#these people all have more patience for a 35 year old man that I do I guess!
You have Undertale OCs? 👀👀 Tell me more
HI SO. this is from an au where i indulge myself in my ficwriter nature. and make everybody alive. chara never does their plan so they never die so asriel never dies either so asgore never declares war on humanity. and hten i squash the timeline together so all the fallen humans fall within a couple dozen years of each other instead of over probably hundreds of years like they probably do in canon.
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Constance AKA Connie, the purple/Perseverance-souled human. they fell at 14 years old and are now 48. considers themself an anthropologist despite no formal training, and has taken particular interest in the role of puzzles in monster society. acts as caretaker of the ruins, viewing it as an important historical site. as seen as they saw a single gray hair they dyed all of it that color so they could tell people they were Mature and Sophisticated now. first person to discover Frisk when they fell, has Zero childrearing instinct so instead of treating them like their kid immediately started treating them as a friend, confidante, and research partner.
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Dinah, the yellow/Justice-souled human. she fell at 13 years old and is now 36. she was abused and is very distrustful to humans because of this + experiences with Drew (wait a bit and you'll see.) watches all humans who fall very very Very closely waiting for them to step out of line. one of only four members of the Underground's Royal Guard alongside Undyne, Dogamy, and Dogaressa. Crops up multiple times over Frisk's journey and essentially takes the role of a more openly judgemental Sans. that's a tattoo, not a real scar, don't ask her about it she sort of regrets it. has trouble opening up with new people and only has a few close friends in the Underground.
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Emmett, the blue/Integrity-souled human. fell at 11 years old, is now 30. trans man, ran away from home while still in the closet to escape parents he hated. used to do ballet, hates it now but still loves other forms of dance. Mettaton is his best friend in the underground, but he's very social in general. wants desperately to see his brother Drew again, but Drew's been avoiding him. they dont have hormones in the underground so hes transitioning via magic and everyone is very, Very curious how thats going to turn out.
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Andrew (Drew for short), the orange/Bravery-souled human. he fell at 17 and is now 35. came to Mt. Ebbott searching for his sister Emily, who ran away and went missing there a year ago, and upon seeing monsterkind was openly distrustful and hostile to them. in fact, he lashed out so strongly while looking for Emily that he injured several monsters and killed Dogamy's mother. Dinah was able to apprehend him in Snowdin, but one of the warning shots she fired struck a block of ice, creating shrapnel that took his eye. he was lucky the wound wasn't worse. he now lives in Waterfall, doing rehabilitative community service under the watchful and distrustful eye of Undyne. there's 12 years left on his sentence. he and Dinah refuse to speak to each other. he regrets what happened deeply, and doesn't want to talk to Emmett because he doesn't think he deserves for Emmett to forgive him. in general, avoids talking to people, only speaking as required to the people involved in rehabilitating him, though Ndidi and Aliza have made some progress in getting him to accept their friendship.
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Ndidi, the light blue/Patience-souled human. they fell at 6 years old and are now 16. Nigerian mother, Irish-American father. transfeminine, transitioned socially but no interest in medical transition at the moment. the Underground's absolute DARLING, beloved by all. raised by Toriel and Asgore (who had retired and left Chara and Asriel to rule the kingdom by the time she fell.) this makes the rulers of the Underground her siblings, a privilege she exploits shamelessly, alongside their privilege of being adorable. heard about Drew and his history when she was 7 and decided she would be the one to rehabilitate him. kept showing up and pestering him and he couldn't ignore her because she's a LITERAL CHILD, and because she kept showing up he Sort Of Also Raised Her. if pressed about it both of them would say their relationship these days is purely platonic but it definitely at least USED to be familial in some way.
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Aliza, the green/Kindness-souled human. she fell at 13 years old and is currently 21. Ashkenazi Jewish ethnically, reform religiously. natural-born leader and unreasonably good cook. got lost and fell into the Underground in the few days between her 13th birthday and when her bat mitzvah service was supposed to happen and cries when she thinks about what her family must think, so she tries not to think about it. did eventually have a bat mitzvah service, though there isnt a Torah anywhere in the Underground so she had to improvise somewhat. one of Alphys's only friends and visits her frequently (because she worries about her mental health (with good reason!!!)). wore Drew down with various gifts of food until he accepted her friendship.
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also heres adult Chara. fell at 8, is now 46. Ruler of the Underground. not as openly anti-human as in canon, but still doesn't exactly trust them and wants to see any new humans that fall before allowing them to live in the Underground. thinks Drew shouldve been given the death penalty, but Asriel talked them down. hasnt voiced this to anyone, but if a human ever died in the Underground they would want a monster to take their soul, cross the Barrier, and take six more souls from "deserving" humans in order to break the Barrier.
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lya-dustin · 1 year
All is bliss
Chapter 35
Taglist: @darylandbethfanforever9 @mercedesdecorazon @watercolorskyy @sweethoneyblossom1 @ewanmitchellcrumbs
Gif by @feodor-dostoevsky
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The gods hate him.
They gave him all and nothing at the same time.
They gave him Vhagar and took his eye, they gave him talent and made him a second son and worse, they gave him a soulmate and made her his brother’s wife.
Aemond sits beside her, and he cannot even speak to her without arousing suspicion.
“Doesn’t my darling wife look beautiful tonight?” Aegon asked, testing the limits of his brotherly love and patience.
“She always does. Aptly named the Pearl of Dragonstone.” He answered looking only at her.
Seeing her in mother’s dress and smelling her all too familiar perfume is doing things to him.
Never mind that the cut of the dress scandalously reveals her perky bosom to all those wondering what hides behind the girlish gowns she used to wear.
Aemond is going to fuck her even if Aegon is watching.
Wouldn’t that be a sight, he is showing his brother how only he can drive Aemma mad with lust, to reduce her to a mewling mess crying for more until she comes undone with Aemond’s name on his lips.
Knowing his degenerate brother, he might enjoy it.
This feast cannot end fast enough.
“Although I believe the poet who called her a Valyrian Siren had the right of it as well.” Aemond remarks knowing the effects his words have on his lover.
“Perhaps we can see if this siren hides a tail beneath her silks tonight, brother.” Aemond adds in High Valyrian to ensure no one else hears beside the three of them.
Aegon smirks and looks at their shared woman who flusters as she pretends nothing out of the ordinary is happening.
“Boys, mind your manners.” Their mother mutters reminding them they are not the only ones fluent in their people’s tongue here. “This is not the place to speak of these things.”
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Her two elder sons quietly apologize and yet Aemma knows this won’t be the end of it. As curious as she is about the idea of Aegon and Aemond sharing her, she would love for this conversation not to happen here where people can hear them.
“What things, mother?” Heleana asks wondering what she missed, and four- and ten-year-old Daeron turned beet red beside Aemond.
“We were remembering the tale of Melusina and Raemond the Valyrian, sister. Aemond likened my dear wife to her.” Aegon lies smoothly and his sister believed it.
“Which one of you will be playing Raemond, I wonder?” Daeron muttered implying he very much knows about their arrangement and thinks her a whore.
“Daeron!” All five of them chastise the boy and accidentally call Daeron Velaryon’s attention in the process.
Somehow this dinner went smoothly.
That is until Aegon forgets it’s a funeral and calls for music.
He is drunk, having lost weight and some of his tolerance due to his injuries, he’s gotten drunk far sooner than usual.
“Aegon, your grandsire just died.” Alicent reminds him and he dismissed it saying he never liked the man and that some cultures celebrate to say goodbye to their dead.
“As you cannot dance yet, dear brother, may I have the honor to dance with your lady wife?” Aemond smirks knowing he’ll agree to it and for the duration of this set, they will finally be able to speak and touch each other freely.
Aegon agrees, claiming he enjoys dancing as a spectator and not as a participant. It wasn’t as if he was a good dancer to begin with.
Aemma is positively giddy with just the idea of being alone with her lover in public.
He bows, she curtsies as they play a melody that is sweet to the ear and serious enough to sound somber.
The steps are simple, allowing them to come close enough for her to almost taste the wine on his breath and wish there was nothing separating them.
“I have never seen you do such a cruel thing.” Aemond tried not to smile as they circled each other and stepped back before coming together for another turn, this time they held hands and ended on opposite sides.
“I had not planned to, but when the dress and jewels were delivered, I couldn’t say no.” the queen answered as she let go for the next step in the dance.
Had there been other dancers, they would have switched partners by now, but they are alone here.
There is something so private while being so on display like this that Aemma rather liked. She almost forgets they are being watched like prey stalked by hunters.
“I don’t mean that, my love.” Her prince did not miss a step, dancing came as easy to him as swordplay.
Her father was fond of saying both were similar, both involved precision and fluidity and grace.
“Then what, dear one, what act of cruelty had I done?” she asked, wishing the dance never ended.
“You’ve been cruel to me, sweet Aemma, so cruel as you pretend to care for my brother and play the good wife for all to see.” He answered, purposely coming to stop a breath away from her.
Had she been given the chance; she would have gladly kissed him and savored the wine she’s refused on account of their babe.
“I must do that, Aemond Star-Eyes, but for every act of cruelty I inflict on you, you may inflict on me in return. Punish me for this evening in whatever way you see fit.” She whispers loving the effect her words have on him.
“Hmn, I will hold you to it.”
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I killed the first Aemma, now allow me to kill the second Aemma.
Those words echoed in her head as she watched her infernal gooddaughter dance with her son as if no one was watching them.
It was Daemon and Rhaenyra again.
The way they dared to get as close as they could, how they held hands a little longer than necessary and in the way they could barely contain their burning for each other.
She lost two sons to that little whore, now she will lose her court the moment she leaves.
The queen mother knows because that is what she did to Rhaenyra when she left.
“Perhaps I should stay, my place is with you.” The queen tells her son hoping he’d agree.
“Oh, no, it wouldn’t be daughterly of you. After all you did for the old man, and all that’s happened, I think it’s best if you left for a while.” Aegon said with a wave of his good hand.
The note of bitterness and resentment in his voice lets her know this isn’t Aemma dripping her poison in his ears.
This is anger for the continued abuse her father levied on him and she allowed.
For forcing him into kingship and doing everything in her power to make her father’s dreams come true.
What will it cost me?
“There is something else, Ironrod claims there is compelling evidence that may implicate you in Ellyn’s murder.
Criston doesn’t believe it and thinks Wylde is plotting against me, but the nurse said you and Alys were the last to see Ellyn that night.” Aegon is unusually serious when he says the damning words.
Someone knows.
That was why her father was killed, someone knows she killed Ellyn.
The same person who gave the dress to Aemma and had her silently humiliated in front of everyone just like she did with Lady Wylde.
“Rumors, likely made by your enemies to get you under the little queen’s thumb and turn you away from your own mother.” Alicent lies and drinks to hide her fears.
“I know, you wouldn’t kill your own grandchild, a kinslayer is the most accursed of all, but you must leave. When you return people will only be speaking about the babe and whatever the outcome of our campaign into the Riverlands is.” Her son and king had matured after his coronation, he was still Aegon who loved revels over ruling, but he was making progress.
With the right people behind him, he would be great, greater than Viserys one day.
And she is the right person to shepherd him into greatness.
Not Aemond, not Criston and certainly not his snake of a wife.
“What about the court?” She asks knowing she will hate the answer.
“Aemma can run the court, if the Blacks see how she is happy as just a consort, they will bend the knee thinking they have won.” Aegon looks at his wife like a man possessed. He wants her more now that she has resumed playing the dutiful wife.
Alicent knows this mummery like the back of her hand, she had been doing it since Viserys married her at five and ten.
“Be wary of her, my son, those aren’t fish scales underneath her silks, they are dragon scales just like yours.”
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zot3-flopped · 11 months
This interview with Mitch is awesome: www nylon com/entertainment/mitch-rowland-come-june-harry-styles-album-marriage
The LA songwriter — and Harry Styles’ guitarist — finds a lane of his own with Come June.
Over breakfast at a downtown Brooklyn cafe, Mitch Rowland muses about some of the kismet of his life. The 35-year-old musician, who might be best known for being Harry Styles’ trusted collaborator, has been thinking about it in the afterglow of releasing his first solo album, Come June, in early October.
As he picks at a fruit bowl and downs black coffee, it’s hard to not think about the timing of it all. “That's kind of scary how life comes down to these tiny little timings,” he says.
Timing and talent are two things that have greatly impacted Rowland’s life in spades. Even if you are a fair-weather Styles fan, it's guaranteed you’ve heard Rowland in some capacity.
Aside from playing guitar on Styles’ three albums and tour, Rowland has co-written on some of Styles' biggest hits including “Watermelon Sugar” and “Fine Line.”
Both were songs that were an exercise in patience for Rowland and Styles. “Some songs happen in a day, some happen in a year. Same for ‘Watermelon Sugar.’ We carried it around. By the end, it had all this lint and sh*t from living in our pockets.”
Despite all the accomplishments he’s now put under his belt, Rowland is an introspective dude from Ohio. He grew up outside Columbus in Dublin, Ohio. He vividly remembers when music changed his life, as he gesticulates with his hands, wedding ring on his left hand, about the experience.
“My dad's co-worker, who was his best friend when I was growing up, had just bought a house. He was living alone and he turned part of his downstairs into, it wasn't a man cave, it was just, man,” he laughs. “He had a vintage jukebox loaded with current hits. What I kept selecting was early Black Crowes songs. At the time they only had two records out. All this talking about where this and that came from. It's made me realize, oh, that's got a bigger effect on me than I thought.”
He taught himself drums first because his brother would “kick my ass if I was on the drums.”
Guitar came next. Rowland’s way of teaching himself may have been primitive, but clearly it was effective. “Maybe at the time I saw it as ‘I don't know if this is what I should be doing.’
His instincts paid off — Rowland later went to the University of Cincinnati for two years and that’s where he met mixer and engineer Ryan Nasci on their second day of college.
For Rowland, meeting Nasci on that day kicked off a series of whirlwind events in his life — and retelling it leads him to order more black coffee in his soft-spoken voice at the Brooklyn cafe.
“I was his first friend too, but if he had not been there in that moment, I’d probably still be scooping ice cream at Jeni’s [Splendid Ice Cream] in the North Market [in Columbus, Ohio].”
Nasci was the first to move to LA and Rowland, who initially wanted to go to Nashville — which he now acknowledges would have been a “huge mistake” — followed shortly after.
As fate would have it, Nasci was the one who got Rowland into that pivotal writing session with Styles when another guy couldn’t make it.
During our meal, Rowland jokes about being late to artists (Nick Drake is one of his main examples), which explains why he didn’t know a lot about Styles or One Direction or his general pop-culture magnitude when he walked into that session.
He approached it in the same way he would collaborate with anyone. “It was four or five guys drinking beer, recording,” Rowland recalls. “It was just hanging out. And I think he wasn't used to that. For him to sit back and have some fun doing it with people he didn't know was maybe something he hadn't done in a while.”
Since that day, their creative collaboration has obviously become incredibly fruitful. Styles has become a close friend, even if Rowland lightly broke some band rules when he and drummer Sarah Jones got together. “For doing such a no-no, he's kind of supported anything and everything.”
Ironically, Rowland says, they see each other more when they aren’t on tour (their latest, Love On Tour, wrapped in July). “Over the years, we'll go places. We'll go on vacation or when we used to live in London, he’d swing by all the time.”
One thing that’s clear when Rowland talks about their friendship and their work relationship is that Styles is loyal to a fault.
“I never would've imagined him putting out [Come June], but it's been the most natural thing,” he says. “To have a friend support me on the level that he does, he doesn't have to. It's not about money. He doesn't need that. He could have anyone in his band. It wouldn't make a difference in the big picture. Once again, he's amazing.”
(more at link)
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Little Women, Louisa May Alcott
Chapter 35-36
Whatever his motive might have been, Laurie studied to some purpose that year, for he graduated with honor, and gave the Latin oration with the grace of a Phillips and the eloquence of a Demosthenes, so his friends said. They were all there, his grandfather,—oh, so proud!—Mr. and Mrs. March, John and Meg, Jo and Beth, and all exulted over him with the sincere admiration which boys make light of at the time, but fail to win from the world by any after-triumphs.
"I've got to stay for this confounded supper, but I shall be home early to-morrow; you'll come and meet me as usual, girls?" Laurie said, as he put the sisters into the carriage after the joys of the day were over. He said "girls," but he meant Jo, for she was the only one who kept up the old custom; she had not the heart to refuse her splendid, successful boy anything, and answered warmly,—
436 "I'll come, Teddy, rain or shine, and march before you, playing 'Hail the conquering hero comes,' on a jews-harp."
