#theres a bunch of other series out there too tho
cenviswasteland · 4 months
okay from best to worst top three! klapollo krisnix wrightworth go!! with explanations duh - 💾
oh guess what i just found in the bottom of my drafts. sorry floppy disk you asked me this in march and now its almost june. my bad pestie
anyway i would LOVE to. im gonna cut the post here because it ended up getting pretty damn long and i wanna save the mobile users some pain
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a little preface first: i don't think any of them are the "worst". im a multiship freak and i think all three of these are best and worst in their own way. id love more info on what you MEAN by "best to worst" because that's so very vague. do you mean in terms of relationship dynamic? do you mean in terms of personal perception? do you mean how much i like them?? since i have no idea what exactly youre asking me here, im just gonna shove a whole bunch of headcanons in your face and hope for the best. xoxo follow me
3rd place - Wrightworth / Narumitsu
the iconic, original gangster, blah blah blah. forever cute. theyre just kind of a little bland to me. like i feel as tho we've explored basically everything there is to explore in wrightworth with the exception of the seven year gap? eh maybe thats a terrible take who knows. theyre still lovely tho i love the seemingly constant stream of gayass lawyers on my feed. everybody loves narumitsu!
2nd place - Klapollo
i really don't have much to say about klapollo either. theyre cute as hell and they definitely have a lot more to ponder on (considering that the only game we really get klavier in is AA4 [no DD doesnt count klavs ass got fucking Visited and he was written so poorly thats NOT my klavier gavin]). and generally speaking im an AA4 fiend its my favorite game in the entire series and so im biased. also, another pretty constant stream of gay lawyer content. shout out to hyundere who made like constant beautiful klapollo content until the One Piece happened lol [im a one piece enjoyer too dont come for me this is not criticism]
1st place - Krisnix
my GOD krisnix. theres a lot of things that go into me enjoying krisnix, but the biggest one is the fact that they have the fucking wackiest, least defined relationship in all of AA4. (also, another AA4 exclusive lol). with the 7yg in play, theres so much room to play around. and most of krisnix really exists in their questions and the vagueness of their relationship. theres like a billion things to ask. how does this relationship develop? how did they meet? what were they like for seven years? what led up to phoenix suspecting kristoph in, yknow, the Everything that happened in AA4? what kind of relationship did they even have? were they "friends" that just happened to pull each other into their gravity? were they holding hands and cuddling every night? were they practically strangers until one of them needed to "blow off steam"?
and not to mention these people are both private/secretive as HELL (phoenix is probably the cagiest man ive ever seen ever. and kristoph, aside from being a man with a fucking army of skeletons in his closet, gets an unfortunately small amount of screentime in the game and not a lot of time to get into the meat of his character/backstory [see: black psyche-locks]). that adds another layer. they certainly dont talk about each other. so how did... All Of This happen?
SO. MANY. QUESTIONS. and in general i like my ships a little more "toxic". and i mean. if you know ANYTHING about AA4, krisnix is pretty mutually toxic. i could totally make another post tearing into the inner guts of their dynamic and relationship-- hell, i could probably make FIVE.
moral of the story: krisnix forever. poggies.
anyway yeah i hope this uh. answered all your questions? how the hell do you end a tumblr post
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ganondoodle · 2 years
hold on, i cant just only ask twitter and leave some of you out of it-
as i want to get further into game dev im super interested in hearing other peoples opinions on stuff, so if you dont mind:
what makes a game chill/relaxing to you?
if you'd like to hear my personal opinion on that question .. well im gonna try and make my answer into a game at some point to thats that, but im gonna mention some games that have aspects of what i like alot, time limits and mandatory combat are big stress factors to me, as are decisions that have a huge effect on the story/characters
stardew valley is a beloved game to me, yet i have over 400 hours put into it and never saw the credits, bc i keep making a new file and play it to usually the 3rd or 4th year and then the late game stuff annoys me too much; the fact that there is that day time limit AND the energy limit is incredibly stressful to me, plus that combat is pretty much required and even moreso later on if you want to get all quests and such even tho its so clunky (to me) without you even being able to over level yourself is just agony to me like the quest of reaching lvl 100 of the skull caverns, i did it once technically, but my heart was beating out of my chest and i reached the last lvl a second before it reached the daytime limit and i blacked out losing a ton and not getting whatever waited for me there, i believe i stopped playing it for a long time after that (another would be not being able to complete all achievements if you dont want to sacrifice a whole file to it since its non reversable to my knowledge, like the joja thing, or if you are basically being forced to be a jerk to npcs tho that doesnt apply to stardew .. i think)
botw, my as of now fav zelda game together with the original wind waker, the atmosphere and how immersed i felt playing a game has never been so strong for me as this one, aside from some story elements and general criticsm of the zelda series the world and how it functions, speaking of game mechanics, is a huge inspiration for me, i love even the ever so hated weapon breaking and rain system, what sours it a little playing it to relax is that you are constantly swarmed by enemies, theres a bokblin attacking an npc every few meters, a camp that sees you from miles away, and at night you cant go two steps without a bunch of stal- enemies popping out of the ground, the only thing to circumvent this is wearing specific armor to trick them, but i'd like to stroll around dressed however i like, i know its environmental storytelling, but a mode to play after you beat ganon with little changes such as less or no enemies would have been cool (pehaps similar to activate like the master mode thing?) another nitpick is the lack of customization for your own home, although its not the focus of the game at all it would still be cool if you could actually choose some different stuff that isnt just dont or do build this
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL - P’ABL Versus The Hotel Wifi
(spoiler, I lost)
Oct 2022 Wk 2
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Eclipse (Fri YT) 10 of 12 - Neo is so damn good in this role. But the plot is starting to drag. I don't think this show will hold up to a binge watch. But Akk & Aye really are a killer couple. Akk caught himself a live one. I didn’t even mind the wifey talk. 
My Only 12% (Fri iQIYI) 10 of 14 - Cake being back and jealous as fuck and totally into Eiw is way better and more satisfying than I thought it would be. Santa is good in this role. These 2 define codependency and it’s a little worrying, but Cake’s unalloyed joy at being with Eiw and just looking at him again is the warmest I’ve felt since the final ep of DNA Say Love You. This is a greta little show. 
Ai Long Nhai (Mon iQIYI) 3 of 10 - It is a perfectly serviceable little pulp, it’s hitting all the tropes, but was a bit dull this ep (plus a bit crass and theres the stalker thing). I don’t really have a lot to say about it. Ai does switch from mueng to ter after kissing Nahi - that was cute! 
Ghost Host, Ghost House (Weds YouTube) 2 of 8 - I still hold that the lead couple is nice but not sure about anything else. 
Remember Me (Sun Gaga) 1 of 8 - I don’t know what it is about a voice over + Thailand but it never works well, it’s always jaw-clenchingly cliché. I don’t know if it’s the way the script is written or the limited capacity of those captioning it, but it’s never as poetic as it’s trying to be. It’s like a poem written by a middle schooler who thinks they’re very deep. This is one of those situations where the Gaga interface is failing me, because I need the skip ahead button and not the 1.5 speed (although I’m using it). Look, I’m really not into 90s nostalgia. All that said, and despite the fact that this was mostly about a pack of kids running around, which is not my thing, I actually enjoyed this ep. I was hoping to take this one out of rotation because I have too much on at the mo. But I guess it’s staying in. JaFirst = penpals who never meet. ManTitle = sunshine chatty and The Boy Who Never Speaks. Mean = the clownish leader, and random other boy = the token het. 
