#these are very similar bc i forgot about the first ones entirely when doing the second ones
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more carmine ft. a real quote from my biomedical ethics professor
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bluegarners · 2 years
getting a tiny bit tired of the adamancy of the new fanony-but-think-its-canon take of dick being the absolutely rage filled robin. like yes, kind of? he was 9, his whole world just ended before his eyes, and his only way to process was through grief and anger bc nobody was taking a child seriously. additionally, the only person who wanted to help him at that time was also a man who was filled with a similar grief and anger and had learned to channel it in a violent way. of course dick grayson as robin resembled something as "angry" or "rage-filled" but that wasn't him too?? like, how to explain it...
the reversal of the fanon trope of dick being the "sunshiny" robin into someone angry and violent and out for blood is not the helpful shift many people think it is when trying to understand dick grayson as a character as a child. so much of fandom is turning characters very flat and not allowing them to experience two things at the same time or in fluctuating variances. which is. counterintuitive when trying to construct a cognitive map about them. having linear lines drawn for a character and keeping them in direct parallel to others, never letting them cross or intermingle, does the opposite of deepening understanding and depth of character.
what a lot of the "hot takes" i see about this very pivotal moment in dick's life focus on the rage as a very ongoing thing. i myself have touched on it a few times in metas and fics, and although i do believe dick's relationship with anger and how he responds to it is important to understanding his character, i do not believe it is a core aspect of it. yes, dick was angry as robin. he was angry bc his parents were taken from him in a very violent way for something that dick had very little understanding of. these are things that are obviously understandable to be angry about. heck, anger would not begin to describe the kind of feeling at having everything you've ever known be stripped away from you by something you had no part in or control over
but anger is not who dick grayson's robin was. his entire character is centered around hope and kindness and giving second chances. his character is about forgiveness and so many people brush over that part when laser focusing on his anger over the man that killed his family. one of the first things dick did as robin was go after and beat his parents' murderer, but he also stopped. he didn't beat that man to the point of killing him and he didn't go after him again once the man was put in prison. that may not seem like such a monumental thing but dick grayson forgave the man who took everything away from him in that simple action of stopping
by pulling him away from his anger, bruce gave dick a second chance at a life beyond that. and in return, dick never forgot that lesson and actively worked on and added to it. he became better because of his anger by practicing kindness, exercising restraint, and learning from his mistakes when things went too far
dick grayson as robin is more than just the violent night he cemented himself as a vigilante by catching his first murderer. his robin is about moving past it and being a symbol of hope for others who are lost in similar ways, showing them that there is a path beyond the grief and rage. that there is hope and light at the end of the long tunnel and it's okay if a little guidance is needed along the way to get there
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general-cyno · 11 months
I'm caught up with manga rn so I wanted to share a few thoughts (ramblings) on egghead arc zolu too. first, this convo after the crew leave wano and find out abt what's gone down in the reverie, and wrt to vivi specifically,
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I do agree with some stuff I've seen about how using ace here as an example was not exactly the best one since we know how that ended up. that said, I think it's lowkey sweet that zoro still remembers so clearly what luffy said back then and well, he's not entirely wrong.
as I've mentioned in other posts before, zoro takes the crew and his own role in it very seriously. these are his companions, his friends and family I daresay, and part of his duty as both crewmate and friend includes keeping them all check and safe whenever it's needed. especially luffy, as we've seen in different occasions (water 7, thriller bark, punk hazard, wano, just to name some arcs with relevant moments related to this). storming into marijoa, THE world government/navy stronghold, without any information and/or plan whatsoever is a bad idea all around.
luffy may be impulsive and stubborn at times, but he isn't really an idiot and he knows zoro's right even if he doesn't like it. hence this:
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ngl I love how grumpy luffy is at zoro here. these two are usually on a similar wavelength but there are key moments where their approach to things differ, and it ultimately works bc it's kind of... a complementary thing. making up for what the other lacks or needs to hear in those moments. I believe they bicker relatively less than other straw hats do in comparison (precisely bc of how similar they are imo) but it's funny when it actually happens. I can so easily picture luffy here fuming and stomping like a brat also being seconds away from asking for a divorce
this one's perhaps on a more delulu note on my part, but I like that zoro brought up ace in specific bc he was there both times when ace and sabo asked the crew to take care of luffy. it was curious to me that in the former case, zoro was kinda shown with this "!" reaction sign and later when it came to sabo in dressrosa, he was the one to fondly point out he sounded just like ace did in alabasta (and the "!" is back).
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(the fact that sabo handed zoro luffy's vivre card there also lives in my mind rent free btw)
so yeah. zoro's definitely not one to mess around when it comes to the crew and luffy's safety, though he may get a handful of grumpy straw hats (captain included!) for it.
another thing, and do bear with me bc I might be reaching once again is... the break up flashback between shanks and buggy. I pretty much forgot to make a post about water 7/enies lobby zolu bits (too busy crying over robin, I admit) but this actually reminded me of it.
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the context and personalities involved differ from each other, yeah, but I believe this shows exactly how easily it could've been for luffy and zoro to have a bad ending of sorts under different circumstances.
I can't say for sure how much of whiskey peak was intended to affect zoro and luffy's relationship later in the manga (I personally find some parts of it kinda goofy), but it at least served as an early example that they're not immune to suffering from misunderstandings and miscommunication issues. though unlike shanks/buggy, the fact that they're more similar than they're different and their differences tend to complement each other's likely works more in zoro and luffy's favor. still,
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if luffy hadn't listened to zoro here - if he'd failed to stay true to what's expected of him as the captain (and being the captain is related to his journey to become the pirate king), to stay true to the kind of man zoro believes him to be and that he chose to join in that marine base, we could've had a similar scenario to shanks and buggy's imo. more so when you consider that zoro's as headstrong as luffy is, that he's been mistaken for the captain and now has turned out to have the color of the supreme king too. hell, zoro used to be a bounty hunter, is still called the pirate hunter. I don't believe it'd be easy for zoro to leave despite what he says, or that they'd become enemies per se, but it isn't (or wasn't) out of the realm of possibilities. zoro has admitted that he sees no point in being a pirate unless he's part of luffy's crew as well.
as it is, the fact that luffy values zoro's imput and listens to him whenever the need arises is such an important part of their relationship. as loyal as zoro may be, as great as his displays of that loyalty are, they only exist bc luffy cares for him just as much and has earned them through his actions. I love it!
last thing before this gets too long is this:
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the mobile app's pic upload limit is my enemy so I can't share it but I also liked the page before this one, where luffy asks zoro if he needs some help, to which zoro tells him to focus on kizaru instead.
this is such a great showcase of how much they've grown in terms of strength - that zoro can take on one of pre-timeskip luffy's strongest foes now, and that luffy himself is no longer unable to do anything against enemies like kizaru. and yknow, I find it special that luffy can go against him now considering kizaru was the one who almost killed zoro in sabaody - one of those instances in which luffy was genuinely worried, upset and feared for zoro's safety to the point he was actually all teary when rayleigh managed to save him.
