#these r from an older request but i ended up making different ones to match the original request
hiddencircus · 5 months
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wordsbyrian · 2 years
Meet the Culers - Ona Batlle x Reader
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Summary/Request: @dying-to-live-living-to-die "Ona x USWNT!Reader where R goes with her back to Spain for the holidays & ends up getting interrogated by Ona's national teammates"
A/N: yea, I don't actually have anything to say, enjoy the fic.
Every year since you joined the USWNT, and they found out that you prefer not to interact with your family during the holidays, you’ve had to deal with them fighting over who you were going to spend Christmas with.
This year is different though because you had sent them a mass text saying that you were going to Spain with your girlfriend this year.
You hadn’t given them any more information than that so now you’re fielding calls and texts from them trying to force you to tell them who your girlfriend is.
Your team moms, Alex and Kelley, had taken this the worst because you usually told them everything. You not telling them you’ve had a girlfriend for a year and a half already was pretty shocking to them.
Which explains the phone call you're currently having in the middle of Manchester airport.
“Can the two of you stop yelling at me for a second,” you say, waiting until they’re silent to continue, “This is exactly why I didn’t tell you guys, I knew you would react like this.”
“How do you want us to react, Y/N/N,” Alex asks, “Two days ago, you didn’t have a girlfriend and today, you’re darting off to Spain with her.”
“Well, to be fair, I did have a girlfriend, you just didn’t know.”
“You’re proving my point for me, Y/N,” she says.
“Listen, Y/N,” Kelley cuts in, “You have to understand where we're coming from.”
“No I don't,” you cut her off, “Once again, you guys are treating me like a child and in case you've forgotten, I'm not.”
“No, seriously, who do you guys think I went to Switzerland with?”
There’s a moment of silence as the older players take in what you’ve said.
“You went to Switzerland with her,” Alex asks, “Like last month when you went to Switzerland, you were with her?”
“I mean yea. We went to see her brother.”
“You’ve met her brother,” Kelley asks, trying to wrap her head around it, “Things are pretty serious, huh?”
“I’d say we’re serious, she is taking me to meet the rest of her family.”
You hear both of them sigh, seemingly having a silent conversation on the other end of the line.
“Okay, Y/N/N, here’s the deal,” Alex says, “You can go to Spain but you text us when you land and you text us at least once a day.”
“I was going to Spain whether you said I could or not but I agree to your terms,” you tell them, “The plane’s started boarding, text you later, bye.”
You hang up before they have a chance to respond, grabbing your stuff and moving to stand in line with your girlfriend.
“So we’re pretty serious,” she asks, smirking.
“Yeah,” you answer, rolling your eyes, “I’d say we’re pretty serious, Ona.”
A few days later, after having spent a couple of days with her family and exploring both her hometown and Barcelona, you and Ona find yourselves seated in Estadi Johan Cruyff watching some of her national teammates play.
The way that they move together is one of the best things you’ve ever seen. And if we’re being honest, it makes you jealous that your team, both national and club, are nowhere near that efficient.
Barcelona dominates the entire match and by the final whistle blows, the score is a stunning 7-0 for La Blaugrana.
This is when your day took a significant turn because instead of watching the game and heading home like had originally been the plan. You’re sitting in a restaurant with a significant portion of the Spanish national team because Ona had been spotted by her teammates.
So there you are sitting in the restaurant with Ona’s hand on your thigh doing your best to follow the conversation in a language you are barely beginning to understand.
For the most part, you aren’t struggling too much. There’s a lot of talk about the game and everyone’s holiday plans and even a moment where you hear Irene Paredes ask Ona why you’re wearing shorts, to which she just gets a head shake in response.
It isn’t until dessert that the interrogation you’re expecting starts, except the first question isn’t one you’re expecting.
“What’s your zodiac sign,” Patri asks, kicking it off.
“Uh, Cancer,” you say, watching confused as she nods seriously.
“What do you want to do when you retire from football,” Mapi asks.
“Probably do some writing for TV or film, it’s what I was studying in college.”
This seems to be a good enough answer for the older woman because she nods as though you just told her the secret of the universe.
“How did your family react when you told them that you have a girlfriend,” Panos questions.
“Most of my family is dead and the ones that aren’t are better left unmentioned,” you say seriously.
“What about your American teammates,” Sandra doubles down, “Morgan and O’Hara rarely let you out of their sight.”
“I think they took it pretty well.”
Ona glares at you, “You spent 30 minutes getting yelled at over the phones before our flight and before that you turned your phone off for days after telling them.”
“That was because I didn’t feel like answering 1000 questions,” you say casually, “Besides any reaction that didn’t involve them dragging me back to the States is a good one.”
“Why would they have taken you back to America? Do they not like Ona,” Alexia asks glaring at you.
“It's not that. They just think it’s normal to treat me like I’m 14, not 24.”
Somewhere to your left you hear something mumbled and while you don't understand every word, you do recognize the Catalan words for 14 and years, so you respond anyway.
“Yes, I am aware that I look like an overgrown 14-year-old.”
That gets a couple of laughs from the gathered Spaniards and when you see Pina’s cheeks heat slightly, you immediately know who made the comment.
The interrogation slows down after that and it’s not long before your group finds itself walking the streets of Barcelona.
You and Ona are near the middle of the group, your arm around her shoulders, speaking to each other softly.
When she mentions that she’s a little cold, you do your best to avoid the eyes on you as you remove your hoodie and hand it to her, revealing the tank top you have on underneath.
This is apparently the final straw for Paredes who grabs you by the shoulders from behind, spins you around, and starts speaking to you in rapid Spanish.
After standing there staring at her blankly for a few moments, you decide to tell her what she should already know.
“I have no clue what you’re trying to tell me.”
She stops for a moment before she speaks again, this time in English.
“It’s 15 degrees (Celsius) out and you are wearing shorts and a tank top, why?”
“Well,” you begin, “I’m pretty sure it’s like -10 Celsius in my hometown right now and they probably have at least a meter of snow on the ground so this is actually pretty nice for me.”
While Paredes stomps off muttering something about crazy Americans, you’re dragged off by Mapi and out of the corner of your eye you can see Alexia doing the same with your girlfriend.
“Escuchame loca,” she says, “I’m starting to like you but if you hurt Ona. I’ll kill you.”
This, unsurprisingly, is not the first time you’ve been threatened over a girl so you take this in stride. It’s not even the first time you’ve been threatened over Ona this week, She has a very large Uncle who is definitely not as nice as she made him out to be.
All of that being said, you have no issue pretending to be scared as the blonde centerback promises violence against you should you hurt her friend.
Eventually, the night draws to a close; you and Ona are in the car headed back to her parent's house.
Barely bothering to take your eyes off the sights outside the window, you speak.
“Your teammates aren’t that bad,” you tell her.
“Really,” Ona sounds shocked, “Mapi wasn’t too mean to you at the end?”
“No worse than your uncle.”
“Tio Josep isn’t scary, amor,” she says, “Besides I think your teammates will be worse.”
You pause for a moment, strongly considering the possibility.
“I think I’m gonna just keep you away from them,” you tell her seriously, “Especially Alex and Kelley.”
“Good luck with that.”
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Tolerate It | S.R
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Not my gif
To the Anon that sent me the ask for a song blurb with Taylor Swift’s Tolerate It, I am so sorry I accidentally deleted it 😫 but here it is!
This is for my milestone celebration which I am still taking requests for!
Summary - your relationship with Spencer seems to be on a downward spiral after seeing him kiss Cat Adam’s. Does he still love you or just simply tolerate you?
Content Warnings - angst, mentions of prison and Cat Adam’s and Spencer’s complicated feeling towards her, lethal injection. Angst with a hopeful ending.
Word Count - 1.9k
I sit and watch you reading with your head low,
I wake and watch you breathing with your eyes closed.
I sit and watch you, I notice everything you do or don't do,
You're so much older and wiser and I.
It was a simple thing for you to say that Spencer Reid was the love of your life. 
You’d fallen for him hook line and sinker the first time you’d laid eyes on him across an exhibit at the Smithsonian several years ago. 
You were taking an art class in your free time and had gone to the museum for inspiration. You’d hoped to find it sitting in the middle of the Butterfly Pavilion surrounded by the beautiful creatures and tropical atmosphere. 
Instead you’d found it in the deep hazel eyes and messy haired man walking among them. 
You’d been bold to go and talk to him, not usually the type to make the first move. 
He’d told you his name was Spencer and he liked to spend his free time from his job at the FBI wandering the halls of museums. 
You spent several hours speaking with him, soaking in all his facts about butterflies and the rain forest. 
You’d let him take you to dinner afterwards and the rest was history. 
Things had been perfect between the two of you, both of you falling head over heels for the other easily. It seemed as though you’d met your perfect match, the man you’d spend the rest of your life with. 
You complimented each other, made up for the others shortcomings. He was the ying to your yang. The salt to your pepper. The sun to your moon. 
You’d been together four years when he was arrested in Mexico. You’d thought it was the hardest thing your relationship would have to withstand. 
The three months he spent inside was the longest the two of you had ever spent apart. You didn’t expect him to come out unchanged, unscathed; you knew he would be different. 
He pushed away. It started as little things here and there but soon started growing. He wasn’t the same man he used to be, he wasn’t the man who had spent an entire afternoon spouting butterfly facts just to see you smile. 
His behaviour forced your hand. You told him if something didn��t change you were leaving, you couldn’t keep living like this. 
And to his credit, Spencer had tried for you. 
He was never going to be the same but he was trying and that was all you could ask for. You learnt to love this new incarnation of him and the two of you fell back into a groove. 
Not the same groove, but a new kind you eventually grew to love just the same as you had your old one. 
And then Cat Adam’s reared her ugly head again. 
I wait by the door like I'm just a kid,
Use my best colors for your portrait.
Lay the table with the fancy shit,
And watch you tolerate it.
If it's all in my head tell me now,
Tell me I've got it wrong somehow.
I know my love should be celebrated,
But you tolerate it.
The day you’d found Spencer swapping saliva with the hitwoman outside of the door of your apartment, you’d known things would never be the same again. 
As much as he tried to tell you he was playing along with her game, you knew him better than that. You’d seen the look in his eyes when he’d realised you were behind the door. You saw the passion he’d put into that kiss. 
So as simple as it was for you to say that Spencer Reid was the love of your life, you knew from that day that you weren’t his. 
Cat Adam’s was. 
You tried to ignore it, tried to stuff it down in a little box and throw yourself into your relationship with vigour. 
But it became clear no matter how much you tried to be the perfect partner and give Spencer the faultless kind of love he needed; you were never enough for him.
Not anymore. 
I greet you with a battle hero's welcome,
I take your indiscretions all in good fun.
I sit and listen, I polish plates until they gleam and glisten,
You're so much older and wiser and I.
Every time he was due home from a case you greeted him at the door with a wide smile and open arms. 
You made sure the apartment was clean and always had his favourite meals prepared and waiting on the table for him. 
You’d tell him all about the things you’d been up to while he was away, barely getting anything in return. 
Sometimes you’d have sex, but it was far from the love making you used to share. 
When you told him you loved him it was always with enthusiasm in your voice, ensuring he knew you meant it. 
But it had been a long time since he’d said it in return. 
Over the years you’d made Spencer the focal point of your life, your top priority, while it seemed as though you’d become but a footnote in his. 
Every conversation was strained, like trying to suck blood from a stone. He didn’t spill facts at you the way he used to, he barely talked to you at all. 
And when he did he didn’t have the same kindness to his voice that he used to. 
You studied him on countless occasions and noticed the spark had long burnt out from behind his eyes. His shoulders were always slumped, he walked like he had something weighing him down. 
Even when he slept he didn’t look peaceful. 
Sometimes he mumbled her name in his unconsciousness and it was like a knife to the heart every single time. 
I wait by the door like I'm just a kid,
Use my best colors for your portrait.
Lay the table with the fancy shit,
And watch you tolerate it.
If it's all in my head tell me now,
Tell me I've got it wrong somehow.
I know my love should be celebrated,
But you tolerate it.
You felt like you’d become a hindrance to the man you loved. Your childish optimism and affection towards him was always shut down, as he retreated further into himself with each passing day. 
And maybe if you didn’t love him so much, you would have walked away. He tolerated you being in his life but he certainly didn’t love you anymore. How could? He couldn’t act like this towards you if he did. 
You deserved better. You deserve someone to love you the way you loved them. You shouldn’t have to stand for being second best, least of all to a psychopathic serial killer who’d gotten under his skin and somehow, into his heart. 
While you were out building other worlds, where was I?
Where's that man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire?
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky,
Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life.
Drawing hearts in the byline,
Always taking up too much space or time.
You assume I'm fine,
But what would you do if I…
The day he came home looking more dishelved than usual, and past you straight by, heading upstairs, was the day you’d had enough. 
You followed him upstairs to the bedroom where he was getting out of his tie and jacket but he didn’t make eye contact with you. 
“Hello to you too.” You folded your arms across your chest, at wits end. 
“Hi.” He croaked, dumping the jacket and tie on the floor. 
“Can you even look at me?” You felt tears in your eyes, tears that had been building for months. “I know I’m not her but could you just look at me? See me?” 
He sighed loudly, running his fingers through his tangled hair before looking at you. 
“I assume the her you’re referring to is Cat?” 
“Who else?” You clenched your jaw, hoping to stem your tears. “I can’t believe I’m competing for your love with a serial killer!”
He sighed again, slumping back to the bed. 
“She’s dead.” He shrugged. “I went to her execution today. I watched them stick the needle in her arm and end her life.”
“Am I supposed to feel sorry for you? Good riddance! I’m glad she’s dead.” 
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” He confessed, seemingly not hearing your words. “I don’t know how I let her under my skin this way. She put me in prison. She kidnapped my mom. But yet she had this sick hold over me and I don’t know what that means for me.” 
When he looked back up at you he had tears rolling down his cheeks. 
You softened in an instant and let your arms fall to your sides. 
You came closer to him and cautiously sat down next to him. 
“Did you love her?” Your own tears broke free now. 
“What? No, no of course not. I…I…I don’t think so.” He shook his head with another sigh. “The truth is I don’t know, ok? I had some kind of feelings for her, that much I do know. But what does that make me? How can I have feelings for someone like her?” 
His eyes were searching you for answers you didn’t have. And instead of giving him a half hearted response, you surprised him when you took hold of his hand. 
“You see the best in everyone, Spencer.” You brushed your thumb over his knuckles. “Even in people who are evil through and through. You humanise them. You try to find the good in them. You’re a protector, you wanted to help her even though she didn’t deserve your help. You’ve got a huge heart Spencer but sometimes that’s not always a good thing.” 
“I’ve not been fair to you.” He reached for you with his free hand and brushed your tears with his fingertips. “I’ve not treated you right because I was so caught up in her. Can you ever forgive me?” 
His eyes were begging, pleading with you desperately. 
You leaned into his touch and sighed shakily. 
“Answer me this Spencer, do you still love me? Or do you simply tolerate me?” 
You heard a pained whimper leave his lips as a sob wracked through him. 
His bottom lip quivered and he let his hand drop to his side. 
“Of course I love you, angel. I promise from now on I’ll show you how much, every single day. I could never simply tolerate you, my love. I’ve been a fool, but you are my whole world, ok?” 
With that you fell into his arms as you both sobbed. 
You weren’t sure what the future would hold for you and Spencer but for the first time in months you had a small glimmer of hope. 
A glimmer of hope that he wouldn’t just tolerate your love, he would celebrate it. 
Break free and leave us in ruins,
Took this dagger in me and removed it.
Gain the weight of you then lose it,
Believe me, I could do it.
If it's all in my head tell me now,
Tell me I've got it wrong somehow.
I know my love should be celebrated,
But you tolerate it.
I sit and watch you.
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Author's Note: Hi that isn't my GIF. But this is my fic and I would really appreciate it if you told me how you thought it was, and if you especially like it, my requests are open friends. :3 I have the spicy sad right now, and needed a little angst with a happy ending. Ok, be fed I guess.
This has 3,000+ words, are you proud of me or what!?
From the prompt: As teenagers, a boy and a girl agree to marry if neither have by their 35th birthday. Follow the boy as he attempts to sabotage every relationship the girl has until then.
"Hey Tommy? I was thinking."
"That's a shit idea, you should stop doing that"
You swiped at the back of his head.
"Shut up you ass, I'm serious."
"Hi serious I'm- OW fucking hurt is what I am it's a joke, learn to take a-AH." You hurdled a handful of playground pebbles at the 17 year old.
"Alright, alright gorgeous, hit me- No! I meant hit me with the question you little shit." It was getting hard to breathe when he got you to giggle so hard.
You're laughter died down. You looked down, unsure if you could look at his face when you said this.
"I don't have a boyfriend." He abruptly stopped laughing, hiding the obvious fact that he almost choked on his own spit. You breathed a laugh again.
"I don't have a boyfriend. And you don't have a girlfriend." Your smile slipped off.
Tell him. Tell him, you're almost there. I don't have anyone, and you don't either except we do we have each we have each other we have-
You looked to Tommy, his boyish presence fitting on the swing set made for much younger kids. You were much younger kids when you met for the first time, on this very swing set. You think about telling him you fell in love with him when he pushed Jackson Paloski down on the asphalt because Jackson said trailer-trash can't play on the nice swing set. You didn't know it was love though, you were in the fourth grade but your heart still beat a little faster and when you asked him if you could sit beside him during lunch he huffed and complained, showing off he was moody and tough and haughty, but he very obviously made Michael Welsh move from his spot beside Tommy so that the pretty new girl could take her place beside him. And you stayed there. For years. Right beside him.
You felt the breath leave your lungs as you thought about telling him you can't stop thinking about him lately.
Can't stop hoping your skin will touch when he asks you to pass him something.
Can't help feeling like punching every girl that makes a scene trying to gain his attention. You're usually so focused on glaring at the girl that you miss the way he shrinks in on himself, the way he actively turns his body to you.
You think about telling him. And how telling him could mean you could do more, be more.
You think about telling him. And you think about him pulling away from you, gently gathering his things as he stumbles over how to let you down easily, unaware that that's not an option any more. Tommy letting you down would mean shattering.
You clench your jaw. His eyes try to tell you something.
"So. So since. We don't have someone." You look toward the Shell gas station across the street. Tommy wets his lips with a quick swipe of his tongue.
Your throat twinges, the twinge you get when you're trying to hold back tears. You shrug to yourself and let out a breathy laugh.
"So since we don't have hot dates, we should make a deal." You make your voice upbeat. You know Tommy can call your bullshit but he doesn't, sit's quietly.
"If by the time we're 35, and we don't have a, someone, to, ya' know. We should get married." Your heart clenches. "If we don't have. Like if I don't have a husband, and you don't. Have a girl, or-" Tommy is quiet. White hot panic races up your spine. You look over at him.
Tommy looks-
He looks like he's frozen, like he's still a few sentences behind, and you're about to throw in the towel and swallow a few of these pebbles so you'll choke and die and won't have to hear his laughter tear apart your heart.
Then Tommy blinks and kind of hunkers in on himself, looks anywhere but you, eyes shifting and darting. His smile isn't his when he manages it.
"Oh, you're so on, sweetheart."
It's not quite right. The atmosphere is still tense and you feel like there's a conversation you're meant to be having, like there were supposed to be different words spoken and heard during that time.
But having Tommy, even if it's like this, even if he doesn't want you like you ache for him, is better than not having him at all.
Beside you, while you hurt quietly beside him, watching the sun set, rocking back and forth on the too low swing, Tommy swallows down self-hatred and overwhelming feelings. Instead, he schemes.
It's been five years since you've made your little deal with Tommy. Five years, and every single time you've tried to move on from the man, it's ended in catastrophe.
The time you two had just graduated high school and drove to Tommy's house so his older brother could congratulate you two. Brendan had had a buddy over that night, not much older than you, and you would be lying if you said you didn't flush appreciatingly at his sly smile toward you and the way he actively tried to add you in on the conversation.
The night ended rather abruptly when Tommy had spilled hot tea all over the guys front. Tommy was always collected, and it was rare moment when he was clumsy. Never mind the fact that Tommy never drank tea, and actively made fun of you drinking the stuff.
Or the time you two reluctantly went to Brendan's wedding. You loved Tess, and thought they were a great couple, but stomaching an entire ceremony of the two being gross and affectionate, all while you and Tommy couldn't boo and throw miscellaneous items at them? The entire evening was spent with Tommy snuggly against your side snarking quietly in your ear, so close you could feel his warm breath on the entire side of your face.
Yes, your plan of moving on was going swimmingly.
Then Tommy went to the bathroom, and a handsome man smiled at you across the room. You tentatively smiled back, and he moved as if to cross the distance. Then immediately stopped, his face dropping and his eyes widening slightly as he spotted something a little over your shoulder. You saw him clear his throat and veer toward a large group laughing.
Your felt your face slightly warm and your heart drop a little, self consciously looking over your shoulder.
And let out a noise of surprise.
Tommy stood behind you, so close for a second you thought a very well dressed wall had somehow appeared while you weren't looking. You had just enough time to see 'The Expression'.
Tommy was an amazing fighter. And all throughout high school, he made sure while he minded his own, he could also hold his own, and everyone knew it. He had developed an expression, one that scared every single boy in this town shitless. It was a mix between unbridled rage and open invitation. The message was pretty clear and universal.
Come get some.
You usually laughed and teased him about it, because to you it just looked like he stubbed his toe and he was trying not to yell.
You weren't expecting to see it at his brother's wedding, and you certainly weren't laughing now.
In a blink it was gone from his face, and he turned to you with his beautiful sweet smile, the smile that showed just a little peak of his slightly messed up front teeth. He usually reserved that smile for you. You had never seen anyone else on the receiving end.
"Tommy, why were you just-"
"This blows, I just passed Tess and Brendan flirting. They're already married, why would they keep doing that." He rolled his eyes, moving to your side as his hand disappeared behind your back.
"Tommy did you just square up to the guy checking me ou-"
"Brendan's friend is here, the one who can can do a Kick Up."
You stared at each other for a long moment. You felt his hand barely ghosting over the small of your back. His eyes where sharp, a little desperate.
"There's also a rumor he killed a guy with just a playing card."
You licked your lips. He raised his eyebrows, his lips getting distracting.
"Shit Conlon, why didn't you start with that, take me to him."
Or the time, more recently, when you went to a match to watch Tommy completely destroy his opponent. You loved going out to see him fight. Loved the adrenaline and the satisfaction when Tommy won, making him less timid, a little more rowdy and confident, a little more touchy and feely.
You've kind of given up on the whole moving on thing, even if it was driving you up a wall.
Tommy had just won, and you were eagerly waiting to congratulate him, excited to hug him freely, without him wondering why you were hugging him to begin with. And maybe to hold on a little tighter. Maybe to allow your hands to rove a little more freely.
Hey, was it not a night for celebration?
A man started to chat you up. You smiled patiently and gave some noncommittal grunts and affirmations as you continued to scan the crowd, looking for the familiar mass of Tommy, all hard edges and bulk. You were bouncing on the balls of your feet.
The guy moved closer, making a joke you didn't really hear. You laughed, your eyes darting and searching.
"You look beautiful by the way. I saw you watching the fight, crazy that you're into this stuff. Not a lot of women I know cheer like that."
You finally glance over to the man, but quickly get back to standing on your tip toes, looking above heads.
He doesn't even look that bad, and it's obvious he wants to get your number. He's just not the man you want chat with, and definitely not tonight. Not on a night that Tommy just won, and a night he'll want to come over to yours, joking and teasing, touching you much more confidently than he normally would. Falling asleep much more easier with his head on your lap.
You tamp down a smile. You wouldn't want this guy to get the wrong idea.
"You know, there's a really good Thai place down the road- Ah, fuck, watch it buddy. Can you not look where you're go-" You hear the man choke off the sentence, trying not to smile as you imagine the other guy. probably a lot bigger than he is. Wouldn't want to completely ruin his night by laughing at the guy.
"Fuuck me, buddy, sorry. I did not know who I was talking to." You could hear the man swallow. "Hey, I think you did great in the ring tonight, real good job of... Knocking that guy out. With one punch."
You whirled around, smiling so wide you felt the strain on your cheeks. There was only one guy who did that tonight.
Sure enough, Tommy was standing there. He had put on a shirt and took his gloves off, but he was still sweaty and breathing hard. He completely stanced up, like he is in the ring, and his expression was-
Well, you chalked it up to the testosterone flowing freely through the place. Probably just mad that he ran into another dude.
It still didn't stop you from running and jumping directly on him, arms coming up to wrap around his neck, legs completely circling his torso. You giggled into his neck, exclaiming how proud you were of him, how good he looked out there, completely stroking his ego, but not caring at the moment.
You felt his arms immediately span your back, feeling like his hands where trying to be everywhere at once. That was new. That was new and you couldn't say you hated it.
What you didn't see was the look on Tommy's face. The cold calm of someone who just threw a punch so hard at a man who was bigger and faster than him and shut his shit down. Directed at another man, much slower and smaller in comparison.
You didn't see the stranger's face pale, but you distantly heard the sound of chairs clatter to the ground as he turned tail.
Five years of pining (not so) quietly for Tommy, the man you had fallen in love with, but without a doubt did not love you back.
Tommy knew without a doubt that he loved you.
All those years back in fourth grade, when he let it slip that his favorite snack was those crackers with the cheese filling, and you showed up with a whole pack of them to share, smiling this big goofy grin with your beautiful eyes and warm presence.
God how could he not.
The problem was how he was supposed to convince you to like him back. Him, Tommy, who fought most of his way through high school, who didn't like to get too close to people, who didn't like eye contact or conversation that ran too long or too forced. Who loved you though.
And who was very annoyed at the boy flirting with his girl.
It never failed to make Tommy's blood boil. He knew he had no right, because for one, he spent five years doing his damned best to break up every chance at you leaving him.
Just until you guys turn 35, right Tommy boy? You can probably keep that up.
Tommy breathed in a shuttering breath.
He just wanted to buy you your favorite drink at your favorite café. That's all he wanted to do. And maybe find and excuse to hold your hand without burning up from the embarrassment of actually having feelings (can you imagine?).
But of course, some dick-head always noticed how beautiful or kind or warm you were, and had to take their shot.
Well, Tommy was fucking sick of it.
Tommy thought of all the times, and there were a lot of times, when he had to step in and derail the situation. He knew this would be the last time. He had to do this, get rid of the unrelenting ache he felt while going to sleep, looking at you, thinking about you.
Tommy moved toward the you and the man you were talking to like he was entering the ring. With the mindset that he could get totally and irreversibly hurt, but he was gonna fight to the bloody end beforehand.
"Do you need directions?" Tommy asked as he slid up behind you, closer than he would have ever before. He felt your confusion even if he couldn't see your face.
"What?" The man was just as quizzical.
"Oh, I was just asking if you needed directions or if you could get lost on your own." Tommy raised his eyebrows, setting his hand on your hip, trying not to think about the many, many questions you'd have about that.
The man thought about arguing, but then he really looked at Tommy. Looked at you, then back to Tommy. Decided he didn't want to bleed tonight, and huffed out an angry sound.
You at least waited until he was out of ear shot before whirling on him.
"What. What was that?"
"Ok, I know what your probably thinking-"
"That you're out of your mind Tommy?! Are you kidding me right now? 'Get lost?' Get outta here with that shit, what was that?"
The two of you were pretty far back in the shop, but he still lowered his voice to make sure no one was bothered.
"Ok, yes, you're mad, I can see that-"
"Oooooh well I'm glad you can see that Tommy." You felt your face start to turn red, feeling exhausted and confused. "Explain. Explain to me Tommy, that every time a guy wants to have a nice, civil, God forbid, flirtatious conversation with me, he high tails it out of there just as fast, Tommy, explain."
Tommy felt an expanding ache somewhere behind his left eye.
"Ok. Ok I'm gonna say something stupid-"
"You always say something stupid, stupid-"
"Can you just. Can you let me finish." Tommy felt exasperated and a little insane. He was about to confess in a coffee shop to the girl he loved and things would never be the same again because she was about to leave, but fuck it if he wasn't at a boiling point.
"Ok. You know how we made a deal?" You looked at him, raising your eyebrows.
"About who could spray the most whipped cream in their mouth? Yeah it's me, it'll always be me. So you got so mad you're trying to, what, make sure I die alone, I don't..."
