#thermo boots!! with warm fluffy lining !!!
saturnvs · 10 months
i had another lesson at the riding school today and rode the same sweet irish cob mare as i did last time, it went so well and i was even comfortable enough to have my first gallop in like .. 4 almost 5 years? i'm very proud of myself and maybe it's the equine therapy, but i feel like i'm a better rider now compared to the rider i was when i rode twice a week for years on end. short horsie update for people who care :D
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
June! So exciting and congrats on the big step for your masters!! I apologize in advance for the wall of text I'm sending your way BUT as a US northerner who has lived in the British Isles you need layersssssss.
(Wool) sweaters are great but are way more effective (and comfy) if you wear a long sleeve/t shirt/anything underneath. This goes for pants too! Wear tights/leggings under your jeans on cold days. If you're buying cold weather boots for the first time, make sure they fit when you got big fluffy socks on too (big fluffy socks are KEY). Speaking of feet (sorry) get yourself some cozy slippers, it will keep you warmer inside your house.
The isles got old houses so alot of the heating systems are radiators; preheat your clothes on them in the morning! If you don't have a dryer think ahead for laundry, it can take days for things to dry inside when its winter. I cannot recommend a good thermos to have hot tea/coffee/water with you in class/libraries. My uni was freezing indoors.
On that tangent, hot water bottle, amazing for body aches/cramps but additionally keep you warm at night if your heating is meh. Electric heaters as an extra source of warmth are great but be careful with those, don't sleep with them on/uncovered etc. Make sure whatever winter coat you buy is not only warm but water proof too, the rain/snow will soak you and make you sad and cold. I had a fleece lined raincoat and it was pretty perfect, colder days you add a scarf/hat/mittens and you are very toasty.
Find things that bring you joy; the lack of sun can be seriously hard on your mental health. Take advantage of the warm cozy days/nights you can have when its shit outside, romanticize your 10th mug of tea, take a walk even if it means schlepping on 10 layers, fall in love with soup.
Wow I'm sorry about all of this but I hate being cold and I never want anyone to be cold. I watched so many kids from the south/warm US states come to my home state for undergrad and be so under prepared (I'm talking a hoodie as their winter jacket when its regularly -20 c in the winter where I'm from). England wont be that cold ever but it can still be a shock! I'm teaching my Texan partner all this atm too so I'm happy to share the life experience.
Also wow I love your writing, you're an excellent artist and don't ever worry about branching outside of what people got to know you for. You gotta write what makes you happy! That reflects in your work and people will love it because its you :)
Wow!! Thank you for all this amazing advice!! I’ll definitely be investing in some good wool sweaters/North Face jackets once I get in the country (in less than four weeks!!!) and I’m sure my Doc Martin’s will become a STAPLE
And thank you for the sweet words 🥺🥺 I’ve said it once but ILL SAY IT AGAIN I LOVE WRITING WRITING IS MY LIVELIHOOD AND IM SO HAPPY IT MAKES YOU HAPPY 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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@masterconstellation​ I finally wrote it! Sorry it took so long for me to get to, lol. And wow this ended up being a lot longer than I had expected, but I hope you like it!
Warnings: hypothermia, crying, cursing/swearing, Remus being Remus, panic attacks, some slight sexual innuendos, almost character death (he doesn’t die but ya know, gets real close :/) And that’s all I can think of, please tell me if you think I should add more!
Plot: Janus is cold blooded. On one particularly cold winter, everyone insists he come out with them to play in the snow. Janus doesn’t want to admit his weakness, so he goes out with them.. But what happens when hes out there too long?
Ships/pairings: Its kinda DRLAMP, but hardly any (if any) explicit romantic affection is shown. Roman and Remus are the only non-romantic pairing in here
It was around mid to late December. Christmas was on its way, and everything was cold. Patton and Virgil were making cookies, while Roman and Remus sat by the fire, discussing what extravagant statue they wanted to make out of snow this year. Logan sat with a mug of hot coffee in his hands, smiling fondly at the twins. Janus was the only one avoiding the festivities.
Janus hated winter and everything about it. The Christmas songs were annoying, and all the smells were too strong for him. The decorations were obnoxious and the stupid tree dropped its needles everywhere, often leaving just him and Logan to clean it up.
The only good thing was the excuse to wear big sweaters and drink tea. He did this all year round, but it was more accepted in the colder months. 
At the moment, Janus was in his bed and wrapped in all the blankets he could conjure. He was wearing a thick black turtleneck sweater, with his classic hat and gloves. On his bedside table was a large thermos full of hot, minty chamomile tea. The deceitful trait held in his hands a copy of The Neverending Story by Michael Ende. He had already read it many times, but it was one of his favorites. 
