the powder to be lingering around or spread on other things in the abode (like the men’s clothes). So far, you’re not feeling anything from the powder. The only thing it’s doing to you is making you cough and sneeze occasionally.
You changed into clean undergarments and clothes. You wrap your hair in a towel and submerge your clothes in the water to make sure the powder dissolves into the water. You continue with your skincare routine, making sure to scrub your face for a long time with cleanser. 
After your skincare, you walk to your bathtub and drain the water, wringing your clothes dry once the water is completely drained. Once the clothes are wrung, you toss them into a trash bag and take them downstairs, your hair still dripping wet from your shower. You open the trash can and throw the trash bag into it, ignoring the looks the men are giving you.
You clear your throat and turn to the others with a smile on your face. “I’m ready for my check-up now! Do we go to the infirmary, or are we going to get it done in the lab?” You ask.
“Why did you throw your clothes away?” Baizhu asks, pointing at the stainless steel trash bin.
You shrug your shoulders. “I’m throwing them away just to be safe. I soaked them in the bathtub and wrung them dry, but I’m not risking anything!” You huff, propping your hands on your hips.
Dottore approaches you and wraps his arms over your shoulders. “We’ll be conducting a simple check-up on you in the lab. You haven’t been showing any medical emergencies since we returned to the abode. So, I believe we’ll be doing it in the lab,” Dottore explains, turning to look at Tighnari, Albedo, and Baizhu, who nod in agreement. 
You and the twenty-five men walk to the laboratory in the basement of the estate. You sit on the closest chair and wait for one of the four men (Albedo, Baizhu, Dottore, and Tighnari) to start the check-up. While Baizhu’s checking up on your eyes, throat, breathing, and your heart, the other men ask you various questions.
“Did you feel strange when you breathed in the powder?” Ayato asks.
“Not really,” you shake your head, “other than coughing and sneezing because of the powder, I feel alright. Although I did feel the powder going into my throat and lungs when it sprayed on me.”
Dainsleif furrows his eyebrows and watches you closely. “Can you still feel it?” Dainsleif asks.
You take a deep breath, only for your breath to get caught in your throat halfway, making you cough. You wince and nod to Dainsleif’s question. “I can still feel it, but not as much as I could earlier,” you croak.
“Here, drink this,” Childe says as he hands you a cup of water. 
You give Childe a grateful smile and grab the cup from his hands before gulping the water. After a few more questions from the men, Baizhu concludes that you’re healthy and there’s nothing wrong. But Baizhu did advise you to keep a close eye on your health and body in case anything changes overnight or over the next few days. That is something you don’t mind doing, and you’re planning on doing it anyway.
You look at the flower in the display case in the laboratory. It’s in great condition. Nothing is torn or crushed, thankfully. You get up from your seat and walk toward the display glass. As much as you want to start your research on the flower, your breathing in the powder is already too much for you to deal with. Especially when you have coughing or sneezing fits every now and then. 
Kaeya notices the look on your face while you examine the flower. “Oh, no. You’re not conducting any experiments or research right now, bunny. What you need to do is rest,” says Kaeya, crossing his arms over his chest.
You pucker your lips. “I know, Kaeya! I just wanted to make sure the flower is in good condition! After all, Capitano did rip the flower from the cracks,” you say, looking over at the tall man.
Capitano shrugs. “You attempted to be gentle with the flower, and it wouldn’t budge. Therefore, I took it into my own hands and got you the flower you need for your research,” replies Capitano.
You turn toward the flower and continue where you left off. The powder. The flower didn’t produce the powder again, making you wonder if the powder was only temporary or if it’ll make the powdery coating again if the flower was still in the cracks. Even if the flower did produce that powder as a defense mechanism from predators or (in your and the Akademiya’s case) people who want to take the flower from its habitat, the flower did not create any more powder after it sprayed you the first time.
Pierro raises an eyebrow at you. “What’s on your mind, little one?” Pierro asks.
You press your lips into a thin line and shake your head. “Way too much, that’s for sure,” you sigh.
“I think you should take a break for today! We returned to the abode from the Chasm not too long ago. It’s been a long day for all of us, and you should spend the day with us relaxing and doing nothing!” Itto proclaims, pulling you to his chest and patting your damp hair.
You snort and let yourself melt in Itto’s arms. “Alright, I’ll take up on your offer,” you say, reaching up and tapping on Itto’s nose lightly.
Itto scrunches his nose and rubs the tip of his nose against yours. You giggle and wrap your arms around his waist, pressing a kiss on his cheek. Itto lifts you up and carries you out of the laboratory with the other men following behind. Some were muttering about how Itto is hogging you for himself and how it’s not fair for everyone else. It’s Childe that’s muttering about it, the others were giving Itto silent glares and looks of disapproval. Itto collapses on the couch with you in his arms, wrapping both his arms and legs around you while smirking at the others that groan loudly.
Diluc rolls his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose while shaking his head. “Itto, can you not hog [Y/N] for yourself?” Diluc asks, frowning at the Oni clinging to you.
Itto gives Diluc a cheeky grin and shakes his head, tightening his arms and legs around you while you lay on Itto’s chest limply. After almost a year of dating these men (holy shit, has it been nearly a year?), you have decided not to fight off their affections and clinginess unless you want them to become even clingier. Therefore you have accepted your fate and let these men smother you with love and affection.
Xiao pulls out his polearm and looks over at Diluc from the corner of his eyes. “Do you want me to do something about it?” Asks Xiao.
Diluc shakes his head, continuing to narrow his eyes at Itto. Itto ignores the look almost everyone is giving him by burying his face into your neck and closing his eyes. You and the men lounge around the living room for the rest of the day. You and Thoma end up making pizza for everyone to eat— you and Thoma made a lot of pizza since everyone has a big appetite. Once the pizza was done cooking, you all dined in the living room with your pizzas, catching up with what had happened at work and school (since you’re an Akademiya student).
The day soon winds down, and everyone has finished their pizzas and is scattered around the living area of the estate. Since Itto decides to hog your attention, the others have decided to do it back to him by doing the same. You were passed around from man to man to snuggle with them. Each time Itto tries to snuggle with you, you’re taken away from his grasp by another man, leaving Itto to pout and complain to the others.
You’re now lying on Pantalone’s chest, slowly dozing off. After consuming about five slices of pizza, you feel really full and really sleepy. Pantalone is reading a book while combing his fingers through your hair, lulling you to sleep. Just when you’re about to fall asleep, you feel someone press their hands against your forehead. You crack your eyes open and see Al Haitham and Kaveh standing in front of you, bending down to examine you.
Kaveh smiles at you, brushing your hair away from your face. “Sorry to disturb your nap. We were just checking up on you,” Kaveh says softly.
Al Haitham lightly smacks Kaveh’s hand away from your face before caressing your face. “How are you doing? Do you feel off in any way, or do you feel okay?
Kaveh scowls at Kaveh, crossing his arms over his chest. You rub your eyes sleepily, continuing to lie on Pantalone’s chest. You stare at the ground, trying to process what’s going on. How do you feel? Well, for starters, you shouldn’t have eaten too many pizzas because now you’re feeling exhausted because of the number of carbs you’ve eaten.
“I’m tired. I’m also very full,” you grumble, yawning. “I shouldn’t have taken up on Itto’s offer of having a pizza-eating competition. Now I feel like I’m pregnant,” you mumble, rubbing your tummy.
“And you beat Itto in the pizza-eating competition. I’m surprised he stopped after four slices of pizza,” Venti interjects, propping his hands on his hips.
You nod. “Me too! And he’s very competitive, and yet he stopped eating after four slices,” you grumble, looking over at Itto, who gives you a sheepish look.
Cyno hums and strokes his chin, glancing at Itto and then over at you. “I guess he didn’t want a pizza-of it anymore,” Cyno commented, shrugging his shoulders.
Everyone around Cyno groans and gives him a side-eye. You snort and shake your head, burying your face into Pantalone’s chest. Whenever Cyno sees an opportunity to crack a lame joke, he will take it. You feel something stir inside you, making you freeze in Pantalone’s arms, making him look down at you curiously. 
Pantalone scratches your head gently. “What’s wrong?” Pantalone murmurs, tilting his head to the side to get a better look at your face.
“I don’t know. I feel something strange,” you mutter, sitting up and straddling Pantalone’s lap. “I can’t really explain it. Health-wise, I’m fine. Physically, I am fine as well.” You tap your chin before rubbing your face. 
Maybe it’s the effects of eating five slices of pizza, but you don’t think that could be it exactly. What you are going to do is go to bed and take a nap because the sleepiness is catching up to you at full speed. You get off of Pantalone’s lap and rub your eyes, yawning and stretching your arms in the air.
“I am going to bed now. It’s been a long day, and I think sleep is what I need,” you said, rubbing the back of your neck before glancing over at the clock.
Scaramouche gets up from his seat and walks over to where you’re standing. “I’ll take you to your room if that’s okay with you,” Scaramouche offers, holding his arm out for you to take.
“Yeah, sure! I don’t mind!” You say, linking your arms with Scaramouche.
Heizou holds his hands up to stop you and Scaramouche from leaving. “You’re just going to leave us all without a goodnight kiss?” Heizou teases, pouting at you while batting his eyelashes at you.
You roll your eyes playfully and snort. “Ah, I see! How could I forget about our bedtime rituals?” You ask, unlinking your arms around Scaramouche’s arm.
The bedtime routine for you is to bid each man goodnight with hugs, kisses, or both depending on the man. Usually, it would take a while for you to bid everyone goodnight because one man wouldn’t want to hand you over to the next person because he wanted to hold onto you longer— which is where you are currently at: stuck in Zhongli’s arms and his refusal to hand you over to Thoma.
You poke Zhongli’s biceps. “Zhongli, I need to bid Thoma goodnight before going to bed. He’s the last person,” you pout, repeatedly poking him.
Zhongli tightens his grip around you with a sigh. Zhongli leans down to your ear, pressing his lips on your ear. “Must I let you go? How about you stay with me for the night?” Zhongli murmurs, closing his eyes.
“Hey! If I can’t have [Y/N] sleep in my room tonight, then no one can!” Aether complains loudly, plopping down on the couch with his arms crossed over his torso. 
You reach toward Thoma. Thoma grabs your hands and pulls you toward him, attempting to pull you from Zhongli’s grasp. Zhongli tightens his grip around you and narrows his eyes at Thoma, who is struggling to release you from the former archon’s grasp.
Thoma laughs breathlessly. “Come on, Zhongli! I’m only going to be bidding [Y/N] goodnight! It’s not like I’ll be stealing them from you for the night,” Thoma rolls his eyes playfully. 
Zhongli rests his chin on your shoulders. “Then you can just say goodnight to my dearest and call it a day,” he huffs, burying his face into your neck.
The men watch Zhongli and Thoma plays tug-of-war with you for the next five minutes. You end up breaking the tug-of-war by batting at the two men like a cat. You give Zhongli a look before slowly walking toward Thoma, wrapping your arms around his waist and narrowing your eyes at Zhongli, who narrows his eyes in return.
“Who knew the God of Contracts is clingy,” Kazuha chuckles, shaking his head.
Gorou leans toward Kazuha and whispers, “I don’t think I would want to be Zhongli’s competition. He’s more possessive over [Y/N] than we all are.”
To be fair, all of the men are possessive over you. And you gotta admit, you love it when the men are possessive over you. Who wouldn’t be? Imagine having twenty-five attractive men wrapped around your finger, and they’re willing to rip an arm off of someone if they (the person that isn’t in the harem) touch you? Despite you loving the men’s possessiveness over you, you did set a boundary they cannot cross, and they respect those boundaries of yours. Plus, they may be possessive over you, but they’re not overly possessive to the point where you cannot talk to anyone that’s not them, nor do they prevent you from doing things you love and going outside the abode.
You unwrap your arms around Thoma and walk toward the stairs. “Okay, goodnight!” You said, waving at the men and running up the stairs to your bedroom.
The next day, you’re rudely awoken from your sleep by the feeling of throbbing between your legs and your body being overheated. You look around your bedroom sleepily and panting. You sit and toss your blanket off your body. Your body is covered in a thin layer of sweat, nearly soaking through your clothes. You’re not entirely sure if your menstrual cycle is close or not because you’re feeling unbelievably horny.
You end up taking a shower to wake up and cool your overheated body. And now here you are, sitting in the bathtub, letting cold water rain down on you while you try to find a way to relieve this feeling between your legs. You’re not a prude. You’ve masturbated to relieve yourself before. But this feeling is stronger, and it's unavoidable. Therefore, that is what you did in the shower for the next fifteen minutes— trying to relieve yourself and soothe the aching between your legs. Did it work? No, it did not work at all.
After your failed attempts of trying to relieve yourself, you step out of the bathroom. The only bright side is that you’re not covered in sweat like how you were when you first woke up. Well, rudely awoken from your sleep, to be more specific. You’re tempted to go back to bed and sleep the horniness away, but you know it won’t be going away any time soon. Your thoughts are interrupted by someone knocking at your bedroom door.
“Who is it?” You ask, slowly walking to the door.
“Oh, good! You’re awake! Are you ready for your check-up today?” You hear Tighnari ask.
You sigh in relief. A check-up, right! That’s what you need right now so you can know what’s going on with your body. 
You grab the door handle and open the door. “Is the check-up going to be now, or will it be after breakfast?” You ask.
Albedo shrugs. “Whichever is good to you. We can give you a check-up before breakfast if that’s what you prefer,” replies Albedo.
“Can we do it now? I’m not feeling well, and I don’t think the check-up should be delayed any longer,” you said, leaning your head against the door frame with a shaky sigh.
Tighnari and Albedo look at you worriedly before taking you to the laboratory in the basement of the estate. While escorting you to the laboratory, the three of you walk past the other men. They greeted you, but you were busy telling Albedo and Tighnari the issue to acknowledge them. The men ended up following you, Tighnari, and Albedo to the lab.
In the laboratory, you’re sitting at the examination table. Baizhu takes your temperature while Dottore presses the back of his hand against your forehead. You’re very warm, almost like you’re running a fever despite feeling healthy. Unless you count the heat coursing through your veins and bubbling inside your guts to be unhealthy.
“Let me make this clear: you woke up feeling like you’re a dog in heat, and you were covered in a thin layer of sweat,” Scaramouche says, leaning against the wall.
You nod hesitantly and narrow your eyes at Scaramouche’s comment. “That is correct. Although I wish you didn’t include the ‘dog in heat’ part,” you reply, fidgeting in your seat.
Itto looks at you quizzically. “Are you sure you didn’t wake up from a wet dream? It happened to me before, and you know how that ended,” Itto says, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
You do; you do know how it ended. It ended with Itto using you like a cocksleeve for almost three hours. That man is an Oni. Therefore you’re not surprised that he can go on for that long. Heck, he could go on longer if he wanted to, but seeing how worn out you were, he decided to stop at the three-hour mark. You couldn’t walk for the next few days, and you made Itto carry you around the estate as punishment. Then again, it’s not like Itto was forced to do it. He offered to carry you around, and you accepted his offer.
Ayato rolls his eyes after hearing Itto’s comment. “You did not need to mention that at all, Itto. You could’ve stopped at the question,” Ayato mutters, crossing his arms over his chest with a sharp huff of breath.
You think about it for a minute. It’s possible that you could have woken up from a wet dream, but usually, you remember your dreams. If you did have a wet dream, you wonder what it’s about because it made you feel like, according to Scaramouche, a dog in heat. Maybe it is a wet dream, but the heat inside your core and the throbbing between your legs feels unbearable. You’re trying to keep yourself together and not fall apart in front of the men. 
“Are you guys sure it’s not the powder that is causing [Y/N]’s body to act this way?” Thoma asks, looking at you worriedly.
Your eyes widen, and you nod, pointing at Thoma. “Yeah! What he said! It’s most likely the powder from the flower that’s causing me to feel this way!” You exclaim.
Kaveh hums and looks at the flower sitting in the glass case. “Since you, Dottore, Baizhu, Albedo, and Tighnari have yet to experiment or study the plant and powder, I’m not entirely sure if that’s something we can automatically confirm to be the reason why you’re feeling this way,” Kaveh comments, tapping on his chin.
“Then what else could be affecting [Y/N] this way? They didn’t eat anything weird, and I’m sure it’s not a wet dream Itto claims it to be,” Al Haitham interjects, narrowing his eyes at Kaveh.
You run your fingers through your hair with a frustrated sigh. You know it’s the flower that’s making you feel this way. You’re the only one that got sprayed by this flower, and you inhaled large gulps of this mysterious powder. Days before going to the Chasm, you felt fine. You didn’t feel like a dog in heat. There’s no pit of fire in your core that is raging days prior to going to the Chasm.
You rub your temples with a frustrated sigh. “Is there a way for me to…. Stop this feeling? Or at least put it on hold, or make it less torturous?” You ask.
Archons, this is so frustrating. How else are you supposed to calm this heat in your gut? It’s driving you insane, and you want it to stop. It feels like you have a fire pit in your core, burning wildly, inextinguishable.
“The best we could tell you is to masturbate, but I’m assuming you already did it,” Dottore says, raising an eyebrow at you, the corner of his lips quirking up.
You huff and look away, your face becoming hot under his and the other men’s gaze. “So much for helping,” you mutter. “It’s gotten to the point where it starts to hurt a little bit,” you add, swinging your feet back and forth.
“Maybe whatever you’re feeling will go away as the day progresses. I think the best thing Dottore, Baizhu, Albedo, and Tighnari could do is give you medication,” Cyno comments, looking over at Baizhu, who walks up to you and hands you a small pill.
“This should help ease the pain you’re feeling. If the pain worsens, or if the feeling you’re experiencing right now progresses, please let us know,” Baizhu instructs, stroking your hair.
You grab the cup from Gorou’s hand and swallow the pill. After swallowing the pill, you and the men walked back upstairs and got ready for breakfast. The medication sort of eased the pain, but it did not quell the heat in your core.
You tried your best to ignore it, but the heat is hard to ignore because of how strong it is. Once you have finished breakfast, you excuse yourself and retreat back to your bedroom. The feeling of needing to be relieved died down for about four hours. It’s still there, but it’s not as bad as when you first woke up. You’re able to take a peaceful nap without being rudely woken up by the intense throbbing between your legs.