"What? No can you not, can you focus right now?" Tommy's palms were starting to sweat and he clenched his eyes shut tight. He breathed in and let it back out in one harsh huff. "When we were seventeen-"
"When we were seventeen you said that if we weren't married by the time we were 35, that we should marry each other." He watched as your eyes widened and your face warmed a little. "Well, the deals off. I'm not doing it any more."
Tommy wasn't sure what to expect, but the flash of utter pain that tore across your face was not it. You stepped back, looked like you were about to bolt, your eyes wild. You tried to pull yourself together but it was really hard to breathe. No matter how many times you tried to prepare yourself for this day, you could have never imagined how it actually almost brought you know to your knees.
"So. Here's the new deal. If in like, five minutes, you're still single, and I'm still single..." Tommy swallowed hard, licking his lips. "We should just." His eyes darted to your lips.
You froze. Tommy caught his lush lower lip in between his teeth. He'd never been more nervous his entire life. So nervous for the inevitable laugh, the pity laced rejection, because really, it was one thing to be friends with a shy awkward boxer, but another to look at him and think, 'yeah, that'll do.'
Tommy had approximately five seconds to wallow in self deprecation and pure terror before he had a handful of you, and something that suspiciously felt like lips on his lips. But that's funny, because he's almost positive that that's not the case.
Then he felt your tongue swipe his lip and decided he cared fuck all and proceeded to get lost in you, your breaths, God he could feel, taste, your breath as you both got consumed by each other.
Someone coughed disapprovingly your way. The two of you broke apart, panting slightly.
"Ok, ok please don't. I really don't want you to hit me but I'm really fucking dense, right, and I just have to ask, you did that because you. You like like me- OW I said I didn't want you to hit me!"
You felt yourself laughing, felt your never ending ache subside and your love sky rocket.
"Oh, you're an idiot," You pecked his lips, he tried to catch your mouth fully but failed. "You are such and idiot- Oh my God we're both idiots holy- Hey. Hey, you, you've been. Have you been sabotaging-"
"Did you hear that?" Tommy tilted his head and looked toward the ceiling. "Ope- oh yeah. No. yeah, that's for sure the sound of-" He cut off, dropping his serious expression, grinning as he leaned down and kissed your mouth again, this time taking your words and any objections, affectively cutting off any questions that would leave him looking stupid.
You two would need to sit down, to talk about how you've felt all these years, how you were both so stupid that you both refused to confess to each other.
But for now, you lost yourself in the taste of Tommy, and the heady feeling of someone you've loved for seemingly forever, loving you back.
Real Quick: Would you be mad if in the next fics I write I called this man Tomithy? Asking for a friend.
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mirobami · 4 years
Alright then, I suppose since tumblr has been eating the ask I sent you, I’ll send another! (It’s no problem really, I’m stubborn lol) Could do a request with Kirari and Rikari with an extremely charismatic & insanely intelligent/strategic Older sister Reader?
Like, OS!Reader is capable of outsmarting or tricking even the most experienced and brilliant players when it comes to gambling, though she only gambles oc a to take her mind off of her work as a CEO/President of hundreds of different companies.
When OS!Reader does gamble however, it’s a rush of pure adrenaline and flustered attraction for whoever her opponent is, that or overwhelming fear and tense anxiety. (It’s either one or the other, OS!Reader is truly sadistic when it comes to messing with people and loves to play around with her opponents emotions)
The worst (/best) part about gambling with OS!Reader is that despite her opponents never winning, she always seems to have them enraptured by the end of it. OS!Reader literally has an entire network of rival companies turned business partners due to the pure charm and charisma this woman somehow uses on people if she decides she likes how they take their defeat against her.
↳ no matter the cost
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♥ GENRE: fluff, comfort.
♥ CHARACTER(S): k. momobami, r. momobami, (themes of) a. mibumi
♥ SYNOPSIS: ririka and kirari with their older sister coming back.
♥ WORD COUNT:  6890 words (I checked on Google Docs and that was 13 pages, holy shit--)
♥ NOTE: W O W this is such an incredible idea and I am SO EXCITED TO WRITE IT! I am going to use a couple of characters from Kakegurui Twin because it matches with the reader’s age range and for the purpose of the plot. It also got kind of long but that is perfectly okay, I liked writing it. Let’s get going!
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“Ririka, Y/N’s coming back.” Kirari said once she opened the door to her twin sister’s room. The other girl whipped her head up from her book and almost threw it aside as she stood up. “When? When is she coming back and at what time? Should we pick her up at the airport?”
It came as no surprise that Ririka’s favorite sister was Y/N. Kirari couldn’t blame her, her favorite was also Y/N. They both were twins and they used it to their advantage, but Y/N had practically raised them, therefore she was the only one that could tell them apart when they were little. They came to count on her a lot and as the oldest sibling, Y/N always watched over them and put their needs before hers.
Now as they were older, they had come to appreciate her a lot more and it was also no surprise that she was extremely popular and famous. After all, she had sped through college immediately after graduation and another year after that, she had started her own conglomerate company. As she grew older, she became so much more intelligent, able to charm even the most firm people into the palm of her hand. The twins had always admired her for that, seeing as she could convince almost anyone to do anything. Y/N was only around 20 and she had been at their school when they were in their first year.
It was strange, they hadn’t heard from her in a while. It was obvious that she was super busy, hundreds of companies now under her name since she had started them from scratch and now they were all over the world, making her the richest woman in the world.
The twins had the date set on when Y/N would come back from her newest company somewhere in Canada. They had arrived at the airport, waiting for her to come out and usually, they were placid and nonchalant about everything. But this was their older sister. They had grown up with her and they’d be lying if they said they hadn’t missed her. After all, she was the one who had given them an actual childhood under her watch, albeit not even being their mother.
“There she is!” Kirari pointed at the woman walking with an air of elegance that clearly brought so many people’s eyes on her as if to ask who she was. Y/N looked up at the twins beaming down at her and she couldn’t suppress a smile as she quickly hurried to get to them. 
Not caring about her bags, she pulled them both in for a hug and said, “Oh, you two, I missed you so much! Look how much you’ve grown!” Pulling back to look at them, she shook her head. “Wow, it’s so hard to believe that a few years ago you two were hiding behind me, you’ve grown so much!”
“Y/N, stop, you’re embarrassing us!” Kirari said, shaking her head with a smile. 
“Ah, whatever, let’s get going. I’ve missed Ririka’s cinnamon rolls, how’s school?”
Ririka picked up one of her suitcases and Kirari took another one. Ririka spoke up. “Kirari’s still the president and I’m still vice president. There’s a new girl that has beaten most of the student council at gambling and from what can gather, Kirari’s her big target.”
“New girl, huh?” There was a glint in Y/N’s eye that the twins recognized. It was that look that was unrivaled by anyone else. No other look had ever given them more chills. It always meant that she had a plan in mind. Kirari had taken after Y/N with her own plan, but they never matched hers. The admiration was clear. “Wonder what it’d be like to gamble with her.”
“You don’t gamble much though, Y/N.” Kirari said. “Do you still have your touch?”
“Wow, how dare you, that’s a personal attack. Of course I have my touch! How else do you think I’ve gotten all of my companies all over the world? Not by pleading, that’s for sure.” Once they got into the car, Kirari gestured for the chauffeur to take them back home. Y/N sunk back against the seat and looked at them both. “I have a feeling someone’s gonna know I’m back.”
Ririka nodded and Kirari spoke up. “Aoi Mibumi?”
“Yeah. He’s a jerk, but he was always fun to play against.” She sighed and sat up, taking out a couple of bags from her own backpack. Tossing them to her sisters, she said, “I got you things from everywhere. But back to the other talk, if there’s something I can teach you two, it’s that charm and charisma get you everywhere. The amount of people I had at my heels and would do anything if I told them to after the gambles was no joke. Even my own rivals became my business partners with a simple wink behind the cards.” Looking out of the window, she smiled smugly. “Just remember that for the future. It’ll come in handy.”
Ririka was chewing on some candy and she smiled a bit at it. “We know. That’s practically how Kirari has gotten people under her thumb.”
“I’ve heard about the election, Kirari. I think it’s a bad idea but you know what you’re doing.” Looking at the youngest sister, Y/N studied her for a second before crossing her arms. “Make sure to capture everyone. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.”
“That’s the biggest lesson you’ve drilled into our heads, Y/N, I haven’t forgotten it, I promise.” Kirari reassured her.
Once they got back home, Y/N said, “I’ll go to your school on Monday, there are some teachers I want to say hi to. I just need to sleep, jet lag is something else.”
After she disappeared into her room, Ririka turned to Kirari. “Did you contact Mibumi?”
“Hmm, perhaps. He did have the biggest crush on her when she was in his year before she surpassed him quicker than anything. And I have a feeling that the reunion of the third years in her year will be something to look forward to.”
On Monday, Y/N was dressed in something formally casual as she followed Kirari and Ririka out the door. “You have your food right?”
Kirari shook her head. “You truly still act like our older sister, even with your job.”
“Just because I’m rich doesn’t mean I will not torture you by making sure you’re sleeping, drinking water and eating well.” Y/N stuck out her tongue at the twins, making them laugh as they got in the car. Y/N was scrolling through her phone before putting it to her ear. “Hold on, we’ll talk right now, I have to take this. Hello? What? Another one wants to buy the company? Tell him that it doesn’t matter how much he offers, he’s not going to be able to buy it. No, I don’t care if he threatens us. What will he file against us, tried arson? Remind him that one wrong step and I’ll let his wife know where he’s been going instead of his job. All right, thanks, you’re the best.” Clicking off, she looked at her sisters’ expressions. “What?”
Ririka tilted her head. “Do you still have people trying to buy your smaller companies?”
“Of course. It’s business, it’s very cutthroat, so you fight fire with water instead. Remember that water isn’t calm so obviously it’ll put the fire out soon. Ah, there’s Hyakkaou, I missed it a lot.”
They all got off and Ririka put her mask on. Y/N looked at her quizzically but didn’t say anything more. They started walking through the halls and the amount of murmurs coming from the students wasn’t ignored by Y/N.
“Wow, who is that?” 
“Why is she with the president and the vice president?” 
“She looks a bit similar to them. You think they’re related?” 
“She’s hot, I wonder what her type is.”
“Definitely not you, that’s for sure.”
At the last sentence, Y/N had to suppress a laugh, passing it off as a cough. There was a scream of her name from the end of the hall and before she knew it, she was engulfed in a huge hug. Y/N beamed. “Yumi, good to see you again.” She hugged the blond back and pulling back. “Wow, you’ve also gotten taller! Terano, how are you?”
The brunette couldn’t stop a smile from coming across her features. Albeit Y/N being a Momobami, the entire clan adored her. There were so many memories with her, all of them good. They looked up to her and most of the time, they didn’t even care that she was the sister of the head of the clan. It wasn’t like her goal was to control the clan. She had bigger plans than that. Terano answered, “I’m doing good, you never told us you’d be coming back.”
“Yeah, spur of the moment.” Leaning down to hug the girl, she stood up again to see three more people racing to her. Miroslava, Rin and Ibara. She laughed as she hugged them at the same time. “Rin, you’re still short!”
“Hey! That’s not fair, you don’t get to say that just because you’re older!” He said, squinting at her but there was no malice behind the statement.
“Look at you! You look so professional!” Ibara exclaimed with a grin on his face.
“We missed you so much.” Miroslava added, a small smile also on her face.
Now it seemed like most of the school was gossiping from the sight of the Momobami clan gathering around the new girl. She wasn’t dressed in the uniform so there was no way that she was a new student. But how talented was she to be able to coerce the others into smiling when they hadn’t for a while?
“Y/N!” Two voices shouted in unison and Y/N almost toppled over from Sumika and Erimi hugging her so tightly it felt like they were trying to strangle her. 
“Guys, hold on, you’re going to choke me!” She coughed out before laughing once they loosened their holds. Y/N pulled back to see Erimi still hugging the caterpillar she had sent to her about three years ago. With a smile, she gave her a tiny package. “Open it when you get home.”
The pink-haired girl had an excited expression on her face as she agreed. Sumika asked, “What are you doing back here?”
“Spur of the moment. How are your jobs? I saw the Gamble Hole, that was an incredible performance, absolutely amazing. I’d be surprised if you weren’t nominated for at least five awards.” Y/N told Sumika, making Sumika brighten up. Y/N knew exactly how to make everyone follow her like ducklings and make them happy. Their own parents had forged a path for them and even trained specific things into their heads. Y/N took that away and made them feel more comfortable when she was around. 
Miyo, Miri and Nozomi had also been ecstatic to see that their cousin was back and Y/N had been whisked into the student council room abruptly by Kirari. Standing in front of the door, she raised an eyebrow. “Kirari, what’s happening here?”
“Just open the door.”
When she opened it, she was taken aback by the sight of Aoi Mibumi, the former treasurer, Sachiko Juraku, the former Moral Committee chairman, and Sakura Miharutaki, the former Beautification Committee chairwoman, also Mibumi’s fiancee. Or was she still? Y/N couldn’t hold back a gasp and Sachiko grinned as she stood up, walking over to her. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t my favorite non-gambler.”
“That’s the worst nickname for me and you know it,” Y/N snapped back. Sachiko was never her favorite person because she always used her power to abuse people and it made her furious. Y/N had defeated her and Sachiko had demanded for her to take her post as chairman. Y/N had turned her nose up at her and left. 
“Gutsy, huh?” Mibumi walked over and Y/N grinned as he hugged her. “You’ve changed, Momobami.”
“Wow, why my last name? Miharutaki, don’t be jealous.” Y/N said, directing it at his fiancee. “I don’t like him like that.”
The girl shook her head knowingly. “I’m aware, I’m not worried about it either.” Also hugging her, she took a step back. “We were told that you’d be back and we wanted to say hi. Well, Sachiko just joined in to mock you or something.” Glaring at said girl, Y/N couldn’t stifle a snicker.
Kirari leaned against the wall. “The reason why I brought them here...well, let’s just say they’ve been wanting to do this for a while.”
“Not me. I’ve learned my lesson against her.” Miharutaki shuddered. “Her eyes are always the thing to suck your soul in after she wins.”
“Ah, not this time.” Mibumi said. He and Sachiko, with meaningful eyes, turned to Y/N. “Will you gamble with us one more time?”
Y/N closed her eyes, thinking about the pros and cons. Well, she had come back for a vacation. Gambling would take her mind off of her responsibilities that were constantly being stuck into her head. When she looked up at them, they almost faltered at what was in her eyes. There was no way she’d changed much, except that the look in her eyes was so much more dangerous than before. “Let’s get started.”
The rest of the school had been alerted of the gamble and all the election gambles had been put off to see the battle between Y/N and the three others. Miharutaki had been told to do so and she had agreed if it would be something that they could get over with in about five minutes. She didn’t want to see Y/N after she won.
Runa rolled in on a swivel chair, laughing. “Well, look at that, noted alumni have come back to school to face against the president’s older sister! Y/N Momobami, against all three of them in a row. Rumor has it she has never lost a gamble in the few times she’s gambled in this school. Not sure about outside, but I can assure you, she’s one hell of a gambler!”
Y/N waved up at Runa as she sat across Miharutaki. Runa kept going. “For this round, we will be playing the simple game of Rock, Paper, Scissors! The cards will be put into the box over there--” She pointed at a steel box in which the students were placing their cards in. “And they will each take out three. Only one round so that this can be quick! Seems like Miharutaki doesn’t want to face Y/N later on!” With her signature laugh, she stayed quiet for the process of the cards. 
Y/N picked out her cards with the lightest touch. It was a strange sixth sense of hers, whatever was hidden that she needed she’d be able to get. Pulling out her three cards, she covered them with both hands, making sure the girl before her wouldn’t be able to see them. Rock, paper and scissors. Perfect.
Now let’s look at all the possibilities, Y/N thought to herself, closing her eyes. She started thinking of what could happen. I have all kinds but if she has two papers, I either lose or I win depending on the card I take. Maybe I can take a tie as well. Same thing goes for two rocks and two scissors. If she has three of a kind, I’d have to be careful to choose right. The wrong one could make me lose on the spot. The right one immediately makes me win. But the probability of her having three of a kind is slim. And if she has one of all? I’d have to guess what her move is. But humans in rock, paper, scissors are drawn to scissors to draw first. And from the look in her eyes and how she’s focusing...Y/N glanced up slightly, noticing that Miharutaki was too focused on a card of hers. She would choose that one. It’s scissors. That means rock.
“Rock, paper, scissors!” Both of them shouted in unison, throwing down their card. Just as Y/N had expected, scissors. She had gotten rock and won immediately. It wasn’t the same rush that she’d get in a higher risk game, yet she could see that Miharutaki was afraid of looking her in the eyes. With her cheek in her hand, Y/N grinned slyly. “Are you sure you’re even good enough to be Mibumi’s fiancee?” Walking over to her and leaning on her from behind, she whispered, “It’d be a shame if something happened to him before your wedding day.”
Y/N sauntered over to Sachiko’s table, leaving Miharutaki behind in fear. She didn’t even need to look at Y/N’s eyes to feel even more terrified, but when Y/N looked over her shoulder, it was like her eyes were much more perilously bright. She was obviously planning something.
Runa yelled, “With that, Y/N has won and moved onto the second round! That wasn’t a very quick round, but now the exciting will happen! You can place your bets with votes if you must, get ready for the showdown!”
Y/N sat across from Sachiko, three rounds of Nym Type Zero with a new deck in each round. Runa would be shuffling. Sachiko was leaning back in her chair with a smirk on her face as if she had this in the bag. Y/N, not looking at her, concentrated on her cards. Two zeros, I got lucky. One one and one three. She could sense Sachiko still gazing at her and pretending to organize her cards, Y/N spoke up. “What’s wrong, Sachiko? Are you getting cold feet from your housepet not being with you? How pitiful, you’d be so much better off without her, but I guess you depend on someone to do your things all while degrading them, even if it’s their wish. Must you really have a soundboard for all hours of the day?” 
Sachiko growled, almost crushing her cards. “If you were anything like me--”
“I’m sorry? Anything like you?” When Y/N finally looked up, Sachiko gasped. The light made it seem like her eyes were red. Sachiko was pushing her limits. “If I was anything like you, I’d be a disappointment to my family. I am nothing like you. I am actually successful, even at your age. You’re still learning and I’m taking over everywhere. With one snap, I can even take your housepet.” With a benign smile, she threw down her three.
Sachiko could barely think straight. She was seeing red. She tried to calm herself down, thinking this was part of Y/N’s plan. Riling someone up was the best way to make them lose themselves and their logic, thus causing them to lose their footing. She threw down another three. 
“Six!” Runa exclaimed.
A one from Y/N. “Seven!” 
Sachiko smirked. With her two, she could knock Y/N off of the board. But if she had a zero...Sachiko would lose. Y/N only needed two rounds to win officially. She’d have to take the leap, which was unfortunate, really. Sachiko, if Y/N hadn’t riled her up, would’ve taken the proper steps and easily defeated Y/N. Kirari noticed that just from the smirk Y/N had. She threw down a zero and Sachiko slammed down her cards in frustration. 
“That is more than nine, Sachiko loses this first round!” Runa shouted into her microphone. “Next round!”
Shuffling the cards again, Y/N almost looked bored. The twins knew their sister well though. She was focusing on how Runa was shuffling the cards to see what Sachiko’s next step would be.
She looked at them. Two twos, one zero and one one. In the low zone, but that was the best move in this game.
Meanwhile, Sachiko had two threes, one zero and one one. At the first chance she got, she’d be able to knock Y/N out of the board. All right, now to intimidate her so she gets thrown off. “You’d think someone important like you would have better things to do. Did you miss the fear you’d get from the poor students? That’s so pathetic of you, Y/N, you’d really stoop that low?”
Raising an eyebrow, Y/N replied, “I’m not the one that had a leash on my housepet nor am I the one that bullied Mary into submission. I will repeat it again.” With a glower in her eyes, she firmly stated, “I am nothing like you.”
Sachiko was about to snarl at her, but she instead threw down a three.
Y/N, with her poker face on, put down a two.
Another three.
A one.
Sachiko grinned. There was no way Y/N would be able to wiggle out of this one. Two zeros was hard to come by and so was one zero. But this girl was some sort of miracle worker. She’d find a way to scrounge up a zero, she couldn’t underestimate her at all. Sachiko shook her head, throwing down her zero with a smug smile.
Y/N touched one of her cards and stared at Sachiko in the eyes as she spoke up. “Check up on Mikura. I have a feeling she won’t be speaking for a long time, especially not to you. It’s so simple to get to the housepet’s owner, especially someone like you.” Laughing, she put down her zero, grinning at the look in Sachiko’s eyes. Walking over, she took her hand in both of hers, a sadistic smile across Y/N’s face. Sachiko was shaking from her loss as she trembled to look up at Y/N. This wasn’t the same girl that she wanted to get as a housepet. She had become someone Sachiko could only dream to be. She was sadistic, her job had done that much, but the thrill of the gamble just amplified that feeling. “Mikura isn’t yours anymore. She’s now mine.”
Walking to Mibumi, the former chairwoman clutched her head in her hands, screaming hysterically. Y/N had blatantly lied but she was so good at lying she could pass it off as the truth and even Sachiko couldn’t tell.
“Y/N has won the second round! Now for the final round, our president will tell us what to do!” Runa said into her microphone.
Kirari stepped up and said, “Come with me, both of you. I will have Runa arrive as well and the vice president. In the meantime, place your bets. I have a feeling this will be a good match.”
Ririka walked alongside Y/N and Mibumi, Runa right behind them. Mibumi and Runa started cahttering and catching up, but Ririka was silent. The silence was enough to help them communicate. Y/N had helped Kirari and Ririka form a new language to communicate silently, just as Miri and Miyo had.
Are you okay?
Yeah, Ririka, I’m fine, don’t worry about me. Mibumi’s an easy target.
No, it’s just...Kirari has been planning this for a while. At least the game. It’s not the safest thing either, she doesn’t like it being safe.
The group stepped outside the school and walked past the Tower of Doors. From what Ririka had told her, Y/N knew someone had jumped and survived the fall because of a deal that was made. The new girl had been in that bet.
“You have a choice: the Tower of Doors, the Maze or my personal favorite: the Castle of Mirrors. Nothing is what it seems. You can’t trust anything or anyone. You don’t know what you’re seeing or where you’re going and what’s more, a single wrong choice can lead you to your demise.” 
Aoi and Y/N looked at each other and they nodded. “Castle of Mirrors.”
“Great. Let me explain the rules, they’re very simple. You will both have a limited amount of times to get to the center of the castle. In that castle, you will find options specifically for you. Your chosen path will determine it. It will be your choice to choose where the key will go. Try not to die or get lost. Getting lost means a painful death or drive you on the brink of insanity.” 
Aoi frowned. “Why would you have some sort of contraption like that?!”
Y/N turned to him, grabbing both of his hands in hers. He sucked in a breath at her expression. It was horrifying, but she looked thrilled, just like the new girl when she had a good gamble. “Because it’s all for the thrill, isn’t it? Whoever wins will stay alive and the loser loses their minds! Oh, Aoi, I don’t gamble much but this...” She gestured at the building ahead of them. “This is exactly what we’ve been waiting for! Besides...” Her insanity was gone, replaced by another thing he couldn’t get his finger on. “If you lose your mind, I’ll get to see you in a ward.”
They walked to the castle and Kirari said, “Be prepared. The only thing I’ll tell you is not everything is what it seems.”
With those words, the two were off. Y/N was walking through a dark hallway, not able to see anything in front of her. However, she shared a mind with her sister. They weren’t twins but sisters had a connection that was completely different. Pausing to think, she crouched down to touch the floor. Nothing but gravel. The walls were cement and it was getting slightly colder. She was getting close to the actual beginning. 
The lights flashed on when Y/N stepped in, mirrors all around her. Aoi was right in front of her with a familiar smile on his face. “Guess we’re stuck here together.” 
Squinting at him, she turned around to the door again only to find it closed. He was only a hologram, she could tell. Kirari was smart, but Y/N was smarter. Looking around for a crack in the glass, she found it and ran her fingers across it. The mirror opened, leading to another hallway. Oh, I get it. It’s like the Tower of Doors, just more challenging because you don’t know where you’re going. Nice going, Kirari. With a feeling of pride in her chest, she kept walking forward.
The next room she stepped into was full of familiar notebooks. Stepping over to one of them, she discovered that they were the infamous Life Plans. She found herself opening one of them out of curiosity only to drop it as if it was burning. She kicked it under the tables and kept walking through the tables. She knew she’d have to choose one in order to move on. 
Think, Y/N, think. There has to be a catch to this. Wait...Her eyes widened as something clicked in her head. One of the mirrors had a crack in it. It wasn’t what it seemed, it was a door. One of these Life Plans is just a regular notebook. That’s it! The realization that she also couldn’t choose any or else she’d lose sunk in. She nodded and with a smile, turning to the camera in the corner. “You’re a genius, Kirari.” 
But her job was cutthroat and full of liars. The fake notebook would have something distinct to it, different than the Plans. Walking around to study them, they all look extremely similar. Time was running out and she had a feeling that Aoi was catching up. Her hand floated over one notebook that was slightly darker than the others. Picking it up, all she found inside of it were blank pages. 
The door opened and she had stepped inside to see Kirari, Runa and Ririka there. She had arrived first. Her eyes landed on the circular table there, full of cards. The Tarot Cards of Fate. The game Y/N had devised when they were younger. It had become Kirari’s favorite game. 
“Y/N has won the first two rounds, but if Aoi Mibumi wins this round, it’s over! Y/N will have lost!” Runa winked at her and she nodded, crossing her arms as she leaned against the wall.
About five minutes later, Aoi walked in with a smirk on his face. “Nice contraption, Kirari. Almost got stabbed by the shards of the mirror.”
“Yes, it’s clear that you couldn’t think as fast as my sister.” The president answered. “The last round. Mibumi, Y/N, you two will have something to gain or lose. Y/N, what will you gamble?”
“The company, of course.” Y/N knew this game like the back of her hand. She’d make sure she didn’t lose and all she had to do was make Aoi Mibumi fall in love with her by the end of it.
He had to think about it. Y/N was a Momobami and practically the richest woman in the world, if not the richest human being on the planet. There was only everything to gain and nothing to lose. “I have no idea, Y/N has everything.”
“You’re right, well. How about this? Aoi, if you win, you can take her place and if Y/N wins, she chooses what to do with you.” Kirari offered.
“Will that satisfy you, Y/N?” Aoi looked over at her.
Y/N thought about it for a few seconds before giving him a sweet smile that made him almost melt. “Of course! This gamble is against you, so of course it’s going to be exciting!” She didn’t lie about that part. He was a good person to play against, but an awful person to hang around. She didn’t need him in any way that mattered to normal people, all she did need was the ties with his family head to expand her company. The sheer thought made her heart race, already excited for the result.
“Now, it’s simple. The Tarot Cards of Fate. I had Runa bring her own tarot cards and she set them up, so there’s no bias towards anyone.” Kirari was on the outer circle of the table, her hand almost touching the cards. She picked one up, the backside facing the duo and hummed. “Runa will decide the point. If it’s a positive, Y/N’s points go up, hence helping her win. If it’s a negative, Mibumi will win. However, the Fool is the one that will decide your instant win or your instant loss, depending on what position it is in.” Putting the card down, she crossed her arms and said, “The Past, Present and the Future. All decided by Fate. How exciting, don’t you think?”
Aoi’s mind was practically racing to find out if there was any catch to this, if there was anything that would help him get the Fool. Kirari continued, “Ririka will choose the Past. Mibumi, the Present. Y/N, the Future. Fitting, isn’t it? Ririka determines what happened in the past with you both, Mibumi is still stuck in the present and Y/N has the future in her hands.” Going back over to Runa, she nodded. “Shall we begin?”
“Yes, we shall! Vice president, if you could please go down and choose the present?” Runa said, ecstatic.
Ririka silently went down and looked around. If there was a way to help Y/N win, she’d do it. Y/N didn’t need help most of the time, she was independent and knew her worth. However, seeing as she gave them lessons that stuck all their lives and helped them out whenever she could, she wanted to repay that favor at least once. Her hand was on a card. 
