#these are kind of random bc I just wanted one snippet of each scene
idonthaveacontract · 2 years
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Don tells you to start over. Will you?
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lakesbian · 3 days
Will you share your twig fanfic at some point? The lil snippets into their adventures are so entertaining
ok so so far i have. one chapter thats jsut like. a rewrite picking up right after 13.11 that's like "hey what if the way the conversation about jessie liking sy/sy putting up walls went Wasnt wildly homophobic and transmisogynistic." i think it's fine and probably about as edited as it's going to get. i'm trying to add to that at least one more chapter that's about like. The ensuing shitshow (good, funny) of sy being really bad and awkward about actually starting up the relationship with jessie bc hes nervouse. but i'm struggling with finding how to reasonably plotwise add a chase scene/the general shenanigans i want to fit in it so i'm worried i'm gonna get stuck there. the ultimate goal for it would be it being a 2 or 3 chapter affair max that ends in sy & jessie properly starting their relationship. if i get really horrendously stuck i might just post the first chapter alone but id like to try to believe in myself
i have a few other snippets that were just basically like me doing the writing equivalent of doodling like. the sleeping beauty one i posted on tumblr + one re the line abt sy gifting jessie the same pen twice by accident + one re my 'why arent cigarettes in twigland super cool and packed with all kind of random shit' complaint. the only other thing thats. I Guess Finished. is like a snippet re 'hey its fucking crazy that wildbow had jessie pose as sy's fiancee when they infiltrated an academy and it was just literally never talked about' that Spiraled. and now it's 3 consecutive longer scenes that are kinda about how i think jessie & sy should be stupid in love, and kinda about how i think we should kill wildbow for not writing jessie being the world's best most functional fit for sy's psychosexual fixations, and kinda about how i think helen should have a Weird dynamic with them, and kinda about how i think it's dumb that sy never gets to have a more developed/understanding relationship with helen despite spending months living with her as a young adult. realistically i should show it to people who are not my friends at this point but Maybe I'me Shy.
and i also wanna keep working on/finish one i started that's a rewrite/continuation of a scene during the black woods quarantine bit that's about like. their fucked up sad little 17-18yo old married couple with Mortality Imminent vibe. but i feel like i wanna go back to that After i finish the stuff that's chronologically earlier? because i started it first, and i think it helped and was fun as a 'where do they go' thing, but i dunno. i might want to get things more straight in my head with the earlier stuff first even if not everything has to be perfectly consistent with each other.
initially i was envisioning just having one fic i update with snippets in each chapter but the thing is that with snippets Spiraling i dunno how i'd post things. i guess the 13.11-> rewrite would obviously be its own thing, but i don't know if the one i mentioned abt the fiancee stuff would count as its own fic vs a snippets series or What. and i should also really before i post anything have someone who 1. has amenable taste and 2. has actually fucking read twig read it and provide thoughts on if anything should be shot before it makes it out of the carriage. but also i fear we have a milquetoast enough situation going on here that it's one of those things where it's a bit silly to go "here..... Critical Review, Please" because it's not Serious Enough writing 4 that. so maybe i should just post shit who's to say
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blackjackkent · 5 months
oh my god, I want to hear all about Hec and Karlach married hahahaha
More Hec/Karlach content, you say? :D :D
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Y'all spoil me tremendously with this sort of encouragement. XD
(This is a response to my tag novel on this post about what people's Tavs/Durges would wear to their wedding.)
I really s2g I am going to write this Avernus fic at some point which I fully intend to be a longish collection of one-shots eventually leading to Karlach and Hector having a happily-ever-after which would include all this. (I have the first chapter of another Jaheira-related fic in the cooker rn and then the Avernus fic's first chapter will be up next; I'm trying to rotate my longfics a bit. XD ) So... this is all obviously subject to change based on how that fic eventually plays out.
However, with this minute bit of prompting I will indulge myself in some weapons-grade Hector/Karlach Fluff anyway. :D This is less a full fic and more some random snippets/headcanons about them getting married and afterwards.
They have a first official "commitment" to each other, sometime after arriving in Avernus. Once they're safely installed in the House of Hope as their headquarters and start settling in for the long-haul war against Zariel, they take some time to themselves in an abandoned wing of the building and make private vows to each other. (Think something like this scene from Aerie's romance in ToB.) Neither of them calls it a marriage, but deep down they both know they mean it just as strongly.
It's kind of a tossup that they will leave Avernus until right before they do; their several years of guerilla warfare in the Hells culminates in a massive multipart raid on Zariels' main headquarters; Zariel is killed along with a number of her main lieutenants, and the group gets away with a defecting infernal blacksmith and blueprints for upgrades to Karlach's heart that will allow her to finally return home.
(It's Cespenar. The infernal blacksmith is Cespenar. @rhysintherain generously donated this idea and I'm not letting go of it. XD )
Their first few weeks back in the Material Plane are spent reconnecting with friends, finding a place to live in the city, and generally being a bit shell-shocked that they actually made it out, but eventually they start trying to make real plans for the future.
They're both huge saps, and Karlach has been denied so many traditional life events because of her time in the Hells, so even though they're basically already married, Hector definitely makes a big deal out of the proposal. He STUDIES the subject deeply to try and do it right, combing through all of Baldur's Gates libraries for examples of romantic gestures, and enlists Wyll's help.
(Wyll has shipped them aggressively this whole time and is super excited about the romance of it all. I haven't decided on the details of who, but he also got involved with someone during their time in the Hells so he's not alone either, bc Wyll deserves nice things to happen to him also. <3)
With Wyll's help, Hector arranges a trip outside the city to an inn that sits on a very tall hilltop. He does his "official" proposal while they're having a picnic at a spot that has a beautiful view of the entire city, from the Outer City on in. It's super romantic and they're both giant saps about it. They both cry. (And then have sex behind some nearby bushes in a lovestruck haze.)
They don't really plan a huge ceremony. Mostly it's about having all their friends there (even dragging Lae'zel back from the Astral), and making the same commitment publicly that they made privately years earlier.
Karlach becomes oddly nervous about it as the event draws closer. She has a very slight superstitious streak and is still after all these years gunshy of how her life went so fast to shit all at once, and part of her feels like making it "official" is asking for something bad to happen. Hector spends a lot of time being comforting and reassuring her.
They have a night wedding. This is Karlach's idea - she knows Hector has missed the moonlight and its associated connection with Selune in all the time they've spent in the Hells, even though he'd never complain about it, so she ensures that their wedding will be under the night sky on a night when the moon will be full or near so.
He insists, as a counterpoint, that she picks the location - she decides on a place in the Outer City near where she grew up, against the water.
Father Enric, the Abbot from Hector's monastery, travels to the city to officiate. There's no best man/maid of honor concept, but all of their companions from the Absolute adventure are lined up as part of the ceremony, as well as a few friends made during the campaign in Avernus.
The ringbearer is Buddy the owlbear, bearing the rings very carefully on a pillow resting on his head.
Wyll and Shadowheart take the lead on dressing the couple, neither of whom have the faintest clue how to put together an ensemble. (I spent way too long getting these screenshots so please appreciate how pretty my babies look. XD )
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Karlach, contrary to all expectations, really enjoys getting gussied up in a dress and looking pretty; it's not an everyday thing for her but she enjoys it. Hector, conversely, feels INCREDIBLY out of his element in the fancy jacket Wyll arranges for him. Wyll teases him quite a bit about it while they're waiting for the ceremony to start.