It was all quiet, warm, and peaceful, until-
“JANUS! Come outside with us! We’re having a snowball fight and me and Remus want you on our team!”
Janus jumped and hissed at the newcomer, before realizing it was Roman and getting his snake instincts to relax.
“Don’t just burst through my door like that Roman, I could have been naked for all you know.”
“Oh its nothing I haven’t seen before. Come on, there’s tons of snow! And its the kind that’s perfect for snowball fights!” Janus sighed tiredly and rubbed in between his eyes.
“Roman, we live in Florida. It doesn’t snow here.”
“In the mind palace it does! Now hurry up!” The taller man grabbed Janus’s wrist and pulled him out of bed and down the stairs. In the living room, everyone was getting their coats and snow gear on.
“Hey Jan Jan!” said Patton happily upon seeing the deceitful trait. “We’re gonna have a snowball fight and then eat some cookies!” Janus sighed. Patton knew he was here, now there was no way of getting out of it.
Remus caught sight of Janus and screeched enthusiastically. “Janny! Come on, me and Roman are gonna shove snow up someones ass!”
Patton gagged, and both Roman and Logan sighed.
After a few more minutes of playful bickering and Remus throwing shoes at people, they were finally ready to go outside. As they were walking out, Patton looked back at Janus. 
“Jan, that’s a lot of clothes. Don’t you think you’ll be kinda toasty?”
Janus was wearing two coats, two pairs of gloves (winter gloves over his normal ones) and three pairs of pants with thick, woolly socks and winter boots.
“I’m fine.”
“No, that’s too much. At least take off the extra pairs of pants.”
“Or all of them! “ Remus chirped from outside.
Patton sighed. “No, not all of them.”
Janus rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers, and the extra two pairs of pants disappeared. “There, happy now?”
Patton smiled and grabbed Janus’s hand, leading him outside. “Very”
The first 15 or so minutes were pretty uneventful. Janus stood near the door shivering in the cold. He summoned himself a scarf and wrapped it around his neck, the thick black scarf also managing to cover most of the bottom half of his face. Remus and Roman worked on making a small wall of snow to block out snowballs from the other team. Patton struggled to make snowballs while Virgil and Logan worked on their protective wall. When everyone was done, Remus and Roman called Janus over. Janus attempted to protest, but they insisted, so he gave in.
He sat down against the surprisingly sturdy snow wall, and pulled his knees up to his chest, trying desperately to keep warm.
It didn’t last long.
Janus was short enough that most snowballs flew over his head, but snow was still dropped on him, and as time went on the night got increasingly colder.
He was soon shivering badly, more than anyone really should be. His body was shaking an uncomfortable amount, but it went unnoticed by the preoccupied twins. 
They were only about 25 minutes into the fight when it all went wrong.
The fight lasted almost 45 minutes before everyone was tired and went inside. 
Logan followed the others in last in line, when he realized he hadn’t seen Janus go in. He turned back to the yard, and saw a dark shape leaning against Roman and Remus’s now tattered and worn-out wall of snow.
“Janus,” Logan called. He was met with silence. “Janus? The games over.” Not a sound.
Logan grew worried and walked towards the dark shape. “Janus..?”
From inside, the others heard Logan scream.
They ran outside and were met with a panicked Logan, holding an unconscious and very pale Janus.
“I-I found him like this!” Logan stuttered. “H-He wasn't moving, s-so I-”
“L-Logan, Logan, its gonna be okay.. just- just bring him inside, please” Patton said, to witch Logan responded with a nod and quickly brought Janus inside. They wrapped Janus in blankets and lay him by the fire.
After almost 15 minutes of watching Janus lay there unmoving, Remus finally spoke.
“I- I don’t think its working..”
Logan approached slowly and slid the gloves off Janus’s right hand and checked his pulse. After a few seconds his expression turned from serious and worried to more scared and sad.
“He’s cold to the touch, and his heart’s barely breathing..”
Patton gasped and started crying. Virgil was shaking and breathing heavily. Roman looked shocked and scared, but held Virgil and tried to calm him down. Remus stood up.
“I have an idea,” he said. “And I think this is one of the rare times its a good one.”
Five minutes later, a naked Remus was holding an also naked and still unconscious Janus as he stepped into the shower.
Remus had a high heat tolerance. Like, inhumanly. He could sit in boiling water and not get burnt. He had proposed the idea of holding Janus in a shower that would be too hot for any of the other sides to handle to speed up the process of warming him up. Virgil and Logan were hesitant at first, but it was the only plan they had. 
Remus stepped into the hot water, holding the small side close to his chest. Janus’s cold skin made Remus want to pull away, but he held tight anyways.
