#these are mostly just redraws from the show's screenshots
What if I only listened to the little snail in my head telling me to draw Nine over and over again despite having numerous other w.i.p.'s
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eregyrn-falls-art · 1 month
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I meant to get it together to post these details from my 2026 Hunkles Calendar page on the main page post, but forgot. So here they are, the barely-visible photos from the fridge and the wall meant as a nod to the show finale's credits.
In some cases, they're more visible here than in the final page, because I drew them out first and then let them get cropped by Ford's figure and the page-bleed guidelines. The finale shot from the show, of the pink and purple landscape with the bus pulling away, I knew was going to be mostly obliterated by the lamp and by Ford's hair. (I can't believe how much time I spent on that given how little of it shows in the final piece)
All are just screenshot-redraws (including the Stan o' War II sculpture), except for Soos and Melody standing together. And of course, the "photo" of Stan having just named Soos as the new Mr. Mystery is from a screenshot, but wasn't one of the finale photos (poor Stan, cut off by the page guidelines!).
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velnna · 6 months
What's wrong with using a pose ref lol, didn't you just redraw a screencap from a tv show
See this is why I prefaced it by saying it's not objectively "wrong", it's a personal take and a grey area. Ultimately if an artist tells you they're uncomfortable with something and you choose to do it anyway it's on you if they then complain about it or ask you to reconsider, it's not the law. You can always tell them they're wrong but then don't be surprised if they take issue with that lol
But for a more detailed answer, I know I've said this a thousand times but I'll always hammer it in. I think there's definitely leeway to do redraws of things across media (so if you redraw a screenshot from an animated show and link said redraw etc, I see it as more of a transformative thing and a tribute than just straight up copying. Same for live action or even photographs - the same way that if someone took one of my drawings and decided to replicate it in photography or animation with a very clear link to it I would see it as more of a tribute because it's transformative) but even then if anyone was shown to take an issue with it I'd just Not Do It. Also the vast majority of the time these things are memes and very obviously a nod to the original one rather than me saying "look this is totally something canonical to the characters I'm drawing and didn't originate elsewhere"
There's times when I don't take an issue with people using my poses as inspiration or reference but a lot of my work does sort of just work as pieces of a comic or a scene that I don't like seeing repurposed for other characters. But that's the keyword: I don't like it. Not gonna send the police after you for it or claim copyright or even force you to take it down but I may *ask* you to reconsider it and think about it. And if it's a recurrent thing and I see you do it a lot I may insist 🤷‍♂️ it's a boundary I established but others are free to feel differently
ALSO I'm not referring to accidentally creating shit that's too similar. We all take inspiration from each other so that's bound to happen. I'm mostly referring to when it's very obvious a single artwork was used as a direct reference - and again, no shade if people do it without realising the artist might feel bad about it. I never assume ill intent from the get go
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catsandbats13 · 5 months
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Some old, mostly unfinished She-ra fan art
I was still figuring out how to draw digitally at the time
First and third pics are screenshot redraws from the show
For the second one, I’d seen a video of a cat knocking down a “no cats please sign” which made me think “catra would absolutely take that sign”
Last one is just a cute lil sketch for catradora
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deathbycoldopen · 9 months
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[ID: A digital screenshot redraw of a scene from Wheel of Time's season 2, episode 8. The scene shows Egwene in her damane clothes standing amid the rubble of the tower in Falme. Notably, she does not have the damane collar on, but rather the sul'dam bracelet. She stares up at a column, where Renna is dangling by the neck from a damane collar, clearly dead. The painting shows Egwene channeling toward Renna, with a variety of colors rendered into the Source and the rest of the image. End ID]
Rule One: A damane cannot hurt her sul'dam.
It's my birthday, which I guess means I should share this screenshot redraw I did a few weeks ago! This was mostly a way for me to practice different digital techniques in Rebelle, and I thought this scene was dramatic and beautifully shot enough to give it a go.
(Also, I know Egwene wasn't channeling at this point. The composition just needed it, and I think it adds to the *~*~*drama*~*~*)
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sibillascribbles08 · 4 months
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Coming in with another screenshot redraw, this one was trickier because my style does not lend to me drawing Jase's head that freaking long jLSDJLFSDKF
Also first time I've ever drawn Kendra and Jeremy shame on me
ID under the cut
[ID: A digital drawing made to mimic a screenshot from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, featuring The Purple Dragons: Jason, Kendra and Jeremy. Jason is closest to the camera mostly just his face in view with a smug and somewhat evil expression on his face. He is also holding his hand up. Not far behind him is Kendra with an elbow resting on her leg and a very annoyed expression on her face. Behind her is Jeremy who's looking down at the camera, smirking, arms crossed. All of them have drastic lighting on their faces. Faint lines across the image indicate it's from a screen.