While you’re napping in your bedroom, the men are in the laboratory, trying to figure out what the powder could be. The flower does not have the powder on it, even if it's been almost twenty-four hours since you and the men have taken it from the Chasm. Dainsleif stares at the flower intently, chewing on the inside of his cheek.
“I find it strange how the flower had powder on it before we discovered it. What’s even more strange is how the flower didn’t produce any more of the powder,” Dainsleif mutters.
Childe shrugs. “Maybe the reason why the flower didn’t produce any more of that powder is that we ripped it from the roots,” Childe suggests, stroking his chin while pacing back and forth in the laboratory.
Diluc looks over at Dottore, Albedo, Tighnari, and Baizhu. The four men are conducting experiments on the powder that is sprayed all over you. The flower continues to sit in its case, untouched. Diluc runs his fingers through his red hair and sighs.
“A Mora for your thought?” Kaeya asks, standing beside the wine tycoon. 
Diluc pinches the space between his eyebrows and sighs for the umpteenth time. “It bothers me that we can’t find a way to help [Y/N]. It’s affecting them so much that they had to request to take medication to ease the pain,” Diluc replies. 
Aether and Heizou approach Kaeya and Diluc.
“If it’s something we’re suspecting, then there might be a way to help them ease the pain,” says Heizou, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.
Xiao narrows his eyes at Heizou from across the room. “Why are you so calm about this? Do you not care that [Y/N] is suffering?” Xiao demands, pushing himself off the wall and walking toward Heizou and Aether.
Xiao is now standing in front of both Aether and Heizou, his arms crossing over his chest while he glares at Heizou, who blinks at him calmly. Aether laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck, and Aether pats Xiao’s shoulders. Xiao doesn’t flinch. Instead, he continues to stare at Heizou with a small glare.
“I think Heizou is trying his best to remain calm. We won’t be able to find the solution to [Y/N]’s suffering if we’re all panicking and hovering over them constantly,” Aether explains.
Over at the table where the four men are conducting the research, Venti trots up to the four men and peek over their shoulders with curiosity. Albedo is looking at the powder from under the microscope, and they’re all wearing masks to prevent themselves from inhaling the powder.
“I highly suggest you wear a mask when you’re entering our area. It’s not safe if you’re with us unprotected,” says Albedo, handing a surgical mask to Venti.
Venti shrugs his shoulders and puts the mask on over his face before gazing at the four men curiously. “So! Do you guys know what the powder is?” Venti asks.
“They’ve been inspecting the powder for a while now. It can take some more time for them to figure out what it really is,” Pantalone hollers from across the room.
Gorou hums and plops down on the loveseat in the laboratory, resting his elbow on the armrest. “Do you guys think the flower produced that powder, or did someone else put the powder on it so it can prevent people from taking the flower from the Chasm?” Gorou asks while his ears twitching with worry.
Capitano nods. “It’s possible that someone could cover the flower with the powder. If it is true, then we’re going to need to find out who it is,” Capitano answers, leaning in his seat.
Kazuha sighs and leans his head back, closing his eyes. “How long will it be until we get the results back?” Kazuha asks, turning his head in the four men’s direction.
Dottore slowly looks away from the test tube and takes his mask off before approaching where the others are gathered in the lab. It’s been almost an hour since you retreated to your bedroom to get some sleep. Therefore, it has been nearly an hour since he, Albedo, Baizhu, and Tighnari have been working closely to find out what the powder is made of and what it does to the human body.
“It shouldn’t be taking longer than two hours if there are four knowledgeable people working together to get the results,” Pierro mutters, his eyes scanning the laboratory with disinterest. 
Kaveh sighs loudly, leaning against the wall with his head tilting forward. “And how much longer is that? I feel like we’ve been down here for way too long,” Kaveh complains aloud.
Al Haitham rolls his eyes at Kaveh. “Can you not complain for the day? All you do is complain about the littlest things, Kaveh,” Al Haitham says, shooting a glare in Kaveh’s direction.
Kaveh scoffs and is about to retort when the other three men begin muttering to themselves. Everyone looks in their direction and slowly approaches them, stopping three feet away from where Albedo, Tighnari, and Baizhu are standing.
Heizou looks at the three men curiously. “Did you guys get the results?” Heizou asks, raising his eyebrows at them.
Tighnari, Albedo, and Baizhu look at each other worriedly. The three men nod and take their gloves off, tossing them into the trash bin. They all give each other looks as if they’re mentally debating with each other to see who’s going to announce the results to everyone in the laboratory.
“We should’ve known what it was in the first place,” Tighnari sighs, slapping his forehead with a deep frown.
Aether looks at them anxiously. “What are you guys implying?” Aether asks, clenching and unclenching his fist.
“The powder that sprayed all over [Y/N] is a—”
Gorou and Tighnari perk up suddenly, their eyes widening, their pupils dilated. Back to your room, you wake up, and the medicine has either worn off or it wasn’t strong enough to diffuse the heat in your core. You kneel on your bed, curling up into a ball and groaning and whimpering. The aching between your legs has grown immensely. You feel your underwear becoming damp. Your wetness dampens through not only your underwear but also your sleep shorts.
You roll off your bed, bumping into your nightstand. The water pitcher and glass cup tumble off the nightstand, shattering into millions of pieces. You groan and fall to your knees, hugging your lower abdomen and whimpering softly. You didn’t know whether you wanted to clean the mess off your bedroom floor or continue to writhe in pain on the floor.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you chanted, pressing your hot and sweaty forehead against the wooden floor of your bedroom.
The heat in your core feels like a cramp. It hurts a lot, and you don’t think there’s any medication downstairs that can ease the pain. Not even masturbation can quell the pit of fire in your core. It hurts too much, and the ache seems to only grow even more.
Ayato sighs. “Well, go on! What is it?” Ayato asks, raising his eyebrows at Baizhu.
Baizhu sighs. “The powder that sprayed all over [Y/N] is an aphrodisiac. It’s sex pollen,” Baizhu says.
Cyno raises his eyebrows at Tighnari and Gorou. “Why are you guys acting that way?” Cyno asks.
“We need to check on [Y/N] immediately,” Gorou orders.
Everyone runs back upstairs to the estate and toward your bedroom. You lay on the ground, curled up in a ball, your sweat getting on the floor of your room. At this point, your clothes are drenched in sweat, and your underwear is completely soaked through. You want to feel humiliated, but you’re too hot and bothered to even feel a pinch of embarrassment. 
Loud sets of footsteps and chatter are coming up from the stairs. Your eyes widen, and you quickly get off the ground and crawl to the door to barricade the door with your body. The door handle jiggles. You quickly reach for the door handle and lock it to prevent anyone from coming into your room.
Childe curses under his breath. “Snookums? Are you okay?” Childe asks, banging on the door lightly.
You let out a shaky breath. “I’m fine, Childe.” You whisper, leaning your head against the door. 
“No. You’re not fine. We found out what you accidentally inhaled back at the Chasm,” Diluc replies, pushing Childe away from the door.
You sigh and press your lips into a thin line, fanning your overheated body with your sweat-soaked t-shirt. You’re tempted to strip off all your clothes, but the painful ache between your legs and the heat in your core is making it hard for you to do anything besides remain sitting where you’re at.
“You inhaled a large amount of aphrodisiac. We’re not sure whether the flower produced the aphrodisiac or if someone purposefully covered the flower with it to prevent people from taking the flower,” Capitano replies, leaning against the door frame.
You let out a breathless laugh. “That makes sense. No wonder I feel like a dog in heat,” you croak, closing your eyes and resting your head on the door.
“Please, let us in. We can find a way to help you with what you’re going through,” Kazuha pleads.
You shake your head, knowing the men won’t see it. As much as you want the feeling to go away, you can’t have the men be involved. You would rather ride it out and wait for it to disappear from your system.
You swallow the dry lump in your throat. “It hurts so much, but I don’t want any of you to get involved. Let me ride it out, and I’ll be fine,” you whisper.
Dottore sighs and rubs his forehead. “That’s the problem, [Y/N]. The only time the aphrodisiac will wear off is if you do something about it, not ride it out alone,” Dottore explains.
You curl your toes, run your fingers through your hair and start to pull at the roots. Your breathing is labored, your chest is heaving, you feel so hot, and you want it all to go away. 
“I don’t want to force any of you to help me with my issue,” you mutter, wiping your sweaty neck with the back of your hand.
You wince when you feel that the back of your hand is also sweaty. You’re so hot. Not even the cool air in your bedroom can cool you down. Heck, you think if the men were to leave you in Dragonspine, the sheer cold wouldn’t bother you one bit.
Dainsleif sighs and close his eyes. “You’re not forcing us to do anything, sweetheart. We want to help you, and seeing you suffer is the last thing we want you to go through,” Dainsleif replies, trying to open your bedroom door, only to no avail. 
“We? All of you are going to take turns rearranging my insides, or is it going to be one person that does it?” You mutter, wiping the sweat from your eyebrows with the collar of your shirt.
Xiao looks at the men from the corner of his eyes. “I would prefer to have you for myself. I don’t like sharing,” Xiao states.
Itto perks up after hearing Xiao’s response. “Yeah! Me too! If there’s someone that can help you ride through this wave of sex pollen, it’s the one and Oni!” Itto says, pointing at himself with his thumb.
You laugh nervously, rubbing your neck. “I don’t know how long this aphrodisiac is going to be in my system, but for now, I think one person should suffice,” you murmur.
“Do you have a preference in mind? Immortals? People with furry ears? Old people? People with eyepatches and masks?” Venti trails off, looking at the men around him.
You shake your head. “No, I don’t have a preference. If I did, I wouldn’t be dating all of you now, would I?” you mutter, closing your eyes.
“Alright! Now that’s settled, we’ll send in someone! Just open the door, and whoever is chosen will step into your room to help you with your problem,” you hear Heizou say.
“Okay,” you mumble.
You unlock your bedroom door and slowly crawl away from the door. Everything is silent, other than the faint sound of your panting. You hug your knees to your chest, digging your fingernails into your calves. You watch the doorknob slowly turn, and the door cracks open.
Note: DUN, DUN, DUNNNN! Who could it be!? Ready to choose who's going to be the first one to get their smut in this new smut series? Click [HERE] for the poll for whichever character you want to be the first one to get their smut! As the story progresses, the men who already have their fics will be removed from the poll and previous polls will be closed. As for new characters, they will be added, but they will get their smut if they get the most votes. If no one gets voted, then I will choose and my close friends/mods in my discord server get to choose their favorite Genshin man to go after my choice [that is if people don't vote] ✨ Anyway, to my new and/or returning readers, please keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for my Isekai'd!Reader one-shot series and my overall taglist: @xyji, @chirikoheina, @yoru-trash, @kaoyamamegami, @kwelibeeery, @deartoru, @luminarymoonlight, @toobytub, @ins4nebish, @bokuto-kinnie, @honeybedo, @exhaustedcommunist, @jadedist, @mompt2, @chalksdreams, @thelost-in-time, @ventisweetheart, @hispasian-otaku, @juuuuuj101010, @alteeeeyang, @samarill, @testsubject0012, @irisxiel, @emilymikado, @mabie, @vinnie-w, @n8mareee, @bajifairyy, @heyimkay, @milkpeanuts476, @eliciana, @blesstosuisen, @goldeneclipsedragon, @jjvr4yxc, @sovermike-21-blog, @vox34, @wynncrites, @skyyyyackerman, @undecidingfate, @nightlysunn, @faeryminnyx, @simpcreator, @lucifarts-boxers, @urlocalheizousimp, @sunlightstarr (Accounts that I was unable to tag have been removed. Those who don't want to be tagged in certain stories are not tagged in this particular post. Remember to check your settings if you're allowing people to mention you/tag you in posts or not)
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invidiia · 1 year
can you do more teenage platonic yandere ones 🙏🙏 i love them bro
one suggestion is them (chuuya, ranpo, dazai, sigma, idek) w a rebellious teenager 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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sorry, you've been misinformed.
⋆⭒˚。⋆ "we appreciate." 𖤐 separate platonic yanderes chuuya, ranpo, dazai, sigma x reader
these mfs cannot deal with rebellious teenagers!!!!
m.list // previous
[ warning ; platonic yandere, lowkey crack 😭😭, stalking ]
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⋆ lord, please give this man the patience to deal with you
⋆ he gets it, he was a rebellious teenager too, but so? he doesn't have time for you to act this way, like at all. probably best to just,, cooperate
⋆ chuuya has to put a lot of time into his job, being an executive and all, so that leaves you a lot of time to go do rebellious teenager shit
⋆ you can imagine it's pretty often he comes back to find you not there, or if you go to school, he'll get calls about you skipping class to go do whatever it was teenagers did when they skipped
⋆ yokohama mall is huge, perfect place to go to have fun and get away from chuuya!! it most definitely ends with you getting dragged out of the mall doors by your collar and shoved into the backseat of the car to go home, but it was fun anyway.
⋆ funny ass little arguments, too. "and if i find out you left when i come back, you'll regret it." "uh-huh, i bet i will." "just shut up and stay here."
⋆ please take him seriously, or at least pretend to, for his own sanity 😭
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⋆ ranpo doesn't take you seriously at all.
⋆ even if he knows you'll actually go do something stupid, he won't take you seriously. and when you go do it, consequences await you anyway 🤷
⋆ no point in keeping secrets, he already knows
⋆ plans to sneak out? getting stuff without permission? anything you keep from him? yeah, he knew already lol
⋆ lowkey draws a line at going against him and doing illegal stuff. committing any kind of crime? lmao no, he'll just keep you with him at all times or something which is probably embarrassing asf
⋆ am i wrong to think he may drag poe into this? maybe, shrug
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⋆ he doesn't have time either, i almost feel bad for him
⋆ he's like ranpo actually, has no shame in forcing you almost everywhere with him or leaving you to atsushi which is really evil, poor atsushi
⋆ arguments are funny as hell (for him) probably you yelling and trying to make a point and explain why you do whatever you do or something and dazai just laughing and not listening LMAO
⋆ "that's crazy kid lmao" "i'm trying to make a point, don't fucking call me that."
⋆ doesn't really care about you yelling at him. just forces you everywhere with him
⋆ remember in chuuya's part where you just sneak into yokohama mall to get away from him and have fun? too bad lmao, dazai knew you were coming and followed you anyway!! just when you thought you were finally alone, away from the suffocating presence of dazai and could terrorize the shoppers in peace, nope LOL
⋆ he just tags along with you, keeping a hand on your shoulder and a smile on his face while you just grit your teeth and deal with him. "can we just go home?" "no wayy, didn't you wanna come here?" "not with you."
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⋆ poor guy lmao
⋆ literally has to stop you from terrorizing the customers or damaging the casino somehow
⋆ a little hard to sneak out unless you have an ability or another person to help you
⋆ cue nikolai coming to the casino to bother sigma and then helping you sneak out because it'll annoy sigma and he doesn't care LMAO
⋆ probably ends up locking you in your room because he doesn't trust you enough to keep you with him. sigma learned that from a past mistake he made with you
⋆ "wait, this card is damaged. the game isn't valid, therefore, you need to replay." and then the teenager next to him probably being the one who messed up the card LOL
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665 notes · View notes
wooahaes · 1 year
of your choosing
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pairing: non-idol!vernon x fem!bisexual!reader [ft. coworker!scoups]
genre: slight hurt/comfort. established relationship.
word count: ~1.4k
warnings: reader's friend accidentally making a biphobic joke at reader's expense (she apologizes immediately). food mentions. vernon being a sweetie (+ cheol too). literally no proofreading btw.
daisy's notes: no taglist for this one purely bc its very self indulgent (like i entirely wrote this for me lol) + its a lil expansion of a fic i wrote on nonranghaes.
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Most people in your life now were the kind of people you trusted. While you’d never been ashamed of your sexuality (your support system while questioning had been too strong and there for you every step of the way)... Sometimes you felt as though people had grown a little too comfortable.
Not Vernon. Never Vernon: you came out to him a few months into dating him once you felt sure that he wouldn’t judge you, and he didn’t. He’d embraced your bisexuality with open arms, merely remarking a laid back “cool—how do you want me to respond? With a hug? I’m down for whatever,” and then his thanks that you trusted him enough to come out. Seungcheol knew, too, because the two of you had gone out for drinks after work and you’d drunkenly came out to him on the walk to your bus stop. His response had been a little different in the moment (it wasn’t judgmental in the slightest, but a “that’s not an excuse for not holding onto me—you’re going to fall!”) and he’d met you for breakfast the next morning to ask if he’d heard you correctly. Hell, Seungcheol was the reason you came out to Vernon: he’d set the two of you up, and you’d asked if Vernon was the kind of person to judge you for that.
He’d stared at you and answered with “Would I have introduced you if he wasn’t?” 
(You suddenly grew to appreciate Seungcheol a lot more than just being your ‘big brother’ figure at work.)
Regardless, most people in your life were trustworthy. Therefore, everyone knew that you were bisexual. Simple. Anyone who judged you for being a bisexual woman in a relationship with a man was cut out of your life if they weren’t willing to learn. 
Anyhow, that was how pretty much everyone at this party knew you and knew of your bisexuality. Not everyone in the room was straight (a slight reassurance—you didn’t feel like a spectacle in any way), and you’d noted those people because several of them were your friends. One of your friends was drunk at this point in the night, sitting cross-legged on the couch. Vernon was whispering something into your ear, fingers grazing over your bare shoulder and playing with the strap of your dress. He’d drank a little, too, and it was enough to loosen him up to initiate physical affection like this.
To be honest… You weren’t sure what brought you to the moment. All you knew was that the friend on the couch, Jia, had laughed and said something about how you “were bisexual, so obviously you weren’t going to decide,” and it’d hurt.
See, that was the thing: Jia was not bisexual (she was an out and proud lesbian, actually). You could make jokes about being bisexual and not making decisions, because you were poking fun at yourself, not just your sexuality. It was hard to explain to people, sure, but there was a difference between you making a joke over yourself and someone else doing it at your expense. The sting of Jia’s words were evident on your face, and she immediately realized what she’d hurt you.
“Oh my god,” she said, “I’m so sorry—”
“No, it’s fine,” you said, waving it off. “It’s fine.” 