“Is that the card you will choose?” 
She nodded and turned it over.
“It is the Sun upright! That gives Y/N fifteen points! Aoi, it is your turn, can you knock her back down?”
Y/N caught Ririka’s eye and mouthed a thank you. Ririka nodded slightly, happy that she was able to help Y/N even a little bit. Both of their attention went back to Aoi. He had his hand on a card. “Y/N, I’ve always wondered what was always on your mind when we were still in school.”
She frowned. “Come again?”
“You know. You were popular by being related to the highest authority in the school and yet not once did you ever try to join our society to take them down. They were your sisters sure, but look at you now. Are you compensating for the fact that your younger sisters were able to conquer this school and thus the country?”
Her fists were clenched and it took everything in her power not to go over and show him what she actually felt. Taking a deep breath, she shook her head. “No. They’re my sisters. Not once were they treated lesser than me, nor did they do it to me. Aoi...I’m sorry that you have to be married to someone that’s not like you. I really am and I wish that you had someone better. But those twins have made me proud more times than your society has ever made you proud. I just conquered the world because it was at my disposal.”
Those words made Aoi sigh. Was it in disbelief? All he was thinking was that the crush he had on her a couple of years ago had not faded and just with those words, he found himself falling in love with her all over again. “How I wish you joined our side. I could’ve treated you like a queen.”
“I didn’t need someone else to treat me like a queen. All I did was went out to do it myself. You, Aoi Mibumi, couldn’t do it either.” 
“Ah well. Maybe it’s good that I never told you.” He smiled at her. It was painful to hear those words and it was clear as well. The smile was just a facade. Y/N smirked at him, knowing that she injured him where it hurt most. She knew about his feelings and she decided to cut it in half along with his heart. She watched as Aoi flipped over the card and her lips parted slightly in shock.
“And he has flipped over the Lovers in reverse! That means minus 20, leading to Y/N having only -5! She has one chance to win! If he wins, he takes over her entire company and if she wins, she gets to take something from him!”
Taking a deep breath she started walking around the table with a distinct expression that Aoi remembered as the one where she was calculating everything within the game. And in this case, she was psychoanalyzing her little sister, trying to find out something from her so she could find it from Runa. It was something he loved so much and missed seeing. She didn’t need him and it hurt, but it was like he wanted to please her. He just wanted her to smile at him genuinely at least once.
“Do you know something?” He had forgotten she was a Momobami. She’d begin with some sort of monologue. However, Y/N had a way to capture people in her web of words. They were like pure honey with venom covered in it. It was surprising no one caught it, but how could they when she was so charismatic and charming? Everyone loved her even if they hated her at first. 
“I used to like you.” His eyes widened at the statement and it looked like she was reminiscing in time. “I wanted to be like Miharutaki for the longest time, please you and even be yours. Yet I had to remind myself that it was impossible. You know why?” She looked up, locking her eyes with his. “Because you were a fool. You organized a society to take down my little sister. She’s a Momobami, just like me. I taught her everything she knows now. So if you’re thinking I’m a fool for not liking you in our third year...” Laughing, she turned her card around, showing it to him. “You’re the fool.”
His jaw dropped and Runa yelled, “The Fool, upright! An instant win for Y/N, leading to Aoi Mibumi’s loss! I don’t think any of us expected the Fool to be chosen, but this is the president’s older sister!”
“And with that, I’m going back home. That was enough gambling for one day. Ririka, we can go past that coffee shop that you like. Oh, Aoi?”
He looked up at her and she grabbed the collar of his shirt, whispering, “Next time you try to be an idiot and destroy what they built, you’ll have me to deal with. But also...” She pulled away and there it was. The smile that could qualify as a blow to his heart. It was the genuine smile he had been wanting. “You were always amazing to play with. Thank you for the game. Ririka, let’s go.”
They both walked out of the room, Y/N talking animatedly to her. The other three watched them go and once the door shut behind them, there was a bit of laughter coming from Kirari. “Isn’t it funny? My sister is so good at flustering people and taking their deepest fears, using them to her advantage. Even now, Mibumi, you’re still in awe of her, even if she utterly destroyed your pride.”
Runa laughed. “She is on a whole other level, I can see where you get it from, President.”
Aoi couldn’t even talk. He was so enraptured by her, every word she had directed towards him was not ignored and it was like she knew what she was doing to him. She enjoyed it.
“You know, if I wasn’t engaged, I’d ask for her hand in marriage.”
Kirari’s face went hard before she dropped the expression. Instead, she replied with barely repressed rage. “And neither Ririka, nor I will let that happen. Get it out of your head.”
The next day, Aoi Mibumi’s father had decided to seal a deal with Y/N L/N, leading to the expansion of her company. His father had seen how different his son acted around her. It wasn’t a shock, he had almost handed his company over with no negotiation before hand just from the aura she had when she walked in.
“Yeah, so that’s what happened. It seemed like he would’ve handed it over without any questions.” Y/N laughed, taking a sip of her tea.
“When are you going back to work?” Kirari asked.
“Wow, are you already kicking me out? Probably next week? I can’t leave my entire company with my assistant, that would make her lose her mind and I didn’t want that.”
The twins truly didn’t want her to leave but they knew that Y/N had more important things in her mind than a simple gambling school. She had made sure that no one ever caught up to her and they worshipped her with just a wink or a smile. It was so simple really. Business was cutthroat up until Y/N came in with her charms and the plan backfired on the person. Ririka spoke up. “How did you know that the card was the Fool upright?”
She laughed, shaking her head. “I know you two like the back of my hand. And by knowing you, I know the people around you. Plus Runa is easy to analyze. The pattern was also simple. The Sun, followed by the Lovers and they were in the opposite sides? That would mean the formation would be a triangle, seeing as triangles are the strongest shape. Was it on the left or the right? That’s where you two come in play. Runa knew Ririka would choose the sun and the oldest takes the first path, which is the left. That’s what I chose.”
They blinked. Kirari answered, “That was a big gamble, that also seems a bit unlikely.”
“Well, yes, it was a big gamble, but isn’t that what gambling is all about?” Y/N looked at the sugar cubes, taking one delicately. “You either gamble safely and risk nothing or...” She crushed it in her hand, the granules falling neatly into her tea. “You gamble with reckless abandon, not sure whether to lose or to win.”
In the end, Y/N gained two more people afraid of her and one of them hopelessly in love with her. It was how she got more business deals, thus helping her expansion throughout the planet. She didn’t settle for one country, she wanted to take it all to make sure to be seen as someone to look up to. No longer did she want to be looked down upon like when she was younger. It was fortunate that she was incredibly intelligent and knew what it took to win. If it took everything she had to win, she’d do it. 
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moostaronce · 4 years
You’re My Ideal Type
Request: I’m bad at thinking or suggesting scenarios but I really want a fluffy scenario of loona Jinsoul x fem reader if u r ok with it,thanks🥺💙
Pairing: Jinsoul x Fem Reader
A/N: Never a problem, I’ve got you. I hope you like it. Feel free to request more even if you don’t have specifics, it lets me try to be more creative. 
P.S I feel like it was a little rushed since I changed my mind the day of upload but I hope you like it because I’m satisfied with the concept as a whole. Also, if you can guess what song inspired this I’ll give you a virtual cookie. 💛
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“Hurry up Sol unnie or we’ll be late for practice.” Jungeun called out to her friend.
The two girls along with 4 of their other teammates were going to be late to their volleyball game if they didn’t hurry. They had been caught up talking and walking like turtles when Jungeun noticed the time on her phone. So now here they were running down the hall to their locker room. As soon as they enter, they are met by their coach angrily tapping her foot and their captain Sooyoung shaking her head while pinching the bridge of her nose. They didn’t need words to know they were in trouble. Before they knew it their worst fear came to be reality.
“Jinsol and Jungeun, you’re out for the whole match.” Jinsol’s jaw drops and Jungeun practically chokes on air. 
“But coach we’re supposed to start tonight!” Jungeun cried out almost in anguish.
“You should’ve thought of that before you showed up late so now the other six that showed up on time will be starting.” Coach left no room for argument or discussion and just walked away. Sooyoung followed behind her, having nothing more to add herself. 
The girls get changed in silence and make their way out to stand on the sidelines. The game begins and things go without a hitch. That is until someone comes off of the other team’s sidelines that Jinsol has never seen before. From the sound of the opposing crowd this girl sounded like bad news for her team for sure. She leans forward to get a good look at the girl’s face and actually gasps when she succeeds. 
“Wow. Who is that?” Jinsol doesn’t mean to say it out loud but her teammate Yeojin heard her loud and clear. Yeojin was probably too small to even be on this team but she had hops and strong arms so the coach kept her around. 
“Oh that’s Y/N she’s a transfer and apparently she’s become their secret weapon since she showed up. Why?” Yeojin leaned over to the older girl in curiosity.
Jinsol didn’t respond right away. The moment she looked at you she recognized it. You were exactly her ideal type. Her eyes fixed on you and they wouldn’t look any where else. She could’ve been in mortal danger but missing the chance of catching your eye was something she refused to do. The hope that you would look her way just for a moment was intense and as if it was by design, you did. Your eyes scanned the gym like you were looking for something, and in the back of your mind maybe you were. The search comes to an end when you spot her. 
The two of you are standing pretty far away but the space between you began to feel unusual. A bizarre kind of feel that can’t quite be named, stirring up electricity between you. Jinsol watches as your lips part and you remember to take a breath before your teammates nudge you to focus. At this moment Jinsol has decided, she needs to talk to you or even just to be in your immediate vicinity. Her eyes didn’t leave you the whole match, even when coach finally had mercy and put her and Jungeun on the court. The match ended with your team winning by a hair and all Jinsol could think about was getting to you before you got on your bus to leave.
“I have to have her.” She muttered it under her breath and Jungeun looked over at her in confusion. The blonde followed the brunette’s eyes until her own landed on you packing up your stuff to leave.
“Who? Number 25?” Jungeun squints at the number on your back but she’s so loud when she asks that you look up and around.
When you look over to the other side of the court you see Jinsol and can’t help the small grin that takes over. You planned to approach her but she comes to you first with a rare kind of confidence you aren’t used to seeing first hand.
“Hi, I’m Jung Jinsol.” Her smile is nervous but bright and it draws you in.
“Y/N, Y/N L/N. It’s nice to meet you Jinsol, that was an impressive match. If you had been in a little longer I think you could’ve killed us.” She smiles sweetly at you and goes against her better judgment. Jinsol touches your arm in as flirty a manner as she can, lingering on the touch to make it clear she was indeed flirting.
“Thanks but with your skills there is no way I could’ve come out on top.” 
You glance down to her fingers, daintily tracing your bicep then back up to her ridiculously pretty face. You can’t deny how attracted you are to her and she’s clearly throwing you signals so you decide to ask for her number. Jinsol beats you to it though, she grabs your coach’s sharpie off a discarded clipboard and writes her number on your bare forearm.
“You better call me. I really want to see you again Y/N.”
The look in her eyes shows nothing but hope and sincerity, so you give her your best smile and a kiss on her hand before taking your leave. Neither of you are usually the type to be so forward but there was just something about your chemistry that felt different. Something about each other that made you both a little weak just by meeting the other’s eyes. Jinsol heads  to the locker room with a newfound bounce in her step, nothing could possibly ruin her day now. She just hopes you’ll at least text her.
The next day during lunch period Jinsol is sat with her 11 teammates as usual but she picks over her pizza instead of scarfing it down as usual. At first no one really notices or pays any mind, until she feels someone rubbing comforting circles on her back. When she looks over it’s Kahei giving her a concerned look.
“Are you okay Sol?” At their oldest’s concerned voice, the other members look over to see if everything is okay. Jinsol just shrugs in response. Technically everything is okay but she can’t help feeling disappointed that you haven’t tried contacting her. Jungeun catches on rather quickly and gives her a questioning look.
“25 didn’t text you, huh?” Jungeun patted the older girl on the head after she practically does a faceplant on the table. The others look at each other in confusion.
“25? Who’s 25?” Hyunjin leans on the table with interest.
“Oh! You must be thinking of Y/N unnie. She’s the new member for the team we played last night, Southside.” Yeojin speaks nonchalantly and everyone looks over at her with curiosity, including Jinsol.
“Unnie? You know her Yeojinie?” Heejin speaks up with the question they all wanted to ask.
“Oh yeah, she’s a family friend. Our moms are best friends, so she comes over to my house sometimes. She’s basically my big sister.”
“Oh so I’ve been replaced, huh?” Haseul speaks up in mock offense
“You said your only sibling was a boy so yes, Y/N unnie would never disown me like that.” Yeojin crosses her arms and turns her nose up at Haseul while Jinsol burns a whole in the side of her head with her gaze.
“Yeojin,” the younger girl looks to her nervous from her tone.
“Hook. Us. Up.” She doesn’t break eye contact even when the rest of the table starts smirking at her.
“Oooh Jinsol likes Y/N.” Yerim’s tone is teasing but Jinsol really pays her no mind. All she’s seeing right now is Yeojin and a direct doorway to you.
“But didn’t you already give her your number?” Jungeun chimes in and gets a nod in response.
“I wrote it on her arm.” Jinsol confirms it but becomes nervous at Yeojin’s shake of the head.
“You should’ve put it in her phone. She probably went home and showered it off without thinking about it, so she couldn’t reach you even if she wanted to. Here let me give you her numb- oh.” Yeojin pauses looking at her phone when she sees a text in all caps from you.
YeoYeo: Actually I’m with her right now.
Unnie<3: NUMBER
Unnie<3: NOW
“I think I was right about her losing your number Sol unnie. Here I’ll send you her number and send her your number too. Save it as soon as you get it, okay?” Yeojin speaks while typing away at her phone screen.
Jinsol sits upright waiting for her phone to register Yeojin’s text with a new kind of energy. Not long after she finishes naming you in her phone, does she get a text from you. She looks up at Yeojin and thanks her until the younger girl gets tired of hearing it.
The two of you talk all day through text even transitioning to phone calls over the next few days. Without even realizing Jinsol finds herself wanting to to know every thing about you. What you’re doing, how you’re feeling. The two of you have even set up little training dates together and practice. One by one, little by little, day by day her feelings grow for you more and more until she decides she’s waited long enough.
You are on a walk holding her hand when Jinsol stops you in your tracks. She gets nervous under your curious gaze but she convinces herself that it’s now or never. The warm smile you give her only further assures her that this was the right move. You had to feel the same, right? Would you really be here with her smiling at her like this, looking at her like this, holding her hand like this if you weren’t the least bit interested? Surely not.
“What’s on your mind Sol?”
“Just…Y/N would you like to go out with me? Like actually date me?” She’s worried by the dumbstruck look on your face and the way you awkwardly release her hand to rub the back of your neck. Then you open your mouth and her jaw drops.
“Oh I um… I kind of thought we were dating already?” The sheepish look on you made her want to coo at you but she was lost for words.
“I mean I guess I should have said so but I mean think about it Jinsol. All my free time is yours, I practically hang off of your every word like I’m out of my mind. Any where you go I wanna follow and I pretty much do, I figured it was pretty clear that I thought we were in a relationship.” 
You can’t seem to make eye contact with her and Jinsol can’t believe you get cuter by the minute. She tries to meet your eyes but you keep looking the other way. Her hands reach up to hold your face affectionately and make you look at her her. Now is when you both start to realize just how close she’s gotten and this close you can really see just how pretty her brown eyes are. Jinsol smiles at you sweetly and gives you a small peck on your lips, shocking you stiff.
“From now it’s day one, okay?” Her smile infectious and you return it tenfold.
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Cheryl//this is me trying
Request: Can I request a season 1 cheryl x reader. Cheryl always protects reader from people and r is shy but falls in love with the redhead and some who’s accidentally tells her while she’s having a bad day but cheryl is quick to reassure her then they cuddle after going to pops or something and it’s just fluffy.
hey! happy valentines day gays! and get you, two imagines in one day, it must be the day of love. i hope you all like this because it’s really fluffy and i enjoyed writing this a lot!
Overnight, Riverdale became a shell of its former self. Two months since Kevin Keller and Moose Mason stumbled upon the body of Jason Blossom, and nobody has been the same since. 
The town is riddled with secrets, they’re slowly destroying it like a disease. Nobody trusts anybody anymore, everyone is on high alert, and everyone is a suspect. 
Cheryl usually loves being the centre of attention, she has done ever she was a kid. It’s something that comes naturally with being a twin, you share everything and as much as she loves loved the shared birthdays and friends, she has always loved being the centre of attention.
Now however, she hates it. Her life is a true crime documentary at the minute, and all she wants is for the killer to be caught so the crew can pack up and leave and she no longer has to stare down at the blinding lights being cast over her and her family. 
The only thing that’s kept her sane over the past two months, is you. Despite everything happening, despite the murder and the secrets and the suspicion, you’ve stuck by her side. You were with her when they found the body, and you haven’t really left since. 
The two of you are unlikely friends, she’s Cheryl. Bright and bold and never one to back down from confrontation. But you’re Y/n, sweet and shy and always the first to shrink away from any sort of attention directed at you. 
She knows you hate the constant attention recently, it’s something you get used when you’re best friends with the victim’s sister, but not once have you complained. 
You’ve being questioned by police, journalists and strangers on the internet. You’ve had camera’s shoved in your face on your walk back from school and been asked countless questions about what you know about the Blossom’s. And you’ve also been offered ridiculous amounts of money in order to talk. But no matter what happens, you always just rush past them and join Cheryl, who’s always waiting for you with a sad smile and warm hand. 
Due to the constant hoard of vultures swarming Riverdale High, the two of you had to figure out somewhere else to meet after school so you could walk the long way home. It adds twenty minutes to your walk, but it’s not that well known around town, meaning people can’t bother you. 
Plus, the extra twenty minutes that you get to spend with Cheryl isn’t the worst thing. It’s the opposite in fact. It’s the thing you look forward to, even if you are looking over your shoulder every so often 
But today you’re not at your meeting spot. 
When Cheryl pushes her way through the stares of her fellow students with you and only you on her mind and makes her way through the school basement, back up the stairs and out of the fire exit, you’re not waiting for her with a smile that makes her feel warm and a cold slice of pizza you snuck out of the cafe earlier. 
The only thing waiting for her is a full bin and an empty field. 
“Y/n?” She calls out and looks around the corner. She’s met with three seniors, all of which are smoking with absolutely no care for being caught. 
“She’s not here.” One of them says, her blonde hair and large glasses cover half of her face and Cheryl forces a smile. 
“Hey, Blossom.” A boy says and Cheryl freezes. Who knows what they want, but whatever it is, it probably won’t be nice. It’ll probably be something along the lines of ‘hey, did you kill your brother’ and no matter how many times she’s asked that, it doesn’t get any easier. “Maybe try the bleachers.” He says, ending his sentence with a sympathetic smile and Cheryl nods slowly, not really sure what to say. 
“Thanks.” She forces and spins on her heel. 
“We’re sorry about your brother, Cheryl.” The blonde one says and she turns around again. Each of them look sad, with matching frowns and sorrow swimming in their eyes. 
Jason meant the world to Cheryl, but he also meant a hell of a lot to other people too. And that’s when it hits her. Of course you’re at the bleachers. 
For some bizarre reason, only known by your father. You and your family used to come along every other week to watch the Bulldogs play. For a while you thought it was because your dad was trying to get you and your brother into football and this was a lot cheaper than the actual game, but the older you got the more you figured it was because he was just trying to relive his youth. For 90 minutes he could pretend that he was quarterback again and for those 90 minutes your dad would be the happiest he’d been all week. 
Then one week, a redhead sat beside you. In clothes that were far too expensive to be worn to a high school football game. Her parents looked like they wanted to be there as much as she did, but then a boy with matching red hair ran out on to the pitch and you’d never seen a smile quite like it. 
After that, you made sure to sit beside her at every game. And then one day she sat opposite you at lunch. The first few times she was alone, but then soon she began to appear with a group of other girls, but you were the only one she’d talk to. 
Eventually lunch times and football games turned into group projects and sleepovers. You spend hours braiding her hair and listening to her tell you stories of other worlds and the creatures that live in them. You’d sneak down the dark and creepy halls of Thornhill in hopes of finding a midnight snack, and instead be met by Jason and your older brother in clown masks. 
Eventually, you found a different way to get to the kitchen, one that Jason didn’t know about. And when he’d come looking for you, both of you would jump out  and chase him around the house, much to the dismay of Penelope and Clifford. 
Those bleachers are what started a whole friendship, not only between you and her, but also you and Jason. When you’re brother eventually made the team, thanks to a good word put in my Jason, despite him being a year younger. Him and Jason became as inseparable as you and Cheryl and so it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence to see the four of you hanging out. It also meant that if Cheryl was busy, you and Jason would hang out until she finished whatever she was doing. 
Grief is a hell of a lonely thing, and sometimes Cheryl forgets that other people miss Jason too. With everything going on, she didn’t even think about how you were doing. With all the questions, accusations and crying that constantly fills Cheryl’s house. She never even asked how you were. 
And now her legs can’t carry her quick enough to were she hopes your sat. Because she’s already lost her brother, she can’t lose you too. She wobbles as her heels dig into the dirt, kicking up dust and mud as she runs across the field. Her hair swings behind her, and she can feel the red scrunchie loosen the quicker she runs. 
The bleachers have all sorts carved into them. Initials in hearts, some of them still there, some of them crossed out so aggressively that it’s a miracle they didn’t chop it in half. There’s inside jokes and ridiculous rumours. Codes and dates and everything in between. 
But something new has been added in the past few days. 
cheryl murdered jason
and y/n helped
The writing is small and barely legible, but it’s there and the more you run your fingers over it the more it carves itself into your heart. 
“Y/n?” Cheryl pants breathlessly and you quickly pull yourself away from it. Instead you stand up properly and pull the sleeves of your sweater down over your hands. The y/f/c scrunchie remains still in your hair and Cheryl has to stare at it for a few seconds to calm herself down. “You weren’t at our spot.” She says quietly and you close your eyes. 
You let her down. You let her down. You always let her down.  
“Sorry Cheryl.” You sigh and sit down in the dirt. Cheryl looks around before sitting beside you. “I just wanted some space.” You add and force yourself to look at her. 
The sun sits behind her, but even that doesn’t seem as bright as it used to be. Nothing is what it used to be. For the past two months, you’ve been told that thats a good thing. But what’s good about someone you loved being dead. What’s good about watching someone else you love go through life but not really live. 
Cheryl just exists. 
But she exists for you. 
Because as lost as she would be without you, she knows you would be just as lost without her. 
It’s an unspoken rule now, you always text each other when you wake up and before you go to sleep. It’s something you used to do anyway, but now you make a point not to forget. Because forgetting means that the worst could have happened, and that’s something neither of you can bare to deal with. 
“I get it.” She nods. “I was just worried that’s all.” She adds, trying to sound as casual as she can. But on the inside she’s screaming. Because she thought you had died, she thought whoever had killed Jason had gotten to you too, and the whole reason you’re both dead is because she wronged the wrong person. 
There’s a lot of people that don’t like Cheryl, being unliked comes naturally to her. But she doesn’t know how she’ll cope if she’s so unlikeable someone she loves died. 
She has no idea why your friends with her to be honest. She saw you staring at her at a football game once. But it wasn’t a stare she was used to. It wasn’t cold like her mothers or jealous like her friends. No, this was nice. You were staring at her like you wanted to know about her, like when you looked at her, you saw a friend not someone to be feared. 
And so Cheryl clung onto the tiny hint of friendship, the crack of a door into something that could happen, and she shoved herself through it. It worked, and now you’re the only person she’s nice to. She’s mean to everyone else, she calls them names and teases them, especially when they’re rude to you...but you stay. And she has no idea why, but she’s not going to wish it away. 
“Shit, sorry Cheryl.” You drop your head into your hands and Cheryl looks at you confused. She looks around, not really sure of what to do. “I didn’t think, God knows what you thought had happened.” You ramble and she realizes you’re crying. Her eyes widen and you look at her, your eyes red and puffed and your lips pulls into frown. 
“It’s okay.” She replies and wraps her arms around you. You bury your head into her neck, the smell of maple and cherries invade your senses and you let out a shaky breath. 
It smells like home and happier times, and you want to crawl into those happy memories and never come back out. “I was just being ridiculous.” She tries to play it off, to make it seem like she couldn’t feel her heartbeat in her throat and the ringing in her ears. Pretend like it didn’t feel like someone had pulled her heart out and stamped on it. 
“No, no you weren’t. I’m really sorry.” You sob and wrap your arms around her. She falls into your neck, surprised but not upset with how tight you’re holding her. She never wants you to let go. But of course she has to, and so however reluctant, she untangles herself from you and lets out a deep sigh. 
“I’m sorry.” You sniffle. She hands you a tissue and you wipe your eyes with it before scrunching it up in your hand. “I’ve just had a rubbish day. Somebody shoved this in my locker.” You frown and pull a balled up piece of paper out of your pocket. 
Cheryl’s eyebrows knit in confusion as she takes it from you, her fingers graze yours and you freeze for a few seconds. 
who do you think did it? 
cheryl __
y/n __
Jamie __
“Why is your brother on here?” Cheryl asks, her voice rising with each word and you rest your hand on top of hers to calm her down. 
“I dunno.” You shrug. “Your parents are on there too.” You add and point further down the page. 
“What a bunch of dicks.” She grumbles and crumples it up. “Do you know who it was?” You shrug and she sighs. 
“I’ve just gotten tired of the staring and the whispers. So I thought I’d just have five minutes peace before going home and having to listen to Jamie cry in his room but pretend he’s okay. Or for my parents to walk on eggshells around both of us. Neither of them know what to say, and because of that they keep saying the wrong thing.” You ramble and she listens intently, trying her best to find a resolution to all of your problems. 
Unfortunately, she doesn’t know the answer to everything, no matter what her mom says. 
“I just thought five minutes by myself can’t be terrible. But then I came down here and someone carve-well it doesn’t matter what they wrote. What matters is that I made you worry at the worst possible time in your life. I hurt you, and I’m really sorry. Believe me, hurting you is the last thing I want to do you. I feel sick even just thinking about it. I never, ever want to hurt you. I love you too much. I love you more that I’ve ever loved anything or anyone ever. I just love yo-” Your eyes widen when you realize what you’ve just admitted to. 
You don’t want to look at her, but she hasn’t said anything in a while and that’s strange for her. So you force yourself to look at her, expecting the worst. Expecting disgust, disappointment, betrayal. But it’s none of those. 
Instead she’s smiling. And she looks actually happy. Something you haven’t seen in so long, something you’re glad to see, despite the circumstances. 
Oh yeah, you’ve just told her you’re in love with her. What do you say after that? 
“Y/n?” She cuts you off before you get the chance to ruin the moment. She’s known you for long enough to know that when you get nervous, you ramble and when you ramble you say weird things. 
You’re grateful for her cutting you off, usually if she talks over you, it annoys the hell out of you. But this time it’s welcomed and she stifles a small laugh and the sigh of relief you let out. 
But the next thing she says is something that you weren’t expecting, but you’re sure as hell grateful for. 
“Would you like to go on a date?” 
The red lights from outside, illuminate Cheryl’s pale face in the night, painting her in a reddish hue and you find yourself staring at her for far longer than would be considered normal. 
Lucky for you, she hasn’t noticed. She doesn’t seem to be paying attention to anything, not really anyway. Instead she stares down at her food, pushing a few fries around the plate and anxiety rises in your chest. 
She’s already regretting doing this. She’s made a mistake and now she doesn’t know how to let you down gently. 
She seems to sense you nerves because she’s looking at you quickly, a sad smile twitching at her lips.
“Sorry, I just. Jason always used to tease me about the two of us. It’s the only thing we’d take about sometimes. He’d constantly ask me if I’d asked you out yet. And every time I would say ‘no, we’re just friends’ but, well neither of us really believed that.” She says, a small laugh escapes her lips near the end, but she quickly shuts it off. It’s too soon for her to be laughing, too soon for her to be happy. 
“Yeah.” You nod and finish your drink. “He used to tease me too. ‘if you don’t tell her, I’ll do it myself’.” You mimic his voice and a ghost of a smile twitches at her lips as she forces herself to look at you. “I am really glad you did ask me though.” Your voice shakes a little with nerves and Cheryl stares at you confused. “I do really like you Cheryl.” 