Laurie thanked her with a look that made her think, in a sudden panic, "Oh, deary me! I know he'll say something, and then what shall I do?"
Evening meditation and morning work somewhat allayed her fears, and having decided that she wouldn't be vain enough to think people were going to propose when she had given them every reason to know what her answer would be, she set forth at the appointed time, hoping Teddy wouldn't do anything to make her hurt his poor little feelings. A call at Meg's, and a refreshing sniff and sip at the Daisy and Demijohn, still further fortified her for the tête-à-tête, but when she saw a stalwart figure looming in the distance, she had a strong desire to turn about and run away.
"Where's the jews-harp, Jo?" cried Laurie, as soon as he was within speaking distance.
"I forgot it;" and Jo took heart again, for that salutation could not be called lover-like.
She always used to take his arm on these occasions; now she did not, and he made no complaint, which was a bad sign, but talked on rapidly about all sorts of far-away subjects, till they turned from the road into the little path that led homeward through the grove. Then he walked more slowly, suddenly lost his fine flow of language, and, now and then, a dreadful pause occurred. To rescue the conversation from one of the wells of silence into which it kept falling, Jo said hastily,—
"Now you must have a good long holiday!"
"I intend to."
Something in his resolute tone made Jo look up quickly to find him looking down at her with an expression that assured her the dreaded moment had come, and made her put out her hand with an imploring,—
"No, Teddy, please don't!"
"I will, and you must hear me. It's no use, Jo; we've got to have it out, and the sooner the better for both of us," he answered, getting flushed and excited all at once.
437 "Say what you like, then; I'll listen," said Jo, with a desperate sort of patience.
Laurie was a young lover, but he was in earnest, and meant to "have it out," if he died in the attempt; so he plunged into the subject with characteristic impetuosity, saying in a voice that would get choky now and then, in spite of manful efforts to keep it steady,—
"I've loved you ever since I've known you, Jo; couldn't help it, you've been so good to me. I've tried to show it, but you wouldn't let me; now I'm going to make you hear, and give me an answer, for I can't go on so any longer."
"I wanted to save you this; I thought you'd understand—" began Jo, finding it a great deal harder than she expected.
"I know you did; but girls are so queer you never know what they mean. They say No when they mean Yes, and drive a man out of his wits just for the fun of it," returned Laurie, entrenching himself behind an undeniable fact.
"I don't. I never wanted to make you care for me so, and I went away to keep you from it if I could."
"I thought so; it was like you, but it was no use. I only loved you all the more, and I worked hard to please you, and I gave up billiards and everything you didn't like, and waited and never complained, for I hoped you'd love me, though I'm not half good enough—" here there was a choke that couldn't be controlled, so he decapitated buttercups while he cleared his "confounded throat."
"Yes, you are; you're a great deal too good for me, and I'm so grateful to you, and so proud and fond of you, I don't see why I can't love you as you want me to. I've tried, but I can't change the feeling, and it would be a lie to say I do when I don't."
"Really, truly, Jo?"
He stopped short, and caught both her hands as he put his question with a look that she did not soon forget.
"Really, truly, dear."
They were in the grove now, close by the stile; and when the last words fell reluctantly from Jo's lips, Laurie dropped her hands and turned as if to go on, but for once in his life that fence was too much for him; so he just laid his head down on the mossy post, and stood so still that Jo was frightened.
438 "O Teddy, I'm so sorry, so desperately sorry, I could kill myself if it would do any good! I wish you wouldn't take it so hard. I can't help it; you know it's impossible for people to make themselves love other people if they don't," cried Jo inelegantly but remorsefully, as she softly patted his shoulder, remembering the time when he had comforted her so long ago.
"They do sometimes," said a muffled voice from the post.
"I don't believe it's the right sort of love, and I'd rather not try it," was the decided answer.
There was a long pause, while a blackbird sung blithely on the willow by the river, and the tall grass rustled in the wind. Presently Jo said very soberly, as she sat down on the step of the stile,—
"Laurie, I want to tell you something."
He started as if he had been shot, threw up his head, and cried out, in a fierce tone—
"Don't tell me that, Jo; I can't bear it now!"
"Tell what?" she asked, wondering at his violence.
439 "That you love that old man."
"What old man?" demanded Jo, thinking he must mean his grandfather.
"That devilish Professor you were always writing about. If you say you love him, I know I shall do something desperate;" and he looked as if he would keep his word, as he clenched his hands, with a wrathful spark in his eyes.
Jo wanted to laugh, but restrained herself, and said warmly, for she, too, was getting excited with all this,—
"Don't swear, Teddy! He isn't old, nor anything bad, but good and kind, and the best friend I've got, next to you. Pray, don't fly into a passion; I want to be kind, but I know I shall get angry if you abuse my Professor. I haven't the least idea of loving him or anybody else."
"But you will after a while, and then what will become of me?"
"You'll love some one else too, like a sensible boy, and forget all this trouble."
"I can't love any one else; and I'll never forget you, Jo, never! never!" with a stamp to emphasize his passionate words.
"What shall I do with him?" sighed Jo, finding that emotions were more unmanageable than she expected. "You haven't heard what I wanted to tell you. Sit down and listen; for indeed I want to do right and make you happy," she said, hoping to soothe him with a little reason, which proved that she knew nothing about love.
Seeing a ray of hope in that last speech, Laurie threw himself down on the grass at her feet, leaned his arm on the lower step of the stile, and looked up at her with an expectant face. Now that arrangement was not conducive to calm speech or clear thought on Jo's part; for how could she say hard things to her boy while he watched her with eyes full of love and longing, and lashes still wet with the bitter drop or two her hardness of heart had wrung from him? She gently turned his head away, saying, as she stroked the wavy hair which had been allowed to grow for her sake,—how touching that was, to be sure!—
"I agree with mother that you and I are not suited to each other, because our quick tempers and strong wills would probably make us 440 very miserable, if we were so foolish as to—" Jo paused a little over the last word, but Laurie uttered it with a rapturous expression,—
"Marry,—no, we shouldn't! If you loved me, Jo, I should be a perfect saint, for you could make me anything you like."
"No, I can't. I've tried it and failed, and I won't risk our happiness by such a serious experiment. We don't agree and we never shall; so we'll be good friends all our lives, but we won't go and do anything rash."
"Yes, we will if we get the chance," muttered Laurie rebelliously.
"Now do be reasonable, and take a sensible view of the case," implored Jo, almost at her wit's end.
"I won't be reasonable; I don't want to take what you call 'a sensible view;' it won't help me, and it only makes you harder. I don't believe you've got any heart."
"I wish I hadn't!"
There was a little quiver in Jo's voice, and, thinking it a good omen, Laurie turned round, bringing all his persuasive powers to bear as he said, in the wheedlesome tone that had never been so dangerously wheedlesome before,—
"Don't disappoint us, dear! Every one expects it. Grandpa has set his heart upon it, your people like it, and I can't get on without you. Say you will, and let's be happy. Do, do!"
Not until months afterward did Jo understand how she had the strength of mind to hold fast to the resolution she had made when she decided that she did not love her boy, and never could. It was very hard to do, but she did it, knowing that delay was both useless and cruel.
"I can't say 'Yes' truly, so I won't say it at all. You'll see that I'm right, by and by, and thank me for it"—she began solemnly.
"I'll be hanged if I do!" and Laurie bounced up off the grass, burning with indignation at the bare idea.
"Yes, you will!" persisted Jo; "you'll get over this after a while, and find some lovely, accomplished girl, who will adore you, and make a fine mistress for your fine house. I shouldn't. I'm homely and awkward and odd and old, and you'd be ashamed of me, and we should quarrel,—we can't help it even now, you see,—and I 441 shouldn't like elegant society and you would, and you'd hate my scribbling, and I couldn't get on without it, and we should be unhappy, and wish we hadn't done it, and everything would be horrid!"
"Anything more?" asked Laurie, finding it hard to listen patiently to this prophetic burst.
"Nothing more, except that I don't believe I shall ever marry. I'm happy as I am, and love my liberty too well to be in any hurry to give it up for any mortal man."
"I know better!" broke in Laurie. "You think so now; but there'll come a time when you will care for somebody, and you'll love him tremendously, and live and die for him. I know you will, it's your way, and I shall have to stand by and see it;" and the despairing lover cast his hat upon the ground with a gesture that would have seemed comical, if his face had not been so tragical.
"Yes, I will live and die for him, if he ever comes and makes me love him in spite of myself, and you must do the best you can!" cried Jo, losing patience with poor Teddy. "I've done my best, but you won't be reasonable, and it's selfish of you to keep teasing for what I can't give. I shall always be fond of you, very fond indeed, as a friend, but I'll never marry you; and the sooner you believe it, the better for both of us,—so now!"
That speech was like fire to gunpowder. Laurie looked at her a minute as if he did not quite know what to do with himself, then turned sharply away, saying, in a desperate sort of tone,—
"You'll be sorry some day, Jo."
"Oh, where are you going?" she cried, for his face frightened her.
"To the devil!" was the consoling answer.
For a minute Jo's heart stood still, as he swung himself down the bank, toward the river; but it takes much folly, sin, or misery to send a young man to a violent death, and Laurie was not one of the weak sort who are conquered by a single failure. He had no thought of a melodramatic plunge, but some blind instinct led him to fling hat and coat into his boat, and row away with all his might, making better time up the river than he had done in many a race. Jo drew a long breath and unclasped her hands as she watched the poor fellow trying to outstrip the trouble which he carried in his heart.
442 "That will do him good, and he'll come home in such a tender, penitent state of mind, that I sha'n't dare to see him," she said; adding, as she went slowly home, feeling as if she had murdered some innocent thing, and buried it under the leaves,—
"Now I must go and prepare Mr. Laurence to be very kind to my poor boy. I wish he'd love Beth; perhaps he may, in time, but I begin to think I was mistaken about her. Oh dear! how can girls like to have lovers and refuse them. I think it's dreadful."
Being sure that no one could do it so well as herself, she went straight to Mr. Laurence, told the hard story bravely through, and then broke down, crying so dismally over her own insensibility that the kind old gentleman, though sorely disappointed, did not utter a reproach. He found it difficult to understand how any girl could help loving Laurie, and hoped she would change her mind, but he knew even better than Jo that love cannot be forced, so he shook his head sadly, and resolved to carry his boy out of harm's way; for Young Impetuosity's parting words to Jo disturbed him more than he would confess.
When Laurie came home, dead tired, but quite composed, his grandfather met him as if he knew nothing, and kept up the delusion very successfully for an hour or two. But when they sat together in the twilight, the time they used to enjoy so much, it was hard work for the old man to ramble on as usual, and harder still for the young one to listen to praises of the last year's success, which to him now seemed love's labor lost. He bore it as long as he could, then went to his piano, and began to play. The windows were open; and Jo, walking in the garden with Beth, for once understood music better than her sister, for he played the "Sonata Pathétique," and played it as he never did before.
"That's very fine, I dare say, but it's sad enough to make one cry; give us something gayer, lad," said Mr. Laurence, whose kind old heart was full of sympathy, which he longed to show, but knew not how.
Laurie dashed into a livelier strain, played stormily for several minutes, and would have got through bravely, if, in a momentary lull, Mrs. March's voice had not been heard calling,—
"Jo, dear, come in; I want you."
443 Just what Laurie longed to say, with a different meaning! As he listened, he lost his place; the music ended with a broken chord, and the musician sat silent in the dark.
"I can't stand this," muttered the old gentleman. Up he got, groped his way to the piano, laid a kind hand on either of the broad shoulders, and said, as gently as a woman,—
"I know, my boy, I know."
No answer for an instant; then Laurie asked sharply,—
"Who told you?"
"Jo herself."
"Then there's an end of it!" and he shook off his grandfather's hands with an impatient motion; for, though grateful for the sympathy, his man's pride could not bear a man's pity.
"Not quite; I want to say one thing, and then there shall be an end of it," returned Mr. Laurence, with unusual mildness. "You won't care to stay at home just now, perhaps?"
"I don't intend to run away from a girl. Jo can't prevent my seeing her, and I shall stay and do it as long as I like," interrupted Laurie, in a defiant tone.
"Not if you are the gentleman I think you. I'm disappointed, but the girl can't help it; and the only thing left for you to do is to go away for a time. Where will you go?"
"Anywhere. I don't care what becomes of me;" and Laurie got up, with a reckless laugh, that grated on his grandfather's ear.
"Take it like a man, and don't do anything rash, for God's sake. Why not go abroad, as you planned, and forget it?"
"I can't."
"But you've been wild to go, and I promised you should when you got through college."
"Ah, but I didn't mean to go alone!" and Laurie walked fast through the room, with an expression which it was well his grandfather did not see.
"I don't ask you to go alone; there's some one ready and glad to go with you, anywhere in the world."
"Who, sir?" stopping to listen.
444 Laurie came back as quickly as he went, and put out his hand, saying huskily,—
"I'm a selfish brute; but—you know—grandfather—"
"Lord help me, yes, I do know, for I've been through it all before, once in my own young days, and then with your father. Now, my dear boy, just sit quietly down, and hear my plan. It's all settled, and can be carried out at once," said Mr. Laurence, keeping hold of the young man, as if fearful that he would break away, as his father had done before him.
"Well, sir, what is it?" and Laurie sat down, without a sign of interest in face or voice.
"There is business in London that needs looking after; I meant you should attend to it; but I can do it better myself, and things here will get on very well with Brooke to manage them. My partners do almost everything; I'm merely holding on till you take my place, and can be off at any time."
"But you hate travelling, sir; I can't ask it of you at your age," began Laurie, who was grateful for the sacrifice, but much preferred to go alone, if he went at all.
The old gentleman knew that perfectly well, and particularly desired to prevent it; for the mood in which he found his grandson assured him that it would not be wise to leave him to his own devices. So, stifling a natural regret at the thought of the home comforts he would leave behind him, he said stoutly,—
"Bless your soul, I'm not superannuated yet. I quite enjoy the idea; it will do me good, and my old bones won't suffer, for travelling nowadays is almost as easy as sitting in a chair."
A restless movement from Laurie suggested that his chair was not easy, or that he did not like the plan, and made the old man add hastily,—
"I don't mean to be a marplot or a burden; I go because I think you'd feel happier than if I was left behind. I don't intend to gad about with you, but leave you free to go where you like, while I amuse myself in my own way. I've friends in London and Paris, and should like to visit them; meantime you can go to Italy, Germany, Switzerland, where you will, and enjoy pictures, music, scenery, and adventures to your heart's content."
445 Now, Laurie felt just then that his heart was entirely broken, and the world a howling wilderness; but at the sound of certain words which the old gentleman artfully introduced into his closing sentence, the broken heart gave an unexpected leap, and a green oasis or two suddenly appeared in the howling wilderness. He sighed, and then said, in a spiritless tone,—
"Just as you like, sir; it doesn't matter where I go or what I do."
"It does to me, remember that, my lad; I give you entire liberty, but I trust you to make an honest use of it. Promise me that, Laurie."
"Anything you like, sir."
"Good," thought the old gentleman. "You don't care now, but there'll come a time when that promise will keep you out of mischief, or I'm much mistaken."
Being an energetic individual, Mr. Laurence struck while the iron was hot; and before the blighted being recovered spirit enough to rebel, they were off. During the time necessary for preparation, Laurie bore himself as young gentlemen usually do in such cases. He was moody, irritable, and pensive by turns; lost his appetite, neglected his dress, and devoted much time to playing tempestuously on his piano; avoided Jo, but consoled himself by staring at her from his window, with a tragical face that haunted her dreams by night, and oppressed her with a heavy sense of guilt by day. Unlike some sufferers, he never spoke of his unrequited passion, and would allow no one, not even Mrs. March, to attempt consolation or offer sympathy. On some accounts, this was a relief to his friends; but the weeks before his departure were very uncomfortable, and every one rejoiced that the "poor, dear fellow was going away to forget his trouble, and come home happy." Of course, he smiled darkly at their delusion, but passed it by, with the sad superiority of one who knew that his fidelity, like his love, was unalterable.