“No, I mean it, I didn’t—I didn’t mean that,” she said. “Really—”
You’d pushed Vernon’s hand off of your shoulder. “It’s fine! Don’t worry about it. I get it.” 
Although Jia had settled back into the conversation, Vernon could see it on your face that it wasn’t fine. It was never fine. His attention fell back to Jia, who had changed the subject entirely, and then to Seungcheol, who seemed to be silently steaming in his seat. He could see the way you avoided Seungcheol’s gaze for a moment, and then quietly excused yourself to get a drink. Except you didn’t go toward the kitchen—Vernon watched you make your way to the front door. A second later, he heard Seungcheol speaking up, saying something to Jia about coming to grab a drink with him (which meant Seungcheol was definitely about to defend you). Which meant Vernon needed to do his part: Seungcheol would talk to Jia, Vernon needed to talk to you. 
He found you easily enough. When he finally made it outside, there you were, standing underneath a streetlight and hugging yourself. You weren’t crying, but leaning against the base of it, rubbing your arms for warmth. 
“Hey.” He made his way over to you, thankful you weren’t crying. He’d feel like a shitty boyfriend if you were crying: he should have moved immediately to follow you. If you needed the space, you would have said it outright. He, in your own words, was safe for that kind of talk. “You alright?”
You nodded, looking back out at the street. “Just… Didn’t feel like staying any longer.”
“For what it’s worth,” he stepped into the space next to you. “I think she’s genuinely sorry.”
“I know,” you nod. “I can tell. If she wasn’t, she wouldn’t have pushed back and insisted so hard. You know how she is.” 
He watched the way you rubbed your arms again. You’d worn this sleeveless dress because it was one of your faves, and because it’d been warmer earlier. Vernon liked it, too: he thought the confident way you carried yourself was always your prettiest look. Yet the temperature had dropped lower than either of you had expected, but Vernon came prepared. He knew how to take care of his girl. If that meant stripping off his jacket and pushing it onto your shoulders, then so be it: he could handle the cooler weather.
“Thanks,” you pulled it closer to you. “I dunno. I mean, she immediately apologized, but it still kinda stings.”
“I get it.” He wrapped an arm around you. “Like… You can make those jokes because it’s you.”
“Right.” You leaned into him. “I dunno, I think it was the alcohol. I just…” With a deep breath, you shut your eyes. “I can’t help but feel like some people are expecting me to choose a side rather than a person.”
“I don’t. Cheol doesn’t, either. I don’t think anyone up there does,” he said. “But I know that doesn’t really matter.”
“It does, actually,” you said, opening your eyes again so you could meet his gaze. “I’m glad I have you guys. I just… I dunno. I’ve seen people say that kind of stuff before. I’ve cut people out because their opinion of me changed when I went from saying that I’m bisexual to saying that I have a boyfriend.” Shifting your weight from leg to leg, you let out a sigh. “I just—Can’t I just exist? I’m not ‘picking a side’ by being with you, I’m picking a person that I love. That doesn’t make me any more or less bisexual than I was before.” 
“I know.” He leaned in, pressing a kiss against your temple. “For what it’s worth… I’m kinda glad you chose me.” 
Your gaze met his again, a little teasing. “Kinda?”
He chuckled, warm as ever, and planted another quick kiss—only this time he’d pressed it against the corner of your mouth, ever the tease. He changed the topic with ease, fingers brushing against your arm again as he pulled you in closer. “You hungry?”
You looked back at the building behind you, “What about—”
“It’s boring,” he said; a complete lie, but one you were grateful for. “Besides… Cheol’s talking to Jia. He’s got your back.” 
It earned a smile from you. Seungcheol always seemed glad to watch out for anyone he cared for: whether it was you and politely acknowledging the fact some male coworkers were disrespecting you, or picking up his friends when it was late and they needed the ride. He cared about people with his entire heart. You would have to thank him later, maybe bringing him his favorite coffee when you went into work next. 
“I was thinking… Maybe we could find an Italian place?” Vernon pulled you along with him, arm resting around you. “Or tacos—Babe, I could murder some tacos right now.” 
All you could do was smile, giggling a little as you fell into step with him. At least you had Vernon by your side: the person you chose to have there.
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nicsnort · 19 days
Trial by Fire (part 24)
A Nightcrawler/Fem!OC romance, drama, and mystery fanfic, with lots of Quicksilver thrown in for fun and even more drama.
Intro (with link to full Ao3 story) First Previous
CW: choking (non-sexual), nearly dying via lack of oxygen, threats of murder
Quicksilver walked with Bedelia down the hall and tapped twice on the metal wall. It opened immediately, and he let Bedelia walk in first. Once he was in, the door shut. Magneto stood before his desk, helmet off, blue eyes sharp and bright, alert. Pietro stayed behind, watching the two. Magneto studied Bedelia, a small grin on his face. “Frost informed me of what passed between you and the X-men.” It wasn’t asked, but it was expected that she explain further. Frost could have lingered in her head to find out, but Magneto wanted to hear it from her lips.
This was the first time Bedelia had seen Magneto with his helmet off. She narrowed her eyes slightly at the sight before glancing at Pietro. Now that she saw the man’s face properly, she saw a very distinct family resemblance. But now was not the time for that realization.
His words focused her on the moment. His helmet was off for the first time. He was not angry; he was smiling. This was a good sign. She, from Magneto, had a small amount of trust...or at least he felt assured that he did not need to be in full intimidating uniform. 
“Did she? I don’t know what more she could have told you than what Quicksilver and I did on the plane. I did not want to go with them. I don’t need would-be heroes meddling in my affairs.” Or putting me at greater risk . That last part went unsaid...
Magneto didn’t respond right away. It was difficult to tell what he was thinking. “Why, journalist, it almost sounds like you want to stay with us.” He let that statement hang in the air, edged with just a bit of sarcasm.
Magneto’s words made Bedelia’s mouth twitch just a bit. He was testing her, wasn’t he? Truth it was then. “Despite the figurative axe above my head, I still have a job to do. I had to see the story through to the end. Besides, they were sloppy, trying to extract me the way they were was…” Bedelia searched for the right word. “Ill-conceived. Far too volatile a situation. Though their effort is appreciated.”
Magneto's blue eyes darkened. It was hard to say with what though, as he kept that smile on his face. Charming but dangerous. “That is very interesting.” 
He crossed his arms before him, “Not that you’re determined to do your job - that much was clear when we found you in Genosha - but it’s interesting in what you just said. You’re a wordsmith...that’s your job. Your entire purpose is to find just the right word or set of words to invoke emotion in people. It is to gain the attention and ire or sympathy or whatever you want from the readers. Therefore, every word, especially while talking to the leader of the Brotherhood, must be calculated and carefully chosen.”
Magneto let a silence stick and build purposely. He caught a shift in his son’s stance and knew he knew something was up. He studied Bedelia closely, looking for her reaction. “Sloppy...extract...far too...volatile.” He repeated her words in measured pauses. 
Bedelia felt a lump forming in her throat. Tension. The axe lining up across her neck.
“We did our research on you, journalist. Believe it or not, we looked over every article you’ve published. Many were regarding mutant rights. Bravo, by the way, a well-intended direction to make up for your genetic lack. But I don’t recall any single article involving...hostage situations.” 
He let the silence be pregnant once more, growing. “And neither does Frost.” Magneto uncrossed his arms and rested his hands on the desk behind him. “‘Or putting me at greater risk,’ I believe, was your exact words.” He echoed the very thought back to her. “Interesting how you seem to be an expert in captive situations like this.” And there he let it hang once more in the heavy, like a noose, for her to decide how to react.
Perhaps it was tiredness, despite the shower and coffee, that led to this. The wrong words. No, the correct words, but used in the wrong situation. The tonal shift from teasing to chilled sent a very appropriate shiver down Bedelia’s spine. She felt her back straighten. Every fiber in her body was on edge. It was back to the first time she spoke to him. Just like before, every word mattered...now, perhaps even more so than then. Yet, when he repeated her own words back to her, Bedelia realized how screwed she was.
“I wouldn’t say an expert; being a journalist who goes into dangerous areas, it is always possible that you will become a hostage. It is advised by FIRE, the reporter’s guild I'm a part of, that we take training on how to deal with these situations. I’ve taken hostage training.”
It was the technical truth. Yet even as she said the words in Bedelia's mind, the drifting subconscious of recalling the memory to speak the truth betrayed her. The memory of her training at Sherman Kent surfaced. Photos of government figureheads and politicians on the walls. The jackets of her classmates, that read CIA emblazoned on their backs. She tried desperately not to think of it yet; how can one force themselves not to think about something?
Unbidden, the memories were forced forward in her mind, rushing through her brain at an unnatural speed. Bedelia being recruited by the CIA after graduating from George Mason University. Her training at Sherman Kent. Learning how to fight. Tests to train her analytical skills. Espionage and disguises. Training to control herself and lie under high-stress situations. Hostage training.
‘She’s lying.’
Frost’s voice rang out in Magneto’s head before she shared the memories with him. The snakelike smile left Magneto’s face instantly. There was only the barest hum of metal as her warning before he raised his hand. Bits of metal flew from behind him, wrapping and dragging Bedelia by the neck and waist to the wall behind her. Quicksilver took a step away, shocked more at the swift, unexpected action than his father’s subtle temper.
“So.” Magneto stepped forward, his voice like ice and his steps echoing sharply in the room. “We have an agent in our midst.” His fist clenched ever so slightly, tightening the metal around her neck. “Give me a reason why I shouldn’t let you suffocate before my eyes right now.” 
Her hands instinctively flew to it, trying to pry it off, but it was useless. Of course, it was useless. And as always, it was Bedelia’s words that had to save her. One chance. One last chance.
“I’m not an agent, I swear…” She managed to get out through the pain and with what little air she was getting. “I dropped out when they threatened to…” The words were strained as the metal was crushing her vocal chords. “...kick me from the program for investigating Essex Corpor…” Bedelia couldn’t even finish the word.
Tears were forming in her eyes, both from fear and as an automatic reaction to the lack of air. Her eyes moved to Quicksilver, silently begging for help. 
Pietro battled down the flicker of panic he felt in hearing and seeing Bedelia lose oxygen. He frowned, the news was a shock certainly, he felt a sting of betral. But the story she told under pressure and duress like this matched what she had said last night. “She’s telling the truth...Though she told me the school was George Mason University.” He tried to sound uncaring and unbothered but could not stop the strain of worry in his tone.
Even as Pietro spoke in support Bedelia felt the metal tighten even more. Hoping that Frost was still in her mind, Bedelia thought of the day she was brought into the director’s office and told to stop. 
‘It is classified. You are to cease this at once.’
‘They are taking people off the streets. Citizens. A private group--’
‘No, Hayes. Stop, or you are out of here. Don’t. You have a promising future here, but this doesn’t concern you. Besides, they are just mutants.’
She thought of her turning in her badge. 
‘You’ll be blacklisted, you know.’ 
‘There are other ways to bring justice for people in need.’
Black was forming at the edges of Bedelia’s vision. The clawing of her fingers was lessening as she started to pass out…
Magneto must have had a second confirmation from Frost as he relaxed the metal ever so. She was still pinned and helpless - helpless was all she could be considering the company - but he allowed her to breathe...for now. “Pity,” Magneto commented coolly. “It would have solved many dilemmas.” 
He looked at Quicksilver before looking back at Bedelia, watching her gulp in air. “But regardless of your growing list of failures, you still obtained the training and education of a CIA agent. Whatever trust you gained here,” for yes, he had heard of the long leash his son had given her, “has been revoked.” His eyes met Pietro’s. It wasn’t a question but in command. Quicksilver nodded, knowing to remain quiet. 
He waved his hand to the side, and the metal unwrapped from her, sinking back into the wall. “Pick yourself up and start writing. The public will be hungry for the news of a second attack. You have one day, journalist.” Magneto spoke with disgust dripping off his words.
Composure was not on Bedelia’s mind as she took large breaths of life-giving air. She collapsed to the ground as the metal released her. Bedelia rubbed her throat, still breathing heavily. At his instructions, orders, Bedelia nodded to show her understanding. One day. And back to square one...no worse than square one. This was just a whole different game.
Getting onto her feet as quickly as possible, Bedelia hurried from the room. Outside the office, once the doors shut, Bedelia leaned against the wall. Trying to catch her breath. She had to steady herself. Center herself. Get hold of herself.
Tears slid down Bedelia’s cheeks. “Still alive. One day. One chance. Pull yourself together.” She told herself. Taking deep, steadying breaths, Bedelia's head snapped up. She walked forward determinedly. Back to Quicksilver’s room. Back to her laptop.
Quicksilver swallowed even though he wasn’t the one being yelled at. Before Quicksilver could leave behind Bedelia, Magneto held up his hand, a silent gesture to wait. He closed the door momentarily, and Pietro turned to him. Their eyes locked, his cold and dark, Pietro’s light and clear. “Do you need to switch out?” He asked Quicksilver in a serious, hushed tone. There was no concern for Bedelia trying to escape - where would she go? And after that little incident, he knew she’d obey for now. 
Pietro gritted his teeth. “Why would I need that?”
“Don’t play dumb, Pietro, it doesn’t look good on you...or reflect well on me,” Magneto warned. 
The younger man tried to keep his cool, annoyed that he was even being questioned. “Of course not.”
“Then I expect no more coddling of the agent-turned-journalist. Understood?” He didn’t need to say what would happen if there were. 
Quicksilver gritted his teeth. “Yes, sir.” He agreed, knowing anything else, nonverbal or otherwise, would be taken poorly. Magneto opened the door once more, and Pietro followed the path back to his room where Bedelia had gone. 
Once he got inside, he spotted the woman at once and frowned. He was upset for many reasons that she got him in trouble for ‘coddling’ - what did that even mean? - or that she lied to him...in a way. She had told him and Wanda the story last night but omitted certain details. Did she think she could go through the next three years without mentioning that important detail? No, she played on his emotions - not that it had bothered him much that her parents had died in a fire - and spoke of tirelessly working for mutant rights. He wasn’t even sure what to say if anything. Whatever concept of freedom he had was gone. He was just as much of a prisoner as she was...why had he insisted he was fine to Magneto? He could have been free of this!
“You should have gone with the X-men.” The words, flat and cool, left him before he could ask if they were the best to say. 
His words caused just a twitch of a sad smile. “Yes, I should have,” she agreed.
Going to the cot, she sat down on it, taking out the laptop he had stolen for her. As it booted up, she glanced at Quicksilver. “I didn’t lie to you,” she said quietly, the bruises on her vocal cords making her naturally softer to avoid pain. “After I graduated, I was recruited...I was about to tell you before Frost called us but...I guess I wasn’t quick enough.” It was a bad joke at the end, but it made her feel just the tiniest bit better.
“You lied by omission.” He responded as he grudgingly sat on his bed. Being cooped up like this? Magneto had to be punishing him. He had to be punishing him for something bigger even to stick him with the human. It wasn’t like her job required movement, which was what he needed. Maybe he just had bad luck. Of course, the warning he got from Magneto just now was anything but and had all to do with her.
“Not quick at all, no. But you could have mentioned that last night.” That, perhaps, was the double whammy. The ‘coddling’, the drinking, the story...he scowled.
“Perhaps I would have if Pyro hadn’t arrived…” She mused, rubbing her throat again. It was a possibility. If he had asked, she may not have been able to stop herself. 
“Anything else you want to confess? That won’t be the last time Frost is in your mind, for your information.”
His question made her stare at the screen for a moment in thought. Looking back at him, she gave a small, defeated smile. “Two people know I am in trouble. One lives in Mexico and the other is my editor, but there is nothing they can do against the Brotherhood…”
For half a moment, she considered telling him about the USB. But no. That wasn’t anything that would affect the Brotherhood. Why would it matter? Besides, she had just thought of it. If Frost was still in her mind, she already knew.
“...it was merely for my comfort knowing that two people knew…”
Pietro hadn’t actually expected her to fess up to anything like that. When she mentioned two people knowing about this situation or the vague notion of it, he inhaled sharply. “Damn it.” He cursed and ran a hand over his face. Now that meant a lot of tracking and checking to ensure these two weren’t actual trouble. “Well, your comfort just cost us some manpower.” And, no doubt, a stern lecture and a disappointed look or two. That meant… “You told them while I was with you.” His humiliation knew no end. Somehow, someway she had gotten the message across. Hadn’t she talked to the editor when he was down the hall?
“What are their names?” He’d have to inform Magneto...but likely, he’d talk to Frost first. Maybe if the woman was feeling kind - fat chance - she’d take care of it without telling Magneto anything unless he needed to know. 
“My editor’s name is Eugene Goodman…” It was easy enough information to find. And all the Brotherhood would find is a divorced man in his mid-50s who, in all regards, was a normal human. Bedelia’s cry for help probably scared the poor man out of his mind more than anything else.
“But I can’t tell you the name of the other one. He’s a mutant. All I know is he goes by Ink and is a fellow journalist in Mexico. He was helping me out with the Genosha story.” And if they managed to find him, all they would see is a worried man in his late 30s trying to make a living. Not wanting to get into any real danger...if she got out of this alive, she would have to give him a massive apology for putting him on the Brotherhood’s radar.
“And just so you know, it was a phrase code. You couldn’t have known.” He was there for both calls, after all.  The computer was ready, a new word document up and waiting for her words. “I should get to work.”
Pietro noted the two names, knowing they had contacts in Mexico and could ask around. A mutant with such a simple name but possibly a variety of gifts would be noted. He tried to ignore the frustration he felt but his jaw tensed, betraying him. “Hm. Well, enjoy your work,” he said as he got up, “I’ll be back in a bit. Don’t leave this room...or I’ll have to obtain a temporary babysitter, and you won’t like him.” The threat was subtle but evident. 
He hoped Frost would do him a favor and not mention any of it to Magneto. At least, not for a long, long time. He had no pity or sympathy for Bedelia anymore, not when she had managed to make him the fool. With one last look, he left his room, shutting the door with a loud bang.
At this point, Bedelia was defeated. The one she might have had just a little bit on her side was angry with her. Maybe in some ways, it was better like this. This was a full-blown hostage situation now. At least it would get the government off her back a bit if she was ever rescued. If. And if it did take manpower away to investigate, then all the better. Dabbing a few remaining tears from her eyes, Bedelia began to write.