I would've liked to see zoro's reaction to nika!luffy since he was knocked out in wano when it first happened, but I suppose he's already seen the wanted poster and his lack of reaction now isn't that out of character probably. godly power up or not, that's still his silly gremlin captain ig. can't wait to see what else is in store for these guys in this arc and onwards!
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peachybutch · 1 year
first day as a 26th century sim trooper I accidentally kill our captain and I have my men strip him and give me his armor to make it look like nothing happened and we aren't a man down, but my voice is very different from our team leader's voice and the enemy can clearly tell that there's an entire naked corpse just sitting behind our base
second day as a 26th century sim trooper i bribe my men to start singing a chant i carefully crafted to spread misinformation and further my strategic ends but they change the lyrics to be about dicks and the enemy isn't misdirected at all
third day as a 26th century sim trooper i lure our enemies into our side of the box canyon and send a sniper to shoot them from the high ground but there was a tank on the trail up to the overlook and he couldn’t decide whether to try and shoot it or just go around and by the time the tank got up and left on her own the enemy had already passed safely below
fourth day as a 26th century sim trooper we attempt to have a battle against the red team but because of a teleporter mishap one of my team members had a really similar armor color to my ex girlfriend, so i got confused and attacked the wrong guy. so now i'm stuck trying to act like i meant to do that around this total loser of a second in command, because how the fuck do you explain that after a battle?
fifth day as a 26th century sim trooper and some sort of alien wanders into the canyon. I want to execute him for being an alien but my second in command convinces me to let the alien stay, because we want to do more alien tech based strategies and he's pretty sure having a team alien can help with that. after the welcome to the team quest the alien steals the magic spaceship at the end of it and impregnates my second in command and leaves
sixth day as a 26th century sim trooper my loser second in command calls me for reinforcements after the rookie loses our flag, but in the confusion of leaving i forgot to take the tank that would blow up the enemy base, so we have to wait behind a rock for like eight hours while the rookie walks back to get it. he blows me up
seventh day as a 26th century sim trooper and my ghost finally joins my loser second in command back at the blue base, turns out he's actually a pretty cool guy, and he isn't even that mad at me for letting the alien get him pregnant. i decide to shoot my shot but i'm really nervous and keep on stalling because what if i mess up our relationship and by extension make this whole thing awkward, and eventually he just says goodnight and goes back to his room, where my ex girlfriend is in the process of setting up to kick him in the balls
eighth day as a 26th century sim trooper and my loser second in command tells me i should call command, who we have not been talking to for a while bc they also talk to the red team, to find out if they were the ones that sent my ex girlfriend and why. but the whole time im sitting in their voicemail menu in their underground cavern i'm worried that this has something to do with the alien thing or how awkward i made it last night
ninth day as a 26th century sim trooper i try to tactfully ask command if they sent a freelancer to help our team and it turns out the idea of using freelancers in the canyon never occurred to them, but now that i've suggested it they're really into it. in order to save my loser second in command i volunteer to be the one to call my ex girlfriend
tenth day as a 26th century sim trooper on my way back to my base I'm stealing a robot body when i realize i won't be able to get my ex girlfriend out of my second in command's room until i get command to tell her to do something else. i go back to my second in command and ask him to find somewhere else to sleep for the time being, and he tells me that if there were anywhere else for him to sleep he already would have done that. that doesn't change the fact that my ex girlfriend is still here. i go back to my room to sulk. my ex girlfriend is there
eleventh day as a 26th century sim trooper i find a little ai chip in my second in command's bedding and deduce it belonged to my ex girlfriend. without asking permission or telling my loser second in command goodbye i go back to the underground cavern to ask command what's up. don't ask what i was doing in my loser second in command's room. it's not important
twelfth day as a 26th century sim trooper i disguise myself as a freelancer and enter the structure that command told me the ai chip was from. in the middle of messing with the computer that the chip came from i make eye contact with the guy guarding the structure. IT'S THE ALIEN THAT GOT MY LOSER SECOND IN COMMAND PREGNANT. after i get the info that i need to go to the project freelancer headquarters, i corner the alien and ask him what the fuck is going on, and he just says "blargh honk" and leaves. i don't know what to say to that so i just let him go
thirteenth day as a 26th century sim trooper i'm honestly so sick of not knowing what's going on, so i adjust my freelancer costume to passably disguise myself as my ex girlfriend and break into the project freelancer headquarters. Sure enough, the director is willing to talk to me directly now. I ask what he implanted my ex girlfriend with an ai chip and sent her to my base for, and he told me that command heard one of my men singing a chant, and it contained all of the military's top secret ai programs. command sent my ex girlfriend to intimidate him into silence before he figured out what it meant. he shares the first line with me but i get kicked out before he can share any more. he doesn't need to. through a bizarre coincidence of homophones, it's the dicks version of my misinformation chant
fourteenth day as a 26th century sim trooper i go back to my loser second in command and tell him everything, urging him to join forces with the red team to attack the freelancer headquarters because of the shit revealed in the misinformation dicks chant. he tells me frankly that he doesn't respect me as a leader anymore. i ask him to become team leader himself if that's really true, because i can understand not respecting me, but i can't do this alone. he agrees to help me attack project freelancer
fifteenth day as a 26th century sim trooper. due to the information in the dicks chant, and thanks to my loser second in command singing it over and over again while planning our battle strategy, our team carries the day. in all the chaos, my loser second in command gives birth and has a kid. the kid's ugly as shit. my ex girlfriend tells me that she actually likes sleeping in my bed now and she would like to kick me out of it for good and keep it for her own from now on if i don't mind. i do mind, especially now that neither the team i've grown to call my family nor the man i love have any use for me, but i don't tell her that
sixteenth day as a 26th century sim trooper i'm preparing to step down and leave to i don't know where, maybe to try to figure out what the fuck i'm supposed to do as an ai reincarnation of the director of project freelancer, when my loser second in command stops me and asks me where i'm going. he says he had hoped i would continue to be team leader. i was unaware he still considered me his leader in the first place. i agree, and he tells me he's really happy to have me sticking around with him. he has known i am the most bizarre and interesting man he has ever met, and that he wants to spemd the rest of his time in this canyon sitting around and bitching with me. he's known this ever since the day i asked him to strip a dead guy for me and leave him naked out in the sun, and he could not for the life of him figure out why
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sisterofficerlucychen · 3 months
If you could only keep Chenford scenes from one season, which ones would you keep? And why? 🤭
the way i read the question wrong, not once, but twice lmao. and to think i was so excited because i thought it said "only keep a chenford scene from season one" bc that would have been pretty easy 😂 this is actually such a hard question!!!!!!! 🥺
i think i have to go with season 4 — it had so many good moments! i feel like it was peak chenford banter and i just loved how they were so shamelessly pulled toward one another? there were so many times they were acting like a married couple while there was nothing going on between them yet.
