#these two deserved happiness even just for a tiny moment
ladsofsorrow24 · 2 years
the latest chapter
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januaryembrs · 4 months
SWEET AND RIGHT AND MERCIFUL | Spencer Reid x Sunshine!Reader
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request: my DARLING @avis-writeshq says: OMGGGG EM CONGRATS ON 3K !!! soooo deserved and i’m so so happy for you!!! please may i request tea for sunshine!reader 🥹🩷 maybe the moment when she realises just how much she likes him (perhaps she was in heavy denial beforehand)? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANK YOUUUUU 🩷🩷🩷
description: The Sunshine rookie Spencer had heard so much about is the first one to make him laugh since he got out of prison.
length: 4.1k
warnings: Lucky Strikes episode, talks of humans eating humans, cm gore, blood, violence etc. UnSub gets creepy with reader. sex jokes, spitting water.
author's note: dedicated to @avis-writeshq because she is my GIRL when it comes to Spencer Reid x Sunshine brain rot, and also because she requested a Drabble for them but I couldn't stop writing and here we are with a full ficlet.
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It had been three weeks, three painfully long weeks since Spencer Reid had returned to the BAU, nearly ten years since she’d seen him lecturing at Pennsylvania. He looked different, but then Emily had said quite literally on her second day that their endgame was getting him out of prison for a crime he didn’t commit, and it seemed only natural that being a fed in a foreign jail would knock someone around. 
She’d been too nervous to speak to him on their first day working together, had stuck to Luke’s side like glue because he was closest in age to her and he didn’t seem to mind the way she could speak a hundred miles per hour. They had only really had any contact when she was chatting with Garcia in the kitchenette at lunch, when she was talking to the tech whizz about the crochet set she’d bought even though she couldn’t seem to wrap her head around the way everything bobbed and weaved and bobbed again, and how the woman on youtube seemed to make the tiny bumblebee seem so achievable while hers looked like a yellow turd. 
He’d come up behind the two of them, his footsteps deadly silent despite the fact he had sneakers on, and she wouldn’t have even known he was there had Penelope not lit up with glee at seeing Reid poking around their office again. 
“Coffee, honey?” Penelope asked, looking over the girl’s shoulder, and it was only when he murmured a ‘mhm’ that the rookie noticed he’d crept up behind her, leaning over to grab his mug from the cupboard, and she hopped to the side immediately. 
“S-sorry, just shove me out the way next time, my mom says I have zero spacial awareness.” She said with a nervous laugh, and he didn’t seem to care as he granted her a small glance, pushing the button on the coffee machine and clunking his mug beneath the tap. 
“Have you met our newbie, Spence?” Penelope asked, friendly as ever even though the women caught the way his jaw seemed to feather with clenched muscle, like he was holding himself back from snapping, and his eyes were tired as he looked over at Garcia, barely flicking his gaze to the new face despite her prompt, “This is Y/N, she’s joined us from cold cases,” 
“Hi,” The woman chirped with a quick wave, despite the fact he was stood only a foot away from her, “It’s nice to meet you after everyone’s spoken so highly about you, Penny said you like invented the term genius,”
Spencer pursed his lips, trying not to make a backhanded comment about how dumb that sounded because of course he didn’t invent it, of course it was coined in the mid seventeenth century from the latin gignere to mean ‘exceptional natural ability’, and the last time he checked he wasn’t even born then. But he stopped himself, because she was just being nice, and it wasn’t her fault that he hadn’t been sleeping or that he couldn’t eat dinner without waiting to hear a buzzer go off to let him know when it was meal time, and it certainly wasn’t her fault that she was just a few decibels too loud with her cheerful tone and smile that he could hear in every syllable. 
So he just gave her an awkward smile, and an acknowledging nod, the whir of effort from the coffee machine slowing down as his drink finished pouring, and he grabbed his mug, not even caring that the ceramic scolded his fingertips because he’d felt so much worse before and gotten through it. 
“I’ll catch up with you later,” He said coldly, not returning the sentiment, and he’d turned before he could see the way her smile dropped, her brows creasing in worry as she watched him head back towards his desk.
“Did I say something wrong?” She asked with a small voice, and Penelope wrapped an arm around her shoulder giving her a kind squeeze and a sad smile. 
“It’s not you, sweetie, he’s just-” Garcia swallowed, her own pout growing over her red painted lips, “He’s not like the Reid we used to know, he’s struggling,” 
And so she nodded, chewing at the inside of her cheek with a frown. It felt silly to have her feelings hurt, except she’d been thinking about the day two agents from the BAU came to give her sociology class a talk on geographical and societal factors compelling crime, how she’d headed straight to her tutor that evening to swap her major to criminology. Because she’d hung on every word Agent Hotchner and Agent Reid had said, which definitely had nothing to do with the fact the younger of the two was so dreamy in his glasses and tweed jacket. 
She’d been excited to meet him again after nearly ten years, maybe even thank him for changing the trajectory of her entire life. He was still handsome, and despite the fact she’d grown up since then, had only thought about him as that hot guy who gave a lecture in her class that one time, she still had felt that silly fluttering feeling in her chest the second she saw him talking with Emily in her office the morning he got back. 
And he’d look at her like she was a girl scout selling cookies; a passing face, a summer temp, no one worth getting to know.