Fanfic Masterlist
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averyshorts · 2 years
White Magic
“So, you swear you will not tell anyone I was here?” She spoke only in a whisper, nervous that anyone might recognize her voice, even though the only human around already knew her identity. 
“I swear on the source of my dark magic” The man answered in a dramatic yet believable fashion. Of course, not a single word that came out of his mouth should ever be trusted, his whole existence was built on the superstitiousness of the people around him, all that he said was perfectly tailored to fit their beliefs. He had given up on honesty long ago, he knew no one believed him anyways, so he might as well profit from their stupidity. Since they had first seen him they had been sure he must be magical, no regular human had skin so pale, hair as white at such a young age and red eyes that seemed to see through your every facade and directly into your soul. In the beginning, he actually had tried to explain that he simply was an albino, that in these modern days they should understand that his faulty genetics had nothing to do with witchcraft, and yet, they had continued to call him a magician, taught their children that his hair had turned white when he sold his soul for power. So after trying to live a normal life for a few months, he gave up and gave in, started a little shop with a name written in runes he could not read forming a word he could not understand, but that had never mattered. People did not come to him because they wanted to understand, only because they wanted something done. Like his current visitor, the mayor. To him, she'd always come across as the person who had the most common sense in the town and therefore had never expected her as a client. Of course he had still told her he had been waiting for her when she had entered and she believed him, like every other fool living in this godforsaken valley. But he would not complain, these fools made him rich after all… They all tried to act like they despised him and his evil deeds, but still, they all came, just trying hard not to be seen. Some asked him to curse their neighbours over a little quarrel they´ve had, some asked him to save a relative who had gone lost in the woods or had been hospitalized, some wanted him to help them say goodbye to a loved one they had lost. Whatever they struggled with, their thoughts turned to him and his unnamable shop. 
The mayor's wish still, somehow, surprised him again. She wanted her son back. Now, it was nothing new that grieving parents visited, asking for a way to communicate with their heavenly child, as most of them called their dead children, but the mayor wanted more, just a last “I love you, my son” would not satisfy her. She expected him to raise the dead. Hesitantly, he decided to tell her that he could not bring the soul back since there was no suitable body left, her son had died a few years ago after all, but she did not care. Instead, she told him that either he brought her son back or she would have him thrown in jail for deceit of hundreds of people, because either he could bring her son back or he could not be a user of dark magic. Since that was out of question, he kept up his usual charade instead and started talking about a ritual. He always did it like this, just making something up, sometimes a ritual, sometimes a potion, sometimes a chain of words he could sell as a curse, and trying to make it complicated, so if it failed, it would not be his fault, they just had not carried out the instructions correctly. When she left, he didn't even really know what he’d told her anymore, just that it sounded believable enough. The feeling of guilt in his chest that he hadn't felt in a long time was gone once he looked at the stack of money she had left him. The dream of the mansion by the lake came closer and closer with every lie he told. 
He was no stranger to weird things and especially not receiving thanks for letting them happen, but this time, he was positively sure that he should not be connected to what was going on. Not that he was not happy for the mayor, but still, he failed to understand how she felt grateful towards him. About a week after her visit, she finally had given up on her obsession with her dead son, stopped grieving for him, and instead decided that it would be a shame to let the funds she had collected for her son go to waste, so she adopted a new son. He was new to the town, but quickly grew attached and found friends. Nobody had expected him to feel at home so quickly, but the town loved him and made sure that he always would feel like they were his home. 
A smile crept its way onto the pale man's face as he watched the children play in the park. Now, this surely was better than an undead child, he was glad the mayor had come to her senses. She hadn't even asked for her money back! Everything was going perfectly, even though he wasn't sure what this everything contained. 
The confused look on the doctor's face gave the red eyed patient a headache, which was very much not needed, considering he had come to the doctor over chest pain. 
"As I've already told you, no, I cannot take out my contact lenses, as I am not wearing any. You're a doctor, you should know what an albino is…" He groaned as she once again took a close look at his eyes, shining light directly into them. "I don't see how they matter anyways, I'm here because of chest pain, I would have gone to an eye doctor if I had problems with them…" 
“Sir, of course I know what an albino is, but your eyes are red. You do not even appear to have pupils.” The way she said this like it was news to him irritated him immensely. “Whatever that is, it is not caused by albinism.” she explained, still deeply confused, but calm. “I do not understand how you are not blind with eyes like that. I will take a look at your files to see if your former doctor wrote something about them afterwards and contact you if I find out what it is or if we need to run more tests. But for now, let's find out where your chest pain comes from.”
The doctor sighed as she locked the front door of her doctor's office. It had been a long day with lots of patients, but she hadn’t really been able to focus on anyone since that man had visited. He had said that he lived in a town in the valley next to the hill the town she worked in was located on, but she had already forgotten the name of it. It didn't matter much though as long as she still remembered his name. Now that everything was calm and quiet, she could take a few minutes to look through his old files… Surely someone must have noted his very unique eyes. With her mind filled with curiosity, she turned back around and entered her office. 
Finding something didn't take long, surprisingly enough, even though she did not find anything connected to any medical problems. Instead, she found a newspaper article with his name, dated to around 15 years ago. The whitish blue eyes that fitted the smiling face of the young boy so well made her feel sorry even more than she already did after reading the headline: A family had been killed by robbers in their own home, the youngest son had gone missing. She was about to move on, to decide that this obviously was about a different child that happened to share the same name, when her eyes wandered back to the picture. His white eyes, that smug smile… The years had been good to him. Even though many years had passed, she had recognized him. Maybe she should help him find some rest.
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mosskelver · 1 year
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tommybaholland · 3 years
Hey there! Saw that your requests were open :DD I'm not sure if this breaks the rules so I'm very sorry in advanced and if it does then please just ignore this.
Can I request hcs on what Choso's reaction would be to meeting a half curse GN child reader ( you decide what age ) and finding out that they were siblings? Have a good day/night!! :D
his half curse sibling
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featuring: choso (x sibling!reader)
for some reason, this was really hard to write without spoilers so hope i did it justice! mentions of blood/wounds but nothing graphic. enjoy :)
you’d probably meet under unfortunate circumstances in which you’re on the other side of the playing field, being protected by someone whom his creators are against. he was the oldest of his brothers and was aware that a third had been resurrected, the youngest sibling, but had gone awry for some reason. the embedded curse was not strong enough to take control completely, therefore, making you a liability. you were set to be done away with for good by geto or mahito but had managed to escape, hoping to go into hiding.
thankfully, you were taken in by a man who had similar and possibly more powerful abilities than geto. it was a coincidence that this man, gojo, was also at odds with geto and his group of what you learned were known as curse users. you really lucked out in this situation and even though you knew that you would come into contact with your creators and now hunters again, at least you would be safe until then.
however, it wasn’t long until you were located and it was all thanks to the connection that choso had to your cursed side. it was a weak connection but it was there. he was aware of the link but was told that you were nothing but a liability and failure. there was no telling what aversive capabilities you could possess and the longer you were let loose, the more discoveries you could make about your condition so you had to be eliminated. 
he had found you first, planning to capture you as he was instructed or at least, that’s what he had planned to do. he was given the choice to kill you on the spot but he figured he’d see exactly what you would do when he came for you. he knew that you had the capabilities to defend yourself so he was prepared for anything at that moment.
you didn’t do anything but wait. you knew this day, this time, would come and nothing could be done to stop it. you plan to cooperate or die for the cause as others’ lives were on the line. you had tried to practice using your technique with gojo but it seemed as though it wasn’t very powerful being only half of a curse. others were laying down their lives for you or to do whatever they had to do to prove themselves, all wanting to become sorcerers for a different reason. so you waited, silently thanking them for their cause. 
a man dressed in a robe with his hair up in two little pigtails appeared, looking oddly familiar to you. you had never seen him before but you felt like you had met him or seen him in a dream maybe? you asked him who he was and he suddenly stopped in his steps when you spoke, his face looking pensive. he was remembering everything now that he was physically closer to you, he felt as though he had to complete the connection. he asked you about your technique, demonstrating if it was anything like his blood manipulation. you showed him what you could, trying to manipulate a small amount of your blood. he then asked for your hand and you allowed him to hold it. as your skin touched, he felt as though he understood what he was meant to do: protect you like he couldn’t with his brothers. 
he decided that he would take you with him and promised to keep you safe, explaining that you are related in more ways than one. you didn’t know if you could trust him, having been told that he was part of the group that wanted you dead. however, you had felt something as well when your hands touched. it was a sense of security and something else that you couldn’t describe but the feeling told you that you should go with him. as you ran away, holding his hand something suddenly struck you in the side causing you to fall down to the ground. there was an aching pain and you pulled your hand away to see a lot of blood. choso was at your side immediately to examine the bullet wound in your side. 
“sorry, but you’re not taking them anywhere,” said a tall, built man with dark hair. he was standing on the roof of one part of the dojo, jumping down before strolling over to you and your brother, gun still in hand. as he got closer, choso noticed that there was a strange worm-like creature wrapped around him and a scar running right through the smirk on his lips. “there’s 50 million yen riding on this, i’m not just gonna let this one go so easy.”
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jinkicake · 4 years
You Call Him Daddy?!
You accidentally call them daddy in front of the team. 
Aone Takanobu x Reader
Sawamura Daichi x Reader
For you, sweet Anon! I kinda rambled about Aone,,, uhhhh,,,, I just had so much to say about him! This is my first time writing for him and I had a lot of thoughts.... too many Aone thoughts..... I think his is the longest one I’ve written.... LOL bruh,, I was looking at my other posts and realized I have been spelling ‘accidentally’ wrong every entire time wtffff i-
WC- 2,517
Aone Takanobu
Aone… is a service top,,,,, come on we all know he is
Like you cannot tell me this King wouldn’t treat you right, he is one of the ONLY haikyuu boys I would trust enough to marry
TBH mans doesn’t say shit and he isn’t going to say shit when you call him daddy in front of the team
The team though,,,, shit is going to go down like these mfs are going to combust
You have Futakuchi just standing there speechless with a proud look all over his face as he slowly starts clapping
And sweet Sakunami is like….. ‘did you guys hear sum….”
Ugh there is so much I could say about Aone….. like he would try to be sooo gentle with you just because he is a gentle person,,,, a sweet angel whose only concern is that no one will sit next to him on the train…. HOWEVER, despite as gentle as he tries to be this man still has power. Therefore,,,, you’re gonna get your guts rearranged, isn’t that nice?
Anyway,,,, let’s get into it!!
So basically….. it’s after practice and you’re there talking to Mai while waiting for the mf clowns to hurry up
And of course, Futakuchi wants to keep practicing a little bit so you’re like whatever fine,,,,,, since Aone was staying after too
You don’t really mind too much because Mai decided to stay a little longer as well but as soon as she left you grew tired fast, you had been sitting on the floor against the wall for over 40 minutes and all you want to do is go to sleep
You try to hold your tongue and not be rude because,,,, you don’t want to interrupt your boyfriend’s personal practice but gawwwwd were you bored
Instead, you innocently look around,,,,, innocently, however, your eyes keep going back to the tall blocker…. You glare at him so he notices your anger
Aone does and stares at you with a frown like he can’t figure out what he did wrong,,,,,,, you puff your cheeks out in retaliation
Behind him you see Futakuchi looking at you with a smug expression like 0.0 ,,,,,,, and then Aone looks at him disapprovingly
“What, I was just trying to join in on the conversation,” Futakuchi jokes and slaps Aone’s back before focusing back on the court
You’re like two seconds away from stomping your feet in retaliation,,,,, it’s nearly eight o’clock!!!
So with the anger of a very tired student, you begin walking around and cleaning up the stray balls
You start doing anything to hurry up their practice so you can finally leave with your boyfriend in tow, Sakunami gives you a thankful smile and you feel your irritation slightly diminish
There is something about the first year that you have just come to adore,,,,, not all first years though....
“Yo!” Koganegawa calls and you glance at him, your eyes widen when you notice the volleyball fly past your face. It misses you by a hair
You feel your eye twitch but still, inhale a deep breath to calm yourself down before turning to Futakuchi
“Kenji, when are you guys going to finish practice?” You ask sweetly and the captain looks deep in thought before shrugging
“I don’t know like 40 mins” He responds and you can’t help but whimper and gently stomp your foot, your boyfriend notices your change in attitude and glares at his friend,,,,,, “Fine like 10 minutes” Futakuchi groans and you have to hold yourself back from kissing your boyfriend senseless
That’s how you find yourself in the storage closet minutes later, placing the volleyballs in their respective corners
Aone follows closely behind you, not that you notice, and you nearly scream when you feel his arms wrap around your waist. Your boyfriend curls over your form to rest his chin on your shoulder, gently kissing your skin apologetically….. so he did pick up on the reason for your attitude!
You reach up and ruffle his light hair, giggling when you feel his smile against your neck
“Sorry I was acting so annoyed, I’m just really tired,” You tell him and his arms tighten around you
“That’s okay” Aone mumbles and you nearly melt, it isn’t often that you hear from him but when you do….. it makes you turn into a flustered mess
“I just wanted to go home, daddy” You whisper back quietly,, Aone pulls you flush into his chest and you squeak at the contact
However, when you hear a ball dropping behind you,,,,,,, you glance back in shock at the horrified first year
Sakunami opens his mouth to speak but no words come out, he slowly backs out of the closet and nearly trips when he runs away
“DADDY?!” Koganegawa mimics and Futakuchi pushes him out of the storage closet doors
“What are you talking about-“ He starts but cuts himself off but an impressed gasp when he notices your shocked face,,,, Futakuchi only smiles at his friends back and pretends to wipe a proud tear from his face
“You didn’t hear what you think you did….” You try and cover up but Koganegawa only repeats the word,,,,,, Futakuchi simply shrugs innocently
“I’ll give you your time alone,” He quietly closes the closet door and you sigh at the darkness
“Let me turn on a light-“ You start but Aone pins you to the nearest wall, his hands are gentle on your hips and you gasp at the suddenness of it all
“My love,” He starts and your eyes widen at the heat pooling between your thighs “stay quiet”
“Daddy, please. Please, please, please.” You beg, already taken over by pleasure. Aone continues to slowly thrust into you in a way that leaves you breathless and crying for more. His low grunts ring throughout the room and you whimper when you notice how his biceps flex with every thrust. 
Each stroke of his hard cock is so powerful that it nearly sends you into the headboard, you rake your nails along his ribs and tighten around him at the way his abdomen ripples under your touch. “I need more, daddy, please give me more.” 
Aone reaches down and rubs away the tears that spilled onto your cheeks with his thumb, he softly cups your cheek and leans down to kiss you. The kiss is a simple peck and you whine when he pulls away, however, your whines don’t last for very long. Your boyfriend picks up the pace and begins to snap his hips into yours, your breasts bounce with every thrust and you can’t help the way your voice shakes.
“Yes, yes, thank you daddy-“ You praise and moans of appreciation leave your lips so frequently, he is ruining you. There is something about the way he moves his hips so skillfully, how he thrusts into you so deeply but still manages to brush against your g-spot every time. It runs you up the wall and you’re so far gone you can barely focus on anything but him. 
Aone moves to rest on his forearms, leaning directly on his left side while his right hand reaches down to move your clit back and forth between his large fingers. His movements are slow and cautious, in a very teasing pace to build up the pleasure. Aone always winds you up so tightly before letting you snap, he is so focused on you. You mewl and arch your back, pressing your chest directly in his own, as he begins to rub circles into your clit. You open your mouth to say something but no words come out, that look in your eyes nearly makes his hips stutter and your boyfriend leans down to whisper his command.
Sawamura Daichi
Let me start off by saying that all the captains have daddy kinks, no I will not be taking criticism
There is not ONE captain who doesn’t exude daddy energy…. I would love to see someone try to prove me wrong~~~ </333
Anyway,,,, Daichi is not called the dad of the team because he is mature and shit,,,,, no that is not the reason
Daichi is the daddy™ of the team, get it right, do I really have to explain this one
Like yessss feed us bitches who have issues with their fathers, yessss where my daddy kink bitches at? We are eating good tonight! 
Daichi isn’t my favorite daddy captain, it will always be Ushijima Kita, but lawwwwd he does make me act up
I thought about it for a while,,,,, how Daichi would react to being called daddy in front of his team and honestly,,,,, I don’t really know…..
His team is such a mess that instead of being embarrassed or anything he would have to calm them down because they’re losing their minds like he does not have the time to be embarrassed ya know
Daichi is a soft daddy,,,,, like come on you have a crazy mf like Sugawara and you expect him not to be soft 
Tbh I hardcore ship Daichi with that cute girl from the girls’ volleyball team like ugh her crush on him is sooooo cute,,,, idk why that is relevant I just wanted to point out how adorable and sweet they are ….. power couple!!