The others sat outside the bathroom door, waiting anxiously for them to come out. Roman went between pacing and taking turns with Patton to calm down Virgil. Logan muttered under his breath, trying to figure out the likelihood of their plan working.
It was almost an hour until they heard the water shut off.
A few moments later, Remus (still naked) walked out of the bathroom with a relieved smile on his face, holding Janus in his arms. Janus was wrapped in a large fluffy towel that Remus had summoned, he made it so that it would always be warm, as if it had just came out of the dryer. 
Janus was significantly less pale, and his breathing was soft but steady.
Everyone ran over and hugged the two tightly. Never had they been so relieved. 
They were all left with one question though.
“Why did he freeze like that?” Patton asked.
Logan sighed. “It’s so simple, we were all stupid not to realize it sooner. Janus hates the cold, and hes half snake, half reptile. Reptiles are cold blooded.”
It tool the others a second before it sank in.
“But, if he’s really affected by the cold like that,” Virgil asked, “why didn’t he just say so?”
“Well, I expect he didn’t want to disappoint you,” Logan answered. 
They all continued to stand there for a few moments before going to huddle up together on the couch and wait for Janus to wake up.
When he did, all he wanted to know was where his hat and gloves were.
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years
Ready for Work (Fem Gilhaku, Enkidu)
She was tucking the scarf around her.
Her hands were working on the buttons of her sweater before she buttoned up the coat for good measure.
Ear muffs. Those were also important.
She had some gloves she put on the woman’s hands, protecting those hands that she enjoyed feeling on her body at night, worshipping her.
Boots now. She could feel the woman’s hands on her shoulders, the brunette yawning and smacking her lips a little as she tried to wake up.
The fluffy boots. This woman needed to keep warm.
“Gilly, I’m too tired today,” Hakuno told her, leaning against her as she stood up and checked her work.
The woman was ready. All she needed was her coffee. Already, she’d begun to run late without this help. Her boss had called before, warning about this lateness.
It was her fault, touching and entertaining herself with the woman’s body, but still…
That wasn’t going to change, so they’d need to do this.
“Kiss me,” Gilgamesh demanded, leaning in.
Hakuno stared at her tiredly. “I would rather lay in bed with you.”
Oh god, but wouldn’t she love that.
No, this was for Hakuno’s job. She didn’t want to be a trophy wife. Since that was the case, she needed to buck up. She had to face the fact that she would need to be heading off to work.
“Do you not love me then?” Gil leaned in a little more, giving her best haughty look to the woman. “I am asking you to be a good breadwinner and go to work for me. Pamper me properly, Hakuno.”
The mittened hands held onto hers.
Hakuno’s eyes drifted up to hers a moment before she was leaning up and kissing her.
Once again, a little rush came from their lips pressing together. She could feel her face burning a little as the woman pulled back and nodded.
“I’ll do my best for you,” Hakuno told her absently.
“And why’s that?”
Those eyes drifted over to her. Her left hand took her right.
She hurried into the kitchen, pouring a thermos and bringing it to the woman by the door. The moment she was handing it over, she could feel Hakuno’s arms around her, pulling her close and kissing her deeply.
“You’re spoiling me,” Hakuno accused.
“W-what? What bastard told you that? I have no need to spoil you! I am merely doing this for my own personal pleasure!”
Those brown eyes gleamed as Hakuno pulled back.
She sipped her sweetened coffee before smiling.
“Don’t let this go to your head, but your finding pleasure in helping me is one of my favorite things about you. Don’t forget I’m treating you tonight.”
“Oh, I haven’t forgotten!”
She’d cancelled and rescheduled all her meetings with clients for the dinner. She’d pulled out the skimpiest outfit she could find.
They’d be lucky to make it to dinner.
She’d be ready to knock this woman off her feet.
“See you this afternoon, Gilly.”
“Kill the bastard if he bothers you,” Gilgamesh reminded her, seeing her out the door. “I’ll help you hide the body!”
“I love you,” she called, waving on her way to the elevator of their building.
“We’re killing people now?”
Gilgamesh glanced over at Enkidu nearby, having taken the stairs.
“Hakuno’s boss.”
“Ah, then I will need a shovel then, won’t I?”
“Incinerator. I don’t like remains.”
The being laughed, following her in.
“What’s the plans today, Gil?”
“We’re going to destroy the Saber Company,” Gilgamesh told the being, smirking as she settled behind her desk in the condo. “Let’s destroy their fashion line today.”