She pretended like she wasn’t the slightest bit disappointed, he’d been to prison for god sake. The guy had bigger problems than a little nobody girl from another department.
Things weren’t much better the day they got the case.
“You might want to cover your eyes for this bit, my little sugar plum,” Penelope said, looking at the rookie with soft eyes, and Emily smiled at her gently, knowing the girl had a bit of an innocent streak, not completely unlike Penny when she’d started the job. 
“Why? I’m sure it’s nothing-” She cut herself off when Penelope clicked onto the next page, and the image of a woman who could only be described as utterly butchered flicked onto the screen in full size, “Oh,” 
“Oh, indeed, rookie,” Rossi said with a wince, looking at the mulch of blood and muscle where her legs had been removed, and her fingers severed clean off as if with a carving knife. 
Luke looked up at the girl, where she’d gone a little peaky, and he patted her back gently, sliding his bottle of water over to her without a word. 
“All the telltale signs are here,” JJ said on a sighed breath, images of the rest of the crime scene flicking up on the screen.
“Pentagram, legs and fingers gone,” Rossi agreed, Luke and Matt looking between the team with a questioning glance, as she downed a sip of the water. 
“There’s even one neat aspect right here,” Emily said, the tip of her finger pointing to one of the pictures of the floor outside the bathroom stall where the body was found, “Her earrings and jewellery are laid out equidistant on the floor,”
“Sure as hell looks like him,” Rossi said, and she cleared her throat, looking to the older man on her left. 
“Like who?” She asked, her eyes snapping to Spencer who opened his mouth to speak, which seemed to be the only time he ever did bother making conversation; when there was a body on their hands.
“Floyd Feylnn Ferrell,” He said, as if the original case had only been wrapped up last week, but then with his memory she wasn’t exactly surprised, “A psychotic cannibal who’d been killing under the radar for years,”
“He killed ten prostitutes and then moved up to low risk victims,” Prentiss added, the rookie’s eyes wide. It wasn’t anything she’d never heard of, but it never made it easier knowing something even worse was coming after the murders. 
“He kept slipping through the cracks and avoiding justice so people referred to him as ‘Lucky’” JJ said, her eyes darting over the crime scene photos that seemed to take her back ten years to when they’d seen almost an identical set of photos, like Hotch was about to call ‘Wheels up in twenty’ any minute now.
Rossi sighed, looking at the younger girl who watched him wide eyed, “Have you eaten today, rookie?”
She shook her head dumbly, “Why?”
“Because the worst of it was he owned a barbeque joint,” Her face dropped even more, if that was even possible, “And he fed one of the victims to the search party,”
Her hand flew to her mouth, blinking at the seasoned agent in terror, because that was something she hadn’t ever thought would enter someone’s mind until she heard it. As simple as it sounded, for someone who had seen cases going back twenty, thirty years, some particularly heinous in nature, there were new lengths she didn’t realise a human could ever go to, let alone would.
Penelope stopped, shutting her laptop lid and glancing at JJ in a plea for help, as the thought of what had happened after the Ferrell case rushed to the front of her mind, when the guy she’d thought wanted to take her out on a date shot her. 
“I have a computer…” The blonde trailed off, heading for the door to the office room with a dazed look in her eyes, and the rookie watched her leave, her neck and palms clammy as she thought about what Rossi had just said. 
“I think I have a computer too-” She rushed, and she bolted from her seat before she could think of anything else, dashing after the technical analyst because she feared she was going to throw up if she didn’t get a breath of fresh air. 
Spencer watched her hair swish as she scurried out the room, and he wondered how long she would last if she couldn’t stomach just a few photos. He had struggled with the gore at first, sure, but he’d never ran. Maybe he was being cruel, but he couldn’t say that a girl like her exactly fit the part of an FBI agent, she seemed… pure, like driven snow, and if anything he’d hate for the bloodied parts of their job to stain a girl so squeaky clean.
Emily nudged his shoulder, nodding towards her retreating figure when he looked up at her questioningly, “You keep an eye on her in this case. She’s still learning,” 
And Spencer grit his teeth, because he hated the idea of babysitting when he had a dozen of his own problems, but he nodded indignantly. 
He just hoped she didn’t make things too hard for him. 
The door swung open behind Ferrell, the UnSub’s sister, the midday Florida heat boring down on her back, Spencer bristling at her right as Luke pocketed his badge. 
And then there he was. The guy from the photo, his thick, wiry glasses exact matches to the ones he’d been wearing the day he got caught, though she supposed a mental facility didn’t exactly have funds for replacements. 
“It’s no problem, Lori, I’ll speak with them,” His voice was a strong southern twang, and almost chillingly calm. His sister looked over her shoulder at him, the woman fretful as she glanced between the four agents, ten years of troubles on her shoulders. She sighed, running a hand over her neck nervously and headed back inside to be with her son, leaving them alone with their suspect on the doorstep, “You’ll have to wait, I’m on my way to church. It’s right around the corner so I’m within the thousand permitted yards from the monitoring station,”
He quickly glanced at where Matt and Luke stood behind her, the former with his arms crossed over his chest as he eyed up the thin, twiggly guy who looked like the type to live in his mother’s basement until he died, not the type to cannibalise and murder. 