“He has a daddy kink,” Kiyoko points at the picture with the blonde in a yellow uniform, the two of you are going through the Spring High volleyball magazine
“Didn’t he hit on you one time, lucky bitch” You gasp dramatically and Kiyoko rolls her eyes before flicking your forehead,,,, it is only the two of you in the gym before practice starts
Your once shy friend is laid back and comfortable, out of her shell since it is only the two of you
“Daddy kink” She points to middle blocker daddy!matsukawa from Seijoh and you give her an approving nod
“Daddy kink” You then point to the ace ugh iwaizumi </3 and Kiyoko draws a heart over his face
“Daddy kink, daddy kink, daddy kink,” She begins pointing to numerous members from Seijoh “they all have daddy kinks”
“Somebody is eager,” You playfully flirt and she presses her fingers to your cheek to push you away
“Omg do Karasuno, please I need to know your thoughts!” You beg and flip to your own school’s team, Kiyoko looks at you cautiously before taking a deep breath in
She refuses to speak but points at Asahi and you nod in agreement “I believe so as well” You whisper and she chokes on her laughter
Kiyoko glances at you experimentally and then points at Daichi,,,,, she stares at you and watches as you try to hide your expression
“Well… not that I would know-“ You lie and she pushes your shoulder,, you dramatically stand up in front of her with your hands on your hips “Yes. He does have a daddy kink” and then Kiyoko laughs loudly, covering her mouth as she falls over and wheezes
“Girl fuck you, you expect me to fuck Daichi and not call him daddy?” You ask and she tries to wave you off
“(Y/N), I’m not judging-“ She cries, clutching her sides as you continue to scream random nonsense
“No, I do call Daichi ‘daddy’ and what about it? Tell me you wouldn’t also!” Your voice echos throughout the empty hollow gym and, not to your knowledge, outside the doors as well
Kiyoko continues to laugh loudly, her angelic laughter is something you know the second years would kill to hear, however when she glances at the open doors she immediately closes back up again
She grabs your wrist and pulls you to sit back down beside her, trying to act like you two weren’t just discussing what you call Daichi late at night
Someone clears their throat from the doorway and you glance up to see your boyfriend along with the other third years and a few second years
“H-Hey” your voice cracks and Kiyoko covers her face with the magazine to hide her laughter, her shoulders shake violently beside you “what are you guys up to?” You glance around the gym and try to ignore the silence
“Not much~” Sugawara sings and walks up to you, he grabs the magazine and points at himself before whispering, “daddy” he solidifies the secret with a wink and you burst out laughing
Kiyoko stands up and tries to hide her face into the wall to hide the way she is laughing so hard
“I can’t be here,” You choke and get up, walking past your boyfriend who stares at you with an emotionless expression
You know he heard everything~~
“Daddy,” You giggle as you continue to roll your hips on Daichi’s lap, you let out an exaggerated moan when you feel his cock harden beneath you. Teasingly you bite your bottom lip and flirt with his eyes, continuing to grind against him. Daichi simply ignores you and you move your lips to his neck, trying to get some sort of reaction from him.
You lick at his skin and release a muffled moan when you bite down on his skin. You’re acting so cocky right now, so driven by lust that you’re acting so foolishly in front of your boyfriend.
“Come on, fuck me.” You push your chest into his, purposely rubbing your breasts against him. Daichi leans forward and ghosts his lips over yours, pulling away whenever you get too close.
“Why should I fuck you when you’ve been nothing but naughty?” He asks and you bring your finger up to tap your chin before you laugh softly again.
“Hmm because I asked, daddy.” You lean up on your knees and press your lips to his, Daichi swiftly smacks your ass. His hand stings your flesh and you whimper but can’t help the smile that grows on your face from getting what you want. “Mmm just like that~” You laugh breathily and Daichi positions you down onto his thigh, you mewl at the feeling of his strong muscle pressed underneath you. His hand comes up to wrap around your throat, teasingly he squeezes the sides of your neck and watches the way your eyes cloud up at. “Yes, daddy.”
You try to kiss him once more but you’re unable to move due to the hold he has on you. Daichi continues to bring his hand down and spank you over and over, his slaps are harsh but you happily take them as you feel the liquid pooling between your legs.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Daichi asks and his eyes narrow warningly at you, you pretend you don’t notice. You know he is referring to earlier today.
“I’m sorry, daddy?” You apologize but you can’t help but wonder if you really are sorry or not, you give him another cheeky smile and Daichi slaps your ass once more while cutting off your flow of air.
“You love your punishments, don’t you baby girl?” He asks and you nod eagerly. “I know, god, I’m going to fuck you so good.”
~ Taglist.
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @lovellucy @osamuonigiri
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boldlyanxious · 3 years
As you Wish
Jasonette July prompt 20: then perish
July masterlist
All masterlist
Jason was traveling around but he would still hear reports from home whenever anything major happened. He had never intended to stay away but nothing had ever brought him back. He had a great love but he stopped hearing from her years ago. He left to make enough money to keep her safe but today was the first time in a long time he heard anything about her.
It was a major Headline when the French King, Hawkmoth decided that his son would marry a commoner. They were pictured together and he could see his Marinette there with Prince Adrien. She was even more beautiful than he remembered and he found he could not keep himself away. He had to find out why he had not heard from her in 5 years and now she would be marrying someone else. Maybe it was never about the money he could make and she loved being called Princess Marinette.
Marinette despised being a princess. There were too many rules to follow. Adrien seemed nice enough so she could not complain about that. He was skilled and handsome. Exactly the man that most of the maidens in the kingdom wanted to marry. She always had to watch out for those who would hate her for her new status. King Hawkmoth was the one calling all the shots and Prince Adrien went along with all his decrees because he wanted to make him happy. She wished she had met him before the death of his mother. The wistful tone he used when he spoke of her made her think that things had been much different when she was alive.
As much as this life was every girl’s dream, Marinette longed for escape. She would often slip away to quiet places to draw and dream of the quiet life she was supposed to have with Jason. She was going to be a seamstress and he was going to join the Brute Squad. The leader already was impressed with his skills even though he had only worked as a farmer. He thought Jason would do well and could maybe even help with skills training.
She looked down at her sketchbook. She had drawn a very pretty dress but it was much too simple for the garments she was supposed to wear as a princess. But there in the corner was the face of Jason she had drawn, looking back at her. She had been devastated to receive the news of his death. King Hawkmoth had explained everything that had happened after finding out the ship full of trainees for the Brute Squad had been found. No one was left. It was years later that he suggested to her as a bride for his son. It would be an event that was celebrated throughout the kingdom.
Jason didn’t know what was happening. He had been so close to seeing Marinette again. He watched her and she was completely at peace and all alone. He couldn’t help but be stunned at her beauty even from far away. But as he watched, he realized she was wiping away tears. He wondered what had happened that would make her cry. He wished he could wipe away her tears and keep her from ever feeling that way again. He was preparing himself to rush over there and find out what was wrong. He knew it was wrong to hope that she would fall into his arms and give up her royal dreams but his heart and arms ached with the desire.
But while she sat there she was attacked. She was barely able to get out half a scream before the sound stopped and she collapsed. One of the 3 carried her unconscious form away onto a ship. He followed hoping to find a way to protect his love, even if she would eventually leave him. He could not allow anything to happen to her. He knew he would sacrifice his own happiness to protect her; the world was a better place with her in it.
Marinette came to and looked around her. She didn’t know what was going on and she struggled to remember. Lila seemed to think that if she killed Marinette she would get to become the princess and marry Prince Adrien. Marinette didn’t know if that was true. She had only agreed because the King had not given her any other option. He told her a young, beautiful girl like her could not go the rest of her life unmarried. He had many merchants and artisans ask after her to see if she could be married since she no longer had relatives to decide for her. The King made it a law that royalty could choose to marry a commoner, nothing was said about how the other person could refuse. Prince Adrien did not lack for ladies of higher rank wishing to marry him as she continually was told. She suspected that there was some other reason the King had chosen her, likely that she had no other options and therefore would be easier to control. She had no family or money to protect herself.
Lila turned to argue with Dick and Tim about what would happen to her. She apparently had not told them everything about her plans. Marinette knew Lila would not believe that she would prefer to not marry Adrien if she just had a way to get away from Paris. They argued about how to get a war started with Gotham and just how far Lila was willing to go to get her prince. Marinette allowed her head to thunk back against the side of the ship. She closed her eyes as she did at some point every day and thought of her lost love.
Some days she could sink fully into her daydream and remember all their plans of life together. She had become a clothing maker after her parents had died. It was one of the few things she had the ability to do to make money. Jason was a farmer and he would farm her land and he raised sheep to turn to wool. After a while they began working together. She would spin his wool to make cloth and he would bring her the food she needed. Little changes over time where he complained about his bread so the next day she made him bread and a lunch to take while farming. They went from seeing each other only for business to nearly every day. Marinette asked if he would bring her water from the well. When he returned with it he stepped close to her and looked in her eyes.
“As you wish,” he whispered.
She knew right then that he would do anything for her. But also that she would do anything for him. What had been moments of convenience to help both of them survive alone led to their lives intertwining in ways she never expected. She couldn’t live without him. She was alive and surviving but even 5 years later she ached for missing him.
She pulled herself out of her head to hear her kidnappers arguing again. They sure did that a lot. She looked around when she realized they were arguing about another boat that was following them. Someone who knew she was there and in danger. She watched them for a moment and realized they were all distracted. She knew the water would be icy cold, but this may be her only shot. Even if it was the King's guards coming to rescue her back to their chosen life for her, it would be better than whatever Lila planned for her.
She jumped off the ship and swam away. She was a decent enough swimmer but she wasn’t sure her skills would get her to the other ship with all the waves. Lila called out tauntingly about the shrieking eels in the water. She froze as the words came to life and one of the animals charged her with a wide mouth open showing off a horrifying amount of large teeth. She could smell the breath of the animal and the water splashed against her closed eyes. She was shocked when instead of being bitten she was pulled back out of the water by Dick.
“I suppose you think you are brave,” Lila said cattily.
“Only compared to some,” Marinette replied.
She looked away. It had nothing to do with what had happened. For a brief moment, even when she was in the water she felt closer to Jason. Maybe it was because she almost died. But now she was back here with people who planned be the cause of her death and she felt nothing. She was consumed by the sudden emptiness that she had lived with since the death of her fiance.
Jason watched as Marinette swam toward his ship. He was so excited. She would be back with him, in his arms and they could sail away together. Maybe to Gotham. They would not have the life they dreamed but they would be together. But within a few minutes one of the men had dragged her back to the ship. He could see they were headed to the Cliffs of Blüdhaven. He would not manage to over take the ship before they reached them. He would have to climb up after them. Most would not be able to make the climb but he had trained hard in the years he was gone. He would recover her.
By the time he made it to the base of the cliffs they were halfway up with her. He felt sure they had some sort of gadget that made it possible. He could tell she was not climbing herself and it appeared only one was doing so. He hadn’t planned to have any assistance but he was a good climber so he got started right away. He made a very fast start. The bottom had a lot of rocks to help him get going so it was the middle section and after they reached the top he would have to worry about. He could see where there were more handholds near the top. He would just have to make it that far before they reached the top. He was sure they would cut the rope off when they made it to the top. That is exactly what he would do.
He made it. He was even further up than he expected when the rope slipped from his grasp. He clung tightly to the rocks and made sure he was secure before he continued climbing. He could hear their excited exclamations up there but not what they were saying. Then it got quiet before a voice hollered down.
"Hey, you doing okay?"
"What does it look like?"
He grumbled to himself about the person. That are probably trying to get him to fall.
"I'm gonna drop this rope down to you."
"Wouldn't it be faster if I just jumped off."
"I get what it looks like, but I'm trying to help you."
"Yeah, right."
"I could give you my word as an American."
"No good. I've known too many Americans."
"You have to trust me."
"Actually I don't."
"I swear on the soul of my father Bruce Wayne, you will reach the top alive."
"Okay. Throw me the rope."
Jason climbed up the rest of the way and prepared to face off with the man left to kill him.
Marinette was out of breath by the time she got the chance to sit. They dragged her up the cliffs and then they moved on as Tim fought the masked man. They watched as the two fought and then when Tim was knocked out Marinette was blind folded and hands bound so she couldn't see or run from Lila. Dick was left to take care of the masked man and Lila dragged her further along until she sat her down, reminding Marinette with the press of her dagger that she was still in charge.
Marinette waited in silence which was fine with Lila, she liked to talk and be heard. Suddenly the other girl silenced herself and called out that she would kill Marinette if the man took another step.
As they talked and bartered Marinette tried to decide what she wanted to happen. She knew Lila was planning to kill her as part of some plot she had devised but she was no longer sure that the masked man was coming to save her for her own benefit. If push came to shove, she may be better off with Lila than the unknown man who definitely was stronger than her and a skilled fighter.
She listened when the masked man offered his challenge. Lila did live to prove she knew everything so she spent several minutes talking about all the ways she was smarter than him. Marinette couldn’t actually tell what was going on but a moment later she could tell that both of them had completed the challenge and drank from the glasses. Lila had the last laugh. Or her last laugh. She was cackling in victory and then suddenly silent. There was a thump when she fell over, away from the table.
Jason carefully removed the blindfold from Marinette and led her away. He knew at some point he would have to return her to her life but he wanted to drag out their time together if he could. He responded to her questions with terse, non-emotional answers. He threw the prince as her rescuer back in her face and she scoffed. He couldn’t believe his ears when she said that she wasn’t marrying the prince because of love.
“The only man I could ever love is dead and there is nothing worse you could do to me.” she said.
Jason looked down at Marinette’s furious eyes as she talked about the love he could never know. He knew she was talking about him and he could see their eyes connect. He was lost in her eyes as he realized she had recognized him. He knew exactly how he would respond. He mentally shook himself to pay attention to her when she was talking. He realized that he may have been mistaken about her recognizing him. She shoved him hard.
“Then perish,” she said venomously.
Jason tumbled down the hill behind him with the force of the shove.
His last thought tumbled out as he rolled down the hill. It wasn’t until he was at the bottom that he realized she had thrown herself after him. He met her at the bottom of the hill. She could clearly see him now, his mask had fallen off on the way down. He reached for her and she moved to meet him. He pulled her close and she pushed him back towards the ground and kissed him. All should be right now that they were together again.
bonus scene:
“Jason, what about the R.O.U.S's?”
“Rodents of unusual size are just called capybaras. They are basically just really big hamsters.”
@jasonette-july-event | @theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @trippingovermyfeet | @tbehartoo | @adrestar | @zynna
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Extreme Aggressor: Part One
Pairing: Eventual Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, woman gets killed in an alley, talk of strangling and stabbing a woman
Summary: Jason Gideon is called back from a six-month leave from the Behavioral Analysis Unit to profile a killer. Meanwhile, the team flies across the country to Seattle when another young woman goes missing at the hands of "The Seattle Strangler," another serial killer.
Author’s Note: Here is it finally! After hard work, it is finally ready for your viewing pleasure! Please, feedback is always appreciated so let me know what you like about it and what you didn’t! 
I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated.
So without further ado, please enjoy!
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"The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness." - Joseph Conrad
Not everyone knows this but each and every person has an aura around their body as if it hovers to remind people like you that they have things to hide. Not many people can see and do what you can do, but then again, you don’t want them to. All your life, you have been able to connect with people on a much deeper level than the average human. Those auras contain energies that you are able to connect with, therefore see more than what the normal eye can.
This ability that you have has gotten you in places you should never be. It’s gotten you where another dare not to venture. It’s allowed you to see the true intention and personality of a person no matter how high and thick their walls may be. Now, some people are better at hiding their true selves than others, but you always manage to figure out what makes them tick.
Your abilities have captured the attention of a really great friend, Jason Gideon. When he figured out the thing you could do, he knew you would make a great addition to his team. Granted, he was on a “summer break” so to speak, but he would be more than happy to give you a recommendation. It’s not that you didn’t want to work for the FBI, you just didn’t know if you would be good enough.
Never have your abilities let you down even if they didn’t always give you want you wanted. No one really knew what you could do, not even your family. It made you feel like a freak, like you never belonged anywhere since all you could do was see on the soulful plane. Maybe the BAU would benefit from having you on board, but would you benefit from having the BAU on your side? Your father always told you never to join any kind of government work, and at the time, he gave a good enough reason to keep you away. Something about them always taking jobs right from underneath everyone’s noses, and you believed him when you were a kid.
Now, not so much.
It was hard to when all you saw was death wherever you go. You didn’t ask for this ability, but you got it, and it was your responsibility to help as many people as you could with it until the day you die. That was the only reason why you were considering taking Jason up on his offer. There was still some hesitation on your shoulder, and you thought a walk would do you nice.
The crowded city rushed on without you, but you only had one thing on your mind. It was the busiest part of the city, but you liked walking through there once in a while. Everyone’s thoughts and feelings came to light when they were in a rush. It bombarded you and often overwhelmed you, but nothing overcame the sickening feeling you got in your stomach when you stepped on Jefferson Rd.
The energy in the air swirled around you, but it wasn’t energy from the people around you; it was from the dead. Even spirits leave energy behind when they pass which allow people like you to snatch it up to figure out their story. The way it works is that you become so overwhelmed with the emotions and the energy that you begin to see some of the last moments that spirit went through before it passed. You are allowed to see it based on how well you connect with it.
Some people have called you being psychic while other people called you a witch. Being an empathetic person helped you see the picture clearly. Not always will you get a clear one, and sometimes, you may not even get a full body. It’s whatever the spirit left behind and wanted you to see. They laid down the stepping stones, and it was up to you to be able to pass them.
Standing still in the middle of the sidewalk, you looked to your left to see a woman appear out of thin air. She was a bit transparent which is how you were able to spot the difference between an energy source and a real human. She was maybe in her mid-twenties, and she was jogging with headphones in. She passed by you without a second glance, and everyone around you seemed to disappear since the only person you were able to focus on was her.
She jogged for a few more seconds when a black apparition came out of the alley not far from you. The black shape grabbed at the woman, but you needed to replay that scene over if you wanted to connect with his spirit. Sometimes, when a picture isn’t clear, you have to replay the mini silent movie over and over again until you can either get a clear picture or you knew that you weren’t getting anything more.
As if you had a remote in one hand, you pressed it which rewound the action. The woman jogged backwards past you to where she first emerged, and you hit the play button. Just like before, she jogged past you, minding her own business when the black shape came at her. This time, he was a bit clearer. Repeating this process over and over again, you watched the woman get kidnapped about twenty more times before you could see the exact details of the man’s face.
He grabbed her and pulled her into the alley, but you couldn’t seem to move. The clearer the picture, the stronger the energy. The stronger the energy meant the event you watched happened recently. The longer the event goes unsolved, the less amount of energy you are able to connect with.
Something happened in that alley, but you dreaded going anywhere near it. However, this woman’s story was untold, and her spirit won’t rest unless someone tells it for her. Taking a deep breath, you looked at the busy street and suddenly remembered that you were in the middle of a city with a bustling amount of people around you.
Pushing past the crowd, you made your way to the alley until you were completely alone as the rest of the world left the single girl who was in the alley alone. There was one particular spot that drew you in, and you took a few steps towards it before getting another vision. The man jammed a knife into the woman’s abdomen, and you gasped when you felt her emotional pain. Being an empath is really hard work since you had more than yourself to worry about.
The woman dropped to the ground with a loud thud, and the man kept stabbing her over and over again until she was way past dead. Once he was satisfied, he took the murder weapon with him and fled the scene, running right past you to do it. It took everything in you to look away from his eyes despite your body telling you to do so.