The second image is very similar, but an official screenshot from the show.]
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strawberryshineart · 1 year
My two favorite Hazbin characters, Alastor and Lucifer!
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These were mostly just for fun and some bit of practice. I haven't drawn traditionally in years, so I wanted to take a crack at it again with some simple practice pieces. The show's style differs a lot from my own, so I wanted to do a few screenshot redraws to get a feel for it. Might do some of this in my style in the future!
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littledudeholland · 1 year
How i make my drawings
Hello! Since @wolfsune09 asked how i make my shading and all that i decided to make a little tutorial on my shading style! (I draw in Clip Studio Paint)
Also english is not my fist language so i'm sorry if i make any mistakes or say weird sentences!
So let's start with brushes:
The brushes i mainly use are The Calliflakes brush, Soft square brush, and the regular Turnip pen and Design pencil from Clip studio
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These brushes are like, MY LIFE i love them so much dfjsdbfhbsdb
Anyway, the drawing i'm making is a screenshot redraw of a homestuck panel because i can
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Get homestucked lol
Anyway after the sketch i make the shading plans, they are really important and will basically dictate if the drawing will be good or not
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always make sure the light direction is the same throughout or else it will look lackluster, think about the character in they're primary forms(head is a square, torso is also a square, nose is a piramid etc.)
Now is the real kicker, plan the reflective light (i can't explain it really well so researching it is a better option)
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I like to see the light sources with their correct blending modes before drawing to check if the colors look ok
In the end, the objective is to make it so the drawing still holds up without the sketch, if the light makes the pose readable, it's all good to go
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Finally, it's time for the lineart, i made the Calliflakes's brush change in size depending on the tilt, this is great for a dynamic lineart and a crunchy look
I usually use three sizes in the lineart, the main size, a medium size to make more detailed parts, and a smaller one for when i need even smaller details, tho it's good to use it sparingly since it might make the drawing look unbalanced
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Also, i usually don't use black in my drawings, mostly because of the shading process
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Looking good!
Now it's time for the flats! This part is pretty simple, this ios also the part where i paint the lineart, i ONLY paint parts that are INSIDE the silhouette, mostly to make everything blend more and also becuase i like it :)
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What a handsome fellow!
Alright now for the part you came here for, the shading! Alright, remember the shading plan? Use that as a base for the actual shading.
First, since this drawing is in a dark place, i grouped the whole drawing in a folder, then made a multiply layer with the color closest to the original image, then i clipped it to the folder(this is a very common thing here)
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(I didn't shade the eye since it is the main point of focus of the drawing)
Now let's see it with the lighting plan
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Now let's talk soft squares and design pencils
The way i shade with the soft square is that i make it mostly cell shaded, then i come with the same brush but transparent, and i VERY CAREFULLY make circular motions to erase part where i want the shading to make a gradient effect, the key to a good shading job is balancing the sharp shadows with the soft ones
Now with hair, i use the design pencil, i basically just make a bunch of close streaks, almost like painting with a paint brush, after that i make streaks with the same pencil but transparent, making variations in lenght so it looks natural and organic
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Alright time for the first shade pass, this one is for the more general shadows, so it won't look that dynamic
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Now you can see where the shadows are lacking and make the second pass to deepen the shapes
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(P.S: all these layers are the same color, they are in multiply mode)
Alright time for the star of the show! The lights!!!
Using the shading plan i refined the shapes and put it on the add(glow) mode, a good tip i have for this stage is to make shapes shapes shapes! Also remembering that the farther the thing is, the least bright it will be.
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Oh my! That changes the whole vibe!
Now i saw the hair was a little boring looking, so i added an extra layer of airbrush to make it more dynamic
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Actually fuck it, time for some finger tip smudge
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Now we're talking.
Alright, now it's time for the reflected light, make sure it's not too bright unless it looks like a second light source, also this layer is in glow dodge mode!
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We could say it's done as it is...
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It looks so muck better now! But that's not all!
Now that we have this beautiful boi, it's time for the finishing touches! These make ALL the difference in the drawing
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There we go!
Well now it's my favorite part... the FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT part!
This is where you add all the textures and special effects! I like mostly using a noise filter (so AI can't steal my stuff) and achromatic aberration, also adding some ashes and a nice metal texture in the background to make it nicer looking
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Now, this is technically finished, but if you want to go the extra mile, you can do some color correction, i like doing it to give more contrast, also to make the piece more balanced, i also added some extra details on the eye and a blur last minute
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And it's done!
As you can see my process is a little all over the place, but that's the fun part of drawing for me! It's always an adventure where you never know how it's going to end!
Anyway hope this helped at least a little!
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rosekasa · 1 year
Hello! I am a beginner artist and I love ur art!! Super pretty and the colors are very tasty. Do you have some tips? I'd love to see your art process!