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Sweet Refrain
A/N: Continuing to count the smooches down with 17. Again, stand alone with no connection to Passing Through. Took a liiiiiiittle creative liberty and changed the campfire to a bonfire...hope you can forgive me. Gosh darn it I love writing this angelic man. Also- “totally random reader” Okay, V. lol  <3 
Word Count: 2,332
Prompt: from @agent-bossypants
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Every time the train came through town, you could hear his music when the whistle blew. Even when you knew he wasn’t on it because he’d just written you from Oregon or called from Oklahoma, you could feel his presence whenever those rails rattled. The tracks cut through a field that you could see from your backyard, a narrow creek separating them from your property, with the soft purple silhouette of the mountains for a backdrop. They were freight tracks, and you were close enough to the unloading station that oncoming trains would start slowing down in view of your property. Even when you knew for a fact that Ryan wasn’t crouching in a car, readying himself to jump, you watched intently, reading the graffiti on the rusted steel walls, as though it could tell you where he was; as if it could tell you that he was okay. 
Occasionally you caught a glimpse of another train hopper as their boots touched down or left the rocky ground, running as they took off or landed to try to even out their momentum with that of the train. Once you’d seen a young man tumble over the side of a car, and you’d raced to the edge of your property, heart in your throat fearing it had been him, fearing that the person was hurt. It wasn’t Ryan, you could tell by the shock of red curls, and he hadn’t been seriously hurt, just sustaining a few bumps and a small but deep cut on the forehead. You’d offered as much help as the stranger who called himself Dakota would take, which unsurprisingly wasn’t much. He’d let you guide him across the creek to your back porch, but he balked when you’d invited him inside. Instead he’d waited on the step as you went in for a wet towel and some bandages to clean and cover the cuts with, making him a peanut butter sandwich and grabbing a few bottled waters from your fridge. 
When you came back out, you were again unsurprised to see your dog’s furry head resting on Dakota’s knee, her big brown eyes on the man as though she were full of concern. He reminds Roo of Ryan, too. He was a few years younger than the man who you’d grown up being neighbors with, but his quiet, unassuming nature and gracious smile were of the same ilk. You smiled as Roo lifted her head to look at you, as though giving you the all clear that the patient would be okay. “Good girl,” you’d patted her head as she stood and moved to curl up next to Dakota while you helped him with the bandages. He’d thanked you for your help, ruffled Roo’s ears, resulting in the dog giving a big lick to his hand, before he turned down your offer to give him a ride, and left through your front gate. 
Three weeks later you’d gotten his postcard in the mail from Maine, again thanking you for your kindness. On that same day, you’d gotten a call from Ryan in Minnesota, sharing the story with him and hearing the way his voice warmed when he told you you’d “done a real nice thing.” You’d chewed your bottom lip, voice all but breaking as you told him how it felt for that split second that you thought it might have been him, that he might have fallen under the train or hurt himself badly. There was a pause on his end before he’d cleared his throat and assured you that he was always careful, always safe. You’d seen him jump plenty of times, coming and going, and you knew this was true. He moved smoothly, taking sure footed steps and making well practiced grips. You’d seen him hoist himself up from the ground, taking a little piece of you with him as the sole of his second shoe left the gravel, and you’d watched him gracefully dismount, that stolen piece flying back to your chest as his smile walked towards you, one arm waving and the other clutching his beloved guitar. Stolen’s not the right word, you’d thought, knowing that you willingly gave that bit of yourself to him every time he left again. Regardless, it always felt like relief when he came back, even though you knew you had no real right to feel that way about him. After all, you were just friends.    
Watching the train from across your yard, you pulled your sweater around your shoulders and reminded yourself that he’d be back again in a few days’ time. You sat on your back step smiling as your dog galloped around expelling some energy after being cooped up all day, and the first few leaves of the season fluttered down from the branches. It was the end of September, and you could smell the change in the season as much as you could see it in the colors of the trees and the sky. But even if you couldn’t feel the slight chill in the air as the sun sank behind the mountains, even if you couldn’t see the way the clouds hung at a different angle, pewter colored and thick, you’d know what time of year it was from the rumble of the rails and that feeling in your chest that grew stronger everyday- Ryan’s coming home.  
The train crept away until it had pulled entirely into the unloading station and you could no longer see it, the whistle only a distant wisp on the wind. It took the last few rays of sunlight with it, the sky slowly turning inky black. It wouldn’t be long before countless stars blinked into being, so you called for Roo, waiting for her to run back up the steps before you headed back inside. Making yourself a cup of tea, you headed up to your room to read and wind down before bed, feeling like a kid counting down until Christmas. Only two more nights until he’s back. 