When the parting came he affected high spirits, to conceal certain inconvenient emotions which seemed inclined to assert themselves. This gayety did not impose upon anybody, but they tried to look as if it did, for his sake, and he got on very well till Mrs. March kissed 446 him, with a whisper full of motherly solicitude; then, feeling that he was going very fast, he hastily embraced them all round, not forgetting the afflicted Hannah, and ran downstairs as if for his life. Jo followed a minute after to wave her hand to him if he looked round. He did look round, came back, put his arms about her, as she stood on the step above him, and looked up at her with a face that made his short appeal both eloquent and pathetic.
"O Jo, can't you?"
"Teddy, dear, I wish I could!"
447 That was all, except a little pause; then Laurie straightened himself up, said "It's all right, never mind," and went away without another word. Ah, but it wasn't all right, and Jo did mind; for while the curly head lay on her arm a minute after her hard answer, she felt as if she had stabbed her dearest friend; and when he left her without a look behind him, she knew that the boy Laurie never would come again.
When Jo came home that spring, she had been struck with the change in Beth. No one spoke of it or seemed aware of it, for it had come too gradually to startle those who saw her daily; but to eyes sharpened by absence, it was very plain; and a heavy weight fell on Jo's heart as she saw her sister's face. It was no paler and but little thinner than in the autumn; yet there was a strange, transparent look about it, as if the mortal was being slowly refined away, and the immortal shining through the frail flesh with an indescribably pathetic beauty. Jo saw and felt it, but said nothing at the time, and soon the first impression lost much of its power; for Beth seemed happy, no one appeared to doubt that she was better; and, presently, in other cares, Jo for a time forgot her fear.
But when Laurie was gone, and peace prevailed again, the vague anxiety returned and haunted her. She had confessed her sins and been forgiven; but when she showed her savings and proposed the mountain trip, Beth had thanked her heartily, but begged not to go so far away from home. Another little visit to the seashore would suit her better, and, as grandma could not be prevailed upon to leave the babies, Jo took Beth down to the quiet place, where she could live much in the open air, and let the fresh sea-breezes blow a little color into her pale cheeks.
It was not a fashionable place, but, even among the pleasant people there, the girls made few friends, preferring to live for one another. Beth was too shy to enjoy society, and Jo too wrapped up in her to care for any one else; so they were all in all to each other, and came and went, quite unconscious of the interest they excited in those about 449 them, who watched with sympathetic eyes the strong sister and the feeble one, always together, as if they felt instinctively that a long separation was not far away.
They did feel it, yet neither spoke of it; for often between ourselves and those nearest and dearest to us there exists a reserve which it is very hard to overcome. Jo felt as if a veil had fallen between her heart and Beth's; but when she put out her hand to lift it up, there seemed something sacred in the silence, and she waited for Beth to speak. She wondered, and was thankful also, that her parents did not seem to see what she saw; and, during the quiet weeks, when the shadow grew so plain to her, she said nothing of it to those at home, believing that it would tell itself when Beth came back no better. She wondered still more if her sister really guessed the hard truth, and what thoughts were passing through her mind during the long hours when she lay on the warm rocks, with her head in Jo's lap, while the winds blew healthfully over her, and the sea made music at her feet.
One day Beth told her. Jo thought she was asleep, she lay so still; and, putting down her book, sat looking at her with wistful eyes, trying to see signs of hope in the faint color on Beth's cheeks. But she could not find enough to satisfy her, for the cheeks were very thin, and the hands seemed too feeble to hold even the rosy little shells they had been gathering. It came to her then more bitterly than ever that Beth was slowly drifting away from her, and her arms instinctively tightened their hold upon the dearest treasure she possessed. For a minute her eyes were too dim for seeing, and, when they cleared, Beth was looking up at her so tenderly that there was hardly any need for her to say,—
"Jo, dear, I'm glad you know it. I've tried to tell you, but I couldn't."
There was no answer except her sister's cheek against her own, not even tears; for when most deeply moved, Jo did not cry. She was the weaker, then, and Beth tried to comfort and sustain her, with her arms about her, and the soothing words she whispered in her ear.
"I've known it for a good while, dear, and, now I'm used to it, it isn't hard to think of or to bear. Try to see it so, and don't be troubled about me, because it's best; indeed it is."
450 "Is this what made you so unhappy in the autumn, Beth? You did not feel it then, and keep it to yourself so long, did you?" asked Jo, refusing to see or say that it was best, but glad to know that Laurie had no part in Beth's trouble.
"Yes, I gave up hoping then, but I didn't like to own it. I tried to think it was a sick fancy, and would not let it trouble any one. But when I saw you all so well and strong, and full of happy plans, it was hard to feel that I could never be like you, and then I was miserable, Jo."
"O Beth, and you didn't tell me, didn't let me comfort and help you! How could you shut me out, and bear it all alone?"
Jo's voice was full of tender reproach, and her heart ached to think of the solitary struggle that must have gone on while Beth learned to say good-by to health, love, and life, and take up her cross so cheerfully.
"Perhaps it was wrong, but I tried to do right; I wasn't sure, no one said anything, and I hoped I was mistaken. It would have been selfish to frighten you all when Marmee was so anxious about Meg, and Amy away, and you so happy with Laurie,—at least, I thought so then."
"And I thought that you loved him, Beth, and I went away because I couldn't," cried Jo, glad to say all the truth.
Beth looked so amazed at the idea that Jo smiled in spite of her pain, and added softly,—
"Then you didn't, deary? I was afraid it was so, and imagined your poor little heart full of love-lornity all that while."
"Why, Jo, how could I, when he was so fond of you?" asked Beth, as innocently as a child. "I do love him dearly; he is so good to me, how can I help it? But he never could be anything to me but my brother. I hope he truly will be, sometime."
"Not through me," said Jo decidedly. "Amy is left for him, and they would suit excellently; but I have no heart for such things, now. I don't care what becomes of anybody but you, Beth. You must get well."
"I want to, oh, so much! I try, but every day I lose a little, and feel more sure that I shall never gain it back. It's like the tide, Jo, when it turns, it goes slowly, but it can't be stopped."
451 "It shall be stopped, your tide must not turn so soon, nineteen is too young. Beth, I can't let you go. I'll work and pray and fight against it. I'll keep you in spite of everything; there must be ways, it can't be too late. God won't be so cruel as to take you from me," cried poor Jo rebelliously, for her spirit was far less piously submissive than Beth's.
Simple, sincere people seldom speak much of their piety; it shows itself in acts, rather than in words, and has more influence than homilies or protestations. Beth could not reason upon or explain the faith that gave her courage and patience to give up life, and cheerfully wait for death. Like a confiding child, she asked no questions, but left everything to God and nature, Father and mother of us all, feeling sure that they, and they only, could teach and strengthen heart and spirit for this life and the life to come. She did not rebuke Jo with saintly speeches, only loved her better for her passionate affection, and clung more closely to the dear human love, from which our Father never means us to be weaned, but through which He draws us closer to Himself. She could not say, "I'm glad to go," for life was very sweet to her; she could only sob out, "I try to be willing," while she held fast to Jo, as the first bitter wave of this great sorrow broke over them together.
By and by Beth said, with recovered serenity,—
"You'll tell them this when we go home?"
"I think they will see it without words," sighed Jo; for now it seemed to her that Beth changed every day.
"Perhaps not; I've heard that the people who love best are often blindest to such things. If they don't see it, you will tell them for me. I don't want any secrets, and it's kinder to prepare them. Meg has John and the babies to comfort her, but you must stand by father and mother, won't you, Jo?"
"If I can; but, Beth, I don't give up yet; I'm going to believe that it is a sick fancy, and not let you think it's true," said Jo, trying to speak cheerfully.
Beth lay a minute thinking, and then said in her quiet way,—
"I don't know how to express myself, and shouldn't try, to any one but you, because I can't speak out, except to my Jo. I only mean 452 to say that I have a feeling that it never was intended I should live long. I'm not like the rest of you; I never made any plans about what I'd do when I grew up; I never thought of being married, as you all did. I couldn't seem to imagine myself anything but stupid little Beth, trotting about at home, of no use anywhere but there. I never wanted to go away, and the hard part now is the leaving you all. I'm not afraid, but it seems as if I should be homesick for you even in heaven."
Jo could not speak; and for several minutes there was no sound but the sigh of the wind and the lapping of the tide. A white-winged gull flew by, with the flash of sunshine on its silvery breast; Beth watched it till it vanished, and her eyes were full of sadness. A little gray-coated sand-bird came tripping over the beach, "peeping" softly to itself, as if enjoying the sun and sea; it came quite close to Beth, looked at her with a friendly eye, and sat upon a warm stone, dressing its wet feathers, quite at home. Beth smiled, and felt comforted, for the tiny thing seemed to offer its small friendship, and remind her that a pleasant world was still to be enjoyed.
"Dear little bird! See, Jo, how tame it is. I like peeps better than the gulls: they are not so wild and handsome, but they seem happy, confiding little things. I used to call them my birds, last summer; and mother said they reminded her of me,—busy, quaker-colored creatures, always near the shore, and always chirping that contented little song of theirs. You are the gull, Jo, strong and wild, fond of the storm and the wind, flying far out to sea, and happy all alone. Meg is the turtle-dove, and Amy is like the lark she writes about, trying to get up among the clouds, but always dropping down into its nest again. Dear little girl! she's so ambitious, but her heart is good and tender; and no matter how high she flies, she never will forget home. I hope I shall see her again, but she seems so far away."
"She is coming in the spring, and I mean that you shall be all ready to see and enjoy her. I'm going to have you well and rosy by that time," began Jo, feeling that of all the changes in Beth, the talking change was the greatest, for it seemed to cost no effort now, and she thought aloud in a way quite unlike bashful Beth.
453 "Jo, dear, don't hope any more; it won't do any good, I'm sure of that. We won't be miserable, but enjoy being together while we wait. We'll have happy times, for I don't suffer much, and I think the tide will go out easily, if you help me."
Jo leaned down to kiss the tranquil face; and with that silent kiss, she dedicated herself soul and body to Beth.
She was right: there was no need of any words when they got home, for father and mother saw plainly, now, what they had prayed to be saved from seeing. Tired with her short journey, Beth went at once to bed, saying how glad she was to be at home; and when Jo went down, she found that she would be spared the hard task of telling Beth's secret. Her father stood leaning his head on the mantel-piece, and did not turn as she came in; but her mother stretched out her arms as if for help, and Jo went to comfort her without a word.
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evermorehqs · 2 years
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Marc Harris is based on the March Hare from Alice in Wonderland. He is a 35 year old human, event planner, and uses he/him pronouns. He has no powers. Marc is portrayed by Yahya Abdul-Mateen II and he is open.
Family has been a driving force in Marc’s life from the time he was a little boy. His was a small one but there was no lack of love between him and his parents, his mother a nurse and his father a gardener. Both were busy for hours during the day and night, but they made time for their son - rotating through the house to make sure Marc had what he needed, spending whatever energy they had left on their son. Instilling in him, without trying, that you made time for those you cared for, no matter how busy or otherwise engaged you were. His child passed by without much incident until he was ready to leave for college when he was eighteen and the worst happened. An accident. One that left him on his own with no where to go. But his parents had  taught him well enough how to survive and how to live. It wasn’t always easy but he found a companion in Mohan Kaur, a classmate who had ideas and seemed to be unafraid of everything.
The two of them found Evermore together and soon after, Dylan came into their lives, though it was Marc who took them under his wing. His past was a blur, something completely forgotten after coming to Evermore but there’s one thing he remembers without a doubt - tea parties. He has this overwhelming feeling it was always him in charge of planning things and he has taken to it like a fish in water, opening up his own event company so he can lean into that natural urge to make sure everything is in it’s place and every person in attendance is in their proper seat. Marc likes to have a good time but he’s not above running around and telling people off if they aren’t doing it right - it’s why his business works. Mohan might bring the party but Marc brings the structure and everyone knows a good party needs a little direction. By nature, he doesn’t love surprises unless he’s the one throwing it and there’s nothing that gets him going more than an uninvited party guest. Unfortunately, people around Evermore like to test his patience but Marc is getting better about it the longer they’re trapped here. These are his customers after all.
❀ Dylan Moore: Though Dylan isn’t his kid, they’ve taken on that role with a natural ease. It was a hesitant connection on Marc’s part at first but the two have grown incredibly close, so much so that people assume they’ve been a duo forever
❀ Askari Akeoye: Marc feels bad for the man. He knows how hard family can be but he’s never had to deal with the kind of pressure Askari has on his shoulders. He wants to help him but there are so many red flags waving, he’s not entirely sure if he wants to get involved
❀ Kaya Klokan: She has a sense of order that Marc is trying to wrap his head around and bring into his own life so he can’t help but be drawn to it. There’s a maternal instinct in her that he hasn’t experienced in years, is it so surprising he holds onto it?
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llycaons · 2 years
I've been nice enough to jc today. I just saw a post that was like ~uwu during the postres scene in LP wwx won't even look at him! how sad for jc to be ignored when his brother is home! of course he gets angry and lashes out for attention he doesn't understand why wwx isn't engaging~ and while that may be true on a character level I had to stand up and walk around the room for a minute bc jc has been so violent and agressive to wwx this ENTIRE time like he literally tried to expel wwx from his body as soon as he suspected his identity, locked him in a room with something that triggered his severe phobia, tied him up with a weapon his abusive mother used to beat wwx with, and blamed him for the deaths of everyone he loved. of course wwx doesn't want to engage with him? this is in fact the most reasonable way to react? wwx is within his rights to even fight back here but he doesn't because he remembers jyl? like, hello?