The absolute cutest part of the whole ceremony, by unanimous vote from everyone present, is that they do the whole thing where the bride and groom aren't supposed to see each other before the ceremony. Jaheira and Shadowheart hang out with Karlach helping her get ready, and Wyll and Halsin hang out with Hector, and both groups report back later that their charges repeatedly tried to escape custody to go find each other early.
When Hector does finally see her as the ceremony is starting, he goes completely slackjawed and just stares at her like he cannot believe his luck.
Karlach forgets her lines halfway through the vows and just kisses him anyway. Hector remembers them all perfectly (of course) - he just forgets to speak when it's his turn because he's so busy looking at her with the biggest puppy dog eyes. He keeps trying to go for his usual super-composed vibe and just failing utterly.
All in all it's just a massive sap-fest. Both of them feel like they've earned it, though, after everything they've been through. (Hector does feel a little embarrassed that Enric sees him acting like such a dope and not showing any of his usual self-discipline. Enric thinks it's sweet though.)
They have a big party at a local tavern afterwards, one Karlach hung out at as a teenager all the time. The innkeeper still remembers her and gives them drinks on the house and everyone gets sloshed off their asses. Hector and Karlach try to dance and both of them are pretty not great at it but neither seems to much care.
They get back home at about four in the morning, still trashed. Both of them are exhausted and ready to fall asleep at a moment's notice, but Karlach mumbles something jokingly about not wanting to miss out on her wedding night. So they end up kind of curling up together and having drowsy, tipsy, super-soft sex, drifting in and out of sleep, extremely happy.
Neither of them really can think of anywhere they'd rather be, nor do they have a day job to take a vacation from, so they don't really have a honeymoon. But nobody sees hide nor hair of them after the ceremony for a good week. XD
Bonus nose squish kiss:
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aprxl-showers · 3 years
klance x pirates of the caribbean
bc apparently when i'm upset i listen to newsies live and think up weird klance aus
in my head this could go one of two ways:
keith and lance as will and elizabeth
keith and lance as jack and will (i'll explain later)
a lot more under the cut bc i got a bit carried away...
if it follows the canon love story i picture lance as will and keith as elizabeth. (i could see it the other way around bc keith could be the orphan pirate boy but i’ve written too much to go back now).
when they were young, keith was on a ship with his father and he spots lance on a piece of driftwood. they save him ofc and keith spots a jewel necklace around lance's neck. he takes it and later has it fused in the hilt of his mother's knife that is now his.
keith hates being the governor's son with a passion. he hates the formality of it and how restrictive it is. lance is the weaponsmaster's apprentice (that's how he gets good with a gun) and he is always under appreciated! give this guy some recignition!
anyway, he has been silently pining for keith for ages. little does he know, keith kind of likes him too. a lot of mutual pining has been going on for longer than either can recall.
anyhoo, pirates invade the town and kidnap keith. he puts up a fight but in the end he's outnumbered and taken aboard the ship as leverage. he says his surname is mcclain bc it's on his mind. wink wonk. captain of the evil pirates is zarkon and when the pirates who kidnapped keith hand him the knife he realises it is the jewel that can break their spell. since keith uses lance's surname, he also thinks it is keith's blood they need to finish the ritual since lance's family are the one's who sent the jewel away with lance. but it's not. obvs.
lance, after saving a baby, watches keith get taken in horror and tries to call out but is knocked out before he can act. once he's awake he hears that there's a pirate who was caught in the dungeon. that's allura. yes, eccentric captain allura is a choice i am making.
lance manages to break her out of jail, thinking she is one of the evil pirates and he can persuade her to help him. she is not but decides to help him anyway in an attempt to retrieve her ship 'the voltron' from zarkon. the two of them go off on a quest to save keith.
meanwhile, hunk and pidge are guarding keith. they are new recruits to zarkon's crew after their other crew threw pidge out when they discovered she was a girl (silly pirate superstitions). hunk went with her. they are easily persuaded to help keith bc zarkon's a meanie and promise that they'll help him out when they make it to land.
lance and allura arrive on an island and find coran who is allura's closest friend and ally. shiro is also there. he has a peg arm (is that a thing? idk it's a weird mechanism but it does the trick). coran explains that the ship keith is on is cursed and they will be going to the mysterious isle of daibazaal to break the curse.
they get there and watch zarkon attempt to break the curse using the jewel (which he pried out of the blade) and keith's blood. nah, it don't work. they still turn into creepy looking skeletons in the moonlight. damn. he threatens keith and then all hell breaks loose bc lance shoots him. it would have definitely killed zarkon but he can't die bc... the whole undead thing, and in doing so all lance does is reveal their position. they fight a bit, as you do. keith gets hold of a sword and kills three evil pirates in about five seconds. lance falls a little bit in love with him.
in the midst of the battle, lance makes a deal with zarkon that he will stay if keith and the others can go (this now includes hunk and pidge bc they helped keith get free). lance is stripped of visible weapons and zarkon agrees to break the curse immediately. lance cuts his hand and drops the jewel into the chest.
then he grabs keith's jewel-less knife from where it lies beside the chest. zarkon, distracted, doesn't notice until the blade is buried in his gut. he dies. keith and the rest act immediately and kill any other pirates who don't surrender. keith kills an evil pirate about to shoot lance.
they return keith in exchange for allura, coran, shiro, pidge, hunk and lance's pardon. keith expresses his wish not to be governor in the future and allura invites them on 'the voltron' ship with her since she reclaimed it from zarkon. keith and lance then have a moment where they thank each other for saving each other's life. keith thanks lance for coming after him and lance confesses. it's all very sappy and they kiss for ages.
lance is still will. i stand by everything i said about him in the previous version. his parents caused the curse to endure and sent him off. but instead of keith finding him, it's allura. she's the governor's (in this case, alfor's) daughter. she takes the jewel and keeps it as a necklace. lance and allura are more like besties but they're not really allowed to see each other because of their differing classes.
keith arrives and escapes the navy. hides in weaponsmaster’s shop. lance tries to fight him but he’s not as good with a sword as he is with a gun. lots of sassy banter where lance is tryna be noble and keith doesn’t care for it.
anyway, we sort of know what happens. allura gets kidnapped and uses lance's surname bc they had a conversation beforehand. lance stresses, hears about a pirate they captured, assumes it's one of the evil ones he can persuade to help him.
but instead he gets keith who he met earlier. in the time they’ve been apart he’s got himself landed in the dungeon. and he’s notoriously one of the most stubborn, grumy pirate captains in all the seven seas.
he's overall unimpressed with lance as a person and with his plan, only agreeing when he realises he might be able to get his ship, this time called 'the red lion', back. lance decides he's going to prove himself to keith. he doesn't know why he's so offended by a pirate's opinion but he just is. hmmm...
they pick up shiro and coran, pidge and hunk promise to help allura out yada yada yada and they start making their way towards the island.
they run into lotor and his crew (acxa, ezor, zethrid etc) who are unrelated to zarkon and that whole... thing but they're your typical pirates and they want their stuff. which is annoying af bc allura is missing and they have somewhere to be thank you very much.
they put up a good fight. lance has plenty of opportunities to impress keith with his pistol skills. consider keith very impressed and mildly enamoured. but he doesn't do feelings so he stuffs them down inside him as you do. they win and move on. afterwards keith asks lance where he learned those moves and lance tells him stories of his time in the weaponsmaster's workshop. they bond.
