#these are all the empires members with cats (that i know of)
headspace-hotel · 9 months
you know how people say "cats domesticated themselves?" I find this statement irksome because as i've been studying plants and particularly weeds, a theory has slowly been forming in my head about domestication that makes a lot more sense than other theories.
Basically, I think everything domesticated itself. Or rather, domestication involves adaptation and active participation on both sides.
Evidence for this is found in studying weed and crop plants—truth be told, most weeds are or were also crops.
Amaranthus, the genus that gives us the most costly USA agricultural weeds? All edible and healthy, and several members of the genus are domesticated. They were staple crops for Mesoamerican empires.
Kudzu, the vine so aggressive in the USA it turns trees into looming kudzu monoliths? It's been bred and cultivated by humans since the Neolithic in its native range, in China it was one of the main sources of fiber for cloth for MILLENNIA to the point that the Zhou dynasty had a whole government office of kudzu affairs. Kudzu roots are edible and they can be as tall as a human and weighing over 200 pounds, you can make them into flour, make noodles out of the flour, you can process them down into a starch and use it just like potato or tapioca starch and make all sorts of sauces and confections and stuff out of it. In Japan it was used for clothes too, if you see pictures of clothes worn by a samurai that's probably kudzu! It has loads of unresearched phytochemicals that probably have medicinal use, it's good for making paper, a researcher even made a biodegradable alternative to plastic out of it
Yellow Nutsedge is a food crop, Purslane is a food crop, at least some species of morning-glories are food crops, crabgrass is a food crop, Nettles are food AND fiber, Milkweed is food and fiber too, Broadleaf Plantain is food and medicinal, Dandelion is food and medicinal AND great companion plant (they used to sell them in seed catalogues around the 1890's or so!) and have y'all ever seen queen-anne's-lace along the side of the road? THATS CARROTS. That's the wild ancestor of carrots! (ofc don't eat anything you aren't 1000% sure you can identify)
Simply put. A weed is a plant that has co-evolved with humans. And most of them are Like That because they co-evolved with us. And honestly I reckon that many plants were domesticated in the first place because they liked to grow in disturbed environments near human settlements and agricultural fields.
Now thinking about this in terms of animals...when our domestic species were first domesticated, there weren't fences, there wasn't "inside" or any controlled environment to bring animals into, and if you tried to overpower or coerce any of those species, they would 100% just kill you. It makes a lot more sense if the humans were just following herds around, and it gradually developed into protecting those herds from predators and tending to them more intentionally until we were kind of just part of the herds ourselves.
a lot of people are familiar with Biblical stories and metaphors about shepherds...it's clear those guys were basically living with sheep 24/7. They were assimilated to the sheep lifestyle.
this theory kinda suggests that we've lost the ability to domesticate new animal species to some extent because domestication has never really involved removing an animal from its natural environment. Feeding wild animals and trying to socialize them to humans isn't in line with the mutualistic nature of domestication because it's trying to change the animal to our whims, and usually decreases the fitness of the animal rather than increases it. And domestication probably takes a long long time to reach the level where an animal can be a "pet" instead of a more distant form of domestication where the association is not as close.
EXCEPT. Animals that adapt to our environment are prime candidates for domestication. This actually checks out because rats and mice are some of the most recently domesticated animals, iirc. Basically, pest animals are the most likely to be domesticated because they've already started evolving into a relationship with us. Just like weeds.
An interesting side note is how both animals and plants can de-domesticate and become "weeds/pests" again. Like "weedy rice" is becoming a problem in some crops where rice has evolved into a weed. And with animals, there's pigeons who were domesticated by us and now their habitat is cities because they co-evolved with us.
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skz-bibi · 2 months
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( outfit ) ...
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"i'm bibi." she waved to the camera , smiling.
they all sat on the floor excitedly waiting for the kittens to come out. "are they coming?" she squealed as the small kittens entered the studio. "oh my god , they're so cute."
she picked one up , gently scratching its head. "it's so soft." she said , not sure if she'd even be focused to answer the questions.
what do you look forward to eating the most when traveling in the usa?
"Chick fil a." she said , holding the feather over the kitten's head watching it follow it. "I wish I could take that back to Korea with me sometimes."
"I wish I could take you back to Korea with me." she cooed at the cat.
what's your favorite american slang word?
"they learned about rizz a few weeks ago , it's been interesting."
if you were an action figure, which two accessories would you come with?
"my phone and chocolate."
ryan Reynolds has publicly said he's a stray kids fan , are there any other celebs you were surprised to learn were your fans?
"we recently met chris hemsworth?" chris said , telling them about their interaction at the met.
"it was sort of like playing with an older brother , imagine being picked up by the chris hemsworth." she laughed.
"oh at the vmas sabrina carpenter called me cute." she smiled. "and I tell everyone about it."
you were the first full kpop group to attend the met gala. what was the most memorable about the experience.
"I think the entire thing was memorable , growing up I would see the outfits on TV and think it was so cool , I never thought I would be able to ever attend something like that."
if you weren't an idol what job do you think you'd be good at?
"probably a track star or a actress."
what names are your members saved as in your phone? What's your group chat name?
"chris oppa" "yongbok" "lee know oppa" "han" "yenie" she pointed them out. "then bin oppa" "hyunjin" "and kim seungmo like han." she said.
what artist would be your dream collaboration?
"tyla." she smiled. "i love her so much."
what's your love language?
"hugs , I love physical touch." she hugged the kitten. "you're so cute , she nuzzled her on top of his head.
"bibi is like a koala." Felix said. "she clings to people all the time." she nodded. "it's cute."
what's your roman empire?
"What would happen to me if I just was shipped off to a private island and had to survive?" she said. "really." she nodded. "I think about it often , I don't think I'd survive because I have 0 survival instincts."
if you could put one stray kids song into a time capsule to be listened to by future generations which would you pick ?
"3rd eye." she said. "I feel like a lot of people would love that song in the future."
you've had countless comebacks, but what concepts do you want to try that you haven't done yet?
"something like muddy water, I think it would be fun to have a comeback with that old school hiphop vibe." she said.
your concert last sometimes three hours, what's the secret to maintaining stamina on stage?
"relax a bit before you go on." she said. "save all your energy for when you're on stage , cause that's when it matters."
"of course with a group like this it's hard , so I say just wing it when you're up there." they laughed. "bibi stop."
what's your workout routine?
"legs the most , I don't focus on upper body a lot , I have no interest in lifting weights , but if I'm working out with the members I'll do it just for fun."
"doesn't last long." jeongin said. "yeah because I hate it." she laughed.
what's changed the most about straykids from your rookie days to now?
"my outlook on everything , when I was a rookie I thought about everything did wrong , now I just go with the flow and hope for the best."
what's one piece of advice you'd give to your trainee self?
"it's gonna be okay."
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holylulusworld · 2 months
Indecent Proposal (24.2)
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Summary: Your boyfriend wants to be part of their empire. You are the pawn he’s willing to sacrifice.
Pairing: Mobster!Stucky x fem!Reader
Warnings: established Stucky, caring mobsters, pregnant reader, polyamory, fluff, mentions of character's death
A/N: This is an interlude chapter.
Indecent Proposal (24)
Indecent Proposal masterlist
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Now, the mansion…
“You promised to make things up to me,” you pout and give Steve the stinky eye. “Talk is cheap. I want your cocks.”
You wanted to go down and dirty, but Steve and Bucky wished to talk to you first. Now you’re sitting in the armchair at the library, Alpine in your lap, looking like a villain in a movie while patting the cat.
“You will have to make a lot up to me and Alpine,” you hold Bucky’s gaze. “You worried the poor cat. I had to brush their fur and give them a new necklace to calm the Alpine.”
Steve grins at your serious expression. “Doll, we are sorry about worrying you. And I will give you everything you want tomorrow. For tonight, we need to talk about a few things. We promised you to tell you everything.”
“We want nothing more than to ruin you all over again,” Bucky smirks when you start to squirm in your seat. “Steve is right, though. We need to talk about a few things, and after, we need a rest. It was a fucking long week.”
“You’re not hurt, right?” You look Bucky up and down before turning your head toward Steve. “Right? Everyone came home safely. All of your men too.”
“No one got hurt, doll,” Bucky assures you. “Our men know how to handle any situation. Jake localized Brock’s hideout, and we stormed the house. Not a big deal.”
You listen closely, hoping Bucky is telling you the truth. He gives you a soft smile and runs his hand over your head, but you won’t let him distract you this time.
“Is that the truth? We didn’t lose anyone. They are all safe,” you press on. “You won’t lie to me.”
“We swear, no one got hurt but the bastard trying to hurt you and our babies,” Steve softly says. He cups your face to press a kiss on your forehead. “They are having food at the moment. M’Baku was hungry.”
You giggle. M’Baku seems to be always hungry. Ever so often, you made a sandwich for the tall guy too when you sneaked into the kitchen for your nightly cravings.
He’s a giant, but a friendly one. M’Baku told you about his family and the woman he wants to marry. For a member of the mafia, he’s pretty nice.
You sigh, relieved. No one got hurt, everyone came back alive. The danger is over. – For now. You never know. In your husband's line of business, you’ll never not be in danger. They have enemies lurking in the dark, waiting for their chance to get back at Steve and Bucky.
“I want to know it all,” you say. “No more secrets, Steve, Bucky. Please fill me in. I need to know.”
“We killed Rumlow and disposed of his body,” Bucky hastily says. He hopes you do not hate him for killing another man in your name. “He died faster than he deserved.”
“He won’t cause trouble ever again,” Steve clears his throat. He can see the worry in your eyes and tries to assure you no one will ever find out Bucky killed Brock. “Natasha helped cover his death. We made it look like he left town because Natasha found out that he was a corrupt cop. Jake was a big help. Remind me to never mess with Jake Jensen.”
“Jakie is a sweetheart,” you coo. “He distracted me with zombies and explained to me how he hacks into a system.”
“Zombies?” Bucky grunts. “He showed you zombies. Is that a code word for his dick?” He cocks a brow. “Doll, answer me.”
“No, dummy,” you giggle and snort. “He designed a video game. There are zombies, and guns…and stuff. It’s pretty cool. Jake is a smart guy. You should pay him more.”
Steve laughs at his husband’s pissed expression. He can’t bear sharing your attention with someone else but Steve. Bucky hums and plans on having a serious conversation with Jake in the morning.
“Don’t put, Bucky baby,” you hold out your hand for Bucky. “You know I already got my hands full with you and Stevie. I cannot handle another man. Jake is only a nice guy helping not to worry about you.”
“Fine,” Bucky still pouts, but promises you to not hurt Jake.
“How about we forget about Brock and everything else for tonight and,” you smirk at Steve, “in the morning, you can make things up to me…”
Part 25
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comics-and-fanworks · 2 years
Idea for you class salt after the class is out of school and in the real world.
Marinette's phone gets broken so badly she needs a new number. She only tells a few her new number no one from her old class has it.
Some of her old class goes to bakery to ask why she hasn't called them back when they called her. They get told her phone got broken and all that.
The class member goes okay tell her to call me when it gets fixed or replaced it is important.
Only her parents forget and when said class member comes back later is told that but is also told Marinette has a new phone now. But not a new number.
Classmate rushes out to call her so she can fix their problems like always only it goes to voicemail as the person whom has her old number is like I don't know this person calling me. It goes on and on till it gets bad and the person with the new number goes to the police with worry over the threats they are getting.