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
: Monday 22 October 1838
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11 10
fine but dull morning F61 ½° at 9 – bed (sheets) cold last night – took off the top sheet – put on drawers and red cloak spread my green cloak on the bed and thus slept comfortably – A- and I out at 8 35 to the church and cloister of St. Trophime the cathedral – 2 curious old sculptured white marble tombs opposite each other (on each side the nave) – one the passage of the red sea and overturn of Pharaoh and his host – white washed but neat good church – the cloister of 3 periods the 11th and 13th and......... centuries – at last espied a cobler sitting quietly at his work – the gardien of the cloister contre les enfans who do so much damage to the heads and noses etc. of the sculptures – have done a great deal the cloister cannot be fermé because it is a public passage to and from the church – gave the man ./50 for which he seemed thankful, saying some people gave him something but not many as the place was open – then to the musée d’antiques in the old church of St. Anne (there from 9 ½ to 10 ½) in which the tiresome old unintelligible garrulous concierge was married 57 years ago – but he spoke without feeling – said he neither believed in purgatory nor heaven nor hell l’inferno (hell) – but believed in good – paradise riches and hell poverty in this world such the substance of his talk with which I had no patience – the Pagans said he had Gods – the Jews prophets, the Xtians saints and the republic (republic of France) great men – terrible from the mouth of a tottering toothless old man – the Grecian female nameless head quite beautiful – the Mithras a slim tronc from the collar-bones down to the small of the body just above the hips a serpent coiled round (spirally) and the signs of the Zodiac between the coils – this from cirque as well as a meta round topped 5ft. or more high stone round column in the musée and the granite obelisk in the Place (Place royale) – on the tomb of Tyrannia (the musical instruments) one instrument with a part like a sac, or full bladder, might be intended for a bagpipe – (breakfast from 10 40 to 11 ¾ - then till 12 10 wrote the above of today) -  2 Sileni – fragments – leaning, each of them on an outre (full) over each of which is thrown a lions’ skin – the outre a goats’ or sheeps’ skin, exactly such as those of the Pyrenees shepherds – several amphorae                         some very recently discovered – at the champs Elysées ¼ league from the ville – all the columns here are from the ruins of the theatre, destroyed by St. Hilaire in his zeal against paganism – many of the monuments here, too, have lost heads, par les enfans, noses, etc. (by the children having throw throwing stone at them) – ½ a large circular base (sculpté) from the theatre placed here in the middle of the apse – and round the apse plaster models of 1st (looking towards the apse and beginning from the left) Venus d’Arles holding right hand an orange or little globe, left hand a little roll? a mirror vide p. 108 2nd gladiator. 3rd. Apollo Belvidere. 4th in the middle and in front of the circular remain from the theatre the ground of Laocoon himself and 2 other figures -  5th Diane à la biche. 6th Cincinnatus stooping and with both hand tying on his sandal (spartille). 7th déesse de Milo – the man said Diane – but no crescent nor any attribute of Diane – more probably a Venus, tho’ nothing very distinctive about her – part of one arm lost, if not of both arms – the Mithra the most ancient and most valuable thing in the collection – home at 11 35/60 – breakfast from 10 40 t0 11 ¾ - then wrote out the 1st 16 lines of today till 12 10 – the master of the house Mr. Pinus went down with us into his Roman catacombs discovered a year ago – full of old bones – some very perfect crania – (skulls) – very extensive vaults – 1 part of the excavation he called Thermes – extend under the adjoining street – the perfet gives him a sum of money to fouiller (open out and examine the place) the prefet to take ½ and the proprietor ½ of what is found – corrected the bills from dinners at 5/. a head to  4/. a head but could only get 1/. taken off for our 2 bedrooms (one double bedded the other single bedded) and the servants rooms so paid 10/.! for ‘apartment’ – I must marchander again – the champs Elysées where amphorae etc. etc. found recently are where the Romans used to bury – and are ¼ lieue from the town, near the cemetery and new road
over la Crau to Marseilles 12 ½ postes in 8 hours – off from Arles at one (hotel du nord chez Pinus. good eating and good beds, but I ought to have marchandé the apartment)  - good road to St. Remy – the white rock mountains of la Crau? right and sweeping round to in front of us – flat country and wood left, and , in the distance (left) joining on to the commencement of our in-front (left) see the 4 pointed singular (volcanic?) mountains that we had at some distance right when nearish to La Foux on Friday and at the foot of which I suppose is Beaucaire, and now (at 1 25) pass at some distance (right) the large pile of building, monastery and ruin of old chateau, of Mont Majour vol. 1 Frossards’ tableau de Nismes etc. (vid. p. 74 bis.) at 1 ¾ 4 ploughs all together in 1 champ, 1 stilt, 1 mule, 1 man each – some of the ploughs with shafts – some with stretches and rope-traces – a few vines, right and left – the steppy-ridged, hoary, green-tufted mountains range (right) sweeps round nearish to us – lopped willows, and poplars as yesterday pruned up (perfectly branchless) to a little short tuft at the top – singular appearance of them – at 1 55 canal close alongside us (right) at 2 pass over stone bridge over canal de Craponne? and right (little distance) very pretty picturesque handsome looking little church of St. Croix (vide Frossard 1. p. 75 bis.) and just beyond the church square tower of old castle and appearance of old stone-quarry and olive grounds and mulberries – at 2 10 the rocky, partly hoary mountain range (left) nears us, sweeping round to in-front – more vines and olives and mulberries, and round-toppy rocky hills close right – these hills remind me of the Euganean hills about Arqua (Petrarchs’ Petrarchs’ villa at vide Journal of 1827) – the tallish, dark, pointed cypress is a striking feature every now and then about the houses and gardens here – the whole plain, some miles wide, lying between the 2 rocky hoary ranges of mountain right and left, is wooded with olive, and mulberry, and vine – now at 12 40 the plain (or fine valley) perhaps 8 or 10 miles wide – really fine – the rocks (right) perhaps 3 miles off? (out of the 8 or 10 width of the plain) very rugged and picturesque – at St. Remy at 3 5 the bare, hoary pointy line of rock (right) make a fine approach of St. Remy – pretty picturesque little town with good handsome church – new Ionic 4 column portico – and old gothic crocketted spire behind – the main street of St. R- wide with row of large elms on each side like a Paris boulevard – turn (right) from out of the town, along a not good road by-road to a small village near the antiques for our heavy carriage drove slowly – foot’s pace – thro’ vineyards and olive grounds and at 3 17 at the antiquities – the fine hoary rugged broken now near to us – 33 minutes gazing in admiration at these fine, wonderfully well preserved remains – and read the account of them in my Itinerary midi. p. 426. 10 columns at the top of the mausoleum, and the coupole [cupola] roof of stone cut shingle-wise - the heads of the 2 figures at the top restored – the gentleman in a bag wig? a fat round head with his hair in one large broad curl on each side over the ear! – did not distinctly see the ladys’ head – on the triumphal arch  - 8 figures of which only 2 of the heads on – one mans’ north west – and one womans’ north east – on the base of the mausoleum garlands  hung over the sculptures – 2 festoons over each face of the base, each festoon supported by a boy or [?] (a.b.) and over each festoon, or resting on it (at c.d.) a head of Silenus (or a mark) horned – the wreaths seemed to me to be wreaths or garlands of lotus – beautiful wine and olive country – the jagged ridge (or crête) of high, hoary rock forming a long line close to the monuments’ along the east of them – off from the monuments at 3 52 and back at St. Remy (à la poste) at 4 2 – 2 ¾ p. from Arles to St. Remy + 1/2p. for going to the monuments and back off from St. Remy at 4 16 – charming country hereabouts – woman stripping the mulberry trees of their leaves still green, and putting them into sheets to carry home – what for? the rugged hoary rocks near (right) like a jagged wall magnificent circular extensive plain before us – a plough with 2 mules 1 man and 1 stilt at 4 25 and here women with sheets full of mulberry leaves – Platanus avenues here and there up to the houses (campagnes) – at 4 55 pretty cypress-hedge for 3 or 4 minutes (right) along the road    try it at Shibden    and fine rich red-marlby soil – at 5 ¼ pass largeish goodish looking auberge chez Dumas and 2 or 3 more houses – the hills here where not under cultivation (vine chiefly or olive or mulberry) covered with rosemary etc. etc. as at the Pont du Gard (vid. Friday) – have passed several carts laden with quercus kermes or quercus ilex and box for fire-wood – the rocky range closeish (right) and rocks too now at 5 ¼ close left – a sort of vine olive and mulberry tree bassin – Mediterranean scenery – at St. Andiol at 5 28 as I thought till on having the master up about Vaucluse after dinner (dinner at 7 5 to 8 ½) found ourselves at Orgon – the road not bien entretenu between St. Remy and St. Andiol – they always go by Orgon to St. A- no Inn there but care de Roulage 5 or 6 beds in a room and where they do not like to have travellers en poste – 4 lieues de pays = 6 lieues de poste from here to Vaucluse – had a man up who would let me his cabriolet and 1 horse and driver to V- and back (3 ½ hours going the same returning and 2 hours refreshment for the horse) for 30/. – too much – 7p. from Avignon to V- and back – 8 horses and comfort for 56/. – decline the cabriolet – be off early in the morning – breakfast at A- and going from there to V- tomorrow or Wednesday – before dinner from 5 50 to 7 5 and afterwards from 8 ½ to now 9 50 wrote out today – fine day – F62 ½° now at 10 10 pm – A-‘s monsieur came this morning just before breakfast –
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banashee · 3 years
I wasn't tagged but @sinister--potato said who feels like it should join in so here I am. 😁
Rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favourite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people!
And once again I'm having too much fun to stop at 10.
Also I'm tagging whoever wants to do this, as well as you Folks (no pressure tho)
@stufenlosregelbar @asamandra @hopelessly-me @lilolilyr @spectralarchers @cruciatusforeplay
1) The Longest Johns - "Ashes"
2) Wardruna - "Helvegen"
4) Lebanon Hanover - "Hard Drugs (Qual Remix)
5) The Last Dance - "Frozen"
6) The Devil and the Universe - "Black Harvest"
7) The Weekend - "Blinding Lights"
8) Boy Harsher - "Pain"
9) Clan of Xymox - "It's all a lie"
10) Bauhaus - "Telegram Sam"
11) The Mechanisms - "Laid in Blood"
12) Lacuna Coil - "End of Time"
13) New Today - "Savior dot com"
14) Frayle - "If you Stay"
15) Lebanon Hanover - "Gallowdance"
16) The Beauty of Gemina - "Trapped"
17) The Mechanisms - "Sigyn"
18) Project Pitchfork - "Drums of Death"
19) The Real McKenzies - "Old Becomes New"
20) The Mechanisms - "Sunrise"
21) Lebanon Hanover - "Dark Hill"
22) Clan of Xymox - "Stranger"
23) Sunrise and the Banshees - "The Killing Jar"
24) The Cure - "Hey You"
25) Faith and the Muse - "Plaguedance"
26) The Sisters of Mercy - "Body and Soul"
27) Lebanon Hanover - "Petals"
28) Lebanon Hanover - "Du Scrollst"
29) Rammstein - "Sonne"
30) Fields of the Nephilim - "Last Exit for the Lost"
31) The Beauty of Gemina - "Kingdom of Cancer"
32) Brandi Carlile - "What can I say"
33) The Wailin' Jennys - "Keep me in your heart"
34) This Cold Night - "Self-deception"
35) Project Pitchfork - "Contract"
36) Bootblacks - "Gone"
37) Murder by Death - "The Big Sleep"
38) Wind Rose - "To Erebor"
39) Siouxsie and the Banshees - "Cities in Dust"
40) Amon Amarth - "Live for the Kill"
41) The Invincible Spirit - "Push!"
42) Clan of Xymox - "Weak in my knees"
43) The Mechanisms - "Pellinore and the beast"
44) Ashbury Heights - "Hollow"
45) Lady Gaga - "Dance in the Dark"
46) Paralysed Age - "Days that are gone"
47) Paradise Lost - "Symbol of Life"
48) The Longest Johns - "Wellerman"
49) Creux Lies - "Virginity"
50) Whispering Sons - "Waste"
51) New Today - "Girl High"
52) Editors - "No Sound but the wind"
53) She Past Away - "Sanri (Clan of Xymox Mix)
54) Xmal Deutschland - "Incubus Succubus II"
55) Project Pitchfork - "Timekiller"
56) Lebanon Hanover - "Hollow Sky"
57) The Last Dance - "Winter"
58) Selofan - "Black Box"
59) Specimen - "Wake the dead"
60) Then Comes Silence - "Animals"
61) The Sisters of Mercy - "Burn"
62) The Beauty of Gemina - "This Time"
63) Depeche Mode - "No More"
64) The Beauty of Gemina - "Haddon Hall"
65) The Devil and the Universe - "Belief Manipulation"
66) Melodicka Bros - "Enjoy the Silence (way too loud)
67) This Cold Night - "Time Bomb"
68) Switchblade Symphony - "Bad Trash"
69) (nice) The Mechanisms - "Rose Red"
70) Faith and the Muse - "Patience Worth (Piano Version)
71) Diva Destruction - "The Broken Ones"
72) Diva Destruction - "Dance Remix of Trees"
73) Lebanon Hanover - "Hall of ice"
74) Generation X - "Dancing with myself"
75) Creux Lies - "Tsavo"
76) Wind Rose - "We were warriors"
77) The Sisters of Mercy - "Dominion/Mother Russia"
78) Faithful Dawn - "She Falls down"
79) The Longest Johns - "Geberal Taylor"
80) The Real McKenzies - "The Ballad of Greyfriars Bobby"
81) Drab Majesty - "Forget Tomorrow"
82) Deine Lakaien - "The Executioner"
83) Clan of Xymox - "Louise"
84) The Last Dance - "Desperately Still"
85) The Cure - "Plainsong"
86) Clan of Xymox - "She is falling in love"
87) Soft Kill - "On the inside"
88) Amon Amarth - "The Hero"
89) Drab Majesty - "Kissing the Ground"
90) Cold Cave - "Life Magazine"
91) The Sisters of Mercy - "Marian"
92) Assemble 23 - "Outsider"
93) Nightwish - "Dead Boys Poem"
94) Dynazty - "The Man and the Elements"
95) The Real McKenzies - "Too Many Fingers"
96) Lebanon Hanover - "Gravity Sucks"
97) Specimen - "Lovers"
98) Jeremy Renner - "Stereo Love"
99) Queen - "Bohemian Rhapsody"
100) Social Station - "All I ask"
101) die ärzte - "Geisterhaus"
102) Social Station - "Endlessly"
103) Kirlian Camera - "Celephias"
104) ES23 - "Only Melodies Remain"
105) Wardruna - "Kvitravn"
106) Volbeat - "The Devils Bleeding Crown"
107) Faith and the Muse - "Rise and Forget"
108) Sopor Aeternus - "Beautiful"
109) Faith and the Muse - "The Woman of the Snow"
110) Wardruna - "Thurs"
111) Sopor Aeternus - "Goodbye"
112) The Sisters of Mercy - "Train"
113) This Cold Night - "Dog"
114) Paradise Lost - "Primal"
115) Danheim - "Hringras"
116) Amon Amarth - "On a sea of blood"
117) Vandal Moon - "Computer Love"
118) Paradox Obscur - "Broken Lies"
119) Paralysed Age - "Your coldest smile"
120) Whispers in the Shadow - "The Rites of Passage"
121) Delphine Coma - "Is this forever"
122) Brandi Carlile - "I'll still be there"
123) She pleasures herself - "The Weeping"
124) The Devil and the Universe - "Elousa"
125) Ashbury Heights - "Cry Havoc"
126) The Beauty of Gemina - "June 2nd"
127) Hapax - "A Tank for Alex"
128) Clan of Xymox - "Heroes (Cover)"
129) Faith and the Muse - "A Winter Wassail"
130) Lacuna Coil - "Kill the Light"
131) The Beauty of Gemina - "Suicide Landscape"
132) Bootblacks - "New Lines"
133) Deine Lakaien - "Because Because"
134) Clan of Xymox - "All I ever know"
135) The Beauty of Gemina - "Wonders"
136) Lebanon Hanover - "No one holds hands"
137) The Mechanisms - "Underworld Blues"
138) Faith and the Muse - "Scars Flown Proud"
139) die ärzte - "Der Graf"
140) Faith and the Muse - "Denn die Toten reiten schnell"
141) Whispering Sons - "Fragments"
142) Inkubus Sukkubus - "Memento Mori"
143) Wardruna - "IngwaR"
144) Boy Harsher - "Come Closer"
145) Danheim - "imar"
146) Drab Majesty - "Hath no Form"
147) Echoberyl - "Into the beyond"
148) Inkubus Sukkubus - "Beltaine"
149) Volbeat - "Mr. & Mrs. Ness"
150) Clan of Xymox - "Home sweet home"
151) This Cold Night - "Circuits"
152) Alien Sex Fiend - "Now I'm feeling zombified"
153) Spear of Destiny - "Liberator"
154) The Last Dance - "World Down"
155) Diva Destruction - "Subterfuge"
156) Esoterik - "Set Fire to me"
157) Tribulation - "Cauda Pavonis"
158) Esoterik - "Cup of Life"
159) Leo - "Monstermash (Metal Version)
160) Epica - "Our Destiny"
161) Nightwish - "Wishmaster Live"
162) Lebanon Hanover - "Your Fork Moves"
163) Brotherhood - "Rain"
164) Twin Tribes - "Upir"
165) Kamelot - "Under Grey Skies"
166) Paralysed Age - "Nocturne"
167) She Past Away - "Ritüel"
168) Twin Tribes - "Avalon (Bootblacks Mix)"
169) Bella Morte - "Dead of Night"
170) Drab Majesty - "Entrance and Exits"
171) Pink Turns Blue - "Your Master is calling"
172) Soviet Soviet - "Ecstasy"
173) Suspiria - "Graveyard of the undead"
174) The Cure - Just like heaven
175) Kamelot - "Abandoned (live)"
176) Amon Amarth - "Blood Eagle"
177) The Sisters of Mercy - "1969"
178) Pink Turns Blue - "Walking on both sides"
179) Shad Shadows - "The Grace"
180) Plastique Noir - "Rose of Flesh and Blood"
181) Epica - "Unchain Utopia"
182) Pink Turns Blue - Missing You
183) The Last Dance - "Regret"
184) Rosetta Stone - "Come Hell or high water"
185) Beast in Black - "No Easy Way Out"
186) Bauhaus - "Hollow Hills"
187) Breaking Benjamin - "Breath"
188) Vandal Moon - "We are electric"
189) Lyca - "Drifting"
190) Lebanon Hanover - "Bring your own wine"
191) Saigon Blue Rain - "Pearly Haze"
192) The Other - "Skeletons in the Closet"
193) Eluveitie - "Belenos"
194) Box and the Twins - "Lovesong for a Ghost"
195) Wind Rose - "Diggy Diggy Hole"
196) The Cure - "A Forest"
197) The Other - "Back to the Cemetery"
198) Storm Weather Shanty Choir - "A Hundred Years"
199) Box and the Twins - "Gravity"
200) Ash Code - "Empty Room"
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baoshan-sanren · 4 years
Chapter 38
of the wwx emperor au I’m thinking of calling Fuck the Canon: Happy Endings For Everyone
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 Part 1 | Chapter 8 Part 2 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 Part 1 | Chapter 15 Part 2 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 Part 1 | Chapter 22 Part 2 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 | Chapter 26 | Chapter 27 | Chapter 28 | Chapter 29 | Chapter 30 | Chapter 31 | Chapter 32 | Chapter 33 | Chapter 34 | Chapter 35 | Chapter 36 | Chapter 37
Information gathering has always been XingChen’s domain.