they get to the island and find allura. they fight and keith and lance save each other's backs too many times to count. lance has a revelation (inconveniently mid battle) that he actually really likes this. this is fun. this is exciting.
then keith fucks up. he says that he'll hand lance over if zarkon gives him his ship back. lance is fucking fuming and feeling very betrayed and hurt bc he actually felt like he was getting somewhere with keith. keith gets what he deserves though bc zarkon dumps him and allura on an island and takes lance away.
while they're on the island allura knocks some sense into him regarding his life generally and lance specifically. she tells him loads of cute lance-as-a-teenager stories and keith feels awful. he helps her light a signal fire using some rum he has on his person.
they spot the ship alfor sent to find allura. they persuade them to go to where lance and the rest of the crew is. keith tries to act like he's on zarkon's side when they get back to the cave and then he takes one of the cursed jewels so he's now immortal. aha! while this is happening allura has infiltrated zarkon's ship, 'the red lion', so shiro, coran, pidge and hunk can be freed.
allura then frees lance from where they were keeping him in the hull. lance runs to where keith is. they share a look. keith cuts his hand and throws the jewel to lance who does the same and drops it into the water. the curse is broken. keith goes to grab zarkon's sword so he can kill him but zarkon grabs him by the throat. lance shoots zarkon in the side before keith can pass out. he runs to keith who has collapsed. keith apologises and thanks him and promises not to betray him again. lance laughs, says he better not and helps him up.
they return allura safely in exchange for their pardon. keith asks lance to join the crew of 'the red lion' and gives him loads of reasons that are really just disguised compliments. safe to say lance kisses him senseless and they run away together, sailing off into the sunset. bc. klance. there's got to be a sunset somewhere.
hope you liked my what-were-meant-to-be-headcanons-but-just-became-plot-summaries!! i promise i’ll post some general pirate voltron headcanons unrelated to this au at some point. i wrote a pirate au piece for klance au month on my ao3 so some might be related to that?
if you want to send asks or whatever that would be cool - even if they're just random ideas for the au or changes/additions to the plot. i also might write little snippets for this at some point (i’ll tag them under ‘kl potc au’ like this post) bc i'm suddenly crazy invested so if you have any scenes from this you want (from version 1 or 2 or any scene in the plethora of potc movies) send a message and i'll probably get around to it :))
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 years
(star emoji) for Grifting With The Enemy :D
Pumpkin!! 🧡🧡🧡 Hello, my dear friend, thank you so much for your endless interest & support!! 😍😍 And for giving me a reason to re-read GWTE, which I haven't done for a loooong time!! 😂😬 (But, the good news is, it low-key got me inspired to hurry up & finish it!! 😏) BUT - in the meantime - here's some BTS info from my re-read under the cut, which is a lot - fair warning - since it's a 4 chapter fic & counting!! ❤️
LOL I forgot how stressful it is coming up with names for random extra people in fics, I hate doing that LOL But I did think it was important to open with Red NOT being a merciless crime lord who kills anyone who displeases him, cause - while he does have that side to him when necessary - that's not who Red is or wants to be.
I liked including that little moment with Red & Dembe about the parallel parking. I love those father/son & brotp moments for them, they're just the best. I tried to sprinkle those in wherever I could in Red's POV in this fic.
I loved the mental picture of Liz - with glasses & beanie a la The Harem - just leaning casually against a bookshelf the first time Red sees her... & he's immediately captivated, just like in canon. Especially with her eyes, I can't NOT write any version of Red that is not completely blown away by Liz's eyes, I mean, come on I also thought it was important that he thinks she's much younger than she is (intentionally part of her persona) & I'm looking forward to writing the reveal of her true age in a later chapter.
I loved writing a Liz that instantly challenges Red, already having heard about him (& more than that, as revealed in chapter 2) & point blank telling him she may refuse the job bc she has a say too. I liked keeping - & even amplifying a little - that dynamic from canon!Liz of always surprising Red & keeping him on his toes, all while he's trying so desperately to stay ahead of her & impress her.
I LOVED writing the brush pass scene - that moment where Red realizes he has officially underestimated her - & LOL I completely forgot I wrote that part about the condom LMFAO wow past!Coda, mighty daring of you 😂😂😂
Plus, I couldn't help the bonus bit about her stealing his phone & tossing it to him to end the chapter, that was just so fun to throw in there!!
I liked opening chapter 2 with Red still thinking about Liz, just to show how she captured his attention, even before he finds out she's been stealing from him. And I liked writing that revelation without any anger on his part, with him understanding it wasn't a full-scale attack on his empire, she's just a thief taking well paying jobs where she can get them, & instead it just shows him how talented she is. I thought that was an important thing to clarify before moving forward.
I LOVED writing Red & Dembe surprising Liz in her apartment, especially the part with Red's snooping & being confused & surprised by what he sees there. I loved kind of creating/designing Liz's apartment to showcase her true self, not her "young thief" persona that Red falls for at first. I wanted it to be clear that Red is fascinated by her seeming duality from the start (canon LOL) as well as just straight-up attracted to her (also canon LMAO).
Also I gave Liz a loft apartment cause I've always loved those!!
And I LOVEDDD writing Red super confident about surprising her & looking forward to taking her off guard by settling in on the couch & all that macho man stuff, only to be rendered fucking dumbstruck when she comes downstairs with no pants on lmfao & I included that little detail of her usually wearing a knife on her leg to show she's not to be underestimated 😏 & I couldn't help but throw in there Dembe kicking the back of the couch, that made me cackle lmfao
I think the truce was important to establish asap bc I didn't want any secrets or lingering animosity between them. That's for canon 😒 Only flirting & sexual tension here, thank you very much.
I had to include Red being a gentleman & asking if she wanted to get dressed, but I also couldn't resist Liz being confident & careless about it, while still hiding tactfully behind the counter. I thought that was a cute exchange.
lmfao of course, I included their coffee preferences being noticed by the other, I think that's an obligatory thing in any Lizzington fic ever, I'm so guilty of that lmfao
I loved the idea of Red being ready to start on a classic Red's Blacklister Presentation but Liz once again stops him in his tracks (while still secretly being impressed by his presence, of course, & I even accidentally switched POVs for no reason to include that?? nice Coda lmfao) as well as trading barbs & quips with him while Red feels awful & guilty at any accidental slights bc he can't bear to insult her.
AM&R vs. AR&M whoops typo lol
I liked the little snippet of dark!Red we see in their conversation of consequences for his enemies, that way Liz sees a little bit of what he's capable of & Red sees how she's not phased by it.
And that last little flirtation & wink to finish the chapter - lol can't resist
Ooooh, I loved switching to Liz's POV (fully ha) for chapter 3, I enjoyed describing how head over heels she is for Red already, that was fun. I liked writing about her lil movie day & chores she's completed, as well as fleshing out her AU past a little with Sam & her young grifting experiences. And her burning her popcorn while daydreaming about Red cause... same 😏
Ooooh, phone conversations are always so fun to write between them, I love trying to get that perfect mix of joking & sincerity & flirting & pining & pressing the phone close to their ear.