Should I be worried for myself or the person they are trying to reach
It comes to a head when alya talks max into hacking the location of the phone and they go to have a talk with Marinette only it's not her
Thank you so much for the request! It's my first one so I went a bit overboard and wrote a lot! So sorry it took me so long to get to this! I'm taking organic chemistry over the winter so that has been kicking my ass. The first draft was deleted, so hopefully, this is a better version! Thank you for your patience with me!
TW: swearing, minor threats of violence
"Well shit," Marinette's day was already bad, but this was just throwing salt into the wound. She had started her day with her phone blowing up with requests from her (former) classmates and friends. Ever since she returned from College they had gotten right back to their usual B.S. "Mari I need a new dress for a meeting with Prince Ali," "Marinette! I told my team you'd design some sick jackets for us and you'd have them done by our next swim meet!" "Girl! I need three new outfits! Adrien and Lila are taking me with them to a fashion show and this is my chance to interview some top designers! Oh sorry, you're not invited." She was up to her neck in demands and requests, to the point she was seriously considering closing her commissions, not like her former friends paid her anyways. THEN Hawkmoth decided that she hadn't suffered enough, she had to deal with Volpina, Frozer, AND Prime Queen and it was not even lunchtime. Volpina was easy enough to take down, why Lila was akumatized is anyone's guess. Frozer was a bit trickier, and since Chat had no plans of showing up she had to bring in Ryuko and Viperion. The trio ended up fighting Prime Queen, who was convinced that LadyNoir would still happen and the Cat Hero's absence was due to a lover's quarrel. Marinette was finally able to return to the alleyway she had transformed in... only to find her shattered phone. It must've fallen out of her suit's pocket (she had redesigned her costume since returning to Paris, she wanted a more mature, fashionable look) when she was rushing to get to the battle.
"Great! Just Perfect! This is just what I need now!" She sighed picking up the shattered phone. There was no way this was salvageable, the impact of hitting the ground had practically broken the thing in half. Tikki knew her chosen was stressed, between being Ladybug, being the Guardian of the Miraculous, building a blossoming fashion empire from scratch, and having to deal with her former friends' constant demands it was only a matter of time before she lost Marinette to Hawkmoth's akumatization. The goddess recognized that this was just the opportunity she needed to help her chosen, and she would start by helping Marinette cut off the people hurting her most. "Marinette! I have an idea! Why don't you get two phones? One can be your work phone, and the other can be your personal one. That way you won't have to worry about your work stuff getting lost in your personal stuff. You can get new numbers for both too!" Marinette looked at the Kwamii with some confusion, "Why would I need to change my number?" Tikki sighed, "Marinette, they haven't been very good friends to you, they haven't even been your friends for a while now. Think about it, your former classmates don't talk to you unless they want something, they expect you to use your connections to benefit them but won't return the favor, and they promise you and your time to other people without your consent.  That isn't right babybug, friends don't treat friends like that. They don't even pay you for your time, effort, and the cost of materials!" Marinette knew that Tikki was right, but she was still hesitant, "But..." "Would Kagami text you expecting you to make her something and refuse to pay? Would Luka text you telling you that he promised another musician you'd make their wardrobe by their next concert? Would Kagami and Luka use your work to get ahead, and then refuse to extend the favor? No, they wouldn't! Those are healthy friends babybug, you can give them your new number, I know they'll understand!" Marinette thought about it for a moment and decided that Tikki was right. With a renewed conviction she made her way to the nearest tech store to begin to take control of her life again.
Adrien was frustrated, he had been texting and calling Marinette all afternoon but she wasn't answering! That wasn't like his princess, so something had to be going on, but there wasn't an Akuma on the news, Ladybug, Viperion, and Ryuko defeated the three earlier today. He did feel a little guilty that he didn't go to help, but he was busy! He had modeling shoots all morning and then joined Lila and Alya for lunch discussing their upcoming trip. The topic eventually turned to the Wayne Gala that was approaching as well, with both models confirming they had been invited. Well, Lila had only been invited because she was an official Gabriel representative, but she didn't need to know that. The brunette was currently making a big show of bringing Alya as her plus one, which brings Adrien back to his current predicament. When he arrived home, his father told him that he had to invite Marinette Dupain-cheng as his plus one no matter what. Both Agrestes had been shocked when she had rejected Gabriel's offer to join his company, but her answer had been reassuring, "I greatly appreciate your offer but cannot accept it in good conscious. Adrien has been my friend for years and I would hate to potentially harm his, the company's, and my reputation by accepting. I am worried it could be misconstrued as me gaining the position, not by my own talent, skill, or merit but because I had a connection to someone with considerable sway." His father didn't seem to pick up that the last bit was about Lila, but seemed content. In fact, Gabriel had complimented Marinette's business savvy and remarked how good it would be if she followed in his footsteps by building a fashion house from scratch. He had mused that it would be even better to have the two great fashion houses merging together instead of just taking Marinette in as a designer. Now that Miracle Design Clothing (MDC) has risen to compete with the likes of Gabriel and Style Queen, his father had decided now was the time to begin winning Marinette over.
Adrien would never admit it to his father, but he had his own motivations for being so on board with the plan to invite Marinette to the Wayne Gala. They were now in their mid-20s, and everyone in Paris wanted to know everything about the Agreste Heir's love life. Lila had hinted multiple times that Adrien was dating her, so much so that the media was beginning to spin her narrative. However, Adrien wasn't entirely out of the running yet. He knew that the Wayne Galas were always a media frenzy so if he, a fashion empire heir, showed up to the Gala with Marinette, a rising star in the fashion world, on his arm the media would quickly assume they were dating. It was a brilliant plan, Marinette was charming, beautiful, intelligent, and incredibly talented. His father held her in high regard, and he knew that if Gabriel approved of him dating anyone, it would be Marinette. Besides Adrien had a trick up his sleeve, he knew Marinette was in love with him, or at least that was what Alya had told him. She told him about Marinette's crush right before the ravenette left for college, hoping to embarrass her former best friend. Their old class still believed what Lila had said about Marinette being a bully. In their get-togethers they would often mock the designer's success, reassuring Lila that the only reason they talked to her was to get stuff from Marinette. While it upset him a little to know Marinette was being taken advantage of, a larger part of him felt like she deserved it since she didn't listen to his advice about Lila. Oh well, it was her own fault. Adrien was brought out of his thoughts by Alya's shriek.
"OH MY GOSH! The Waynes just announced the Designer they got their Gala outfits from, and it's Marinette!" Adrien choked down a laugh at the sour expression Lila wore, as Alya continued to read, "The article says that Marinette and Timothy Drake Wayne met while they were in college, and he thought her designs were so incredible that he referred her to Bruce Wayne himself! She's considered a family friend and received their order along with an invitation to the Gala! Why didn't she tell me any of this??" 'Maybe because you only talk to her when you want something' Adrien thought as their former classmates began to text. Alya was trying to call Marinette, most likely to scream at her for not letting Alya in on such a big story, but she couldn't get through. "Ugh! Marinette is ignoring me! Who does that stupid bitch think she is?" Lila's eyes sparkled as she saw a chance to jump in and control the narrative, "I know right? You'd think she'd be more grateful after I introduced her to Timmy- oh I've said too much," She batted her eyelashes and made a show of covering her mouth. "YOU introduced Marinette to the Waynes? Girl you've gotta give me the details!" "Well, Marinette was going to college in Milan, and I happened to be there for a modeling shoot," That part was actually true, Adrien was sick and couldn't make that shoot, "We happened to bump into each other at a cafè, and Marinette apologized to me for how awful she was to me in our youth. She told me that the only reason she did what she did was that she was jealous and felt threatened by me, you were right Alya." That was how Lila worked, she mixed a little bit of the truth with what someone wanted to hear, which caused the lies she told to pass by noticed. "Anyways we had lunch and caught up, she was showing me some of her amazing designs," as much as it pained Lila to admit it, Marinette was truly talented. In fact one thing she regretted was not working harder to deceive Marinette back when they were still in school, if she had known Marinette would be so successful she would've fought like hell to take the spot of Marinette's Best Friend away from Alya. She would've been MDC's top model, instead of having a stagnating career as just another practically nameless model for Gabriel. "I remembered my dear friend Timmy, we met when my mother was stationed in Gotham, he had told me that the Wayne family needed suits and dresses for their upcoming Gala and that Gabriel was too busy." Another partial truth, Lila didn't know any Wayne, but she knew Gabriel was too busy being Hawkmoth to make their outfits. "I gave him Marinette's number as an olive branch because I had thought she changed, but I guess she was lying. Oh and Alya? Adrien? Please don't mention my friendship with the Waynes, I don't want people thinking they can get to them through me." Lila smirked as both Adrien and Alya promised her they wouldn't say anything.
When Marinette told them she was cutting off her former friends for good, Tom and Sabine were over the moon. They knew about the Lila situation and all its complexities after the faux fox tried to infiltrate the bakery and convince them their daughter had stolen her necklace. They almost fell for it, until Tom remembered that Marinette had been helping him in the bakery during the time Lila said their daughter took the necklace. He had sternly told Lila that there was no way Marinette could have done it, and even offered to show her security footage that proved Marinette was not the thief. Instead, the brunette stormed out of the bakery, and Tom and Sabine knew they had to talk to their daughter. After a bit of gentle prodding, Marinette broke down and told them everything. She told them about Lila, her classmates, and Adrien, and she told them about everything they were putting her through. They were horrified, and that feeling was solidified after Lila got Marinette expelled. After their daughter's name was cleared, that useless principal was trying to dodge removing it from her record, until Sabine threatened to contact the school board about how their daughter was expelled without an investigation. They did everything they could, but it seemed Lila had everyone else in her pocket, and it seemed to stay that way once Marinette returned from college. She had swung by the bakery and explained that her phone had been shattered while she avoided the akumas, and she was taking this opportunity to change her number and cut those leeches off. Sabine and Tom promised that they would say nothing because it was only a matter of time before her former friends wound up at the bakery because of the radio silence from Marinette.
The chiming of the doorbell confirmed their fears. In stormed Marinette's old class, with her former friend Alya leading the pack. They could see Lila hiding in the back, and decided it would be better to say nothing. "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng! We have a problem and thought you could help us. We've been trying to get in contact with Marinette all day, but we can't reach her and we wanted to make sure she was okay." Sabine smiled as she tried to hold in her rage. They weren't here because they were concerned, those brats wanted something. It would appear that Alya and co didn't know that Marinette's parents knew Lila was lying or what they did, so Tom decided to answer in a way Lila couldn't twist. "Oh, she came by earlier today and let us know that her phone was broken. She dropped it during one of the Akuma attacks, and it was pretty smashed up. She told us to let you know if you came by since she would be off the grid until it was fixed. It might be a while though, it was almost as bad as the time it got caught in the bread mixer!" His answer seemed to calm the group down, typical clumsy Marinette strikes again. "Ok, well can you please let her know to reach out to us once her phone's fixed?" The two nodded and promised they would, and watched as the group of adults left. Sabine turned to the freezer, "They're gone! You can come out now!" The two chuckled as their daughter slowly poked her head out of the walk-in freezer, ready to dash back in at a moment's notice. Yeah, they're glad Marinette was finally cutting those people off and the bright glow in their girl's eyes confirmed it.