HELLO ANON!! first of all i am very honoured that u would ask me this because 90% of the time i feel like i have no idea what i am doing and like im still a beginner artist myself DSDSJDF. i would love to share some stuff i learnt and some stuff about my process (regardless of how messy it is sdfhsj)
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(final piece)
here's an old example of my process i found! while the steps sometimes look different for other pieces, i feel like this is a good demonstration of how the basic structure looks.
1. the sketch - this is where i'm mainly figuring out how i want the piece to look. i was redrawing a screenshot for this piece so it looks a LOT neater than what a lot of my other sketches look like, for example, here's the process of me figuring out my recent drawing of haise:
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(final piece)
in the first two steps, i was mainly working with showing myself what the piece was going to be. the last one was where i used references/technical knowledge to try and show whoever will be looking at it what the piece was
2. cleaning up the sketch + base colours. these two usually occur simultaneously because i will get bored cleaning up the sketch midway through and want to start adding colour LMAO. on a more practical note, sometimes putting down the base colours and having a better idea of what the finished product will look like might make it easier to refine things.
a note: cleaning up for me doesn't mean doing lineart. it mostly means erasing any overly messy lines on the sketch and redrawing small parts to make it look tidier where needed. i often leave it 'messy' at this stage, too. like here:
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(final piece)
3. light/shadow. this is my FAVOURITE part because it's where the piece starts pulling together. the method i used in the current piece was putting a multiply layer over the colours folder and filling in where light would be obstructed. after that, i used a luminosity layer to put in some bright sunlight. marc brunet has a great way of explaining it by advising to pretend that the light is the camera and you're behind the lens. this is such a good way to block in average light/shadow values! sometimes this looks a bit crazy because everything is still so messy but that is why we have...
4. rendering. this is where i fit all the remaining pieces of the puzzle together. i'll refine the colours a bit more -- e.g. colouring in the eyes, -- and fiddle a bit with the shadows to add some more variation to the hues/value. this is where i think a lot about light and shadow theory and try and make it look more realistic. marco bucci saved my LIFE with his videos about ambient occlusion and ambient light (part 1 / part 2) -- essentially, what i keep in mind the most is that if a plane in shadow is facing the sky (or is open to any other form of light that isn't the direct light source) it will contain ambient light. it is SUCH a game changer when you add it to your pieces, trust me, even if youre lazy about it. if needed i'll pull up some references to make everything look good!
5. rendering... part 2? honestly this step kind of blends with the last one as i tend to do it simultaneously. i basically clean up all the messy lines from before by painting over them! with the majority of the colours i need put down, i can just eyedrop them and paint over anything that's needed. this also comes in with the light/shadow, where, if i need a more subtle hue for either/or, i will eyedrop it and brush it in.
some further notes:
i very rarely use references during the first stages of my sketch. i think it tends to look quite stiff and unnatural if i rely too hard on the. and i personally prefer the creative room when the idea is still being conceived. references come in when i can look at what i have down on the canvas and have a fairly decent idea of what i want, including pose, composition, etc. it's essentially a first draft to guide me to where i want to go with the piece. it's when i'm done with this that i bring out references, and even then, they don't necessarily have to be the exact pose -- i'll usually get a couple of pics which show what i need to double check and keep them up as a guide. by the end of the 'sketch', i usually have a basic construction of what i need to continue, even if it's messy.
i use very soft brushes when putting down colour because it allows for more hue variation. like i said, i enjoy eyedropping and brushing in colours afterwards, so this really helps!
layer modes are ur friend! i try not to rely on them too hard during rendering because i like the freedom of painting over but they're very useful when you're blocking in your initial colours
sometimes, when i feel like i want to try something new with my art, i'll keep pieces that inspire me up in front of me. i have two of sui ishida's art books and sometimes i'll just flick to a page that oils the Art Gears in my brain and keep it open while i draw. i don't necessarily reference it, but i like having it there so i can glance over every once in a while. i don't usually make a conscious choice where i'm like "ok i want to render skin the way he does" but it's more like. my brain knows what it likes in his art and it'll try and push that part of my art in a similar direction.
honestly the best advice i have is that art is very much based on vibes. everytime i've tried to think too much about it, to do things 'correctly', to rigidly stick to art theory, my art has not come out nicely. i think the technical parts of art are important to know and understand but i also think it's important to let your knowledge come through naturally when it is needed instead of pressuring yourself to do things 'right'. tbh you probably already know that but it's something i forget a lot so maybe it serves as a helpful reminder?? sedsfhsl
ANYWAY SORRY THIS WAS SO LONG! i hope i covered what you needed and if you need anything else/want me to expand on anything feel free to drop me another ask ! <3
make sure to look after yourself and trust yourself and ENJOY!!! art is about having fun!