It is not precisely that ZiChen lacks the necessary skills to gather information on his own. For many years now, they have been partners on equal ground, sharing both pleasant and unpleasant tasks. But some areas are better left to XingChen. There is something about his placid nature and gentle countenance that invites confidence. People simply find themselves telling XingChen the most intimate details of their lives, frequently without any urging on his part.  
ZiChen does not posses this particular skill. He is certainly capable of extracting information, but it is always done by a more direct means. XingChen’s way may yield better results, but it also takes a great amount of time and restraint, neither of which ZiChen has in abundance.  
Even now, waiting in Nie HuaiSang’s receiving hall, he finds that his patience is growing thin.
XingChen hates it here.
Even as a child, XingChen had disliked the Immortal Mountain, the court rules, the pretense of politeness, and the clandestine tactics. At the age of twelve, he could play the court games with the best of them. The fact that he had survived YanLing DaoRen’s reign speaks volumes of his abilities and his endurance. But ZiChen does not remember ever seeing XingChen truly happy here, even as a child, even during those early, peaceful years, before YanLing DaoRen had fully sank into the grip of madness.
ZiChen had been fourteen years old when YanLing DaoRen himself had tasked him with protecting the little Prince.
At the time, ZiChen had been little better than a servant. The Song family may have begun its service under the Immortal Empress herself, but they had never climbed to any position that matters. ZiChen’s grandfather had been the Lieutenant General for all of three months, before a mercenary arrow ended that advancement. ZiChen’s uncle had died in a cradle. And ZiChen’s father, a mild-mannered, generous man, had always had a better head for numbers than any other skill which may have elevated his family. As a teenager, ZiChen had been a scrappy, permanently angry youth, who took forever to grow into his ears. He had picked fights with anyone who looked at him the wrong way, and took pride in winning each time.
YanLing DaoRen had liked ZiChen, but he had throughly misunderstood his character. ZiChen may have been devoted to the little Prince, but his devotion was impossible to come by, and in the end, he had none left over for the Emperor himself. When YanLing DaoRen had decided that the little Prince had to die, he had found, to his chagrin, that the youth he had tasked with protecting XingChen had become his greatest obstacle.
ZiChen understands why XingChen hates the Immortal Mountain. It is not only the memories of his past life that give him discomfort, but who he is forced to be in the present, taking part in affairs he would rather avoid. They had come searching for a murderer, but XingChen is currently trapped in a pitched battle between the Emperor and the Council, trying to find a middle ground on a matter that should be the least of their concerns.
ZiChen believes that the Emperor should marry whoever he wants. He does not understand why a dozen sect leaders and every Imperial official somehow must have a say on the subject.
Still, when in the Immortal Mountain City, XingChen is the Emperor’s only blood relative. He may be the notorious Rogue Prince who had abandoned his rank and his title, but when XingChen spoke, even the High Councilor did not dare interrupt.  
It is not a bad thing, for the Empress’ brother to shake up the existing power structures. Between XingChen and the Emperor, the Council will find themselves reconsidering the scope of their influence. But this left ZiChen having to do everything else, even those tasks which he is utterly unqualified to perform.
Luckily, there is one person in this forsaken City that ZiChen does not abhor, and if allowed to see him, ZiChen is likely to find his task much easier to accomplish.  
Finally, a servant appears from a side door, just when ZiChen is about to lose the last of his patience.
“The Royal Companion will see you now.”
ZiChen follows her into the Royal Companion’s study, a room as eccentric as its owner.
Silver-green drapes, a fortune worth of silk, temporarily hide the Royal Companion’s desk. The green carpet is so thick, ZiChen feels his feet sinking with each step. The space is not small, but it is visually overwhelming. Dozens of paintings lay discarded in piles. Shelves filled with books and scrolls and sheafs of loose paper cover an entire wall. A single, intricately carved stand holds a heavy saber, its steel glinting menacingly next to messy piles of silver brocade. Another stand holds a dozen painted fans, each one impossibly delicate, the lines feather-light.
Nie HuaiSang is seated at his desk, another fan spread out on a small stand, a paint brush in his hand. He does not rise from his seat.
ZiChen does not feel himself slighted. He respects this boy, a child really, regardless of his youth and temper. He is the only person ZiChen had ever met whose devotion matches his own. As ZiChen would burn the world for XingChen, Nie HuaiSang would do the same for the Emperor. Their methods may differ, but in essence, he had found they were very much the same where it mattered.
ZiChen bows, “Greeting the Royal Companion to the Emperor.”
“No need for such formality, Daozhang. Come have a seat. Should I ask for tea?”
“No need. I am only here to inquire about the recent events in the Immortal Mountain.”
Nie HuaiSang places his brush aside with care,   “I believe that the Emperor has given me a diluted version of your hunt. Not intentionally, you understand, but he has been-- rather preoccupied with other matters.”
ZiChen fights the urge to roll his eyes. The Emperor is eighteen and in love for the first time. If his behavior in YiLing is anything to go by, preoccupied is a fairly mild word. They are lucky that the Emperor is managing to focus on anything else of importance.  
“I would appreciate a detailed accounting of this-- murderer, and any other information you may have. In turn,” Nie HuaiSang says, “I am willing to place my considerable influence at your disposal in the pursuit of this creature.”
“The Royal Companion is thoughtful and reasonable,” ZiChen says, “How may I repay this generosity?”  
Nie HuaiSang smiles, “As it happens, I am hunting as well. I would very much appreciate your assistance.”
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yzma, ratcliffe, prince john!
Villains Have More Fun
YZMA - What’s the biggest mistake your muse has made?
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Damn. We gotta pick just ONE?
Kajsdf no but for real there's a LOT of big contenders for this ... But the first that comes to Molly's mind is ... Probably ever believing her father would turn around, or putting any sort of faith that he did still hold love for her and her brothers. She put too much faith and care into that man that was basically throwing her patience and pride down the drain and a spit to both her brother's face and it's something she regrets and feels so guilty for and forever will.
GOVERNOR RATCLIFFE - What would your muse do with unlimited gold?
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Pretty much spoil and spend it on all her loved ones constantly - she doesn't even have a lot of money anymore due to her cutting off of her father but she STILL buys her friends and loved ones things whenever she has money scrapped together. She does buy herself things a lot, and she still would, but she always will put her loved ones first and just practically spoil the hell outta everyone constantly.
She might get her own place, but she still likes staying at the hotel with everyone!
... She'd probably try and fucking buy out Valentino's shit though. AOSIDJH
PRINCE JOHN - Does your muse act their age?
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... I'd argue no. She doesn't. oaskdjfOAKSDJF
Molly died at age 35, which still isn't too old, however, she still continues to act a lot like she's in her early twenties. She was closer to 40 than she is 20, but she still acts like she's a fresh 22 year old a lot, I think. Esp considering she i technically actually over 100 years old since she was born in 1911.
Although, she does mother so many people! So she has her moments, but she acts a lot younger than she is a lot.. Esp also if you wanna throw in she will date people in their young/early twenties even and see nothing wrong about it. And I say this BOTH as people who died at that age or hell borns at that age ... Which, esp if you also consider that again she is like over 100 years old considering the year she was born ... Yeah, no.
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anotherhumanpet · 3 years
Jaden Liam Grey || Mobile
AGE: 35 years old             Please note that I will not be chronologically aging up Jaden, to reflect Dennis’ lack of aging. HEIGHT: 6 foot, 2 inches; 1.88 meters WEIGHT: Roughly 230 pounds; 104.326 kilograms BODY TYPE: Endomorph; Wiry and slightly bulked EYE COLOR: Green HAIR COLOR: Brown NOTEABLE FEATURES & SCARS: —A jagged scar on the left side of his lower back, just a few inches about the hip; Caused by Tradewind stabbing him in the back with a tri-point knife during a mission —Various undisclosed/undecided nicks from cuts and bullet grazings; Some of the cuts are from mundane life while others are from combat. All bullet grazings are from combat. Injuries are not disclosed/mapped out due to lack of time spent thinking them out. —Nipple piercings; He typically wears ring piercings
Patient: Although Jaden tends to have a low tolerance for stupidity and other people, he does exercise a great deal of patience by being polite with his words, explaining his thoughts clearly and precisely, and calmly walking away from any situation he can afford to step back from when he’s frustrated with rather than getting mad
Closed Off/Guarded: Jaden is not a very personable individual and will hold nearly everyone off at an arm’s length rather than let them into his personal life
Caring: When Jaden does get close with someone though, he will start to dote on them and take care of them however he can
Angry/Bitter: Jaden doesn’t handle broken trust very well, and will always remember the things that led up to betrayals and cite them whenever he feels it’s necessary to do so
Violently Protective: Whether it’s with himself and his boundaries or his people and their boundaries, Jaden tends to draw very hard lines against aggressors and does not hesitate to enact major repercussions onto anyone who crosses those lines
Workaholic: Jaden doesn’t fully recognize this within himself, but he has a tendency to throw his whole self into his work or projects and has trouble pulling out before of them before they’re completed
Outdoors Man: In spite of his love for tech and involvements with M.E.C.H., Jaden is an avid outdoors man and would take up any excuse to go into the wilds for a chance to get away from people and society
Handy Man: While not at the levels of M.E.C.H.’s best and brightest engineers, Jaden is good with problem solving, tools, and will tend to craft his own supplies and solutions for any issues he may encounter
Wary: Since becoming more deeply involved with the multiverse and learning of the horrors Dennis has been through with it, Jaden is distrustful of almost anything and anyone in it, and keeps them at even further emotional lengths
Stubborn: When Jaden has set his mind on something, then that’s it and there’s virtually no convincing him to go back on his decisions
Jaden was born, grew up, attended public schooling then college, and pursued his life long goal of becoming a state park ranger
Prior to the events of TFP, he worked as a ranger in southern Idaho
While there, Jaden had his first encounter with M.E.C.H.
He attempted to investigate a scouting group’s strange activity after spotting the heavily armed group hiking through a restricted area
Ironically, this exact same group would wind up recruiting him
Jaden quickly fell into the ranks of M.E.C.H. and led a double life as his career in state park business allowed Silas a bit of leeway in sneaking through or setting up camp in restricted areas that would otherwise be spotted and reported
After Silas shifted focus onto the Autobots and their allies, Jaden’s faith in the organization quickly waned and he became conflicted about M.E.C.H.’s goals
Somewhat in denial of what was happening and in a vain attempt to protect Dennis, Jaden started volunteering for work that focused entirely on the Autobots
Eventually, one such mission led into the capture of Hot Spot and Dennis, despite Jaden’s best efforts to keep Dennis out of the crossfire while he actively targeted Hot Spot
Jaden later released Dennis from his emprisonment at Hot Spot’s pleading
When Silas confronted Jaden about why the mission had gone awry on him, Jaden feigned ignorance and made excuses for the failures
Jaden was never permitted to work on Autobot focused missions again
And Hot Spot outted him to the other Autobots, so his personal life/career fell apart, entrapping him in M.E.C.H.
After Silas’ became C.Y.L.A.S. and violently disbanded the ranks of M.E.C.H., Jaden fled to Naches, Washington
Officially speaking, Jaden fled there to escape into the remote country so nobody could ever find him again
Unofficially speaking, Jaden specifically chose the sleepy town because it’s where Hot Spot was stationed, and he was going to single handedly fight off any rogue M.E.C.H. agents who came looking for the Protectobot
Jaden would stay there until a man bearing Silas’ face came to him, saying he was sorely needed in Jasper again because a certain kid missed him
His code name within M.E.C.H. rankings is ‘Pierce’ and he works as a field scout
He is the younger brother of Penny Grey, and the middle child of the whole family group
The youngest child is Amber
Although he tries not to say too much about Penny’s marriage and subsequent divorce, Jaden is very much on Penny’s side in the split and doesn’t think highly of Robert
Jaden is very driven by and loyal to his chosen family
Arguably one of his strongest pulls is Dennis, whom he’s especially close with due to their shared love of the outdoors
Jaden is also drawn towards Dennis because he pities the kid due to the fact that Dennis grew up alone/with no siblings, and doesn’t have a strong paternal role model to look up to
He’s the quiet and observant type, preferring to get all the facts that he can before making any moves or saying anything
When M.E.C.H. started targeting Team Prime and their allies (IE: the children, including Dennis) Jaden became very bitter and resentful towards the organization for targeting kids - and most importantly, his family
His faith in Silas quickly fell apart after their first attack, and it would never recover
Leaving the organization was never an option for him, however, as Silas would have had him killed or the government would have jailed him for life for his treasonous acts
VOICE CLAIM: Gunner Wright as Isaac Clark (speaking - trigger warnings for body horror, gore, jump scares, and general violence; It’s Dead Space folks, it ain’t kind), Dustin Bates (singing) FACE CLAIMS: Michael Dorman, Jean Kirstein, Zach Gilford, Red Hood (edited to be green)
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The Rook by Pie
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Commander Training by Pie
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Suited Up W/ Mask Variant by Wily
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Info Dump by Pie
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Height Reference by Zarak
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Guardian by Snails
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Fly Away by Snails
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Bike Time by Snails
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qiankunfics · 4 years
JohnKun Masterlist Part 2
1.  Morning Warmth by nininuggetFandoms:NCT (Band)  
Summary: Waking up besides both of his favorite persons is Johnny's best part of his day. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
2.  lucky by 10vesick
Summary: How did Kun ever get so lucky to find someone who loves him to the same extent that he loves them? Rating: General Status: One-shot
3. little red by madcity (johnshuaa)
Summary: All Kun wants to do is bring his cookies to his grandmother, but he keeps getting intercepted by a peculiar man with a dreadful smirk and honey eyes. Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
4.  baby, we're the new romantics by nonamebut
Summary: In conclusion: Johnny and Kun like each other. Rating: Teen Status: One-shot
5. Distant Strangers by Sakunade
Summary: Johnny recently hired a new assistant at his office, and he can't help how irresistible he is, and finds himself falling into the deep-set dimples faster than he realizes. Rating: Mature Status: On-going
6.  Poco a Poco a Poquito by taeyongsan
Summary: Johnny has never been interested in a student's parent but Kun Qian proved to be an attraction that Johnny couldn't shake. Rating: General Status: One-shot
7. Sunrise, Sunset by Tinywriterfairy
Summary: Johnny and Kun are perfectly normal neighbors, except one's a vampire and the other's a god. And neither wants the other to know. What could possibly go wrong? Rating: Teen Status: One-shot
8.  take me anywhere by wentz
Summary: Johnny and Kun meet at a New Year’s Party.  Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
9.  Moonflower by almostkun
Summary:  In the darkest hours of the night, his feelings have bloomed. His love for Johnny hides in the shadows, atop of every tree and deep under the river. Rating: General Status: One-shot
10.  home by seonho
Summary: Single Dad Kun meets his son’s new best friend’s dad, Johnny.  Rating: Teen Status: One-shot
 11.  like clarity (you came to me) by andthencoffee (yawawoo)
Summary: Galaxy war veterans Kun and Johnny spend a day at the beach of a faraway planet and find that they may like each other more than the waves. Rating: Teen Status: One-shot
12. ignite me by gabilliam (vvhymack)
Summary: Co-workers Kun and Johnny where Kun is in love with Johnny and enters into a FWB situation with him.  Rating: Explicit Status: Completed 
13. the not so lonely star by miraclegarden 
Summary: Kun was just another star in the sky, who fell in love with a human named Johnny. Rating: General Status: One-shot
14. Premonition by 10vesick
Summary: It's overwhelming, how he can't explain at all how it makes him feel. It’s overwhelming, and quite honestly, a little scary. Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
15. give me one good honest kiss (and i'll be alright) by nctyou
Summary: Kun is King and Johnny is his secret not-so-secret.  Rating: General Status: One-shot
16.  A Night To Remember by tronnorwolfstar
Summary: Where Kun and Johnny meet, but not under the most ideal circumstances. Rating: Teen  Status: On-going
17. Making the Most of the Night by cobalamincosel
Summary: It's NYE in NYC, and Johnny just wants to welcome it with Kun. Rating: Teen Status: One-shot