The Gala was in a few weeks, and Marinette was STILL radio silent. Adrien was pacing back and forth in his room, trying to figure out what to do. Her social media was most likely controlled by an assistant like his was so he couldn't message her there, he couldn't get into her studio without an invitation or employee badge, and he realized he had no idea where she lived so he couldn't even pay her a visit or send a letter! "I don't know what to do! No one has heard from Marinette and her parents promised they'd talk to her about it!" "Maybe she finally got tired of your bullshit and decided to cut you and the rest of those users off," Plagg snapped from somewhere in his room. After The Paint Incident, Plagg's attitude towards him seemed to change. He snapped at Adrien more, called Adrien out on his behavior, and started giving Adrien harsh (and desperately needed) advice. Other than that, Plagg was getting on his case about slacking off on his duties as Chat Noir, claiming that his behavior was a disgrace to the legacy of the Cat Miraculous. Adrien was getting fed up with him, hadn't the stupid cat heard the saying 'if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all?' "Marinette wouldn't do that! We're her friends!" "Some friends. And some friend YOU are. You knew Lila was lying and let her wreck Marinette's school life, get her expelled, and continue to lie to everyone. You told Marinette to shut up and take it, news flash kid, the high road does not mean stay quite and let people hurt you! YOU currently know that YOUR friends only care about what they can get from her and that Lila is planning to pull some bullshit at the Gala, but all you're concerned about is making sure karma doesn't bite you in the ass!" Plagg roared. It was hard to argue with the little god without sounding like a hypocrite, but Adrien was going to try. "Well... When Marinette agrees to go to the Gala with me I can fix everything! She likes me, so we can get together, and I can get Lila to apologize! Once everyone knows they're on good terms things will go back to how they should be!" Plagg was paying more attention to the cheese he was juggling, but he did glance back at Adrien, "One, IF she decides to go with you. Two, she may not even feel that way it's been years. Three, How are you going to get a narcissist to admit to wrongdoing? Four, How does Lila apologizing change how your ex-class treat Mari when that's how they treated her before Lila showed up?" Adrien chose to ignore Plagg and tried calling Marinette again.
Alya was STRESSED. The Gala was coming up and she needed a new dress that would wow everyone and make her stand out from other reporters. She had already secured her Press Pass, and because she was Lila's plus one she could actually get into the Gala. The only other reporters with that privilege were Clark Kent and Lois Lane, close friends of the Wayne Family. Lila offered to get her a Gabriel Original but she turned it down, both girls shared a sentiment that Gabriel's designs had really been declining. "I think it was the loss of his wife. She was his greatest inspiration, and especially with Hawkmoth on the loose, I can understand not wanting to leave your house. Maybe he's just out of touch," Lila had told her, and Alya agreed. What she needed was a Marinette Original, something to show she was in with both designers. She was thinking of something fox-inspired, to pay homage to her time as Rena Rouge. She'd talked to the other girls about why Marinette had never told her she would be designing for the Waynes, and they reassured her, "Well, maybe she thought you wouldn't be interested or were too busy?" Rose offered. "You didn't really report on fashion until Adrien and Lila took you to that fashion show. Maybe she thought you wouldn't be interested." Juleka suggested. "Als, you're overthinking it! Mari didn't tell you because she couldn't! A family like the Waynes has wicked good lawyers, they probably made her sign an NDA." Alix concluded. They were probably right, Marinette would have told her if she could have, and Alya needed that dress. So there she was at Tom and Sabine's bakery again, asking about Marinette. "Oh, she just called this morning! The damage was too severe, so she had to get a new phone." Sabine told the young reporter, who thanked her lucky stars. As she left the bakery, she sent a text 'Mari's back!'
Adrien nearly dropped his phone when he got the text from Alya, before excusing himself to run upstairs and call Marinette. The phone rang, and rang, and rang, before the call was answered, "Hello? Who is this?" A woman's voice answered, but certainly was not Marinette. Adrien was floored, he was sure he dialed the correct number. "Um hi. I'm looking for Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I'm a friend of hers and was calling to speak to her." "Oh really? Well if you're her friend maybe you can explain to me why the second I had this number activated my phone was bombarded with calls and texts demanding things from dresses, to invitations to some Gala, and all kinds of other demands." Wait, had Marinette changed her number? No, she wouldn't have. "Listen, lady, I don't know if you find this funny but I KNOW Marinette wouldn't change her number. If you're her assistant you better give the phone to Marinette NOW or I'll see to it personally that you're fired!" Marinette should really have taken care to not hire such incompetent people. It was unfitting of an eventually-to-be Agreste. "I don't know who you think you are but I will make one thing clear: I DO NOT KNOW A MARINETTE DUPAIN-CHENG!" The line went dead. Adrien pressed the redial button, and felt his stomach drop as the call didn't go through, he had been blocked. From the way the group chat was blowing up, he could guess the others were getting the same response. Lila was going on and on about how Marinette was abandoning them in their time of need, and adding fuel to the fire. Adrien decided he was going to do damage control. He had thought a bit about what Plagg had said and realized that he needed to show Marinette that he was still on her side, besides it would be tougher to get everyone to make up if they were mad at her for something her crappy assistant did. He sent the chat a message, 'Guys relax. The woman on the phone wasn't Marinette but has her number, so she's probably a new assistant! Miracle Design Clothing has really exploded since the Waynes announced she made their outfits for the Gala so Marinette probably hired some help and the lady didn't know who we were. We can try again later.'
Lea Dubois was having the roughest week in all of her fourty-three years. She had gotten a new phone, since she her old one was stolen, and decided to get a new number with it. Not even a couple of minutes after activating her phone it began blowing up with calls and demands for a Marinette Dupain-Cheng. After a particularly snobby boy threatened to get her fired from a job she didn't even have, Lea decided to do some snooping and figure out who this Marinette Dupain-Cheng was. Googling the girl's name directed her to a Miracle Design Clothing website, and after scrolling through she found a tab labeled, "Founder." Clicking on it, she saw a picture of a smiling young woman with shiny black (almost blue) hair and sapphires for her eyes. She was a truly gorgeous woman, and from what Lea read very talented. That explained the demand for clothing. She decided to check social media next, and quickly found articles about how the rising star had been personally invited to the Wayne Charity Gala! That explained all the calls from people claiming to be Marinette's friends and demanding to be taken to the Gala, to that one girl who demanded an interview and a dress for the Gala. Lea went through the messages that quickly went from demanding to insulting and toxic, and thought to herself, 'I see why that girl changed her number, I hope she knows these people aren't her friends.' She decided to look up the people who had called her, and see what she could find out about them. A girl named Alix and a boy named Kim were both athletes, although both played for the minor leagues of their respective sports, but it did explain the requests for jersey designs. A boy named Ivan and two girls named Juleka and Rose had been calling about outfits for their next concert, apparently they were in a band called Kitty Section. Lea vaguely remembered that it was a popular group, before their lead guitarist was kicked out and went solo. Two girls named Sabrina and Mylene had asked her to create costumes for a production in the Théâtre du Châtelet, a boy named Max called asking for a suit for his new tech reveal, and another boy named Nino asked her to design a couple of album covers!
A few other people called, but they seemed to be genuine friends. One standout was a boy named Nathaniel who had called twice, once to congratulate Marinette on her work with the Waynes and invite her to an event for his comic. The second time was to apologize to Lea when he found out Marinette had changed her number. He had also apologized for the harassment his (and apparently Marinette's) former friends had been throwing at her. He explained that when they were younger, Marinette didn't know how to stand up for herself, and was pressured by her teacher to constantly put her needs on the back burner to help her classmates. Nathaniel told her it had gotten better when Marinette left for college, but now that she was back in Paris, things had gone back to the way they were. Instead of their teacher, the role of pressuring her had fallen to three people, Lila Rossi, Alya Césaire, and Adrien Agreste. That last name caught her attention, could that have been the bratty boy who threatened to fire her? "Sweetie I hate to do this to you, but if you have time could you meet me in person? We have a lot to discuss, and I'm beginning to worry for Marinette." Nathaniel had agreed and had said he was bringing a couple of Marinette's friends, her real friends. "They've been harassing us too, maybe we can look into getting a restraining order or something." And that was how she ended up in a cafe sitting at a table with some of the most impressive people she'd ever met. There were Nathaniel Kurtzberg and Marc Anciel, the power couple of comics. She hadn't read comics since she was a little girl, but her nephews talked nonstop about the Ladybug comic the two had started in collège. Olympian fencer Kagami Tsurugi, and hit rock artist Luka Couffaine. There was academy award winner Zoé Lee and fortune 500 company founder Chloé Bourgeois.
The group exchanged pleasantries and got right to business, "So we heard from Nathaniel that you got Marinette's old number and that your phone has been blowing up with all the shit she used to get," Luka said. Lea nodded, "Yes. They refused to believe that she'd changed her number and one man even threatened to get me fired! I don't know what job he thinks I have that he can influence, but I digress. " "Ugh. That sounds like Adrien alright. I swear it was like a switch flipped in his head during Collége, he's acting like I used to," Chloé had come to terms with the kind of person she was, and had taken the steps to apologize and change for the better. A part of that was she swore never to touch a Miraculous again, she had become aware enough to realize that when given that much power she would be tempted to fall back into her old ways. "It's telling that their first reaction to being cut off is to harass an innocent person instead of reflecting on their actions and what lead them to that point," Kagami said, "I think we owe you an explanation since you have unfortunately been dragged into this." Lea nodded, that sounded good. "They weren't always this bad, well they weren't always this blatant about it. For a long time, Marinette was happy and popular, hell even when I bullied her she didn't seem bothered. Then Lila Rossi transferred. That girl is the type to convince people that two plus two equals five, you know what I mean," Lea nodded, her ex had been like that. "Well anyways, Marinette saw through her bullshit and called her out for it, so Lila declared war. Before anyone could process what happened, Lila had convinced the class that Marinette was the Devil's spawn. She even managed to get Marinette falsely expelled, and while that was reversed, it was the moment Marinette realized she couldn't rely on her classmates. Alya was an up-and-coming journalist and her best friend, but if she couldn't bring herself to fact-check this girl's stories..." Chloé paused to take a sip of her drink, and Lea thought of something, "Maybe Alya did fact-check and knew Lila was lying. I did some research before I came here, and I know that Alya ran the Ladyblog. I also know that her videos featuring Lila are her most viewed videos, but when I looked at the comments I noticed that a ton had been deleted. Maybe she knew but saw how much attention her blog was getting, and chose to ignore Lila's lies, or maybe she believes them, I don't know." The group continued to chat about their situation and were snapped out of it when the door to the cafe was flung open.
Alya was gonna kill Marinette when she found her. How dare she hire someone and not tell them who she was?! How dare she do that to her friends?! Doesn't she realize they need her? It didn't take much to convince the others, specifically Max, to ping the location off of Marinette's number and track it down. If she was going to be bitchy and ignore their calls and messages and hire some dumb assistant to annoy them, they were gonna make her pay! They had tracked her location to a cafe in the fashion district and were waiting for the last of the group to arrive. "I don't understand why she's being so petty," Lila whimpered, fighting back tears, "You all have been nothing but kind to her even when she's been such a nasty person!" "I don't understand it either," Sabrina said, "It's like a switch flipped in collège or something." Well whatever it was, they weren't gonna let her get out of this! Once Kitty Section had arrived, the group stormed into the cafe ready to give Marinette a piece of their minds! To their surprise, Marinette wasn't there. Their old friends turned enemies were there and sitting with them was a middle-aged woman, was she the one who had been answering from Marinette's number. "Where's Marinette?" Alya demanded. Chloé and Kagami lept to their feet. "She isn't here, and unless someone is dying you are not getting in contact with her!" Chloé was a lot less polite about it, "Wow, I'm surprised none of you got the memo. You've been cut off!" The older woman turned to face them, and Adrien snapped at her, "You! Are you Marinette's assistant or something? Get her here now!" Oh, that was it, Lea walked right up to him, ready for war. "I will do no such thing because I am not her assistant! I did not even know who Marinette was until you people began blowing up my phone with demands! I have never met more selfish people! And you," she pointed at Lila, "I've heard all about you and what you've done to that poor girl!" Lila began to sob, wailing about how she didn't do anything, and that she had been trying to mend bridges with Marinette by introducing her to the Waynes.