“I really like you too.” She smiles softly and you stare at her lips. Sometimes you think the red lipstick has permanently stained her lips cherry red. Even when you guys are a sleepover, she still has bright red lips and the other part of you wonders if that’s just what they look like. 
“Hey.” You start and a sly smile twitches at your lips as you remember an old memory. She leans forward, excited to know what you’re smiling about. 
It could literally be anything, from a musty old book she let you borrow from the Thornhill archive, to a new tv show you started to watch. But whatever it is, she’s excited to hear you talk about it. 
“Can you remember last year. It was Jamie’s 16th birthday and you and Jason were invited over. Jason was there because him and Jamie were planning on sneaking out later that night, and you tagged along so you could keep me company.” You start and she smiles at the memory. 
The four of you sat in the living room, while your mom brought cake and your dad sang ‘happy birthday’. Cheryl remembers how happy she was, and she remembers talking to Jason afterwards, the two of them whispering and wondering if that was what a normal family was supposed to look like. 
You, Cheryl and Jason had each pitched in for the record player he wanted. And even though you all knew that just Cheryl alone could have been able to buy him it if she really wanted, you knew they split it for you. 
Jamie was ecstatic when he opened the box, and then all of the records you’d bought to go with it. He’d played it every single day since getting it, but now you haven’t heard it in months.
“Yeah.” She nods, a sad smiling taking over he face. “Can you remember when Jason pushed his face into the cake.” She adds making you snort a laugh. 
The bell above Pop’s rings and Betty and Archie walk in. They send you a sympathetic smile before sitting at their own booth, and you and Cheryl share a look. 
“Would you like another one?” You point at her milkshake and she nods, smiling shyly. 
The walk home is over far too soon, and it’s only when you’re standing on your porch do you realize you took the normal way home by accident. Either the media has gone to sleep, or people are starting to forget about Jason and Riverdale. 
That thought makes you frown and Cheryl watches your expression falter before you look back at her again. 
“Thank you for walking me home.” You smile shyly and a nervous laugh escapes her lips. 
“It’s no problem.” She shrugs and the two of you stare at each other for a few seconds longer than normal. She’s about to leave when you grab her hand and spin her around to face you. 
She’s surprised for a second, until suddenly she feels a pair of lips on hers, and then the only thing she can feel is them. Everything else disappears, and though the kiss is short and a little awkward, it’s still perfect. 
“Would you like to come in?” You ask and motion your head to large wooden door. The pain is chipped around the metal numbers, something your mom has nagged your dad about for the past 6 months. “We still have the rest of y/f/s to watch.” 
“I’d love to.” She nods and the two of you grin at each other. “But seriously, how many times have you seen that now?” 
“It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen it.” You unlock the front door, giving it a quick kick before you stumble through it. “What matters is that this is the first time you’re seeing it.” You add and she rolls her eyes but follows you up the stairs anyway. 
The sun sets over another day in Riverdale and darkness floods the town. The streets are cold and scary, but wrapped in your duvet and Cheryl’s arms, you’ve never felt warmer. 
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flowerwrites06 · 4 years
break my mind’s eye VIII — jjk
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Plot: Jungkook thinks marriage is the only way to seal a deal.
Pairing(s): Druglord!Jungkook x Fashion Designer!OC (Name: Belle)
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Parts: Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Special 
Word Count: 7k+
Genre: Mafia | Angst/Smut/Fluff
Tags & Warnings (for entire series): drug dealing, marriage through trickery, explicit smut, drug use, dubious consent, prostitution, miscarriage, lots of manipulation, impregnation through manipulation 
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Picturesque day framed by the window of the brightly lit clinic, cool air swirling around them aiding Belle’s anxiety in whatever slight way it could. Fingers gripped at her knitted lavender cardigan, pressing her legs together to somehow prevent more chill to flow through the white floral dress. She seemed to focus on every other little thing while the man in a white coat in front of quickly typed and clicked in his own time.
“Congratulations, Mrs. Jeon.” The doctor smiled as if he just confirmed the happiness of a new family.
Six weeks passed since Belle took the dozens of pregnancy tests haunting her with pink pluses until finally the doctor gave the final verdict. Thankfully with the Spring Line show coming in close to around a couple months, she was able to avoid any conversation of whether the ritual worked.
Ritual. Fucking hell what year was this?
Her silence caused a slight awkward confusion to grip the doctor’s face, almost as if he was inching close to a verdict that something was wrong.
Nothing should be wrong, Belle reminded herself. Happy relationship, remember?
The woman quickly adorned the perfect smile on her face using her glossy eyes as the sparkle of joy. “Sorry…it’s just all very exciting to take in.” She chuckled and thankfully the doctor was immediately convinced giving her a proper smile.
“Of course—very happy news though. I’m sure your entire family would be elated.” His grin stretched from ear to ear like he was related to her some way.
Then again anyone who so much as knew the Jeon family seemed to have that mindset.
“I’ll have your report prepared in just a few minutes, Mrs. Jeon.” He nodded in reassurance while Belle leaned back on the chair.
Gaze moved to the window looking out at the people strolling back and forth living their lives. She wondered how many were living by their own accord. Based on their own needs. Were they happy with where they were? Some rushing in suits trying not to drop their coffees, mothers and fathers pushing their strollers with toddlers skipping next to them and then couples walking calmly in casual clothing.
When she was younger, Belle told herself she would not end up in any of those situations. She would get a car, halt on marriage and kids while focusing on her career entirely until her thirties at the very least.
The naivety of dreams. Dreams of a life no one could ever control. Dreams that were already in the hands of fate.
“Mrs. Jeon?” The doctor addressed for the third time.
Belle finally realized that was her name now, stripping back to reality. Even her name was not under her control any more. Legally she had her original name but people wouldn’t care. Taking the husband’s name was more popular. So now she was officially Mrs. Jeon to society.
Quickly smiling she accepted the envelope handed to her and bowed slightly. “Thank you, doctor.”
Walking out of the clinic into the beautiful day, she spotted Yoongi leaning back against the side of the car with his arms folded over his chest. Raven hair a little longer now hovering over his eyes as he watched her taking a deep breath at the entrance stairs. “So?” He asked, squinting a little in the sunlight.
“What do you think?” Belle mumbled with the envelope heavy in her hand much like the twisted feeling in her stomach. Stepping down to the end of the stairs, she looked around every corner that was visible to her. Scanning for any movement.
“No peeping in the bushes, don’t worry.” The older male reassured, pushing off the car and opening the door for the new mob queen. Even though he would never use that term in front of her without risking a kick on his foot.
Strolling to the other side of the car, Yoongi couldn’t help but mimic Belle’s scanning and ended up seeing a figure lurking in one of the alleys. Not that he was proud of it but Yoongi pretended to reach into his coat for a gun which evidently caused the figure to rush out to the streets.
“Fucking reporters.” Yoongi muttered under his breath before climbing back into the car and driving them back to the mansion.
Being invited to Sangria House during the day had not been on Taehyung’s to-do list but here he was anyway being driven to the establishment, by Kim Seokjin’s personal request.
The establishment exuded a different aura during the day as they parked to a halt in front of it. Flowers adorned the entrance in an arch matching the blossom trees behind the building creating a beautiful frame, most of the angels strolling around with their customers linked in hand while a lot of the juniors were simply having picnics under on the ground like it was their own paradise rather than people who entered.
As he walked into the makeshift garden, white coats welcomed him with a bow and led him into the private room with a brief statement of having a full days’ appointment with the best angel in the House.
Full day. Seokjin seemed to know his way around apologizing, he supposed.
Even on the inside things were so much more different. Customers were eating food normally instead chortling the whole way through; they were genuinely having good conversations with the red and lavender coats as if it was not going to lead anywhere. Purple drapes were replaced with more floral arrangements in strings trailing across the walls and he could have sworn butterflies passed them a moment ago.
The white coats stopped down the hallway to a familiar door knocking politely first.
Taehyung already had an achingly strong hope of who to see on the other side of the door.
And thank god, luck was on his side today.
The door opened and gracing him with her presence stood Angel in a different attire. It was still golden but a more casual hanbok with intricate floral designs on the overcoat that shimmer in the light against the silk. Less extravagance but more quality. Taehyung could immediately recognize who designed the dress.
Angel’s heart swelled finally being able to see the man again especially after the horrid way he was dragged out. She could still remember all the things he told her…all the things that haunted him now slowly taunted her.
Once the door closed behind Taehyung, the golden lady padded closer to the male.
Eyes moved around his body before she took a leap to cup his cheeks. “You’re okay.” A bright grin spread across her lips but her forehead knitted like she was close to crying. “Come in.” Gently Angel took his hand and walked to the table.
Taehyung couldn’t help but feel his entire body relax into her touch, leaning slightly into her touch before happily holding her hand. “You did full day appointments too?” He would have asked for that package in a heartbeat.
Angel smiled as they sat next to each other this time, shoulders brushing together. “No this is not a normal thing. Mr. Kim just wanted to apologize for the inconvenience caused last time.” She reached out and gave him some rice cakes. “I know you probably don’t want our tea right now so…I asked them to make these.” She pulled apart one rice cake in half and took the first bite to ensure him that it was safe to eat.
Warmth spread across his chest watching how her cheeks puffed when she ate, hiding her mouth and smiling, trying to stay elegant but still enjoy the taste. Taehyung had the strongest urge to press little kisses on her adorable cheeks.
The golden lady held up the other half of the cake to his mouth, giving him a reassuring smile that it was okay to eat.
Taehyung was not proud to admit that it did not matter if she offered him literal poison, he would still drink it just so the last thing he saw was that fucking smile. Though the cake did smell heavenly. Opening his mouth slightly he waited until Angel brought the cake so close that it brushed against his lips before he took the treat into his mouth. As soon as Taehyung bit into the soft texture, a burst of warm sweetness burst through and he felt a small lump in his throat.
How long had it been since he was able to really taste something properly? The man could never tell whether he was healing or not in the process of vomiting, taking medications and other methods Taehyung deemed boring or painful. It was only now at this incredibly simple moment of recalling just how tasty a rice cake was. How much he loved it in the years before.
“Is it bad?” Angel noticed the smile faded from his face. “I could go get something else.” She tried to get up but Taehyung softly touched her arm.
“No I’m just—” Taehyung chuckled after swallowing, eyes a little glossy as he met her gaze. “I haven’t had rice cake in a long time. It was really nice.”
She relaxed once more sitting next to him allowing a comfortable silence to seep through the air for a few moments.
Eventually the curiosity peeked far too much for her to control. “So…how was the wedding?”
A boulder seemed to drop and crash onto the hope of relaxing in this session now the question lingered. Taehyung could not blame Angel for being curious as she probably had been working the whole time it was happening.
But now he was reminded of the things other than the actual ceremony. The fake vows and calculated kiss under the blossom trees was more for the press.
Taehyung learned the hard way that the real ceremony was behind closed doors. He only found out after it happened because every relative from the Jeon family wanted to chat with him giving him no time to go and check on his sister. Now he wished he just pushed past all of them and ran to her.
It was too late though. By the time Taehyung got the chance to see Belle in the early morning, she was already in tears and shaking beyond belief before jumping into his embrace. She did not say a word to him or anyone for that matter. The whole two nights they were there, his sister stayed quiet merely smiling to the people who didn’t matter. When he found out about the secret ceremony Taehyung did the same.
With Jungkook, he didn’t even bother smiling. Every time he came close his fingers automatically curled into a fist conjuring up all the ways he could just get rid of him.
Now more than ever Taehyung grew aware that his baby sister was going through pain beyond belief while he healed. Aside from the heart clenching sadness, he grew determined to see an end for Jeon Jungkook.
“Taehyung?” Angel placed a hand on his arm gently before pulling away quickly. “I’m sorry, you don’t have to answer.” Her fingers played with the fabric of her dress with her head hanging.
Taehyung jumped back to his current state and shook his head quickly. “No—” He shifted closer until his hand rested behind her. “No it’s okay. Please ask me anything you want.” He gave her a reassuring smile trying to meet her gaze again.
The golden lady’s eyes flickered up see him so close that the warmth of his body radiated onto her.
“The wedding—” He sighed. “The wedding was beautiful…in a sense, I suppose.” Taehyung spoke with bitterness touching his tongue, pursing his lips together. He wondered for a moment if it were too much to speak these things out. Were these walls thick enough the hold the dark thoughts in his head long enough? Was it worth it show a side of him to Angel that he despised? A side of him created as soon as Belle told him, holding a teary smile that she was going to marry a monster and bear his child for his own benefit.
It turns out that part of Taehyung didn’t care who saw or heard him. “Do you ever have that situation where—you despise someone so much—because they’ve hurt you or someone important to you?—a hatred that runs so deep, the mere thought of them—” He huffed out a breath to somehow to cool down the anger erupting inside him. “Makes you thinks things unimaginable.”
Angel’s chest rose and fell slightly as her eyes now grew glossy. In a rush of painful memory, she remembered those words rushing in her own mind at some point. “Yes.” She muttered immediately pressing her lips together. All the nights of hiding in a bathroom and covering her ears hoping that her ex-husband would just pass out drunk. The way she trained herself to zone out every time he climbed on top of her.
Eyes shining and vision blurring just a little but enough to see Taehyung’s welcoming features so she could feel at ease. “You end up stripping them down to being nothing but a human. Not someone powerful…or someone with status that you can’t touch…Just a human. Vulnerable…soft…if you just grabbed a knife and stuck it at the right place. They’re nothing but meat.”
Taehyung’s expression softened hearing such a composed woman speak out the unimaginable things in his mind already. “What if that powerful person is Jeon Jungkook?” It was not something he didn’t think about before. There were dark points in his time living in that place knowing the man was just sleeping soundly in the room with no one really watching over him.
“You can’t do that.” She shook her head.
“But you said—”
“No, Taehyung—your sister is now a Jeon.” Angel raised a hand to ensure that the man listens to her every word. “If you sister is widowed in the Jeon family, it won’t bode well on her. She’ll be tied down to the family until her death. If Jungkook is doing something then there needs to be a divorce.”
“How do you know all that?” His brows furrowed.
“Seok—Mr. Kim told me a story that Jeon Boyoung was a widow…she had to marry someone arranged by the family a day later. It’s a terrible life, Taehyung, remarried widows are not given any kind of respect in the family. The new husbands are allowed to be unfaithful to them or abusive to them without any consequence. The only reason Boyoung is doing somewhat well is because she is a Jeon by birth. Belle isn’t.” Concern riddled her expression hoping to the high heavens Taehyung understood what she was saying. “Jungkook cannot be killed while they’re still married.”
Taehyung shifted in his position feeling a slap of clarity right across his face. “Seokjin—how does he know all these things?” He shook his head. “And how does Belle get a divorce? That family controls everything.”
“Not everything.” Angel whispered so low, she had to lean closer to him. “Belle needs someone to support her alibi. Someone just as powerful as the Jeons. It’s not just them that controls everything, there are other influential people in the city.”
“How am I supposed to find someone just as powerful?”
Sighing shakily, she glanced around the room before moving to stand on her feet. A quick smile tugged at her lips almost as if this whole conversation never happened. “Would you like a take a stroll with me, Mr. Kim?”
Taehyung nodded before trying to return her smile, standing up as his mind filled with nothing but confusion.
By the time they reached the mansion the envelope in Belles hand scrunched up as if it has been read a million times already. She tried smoothing it out a little when the car parked but it still look just about as messed up as her mind orientation. Crinkles mimicking a drought riddled land and light stains of foundation remnants from her fingers.
Yoongi climbed out of the car first as the two guards from the front walked a bit closer. Standing on her side now, he waited for her to take a break to breathe before opening the door and watching her step out. “You’ll be fine. I’ll be waiting just outside the room.” He muttered as they moved to enter the mansion.
Guards as usual welcomed them with a bow and Belle had the urge increase her pace towards the second living room, her heart racing at the same speed. Fingers shook, body burned from her toes to her head and her legs moved slower than normal at the lack of concentration. She hated wearing a lavender cardigan today because the colour looked far bright for her actual mood.
Looking over her shoulder, Belle saw Yoongi standing with his hands in his jacket, giving her a reassuring nod.
She couldn’t hide it for too long. At some point it was going to get difficult to avoid everyone on the truth. Especially Jungkook.
For a moment Belle paused again hearing muffled voices on the other side of the office door. A usual sound now for the past few weeks. Padding closer to the wooden barrier, only one voice stood out like a teacher scolding an empty classroom. It would be easy to just turn away with the excuse that Jungkook was too busy but no one should be too busy for this. At least in her mind.
She stood close to the door that someone might mistake her for kissing it. Closing her eyes, Belle knocked twice before opening the door just enough to walk inside.
“Move the surviving associates to the other dens, fucking fight back next time!” Jungkook growled slamming the phone down so hard that she heard a crack. He stepped away from the phone, rubbing his face with a frustrated sigh padding through him.
Belle stood inside the room, immediately regretting that she entered but it had be done now or the courage would never arrive again. “Jungkook?”
“Not now.” He muttered without even giving her sideways glance.
Anxiety faded a little; the same heat but it ignited a different kind of fire in her belly. “Yes now.” She spoke firmly, lips pursed together.
Slightly reddened eyes met Belle’s gaze as he padded over to the table once again more, leaning on the edge, dark curls falling over his face. Jungkook tried to control his heavy breathing but it only seemed to get worse when he started thinking about it. “Belle, I’m not in the mood for any more drama today, alright?” He shook his head slowly, hands nearly trembling with fury.
Belle sighed to calm the fire down somehow as the envelope grew so heavy in her hand, she worried her grip would relinquish without her knowing. “This is important.” She took a step forward but quickly jumped back.
Jungkook knocked the phone off the table with the back of his hand, harsh thuds and broken rings echoing throughout the room. “Important?! What could be so fucking important that you can’t give me a moment of peace?” He stomped across from the table almost leaving steam behind him.
“My entire goddamn empire is breaking apart into pieces!” He threw his hand towards the fallen phone as his feet nearly stepped over hers. “I’m sure whatever you have to say can fucking wait.” Hot breath brushed against her already warmed up face.
“It can’t fucking wait!” Belle shouted back despite her mouth feeling incredibly dry, the heat around them collecting and making her a little dizzy. “This—” She jabbed the envelope at his chest not really caring whether it caught or not as it dropped to the ground. “This is what your screwed up family wanted, you got it.”
Eyes burned with tears once again, stomach clenching and her head spinning abnormally. “You won.” She smiled sadly. “Congratulations.” She seethed turning on her heel and stomping out of the door, slamming it so hard that it echoed through the whole mansion.
Stomach twisted in such a way that it almost meant to give Belle as much pain as humanly possible making her wince while tears forcibly streamed down her face. She rushed across the second living room completely ignoring Yoongi who tried to call out her name.
It didn’t take a genius to see that breaking the news had been worse than he expected. The family wanted the damn baby so why did he have to see Belle running out with one of the most heartbreaking expression he had ever seen on the girl? And Yoongi had seen a lot, much to his own discontent.
Yoongi tried to open his mouth to say something but Belle already flashed past leaving the gust of wind behind with her speed. If he knew what happened then it would be easier, right now nothing but confusion and a little sadness gripped his face.
“Get my car ready, please.” Belle announced to one of the guards who immediately bowed and rushed off to do her bidding.
The older male lurked at the edge of the second living room and watched a young looked guards who he remembered was called Jongho. One of Belle’s regular guards who usually kept an eye on her the most. The amount of influence this woman had in the entire Jeon mansion honestly could frighten even Yoongi. Every guards seemed to lose their composure and give her a sad look as if wanting to comfort her in her time of need.
Jongho leaned in a little to hear her whisper, possibly about her location because it had to be known to someone just in case. The young guard nodded and opened the double doors for her.
Yoongi would have rushed to the girl and provided some comfort but if she purposely ignored him then it was clear that her intention was to be alone. All he knew was no woman should ever come out looking that fucking upset after trying to tell their husband she was having their baby.
Jungkook tightened his jaw as the sound of the door still rung in the air. Roughly raking his fingers through his hair as if he was pulling it from the roots, gaze flickered down to the discarded envelope. Crouching down Jungkook picked up the slightly crumpled paper and ripped it open letting the little pieces drip carelessly to the ground.
His heart began to race when he saw a doctor’s pregnancy test report details. Forehead knitted reading through the report until the word ‘results’ caught his eye.
Then in big capital letters, his mistake came crashing down harder than a bag of bricks to his head.
All the anger faded away quicker than Jungkook prepared for as it replaced with a painful clench in his chest and the whole world momentarily crashing down on him.
The ritual worked.
‘You won’ she said.
His family won.
The walls of his mind closed in on itself tightly not knowing whether to spread elation or guilt through his body. Instead a deadly mixture of both feelings pumped in his veins making his fingers tremble for a whole different reason.
Jungkooks’ biggest den had been infiltrated by the police, once again with the mayor’s direct orders and the speculations of his hand being involved grew stronger by the day. He knew with all his heart how important it was to keep his business and empire safe but now…
What was more important now?
Something wet dropped onto the paper soaking through the ‘I’ and ‘E’ of the word ‘positive’ bringing him back to reality. Jungkook sniffled quickly, wiping away the tiny trickles of tears escaping down his cheek before opening the door.
“Where is she?” The question posed and everyone’s eyes were on him now, even the maids paused in their tracks to look at him. Could they notice the tears gathering in his eyes? Once again Jungkook had to succumb to feeling like a lost boy who didn’t know what to do without the guidance of his family.
Hair over his face managed to cover most of his distress but Yoongi only had to glance down at the paper clasped tightly in the younger male’s hand to know why.
“She drove out.” He nodded towards the entrance.
Jungkook did not utter another word before practically rushing out of the second living room but immediately paused when Yoongi stood in front of him.
He raised his hands in defense seeing Jungkooks’ glossy eyes burning into him at the disrespectful action. “Sorry, sir but—I believe your wife wanted to be alone right now.” Yoongi attempted to explain in the most careful way possible. Though his mind conjured much more colorful words. The last person she wants to see is the dickhead who impregnated her against her will.
Anger burned to his very core seeing Yoongi speak to him so casually. “Do you even know where she went? What if she gets into danger?!” Jungkook growled making the maids jump back and frantically continue on with their work.
Fortunately Yoongi had been significantly numbed to acts of intimidation. “I know where she is and she’ll be as just as safe there as she would be here. You don’t have to worry.” He shook his head, trying to keep his voice calm and collected.
“But—” Jungkook held up the paper pathetically, sighing shakily.
“I know…I went to the clinic with her.” Yoongi nodded. “She’s okay. She just needs a little space, it’s completely normal.”
It’s not normal and she wasn’t okay but he really just needed to live right now.
Jungkook had the strongest want to keep fighting and just push past to find her but where would that even lead? Ever since that night, Belle couldn’t even look at him properly. Honestly he didn’t have the courage to look at himself either. All his life his parents taught him that the family customs existed for good reasons. Reasons which kept them alive for so long. As a naïve child he found himself never finding anything wrong with these customs.
Until he had to go through them. Along with dragging the woman he grew to care about into it.
Turning away from Yoongi, Jungkook dragged his feet towards one of the couches in the second living room and slumped down.
“I made her think it wasn’t important.” He stared at the paper, reading the same word over and over again. “My father would always tell me how happy he was when my mother told him she was pregnant.” Jungkook scoffed, his vision blurring a little. “He picked her up and twirled her around right in front of all his men not giving a care if he would look weak.”
Yoongi pursed his lips together leaning on the wall behind him.
“Family makes you stronger, he said. Nothing stronger than family.” Jungkook pressed down the inner corners of his eyes with his index finger and thumb, shutting his eyes tightly to stop any more tears from flowing.
“Anyone can pretend to be happy at first.” Yoongi spoke plainly. “It’s what you do for the next twenty years that actually counts.”
Jungkook licked his trembling lips not completely convinced but it wouldn’t be the first time he succumbed to the alluring beauty of a lie.
Clouds spread out to welcome the heavenly blue and golden warmth as Belle padded across the entrance gardens of the Sangria House. For a second, a few people stopped with their usual activities to stare at her, twist of recognition on their faces. With a sigh Belle hugged her cardigan again being the only comfort for today despite the colour being so harsh on her tired eyes.
Through the entrance doors, she looked around the area like a slightly lost puppy. The lobby used most of the natural light making it look like a beach hut of some sort as the warmth was now replaced with fresh cool air.
Belle hoped with all her soul that the person she wanted could just appear right here out of luck. Unfortunately luck was not a trustworthy friend in recent months.
More eyes now fixated on her presence and a figure even padded towards her; tall with lines adorning his face, tattoo peeking out from his shirt and a smirk playing on his lips.
“Are you open?” The man’s gaze trailed up and down her body. Waft of cologne and tobacco swirling around his aura as he moved closer.
“Excuse me?” Brows furrowed but before she could channel any more of her frustration, a red coat rushed over to her side.
“Sorry, Mrs. Jeon…” The red coat bowed in a meek tone even though it was not her fault in the slightest.
The rude customers’ smile immediately disappeared into a look of despair and fear, widened eyes staring back at Belle. “Mrs. Jeon…” He bowed so low that he almost vanished from her line of vision. “I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you.”
“Would you have continued on with your shenanigans if I wasn’t Mrs. Jeon?” She glared down at the male.
He gripped at the fabric of his trousers tightly, still bent down as if ready to be flogged.
“I assumed too quickly, Mrs. Jeon. Please accept my deepest apologies.” His voice shook slightly knowing the smallest word to Jungkook about this behavior would end in a whole lot of limbs being lost.
Belle sighed lightly, averting her gaze. “It’s alright. Just make sure I don’t find you doing it again.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Jeon…” The man smiled giving repeated bows as he backed away. “You are most kind.”
The man now led away by the red coat, Belle was being hosted by one of the white coats who asked what she needed today.
The previous aching in her stomach seemed to get worse despite getting the fresh air while even the mildest rush of heat from the day increased tenfold when it reached her skin.
Oh god…not now.
“Park Jimin, please. If he’s free.” Belle spoke, her strength wavering a little as every part tried to suppress the pain in her chest pushing something up to her throat.
Giving her another bow the white coat led her off to one of the private rooms.
Once again her feet seemed drag across the floor like the world moved too much to catch up properly. More swirling around in Belle’s head, the bitterness in her throat erupted with cruel strength, forcing her to grip on the edge of the door to steady herself.
“Mrs. Jeon? Are you okay?” The white coats’ hands hovered over her to prevent any dreaded fall but distant enough for manners.
Belle gave her a shaky smile through she still held onto the edge as if her life depended on it. “Just a little queasy…” Stomach clenched again and her mind grew stubborn, only thinking about something heavy being pushed up her throat almost choking her. “Is there a—” She tried to swallow it down but it seemed to get more violent. “Is there a bathroom anywhere?”
Her eyes widened before quickly nodding and gesturing towards the private room. “This has a bathroom, madam.” The younger girl tried to gently lead her inside where a small door stood closed.
Passing the little empty table, Belle felt saliva flooding inside her mouth until drool almost leaked out of the sides forcing her to burst open through the door without waiting for the girl and throwing herself in front of the toilet.
Knees ached against the cold wooden floor, chest lurching painfully as the contents of her stomach spewed out in the form of a burning liquid. Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes struggling to breathe, a small part hoping it was over before her stomach lurched again.
She vaguely heard footsteps coming closer before her hair was being brushed back gently and her back soothingly rubbed.
Belle coughed feeling a harsh burn in her chest but finally being able to breathe easy as the nausea faded albeit taking its sweet time. As soon as she turned to the side, a hand towel gestured her way. She accepted it with a rush of gratitude as she wiped off her mouth still letting out small painful coughs.
Glossy reddened eyes flickered over to the side, seeing a familiar pair of sultry eyes and pouty lips look back at her with an expression of concern.
“You okay?” Jimin whispered, hand sliding from her back to her shoulder, squeezing it a little as a form of comfort.
Belle sighed before pursing her lips, more tears threatening to flood out if she continued to speak. So the woman merely shook her head, chin trembling and heart crumbling into pieces. The action alone held more truth than anything she ever forced herself to say.
His expression softened not needing any type of explanation as to why Belle looked so upset. Jimin saw the whole thing with his own eyes. No one could ever come out of that and still feel the same. All he could truly do was pull her close and wrap her into a warm embrace, allowing the woman to sob into his shoulder.
