#these questions plague me
cult-of-dollbabies · 5 months
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pissing him off like he gets paid to
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beescake · 9 months
im a sollux kinnie and ur art is great. like a delicious meal. 1 million courses. my compliments to the chef.
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in gratitude i present a little guy doing setup for the first time 🐝
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so. i feel relatively confident in assuming arthur still has custody of his eyelids even with john having his eyes. additionally, we've seen plenty of evidence that arthur can't feel the parts of his body that john owns at all. with these assumptions in mind:
do you think arthur ever forgets to blink?
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natdafat · 1 year
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astaroth1357 · 2 years
Most to Least Likely to Cry After Sex
Okay so, this might be a personal thing on my end, but I have long kept a running list of characters that I believe would cry after having sex. It is a perfectly natural response and there is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about if it happens ... though it is surprisingly entertaining to think about in terms of fictional characters. And of course, I have a list for OM as well.
Contents: Nsfw/suggestive, depending on your definition, but not explicit. Emotional vulnerability explored.
I think anyone could see this coming. Levi almost certainly has cried or would cry after sex. And depending on what you're doing, he may even cry during sex too.
Bless his little heart, it is 100% because he is always riding an emotional rollercoaster of the highest highs and lowest lows. The realization that somebody out there actually wants to be intimate with him would send his whole body into a meltdown. Have patience.
Also kind of a no-brainer. He's only a little less likely to cry than Levi because he's better at putting up a front when he really wants to.
Unlike others on the list, Mammon gets super embarrassed if he gets overwhelmed and cries after sex but he rarely tries to hide it. It's kind of his way of reaching out for more affection, he wants to be coddled and reassured that his partner accepts him no matter what. He thrives on unconditional love like that.
Hear me out. Satan is canonically a kinky little fucker, I don't think he would cry after an especially "playful" rendezvous. It would be the really soft and intimate moments that get him everytime.
We have to remember, he's still a little new to this whole "experiencing feelings" thing. An emotion as overpowering as love is going to flatten him like a steamroller. He won't even realize that he is crying until his tears start staining the sheets. Be gentle. Talk him through it. Again, it's perfectly natural if it happens.
I think Belphie will cry for bratty purposes more than anything else. I am wholly convinced that he will cry on demand if it gets him what he wants.
Lord forbid the MC tries to go anywhere before Belphie is ready because he may just grab onto them and start the waterworks. If you could withstand the full force of a pouty, teary-eyed Belphie begging just "5 more minutes" of cuddling, you're a stronger person than I am.
Only lower than the other guys by virtue of having quite the stranglehold on his inner emotions, but he will let them out if he's comfortable to do so.
Let me be clear, Simeon wants to cry everytime. He wants to lose himself completely in his partner and let it all wash over him. It's just the social and moral questions surrounding what's happening that keep him from doing so. (Poor thing #1)
Another person who can cry on demand or just get overwhelmed, but it won't happen often.
Put quite simply, Asmo's been around the block. He has a pretty good handle on himself even during his come downs. However, he knows how much it could mean to your partner if you're willing to show that side of yourself to them. So if MC says/does something that genuinely touches him, he will cry without shame.
Would almost certainly get misty-eyed if he was with someone he truly cared about. He may not cry, but he'll have to rub his eyes some.
Make. The. Prince. Feel. Loved. The realization that he has someone that he doesn't have order or trick into staying around would floor him. He's far, far too well-versed in maintaining a certain image to fully breakdown, but those feelings would all still be there regardless.
Also gets misty-eyed, particularly after make-up sex.
He would rather sheath his own nails into the skin of his palms than get caught crying, but if he really screwed something up (and was willing to admit it) then he would get a little vulnerable in the moment. It would be fleeting, though.
It can get to him a bit, he's a pretty lonely guy, but he's more likely to make a joke or say something out of the blue just to hide from his feelings.
I don't think Solomon quite lets himself ponder or self-reflect on things that genuinely upset him. He's very goal-driven and future-focused, so indulging in these softer moments would be foreign to him. If he ever feels like crying, he'll immediately try to distract from it rather than letting the feelings out. (Poor thing #2)
I just don't see him crying. He's very comfortable with himself, he doesn't really repress his emotions, and he knows he's well-liked and well-loved. Beel would be just fine.
It's not a Solomon situation, of course. Beel does self-refect and he genuinely engages with others. I just don't think this would be a shocking level of intimacy to him. He already loves others about this deeply to start with, so just expect a really smiley Beel!