18. Starry Night by lunalius
Summary: Kun is definitely trying too hard, but Johnny doesn't mind. Rating: General Status: One-shot
19. There Are Stars by taeyongsan
Summary: Stars were always there. One just had to know how to find them. Johnny was lucky enough to have found them. Rating: General Status: One-shot
20.  Big Boys Like Butt Stuff Too by bunnykingdy
Summary: Professor Qian Kun is Johnny's mandarin teacher, a confident, well liked gentleman who is coincidentally but not really, Johnny's crush. And for some reason, Kun seems to return his feelings?? Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
21. Of I Love You's and Promises by jiwrites
Summary: The five times Johnny says "I love you" and the one time Kun says it back. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
22.  hum hallelujah by wentz
Summary: “Father.” Johnny's hands rest on the priest’s thighs. “Let me suck you off.” Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
23. used to it by junxiao
Summary: kun, johnny and their band mates end up having to all sleep in the same room. nobody can get any sleep because johnny’s snoring incredibly loud... except for kun, who's completely used to it. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
24. dealing with you / i do with caution by milkywei
Summary: Johnny is finally back in his hometown but his heart's home is still miles away from him. Rating: General Status: One-shot
25. I can't take my eyes off of you because my fond looks are always for you by cherrycitrus_blossom
Summary: JohnKun get together. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
26. Tea Talk by CryptidLuna
Summary: Johnny is on cleaning duty while Kun takes the boys out for a play date. Rating:General Status: One-Shot
27. malamente by gashinas
Summary: Kun helps Johnny with stress relief (of sorts). Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
28.  spoiled sweetheart by cheapdreams
Summary: Kun had missed Korea. Rating: Explciit  Status: One-Shot
29. Ink by lamarina
Summary: Vampire Kun with Human Johnny Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
30. Genesis by dojaegay
Summary: Doctor Johnny with Unit KN010196l Rating: Explicit Status: On-going
31. the most beautiful moment in my life by awhalenamedblue
Summary: Johnny and Kun in Fujian Rating: Mature Status: One-Shot
32. Obvious by lunalius
Summary: Exam season is dumb decisions extravaganza. Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
33. From the Ground Up by cobalamincosel
Summary: Kun and Johnny are two lonely strangers who meet at a beach. They don’t believe in fate but maybe they should. Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
34. as the days go by by saelium
Summary: johnny thinks spring will always be beautiful, because of him. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
35. it may be love. by RedamancyEffect
Summary: johnny loses his ways seeing kun in his sweater. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
36. Counting Sheep (And The Days Until You're Mine Again) by kiwiiChan
Summary: Johnny’s a single dad and has to go buy diapers for his son at 3AM so he wakes up his neighbor to take care of the baby. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
37.  A Matter of Patience by cobalamincosel
Summary: Kun is happy. People come through with coughs and colds and a sprain here or there, all simple— until Johnny. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot Trigger: Injuries
38. Secret Rendezvous. by softyjseo
Summary: Seo Johnny. Everyone knows him as the lead guitarist of the band The Hour Is Ours. Touring the world and sharing everything with fans, no one suspects him of having secrets, Rating: General Status: One-shot
39. callin' by gashinas
Summary: The first time Kun makes Johnny come with only words is innocent enough. The second time it happens, Johnny’s really not expecting it. Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
40. little by little, soaked into my veins by aeroplaneseok
Summary: PWP of Kun giving his puppy a treat, or to be more precise, multiple orgasms. Rating: Explicit  Status: One-Shot
41.  Hands by criesmom
Summary: Johnny and Kun have been on two dates, (three, if you count going to the club with their friends). The alcohol gives them some ideas. Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
42. Aubade by makbaes (gentlemindedlostgirl)
Summary: Kun, meanwhile, is a young man with a big heart, good intentions, and a toddler who needs him. Rating: Teen Status: Completed 
43. Points of Contact by lunalius
Summary: Kun is very tactile, and Johnny suffers for it. Rating: Mature Status: One-Shot
44. The First Day by violetpeche
Summary: Johnny's proposal to Kun on New Year's Eve doesn't go exactly as planned, but it all works out in the end. Rating: Mature Status: One-Shot
45. Our Old Story by sunlariums
Summary: After years of being away, Kun returns home to memories he thought forgotten, and a voice that reminds him of the past. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
46. Flowers In Your Chest by sunlariums
Summary: The one where Johnny has a crush on his unattainable roommate, and hanahaki disease isn't helping at all. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
47. you’re the one (for me) by stilinscry
Summary: kun doesn’t plan on falling in love a second time, the universe has other plans Rating: General Status: One-Shot
48. Parenting 101 by makbaes (gentlemindedlostgirl)
Summary: Chenle is normally a good kid. But his woodshop teacher, Mr. Seo, has been sending Kun emails about how his son has been acting out lately. So it's time for a parent-teacher conference. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
49. All I Want For Christmas Is For My Best Friends To Be Boyfriends by eggboyksoo
Summary: Doyoung’s well-intentioned mistletoe may have led to the one thing he actually wanted: the Rise of Johnkun. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
50. under the night sky by softsuna
Summary: Johnny was set to marry Princess Jieqiong, but falling for her brother wasn't part of the equation Rating: General Status: One-Shot
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bluejaywriter · 3 years
Guess who re-listened to the entire ZSJL (all 4 hours)
Me. The answer is me.
Thoughts while listening to ZSJL the second time:
Intro/Part 1: “Should be called “The Amazons””
1. Philippus got the first line of ZSJL (“Alert the Queen!”), unless you count Clark going “URRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH” fifty times, or the Amazons going “OOH-AHH! when the motherbox first goes off.
2. Bruce “Vain” trolololol you probably think this movie’s about you, don’t you, don’t you
3. I wish they did more with Lois in this movie. I was pretty happy with what they gave to Iris and Elinore and the Amazons, but Lois did seem pretty stuck in her “mourning for Superman” mode. Which, okay. But also, ehh.
4. Also I only know Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds from that one Harry Potter scene.
5. Has anyone actually counted how many times the Ancient Lamentation Music™ shows up.
6. Why does Wondy’s theme have a cooler synth in this movie than in her movie that’s literally set in the 80s.
7. Have I ever mentioned how much I love Hippolyta? I should mention it more often. She deserves good things (better things than this damn universe seems to want her to have :P).
8. I love that Menalippe is the one calling the Amazons back to their marks. That’d be Antiope’s job if she were here :(
9. Damn even the Amazons get a cool synth theme.
10. But it really is interesting that Junkie XL went with a synth instead of just a straight-up orchestral sound, or even the more tribal sound he seemed to be going for in other parts.
11. I appreciate that the Amazon fighting sounds aren’t like… you know. How most female fighting sounds are in media.
Part 2: “Artemis needs her own movie”
12. I don’t like Steppenwolf’s voice
13. God I’m so glad they got rid of all the Joss lines :P
14. You’d think after 100 years in Man’s World, Diana would have some better excuses up her sleeve e.g. “I sat inside reading a book all weekend” or “I watched a vintage TV show” like God, Diana. Do better.
15. Every time they say “quarantine” in this movie I feel things I’m not supposed to feel.
16. I still don’t get the Aquaman song when he’s taking off his shirt. It just… is a weird fit.
17. I’m glad we got an Aquaman movie before this. It… would’ve been confusing without it. Like, who’s this random long-haired dude.
18. “Dessad, Dessad, I call to thee” is how I start Zoom calls now.
19. I really like Dessad’s voice. It just… it’s nasally enough to be, oh so it’s this character. You just know who he is from the moment he speaks.
20. I dislike WonderBat very strongly but like. Ehh. I get that people like it, and it’s more canon-supported than any of my ships, that’s for sure.
21. I kind of wish we’d gotten the scene where the Amazon turns into a parademon. Or whoever it was.
22. Just listening to the movie makes me realize how grunty Darkseid is. I wish he had some language (maybe he is speaking Apokoliptian? And I’m just uneducated?).
Part 3: “Ray Fisher needs to do audiobooks”
23. I think Barry/Iris’ song is the first one I felt like the pop song really worked with the scene.
24. The football scene was the first part in the movie where I was like, okay the soundtrack is pretty good. It’s not as strong or memorable as Hans Zimmer’s on the last two Snyder DC films, but it does a reasonably good job supporting the film.
25. Ray Fisher has such a beautiful voice.
26. The whole Cyborg sequence is one of my favorite things ever. 2nd or 3rd favorite scene after the Speedforce.
27. I don’t have a lot of patience for Barry, in general. He’s less awkward than in the Josstice League, but he’s still on thin ice.
28. I feel like Arthur’s background scenes are the weakest overall. It might be because we got an entire Aquaman movie, but I also feel like I would’ve been really confused if I hadn’t seen that movie first.
Part 4: “Exposition and stuff”
29. There’s really not a lot of dialogue in this movie. Like. A LOT of things are just visual storytelling. It makes just listening to the movie interesting.
30. Okay, but did anyone else think that Martha Kent had a stronger Southern accent in her scene with Lois? Like, I know it’s someone trying to do his best impression of a Kansas farmer, but... like, sometimes in the past movies she’ll have a slight Midwestern twang, but it’s never quite Southern, and it’s throwing me off.
30. I… get that Superman is like the big deal but it really doesn’t make sense to me that the Apokoliptians never came back in the 5000ish years that Superman WASN’T active. I mean he was only Supermanning for what, less than two years? You literally have a 5000 year-old warrior on your team, I wonder how we can utilize that time frame in a way that make more sense... :P
Part 5: “But what if I don’t care about Superman”
31. I just feel like the part where they’re bringing Superman back is the most boring part lol
32. I also don’t like that Lois JUST gets back on her feet and then… Clark shows up again surprise motherfucker
33. I’m curious what the point was of Aquaman pushing against waking up the Motherbox and Bruce pushing back. Like. Does anything come from that.
34. Okay. This is 1.5 years of writing the Goddess of Death talking, but I kind of strongly dislike that they brought Clark back like this instead of doing the honorable thing and actually going to the Underworld to beg for him back. Like. The JL honestly deserved to get their assess kicked for trying to cheat Death like that. Also it would’ve been cathartic for Arthur’s “no one getting back without trading one in return” line to come into fruition with Bruce dying and then Clark getting his memories back immediately afterward when Lois appeared. Take that Batman
35. Batman, you dumb fuck, the safeword isn’t “Clark” or “This world needs you” it’s “SAVE MARTHA”
36. I’m bored.
Part 6: “The Flash scene”
37. Honestly, am I the only one who doesn’t care about Superman? He’s a side character in this movie. Give me more Cyborg scenes. He just lost his father for God’s sake. Why didn’t we get the scene of Victor figuring out how to get the plane to fly?
38. Although, I have to say when Supes shows up it’s a fun fight. Did he have to punch Steppenwolf so many times tho. It’s fucking brutal.
39. I have no complaints about anything. Forget everything I ever said. This Flash scene. God.
40. Oh good, Cyborg is back. Let’s stay with this guy for a bit. He’s neat.
41. I love that Arthur and Diana both got their dues for Steppy attacking/tormenting their respective peoples.
42. A Hall of Justice/recap scene would’ve been nice. Like we didn’t actually get to see all six of the League just sitting together (eating pie at Ma Kent’s diner) and celebrating.
43. I’m so glad the outro is Silas instead of Lois. It just feels right.
44. I actually prefer Henry Allen’s “Look at you go” line to the “His foot’s in the door” bit. Don’t tell anyone I said that
46. Man… I hope they don’t kill Hippolyta in a future movie (says me who’s killed Hippolyta in most of my own DC universes)
47. Why does the fake Luthor have such a Joker-esque laugh.
48. I don’t actually care about the Joker. Maybe if I did, then I would care about this scene.
49. Well that was fun.
ALM* final count: 19 appearances
*Ancient Lamentation Music
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aion-rsa · 3 years
MCU Phase 4 and 5: What the Multiverse Means for the Future of Marvel Movies and TV
This article contains Loki spoilers and potential spoilers for the wider MCU.
The ending of the Loki season finale made one pretty substantial change to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The introduction of a full multiverse, caused by Sylvie killing He Who Remains, is an enormous shift in the cosmogony of the MCU. And it opens up some fascinating story possibilities for Marvel’s film heroes. So what does the introduction of a full, unlimited multiverse mean for the future of the MCU?
Hopefully, everything. Literally.
There are obvious near-term implications to Loki’s finale. It answered questions that Spider-Man: No Way Home (with its purported multiversal Sinister Six) and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness asked back when Loki first premiered. Specifically: “What do you mean there’s only one universe?” 
The beauty of time travel is that now, there is and has always been a full multiverse in the context of the MCU. Because whatever Kang War happened far in Loki’s subjective past (because the timelines were left to run wild when Sophie killed He Who Remains), the entire history of the MCU is now potentially subject to retcons as necessary. So the strong implication from Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse that that movie and all its various spider-people existed on Earths parallel to Tom Holland’s MCU can now be considered accurate, even though the movie came out years before Loki was even a twinkle in Kevin Feige’s master MCU spreadsheet. 
Time travel is a trip, man. It’s also beautiful. Literally anything is possible now. 
What Does the MCU Multiverse Mean for Marvel TV?
This sort of thing happens all the time in comics. The slang is “retcon,” comics-speak for retroactive continuity, where creators reach into their characters’ pasts to change something that impacts their present. 
Loki’s infinite multiverse sets up the entirety of Marvel history for any number of retcons that the folks in charge might deem necessary. It allows current MCU casts and crews to cherry pick what they liked from old MCU projects and fold them into this new normal. All those times Agents of SHIELD didn’t quite line up with what the movies were doing? The show was on an alternate Earth! Want Ghost Rider back without the TV baggage? Blame it on a Kang!
And grabbing the stuff that worked from old projects means porting in the good actors, too. That means people like J.K. Simmons, the Platonic ideal of J. Jonah Jameson, can continue playing the role across from three different Spider-Men, or Charlie Cox and Vincent D’Onofrio can show up as Daredevil and Kingpin in Spider-Man: No Way Home while Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings nukes Netflix’s Iron Fist continuity from orbit.   Wondering how Ms. Marvel could potentially deal with concepts from the Inhumans without ever mentioning that disastrous TV show? Now we know. 
Could the MCU Multiverse Retcon Marvel Movies?
This same ability to pick and choose the continuity most appropriate for the story applies to decisions the movies made, too. A full multiverse lets future filmmakers bring back Chris Evans as Captain America or Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow (OK…maybe not ScarJo) without burdening the MCU with yet another time paradox. As far as we’re concerned, pre-Marvel Studios curiosities like all those crazy old live action Marvel TV shows or Howard the Duck or Dolph Lundgren’s take on The Punisher are now officially canon somewhere within the multiverse.  
Phil Coulson could show up in Phase 6 leading a Squadron Supreme (just like in the comics), out for vengeance against the Avengers because they let his Earth 20085 brother die. Hell, if they really wanted to get dirty, Nick Fury could hire Deadpool to kill Coulson in retaliation, like in the comics. Wait, that was Secret Empire,wasn’t it? Never mind, don’t do that. 
Anyway, you get the idea.
The possibilities are as infinite as the imaginations of the writers, limited only by Kevin Feige’s patience/sense of humor. Don’t expect anything too crazy: the time travel solution in Avengers: Endgame was wild, but before Loki, that was far and away the most ridiculous comic book science the MCU had trafficked in. Typical MCU adaptations include much more modest nods to comics’ wackier elements – Eternals pending – like secret societies that had taken over SHIELD or Kurt Russell being Chris Pratt’s dad. So that ultra-maxi series that starts out a movie, moves into a TV show, has a comic tie in that directly crosses over with the show, and wraps up in Avengers 6 that we’re all hoping will come to pass is probably not on the horizon.
The Crisis on Infinite Earths Problem
An infinite multiverse doesn’t just mean possibility. It has a trap built in, too. The biggest multiverse story of all time, probably the one that set the template for future interactions with the concept, was DC Comics’ Crisis on Infinite Earths. That book set the standard for multiversal destruction, collapsing DC’s infinite comics timelines down to one single Earth and one single timeline. Gone were the separate Earths for the modern Justice League and the World War II Justice Society, replaced by one, unified timeline. And while the comic itself was a masterpiece, miraculously balanced by Marv Wolfman and beautifully drawn by George Perez; what it wrought on the DCU was 30 years of explainers why the Green Lantern of World War II still looked 35, or why Batman has only been operating for five years but went through six Robins in that time.  