Fingers curled into the lavender fabric, sobs now pushing out of her as Jungkooks words replayed over and over again. All the smiles, laughter and kisses. All of them were fake. Nothing was real. Now more than ever Belle had been forced awake from the fantasy that began to thicken far too much. It stripped down to the harsh reality. When her whole future was taken away in one night.
They embraced until their legs fell asleep before eventually moving over to the main private room. Jimin’s hands still on Belle’s arms carefully guiding her to a seat.
Once the new air brushed in, the nausea slowly fizzled out allowing her to breathe in without feeling like a nasty potion being conjured in her throat.
As the pair sat across from one another a moment of silence lingered. Whether to consolidate the memory of their embrace or just time to adjust to their usual setting, both of them were not quite sure.
Then she spoke in a raspy and exhausted voice.
“I always thought I’d feel like the happiest woman in the world when I got pregnant.” Belle said with her head hanging, tears still freshly formed and a heart that could not seem to stop clenching into itself like it hid from something. “Every time I saw a baby smile…I’d always think…I’m going to have that one day with the man I love and he loved me.” She shook her head before scoffing at the naivety. All those stupid dreams of a happy life filled with love, loyalty and trust. Everything replaced by deceit and manipulation.
Jimins’ could feel the burning behind his eyes watching the broken shell of a strong woman speak out thoughts of a time when she was whole. Fingers twitched wanting to embrace her again but the moment for that passed. Now they both had to come to terms with speaking the truth. “You–you can still be happy…” He winced a little at his own words. “Arranged marriages can—” He swallowed hard. “—they can work out through time.”
Not this kind of arranged marriage. At least some arranged marriage gave the couple a chance to say agree or disagree on things. Here Jungkook merely took a fake girlfriend, then he and his family proceeded to do whatever they needed to her for their own benefit. All she had to was sit there, smile and take it.
Belle smiled at the lavender figure as if to reassure him that she appreciated his help. “It’s—complicated…” She chuckled, a small droplet trickling down her cheek. Averting her gaze, she wiped away her tears quickly with a light sniffle. “I supposed I shouldn’t complain. You probably have it worse.”
Jimin hummed in disagreement, shaking his head. “I feel safer here than anywhere else.” His brows furrowed lightly. “Seokjin—” He stammered a little accidentally calling Mr. Kim by his name. “I know he has a reputation but he’s a good man. Really. Never gets angry unless it’s at customers which is rare. He’s always keeps us safe.”
Eyes flickered to meet his, blinking slowly as her curiosity now peeked more than she ever felt it before. “But…what he did to Taehyung…” Belle gestured towards the table before them which had a half-drunken glass of water near her.
He leaned in and spoke in a whisper. “To protect Angel.”
“That doesn’t make any sense, Taehyung didn’t do anything. Why would he get punished like that?” Belle kept her voice soft but loud enough for them to hear. As her words became consolidated in the air and in their memories, something struck in her mind that seemed to muffle everything out for a moment.
Jimin paused thinking over what to say before slowly taking a breath. “His… methods are little—”
Calculated. Planned.
For the first time in too fucking long, Belle could see past this thick veil of confusion. It wasn’t all just cruel fate. Her heart raced so hard it tried to crash through her ribcages and even her toes began shaking from the rush of adrenaline pumping in each vein.
Taehyung wasn’t drugged so Angel could be safe.
Tears dried up and a new rush of determination touched her broken form. Belle leaned in, gaze fixated on his, speaking in a firm tone. “Is there any way I could organize a meeting with Seokjin?”
Taehyung tried his best to suppress the intense heat on his cheeks feelings Angels’ soft hands interlock with his slightly rough ones. Through one of the backdoors, they were welcomed by the bright light of the beautiful day and the beautiful blossoms in all their glory.
Pink, red and purple petals falling to the green ground or continuing to fly through the wind to their own personal freedom. Subtle scent of jasmine and lemons touching his nostrils despite the actual plants being situated all the way at the end of the large backyard. A few angels both red and lavender wore more comfortable clothing rather than extravagant while entertaining their customers. Some of them danced in front of the picnic set up or simply sat with them engaged in light-hearted conversation.
He almost forgot the purpose of their visit to this slab of imaginary heaven as Angel led him past the laughing the patrons and towards the jasmines hanging on the fence just facing all the lemon trees. Taehyung wondered if this was what they used for their tea recipes. The small wonder momentarily halted when he felt himself being pulled under one of the lemon trees.
Subtle scent now became potent in his nose, the heavenly jasmine and citrus mixing with Angel’s sweet vanilla perfume. It would have been overwhelming if Taehyung had not lost his focus when meeting the golden ladys gaze.
Her grip on his hand loosened a little but a few fingers still struggled to depart from one another. “I wanted to say this to you in more privacy. The rooms are always watched.” Angel whispered with a light smile. “I’m so sorry…I was the one who put the drug in your tea.” She hung her head. “I didn’t know it was going to make you sick.” The usual composed walls around her once again opted to fade away when standing so close to Taehyung. “I—I thought it was going to make you feel more relaxed and calm—I didn’t…” Angel paused in her shaky words when she felt his hand cupping her cheek gently.
Taehyung watched her beautiful eyes getting glossier every second she continued speaking, each second his heart sunk deeper into a pit. “Did Seokjin ask you to do it?”
Angel pursed her lips, blinking frantically to get rid of the tears forming. “Yes.”
He scoffed averting his gaze, rush of heated fury erupting in his belly. “They’re all the same.”
“No…” She shook her head immediately holding onto his arms. “Taehyung, look at me.” The leaves rustled in a gust of wind causing her hair to flow over her lips a little. “Seokjin isn’t the man you think he is.”
Taehyungs’ brows furrowed searching her expression to find some sense of delusion or lack of surety but the woman looked collected as normal. “What kind of a man is he then? Who drugs their own customers for intimidation?” He seethed more so directed at Seokjin than the beauty before him.
Angel glanced quickly to the side ensuring that nobody was close to listen in. “The helping kind. Taehyung, if he was anything like Jungkook you’d be dead by now or he’d never allow you to see me ever again.” Her own heart jumped at the very mention of the idea. “Seokjin would never do what Jungkook did to your sister.”
He tightened his jaw as his stomach twisted and leaped causing an ache in abdomen. “What?”
“I know about the deal.” She whispered. “Seokjin told me as soon as you walked into Sangria House.” Angels’ bottom lip trembled moving one of her hands to caress his cheeks.
“How much did he tell you?” Taehyung swallowed down hard.
“Everything. He always does.” She smiled sadly, brushing her thumb over his temple. “I’m glad you’re okay.” Her smile quickly disappeared however as she halted her actions. “But your sister isn’t.”
“What can I do?” He muttered leaning in closer with the guise of being secretive but really he desperately wanted to close the distance between them. “Please tell me.”
Door opened gently by Jimin who quickly bowed as soon as they walked inside. A rush of cold air flowed through even Belles’ thick cardigan gushing from the air conditioner swirling with the soft linen waft of cologne. Seokjin sat at his table in the middle of writing something out on a paper before he peered through his glasses to see the two figures walk into the room. A calm expression across his handsome features as per usual despite clearly being disturbed in his work.
Belle padded further inside, fingers intertwined with each other and her posture at its perfect stature determined to look her most composed.
Seokjin quickly stretched a smile across his plump lips before standing up as a sign of respect. “Madame Belle, it’s always nice to see you.” He gave her a nod. Eyes flickered over to Jimin who stood politely in the corner looking a bit confused as to what he was supposed to do. “Thank you for escorting our prestige guest here, Jimin.”
It was a kind but clear sign that the lavender adorned male could leave the vicinity for their private conversation.
“Jimin can stay.” Belle glanced towards him before facing Seokjin. “I trust him if you do.”
Silence plunged into the room as both males still attempted to figure out just what Belle was trying to do or say. However Seokjin had to suppress a smirk at a few theories conjuring in his mind. He gestured for the two of them to sit at the vacant chairs.
Jimins’ confused gaze flickered from Belle to Seokjin before quickly closing the door of the office and following the woman to the chairs, sitting down as soon as she did.
Belle brushed away any creases on her dresses as she situated herself on the chair, the chill creating goosebumps on her bare skin.
Seokjin pushed away his blazer careful not to crease the ends as he sat down. Sighing happily, he smiled at the both of them leaning back on the chair. “What can I do for you, Madame Belle? Has Jimin been doing something inappropriate?”
The lavender males’ heart jumped frantically looking over at Belle with wide eyes.
“No. In fact the reason I wanted him here is to thank him…for helping me answer a question I could never wrap my head around.”
“And what question is that?”
Belle searched his expression, heavily impressed with how he could keep such a composure. Deep down she almost worried that her theory might sound silly at the end. “Why would a man with such a heavy security system in his facility—and security guards the size of buildings feel the need to drug a potential threat?” She squinted lightly.
Silence plunged into the room like a welcomed disease as Seokjins’ smile appeared back again even wider. “Well…I have less than glorious methods sometimes but it’s all to protect my beloved angels. Especially my wife.” He explained in the most rehearsed way possible even though they both knew it was merely a dialogue recited many times for people more gullible.
“Angel was never in danger.” The corner of her lip twitched as her goosebumps dialed down through the warmth radiating inside. “Your angels are always safe. At all times. The second something goes wrong, the guards are there in seconds.” Twitching turned into a steady smirk that for the first time Belle did not have to think about or force. “You knew that.”
“Knew what?” Seokjin asked, much to Jimins’ confusion, the man looked utterly pleased with the exchange.
“You knew Taehyung would never do anything to hurt Angel.” Belle shook her head. “You just needed an incident…the perfect incident to get anyone who could carry a simply vial to the Jeon mansion.” She chuckled softly at her own gullibility despite her cried out eyes burning in the harsh cold wind. “The most foolproof infiltration. Make Jungkook’s beloved girlfriend think her brother was terribly sick and sneak a police officer in to play the medic just at the right time.”
The older male grinned brighter than Belle or Jimin had ever seen it. Clearly this was not a dark secret he meant to keep from the woman otherwise the conversation would have turned into something a lot more different. “I must say, Ms. Belle…” Seokjin leaned in and rested his elbows on the table. “I’ve been at this for years now—possibly longer than Jungkook has been leader. Never once did anyone decide to question me or my involvement in traitorous behaviors. Why do you think that is?”
“Because you’re a powerful man.” Belles’ smile faded away for a moment. “They won’t question anything you do even if they know it’s wrong—because you can make them lose everything with a flick of your fingers.” She pursed her lips together. “I’ve already been one of them once…I’m not doing it again.”
Seokjin nodded slowly, noticing how her gaze mended from shattered shards to the woman who was ready to pick all the pieces up and mend herself together. “And who are you now? Mrs. Jeon Jungkook? Kim Taehyungs’ sister? Or Madame Belle?”
It always came down to this, didn’t it?
In a series of mind breaking and heart clenching events, one rushes out of the woods to find themselves wondering if they were the same person who entered in the first place. Was she still the same little sister who desperately wanted her brother to get better? Was she the perfect wife for Jungkook? Or was she the designer striving to be as successful as Saito herself?
Maybe Belle was all of them combined. Or none of them and this was all a sick dream playing out in her head but it couldn’t be.
The path in front of Belle now split into two; a fork awaiting her to step into to lead into a future that might make more sense than this one.
This felt too real. It didn’t feel good or satisfying nor did it make her feel relaxed.
This was real. It was time for her to wake up and draw the curtains on this fantasy.
Sun began moving over to the other side when Belle drove back to the mansion after feeling a significant brush of relief in her body.
For the first time she walked through the door with an air of both confidence and a little fear when her hand caressed her belly. You’re not going to be born in this mess. I promise. Padding across Belle smiled at Jongho who waited politely just at the entrance before returning a smile of his own with a nod.
Inside the main living room, Yoongi paced around biting down his fingernails mostly trying to stop himself from drinking something at the bar. Not that it would help since it was full with fucking apple juice. He wished he bought a coffee earlier but in his past experiences a boost of caffeine almost never helped with stress.
Footsteps made him pause in his tracks. A rush of calm pulsed through him when Yoongi saw Belle walking towards the male. “Jesus fucking Christ…” He whispered padding closer. “You okay?”
The woman stayed silent, completely dried out of tears and Jimin comforted more than enough. Now the only thing left was that feeling of exposure when the truth finally revealed itself. She felt naked in front of it but free from the lies. “I just went out to the Sangria House, I was safe.” Okay was a difficult word to associate with her right now.
Yoongi nodded fingers curling into themselves before he repeated the same action at the payphone.
“Taehyungs’ there too, I’m told.” Belle didn’t get a chance to catch him but she now knew that Seokjin had no intentions of hurting him in the first place. “Where’s Jungkook?”
He gulped, averting his gaze and gesturing towards the stairs. “He—read the report. Hasn’t come out of the room yet.”
Stomach started doing leaps again, fear rising that she might have another episode with her head over the toilet. Belle hummed mulling over her thoughts before leaning into his cheek and pressing a chaste kiss. One couldn’t even truly call it a kiss, just a light press of her soft lips against his burning skin. When she pulled away the woman smiled proceeding to cause more heat to bundle up inside him. “Thank you.”
Yoongi merely breathed out a sigh unable to speak as Belle gently walked past him up the stairs.
He felt the guards’ eyes on him, some of them judging his reddened cheeks while others smirking. Quickly clearing his throat Yoongi bolted towards the guestroom.
In the same gentleness Belle did earlier, opening the door with care peeking inside briefly before completely entering and closing the door behind her. Turning around Jungkook sat at the edge of the bed just as she was the first time they came into the mansion. His head hung, dark locks forming a slight curtain while his hands rubbed his face, light sniffling riddling the air mixing in with the strong stench of tobacco.
Gaze flickered over to the study table to see a few used cigarettes including one still exuding smoke almost halfway used.
The woman winced accidentally taking a big waft when she tried to breathe in causing her to cough and break the silence.
Jungkooks’ head shot up hearing the sound, quickly jumping off the bed and rushing to the study table. Picking the cigarette he roughly pressed it against the ashtray waving the smoke away from the woman. “I’m sorry.” He muttered in a slightly shaky voice.
“For what?” Belle padded towards the bed to her side, placing her bag on the nightstand before carefully sitting at the edge. Her legs melted into the soft surface finally being able to rest physically at least. Lazily she swung them over fully onto the bed after taking her shoes off, shifting back she rested her back on the headboard.
Jungkook leaned on the edges of the table before hanging his head again. “For everything.”
The vague answer was always the easiest.
Belle reached out for the throw blanket and placed it over the bare parts of her legs providing extra comfort and warmth. “You were stressed, I should’ve waited.” She replied simply.
“You shouldn’t have to wait to tell me something like that.” He shook his head finally turning around to face her. “Six weeks.”
“Six weeks.” Belle gulped, fingers beginning to tremble a little. “I had to make sure.”
Jungkook blinked slowly before nodding as he padded over to his side of the room, pushing off his shoes. Sitting against the headboard the male let out a small sigh as he unbuttoned one more button on his white shirt to feel less constricted. “How big would it be right now?”
“Probably the size of a peanut.” She looked down at her belly and instinctively caressed it.
He immediately flickered down at her belly, still unable truly to understand how a human was going to grow in there. Despite the things Jungkook had seen in his life this was going to be the most surreal of them all. “You’re important to me, Belle.” He reached out and placed a hand over her belly. “Both of you.”
Belle moved her fingers over his and caressing the back of his hand slowly.
“Everything’s a mess right now I can’t—” Jungkook sighed leaning on the side of his head against the headboard. “I can’t think straight.” With his biggest den taken down, one after the other like a cruel domino effect his empire seemed lose each of its pillars. At the same time he had to try and pick all the pieces while protecting the standing pillars making his mind curl up into itself. As if a survival mode to get away from extreme stress.
She shook her head, patting his hand. “It’s okay.” Belle whispered knowing the word lost all its meaning a long time ago.
Jungkook tilted his head to search her expression watching the dull sunlight shine onto her locks making them look golden. Like a sailor being allured to the siren, he leaned in and pressed a kiss on her cheek and another on just on the corner of her lips. “I want you to be happy.” Nose nudged against her cheek.
Belle closed her eyes momentarily feeling his hot kisses against her skin, heavy remnants of tobacco on his breath forcing her to breathe through her mouth for a while.
Pulling away, the male shifted to lay his head on Belle’s lap facing her belly and blanket covered thighs used as a pillow. Finger traced at the little creases on the dress from her sited position as Jungkook relished in the scent of her perfume hopefully masking his cigarette riddled one. “It doesn’t matter what happens to the empire.” He whispered, gaze fixated on her belly. “So long you’re both happy…I’d give everything else up.”
Her heart swelled for a brief moment as Belle allowed herself to succumb back into the comforts of his words. His beautiful lies. “Do you promise?” Shaky hand moved to brush through Jungkook’s hair.
His gaze flickered up to meet her glossy one, giving her a soft smile. “I promise.” Jungkook looked back down at her belly caressing her skin through the clothing. “I’ll always keep you happy.”
Belle bit down her bottom lip to suppress the sob being forced out of her, closing her eyes shut tightly to stop the tears but they merely created constellations on the womans’ lashes. Letting out a small sigh she relaxed into his touch, struggling to swallow down the lump in her throat.
Quickly for one of the final times Belle forced herself to stretch a smile across her lips.
I’m not happy.
Cheeks finally cooled down as Yoongi leaned back on the chair of his temporary bedroom, dark as the thick curtains perfectly shielded him from the sunlight. Fingers scratched at the fabric of the armrest not thinking of anything in particular but merely drowning in an empty zone away from reality just for a few moments. He grew accustomed to this feeling after seeing one too many dead bodies of children.
Two knocks rapped on the door before it opened to reveal the senior maid, Nana. “Hello, Master Osamu.” She smiled closing the door behind her and walking further inside to do her usual cleaning starting with fixing his bed up.
Yoongi made it himself but unfortunately not the way that it was usually designed to fit the aesthetic of the house since most of the fancy cushions were on the floor. “Sorry I’ll—” He tried to get up from the chair.
“No no it’s okay. This is my job after all.” Nana chuckled picked up all the cushions and threw them onto the bed to make it easier for her to organize them.
The younger male smiled and relaxed back onto the seat with a light sigh.
“You did well. Helping Mistress Belle like that.” She muttered placing all the bigger pillows close to the headboard then the medium ones just afterwards.
Yoongi chuckled nervously observing her actions and how effortlessly she put everything in place when it took his entire soul to neaten the blanket. “What’re friends for?” He pressed his lips together in a thin line.
Nana smirked, fluffing the larger pillows. “Just friends?”
Eyes widened at the sudden change of tone from the older female making him stammer a little as he spoke.
“I wasn’t born yesterday, boy.” She continued speaking casually while wiping off the collected on the side lamp. “This isn’t just an undercover mission anymore and you know it.”
Yoongi could have sworn his core shivered hearing those words so easily fall from Nana’s lips without a damn care in the world. Glancing over at the door of his bedroom, he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “How did you—”
“I raised Jungkook, you think I wouldn’t be able to see a rat under my nose?” Nana continued to keep her gaze anywhere but the younger male pretending like they were either having a regular conversation or none at all since Yoongis’ tongue seemed to lose its purpose. “Don’t get so scared. I don’t rat police officers out, you’re doing the right thing.” She neatened up Yoongis’ things on the nightstand. “Every king needs to be taught that they can crumble just as easily as a servant.”
Once everything stood in order, Nana stood in front of the male with a bright smile. “And every servant knows when to help the right people. I clean Jungkooks’ office too.” She gave him a bow and turned on her heel to leave the room.
Needless to say Yoongi was heavily reminded of how Namjoon and him were not the only ones who wanted an end to Jungkooks’ reign.
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castleshadows · 3 years
For As Long As We Could
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Casteel has spent the last seven years inside, afraid of stepping out into the world once again. But, when Elashya dies, he finally decides to face his fears to support Kieran in his grief.
CW: Major Character Death
Written June 17, 2021
Casteel watched as the funeral procession made its way past his window, the sky outside trying its best to match the mood with gloomy white clouds that promised a drizzle later in the day. Similarly, the small crowd was cloaked in white, the color of mourning. Only the dead’s closest family and partners wore anything decorative, a small white lily pinned to the breast to represent the innocence restored to the soul of the departed.
He could pick out Kieran easily in the gathering, holding the back right corner of the casket. To anyone else he looked like he had his head tucked against the wind as everyone else did, but Casteel knew him better than that. No, his friend was crying, judging on the way his shoulders shook every couple seconds. It was a surprise to see him so vulnerable in front of that many people, but Cas didn’t judge him for it. In fact, it was a relief to see him finally show some semblance of emotion. The wolven had been so… stoic the past few days. Elashya had been the first bright light in his life in a long time, and that light had gone out so quickly, that it had left Kieran in a state of disrepair so great that he sought to hide it from everyone around him. Including his bonded.
The wind picked up a bit and somebody's hat went flying. Nobody so much as glanced in the object direction as they continued on with their dreary parade through the streets. Casteel could see the graveyard in the distance, and the hole in which Elashya would forever reside. He knew Kieran saw it too by the way the wolven started shaking. Someone beside him, whom Casteel had never seen before, put their hand on Kieran’s shoulder, rubbing it and comforting him until he seemed to calm a bit.
A rogue bit of jealousy flashed through him, and Casteel worked to control it. He and Kieran loved each other very much. Before his… capture, outsiders looking at their relationship would’ve thought they hated each other. They had been constantly at each out, swinging fists at faces for the most minor things. They still loved each other though. Nothing would change that. However, fifty years of two different kinds of torture had changed them both, and he felt like he hardly knew his dearest friend, his partner in crime, anymore. He wanted to get to know him again, badly. But, every time he tried to step even a toe outside of his current comfort zone, something in his mind convinced him that he would end up back in that cage again, being raped and brutalized, his body nor his blood his own.
Casteel shook his head, yanking himself away from that train of thought before he could board it. It had been nearly three months since he’d had a panic attack, and he didn’t wish to restart that timer.
Cas’s eyes left the window and trailed around the small room. When he’d returned, seven years ago almost to the day, he didn’t want to stay in his old rooms. They reminded him too much of her. Every time he set foot in the bedroom he could clearly see her lying on the bed, waiting for him to return. Every time he peeked his head into the bathroom he saw her in the shower, beckoning him to join as she washed her long golden locks. Every time he smelled her leftover scent in the sheets that had not been washed in fifty-seven years, he wanted to vomit. So, he’d requested a different room, one that didn’t feel so big and empty, and one that she had never set foot in.
His gaze snagged on the small wardrobe in the corner, and he pushed his chair back from the desk walking silently over the wood floors. He stopped in front of the cabinet and slowly opened the fancily embellished doors. They creaked slightly, the sound deafening in the quiet room. Inside were all the clothes he’d worn for the past seven years. Ten tunics, ten pairs of breeches, ten pairs of socks, four belts, three coats, two cloaks and a set of boots that were worn and practically falling apart. All of which were some variation of white, brown, or black. Not the most fitting outfits for a Prince, but something about the routine of it comforted him.
He selected a white tunic, the lightest color breeches he had—a sort of light beige—and a black belt. It wasn’t even close to being appropriate for a funeral, but he didn’t have anything formal and white, so these would have to do. Potentially he could borrow some clothes from Kieran’s closet, or some old ones from Jasper, but he was already going outside for the first time in quite a while, and he didn’t know if he could handle more than one new thing at a time.
Casteel shucked off his soft, stretchy trousers and pulled on the light beige ones. He pulled the tunic over his head and buttoned it up, tucking the fabric into his pants. Glancing out the window, he noticed that the parade was near the cemetery. He would have to hurry if he were to make it on time.
Without thinking much about it, Casteel threw open the door to his chambers and stepped out into the cool hallway. He took a minute to let the reality of what he was about to do sink in. Anxiety bubbled up, but he quickly shoved it down, refusing to let his fear get in the way of what Kieran needed. He was going to be there for his brother if it was the last thing he did. A small voice in the back of his tried to convince him it would be, and he paused, letting the voice take over for a minute. And then he was flying down the hallway, not an all out run, but pretty damn close. Slow and steady wasn’t going to cut it here. It was going to be either all at once or not at all.
The walls were a blur as he sprinted through the large estate. There were usually very few visitors at this time of year, and Kirha and Jasper rarely employed servants, so the halls were quiet and empty.
Casteel slowed down near the stairs, trying desperately not to trip. Nothing took the dignity out of one's re-enter into the world like falling face-first down the stairs.
He paused, foot poised above the ground, hand white-knuckling the railing. Turning his head, he met the teary gaze of Kirha Contou. Unlike Casteel, she had known Elashya quite well, and being Kirha, had practically claimed the wolven as one of her own. It was no surprise that she was nearly as upset as Kieran was.
“I didn’t expect you to be out at this time,” she said, her voice soft as if she was afraid she might scare him away. Casteel was afraid he might be scared away too. “Do you need something?”
The silence was the loudest he’d ever heard. He wanted to answer her, but something in him froze. The large parlor suddenly seemed extremely daunting, not to mention outside, where the sky was open and there were no walls to keep him safe. He would have nothing except for the clothes on his back and his own frail body, that still hadn’t built up even a third of the muscle he used to have. Casteel stepped back, away from the door, away from the outside world.
Who was he kidding? He couldn’t do this.
“Cas?” Kirha said again. Her expression was one of love, and she held her hand out in front of her, coming towards him. “I was heading to Elashya’s funeral. Would you like to come?” She cocked her head waiting for an answer.
Steeling himself, he tentatively placed his hand in hers. Casteel would force himself to go if he must. Kieran needed him, and he would be there for his brother. It also helped that Kirha would walk there with him. A comforting presence if he should need it, and he had a feeling he would.
The first steps outside were stressful to say the least, but he kept his eyes fixed firmly ahead, and refused to let himself look at the empty, open sky, or even glance at the few civilians that gawked at him along the street. Eventually he felt their eyes find other places to land on, and he felt a bit lighter, each step less of a challenge than the one before.
Kirha stood by his side the entire time, leading him through what they both knew as the least crowded areas of the city.
Too soon for comfort, the graveyard was in view, and Casteel could see the large amount of people gathered in the middle. It seemed that the eulogy’s had already started and as they grew nearer, he could hear the end of an older man’s speech being delivered. He looked like he could be her father, and it was confirmed when he referenced the dead as his daughter.
Kirha led him through the makeshift pews towards Jasper and their youngest daughter, Vonetta, who waved shyly at him. Kieran sat in the second row just ahead of them, and he seemed to sense Casteel’s prescenese, tensing and turning around to meet his gaze.
His eyes were teary, and there were water tracks all down his cheeks, but he did his best to smile when he saw Casteel, mouthing a quiet “thank you”. Cas nodded to the wolven and then looked towards the podium, where a Priestess stepped up and called the next speaker forward.
“Kieran Contou, partner of the deceased.”
All eyes turned to his brother, and Kieran stood, shakily making his way to the front and thanking the Priestess for the introduction. He stepped up onto the podium and then seemed to freeze, droplets of water starting to build up in his eyes.
Kieran gripped the speech in his hands, looking over the crowd as if they were his death sentence. Tears spilled down his face and Casteel could feel Kirha tense beside him. She very obviously wanted to go to her son, but didn’t know how he would react. He couldn’t blame her. Kieran’s feelings were confusing on a good day, and today was very much not a good day.
Without thinking about what he was going to do, Casteel stood up. Immediately all eyes were on him, but he forced himself to ignore them all except the ones that belonged to his best friend. He made his way out of the aisle, trying not to step on anyone’s feet while still meeting Kieran’s gaze.
He didn’t really remember the walk to the front, only the way his bonded’s eyes, usually full of amusement or boredom or absolute apathy, were completely raw. A window directly into his soul. His friend was vulnerable and practically ripped open for the world to see. And, Casteel couldn’t just stand by and do nothing.
“Do you want me to?” he asked softly, holding out one hand for the piece of paper that contained the handwritten speech.
Kieran looked down at the page and then back at Casteel and repeated the action. Eventually he nodded, shaking as he handed it to his friend. The wolven moved to leave, but Cas wrapped his arm around his shoulders pulling him close and waiting until he relaxed in his grip to speak.
Clearing his throat, Casteel began.