Big Dragon (Sat Gaga) 2 of 8 - Surprise kink! This is a bunch of rough and angry nonsense, but fun nonsense. Like relationship drama between friends you don’t really like. Things that are meant to be funny, aren’t funny, things that are meant to be tense, aren’t tense, but I’m still watching it. I think that makes me the sucker, tho. 
Work from Heart (Thurs YouTube) 4 of 7 - My Favorite boy with the tattoos makes a reappearance. But mostly this show is just really boring. 
Love in the Air (Thurs iQIYI) 9 of 13 - whatever, Pai: DUMPSTER FIRE TRASH WATCH ALONG HERE. 
Fahlanruk (Sun GaGa) 5 of 12 - And I’m out. This one is a dnf for me. Someone can tell me if the 2nd half is worth it, after it finishes, but I’m not gonna bother to watch it every week anymore. I genuinely don’t like any of the couples and the fujoshi framing is repulsive under the context of a narrative trying to be this authentically gay. I’ve lost all patience. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Takara-kun and Amagi-kun (Japan GaGa & Viki) 8fin - These 2 were tooth achingly sweet and impossibly lovely. This show was beyond charming: soft, gentle, adorable and packed with cuteness and angst. Did anything actually happen? No. Was there any kind of even attempt at a plot? No. Did I enjoy the hell out of it, anyway? Oh yes. 9/10 TOTALLY RECOMMENDED UNDEMANDING FLUFFY GOODNESS 
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Korea Thurs Viki) 1 of 8 - I like it a lot. Rich poor. Enemies to lovers. Forced proximity. Pretty boys. What’s not to enjoy? 
My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Fri Gaga & Viki) 1 of 12 - It’s cute, quirky, well acted, and a bit slow moving. Pretty much what I expected. 
Kabe Koji (Japan Mon Viki) 2 of 10 - Seriously this should be everything I love in the world but Japan has to be overly creepy and stalker about it and now it’s totally borked it for me. Oh well. I’m still watching.
It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
War of Y 20 eps - it’s just all too much for me.
My Roommate 32 eps of 2 minutes each + terrible production values? - I’m not bothering.
Oh My Sunshine Night 16 eps (update: 20) - I’m scared it’s gonna be sad, so I’m waiting for spies to tell me it’s safe, so far reported to be quite the soap opera.
To Sir With Love AKA Khun Chai 10 eps (update: 28!) - dito 
2 Moons 3 Thai (Mon ??) 10 eps - I searched for it in a lacklustre manner but couldn’t find it legally anywhere convenient so gave up. I will watch it if it’s easy to do so. 
SELF (Thurs ??) - same again 
Wish Me Luck (Sat ??) - and again
Hard Love Mission (Sat WeTV?) - and again 
I might have a bit of a hunt when I get back, but for now it difficult enough to keep up with the main list. 
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I have been seriously considering an UWMA rewatch (as Between Us starts up next month). I’ve never chronicled or properly reviewed UWMA (which is my all time favorite Thai BL). And my understanding of Thai has markedly improved since i last watched it. What do you think? Anyone else interested? 
Japan announced a new Takumi adaptation. I think is is a terrible idea for many reasons. 
Sorry the whole work thing means I haven’t had time to check my usual sources for BL announcements and new releases. Also, you’ll notice very few screen shots. It’s a mad crazy world out there beyond the boundaries of one’s homey high speed internet. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
Look my calendar is a nightmare. It’s all just too much right now, you’ll have to wait tell I get everything sorted. There’s a lot of stuff airing, you should watch what you like and ask me for recs if none of it appeals. 
October 2022 line up is here.
This week’s best moments?
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Those smiles! 
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So many jellies 
(last week)
Current earworm? HYNN's The Story of Us featuring a very familiar face with some of my favorite dimples 
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flowerkidlove · 2 years
Also? I wanna hear about your ocs n fursonas
ook?! (surprised monkey sound)
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ocs? sonas? tell you about them you say?
ok ok so i have Elliot (he/him transboy/girl/nonbinary, bicurious/"straight" (queer)) and Sekani (he/she genderfluid pan or bisexual i cant remember)!!! they came from a really bad comic i wanted to make, they were both reapers, based off of the piers anthony series, the book theif and i think one more thing but i dont remember.
Sekani was previously the Egyptian God, Anubis, but i recently thought that calling him my oc while using that name was hella cringe of me, so now she's Sekani!
Elliot died in an accident and (like the piers anthony book) since he was balanced sinful and nonsinful [idfr] he could become a reaper to either let him go to heaven or send him straight to hell
Elliot was also a big trauma dumping character and also helped trans my gender, i love him to death, but i feel bad for him too, he just suffers a lot for me! also. he has a gun. this made him cool. idk why
i dont draw them very much anymore, i can't quite get a grasp on them for some reason, mayhaps my art style changed too much and they just. don't work. i don't use them in anything, but i would like to. i know they have to change, but i'm not ready for that.
they were both previously different characters. Sekani used to be a human sans and Elliot used to be from an undertale au called "undertaile" (i found out about the porn name............) where. i think? one of the guard dogs had children with a human and also the final boss was the annoying dog?????????????????
ANYWAY Elliot came from my oc for perseverance: Emily! two VERY different characters now, but! hey, that's growth for you!
i also have an animatronic janitor horse name Plinko Horsington (he/him loveless aromantic lesbian)! he's from Security Breach and liked to flirt with customers just to see their reactions, fuckin with them! but i didn't really have much from there that i remember!
then there's Axin (she/her transgirl anthro mouse), Candy (she/her, sweet/sweets genderfae anthro bunny) and Yvonne (xe/xem nonbinary crow? blackbird? idr) they were a polycule, not much on them
i dont remember a lot of my other oc's, they didn't stay for very long in my head, so i can't talk about any of them
ok! for! fursonas!
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Axin used to be a fursona! back when i wasnt nonbinary, in! highschool! then i changed her name and made her an oc!
Flower Blue! the bunny in my icon! the icon is made by clownkiwi on here, deh good tumblr! but they're my main sona, i want to get a partial of them, i like using them as The Guy for everything!
then there's Candy Lovestruck (she/her, cupi/cupid/cupids, it/its), a lovecore based mouse fursona! cupi was just someone i needed to put a bunch of pink into the design, tho i think i need to add more details to the design!
and then theres this dog one that! i wanna make more things about, but im not ready to talk about that one i think
ok im all done now :3
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randomwords247 · 1 year
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It's about time I address the elephant in the room: WHAT HAPPENED TO HILDA AND THE LOST FUTURE?
So, for anyone who doesn't know, in I believe early 2021 I started a comic called Hilda and the Lost Future, based off the episode the 50 year night. I haven't updated this comic in a while and I know I've had some people ask me when it'll come back
A tl;dr for anyone who wants the short answer:
It will be a while. It's not my current priority or main interest, but I absolutely want to get back to it at some point: When I do, it'll be from slowly working on multiple pages in the background which will eventually be posted every week when I have a big backlog.