The noise of the busy city drowned out the sound of a body thumping on the ground, and you crept to the area where she was stabbed. Instead of a body, there was a thick blue tarp covering the ground. It looked like a body was underneath it, but it could be trash. Please let it be trash. Please let it be trash. Picking up the end of the tarp with your gloved hand, you peeked underneath it to see wide soulless eyes staring at you.
The shock overwhelmed you, and you dropped the tarp in shock. Tears threatened to escape your eyes, but if it wasn’t for you, this woman probably would have never been found—or, at least, not right now. From what you could gather, the body was still fresh with only sight signs of decaying. If you called the police now, they might be able to find her killer.
Taking out your cellphone, you dialed 911 and put in an anonymous tip before getting the hell out of there. It didn’t take long for first responders to arrive on scene, and you watched from the deli across the street as they uncovered her. She was found because of you. She is going to get justice because of you.
That was all the evidence you needed to make your decision.
Taking out your phone once more, you called your dear and beloved friend. It took him three rings to pick up.
“Jason, it’s me, Y/N. I’ll take it.”
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Gideon was sucked back into the BAU on a case after he needed to take some time for himself. He was involved with a bomber that took out one hostage and six agents, so you could understand why he requested for your help. He trusted you to aid this team in finding a killer, especially when he saw what you can do first-hand. It was hard to explain your abilities to someone who couldn’t possibly understand, but you knew you had to since he had a jet full of his other teammates.
It didn’t take long to get to the airport where the jet was waiting, and before you ascended the stairs, you could feel everyone’s emotions—impatient, curiosity, calmness, and eagerness. They were all waiting for you, and you needed to show them that you belonged on their team. Walking on the jet, all heads turned at the new presence. Gideon stood up and approached you with a welcoming smile on his face.
“It’s good to see you again,” he stated.
“Well, you needed me. Here I am,” you nodded, looking at everyone else on the jet.
The person you noticed first was what you assumed to be the second person in charge. He had almost black hair and a hard gaze since he didn’t really like newcomers. The next person was a black male who emitted impatience since he just wanted to get in the air. The last person was a scrawny young male which is where the curiosity was coming from.
“Y/N, this is my team. Agent Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, and Dr. Spencer Reid.”
“Spencer Reid?” you asked, and the young man perked up at the sound of his name. “Sorry, but I’ve read everything you have ever written especially Identifying Non-obvious Relationship Factors Using Cluster Weighted Modeling and Geographic Regression. You have a very intelligent mind.”
“Thank you,” he smiled, clearly impressed that you read his work.
“Guys, this is my good friend Y/N that I’ve asked to help us on this case.”
“Is she FBI?” Hotchner asked.
“Not exactly.”
“I am what’s known as an empathetic psychic. If ‘witch’ makes you sleep better at night, then call me that. I see things that most people are not able to see. I connect with people’s energies, especially the dead. Believe it or not, I see events that lead up to someone’s death due to the energy and the spirit they leave behind. The more recent the event, the stronger of a picture I get. It doesn’t always give me what I want, but it always provides me with what I need. I’ll be a valuable asset to this team.”
“I already approved it with the board. She has her firearm qualification and she passed the academy with flying colors,” Gideon sided with you.
“We need to get going. We’ll see how you do on this case,” Hotchner nodded.
With that, the plane was off. It wasn’t until the pilot let you know it was safe to move around the cabin that everyone start to talk about the case.
“His first victim was Melissa Kirsh—stab wounds and strangulation,” Spencer read from the file.
“Wait, wait. Back up. Back up,” Derek interrupted. “He stabbed her and then strangled her to finish her off?”
“Other way around,” Gideon cleared his throat before turning to you, the hopefully newest member of the team. “Why do you think he started using the belt with the second murder?”
“Strangulation with your bare hands is not as easy as one would believe,” you said, earning a few stares from the others. You knew it would take some time for them to get used to you, especially when they didn’t even know you. The fact that you’re with them is because you’re friends with Gideon. “He tried and probably found that it took too long so he stabbed her instead and realized it would be hours cleaning up the blood.”
“Next time, our boy's got a method—the belt,” Derek added.
“He's learning and perfecting his scenario. Becoming a better killer,” Gideon stated.
“So, Y/N, where did you learn about profiling?” Hotchner asked, taking a break from the case.
“I have a PhD in Criminal Justice with a sole focus on profiling. Another one in Psychology which better helps me connect with others. I thought Gideon told you all of this,” you asked, looking at your friend.
“How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?” Spencer asked.
“Twenty-three. Well, I turn twenty-three in a few months.”
“Wow, I’m impressed. How did you get two PhD’s at your age?”
“How’d you get three at yours?”
“I’m a genius with an eidetic memory.”
“Yeah, well, I worked my ass off to get where I am so just know that you’re not letting just anyone on this jet with you. I’d be happy to prove myself to you guys. I’ve been doing it since I could read.”
“There’s a few more of us you still have to meet,” Hotchner stated.
“Lucky you, Reid,” Derek grinned. The young doctor stared at his friend in confusion. “You’re not the youngest one here anymore.”
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gaemkyuu · 4 years
Mommy, Can We Keep Him? (Charlie Gillespie x Original Character
Warnings: mention of teenage pregnancy A/N: I was inspired to write a character like Lilo from Lilo and Stitch and thought of what if Charlie had a daughter like that? Then I thought about Dad! Charlie.... Here is my inspired writing piece! Let me know if you want a follow up wedding piece! Disclaimer: This is a FICITONAL writing piece! In no way do I claim characters in this piece act this way in real life.
Masterlist *now taking requests ;)
Mommy, Can We Keep Him? (Charlie Gillespie x Original Character)
Riley King started working for Netflix when she was 18 and impressed everyone at the head office with her hard work and dedication. With her motivation and work ethic, she managed to climb her way to be part of the executive management team all at the ripe age of 21. People often asked Riley how she climbed the ladder so quickly, or what was the secret to her success. No one ever guessed that her motivation came from a little girl who looked exactly like her.
Emerson Gianna King was born on August 31st of 2014 when Riley was 16 years old. She had quite the wild nature to herself, always sneaking out and illegally partying with her friends. It was only a matter of time that she would be blinded by love and give her virginity to a boy she swore would get married. He was 17 at the time and she was head over heels for him. One drink too many and a poor judgement call resulted in Riley’s teenage pregnancy.
Her one true love broke up with her a week after they had had sex, stating that his dad had had gotten a job at a law firm in Miami and that a long distance relationship wouldn’t work. She didn’t know that she was pregnant at the time, but when she did, she tried to reach out to him. His family thought it was stupid attempt at getting back together and claimed that the baby wasn’t his. They were ready to launch a full lawsuit in order to protect their family’s reputation, something that Riley and her single mom couldn’t afford to do. So they dropped it, signing legal papers that they would never contact them again and that their son wasn’t responsible for paying any child support.
This heartbreak and her daughter made Riley clean up her act and graduate high school a year ahead of her friends. She quickly started working for various companies, taking night classes at the local college campus in hopes to get her foot in the door for a bigger company and work her way up. Which is exactly what she did and how she ended up working for Netflix. That’s how she met Kenny Ortega, who introduced her to the actors of Julie and the Phantoms. She mostly worked with Netflix, but she was assigned to be there every day of boot camp to watch and monitor the development of the TV show, making projections about how their viewers would receive the new show. She didn’t anticipate to be a part of the small family that was created behind the scene with the cast and crew, and she certainly didn’t anticipate falling for one of the lead actors Charlie Gillespie.
They had been dating for three months before Riley told him about Emmerson. She had expected that he call off the entire relationship, understanding that not everyone wanted to be with someone who had a baby at sixteen. They were 22 at the time and Riley explained that she was looking to be in a serious relationship for her daughter’s sake. While Charlie couldn’t promise that this relationship would go in the direction they both wanted, he did promise that he would do his best to be there for her. He didn’t know that winning over the little girl’s heart would prove to be difficult.
Emerson wasn’t like all the other kids. For one thing, she was very mature for her age. She was potty trained at two years old and started to learn how to read basic books at the age of 4. She developed her speech quickly and often looked to use specific words that kids her age rarely heard or understand. She was a perceptive little girl and sometimes she was a little too smart and observant for her own good. This made it difficult for her to make friends at daycare because everyone thought she was weird. Riley would often catch her talking to Lilo whenever she put Lilo and Stitch on for her to watch. She would tell Lilo about the frustrating girls at her daycare and how they too “need to be punished”.
So it was no surprise to her that when Emerson first met Charlie, she would be grilling him. Charlie had expected her to be a cute little girl that likes to play with dolls. Instead, he was met with a perceptive toddler that made him question his own intelligence at times. She was very standoffish when she met him, afraid that this man was going to hurt her mommy, but over time Emerson began to open up and trust Charlie. One night, when they were six months into dating, they had to cancel their dinner plans as Riley’s babysitter came down with a flu and no one else could babysit. Therefore, their dinner plans were changed to ordering pizza and having a movie night with Emerson. Riley groaned partly through the beginning of Lilo and Stitch when her work called, excusing herself as it was an important phone call. 
This left Emerson and Charlie alone for the first time.
“Charlie, who’s Elvis Presley?” Charlie’s eyes grew big like teacup saucers.
“Your mom hasn’t shown you who Elvis Presley is?! How many times have you watched this movie?!” Emerson shrugged, not taking her eyes off the screen, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth and chewing.
“Do you want the real answer?” he was caught off guard at the frankness in her tone, starting to wonder just how many times she had watched the film. He shrugged it off and paused the movie, pulling his phone out and opening Youtube to educate the child on the legend, Elvis Presley.
When Riley returned to the living room, she was shocked to see Emerson sitting in Charlie’s lap, holding the phone, staring intently at the screen and listening to the music that played out of the speaker. She had never seen her daughter so focused before. She looked at Charlie who was equally focused on the screen of the phone as well, and she smiled to herself enjoying the view. Out of defense, Riley quickly shrugged off the creeping thought that this could be her family. After all, her and Charlie had only been dating for 6 months.
“How have you not shown her who Elvis Presley is?” he exclaimed, noticing her presence. Emerson looked at her with questioning eyes as well, feeling slightly betrayed that her mother withheld such precious information away from her. 
“I’m not really a big music person! I kinda just listen to songs I like rather than musicians” she shrugged sheepishly.
“Mommy, Charlie said there’s a documentary on Netflix about Elvis Presley. Can we watch that instead of Lilo and Stitch?” Riley’s jaw dropped at the fact that her daughter was more interested in watching something other than her favorite comfort Disney movie. She silently nodded and changed the settings on the TV, starting the Elvis Presley documentary. This was the first time her daughter ever really opened up to someone and found something in common.
Emerson absolutely loved the documentary and would go on for weeks listening to Elvis Presley nonstop. After Riley waved goodbye to Charlie and closed the door, Emerson sat patiently on the entryway bench for her mother.
“Mommy, can we keep him?”
“Yeah, Emmy. I think we can”
It soon became a regular thing to have Charlie stay the night at Riley’s house. He woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, but on his way back to the bedroom he heard soft whimpers and sniffles coming from Emerson’s bedroom. He stood outside her door, debating if he should go get Riley or if he should go in himself. He knew Riley was exhausted having had a full day of work and meetings, so he opted to let her sleep and peek into Emerson’s room. He thought that if it was out of his control, he could always go and get her. The sight of the little girl broke his heart.
Emerson was fast asleep, but she was trembling and clutching onto her stuffed bunny for dear life. She whimpered and tears fell from her closed eyes. Charlie quietly moved to her side and sat on her bed, softly rubbing her back, whispering her name to break her out of her nightmare. It worked, but when she woke up, she jumped into Charlie’s arms and softly cried. He was surprised at first,  but quickly snapped out of it hugging the girl and rubbing her back.
“It’s okay Emmy... It was just a bad dream... It wasn’t real... you’re okay... you’re safe” the little girl started to calm down as Charlie soothed her and rocked her side to side a bit.
“They took me away from mommy...” she whimpered and nid her face in Charlie’s neck. He felt the collar of his shirt dampen as she cried, but he picked her up and moved to the armchair she had in her room. He sat down and held her tightly in his arms.
“No one is ever going to take you away from mommy, okay? I won’t let that happen” he didn’t know where these words were coming from or where he got the confidence to say them, but in that moment he knew that he would do whatever he could for Emerson.
“I promise.” he whispered, kissing her head and rubbing her back. She settled comfortably in his chest and took deep breaths. Charlie instinctively started to hum a song softly as he rubbed her back, until her breathing steadied and soft snores came from the small figure. Charlie smiled to himself that he was able to handle the situation alone, but he realized he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to put her back in bed, or if he had to hold her for the rest of the night. Not wanting to wake her up, he carefully reached for the knitted quilt beside the armchair and draped it over them. Guess he was sleeping in the armchair that night. His neck would hate him in the morning. 
Riley woke up early that morning when she rolled over to cuddle the missing Charlie. She bolted up and threw on her housecoat to search for him, but stopped when she noticed Emerson’s door cracked open. The sight inside the bedroom brought tears to her eyes and she covered her mouth to avoid making any sound that would wake them. There was Charlie sleeping in the armchair holding a sleeping Emerson in his arms. They were both fast asleep and quietly snoring.
For the first time, in their nine months of dating, Riley let herself see the possibility of Charlie being the man who could be Emerson’s dad.
Charlie fiddled with his collar nervously, holding flowers in the other hand. He took a deep breath and shook off his nerves before pressing on the door bell. He waited patiently and anxiously outside, only to be greeted by his beautiful girlfriend, Riley. She smiled brightly at him and he stood there blown away by her beauty. They were both dressed up semi-formally tonight as Charlie insisted on taking Riley out for a fancy dinner to recreate a cheesy romcom movie date for their anniversary. Their usual dates consisted of hiking or lounging at the beach, so Charlie figured it would be nice to dress up for once, especially since Riley rarely dressed fancy.
“Hey! Come on in, I’m just finishing up debriefing the babysitter” Charlie kissed her cheek quickly and stepped inside, shutting the door behind him as she rushed back to the kitchen. Charlie waited by the front door patiently for her to finish up.
“Where are you taking mommy tonight, Charlie?” he jumped at the voice from behind, turning around to see Emerson sitting on the entryway bench. She looked up at the man who waited for her mom, bunny beside her in one hand and her blanket in the other. Charlie smiled at her presence and squatted down to her level, petting her bunny on the head.
“I’m taking mommy on a fancy dinner. You off to bed?” she nodded and opened her arms, to which Charlie gladly received her hug, only, he didn’t expect her to awkwardly latch herself on to him. Thinking quickly, he adjusted himself and picked her up. She was short and thin, so it was no problem carrying her. Her small stature always made her mother worry that she wasn’t getting enough nutrients. “I guess I couldn’t let you sleep without some snuggles could I?” she nodded as she laid her head on his chest, something her and Charlie had in common was that their love language was physical touch.
“It’s nice to see mommy in something other than jeans or sweats. I like your bowtie too” Emerson fiddled with said bow tie as Charlie gently rocked her. He was always so surprised at how observant she was and how she was able to clearly articulate her thoughts for being six years old. She was very bright and quick to understand situations, which made it hard for her to make friends at daycare. Another thing that Riley worried about often.
“You want me to tuck you in Emmy?” she shook her head against his chest and wiggled, signifying that she was okay with being put down. Charlie obeyed her wish and set her down on the floor, sitting on the entryway bench like she once did. “You’re looking a little sleepy squirt” he chuckled, clearing the hair from her face.
“Mommy said the babysitter and I get to watch a movie of my choice before bed time since it’s Friday. I wanted to watch Big Daddy but mommy said the babysitter might question her parenting choices” he let out a big laugh and Emerson giggled back.
“Having fun you two?” Riley appeared in the entryway with the babysitter. Riley crouched down and opened her arms wide to hug Emerson. The little girl jumped into her mom’s arms, nearly knocking her to the floor. “Love you Emmy. Please listen to the babysitter and go to bed on time” Riley knew she wouldn’t put up a fuss, but she figured she would remind her anyways.
“Love you mommy” she smiled as she kissed her mom’s cheek and walked to Charlie. “Love you Charlie” she tiptoed so that she could reach the man’s cheek, who also gave her a big hug. “Don’t be out too late!” she called skipping into the living room, the babysitter following after. The couple stood in the entryway thinking about Emerson’s last remarks before disappearing. 
“Ready to go, my love?” Charlie cleared his throat, opening the door and gesturing for Riley to go first. She playfully rolled her eyes and they stepped out of the house towards the vehicle. Emerson waved at them from the front window, and they waved back, until she couldn’t see them any more. 
“Remind me again what time you fly in?” Riley wiped some of the water that splashed on her face as she washed the dishes. Like all mothers, she was multitasking. Cleaning the house for Emerson’s birthday and trying to figure out her schedule considering Charlie was flying in from Canada. Emerson sat at the kitchen table quietly coloring while her mother was on the phone.
“Don’t worry about picking me up. You already have so much to do! I’ll just get an uber to your place” Riley toweled off her hands and took Charlie off speaker phone, holding the phone to her ear. Despite dating for a year and a half, they hadn’t officially moved in together. Charlie still had his place with all of his things, but half of his stuff was at Riley’s. “Plus I don’t want Emmy catching on to my surprise for her.”
“Right. Okay, well I’ll keep the door unlocked, since we’re home all day. I gotta go though, I still have to call the bakery to set up a pick up time for her cake and cupcakes” the couple said their quick ‘I love yous’ while Emerson shouted hers from the kitchen. Riley took a moment to herself and sighed against the wall in the corridor. Between everything at work and Emerson’s birthday, she had quite a lot on her plate but she was relieved that Charlie was able to come home a little earlier to help her out. She straightened her spine and returned to the kitchen, kissing her daughter’s head. “Emmy, mommy has to jump on to a zoom meeting in the office, are you okay to color for 30 more minutes?”
“Mommy, when can I go on a date with Charlie?” her mother froze mid movement around the kitchen, the question catching her off guard. “I know we go on dates together, but you always look like you have way more fun when it’s just you and Charlie. I wanna have fun with Charlie too” she smiled at her daughter and sat down beside her.
“Well, why not ask Charlie on a date? You can make him a little card before he gets in tonight and while I do my meeting.” her eyes lit up at the suggestion and she quickly got to work, making her mother smile. Riley got up and headed to her office, not wanting to disturb the project her daughter had started.