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sprooknooky · 23 days
9 people you want to know better tag game
Tagged by @demoncatapologist! Howdy, friend!
Three ships: I’m not a super big shipper… although I do like to ship my own characters for fun, canon or not. Right now I’ve been focused on two OCs me and a friend of mine made together over six years ago. One of them is a very tall mean bisexual and the other is a girlboss going through a divorce. That’s all right now :)
First ship: I think it may have been Ash and Misty from Pokémon. I remember reading fanfiction about them.
Last song: Daylight Robbery by Imogen Heap. Such a banger. Highly recommend
Last movie: Alien!! Oh my god this movie altered my brain chemistry. I went in thinking it was going to be some kind of scifi horror movie and came out of it laughing my ass off out of pure excitement. The sets, costumes, and practical effects in this movie are ASTOUNDING. My mind was absolutely blown. I’ve been going back through the movie a few times a week to take screenshots of scenes I like so I can redraw them because I want everything to be tangible in my hands. Epic anti-corporation message, too. What a good movie.
Currently watching: Struggling my way through the Umbrella Academy season 4 with my parents. Mostly been watching Secret Sleepover Society vods on YouTube and rewatching old episodes of Drawfee. I just finished watching Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous and Jurassic World Chaos Theory and I really liked both of those, too! WAY more intense for kids shows than I thought they’d be, and I loved every second.
Currently reading: Milk Blood Heat by Dantiel W. Moniz, The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, and Solitaire by Alice Oseman. Also some theatre textbooks for school, the Backstage Handbook, and Stop the Show by Brad Schreiber. I’m about to be consumed by technical theatre in a month or so and no one is ready for it, not even me.
Currently eating: Some penne pasta with pesto sauce and spinach. I always eat pasta on Tuesday nights. I love a good bowl of pasta
Currently craving: I went to Seoul a few months ago and had kimchi rice with a fried egg on top and haven’t stopped thinking about how good it was. I need to find a good Korean restaurant near me…
I can’t really think of people to tag but if you want to do this, consider this an honorary tag. Tag! You’re it!
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seirclys · 1 year
SUOL-nim Season 4 Livestream recap!
Note: This will only be the English portions since I don't speak Korean or Japanese (ノAヽ)
Season 3's recap
Thank you to @eloise-writes-things, @leila-lirui, @bluebutterflyrose, and @karmablacks for helping supplement some of this information when I was outside or when I was sick ^^
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This time she's streaming on Youtube instead of Twitch! However, the VOD will still not be saved afterward.
As speculated, the cover is Winter and Siyeon(our transmigrator FL), with the necklace Winter gave her in the caves :)
volume 6 will be out this summer(approximately)
Unfortunately, she doesn't know when the English translation will be licensed since it's between Gyeoeul-nim and the publisher,,
Her voice is so nice... she speaks Korean, English, and Japanese too!
Return of the pink underlayer for the magenta hair!
She talked a little about the Alice in Wonderland dress! The color was specified in the novel as "sky-blue", and SUOL-nim thought it would be fitting for Siyeon to wear such a dress while adventuring with our White Rabbit, Winter
Ahh I had to leave the house for a few hours so the stuff below are all my panicked notes. Some of these are out of order, sorryyy
SUOL-nim showed us the concept arts of the characters individually.
Fun fact, Siyeon and OG!Penelope's concept art has them wearing the same colored shoes, but Siyeon's shoes have low heels, almost like flats.
She says that out of all the characters, Callisto is the hardest to draw. This is especially since his golden hair has narrative importance and the aesthetic is hard to nail down.
The webtoon is mostly SUOL-nim's own work! She doesn't really speak to Gyeoeul-nim about work matters or help in adapting some scenes.
It takes her a week to finish a chapter, so she doesn't really have a "backlog" of progress. This is also why there's an extra week of break after four weeks.
One of the most memorable changes she made in the adaptation was changing the Empire's name from "Inca" to "Eorka". She reasoned that because "Inca" is the name of a real Empire, it would be confusing. Thus, she changed it.
The anagram of "Eorka" to "Korea" was completely accidental.
She has an Instagram for her SUOL account(like how she has a personal and a work Twitter) but has no plans on using it since her Twitter is overwhelming.
She doesn't have a favorite dress, but one of the ones she's especially attached to is the white Goddess dress since most of Penelope's wardrobe is dark.
She shows her folders occasionally, and we get little peeks of concept art for characters like Ivonne, the assassins, Penelope's male disguise, Cedrick, Emily's Hunting Competition dress, Winter's layered clothing, and minor characters, as well as the tiny bird monsters.
She also showed the dress concepts for Season 3!
In addition, we got to see a rendered concept of Penelope(think the promotional portrait) as well as a version of that style for Reynold and Penelope's faces in her folders.