His eyes darted over to where Reid towered over him, familiarity flicking in his face as he looked at the agent, and he smiled slowly, like something out of a horror, the uncanny valley of a face so normal when she knew he was so sick somewhat terrifying to her. He fed one of the victims to the search party. She heard it rattling around her skull as she saw the whites of his teeth, and she imagined him ripping into her then and there, her hands shaking.  
“Hey, I remember you. Where’s your friend, Agent Morgan?” Floyd said, and she felt Spencer tense up beside her, which she guessed meant it was a sore subject as she jumped into the conversation, her lips moving before she could think better of it. She’d always had a habit of talking too much when she was nervous, or to fill gaps, or when she could tell someone was uncomfortable, she’d always been told it was one of her more irksome traits. 
“You wouldn’t mind if we took a look around, would you? Just while you’re gone?” She asked politely yet, for once, she regretted ever opening her mouth the second he turned his attention on her.
She felt something cold and dreadful run down her spine as he looked straight at her, his sepia eyes trailing down over her neck, running over her body and down to her hands that fidgeted at her sides.
They waited on baited breath, her stomach flipping with sickness as that manic smile drew even wider, trained solely on her, a thought privy only to himself somewhat amusing to him. She felt herself lean away without even meaning to, incidentally feeling Spencer’s arm bump into hers as she did, and the three men seemed to tense up as they watched Ferrell smell the air, savouring every second of it, his eyes blown wide with something unreadable. Lustful yet starved, like he was on a four day fast standing next to an open roast. 
“You’re awful pretty for an agent,” Floyd said, that drawling accent of his turning her stomach, and his eyes trailed down over her calves, and she cursed herself for wearing a midi skirt. But she hated jeans on her thighs, hated the way Florida air clung humidly to her skin when she didn’t let it breathe, but she thought she might just hate the way his mouth filled with saliva more, “Do you like running, agent?”
“Sometimes,” She whispered, shrinking in on herself even more as he took a step out of the home. 
And Spencer felt his chest drop at the sound of it. She sounded petrified. But then, he would be too if someone his size looked at him like he was a five-course banquet. And he regretted ever thinking of her as babysitting, as defective, because she was clearly trying her best, and this was where it had gotten her. Right on the UnSub’s menu.
“I bet you do a lot of running, chasing after bad guys, huh?” Floyd pushed, leering towards her with another smell of her perfume, and she could have sworn his smile only widened into something cheshire cat-esque. She nodded with a worried gulp, her breath picking up when his hand began moving up to where a rogue stray hair fell out of her bun, running over her collar bone, her heart beating so wild and heavy beneath it. 
And it was enough for Spencer to act, because within the blink of an eye, he’d side stepped in front of the rookie who seemed frozen in her spot, and Floyd’s arm was shoved away where it hit Spencer’s bicep. Ferrell was forced to stop looking over her clammy skin with heavy swallows like he was imagining just how she would cut and marinate, and instead was confronted with a frown that could send any man scarpering, Spencer’s lips pressed into something furious, his shoulders seeming only more broad than they usually did when he purposely blocked Ferrell’s view from her. 
“You’d better get going, Floyd,” Spencer said, his voice a deadly sort of calm, and his arm stuck out behind him to keep her where she was as he spoke, “You’re going to be late for church,” 
And Floyd listened, despite his smarmy smile as he dared a look at her when he passed by, despite the fact his eyes trailed back down to her jugular like he was ready to sever it there and then to string her up and cure. 
Spencer’s hand fished around his pocket, glaring at the back of Floyd’s head as he strolled down the street, tossing the keys to Alvez, “Take her back to the car, don’t let her out of your sight,” 
And the two of them listened while he and Matt swept the house, because anyone would be insane not to when Spencer looked so angry he could have put a hole through Ferrell’s head without blinking an eye.
“Eating people, who eats people, what on earth is that all about,” She muttered, the four of them in the SUV heading back to the station. She sat at the front with Spencer where he drove because Luke and Matt were gentlemen and had offered her the extra leg room, and Spencer had zero qualms because he was under strict instruction to keep an eye on her. 
She did that alot, he realised. Muttered when she was thinking about something. Where he went deadly silent when troubled, too focused on sorting through the mental files that seemed to be so resistant to organise these days, she was his entire opposite, always talking or humming a tune under her breath or playing an invisible set of piano notes on her knee, something to always keep the space filled. 
He’d hated it the first few days, the sound like a blaring alarm coming from over by her desk, cutting through his limited attention span, grating on his nerves and making him have to bite his tongue to stop himself from yelling at her to shut the fuck up. But then, it wasn’t exactly personal to her, even the sound of the coffee machine had been enough to pull at his hair in frustration. At twelve years old, it spluttered and whirred and kicked back at every drink it made, every second of it winding Spencer’s patience up like a jack in the box.
But he found himself listening in on her mumbles, glancing over at how her frown screwed up her doe eyes, her lip pulling between her teeth whenever there was a tiny pause in between her words, before she started again. He’d quickly realised it was the easiest cheat in the book to know when something was bothering her, that she was so much of an open book, not at all cold and guarded like him or so many other profilers he knew, that he wouldn’t need to bother deducing her like she was his next UnSub to know what was wrong. She would just tell him as it was, wear everything vulnerable on her face. 