the moment in tim's living room and that split second where it looked like they were almost, maybe going to kiss??? then neither can sleep and lucy gets up to go to him??? top tier angst.
THE BABY BOOTIES. i swear pranks are their love language and this was the most perfect way for lucy to celebrate/congratulate tim on making sergeant. also, the fact that she ordered twice and instead of returning them, she was going to leave him more bootie lmao.
that little journey of lucy becoming his aid because she was so excited when nolan told her what he overheard and then so upset when he didn't pick her. like the fact that even nyla asked john what was up because it was that obvious. and how they're literally trying to one up the other with it? like lucy sabotaging webb and tim picking smitty in response. also, the whole "because i'm a girl and you're a boy?" " a very handsome boy?" 😂 subconsciously the feelings were already running wild lol.
talking about kids so freely and openly???? because we went from "i'm married, officer chen, and this isn't something you and i talk about" in season one to "uh, honestly? i, uh, thought i would've had some by now. isabel and i, we made all these plans — pop out three kids, watch them grow up, have kids of their own. but ..."
the competition to solve the case with the treasure hunt — i loved how it brought up the competitiveness between the two but also digging a little deeper, how it's in these type of moments that they can almost approach it with this childlike fun? because neither of them really had a childhood where they could do silly little things like this.
UC TIM HIT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lucy's role in the entire plot around tim's dad from helping with the renovations (on her day off) to going with him to confront his dad and just being there for him.
THE DANCE AT JYLA'S WEDDING. also how tim decided to make her primary on the reports after she was upset about it like there's no way he would have done that with anyone else. he would have just kept pulling the rank card and let them stay mad.
the double date where tim and lucy forgot they had brought actual dates to dinner.
lucy giving tim so much shit about proposing to ashley throughout the day and tim getting back at her with the fake proposal that she goes to angela to curse him???? 💀
also how disappointed she was when she ask him if he could see himself married to ashley like this girl is a romantic, she was so excited when she nolan was thinking about proposing to bailey and yet with tim, she said nothing (girlie didn't even realize how down bad she was)
the chaos of the doppelgänger uc plot and how it led these fools to act on their feelings because i'm forever cackling at how they needed to "pda a little" to convince hajek and his crew that they were a couple??
THEIR FIRST KISS 😭😂 the way tim was so proud of himself for the peck and lucy was like "that's it?" and bbg went for it and they both got caught up in it. the way they both jumped away from each other when tamara opened the door and how absolutely awkward they were about trying to explain it.
TIM WAS SO SHOOK IN THE HALLWAY LIKE THE FOG LIFTED AND IT ALL CAME TOGETHER??? it also felt like a cool full circle to the premiere when lucy had a similar moment after they hugged.
... that may have gotten a little out of hand (and there's a few more i didn't include) lmao.
honorable mention to season 2 for dod and season 5 for pining era/canon chenford though because i was stuck between those three.
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just finish hunger games movie series & screaming at songbirds n snakes bc it not just a prequel just to be prequel just for money just to put series name into people mouth again. or separate story that happen in same universe with mild connections but can be see as separate. but prequel that add so much extra depth n meaning to original. read live comments as watch & many posts by others, all help explain things to me n here some thoughts after
only watched 1 & 2 when younger n didn’t understand A Thing n it amazing rewatching n see how much missed n see how it. all not that hidden
all parallels…. obvious one be katniss/lucy gray but also, peeta/lucy gray, katniss/S (snow’s “friend” from school forgot spelling), katniss’ prim/tigress’ snow, katniss/snow, how songbirds n snakes plural n now snow n lucy gray both at same time, etc etc
end of movie lucy gray escape n snow can’t find, n go back to capital, n then line from old/original/“present day” snow.
n then IMMEDIATELY song from lucy gray to snow
imagine it as something song to snow, ringing around his ears his head, during katniss era, end of his presidency during rebel revolution, from full start of it at beginning of mockingjay where still think can win, to slowly, clearly him losing.
really. really want re-boot of original 3 but through snow perspective because. truly want see his reaction to all lucy gray parallels. n parallels with younger him… “similar situation but produce vastly different result”. see katniss first volunteered, see her name. what went on mind when first saw her mockingjay pin. when katniss mention places at 12 he went to with lucy gray. when mockingjay became full rebel symbol. when katniss sing lucy gray song (n not knowing who it from but song survives).
n. if lucy gray able see it. her reaction to katniss & to snow’s reaction to katniss.
“Oh, you think I'm gone 'cause I left / But I'm in the trees, I'm in the breeze” n it so true n that song absolute perfect (always heard this line as “you think i’m gone because i *lived*” n honestly like that better)
don’t find it as “corruption arc” or story about how snow turn evil from good to evil because circumstances but more of. it in snow all along & he actively chose all choices that lead him to this, when given choice he chose self over others all along (like him help lucy gray in game doing that whole time because for himself for his benefit). n movie show him amateur school boy do that -> grow into him professionally doing that. as game master (think it implied at end he become one?). n as president
mockingjay (entire main series but especially out in open in mockingjay) not meant to be just another action based movie with hero leader in charge inspire all & defeat bad guys n how good will beat evil in end. n if go into it expect it be another one of those going be disappointed n find boring. katniss from very beginning been victim & child who pushed to be this “hero” be seen as one unwillingly & not realize it & not want it. didn’t enjoy some mockingjay film choices & it confusing & find pacing weird (find most films split into parts have weird pacing) but ultimate story think it way it meant to be
what typically would expect is after katniss go to 13, would be hail as hero by crowd put in leadership position & all respect from coin & coin willingly step down n say how been waiting reserving this for katniss all along hope she come to. n katniss willingly naturally get into that lead role n lead resistance n ultimately win n capture bad guy n now new era of totally completely different… except it none of that. subversion of trope absolute perfect
instead all that, instead at front of line of fire. katniss be front of camera.
n how even more real it is… wondering how much… (not much) would be different after “revolution” from snow to coin.
coin proposing new hunger games… all while pretending choose word so carefully so delicately. revolution in truest sense—revo-, around, 360 degree, back where started.
really think snow’s reaction at end of mockingjay well done. his conversation with katniss in plant place. him bursting out laughing when katniss shot coin instead of him.
n now after watch songbirds & snakes. double think so.