"Woah, Woah, hold on! You did NOT introduce her to the Wayne Family," Luka stood up and walked over, Lea noticed how Kitty Section seemed to shrink under his gaze. "Marinette met the Waynes at a fashion show in Gotham that Jagged Stone took us to. She met Selina and the two hit it off like a house on fire," Luka pulled out his phone and showed off pictures of a much younger Marinette with a woman who could have passed for her mother. "Notice the date? She was in high school when she met them. Here she is at Selina and Bruce's wedding. Know why she's there? She designed Selina's dress." The dress was a stunning white with elegant black lace. The top resembled the head of a cat, and if you looked close enough you could see little cats and bats hidden within the lace. "Marinette's been the Wayne Family's go-to designer for YEARS. Hell, the Waynes were at her graduation party, and the opening of Miracle Design Clothes Studio, and have been to every major life event she's had since she met them." Luka showed them More photos of Marinette and the Wayne family. "I don't know how you could introduce her to people she's known for years," Luka said, "Not to mention Stephanie tells me they're desperate to either adopt her into the family or have her marry into it," Marc added. All eyes were on Lila now, she had told them all that she'd introduced Marinette to Timothy Drake Wayne and that was how Marinette got the job, but with all this evidence it was clear her lie was dead in the water. Lea turned back to the group, watching as the realization crossed their faces that Lila had lied, and had most likely lied about various other things. Turning back to the people she had met she said, "It was very nice meeting you all. Please pass on my concerns to Marinette, and let her know if she ever needs friendly advice, she knows what number to call,"
The Wayne Gala was very... Awkward for Adrien. After their failed attempt to confront Marinette, Lila got exposed, and in the excitement, it came out that he knew about what she had been doing. Simply put he was excommunicated from the group. They figured that if they cut him, Lila, and Alya (who had doubled down on Marinette being the problem until it came out she knew Lila lied and had said nothing to protect her views) out that they could apologize to Marinette and she'd take them back. Their pleas on social media brought attention to the situation, and Marinette's friends and parents were more than happy to tell the world what happened to their favorite designer. When he, Lila, and Alya walked into the Wayne Gala, they turned heads but not for the reasons any of them had hoped for. People were polite to their faces and when speaking to them, but Adrien could hear them whispering behind his back. He needed to talk to Marinette, if he could smooth things over with her then maybe, just maybe this could be salvaged. However, the Wayne Family seemed to personally take offense to his plan, because whenever he saw Marinette (and she stood out in an absolutely jaw-dropping sparkling red mermaid cut dress) she was whisked away before he could say anything. First, it was Selina, who lead her over to some of his father's former clients and proudly told them the story of how she met the young designer. Then it was Bruce Wayne himself who came to introduce her to the Kents, who much to Alya's dismay didn't even glance her way. Finally, it was the Wayne Kids who were determined to dance with Marinette all night, Adrien swears Jason was smirking at him. Eventually, she broke off from the main party with Tim and the two were chatting on the balcony. This was as close of a chance as he would get.
Marinette was having an amazing night! She met so many amazing people and made so many new contacts! She even set up an interview with Lois Lane! She could feel Alya fuming on the other side of the room, and tried her best not to think about it. She knew Adrien, Lila, and Alya were at the Gala, and she knew what had happened a few weeks before. While she was happy Lila was finally exposed, she had moved on. She got to dance with each of the Wayne siblings, but her favorite dance had to be with Tim. When Selina had introduced her to him, their reaction to each other was to freak out. Tim was over the moon to meet the designer he'd followed for years, and Marinette was ecstatic to meet the young Wayne CEO (whom she may have had a bit of a crush on). The two had exchanged numbers and talked constantly, building up a close friendship. As time went on her crush on him grew as well, but she was too nervous to risk their friendship and say anything. Eventually, when she thought her feet were going to fall off, Tim led her over to the balcony. There they talked quietly about anything and everything when a cough interrupted them. There was Adrien, with a charming smile, but Marinette had learned not to be fooled. "Hello, Adrien. Enjoying the Gala?" Marinette asked, she knew he was up to something, and from the way Tim looked at him, he could sense it too. Marinette decided to take control of the conversation, "I heard what happened. With Lea Dubois and the phone number and everything. To put it lightly that certainly wasn't your best moment." "Well, I... I never thought you would change your number, so it kinda threw me for a loop. Anyways, I wanted to apologize for the part I played in all of this. I really dropped the ball and it lead to you getting hurt I never intended for that to happen," "Yet you continued to let Marinette's former friends use her for free things?" Tim butted in, holding up his phone and showing various text messages between Adrien and his friends. Adrien's face darkened, "How the hell did you get those?!" Tim just threw his head back and laughed. "I'm a tech prodigy. Finding texts is a piece of cake. I started looking after Nathaniel told me about what happened in the cafe. I also found the texts between you and your father, and no I won't let you use my girlfriend as a publicity stunt. We were gonna announce our relationship tonight-" Adrien turned around and stomped off before Tim could finish his sentence. Marinette sighed, he really hadn't changed. Turning back to Tim she asked, "Since when are we in a relationship?" The raven-haired boy blushed a little, "Well Unofficially since your graduation party, but neither of us knew it at the time. Officially now... If you want. If not that's cool and we can just pretend this never happened. Damn Adrien! I had a plan for this but he had to show up and ruin it!" Marinette chuckled and brought Tim's hand up to her cheek, smiling up at him fondly, "Officially now is fine with me."
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a-regular-ol-pill · 6 months
This might be out of nowhere but but Xavier x reader x Aamon threesome ( i mean they really are not that related but they're so hot like really really hooot so i just wanna be manhandled by both of em😭😭) fem reader if u may. Thank youu! xoxo
"Who are you to her?"
Mobile Legends; Bang Bang
Pairing; Xavier, You | Aamon, You | Xavier, You, Aamon.
!! NSFW 18+ !!
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A/N: Apologies for any inconsistencies and the horrible layout. I'm getting the hang of writing again ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
Pronouns Used: You, She/Her
Warning(s): Slightly OOC Aamon and Xavier, Dubious Consent, Manhandling, Smut, Threesome, Possessive Smut, Marking, Double Penetration in one hole, badly written smut, kind of sexual tension, just really really filthy smut, Etc...
You and Aamon were acquaintances. Not because you and him were friends; but because you worked for him. Since you were a kid, you were expected to tend to his needs. After all; you were the child of the most high end butler in the entirety of the Moniyan Empire. You were pressured, forced to stay and cook while your peers played all day.
Sometimes, you sneak out to pet the cat litter that was just near the playground. That's when you met Xavier. Xavier and his family had gone out to deliver shipments of merch to the Empire. He was told to stay put as his father bargained, due to that, and his boredom, he snuck away as well. He saw the cat litter first; didn't even see you as he stared at the kits in adoration.
You noticed him instantly and saw that as a chance to make a friend. And make a friend you did! In that short time Xavier's father and yours didn't notice your absence, you two bonded over liking cats! Blissfully unaware of Aamon who was watching. Because he was told to find you, as you were his new playmate/butler.
He envied the carefree attitude you both had and told on you to your father. Big mistake. The moment Aamon had said that you were slacking, you were pulled harshly back to the Castle Aberleen. Much to the horror of Xavier who was then caught by his father and taken away. You were given a heavy punishment; Forced to lift heavy shipments that your young body could barely lift; Forced to stay up until late at night to study so you could teach Aamon.
You grew to resent Aamon for that. And in turn, Aamon grew to resent himself. He regretted tattling on you and tried to cheer you up. Through your childhood— to your adulthood. He tried. Though, his efforts only met a stone cold face and a cold thank you. Albeit, growing warmer at each attempt. Your relationship was on thin ice, though, it was growing stronger. Even if it could crumble at any moment.
A few members of the House Paxley were requested to discuss the rivalry of the Knights of Light against the Light's Order of the Moniyan Empire; Why the House Paxley? They didn't tell you; But still, you and Aamon went. The topic of discussion was one you couldn't understand. A contrast to Aamon, who very actively participated in the discussion.
You weren't allowed to leave Aamon's side. So, to keep yourself occupied, you took down notes— Wrote down their responses word for word. Your actions caught the eye of the Youngest Arbiter of Light; Xavier had noticed how familiar you looked. But couldn't pinpoint why you looked familiar. He watches you. Eyeing the way you felt the intricate linings of the fountain pen with your fingers.
You were so.. familiar.. It kept bugging him. Until the meeting was postponed for both parties to think over each other's points. Aamon tapped your shoulder, and you two headed off to the dining room. Was it inappropriate to do so? Not really. The dining room was lined up with food; So the Knights of Light probably expected some of the residents of the House Paxley to eat.
Xavier followed you. As creepy as it may seem— He knew Aamon. But he didn't know you. Aamon was picking one of the deserts as you made sure no one noticed; it was the only time Aamon could indulge in sweets without getting told to watch what he ate; Someone taps your shoulder, you turn to the direction of said someone.
Instantly, your eyes locked onto Xavier's sapphire ones. The familiarity struck you both like thunder; You recognize him to be your friend! Why you were excited was self-explanatory. You get to reconnect with someone who also likes cats!
"Excuse me, may I know your name?" He asks, and you realize that you may have gotten too excited. Wait- what was his name? Maybe it'll jog up your memory. So you tell him your name, and he seems to perk up at that.
"Did you-." Suddenly. Aamon clears his throat. "I don't remember telling you that you could approach my butler, Xavier." He says bluntly. He knew his name, only because they sort of interacted when they clashed points. The air around you grows cold, and you look at Xavier apologetically.
"I'm sorry, but last I remember, you didn't say anything about me not being allowed to talk to your- ah, butler." Xavier's tone was passive aggressive; annoying Aamon even more. "You don't see me talking to your superiors about your obsessions with cats now, do you?" He spat, and Xavier furrows his brows. How did he know?
"Aamon.." You start, but the two are at a stand off. "Oh.. I remember why she looked familiar now.." Xavier says in a low tone. "You tattled on us because you were a pitiful child, with an even more pitiful childhood." He continues. Yikes.. low blow.. Aamon clenches his fists, and you tap both of them down. "Okay. No. Aamon- this is for the Empire's sake, remember?" Your attempts were short lived as Aamon suddenly grips your hand and pulls you against his chest.
"This is personal now." Aamon tells you. Xavier's chest burns as he sees the way Aamon handles you. "Is this a good way to get on our good side, Paxley?" Xavier steps closer. You were sandwiched in between them. And fuck did it made your heart race. "It's stupid how you think I care about the Knights of Light." Aamon answers. His hand moves to hold your waist, catching you off guard. Xavier's eyes flicker towards your waist, he was furious.
"Such a bold action to do to your butler." — "Do you think I care? She's my butler." The way Aamon said that was primal; possessive. Aamon did always have a thing for anyone else interacting with his possessions but— you?? "Look around." Xavier mumbles. Both you and Aamon were reminded of the fact that you were in the dining room. Sure, no one was looking; but for what it would imply..
"You want her, and so do I." Your ears grow red when you hear this. What the fuck..! You were almost 100% sure that Xavier just wanted to get reacquainted with you. But now this just fucked up what you thought before. Xavier's gaze went to look at your face, before he looked back at Aamon. "Back at that cat litter, you took her away. You owe me at least the duration of this break to catch up with her, no?" Aamon clicks his tongue and pulls you with him. Xavier follows, and all three of you managed to get into a vacant room and locked the door.