“Something the matter?” He pressed, Luke also keeping a close watch on her from the back seat as she shook her head to herself, and her head snapped over to the driver’s side, her expression entirely caught even though she’d not exactly been subtle about her turmoil.
“M-me? “ She pointed to herself, and Spencer nodded, trying not to smile because sometimes she could be clueless, not the dumb kind but something sweet, naive, and he found himself somewhat jealous that she didn’t need to be the smartest person in the room to be worth something, she could just be herself, “Yeah, I guess I just,” She huffed, running her hands over her skirt, “I don’t get why anyone would want to eat someone else, it just-” She shivered, not in a theatrical or fake way but like a ghost had walked over her grave just thinking about Floyd smelling at her. 
“Some cultures used to cannibalise other members of their society as funerary practices as early as twenty-four thousand years ago,” Spencer said, and she stopped fidgeting to listen to him, “There’s evidence that the Magdelanians in North Europe used to turn their dead’s skulls into cups they would then drink out of,”
“That I can understand, those guys were probably starving and it’s not like they can just chow down on a damn sabertooth as an easy lunch or something,” She said, and he bit his lip from stopping her to explain that the two of them were about four thousand years apart from one another, “But like, when there’s a burger king or taco bell on every corner, why are you eating women. Who eats women for breakfast lunch and dinner, like raise your hands which one of you would ever eat a woman,” 
Luke sniggered, and Matt smirked at the innuendo of it, the double meaning of her words flying entirely over her head.
“I dunno, Alvez, do you like eating women?” Simmons asked, a smug grin in his words as the boys cackled childishly, and Spencer rolled his eyes with amusement. 
“Pretty partial to it actually,” Luke chimed in, and she whirled in her seat to look behind her of scepticism, “How about you, Reid?”
“You guys are so weird,” She murmured, and Spencer took a quick glance off the road to see her looking entirely baffled, her feathers ruffled at the fact she was left out of the joke. 
“They’re talking about oral sex,” He explained, because he remembered when that had been him for the longest time, and how it had made him feel like the butt of every punchline to not understand why everyone would smile at him knowingly, yet he found himself doing the exact same to her, his lips twitching at their corners.
Spencer watched her scoff, looking back at the two grown children in the back, “I take it back, you guys aren’t weird, your gross. Why can’t you be mature like Spencer?” She huffed, sitting back in her seat and fixing her skirt, “See if you were grownups like Agent Reid and I, you’d know the term isn’t eating a woman, it’s called focalratio,” 
Matt pulled a face of confusion, flicking his eyes to her, “Isn’t that to do with a camera lens?” 
“Do you mean fellatio?” Spencer asked, trying his hardest not to smirk because he didn’t want to make her feel stupid, except she just waved a hand at him.
“That’s what I said. I see why they call you Doctor Read and not Doctor Listen,” She giggled at her own words, watching the trees go by her passenger window, almost entirely oblivious to the way Spencer’s face cracked into a grin, something easy and charmed in his chest. 
And for a moment, he saw exactly what Penelope had been talking about when she wouldn’t stop talking about how likeable she was and how it was harder to hate her than it was to love her. 
Luke took a sip of his water, the bottle nearing the end as the Florida sun warmed it up, and he figured he might as well finish it before it became stagnant and undrinkable. 
“Actually the term fellatio describes only male genitalia, the female equivalent would be cunnilingus-” Spencer explained, and he knew she was listening because he felt her eyes on the side of his face as he spoke, except he was cut off by the sound of her screaming so loud he nearly slammed on the breaks then and there. 
“LUKE!” She yelled, and when Spencer looked, she had water dripping down the back of her hair, soaking her shirt to her skin, her black bra straps suddenly clear as day as they pressed against her dove white top. Alvez looked mortified, and he found himself apologising between coughs, water dribbling down his chin where he’d been so shocked to hear that word coming from Spencer’s mouth that he’d completely forgone swallowing and simply spat the whole thing out right through the gap between the headrest and the seat. 
And Spencer laughed; it was quiet and foreign and nothing on the roaring cacophony coming from Matt in the back, as her and Luke descended into a squabble, her proclaiming him as a disgusting alpaca man as she tried to dry herself off with his jacket. But she caught it, the small chuckle coming from her left, and she looked at him, the sodden shirt almost forgotten when she saw him laugh. 
She thought then that she wanted to make him laugh like that a million more times. And she knew she had it bad for Spencer Reid all over again.
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chosocutegf · 6 months
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husband!Miguel O’Hara x fem!reader
cw: smut
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husband!Miguel who rents a whole private beach and a beachfront villa just for you two to finally have your well deserved vacation. He makes sure you have all the comforts you might need, and that the whole thing matches your tastes.
husband!Miguel who doesn’t even give you the time to put down your luggages that he immediately picks you up and takes you to first flat surface so he can make love to you. He is so pent up from work that he can’t help the desire surging through his veins, especially when he sees you in that little sundress.
husband!Miguel who goes around wearing short sleeved shirts and shorts. Most of the times he doesn’t even button up his shirts, letting you see his toned abs under it, and the happy trail that disappears in his pants. He enjoys catching you staring at him and making you blush.
husband!Miguel who made sure to buy you all sort of bikinis before leaving so that he could admire you with them on. However, he wasn’t really expecting his cock to be hard all the time at the sight of the little straps clinging to your body, the material barely covering your nipples and cunt, leaving the rest of your skin exposed to his hungry eyes.
husband!Miguel who sulks and follows you around like a puppy when you forbid him to touch you, because for the first days you didn’t even had the time to step on the beach that he was already pouncing on you.
