#these kids have had their hardships and struggles but have gotten through it for eachother and for the sake of doing what they love
lagtrain · 1 year
after listening to neo an unhealthy amount, i can safely say that it is by far my favourite prsk anni song ^_^
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flexin-rex · 4 years
Your last Rex blurb was so good, I couldn’t get it out of my head. If you please, I’d love to see what you do with Rex + 20
Ahhh! Thank you so much!!
This one took awhile for me to finish, my bad. 😅 College during a pandemic has been difficult to figure out. But thank you for being patient! I always appreciate the opportunity to share my love of Rex and all the Clones with everyone! I hope you like this one as well! 💙
20. Kissing in a stairwell, giving them an artificial height difference.
You’ve been trying to avoid Rex all day. The thoughts of the night before have been constantly on your mind, despite the struggle to fight against them.
The night grows dark as dawn fades. Only a few maintenance workers shuffle by you as their shifts come to an end. You shift the holopad in your hand as you look around the hangar. Rex can’t be seen anywhere.
You sigh, heading back towards the MedBay after a long day of feeling a mixture of relief and anxiousness, along with a twist in your stomach that’s all too familiar.
Having Rex as your closest friend was better than you ever would have dreamt. You both have fun together. You confide in and support each other through the endless rollercoaster that is the Clone War. And that very reason is why you and he stayed up late at 79s last night.
Long after the crowd left, sitting next to each other, downing shots. Talking about anything and everything, the war, your jobs. Whatever was on your minds, as if that was the only way to stay sane. Sometimes you complained while in the safety of eachother’s company. The two of you spoke of hardships after not being able to save a trooper, a feeling you both share. He had just gotten back from Ryloth, which seemed to have taken a lot out of him.
He took another shot, “And there’s another thing I don’t get.”
You rubbed your eyes as your head began feeling fuzzy, “How you can take so many shots and still keep going?”
He chuckled, setting the glass down on the hard counter with a thud, “We all fight for a reason, right? There’s a reason we’re all here. For Clones it can be about honor, loyalty, some might even do it for the thrill, but I-”
He clamped his mouth shut as he looked at you.
You watched his eyes as he looked into yours, it’s almost as if you could see his mind running through his various thoughts, “Rex?”
He blinked, letting out a sigh as he looked away, running a hand over his buzzed head as his other fiddled with an empty glass, “I-I fight for the future. For a life I can only dream about. One that feels far, far away from ever becoming true. Impossible even.” He looked back at you, “I want to protect others from a definitive evil. Maybe even my own family, my own kids. People around me that I love.”
You felt a tug on your heart then, perhaps it was how his eyes glazed over, deep in thought. The way he seemed, lost. It struck something in you. A realization, he was opening himself up to you.
You leaned forward, closer towards him, “You have a want, a desire for that life. Why do you feel it’s impossible? This war isn’t going to last forever, Rex.”
His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes, “I’m a solider, (Y/N). Bred and raised for war. Us Clones know better than to make plans outside of what we know to do. Certain things are forbidden. Love and relationships are something of a luxury for someone like me.”
You didn’t know why, but the tug on your heart pulled even stronger then, towards him. The Captain always held a firm grip on his emotions, he rarely let his feelings slip. But in his eyes, what he said, the vulnerability that he let slip through…
Your hand caressed his flawless, sharp jaw. Your thumb gently, carefully stroked his stubbled cheek…
Your lips a mere breath away from his.
You felt him tense beneath your touch, snapping you out of your trance.
Your eyes went wide in realization, “I’m sorry.”
Then, foolishly, you left before anything else could happen, with Rex staring after you.
So, yes. You’ve been avoiding the inevitable confrontation.
You shake your head, fighting against the memory, trying to focus on reading a report on the holopad in your hand as you walk into the MedBay.
You look up to see Rex leaning against the counter his helmet is resting on, arms crossed, eyebrows furrowed in thought as he stares at seemingly nothing, “We need to talk.”
You clear your throat, “Look, Rex,” you turn off the holopad and set it on the counter next to his helmet, “I don’t know what you’re thinking but whatever it is, you should know that I-”
“Would you do it?” His eyes flicked towards you.
You blink. “What?”
“If you found a good reason. Would you leave the GAR?” He adjusts his gauntlet, “Leave this life for another?”