There was also a WIP with Eckles and Penelope, perhaps a small illustration she scrapped, hasn't released yet, or just a concept.
We also got to see a silly doodle of Penelope, a redraw of a Crayon Shin-Chan frame(it's a popular kids manga/anime in East Asia).
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The original was Shin-Chan trying to decide between a few identical outfits; the VADD version is the one where Penelope is surrounded by objects representing each ML.
The ointment from Reynold, the scroll from Callisto, Winter's mask, Eckles' collar, and Derrick's bird cage.
Her rendering is immaculate; Siyeon glows off the page.
The info after this is second-handed since I'm still sick and I fell asleep an hour before it ended ;-; but my throat is killing me and my ears were ringing
The Eckles Penelope art is the preliminary sketch for the physical Vol. 6(from my calculations!)
She moved to sketches around this time ^^
For the top row, SUOL-nim drew a Penelope, an Eckles getting dressed, and a sulky baby Reynold in a onesie. To the right of him is a doodle of him and Derrick in high chairs, with the Duke and a heavily pregnant Duchess watching over them.
On the bottom row, we have Emily in a noblewoman's dress and a fan with her hair pinned up(with feathers!), the head butler Pennel, and an overworked salaryman Cedrick on his phone.
Edit: He's chatting about Callisto with his feet on the table while thinking about strangling Callisto loll.
The stream was approximately 6 hours long!
Also, something she reiterated for a bit: Season 4 is planned to come out in August/September. The dates are tentative but she wants to get it out to us by that period.
It was nice seeing a lot of the discord and tumblr crew!!
Also, the stream tea: SUOL-nim requested that we translate our comments that weren't in Korean, English, or Japanese since she has to moderate the chat still and she doesn't want to feel left out of her own stream. Even if it's conversing amongst themselves, they should still translate.
A group of Arabic-speaking viewers actively ignored her and there were small fights in chat, and she even addressed this issue TWICE.
And in the end they still didn't do it, so... PLEASE RESPECT SUOL-nim's stream rules! At the end of the day, it's still HER stream! She has to moderate it! Don't make it unnecessarily difficult for streamers to stream!
This is basic chat etiquette.
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toughbunnyforever · 1 month
So I came from your insta and saw that you improved quite a lot over two years. I’m in an art rut right now and was wondering your tactics for learning to draw different positions and poses? And fabric? I’m just curious since you don’t have speed draws on YT.
oh thank you!
in the past two years, i think what's helped me improve the most is learning the balance of keeping consistency without taking myself too seriously. i find that when i'm in a rut or i feel like i've stagnated, it's bc i'm too in my head and i'm forgetting to have fun. bc yes, technical skill is good to acquire, but creativity is, in my opinion, more important of a priority because that's where the art comes from. the technical skill is just the tool to help the art get made, so hone it, but don't treat it like it's everything. it's no good being able to draw a bunch of cool stuff if you don't have the spoons to draw any of it or if you're so burned out, you can't even come up with ideas.
on the more technical side though, for me, study and practice time are when i focus on repetition so i can build muscle memory. if i'm studying from references (and not feeling lazy lol) i'll draw each ref at least 2 or 3 times to get those reps in, drawing fast and sketchy, just doing as many as i can. this really helps with things you'll draw over and over again like clothing folds. my hand will start to just have a better intuitive sense for the shapes instead of agonizing over each one cuz i've drawn it enough times. when i'm sketching, it helps me to fall back on that muscle memory so i can put more focus to other aspects of whatever it is i'm drawing.
it's about finding a balance really.. if i study too much, i never actually implement the things i learn but if i study too little, then my work stagnates and all looks the same. finding that balance for yourself will go alone way! when i'm in an art block, what i need just really goes back to remembering to enjoy the process and finding that spark again. if i'm not enjoying my art, then i gotta switch something up.
here are some other things i like to do for practice:
redraw screenshots/stills from my fav shows or manga (good way to study poses, anatomy, and scene composition w/o it feeling too serious.)
or pick a show/movie/comic and choose a character i like. draw them 3-5 times, copying the art style to a T then draw them again in my own style to see what elements i wanna take away from it. (again, a good way to study without Studying. i end up leaving the experience with new staples for my art style)
find fashion photo references and draw my ocs in the outfits.
switch up what i'm drawing with. like if i'm mostly draw in pencil, switch to only pen. if i'm doing digital, i put my go-to brushes in a new folder, don't touch them, then sketch with a brush i never reach for. just change one little thing and see how it affects the process. usually i discover something new.
i wrote a list of things i like to draw on the front page of my sketchbook (just stream of consciousness, wrote down like 100 things i like to draw. ex: oranges, apples, snails, leaves.) and when i don't know what to draw, i close my eyes and point to something then draw whatever i comes up.
hope this helps!!
