#these boyos are my babies kjhsdf
kharonion · 1 year
wip wednesday
tagged by @civilization-illstayrighthere — thank you, friend! 💚 lacking spoons, so this is an open tag; feel free to share something if you want! :)
I've been starting work again on human AU bois to scratch a different Brainworm, so sorry if y'all aren't interested in that. 😅
Just some good ol' fluff content because the world needs more of it:
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This turned into a cute lil "waking him up" type of piece, where Charon sleeps in for once, and Gob has the pleasure of smooching him awake. 🥺
Now uh. I offer a scene that is a bit more... angsty. This takes marks the first time Charon wakes up after his Alaska deployment... where he sustained the injury that changed his life. But don't worry, it'll be a happy ending, all things considered. :')
His husband was… burned alive.
Suddenly, he’s lightheaded, even sitting in the stiff hospital chair. Gob tenderly grips Charon’s hand, which is so fucking still, so fucking cold. And he weeps—sobs. 
“... G-Gob…?”
Strangled as it is, it’s a voice he would recognize anywhere. He doesn’t even bother wiping the tears away, just cranes his head upright to look at the man who whimpered his name. “I’m here, hun.”
Hearing his voice seems to be what coaxes Charon’s eyes open. Shit, he looks exhausted beyond words, as if he’ll fall right back asleep; his jaw clenches tight, even through heaves of his chest. Hopefully, he’s not in pain… or at least, not as much.
“Please… tell me you’re real…” he croaks, tears welling at the corners of his eyes.
This is the first Charon is fully awake since… Alaska. Most likely, he lays here not only suffering, but also dazed and confused. No concrete idea that he’s home now.
“This is all very real,” Gob smiles, his words soft.
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