You stare back, just for a second, contemplating how to answer his sudden question. You’d be lying if you said it hadn’t crossed your mind. When you think about having a different life, away from the army, he’s always there in those thoughts. You couldn’t imagine life without him. Hell, he’s always on your mind. It’s his smile that he shows to oh, so few. It’s his chuckle when you make a bad joke, and his laugh… his damned laugh. There’s so many things about him, that make you feel at peace. It pulls at your heart, twists your stomach so hard that you can’t think of anything else but him. He’s your comfort. He’s-
Damn it.
You pick up your bag and head into the hallway and towards the stairs with Rex close behind you, “It’s getting late.”
“You didn’t answer the question.”
You take the first step up onto the staircase in silence.
You’re halfway up.
“(Y/N), please…” You stop on the platform that separates the two flights of stairs. Rex’s footsteps echo as he climbs after you, “I need to know.”
“I’m sorry,” you rub your eyes, back towards him with your heart thundering in your ears, “I just- I have so many thoughts… Do you know how much trouble we can get in if someone heard us?”
“Don’t worry about that.” He gently touches your wrist, “I want to know the truth. I want- need to know what last night was-“ his words fade.
“What last night was about.” You turn towards him, his hand still grasping your wrist.
He nods. “A while ago, on Saleucami, after I was injured, I met a man. He was a Clone, Cut Lawquane. He left the GAR after Geonosis and got married. He has a life now, as a farmer with his family. They took care of me while I while recovering.
“I don’t know if, or even why I should say this,” his grip tightens slightly, “but after last night… when we-,“ his eyebrows furrow, “I can’t get it out of my head.”
“Rex…” you start but fall silent as he smirks.
“(Y/N), I thought of you the whole time.”
Your heartbeat roars in your ears as your breath escapes your lungs.
Rex climbs up the last couple steps, standing merely a step down from you, “Seeing their family, Cut and Suu, Shaeeah and Jek- I couldn’t help but think of you,” he smiles slightly, “you’ve captivated me (Y/N).”
You drop your bag.
He shakes his head, “I don’t think I know how to handle these feelings, it’s overwhelming. And after last night, I’m just- I would like to know if you think about me as well?”
You’re towering over him and suddenly, you don’t care about the possibility of being caught. You cup his jaw in your palm. Your thumb gently caressing the stubble on his cheek, then bend, pressing your lips against his in a kiss that shakes your core.
He grips your waist, sighing in relief as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling you closer to him.
He lets out small sound, almost like a soft wine as you pull away only slightly, pressing your forehead against his as your hands settle at the base of his neck, right alongside where his collarbone would be underneath all of his armor.
“You’re my clarity, (Y/N).” You close your eyes as his hands ghost up your arms. He softly presses his lips to your nose, “Comfort, peace…”
You smile, “You’re always on my kriffin’ mind,” as Rex pulls you in for another kiss.
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alexius-fr · 4 years
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What’s this, a lore post? Yes it is! 
Chapter One - Arrival 
The newest chapter of my lore is up on AO3 (just click the chapter title) or if you prefer, you can read it below the cut! 
They'd been flying for hours.
They had crossed through the storms of the seemingly endless Shifting Expanse, over the Sea of a Thousand Currents, and now they were flying over the Windswept Plateau, giant kites in the sky above, rocky spires protruding from lush forests beneath. The wind here was soft, warm, whimsical.
Sanguine hated it.
But perhaps it was far enough for now. He looked behind him, to see a group of tired, struggling dragons flying in his trail. His brother Silas was closest, at his side as always, as he had been for years.
“Sange.” Silas panted, his wings barely keeping him adrift. “I swear if we don't take a break soon I'll have a fit.” he pretended to swoon in the air, making a dramatic gesture with his wing on his forehead. He lost balance as a result, flapping his wings clumsily to get back into position, Sanguine frowning with bemusement. His brother had always been a bit of a frivolous brat, but judging by the state of the others, he might have a point.
“Fine.” Sanguine nodded, putting his eyes dead ahead once more. A great spire appeared in the distance, and it looked like it was inhabited. They could rest there, and restock supplies for the rest of the journey. “Over there. Follow me.” Sanguine said, starting the descent.