For anyone wanting any more information tho, theres a number of reason's its been a while
A big one is burnout. I got really heavily burnt out I believe late 2021 and I haven't done nearly as much drawing as I would've liked since then
One of the factors for why I had so much burn out was university - For those of you who don't know, I'm currently a University student, specifically I just finished my second year meaning I have the Big Boy Dissertation coming up for my final year. I also had a job until late last year which I'd work during my uni breaks so I had like no real break.
Uni has taken generally just a lot of my time and energy away from me and it's because of uni that I haven't been drawing much. I'm still tryna get back into drawing way more regularly and it's a little disheartening that in some regards I'm a tad rusty, but I still enjoy drawing way too much to quit
Another issue that doesn't help is, as I'm sure a lot of you have noticed, I've been bitten by the minecraft bug quite bad. Or more that it's come back from the grave because I swear my minecraft obsession never truly left. And like as a result of that I've even been making my own videos! It's been really fun and I'm having a blast. I honestly have been finding making videos really fun and a nice escape from uni, plus a good excuse to draw (thumbnails). Outside of the game itself I've been very into a lot of mcyt fandoms, currently I am loving watching hermitcraft and I have loved bansmp (a series by my friend bantaro) and its been a blast being able to be a part of that series which I've loved watching.
I still like Hilda a lot, don't get me wrong. I'm just way more focused on other interests at the moment and with so little time it kinda leaves you prioritising, and I definitely lost steam with my strict schedule I put upon myself.
So, where does that leave us?
I know initally when I started the comic I had a lot of people offer to help out, help make it and things. I still am sure that I do not want this, as much as I appreciate peoples' offers.
One of the main focuses of the comic, outside of telling a story I have planned out, is to improve my drawing skills and make a comic from start to end by myself. I also know I'd be too particular with the way things would be done to want to pass it to someone else, and I don't want to like hand it off. It's something I want to do for myself, and again it's a way for me to improve my drawing skills. I mean heck, from the pages I've done so far I already vastly improved my ability to do backgrounds and perspective.
My plan is to work on pages in the background, not give any real estimation of when I'm working on them or not or when to expect them. Just a slow work on them every so often as I focus more on other things. That way, when I eventually get say (as an example), 10 pages finished, I'll do an announcement and I'll post the finished pages spacing them out a week at a time, to give myself a buffer. If this like makes me passionate enough to bump out one a week like I originally did, I'll do that, but if not then I'll repeat the process of slowly working on a bunch and posting them all after a lot are finished
So yeah! For anyone who read this far instead of just reading the tl;dr, I appreciate it! I know its a long and probably overdue talk on things, but I thought it'd be worth talking about because I've been thinking about the comic a lot lately and how I wanna get back to it. I just also know that like, I don't wanna burn myself out with it again so it'll be more of a slow project to chip away at.
Again currently my main focus has been youtube (link in pinned post), and if you're enjoying that then I'm glad to hear! I have another video that I'm hoping to get done before next week, though I've come down with a cold so it might be a little iffy on that front. Otherwise, hope you all have a nice day! :)
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im-smart-i-swear · 2 years
What's your favourite FNIN book and why?
its 'trzecia kuzynka'!
it just really stands out of the series, starting with the setting: - instead of Warsaw, a big city, the whole book takes place in the polish mountains(which ones??? who knows. i dont). usually the action of fnin books takes place in a big city(there are exceptions to this rule ofc) but this time the closest urban area is a small town.
the feeling of uneasiness also shows itsel in the book's cast. in most books we have a bunch of reoccuring characters: felix and net's parents, teachers, classmates - but here the only other familiar person is manfred(and even still hes not as prevelant bc theres no internet and stuff). just like the trio, the reader doesnt know anybody. theyre alone. everyone and everything here is strange and the lack of familiar faces only makes it more apparent. theres also the fact that when usually the trio are the best informed and oriented people in a given situation, here theyre.... lost. everyone(alright maybe not everyone, but you get the point) has secrets and hidden motives.
another thing is how the trio separates - although thats not uncommon in fnin, the way they do it is dffrent from usual - instead of net and felix having another one of their dramatic breakups, its nika who distances herself from her friends. thats also another thing i love about 'trzecia kuzynka' - the way it focuses on nika and her relationship with f&n. the change of setting allows for the common 'what if people find out nika is an orphan' thing to fade into the background for once, wnich means theres room to explore other aspects of nikas life and personality. her lack of friends aside from felix&net, her emphaty and selflesnes, her persistance to do the right thing - all those qualities are allowed to shine here and its great!
this book subverts expectations of a long time fnin reader and it feels so fresh and unique beacuse of that. the way the tension gradually builds up as more and more weird things happen makes it so fun to read! and, in a truly shocking twist, morten isnt behind everything this time!!(i know, impossible). even the fact the trio is separated during the finale instead of sticking toghether as per usual - 'trzecia kuzynka' flips the typical fnin formula on its head and i love it.
the new side characters are pretty cool too! when i first read this book, i thought laura's very cool - and honestly i still think that - she has a motive here, shes doing her own thing, and also shes hilarious. the others are pretty entertaining too! oh, and how could i forget - the 'false trio'. oh my frickin god the reveal of them being secret fucking agents was glorious-
and one other thing i have to mention - the horrors. there are times while reading this book when i have to stop and ask myself 'wait.why is this actually scary.' in other books there are moments or longer scary scenes, sure, but the one is dripping with tension and anticipation from start to finish, and the finale is the perfect culmination of that. there are so many scenes that just stuck with me - the graveyard, laura's mam-moth(get it) story, the whole castle sequence(i was a bit uncomfortable tho..), the reveal of the giANT FUCKING *THING* UNDER THE HOUSE-, and of course the entirety of nika's side of the finale!
i have no idea what other people think about this book, but i absolutely love it!(crap now i want to reread it for the gazillionth time)
thank you for the ask!
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syfynjvall · 1 year
ok. Okok. i think i’ve got my jumbled up thoughts altogether so! here they are under the cut (and it won’t be spoiler free so heads up!)