The room you went in coincidentally had a bed, and before you could even have a say in the matter, both men had their hands all over you. Xavier was feeling your chest, and Aamon, who had surprised you a lot this entire.. situation? Began to kiss your neck. Well, kissing is too much of a light word. Aamon was biting your neck, leaving deep bite marks that won't go away for a day or two.
He licked, sucked, and did whatever things you thought he wouldn't do to you; he held your arms to your side as Xavier began to unbutton your uniform. His hands work quickly as he pulls off your bra and begins to suck on your chest. Moaning softly as he notices how shaky you've gotten over this entire thing. You gasp, both Xavier and Aamon had their mouths on you and didn't care about the marks and consequences it would cause.
"Not.. Aamon don't.." You were breathless. Trying to stop Aamon as he continues leaving marks on your neck. "It'll be seen-." — "Be a good butler and shut up." He practically growls. Xavier whined at the lack of attention, and thus pulled down your trousers. His hands pull apart your thighs as he pulls your underwear down with his teeth. The cold air makes you gasp, your head craning down to watch.
Aamon didn't like that. He didn't want you to look at Xavier. He takes your chin, turns it towards his face and kisses you deeply. Tongue and all. You squirm against his iron hold as Xavier licks at your clit. The sensation of his tongue, furiously flicking that small bud up and down made you tremble and shake. You moan against the kiss, and Aamon moans in return. Xavier lifts up your thighs and places it on his shoulders, he continues to lap at your core.
Clothes. Oh shit Xavier's clothes! He was getting it wet with all your arousal and if anyone notices-. The thought makes your head spin, and you let out a loud, yet muffled whimper. Face bucking up into Xavier's mouth as you come. Aamon pulls back from the kiss. Looking down at Xavier with a glare. Xavier didn't reciprocate, as he licks you clean and stands up, between your legs. You were being held up by Aamon, and was about to get fucked by Xavier.
Were you in heaven?? "Don't you dare put it in before me." Aamon warns. His hand loops under both your arms as the other moves down to remove his pants. Xavier was annoyed at that, but if he argued, he knows Aamon would just walk away with you, no further discussion. So he complied. Pulling his pants down a little to let his cock free. As you were distracted, Aamon guided his cock into your core and lowered you onto him.
You were caught off guard once again, and you let out a small whine of pain. "Shh.." Aamon buried his head in your neck as Xavier stepped closer to you and kissed you tenderly. Your heart, despite running a mile a minute, skipped a beat at the kiss. "I tried to find you.." He whispered. Aamon heard that. Out of jealousy, he began pumping his hips, pushing his cock and out of your pussy in a quick, but soft pace. The movement causes you to moan, and you throw your head back against Aamon's shoulder.
You couldn't see it, but Xavier was stroking his cock. His eyes were locked onto where you and Aamon were connected. He pumped his hand to the pace Aamon was holding and moaned. Aamon pulled back from your neck, seeing you were fucked out of your mind, he smirked. He then looked at Xavier, taunting him. "She's so tight. Can't fit another one in here." Aamon chuckles. Xavier stops and looks at him with a glare. "Is that a challenge?"
"Maybe." Without wasting any time, Xavier smeared his pre-cum over your clit, stimulating you even more as you whimper and cried. "Wh- what are you-" You began to stutter. Aamon pulls your face close to his, your eyes bulge out of your sockets as you feel Xavier push the tip of his cock inside of you. Aamon groaned, the tight space got tighter as Xavier bottoms out inside of you. How was that possible..?!
"Fuck.. good kitten, taking us both.." Xavier mumbles, you almost mistook it as dirty talk until you notice how fucked out he looked. He looked high. They both begin moving their hips; Xavier out—Aamon in.. the sensation, the pace, it makes you cry out in pure pleasure. They start to leave marks on your body again. As if competing to leave the most marks on you. Your hands were flailing around, you didn't even know what to hold onto as their pace began to quicken. They lost the tempo that they had and you were being stuffed— sometimes half full, and sometimes empty.
They were molding you to the shape of their cocks, and you didn't even know if you loved it or hated it. Aamon, whom you still somewhat hated but have now begun warming up to, was fucking you. And Xavier, whom you haven't met since you were a kid was rubbing your clit— wait. He was rubbing your clit!
The stimulation made you come a second time, and the moment you tightened up, they both bottomed out. Spilling their essence into you like you won't even get pregnant.
Silence filled the room, aside from the heavy breathing and the light smooching as they leave even more marks on your body. Aamon let go of you, now holding onto your waist as Xavier pulled out. Kneeling down to clean up the mess they made inside of you before standing back up. "Are you okay?" They asked at the same time. You were unresponsive.
Aamon sighed and carefully laid you down on the bed. Xavier pulls his pants back up and clears his throat. "Does she have anything else to change into?" He asks. Aamon shook his head. "We didn't bring anything else." He then looks down at you; you were now unconscious. He smiles a little and brings you to the bathroom inside the room.
Xavier went out to get some water for you. And to also find some clothes for you to wear. He didn't expect to have a threesome with you and Aamon when he had just reunited with you, but that wasn't the priority right now. The priority was to find you some clothes.
They might not be getting along now, but for you, they'll try.
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gffa · 1 year
Hi! I've got a 12 hour flight in a few days, so by any chance do you have any more star wars fic recs? I love your rec lists, they're so detailed and amazing and always such amazing recs!
Hi! I have been slowly plunking away at doing a recs list and here are some slightly longer fics (and a couple epics thrown in for fun) I've enjoyed that should hopefully round out your reading list! ✦ wayfinding by night by wrennette, obi-wan & luke & cast, time travel, 10.2k     Before him stood a fellow Jedi, worn and weary with loss. Obi-Wan finds himself on Ahch-To and helps Luke find a path through his grief.  ✦ Birds Fly in Different Directions by Triscribe, jedi & clones, time travel, 14.6k     In the corridor beyond her quarters, other Jedi were emerging from their own doors, most of them wide-eyed with shock. A few merely looked blearily concerned, and Aayla heard snatches of questions as she darted past, queries as to whether everyone experienced the same distressing vision. But those who clutched at their chests or throats, their weak points- those Jedi bore a muted horror in their eyes, and Aayla didn’t doubt they’d just suffered their own betrayals from trusted men.  ✦ Off-by-one Error by Jessepinwheel, obi-wan & cast, 12.2k     A stranger appears in the Jedi Temple. Nobody knows who he is or where he came from. Nobody knows what has happened to him except that it must have been something truly terrible. The stranger’s name is Obi-Wan Kenobi.  ✦ Loth-Cats and Loth-Rats by TessaDoesThings, mace & depa & kanan & ezra, 19k     All Mace Windu wanted out of the Post-Clone Wars world was a simple trip with his lineage to the long-forgotten Jedi Temples of the Outer Rim. However, on Lothal, the three might have bitten off more than they expected. The Republic may have triumphed, but the roots of what could have become the empire are gripped in the corners of the galaxy, and it might be time for some aggressive space weeding. Or a coup d'etat. That would work too. ✦ Unexpected Awakening (The Rewrite) by Rhiw, obi-wan & bruck & qui-gon & feemor & cast, time travel, 130.2k wip The life of General Kenobi is cut short at the hands of his Padawan, but the sight that greets his eyes upon awakening is not that of blinding light of the Force, but the Jedi Temple he knew when he was still a youth. As he struggles to understand the path laid out before him, Obi-Wan unwittingly captures the attention of a singularly unusual Temple Guard, and that of a reluctant Qui-Gon Jinn. ✦ Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi stonefreeak, obi-wan & anakin & padme & bail & palpatine & various jedi, 115.6k wip By an old Republic law, all members of the Jedi High Council are senators in the Galactic Senate, and can thus be voted in as chancellor. A Senator from a less prominent planet has had enough of Chancellor Palpatine's incompetence and calls for a Vote of No-Confidence and the installation of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. This one action becomes the catalyst that changes the direction of the galaxy. ✦ Reprise by Elfpen, obi-wan & qui-gon & mace & anakin & cast, time travel, 558.8k wip Ben Kenobi dies aboard the Death Star in the year 0 BBY. He wakes up shortly thereafter in the Jedi temple in the year 41 BBY. Haunted by memories and regret, Ben must forge a new path for himself in the Jedi Order of his youth while navigating the murky waters of time travel. Crafting a better future from bitter experience is hard, but learning to heal is even harder. ✦ The Intruder by Hollyoakhill, obi-wan & original clone characters, 82.5k When a vicious attack from a strange, indestructible monster traps them on a derelict star destroyer, a young clone trooper fresh from Kamino join forces with Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi to find a way to escape.
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jackhues · 1 year
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―the devil and the runaway au!
Contrary to popular belief, the Devil doesn’t have red skin, graphite horns, and a wickedly sharp tail. He’s not a fallen Angel, he doesn’t carry a pitchfork, and he definitely doesn’t look like a monster.
The Devil wears three piece suits, expensive watches, and can hit a running target from about a hundred metres away. He’s the heir to an Empire, he carries fourteen knives and three guns on him at all times, and he’s got killer dimples.
He’s heartless, the people of Monte-Carlo whisper. His prince-like eyes and silver-tongued compliments will pull you in... before he leaves you with a bullet between the eyes.
The people of Monte-Carlo know better than to catch the eye of the Devil. 
You knew better.
And yet there you are, hiding from the chaos around you, calling for help with the Devil's own phone.
Y/N lived for her father. She spent her childhood hoping he would love her, even if he never asked for her, even if he saw her as nothing but a weapon.
Y/N lived for her lover. Teenage sweethearts, loved by her father, this was the one person who Y/N hoped would change her life. He did... just not for the better.
Y/N lives for her son, Nico. Two years old, and a mixture of the past she ran away from, she never realized she could love someone as much as this tiny human.
Charles wants Y/N to live for herself.
The Ferras
The Ayrbees
The Mercs
The Martins
The Lars
this is a mafia!charles leclerc x reader!au. that being said, there will be typical gang violence, death, swearing, etc
the name of the reader is y/n meadows, a 24 year old who's currently residing in monaco and is the owner of a small cat cafe (les chats de l'amour). she resides in a two-bedroom apartment built above the cafe.
i will try to include most of the 22 grid and maybe even the new members of the 23' grid, but idk if they'll all be there
the gangs are based off of ferrari (ferras), mercedes (mercs), redbull (ayrbees), the martins (aston martin), and mclaren (lars). there will be interchanging between the gangs/teams, meaning ppl who drive for mercedes might be with the ferras and vice versa. it's just a loose basing
the lars are a small gang
the prema boys are based off of prema racers / fda, and is the step below being a member of the ferras
google translate was used for anything i don't know how to say in other languages
this will most likely have a prologue + 10 parts of about 3k words each!
be sure to like, rb and comment as it makes me really happy!
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
Hi!!! I was wondering if you could write a steamy imperial tech x rebel fem reader? If that’s ok with you. I really love your writing! ❤️
Simple Chemistry
Summary: You and Tech have been playing a game of cat and mouse for what seems like months. It was only a matter of time before things came to a head.
Pairing: Imperial! Tech x Rebel F!Reader
Word Count: 1668
Warnings: Some smut
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: So. This is based in an AU type setting where Crosshair's chip never activated, but the rest of the Batchers did. So Crosshair was raising Omega alone, and they ended up joining the Rebellion because it's just him. I hope this is close to what you wanted!
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“Well, well, well,” A small grin plays on your painted lips as you saunter over to the tall man leaning against the wall, “Look at what the tooka dragged in. I never expected to see you, of all people, in a place like this.”
This was a club.
One of your favorite clubs, for that matter. With dimmed lights interspersed with blinding strobe lights of different colors and loud, thrumming music that you can feel down to your bones.