“Por favor, mi amor,” (please, my love) he murmurs, wrapping his arms around your middle from behind and brushing his nose against your neck before leaving a kiss there. You ignore him as you continue to apply sunscreen on your arms, “Lo siento, cariño, but you look so good in your bikinis… you can’t blame a husband who is madly in love with his wife, can you?” (i’m sorry, sweetheart..)
husband!Miguel who is quick to scoop you up in his arms the moment you give up, slap your ass and fuck you nice and slow. He just loves you so much and you make him feel like a horny teenager every time he sees you walking around in those flimsy clothes.
husband!Miguel who takes you snorkeling because he wants to see the beauty of the ocean with you. And he makes it difficult for you when he comes out wearing one of those tight black dry suits, accentuating every muscle of his body and making his broad shoulders and tiny waist stand out more. You gasp when he turns around and you see how good his butt looks in it.
husband!Miguel who holds your hand, everywhere and anywhere. He wants to feel you close, especially when you two go around to explore the local markets, or attend traditional dance performances. If he doesn’t have a hand holding yours, he has an arm wrapped around your shoulders or waist, but rest assured that he is always touching you.
husband!Miguel who wants to take walks on the shore with you, holding you close. He likes them even more when the sun is down, the stars and moon are shining over your heads, and you two talk softly to each other. Those are the moments when Miguel is most vulnerable with you. He loves to see how the moonlight shines over your features, making you look like a goddess and he can’t help but wonder how he got so lucky to have found you.
husband!Miguel that one day decides to rent a boat to take you around. The sun shone on his tanned skin, making him look like a greek god. He was wearing his sunglasses, his wet hair were slicked back as he stood there, driving and looking sexy. You couldn’t help but snap a few pictures of him looking like that.
husband!Miguel who on the other hand, had difficulty looking away from you lying on the bow of the boat. Your wet skin glistening under the sun, and your little bikini doing nothing to cover your plump curves. He could see your perked nipples poking under the thin material, and it was making his cock throb in his swimsuit.
“Okay, now jump,” Miguel tells you, looking at you with a little grin while you stand at the edge of the boat, looking down at the clear waters. You glance back at him with a pout before resting your hands on your hips, “no, you go first,” you mumble.
Miguel’s rich and low laugh rings in your ears before you feel the boat slightly swaying to one side and the other as he approaches you. He brought the two of you in the middle of ocean, away from the shore, and as you looked down at the deep waters, you couldn’t help being a little nervous. “Vale, mamí,” (all right) he says, kissing your forehead and swatting your ass before jumping with his arms straight over his head.
You cringe as the boat sways and you observe Miguel resurfacing above the waters. He shakes the water from his hair, before looking up at you with a grin, “c’mon, cariño, you can do it”. Soon after, you find yourself gripping him tightly in the waters, looking at him and chuckling as he stays afloat and holds you above him.
husband!Miguel who buys you as many piña colada as you want when you go to a local bar. He makes sure to hold you close to him while you dance around him, drink in hand, and smiling widely. He is fascinated by you until you decide to grind your ass against his middle, your short dress really making it hard for him to resist you. When he can’t hold back anymore, he takes you back to the villa and makes sure to fuck the brattiness out of you.
husband!Miguel who wakes up one day and you aren’t in bed. He can’t help the panic that surges in him, and he is quick to stand up to search around the house while calling out your name. However, his nerves immediately relax when he looks out the wide window facing the beach and he sees you sunbathing at the shore.
He makes his way out of the villa, his eyes widening when he sees you sunbathing. Naked. The waves gently hit your body, making you look like an ocean nymph. He groans and reaches down to adjust his cock in his boxers, feeling himself already getting hard. “Mamí,” he calls you, stopping when he is close enough to let his eyes roam down your body, “¿Que haces?” (what are you doing?). You pry your eyes open under your sunglasses, smiling when you see your husband towering over you, “sunbathing,” you tell him.
He kneels down next to you, his finger tracing down your stomach and making you shiver while his gaze is fixed on your perky nipples, “you had me worried when I didn’t see you in bed…,” he murmurs, and you notice how his voice deepens and his eyes look down your body, “sorry, Mig, didn’t want to”.
He clicks his tongue and doesn’t say anything as he pries your legs open, swearing under his breath when he sees your glistening cunt, and positions himself between your legs. He is quick to dive in your pretty pussy, not caring about the waves hitting his back. He stays there until he is sure you’re properly satisfied.
husband!Miguel who starts to hide your bikinis from that moment on. If you have to swim, you’ll do it naked, so that he can catch a glimpse of your little cunt when you dive in the ocean. He will start to swim naked too after you complain that you don’t want to be the only one naked.
husband!Miguel who loves to make you angry when you are laying down on a towel, and he crawls on top of you, water dripping down his body and hair, wetting you. You scream at him and try to push him away but he is stronger and starts to pepper kisses all over your face, pressing his body down against yours. Then he makes love to you because he can’t hold back when his wife is laying under him so prettily.