N’s route: man… i think when i played i was on a “i havent seen these characters in years” goggles high, ie graduation goggles if you will, but now that im thinking on it, it wasn’t super erm. cohesive. like when you can choose to say ily early on but then if you dont and N says it later, theres no option to reciprocate? odd. also there is no conflict resolution for the argument, it’s just kinda brushed aside.
what i did like was that if you play with an equally romantic partner as n, they do have a bunch of nice little moments. i’ve seen ppl say they come off clingy but like. i didnt see it that way. to me it comes across as more just that they’re SO passionate and so focused about protecting everyone (as shown in the backstory) but i can see why it’s off putting to others
F route: very cute little moments w the detective, absolute dream of a partner if you ask me. them talking about their mom? ruined me a bit why lie. also the “you’re the most delicious thing i’ve tasted” oof. my pulse was weak lads
i didnt like that there wasnt an ily choice for them?? doesnt make sense to me??? out of all the routes i feel like their would have been the most natural place to have an ily, but i digress. anyway. F love and supremacy always
A route: mixed feelings for sure.. i did feel like some of it was a bit ooc or like, i was just getting mixed signals. they’d say one thing and then contradict it a paragraph later and i was like. huh. ok.
overall tho… i will be so real with you guys it was kind of delicious. dare i say it was maybe my favorite. ik some ppl thought it moved too fast and i can see that! but for me it’s really not /that/ fast. think about if you read a book series that’s 2 or 3 books and it’s a slowburn. usually the couple will admit their feelings by the end of the second book or smth. and it’s not like A actually expressed their feelings and then jumped into a relationship yk?? personally i found the “one kiss and i cant have you anymore, this is done, i can’t let myself feel this” absolutely scrumptious. the slowburn is still in action even tho they kissed to me! but ig why some ppl didnt love it. bonus; them crying outside the detectives door didn’t feel ooc to me either. they bottked up feelings for 900 years and then watched the person they love almost die like. three times. and then consequently shoved them away again so there’s no way they’d be able to keep all of THAT inside. walls r bound to break eventually. anyway i did think this route was inconsistent at times but generally. i had a blast w all that pain and suffering
M’s route: i still dont really know how i feel about this one tbh. i did like a lot of it: the bakery scene, the lil not date, the scene in the shower especially. to me that felt very natural, just like. intimate and personal without being too fast or whatever. big fan. might think about that for the rest of my life. also if you’re on verda’s route with m the dinner party scene was equal parts awkward and funny so that was fun. AND as meh and underwhelming as the auction was, them saying they were willing to give more for the detective than they ever thought… mwah. there were moments where M felt ooc but i think i liked half of it. probably 😭
overall like i said before.. plot wise it isnt very cohesive and it’s not very exciting, it felt more romance focused than plot focused which ig makes sense but? idk. i like the thrill
if you’ve stuck thru this whole essay you’re a saint. and drop more of your thoughts into my inbox bc im curious to know what yall are thinking!
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
Don't you have a psychotic father? Didn't you fear that acid might trigger psychosis in you too?
He did. Its unclear what has caused my fathers psychosis however. His mother holds that when he was young he overdosed on some medication and had a long series of epileptic-like seizures, and that this may be the source; doesnt seem too far fetched bc there have been cases of this happening, and of epileptic seizures causing religious-focused psychosis, and feelings of "heaven" and "hell." Noone else in that line of my family, or on any side of my familty, has had any kind of psychosis-inducing mental illness however, noone recently at least or noone that anyone knows of
I used to worry about it at the beggining, yes, every once in awhile I still do. I mean, before i even did psychadelics weed could have technically caused psychosis - ive met ppl in psych wards who had weed-induced psychosis who had no family history of it even; one girl who it hit after the first time she smoked, and didnt even smoke much. However, no matter how much and how frequently ive smoked, ive never come close to feeling like it was causing that - the most ive had is weed-induced paranoia and other shit, but nothing once I came down. To smoke weed was a risk in the first place, which i took, and so far its been years and nothing has hit me
When i first tried psychadelics, and acid was the first one, I knew it was a risk, one i took because I know I could handle high doses of weed without losing it, and because I was...... well. I was fucked up. anorexia bulimia suicidality a bunch of other shit, i wasnt far away from a second suicide attempt at all, and I couldnt rly see many ways out of the shitshow i was in - i figured if I didnt kill myself the anorexia or bulimia would kill me anyway...... and so, i decided to take the risk, that everything good ive heard might be worth it. And im very glad I did, bc theres a high chance id be...... either dead or much worse off today
By now ive tripped idk well over 50/60 times and have yet to feel like my brain has been pushed twoards psychosis. The most I can say is that, and this applies only to acid which I dont rly do anymore, when I did later on take probably too high doses and had rly bad trips,,,,, yea, in the middle of the bad trip i was afraid of that possibility (or more accurately afraid the trip would never end) - frankly, I think the fact that I had the strength to keep myself together and pull myself out of it got me through it; i dont know if someone else going through that experience without prior experience and the ability to try to keep it together would have had a psychotic break, idk, maybe so maybe not - maybe it wouldnt have been chemical but it would have been so traumatic that theyd have been lost in the sauce. Or maybe not........ the most i can say is that I learned my lesson w strong doses of acid, and that it did happen that I felt its effects for days or weeks after the trip - not psychosis or delusions - hard to explain, but its like the trip lingers; in good cases this is called psychadelic "afterglow," after bad or exhausting trips its not particularly pleasant
Sooo, idk. Yea, i guess it could happen, fuck it, it could happen with weed too. Its a risk I take. I don't smoke as commonly as I used to anyway, and I dont do psychadelics as often (tho frankly the times when I would do shrooms around once or twice a month were the most productive, stable, sane, happy periods of my life). I hope to God it wont, but it could, even being careful and respectful with it
....... overall though? psychadelics, and especially shrooms, have made me feel exponentially, exponentially more "sane" than I ever was before I took them..... and even particularly crazy trips managed to teach me, my brains a lot more put together and stronger than I thought it was
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cubedmango · 2 years
i’ve never used pixiv before and I’m scared to just wade in, would you happen to have any specific recs? the other option is to watch the movie 20 more times but I was going to do that anyway 😔
why not read these And watch the movie 20 more times . thats my new game plan now. Anyways Heres Some Recs
1. 結局なにが言いたいかって?恋人が可愛い: one of the first ones i read and oh my god its sooo cute ..... its from back when the drama was still airing apparently but the fact it still works even after the movie . Incredible. canon in my brain
2. 安達が黒沢にチョコを渡す話: love me a good valentines ep related fic (tho its not canon anymore rip 😔) and this one . Excellent
3. 片恋の始まり: everything by this author tbh but specifically this fic !!!!! im a sucker for kurosawa at the beginning stages of his incredible pining so
4. 黒沢7年の片想い: series of peak 7 yr pining content
5. 7年間の想い: even more peak 7 yr pining content. jp writers love this stuff apparently. and so do i
i had more i wanted to rec but i didnt save them apparently so ill have to go look for them again (wish pixiv had a better search function...) but yeah check these out if u wanna !! oh and if u do try using pixiv (its got an english ver and using it is p easy imo??) theres a bunch more stuff on the #チェリまほ and #くろあだ tags (+art and comics too) 👀 oh and for translating i recommend using deepl and translating individual lines or paragraphs? it tends to get weird if u put the whole fic at once :p but yeah happy reading ksjdfkjsf
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motherforthefamicom · 2 years
okay i know nothing about object shows but im willing to learn so if youre up for another infodump im all ears
STARES AT THIS ASK. okay uhrnmhm thisll be under a cut becuz its long <//3 just gonna talk abt General Osc Things since you said you dont know much… okay👍
okay so object shows are just like.. silly funny web-series things with little object guys. they tend to have faces and little stick figure limbs but of course there are always characters that will break typical design conventions. general name for Eveythjng is the object show community (osc for short. theres so many acronyms hopefully that isnt too confusing..)