I thought it was important to keep (or rather re-invent, since TPTB seemed to drop it like a hot potato 😒😒😒) Liz's intense interest & respect for psychology, especially as a reason for being attracted to Red, since it kind of mirrors one facet of his interest in her. Not to mention Red thinks at first that it's just a useless, do nothing degree for her LOL
Ohhh, I loved establishing that mutual respect & friendliness between Liz & Dembe early on, that's such a fave of mine, I've always loved their friendship & thought it had a lot of potential. Liz loves & respects Dembe for keeping Red safe & Dembe loves & respects Liz for being so dear to Red.
Ugh, I LOVED writing Liz so completely disarmed by Red's relative state of undress at his safe house (paralleling her pants-less parade in chapter 2, of course) bc sameeeeeeee girl.
I also had fun writing Red blabbing on about some story as he often does, meanwhile Liz has already picked the lock on the safe, once again impressing & surprising him while she admires his different passport pics. That was so fun.
And I loved the quick shift to just a little animosity between them with Red insulting her lockpicks & Liz flaunting her thefts from him. I think those little spats give a little electricity & tension to the relationship, even if they blown over quickly, which they always do. And the fact that Red apologizes & they shake hands & make up is very refreshing to me (since they never fucking do it in canon lol fml) & also it's an excuse to write a little teasing physical contact & sexual tension 😁😁😁
And damn, I forgot how fun it is to throw a little teasing jab in there at the end of a chapter, just for fun - probably bc I'm allergic to multi-chapter fics & never write them lmfao wow
Ahhhhhhhh. I remember how much fun I had writing this whole restaurant scene, partly bc it was a difficult & long process (trying not to make all the flirting & physical movements repetitive while fitting in all the necessary dialogue in a semi-non-boring way lol) but also bc it was so fun writing their back-and-forth while seated at a table alone with nowhere else to go & nothing to distract them. I also wanted to take the opportunity to show Red's genuine interest in her as a person & let them spend some quality time together for the first time. I loved the idea of them losing track of time & Dembe having to come interrupt them with a knowing smirk. Also I def referred to the Olive Garden website for the food they ate cause I'm lame lmfaooo
I thought it was cute to throw in that Liz almost couldn't find Red when she arrived but for the fedora marker he placed out for her & then when she's leaving, she can feel his gaze on her the whole way out. Little parallels like that are my guilty pleasure 😁
Omggg I forgot about the end of this chapter, I remember I wanted Red to surprise Liz yet again & I thought the dessert snuck into her bag was a cute touch. Plus, tiramisu is a favorite of mine 😋 I also tried to make the vibe of this phone call a little softer & more tentative, not so much on tender hooks with lots of tension as the previous ones have been, showing how they're getting used to each other & falling in love at a break neck pace lol
Welp, that's all 4 chapters that are posted buttttttttt a sneaky look at my document that I haven't opened for an embarrassingly long timeeeeeee shows my sketch for the rest of the fic which revealssssss....... a detailed 10 chapter map with an epilogue!! Wow, I forgot I sketched everything out in such detail, this isn't too bad, maybe I should actually write this 😂😂😂 And I promise I will, hopefully sooner rather than later!! ❤️❤️❤️
Well, there you go, Pumpkin, I hope that didn't take you too long to slog through & there was something enjoyable in there for you!! 😂 Thank you so much for your interest again, my lovely friend, & getting me excited about this fic again!! 🥰 Much love to you, always, Pumpkin!! 🧡
Fanfic Writers: Director's Cut
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mego42 · 4 years
207 Discussion Q’s
shout out and thank you to @pynkhues for putting these together even though she wasn’t gonna be here this week
1. What was your favourite scene of the episode? Tell us why!
obvs the dubby but underrated fav is Ruby and Jane in the closet, idk exactly why but I am starved for the families interacting with each other content (screw the timeline, the most unrealistic aspect of this show is that they aren’t constantly in and out of each other’s houses with ben and sara continually being called on to babysit) so this little snippet makes me levitate
2. Was there any scene that missed the mark for you? And if so, how?
the annie and noah scenes for sure. I mostly feel betrayed bc I really liked them the first time I watched (i have a lot of built in affection for sam huntington let me live) and now I’m like BEGONE FOUL BETRAYER and feel pre-emptive fatigue over annie’s taste in men and how that’s not going to get better any time soon
3. I know time does not exist in the Good Girls universe (or in reality anymore), but let’s start with a timeline question! The implication of the opening montage is that a bit of time has past since Beth strongarmed the partnership with Rio at the end of 2.06. How long do you think it’s been? And more importantly, what do you think these early days of their partnership looked like?
I tend to lean towards at least 2 months, maybe more based on:
the number of shoeboxes and how many times Beth’s shown making a closet deposit
how lived in their annoyance over Beth’s dividing her time and Rio pushing back feels
the implication (at least how i read it) that Rio’s annoyance stems from having to track Beth down which presumably implies they’d grumbled their way into a semi-functional working relationship prior (supported by their ease with each other in 208) and if the montage has only been a month, that would be a maximum of 4 meetings and I don’t particularly think that’s enough time for them to get over being extremely prickly with each other
the fact that Beth goes to Rio for help when Jane’s missing (again, to me implies a longer period of time to get over some of their antagonism than a max of 4 meets)
I imagine their initial partnership went something like Beth being a smug brat about forcing her way in, Rio being deliberately unhelpful and trying to force her to admit she’s in over her head (while still keeping enough of an eye on things that his money isn’t jeopardized), Beth stubbornly refusing to and finding ways to rise to the occasion, Rio being grudgingly impressed, Beth being annoyed with herself for how pleased she is over that. Lather, rinse, repeat until they’ve worn a cantankerous but bizarrely comfortable groove into each other.
meanwhile, Mick, Annie and Ruby are absolutely disgusted by everything happening in front of their eyes.
4. The first scene between Ruby and Turner in this episode is a really dynamic one! It’s pretty clear that Ruby’s afraid of Turner, but what do you think Turner thinks of Ruby?
I think he sees a big cartoon canister labeled "Beth Boland Bait"
5. Taking the kids to the drop was a pretty big mistake! What do you think Beth should’ve done in this instance? Do you think saying no again to Rio was an option?
And yeah, I think she could’ve said no to Rio but he would’ve kept her cut of that drop and, even worse, would’ve been able to hold the fact that she didn’t deliver that one time over her head forever more.
6. The krav maga teacher offers some sage advice telling Dean to not order the hit and instead just divorce his wife, haha. Do you think that he thought the baby hitmen would come through for Dean? Or do you think he was deliberately setting Dean up to get robbed?
I choose to believe the krav maga teacher knew exactly what kind of an idiot Dean was and set him up because the dude clearly had at least two brain cells to rub together and anyone with two brain cells to rub together would never get tangled up in a murder plot with Dean standing on the street corner telling random bystanders in detail how he wants to kill the guy that fucked his wife what do you mean established means and motive Boland.
7. During Ben and Annie’s tense conversation, Ben tells Annie that she’s hard to keep track of - she’s parent mom, cool mom, sketchy mom. In a lot of ways, this feels like a parallel to Ruby talking to Beth in the last episode and calling her ‘drug Beth, gun Beth, human trafficking Beth’. What do you make of this? And how do you think it relates to the show’s themes?
I defer to @foxmagpie’s answer because I like it a lot. 
8. The scene with the girls in the house! Tell me all your thoughts please!!!
I love this scene a lot
Beth’s channeling Rio in general but also specifically in 201 you will never ever change my mind
Sometimes I lie awake at night wishing Rio had seen it
Prayer circle that he sees a version of it in s4
Can you imagine the nightmare level of boner he would get? The sheer narcissism!!