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I love Miguel so much, IT HURTS
probably gonna write more about this, let me know your thoughts (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
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sttoru · 1 year
Toji and bath time with baby Megumi. That is all 🖤
mhm mhm i present to u the life toji deserves,
ෆ tags. dad!toji x female reader. toji being a good dad & bathing megumi on his own. fluff.
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“hold on, buddy.” toji mumbles as he holds megumi in one arm, the other stretched out to dip his fingers in the water. he quickly checks the temperature of the filled tub and after confirming that it’s lukewarm, he moves on to kiss megumi’s cheek.
“mama said you’re a real crybaby if you get in alone, so daddy will join ya. consider yourself lucky, kid— i don’t do this just for anyone.” toji lets out a breathy chuckle at his own jokes. despite megumi being way too young to understand what toji was saying to him, the man still got a kick out of teasing and playing around with his son.
toji carefully gets into the tub, holding megumi in his hands and slowly lowering the small baby into the water. this causes megumi to kick his chubby legs around while squealing loudly. the drops of water splashed onto toji’s face and he shakes his head with a small smile because of his son’s actions, “hey, hey, easy now, kiddo.”
once megumi was settled in the tub, toji hums thoughtfully as his eyes dart around the bathroom, clearly trying to recall the instructions you gave him beforehand. he couldn’t really remember the order of the things you told him, thus he decides to freestyle this new experience of giving megumi his bath.
“oh, hold on.” toji gets an idea and reaches over the edge of the tub to the near counter, sliding open a drawer and grabbing a bottle of bath foam which he doesn’t even bother reading, “i’ve seen your mama put this in whenever she bathes you. it creates bubbles or somethin’ like that.”
toji pops the cap open and pours the fluid in the water. he doesn’t pour only a little, no, he pours a lot. “should be enough,” he shrugs and tosses the bottle aside, grinning down at megumi who was too engrossed at the way the clear liquid moved between his small fingers.
and it turned out that it was more than just enough in the end. in a couple seconds to a single minute, the entire bath was overflowing with bath foam— it even threatened to spill out of the tub. in a blink of an eye, megumi was gone and engulfed by a sea of bubbles. not that the little boy minded it; toji could hear a few curious babbles and saw his son’s fingers try to move the foam out of his face.
toji couldn’t help it and started laughing his ass off at the sight of megumi disappearing behind the wall of foam (totally not trying to help his kid at the moment). he hadn’t had a good laugh like that in days.
after calming down—though still wheezing a bit between words—toji finally pushed the foam aside and picked megumi up, also wiping away the possible bubbles that got into his eyes, “heh— c’mere, buddy. can’t let ya drown in those bubbles.”
megumi was holding onto his dad’s face, two tiny hands patting both of his cheeks while toji was clearing the foam from megumi’s body, making sure that nothing got into the boy’s eyes. once thoroughly checked, toji kept laughing a little, chuckling at the way megumi was just innocently staring back at him.
the poor baby didn’t even understand what had happened to him seconds ago, yet was still smiling and giggling once he saw how happy his dad was.
at that exact same time, you were passing by the closed bathroom door. the muffled laughter made you curious as to what was going on, though just by hearing the sounds of joy, it seemed like your husband and son were having a great time. the fact alone made a smile appear on your own face.
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pepperyduck · 28 days
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growing old with kento nanami, pt. 2
word count: 3.5k
warnings: having kids, raising kids, naming kids after lost loved ones, descriptions of growing old, like actually growing old and having grandchildren, descriptions of body changes after birth, dad nanami, no angst in this one just living a happy life with husband nanami :3 (18+ mdni!)
notes: i love u all sm, i am giving this man the ending he deserves. now get ready bc i just went through a terrible breakup and must project it in my writing. much love!!!
part 1 | masterlist
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nanami watched you with loving eyes as you laid in your hospital bed, exhausted and sleeping so peacefully after the delivery of your baby. your hair stuck to your face in messy patterns from all the sweat, your chest rose and fell on the perfect, comfortable beat. this time, he was sitting in the chair next to your bed, a book open and ready to be read, but kento’s eyes refused to skim the pages – you looked so beautiful. the room was quiet, only the soft buzzing of an air conditioner and beeping from one of the monitors stuck to you would infiltrate the silence. kento paid close mind whenever you began to stir, lightly fluttering your eyes open to look at him, oh so tired.
“good morning, beautiful,” kento cooed, closing his book to rest it on his thigh. he reached out his hand to lay it atop yours, a soft smile grazing his lips when he looked at you.
“hi,” you groaned, slightly rolling over and wincing when the sharp pain began to shoot through your body. kento’s brows furrowed whenever he saw your discomfort.
“how are you feeling?” he asked.
“tired…it hurts,” you muttered, closing your eyes again. kento’s thumb lightly grazed over the back of your hand, tracing the veins.
kento made sure the nurses that came to check on you administered some pain medicine, and after a while, you began to not be in as much torment as before. you were told you could go home in a day or two, after the pain subsides and the baby is evaluated to be in good health.
kento pushed you down the hallway in a wheelchair towards the nursery, and politely asked to see your baby. you cried so many tears of joy the moment your baby boy was settled in your arms, swaddled in a hospital blanket and sleeping gently. he was so beautiful, a spitting image of his father from the word go. even though he was tiny, and his features weren’t so defined, you could already see the resemblance.