first ever object show is bfdi (battle for dream island) it was made in 2010 by these two guys, the huang twins, youve probably seen Something theyvemade before they make a lotta cool things, it started in 2010 and is still going on today! its a competition based show inspired by total drama, and the main premise is 20 contestants who are little silly objects are competing for the titular ‘dream island’ throughout multiple challenges, and characters get voted out each episode by the viewers! bfdi is mostly silly jokes and slapstick type stuff, but still has certain bits where they get more ‘serious’ and has its fair share of lore and character arcs. practically every object show is based off of/inspired by this since it was the first and set up the general formula most other shows follow =)
generally speaking its agreed on that inanimate insanity (ii for short) is the second show to be made, and this one takes even more total drama/survivor inspirations. it started in 2011, and is also still going on, generally the second most popular show and REALLY popular on the tumblr side of the osc, probably due to its more ‘serious’ tone compared to other shows. season 1 is pretty… aged.. you can tell it was made by a bunch of teens in the early 2010s, but season 2 as it goes on gets more and more focus on story, character arcs and development, all that jazz. theres a ton of shows from around the time that later season 2 episodes where releasing that take a lot more inspirtation from it in tone and stuff!
something im not entirely sure how to fit into the main bits is that these are like. largely made by kids/teens. bfdi was first created when they were in like middle school n stuff, same with ii, in more recent years as people who have been the community for a while n stuff are getting older theres a lot more adults of course but its still mainly younger people… not enough people seem to take that into consideration when talking abt the community at large/certain shows n stuff so i figured id make sure to point it out 👍
actually speaking of that. a lot and i mean a LOT of shows end up being kind of… obviosuly made by kids. a lot of people find this annoying but i personally couldnt care less its pretty endearing to me (probably cuz me and my friends were all like that lolz) although i can understand where people are coming from with shit where its just like.. offensive. thats not too common tho in my expierence. okay so generic and ‘poorly’ made shows are super common. the response to this there was a massive surge in joke shows which are their whole own beast. im not too familiar with them so im not the best person to come for for that stuff, they generally just joke about how generic and oversaturated object shows were getting to be around the time . all that shit. gimmick shows are also pretty common nowadays, i havent seen any of these so i have nothing to really say i just dont know much aside from they have Gimmicks and thats the whole premise ?
a show thats become like, massive, considered one of ‘the big three’ up there with bfdi and ii, is ONE by cheesy hfj (sometimes also called hfjone or one hfj) its this sort of meta show that uses object shows as a framing device (and its predecessor was this show called battle for circle which is a joke show poking fun at how low quality and samey everything is blah blah blah) and its. a whole thing . i dont even know how to really explain it in a quick summary its like… the undertale of object shows if that makes sense.
theres just. so much i genuienly dont know how or where to end this off becuz the community is SO big and has been around for over a decade and im only really familar with tiny sections of it…
yeah. general takeaway for me when it comes to Everything as a whole is just like.. object shows. the osc. whatever. is just this big community made of passionate people who like to make things and want to share that and its!! cool and fun and despite it having all the typical fandom issues im really grateful that i discovered this stuff becuz it genuinelyhas changed my life and i dont know if i would be as into making art or if i would have this kinda attitude on art that i have now if it werent for the osc. a lot of shows are really silly and all of it looks. kinda stupid if youre not familar with them but they gneuinely hold this special place in my heart cuz… well im not entirely sure how to put it into words if im bring honest. they just feel very.. genuine to me. everyone in the community is so passionate and it just makes me really happy seeing people making things they love and enjoy regardless of how ‘stupid’ or ‘cringe’ or whatever the fuck it might seem if that makes sense =)
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thecourtjester12 · 7 months
Hello, friend!! Can I call you that? I'm not sure... I'm so sorry I didn't send an ask sooner! How have you been? I hope you've been well! Make sure you've been getting plenty of rest and water, and please do take breaks if you need them! I'm sure your event has been stressful to manage, and I've heard you had a lot of alt blogs on top of that! That's quite the juggle!
Please do fill me in on what's been going on since my last asks to you, my birds only tell me so much. No pressure, of course, but I feel as though you deserve to at least reflect on your accomplishments! Doesn't everyone need a confidence boost like that?
~🌻 Sunflower Anon, who has missed you dearly!
Sorry it's taken me a few days to answer you! I wasn't ignoring you or anything, just wasn't too up to answering and wanted to answer you properly! Always nice to see you too!
Hello! And sure! I'm perfectly ok with you calling me friend if you'd like! ^-^
And no worries about taking a bit to send another ask, send them whenever you want to and are feeling up to, don't feel bad if its awhile in between!
I have been ok, sometimes stuff can get too much so I try to step back for a bit and go with the flow a bit and focus on being ok again :3 The same goes back at you! Make sure to get enough rest and drink water and take care of yourself as well! ^-^
The event hasn't been too bad to manage, I most do things in the background, occasionally pull some strings and keep things organized as much as I can, which works great, I much prefer to work behind the scenes (While I am not opposed to spotlight, theres simply something nice about keeping all the lil details of something organized :3)
I certainly have a good few (not as many as SOMEONE I know, yes, I mean you Moonlight, they keep growing) But most of them don't get as much virtual traffic to them so I mostly do things on two 70% of the time which are this one and my main side one jestersdlc
Two other's are ask blogs, and those don't get asks too frequently so they mostly just chill there :3
And the last (known) one is a group one and that one is pretty slow on us all to update it, so it's not toooo bad :3 I can't remember exactly when your last ask was...(time wise I mean >_<) So I'll try my best! Not sure there's much to say tho :3
Idk if PDC was made before or after...but me and a pair of friends (whom you may know, Qwill and Sol) made an au blog called playdatecollectorau where we kinda shove a bunch of our au's together so we can have our beans have 'playdates' theres LORE of course, cause lore is awesome
Mostly just intro stuff on there atm but it's fun to have and plan
I have accumulated....more AU's, there is...so many for DCA au's there is....10 and a half (the half is PDC) (JDCAU, J-TOL, LOTC, MIW, LSAU, REDACTED, NBCau, ESSau, CTAMK and secret) along with a few TSAM's ones which there is...less of 3 and a half (Starboy, CuddleBug, SolarMoon and Dream Eater (which is the half cause its...all encompassing lets say)
And just recently got the SolarAndMoon blog up and running which is nice, they look real squishy
I have a couple little projects on the go or completed as well, a few oneshots have been posted (mostly on my side blog...) and am currently working on a mini series for Aromantic awareness week!
Certain characters are being...uncooperative...but I shall figure something out! (...moreso idk much on certain beans yet so its making it finicky to write them >_<)
and IT IS ARO WEEK NOW! ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-
So that is exciting, excuse to wear green (one of my favorite colors) and spread awareness for aromanticism! Its great :3
AND new pronouns! Idk if you popped in last before or after that but that was a funky thing, I now use she/they and ey/em/eir so thats fun! ^-^
And I have a few lil secret projects of course :3
I think that sums everything up.....sorry for the really long response! Hopefully you don't mind >_<
I'm in ramble mode rn from rambling to my friend about certain beans being disaster bi's and a disaster lesbian and silly shenanigans for certain au's
How have you been doing? If you're comfy sharing of course, feel free to ramble in turn if you'd like! No pressure tho! ^-^
But remember you deserve a nice confidence booster too :3
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ultraphobic · 10 months
Hi Lane! 🎅🏻🔮
I hope the family event went well! How did your week start?