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creatorbiaze · 1 month
Why are the puppets so accurate to every little detail? Why does Zelura know everything down to a T about everyone’s physical features?
Were the strings around the doll or actual Vizerxa? Or both? Where did they come from?
was there a reason Zelura wanted or even needed Vizerxa at their ‘home’?
why was ‘home’ even in ‘’ anyways? Is that important?
was Zelura aware of whatever panic attack Vizerxa had?
Did Zelura give Vizerxa those uhh I forgot what they’re called when Vizerxa was distracted by the puppet?
why??? Why are the dolls made? For what purpose if any?
what even are the things anyways? Do they serve a purpose? Because I know several of your characters have them I think
1-Zelura has near-photographic memory & the blindfold doesn't obstruct her vision much / if at all, it's specifically just so no one sees her eyes. She can see relatively well, and tends to make puppets based on people after just a couple meetings (or in some cases without meeting at all). People she's actually talked face to face with a few times have All The Details instead of just Most of Them
2-Actual Vizerxa, and it's... complicated. For the most part it was essentially just... basically just in her head? Crimson Strings are normally referenced as the Symbol of Being Controlled , the freezing/inability to move was mostly just terror & shock from getting overwhelmed with information. The crimson strings being a symbol of being controlled is bc of Zelura's Strings of Fate power (crimson glowing strings that she can create & use to control people). because of how Strings of Fate works (it was mentioned in one of the nikolai & Vizerxa rp threads) Vizerxa's.. never been entirely sure if they actually ARE there or not so I tend to just write them as never explicitly appearing or disappearing, just. there.
3- Honestly it was mostly to get her away from the Bright Palace because Light Song was starting one of her own plans, and just curiosity of how Vizerxa would react to finding a puppet of herself since everyone reacts differently.
4-Zelura doesn't really consider anywhere her true Home , her main base is in a broken trial-realm Zenza made when figuring things out. Zenza's 'home' is also supposed to be in '' if/when i mention it
5-Somewhat. They're not sure of the exact extent but they're curious about the fact that just seeing a puppet of herself made Vizerxa snap badly enough that she got Griefstruck Tearstains, although just mild. Griefstruck Tearstains are normally considered an effect only Inxau (Insanity) has on people, I'm a bit curious about if anyone can figure out the exact actual cause of their creation.
6-Griefstruck Tearstains? Nope, Zelura didn't really have a hand in creating them other than giving Vizerxa a thing that'd apparently cause it. Griefstruck Tearstains can only really happen "because" of the person that has them (for lack of better explanation without giving the cause away entirely), inxau's mostly just credited bc people who interact with them often always have the Tearstains.
7-honestly just for fun. Zelura gets bored very easily, puppets are an easy way to unnerve people, and they're fun for them to make.
8-Griefstruck Tearstains? It's a form of corruption, technically, similar to Bloodstained Wings (if a Draconic kills without reason, crimson Blood-like stains slowly spread on their wings, normally near the edges at first) & Light Song's corruption hair. They don't really have an effect on the person after they appear, but they also can't be removed.
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gojuo · 2 years
I heard many people say that if the showrunners were good writers they would definitely make aegon and rhaenyra parallel each other. And tbh it's such an interesting take , because that would flesh out the conflict and make it very grey as it should have been. Also the fact that syrax is yellow and sunfyre is gold and you know... Gold and yellow are very similar so i think it's an interesting detail from GRRM. So what you think about this ? If u have given the chance to write their dynamic and how they parallel each other, how will u do it? I'm curious
Syrax and Sunfyre couldn’t be more different to be honest 😭 Syrax for starters is useless and lazy, never went out into battle, never hunted for her own food, forgot she could fly and breathe fire, essentially letting the mob of KL kill her, her one and only kill is Joffrey, etc. etc. She was worthless and did nothing during the entire Dance, mirroring her rider I guess 😭😭😭 Sunfyre contrary to that was a much younger dragon who DID ride out into battle, who DID hunt for his own food (balanced diet of other dragons, grand maesters and princesses #healthygainz), who has THE most dragon kills, who was horrifically injured but still kept on fighting kept on surviving who refused to die all to find his way back to Aegon and to help him achieve his goal of killing Rhaenyra, WHO SHOULD HAVE DIED TEN TIMES OVER BUT REFUSED TO ALL FOR AEGON BC SUNFYRE KNEW HIS BELOVED RIDER NEEDED THAT MONSTER DEAD AND HE COULDN'T LEAVE THIS WORLD BEFORE HE MADE SURE SHE WAS GETTING DIGESTED 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Also exactly mirroring his rider...
Anyways this is about the dragons but dragons do resemble their riders so I feel like this would also be their dynamic. They’re just too different. Both in the book and in the show. In the book Rhaenyra is hungry for violence and makes the declaration of war first, she never cared for her siblings (always calling them her half-siblings), was gleeful when they died, when she was young in court she made fun of them along with Daemon to entertain herself, etc. Aegon in contrast had to be convinced to take up the crown, he says “What kind brother steals his sister’s throne?” (paraphrased, I don’t have the passage with me right now) when Criston tried to persuade him (RIP Kingmaker Cole, one of the most butchered Greens on the show), insinuating that he had resigned himself to being unwanted, only being convinced to ascend the throne himself because him and his entire family would have to be killed in order for Rhaenyra to have a smooth succession, etc. etc.
In the show they obviously tried to soften Rhaenyra’s canon ass personality bc they need their Daenerys 2.0, but then again, she was also beefing with her little 2-year-old brother on his birthday????? Like.. “No one is here for me,” she cries but they are at her baby brother’s birthday party ????? I’m fucking crying why was this grown woman so upset people were celebrating Aegon’s birthday, as if she herself didn’t get birthday parties every single year too 😭 Anyways show!Rhaenyra is less bloodthirsty and deliberately awful, but she still makes the declaration of war first, she still beefs with her baby brother, she still never makes an effort to get close to them (evidenced in the Driftmark episode), all in all she still doesn’t see them as family.