“have you decided on a name yet?” the nurse sweetly asked, clipboard in hand with all your information. you and kento swapped looks for a moment, obviously unprepared for the question. for a minute, you thought in your mind about all the names you discussed, finally landing on one that would be thoughtful and fitting.
“what about ‘yū’ kento?” you suggested, looking up at your husband for his approval.
the gesture of naming his son after his passed best friend made kento a little sad, but he knew haibara would be proud and so happy, so he nodded his head in agreement.
“yes, yū. that’s perfect.”
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taking care of such a tiny human came so naturally to kento. he was easily able to balance work on top of making sure the baby was okay. for the first few months, it seemed as if yū would always cry when he was with you, until kento finally would pick him up and settle the baby in his arms. kento had taken an adequate amount of time off from work, working only 3-4 days a week, he made sure you had enough time to rest in between taking care of the baby for days at a time.
after a while, yū began to calm down, reverting into a happy, smiley, giggly baby. you felt more comfortable taking care of him on your own without kento there. so, in return, kento began working even more, picking up his normal 40-hour work week. since you had moved cities, you hadn’t found a stable job yet, but that was okay. because kento wanted to take care of you. he wanted to be the one to take care of his family.
so, you let him. he provided as much as possible for you and your child, all the while ensuring he wasn’t overworking himself in the process. he wanted to live a happy life, after all, he was never going to revert back to the ways of his 24-year-old self; working impossible hours and remaining exhausted 24/7.
since yū had began to grow older, hitting the year-old mark in the blink of an eye, you came to realize that you only took care of him. not that you minded, of course, you loved your baby. but you were less active, and it showed on your body. more and more, you looked in the mirror to find the pregnancy weight still latched on to you, the body you once had just didn’t seem to be there. you knew your husband should be the one to talk about insecurities, sure, but with all the surgeries he went through, and all he did to improve his health; you thought he looked just as ravishing as the day you met him. he did look just as handsome, even with the scars covering half of his body. he was simply a beautiful man.
and you began to feel undeserving. ugly. lesser than the person you were married to. and for what? because of some baby weight? it was natural. so why did you feel so increasingly terrible about yourself as time went on? you worked out, you stayed as healthy as possible; but it was like nothing was going to let you get back to how you looked before the baby.
you were looking in the mirror in your bathroom, a huge one, just like you dreamed of. but the large size of the mirror only gave you more sight into your own reflection. a reflection that filled you with disgust. you frowned at the weird shape and size of your tummy, or at least the shape you thought was weird, and the way your face seemed chubbier, and your thighs had grown in size.
“hey, honey,” kento greeted you, walking around the frame of the bathroom door. his sights were immediately infiltrated with the picture of his gorgeous wife, with her sleep shorts tugged down below her stomach, endearing stretchmarks littering the skin that once carried his beloved son.
you tugged your shorts up quickly and replied to him, “hi, kento.” with a quick turn on your heel and a step forward, you planted a light peck on his lips. he smiled down at you, eyes glittering with the very glimpse of such a beautiful woman.
“what are you doing?” he asked, snaking an arm around your waist to pull you close. you sort of slumped your body against him, resting a head on his shoulder, and you sighed.
“do you think i look…different now?” you couldn’t stop yourself from asking the question, blurting it out as you rested against your husband. he pulled you away and rested his hands on your waist to look you in the eyes.
“what do you mean, hm?” kento’s thumbs grazed up and down your soft skin.
you looked back into the mirror, frowning once more at the silhouette your body created. with a pitiful tone, you began to speak, “my body. ever since i had yū, it’s just been…ugly. i feel ugly.” you described yourself with one of the most hurtful words and caused kento’s eyebrows to furrow as he looked at you.
ugly? how dare his own wife speak about his wife that way. because, in his eyes, you were the most breathtaking individual on the planet. in the universe, actually. sure, he had noticed the changes of your body – the changes that came from you growing a human being inside of you, single-handedly giving him the best gift he’s ever received. if anything, he loved the changes of your body, somehow your skin became even softer to him, contrasting his rough hands perfectly.
“i’m sorry,” you apologized, noticing your husband’s glare once you looked back up at him. he shook his head.
“don’t apologize, i understand.” kento comforted you, bringing a sweet hand up to your cheek to pull you in for a soft kiss. once he pulled back, he ran a thumb over your cheek, “do you want to know what i think, sweetheart?”
brows furrowing, you looked up at him with a confused expression, “think about wh-,” he cut you off with another kiss to the lips. he skimmed his lips over different parts of your face, planting light pecks over all the skin.
“i think,” kento’s lips trailed down your neck slowly, then to each off your shoulders, beginning down one of your arms. “i have,” his kisses didn’t waver as he made his way down your arm, giving a firm kiss to the back of your hand as he held it, kneeling down. “the most,” he smiled up at you before focusing on your tummy, kissing the shirt that laid atop your soft skin, trailing all over your abdomen.
“beautiful wife in the world.”
you giggled at his gesture, the laugh soon faltering because kento’s stare on you was full of complete seriousness. the things that kento thought were always fact, never fiction, you should’ve known that. so yes, what he said was true. it would always be true in his eyes, too. always.
with all the intimacy conjured in the bathroom, that was the night you got pregnant with your second child, a daughter named mayu.