AWWW 😍your cat so cutee
This series is called Never Tear Us Apart: The Untold Story of INXS and it has a good rating on IMDb, I think. By the way, what are your favorite INXS songs or albums?
OMG!! Slaughter headliner of the festival how cool! I am very happy for you!
Helix looks very cool! I hope to get a piercing before Christmas or after and a nose piercing is one of the most interesting in my opinion because you can do anything with it like you said!
Thanks for the spotify link! I just hope that one day they will release all the albums on streaming because people don't have the opportunity to get acquainted with Warrant, especially with the Jani era, literally the most popular and famous albums and nothing else lol.
Aww about the drawings sounds very cute and shiny haha. I love this kind of thing! Your story about the T-shirt made my day better, thank you!
I hope your surgery goes well! Wow portrait tattoo?? great! Would you like to be a tattoo artist?
someday I won't make mistakes remembering different time zones and climate differences, but not today lmaoo :(I'm sorry! OMG your summer is really hot, it's terrible. I'm feel sorry for you. I am from Russia and Estonia (it sounds really strange lol, just one part of my family is half from Estonia and half from Russia) and now in some parts of Russia the opposite is -38 lol. In the part where I live, the coldest day was -18
What a cool choice of musicians! I think Jani was very interesting because he's one of the most incredible musicians I know. And Patrick is cool too!
Whoa! You are a real multi-instrumentalist! I play the bass too! (and on some other instruments, but very bad lol) I think that you will definitely be able to sing! It's quite interesting and as my guitar teacher says, it's not that difficult, the main thing is to overcome your fear (if there is one)
Wow! Your Christmas celebration sounds very cozy and homey. this is very nice! About look at lights, this is my favorite part of Christmas! people always make such interesting decorations and it makes it more festive.
🎄 Do you like to give or receive gifts more?
🎄 Which gift was the most memorable for you?
🎄 Do you prefer to make a wish list or are you waiting for any gift?
🎄 Would you like to play in any band? and what style of music would you prefer?
hey santa!!!
my week has started off well! i went into the new location for my store & went to start setting up and today i'm just resting. tomorrow i'm training on last minute sign offs on piercings and then thursday is opening day! we're all booked out for opening day so i have to be ready to be fast and in and out with piercings.
i'll definitely check out the series!!! kick is my favourite inxs album & my fave songs are just keep walking, never tear us apart, don't change (this one is special to me), suicide blonde, dancing on the jetty, disappear, need you tonight & original sin. inxs was one of the bands i grew up listening to along with a bunch of other older bands from aus & aotearoa and i think that influence is still there so whenever i don't feel like listening to glam but i still wanna listen to something older i go back to a childhood playlist (i think on my spotify theres a public playlist called best of australia & aotearoa which showcases some old and new stuff!)
i know im so excited!!! i was nervous when they kept delaying the lineup announcements but it looks killer so i can't wait! tickets go on sale while i'm working all day tho so i hope i can grab one while i'm on break or something. if i miss out on presale vip maybe i can grab one when they go out to the public tho! if i miss out on vip i'll just get a ga ticket.
i am sort of nervous about the venue they chose though as i have been there before, and while they are fine during actual shows the moment a concert is over they do tend to kick everyone out quite rudely (much like last weeks festival!) and tell people they can't even hang around outside because of "trespassing". this would be fine if they were'nt LITERALLY ON A MAIN STREET OF THE CITY IN SYDNEY. like they're literally next door to a mcdonald's. it's quite odd. at least they give out free water after shows.
i hope you can get piercings soon too! i think it's best to get piercings in winter as well because you don't have to worry about the not swimming part of healing.
i do hope they release the other albums on streaming at least soon! it seems that they're only available in the us and possibly canada from what i've gathered from my online friends. i'm missing the live albums, a few compilation albums, and of course belly to belly and ultraphobic. i only bothered getting ultraphobic and belly to belly as local files (and the dog eat dog bonus track) though because spotify has issues with their local files a lot and i didn't want to keep redownloading like 5 albums over and over again.
i'm glad i made your day better haha! i made a bunch of really silly shirts for my family and currently i'm working on a bunch of glam metal related ones for a glam discord server i'm in because i told them if i got the job i did and away from my old job (my old job suuucked they underpaid me and broke a bunch of labour laws and stuff. i'm gonna sort that out soon and get what i'm owed dw) then i'd make a few shirts for them.
i'm hoping i can save up for the surgery within the next year! it's a trans surgery so it's not anything majorly urgent or anything that has to happen or i'll die if i don't get it in the next month or anything but i really would like to get it asap lol. and yea! the portrait tattoo is going to be of jani which SOUNDS like i'm obsessed which i promise i'm not in a weird way it's just that he (and warrant) have become so important to me in just the last 9 months. and usually i would never get someones face tattooed on me because it's so rare for an artist to get it right but i did manage to find an artist that does it really well! (@chloemoontattoo on instagram)
i would love to be a tattoo artist! i haven't really found my art style yet so it's still a distant dream for me but as i'm already in the body modification industry i:
a) already have one of the qualifications (infection control certificate)
b) have something that looks good on a resume!
so it's possible! and i do have a backup plan of photography or continuing piercing (or both!) so i won't be stuck if i can't do it
woah you had -18? the part of aus where i live i don't think it's ever gotten that cold! at least not while i've been alive. i think maybe it's gotten to 4 or 5 but never in the negatives as far as i know
yeah i have an attachment to jani and i know theres probably someone who thinks it's weird but i do genuinely think we'd think similarly and relate on things! i think we'd be able to talk for hours
i have a little fear of singing in front of people but it has gotten better over the years! i used to not be able to get up and do anything in front of people but now since transitioning and also going to therapy for a while i have gotten a bit better! i think i could front a glam band if i stopped caring what people thought while i was onstage and also if i could FIND PEOPLE WHO WANTED TO START A BAND HERE. theres like 3 people my age into glam metal which kinda sucks.
i like giving and receiving equally i think? i don't like receiving gifts unless i have also given one (unless it's my birthday lol) but i love picking out stuff for people! gift giving is my love language
i got a new bass a few years ago! and a guitar the next year! that makes it sound like my family is rich but we're not those were my only gifts and because my bday is so close to christmas they were combined as bday/xmas gifts! (i also know what i'm getting for my bday next year. cus it;s my 21st i get something big)
i make a wishlist but only because nobody ever knows what i actually want! my mum asks me to make a list otherwise i just get clothes i won't wear and new underwear so this year i put a few bands for cds, a cd player, and a new room fan cus mine doesn't rly work. i think i'm also getting a new cd tower though cus i ran out of room on my little cd shelf i took from my parents when they moved their cds into a cupboard, the shelf only stores 75 and i think i have like 100 cds now (over 8+ years of collecting!) i am about to do a whole room redo so i am trying to ask for stuff that will be helpful to rearrange my room/redecorate, but i know i will have to buy most new furniture myself. the only stuff i'm not replacing is my desk, bed, and wardrobe (which is built into my room), (and my shelf/ stuff already mounted on the wall)
i would LOVE to be in a band, hopefully a glam metal band, but unfortunately like i said before, there's like no one my age into that genre in my area which sucks :(. i'd be happy to play any instrument in that hypothetical band, except drums bc i can only really play a basic 4/4 beat on drums so i wouldn't be very good at that.