If the show was in my hands, I would have never whitewashed her character (bc she would be the antagonist and Alicent/Aegon the protag so lol) so if it was up to me, I would have had young Rhaenyra trying to bond with Aegon, but failing miserably because of her own feelings of doubt and insecurity of her position. And also, because Daemon is grooming her and slowly turning her against her siblings because he has his claws in her bc in my version of the show, Daemon would be the unequivocal villain of the series, serving no one but himself, not even Rhaenyra. Remember that he was starting with grooming her when she was 8 years old after being named heir. He, being as self-serving as he is, would have more chance of getting close to the throne as Rhaenyra’s King Consort than being uncle to King Aegon. (He doesn’t give a shit about her, he just cares about her power & title.) So Daemon would be poisoning young Rhaenyra against her siblings and since she would be feeling isolated in her younger years, fearing that her father would replace her with Alicent and their kids, it would be just way too easy for Daemon.
I think what I would do is that because of the big age gap between Rhaenyra & Aegon + Daemon always all up in her ear + her fucking off to Dragonstone for most of Aegon’s life, I would have had their characters be paralleled (Rhaenyra is loved by their dad and is the heir and has all his attention vs. Aegon is loved by the court + has better PR and Rhaenyra fears her position will go to him). Any interaction I would have them do would be extremely strained and filled with vitriol and resentment and bitterness, but I think what would be best for them is their interactions not being face-to-face but mostly through ranting about the other behind their backs. Aegon, whenever the family believes he’s fucked up and the frustration becomes too much for him, he’d just be like, “Who the hell cares what I do? Father only sees sister anyways/Sister-who-is-more-of-a-stranger-to-me is the one who will inherit everything that should have gone to me so why even bother?” etc. etc. such moments of vulnerability. For Rhaenyra, we would have such moments when she’s younger and Aegon is newly born. As a girl who’s lost her mother, who’s watching as her father is with a new wife, she would feel like she and the memory of her mother is getting replaced by Alicent & Aegon, and the fear of losing her only family (her dad) to someone that is not her and then also losing the inheritance her father gave her to someone that is also not her would make her a young and insecure girl, feeling isolated (perfect moment for Daemon to begin his grooming) and extremely hostile towards Aegon. As they grow older, Rhaenyra would see how Viserys cares so much for her and loves her whereas Aegon sees none of it, so she would be feeling vindicated and rub that in his face, only showing him apathy and spitefulness whenever they brush shoulders in passing. But what do I know, I’m just some girl writing fanfiction... Instead, the superior CondalHess are going to have their first and last interaction be when he kills her 🙃
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shatterthefragments · 7 months
The II jacket arrived today! 🥰💖
@ghxstly-death here is the ramble/review!:
So there seems to be different weights and feels to different parts of the fabric. Which is. Less nice. In my opinion.
But I am accustomed to athletic wear and the material has a similar feel to most of that. It reminds me of a thinner version of a pair of pants I used to wear all the time.
It feels smoother and nicer than one of my old athletic works shirts that was originally from Walmart. (Idk if they still sell with that brand anymore).
It’s. not the *nicest*, but it’s fine. Right now I feel neutral about it.
The upper portion of the coat (but really I’d probably just wear it as a shirt tbh) is a thicker portion than the rest of it. And I like the feel of it and how it doesn’t feel as if it’s going to snag if one of my rough fingertips passes over it.
The sleeves are maybe a mid weight portion of the fabric.
The flowy dangly bits are probably the thinnest parts: I do prefer the texture of thicker weight fabrics so to me this is the least appealing part of the garment and it feels like maybe it could snag if I dragged my rough fingertips over it.
That being said I think that it was necessary to make the fabric thinner as you go down the garment bc it’s a stretchy polyester and kinda. Sags(?) downwards a bit? I’m not quite sure how to describe it but Like It Wishes To Sink To The Floor a bit? Just that polyester behaviour.
I am. Not entirely sure on how to deal with the strappy parts but they look cool and one of them is the same fabric as the garment and one feels more like one of the straps on a bag that I have. Woven canvas? Idk. Still polyester but. Best description I can come up with is camera bag strap bc it feels very similar to one of the ones we used to have. The clipping mechanism seems very tilted but it works and it kinda makes sense that it would be that way to make it cheaper instead of going through a better built process bc it does the job well enough.
The zipper is not the best quality but it’s fine.
While it is tighter than I would like, it is a stretchy athleisure style of polyester. It does seem to drape better when I wear one of my binders (though I essentially stopped binding at the start of covid to try to protect my lungs god I miss the silhouette and feel.) (shown with binder in left photo)
But I do feel pretty cool when wearing it :)
Trying to describe the feel of fabric: it’s smooth and almost silky but not quite, and it feels less silky and more substantial/woven in the thicker areas?
In comparison to costumes that I remember wearing for Halloween as a young child, this is far better quality.
In comparison to the clothes I wear on an everyday basis, this is not as good quality.
It is however better quality than a shirt I got off Shein before I knew better (but bc it’s one of my few, or possibly only, semi formal goth shirts I still wear it every so often - I wore it at a bachelorette party the first time I wore it.)
Ignore the green of my brace and the twine that’s sticking up, but this is a photo
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In the other photo you can kinda see my grey knee high socks on. So. On my 5’2” ass it is.. long. Not unbearably so though. (Also I forgot the strappy parts before the photo on the right)
Unofficial rating: 8/10
I Will wear this
But am also pretty sure it’s too much work for a regular basis (straps) (though I do appreciate it doesn’t choke me bc I often can’t wear crew necks even though I have a whole drawer of them bc I hate the way it feels when stuff is near my neck but I love those shirts so sometimes I’m okay) Also this likely would be too much work to bring with me to even consider wearing this to the sleep token concert I’m going to bc it would be a bit big to pack and I’m not sure if I want to wear this the whole time when travelling (it only has the one arm pocket) (I’m seeing a friend for a few days first and while I can do laundry I want to keep packing very simple for me)
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messymindofmine · 2 years
I've been rewatching s2 and I can honestly say it is the messiest season in the entire show. I suppose it's kind of understandable since a) the show was still kind of finding it's footing with expanding on characters and plotlines and b) the pandemic really changed a lot of plans. The messiest thing they did though was the entire storyline revolving around Gwyn and Owen.