“I did not know Elashya well,” he started in his own words, his voice ringing out stronger and clearer than he’d anticipated, “She and I did not see each other very often and when we did I am ashamed to say that I did not make much of an effort to become acquainted with her… But I can see very clearly from the crowd gathered here today that she was much loved, and I have been told of her kindness and her warm, magnetic personality by my best friend and brother, Kieran Contou.”
The wolven beside him let out a choked sob, and several people in the crowd started to cry along with him. Casteel hugged him tighter.
“I know that he loved her very much, and it is with this love in mind that I read his speech for you today,” he unfolded the piece of paper and started to read about the woman he’d never known, but now wish he had met, “Elashya Fraiser was a bright light in my life—in all our lives—and one that was snuffed out much too quickly… She had such a long life to live, so many things she wanted to do that she was not able to. But I know that if she were here now she would scold me for being so depressing.”
The crowd did not laugh, but several gave small smiles, each remembering something about the deceased. Caseteel paused for a moment, letting the words sink in, and then continued.
“So I will try during this speech not to mourn the life she did not live, but celebrate the one she had,” Casteel watched as many nodded in agreement, “I remember when I first met her. It was at a time when my life was filled with shadows, but they scattered at the first bright smile I saw on her face. That was one of the many things I loved about her. She was always smiling, always looking for a silver lining on every cloud. Her smiles were beautiful, and they made me feel warm inside every time I caught a glimpse.”
He remembered when Shea’s smiles had done that for him. When every glance she made his way made his very soul soar.
“I know what you’re thinking. Every man in love has something cheesy to say about their love’s smile, but Elashya’s was like hot cocoa and a warm blanket on a cold night. Everything about her felt like coming home.”
He had not known Elashya, but his friend's beautiful words made it feel like he had. She sounded like a lovely person, and he really did regret not getting to know her.
“She lit up every room without fail, and made it seem effortless. Even in the last days of her life she stayed positive. Even as her loved ones crowded, teary-eyed, around her bed, saying their final goodbyes, she was able to send them away smiling. Still sad, but at least reassured that she would be okay in the next life. And she will be,” Casteel paused to read the next line, and almost laughed out loud. Even in tough times Kieran found a way to be sarcastic, “If anyone can find something good in being dead it’s Elashya.”
This time there were a couple teary chuckles. Even without looking up, Casteel could sense that many people were in a deep state of nostalgia. He could tell Kieran was too. The wolven had stopped sobbing and though there were still tears running down his cheeks, they were ones not of sorrow, but of a bittersweet kind of feeling. Casteel turned his attention back to the page.
“I’m sorry that my speech is so short, for I fear that if I write any more I will not be able to stop. There is so much about her that I want to share, so much I want to say about the one I loved. The one I still love with all my heart. But, there is a time limit on these, so I will say just one more thing.”
Casteel had told himself at the beginning that he would get through this speech without shedding tears, but reading what Kieran had written about the woman he’d loved was making it pretty damn difficult. He had a way with words that Casteel would never be able to even attempt. And the speech was a painful reminder that he hardly knew anything anymore about his best friend. Kieran had been in love for the first time for the gods sake and he hadn’t been there for him.
Something nudged his side and Casteel opened eyes he hadn’t realized were closed. He blinked away the slight wetness that had been gathering and looked to Kieran, who poked him again.
“Sorry,” he whispered only loud enough for his friend to hear. Kiearn nodded and gestured back to the speech.
“Can I finish?” he rasped.
Casteel handed the page to him, directing him towards where he left off and a second later Kieran was speaking slowly, but surely.
“Elashya and I knew from the moment we fell in love that the end could come any day,” his voice wavered a bit, but he waved Casteel away when he tried to take over, “We knew that it was possible she would die, and I must admit there were times I felt myself falling into hopelessness. There were times where I was tempted to save myself from despair, for I am selfish, and I won’t pretend otherwise.”
Casteel wasn’t sure where this notion came from that he was selfish, for the wolven was one of the most loyal and loving people he knew. But, he didn’t interrupt, only made a mental note to later remind Kieran of the love he held inside him.
“But every moment I was with her has made it worth it. All the pain I have felt the last few weeks has been worth it, and I would endure a million more years of it if it meant I could see her just one last time.”
Casteel felt the same way about Shea. He was deeply ashamed of it, but he could not pretend he didn’t feel the way he felt. He would do anything to have just one more moment with her before. Before she decided she didn’t love him enough to stay with him until the end. But, maybe there was no before. Maybe she’d never felt that way for him. Maybe she’d been stringing him along the entire time. A tear fell out of the corner of his eye, and made a track down his cheek.
“I do not regret a thing and I know she didn’t either. I know that she is watching me now, and I hope that she is proud of me for trying to be at least somewhat optimistic. I admit I’m rather bad at it,” he paused, smiling a bit at his own writing, “But I know that if I were somehow taken back in time with all the knowledge of the heartbreak I was to endure, I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Kieran then looked up, meeting the eyes of everyone in the crowd and setting down the card. The tears in his eyes were coming back in full force and he took a deep breath, looking behind him at that coffin poised beside the empty grave. He looked… he looked lost, but like there was hope that he could be found again. Then, with visible effort he turned away, and held his head high delivering the last line of his speech.
“Because the heart doesn’t care how long you may have someone… It just cares that you have the person for as long as you can.”
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birdsareblooming · 4 years
Amy Rose the Hedgehog/Echidna
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Alright you motherfuckers, Amy Rose is a Hedgehog/Echidna Hybrid and i’m going to prove it to you.
1. The history of Amy Rose
1a. Classic Amy
Amy Rose made her video game debut in 1993's Sonic the Hedgehog CD, as a non-playable character. In this game she is an 8 year old hedgehog girl kidnapped by the new antagonist, Metal Sonic. In the Japanese release, she was primarily known by her nickname Rosy the Rascal, although it is still stated that her real name is Amy Rose. She later appeared as a playable character in several ensemble spin-off games such as Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic the Fighters and Sonic R. She did not appear in any of the early TV series, although she was included in most comics, including the Archie Comics series, the British Sonic the Comic and the French Sonic Adventures. (Via Sonic Wiki)
TLDR; Amy first showed up in comics, although she was created for the video games. As shown above her first video game appearance was Sonic CD. 
Amy Rose was created in response to a request from the character division of Sega's licensing business, who wanted a character that could be the "Minnie" to Sonic's "Mickey" However, it was felt that it would go against Sonic's personality for him to locked into a standard cartoon relationship like Mickey and Minnie. Instead, it was decided that a one-way relationship, where Amy's affection for Sonic is unrequited, would be more interesting ((via Sonic Wiki)) 
TLDR; Amy was created in response to a request to give Sonic a love interest, but feeling that would “Go against his character”, they made it a one-sided relationship.
Why am I letting you know this? Well to be acquainted and understand the significance of MODERN Amy, you need to know CLASSIC Amy.
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Classic Amy had a very different design, although she was still pink, she wore different clothes, has different quills (very important) and is 8. She only showed up in Sonic CD and the comics, pretty much being reduced to a minor character. Even to this day, Classic Amy has no appearance in Sonic Mania (2017), despite having Mighty and Ray, only making an appearance in a holiday episode of Sonic Mania Adventures (2018)
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1b. Modern Amy
When Sonic Team reunited and started work on their three-dimensional follow-up to the classic Sonic games, Sonic Adventure, it was decided they would revive the pink hedgehog and give her a starring role in the game. Like the rest of the returning cast, Amy was given an updated design by Yuji Uekawa. While Sonic, Tails and Knuckles all received minor design changes, Amy's clothing and hairstyle were completely revamped. She also had her entire figure redesigned to make her appear older. In addition to her redesign, her official age was changed from 8 to 12. (via: Sonic Wiki)
TLDR; Amy was brought in as a main character in Sonic Adventure, getting a complete revamp in character design, unlike the other characters who only had minor changes.
Remember this. It will come back later. 
Now we’re to the Amy we know and love! Short cute hair, colors that actually match and don’t look horrific (why is classic wearing green and orange. Whos idea was that) And older, but maybe not too much more mature, Amy Rose. 
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Another note, her design might have been revamped, but her personality wasn’t.
2. Why that Matters
I know what you’re thinking, “why is that incredibly handsome he”-no sorry, “why are we going though the history of Amy? Why does it matter just tell us why you think she’s part echidna?” 
I’m getting there, don’t worry.
I wanted everyone to be extremely clear on her history, on the changes between CLASSIC and MODERN, which is very important to this theory. Not everyone us super aware of her history.
3. Her (modern) Design 
-it was decided they would revive the pink hedgehog and give her a starring role in the game. Like the rest of the returning cast, Amy was given an updated design by Yuji Uekawa. While Sonic, Tails and Knuckles all received minor design changes, Amy's clothing and hairstyle were completely revamped. (Via Sonic Wiki) 
Now, Finally, let’s get to her design, and the weirdness of it. 
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3a. Her quills
Amy is a pink-furred anthropomorphic hedgehog with green eyes and peach skin on her muzzle and arms. Unlike other hedgehogs, her spines are not spiky in appearance - but are rather worn down like that of ordinary hair, somewhat resembling a bob cut. (Via: Sonic Wiki)
I’m going to assume you knew I was getting to this
“Unlike other hedgehogs”, is a totally fair statement. Every other hedgehog we’ve seen (Even non-canon ones with terrible designs ((looking at you sonia))) Have had their quills in a very specific manner.
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Out, Long, and Back. 
Very much in contrast with Amy’s, Down and Short.
Also note that Shadow and Sonic, on their heads, have six quills, silver having two long ones and 5 bang quills. Basically, their quills are layered, Amy’s however, is not. It’s one right next to each other. 
I note the layered quills as very important. Makes sense for mobian hedgehogs right? I mean they have layered quills like that in real life, even if there’s a lot more. 
This is very important why? Because there’s another species that has their quills/spines/hair/etc. right next to each other, instead of layered. 
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Interesting how close it is to Amy’s own hairstyle isn’t it?
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it’s even drawn similarly. 
In conclusion, her quills are VERY strange for hedgehogs, but very average for echidna’s, weird for a hedgehog huh.
3b. Her Back
“What?” You say, confused. 
But listen.
There’s one specific thing that other hedgehogs have, that Amy Rose is lacking.
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Back Quills
None on her back. Absolutely zero.
Again, strange and weird for a hedgehog, not at all strange or weird for an echidna.
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3c. Other stuff
-The top of her red dress looking like a crescent moon, alot like Knuckles’s own on his body. I just noticed this looking at the two ref sheets above. -Might be crazy, but I feel like with the 3D models Amy’s tail is longer than the other hedgehog’s. Might just be me though -Most (normal) hedgehogs we’ve seen like Sonic and Silver have very cool colors like Blue and White, and Echidnas are very centered around reds and oranges. And I mean, Pink is a light shade of red.
4. Hybrids
This will be a quick one, hybrid’s HAVE existed in the sonic universe
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Although an obscure character now, Fang the Sniper has always been a hybrid.
Touma would state on Twitter that he designed Fang with a jerboa (トビネズミ?) motif in his mind.[6] However, the sales departments of Sega decided upon him being half jerboa and half wolf in Japan, and a weasel in North America.[7][8]  (Via: Sonic Wiki)
And, you could be wondering why i’m saying she’s a hybrid and not just an Echidna instead of a Hedgehog. Well, She has the hedgehog ears and eye-shape.
5. The whole picture
I’ve shown you the pieces, now to put it together. 
Each of these things with her new design sepretly would mean nothing, but together it means a lot. 
But you HAVE to be thinking, “There’s no way that was purposeful.” and I get it. When I first thought of this theory, that was the roadblock that kept me from fully believing it, until I did some research. 
I don’t belive it was the idea from the beginning. And by that, I mean CLASSIC Amy.
She looks like a hedgehog, she has back spines, she has normal, layered, quills. As well as Amy debuting before Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (1994)
MODERN Amy, however. Is a different story.
Remember when I told you to remember a certain paragraph?
When Sonic Team reunited and started work on their three-dimensional follow-up to the classic Sonic games, Sonic Adventure, it was decided they would revive the pink hedgehog and give her a starring role in the game. Like the rest of the returning cast, Amy was given an updated design by Yuji Uekawa. While Sonic, Tails and Knuckles all received minor design changes, Amy's clothing and hairstyle were completely revamped. She also had her entire figure redesigned to make her appear older. In addition to her redesign, her official age was changed from 8 to 12. (via: Sonic Wiki)
Amy’s design was changed drastically for Sonic Adventure, even saying so in this paragraph. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles got minor things, like eye colors and more dexterity. Eggman got an outfit change. Amy’s whole body was changed. Quills, Back, Outfit, Everything. 
Once again, you’re wondering, “Why does this matter?”
Amy was completely redesigned for Sonic Adventure. A game that include, features, hell, CENTERS around Echidnas. 
Every flashback is about the Knuckles clan, and how Chaos ended up like that™️ because of them.
In a game where you have a bunch of Echidnas, I, personally, feel like i’d be difficult to make the mistake of 50% of Amy Rose looking like one.
Anyway Amy Rose is an Echidna/Hedgehog hybrid and either doesn’t know or is too dumb to tell anyone thanks by
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stenbrozier · 4 years
Mixed Emotions (Teen!Bill Denbrough x Reader + Teen!Richie Tozier x Reader)
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“Henlo! I couldn't find your masterlist ): so I don't know if you already did something like this, but could I request a hc where Reader is split between Bill and Richie, totally lost and confused because feels like they love both? If you're okay with it of course” - @beauregard-s
Plot: You’ve known Bill and Richie since you were kids, running around in their backyards and playing with water guns. As you grow older, you grow closer to them and involuntarily start to notice how absolutely lovely they both are. You don’t wanna destroy any friendships, but you also don’t wanna suppress your feelings any longer.
Warnings: Slightly NSFW (making out, groping), implied smut, mentions of smoking weed + drinking, a n g s t + swearing
A/N: I ended up making this a fic cause I had trouble with the headcanons, but I hope you still like it ❤️ Aged up to 17!!
Bill laughed loudly as Richie squirted you in the face with a water gun, causing you to drop yours and bring your hands immediately up to your face. You rubbed the water off of your face, trying to rub the sting out of your eye as well but not realizing you were making it worse until it hurt so bad you started to cry. Richie dropped his gun first, coming over to help you get whatever it was out of your eye.
“(Y/N/N), I’m sorry,” he said, his high pitched voice ringing in your ears as you tried to thrash and pull yourself away from him. “Bill, go get Mommy.” Bill ran through the backyard, banging on the glass sliding door before Mrs. Tozier appeared at it and wiping her hands on her apron. She opened the door, and Bill grabbed her hand, pulling her to where you were.
“Mommy,” Richie yelled loudly as he pointed at you, still crying and wiping your eyes. Mrs. Tozier ran right to your side, gently prying your hands away from your eyes as she saw the redness that took over your eye.
“Okay, Honey, can you blink?” she asked as you nodded, still blubbering as she softly blew into your eye. After a few minutes, you were able to blink without it stinging and your sniffling had stopped.
“Richie, you’re mean,” you mumbled as you pulled away from Mrs. Tozier going to sit next to Bill on the little porch swing they had. Mrs. Tozier has offered you and Bill to come over for a play date, and you guys usually loved being with one another and nothing and ever happened; however, Richie was being a bit of a “meanie”, as you would call it, and had shot you with a devilish grin on his face. His mom had him in time out, sitting on the stool at the corner of the porch while you cuddled up to Bill on the swing. You guys swung a bit, trying to sneak a conversation with Richie while his mom counted down the minutes of his punishment while she made you guys dinner.
Mrs. Tozier poked her head out of the glass door and curled her finger in a “come here” motion. She whispered something in his ear, patting his shoulder as she slipped back inside. Richie sprinted over the swing, hopping on it and causing it to rock back into the house, a smile dancing on his lips. He threw his arms around you as the swing swung back and forth, mumbling “I’m sorry” over and over again into your neck until you accepted his apology. You stayed snuggled up to Bill, and Richie wrapped himself around you. Bill’s stomach rumbled, and you giggled at the weird, moaning sound it emitted.
“You g-guys are my b-best friends,” Bill confessed after the fit of giggles that you set off. You smiled up at him, hugging him closer as you felt Richie reach his arms around to hug you both.
You and Richie sat on that same porch swing, now 17, getting ready to live your last summer together before college. You had slept over the night before to avoid the inevitable chores your parents would’ve given to keep you away from the Losers, the friend group that had been growing ever since you were five. They didn’t like the most recent additions, addition being Bev and recent being about four years ago, and they only really liked the four original boys that you’d met through the playground and school. Bill, Richie, and you had known each other since diapers because of your moms meeting at the park while you were all playing. Stan and Eddie were the two you had acquired in kindergarten, noticing their reluctance to reach out. You decided to reach out to them, Bill and Richie tagging along and getting closer to them than you were.
However, making new friends had never separated the original trio. You and Richie were inseparable still, his outgoing personality a perfect match for yours. He had grown up a lot over the years, towering over you, and everyone, at 6’3 with skinny arms and legs. His face had thinned out and his chiseled cheek bones made every girl fawn over him, though none of them cared to admit it. None of them but you, that is.
You had developed a crush on him over the years. Truly, you think it’s more of you just finding him super hot and wanting to make out with him once or twice, but you still thought that there was some sort of attraction there. You knew that you wanted something with him, but you didn’t know what. You were pulled out of your thoughts with Bill sitting on your opposite side of the swing, throwing an arm around you and kissing the crown of your head. You looked up at him, his soft green eyes meeting yours.
Now, Bill was the one you knew you had a crush on. He had been your rock for so many years, had given you so much hope and love that you didn’t know what to do with it. When you were younger, you had always kinda liked Bill: the 5’7 boy with pretty green eyes and wispy brown hair that held you while you cried and let you stay over his house for weeks at a time. Everything with Bill was always so domestic feeling, while everything with Richie was fast paced and “live fast, die hard.”
You sat in between them both, shutting your eyes and leaning your head back as you basked in the soft breeze and low humidity. Suddenly, you heard the crash of the Tozier’s metal gate hitting the fence right next to and it jolted you out of your comfort. Bev and Eddie walked in first, Eddie mumbling to himself about the heat as he slathered on what looked, and smelt, like sunscreen.
“What the fuck,” Richie said loudly as he gestured towards the fence where Mike and Ben were walking in from. Ben closed the gate softly and you furrowed your eyebrows.
“Where’s Stanny?” you asked, looking around confused as Eddie shrugged his shoulders. From beside you, Bill began to speak.
“S-stan said he’d be a b-b-bit late. H-his dad nee-needed him to r-run some err-errands.” Everyone nodded, taking their seats on the wooden porch as you scooted closer to Bill so Eddie could squeeze in next to Richie. Richie looked over at Eddie with a look of adoration, and you stifled a laugh. Of course Richie loved Eddie and not you. It might’ve made your heart sink a little in your chest, but it was easier for you to now decide who to go after.
Or so you thought.
That night, after drinking and getting high in Richie’s backyard while his parents were away, you couldn’t stop thinking about his dark, curly hair or Bill’s nonstop attention on you. You had slept over Richie’s again, not wanting your parents to see you so inebriated. Richie was still wearing off the effects of his high, cuddling up to your side as a movie played on the VCR that his parents had in the living room. He was rambling on about how pretty everyone had looked today.
“Did you see Eds’ hair?” he asked incredulously. “It was so blonde today. Maybe it was the sun, but...” He snuggled closer to you, his head finding it’s way into the crook of your neck. Your heart raced at how close he was. Yeah, you guys had cuddled before, but this just felt different. You were about to reach out and grab his hand, but then soft snoring filled your ears.
“Fuck,” you mumbled, feeling his hands move to splay over your hip and pull you closer. You were in deep, for the both of them.
The loud party music from inside the house made you whine as you cuddled into Richie’s side, one of his arms around you and the other around Eddie. Richie looked down to you at the small noise, rubbing your shoulder and covering your other ear as he realized you were sensitive to the sound.
“Richieee,” you whined loudly as you clawed at his chest. “Take me home.” You gave him puppy dog eyes as he shook his head, making you pout in despair.
“I can’t just take you home,” he said softly into your ear, leaving a kiss on your temple before continuing to talk. “Eds and Bill need a ride home, too, and only Mike and I have cars.”
You looked over to where your tipsy mind last remembered seeing Mike, and he was still over there, watching over the very drunk Stan and Bev, both of which who were screaming along to the music. Bill was with them before noticing you looking in that direction, and he staggered over to you. He sat down next to you, pulling you from Richie’s grasp and holding you in his lap. Your arms went around his waist, and you stuck your head into his neck.
“Y-you tired, (Y-Y-Y/N)?” he asked softly, seeming almost sober. He hadn’t had anything to drink that night, but he did have a joint or two and his eyes were a pinkish color. “We sh-should get R-Rich to take us ho-ho-home.”
“I already tried,” you said with a bite in your voice, sighing as you snuggled into him. “He’s just being an asshole.”
“L-let’s walk h-home,” he said softly, standing up before leaning down, motioning toward his back. You shook your head ‘no’, Bill’s face falling slightly at your rejection. “O-okay, then. Y-you just g-gonna wait for R-Richie?”
“Yeah, I was gonna sleep over again,” you mumbled softly, sighing when you looked into his sad green eyes. “My parents can’t see me like this.”
“Y-yeah, I-I guess th-they c-c-can’t,” Bill answered, giving you a tiny wave before going around to the Losers and saying his goodbyes. Your eyes met his again as he walked out the side gate of the yard, slamming it behind him as his shoulders slumped. Richie tapped your shoulder, opening his arm and letting you snuggle into his side. Eddie has run off to dance with Bev and Stan, and you snickered at him tripping over his own feet.
“Why’d Bill leave?” Richie asked you, looking down at you before running his hand over the top of your head and kissing your forehead gently.
“He said that he wanted to leave,” you said back, leaning up into the kiss, the slight upward movement with you head cause your brain to feel like it sloshed around in your skull. You groaned, cuddling into Richie again as he sighed.
“I’ll go get Eddie.” He squeezed your waist before standing up and walking over to a stumbling Eddie. Stan and Bev came running up to him with Eddie, Stan fussing with the collar of Richie’s shirt. A few minutes later, Eddie was trailing behind Richie with a pout on his face and a hand on Richie’s shoulder, steadying himself. Richie picked you up by the waist, holding his arm there until he could get you to the car. You weren’t completely drunk anymore, the three or four beers had started to wear off, but you were still a little high from the joint or two that Bill had smoked near you and blew into your face.
“Rich?” you mumbled as he got into the car, checking the backseat to make sure Eddie was okay while you sat next to him in the passenger’s seat. He hummed, looking back at you with a tiny smile on his face. “Can I sleep with you in your bed tonight instead of on the couch? So we can cuddle?” He chuckled lightly, nodding his head and placing a hand on your thigh to gently squeeze it.
“Of course, doll,” he answered back softly, pulling away and starting the car. He drive to Eddie’s first. His mom was away for the week so that meant he could let loose a little and not worry about consequences.
“Bye Eds,” you said with a soft smile, Richie helping him inside. You could see Eddie’s bedroom light turn on, and you knew that Richie was helping him get ready for bed in a calm manner. You knew Richie wouldn’t have left him there by himself because of how caring and loving he was towards his friends, but Eddie didn’t like sleeping at other people’s houses besides Bill’s. You sat and watched the lights in the house turn on and off as Richie went into a left other rooms, probably getting Eddie water and Aspirin for the morning. A few moments later, all the lights shut off, and the front door opened, Richie’s lanky body walking out of it with a bit of a tired limp. He came into the car, sighing and sitting down in the driver’s seat.
“He’s tiring when he’s drunk,” Richie said with an exaggerated sigh, looking over at you with a smile on his face. You smiled back, noticing the glimmer in his eye when you did. He traced his eyes over your body quickly, not caring that you knew he was doing it. He sighed heavily, turning around in his seat and starting the car back up, putting his hand on your thigh and squeezing. You cleared your throat, looking down at his hand.
“R-Richie-“ He cut you off with a chuckle.
“I see the way you look at me,” he said softly, turning the corner onto his street. “The cuddling, the eyes. It might not mean more than just you think I’m attractive, which is fine, but-“
“Richie, I have a crush on Bill,” you blurted out, watching the way his face went from confident to skeptical as he pulled up the front of his house.
“Well you’re staying the night,” he started, taking his hand from your thigh as you both got out. He came around to your side of the car, caging you in against it as you looked at him with wide eyes. Richie’s face was inches from yours, and he raised his eyebrows. “Can...can I-“
You didn’t give him the chance to finish before you leaned up and planted your lips onto his hungrily, the only illumination being the streetlight across the street that was flickering on and off incessantly.
“Inside?” you mumbled against his lips. He nodded, lifting you up so you could wrap your legs around his waist. One of his hands was kneading your ass, the other fishing for his house key since his parents were away visit Went’s parents for the weekend. He unlocked the door with you still in his arms, slamming it shut and running up the stairs before you even realized you were inside. Richie threw you on his bed, slipping off your shoes aggressively as he pushed his off.
“Mm, you’re so pretty like this,” Richie mumbled as he climbed on top of you, kissing your neck gently as he messed with the bit of your bra strap that was peeking out of your shirt. He hungrily kisses your lips as he reached under your shirt to undo your bra, earning a moan from you. He decided to pull off your shirt first, smiling at you as you sat up and raised your arms above your head. He admired for you for what felt like hours, eyes tracing down your body as he smiled gently.
“You gonna get me naked and fuck me, Tozier?” you teased, brining one of your hands up to softly run against his chest.
“You...you have a crush on Bill, though. I should...I should-“
“Don’t stop,” you begged loudly, tightening your legs around his hips. “I want you right now. Please?” Your puppy dog eyes had Richie melting immediately. He growled, ripping off his shirt before working on getting you naked, the whole time trailing kisses down your body, worshipping you.
“Are you sure?” he asked one last time, looking deep into your eyes as he massaged his hand over your side.
“Yes, Rich,” you begged, writhing underneath him. “Please.” He dove into your lips, kissing them and nipping at them, his hands roaming as you arched into his touch.
You woke up to a soft creaking, and you felt arms tighten around you right after it. You looked up to see the underside of Richie’s face, his jaw clenching at the same sound that had awoken her.
“Rich, are you-“ Bev’s voice rang through the room and stopped abruptly, noticing you in bed with him. You jolted upright, wrapping the comforter further around you as Richie groaned at your sudden movement and Bev’s voice.
“I’m up, I’m up,” he said groggily, his arm still around your waist as he sat up with you. “Get out so we can get dressed.”
“W-we?” Bill asked as he barged into the room. His face dropped into a scowl when he saw you there, and he mumbled something to himself before walking out of the room. His pounding footsteps could be heard going down the staircase and out the front door.
“Can...can you guys wait for us outside?” you meekly asked, rubbing your hands over your face as you heard the retreating footsteps. “Richie, I fucking told you we shouldn’t have done this.”
“Babe, you weren’t complaining,” he says with a cocky tone. “Besides, it’s not like you’re dating Bill.”
You leaped out of his bed at that, grabbing your jeans and underwear off the floor and sliding them on. You searched for you shirt angrily, not being able to find it, so you went into his drawers and pulled out one. You threw it on, tying it up in the back since it was a little long. He came up behind you, softly placing his hand on your shoulder before you jerked away.
“I have a crush on Bill,” you said with a bit of bite in your voice. “Not you, Richie. Bill. And I can’t believe I slept with you!”
“(Y/N), you wanted-“ Richie’s voice was calm and collected, the complete opposite of your abrasive and loud voice.
“I fucking know I wanted it, asshole,” you screamed. “But I want Bill. I want everything with Bill. I’m sorry if you have feelings for me, but they’re not reciprocated.”
You grabbed your shoes from for the floor, slipping them on before you marched out of Richie’s house angrily, passing all of the Losers. Bill sat on the curb outside the house, and he gave you a sad look as you passed him.
“Wh-where are you g-going?” he asked confused, gesturing towards the others.
“Home,” you yelled back. “I’ll see you guys later.” You felt Bill’s eyes on the back of your neck as you walked away. The sound of Richie’s front door slamming made you look back again. You saw him run his hand through his hair as he searched for you, but by the time he had looked over to where you were walking, you had turned onto the next block.
