#these scenes hit me like kirk trying to stop spock from dying in wrath of khan
mejomonster · 4 years
(7) okay i love wu xie immediately noticing that xiaoge is gone and going back to look for him. Its such a nice contrast to when they were separated in tlt1 and he didnt notice until even a minute or two after theyd gone to the top, he inquired about it, and everyone said not to worry about it. Like now instead of just being like "yeah he can take care of himself" hes WORRIED and going to look for him!!!
wu xie’s growth/change ALREADY is just. so apparent. which is part of why i absolutely love this sequence of scenes.
wu xie clearly has realized in the lapsed time between seeing xiaoge that: xiaoge CAN take care of himself but shouldn’t have to, that people put pressure on xiaoge that’s unrealistic and unfair, that xiaoge might actually die one day and ppl treating him like a ‘god’ doesn’t help him, that wu xie doesn’t want to worry if he’s alive or dead ever again, that wu xie CARES if he is, that wu xie doesn’t think xiaoge should go through that kind of suffering and danger and fear alone and wu xie is willing to go through it too just so xiaoge won’t bear it alone, that wu xie is ok dying if it means xiaoge doesn’t have to suffer or be left alone. 
like this wu xie has shown a lot of growth since the last time this happened, and also just how much he already cares. 1 just about innocents in real danger - and he very much considers immortals innocents too, even if other people are afraid and consider them monsters even. and 2 - that xiaoge even as a professional/god is WORTH worrying about and dying to protect, something i dont think anyone else has ever viewed xiaoge like. 
it absolutely tore my heart out. when i realized wu xie was going to lose him again. not know if he was dead again. not have any way to find him again. 
when wu xie ran into the sea, ready to DROWN just to try and make sure he didn’t lose xiaoge, try to help in vain. how pangzi was so sympathetic and just trying to calm wu xie down and keep him alive, knowing wu xie is too panicked to realize its impractical and impossible to help. wu xie CANT help xiaoge - he’ll literally die, he’s literally too weak. and wu xie was also too weak to stop xiaoge from doing this alone, and not quick enough to plan any alternative. and pangzi knows this, and tries to keep wu xie alive through it until he can accept it. 
wu xie running into the sea, so fucking worried, and then pangzi has to try and get sense into him - but he says what EVERYONE says about xiaoge ‘oh he’ll be fine, he’s like a god’ and wu xie HATES it because that’s part of why he’s so terrified. because wu xie sees xiaoge as a PERSON and a person who can DIE and be in PAIN and no one else seems to be caring about it! even xiaoge won’t seem to prioritize it, seeing how xiaoge just did that and sacrified himself. and wu xie just feels so lost and unable to do anything meaningfully helpful. 
and then wu xie tries to go again, and again, into the water. because he cannot fathom a world where he has to lose xiaoge again. where he’s expected to stop caring about him, even for a while - where he’s supposed to ‘just somehow assume xiaoge’s fine like everyone else does.’ because wu xie IS scared xiaoge can die, is scared he can lose xiaoge, and those very real possibilities are absolutely devouring him.
the entire sequence i was. aaaaaaahhhh
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The Wrath of Mercury
anonymous said: Freddie x Trekkie!Reader (ask the Star Trek fandom if you need help, we’re nice)
(a/n: it’s been a HOT MINUTE since i’ve seen wrath of khan - which, btw, if you haven’t, WATCH IT. best ST movie imo - so excuse me if i got anything off hehe. this is kind of a short imagine for me, but i didnt want to bore anyone w the details of star trek in case they’re not a fan!!! and im tired af from work so this is the best i could do. also, gif credits to @imladrs​ tysm ily)
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Freddie had never been known to let anyone deter him when he had his mind made up on something. He was stubborn, to a fault, and you appreciated him for that. It was a good quality to have in his line of work, which was cutthroat at best.
But sometimes, it really pissed you off.
“Freddie, please just watch the movie with me!” you begged, tugging on his hand as he tried to rise off the couch. He sighed and stood still, waiting for you to stop pulling on his arm.
You’d tricked him into having a movie night with you instead of going out, and you didn’t tell him that you’d be watching The Wrath of Khan until you’d already started the movie. You hadn’t seen it because you’d been on tour with him when it had been released, so you’d managed to snag a copy of it and now here you were, pleading with him to just sit down and watch it with you.
“I don’t want to watch it, Y/N, you know how much the one a few years ago bored me,” he reminded you, his eyebrow raising as you pouted at him and gave him the saddest puppy dog eyes you could manage. His cigarette hung out of his other hand loosely, almost threatening to fall as he furrowed his eyebrows at you. “Don’t give me that look, you litt-“
“Fred! Just a couple hours, that’s all I’m asking.”
He toyed with the idea, knowing that he’d never hear the end of it if he said no, but also really not wanting to watch another uninteresting movie about living spaceships and William Shatner. It was Brian’s territory, all this space stuff, and he wasn’t a fan. “Let me think about it,” he murmured, mulling over the idea as he took another drag.
But, you ended up making up his mind for him when you kissed his knuckles and then rested your head against his hand. “Fred, please,” you whined softly, pressing your cheek against the back of his hand and looking up at him through your lashes.