You’d known Ryan since high school, when your family had moved in next to his. His aunt still owned the house, and you’d never left yours, even when your parents had retired down to Florida. So when he came home- once a year, sometimes twice if you were lucky- you’d always made it a point to go to the homecoming bonfire, reminiscing about your teenage years and catching up on the things that didn’t fit in phone calls or letters. There were more than a few times when the warmth you felt from his eyes eclipsed the heat coming off of the giant central flame and the dozens of smaller fires that surrounded it, more than a few times that you wondered what else was behind that smile or what he wasn’t saying in the line of a song, his guitar propped on one knee as frosty air puffed from his lips. Don’t, you’d always cautioned yourself. Don’t change the way things are, don’t push things past what he’s willing to give you. You knew you already got more from Ryan than anyone else; knew that he made room for a few souls in his inner circle, and that somehow despite your lack of musical ability, you’d managed to gain a spot there along with Cowboy, Georgie and Virgina. It’s enough. As long as he’s in my life it’s enough. And it truly was. But that didn’t mean you’d say no to more. 
..  .. ..  .. .. ..  .. ..  
The next two days had passed like molasses in December, but finally you heard the sound that you’d been waiting for- that almost mournful howl of the train that announced it’s arrival, followed by the sweet refrain that always touched your heart as your mind filled with his voice and the voice of the nylon strings that he plucked with hardened fingertips. Throwing your sweater around you and shoving your feet into your boots, you swung the back door open, Roo racing out ahead of you. You can feel him, too, can’t you girl? Your smile grew wide and a laugh fell from your lips as the engine came into view followed by a string of green, orange and deep red cars. As the brakes started to hiss and the train began to slow, you stopped running, holding your breath as you saw him climb atop the edge of the car, swinging his long legs out and expertly choosing his landing spot. One boot, then two crunched into the rocks, his pack on his back and his case handle wrapped tightly in his fingers. You picked up speed again, noting the moment that he saw you, and the way that his posture changed. Normally he’d raise one canvas sleeved arm, swinging it over his head in greeting, but this time was different. You watched as he paused for a moment, completely still, as though he were seeing the view of your yard for the first time when in fact it had been far from it. But as quickly as he’d frozen, he’d regained motion, long strides closing the distance until all he had to do was leap the few feet over the creek. He’s here. He’s home. 
“Hey, stranger,” you said, Roo already waiting to greet him as he landed on your side of the small ravine. She whined excitedly until he reached down to pet her big fluffy head, scratching between her ears as her curved tail wagged to signal her happiness. 
“Hey yourself,” he said, setting the case down and spreading his arms wide for his welcome home hug. There it is, there’s that piece, you thought, as you felt them close around you, yours slipping around his waist, hands flat on his back. He held you for just a fraction longer than normal, breathing you in through his nose. “Missed you,” he said quietly, setting your heart drumming. “I miss you” was something he said on the phone or in letters. He’d never said it aloud to you before. Something’s different. 
But you didn’t have time to figure out what it was, simply returning the sentiment because, as always, it was true. You picked up his case for him and handed it back to him as was your routine, and you walked him to the gate that connected his aunt’s yard to yours. He’d go inside, visit with her for a while, shower, eat, stretch out his limbs and make a thermos of coffee before he’s be knocking on your door to walk with you down to the bonfire. It was routine, like the repetitious chorus of a favorite song. 
By the time you were seated around the dancing orange flames, the light flickering and casting shadows on the undersides of crunchy brown leaves, your heart was fluttering and your mind was buzzing. There was an extra layer of light in his eyes, an added note of tenderness in his voice as he played a few songs, one of them a new one he’d written since the last time you’d seen him. Roo was lying curled up by your feet with her head resting on Ryan’s boot, and you were struck by how right that seemed. Before you could think about it though, he’d said your name, and you’d turned, mouth falling open at the emotion in those cocoa colored irises. He rested his guitar flat on his knees so he could take your hand- something he never did- in his, bringing it atop the hollow instrument. Oh…
“I really did miss you. I…” he dropped his head, a nervous grin played with the corners of his mouth. “I been thinkin’ and I think I’ve been... fightin’ this for too long now. I don’t wanna just… I…” He raised his eyes back to yours and you couldn’t breathe, cheeks hot as his thumb rubbed back and forth over your knuckles. “I like you…” another half laugh. “God that sounds...feel like we’re back in high school, but… I have feelings for you and-” 
“Ryan…” you exhaled his name, leaning closer. “Ryan, I...feel the same way…” You couldn’t believe what was happening, the world falling away until it was just the two of you, his guitar, your dog and the small flame you sat in front of. “I missed you, too, Ryan Brenner. I always miss you.” 
He dropped your hand then, reaching with both for your face, fingers slipping into your hair as he brought you into the last first kiss you’d ever have. It was sweet and slow, his lips brushing tentatively against yours as one of your hands came up to the side of his neck, fingertips finally learning what his jaw felt like beneath the coarse swath of facial hair. Neither of you wanted it to end now that it had began, so you let it continue, deepening cautiously but intentionally until you felt his tongue trace the inside of your bottom lip. Though your eyes were closed you felt your lashes shaking as something happened in your chest- that piece that he’d always taken with him, cemented itself more firmly than it ever had before. He’s back. He’s home...He’s...I’m his. 