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istherewifiinhell · 2 months
okay apropos of nothing. these idiots
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[ID: Rise turtles screenshot redraw (from ep: mystic library) with 3 mutant-sonas, all looking up in apprehension in front of a help desk. They are: a red half mask wearing caimen (a small crocodilian) in dark and light green, a green eye mask wearing snapping turtle, in tealish tones, and blue masked... thing, with reptilian features and antenna, in mint green and warm beige. END]
da dipshit brothers <-collective gendering leave me alone
weep whomp bullshit be below
goes like this
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ID: discord msg from: Stop. eating. THE POISON! (green): (going through screenshots) look it us
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[ID: Og rise screenshot, the turtles are leo, raph and don. END]
see no mike shot cause we dont have a mike. if ur a mike type and sad abt it idk get urself adopted?
attempt one:
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ID: message from: keep it down Vomitello (blue): (RED) mutant sona. NOW image attached is the green and blue characters in sort of proto designs, more 'rise style', lined and coloured, over the screenshot. the red one sketched in with only the expression and a blob of colour. text with an arrow points to it as "YOU GO HERE" END
fugging guy doesnt even have a mutant sona. ridiculous
an aside about styles:
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[ID: msg from green: Yours is too cute that’s not fair (edited) blue: JUST CAUSE" i cant draw ur guy aswell rise style harrrrrd look practice sketch came out looking like 03 jhbdjhfg. myyyy bias attached sketch of the green turtles head more in line with 03 shows turtles (smaller eyes, diff head shape) END]
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ID: msg from: beautiful birthday baby (red): Oh oof you can't just put me on the spot like that green: yes we can blue: im sorry u havent THOUGHT ABOUT IT. fucked up of u END]
Red: Leatherhead but not as big or smart Blue: HMMM which kind of crocodilian u wanna be. theres some fun ones Red: I'm partial to caimans and alligators Green: well chop chop pick up the pen tool Red: So caiman seems about right for a smaller alligator Blue: theyyyy are just little guyssss Red: Idek if I have clip studio installed rn Blue: u got mspaint. itll do
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[ID: msg from blue: gotta do everything around here attached art now has the caimen character drawn in, mostly the same as above. Though still in broad cartoony style, he has strong eye ridges, flat head, prominent alligator type snout with nostrils and gullet. END]
Green: WOOOOW THATS REALLY GOOD Red: Sorry I've been busy That is good tho thank you Blue: THANKIES. i do like crocodilians. is the thing. [Green] ur odd man out now. beak urself Green: That’s on you for not changing the style Blue: WELL. i was tryna draw ur guy as youuu drew him fghjsdf. gotta put him on the pottery wheel... MOLD HIM [...] Blue: anyway u. any actual animals ur guy is supposed to evoke or should i just look up bulbasaur realistic fanart
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ID: Green: Lmfao is supposed to be a normal snapping Turble Blue: arrghhhaa YEAHgg photo of a snapping turtle making a funny face
an aside about... the devils green:
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[ID: Green: Now I’m trying to think of how a big croc mouth smokes weed Blue: smoking big doinks in amish silly sketch of the caiman smoking a joint, eyes half lid with a big goofy smile, smoke coming out the nostrils. END]
Green: But [Red] doesn’t use joints Blue: IM NOT DRAWING A BONG. Green: I’m thinking of his big dumb [novelty branded bong] tryina get the croc mouth on it Blue: jhgbhjsdfg Green: That’s what’s making me laugh
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ID: Blue: with difficulty sketch of the caiman with head lowered to a excessively long bong, arm stretch to over the distance of both his muzzle and the bong. hand drawn holding lighter to the. smoke bit. smoke comes out of the nostrils again. Green: HELL YEAHHHHH END]
Blue: 2 hours old and hes already schmoking Green: When he exhale becomes a dragon Blue: Yer Green: [Red] look at your weed smoking fursona Red: I got distracted but I hate and love it Green: was the distraction weed Red: No it was tik tok Green: so worse the worst drug
Attempt 2:
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[ID: Blue: okay get creatured idiot art now has the turtle as the above art, without only minor touches. He has a wider set eyes, a more shapely and pronounced beak, the 'teeth' coming to a point, eye ridges, and more colour variation. END]
Green: YIPPEEE i forgor is yours a robot Blue: yerrr lol least amount of guy to draw and from front view so idk how to show. the CHOMPERS
(aka, now I FELT left out)
attempt 3: et volia
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[ID: All characters as above, with highlights and shadows now, only drawn over the screen shot, not edited into frame. The blue masked reptile robot thing has been moved so its more visible also gaining a flatter head, eye ridges, a pointer (tho still round) beak with more teeth indicated in the comical expression. it has a scarf the same colour as its mask. END]
anyways i was like arggghh how to edit them into the scene better that seeeeeem HARDDDDDD. think about makeing them bigger and moving them and etcetc. until i realised i bet i could just get this background from the episode.... and then i was fucking around on websites. suffering... until i remembered.... i have... ALL OF SEASON 1. on my laptop. and. the thumbnail for this eps file is LITERALLY. this
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[ID: the blank background of the library, with the desk in fore, little orb lights above, and the kooky purple mystic library selves and what not in back. END]
s'its about 3 mins in.