Ruby’s obvious wish for new friends is The Most Valid
I really love the main drug den guy, I love Blake Shields’s energy, it makes the scene crackle, and I wish they’d bring him back purely bc he’s gr9
9. Annie meets Noah in this episode! What do you think of their introduction to one another? And how would you rate Noah on the scale of ‘Garbage Annie Love Interests’?
at least he’s not her therapist I guess
10. Beth has two pivotal and emotionally revealing fights this episode - one with Dean and the other with Rio. How do these fights compare? And what do you think they tell us about her respective relationship with them?
I L O V E how hard the show goes on Dean’s obsession with Beth and Rio as the primary source of his angst
the fact that he’s trying to rope Stan into murder while looking for Jane who isn’t even MISSING but Dean had NO IDEA bc instead of giving a shit he went straight to HOW CAN THIS BE THAT GUY’S FAULT
I love how clearly they delineate that it isn’t about Beth but specifically about someone else ~*~taking~*~ Beth from him and how emasculated that makes him feel (something something something the storyline opens with the krav maga guy choking him out and then telling him to divorce her and Dean being like I reject your rational and logical solution bc it doesn’t punish the man who touched my property, idk i have a half baked thought there but i can’t pull it out of my brain)
and then it’s all underscored how little Dean’s worried about Beth and her safety by him bringing her work up specifically as a gotcha (which, unless I’m forgetting something, is p much the only context Dean ever brings it up in besides maybe the sit down fight but that’s again, about Beth acting out vs genuine concern)
Meanwhile, this is contrasted with:
Beth flipping tf out at the mere suggestion Rio would ever hurt her children, showing how deeply and instinctively she trusts him in regards to her children aka what’s been established as her Most Important Priority over and over (in the same breath that she rips into Dean for losing Jane in the first place)
which is doubled down on her immediately going to Rio for help
and he is FURIOUS at her, but the thing he leans hard on isn’t how she could have jeopardized the business deal (aka his money, what’s been established as his Most Important Priority over and over) but how she jeopardized herself and how badly she can fuck up if she doesn’t take this seriously
putting himself in a vulnerable position (presumably burning a connect, letting on that Beth means something to him beyond business) to look out for Beth’s emotional well-being
And then, just to drive it home a little further, @sothischickshe pointed out the Beth and Rio fight over Beth’s self preservation is directly paralleled with Stan freaking out at Ruby over the IA stuff because he’s worried about her and I had to go and stare at a blank wall for a few minutes to calm down.
anyway, draw your own conclusions.
11. Ruby takes Jane being missing as an opportunity to try and find evidence on Beth for Turner and, in the process, finds Jane too. How do you think this scene captures Ruby’s moral dilemma? And do you think it’s a satisfying turning point in the Ruby-Turner arc?
I struggle a lot with the Turner and Ruby plot specifically because I HATE that Turner’s ruthlessly leaning on Ruby as the weak link but I’m also ferociously attracted to him so I’m less bothered by it than I feel like I should be so mostly I just try not to think about any of it.
Idk, I see it in some ways as a continuation of Ruby’s fight with Beth and Annie in s1 where Annie said she isn’t blood. They put Ruby on the outside but when push comes to shove, Ruby still puts the two of them above her own family. As far as I’m concerned, Annie still owes Ruby a massive apology for that. Beth I let off the hook a little because by the end of the season she’s ready to turn herself in to make it all go away for all of them (I think, unless I’m misremembering, which is entirely possible bc I don’t think I’ve ever rewatched all of 213)
12. RIO GETS BETH THE DUBBY!! That’s it, that’s the question. Please discuss.
I think a lot about how the gesture is so baldly honest neither one of them can face it either at all (Rio) or without taking a shot first (Beth) which, now that I’ve typed it out, is also an interesting flip of their general MO bc under normal circumstances I’d put Rio down as the one that, of the two of them, is more willing to face stuff whereas Beth’s the one that hides from it.
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albuspottrss · 5 years
Hpcc London Part One recap from January Second
Part one notes from January second :) enjoy plenty of scorbus feels with a couple of heartbreaking notes inbetween. Covers on that day were:
David mara! Sorting hat
Robert Curtis! Bane
Act one
Doms Albus watches his family’s interactions with such a huge smile on his face, he loves them all so dearly, but doesn’t quite feel like he fits in and isolates himself away from the group, he does a lot of nervous looking around the platform, clearly showing his anxiety as more and more people are watching him, and he fiddles with his robes trying to calm himself down.
Tom gave Rayxia a kiss on the cheek on the platform, and then hit ryan in the face with something (like paper?) in a nice bit of Ron JSP banter
Lola!polly gave a little wave to the potters after “people always look”
Craig!karl ran into the compartment and stuck his hand out for Jon to shake, he was super excited to make a new friend and then realised who Scorpius was and pulled away and ran out, but scorpius had already started raising his hand to shake it back and then sunk back into his seat all sad.
Then the trolley witch popped by and Scorp pulled her over and they had a long conversation until she moved to the next compartment and it looked like she was telling JSP off.
Dombus excitedly stuck his hand out to Scorpius and Rayxia!RGW pushed it back.
Scorpius sounded like he was about to cry when he said “mum wasnt.” His voice cracked and he sounded so upset at the idea that anyone could see his mum, his loving, kind caring mum who was his best friend as a death eater and wanted to defend her as best he could.
When Dombus says he’s going to stay in the compartment he did a little reassuring foot stomp, he’s so confident in his decision to stay with the nerdy boy he just met.
One of my fave things is how Jon doesn’t really sing the sweEets line, bc he’s so shy and trails off almost straight away because he doesn’t want to mess things up, but then dombus goes full on goofy singing it back with frantic flapping arm gestures to let scorpius know that it’s okay, he can be his full nerdy self around him.
When Scorpius says RGW is quite fierce, Albus is so fast to apologise, and kind of reaches out towards him (mirroring how Jamie Harry reaches out after the blanket scene to take the words back) because Albus has a heart of gold and is trying to take back the nasty rumours that had made Scorpius uncomfortable because he’s literally only known this boy for three mins but cares so much already about him.
In the sorting Albus runs forward super quickly and nearly stumbled because he’s so desperate for the worrying to be over, and then when his worst fear becomes a reality he just mouths “what?”
RGW and JSP turned to each other and started a heated conversation about it straight away and then James ran forward and mouthed “I’m so sorry” to Al :(
Scorpius looks so hurt and angry at the comments made at Albus after the quidditch lesson
Ryans iconic “Slytherin slytherin stop with you’re dithering” accompanied with full on snake like hand action towards Albus
Albus is so fed up when Harrys talking to him about making new friends but as soon as he talks about Scorpius his face lights up with the biggest smile ever and it’s the most adorable thing
Draco and Harry were having the heated convo on the platform and Lola!polly and Luke!yann walk past and then Lola sees Draco and grabs Luke’s hand and they run off stage together
After “well this one does” Albus gives Scorpius a playful little shove as they run off stage together
In wand dance, Dombus nearly tripped over Ronnie and did a dramatic little turn to cover it up
Harrys dramatic bow sequence to Hermione is the most wonderful thing ever I love their friendship.