When he reluctantly pulled away you were both breathing raggedly, but his smile was enough to overpower the fires all around you, enough to conceal the moon and hide all the stars. It was everything, and everything was different now. Before you could speak, not that you knew what you’d say, you were pushed aside by Roo’s 90 lb body as she excitedly jumped to lick Ryan’s face, as though she’d been waiting for this moment for you both, too. You laughed, your heart never feeling so warm, and Ryan did, too, wiping his face on the elbow of his sleeve before leaning back over to place another small kiss on your cheek. “Best homecomin’ yet,” he whispered against your skin as you leaned into his shoulder and his arm came around you. 
You had to agree.
@something-tofightfor @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @suchatinyinfinity @agent-bossypants @lexxierave @thesumofmychoices @songtoyou @ymariejp @breanime @gollyderek @traeumerinwitzhelden
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Butterfly [31]
summary So here we are
“Finally,” sighed Sakura. She snuggled down into her turtleneck, chin disappearing into the fabric. 
After a few false starts, Sakura finally felt safe turning off her air conditioner. Her sandals went in the back of the closet, swapping spots with her boots.
She had pulled all her warmer clothes out of storage. They came out of huge plastic bags, the smell of mothballs wafting from some of them. She laid them out on the floor of her bedroom. With the shoji open, it would help them air out faster.
One of her coats caught her gaze. She ran her fingers over the wool before she could stop herself. The bright brass buttons gleamed when she shifted them. Mashing her lips together, she pulled it out of the pile. And then she began digging through her clothes. Grabbing the ones she knew had come in pink gift boxes.
She couldn’t bring herself to throw them away. But they had to go somewhere, out of sight. Because someone had bought them for her, his arm around her shoulders. His silver hair soft against her cheek. 
Sakura remembered Field Day when she was a kid. Hair braided, sleeves rolled up, and cheeks rosy with excitement. Depending on who was on her team, she would cheer and yell advice to the people running around. She remembered one particularly aggressive year when she had finished a relay race with a nosebleed from taking an elbow to the face during the tug-of-war.
Shikamaru never let her live that down. And he certainly wasn’t about to start now.
“Really? Haruno-sensei did that?” asked Lee, eyes widening. 
Sakura ignored them as she began climbing up a ladder. She held a long string of pennants in one hand. They flapped in the wind. Asuma had already attached the other end to the roof of the school building. Sakura started when she felt the ladder jolt. She looked down to find Itachi steadying the base. She paused to smile at him before she continued climbing. 
“And, trust me, you wanted her on your side for the tug-of-war,” added Shikamaru. He grunted as he dug the metal pole into the ground. They wanted to make sure the canopies set up around the field wouldn’t fly away in the middle of the festivities. On the other side of the tent, Lee did the same. 
Sakura tied the end of the pennants to the top of one of the tents. And then she looked over her shoulder to glare at them. 
“You’re just annoyed because of that one year with the scavenger hunt!” Sakura called to him. 
“What’s the scavenger hunt story?” Lee questioned. 
Shikamaru made a face. He turned away from her. But when he stole a look at her, Sakura was perched on top of the ladder, smirking at him. 
“I’d like to hear the story too, Nara-sensei,” Itachi chimed in. And when Sakura reached down, he high-fived her. 
Kakashi, who had been tasked with drawing lines for the events, paused in the middle of them. He rested one hand on the field marker. The other was holding onto a rumpled old book. Kakashi rested the book on his hip as he looked at them. 
“The clue was to find something that annoys you and bring it back to the judges’ table. Naturally, most of the students were trying to find their textbooks or their homework,” Kakashi explained. Shikamaru close his eyes, shaking his head already. Lee leaned in closer, nodding. 
“Then I see Haruno-kun running into the crowd. She picks up Nara-kun and brings him to the judges table-”
Lee was already giggling. Shikamaru remained tight-lipped. 
“She puts him in front of us and goes, ‘You never said it couldn’t be a person, Sensei’,” Kakashi concluded. 
Lee burst into laughter, clapping his hands at the thought. Itachi chuckled, a fist held over his mouth. When Shikamaru looked over at her again, Sakura stuck out her tongue a little. He glared. 
Itachi looked up at Sakura. 
“Did you carry him?” he queried. Sakura nodded. Itachi gripped the ladder again as she climbed down. She began taking steps toward Shikamaru, who was already backtracking away from her. He shook his head.
“Don’t you dare,” Shikamaru threatened her. She grinned, reaching for him with both hands.
“Payback,” she simply told him. 