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swiftadrift · 6 months
Collected the images of Sasha Waybright I'd drawn over the years and you can see the stages of my human art development in them... wow
I start rambling beneath the cut sorry
I thought I'd drawn like 3 images of fully-coloured humans and 2/3 of them would be Sasha but no.. I had 7 and 5/7 are Sasha and they're all different styles (other two were Luz + Amity, and Ibuki Mioda)
Girl who I got so obsessed with that my human artstyle is mostly based on her...
ALSO improvement?? I don't wanna post all of it but like
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I did a screenshot redraw from Toadcatcher a while back so I thought I might as well try another Toadcatcher screenshot and guys??? Guys... I didn't redraw the background this time around but it still looks SUPER cool
Both were very heavily referenced from the original scenes with my twist on them so it's probably nothing at all, I'm just so fascinated with the differences!!
I tried a different style of lineless that isn't the one I normally use and I think it looks so much better for this, and her expression and the shading got much more confident and sure
And I mean it was super heavily referenced to clarify both times I remember tracing the original before going over a second time in my style
But I think I've got the hang of it now... so I might start posting human art soon alongside my cats haha!
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I did this one too I'm not as happy with it but I'm still pretty happy (still referenced, I have actual drawings that aren't referenced I promise they're just sketches)
I'm working on my human art and it's showing!! I'm so elated
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gothamcityhistory · 8 months
Detective Comics #27
Where it all began
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This is a great cover to start things out! It's iconic!! I always love seeing the redraws of this!
I got this screenshot of the cover from the Batman: The Golden Age Vol. 1 which you can tell from the fact that the words "THE BATMAN!" on the cover are black and not red like the original cover from 1939. For the rest of this post I will be using screenshots from an old digitization of the comic except for a few which I got from The Golden Age Vol 1. which I use at the end. Even though it says "64 pages of action" on the cover, The "Bat-Man" story is only 9 pages long and I will only be focusing on that. (Sorry Slam Bradley fans!) Now to get into the issue.
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It starts off with this title page where they introduce the "Bat-Man" to the reader. It's very nice!
It's very strange to see him labeled at the "Bat-Man". I'm just not used to it but anyways they drop it fully Detective Comics #30. (Also note that I read it like "Bat Dash Man")
It's also very sad to see The Batman only credited to Bob Kane. Bill Finger did mostly everything and didn't get recognition for it until 2015.
Anyway, Back to the comic-
Bruce Wayne and Commissioner Gordon are chilling out at Gordon's place when suddenly Gordon gets a call about a recent murder. They need him there right away and in the most laid-back way, he's like, "Hey, Bruce, buddy, pal, chum, they need me at a murder scene... Wanna come with?"
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and Bruce is deadass like "Eh sure. Why not"
Everything was so casual in the 30s god damn.
Anyway, They rush over to the scene of the crime
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and after "a thorough examination of the scene of the crime" they decide to talk to the victims son, who is the current murder suspect.
He's like, "I didn't do it, I only grabbed the knife when I pulled it out of my dad's chest!" And, weirdly, Gordon doesn't press any further on it. He's just like "Yep okay."
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Also, he could've stayed alive if you didn't pull the knife out dummy. But I digress
He then responds to Gordon's question like "Dunno, Except these 3 guys"
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Also the comedic timing of that- I made a joke to my friend when I first read this comic that the reason why Steve Crane was excited was because he bet Lambert a hundred bucks in 1939 dollars that the threat on his life was real- I know excited back then meant having excessive emotions but I just thought it was funny.
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You sus mf. I SEE you Bruce. If that even is your real name.
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I also love this panel.
After Crane gets shot the murderer/robber escapes with a piece of paper.
When Suddenly...
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The Bat-Man shows up and beats the hell out of them and takes the paper. Then Gordon and the police arrive to Steven Crane's house as the Bat-Man runs away. Gordon then finds out Crane has been killed and decides to go to Paul Rogers house
Also look at my little man
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He's so proud of himself.
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I also love the fact that he drives off in Bruce Wayne's car from earlier in the issue. He's so silly
Meanwhile, Rogers goes to his friend's, Alfred Stryker's, neighboring Laboratory where he encounters Strykers assistant, Jennings, and gets smacked and trapped by him.
I thought this panel was hilarious.