thank you for your message santa!!! sorry for rambling so much i got carried away
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shwarmii · 1 year
i love being the Older, More Experienced Fan of something so i can help the new fans out (opposite of gatekeeping bc its more like im one of those sign-spinners outside a pizza place you just fell in love with)
like ive been a One Piece fan ever since i picked up the manga from my local library at 9-ish years old (kind of funny: i had no anime/manga-loving peers, and tho my brother liked anime/manga, he didnt discuss it with me; i found it on accident because comics and manga were put together. so no one recommended One Piece to me and, in fact, i had wrongly assumed it wasnt well-known just bc my peers didnt know it. i just had read all the other manga in our teeny section, so that was how i started reading One Piece: out of pure "i guess theres nothing else new" lmao rip. id only been avoiding it because, it had the most volumes out of any other series there, yeah, but it was also missing random volumes like 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12 type shit. but id go to Barnes & Noble and read the missing volumes and not buy them bc i was poor and watch the show online to fill in the library's gaps)
and now, bc of the live-action show, i have friends and people i am a fan of getting into One Piece. and the anime-onlys of both, i get to tug on their clothes on our private texts or in their comment sections/their askboxes and say "go and switch to OnePace.net at some point. youre fine for now, but the anime eventually pads shit out and ruins the pacing (thus hurting the fights and comedy) because they didn't want to catch up to the manga's material. so OnePace.net is an edited version of all the anime series' episodes to better match the manga's pacing". which i then do tell them the difference between filler (beach episodes type shit, i love those) and padding (making a 15 second arm-wrestling match last 2 minutes, and have much of it be repeating animation where the two guys are just teeth-gritted and glaring silently with those Anime Growls Of Efforts) and that, in my opinion, One Piece does have plenty of good anime-only filler— which OnePace does cut out. but, it also cuts out the padding. and the padding is a REALLY BIG problem the further you get into the show. so watch the filler episodes/movies if it sounds fun to you too, but otherwise just switcg to OnePace. at some point. like. the beginning of One Piece's anime is fine because they had a lot of manga content then, so it isnt an issue until later but, yeah, at some point: switch over lmao
and now i have a bunch of anime-only friends texting me thanks as well as content creators, because i just pointed them towards something they didnt know they would need and now will fully avoid a problem they didnt know would eventually happen. its cool and exciting to see a fandom take care of one another and the source material like that. it also helps shine a light on WHY people complain the One Piece anime is too long AND helps you avoid that shit
bc, yeah, a lot of fans say "ditch the anime altogether, it gets slow; the manga is better" but i think you should encounter media the way you want to. if you have options, take your pick of those options. i like both because i like seeing how things get adapted, what do they change, add, leave out, so on. i like watching subs and dubs for that same reason, so of course i like reading manga in tandem with watching anime too lmao
and idk, it just gives me joy to see new fans reply back to my Fandom Elder tip/s with a "OOOOHHHH THANK YOU" and whatnot. gives me serotonin ♡ like hell yeah, no problem, have fun on my lawn, you whippersnappers, ill be here in my rocking chair if you need me lmao rip
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a-red-panda · 2 years
2 people wanted this so here we go! the full this will be under the read more cuz its a lot. also ignore spelling mistakes im too lazy to fix them also the ratings are my opinions. if you feel differently please lmk cuz i love talking about these movies
Hellraiser 1 - the original. The best tbh. Sets up a really good foundation for the rest of the series. The plot is mainly about a family thats kinda not that great with each other. Kristi doesnt like her stepmom and the feeling is mutual. But also the stepmom has had an affair with her husband, kristis dad, brother frank. Frank wanted to be more kinky and heard of a way to do so (hint thats the box and also the “you opened the box. I came”) but uh oh! He summoned ancient sex demons called cenobites! But he escaped and now is making kristis stepmom kill people to bring him back. Long story short kristi finds the box, makes a deal with the hell priest aka pinhead, and eventually kills frank. Frank does say a fucking great line right at the end tho. Also there is a dragon
Easy 10/10 classic also the scene with chatters fingers in kritis mouth gets me feeling some sort of way
Hellraiser 2 - a direct sequel to the first. Still follows kristi. Frank is dead dead. But kristis mom is still here and is now making a doctor (who loves to basically torture his patients) kill for her. So she is the new and improved frank. But there is also a puzzle master who was manipulated into opening the box. But she didnt know what the box does so the cenobites just let her go. We see leviathan, the god in charge of creating cenobites basically. Kristis mom is kinda like the mediator. Also the doctor becomes a cenobite and is kinda fucked up in the best way. But puzzle master defeats levathens box-that-turned-into-a-triangle. 
Another 10/10 for me. Love the maze also girlboss
Hellraiser 3 - the one that starts to have it go downhill. No kristi. Now a reporter. But also theres a girl who cant dream with a toxic af ex. The ex has a cenobite statue and kills girls after he had sex with them. The statue wants the girl who cant dream. Also wants the reporter. At this point its a solid story imo but itll soon go downhill. Basically the key moment in this movie is when the club gets taken over and a bunch of shitty cenobites are spawned. Theres cd-head who spits cds. Camera-head who had a great one liner and thats it. (please look up pics of cd and camera head its fucking great) The ex was one also but tbh i dont remember. The girl who cant dream also turned into a cenobite which made no sense. Also her design sucked ass. 
6/10 the fight at the end was funny and great but not very hellraiser tbh
Hellraiser bloodline - this is it. This is where the series goes downhill. So there is 3 different timelines that all go on simultaneously. And it kinda sucks. Im gonna tell the story in chronological order and not how the movie did it. So some rich dude in the 1800(?) wanted a box to summon a demon. Toymaker made one. They summoned a demon. This box is the box that summons the cenobites. Its now named the lament configuration. Descendants of the toymaker is hunted by this demon chick. She isnt a cenobite btw. But then some dude in “modern” time (modern for when this movie came out) is an artist (architect? Tbh i dont remember) but also a descendant. So the demon chick hunts him down. He summons cenobites. They make the demon girl a cenobite. The toymaker lineage is still going strong in the YEAR 3000???? IN SPACE??? WE ARE IN SPACE BRUH anyways the new descendant wants to blow up this ship to kill the cenobites. Cuz the box works in space. And it works i guess??