As soon as she grabbed his forearm, Shikamaru resigned himself to his fate. He stood helplessly as Sakura draped his right arm over her shoulder. She slung his right leg over the opposite shoulder, letting his weight fall across her back. And when she straightened, she locked her arm across the backs of his knees. The other hand onto his arm. 
And Shikamaru lay there like a rag doll. A very irritated doll. 
“I hate you,” he declared in a flat voice. 
“And you’re annoying,” she replied in a sing-song voice. She spun them around once, laughing. 
Lee’s jaw dropped. Itachi leaned against the side of the ladder, shaking his head as he continued to laugh. 
“Yeah.... that’s on you, Nara-kun. You should know better than to start something with Haruno-kun,” Kakashi admonished. Sakura continued to hum as she began dancing around, each hop and spin jolting Shikamaru. He locked eyes with Itachi. 
Shikamaru mouthed a silent ‘help me’. To which Itachi raised both his hands in front of him, shaking his head. 
The next day was Field Day at the high school. Although the air was cool, the sun seemed to still think it was summer. The parents who had come watch took refuge under the canopies, fanning themselves as they watched their children run around. 
Sakura snuck back under the teacher’s tent. She slipped Gaara a cold drink behind his back. As his fingers closed around the juice, his eyes flitted to her.
“How much do I owe you?” he inquired. Sakura flapped her hand at him before she opened up the water she had gotten for herself.
“Is it okay not to be with your son?” she asked. The elementary school’s Field Day had been pushed back to tomorrow. But the middle school was currently holding its Field Day too. Half the parents had chosen to attend the other event, which explained the smaller crowd. 
“I asked the principal. I’m leaving in the afternoon to go to him,” Gaara answered. He opened his drink and took a sip. He set it down on the table, folding his arms across his chest. Sakura nodded. They exchanged a few more words before she slipped away. 
On the other side of the canopy sat Shikamaru and Itachi. Well, Itachi was sitting. Shikamaru slouched, slinking dangerously low as he took up two chairs. Like he was the one exhausted from running around in the sun. 
Sakura touched a cold drink to backs of their necks. They both jolted. While Shikamaru gave her a half-hearted glare, Itachi’s wide-eyed look melted into a smile. 
“Thank you,” Itachi said, accepting the juice. Shikamaru snapped the tab of his soda with a nod.
Sakura settled in the empty seat between them, kicking Shikamaru’s knee aside to make room.
“Who’s winning?” she questioned.
The students had been divided into red and blue teams. This was to prevent cheating. Because Asuma and Kakashi were infamous for cheating to help their homerooms win. According to Itachi, the principal had decided on the color teams a couple years ago. With their students all mixed up in the groups, Kakashi and Asuma’s meddling had subsided somewhat. 
Sakura’s phone vibrated from the pocket of her hoody. The dress code had been relaxed considerably for this day. Instead of her usual blouse and skirt, Sakura had shown up wearing joggers and a short-sleeved sweatshirt. 
Sakura pulled her phone out. It was a Facetime request from Haku. The phone continued to vibrate in her palm as she stared down at it. Both Shikamaru and Itachi leaned over to glance at it. Sakura looked back and forth between them. 
“Answer it. Who cares?” Shikamaru urged her. 
Sakura hesitated for another moment before she slid her thumb across the bottom of the screen.
“GOLD!” Haku announced. 
Something smacked against the front of his phone several times. It was too close to the camera for her to get a good look. At least, until Haku pulled back to reveal a gold medal hung around his neck. 
Sakura glanced at the time at the top of her screen. 
“Are you in China already?” she asked. The phone tilted until it was focused on his face. He fixed his bangs before he nodded. 
“Oh. Congrats,” Sakura replied. He glared at her. 
“Can you at least pretend to be excited?” Haku scolded her. Sakura blinked a few times. 
“But this is a qualifier for the Grand Prix. I’d be shocked if you didn’t place on the podium,” Sakura replied. Someone said something to Haku, he turned his head to reply to them. When the phone moved, she could see the exposed piping on the ceiling and what looked like lockers. Haku’s face came back into view. 
“I gotta go give an interview,” he sighed. 
“C’mon. Give me that camera face, Haku-kun,” Sakura urged. 
His face transformed completely. Mouth curling in a perfect smile, eyes sparkling. Sakura snorted. 
“Alright. Go get ‘em. Call me back later,” she said. Haku gave a limp wave before he hung up. 
When Sakura looked up, Shikamaru was looking back at the field. His arm was draped over the back of her chair. 
“Sounded excited,” he commented. 
“Hm. Yeah,” replied Sakura, matching his tone. They didn’t say anything else about the call. 