This is a regular haunt of yours. You’ve recruited more than one young, hot-blooded young person for the Rebellion here. And you have no intention of stopping.
Even if the Empire found it.
Of course, Tech isn’t dressed like an Imp right now. Clever, he never would have been allowed in if he had been wearing the stark gray uniform of the Imperial Army. 
His dark eyes remain locked on your face, and your smile doesn’t waver.
“Well?” You prod as you lean into his personal space, “What brings you to my domain, darling?”
“I am not your darling.” Tech finally says, his lips twisting as he says the pet name that you bequeathed to him months ago.
“So you keep claiming, darling. And yet, you’re here. And you haven’t taken your eyes off me since I got here.” Your voice is light and conversational as if you’re not talking to someone who’s been hunting you for months.
This isn’t the first time you and Tech have met face to face. You’re both very talented at what you do, and you’ve been playing a game of cat and mouse with him, leading him on a wild chase across the galaxy…leading him away from the other rebels.
He almost caught you several months ago, but you managed to escape with the timely assistance of his own twin brother and younger sister. Though, you’re willing to bet that Tech doesn’t know that.
His eyes narrow at you, “I should take you in for questioning.” He says curtly.
“Oh? For what?”
“You are a member of the Rebel Alliance.” He snaps, his eyes flashing, “And you are a criminal.”
You laugh, “Prove it.”
He scowls at you, “I do not have to prove it.”
“Aww, sweetling,” You splay your hand on his chest, and you feel his breathing stutter, “We both know that the word of a clone is next to worthless to the Imps.”
He stiffens, and glowers at you. Likely because he knows you’re right. 
You grin at him, and hook your fingers in the material of his blacks, “Let’s dance, darling.”
“I did not come here to dance.” Tech says, “I came to arrest you.”
“Oh? That’s too bad. Because I came here to dance. And if you won’t dance with me, I’m sure I can find someone to keep me company.” You say lightly as you turn away from him and scan the crowd for someone else to keep you company.
A strong hand wraps around your thin wrist, and you glance at Tech over your shoulder. It would be so easy for him to hurt you, he’s so much stronger than you are, but his touch is gentle.
“Changed your mind, have you?” You ask with a sly smile.
“I am not letting you out of my sight.” Tech says.
“Lovely!” You twist your wrist and take his hand, pulling him onto the crowded dance floor, and then you press your body against his, your arms sliding around his neck. “There,” You say, your lips brushing against his ear, “Isn’t this better.”
He’s tense against you, but slowly his hands settle on your waist.
You grin at him and you lazily start to move against him, and his grip tightens on your waist. 
“Relax, darling.” You coo against his ear, “It’s just dancing.”
Slowly, very slowly, the tension drains out of his body, as he starts dancing with you. And even more slowly, one of his hands slides down until it’s resting against your ass and his other hand slides up to rest on the back of your neck.
It’s a very possessive hold, and you can’t help but wonder if he realizes he’s doing it.
Not that you mind one way or the other. If you had a problem with being felt up by the man you’re pressed against, you wouldn’t have dragged him to the dance floor.
You consider him for a moment. It’s going to be a bitch to extricate yourself from him at the end of the night, you know. And if you want to be smart, you’d put an end to this now.
But if you were smart, you wouldn’t have become a Rebel in the first place.
Lazily, almost carelessly, you press your lips below his ear in a light kiss. And Tech curses, a low groan falling from his lips. 
Score. One point for the Rebel Scum.
You grin against his skin at his reaction and lightly nibble on the same spot.
This time his groan is a little louder and his hips jerk against yours. 
“Ooh, you like that then,” You murmur in his ear.
Tellingly, Tech doesn’t reply to you, but you didn’t expect him to, not really.
“That’s okay,” You whisper soothingly, “It’s a very normal reaction, Tech. No judgment. And no teasing. Not from me.”
He doesn’t react for a moment, but then his grip tightens. His fingers bite into the skin on the back of your neck and of your ass, and you know you’ll have bruises. 
Tech pulls you back slightly, his gaze dark as he scans your face, and then there’s a flash of something soft, gone so quickly that you think you must have imagined it. 
Then his lips are on yours. 
The kiss is hot and desperate, as if he’s trying to replace everything that you are with himself.
He’s a surprisingly good kisser, his teeth and tongue working in unison to leave you breathless and clinging to him. 
Even with all of that, you’re surprised when he tugs you off of the dance floor and down a narrow hall. And you’re even more surprised when he leads you into a small storage room, and he locks the door behind him with a rough hit of the door panel.
And then you’re pressed against the door, surprisingly gently, and his lips are against yours again. His hands, rough and calloused, dip under the hem of your shirt, and drag against your stomach pleasantly. 
“Not in here to kill me, I take it?” You breathe against his lips.
“Annoying.” Tech replies, as he grips the hem of your shirt and pulls it over your head, and then he pauses, his gaze lingering on your bare breasts. “...you are not wearing a bra.”
“Nope.” He blinks at you, adorably flustered, and you grin, “I’m not wearing underwear either.”
A myriad of emotions cross his face, “Why?”
“Why am I not wearing any undergarments?” You ask, “Because I came here to get laid, Tech.”
The emotions finally settle on stark jealousy, “Did you?”
You laugh, your head falling back against the door, “Oh, darling, I’m in a locked storage room, half naked, with you. You silly, jealous man.”
He looks slightly sheepish for a moment, and then he glances at the miniskirt you’re wearing, “How often do you go bare-?”
“More often than not.” You say with a shrug.
Tech stares at you for a long moment, and then he releases a curse in another language, and crashes his lips against yours again, his hands burning a path across your breasts, and over your ribs, “I want you.” He gasps against your lips, “Need you.”
“You have me, Tech.” You whisper as you slide your hands under his shirt, tracing his muscles eagerly, “I’m right here.”
He fumbles with your skirt for a moment, before just shoving it up and out of the way. His long fingers slide across your thighs, taking his time to memorize the feel of your skin against him.
“Come back to the Empire with me,” He breathes as he slides his fingers a little further up your thigh, “I will protect you. No one will hurt you-” He’s pleading with you, half begging you, and you smile at him gently.
“No.” You pull him into a deep kiss as his fingers lightly glide across your clit and you release a gasping moan, before you control yourself again. He needs to hear this. “All it takes for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” You shudder as he eases his finger inside you and curls it, “Kriff, Tech-”
“You will not be safe.” Tech whispers, “Let me protect you.”
“No.” You repeat, through breathless moans, and you press your hands against his cheeks, “Freedom is worth fighting for.”
He closes his eyes and presses his forehead against yours, “I want you to be mine.”
“I will not sacrifice my freedom for safety.”
He crashes his lips against yours, his tongue sliding against yours, and he slides his fingers out of you, pulling a whine from your throat. 
Tech tugs you away from the door and sits you on a crate, settling himself between your thighs, “Was only a matter of time,” He mutters against your lips.
“What was?” You gasp out the words as he trails his fingers over your bare body. 
“This. Us.”
You laugh breathlessly, “Too much chemistry?”
“Something like that.” He agrees, and he flashes you a slightly lopsided smile, before he kisses you again. 
And, for now, you lose yourself in him. In his lips and his touch. It’ll be twice as hard to pull yourself from him after this, he’ll hunt you to the ends of the galaxy.
But you have a pretty good feeling that, given enough time, you can get Tech to flip.
That’s a problem for later. For now, you have an attractive man wholly dedicated to bringing you pleasure, and that’s more important than anything to you.
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cicerfics · 2 months
Headcanons: How knowledgeable are the MI6 staff about the workplace gossip mill?
OK, just ONE more headcanons post before Fest is done!
This one is about our favorite characters and their ability (or lack thereof) to stay abreast of the hot goss circulating at HQ.
Moneypenny: THE gossip queen of MI6. Knows all, sees all, but does not TELL all. She always has the 411 on what's going on with MI6 personnel, but she's very discreet. She plays her cards close to her vest, and generally turns a blind eye to matters that do not concern her, M, important political matters, or internal security. Still, whether she discloses her knowledge or not, she absolutely knows which canteen worker spent the night with which member of Accounting while his wife was out of town. 👀
Bond: Very good at keeping his finger on the pulse and his ear to the ground. Generally very knowledgeable about the MI6 gossip mill. However, he is hamstrung by the fact that he spends so much of his time abroad. He has several key employees (well-placed in various departments) that he checks in with whenever he returns to HQ. He applies to Moneypenny as well and tries to weasel information out of her. Nine times out of ten, his sources help him stay up to date!
(After his retirement from the double-oh sector, Bond and Moneypenny develop a hand-in-glove relationship. Bond scouts around and collects gossip from satellite government offices and various London hotels. Meanwhile, Moneypenny collects intel from committee meetings and whispers in the halls outside M's office. Then she and Bond have lunch meetings to swap intel. Bond is a great asset to Moneypenny's gossip empire!)
Q: Perennially oblivious to gossip. Knows literally Nothing about who is shagging whom, or who has a workplace beef with whom. He is VERY busy and important and occupied with everything from complex mathematical equations to budget proposals! He simply has NO TIME to dawdle in the breakroom and no desire to go to after-dinner drinks with the minions! He wants to go home to his cats and SLEEP!
Anyway, this leads to awkward situations where Q attends the office holiday party and naively asks a fellow department head if her husband is in attendance...not realizing that this particular employee had a quiet (though very bitter and contentious) divorce four months prior. Oops! R and Moneypenny take to briefing Q on a regular basis to help him avoid these embarrassing lapses.
R: Extremely knowledgeable about all goings-on in Q-branch. She is, however, utterly indifferent to anything outside her own kingdom. Could not care less whether that man in Accounting is cheating on his wife. However, she knows all there is to know about what the R&D interns and ballistics techs get up to in their free time.
Tanner: He oversees literally all Internal Security business and receives regular updates from multiple people (Moneypenny included). So he is very much up to date. Not interested in gossip for gossip's sake, though. He just wants to be sure nobody is doing anything that will jeopardize national security or leave MI6 open to a sexual harassment lawsuit. When it comes to personal matters between consenting individuals...well. Tanner is very expert at turning a blind eye.
He saw Bond and Q flirting while fondling a gun that Q was passing over to Bond? No, he didn't. He happened to be looking at the wall clock, and he saw NOTHING. Thank you for your understanding!
Mallory: I feel like Mallory is always on the cutting-edge of political gossip. He knows EVERYTHING about the movers-and-shakers in the government. Absolutely everything. He is always 100% caught up on that mess. He is significantly less knowledgeable about what his employees get up to, though. Most of his time is spent liaising with foreign intelligence agencies, pushing through requests for additional funding, or fending off the interference of MI5. For better or for worse, he relies heavily on Moneypenny and Tanner to keep him caught up on internal matters.
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ruvi-muffin · 4 months
C3e95 "lore" notes
Interrogating Astrid: (that's It tbh i got Distracted)
The Cerberus Assembly
• TCA have been relocating resources to foreign factions in secret
• The older CA members have been converting the younger members
• Many CA members are working with the vanguard
• TCA are all trying to undermine each other (ye we been knew)
• Absolute Empire control over Eiselcross
• Shadow war in eisselcross for the past seven years
• Ludnus spent 5 years in the genesis ward and beyond
• Asociate let "Ocoltus Thalamus" slip. (Possibly a location in the genesis ward).
• Trent was the closest asociate to Ludinus before he was put in prison
• Ludinus has a weird itch at the back if his neck and it scared him that Astrid saw. Astrid has theories about it.
• Astrid is not working with Ludinus
• Lidinus never tried to convert Astrid
• Astrid threw a Coup ???
