#these are based on my own worms
dazaislanderer · 6 months
some more sketches
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femzai propaganda part 2 ( ^ω^ )
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dw-flagler · 10 months
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schnee-gheist · 3 months
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weird fuckin dealer but alright
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guinevereslancelot · 2 years
babe would you still love me if we were superheroes and you were in danger and i went absolutely bonkers and crossed every moral boundary imaginable to protect you at literally any cost?
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alchemania · 1 month
Snow White Dove, Blood Stained Wings.
(Or, the Traveler has a harrowing encounter which leaves her reeling.)
There is a shivering blob of white amongst the snow of Dragonspine, and as Lumine draws closer, jet black hair accented by hot pink stands out in sharp contrast.
Oh. That's a body.
“Hello?” the blonde called, kneeling down and ignoring how the cold bit into her legs. “Can you hear me?” No answer, so she shook the smaller person a little roughly, causing a pair of snow white wings to pop up and flitter rapidly as they jolted awake. Lumine screamed and leaned back, trying to avoid getting walloped in the face, and watched as the other person hissed and grabbed their right wing- now that the Traveler looked closer, it was moving oddly …was it broken? “Here, let me help you up. There's a church down in the city,” and strong hands lift the other person out of the snow - now that she can see the face, it seems to be another young lady, and her cheeks and nose are rosy from the chill.
“..thank you,” the girl manages, leaning all her weight on the Traveler. “You are too kind..”
It doesn't take too long to get to the church, taking the teleporters. The petite young lady is tucked into a bed and told to rest, and after ensuring she'll be alright, Lumine makes way to go.
“..it seems the rumors were true, you really will help just about anyone.. I wonder if one day, that will be your downfall..”
Lumine stopped in her tracks, looking to the inhabitant in the bed in her peripheral vision. She looked so small, the blankets covering her up about to her chin, but the room suddenly felt very, veryyyyy cold.
“..what do you mean by that,” she hears herself say, by some miracle.
“Oh…don't pay me any attention,” the raven haired girl placated, waving a hand weakly. “Simply thinking aloud..”.
“..who are you,” Lumine demanded, turning fully around to face the bed as her expression hardened.
“Does that matter..? Would you have left me alone on that mountain to die if you didn't like the answer?”
“.. I don't mean you any harm, Traveler, or the people of Mondstadt, if that's what you're worried about," was the quiet reply after a long moment. "I swear it. But I'm aware you do not like the people I work with very much, and so I deemed it best to keep my mouth shut until you offered me assistance.”
“The folks you work with,” Lumine repeated almost dumbly, looking more and more rattled by the moment.
“You got one of my coworkers killed back in Inazuma. Does that ring any bells???”
Lumine can't breathe.
“You're a Harbinger?”
Rapidly, she goes down the list in her mind. Signora was dead, and she'd already met Arlecchino, so this had to be either Sandrone or Columbina.
“Which one?” she barely manages.
“The Damsel,” the girl replies easily, eyes finally opening - they're a beautiful magenta, almost mesmerizing. “Nice to meet you, Traveler. You don't have to be afraid. Like I said, I have no desire to harm you, or anyone here. It's a little disheartening to think you may have simply abandoned me if you knew who I was beforehand….. but at least that's not what happened, no? I don't know why you're so flustered, Master Childe speaks so highly of you -”
“He's NOT my friend!”
There go the wings again, slightly.
“.. we're not all horrible people, you know. Not all of us had a choice in this.”
Lumine thinks of the twins, and Freminet.
Columbina looks sad now, genuinely so.
“...Why can't you understand that?”
“Well, sorry for being a little on edge, considering some of your coworkers have tried to KILL me -”
“But I'm not them. I already said I have no interest in harming you. Do you think that I'm lying?”
Silence, painful.
“Perhaps if you stopped looking at us through your black and white lens, you'll see that we, and you, are much closer to grey than you'd like to admit -”
The door slams, the sound resounding. Lumine is gone.
Columbina closes her eyes, sighing.
“...well. You can't fault a girl for trying.”
She steeples her hands over her chest then, expression thoughtful. “The heart that forever bleeds will one day cease to beat. . I wonder if she will realize that before it's too late. I surely hope so.”
And the Harbinger slept.
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What's your all-time favorite Bob's Burgers episode? Like this is YOUR episode? (You can list multiple if you want!)
Oooh my all time all time favorite is Carpe Museum! Its the first episode featuring regular sized rudy who's one of my favorite characters now and i love how that friendship with louise started and its such a sweet bob and louise episode as well.
Its also the first time the show explores the dynamic between gene and zeke which of course gave birth to my life long love affair with genezeke, their personalities mesh so well and the silly nicknames/pet names on zekes part??? I live for that.
Its my sisters favorite episode too and bc the belchers are eerily similar to my own family its always been something my family watches and enjoys and loves together so it makes me happy that me and my sister have the same favorite episode and that fact only makes me love the episode even more.
Plus cute boblin and isn't that the first henry haber episode too? Lots of good stuff.