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stainandscribble · 4 years
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Pairing: Kim Jongin (EXO KAI) / Reader ft. EXO
Genre: EXO Coffee Shop AU; fluff; one shot
Summary: You and Jongin are long time friends, but it is only after college ends that you realise your feeling for one another. After a little accident to one of your mutual friends in his café, you bond over matchmaking and realise that your perfect match is closer than you realise. The best kind of love stems from trust, or so you’ve heard. 
Who will be the one to make the first move?
Word Count: 5134
Autumn winds battered against your window as they blew. Today was the first day you turned on your heating, and so you were nice and cosy as you sat on your beanbag, in the corner of your bedroom. Your laptop lay on your lap, showing the new episode of the Chinese drama you and Yixing were currently watching. Despite the sound in your headphones, a comfortable silence shrouded your room. 
The reason why you were not laying in your bed under your duvet, was because it was currently occupied by no other than your best friend.
Jongin lay in your bed, his dark skin turning golden in the dim light of your desk lamp, a stark contrast to your pristine white sheets. He looked cosy, coffee coloured eyes scanning the screen of his laptop as he bopped his head to the music in his headphones. 
Every once in a while you peeked a glance at him, admiring the look of concentration he was sporting, a serious look on his face, as his eyes sharpened. Jongin’s lips were set in a hard line as he continued looking for songs for the new playlist. 
That had been his task tonight, and he had set to work the moment he finished eating dinner with you. As he lay in your bed, he was still dressed in his work clothes; a white collared button-up and black slacks. 
He turned to look at you, watching for a moment as your eyes scanned the screen, and you focused in an attempt to understand everything the actors were saying. 
You were so occupied, that you did not notice as he called your name, softly at first, with a smile on his face, and the louder. Finally, he had lost his patience, sending a pillow flying across the small room, hitting you in the shoulder. You paused the show and yanked out your earphones. 
"What?" You asked, looking up at Jongin, as he stared at you, not breaking eye contact.
"Help me choose the new playlist. Please." He requested.
"I thought you didn't need help. You're a dance major after all." You asked him, and he looked back at his laptop before turning back to you. He gave you a small smile, sweet like honey as he patted the space beside him. 
"It doesn't matter. It's for Black Pearl." 
"Fine." You agreed, leaving your laptop on top of the beanbag as you go up and lay down beside him. 
The first thing you noticed when you lay down was the smell of coffee that permeated your sheets. It was a familiar smell, warm, earthy and energising. The scent of fresh coffee was even stronger when you turned your head to look at Jongin. His cheeks dusted pink as he noticed how close you were next to each other. Close enough that he could smell the lavender perfume you always used. 
You, on the other hand, could smell nothing but coffee, silently cursing him out for not changing out of his work clothes. You had just put on fresh sheets, and you were happy that you would fall asleep in crisp lavender smelling duvets, thanks to your mother giving you a lavender and magnolia laundry detergent.  
You noted, that tonight, you were going to fall asleep in bedsheets that smelled like coffee and caramel; that smelled like Jongin. 
He has been your best friend for four years. You came from the same small town, from the same high school, and came to the same university. He was a year older and graduated a year earlier. Since you were considering the same University your friends had helped you get in touch with him, and since then you had been friends. Your dreams were wildly different, he was a dance major, and you had ended up pursuing a language degree in mandarin. Now four years down the line, you were about to graduate, and he had already graduated and was now working in Black Pearl, the local coffee shop owned by his friends. From time to time he still danced. He was a backup dancer in a few music videos and had been a dance tutor last summer.  
The first song he played was a rock ballad, warm and relaxing, and you had closed your eyes imagining how it would feel playing in Black Pearl rather than your small room with the lights dimmed. You had imagined Jongin, swaying lightly to the song, nursing a cup of Viennese coffee as the song played. 
“Do you like it?” Jongin asked, prompting you to open your eyes and look at him, his head was turned to you, warm eyes gazed into your own, a happy twinkle ever-present in the rich earthy hue. His full lips turned up in a soft smile. 
“I think it’s a nice song.” You replied, and he moved on to play another one. 
“I really like this one.” He told you, playing another song, this time it was a chill R&B track. You listened, sneaking glances at the way Jongin’s coffee eyes turned into crescents when he smiled as he enjoyed the song. As you were eyeing him, enjoying the ambience in the room, Jongin turned his head, lips halfway through a word, as his eyes met yours. Shocked, you both laughed, the cacophonous sound bouncing off the walls as Jongin fell back into the pillows.  
“You should put it in.” You told him between deep breaths as you tried to stop laughing. Your laughing was broken by the sound of Jongin’s phone ringing. He didn’t manage to answer it, but after a moment, he started putting away his laptop.
“I’m going to go now, Sehun is asking when I’m coming home.” He told you, a hint of disappointment carried with the lilt of his voice. You watched him gather his things and put on his coat. You got up to walk him to the door.
“Be safe.” You told him as he stepped through the threshold, the cold air making the hair on your arms rise. 
“Good night!” He called as he stepped out, a cheerful smile playing on his lips, despite the dissatisfaction swimming in his coffee coloured eyes.  
As the door closed behind him, you realised that maybe, you didn’t want him to leave.  
That night, as you fell asleep in your bed, sheets still smelling like coffee and caramel, you dreamt of warm brown eyes looking down at you, and of a boy with caramel-coloured skin who didn’t leave.
Black Pearl was packed today, filled with students bustling in and out, and all tables were occupied by stressed students. It just so happened you and your friend were two of those students. It was also unfortunate that you were the two customers bringing attention to themselves. You laughed, your friend’s coffee now all over the table, and now also all over her notes. The paper fell apart as the two of you tried to salvage something, but it was useless. 
“Oh, no. Is everything alright?” Jongin had rushed to your table, visibly worried as he heard the crying mixed with your laughter. He had some tea towels in his hands and promptly began wiping the spillage. 
“Yeah, just a little accident. Nothing big.” You reassured him, smiling at him as you helped him wipe the coffee. He had rushed off to get a bin to put the papers in, watching from the corner of his eye as you patted your friend on the shoulder, trying to calm her down. He walked over to you, bin in hand as he passed staring customers.
“Don't cry.” His deep voice reverberated through the air, startling you as you jumped to your feet. 
“It’s okay Jongin. Don’t worry about it. She’s just stressed.” You patted your friend as he put the destroyed paper into the bin. 
“Call me if you need anything.” He rested his large hand on your shoulder, and you noticed that he had kept it there for a moment longer than necessary, smiling at you lightly as his eyes flickered down to your friend. You nodded, putting your hand over the one he held on your shoulder, squeezing his fingers lightly, signalling for him to let go.
As he walked away, you could feel the weight of the eyes that rested on you and hear the low buzz of jealous whispers. You paid them no mind, too preoccupied with your work and your miserable friend. 
“All my work is ruined.” She wailed, pulling out her laptop from her bag.
“You had most of that memorised anyway. Don’t worry too much about it.” You told her, pulling out your Chinese art notes for one of your electives. 
Jongin returned to your table, a sweet smile on his lips, his eyes twinkled playfully as he brought back the scent of fresh coffee and sweetness that surrounded him like a cloud, and you were reminded that now, it was also the smell of your sheets. Which of those girls could say Jongin stayed in their bed and showed them his favourite song? There was no point in getting angry, you were adults, and you found their childish jealousy and gossip juvenile. 
“Do you want anything?” He asked, taking a glance back at his co-workers, who returned his smiles, as they watched him do whatever they had sent him to do in the first place. 
“Get me a Vienna.” You told him, smiling at him as you looked up from your notes. He gave you a sweet smile in return, before turning to your friend.
“Can I have a double espresso?” She asked a little sheepish. 
“Espresso and Vienna coming right up.” He told both of you, and just as he was about to leave, you looked up from your notes again, remembering that you had really wanted to go up and get a snack. Now that Jongin was offering, you wanted to use the advantage of getting free pie. 
“Can I get two slices of pumpkin pie as well?” you asked, smiling up at Jongin, enjoying the attention he was giving to you, and the innocent look in his eyes as they turned around at your request. 
“Sure.” Jongin smiled, running a hand through your hair playfully, messing it up, before walking away. 
Have at it, you thought, as the whispers resumed, and the weight of angry eyes fell on you once more. You watched as Jongin retreated, his large form towering over the tables as he walked. You caught him turning his head to look at you, before sending you a wink, and you winked back. 
After work was over, all of Black Pearl staff sat enjoying hot coffee and chocolate, as well as the pizza Junmyeon had ordered for everyone. Tonight, they were having an actual meal together, sitting as a group at joint tables, talking and smiling as a complete nine. Faint rock ballads played in the background, mixed in with R&B. Jongin had, much to his satisfaction, caught Chanyeol bopping his head and swaying to the music, and even Yixing was happily bopping his head as he ate his pizza. 
"How does everyone like the new playlist?" He asked, and in response, a chorus of compliments erupted, drowning the music with its volume.
"It's nice. Good job." Junmyeon had praised, sipping on his coffee and patting him on the shoulder.
"Y/N helped me." Jongin added, feeling proud of the fact that it had been a joint effort, and that it could be called a success. Sehun gave him a knowing look, and Jongin shrank back in his chair slightly, as much as he could with his height, feeling the heat travel up his neck and to his face. 
"Did you sleep over again?" Baekhyun asked, raising his eyebrows suggestively, earning a laugh from Chanyeol. 
"He was about to, I texted asking him if he’s coming home." Sehun answered for him, stealing another slice of pizza from the box. He glanced at Jongin, catching his eyes before giving him a cheeky grin. 
"Why?" Jongdae asked, looking over at the two youngest ones with soft eyes. 
"I just wanted to see." Sehun shrugged, a laugh causing his shoulders to shake.
"Can you leave him and his girlfriend alone?" Kyungsoo muttered, sipping on a cappuccino. 
"She..." Jongin started, but sighed, giving up instead. 
"She's not my girlfriend." He deflated a bit and hoped that his friends could not hear the hint of disappointment in his voice. Yixing nodded, catching onto the unsaid emotions in his tone, and the way Jongin’s eyes fell onto his plate, refusing to look them in the eyes. 
"I don't buy it. They spend more time than me and my girlfriend." Baekhyun laughed, breaking the tense silence that settled over Black Pearl.
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Jongin repeated, his throat constricted as he spoke.
“Not yet.” Chanyeol’s voice boomed, breaking the silence, giving Jongin a slither of hope. 
“You are clearly too shy to ask her out directly.” Jongdae pointed out, his tone making Jongin blush in embarrassment. 
“Why not do it indirectly?” Minseok suggested, leaning in for another slice of pizza. “Ask her out for a couple of drinks, maybe a nice dinner, something you would have usually done, and then see how it goes; if you gain courage it’s a date.” He smiled at the younger, giving Jongin some courage.
“If you don’t it’s just an outing.” Jongdae nodded, leaning back in his chair with a cat-like grin. 
“How am I meant to do that?”
“Double date then?” Sehun piped up, and all eyes darted at him, eight pairs of them, boring into him with surprise and curiosity. He rolled his eyes, pointing an accusing finger at Jongin.
“I’m going out for dinner and then drinks. You should come to join us in Love Shot.” He told his friend, and he nodded along, Kyungsoo and Minseok giving him approving smiles. 
“Inconspicuous enough but can turn into something romantic.” Jongdae spoke, head resting against his hand on the table, eyeing his caramel-skinned friend with warm eyes.
“Wasn’t your set-up date in Love Shot? Baekhyun asked, eyes playful as a cheeky grin spread across his face.
“And it worked.” Sehun answered, his voice filled with pride as he straightened up in his chair. 
Mira, your friend who now sported a crush on Junmyeon, and who was also your roommate, now sat on the couch, cuddled into your side with a pout on her lips. Jongin watched from his space on the armchair on your left. His eyes were soft, but a playful smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He had dressed out of his work clothes and put on a different button-up, this time an expensive black one. He even styled his hair back lightly. 
“What do you think of Junmyeon?” He asked, leaning against the armrest, eyes boring curiously into Mira. 
“I think he’s nice.” She replied. Her voice was quiet and unsure, and even you could see the blush rising on her cheeks, as she resisted the urge to cover her face. 
“She thinks he’s hot.” You supplemented, decided to be straightforward with Jongin. You and Mira had already gossiped about the man, and you had found, much to your delight, that your friend was now harbouring a crush. 
“Y/N!” She shrieked in protest, pushing you away lightly.
“I’m just stating a fact.” You turned to her, giving her a playful wink before she settled back against your side. You draped your arm over her shoulder, relaxing before you were going to head out with Jongin. 
Sehun and his girlfriend wanted to go to Love Shot tonight, and because they didn’t want to go alone they invited Jongin and you. 
“Why don’t I get a hug?” Jongin complained, dark eyebrows arcing suggestively at you, and you shrugged, raising your eyebrow as well.
“Do you feel left out?” You asked, and he leaned closer, playful smirk still present. 
Before he could answer with something snarky, his phone rang. He answered, telling whoever was on the other end of the line that you were leaving now and that you’ll be there soon. You assumed it was Sehun, who probably got there already. 
“Ok. We’ll get going now.” You rose from your seat as Jongin put on his shoes.
“Both of you? You live here.” Mira asked, pointing a finger at you. You smiled, feigning innocence, as you slipped your shoes on. You had dressed a little better than usual tonight since Jongin and Sehun were quite stylish, you didn’t want to stick out like a sore thumb in the group. 
“I promised to go out for drinks at Love Shot tonight.” You told her, walking out into the corridor to put on your shoes and inspect yourself in the hallway mirror one last time. 
“Just drinks?” She raised an eyebrow, eyes flicking momentarily to Jongin as he adjusted his coat and fixed his hair. You nodded. You already had dinner here, and you knew that Sehun’s girlfriend took him out to dinner earlier. 
“If you need to, sleep at Jongin’s.” Mira told you, smiling brightly as you stepped out into the cold, Jongin following right behind you. 
“Yes, mum.” He called, sending a wink her way, one you didn’t see, before he closed the door and began leading you to Love Shot.
Love Shot’s dark hardwood and plush velvet did not change since the summer. The crystal chandeliers still dangled glass tears and refracted light in all directions. The lighting, dim and warm, was very much intimate, and without the neon and fairy lights you were used to from student clubs, it felt more mature, more formal. When you arrived, Jongin had led you to a booth before disappearing with both your coats. Before he came back Sehun and his girlfriend had come in, and you had greeted both of them before Sehun left in the same direction as Jongin.  
It took them a few minutes to come back, as the two men did so together. Sehun shot a glance in Jongin’s direction, before sending his girlfriend a wink. Jongin sat beside you, the booth proving smaller than you anticipated as the two tall friends occupied it, which resulted in you being pressed up lightly against Jongin’s side, knees touching and his shoulders hovering over you. You noticed that Sehun’s girlfriend was in a similar position, except that she openly enjoyed being pressed up against her boyfriend. 
“How did your exam go?” Jongin asked, forcing your attention to turn back to him. 
“Not as well as I hoped. I can only blame myself.” You answered truthfully. You hadn’t actually studied for this subject, mainly because you didn’t divide your time efficiently.
“You can’t be always giving a hundred percent.” He told you, honey dripping off his voice as his brown eyes gazed deep into yours. You were so close to each other you could feel Jongin’s breath against your hair as he spoke to Sehun. 
Soon, the two left again, only to go grab some drinks. 
Jongin came back with a gin and tonic and a bellini, knowing you liked sweeter stuff. He pressed up against you, now more comfortable than before, and casually draped his arm behind your head, the same way you saw Sehun do it from the corner of your eyes. You allowed yourself to relax into him, 
For the rest of the night, you sipped on various cocktails, and by the time your little group left, you were definitely tipsy. 
You ended up on a stroll through the old city centre, filled with narrow alleys and cobbled stones. The streetlamps were a replica of the ones put there in the late eighteen hundred’s, and between the intimate lighting of Love Shot, and the orange glow of streetlamps, you had realised a tiny titbit of information your brain had previously ignored; Jongin had taken you on a double date. 
Shy at the realisation, and a little unsure if it was true, you walked side by side, strolling casually through the old town square, cold wind painting rosy colours over your cheeks. Jongin and you fell a couple of steps behind Sehun, giving you a sense of intimacy between the two of you. 
Jongin looked over at you, smiling when your eyes met his deep brown ones. He had spent the whole evening keeping himself close to you, making his feelings known through subtle gestures like draping his arm behind your back and keeping you pressed against his side. Now, as you walked through the streets, he would bump your hand with his, letting his fingers brush against your skin. You didn’t protest, and instead maintained the small distance between you, instead of moving away. 
Finally, as his fingers brushed your hand again, you took his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers, a small smile etched on your lips as Jongin stared at you in awe. He felt the slight chill of your fingers and his larger hand enveloped your smaller one, warming it up and protecting it from the chilly night air. 
“I think I love you.” Jongin whispered, his voice low and trembling. His wide eyes were full of the kind of innocence that came only when coupled with sincerity, and he felt his heart rattle against his ribs in the aftermath of his sudden confession. 
“I think I love you too.” You confessed. Unlike Jongin's voice, yours' did not tremble; a stark contrast to the shaking of your hands as you spoke. The adrenalin in your blood kept you warm, bringing blood to your already flushed cheeks. 
“Want to sleep over at mine?” Jongin asked, almost as if there had been no confession, but his eyes were pleading, and you could see the fear of rejection glinting somewhere deep inside. 
“Sure.” You said, a smile pulling at your lips, and you squeezed his hand in reassurance, urging him to catch up to Sehun.
That was how you ended up in Jongin's oversized t-shirt, your bodies tangled up in his sheets as you slept off the alcohol, pressed up against his side. Warm and safe.
The morning greeted you with the sound of your alarm and Jongin’s arms caging you to stop you from leaving. You rolled over to face him, his eyes puffy and barely open gazed at you and blinked once before Jongin sighed and wrapped his arms tighter around you. 
“Come on, I need to go home and then get to class.” You prompted, not wanting to leave, but today’s module was mandatory, and you had to attend every lesson because some administrative demon decided attendance was counted to your module grade. 
“Five more minutes.” He mumbled, voice deep and hoarse from sleep and the hungover you didn’t doubt was not haunting him. 
“Fine.” You muttered, relaxing in his embrace, full of the smell of coffee and cologne. If you had closed your eyes for even a moment, you would have fallen back asleep and not attended your lectures, but you refused. Instead, you took in Jongin’s messy hair, now a pretty caramel hue, lighter than the deep black he had before. It had softened his features and the morning sunlight bounced off of single hairs in a ripple of gold.
You glanced at the clock on the opposite wall, noticing that five minutes have passed, and wriggled out of Jongin’s embrace. 
“Times up.” You announced, smiling down at the drowsy man. 
Dismayed, Jongin got out of bed and walked over to the kitchen. You followed him. The first thing he did was make you both coffee in the Moka pot on the stove. 
You pulled out two bowls and poured yourself some cereal standing on the side of the little round table in his kitchen. He handed you the jug of milk, and sat down, making his cereal. 
When the coffee was ready, he handed you a cup and turned back to the stove, next to which stood a pack of stroopwafels, the ones with caramel in the middle. He offered you one, placing it on top of your cup. 
You enjoyed your morning in silence, as you sipped on your coffees and got dressed. Luckily you had a change of clothes at his from the time your washing machine broke and you did your laundry at his. 
The peaceful, comfortable ambience of the morning was destroyed just as you were about to leave. Jongin stood beside you, putting his coat and shoes on, ready to go to work, as you opened the door. 
“Wait!” He called out, startling you. He walked over, caressing your cheeks softly as he gazed down into your eyes. His hands were soft, a small smile playing on his plush lips. His hands moved from your cheeks to your waist, pulling you closed to his body, as his lips pressed into yours. 
You don't notice the door shutting behind you. 
Your eyes closed, feeling only the foreign warmth and softness, as he began moving his lips against yours, gently, as you reciprocated the kiss, your hands finding their way around his waist.  Your heart beats in your ears, and you want more, and so you move, a little hesitant, but you move closer to his body, wrapping your hands tighter around his waist so that your fingers are wrapped into his white work shirt. All too soon, he lets you go, sending you off with a peck on the forehead as you finally leave. 
Breathless, you prepare yourself for the inevitable conversation with Mira that is going to happen during the first lecture.
Weeks passed, your relationship had changed from shy and unsure, into something more stable. You had finished your end of term exams, you had watched your friend start a budding romance with Junmyeon, which you were happy about because now she had someone who understood her stresses, and who she could talk to.
She was no longer the third wheel when you and Jongin went out, seeing as Junmyeon came with her.
Tonight, as snow fell from the sky, turning the world a little more orange as the light of streetlamps reflected off the white cushion that settled over the streets. You sat in Black Pearl, perched up on Jongin’s lap as he wrapped his arms around your waist. The inside of Black Pearl was well lit, soft instrumentals played, broken up from time to time by a Christmas classic. Jongin laughed about something with Kyungsoo as you sipped your Viennese coffee and ate pumpkin pie with Baekhyun’s girlfriend, who was sitting next to Baekhyun, his arm draped leisurely over the back of her chair.
You were just telling them about how you were going to go home tomorrow.
“Are you going by train or are you driving?” Baekhyun asked, sipping on a café au lait. He had decided to wear a matching white knit sweater along with his girlfriend, and you thought they looked cute together.
“I decided to drive, I have to take a lot of presents with me. My grandparents are coming to us this year.” You told them, feeling Jongin put his chin on your shoulder, his warmth enveloping you. You leaned back into him as he readjusted his arms around your waist.
“Where were they last year?” He asked you, joining the conversation.
“At my aunt’s.” You told him.
“Hey Y/N!” Yixing greeted you as he walked in, the woman on his arm holding a bouquet pink roses.
“Hey Yixing!” You smiled back, as the two sat at the table next to yours, beside Junmyeon and Minseok, who were sipping on espressos as they figured out next weeks schedule.
“Why do you only greet her?” Jongin asked, a teasing tilt in his voice. He had raised an eyebrow at his friend, brown eyes shining playfully as he looked down from his friend back to you.
“Because she speaks to him in his language.” Junmyeon smiled, acknowledging his friends for the first time tonight.
“Because they have secrets.” Jongdae laughed, earning a confused look from Yixing, and a wink from you. Jongin pouted at you, before looking at the clock.
“I think we should go now.” He gave you a playful pat on your butt to get you off of his lap. You put on your coat and hat, handing Jongin his own. Soon after you were ready to leave.
“See you at New Years!” You called out, waving goodbye to the room filled with your friends as you walked out, wishing them happy holidays. A chorus of replies bid you farewell as the door chimed closed behind you.
You walked with Jongin through the street, back to your apartment, enjoying the silence of the night. All noise had been swallowed by the cushion of snow, but Jongin’s eyes falling onto your occasionally had been like a roaring fire at the back of your mind. His warm hand held yours, threading his fingers through yours intimately.
“I can’t believe it’s been so long.” He spoke, breaking the comfortable silence surrounding you. You could tell he was referring to your relationship as you watched him gaze down at your hands, bringing your hand to his lips.
“It’s only been two months.” You told him, a warm blush staining your cheeks.
“Not much has changed between us.” You commented, thinking about the last two months. He still slept over, now more frequently, but it's not like had not done so before. He still got you coffee and walked you home. You still went out together, the bottles of mulled wine on your floor were witness to that. Not much had changed.
“Would you like it to?” Jongin asked, his eyes unsure as they searched your face.
“Is there something you would like?” He pressed again, just as you were rounding the corner to stand in front of your apartment.
“Kiss me.” You told him, remembering the way he held you in Black Pearl, wishing to feel the proximity again, and the warmth he brought you when he touched you.  You came to a stop just as you said it, standing right in front of your door.
“I think I can do that.” His smile lit up his eyes, turning them a warm chocolate hue.
Without any hesitation, he cradled your face in his hands, bringing you closer as he stroked your cheeks with his thumbs.
His lips pressed against yours firmly, sure of what they were doing as your won matched his pace. You elt him smile through the kiss, his breath warm against your cold skin, and his lips scorching as they returned to their place against yours.
“I love you.”  He muttered, his lips brushing against yours like a feather, sending shivers down your spine.
“I love you too.”
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
SFW Alphabet - Edmure Tully
Our sweet Trout boi was requested!! Tryna go more with his book description haha.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Edmure gives his affection to you easily and happily. It’s half showing off what a lovely wife he has, and half he just can’t keep himself from not spoiling you with attention. Even when he has to put on his Lord’s face and tend to the court, he’ll have a hand on yours and you’ll feel him stroking your fingers while he listens to petitions. At feasts and galas, he’s always wanting you close at hand so he can kiss your cheek and hold you by the waist as the party goes on. Everyone knows the Lord of Riverrun is absolutely taken with his Lady, and sometimes it’s downright sickening how sweet you two can be.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He’s a loyal friend and vassal, but also hard-headed as can be. He likes friendly and outgoing sorts of people, but you might have to pull him out of trouble when he’s had too much to drink. Edmure doesn’t have a malicious bone in him, and he often worries after vassals, small folk and friends alike, even if he tries to hide how concerned he is. He’ll listen to your problems seriously, even if he doesn’t have the best plan to fix them.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Given how often he hugs and kisses you, it’s no surprise he loves to cuddle, but he can only do it for so long before he gets antsy and has to move. Edmure wants to relax in your arms, but sometimes he’s just too wound up. Cuddling in bed is easier because he’s already tired, and he falls asleep within minutes once you start petting his hair or snuggling up on his chest. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
It’s expected of him to marry, and he always hoped he’d have a bride he got along with so he could have a large family. He’s great with kids and has always wanted several - many times in his childhood he wished for an older brother to look up to, or a younger one to play with. So, it’s no surprise he starts getting domestic thoughts just a day after your wedding.
Edmure is a lord, so he wasn’t expected to clean and cook, nor does he have an interest in either. You probably have to urge him to keep his study area tidy, at least, and not allow the children to leave their things wherever they please. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It’d be clumsy and he’d try to be brusque with it, but his emotion would likely make him choke up. He’d just cut it short and leave the room, then.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Edmure knew he had to do it eventually, and his father’s failing health only made that more urgent. He thinks too much with his heart to make a proper political match, and he knows it. He always thought his father would tie him down before long, but Lord Hoster never seemed satisfied with this bride or that one, and by the time he passed, the chaos of war was upon them. Edmure was too occupied with that to think about arranging anything. It was Catlyn who brought you to his attention, and she wasn’t subtle about how much Robb needed your house’s support. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Edmure always speaks to you and holds you kindly, but he’s never acted like you’re fragile. He knows you aren’t, and being overly gentle with his touches or words feels patronizing to him. If anything, his enthusiasm and stubbornness means sometimes he can be the opposite.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Well, he prefers kisses but he’ll be happy with any attention. Edmure especially appreciates long hugs when he’s had a difficult day, and he’ll wrap you up longing if he knows he’s going to be gone for a long time. His hugs are always long, sometimes swaying, and he doesn’t mind giving you one in front of his men. In more lighter moments he’ll whisper something stupid just to make you laugh or snort ungracefully, making others wonder what he said. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He felt it quickly, strong feelings and affection that he’d associate with “love”. Edmure wondered if it was too soon to say such a sappy thing to you, but every smile and kiss you gave him wore that down. It slipped out one evening after you both were intimate, when you were cuddled so cutely under his chin and after you made him laugh with some joke. He didn’t even notice it slipped out, he was just too content - though he wasn’t embarrassed, even as you blushed. It was the truth, so you should know. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Edmure gets jealous fairly easily; you could tease him on purpose simply by tittering at young lord’s “subtle” flirtatious jokes, or pretending to shy away when handsome musicians wink at you - he especially hates the bards that love singing to the “fair Lady of Riverrun”. Your husband will be pointedly sullen when you return to him, but he comes around once you’ve given him plenty of kisses and praise … That evening, though, he’ll get you back once he figures out you were just teasing. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Your lord husband’s kisses are eager, you don’t doubt his love for a moment every time he showers you in attention. It’s very easy to distract Edmure’s train of thought by pulling him in for a long, lingering kiss before he leaves to go do something. While he loves the taste of your lips, and how cute they are, when you’re alone and intimate he likes kissing all over. Your breasts are lovely and he likes to feel your heartbeat as he kisses there, and when you’re both feeling more silly, he’ll kiss up your legs or your arms, hitting every ticklish spot until you swat at him to stop.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Edmure tends to not watch his mouth when young ones are around, but he does love to bounce his son on his leg or sit patiently at the table while his daughter serves him “tea”. He doesn’t notice, but he has a knack for understanding children’s whims and tempers and easily redirecting them. Even if he has several children, Edmure tries to be attentive to all of them and teach them different things. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He wakes up with an absolute mess of bedhead, no matter what, and if you aren’t out of bed already, you’ll be pulled into a lazy hug and peppered with several sleepy kisses. You might have to swat Edmure off and remind him of the duties you both have, but he’d just laugh and want to pull you back in bed (some mornings that’s interrupted by the children running in and jumping on the bed). He’s not great at waking up early; if he could sleep without interruptions, he’d gladly sleep in until the late morning.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
You have to keep Edmure from staying up too late, as he naturally burns midnight oil and tends to lose track of time. Before that, he likes to help put the children to bed and tuck them in. He can never resist his daughter asking for a story or his son wanting to hear about some battle, so sometimes he’s at this task for quite a while. Once that’s done and he’s still busy, you’ll have to all but drag him to bed, and his attention will redirect to pleasing you. You’ve reminded Edmure several times that his late hours is why he hates getting up in the morning.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Edmure finds it easy to talk to you, and he’s an open man by nature, so he doesn’t mind chatting about this or that, especially when you ask. You think it’s cute how fondly he speaks of his sisters, even if they were apart from him for so long, and how much he admired his father and all the things his uncle taught him. When he’s angry, he has a habit of pacing a room and ranting while you listen with some amusement. And when he has to make decisions for the Riverlands, he likes to run them by you, even if your honesty makes him bristle at times.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Even though Edmure gets irritated and bothered easily by things people say or do, even things you say or do, he isn’t the sort to stay angry for a long while. Especially if it’s you, he knows that you were right about whatever you both were arguing about, and he’ll come back and sullenly apologize after he’s calmed down. He rarely yells when he’s upset with his men - and he’d never do that to you - but sometimes he raises his voice when he’s impatient. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Edmure won’t remember specific details or things you’ve said, but he’s fairly good at remembering your tastes and how you want things taken care of in Riverrun. Sometimes he’ll confuse things, mistaking something Catlyn liked for something you don’t, but that doesn’t happen too much. If something genuinely upsets you - or gods forbid, someone offended or hurt you - he’ll remember that for a long time.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Edmure thought you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen on your wedding day, dressed in the fine silk and samite gown he later so carefully took off. He never thought he’d be happier, or so anxious, as he draped his family’s cloak around your shoulders. 