• Astrid would not "bend the knee" due to "an old friend"
• Astrid asessed who the hells were and who they look like (oh boy) and now Knows they work for Keyleth (oops)
• Astrid is wearing a clasp on her robes, leather armour, detailed, small chain mail, two rings on her left hand (weding bands ??!!), and on her right pinkie and index
• (Astrid is in marketing) (lol)
• Astrid does Not wanna go to eisselcross (valid)
• Astrid has a white fluffy cat (!!!)
• Astrid's cat's name is Prudence (!!!)
• Astrid is reading the Gale and the Raven, she thinks it's "trite" and she doesn't have a favourite book yet. She is fun at parties still.
• Caleb!Liam jokes that essek is "super short" when he's not floating
• Essek has not been actively pursuing the assembly in the way caleb and beau has
• A terrible flaming bird of black and purple fire flew over the city before being stoped
• Essek is helping the hells as a "favour"
These are proof read like Once but !! I tried, i just wanted to type it all out tbh
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theriverbeyond · 3 months
this literally just hit me after reading nona like a year ago - do you think pash and we suffer etc, their names are transliterated via nona brain like the kids’?
I don't think so! Crown, Pash, Wake, We Suffer are all full members of blood of Eden, who all take on names that are 3 parts. From Crown and Wake + info from the glossary in HtN, we can assume the general format is [Literature/poetry quote] + [national anthem] + [song].
Wake and We Suffer we also know are literally named "We Suffer and We Suffer", and "Awake Remembrance of These Valiant Dead Kia Hua Ko Te Pai Snap Back to Reality Oops There Goes Gravity" because we hear their names via Judith and Gideon-in-Harrow respectively, neither of whom have Nona's internal language translator.
Whereas Hot Sauce, Honesty, Born in the Morning, Beautiful Ruby etc are all children. Born in the Morning's fathers are active, and but HE as a child is not (and therefore hasn't taken on a BOE name). There's also an interesting bit where Hot Sauce and co actually denounce BOE as all being "Fat cats", and essentially not radical enough, accusing them of being in the pocket of the Empire. So yeah, none of them are BOE members when we meet them in NtN.
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brunhielda · 3 months
Because this is becoming THAT blog-
The one where I review old movies we all have already seen, but I personally, have not seen for years until recently.
I just watched “An American Tale.”
If you were a child of the 90s, you just thought- “There are No Cats in America 🎶? THAT American Tale?”
If you had that thought, you likely already know. If you have not had the absolute joy- buckle up. I am going to rant about a classic.
First of all- This is Don Bluth.
His movies do not get worse with age.
They get BETTER.
And American Tale is example number ONE.
No, it is not fond memories or nostalgia glasses, you can breath, and then go treat yourself to a viewing.
Secondly- the man did not dumb down or sanitize his history.
He said “I’m going to tell the immigrant story” and then opened with a fucking ethnic cleansing.
I said what I said.
The movie is set in the early Russian Empire, a time full of anti-Semitic sentiment and enforced laws, also seen in “Fiddler on the Roof.” Fiddler on the roof might actually be tamer on the subject.
Every other historical note in this movie is on point and easy enough to look up in a history book, if you have the common sense to realize that names have been altered.
The Statue of Liberty was not built by a pigeon, for example. It was built by a Frenchman. (Frederic Auguste Bartholdi).
I don’t know of an “honest John,” but I did guffaw out loud when he started taking names of the dead at funerals to add to his vote count. Ghost votes were very real, one of the reasons people are still so twitchy about voter fraud today.
I do not recall a moment in 1886 when the minorities of New York managed to run off prominate members of authority… but with how on point everything else is? It would not shock me.
Thirdly- Bluth DID NOT FLINCH
I don’t remember who said it first, but both Bluth and Spielberg had a belief that you could put very sad and scary things in children’s films, as long as the ending was happy.
This movie has multiple nightmare moments. Cats, monster waves, more cats, bugs and fish, and of course, the horrifying “Mouse of Minsk” (iykyk).
The thing is, it’s not even how they are drawn. Like, yes, the image is scary, but it’s the storytelling around it. It’s the lighting change. The soundtrack. The horrific sound effects. Seriously- whoever did foley on this film deserves all the awards- you make me scared of the kitty kats, and I LOVE cats. 🐈
Some people will question whether or not it is appropriate for small children. I would say maybe wait until they are six, and watch it with them, but they should watch scary things if they can. Being scared in appropriately safe space teaches you how to react to fear and handle moments when you are scared in real life. It is my major argument for Halloween. But each parent has to do as they think is best for each individual child. In any case, watch this one first before showing it to your kids- definitely more scary than you remember.
Finally- the animation on this film is a national treasure. I honestly hope this film is in the Library of Congress collection.
There are animation techniques here that don’t exist anymore.
Sparks. Sparkles. Glimmers. Stars in the Night Sky. Smoke billows.
Actually, I almost paused the film on a smoke billow. Sony is doing some things in the recent “Spiderverse” trilogy that are insane- and part of it is their mixed animation.
All the smoke billows? Hand drawn.
They look the same as Bluth’s smoke in this film, which is making me wonder if one of their artists studied under him. Maybe not- maybe they just did their homework on good hand drawn cloud formations. Either way, realizing how close they got to the master work in this film made me appreciate them even more.
Speaking of insane animation-
I don’t know WHO Bluth felt he had to show off to, but this man could DRAW WATER and he fucking knew it.
Like water is hard to do, ok? Like hands, Da Vinci had notebooks full of sketches of the substance, proving it to be the bane of the artistic existence.
Most water in hand drawn animation comes in two forms-
Flat water color with pretty things floating in it to distract you-
Or drawn over a live video of water that they spliced into the image.
Even that was hard to do, and they used a technology no longer available to us. It looks pretty cool honestly.
But no, not DON fucking BLUTH.
Not only can this man hand draw water without the underlying video, but he draws it moving in multiple different ways. He shows it from the top, side, and sinking underneath (with moving bubbles and shifting light, no flat blue for him).
The more I watched this film, the more I realized that if Milt Kahl had the head swaggle, Don Bluth had water, and by God was he going to use it.
He wrote plots AROUND the idea of water, so he could showcase it in every scene. “Rock-a-doodle,” and “Pebble and the Penguin” come to mind. “Anastasia,” “Thumbelina” and “All Dogs Go to Heaven” all feature action scenes in water. Heck- the one in “All Dogs Go To Heaven” came out of no where, and makes so much more sense if it was just Bluth wanting to show off.
“An American Tale” had the travel by boat sequence and our main hero being thrown over board. He could have left it there. NOPE. There were puddles and sewers and fire hoses and action scenes at the docks.
And the few scenes without water? Let’s throw some scary sparks in there. Maybe some smoke billowing. For funzies.
Also- we’re going to have a Love Song with the most incredible Night Sky you have ever seen and a Comedic song featuring fun house mirror distorted reflections because WHY NOT???
I think he was trying to make sure Disney regretted him leaving, the way you dress up when you know your toxic ex will be there, and I love that for him. 🩷
Also- the backgrounds are all beautiful water color. I love a good water color.
Also- yeah, the sound track holds up. The songs are just as catchy as they ever were- if you have ever seen this movie you WILL find yourself singing along.
As previously mentioned, when it comes to the scary parts, the composer UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT and the music easily fits into a good horror film.
And finally- the music at the finale when everything is made right, and the happy ending is finally here, is the most heart breaking thing you will ever hear. You will cry. Watch the movie, but bring the tissues. 🤧
This movie is definitely worth a watch.
This movie is more than worth a watch, it should be mandatory for elementary history and college animation classes alike.
But also it’s just fun. 🤩
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kittynumyum · 5 months
So I don't really make a lot of posts for my tmnt iteration where it's just only text, since I mostly prefer to show my iteration through my drawings. But, I figured I might as well do this so you guys get to know a bit about the main characters that are going to be part of my story, so here we go!
Character Summary List:
The Boiz:
Leonardo: Leader in Blue. Centered arc is the first arc.
Raphael: Big and red and always ready for a fight. Centered arc is Yokai Uprising Arc
Michaelangelo: Orange and one of a kind. Centered arc is City at War Arc
Donatello: Purple and rocks machines. Centered arc is Galactic Frontier Arc
Other Main Characters:
Splinter: The turtles' rat sensei/father. Is Hamato Yoshi and has a tragic family backstory.
April O'Neil: The turtles' first best friend since they were kids. Currently a college student. Is besties with Donnie.
Casey Jones: The turtles' second best friend (Raph meets them first when they were younger, then the others during the present). Hockey player and vigilante. Has a dorky crush on April. Is besties with Raph.
Keno: The turtles' third best friend. High school student who works part time at his family owned pizza place and is badass at martial arts. Is besties with Mikey.
Metalhead: A turtle robot created by Donnie to assist the turtles through medical needs. Eventually, with Donnie's programming, they gain some sentient and becomes more willing to help out the team in any way they can.
The Mighty Mutanimals:
Old Hob: A mutant cat from TCRI, who originally started the gang. Once had a thing against humans due to being experimented on by them, but now wants to help protect the city and his friends.
Slash: A giant mutant spiked sea turtle from TCRI, who was overmutated from an ooze explosion. He started as a frenzied monster, but is soon healed by Dr. Rockwell. He leads the Mighty Mutanimals.
Leatherhead: A mutant alligator from TCRI
Mondo Gecko: A mutant gecko from TCRI
Dr. Rockwell: A mutant monkey. Was originally a human scientist who worked alongside Stockman at TCRI, but experiments went wrong in where he got turned into a monkey, (but he seems unphased with that situation ig lmao)
(And in short, they are all very close friends with Mikey)
Foot Clan:
Shredder: Leader of the Foot. Is responsible for the death of Yoshi's family. Main antagonist of the first arc.
Karai: Shredder's adoptive daughter. One of the members of the Foot Elite (Is viewed as the weakest Foot Elite, even Shredder views this). Is frenemies with Leo.
Tatsu (AKA: Tiger Claw): A mutant tiger who was originally human. Leader of the Foot Elite and is second-in-command of the Foot
Chris Bradford (AKA: Rahzar): A mutant wolf who was originally human. Member of the Foot Elite and is in charge of taking care of the new and upcoming recruits. He also becomes a better father figure for Karai.
Bebop: A mutant warthog who was originally human. Besties with Rocksteady.
Rocksteady: A mutant rhino who was originally human. Besties with Bebop.
Jennika: A mutant turtle who was originally human. She was the youngest member of the Foot Elite (is actually better than Karai).
Outer Space:
Fugitoid: A robot who was once a scientist but got his mind transfered to a robot. Is the one who originally formed the rebellion against the Triceraton Empire.
Mona Lisa: An alien salamander who is a gladiator fighter in the Triceraton Arena. She helps Donnie with his survival and skills in fighting in the arena.
Tokka: An alien turtle who decides to tag along the turtles' adventure.
Traximus: A triceraton guard who is secretly working with Fugitoid in the fight against the Triceraton Empire. He helps Donnie in finding a way to escape, as well as a way to take down the Triceratons' planet buster weapon that they have abused its power with.
Emperor Zanramon: Leader of the Triceraton Empire. Main antagonist of Galactic Frontier Arc.
Captain Mozar: Second-in-command of the Triceraton Empire.
Hidden City:
Baron Draxum: A goat yokai who is the leader of the Hidden City. Main antagonist of the Yokai Uprising Arc.
Huginn and Muninn: Baron Draxum's loyal pets.
Koya: A falcon yokai who is the general of the yokai army.
Miyamoto Usagi: A rabbit yokai who was formerly a warrior for Baron Draxum. He then helps the turtles in taking down Baron Draxum.