Riley’s meeting lasted an hour, much to her displeasure, but it was a productive one. It worked out for Emerson as she had made an elaborate card to give Charlie when he came home that night. Riley helped her daughter take a bath and ordered Sugarfish for dinner, both of them anticipating the arrival of their favorite guy. As soon as Emerson heard the door creak open, she bolted for the entryway and jumped into Charlie’s awaiting arms. He peppered her face with kisses and tickled her until Riley came along, who he kissed deeply and earned a “yuck!” from Emerson. Their dinner arrived soon after Charlie’s arrival and they all sat around the dinner table, Emerson lost in Charlie’s stories of his hometown.
“Emmy, don’t you have something for Charlie?” she perked up remembering and clumsily got out of her chair, putting her chopsticks down to run to the office. She grabbed her card for Charlie and skipped back to the dining room, placing the card beside his bento box.
“Oh? What’s this Emmy? Can I open it?” she nodded her head enthusiastically and sat back in her place at the table. Charlie’s smile wavered as he read the card, feeling slightly emotional. On the front was a picture of the three of them and inside the card read:
Dear Charlie,
Will u go on a date with me?
Love, Emmy
Hearts, flowers and smiley faces decorated the inside of the card, but the text was written in big bold letters. He could tell a lot of effort went into making the card judging by all the neatly placed stickers and carefully drawn pictures and patterns. It still amazed him that for a six year old, turning seven, that she could write so neatly. 
“Mommy helped me with some of the spelling, but I mostly did it myself” she smiled, anticipating his response. “What do you think?”
“It’s beautiful Emmy. I would love to go on a date with you” she clapped her hands and bounced in her seat, her reaction causing everyone at the table to smile and laugh. They continued to eat their dinner while planning things that they could do together, as Riley sat there watching and admiring the relationship that was unfolding before her eyes. How did she get so fortunate to find a man like Charlie? 
Charlie ended up taking Emerson to Disneyland and even though Riley accompanied them, Charlie and her went on all the rides together. Riley took pictures and held onto their things as the two enjoyed themselves around the theme park. Charlie knew it would be a good thing to have Riley around because she was the voice of reason when Emerson and Charlie thought of having their third Dole Whip of the day. The two of them laughed and had the time of their lives. When supper time came, Riley planned to meet a client over super at downtown Disney, planning on meeting her boyfriend and daughter later on in the evening. This left the two of them to have dinner with Goofy at Goofy’s Kitchen. 
As they enjoyed each other’s company and visits from Goofy, Charlie helped Emerson pick out her dinner and order it. Charlie could honestly say this was the most fun that he had had in a long time, but he should’ve known that with Emerson’s intelligence, there was more to this date than just having fun.
“Charlie, when are you going to ask mommy to marry you?” Charlie choked on his water, not expecting the question from the curious little girl. “Mommy said I wasn’t allowed to ask you because it was rude”
“Not rude at all Emmy, but why are you asking me that?” he was genuinely curious, thinking that maybe Riley had been venting to her subconsciously again, or that Emerson overheard a conversation with one of her friends. 
“I heard Aunty Savannah teasing her the other day over the phone and mommy got really red in the face. I think you should ask her, I know she’d say yes” Charlie’s eyes grew wide as Emerson nonchalantly recounted the conversation her mother had the other day. Emerson continued to color in the coloring book Charlie bought her earlier.
“Do you want me to ask mommy to marry me?” Emerson nodded her head as soon as the question came out of his mouth. “How come?” the question was meant to be playful, but Emerson’s reply was serious.
“Because I want to be able to call you daddy.” 
Charlie felt a lump in his throat.
“I’ve never had a daddy. It’s always been mommy and me. If you marry mommy, then you can be my daddy.” she paused to take a sip of her juice. “I think you’d make a great daddy”.
Charlie wiped away a tear that threatened to fall from his eyes and cleared his throat, feeling emotional. He took a sip from his water and took a deep breath. “You think so, Emmy?”
She nodded her head, continuing to color in her book. “Plus Justina at daycare said that in order for me to have a little brother or a little sister, you have to have a daddy AND a mommy.” Charlie chuckled at the little girl, and got up to kiss her on the head, hugging her too. 
“Got any ideas on how I should ask Mommy to marry me?” Emerson forgot about her coloring in that moment as her eyes sparkled with excitement over Charlie’s question.
“Well...I have a couple ideas...”
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tiesthatbind-tf · 3 years
Question for Optimus and Megatron! Do you ever see yourselves reconciling in the future? At this point do you even want to?
The jagged edges of badly-healed scars and lines of age on the man’s face were thrown into clear relief by the soft blue glow of tablet in his hands as he studied the question proposed to him carefully. Unblinkingly.
It was two in the morning on a sleepless night amid a quiet week, and after a short prayer session and paperwork, an odd sense of melancholy had begun to creep in.
The rare moments of peace brought with them clarity to his thoughts that weren’t focused on missions, briefings and strategic discussions, and that clarity was, at times, a double-edged sword.
“Back when we used to meet each other at Maccadam’s every weekend, he would bring along this notebook filled with poetry and paragraphs of his thoughts about the state of the world. It wasn’t something he openly shared—miners wrote books yes, but mostly concerning their line of work,” Optimus finally spoke up after almost ten minutes of deliberating what he was going to say, and whether he should say it.
“On the day he left the Newham police station after being arrested for suspicion of inciting a riot, after he was brutalized by a rogue guard I had hired a few months ago... I found it.”
He had left the oak desk that was groaning under a stack of files, folders and documents that only increased as the days passed, long strides taking him to the bookshelf at the end of the room where the works of Thomas Aquinas were nestled carefully next to Imam Al-Bukhari’s. One book, much smaller than the rest, seemed out of place there however, and this was the one he pulled out.
“On the sidewalk.”
It was a woebegone-looking notebook, weathered by time with the edges of some pages crimped up by water damage, though it was clear that care had been taken to preserve it: The covers were wrapped in plastic, and not a single silverfish was to be seen scuttling away as Optimus opened it only to show the initials ‘M.T’ scribbled at the lower right corner of the first page.
“I thought he had dropped it and wanted to give it back to him. And with it, I wanted to apologize for everything—for not being there when it happened, for it happening in my station under my jurisdiction, for failing the promise I made to him twenty-eight years ago that I wanted to join law enforcement to protect everyone, not just those the system decided deserved protection—-but by the time I arrived at the mining community he worked at… they told me he’d been sent to Messatine.”
He closed the book before any demand for more of its contents could arise. They weren’t his to divulge.
“So I held on to this notebook for the better part of a decade. I memorized the words——some of them, I recited in front of the Senate the day I decided I was done being a part of their system. I hoped he would come home one day so I could return it to him in person. And he did!”
There was the ghost of a smile that crossed his features, which quickly shifted to a perplexed frown.
“But when I tried to give him back what was his, he told me to keep it or burn it—-he didn’t care for it any more. No point dwelling in the past, especially one he had grown beyond, was what he said. I took his words at face value back then… but when I think about it now? I wonder if it wasn’t him trying to bury what remained of the person he was before the Pits, before Messatine, before the night at my station. Before everything.”
The guilt was heavy in his tone as he sank down to the floor and leaned against the bookshelf; broad shoulders sagging under the weight of an invisible mantle and eyes glazed over in a thousand-yard stare for a moment.
“Do I want to reconcile our differences? Yes. More than anything. Because the boy I traded books with, the friend I shared a table with, and the man who wrote these words that opened my eyes ? I believe that man is still alive and that man is worth saving.”
He closed his own eyes for a moment and when they opened once more, the focus in his gaze seemed to have returned.
“Do I think it will happen? InsyaAllah, perhaps, but I would not stake the world on that reconciliation.”
The temperature in the empty war room felt like it had dropped several degrees as the Decepticon leader glared at the seeming-innocuous question as though it had come for his neck personally. Adam’s apple bobbing in a rare show of uncertainty and trepidation, he closed his eyes, steepled his fingers and exhaled harshly.
“I don’t… hate the man, if that is where the trajectory of your question is heading. He was my best friend, one of the few I would have trusted with my life. More heart than sense, foolish and naive and stubborn, but kind. To a fault,” Megatron uttered after a few minutes, his lips a thin and terse line as he thought about the matter a little deeper.
Another spell of silence fell upon the hall as he stood up and muttered an annoyed ‘tch’ at the part of him that saw it fit to indulge the inquiry at all before picking out a book from the glass-cased shelf in the back of the room.
“That is not to say the urge doesn’t arise from time to time. But every time that voice whispers venom and spite whenever I hear his name? I remember this.”
It landed on his paperwork with a dull thump; a hard-cover edition of ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab: His life and times’ which was, from first glance, well-kept save some light tatters on the book jacket.
A closer look at the book jacket however would reveal several brown specks which resembled dried blood.
“Thirty-two years ago, the sheltered child of a professor and a journalist threw this book over the fence dividing redlined districts to a nobody who simply voiced a fascination for what he was reading. Without prompt. ‘It’s a gift’ he said. A gift for someone he had spoken to for all of ten minutes. A gift for a new friend.”
The warlord who was greying earlier than most sank back into his seat with his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling overhead. 
“The nobody cherished it for approximately two days before the census team came by for an unannounced inspection, and lo behold they did find it, and the nobody was beaten within an inch of his life for the crime of possessing a book which wasn’t ‘approved’ for his class, and therefore could not belong to him.”
The scoffing disdain in his voice as he spoke of the abuse was replaced with a fierceness that would have made anyone listening take a step back, more so that his glare felt like it could burn right through the screen as he returned his attention to the person on the other end.
“But it did. Because it was a gift from a friend. And when that nobody became a rebel, and eventually a warlord who tore down the doors to the government’s archives for ‘Persons Of Interest’? He bled everybody in that basement like the stuck pigs  they were until he found that little box with his name written on it, found this inside it, and then burned everything else to the ground.”
That would explain the drying blood on the cover of the book that he was now holding up, at the very least.
“This, and the books that were to come which that kind and foolish boy would toss over the fence, was when I realized how broken the system truly was, that I had to rely on this subterfuge for want of a better education. This was when I realized I wanted more than to live and die in the mines as my barcode dictated.”
The mounting anger in his tone seemed to suddenly cut off he opened his mouth only to close it swiftly, and when his tongue could finally form words again, they were noticeably softer than before.
“This was also when I realized that perhaps, I wasn’t alone in my outrage, in my boyhood fantasies for a better world. No one told that meddling idiot to make my fight his as well, but at eight-years-old, he decided he was going to do something about it to help me because he wanted to. And it’s hard to hate that earnestness.”
He closed his eyes for a moment before standing up with his hands clasped behind him, features obscured as he faced the wall with shoulders squared.
“Reconciliations are not out of the question. Truth be told, I do desire it. Whatever my past as a gladiator might have impressed upon you, believe me, I don’t enjoy the prospects of senselessy killing Autobots I have fought alongside for many years, back when we worked side by side against our common enemy. Terrible waste of genuinely good if not exceedingly foolish people, I would think.”
A curt professionalism had crept in now as he turned around and stroked his beard thoughtfully at the notion.
“However the matter should only be discussed after our movement’s primary objective has been achieved, and not a moment before. And if he and his merry men keep being an obstacle in my path?”
He smirked coldly.
“I can’t promise that the consequences won’t be dire.”
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moonlighttfoxx · 3 years
The girl with the golden eyes: Part Five
Warnings: smut, complete filth, horny Steve, horny Bucky, horny reader, a little girl on girl make out session, mentions of BBC
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‘Hey, Steve! Wait up!’ Bucky shouted in the empty hallway, chasing his friend after he had stormed out from the gym. Steve stopped, turned around and looked angrily at his friend, face still red, both from anger and from the workout.
‘What?’ he asked annoyed.
‘What’s with you? What was that all about?’ Bucky asked once he caught up with him.
‘I have no idea what you’re talking about’
‘So… you just happen to storm out like that on a regular basis, huh?’
‘It’s nothing important’ Steve answered coldly.
‘Again, you are not a particularly good liar, Stevie. Besides, it doesn’t go well with Captain America’s image to lie now, does it?’  
Steve sighed.
‘Sure, sure. But dry – humping in public areas goes well with everything, I assume.’
‘Is that what this is about? I had a little fun, so what?’
‘It’s inappropriate. That’s what. Today’s dry – humping, tomorrow who knows… I might go to the gym and find you two actually fucking’
‘So what if you do?’ Bucky crossed his arms in front of his chest.
‘It’s inappropriate!’ Steve raised his voice, repeating himself one more time.
‘Is that the reason it bothers you? Because you see, I think you’re lying.’
‘You can think whatever you want. I couldn’t care less.’ Steve grunted.
‘You sure about that?’ Bucky said quietly. ‘You know what I think? I think you want to fuck Y/N just as much as I do if not more. I think you think about her all the time. I can only imagine the thoughts running through your head. And I think it drives you nuts when somebody else is so much as looking at her. Because you are jealous. You are a jealous son of a bitch. And you can deny it as much as you want, but don’t forget I know you all too well. And don’t think I don’t know you are aroused all the time when you are around her. I’m a super soldier too. Now, you have two options: you can admit that you fucking want her so I can back off or you can continue acting like a horny little boy that doesn’t know what he wants.’
Bucky could see Steve’s jaw tightening.
‘I don’t want her. I can barely stand her. And I couldn’t care less about who she sleeps with. So will you drop it already?’
‘A horny little boy it is then’ said Bucky. He turned on his heel and went back to the gym, leaving Steve in the middle of the hallway. Pissed. The Captain was a stubborn man. Bucky knew that if he pushed him enough, he would eventually have to face his feelings, therefore the winter soldier just set a new goal for himself: piss Captain America until he caves. Steve would thank him later.
‘Okay, guys. As some of you already know: I have planned a little Truth or Dare for tonight’s game night. I’m sure you’re familiar with it. In case you pick truth, you have to answer honestly, you don’t get to switch questions. If you pick dare, you can’t back out and again you can’t request a different dare.’ Natasha gave detailed instructions as the rest of the team sat in a circle on the floor.
‘Are we still doing that? But there’s just the four of us here’ Steve complained. Tony and Bruce had some science stuff to do that came up in the last minute. Clint saw an opportunity to spend some time with his family during the weekend and Wanda and Vision had decided to find good usage of the weekend as well and take a short vacation. That left only Steve, Bucky, Y/N and Natasha in the compound.
‘Of course we are still doing that. I’m not letting anyone ruin my game night.’ Nat said confidently. ‘Where’s Sam?’
‘In his room. He injured himself badly during workout earlier. He took same painkillers and went to bed’ Bucky explained.
Natasha nodded.
‘That shouldn’t be a problem. I actually think it could be way more fun like that’ she smirked.  ‘Sooo, grab something to drink, I feel you’re gonna need it and let’s get the party started!’
Boy, as annoying as Nat was right now, she was right about the drinking. Steve needed a lot of that if he was going to make it through tonight. Not that he could get drunk anyway. But there’s no harm in trying, right? That way at least he was going to focus on something else instead of Y/N. He could smell her again. He was sitting in between him and Bucky, right next to him and that didn’t help one bit. Those damn lilacs. And as if that wasn’t enough of a distraction, she was wearing casual shorts and a tight top. No bra again. And guess what? Her nipples were pushing hard against the fabric. Yep, Steve needed alcohol big time.
‘Sooo, let’s start. I’ll go first. Bucky, truth or dare?’ Nat asked.  
‘What do you think? Dare, of course’ he smirked.
‘Oh, this should be fun. I dare you to send a text to the last person you messaged, but not just any type of text. A sext. Send a sext to the last person you messaged. And make sure it’s descriptive. Tell them in details what you want to do to them’
‘Oh, neat! That’s a nice one!’ Y/N cheered, sending a smile in Nat’s direction. ‘Who is it, Buck?’
Bucky took out his phone, unlocking it and opened his messages.
‘Uh, it’s Sam. Why couldn’t it have been one of the two of you? I have no problem picturing what I want to do to you’ Bucky said, referring to Nat and Y/N.
‘I can help you with that’ Y/N said, a slight smirk appearing on her face. ‘Give me the phone’
Bucky rolled his eyes, but gave it to her anyways.
‘I’m gonna embarrass myself one way or another. How bad could it be?’ he sighed. Steve watched Y/N typing something, a devilish grin on her face.
‘There’ she said, clicking the send button. Then she returned the phone to Bucky.
He read it himself and his eyes widened a little bit.
‘Jesus, doll. You’ve got some mouth on you’
‘What is it? Read it out loud for us’ Nat pleaded.
Bucky sighed.
‘I wasn’t able to stop thinking about you all day, big boy. You looked so good at the gym today I wished to have a bite of that sexy ass of yours and feel your big black cock in my mouth. I just love gagging on big black dicks’ he read. Steve choked a little on his drink. For no particular reason he couldn’t help but wonder if Y/N really thought that.
‘Awesome!’ Nat laughed.
‘Do you really love gagging on big black cocks, doll?’ Bucky asked raising an eyebrow.
‘Maybe I do, maybe I don’t’ she answered mischievously.
‘Oh, come on! Tell me! Today is all about truth and dare, isn’t it?’
‘Well, I suppose you’re going to ask me later anyway. So, to answer your question: I love gagging on big cocks. I love the challenge if you know what I mean. They don’t have to be black necessarily. Although, there’s a certain appeal to the black ones’
‘Totally!’ Nat agreed.
Now, why did she have to say that? Steve’s mind drifted off in a very inappropriate direction including Y/N’s mouth on his big hard cock. If she loved gagging so much, he sure as hell was able to help her with that. Steve bit his bottom lip.  
‘Mmm, doll, then you’d love to have a taste of me’ Bucky whispered.
‘I’m sure I would, Sergeant.’ She giggled. ‘But it’s your turn.’
‘Oh, right. Truth or dare?’ Bucky looked at Y/N.
‘Dare’ she answered confidently. Her answer brought a big smirk to his face.
‘You choose wisely. I have this particular fantasy of mine that involves you. I’d like to make it a reality and it seems like I might just have the chance for that.’
‘Tell me you’re not that desperate to dare me to give you head’ Y/N joked.