4/10 sexy demon lady cenobite is fucking hot
Hellraiser Inferno - the main character is a cop that cheats on his wife, does hard drugs, doesnt seem to care for his kid, and lies to his boss about important murder info. So basically hes terrible. So this dude is obsessed with finding the engineer who is killing people. Also the lament configuration is still here. He meets more new cenobites mainly the wire twins (which has the most confusingly erotic scene in the whole film iynyn) everyone think the main dude is the killer. Everyone around him dies and also he seems to be going through a lot mentally when in reality he opened the box and pinhead is coming after him. Big plot twist? Hes now in a time loop 3/10 points for the wire twins
Hellraiser Hellseeker - ok so. Kristi is back! She is now married to a piece of shit dude who brought her the box for their wedding anniversary. But also she is missing and the husband is the #1 suspect obviously. But he swears that its not him. But also he cheats on kristi with his boss. The husband has a series of hallucinations cuz he opened the box. But also his boss is now dead and he is the #1 suspect…….again. But his coworker was like “dude you fucked up our plan to get all of kristis money when we wanted to stage her death as a suicide”. Turns out this entire thing was a dream and kristi made a deal with the cenobites and she is still alive
5/10 tbh the plot twist at the end saved the entire movie for me
Hellraiser Deader - ok this one is confusing and tbh i barely remember it so bare with me. Reporter girl is given a tape by her boss and told to investigate it. Its a cult around the lament configuration. So she is trying to figure out more and goes on wacky adventures including an orgy train. But the people who died in this cult place actually come back to life. Thats a big part. But it has to be a certain way. Ok so at this point i googled the plot and i still cant make sense of it sooo…….
6/10 i actually enjoyed this movie even tho i have no clue whats going on
Hellraiser hellworld - hear me out. What if the lament configuration was a video game? I shit you not that is the plot. If you solve the box then you get an invitation to a special party. Bunch of friends blame themselves for their friends suicide btw. The host is this old man btw. But the people are taken apart one by one and killed by the cenobites. Or the host. Actually its kinda both. The host is actually their dead friends dad who drugged them and turned out this is all a hallucination. Also he summoned the cenobites from the box that his son used so turns out their dead friend was just kinky. But 2 people lived
4/10 not bad but not good. Also i had no idea that henry cavill was in it
Hellraiser Revelations - 2 families meet up on the anniversary of their sons death. One son was dating the others daughter. They filmed themselves going to mexico and getting drunk. Also having sex with other ladies and filming it. But one of them died. So they kinda go on the run? But in the end they are given the box so its kinda obvious where they are. But its not! Cuz one of them, the one with the sister, is still alive! But hes not acting right! Also the house is kinda in its own space field cuz they cant go anywhere or call anyone. Turns out (after a fucking awful scene where the bro and sis kiss) the brother isnt actually the brother but the friend who stole the others skin. But the dude comes back and kills him
5/10 eh wanted more pinhead
Hellraiser judgment - so this dude (who is highkey kinda cute tho) writes peoples sins? And another dude eats it. Its so fucking gross. So there is a detective who works with his bro. Detective is way to invested in the person that they are looking for who is killing a lot of people. Also btw the dog doesnt die! The dog is just stuffed in a ladies womb! Tbh i actually liked this movie. New detective sees that the dude is kinda sus. The bro says nah hes cool. But also hes not. He meets the cenobites but a fucking angel was like nope he cant die send him back out. Pinhead is essentially a mob boss in this one and i kinda love it. But he is not happy he wants to kill. The dude opened the box so pinhead must kill. Anyways turns out the dude is the killer and they figured this out from tale of 2 cities. But pinhead wants to kill!!! The angel stops him again saying that they need more sin. Hey remember how frank died in the first film with the hooks and that awesome final line? Yea they remake that with the angel it was pretty sick tbh
8/10 the eating in this movie made me sick
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I remember when I would check every week if there's gonna be a Fablehaven sequel. Then the Dragonwatch showed up. I was so excited back then… And now I wish it had never existed.
Aww, I'm sorry love. I kinda get that. Like- I like some of the ideas introduced but the execution of the series- it was a major let down. It doesn't feel like the same kind of world as Fablehaven at all, and it doesn't seem to have the same care put into it that Fablehaven has too.
It sucks, I wish we'd gotten something better.
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lolibles · 3 years
oddly specific things i want to do with the genshin characters.
characters included: klee and albedo ft, kaeya, kazuha, venti, xiao, zhongli and hutao
klee and albedo: build a really big lego sculpture together. i feel like it’ll be really cute, like albedo wont be as critical and wont act as if its some elaborate experiment because klee is there. and klee being klee, would most likely try to eat a lego or like lose a piece by accident (just chaotic evil really). honestly i think it’ll just be a really fun and wholesome experience because albedo rarely spends much time with klee and she’d be ecstatic to be with albedo doing a puzzle. bonus: kaeya shows up to help when klee falls asleep :)
kazuha: MAKE A CHERRY PIE! or any pie for the matter. honestly i’m not even sure why but i want to make a pie with him. i feel like it would be such a fun thing, in one of his voice lines he mentioned liking any food that has been carefully made with love. so i mean pies aren’t the easiest thing to make (i think) and it would be such a cute experience to do it together (especially if its both of our first times)! i also think he would want to share the pie with like beidou and some other crew mates! so we’d go around offering slices to pie to people!! so wholesome,,,
venti: watch a bunch of studio ghibli movies with him. oh my god, movie night with venti? HELL YES. would probably arrange a charcuterie board, wine or literally any other snack! i feel like venti would appreciate a lot of the studio ghibli movies because of the whole aesthetic and the meaning of the movies. and yes we would probably cry together. even it its drunk tears, tears are still tears. bonus: sometimes xiao would show up to these movie nights and fall asleep probably, or he’d just show up and no one knows why.
xiao: go to an aquarium with him. i feel like xiao would really enjoy the aquarium, especially the area with the jellyfishes or the small aquatic animals. its relatively dark with the only light emitted from the animals itself. (where i am from) its pretty cold and honestly strangely comforting, its really pretty and i feel like xiao would feel a little more at peace. we wouldn’t need to talk much, and he would not mind listening to me rant about all kinds of things (idk i talk a lot). i think he’d find the aquarium quite serene so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i’d like to take him there! bonus: him being shy and embarrassed so he wouldn’t ask but he’d want to touch the fishes in the touching pond thingy
zhongli: okay this may be strange, but i took world history in school for three years and i really enjoyed learning about it. i love reading fiction books about ww1 and ww2! even if it is a pretty sensitive topic i would want to tell zhongli about the wars in our world. bring him to historical museums, show him movies/ books about it. its generally a really sad topic to speak on but its extremely fascinating! zhongli being himself i think he too would enjoy learning about it. he’s been alive for so long and he knows so much about HIS world. so i think he would like to know more about the world we live in. (also because out of everyone i think he’s most likely to be open to listen about the events) IM NOT SURE IF THIS IS WEIRD BUT OH WELL
hutao: PLAY A HORROR GAME WITH HER! imagine how fun and chaotic that would be, i’m not someone who gets scared from horror games that easily (creeped out probably but not the the extent of nightmares). i feel like it would be so chaotic, hutao might get jumped scared but she likes it, and even if it terrifies her she would always chose the worst way to play the game or purposely seek out the terror. we’d probably do it like at some weird hour in the night, and scream so loud. bonus: if zhongli was there he’d come into the room thinking we were dead or something. he’d stay for a bit but after one jumpscare he was OUT.
not sure where this came from, but i thought of it on the way to school on the train this morning! i will probably make this a series and i think its just a wholesome thing to write :) you can think of this as platonically or romantically (theres not much tho) let me know which characters you want me to write this for!!! ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و my dms and asks are open! feel free to let me know if you enjoy this!!
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