Alopex: A fox yokai who is the leader of the yokai rebellion.
Venus: A mutant turtle. Was created by Baron Draxum as a weapon against the turtles.
The Pantheon:
Kitsune: A fox yokai who is the eldest of the Pantheon. She is known for her variety of mystic powers and tricks. She is first seen in the Shredder Arc, where she is Shredder's right hand other than Tatsu. She is then seen again in the Yokai Uprising Arc, where she is Draxum's right hand.
Tengu: An eagle yokai who is the second eldest of the Pantheon. He is known for his mystic powers in weather-like abilities (thunder, earthquakes, etc.). He takes his duties more seriously.
Bakeneko: A cat yokai who is the youngest of the Pantheon. They are known for shapeshifting and playing with fire. They are very mischievous.
Nure-onna: A snake yokai who is the second youngest of the Pantheon. She is known for her deadly poison and cataclysmic powers yes this is based off of Cat Noir, shut up. She is very scary.
Sarugami: A monkey yokai who is the middle sibling of the Pantheon. He is known for his immense strength. He does not speak at all.
Ryujin: An all powerful and evil dragon who was banished to the Twilight Realm. He wishes to destroy the entire world and recreate it in his own image. Main antagonist of Dawn of the Pantheon Arc
Other Villains:
Krang: A powerful alien race who was banished to Dimension X. They wish to conquer the entire universe and remake it in their image. Main antagonist of Zero Hour Arc.
Baxter Stockman: A mad scientist who works at the TCRI.
Bishop: A special agent of the US government and head of the EPF. Main antagonist of City at War Arc.
Hun: A crime boss who is the leader of the Purple Dragons.
Rat King: A mad man who can not only control the rats, BUT ALSO MUTANTS! Main antagonist of Mutant Madness Arc.
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ashuribbon · 1 year
Do you have any Abalone headcanons to share? I really love him as well and I wish more people talked about him!!!
I'll admit, it was hard for me to choose whether or not to answer this ask or not! Mainly since, well, a lot of people don't like Abalone Cookie (and if people followed through in A Mermaid's Tale, you can know he's one hell of a bastard stinky man). For me, it's mostly a love-hate relationship with him, since I love how well-written he is as a villain and his design and voice, but I really, REALLY don't condone his actions and just glad he got his karma.
But I know some folks want at least a bit of content of him, since they also spotted my other Abalone pic I made before the update. Soooo, me being me, I can't turn down a fan!
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In a nutshell, my depiction of him is he is basically the Scourge Warrior Cats of the sailor Cookies (but he never will be like Scourg-eclair /silly /lh) who ever lived. He isn't like Pirate Cookie where he was born from a powerful god but became evil over the years.
If anything, he was once a sailor who started from nothing but ended up building his legacy from the ground up... at least until there wasn't the day he died.
Before the rise of House Abalone, Abalone Cookie didn't start from much. He was once a sailor who provided some money for his family, having to struggle with finances to provide food and home for his family, similar to what Lord Oyster went through.
His family life was not the best either. With his siblings often teasing him for being the weakest of the bunch, he was often picked on despite his hard efforts to make his family proud. The only source of comfort was his mother, who told him legends and stories of the seas, from Gem Mermaids to the Kraken, and was the one to provide some source of comfort. He lacked a father, so it was his grandfather who had to toughen him up to survive the hardship they were in.
However, all of that changed when the crew ended up with a situation. During a lunar eclipse, the ship was "raided" by some merfolk that appeared from the ocean water (because the merfolk weren't really raiding). He remembered how it was at the time: It was like a storm he's never seen. In an effort to keep all the members of the crew and the captain alive, he took action and fired at the mermaids with one of the harpoons, before hearing a shriek and seeing all the mermaids fleeing the the scene. He didn't capture a mermaid... but instead a golden coral.
By that point, the crew who used to see him as another sailor started to respect him. The hardships slowly subsiding as he began to build a reputation for himself as the brutish sailor to exist... or by the time he got older, the brutish captain of the ship.
However, the corruption only grew after his mother went missing and his grandfather passed away from old age. And unfortunately for his siblings, he disowned them - since they've done nothing but mock him despite his efforts - and made sure they were never seen in his sights again, leaving the Abalone family in House Abalone to be just a family of one.
By that point, as he grew more powerful and became increasingly richer, he decided to pass down his ideology. Those in his crew need to work like hell in order to gain his trust, regardless if strong or weak. If anyone was caught showing disrespect or broke any boundaries, he wasn't afraid to fight them. His grandfather had to toughen him up, so he did the same with his crew. If anything, no one wanted to start a mutiny for they fear his wrath. That was how scared his crew was of him.
He would have everything he ever wanted. A legacy, a powerful empire that was called House Abalone, a reputation that can't be topped, and any of the houses in the republic would rely on him, including House Oyster. House Abalone was basically powerful at the time (at least until the events of A Mermaid's Tale where his greed made it all crashing down).
It's stated in-game that he saw himself in Lord Oyster. He knew what it was like to be seen as the runt, especially since House Oyster was in the same situation as he was in.
I also imagined he had a romantic partner too, but said romantic partner ended up a widow when he died (I might show the OC if people nag me about it).
...By the time he died, he ended up a ghost, corrupted by his own greed and forever bounded to the depths of the ocean, forever haunting the sailors who dare try to take his treasures. Legends say that one can always tell that it's his ghost by his cackling, and the appearance of a brute.
This can pretty much contrast how Pirate Cookie was. Pirate Cookie was the fire, where he loved his crew dearly and was able to at least carve his own path. Abalone Cookie, unfortunately, was the ice as he followed his wrath.
OH and lil' song playlist bonus:
This specific bit from Ren's "Money Game Part II."
King - Florence + The Machine
The Water's Fine - The Family Crest
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raccoon-crown · 4 months
I once heard someone said that Eggman invasions will feel deeper for us readers if we were to know the life mobians had pre and post them.
Let me clarify, think about like a cat family. You start with a normal family with two kittens, then after one of the battles between the heroes and Eggman Empire their place is destroyed and the kittens have to grew alone.
But they manage to get up and continue, then there comes Sonic Forces War, once again they have to run but among the other refugees they find another kitten in the same state they were before. So they decide to adopt a bro/sis.
The war ends, the planet is safe and they return to rebuild their home! They even got a little of peace to get to know each other better and clean the mess around their house.
Then there comes the Metal Virus, the made up family try to shelter themselves in the house, they had to put planks over the new windows and doors and put the furniture they just fixed cleaned over them to secure themselves.
But it's all in vain when those that used to be their neighbors got in, the oldest try to protect the youngest but eventually the cat family ends up walking between the infected.
Days go by and Sonic and Silver save the day, the whole family wake up and celebrate that the three of them didn't got separated during the infection.
Then they hear a saw meow not far, just to find, to their bad luck, another's lost kitten who doesn't know where it is or where are their parents. The oldest ones take a decision and take the kitten with them again.
So, at the end the family had a new member each time, one for every calamity they end up suffering.
They end up losing their home over and over, but they keep fighting for the family they had and even the one they may gain
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blade-liger-4ever · 2 months
So, I've decided to start something.
Well, a series of somethings.
I've had some Star Wars AU ideas as of late, which I'm thinking of turning into little ficlets that will be posted on Tumblr. If I feel bold enough from my experiences here, I may transfer them over to my WordPress account, but time will tell on that front. In most of these fanfics (which hopefully won't be long - or not, we'll see), there are going to be featured a couple of OCs, as well as established character/OC relationship(s) over previously established pairings. Many of you will probably be discontent over this, however, I will do my best to explain these new pairings and why I was dissatisfied with the original love interest.
Before I get into that however, I will introduce one of these OCs, who was also inspired by the lost potential of one of Disney's most recent princesses.
Click below, and you shall see Starkiller/Galen Marek's AU love interest: Raya Karimi, descendant of the noble House of Zakuul.
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Now, before we get going, let me say something: I do not hate Juno Eclipse. I did, however, find the connection between her and Galen...a little unsettling. I am not saying it was unhealthy or toxic, nor am I saying that Juno should have never been in the same room as Galen. That said, it seemed, at least in the second game for sure, that Galen was over-relying on her and putting too much of his needs/hopes on her for his own good. And no, I'm not agreeing with what the narrative said about Vader having control over Galen so long as she lived. I think what I'm trying to say is that, she ended up being a Living Emotional Crutch for him, and that trope - whether applied to a man or woman, in real life or in fiction - deeply unsettles me. The idea that someone needs another person in order to operate as a human being, or to be kept from totally falling apart...it doesn't sit well with me, and, I suppose, scares me. I don't want that for either of them, hence a new love interest for Galen.
Now, whether or not Juno lived after that final cutscene in Force Unleashed II, I confess, for the purposes of this AU...Juno does die. In the main Star Wars universe that I envision, she does live, but for the purposes of my story, it only makes sense that she is killed by either Darth Vader or Boba Fett. Galen can only do so much to protect her, and moreover, the likelihood of either of those villains killing her is extremely high. PROXY will, quite possibly, be at least salvageable here as well; I don't yet know if he will be a series of pieces that Galen and Raya and their other two crew members will have to put back together, or have his parts integrated into a separate unit. Considering I gave Raya a revamped HK-77 assassin/protocol droid as her muscle pre-meeting Galen (HK-77s are from Legends, by the way; look them up), PROXY's role may be redundant, in which case, some of his salvageable components would be used for HK.
She will also have a small, cat-dragon hybrid known as a felico. Her name is Tapi, and I'm trying to picture her as a traditional Asiatic/Japanese dragon, but one that is small enough that she can easily climb onto someone's shoulder. I picture the same body style, but with shorter whiskers, dexterous talon-like paws, feathered wings of proper proportion, and some fur that helps her with sneaking some items off bad guys, or just all the way around enhance her cuddliness. Color wise, she might be all black or shades of gray with bright green eyes.
Raya I envision as one of the few survivors of the noble family from Zakuul, with perhaps a smidgeon of Force-sensitivity. Her family had guarded artifacts from the Old Republic Era (the time of Revan in SW:KOTOR to SW:TOR, for reference), and so she was trained in the use of both melee and ranged weapons. She was an energetic child, and a prodigy when it came to most topics, although she worked exceptionally hard to get good at working with starship systems and repairs. The Empire eventually came to Zakuul for those same artifacts, around the time Raya was twelve or fourteen. The planet attempted to fight, and was soon overpowered; however, many managed to take off with the artifacts, hiding them away from Imperial eyes. Raya was captured after one battle, and after some time, forced to watch her father's public execution. This sent her into a blind rage, and before she knew it, the squadron that had been detaining her lay at her feet in pools of blood and missing limbs. Shaken by her own actions, she managed to escape, and spent the next six or eight years bouncing across the galaxy as a freelance agent for hire. However, Raya never worked with the Empire, and even though she made apparently shady deals, it was all in the effort to locate those missing artifacts, which she managed to hide with the aid of the hidden in plain sight Jedi Haja Estree.
Following one lead on the edge of the Outer Rim/Wild Space from their efforts on Tanalorr, Raya comes across the remains of the Rogue Shadow on an unnamed planet, the owner of whom, Galen Marek, has resided in for almost a month. He's full of anger, but her stubbornness, humor, and clear disdain for the Empire manages to convince him that she is an ally and not an enemy. Working together, they leave the planet and attempt to return while being side-tracked by HK-77 picking up old, disconnected transmissions from something ancient - so ancient, in fact, that it could be a cache of artifacts from the time of Revan....
I hope you find this interesting, and if you want more, please feel free to check in for updates on it!
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