The cautionary tale here is one of inward looking stories versus expansionary choices. Post-Crisis DC retcons were about fixing problems the writers and editors perceived with the new timeline, and not about telling the best story they could with the characters and continuity they had. This is an easy trap for a new, expanded (but not all the way expanded) MCU to fall into. There are key pieces of the comics that haven’t been ported to the films yet. 
The Fantastic Four
The temptation is likely huge to use this new, beautiful, infinite multiverse to introduce the Fantastic Four and the X-Men to the MCU. That’s probably half of a good idea.
The cosmogony of the multiverse is ingrained in who the Fantastic Four are. Their story begins as explorers of the unknown – Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Ben Grimm, and Johnny Storm are bombarded with cosmic radiation after an unauthorized space launch. That origin is very of the time when they were created, and would probably hit different now when the only unauthorized space launches are led by giant assholes. So why not take a page from the end of Secret Wars and have them get their powers exploring the new multiverse? It makes so much sense to do it that way that one is almost suspicious of this entire retcon. But that doesn’t make it any less cool.
The X-Men in the MCU
While introducing the Fantastic Four to the MCU by saying they’ve been off exploring the multiverse would make a certain elegant sense, if Marvel tried to introduce the X-Men that way, it would be hugely problematic. 
The core concept of the X-Men is the mutant metaphor, the idea that mutants are hated and feared because of who they are. On a completely superficial level, this is nonsense: what’s the difference between Cyclops’ eye blasts and Captain Marvel zapping Kree ships with fist beams? Why are mutants singled out for scorn and bigotry when someone like Doctor Strange has MUCH more terrifying abilities?
The difference is the idea that mutants are humanity’s destiny. There’s no concern that the majority baseline human population is going to someday be replaced by handsome super-soldiers or radioactive Catholic lawyers. But that genetic distinction – the idea that Magneto and Apocalypse and Pixie and Skids all share a distinct identity, while Captain America and Daredevil and Dr. Druid and Tigra do not – creates tension that allows real world out groups to superimpose their struggles onto X-Men comics and makes them infinitely relatable.
As superficially attractive as the idea of plopping the mutants on their own parallel Earth might be (and trust me, this definitely seems like the simplest justification for keeping Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine and Ryan Reynolds’s Deadpool in the MCU while jettisoning anything else that is less appealing for audiences or studio execs), putting the mutants on their own separate Earth strips that struggle from the story and makes them just another cape crew.
Worse, using the multiverse as justification that suddenly mutants are here because they came from a parallel timeline disrespects the marginalized people who identify with the X-Men who, like left-handed people, have been here the whole time. Whether society noticed or not.
The Sony Spider-Man Problem
What keeps me up at night about the new Marvel multiverse is the Spider-Man family. The Marvel/Sony relationship has always been…complicated. 
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While the new multiverse provides creators with endless storytelling opportunities that could expand the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it also sets up an easy out for the studios to separate the Spider-Man movies from the rest of the MCU. Cleaving off the Spider-family movies wouldn’t be great – I don’t need to be reminded of complicated business deals while I’m at the movies. Dedicating all of a future Spidey movie to explaining why Pete isn’t in the master MCU and can’t talk about Iron Man anymore would almost certainly be a nightmare.
But these inward-looking continuity fixes are the types of stories that Marvel, on page and on screen, has generally avoided (before you jump in the comments to shout “CLONE SAGA” please take into account how much work “generally” is doing in this sentence) with its big multiverse stories. Hopefully they’ll keep making those wise decisions going forward.
The post MCU Phase 4 and 5: What the Multiverse Means for the Future of Marvel Movies and TV appeared first on Den of Geek.
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leothelionsaysgrrrr · 4 years
🌳🍒 for whoever you like! Open invitation ;D
🌳 Compare your OC to themself from 10 years ago. How has their mental state changed since then, how have they aged and grown up? Would they say they’re in a better place than they were back then or do they need help? What advice would they give their younger self? What advice would their younger self give to them now?
(I’ll do this one for Rexus because I have a lot of feelings about this man)
I know I always talk about how Rexus is a trash son bastard man, but 25 year old Rexus was...really just complete garbage in every possible way. He was viciously spiteful, towards everyone, used anyone he felt like he had to in order to get what he wanted, leaned into the work he did for the Magisterium a little too much, just generally gave ZERO shits about anyone but himself.  Need help?  Not his problem, unless you’ve got something he wants, and even then he’ll do his very best to get it from you first and then just disappear without helping at all.  His entire goal in life at the time was to feel powerful, in every interaction with every person, be it through intimidation, sex, blackmail, whatever would give him that feeling that this person was not better than him, that he could be the one shoving someone else in the dirt this time, because the whole world owed him for how powerless he’d been made to feel when his father rejected him for not manifesting magic, made no secret of the fact that he practically forced his mother to have another child solely to replace him, and then threw him out on the streets with nothing.  He’d make his father’s life hell in any way he could, and walk over or bring down anyone he needed to with him to do it.  
(Going under a cut because of course I have no chill about this whatsoever)
35 year old Rexus, meanwhile, has FUCKED. UP.  He’s lived the consequences of his choices and actions and nearly died because of them.  Despite his best efforts, he fell in love, and couldn’t be the person he was and keep that.  He couldn’t slime his way into everything he ever wanted without getting his comeuppance.  The people he wanted to spite got the better of him anyway, and the one he wanted to keep left him at their mercy.  He’s also been shown true kindness, pulled back from the brink by friendship he assumed couldn’t possibly mean as much to the other person as it did. He’s taken stock of who he was and what he’s done and been given encouragement and opportunity to learn and grow and truly become better. And he’s been trying - really trying - to actually do it, not to be forgiven or to feel worthy of anyone’s love but simply because it is the right thing to do. He still fucks up, of course. He’s not done, and he’s slowly accepting he may never be, but it doesn’t mean he shouldn’t try.
There’s SO MUCH older Rex would tell his younger self. So much. Learn who is really on your side and who only says they are to make it easier to use you. Realize what truly constitutes an act of defiance in a place like Tevinter (it isn’t being an asshole to everyone). Find other ways to feel powerful; it feels so much better to lift people up than it does to punch them down. Recognize how truly incredible of a person Silver is and cherish him and his friendship. Learn how to love Emma properly and don’t lie to her to make her love you back; let her go if she wants to go. And for the love of all things holy, it isn’t too late to apologize and try like hell to save your brother. You’ve spent his whole life blaming him for things that aren’t his fault when he’s been used and manipulated by your father just as much as you have, and you could be the difference between him falling into the same old ways and growing into something better. Stop wasting time. There was never any reason to wait so long to decide to be better.
Younger Rex could talk, but older Rex wouldn’t listen.  That guy was an idiot.
🍒 What kind of things do they expect from their relationships? Does this differ between platonic relationships and romantic ones? Is your OC “demanding” or a door mat? What kinds of things do people expect from them in a relationship?
(This one goes to my darling Antivan liebaby Túlio)
Túlio is a prime example of someone for whom what they want in a relationship is vastly different from what they need. He wants someone to appreciate the character he plays for them, tailoring his interests and personality to what he thinks they’ll like, and to validate the effort he took to do so, when what he needs is someone who can convince him he doesn’t need to play a character at all.  He needs to be shown that he, as himself, is worthwhile and interesting and worthy of love just as he is, and he doesn’t have to hide that behind a costume and a character.  He needs patience, to come to terms with things he’s done as a Venatori stalker, but also to be convinced his trauma wasn’t his fault, and who he was during his time with the Venatori was just him adapting, playing another character they forced him to play and not who he really is.  Being that way puts him at risk of being a doormat in a relationship, since he puts more importance on being what will make someone like him the most or think he’s the most interesting than being himself and having them love him for that, but he’s also pretty picky about who he wants to try to have a relationship with and hasn’t actually had that many where they might know him well enough to realize he isn’t actually being himself.  Getting into one, platonic or romantic, where someone else expects him to be honest with them and with himself, and let them love Túlio, not some character he’s playing because he needs everyone to like him so much all the time, is a bit jarring for him, but is really what is best.  
Got any more?
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allaboutjoseph · 3 years
Patris Corde - Apostolic Letter of Pope Francis
WITH A FATHER’S HEART: that is how Joseph loved Jesus, whom all four Gospels refer to as “the son of Joseph”.[1]
Matthew and Luke, the two Evangelists who speak most of Joseph, tell us very little, yet enough for us to appreciate what sort of father he was, and the mission entrusted to him by God’s providence.
We know that Joseph was a lowly carpenter (cf. Mt 13:55), betrothed to Mary (cf. Mt 1:18; Lk 1:27). He was a “just man” (Mt 1:19), ever ready to carry out God’s will as revealed to him in the Law (cf. Lk 2:22.27.39) and through four dreams (cf. Mt 1:20; 2:13.19.22). After a long and tiring journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, he beheld the birth of the Messiah in a stable, since “there was no place for them” elsewhere (cf. Lk 2:7). He witnessed the adoration of the shepherds (cf. Lk 2:8-20) and the Magi (cf. Mt 2:1-12), who represented respectively the people of Israel and the pagan peoples.
Joseph had the courage to become the legal father of Jesus, to whom he gave the name revealed by the angel: “You shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (Mt 1:21). As we know, for ancient peoples, to give a name to a person or to a thing, as Adam did in the account in the Book of Genesis (cf. 2:19-20), was to establish a relationship.
In the Temple, forty days after Jesus’ birth, Joseph and Mary offered their child to the Lord and listened with amazement to Simeon’s prophecy concerning Jesus and his Mother (cf. Lk 2:22-35). To protect Jesus from Herod, Joseph dwelt as a foreigner in Egypt (cf. Mt 2:13-18). After returning to his own country, he led a hidden life in the tiny and obscure village of Nazareth in Galilee, far from Bethlehem, his ancestral town, and from Jerusalem and the Temple. Of Nazareth it was said, “No prophet is to rise” (cf. Jn 7:52) and indeed, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (cf. Jn 1:46). When, during a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Joseph and Mary lost track of the twelve-year-old Jesus, they anxiously sought him out and they found him in the Temple, in discussion with the doctors of the Law (cf. Lk 2:41-50).
After Mary, the Mother of God, no saint is mentioned more frequently in the papal magisterium than Joseph, her spouse. My Predecessors reflected on the message contained in the limited information handed down by the Gospels in order to appreciate more fully his central role in the history of salvation. Blessed Pius IX declared him “Patron of the Catholic Church”,[2] Venerable Pius XII proposed him as “Patron of Workers”[3] and Saint John Paul II as “Guardian of the Redeemer”.[4] Saint Joseph is universally invoked as the “patron of a happy death”.[5]
Now, one hundred and fifty years after his proclamation as Patron of the Catholic Church by Blessed Pius IX (8 December 1870), I would like to share some personal reflections on this extraordinary figure, so close to our own human experience. For, as Jesus says, “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Mt 12:34). My desire to do so increased during these months of pandemic, when we experienced, amid the crisis, how “our lives are woven together and sustained by ordinary people, people often overlooked. People who do not appear in newspaper and magazine headlines, or on the latest television show, yet in these very days are surely shaping the decisive events of our history. Doctors, nurses, storekeepers and supermarket workers, cleaning personnel, caregivers, transport workers, men and women working to provide essential services and public safety, volunteers, priests, men and women religious, and so very many others. They understood that no one is saved alone… How many people daily exercise patience and offer hope, taking care to spread not panic, but shared responsibility. How many fathers, mothers, grandparents and teachers are showing our children, in small everyday ways, how to accept and deal with a crisis by adjusting their routines, looking ahead and encouraging the practice of prayer. How many are praying, making sacrifices and interceding for the good of all”.[6] Each of us can discover in Joseph – the man who goes unnoticed, a daily, discreet and hidden presence – an intercessor, a support and a guide in times of trouble. Saint Joseph reminds us that those who appear hidden or in the shadows can play an incomparable role in the history of salvation. A word of recognition and of gratitude is due to them all.
1. A beloved father
The greatness of Saint Joseph is that he was the spouse of Mary and the father of Jesus. In this way, he placed himself, in the words of Saint John Chrysostom, “at the service of the entire plan of salvation”.[7]
Saint Paul VI pointed out that Joseph concretely expressed his fatherhood “by making his life a sacrificial service to the mystery of the incarnation and its redemptive purpose. He employed his legal authority over the Holy Family to devote himself completely to them in his life and work. He turned his human vocation to domestic love into a superhuman oblation of himself, his heart and all his abilities, a love placed at the service of the Messiah who was growing to maturity in his home”.[8]
Thanks to his role in salvation history, Saint Joseph has always been venerated as a father by the Christian people. This is shown by the countless churches dedicated to him worldwide, the numerous religious Institutes, Confraternities and ecclesial groups inspired by his spirituality and bearing his name, and the many traditional expressions of piety in his honour. Innumerable holy men and women were passionately devoted to him. Among them was Teresa of Avila, who chose him as her advocate and intercessor, had frequent recourse to him and received whatever graces she asked of him. Encouraged by her own experience, Teresa persuaded others to cultivate devotion to Joseph.[9]
Every prayer book contains prayers to Saint Joseph. Special prayers are offered to him each Wednesday and especially during the month of March, which is traditionally dedicated to him.[10]
Popular trust in Saint Joseph is seen in the expression “Go to Joseph”, which evokes the famine in Egypt, when the Egyptians begged Pharaoh for bread. He in turn replied: “Go to Joseph; what he says to you, do” (Gen 41:55). Pharaoh was referring to Joseph the son of Jacob, who was sold into slavery because of the jealousy of his brothers (cf. Gen 37:11-28) and who – according to the biblical account – subsequently became viceroy of Egypt (cf. Gen 41:41-44).
As a descendant of David (cf. Mt 1:16-20), from whose stock Jesus was to spring according to the promise made to David by the prophet Nathan (cf. 2 Sam 7), and as the spouse of Mary of Nazareth, Saint Joseph stands at the crossroads between the Old and New Testaments.
2. A tender and loving father
Joseph saw Jesus grow daily “in wisdom and in years and in divine and human favour” (Lk 2:52). As the Lord had done with Israel, so Joseph did with Jesus: he taught him to walk, taking him by the hand; he was for him like a father who raises an infant to his cheeks, bending down to him and feeding him (cf. Hos 11:3-4).
In Joseph, Jesus saw the tender love of God: “As a father has compassion for his children, so the Lord has compassion for those who fear him” (Ps 103:13).
In the synagogue, during the praying of the Psalms, Joseph would surely have heard again and again that the God of Israel is a God of tender love,[11] who is good to all, whose “compassion is over all that he has made” (Ps 145:9).
The history of salvation is worked out “in hope against hope” (Rom 4:18), through our weaknesses. All too often, we think that God works only through our better parts, yet most of his plans are realized in and despite our frailty. Thus Saint Paul could say: “To keep me from being too elated, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me, to keep me from being too elated. Three times I appealed to the Lord about this, that it would leave me, but he said to me: ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness’” (2 Cor 12:7-9).
Since this is part of the entire economy of salvation, we must learn to look upon our weaknesses with tender mercy.[12]
The evil one makes us see and condemn our frailty, whereas the Spirit brings it to light with tender love. Tenderness is the best way to touch the frailty within us. Pointing fingers and judging others are frequently signs of an inability to accept our own weaknesses, our own frailty. Only tender love will save us from the snares of the accuser (cf. Rev 12:10). That is why it is so important to encounter God’s mercy, especially in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, where we experience his truth and tenderness. Paradoxically, the evil one can also speak the truth to us, yet he does so only to condemn us. We know that God’s truth does not condemn, but instead welcomes, embraces, sustains and forgives us. That truth always presents itself to us like the merciful father in Jesus’ parable (cf. Lk 15:11-32). It comes out to meet us, restores our dignity, sets us back on our feet and rejoices for us, for, as the father says: “This my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found” (v. 24).
Even through Joseph’s fears, God’s will, his history and his plan were at work. Joseph, then, teaches us that faith in God includes believing that he can work even through our fears, our frailties and our weaknesses. He also teaches us that amid the tempests of life, we must never be afraid to let the Lord steer our course. At times, we want to be in complete control, yet God always sees the bigger picture.