The spire was like a vibrant little town, the buildings up top scattered all over the rocky ridges, lush growths preventing the making of real paths, but any real Wind dragon didn't need something as mundane as paths. As they got closer, they drew many curious stares from the dragons that probably inhabited the spire, but they were not stopped or questioned, the group flying into the main area up top, a large natural platform that lent itself perfectly for useage as a courtyard or square. It was surrounded by shops, market stands and a small temple. In the middle there was a natural spring, it's crystal clear water carving it's way out in a small stream that eventually formed the smallest waterfall Sanguine had ever seen, as it finally reached the edge of the platform and clattered off the side with a gentle continuous noise.
Tired and thirsty, the rest of his clan also touched down and immediately began drinking from the spring, himself included. He made sure he had his fill before he looked up to investigate his surroundings closer. But by then they'd attracted quite a crowd, inhabitants, shopkeepers and visitors alike having come to watch them, curiously inspecting their guests.
“You in the habit of staining someone else's water with your taint straight after you arrive?”
The deep voice that sneered at them was monotone, yet vicious. Sanguine looked around to find the owner of the voice, seeing a shadowy spectre of a dragon looking down upon them from the temple roof. Deep purple eyes peered at him from above a dark mask, curious and yet condemning.
“Oh is this your water?” Silas was, as ever, ready to sneer back. “I don't see your name written on it anywhere.” he met the Shadow dragon's relentless stare with a look of ire.
“It's not just ordinary water, you stupid plaguespreader.” the dragon on the temple roof uncoiled himself, his shape revealing that he was a spiral. One jump and he glided gracefully down to the courtyard, landing in front of Sanguine and Silas. “It's our sacred spring. It's water is only used for special ceremonies.”
“Yeah? Well there wasn't any ceremonies going on so how were we supposed to know?” Silas rebutted. He threw his head back with arrogance, Sanguine unwillingly reminded of the way their mother always did that, in almost the exact same way
Where would she be now, he wondered. Was she still alive? Was she still the furious, prideful creature he once knew? He hadn't seen her, or heard from her, in years. Shifting his weight from his left leg to his right, he was reminded once more of their duel so long ago, that had left him crippled. The injury had never healed properly, leaving him with a scar and a limp. He'd come to accept both as part of himself over the years, but on bad days just looking at the scar gave him the urge to tear his own leg off.
He was pulled from his thoughts by a loud hiss, seeing Silas and the shadow Spiral about to jump eachother. He supposed he should really intervene, they needed a place to rest their wings for a few days and he couldn't have Silas get them thrown out. But before he could step in, a voice echoed over the courtyard, light and clear as the water that ran in the spring.
“Shen! That's enough.”
Heads turning towards the entrance of the temple, the crowd bowed to the Spiral that had come out of it's main gate. They were a bright mix of mauve, jade and every colour in between, eyes of the purest green, the air seeming to dance around them. Large curious eyes looked at Sanguine, smiling mysteriously. Their horns glowed a spirited light green, their hide shimmering with markings in that same colour. This was a being of great power and wisdom, even if on the outside they looked like just another spiral dragon. Sanguine guessed they were an entity, a spirit of wind. He'd gotten a knack for recognizing power throughout the years.
“Alexius, I was just-” the shadow spiral, apparently named Shen, backed away from Silas, with a reverent bow. Who- or whatever Alexius was, it was clear that everyone here had a lot of respect for them.
“They are just weary travelers, Shen. Let them drink. What good will the water do just running off the spire like that?” Alexius approached them with a light hearted smile. Sanguine bowed lightly to them, nudging Silas to do the same. Silas did not neglect to roll his eyes before he followed suit.
“Thank you, Alexius. I apologize for the misunderstanding, we never meant to offend.” Sanguine spoke diplomatically. “My name is Sanguine, and this is my brother Silas. We lead our clan together. Sometimes.” the snarky remark at the end had Silas scoff, but Alexius seemed to enjoy it, their smile growing wider.
“Be welcome, Sanguine. I am Alexius, and this is my clan. Please forgive Shen's caution, he's very passionate about protecting this place. I'm sure you understand the importance of protecting a place that is home to you.” Alexius said, their body dreamily suspended just above the ground. They seemed to be levitating effortlessly, their wings not moving at all.
“Once we find a home, perhaps that will be a sentiment I can relate to.” Sanguine said politely.
“Ah yes, you have lived a life on the go. You are a survivor, Sanguine.” Alexius' eyes gleamed shortly with a jolt of power. Had they seen his past? How did they know? No, any idiot could see that he'd lived a life of travel, of hardship. He had the scars to show it.