A new one ended up taking that one’s place, and it’s an afternoon he thinks of often. He went out by the riverside, where you were curled up on a blanket playing with your toddler, who finally figured out his legs and enjoyed circling around you. Your hair wasn’t tied in a neat plait, it was a mess about your shoulders, and you weren’t in a fine gown, just a lovely linen dress that was pooling around your thighs as you tried to wrangle the boy in your arms. Edmure gladly ignored whatever he had to do for the day to join you in chasing the little devil down.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Whenever you need to leave Riverrun, he always has several men he trusts accompany you, in addition to the usual knights. Edmure really isn’t overprotective until you have to travel somewhere, but when the war broke out, he went into overdrive. You and the children would always have guards around, ones he absolutely trusted and knew were fierce in battle. He wouldn’t want you to leave Riverrun unless it was absolutely necessary, nor would he want you to be separated from the children for any reason.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Edmure always puts in effort for you. He has a good eye for things you might like, and on your birthday and anniversary (and sometimes just because) he’d give you something lovely. He likes to give you plenty of attention each day, anyhow, and sometimes he’ll bring by flowers or whatever else he found that you might like, so you feel plenty beloved each day anyhow. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
While Edmure does have his fleeting temper, he also has his impulsive and childish jealousies. Sometimes it can get to be too much and you have to scold him for it. Other times he’s hard-headed with a decision he needs to make for Riverrun, and you have to talk him down and ask him to consider other options. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He actually keeps up with his looks a little, or he at least wants to look nice for you, which you find quite cute. Sometimes you’ll help him shave if there’s time in the morning, or you’ll drag him into a bath. He does his best to dress the lordly part, but he prefers more practical clothing that he can train and hunt in.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
If something had happened to you and you were no longer in his life, Edmure would almost become unrecognizable. He’d be depressed and prone to moods, and anyone attempting to call on him would be liable to get someone’s head bit off. The only solace he’d find would be the children, who he’d try to keep being attentive to and care for, even if it hurt to look at their faces and see you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
If you didn’t know how to swim, Edmure would teach you. He’d take it especially seriously if you were fearful of water, since now you’re living in a place surrounded by it. He’d hate for an accident to happen. It’d start with you knee-deep in the river, then waist, then he’d help you paddle and swim around. After several lessons you’d both be goofing off and splashing each other. Afterward he’d want to carry you to the castle, even if you insisted you weren’t that tired, and you two would just be sopping wet and dripping all over the hall. Your handmaidens would not be pleased with the mess they’d be cleaning out of your hair.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Edmure can’t handle frivolous or nervous types of people, it just puts him on edge (and reminds him of Lysa). 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Edmure sleeps soundly, so no matter how much you move around or make noise, it won’t bother him. He likes to snuggle against you, even if it puts him in an awkward position and he wakes up sore. He just prefers to be touching you in some way, whether is full on cuddling or just an arm loosely wrapped around you. He sleeps the best during thunderstorms, he’ll actually go to bed early. Of course, anytime a kiddo runs in scared from a nightmare, he’ll be the first to get up, sleepily carry them back to their room and tuck them back in.
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n0longerhuman · 4 years
hi! can i request hc for lev and bokuto with very small s/o? like she is 5 feet and boys really love that. u know, some cute and fluff stuff. i’m sorry about my bad english and i hope u understand what i mean. i send love and hugs, have a nice day/night!❤️
a/n: hey hey hey! don't worry, your English is good. I'm the one who has to excuse because it took so long, I'm sorry. I hope you like it, let me know if something's wrong so that I can improve. ♡
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𝐛𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐞𝐯 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐬/𝐨.
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I see bokuto as an extremely spontaneous person, 'cause come on, we know how incapable he is in holding back his reactions and I think we all love him a little for this
for this reason I believe that, from the first moment, he E X T R E M E L Y loved the fact that there was so much difference in height between you two
I mean, our boy has certainly filled himself with pride for this reason, in some way
it's as if he felt obliged to protect you always, only your figure gives him this feeling and it's immediately a "how can you be so cute?"
not to mention his hugs, there will come a time when you will no longer be able to get away from him a little because he will remain fixed with your arms hooked around you to hold you tightly and trust me, you will feel like you are about to melt because of the sweetness of that boy
surely he wouldn't make a joke about your height if not to compliment you, but be sure that you will receive it from the people next to you because the difference is really so evident: a whole foot will make it seem that the big guy next to you is your older brother
something tells me that he would have the habit of always taking you in his arms, almost like a spontaneous reaction, whenever you are close and you are laughing and joking, cuddling or maybe after winning a match
imagine him approaching quickly with one of his proud smiles on his face and hugging you tightly despite the sweat, then raising you from the ground to twirl on himself with you in his arms
I think it would be the sweetest of relationships, seriously
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Lev is absolutely proud of his height and nobody can contradict me on this, it is a fact
so I guess when he met you he just stayed by your side ALL the time to be able to highlight this excessive and deep difference in height
although he probably stopped when his teammates pointed out that he was terrifying you, and you didn't understand how he managed not to notice it from your completely red face
unlike Bokuto, Lev will always have a ready joke because he finds it incredibly fantastic that you are so small in his comparison, but not in a competitive or bad way, though
he will be absolutely proud of you, when you walk next to each other he will never go too far from you and will always have an arm around your shoulders to be able to hold you whenever he wants
no matter how many times you have already hugged each other, Lev will always love to see how much you embarrass yourself tenderly when your face barely reaches his chest, and will lead your head to rest on it so that he can hold you, or he will lower towards you so as to give you the most comfortable embrace
he seems to me someone who pat your head every time you do or say something that softens him, and you secretly kinda like it when he does it
he is a pretty proud guy too, so he could take you to practice and make sure you watch him. At the end, he could convince Kuroo to let you two stay a little longer there so that you can do some shots with his help, maybe lifting you up a little to make you reach the net or stuff like this
honestly, I believe that in such a relationship with Lev there would be a lot to have fun with and you would certainly feel good despite maybe his lack of practice in love matters
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duker42 · 5 years
💜Give Me Tonight💜
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💜Give Me Tonight💜
Y/N calmly watches her two squad members square off. It took so little to set Jean and Eren off, she simply rolled her eyes and continued to watch from her tucked away spot.
The celebratory meal sat before her, untouched, her portion of the scarce meat had been given to a younger Cadet, their eyes expressing their eternal gratitude for the slice of beef. The younger soldiers around her failed to realize the reasoning behind the benevolent gesture of the officers. This was the last real dinner many of them would ever have.
Tomorrow evening the Scouts would embark on their most dangerous mission yet. Retaking Wall Maria and reaching the Yeager basement in Shiganshina. As the announcement was made about the serum that Captain Levi would be carrying, Y/N heart sank. She knew that the numbers of dead would far outweigh any previous expedition. The years spent working beside the men standing in front of them told her that.
While she was new to Levi Squad, she was one of the few veterans the Survey Corps had left. The last member of Miche Zacharias’ squad, her injuries sustained during the 57th Expedition had prevented her from accompanying them to Utgard Castle. It was ultimately her saving grace. With the rest of her squad wiped out by the titans that moved at night, Commander Erwin has reassigned her to the Captain’s squad, the oldest member apart from the Captain himself.
She raised an eyebrow as the man moved quietly among the crowd, making his way to the two squaring off against each other. The lightening fast kick to Eren and punch to Jean quickly ended the squabble. Y/N snickered at the disgust in Levi’s voice as he demanded Jean’s puke be cleaned up. She watched as he slipped over to the barrels of ale, poured himself a tankard and disappeared outside. Making her decision, she picked up her own mug and made her way through the crowd, following her Captain into the night.
She spent several minutes tracking him down. Walking slowly down the narrow alleyway, she sees that he is concentrating on a conversation behind him on the Main Street. His mug is sitting on the ground next to him, his arms propped up on his bent knees, back against the wall. As she drawls closer, his grey orbs flicker up to her and he puts a finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet. Y/N hears Armin’s enthusiastic voice talking about something called the sea on the street beyond. Eren’s low reply came as she lowered herself to sit across from Levi, her legs stretched out in front of her, brushing the tips of his shoes.
As the group shuffles off to find their beds, the silence is broken as Levi says pulling his mug up to take a swallow “Their dreams are big, I hope it helps them survive this.” He puts the mug to his lips, downing a healthy gulp.
Humming her agreement, she observes the man beside her. His causal clothes look just as good as his uniform. The dark trousers and form fitting grey long sleeved shirt are a bit more approachable without the formality of his cravat. His eyes catch hers as he turns to look at her. “What are you doing out here? You should be resting.”
Sighing, she steels herself against the rejection she knows she is about to face. “I wanted to ask you something. Would you.....spend the night with me tonight?”
She watches as he his eyes widen in shock. Of all the things he could have heard come from her mouth, that was the last thing he was expecting. Nodding towards the mug in her hand he manages, “How many of those have you had, Y/N? Are you drunk?”
She shakes her head. “First one and only one, haven’t even had half.”
He shakes his onyx colored hair as he awkwardly takes a larger gulp of his ale. “I.....I.....”
She hurriedly interrupts his stuttering. “Before you answer, let me explain. This time, two days from now, one or both of us is going to be dead. Along with the majority of those we know. I just.....I just want to experience a little more of what life has to offer before I go, you know?”
His steel colored eyes study her as he contemplates her words. She nervously twitches under the penetrating scrutiny. “Why would you choose me? Of everyone here?”
“That’s easy. I trust you and I like you. Plus, you are like me. You have dealt with a lot of this world’s suffering, but experienced very little of its pleasure.” Y/N’s eyes sparkled with honesty as she made her case. She glanced down at the hands folded in her lap. “I have killed with these hands and will continue to kill for humanity. But for once I want to use them to comfort and satisfy. I’m just asking that you give me tonight.”
Levi looked down at the feminine hands clasped together on her lap. Slender fingers he knew could wield a blade as well as anyone, scarred from the busted knuckles of past fights and skirmishes, calloused from hours gripping blades. He thought they looked very similar to his own.
He had tried to push away any physical attraction he had held for anyone his entire life. Repressing the hormones of his earlier years had been easy in the constant fight for survival. As he had grown older, it had served him well as countless of those around him had fallen. Still, he had always been curious of how it would feel to hold and be held, to lose himself in another, even if it was just a night. And Y/N was attractive, every male within the Scouting Regiment had said so. Better yet, she was practical and older than the other brats around them.
He drained the rest of his drink and climbed to his feet. Holding his hand out to her his response was simple. “Yes.” Pulling her up, he let go of her hand and turn to walk back to the barracks.
When they entered the building, she turned towards him, stopping him with a warm hand placed on his arm. He looked at her, surprisingly disappointed, thinking she had changed her mind. She stunned him with her next words.
“We should go to my room.” His brow furrowed in confusion, so she elaborated. “That way you wouldn’t have to deal with any...memories of me in your room.”
Understanding flooded his system and he was humbled by her request. Rationally, she knew that he stood a better chance of returning from Shiganshina. Y/N was trying to insure he wasn’t haunted by her presence in his bed. Nodding quietly, he followed her as she turned down a different hallway than his own. She stopped at her door and opened it, throwing over her shoulder as she stepped inside. “I made sure I cleaned.”
Stepping inside the room, Levi felt a nervousness that was foreign to him. He had no experience to draw on. Unsure of what to do, he waited for her to direct him. “Um....If you want to get undressed, I’m going to wash up really quickly” Y/N offered as she slipped past him into the small en-suite.
Disrobing quickly, he laid his folded clothes on a chair and stood beside her bed. He noticed that she had put fresh sheets on the bed, indicating this truly wasn’t a drunken whim.
He turned towards the sound of the opening door as she re-emerged, stopping short as she saw him. Her blush filled her entire face as she drank in his frame. He suddenly wondered if he should have been under the covers when she came back in. Cursing his inexperience, he pulled back the sheets and slipped into her bed, watching her as she crossed the room.
If she had been attracted to him clothed, she wasn’t disappointed by his nude form. Y/N had almost gasped at how well built the shorter man was. All hard muscle and sinew, he embodied pure male testosterone. His manhood, even soft, was an impressive display. She was almost afraid to see how he would look aroused.
Stopping near the chair he had placed his clothes, she reached up to remove her own shirt. His eyes narrowed as he watched her, an arm coming up to fold behind his head. Her shoes came next, and then she slowly unfastened the skirt she had worn, letting it fall to the floor. She felt hot as he gaze roamed over every inch of her skin. The bindings she wore on her breasts came next, a soft sigh escaping her in relief. Her nipples puckered in the cool air and a fascinatingly hungry expression crossed Levi’s face. Sliding the panties down her hips and thighs, she bends over to pick up her clothes when his words wash over her. “Leave them. Come here Y/N.”
He moves over to make room for her as she slides under the covers with him. This was her first time being in a bed with a man. Her nerves were starting to fray, and breathing rapidly increasing as she wondered if she had asked too much. She felt his hand gently grasp her’s and pull her into laying on her side, facing him. His hand stopped at his chest and left hers resting there. Her erratic breathing matching the beat of his heart, fast and unsteady. They were both equally nervous. That thought gave her confidence as her fingertips slid over his warm skin. He shivered slightly and his breath caught as she traced the ridges of his stomach. He exhaled loudly causing her to smile as her hand dipped lower.
It was her turn to gasp as her hand brushed his erection. Not expecting that contact so soon, she pulled her hand away as if burned. A strangled laugh came from Levi, causing her to glance up at him watching her.
“It’s different.” She offered. “It wasn’t....”She stopped talking as he took her hand and put it back, right above him.
Hesitantly, she felt the tip of his length with her fingers, feeling him jump against her touch. She giggled and ran her hand down the shaft. His groan worried her, think she had hurt him, but his eyes were closed and his jaw clenched when she looked at him again.
She was right, he was frighteningly large when aroused. It gave her a rush of power and pleasure to know that she had brought him to that state. Moving her hand against him again, she gripped him, wrapping her fingers around his girth, eliciting a louder moan from him. A small push of his hips signaled what he needed in that moment, and she complied.
She felt his tentative hands start to wander over her skin as she stroked him. His touch was gentle, almost reverent as he mapped her body. His mouth covered hers in an electrifying kiss. She tasted of mint, him of the ale he had consumed. Their tongues mated slowly as they explored each other. His hands paused at every location that elicited a sigh or gasp from her, delicately replicating the movement as if testing it was pleasure or pain that brought that reaction. Eventually his caresses grew bolder as he learned and tapped into an instinctive need to pleasure his partner.
Ready for more, she shifted underneath him, opening up as he settled between her thighs. The weight on top of her felt right as he slid his hands under her back and ass, positioning her body to accept him. The first thrust was an artless mess of limbs and need. Stilling, he clenched his jaw in determination to stop himself from immediately spilling like a wet-behind-the-ears boy. The tight heat surrounding him made it difficult to wait for her, and he was relieved when she arched up against him. Slowly finding the perfect pace they descended together into a pleasurable abyss. Nothing existed but that moment and the two of them. At the peak of release, both are surprised at the intensity and the beauty of watching the other come apart.
After washing up, Levi was surprised he didn’t feel the need to return to his quarters. Coming back to Y/N’s bed, he waited for her to finish her toilette and pulls her into his arms again. Soft kisses and gentle caresses was all that was needed. No words pass between them as they slip off into a dreamless sleep as the first rays of light break across the horizon.
The blast over Shiganshina worried Levi. Hange and his squad sprang into his mind as he wondered about their safety while standing on the other side of the wall. A fleeting picture of Y/N in bed beside him came to the forefront of his mind as he turned his attention back to the Beast Titan.
The morning after wasn’t awkward like Levi had feared it would be. He had been woken up in a way that he thought was a gift from the Gods. Her hot mouth had been on him with her hand wrapped around his shaft as he had opened his eyes. When he was almost about to explode, he had flipped her over and slide into her easily. Their mutual orgasm was just as good as the night before, leaving them both breathless. Y/N had kissed Levi goodbye as he dressed, but there were no tears nor sad smiles. He had pulled her close and told her to be careful as he walked to the door.
When the squad had assembled for the ride to the lifts, Y/N had treated him with the same respect she had always bestowed upon him. She hadn’t sought him out during their nighttime trek through the forest, opting to stay in her assigned position in the formation.
As he began the run towards the Beast Titan, Erwin and the rest of the soldiers distracting him with a suicide charge, Levi wonders if perhaps it will be Y/N that survives today. Or if that one night will be the best memory they both hold before they give their lives for humanity.
Y/N stood on the rooftop, her eyes filled with sorrow as she held a nearly hysterical Eren back from Levi. She understood both of the arguments for saving Erwin and Armin, and couldn’t fathom having to be in that situation. When she had shown up with Hanji and pulled Mikasa off of Levi, his shout of relief at seeing both of them had given her a moments pause. Concern for Hanji, she understood. They had been comrades and friends for years. But he had shown the same emotion for her. Did that mean something? Listening to Hanji’s monologue, she saw her own fallen comrades in her mind’s eye. When she carried Eren away from the four people on the roof, she was overcome with the emotion of the day.
She volunteered to sit with the Commander’s body as Levi and Hanji found a place to lay him to rest. He deserved so much more than an abandoned house as a coffin, but so did all those laying on the field outside the gates. The devastating total of losses was overwhelming. Ten people had survived a campaign that was two hundred strong at the onset.
Leaving the two to pay their final respects to their friend, Y/N made her way to the wall where Sasha and Armin were recovering. Watching Floch, Connie and Jean look for any survivors among the mangled bodies on the field below, she silently wondered if the information they might learn in that basement was worth the price.
She didn’t know how much time has passed when she felt someone sit down beside her. Turning her head, she saw Levi looking out over the battlefield, his downtrodden expression speaking to his own thoughts on the outcome. Long minutes passed before he turned and met her compassionate face. He hesitantly reaches for her hand, his fingers gently intertwining with hers as he turned his head to look forward again.
“I’m glad you’re alive. I didn’t know what to expect when the explosion.....” He stumbled over the words, trying hard communicate things he normally never expressed.
“We were lucky. All of us.” She tightened her grip on his hand, enjoying the feeling of his warm skin, proof he was still alive.
“Y/N, I want another night with you. I want as many as you’ll give me.” Levi looked at her again, his grey eyes filled with weariness and loss but also hope.
Y/N smiled at her handsome Captain as she laid her head against his shoulder. “You can have all my nights, Levi.”
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shibalen · 4 years
Hi! Can I get a Haikyuu and Demon Slyer matchup? I’m a bi light skinned hispanic girl, Infj sun Pisces and moon Aries, I really love Literature and Art but I hate gym and french. I love going all out on subjects that genuinely interest me but can get worn out very quickly if I don’t like something. I’m working hard to become and artist and when I’m older I want to create a graphic novel. I’d like dates on rooftops or at home pigging out on snacks and watching movies. Thank you! Have a good day!
♡︎ matchup for @mexicansangrita
hello! it's been a long wait but thank you for being so patient with me and also for liking my stuff! i appreciate your support, dear (人*´∀`)。*゚+
|| kimetsu no yaiba: i match you with . . .
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zenitsu agatsuma
• according to your mbti and zodiac sign, you're empathetic, inspiring, intuitive and somewhat of an old soul. your aries moon, in addition, gives you traits such as independence and ambition!
• Zenitsu's quite emotional and he needs someone to try understanding him instead of telling him to just 'deal with it' but still have a good enough head on their shoulder to scold him when he's being unreasonable.
• i feel like you two would be able to build off each other. you helping him have more confidence in himself and him being there as your emotional support, for example.
• he may be a wannabe flirt but when it comes down to it his loyalty for his loved ones runs deep. after meeting you, his womanizing antics gradually fade out of existance.
• you had just been minding your own business on the street, admiring some top-grade brushes from a shop window when this guy with a sword came up to you ??
• his first words to you? you've guessed it: 'marry me'. it's funny though because he didn't hysterically cling onto your leg but instead looked you straight in the eye and said it.
• of course, he went by your looks but also by the bright gleam in your eye as you were looking at those art supplies. you were so beautiful that Zenitsu was convinced you were an angel and it was love at first sight.
• then he cried when you turned him down. it wasn't the best first impression, and Tanjirō had to make him apologise to you.
• but he was set on getting to know you and tried a hundred different methods to get you to notice him. all those conversation topics, flowers and showing off may have come off as obnoxious but you knew from the beginning he had good intentions.
• he has some trouble understanding your personal space in the beginning because you're just too precious and he wants to hold you all the time, but comes around quickly when you say you need some alone time.
• always thinking of ways to make you happy. i'm not joking, you're on his mind 24/7. just wants to make you feel as loved as you're making him feel.
• you're going to get so many flowers because honestly each time he sees one he's reminded of you and immediately wants you to know he's thinking of you (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)/♡
• when he's crying it never fails to cheer him up when you take his hand in yours or pet his hair. he'll melt under your touch.
• Zenitsu goes all out on your dates !! he's a romantic and will do anything to make sure your date is perfect.
• he'll gather blankets, snacks and pillows and bundle them up into a comfortable little nest on a rooftop.
• then you'll lay down next to each other and bask in the sun during the day or gaze at the stars at night. just long conversations and the two of you ♡︎
• he loves listening to you go all out on your favourite subjects. he'll have that silly, lovestruck smile on his face, chin rested in his hands as you talk.
• his great hearing makes it all the better because he can literally hear the passion in your voice. it sends his heart fluttering every time.
• so supportive and encouraging of your dreams, tries his hardest to help you any way he can. you gotta teach him a bit about literature and art first though so he'll know what you're telling him about.
• will be so smug about the stuff you taught him cause he feels so smart now. Tanjirō and Inosuke are getting a bit tired of his constant bragging.
• he understands your hate for training. plus, his two friends get so hyped up everytime it's hard to keep up with them. still, while Zenitsu insists on skipping, you make him go.
• gets 100% more motivated when he remembers he can protect you better if he's stronger. 110% if you promise cuddles and kisses later.
• you're like each others' support when you're pushing through tough assignments. like you cheer him on during training he encourages you through your artblocks.
• when there's time you go out together to buy new snacks in shops, especially after a draining mission. then you bring them back home and pig out.
• Inosuke, crashing through the door while you and Zen are feeding each other biscuits: i HeArD 'PiG oUt' WhAT'rE yA dOiN' wItHoUt Me?!
• all in all a very wholesome relationship ♡︎ Zenitsu knows one day he's going to ask you to marry him for real.
runner up: Kanae Kochō
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
|| haikyuu: i match you with . . .
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yachi hitoka
• is this what you'd call soulmates? you and Yachi would definitely have a very depthful connection from the very beginning of your relationship. you'd understand each other on a deeper, almost spiritual level.
• you're both creative, always ready to help and have quite a vivid imagination. you help the other keep their feet on the ground while leaving them room to improve.
• the artistic couple! your common interest is a great icebreaker as well as something that brings you together. the starting point where you start building off from, if i can put it that way.
• it was the beginning of a new semester and you had Japanese literature together. you sat next to her by chance but you'd better believe she freaked out.
• "w-why is such a pretty girl sitting next to me??? does she need to borrow pencil?? what should i do if she mistook me for one of her friends?? AAAAHHH" Yachi exe. has stopped working.
• meanwhile you were just chilling until her stuttering started to worry you. so, you turned and asked if she was okay. girl dropped her whole pencilcase while looking for a pen to lend you.
• you calmed her down though so your first encounter ended well. you bonded over your mutual love for art and literature and formed a friendship quite fast.
• she accidentally confessed her crush on you when she was talking about you with Kiyoko in the gym. funny how you happened to overhear this from around the corner.
• startled, Yachi screamed and everybody came to see what happened. they automatically assumed you two were dating after hearing the story, and neither of you wanted to correct them in the long run, so . . . here we are :)
• always carries around delicious snacks for you in case you haven't eaten properly or are feeling drained from overworking.
• it's so easy to talk to Yachi about anything you have passion for. not only does she learn more about your interests but it also makes her feel special that you think of her as someone you can easily confide in.
• she can also endlessly talk about the things she loves so she's happy you understand what it's like!
• she tries to make you like french more because it pains her when she sees you getting tired out because of it (,,•́ . •̀,,)
• same with gym. she invites you to come see the boys practice after school, hoping you'll find something fun about moving that'll motivate you
• of course, understands if you still dislike the subjects and will focus on making you feel better.
• very shy with physical display of affection at first, still a bit afraid someone will stab her if they see her being even slightly intimate with an actual goddess like you.
• i know you didn't include this in your preferences, but can I just say study dates at cafés? soft music playing in the background as you two sit next to a window, making pretty notes and sharing cake? yes.
• she gives you good luck charms for tests! though you studied for hours beforehand she wants to do everything she can so you're feeling as relaxed as possible. she doesn't want you to experience any stomach aches from anxiety like she has.
• Yachi has surprisingly good ideas for graphic novels. well, the graphic parts. she gets all blushy when you start discussing plot because then she automatically connects all the romantic storylines with you.
• "so in this rainy scene i was thinking they could have a more intimate moment, maybe even kiss. what do you think?"
• Yachi, who has kissed you before, internally: k i s s i n g y / n kissing y/n KISSING Y/N I N T H E R A I N ᗒ////ᗕ
• sometimes these conversations can drag out as she tends to accidentally get stuck in her little fantasy world, oops—
• hand holding though is common while you're doing every-day activities like reading or walking. but also during dates like movies or rooftop lunches. her hands are very small and warm and the way they fit in yours is perfect ♡︎
• an extremely cute, loyal relationship, one where you can laugh over the smallest, silliest things but also share the most meaningful debates. you bring out the best in her, and Yachi won't fail to make it up to you !
runner up: Kōshi Sugawara
found such soft gifs for this matchup, i'm so happy~ i hope you enjoyed this, and thank you for requesting. stay safe and remember to be kind to yourself ♡︎
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