‘Why should I dare you? If I wanted it, you’d already be on your knees in between my legs gagging on my cock. Trust me, I can make you gag reaaaal good’
‘You wish’ Y/N rolled her eyes. But the scent coming from her that filled Steve’s nostrils was unmistakable. He was willing to bet she was dripping wet.
‘Damn right I wish’ Bucky chuckled. ‘Anyways, what I want you to do now is make out with Nat. I want a heavy make out session: tongue, heavy groping, dry humping if possible. I want it all.’  
‘No problem’ Y/N said. ‘I’m sure she’s better than any of you anyway’
‘You bet I am’ Nat said. ‘Come here babe’
Y/N laughed, getting up from the ground and going to Natasha. She took her face in both her hands and roughly smashed her lips into Nat’s. A few seconds later Y/N slid her tongue into the other woman’s mouth. In the same time, her hands were roaming down Nat’s body. With every second it was getting hotter and hotter. The two women’s bodies were brushing against one another. Steve could see Y/N’s hands going on Nat’s waist and then slowly sliding down, squeezing her ass. At the same time the Black widow reached underneath Y/N’s top, her own hand moving up to her boobs. From what the Captain could see Nat’s fingers were gently playing with Y/N’s nipples, which lead to a loud moan escaping from her lips. Oh, that was the single most beautiful sound he had ever heard.
Eventually the ladies parted. Both of them breathing heavily.
‘Well, was that good enough for you, Sergeant?’ Y/N asked.
‘Y – yeah’ Bucky stuttered, his voice raspy. He cleared his throat and then his usual smirk appeared once again. He rubbed his visibly hard cock through his pants on purpose of course, bringing everyone’s attention there. ‘It was perfect.’
The air in the room was heavy. Steve could smell the arousal on all of them. Especially on Y/N. But he couldn’t blame her. Nor Bucky. He himself was rock hard. Back in his day things like that were taboo. It wasn’t perceived very well. He hadn’t thought he could actually enjoy it that much. But he did. And the pressure in his pants was the absolute proof of that. He felt as if his cock was about to burst.
Y/N took her place between him and Bucky and turned her flushed face to him. Jesus. He hoped he wasn’t obvious. He hoped his erection wasn’t visible.
‘So, Captain Rogers, truth or dare?’ she asked. There was something so hot in the way she used his title. It made his cock twitch in his pants. Fuck. That definitely wasn’t helpful.
‘Truth’ he answered huskily.
‘Wuss!’ Bucky whispered. Steve looked at him sternly and then his eyes found Y/N’s once again.
‘So… Captain…’ she started, her eyes sparkling dangerously. ‘Have you ever jerked off to someone in this very room and if so when did you lastly do it?’
Fuck. Heat rose to Steve’s cheeks.
‘Ohhh… that question was on point!’ Bucky said. ‘So, Stevie, tell us the truth. Does Captain Goody – two – shoes do such inappropriate sinful things?’
‘I… well… yes, I’ve masturbated to somebody in this room. Two hours ago while taking a shower’ the red color on his cheeks deepened. He downed his drink, suddenly feeling anxious with the three pairs of eyes set on him.
‘Oh… I think that’s cute’ Y/N said. ‘You don’t have to worry about that being embarrassing. It’s totally normal. I also masturbated before I came here for the game.’
‘Were you thinking of me?’ Bucky asked.
‘No’ Y/N laughed as Bucky’s face formed a ridiculous pout.
‘Excuse me’ Steve said, interrupting them as he rose to his feet. ‘I need another drink’
He wasn’t so sure he was going to make it through tonight after all. That little minx was pure torture for him and he wasn’t sure he would be able to control himself much longer around her.
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juseki-taisen · 3 years
Ive watched the anime and that was some good shit right there. the mix of 3-D and 2-D animation is wonderful too! I would love to know how the 12 would treat their recently transitioned or in transition S/O because I hear “trans rights” coming from them
You bet your bottom dollar that they all scream TRANS RIGHTS!
Updated: Because I did Sharyu twice and forgot Nezumi. Sorry!
Dating Inounoshishi while transiting is actually ideal
Not only does she support you and whatever gender you want to be, but mama has money and is going to pay for it
You're her darling, why wouldn't she pay to keep you happy?
She's also going to take you shopping. She loves shopping and the idea of getting you a whole new wardrobe is to good.
Just be nice and say thank you, and show how much you appreciate her
Honestly? She never got to figure out who she really was/is as a person since she was always trying to please her parents. Seeing you figure out/announcing who you really are is really motivating for her.
Doesn't have a problem with it.
May occasionally slip up on your pronouns, but always corrects himself immediately. After a week? Doesn't mess up again
Dog. Loyal. He's not about to let something like you being who you really are affect what he thinks of you.
Added bonus: His daughter just rolls with it. Kids aren't as stupid as people make them out to be. If you used to be a princess/prince, you're now the opposite. The real question is, what kind of super hero cape do you want?
Dostuku will help with your medical bills. If doctors give you shit for it, the man has connections. He will find a good doctor who respects you and get your surgery (if you so choose) taken care of
The whole idea of being trans is a little confusing at first for her, but it takes about 000.1 seconds for her to decide it doesn't really matter?
Her whole life she's been a tool for the family, with you she's a person. In the end, no matter how you identify, as long as you still love her that's what matters?
Does a TON of research. She gets books, medical journals, ect. She uses her contacts to find doctors for you, and don't worry. Cost isn't an issue.
Anyone who tries anything just...vanishes. You know from that weird smile she gets she 110% had something to do with it
If you ever feel ad or dysphoric about your body, she's very supportive.
She already knew. She's very perceptive, and was just waiting for you to be comfortable telling her.
The most supportive.
Does whatever she can to make you comfortable. If you want new cloths, she'll shop with you. If you're to embarrassed to go to a store, she'll order online.
Never uses the incorrect pronouns for you.
Will put one of those little trans flags in the window of her apartment.
If there's a pride event, will go with you.
Arranges a good doctor for your transition when you're ready, and will go to appointments if you're nervous
He's old, and has seen it all. He may be older, but he's not going to question it.
One of those "Whatever makes you happy" people
Doesn't understand a lot of surgery details and hormone stuff. He'll try to research it, but you may have to help him learn terminology. He does catch on fast
The idea of surgery freaks him out because he has no control. He’d help you, but he is going to be silently panicking on the inside
Actually really cool with it? Just tell him you still love him. The first thing he worries about is that you’re going to become this amazing you, and the you that loved him wont love him anymore
Really supportive? Doesn’t know a lot about trans issues, but he tries
He will probably buy you anything with the trans flag on it. 
If you have surgery, he’s going to make sure only the BEST doctors do it
Listens when you talk if you have feelings to get out. It just makes him really happy you’re confiding in him
Trans? Cool. Fine. Help him pull off this heist
He really doesn’t care, if you’re happy he’s fine with it? 
Actually brings up frogs that can change their gender, and that there’s a species of lizards that reproduce without asexually. If reptiles do it, why can’t people?
Gives you money for surgery if you wanna get it. Worries through the entire thing, but only Nagayuki knows about his brother internal freak out
Also, shopping spree. Criminal shopping spree. grab and RUN
Has trouble using the correct pronouns, but tries really hard and corrects himself. 
He already knew way before you told him. He’s perceptive, smart, and also finds your online content. Really, he was just waiting for you to tell him yourself
Probably gets you a tray of cupcakes with the frosting colored with the trans flag colors. He likes snacks, any excuse to get snacks and make you happy? Killing two birds with one stone
Master of your pronouns and possibly your new name
You know how hard it is to change your name? This dude hacks into the systems and does it in a night. 
Helps you get surgery if you want it. Not emotional about it, but will hold your hand if you want him to. 
Help him. He doesn’t understand trans when you first bring it up, but when you explain it clicks
Now he is fully on board and ready
While he can’t keep up with a lot of LGBTQ+ terms, he supports you and what makes you happy. You want to be the gender you’ve always wanted? No problem. Just tell him what he needs to do
Has fought someone who purposely misgendered you before. 
Will take you shopping if you’d like
You want surgery? He knows people. Honestly? He’s so well known that the doctors are volunteering to make sure it gets done properly.
Never once messes up your pronouns.
She’s seen so much on the battlefield that when you tell her, she’s not that concerned. It’s great that you trust her, and she will support you but...You’re not going to leave her, right? 
Cuzz she loves you with all her heart and if someone like you can become every more yourself (and therefor more amazing) why would you stay with a screw up like her?
After she gets past her insecurities, Tore is very supportive of you
Has punched a guy in the face for being rude to you. Maye have started a street brawl over it, it’s fine. She won.
Surgery freaks her out no matter what is it, but she’s going to be there if you want it. She may just cry when you can’t see her. What if something goes wrong???
It wont and you’re fine but you wake up and she’s crying like a BABY
This...is kind of a disaster? Not in the way you’re thinking
He gets all your pronouns right, and quickly is VERY excited to call you his new girl/boy friend. 
But uh...people may die...A lot of people
If he notices that people give you weird looks, they’re dead. He will FIGHT and MURDER people who are transphobic (but what’s the loss really?)
Loves to shop with you, and tries to pull things he thinks you’d like (probably kills people there too, RIP)
If you want the surgery, you have to do the research. Usagi doesn’t get it. HOWEVER he will help pay...sort of
“It’s expensive”
“Will this cover it?” Proceeds to pull out diamonds and gold bars, and...is that a rare species of monkey? WHERE DID HE GET A MONKEY?
How do you even exchange that for money?
Imagine going to pride with Usagi. 
Snuggling with Usagi if you have body dysphoria. Him not really understanding everything but 110% being willing to support you. 
Already knew. Not a huge deal for him. 
Supportive, but really casual about it
He’s great with pronouns, and does use his ability a lot to try and make sure he doesn’t say something to make you uncomfortable
always quick to apologize if he does. 
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 years
bridgerton--the good, the bad, the ugly
The short of it: Bridgerton excellently captures the tone of Regency romance novels and offers a lot of escapism and great sex scenes, but could definitely use some serious work in terms of how it depicts race and it should have made some further alterations to the dated and flawed source material.  Definitely loved a lot of it and am hotly anticipating the second season, but I want to see more work done and I HOPE that this encourages the adaptation of better (and less inherently flawed) romance novels.
Now for the longer take.
The Good
Bridgerton depicted sex and romance in a way that is totally different from anything I’ve seen in period dramas, for sure, but possibly different from anything I’ve seen on TV.  The romance of it all was woven into almost every aspect of the show. There is the handsome and seemingly severe but extravagantly wealthy and sexually adept duke sweeping into town.  The (multiple) rakes who just want to have fun while also being hot messes.  The awakening of female sexuality and the copious use of the female gaze.  (Note the pretty modest and minimal focus on female nudity, while we get plenty of lingering shots on Simon.).  People want love!  There is pretty minimal violence and perhaps the most physically violent scene involves Simon beating a man up because HE IMPEACHED DAPHNE’S HONOR~.
The sex scenes themselves focused on Daphne’s pleasure for the most part, and were probably among the best I’ve seen since Outlander in terms of chemistry, in terms of the visuals, in terms of focus on sex as an act of emotional connection and FUN. Yes, there was some Unlikely Vaginal Orgasming, but we also saw Simon tell Daphne about masturbation.  On the wedding night, he was pretty clearly touching her to help her enjoy it.  He ate her out... a good bit.  
And aside from that, we got all of the grand speeches, the stolen glances and touches, an excellent buildup of sexual tension that led to some pretty hilarious moments.  
I also really enjoyed many of the performances on this show.  Rege-Jean and Phoebe had great chemistry and excellent back and forth.  Jonathan was a GREAT Anthony.  I would argue that as lackluster as I found his relationship with Siena (more on that in a minute) it largely existed as a way to set him up for his romance with Kate.  He now has even more of a reason to be down with love, as opposed to solely relying on a kind of flimsy tragic backstory.  Additionally, his overprotectiveness of Daphne added tension to the story and made him a source of comedic relief for me?  I loved it.  Give me disaster Anthony all day; can’t wait until he falls to the enemies to lovers trope just like Simon fell to his FLAW-FREE fake dating plan.
A lot of the changes I found were really good.  Obviously, it was important that the show incorporated greater diversity (though they need way more).  Benedict was INFINITELY more fun and interesting than he was in the novels, and acted as another standout for me.  As much as I hate Portia Featherington, I think that the elevation of her to a proper villainess is probably necessary and Polly Walker excels at those types of roles, though they need to maybe have her be less like, actively racist.  I adored the addition of Queen Charlotte; she was excellent comic relief.  Lady Danbury’s expanded role and relationship to Simon was one of the best moves they made.  It touched my entire soul.
The Bad
The show needs to work on casting more men that are frankly on Rege-Jean’s level.  It feels a bit awkward to see a guy that is by most people’s standards kind of stunning and then.... Colin looks twelve.  Lord Philip is like... a farm guy.  Get rid of the sideburns, we’re in romance novel territory.
In the same note, the girl who played Siena wasn’t a great actress and wasn’t super stunning, so even though I’m fine with her being a placeholder....  Eh.  Go for better casting.  The woman playing Madame Delacroix would’ve played that role so much better and I really enjoyed her dynamic with Benedict because she was just fun.
Frankly, I don’t know what the fuck they’re going to do to make me want to watch Penelope and Colin fall in love.  Their book was already a bit basic--fun, but far from revolutionary.  I don’t really get why they would receive attention similar to that of Kate and Anthony, basically.  The issue is that Colin, again, looks and sound rather young and twerpy.  It obviously wasn’t great for him to be tricked into raising another man’s child, but.... For fuck’s sake, how much would that have affected his life on a practical level.  He’d never know unless he was told, thanks to the lack of DNA tests.  He was marrying far out of his league in terms of attractiveness.  He’s a rich white guy in England with a supportive family.  
I really disliked the fact that Colin told Marina in his huffy little tantrum that he would have married her anyway--because would you have, buddy?  Really?  The thing is that Marina had no way of knowing that and her entire life (and the reputations of her cousins) was on the line.  She didn’t know if she could trust Colin to keep her secret.  They barely knew each other.  He basically came off as a whiny child and I’m fine with him staying in Greece if that’s the plan.
Penelope was just... psychotic.  And that was really disappointing, because I love Nicola and would love to have loved to see the fat girl get her sexy love story.  But first off, lol, it wouldn’t have been sexy because Colin was miscast.  Second, she basically tried to destroy Marina’s life and that of her sisters?  And herself?  Because Colin?  Because Colin, a guy who hasn’t even shown any amount of attraction to her at this point?  Her tears, her whining, it was all too much.  Penelope was dealing with a crush and Marina was dealing with the real Grown Woman issues of a child out of wedlock and as it turned out a dead lover and they were not on equal footing.
I mean, Penelope could very well make a great villainess at this point, and if done well I’d embrace it.  But I do not know how the fuck they can make me interested in her love story.  And the idea of her basically being launched into villainy because she was this chubby white girl obsessively jealous of a beautiful black woman...... not a great look.
The show definitely needs to explore diversity in terms of sexuality too--I don’t think it’s correct to read Benedict as straight because he still seems to be open to exploring.  Once he has more screentime, I think he could totally end up being bisexual, and it’s possible that the writers were trying to feel the audience out in terms of their receptiveness to taking a straight character who has a big straight love story in the books and making him LGBT+.  Eloise could also easily be a lesbian, and I’d be thrilled to see that happen.  They need to do something to expand the world, and if there are 8 Bridgerton kids, all of them being straight as an arrow seems SO unlikely.
The Ugly
Obviously, the rape scene was bad and should have been written out.  Simon could have gotten caught up in the moment and blown up at Daphne after he accidentally didn’t pull out in time.  Men.... accidentally don’t pull out in time... a lot.  That’s how babies happen.  It would’ve been believable, and due to our sympathies being with Simon largely, I don’t think he would have become irredeemable if he was more at fault than Daphne.  
As it was, I will say that the scene was somewhat better than it played in the books because Simon was conscious and totally sober, and it was a bit?  Confusing?  That he didn’t just roll Daphne over and pull out?  Because she wasn’t really clearly trying as hard as she was in the book to wrap her legs around him and hold him tight.  But it remained a rape scene.  The show also did a better job, I think, of establishing how fucked up it was that Simon took advantage of Daphne’s lack of knowledge.  Whatever he said about thinking she knew what was up--he knew she didn’t even know about masturbation.  He had to know she wouldn’t understand what pulling out meant.  He did very clearly mislead her to think that he was sterile and therefore denied Daphne her ability to give informed consent.  Did that justify what Daphne did?  Nope.  Two wrongs don’t make a right.  But both of them did a fucked up thing and I think that we honestly could’ve stopped at Simon’s misleading.
The issue too is that this leads into a bigger problem the show had.  It wanted to include diversity (yay!) but did not consider the total implications of what was happening (not yay).  Daphne and Simon’s dynamic is inevitably influenced by the fact that she’s a white woman and he’s a black man, regardless of whatever handwaves happened.  This influences the sexual assault and makes it even more messy.
Speaking of mess, I’m not sure what exactly would have fixed the “we don’t want this to be a colorblind casting” issue... but the explanation they came up with wasn’t good.  Never mind that this makes everything SUPER confusing (racism is over like..... maybe 50 years MAX after Queen Charlotte’s marriage if we assume she was a teen when she married and is in her 60s now?) but Lady Danbury’s dialogue explaining this was HORRENDOUS.  “One of them fell in love with one of us”.  The implications are awful.  I don’t know if perhaps setting back the integration of society centuries earlier would have helped?  But this wasn’t it.
Additionally, the writers and casting directors didn’t seem to get that diversity is all well and good, but what about the fact that almost every black character has a light skin tone?  Why are there so few black female characters?  Why is Marina, the most prominent woc on the show, given the “pregnant and desperately trying to trick a man into marrying her until her jealous white cousin fucks her life up and she is humiliated into settling for a loveless match” plot?  I desperately hope we see her next season, falling in love with Sir Phillip or perhaps having experienced a plot twist that gives her someone else...  And she better not die. Eloise can find someone else if Marina really ends up with Sir Philip.
Ultimately, again, I really loved the show.  But it needs to work on some things.  I think that a lot of its issues can be addressed and fixed in a future season, and I HOPE they do that.
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