As much as I liked Gwyn, I never got the feeling even when the season first aired that she was meant to stick around for good and rewatching has reinforced that for me. Considering we barely even got a mention of her on s1, it seems very strange that they would suddenly have her moving in with Owen in s2. I suspect that the real reason she was even brought in is bc both the actress who played Zoe and Liv Tyler decided to leave and bc heaven forbid Owen have one season without a love interest or at least some female character that he has sexual tension with, they decided to bring Gwyn in. I do like that they chose Lisa Edelstein bc her and Rob Lowe obviously have great chemistry and it's a really cool nod to their time on the West Wing. It's actually really cool bc if you watch their scenes in the West Wing, you can kind of imagine them as a young Owen and Gwyn when they first got together. But then they introduced the whole baby thing. And the whole surprise baby storyline has always been my most despised trope in any show bc it is so narratively lazy and 99% of the time adds absolutely nothing to the show. It certainly didn't add anything to this one. There was literally no reason to bring that in especially considering that the plan was pretty obviously to always have Gwn and Owen break up again.
All this storyline did was make both Gwyn and Owen look pretty bad as parents. I usually defend Owen quite a bit (and will continue to do so bc the hate this man gets is truly ridiculous) but I do understand why people were so upset with him in s2. The Owen we saw in s2 was almost unrecognizable than the one we saw in s1. The version we got in s3 was better than what we got in early s2. It's like he literally forgot that he had a son during that time. And the same goes for Gwyn too. Not once did either Gwyn or Owen think about how they were hurting their son with the way they were behaving. The storyline also made no sense from a realistic perspective. Gwyn would've been in her 50s in s2 and at the very least pre-menopausal yet somehow she gets accidentally pregnant? And then the same Gwyn who is shown to be very pragmatic and reasonable doesn't once consider the very large risk factors involved with pregnancy at such an advanced age? Not to mention how that would affect her career at that point in her life? Instead Owen is shown to be the one who's struggling with the idea. Tbh as much as I commend the show for usually dealing with sensitive topics really well, this whole storyline gave me some real "written by men who have no idea how women even work" vibes. It made zero sense to have the storyline at all considering they have Owen and Gwyn break up anyway.
It made even less sense after they decided to kill Gwyn off. And tbh I wasn't even surprised that they decided to do that bc like I said, it was pretty obvious that Gwyn was never meant to be brought into the show to begin with. Even when they brought her back in s3, it was obviously done to fuel Owen's s3 mid-life crisis. In fact, this point is literally stated by Mateo. As sad as her death was bc I did like Gwyn, at least it contributed something to the show itself as well as allow a deeper look into TK's character. The same can not be said for the baby storyline at all.
I know some people have been upset that we don't see or hear any mention of Jonah or Enzo and I do understand why. It does seem really weird. But at the same time, I'm actually not upset bc I never liked that whole storyline to begin with and I'm glad to just forget about it lol. Besides, I feel that the baby storyline is similar to the Iris storyline but in the opposite direction. As in, with Iris they may well have planned something for her in s2 but bc Liv Tyler left they decided to scrap those plans. That's understandable but then by bringing her back in s4, they ended up creating all these plotholes for the previous seasons. But ok, at least Iris's storyline contributed something and we got introduced to an interesting new character. As I said before, I would be down for seeing Iris again. But with the baby thing, it was created pretty obviously for the sole purpose of drama, it clearly wasn't all that popular even at the time and I think the writers probably regretted creating it to begin with. Not that they'd ever admit it since they couldn't even admit that the Iris storyline was not something that they'd been planning the whole time even though it's super obvious. It genuinely feels like they started regretting it very early on but bc it's a procedural show on cable TV didn't feel comfortable really taking the plunge to maybe find a way to get rid of the storyline in a realistic way (eg miscarriage or abortion) and so just ended up going along with it in the messiest way possible. Any mention we got of the baby pretty much from the beginning felt so forced. As if the writers kept thinking "oh shoot we brought this in and now we have to follow it through." But now they have no reason to do so and I suspect that they're perfectly happy to effectively retcon the whole thing and act like it never happened. And you know what? I'm not even upset about it. All things considered, retconning it actually makes more sense that having had it in the first place. At least, they're still including Gwyn and remembering her. To me, that matters more. I'm not gonna tell anybody else what to do but I feel like it might just be better to go with the flow and erase the baby thing from our minds for our own sanity. It's not like the show makes it hard.
Anyway, I just needed to get these thoughts out bc rewatching the first couple of seasons with the hindsight that we have now is truly an experience
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lloydfrontera · 2 years
wait but making Noviel stay in Lloyd's room with Javier instead sleeping in his own is genius, after an entire day with Noviel wearing a stuffy helmet that blocks off all of his handsome features, of course Lloyd would get to see him like how the others saw Javier when this scene happened
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But of course, the same face but slightly older , and goddamnit i agree so hard on the fact that we think Lloyd's thought process is like:
Lloyd: Javier's already hot, i know that, but OLDER Javier from knight of blood and iron???👀👀💳💥💥💳💥💥💥💳
Hdhdhcbbdlisten i absolutely agree, lloyd, i just think that mr knight of blood and iron javier🤝🤝
Lloyd puts Javier to sleep first so that he and Noviel can talk freely later, and bc it's canon how Javier's Grandmaster senses can hear someone even beyond the rooms of the mansion, it wouldn't be very wise for Lloyd and Noviel to chat while Javier's still awake
Lloyd also definitely most likely uses this time to secretly(openly) stare at Noviel's features and lowkey fanboying inside(he's being so obvious), like imagine if Lloyd knows something like knowing exactly where every single scar is on Noviel from the novel, with Noviel jokingly asking if he wants to see them in person and I'm getting off track but MORE TEASING but it feels 10000000x more powerful bc Lloyd can see Noviel's teasing face
And though none of them noticed, someone's fuming in their sleep msnxnc