Close seconds include in no particular order of importance:
Gene it on (cheerleader gene lives rent free in my heart i like to think he still does it just off screen)
The runway club (breakfast club episode? The little bits of school staff lore? Especially mr branca? The cotton candy festival which i desperately want an episode about? Iconic)
Poops! I didn't do it again (when i say the belchers are eerily similar to my family this is one episode id point too and i will not elaborate)
Work hard or die trying girl (im a theater kid at heart)
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constantvariations · 3 months
Just started Roman Holiday and I want to grab E. C. Myers by the shoulders and shake him like a bobblehead
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Here's my 2.0 of Slipbang!
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qeyond · 1 year
One day I'd like to share my A oc with y'all but nervous but also I love him so dearly he's me, he's A, he's stubborn, and childish, and a smart ass but baby...
But also more than being an A oc he developed into just being my own oc and in non-death note universe, as a kid, he helps solve little mysteries around the neighborhood he grew up in with his besties Cole (originally my B oc) and Thomas (my friends oc who was a V oc) and they call themselves the Misfit Knights!!! They're all kinda misfits for one reason or another at their school and slowly become a found family type of friend group and eventually becoming the misfit knights really helps to reconnect with their classmates and community. They solve little mysteries for kids at school or in the neighborhood like "who took my backpack!!" or "the group of bullies are scaring me :(". Tho in that case they kind of just end up diverting the bullies attention to themselves, which in their opinion is a Problem Solved, even if it's Their Problem now.
Their biggest mystery and the one that jostles them all the most is The Missing Pets, which they're just kids and they haven't really interacted with criminal crimes before so they just think someone like stole them or something... ? It's very strange and they don't really realize it's like... Something that will put them in real danger until they're in the basement of the person, and close family friend of Thomas', they think is causing the pets to go missing and they See Scary Things Down There....
Anyway I'm rambling but I love them all so much and I love the idea of them all ending up in the Wammy house in some alternate reality but their bonds are shaken up and broken and weird now cuz they're older and Things Happened after/during the Missing Pets arc that really drew them apart and they either take the wammys house too seriously or it fucks their shit so bad.
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wormgremlin · 1 year
I've gotten three unnecessary, unwanted, and ultimately useless hateful comments on my fic in the first 24 hours since posting it. So a quick refresher for people out there:
First, foremost, and most concerning: If someone is in critical condition, unless you have medical training and supplies, HOSPITAL HOSPITAL HOSPITAL. That includes both urgent and emergent triage statuses (in this case, severe blood loss and abdominal wounds going into the abdominal cavity -- intestinal rupture is no joke! Nor is uroabdomen!).
Second of all, I'm sorry if you and your friends have never talked about or looked at each others boobs/chest. Genuinely. On the other hand, me and my friends make fun of each other constantly in good fun and are comfortable enough around each other to talk about our bodies. Your sexually repressed puritanical views have no place in my comments and no place in an irl queer space. Between the two of us, I am not the "weirdo."
Third of all (and whoo boy is this a long one), just because I represent a ship a certain way does not mean I condone their actions in a real life setting. Ffs, I like Hannigram. That means I definitely recommend committing malpractice, non-con drugging, and tubing your crush like a horse. Not To mention cannibalism and framing people for your own serial murders. I'm writing things based on my own experiences and perspective as a queer poc who grew up and got out of a conservative home and state. I'm writing as someone who lives paycheck to paycheck. I write as someone who still fights an internal monologue of shame and repression, of not being good enough, of bitterness and self-loathing making for a critical lens of others. I write as someone who affectionately calls my friends buffoons. As someone who has only ever used terms like "babe" as a derogatory. And I know that isn't for everyone. And I know my experiences aren't universal. But they do shape how I write. And I'm not asking you to like it. I am, however, asking you to consider how your actions affect others and click that back arrow before you say something unnecessary and rude.
Gonna be honest: the slew of asshole comments I've gotten have been more annoying in a "ooh comment oh that's disappointing, look an asshole" way than truly upsetting to me. But I thrive on spite. Not everyone does. For some people, the shit being said would be incredibly hurtful; for me, I thought worse while writing it.
And this bit didn't make the list, but deserves honorable mention: Just because you don't like the way I write something doesn't mean I hate the ship. Yeah. I spent hours of my life writing this and editing it and posting it because I hate it. Sorry, but I'm a full time grad student with a life, a job, and shit to do. I don't have time for ship phishing. I've written more than one fic for this ship, each portraying them a different way. Clearly because I hate the ship?
All of this of course to say:
If you don't like it, write your own, hon.
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sneakygreenbean · 2 years
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tesinktober / multifantober 9 - necromancer
we have fun here at Worm King Inc.
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virsancte · 1 year
Been addicted to the hsr grind and baizhu is dropping on the 2nd so if my queue runs out in the meantime i did not die....... I'm just a Gacha addict 🤕
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gayangelcrimes · 2 years
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@wormnatural ask and ye shall receive
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edwardian-sea-witch · 7 months
I forgot all about the last step to spending many dollars to get my AB, which is spending more dollars for the privilege of asking the NMC to acknowledge the existence of my application.
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crowswarm · 9 months
that post about oc/canon characters made me want to reflect on one of my older ocs
this is going in a read more its for curious minds only
if youve been here a while (were talking since 2017 at least) you probably remember one of my old icons cause you know i go months (or years) without changing it
this one
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and this one too probably
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anyway this character is named season attisian and she is (or was now ig) the self insert i made for my original work around 2016 to ship with my favorite character
anyway fun fact her appearance was based on my style savvy character
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and i redrew that orange icon in 2021
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