To be clear, Barbatos can cry and he has cried before in his life. It just won't ever be after sex.
Similar to Solomon, I think Barbatos lives his life with a certain level of detachment from the world around him. He wouldn't get overwhlemed after sex because he can't. It's not that his mind is elsewhere, it's that he blocks himself from getting too emotionally invested in such things to begin with. (Poor thing #3)
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botanautical · 1 year
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'We all yearn for the woods. That's why every fellow on this island wants to settle down near a tree - just one will do.'
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fimbry · 2 years
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notbecauseofvictories · 3 months
One final note, and then I promise I will go and do all the things I have to do today, but......I tend to side with the people who say that "being human" (with all its complexities, impulses, and shades of ineffable feeling) hasn't fundamentally changed in the last few millennia. The material conditions and basic, expected knowledge base absolutely have! I think it would be difficult to have a conversation, should I happen to bump into a woman from Neolithic Byblos at a party; I just don't think she's as truly alien to me as language/culture/history might make her seem.
Still, though....I do sort of envy people in the past sometimes. I think it's how much more laborious everything was, how much more time-consuming the daily routine would be. If I didn't live in the modern era, I wonder if I would have less time to---well, worry about living in the modern era.
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public-benches · 6 months
Half Foot Surnames
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ok so all of this being said, I need to know if half foot wives take their husbands’ names, their husbands’ fathers’ names, or keep their own fathers’ names once they’re married. Is Chilchuck’s wife’s name Mrs Chilchuck Tims, Mrs Chilchuck Chils, or Mrs Chilchuck [her father’s name here]? Vote now on your phones
The last name seems to come with a bit of hierarchy and ownership (for lack of a better term?) so it’s hard for me to pick which I like. Giving her the last name Tims puts her on equal standing with Chilchuck, but it seems weird for her to “belong” to his dad. And giving her the last name Chils makes it look like she belongs to Chilchuck and seems to put her on the same hierarchy as their children. Keeping her own surname makes sense to me if it’s indicative of one’s parentage, but that also means she doesn’t have a family name similar to either her spouse or her own children. So idk!!
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foursaints · 4 months
we need to talk more about how impossible it is trying to write medically accurate injuries because doing the research doesn’t HELP bro.... you’ll try and look up the projected recovery for, say, a gunshot wound, and people will tell you that The Character will be passing out on the brink of death barely clinging to life etcetera. ok fine. but then you’ll watch an interview with a guy who survived getting his limbs ripped off in a feral bear attack or whatever so WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE
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demacianpuppet · 5 months
Like everyone else I have a Hades 2 brainrot (let me in the Early Acces, LET ME IN-).
And while I know this WILL be a great sequel from a gameplay perspective, I wonder how the story will unfold in the end.
One thing I really loved about Hades that the game is about hope and mending broken relationships. In a game which is literally set in the Underworld with the catch phrase "There is no escape", it could have been easily grim dark. Instead the biggest driving force is hope and change in the game.
Hades 2 already has higher stakes. The Underworld has been taken over by Kronos, with the fate of Hades, Persephone and Zagreaus being left vague. Melinoe never knew her family but she wants to save them and kill Kronos for that he has done.
And I'm kind anxious to see how this game will resolve the conflict. Because this is still a rogue-like which mean we will have to kill Chronos so many times. He is the Titan of Time after all.
The question is how you can tie it in a story up which doesn't end up depressing?
At least I'm attached to the characters of the previous game and want them to have their happy ending and give Melinoe the option to met her family, a thing Zagreus fought so hard in the first game.
Good thing Supergiant Games is very good in that they are doing. I'm only hoping this also turns out to be a story about hope and renewal as well.
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the-meme-monarch · 6 months
ok sorry i didn’t go insane over emesis blue like i thought I would but it is making me scared irl now. i can’t turn over in bed bc what if there’s a severed head positioned like it’s peaking around the doorframe. what if i look over and The Butcher is there
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rosefinnigen · 12 days
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chubby girl work fit let’s gooooo
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age-of-moonknight · 1 year
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“Contest of Chaos: Part Four,” Moon Knight Annual (Vol. 4/2023), #1.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Creees Lee; Colorist: Arif Prianto; Letterer: Cory Petit
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guccigarantine · 5 months
no offense but why didn’t crysanth abort that thing
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pinkdinkydoon · 6 months
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No caption they're just dumb
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