3. An obedient father
As he had done with Mary, God revealed his saving plan to Joseph. He did so by using dreams, which in the Bible and among all ancient peoples, were considered a way for him to make his will known.[13]
Joseph was deeply troubled by Mary’s mysterious pregnancy. He did not want to “expose her to public disgrace”,[14] so he decided to “dismiss her quietly” (Mt 1:19).
In the first dream, an angel helps him resolve his grave dilemma: “Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (Mt 1:20-21). Joseph’s response was immediate: “When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him” (Mt 1:24). Obedience made it possible for him to surmount his difficulties and spare Mary.
In the second dream, the angel tells Joseph: “Get up, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him” (Mt 2:13). Joseph did not hesitate to obey, regardless of the hardship involved: “He got up, took the child and his mother by night, and went to Egypt, and remained there until the death of Herod” (Mt 2:14-15).
In Egypt, Joseph awaited with patient trust the angel’s notice that he could safely return home. In a third dream, the angel told him that those who sought to kill the child were dead and ordered him to rise, take the child and his mother, and return to the land of Israel (cf. Mt 2:19-20). Once again, Joseph promptly obeyed. “He got up, took the child and his mother, and went to the land of Israel” (Mt 2:21).
During the return journey, “when Joseph heard that Archelaus was ruling over Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. After being warned in a dream” – now for the fourth time – “he went away to the district of Galilee. There he made his home in a town called Nazareth” (Mt 2:22-23).
The evangelist Luke, for his part, tells us that Joseph undertook the long and difficult journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem to be registered in his family’s town of origin in the census of the Emperor Caesar Augustus. There Jesus was born (cf. Lk 2:7) and his birth, like that of every other child, was recorded in the registry of the Empire. Saint Luke is especially concerned to tell us that Jesus’ parents observed all the prescriptions of the Law: the rites of the circumcision of Jesus, the purification of Mary after childbirth, the offering of the firstborn to God (cf. 2:21-24).[15]
In every situation, Joseph declared his own “fiat”, like those of Mary at the Annunciation and Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
In his role as the head of a family, Joseph taught Jesus to be obedient to his parents (cf. Lk 2:51), in accordance with God’s command (cf. Ex 20:12).
During the hidden years in Nazareth, Jesus learned at the school of Joseph to do the will of the Father. That will was to be his daily food (cf. Jn 4:34). Even at the most difficult moment of his life, in Gethsemane, Jesus chose to do the Father’s will rather than his own,[16] becoming “obedient unto death, even death on a cross” (Phil 2:8).  The author of the Letter to the Hebrews thus concludes that Jesus “learned obedience through what he suffered” (5:8).
All this makes it clear that “Saint Joseph was called by God to serve the person and mission of Jesus directly through the exercise of his fatherhood” and that in this way, “he cooperated in the fullness of time in the great mystery of salvation and is truly a minister of salvation.”[17]
4. An accepting father
Joseph accepted Mary unconditionally. He trusted in the angel’s words.  “The nobility of Joseph’s heart is such that what he learned from the law he made dependent on charity. Today, in our world where psychological, verbal and physical violence towards women is so evident, Joseph appears as the figure of a respectful and sensitive man. Even though he does not understand the bigger picture, he makes a decision to protect Mary’s good name, her dignity and her life. In his hesitation about how best to act, God helped him by enlightening his judgment”.[18]
Often in life, things happen whose meaning we do not understand. Our first reaction is frequently one of disappointment and rebellion. Joseph set aside his own ideas in order to accept the course of events and, mysterious as they seemed, to embrace them, take responsibility for them and make them part of his own history. Unless we are reconciled with our own history, we will be unable to take a single step forward, for we will always remain hostage to our expectations and the disappointments that follow.
The spiritual path that Joseph traces for us is not one that explains, but accepts. Only as a result of this acceptance, this reconciliation, can we begin to glimpse a broader history, a deeper meaning. We can almost hear an echo of the impassioned reply of Job to his wife, who had urged him to rebel against the evil he endured: “Shall we receive the good at the hand of God, and not receive the bad?” (Job 2:10).
Joseph is certainly not passively resigned, but courageously and firmly proactive. In our own lives, acceptance and welcome can be an expression of the Holy Spirit’s gift of fortitude. Only the Lord can give us the strength needed to accept life as it is, with all its contradictions, frustrations and disappointments.
Jesus’ appearance in our midst is a gift from the Father, which makes it possible for each of us to be reconciled to the flesh of our own history, even when we fail to understand it completely.
Just as God told Joseph: “Son of David, do not be afraid!” (Mt 1:20), so he seems to tell us: “Do not be afraid!” We need to set aside all anger and disappointment, and to embrace the way things are, even when they do not turn out as we wish. Not with mere resignation but with hope and courage. In this way, we become open to a deeper meaning. Our lives can be miraculously reborn if we find the courage to live them in accordance with the Gospel. It does not matter if everything seems to have gone wrong or some things can no longer be fixed. God can make flowers spring up from stony ground. Even if our heart condemns us, “God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything” (1 Jn 3:20).
Here, once again, we encounter that Christian realism which rejects nothing that exists. Reality, in its mysterious and irreducible complexity, is the bearer of existential meaning, with all its lights and shadows. Thus, the Apostle Paul can say: “We know that all things work together for good, for those who love God” (Rom 8:28). To which Saint Augustine adds, “even that which is called evil (etiam illud quod malum dicitur)”.[19] In this greater perspective, faith gives meaning to every event, however happy or sad.
Nor should we ever think that believing means finding facile and comforting solutions. The faith Christ taught us is what we see in Saint Joseph. He did not look for shortcuts, but confronted reality with open eyes and accepted personal responsibility for it.
Joseph’s attitude encourages us to accept and welcome others as they are, without exception, and to show special concern for the weak, for God chooses what is weak (cf. 1 Cor 1:27). He is the “Father of orphans and protector of widows” (Ps 68:6), who commands us to love the stranger in our midst.[20]  I like to think that it was from Saint Joseph that Jesus drew inspiration for the parable of the prodigal son and the merciful father (cf. Lk 15:11-32).
5. A creatively courageous father
If the first stage of all true interior healing is to accept our personal history and embrace even the things in life that we did not choose, we must now add another important element: creative courage. This emerges especially in the way we deal with difficulties. In the face of difficulty, we can either give up and walk away, or somehow engage with it. At times, difficulties bring out resources we did not even think we had.
As we read the infancy narratives, we may often wonder why God did not act in a more direct and clear way. Yet God acts through events and people.  Joseph was the man chosen by God to guide the beginnings of the history of redemption. He was the true “miracle” by which God saves the child and his mother. God acted by trusting in Joseph’s creative courage. Arriving in Bethlehem and finding no lodging where Mary could give birth, Joseph took a stable and, as best he could, turned it into a welcoming home for the Son of God come into the world (cf. Lk 2:6-7). Faced with imminent danger from Herod, who wanted to kill the child, Joseph was warned once again in a dream to protect the child, and rose in the middle of the night to prepare the flight into Egypt (cf. Mt 2:13-14).
A superficial reading of these stories can often give the impression that the world is at the mercy of the strong and mighty, but the “good news” of the Gospel consists in showing that, for all the arrogance and violence of worldly powers, God always finds a way to carry out his saving plan. So too, our lives may at times seem to be at the mercy of the powerful, but the Gospel shows us what counts. God always finds a way to save us, provided we show the same creative courage as the carpenter of Nazareth, who was able to turn a problem into a possibility by trusting always in divine providence.
If at times God seems not to help us, surely this does not mean that we have been abandoned, but instead are being trusted to plan, to be creative, and to find solutions ourselves.
That kind of creative courage was shown by the friends of the paralytic, who lowered him from the roof in order to bring him to Jesus (cf. Lk 5:17-26). Difficulties did not stand in the way of those friends’ boldness and persistence. They were convinced that Jesus could heal the man, and “finding no way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the middle of the crowd in front of Jesus. When he saw their faith, he said, ‘Friend, your sins are forgiven you’” (vv. 19-20). Jesus recognized the creative faith with which they sought to bring their sick friend to him.
The Gospel does not tell us how long Mary, Joseph and the child remained in Egypt. Yet they certainly needed to eat, to find a home and employment. It does not take much imagination to fill in those details. The Holy Family had to face concrete problems like every other family, like so many of our migrant brothers and sisters who, today too, risk their lives to escape misfortune and hunger. In this regard, I consider Saint Joseph the special patron of all those forced to leave their native lands because of war, hatred, persecution and poverty.
At the end of every account in which Joseph plays a role, the Gospel tells us that he gets up, takes the child and his mother, and does what God commanded him (cf. Mt 1:24; 2:14.21). Indeed, Jesus and Mary his Mother are the most precious treasure of our faith.[21]
In the divine plan of salvation, the Son is inseparable from his Mother, from Mary, who “advanced in her pilgrimage of faith, and faithfully persevered in her union with her Son until she stood at the cross”.[22]
We should always consider whether we ourselves are protecting Jesus and Mary, for they are also mysteriously entrusted to our own responsibility, care and safekeeping. The Son of the Almighty came into our world in a state of great vulnerability. He needed to be defended, protected, cared for and raised by Joseph. God trusted Joseph, as did Mary, who found in him someone who would not only save her life, but would always provide for her and her child. In this sense, Saint Joseph could not be other than the Guardian of the Church, for the Church is the continuation of the Body of Christ in history, even as Mary’s motherhood is reflected in the motherhood of the Church.[23] In his continued protection of the Church, Joseph continues to protect the child and his mother, and we too, by our love for the Church, continue to love the child and his mother.
That child would go on to say: “As you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me” (Mt 25:40).  Consequently, every poor, needy, suffering or dying person, every stranger, every prisoner, every infirm person is “the child” whom Joseph continues to protect. For this reason, Saint Joseph is invoked as protector of the unfortunate, the needy, exiles, the afflicted, the poor and the dying.  Consequently, the Church cannot fail to show a special love for the least of our brothers and sisters, for Jesus showed a particular concern for them and personally identified with them. From Saint Joseph, we must learn that same care and responsibility. We must learn to love the child and his mother, to love the sacraments and charity, to love the Church and the poor. Each of these realities is always the child and his mother.
6. A working father
An aspect of Saint Joseph that has been emphasized from the time of the first social Encyclical, Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum, is his relation to work. Saint Joseph was a carpenter who earned an honest living to provide for his family. From him, Jesus learned the value, the dignity and the joy of what it means to eat bread that is the fruit of one’s own labour.
In our own day, when employment has once more become a burning social issue, and unemployment at times reaches record levels even in nations that for decades have enjoyed a certain degree of prosperity, there is a renewed need to appreciate the importance of dignified work, of which Saint Joseph is an exemplary patron.
Work is a means of participating in the work of salvation, an opportunity to hasten the coming of the Kingdom, to develop our talents and abilities, and to put them at the service of society and fraternal communion. It becomes an opportunity for the fulfilment not only of oneself, but also of that primary cell of society which is the family. A family without work is particularly vulnerable to difficulties, tensions, estrangement and even break-up. How can we speak of human dignity without working to ensure that everyone is able to earn a decent living?
Working persons, whatever their job may be, are cooperating with God himself, and in some way become creators of the world around us. The crisis of our time, which is economic, social, cultural and spiritual, can serve as a summons for all of us to rediscover the value, the importance and necessity of work for bringing about a new “normal” from which no one is excluded. Saint Joseph’s work reminds us that God himself, in becoming man, did not disdain work. The loss of employment that affects so many of our brothers and sisters, and has increased as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, should serve as a summons to review our priorities. Let us implore Saint Joseph the Worker to help us find ways to express our firm conviction that no young person, no person at all, no family should be without work!
7. A father in the shadows
The Polish writer Jan Dobraczyński, in his book The Shadow of the Father,[24] tells the story of Saint Joseph’s life in the form of a novel. He uses the evocative image of a shadow to define Joseph. In his relationship to Jesus, Joseph was the earthly shadow of the heavenly Father: he watched over him and protected him, never leaving him to go his own way. We can think of Moses’ words to Israel: “In the wilderness… you saw how the Lord your God carried you, just as one carries a child, all the way that you travelled” (Deut 1:31). In a similar way, Joseph acted as a father for his whole life.[25]
Fathers are not born, but made. A man does not become a father simply by bringing a child into the world, but by taking up the responsibility to care for that child. Whenever a man accepts responsibility for the life of another, in some way he becomes a father to that person.
Children today often seem orphans, lacking fathers. The Church too needs fathers. Saint Paul’s words to the Corinthians remain timely: “Though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers” (1 Cor 4:15). Every priest or bishop should be able to add, with the Apostle: “I became your father in Christ Jesus through the Gospel” (ibid.). Paul likewise calls the Galatians: “My little children, with whom I am again in travail until Christ be formed in you!” (4:19).
Being a father entails introducing children to life and reality. Not holding them back, being overprotective or possessive, but rather making them capable of deciding for themselves, enjoying freedom and exploring new possibilities. Perhaps for this reason, Joseph is traditionally called a “most chaste” father. That title is not simply a sign of affection, but the summation of an attitude that is the opposite of possessiveness. Chastity is freedom from possessiveness in every sphere of one’s life. Only when love is chaste, is it truly love. A possessive love ultimately becomes dangerous: it imprisons, constricts and makes for misery. God himself loved humanity with a chaste love; he left us free even to go astray and set ourselves against him. The logic of love is always the logic of freedom, and Joseph knew how to love with extraordinary freedom. He never made himself the centre of things. He did not think of himself, but focused instead on the lives of Mary and Jesus.
Joseph found happiness not in mere self-sacrifice but in self-gift. In him, we never see frustration but only trust. His patient silence was the prelude to concrete expressions of trust. Our world today needs fathers. It has no use for tyrants who would domineer others as a means of compensating for their own needs. It rejects those who confuse authority with authoritarianism, service with servility, discussion with oppression, charity with a welfare mentality, power with destruction. Every true vocation is born of the gift of oneself, which is the fruit of mature sacrifice. The priesthood and consecrated life likewise require this kind of maturity. Whatever our vocation, whether to marriage, celibacy or virginity, our gift of self will not come to fulfilment if it stops at sacrifice; were that the case, instead of becoming a sign of the beauty and joy of love, the gift of self would risk being an expression of unhappiness, sadness and frustration.
When fathers refuse to live the lives of their children for them, new and unexpected vistas open up. Every child is the bearer of a unique mystery that can only be brought to light with the help of a father who respects that child’s freedom. A father who realizes that he is most a father and educator at the point when he becomes “useless”, when he sees that his child has become independent and can walk the paths of life unaccompanied. When he becomes like Joseph, who always knew that his child was not his own but had merely been entrusted to his care. In the end, this is what Jesus would have us understand when he says: “Call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven” (Mt 23:9).
In every exercise of our fatherhood, we should always keep in mind that it has nothing to do with possession, but is rather a “sign” pointing to a greater fatherhood. In a way, we are all like Joseph: a shadow of the heavenly Father, who “makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (Mt 5:45). And a shadow that follows his Son.
* * *
“Get up, take the child and his mother” (Mt 2:13), God told Saint Joseph.
The aim of this Apostolic Letter is to increase our love for this great saint, to encourage us to implore his intercession and to imitate his virtues and his zeal.
Indeed, the proper mission of the saints is not only to obtain miracles and graces, but to intercede for us before God, like Abraham[26] and Moses[27], and like Jesus, the “one mediator” (1 Tim 2:5), who is our “advocate” with the Father (1 Jn 2:1) and who “always lives to make intercession for [us]” (Heb 7:25; cf. Rom 8:34).
The saints help all the faithful “to strive for the holiness and the perfection of their particular state of life”.[28] Their lives are concrete proof that it is possible to put the Gospel into practice.
Jesus told us: “Learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart” (Mt 11:29). The lives of the saints too are examples to be imitated. Saint Paul explicitly says this: “Be imitators of me!” (1 Cor 4:16).[29] By his eloquent silence, Saint Joseph says the same.
Before the example of so many holy men and women, Saint Augustine asked himself: “What they could do, can you not also do?” And so he drew closer to his definitive conversion, when he could exclaim: “Late have I loved you, Beauty ever ancient, ever new!”[30]
We need only ask Saint Joseph for the grace of graces: our conversion.
Let us now make our prayer to him:
Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To you God entrusted his only Son; in you Mary placed her trust; with you Christ became man.
Blessed Joseph, to us too, show yourself a father and guide us in the path of life. Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage, and defend us from every evil. Amen.
Given in Rome, at Saint John Lateran, on 8 December, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the year 2020, the eighth of my Pontificate.
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