I was watching Dombus closely during the scene with Amos and Harry and watching his reaction to “kill the spare” was heartbreaking because he clearly feels like he is the spare in his family (which obvs isn’t true they love him all so very much but his insecurities shine through) and his face crumpled, and then made him more determined to keep listening because he wanted to help save someone who he saw as like himself :(
“Albussss PottER” then Maddie! Delphi bowed to him and Dombus bowed back having a nice mock at his own surname and the insecurities it’s caused him
“But how can I ignore it? It’s PINK” accompanied with some sassy af hand on hip action from Ryan
At the start of the blanket scene Jamie just went “Ron sent this, Ahahshsjjsud” like a load of random noises, he’s so awkward and can tell his sons upset about heading back to school but doesn’t know how to approach him about it properly
Dombus flinches and moves away as soon as Jamie sits next to him, Harry put his hand on Albus after he says “I certainly need some” trying to reassure him that things would get better and it would work out
Albus was so angry and emotional and was crying on the “sometimes I wish you weren’t my dad” and then when Jamie says THAT line he did his reaching out to try and take the words back and Dom just stood there his face so crestfallen at what his dad had admitted.
He then does a really forced laugh at “no love or luck for me then” because he’s trying to make it look like he doesn’t care and deal with the situation with humour but he’s broken inside and it doesn’t come out as an actual laugh :(
Craig!Dudley kept hugging the stairs and peeking out at Harry in the dream sequence
In fourth year, Scorpius is sat waiting for his best friends arrival, fiddling with his hand and his foot tapping the floor as he anxiously waits, but I absolutely love how this has changed from first year where he’s sat reading a book because he thinks no one would want to be friends with the rumoured son of voldemort and now he’s waiting to be reunited with the boy who cares so much for him :)))
The hug here was awkward as it should be, but Scorpius’s arms were sticking out and then he patted Albus on the back like he wanted to hug him back he just didn’t know how, as Scorpius tends to deal with his feelings emotionally, rather than physically (that little snippet is confirmed by JC himself)
RGW was in JSPs department, and they were having an in-depth conversation- perhaps about Albus and how worried JSP was for him? And then when Rose ran back into their apartment she was clearly updating him on the situation and perhaps the bread thing too, we stan these two cousins.
Albus is so enthusiastic about saving Cedric he’s bouncing up and down and getting very close to Scorpius’s face with lots of dramatic hand actions because he really really wants to be able to save a fellow “spare”
Albus tries to get Scorpiusto go up into the train roof first but Jon was not having it and eventually Albus climbed up first, leaving Scorpius to scramble after him because although it seems scary, Scorpius couldn’t let Al do something scary by himself!
When Albus turns around and sees the trolley witch standing behind them, his mouth drops open and pauses for ages completely shook before he utters out a little “OH”
Scorpius is so bewildered by how long trolleys been doing the job for and is so intrigued about her history when he crawls forward you can kind of see he forgets where they are and the circumstances he just wants to know more about her life ( lucky for him there’s a thread for that on trolleybitchs twitter ;))
The EGM is always so so so sassy and I love it, there were plenty of sassy shouts of “whAaaaatttttt’ that sounded like they were coming from Lolas direction, and someone squealed “shut uppppp” before Hermione conjured silence!
As always Joward was doing his best bitchy Draco lean in the ministry
A nice cry of “FILTHY MARK” was heard and then had to be calmed down by someone else because he was so into it.
“Harrys scar is hurting” a voice from the crowd “shAme” and then after this meeting is a sham, we got the wonderful “YOURE A SHAMMMMM” chasing draco off stage into the wings.
St Oswalds!
The two old witches came forward muttering, “want another biscuit” to which Craig replied with “absolutely NOT” and then the classic “alright alright STOP you’re giving me a headache”
A change to the scene was a new sofa which Lola was perched on and Craig came down and sat next to her, and then someone chucked Craig a wand until all the oldies set his tea on fire.
In the scene with Amos when Amos mentions his house, Dombus gets all anxious and desperately grabs at his robes and pulls them to cover up his jumper like he’s ashamed of himself for his house :(
Scorpius is trying to protect albus so much and trying to be brave and has his arm around Albus whilst Amos is angry, trying to reassure him!
In the scene with the adults Ron’s sat there eating the food off of his plate and then switched the plates around and starts eating someone else’s, and is proud and laughing at himself whilst Hermione looks on fondly but also exasperated with him!
Jon was really getting into the poly juice transformation he was shaking about so much and making loads of “vvvvvvvvvv” noises for dramatic effect as he transformed (he did also end up with three arms briefly too)
Joward does the sassiest “do youuuuuu? kNow iT??” ever
“No hiding places” - cue a high pitched screeching from Jamie
After alohamora worked Jamie!scorpius squeaked out a “wahhahah” he was so proud of himself for getting into THE minister for magics office
Okay time for Toms albus polyjuice scene which is the best thing ever.
Running through the door shouting “surpriseeeeeeeeeee” and then having a sharp intake of breath like he didn’t know what on earth to say or do next and then he has this idea and kisses Hermione and then cannot believe he’s done that and whilst Harry and Hermione are talking has a moment to compose himself and starts gagging and putting his hands in his mouth to mimic throwing up - which is just so much like doms albus and parralels to the two times Dom does the exact same thing!
Michelle kept dodging Tom as he tried to kiss her again and so he settled for an aggressive hug (Albus is defo a hugger bless him)
“Let’s have a baby”*takes a moment to shout AAAAAGHHHHHHH* “or a holidAYYYYYY” *points vigorously at hermione* “I WANT A HOLIDAY” and stomps his feet.
On “puckish sense of fun” Tom does the a little jig curtsy dance thing accompanied by a cloak swish.
Scorpius is clearly upset that he hadn’t realised his best friend had had an argument with his dad, he really cares about him so much
Tom scampers up the bookcase on all fours and then lies on the top of it.
When Albus came out of the bookcase he was shaking with nerves and fear :(
Act Two.
Hermione tells Ron off for going to the kitchens and Joward did his classic dusting himself down dramatically after getting out of the floo.
Dombus is so so so happy he mastered expelliarmus he has the biggest grin on his face and is so bouncey awwww, whereas Scorp is fiddling with his hands when he sees Delphi and Albus, he’s super anxious he’s about to be replaced :(
Maddie! Delphi handing over the robes “you are going to need to wear” dramatic pause filled with her singing a little song as she grabs them “de dun dun deeeee, THESE”
Obviously I’m going to include my best note of the evening “quality neighs from Rob Curtis” bc Robs bane was perfect and one dramatic son of a bitch.
Edge of the forest was beautiful as always, but it hurt even more when Scorpius was talking about checking the daily prophet every day, since that’s how he found out about all the nasty rumours about him and already knew he would most likely never have any real friends and could only dream about having mates like Harry did, at this point Doms face falls because he didn’t know this about his best friend, and doesn’t really feel like he can ever live up to his father, but it lights up again when Jon says “you’re better” this moment is the purest scene ever, and Albus is so desperate to tell Scorpius that he’s his best friend too and he says it so fast and runs up to him and grabs his hand 🥺
Triwizard time let’s gooooo
Ronnies iconic crawl through the crowd to get back to slytherin
Craig!karl wolf whistling, and then starting a Mexican wave that made it all the way down to ravenclaw (lacking effort from the gryffs here) but I was so proud he got it working so well!