ASJKFHKASD YEAH EXACTLY lloyd is fighting for his life every time noviel takes off his helmet, like,,, the intimacy of noviel only showing his face to lloyd (despite it being obviously for practical reasons) would absolutely knock him out ahksjdhkas and there is just,,, just something about a character not showing their face so often that makes it all the more exciting when they do and lloyd definitely goes through that every time ajshda like very day they go out, he srot of forgets and expects noviel to llok exactly like javier and then the night arrives and its just him goin >:O over noviel looking older and more rugged than his own javier ajskdak
also yeah javier would easily be able to listen to them talk if lloyd didn't put him to sleep in his own room. tho i do love the idea of noviel and lloyd making obscure references to things that only they know and it driving javier crazy too ajsdka  ALTHO i was thinking of noviel mentioning something he's expecting to happen, like lupellan or something like that, only for javier to be like "??? what? we already took care of that?" while lloyd makes 'cut it out' signs being him because he sort of forgot to mention it to him and javier being slightly smug over finally knowing something noviel didn't. just a little. akjsdka
AND LLOYD STARING AT NOVIEL OH MY GOD like he'd probably be fascinated by him, because even tho he already knows who noviel is, he still spends more of the day with his face covered so lloyd doesn't get a lot of opportunity to compare him with his own javier. and look he's trying to not be creepy but!!! they're just!! so different and so similar at the same time!! i'm ignoring canon to say noviel has a few more scars than javier does. or well. a lot more. noviel got his assk kicked a lot more than javier did after all. and lloyd is soooo curious about it! like he read the book yeah, but it's completely different to see it in person! and asjsdhska just, noviel catching lloyd staring one time and sort of smirking before asking lloyd if he wants to take a closer look making lloyd go all flustered. GAAHH EVEN BETTER IF HE DOES IT IN FRONT OF JAVIER like imagine if they're in the middle of a construction and noviel takes of his shirt because it is Hot, and besides javier does it too, so its fine right? and lloyd just,,,, Stares, partially because he didn't realize just how much noviel had gone through and how much hardship javier had avoided in part thanks to him and partially because.... hot. and noviel notices and sort of teases him about it but javier is fuming. like it isn't enough for the knight of blood and iron to try to be edgy and mysterious by never taking off his helmet or mask, he also has to be so in shape and have what's probably a tragic past?? this is Bullshit >:[
but them doing in private is sooooooo much, i cannot deal with that i'm gonna explode ajksdhjksa
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icy-watch · 6 months
Icy Review: - MK is the Sun and Wukong is the Moon, the Warrior. - "Something is going to happen to Wukong and he's going to fall to the darkness." [Noted by Icy to be similar to Spider Venom.] - "It's going to have to do with MK becoming very powerful and casting a shadow over Wukong. Something with his self doubt? His fear that Wukong chose incorrectly?" - "I've never put much thought into why Wukong gave his powers to MK in the first place. I know that he said that he's ✨retired✨, but it feels like there's more to that. I'm putting a pin in that thought for now, bc I'm not entirely sure on it." - "I think there's some kind of jealousy between them. And a lot of bitterness. Shadow Play hinted towards their history - that Macaque was Wukong's mentor at some point many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many years ago. And Wukong became More than Macaque, and Wukong just... forgot about him." If anyone has more interesting Icy Takes to add on, feel free. These are just the ones I find Most Intriguing. I cannot understate how completely and utterly funny it is to read all this. Apollo is hitting you with the banana peel NOT the dodgeball. I can't wait to be able to explain how right yet so wrong yet so asdfghjkl you were. A shame I have to wait until the S3 special, but oh well. All I can safely speak on rn until ep 4 is yeah I guess there might be more to Wukong's retirement (unknown(?) and MK's powers. (S4)
*gestures to list* Y'all, please feel free to add on.
Also, I starting to take all these banana peels thrown my way and turning them into vegan bacon. When life gives you lemons, I guess.
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seiwas · 9 months
*swings into your inbox like i'm in one of those spy movies*
SELLY! hello my beloved. it is sleepover time and this is perfect bc it is past midnight and i am not sleepy at all!😌
here is a funny story which is also kind of a confession cause i've never talked about it to others before. a couple of years ago, there was this ad for a popular biscuit saying that if you microwaved it the chocolate inside would melt and it would taste even better. ofc i had to try it - i put the biscuit in a glass bowl and heated it a bit and it worked! i devoured it happily. the second biscuit was out of the packet in seconds but i was so distracted by the thought of the gooey warm chocolate in the crunchy biscuit that i miscalculated the time i put in.
the microwave started emitting smoke :) i panicked. shut the power, opened the door. the biscuit had burned entired and the glass bowl broke 😭😭😭 my mom was so mad about that😭
anyways i learned how to heat things up properly after that😭
birdie!!! 🥹 thank u for dropping by!! i am scooting over so u can sit beside me 🫶🏻
welcome to the sleepover ✨ past midnight and not sleepy at all is peerfeecctt 😌
OMG 😭😭 this is so funny 😭😭 u know what!!! at least u got it right the first time 🥹 cos u got to taste the biscuit moments before disaster 😌🫶🏻 jakekdkekdnd icb the glass broke tho omg 😭 i’m glad u’ve learned how to heat things up since then 🥹 this is character development 🫶🏻
i actually have a pretty similar story!!! 🤧 i don’t use the microwave often just bc sometimes i’m lazy to heat my food… but also prefer heating things up on a pan!! (our microwave also broke & since it’s barely used, we just never replaced it)
so!!! the day i finally had to heat smth again was in my best friend’s house 🥹 i forgot what it was, i just know there was aluminum foil involved 😃 and god bless me (tbh i think he did) bc i almost burned the house down 😃 it was a good thing i turned to my bsf to ask how to operate her microwave before starting it, bc she saw me put the bowl in w the aluminum foil on and was like ‘wyd u can’t do that!!!!!’ 😭😭
i still don’t use the microwave often, but am very careful now with what i put in it when i do 😭🥹
join the sleepover!! — share/ask anything you’d like!!! 🫶🏻
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aprillikesthings · 8 months
Eh fuck it, lets do another
s1 ep6
I will attempt to make less commentary!! only when I have a funny joke or want to specifically note down plot/character shit for my own reference!! this is specifically a rewatch liveblog I assume y'all have already seen it!!!
YAY IT'S THE ENTRAPTA INTRO EPISODE have I mentioned I love her
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I am reminded of Gir, I think it's the head and eyes
OH MY GOD Entrapta's voice was so different in her first episode???? o_O
I think maybe they hadn't decided yet to make her sound more obviously autistic??? (Like, we all knew she was autistic, but it's Word of God, too.)