“Damn you,” he muttered, trying not to smile as he plopped back down on the couch and put out his cigarette in the ashtray. You were fatally adorable when you gave him that look, and you knew it. As annoyed as he was trying to act, he still wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close when you snuggled up to his side, and he rested his head on yours. “Now, is this going to be as terrible as the last one?” he asked, making you giggle.
“I don’t know, Fred,” you quickly replied, wrapping your arms around his torso and staring intently at the screen.
“Because if it is, I’m leaving, I’m just saying that now. Star Trek is Brian’s favorite, not mine,” he continued, huffing softly and appearing slightly irritated that he was actually watching this right now. “God, I bet I hate this. You really like this?”
“My friends said it was the best movie they’d seen in a while. Brian raved about it. Now hush, Fred.” Kirk was leading some trainees in a battle simulation, and you were interested to see where this movie was headed. You hadn’t heard anything about what it was like besides some friends telling you it was incredible, so you were excited to watch and hoped that Freddie would keep his mouth shut. He did, at least for a while – after a certain point, he was bound to be curious.
“Who’s that, darling?” Freddie asked when Khan appeared on screen, and you rolled your eyes and didn’t answer. As if on cue, two seconds later, Chekov said his name, and Freddie made a noise of acknowledgement as he played with the hem of your shirt absentmindedly. He hated to admit it, but this movie was already loads better than the 1979 one, and he was way more entertained than he’d expected to be.
The questions did stay to a minimum, and you didn’t say it out loud, but you knew Freddie’s feigned apathetic stance towards the movie was getting harder and harder for him to pull off. He was actually invested, and you knew it, which made you grin as you watched. His grip on your shirt got tighter as Khan fired at the Enterprise, and remained tight throughout the entirety of that scene.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” he breathed out once the Reliant retreated, looking at you. “What’s going to happen?”
You laughed and reached up to pat his cheek gently, shrugging before looking back at the screen. “I told you love, I haven’t seen this movie yet! I’m as clueless as you. Now, hush.”
He whined, clinging onto your shirt as he scooted closer. “I tell you what, stop telling me to hush. I’m a grown man.”
“And you’re talking like a child in a movie theater, dear,” you reminded him, making it his turn to pout. You laughed at the insulted look on his face, and quickly kissed him on the cheek, then turned your eyes back to the screen again. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. You’re not like a child.”
But your words fell on deaf ears, for he was already focused on the movie again, his eyes glazed over. And now he was so into it, that he didn’t speak again until you neared the end of the Mutara Nebula battle.
“What in the bloody hell was that?!” he exclaimed, sitting upright whenever Spock nerve pinched McCoy and entered the engine room.
“Freddie, you’re spoiling it!” you laughed, pulling him back down to your level and wrapping an arm around his shoulders, then placing your hand over his mouth. “I’m going to have to pinch you like that if you don’t shut it!”
Freddie replied, but it was incoherent and muffled against your hand, so you ignored him as you both watched Spock bring the power back to function. Freddie didn’t realize just how serious that was until he realized Kirk was talking to a dying Spock, and you couldn’t help but tear up a bit at the scene. Leonard Nimoy’s character always held a special place in your heart, so logical, so cool, that you were somewhat devastated by this happening.
And you didn’t realize Freddie was too, until one of his tears hit the top of your hand during Spock’s funeral, and you looked up to see he was full on crying, just as Saavik was. “Fred,” you gasped, letting go of his mouth and staring in disbelief as he sniffled and wiped away his tears quickly, refusing to look at you.
“What? Leave me alone,” he quickly muttered, watching the screen and holding back further tears as he pretended to be unbothered. You saw the reflection of Spock’s coffin in Freddie’s watery eyes, and you smiled widely as you saw him shed another tear as it landed on Genesis. “Oh, fuck me,” he finally whispered, pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes and laying face down in your lap as you laughed in pure happiness.
“You liked it!” you cheered, running your hand over his hair and petting it gently as he laid on your lap, unmoving. “You liked it, you liked it, you bloody liked it!”
He groaned in agony as you cheered, knowing you’d been right all along, and refused to sit up as you grinned ear to ear. “Ugh, stop, fuck off and die,” was all you could get in response, and that just made you laugh harder because you knew he meant it in the most affectionate way. He pressed a quick peck of a kiss to the top of your thigh right after, confirming your assumption as his mustache scratched against your skin.
“Freddieeeee,” you drawled out in a singsong voice, crawling off the couch and kneeling in front of it. He laid there limply, his flushed face squished against the couch and dark eyes bloodshot from the crying, and the sight was enough to make your heart soften as you reached up to cup his cheek gently. “Was it good, love?” you asked, your voice softer now that you’d gotten the gloating out of your system.
“Yeah,” he croaked out, sniffling again and rubbing his eyes. “Yeah, it was really good. I quite liked it.”
The same grin reappeared on your face, and Freddie rolled his eyes as he realized you were about to cheer again. Laying on the floor next to the couch, you threw your arms up in the air in triumph. “Woo! What a rush.”
“Oh, you’re such a gracious winner, love,” Freddie grumbled, crawling off the couch to lay next to you. You scooted over, letting the gracious winner in you make space for the poor man who’d just lost face in front of you. But there was a ghost of a smile playing at Freddie’s lips, and he pressed a kiss to your shoulder before pinning you down and tickling you, laughing as you squealed and wriggled around, making futile attempts to escape his wrath. “But guess what? I’m a sore loser!
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