“KRUM KRUM KRUM!!!!” - Ronnie and
“I LOVE YOU FLEUR”- Craig!karl shouts, everyone turns around and stares at him judgementally and then he points at ravenclaw girl “SHE LOVES YOU”
Ronnie and Duncan kept batting each other with their scarves which was veryyyy cute
Albus looked so very excited about mentions of Charlie weasley training the dragons he has the “that’s my uncle” look of pride in his eyes!
Craig!karl did some banging high kicks and then everyone started arguing
Albus is on the floor in pain and Jon got down on the floor with him to see if he was okay
Jamie!harry mocking madam pomfreys voice is hilarious he’s obviously still not over that skele-grow from second year
Dom starts fiddling with the blanket whilst his dad is talking and then does the most desperate cry of dAdddd
“Never fitted” Albus try has never felt like he fitted in anywhere apart from when he’s with Scorpius, and was on the verge of tears as his dad suggested splitting them up, it was at this point I scrawled down the note ‘Albus so intensely loves Scorpius’
When Albus mentions Hermione. Ron stood up and said ‘Hermione? *squeaks* NOOOO!”
Jon sits on the stairs looking broken and fiddling with his hands (exactly like albus does when he’s nervous :(()
Albus is so sweet he asks so so so softly “but Hermione? What are you doing here?” He doesn’t want to upset her but he’s genuinely confused, what is the most powerful witch ever doing teaching DADA
Polly is so fustrated with Albus she just wants gryff to do well, Yann turns around to make sure she’s okay before standing up to speak to Albus
Craig!karl pointed at Ronnie!Craig when asked the question about patronuses like why on earth would he know the answer but give ceeby a try he’s more likely to know
Craig!Karl turned around and shook his head at Albus after asking about Rose Granger-Weasley
Staircase ballet,
Both the boys were looking out for each other with so much longing, then Albus sees Scorpius and runs away because it hurts too much to see his best friends pain :(
Jon sits down and crosses his legs and looks the most forlorn and lost at the top of the stairs :(
Dom looks up and opens his mouth, he wants to say something so desperately to Scorpius.
Jon sits down again and peers over the edge of the stairs down below at Dom
At the top of the stairs they pause for the longest time and Dom attempts to say something and Scorpius waits so expectantly, until the staircases drag them apart from each other - metaphorical for them being dragged apart from each other by Harry and the nasty rumours and the bullying- hogwarts itself pulls them apart and back into their individual pools of desperate loneliness, they both begin stepping towards each other trying to reach the other because they can’t stay away from each other but are forced apart :(
Draco did his sassy little hand action and tut tutted Harry after one of the spells, and then at the “were the same age” Jamie did a little bow and crouched down
Lola!Polly did an exasperated sigh at Scorpius being weird with the cloak covering up Delphi
Draco really struggles when talking about Astoria, he only wants to focus on the happy memories and fiddles with his wedding ring, and cannot bring himself to say that she is dead he opts for things like saying she’s ‘gone’ or that they ‘lost her’ because saying she’s dead would be way to final for him :(
Library scene
Lola!Polly kept shaking her head and sighing at scorbus, and then doing dramatic shhhhing
Scorpius kept shying away from Albus :(
Lola!Polly told on them to Madam Pince and when they were told off did a sassy nod and hair flick
Polly did a dramatic hand action to calm herself down before storyline out of the library
Jon was crying when talking about how awful the bullies are because he cares so much for his best friend and he knows how the bullies are and how much it hurts him to know his friend has to go through that :((
From where I was sat the invisibility cloak didn’t fully cover Dom immediately and his arms were flailing about
Jon sat crying and holding on to himself, and when Albus started talking about Astoria Dom was nearly breaking down :((
Scorpius was still crying as he uttered out “thannkkk youuuu” and he was properly sobbing at the “maybe their true too”
Scorpius touched Albus’s knee on ‘thats a nice thing to say’ 🥺
In the library hug Al stuck out his hand and Scorp mock shakes it before Dom pulled him in for a hug and Jon hugged him back and gently patted his back
After Albus explained his plan with Cedric, Scorp in complete admiration of his bestie, let out a gentle “You’re CLEVER”
Scorpius knows that’s a huge insecurity of Albus’s but hes genuinely in awe of how great he is and wants him to see his intelligence for himself :)))
Doms sparkly surprise was the most dramatic I’ve seen it, a full pew pew pppewwwww and he did the firework actions all the way above his head
After mentioning the marriage thing and having a daughter Ron did the most awkward “hahahha, ha” ever
“Well consider me engorgi impressed” *frantic thumbs up*
Jon did his amazing nodding at 300 miles an hour and grinning at how hot Cedric is with Myrtle, the pair of them literally fan girl so hard over him
“Then I’m entirely ready” pause ‘mmmmmmmmhmmmmmm’ “for whatever” *mouth full of gillyweed*
I love scorbus’s underwater high-five that they do but then it struck me that that’s the last bit of physical contact Scorpius has with Albus before he gets thrown into a world without him and the possibility that he’ll never get to see him ever again :(
Jons screams of ALBUSSSSSS are always so so so desperate, at first it’s confusion, but then the panic sets in that oh my god maybe he’s drowned and the horrifying realisation that he’s not coming out of the lake and he looks just so frightened :(
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obstinaterixatrix · 6 years
i really really wish you would write that lance-centric (klance?) fic wherein lance gets hit with a truth potion/spell/alien-substance
I was actually thinking of doing a fic with snippets of each scenario. Not necessarily in the same canon, as in, lance doesn’t get hit by a truth thing three separate times
Oh my god
Lance gets hit by a truth serum three separate times. Like, three times lance has to tell the truth and one time he doesn’t.
Wait it’s the same type of truth serum and lance builds up immunity, I don’t know how that works but it’s space magic alien shit . Three times lance gets hit by truth beam and one time he gets hit by a truth beam again.