They waved at Gaara when he headed out to the middle school. At noon, Asuma announced that they were taking a break for lunch. Students began breaking out their bentos. Chattering as they found shade under trees and under the tents with their families. They broke chopsticks apart and laughed as they stuffed themselves with food. 
Before Sakura could pull out her lunch of chicken and steamed vegetables, Shizune arrived. She had been busy running the first aid station after Gaara left. But now she deposited an enormous bag on the folding table. She began untying the bag and opening up the boxes within. 
Crispy karaage, rolled omelette, and pickled vegetables glistened like the perfect displays in front of stores. In another box was fluffy brown rice. Shizune arranged the big boxes around the table. handing out chopsticks and cups too.
Kurenai arrived a little while later with a thermos of warm tea. She placed a box filled with grilled fish on the table, the skin perfectly charred. She brought along Lee and Asuma who also settled in at the table. Orochimaru joined them with some simple onigiri. Kakashi arrived last, setting out a container of potato salad. Despite his looks, Kakashi was a competent cook- which probably explained how he hadn’t died after so many years of the bachelor life. 
“Did... we agree to all bring something?” asked Sakura, glancing at Itachi and Shikamaru. And then at Lee. Who all looked just as bewildered as she did.
“Don’t worry about it, Haruno-sensei,” Kurenai assured her as she began piling her plate high with food. And it only occurred to Sakura on her third or fourth bite that she was being wholly spoiled. Even though all the kids were surrounded by their parents and their grandparents, she didn’t feel left out at all. Crowded shoulder-to-shoulder around the single table, everyone chattered and poured drinks for each other. Asuma and Shikamaru squabbled over the last bit of karaage. Shizune urged Itachi to eat more for the third time.
When Sakura looked over at Orochimaru, he patted her knee. Like he knew what she was thinking. 
“Have some more,” he said, placing more slices of omelette on her plate. And Sakura laughed.
Towards the end of the school day, Sakura went over to some of the students. 
“Would a few of you help pass out water?” she requested to no one in particular. Three girls immediately stood up. They were the ones who regularly visited the library. 
“Okay, Sensei!” one of them chirruped. They followed Sakura back to the canopy. They chattered about their classmates and the scores as they took up the trays filled with paper cups. 
“Sensei, we heard you used to be a legend at these events,” one of them commented. Sakura sighed, laughing a little.
“Yes. A long time ago,” she replied.
But the girls frowned at her. “Not so long ago, Sensei. You’re still super-young,” one of them corrected her.
Sakura said nothing as she handed the girl a tray. She sent them off to distribute the water to their classmates. Sakura lingered in the shade, not quite sure why she couldn’t stop smiling. 
As if Field Day had been the signal the weather was waiting for, the summer heat finally retreated. The leaves on the trees began changing colors. The persimmon trees scattered all over town turned orange overnight. Branches sagging as the round fruit began to ripen in the cold. The footsteps of students walking to school in the morning were punctuated by leaves crunching.
Akamaru draped himself over Sakura’s legs. His tail tapped out a steady rhythm as she rubbed her hand over his neck and back. 
Kiba and Shikamaru lay on the terrace, snoozing on top of the old blanket Sakura had set down to air out in the sun. The hike up Mt. Yufu had been exhilarating in the cool morning. Shikamaru’s mother had packed them lunch, which they had enjoyed sitting on flat stones among the orange and red trees. They had headed down the side of the mountain, stomachs packed with sandwiches and green tea. Sakura had driven them back, windows down and a song playing low on the radio.
It had been a struggle to even get Kiba to shower before he fell asleep, stomach bared as his shirt rode up in his sleep. Sakura reached over to yank it back down. He mumbled something in his sleep, as if protesting. Shikamaru had passed out after having a beer, not long after making fun of Kiba for falling asleep like a little kid. Occasionally, Kiba knocked his foot against Shikamaru’s or threw his arm over him. Shikamaru didn’t even seem to notice. If she didn’t wake them up, they would probably sleep all the way until the following morning.
“I can’t believe I’ve never gone hiking before,” Itachi commented. Sakura looked at him to find him swiping through his phone. Looking through the photos he had taken on their walk. She scooted over to get a better look. He held his phone out to her. 
“A lot of people come down here just to see the mountains in the autumn. They almost look like they’re on fire,” Sakura commented. She looked up when she felt Itachi’s eyes on her. 
“What?” she asked.
“Nothing,” Itachi replied, shaking his head a little.
Akamaru let out a yawn, eyelids drooping. Sakura’s gaze drifted down to the white dog. She scratched his chin.
“You take it easy too, bud. You’ve had a long day,” she murmured, stroking between his ears. As she continued to shower Akamaru with affection, Sakura completely missed the way Itachi looked at her. A smile lingering on his lips as he watched her bend down to kiss the top of Akamaru’s head.
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