“Ah, but you must be weary from your long flight. You may rest in our caverns. It should provide you with everything you need. And if not, there's not a thing we don't sell or provide up here.” Alexius smiled warmly.
“Alexius-” Shen protested. “Surely you're not thinking of letting them stay? They're plague. They'll bring trouble before long.”
“My spire is a refuge to all, Shen. What would've happened to you if I'd turned you away? What will happen to them if we refuse them a simple place to rest their wings? How will it reflect on us?” Alexius spoke calmly, patient like a teacher would speak to a pupil. “Do you understand?” “Yes, master.” Shen bowed his head, a little shamed.
“You are a bright young dragon, Shen. But you must learn that sometimes your eyes can cheat you. Appearances can be deceiving.” Alexius smiled gently. “There is far more to these dragons that meets the eye.” they glanced at Sanguine with a knowing look, Sanguine wondering what Alexius saw.
“Zephyr, will you show our guests to the caverns?” Alexius called, a young ridgeback quickly making his way up to them. Sanguine couldn't quite place the feeling, but he thought there was something familiar about him. Or it could just be because he was tired from their long journey.
“Of course, master Alexius.” Zephyr spoke with a voice like a light breeze, pleasant on the ears like a windchime. “Please, follow me.” the youngster bowed to them and then showed them the easiest way down, guiding them to a natural cavern below the spire. It was perfect for a short rest, a river running nearby and the dense bamboo forests would provide them with plenty of food.
“Here we are.” Zephyr said, proudly. His pale green eyes glinted with life in the sunlight, his striped hide perfect camouflage for hunting in the forests that were below the spire. He looked young, energetic, healthy. Sanguine hated that he couldn't think of who he reminded him of. Like the thing you know you've forgotten to do but you can't for the life of it remember what it was. How annoying. “Thank you, Zephyr. We'll manage from here.” Sanguine said.
“Are you sure? I can answer some questions, if you have them.” Zephyr said, hopeful. “We don't really get whole clans visiting often. Especially not Plague clans.” he was obviously curious but did not want to admit it outright. “My father came from Plague, but he says he'd never go back.”
“Look kid, we're tired.” Silas intervened. “And we don't want to talk about where we're from or where we're going. We'll be out of your spines before you know it, so just leave us alone.”
“Oh. I'm sorry.” Zephyr recoiled a little, his spines lowering submissively. “I'll leave you to it then.” he was quick to turn and leave, Sanguine throwing Silas an annoyed look. “What did you do that for? He was only curious.” “And annoying.” Silas argued. “This place give me the creeps. Everyone's nice. It's just not natural.” “Imagine being nice.” Sanguine frowned with irony. He watched Zephyr disappear into the cloudy top of the spire, a strange hollow feeling nagging at him. He had the feeling he knew him. But how was that possible? He'd never been to the Windswept Plateau before. And yet..
“Oh come on brother, don't be a spoilsport. He's just a kid. You used to love bullying kids.” Silas grinned widely, sticking out his tongue at Sanguine. “Or have you gone soft?” “I've gone tired. Shut up.” Sanguine grumbled, walking into the cavern.
There were plenty of little alcoves for them all to roost, and he picked the largest one, liking to have space for himself. Of course space was a relative term with Silas roosting in the alcove just below him, but at least it was better than sleeping in an open, unprotected clearing. Come morning, he would have a good think about where to go next from here. For now, all he wanted was to sleep.
“Hey Sange.” Silas' voice sounded from below, just as Sanguine was about to doze off. “What?” Sanguine growled in annoyance. “You ever think back to mom?” Silas asked, for once, not trying to annoy him. Sanguine was caught off guard by the genuine question. He was expecting something stupid to come out of Silas' mouth. But just this once, his brother sounded melancholic.
“Yes. Quite often.” Sanguine replied honestly.
“You think she's alive still?” Silas asked. “I'd be surprised if she's not. An emperor could not best her if it tried.” Sanguine said.
“Old age can catch up with anyone.” Silas argued. “But I'm inclined to agree. We're closer to Plague territory than we've been in years. Think she'll come find us?” “I certainly hope not.” Sanguine said, genuinely. “Now can I please sleep?” “Of course. Good night, brother.” Silas yawned.
“Good night, Silas.” Sanguine mumbled, laying his head down and curling his tail around his weary body.
The morning would bring clarity.
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