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Like Boi! What kind of guinea pigs are you experimenting with that you need to a jar that can fit a human inside and also why are you gassing guinea pigs???
He then seals the chamber but not before the "Bat-Man" enters, plugs the gas-jet and breaks Rogers out.
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Speaks for itself really. Styker then finds out his assistant failed at killing Rogers and tries to kill him himself but the Bat-Man, who had hidden, jumps out and prevents the Stryker from killing Roger. The Bat-Man explains why Stryker like Velma at the end of an episode and then Stryker breaks out of The Bat-Mans hold and then
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The Bat-Man straight up kills him and is like "Good."
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Bro is so sus. No one acts this way. And then what's more is that Gordon is like "Man. bro is so bored all the time."
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Look at my silly dressing up in his bat fursuit!!
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Can't wait for next month!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry I basically recapped the whole story. It was very short but every panel had something interesting happening!! I definitely recommend it!!
Things I liked and found interesting!!
I found it interesting how they have text explaining the situation instead of just letting the photos do the talking.
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Thought It's probably like that because they only had 9 pages to tell the story.
I liked Commissioner Gordon's fit in this issue.
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It's a very nice Zebra-like suit that would allow him to fit in with the the weirdo 248 issues from now. It's just so snazzy!
I also like how Gordon takes things at face value and doesn't do some deeper thinking like how I'd assume a police commissioner would. "Well obviously he didn't kill his father. He literally just said he didn't". "I just told Bruce something amazing and he looks like he had heard it before. He must lead a boring life"
I also love The Bat-Man costume in this issue
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Purple glove Batman... My beloved <3
The art in this issue is great too!! I'll pick out a few of my favourite panels to show.
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Thank you all for reading my first blog post!!
Come back whenever! Rarely the same Bat-Time but always the same Bat-Blog
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vodid · 1 year
my toxic trait is looking at your art and thinking that i could do that too. everytime i try drawing Transformers it ends up lookin like a pile of metal that got ran over by two semi trucks blasted to cybertron and back then got the shit beaten out of it by Optimus Prime himself 😭
but fr though, how do you do it? like what kinds of shapes are they made of? how do all their weird alien metal parts move?
what may work for my style might not for you, as i've unfortunately learned through my years of yearning for/trying out another artist's skill, and that's okay. but i am very honored to be that kind of artist to you 💗 beating yourself up for not being like me won't help you, though 🥹 your art is great, regardless of if it looks like mine or not. i'm going on 7 years of doing this after all! (also i started with bayverse of all things 😵)
and honestly, a lot of it is just experimenting and finding what's right for you, what you need to improve/improvise on, and what you want out of your art. for me, i found that i have a very difficult time actually getting that sharp, blocky industrial style of robots down and eventually opted for a more organic, squishier look. but i do maintain their proportions as they're wildly different from a human's ghsdfsjs
you're already off to a great start doing exactly what i did to learn: redrawing screenshots from the shows. i learned most of what i know from tfp, with a lot of bayverse and g1 mixed in there. it took me about two years of that before i felt confident enough to start making original art consistently. it takes time (and tbf, i was still learning how to art in general when i started. so you really are off to a great start)
this is the kind of art i made in 2017:
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massively different from my art now, right? through all these screenshots, i'd test out new ways to draw and color. at one point, every piece i made was trying something new. and it was okay if it didn't work out. means i know what not to do next time lol generally though, i'd NEVER do lineart. i mostly focused on building up my sketching and coloring skills, as seen here in my 2018 art:
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and that kind of fucked me over for life so now i am left with painting over the sketch 😂 i digress though
in all honesty i've spent my entire art career figuring out how the fuck all their weird alien metal parts move 💀 a lot of it is BSing, some is recycling the same poses to make things easier on yourself and the rest is studying studying studying. cannot tell you the amount of times i've rewatched certain bayverse scenes frame by frame to figure out how all their parts move in tandem — i still don't know! 😅 g1 was a nightmare to figure out because of its blocky simplicity and limited range of motion. it's still a struggle to this day haha
it's really difficult how to explain how exactly i draw transformers, as it's just... something i do nowadays. there's not a ridiculous amount of thought put into it since i've built up my skill. but here's generally how i sketch their bodies and what shapes i use:
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the first is slightly different as its a more detailed approach than g1 so just imagine the arms are a little rounder — "marshmallow," as my brother would call it — like the sketches in the second (even if those are a little more advanced in the process than the first)
my best advice to you is to learn their proportions and articulation via redrawing screenshots — various ones! i chose the most dynamic poses for my megatron practices in 2018 to nail it in my head lol but yes shows like tfp and earthspark are great for that (you could probably even do with looking at the storyboard animations for earthspark to help!)
and remember, i'm still learning too! i'm not gonna pretend like i know what i'm doing. but i'm glad i inspire you :)
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