My brain is going a mile a minute here’s the outline:-each time is from a different pov—1st time: allura pov——big dramatic fight, lance gets zapped by a Scary Looking Weapon & everyone Freaks Out——he’s fine——everyone’s trying to figure out, lance has been making random observations the entire time but it’s not TOO out of the norm——the one that tips everyone off is when he gets lead into “I always wanted to be keith’s friend but there was no way I could after embarrassing myself like that the first time” & everyone’s like WHAT????———allura is Extremely Interested in Gossip———pidge is extremely interested in embarrassing stories———hunk is extremely interested in something SO EMBARRASSING that lance didn’t tell his BEST FRIEND———keith…. forgot.———But Shiro Knows. He Saw It Happen.———coran is the one that ends up saving lance——explained as some neurological thing ———no brain to mouth filter which works as a truth thing bc the affected don’t get time to think of a lie, asking the question acts as a prompt bc the first thing that’ll come to mind is the (perception of) the answer———visual cues also work
—2nd time: either pidge or hunk pov——sleepy day after battle, lance trudges in for breakfast & It’s All Normal——lance starts subtly oversharing more than he usually does——hunk brings up the possibility———lance: what? No. No way. There’s no way I got hit by a truth whatever again, what kind of luck would that be?———pidge: the odds are pretty low, but there’s a way to make sure————pidge asks what happened when lance first met keith————well I saw him across the room and I— WAIT! NO! NO! —————lance being able to interrupt himself is Foreshadowing————pidge is excited bc last time lance got whisked away before they all could test the limits of this thing. Lance said he didn’t have the truth thing, which means it only works on what he *thinks* is true.————lance agrees to be a guinea pig On Several Conditions—————1) no blackmail questions or he’s leaving—————2) no questions about how he feels on any topic—————3) keith can’t be there
—3rd time: keith pov——the one where he makes himself sound sarcastic to keep everyone from finding out———k: what is your problem??———l: my PROBLEM is that I got HIT by the TRUTH BEAM, AGAIN!———k: oh———k: OH——this goes into Incredibly Deep Heart To Heart about why lance hates it so much———there’s stuff he doesn’t want to tell people, he’s got secrets to keep———and it’s not just his own secrets!!! he knows lots of secrets!!!!! he can’t betray those secrets????———there’s also Stuff He Doesn’t Want To Confront Until He’s Ready, stuff that he doesn’t want to acknowledge, but being hit by the truth thing makes him think about it more bc What If He Accidentally Says It Shoot Now He’s Thinking About It Oh No He Might Say It————very big Subtext Scene where lance & keith Talk Around Mutual Feelings———there’s also the fact that he apparently NEEDS the truth beam to be able to say certain things, which he Hates, he doesn’t like the reminder that he has trouble being honest for some Important Stuff
—4th time: oc pov——l&k get captured for questioning———galra? bounty hunters? Space mall? Idk——they want to know voltron stats. voltron tactics. What Is The Secret To Voltron’s Power———“the space mice are the secret to voltron’s power”——the thing is, the no filter thing is basically adhd to the MAX, adhd Without Limits, so after being hit so many times lance kinda just. adjusted. His brain’s always making connections anyway so he focuses on internal prompts. What would be the funniest thing to say here. What’s the biggest non-sequitur. What does he want to say to keith right now——lance has been hit by truth beam 15 times. 15!!!! Half the time people weren’t even aiming at him!!!!! He’s like a lightning rod for truth!!!!!!! It’s ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!——yknow how old cartoons made you think quicksand was gonna be a major threat?? (no) well, truth beam is like the opposite of that!!!!!! No one told lance how easy it was to get hit by a truth beam!!!!!! They’re everywhere!!!!!!! What the heck!!!!!!! Trip on a rock, oops!!!!!!! Truth beam!!!!!!!!———while lance distracts with this totally justified rant, keith escapes & Turns The Tides———hasta la bye bye. stop with the truth beams. They’re sooooooo annoying.
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ask-jungshook · 8 years
BEGIN!AU Masterlist & FAQ
Disclaimer: This post is a work in progress so a lot of changes will be made in the future! (I’ll link it in my header for easy access)
Prologue Series
Part 1: Descent | | Part 2: Static | | Part 3: Rebirth
Reflection Series
Snowdrop : J-Hope  | Lilac : Yoongi | tbd
Other (Misc pieces)
Q: What is BEGIN!AU?
A: It’s an AU that I created that is loosely based off of my interpretations the MVs (aka I have no clue what’s going on, so it’s kinda vague on purpose right now) Hopefully I will be expanding the world within it as time goes on though! As of now, it’s going to focus mainly on Jungkook and all the excerpts posted are written from his POV. I’m still working on fleshing out everything, so please bear with me.
I’m hoping that there will be several parts? But as of now, I currently have the Prologue Series and the what will be the Reflection Series (this is a work in progress– idk if I’m gonna keep that name, so it’s a placeholder for now lol) Both are based off of Jungkook’s memories. The Prologue is more or less a teaser to the actual storyline, whereas the Reflection Series will just be short snippets of his thoughts of each of the members (So there will be 6 parts total – I was originally going to release each portion on the member’s birthdays, but some are too clumped so I might be releasing them in random blocks of time lol J-Hope and Suga’s should be released on time of their bday though!)
Q: Can I ask questions to Begin!JK?
A: Depending on the nature of the asks, I will be either answering them within this AU or just do a non-AU. (It honestly depends on the question) But if you’re an askblog and want to do an AU crossover, I AM SO DOWN FOR A COLLAB. (it can be in this AU or a different one too!) I’m also working on several solo pieces that will pertain to this AU, but that’s like for the way future!
Q: Can I drew fanart for this AU?
A: JDGHSKGJHLG Sure! Just keep in mind that I haven’t determined what is ‘canon’ and what isn’t in this AU yet when it comes to fic writing, so idk how much you guys have to work with since everything is like ‘what is going on right now’ lol If anything you can say it was inspiration from my AU and that it’s your own interpretation of it since it’s not really based off it??? Idkman lol bc tbh I don’t even know what’s going on with my AU LOL However once my AU is more developed which won’t be for awhile, all I ask is that you credit me somewhere if it specifically relates to my AU & its plot! :) Also feel free to tag me if you post on tumblr! I would love to see the finished pieces! :’D
Also, kinda related but not really: please note that I do not allow for any of my works to be reposted, altered, or edited on any social media outside of this tumblr account as stated in my general FAQ. (I got an ask regarding this, but I’ll post my reply later bc it’s long and it’s kinda a topic I’ve been struggling a lot with as an artist)
Theme & Interpretation
My interpretation of the AU, as mentioned before is loosely based off the MVs taken with artistic freedom. (Well less about the plot of the MVs, and more about the overall meaning of them) The main theme of this AU relates to the ‘loss of innocence’ or simply ‘growing up’ in layman’s terms . (This is especially alluded to in the most recent MV of “Spring Day’ where they made a reference to Omelas) Healing and mending wounds is also a underlying theme as well.
I want to to explore the areas of self discovery, self forgiveness, and self understanding. The Jungkook in this AU based off the prologue, is still struggling to accept the present and unwilling to leave the past behind. He’s struggling in the sense that he can’t let go of the past and those memories haunt him. While he does realize that the world is not kind, nor is it fair, he has a hard time accepting it, which is why he constantly wishes for things to return back to the way they were – back to happier days.
The whole entire prologue series is basically him battling against his conscience, contemplating on the ‘what ifs’ of moments in his past when he knows that there’s nothing he can do to change them.  However at the last panel of the prologue series, you might notice that I drew him smiling compared to the panel right before where he’s just looking at the viewer– this was done for a reason.
I released the last part of the series right before the You Never Walk Alone album dropped, so I was honestly hoping that the image I had in mind would link it some way to the new songs AND GOD BLESS IT DID. There is a line in the supplemental story that said ‘But we can smile if we’re together’ and I was like YES GOOD JOB PAST DISSU U MADE A CORRECT DECISION OF WHERE UR TAKING UR AU BEFORE THE SONG CAME OUT LMFAO but that line of the song basically echos the sentiment that I was trying to portray in that last panel. So yes, the prologue series can be very angsty, but at the same time I wanted it to end with a message of hope at the end. There’s are a bunch of random easter eggs from when I was putting the whole series together, so if you have a question behind any of the panels or lines, feel free to ask! :D
Prologue Fun Facts
- The quotes following each part are all excerpts taken from Demian. I tried making them somewhat relate to the different parts, but one of the reasons I chose them was because they stood out to me– they also tie to common theme of growing up and accepting yourself. 
- Almost all the scenes from P2 & P3 are in reference to the MVs, namely Run, I NEED U, Prologue, & Young Forever (props if you can recognize which MVs are from which panels lol)
- Some phrases in the lines used are a nod to some song titles as well! :)
Reflection Fun Facts
- Keep an eye out for flowers meanings! 
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