She slides into something closer to her usual voice near the end of her first set of lines but still that is surreal as fuck
Man they really did have a hard break between the First Ones and the current era
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oKAY SO something I keep wondering is how advanced communication is on Etheria, and this definitely implies, like, Etherian online forums. Unless they're doing it via letters delivered by courier or something, which I doubt
That said whatever they have, Adora doesn't know about it, because of course the Horde would block any communication with the outside world
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nice trans pride flag, Bow
oh derp her name is Entrapta bc she sets traps I forgot
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it's a robot naked mole rat lolol
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sometimes this is what it feels like to open twitter
They really did lean into Entrapta's autism from the first episode, though. She's set up her entire life so she can spend the majority of her time on her special interests, and her employees (subjects?) provide the kind of food she likes (which are similar every time) with very little human interaction, and she mentions her robots help with "cleaning, filing, basic hygiene..." She also blurts out "you're abnormally tall," and asks to touch the sword. Plus finding her robots adorable.
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For a hot second I thought She-Ra was gonna hack at Entrapta's hair D: But no she stabs the robot, and it releases the hair. Phew.
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The animators for this episode had a lot of fun with people's facial expressions
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Doesn't that shit come back later or is it a different thing that fucks up her and her sword
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oh it's definitely the same thing
OKAY AND THAT EPISODE IS DONE yayyyyy I *can* make them shorter
Also they really did show Entrapta to be uhhh not a super moral person from the start--more interested in getting new information than anything else.
ALSO I still really like that cute pastry chef's outfit with the fluffy dress!!
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theo-the-unicorn · 8 months
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( Ooc: Theo is based off of Lady Amalthea from The Last Unicorn and shares lore similar to her too I suppose. )
(Ooc: lore under the cut so it doesn't clutter up the blog!)
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Basic Backstory:
Theo is from the Lilac Woods, where he basically has lived his entire life. He was informed one day (via a random talking butterfly bc I like making references) that he was supposedly the last of his kind after he asked the butterfly if it truely knew who he was (another reference.)
Theo decides later that night that he would try to find to find the rest of his kind, unaware they were drove all the way to a special place in Briar Valley by a Red Bull (Ooc: who goes by Rubeus Abaddōn in this au, he later shows up during the Glorious Masquerade Arc, posing as a Fire Bull Fae. I'll make a separate post for him 👍)
As Theo leaves his forest, he ends up crossing paths with the Black Carriage, and then basically blacks out.
He wakes up in the dark (a coffin) which is opened up by Grim (basically all what happened with Yuu and Grim when they first met, except Theo doesn't even have a name yet-)
With his magic gone, no name yet, and now in a human body, Crowley sends Theo off to Ramshackle, thinking Theo is just a amnesiatic teen who forgot a lot about himself.
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Some Basic Stuff Regarding His Magic Status and Such:
— Also like Amalthea, while in his human state, he tends to have nightmares (that are his past) but he doesn't remember it because he's slowly forgetting who he was as he becomes more human.
— During Malleus's Overblot arc, Theo appears as his unicorn form because in this "world" there is no magic keeping him human
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— Somewhere around Leona or Azul's Overblot arc, Theo starts regaining his magic back
— When Theo first came to Twisted Wonderland, he had no name. So Crowley (with the help of Crewel) were the ones who gave Theo his official name.
Notes About Theo's Personality And How He Acts:
Theo is pretty quiet and reserved, doesn't really talk much unless he has too. However, once he is comfortable around people, he will talk more often.
He does like sewing and cooking (he was taught how to do both a little while after being taken to NRC). And often does give out little plushies (and sometimes sweets that he makes) and such to those he's very close to.
He usually has a neutral look on his face, as unicorns never really feel emotions. But as he starts forgetting who he is and becomes more human over time, he starts feeling and expressing more emotions such as happiness, sadness, etc.
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(Ooc: This is just the basic stuff, you can ask any questions about him if you'd like!)
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ngc-5194 · 2 years
HIIHIHI omg im glad u liked it !!!! im gonna ramble abt my thoughts more now . yeah basically i just thought of how everyones gone through an entire YEAR of bonding together while she was sleeping and it made me feel a bit insane.! so really most of roxas’ reference points for her would be xion and nami. And speaking of namine, my idea is that eventually the seasalt trio settled into the old mansion and nami joined them, bc shed rather be with the people shes closest to over ppl in radient garden shes had a troubled history with. not to mention her (closest equivalent to a) somebody in a familiar voluntary year long coma for memory reasons. … also . I was just thinking abt how roxas and kairi are actually kinda similar, not only in that they write but also in that they forgot their best friend, and my secret third thing that I wanted to touch on. which is that both had their lives more or less saved by sora, and i think that they would actually both be a little angry that they arent the ones saving sora in return. whispering (i think theyd both share some frustration towards riku.)
kairis issues remind roxas a lot of his and his friends issues so I think he really wants to help her .and i think kairi carries a lot of guilt about sora .while roxas knows he has to move past that to appreciate what soras given him even if hes terrified he’ll never come back
i think post riku leaving for sora is such an interesting time . i think the hope that sora could finally come home is overshadowed by the possibility of losing another friend …. a very weird time of relief and anticipation .im thinking about it
words can not express the full extent of the emotions i felt upon readin gthat snippet or this ask <3333
kairi is,,,,,, i need to dissect her and i know thats kind of what they did to her heart when she was asleep but that's just more reason why i need to do it too. she missed out on a year of people adjusting to having bodies and building friendships and bonding. by choice.she chose to do it. to look for clues on how to bring her friend back yes but still,,,,,, and not only would roxas' only points of reference for kairi be naminé and xion from that year kairi missed but also before too!! they had one (1) conversation and while admittedly roxas only kind of had maybe 2-3 with naminé they were... a little more relevant to him i guess. but also roxas views kairi through the lense of mostly xion and then naminé. most people look at it the other way around. and that concept drives me Insane <33
nami and the sea salt trio living in the old mansion,,,,,,,,,, wjat if i broke down crying for ever and ever <33though maybe they. change a few parts of the basement first because. hooooo. ,,,,, wonder if naminé's drawings are still in that room there,,,,,
the roxas kairi similarities,,,,,,,,,,, and once again they're both still here doing. nothing. while riku goes off to save sora. again. how many times is that now. they can do it, they can help they can save sora too. but they almost aren't allowed to. again. because riku's going instead. again again again.
and even then it's not like they dislike riku!!!!! him leaving to go after sora is. Many emotions because on one hand it's a chance of sora coming back! on the other they can't help with it. and on another there's the possibility that they've now lost two of their friends. and roxas has done that before and it sucked and.
hmnggmgnghhhhhhh they make me incredibly mentally ill thank u for inflicting more of them upon me if you need me i'll be curled into a teeny tiny ball staring into nothing rotating the very concept of them interacting in my head at incredibly high speeds
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