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parenthood came with its own highs and lows as your children grew. your daughter loved her father til’ the earths end, always opting to stay under his arm whenever he was home. mayu had taken more of your looks this time, not quite the spitting image like yū was to your husband, but enough to tell that you were her mother. she was full of energy and happiness and took on a sassy personality from a young age. yū, however, was very emotional and laidback compared to his sister. it was quite funny how much their personalities showed, even when they were unable to talk. but as they began to grow up and adopt certain mannerisms, their personalities began to bloom even more.
as kento got older, he had gained just a tiny amount of weight, filling out his muscular form even more. his abs slowly faded with time, turning into a less-defined version of themselves. and your favorite part about kento growing older was his hair. once your children reached 3 and 5, kento had reached a good 35, turning 36 soon, little grey pieces began to pepper themselves into his hairline, shining brightly in between the blonde strands. he began to have small crow’s feet in the outsides of his eyes, and smile lines from the amount of smiling he did with you.
on yū’s first day of school, kento had to hold you as you sniffled back tears, watching your oldest boy walk through the front doors of the school. he held his arm around your shoulders and waved his son off, shushing you and saying he will only be gone until 3 p.m. little did you know, kento had to hold back his own tears, because in that moment he felt so accomplished as a father, even though that was only the beginning of yū’s journey.
not to worry, though, because on mayu’s first day – your husband cried like a baby seeing his daughter walk off into school, nervous for the first time in her life.
the first few years of your children’s school life were smooth sailing. yū and mayu alike made many friends and looked at school in a positive light. you and kento never got tired of their endless stories – about a game they played or a lesson they learned or a book they read. every little art project and 100 on a test decorated the fridge. kento made sure to teach them both about the importance of schooling and how to remain at the top of their class, along with balancing the increasing schoolwork the older they got.
it wasn’t until yū hit middle school that things began to go downhill.
neither you nor kento thought that your children would be able to see curses. only one of you was a sorcerer, and kento was the only one in his family that was able to be a sorcerer, too. but when kento took him to a bakery, yū saw the same creature as his father crawling around on the floor, eliciting an ear-shattering scream – kento felt doomed.
“what do you think we should do?” you questioned, leaning against the counter as your husband sat at the kitchen table, lips pursed beneath intertwined fingers pressed on the lower half of his face.
“i do not want him to be a sorcerer,” kento stated, a stern tone in his voice, “but he…he’s…i don’t know if we can stop it.” your husband sounded defeated at the statement.
he could only ask himself why this had to happen to him of all people; someone that had run away from jujutsu twice now. you and kento both decided to wait until your children were older to explain it all, and where all their uncles and aunts and family friends came from, but at the time, it all seemed inevitable but to give some sort of explanation.
so, of course, he called one of the people he trusted – and now respected – the most.
“nanami!” gojo squealed as soon as the front door was opened, revealing the still tall and lanky satoru. kento seemed to still be annoyed by his presence, yet inside he was thankful for his friend to show up on such short notice. gojo had been around your children some, obviously, but you and kento tried to keep your distance because of how dangerous it all was.
after giving satoru the rundown of the past days’ events, you sent mayu off to a friend’s house and sat yū in the living area with all the adults. until that point, he had no explanation as to what he saw in the bakery. but with ease, just as everything was with gojo, he gave yū the clarification needed to understand he had a special gift, and to use it wisely. kento made up his mind as to not scare your son by telling him about how he got all those scars, saving that for a later date. yū still didn’t understand everything entirely, but ended up having some sort of grasp on his abilities. that was all that was needed.
you and kento collectively decided it would be yū’s choice when he was old enough to decide to become a sorcerer, with the help of gojo, of course.
fortunately, or unfortunately, for mayu, she would end up not having the same abilities as her father. it was sort of a blessing, only having to worry about one kid being raised to fight the second they turned 14.
the years spent waiting for yū to become old enough to decide about jujutsu felt like a ticking time bomb for you and kento. many, many nights were spent in the kitchen, talking endlessly about your concerns but also the upsides to having your son learn under one of kento’s most trusted partners. but the both of you became more honest with your son about the reality of going into jujutsu, the pros and cons of becoming a sorcerer, and how it could both positively and negatively affect his life.
ultimately, though, kento was the most relieved he’d ever been when your son gave his answer about becoming a sorcerer, a few days away from the end of middle school.
“uh, no, dad. it sounds way too dangerous. i want to go to college.” yū’s words came off as that of a normal, moody teenager, but in the end made a weight lift off you and your husband’s shoulders.
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they say time flies when you’re having fun, and that was the truest of statements when it came to raising your children with kento. yū’s high school years approached quickly, mayu’s seemingly approached even faster, it was all a rush of images that remained in your head. the sports teams, never missing a thursday night game to cheer on your son from the stands, as he led his soccer team to the regional levels. the first time yū brought a girl home, with you and kento seemingly even more nervous to meet the sweet young lady that attached herself to your son’s arm. prom was so much fun, seeing your husband knot the same printed tie around his son’s neck that he wore in his sorcerer days, before taking a thousand photos of yū and his girlfriend. your son had the most elated, idiotic smile on his face once he opened the door to find his girlfriend dressed to the nines in a stunning dress, the same smile on his face when he came home after a fun night with his friends. and of course, graduation topped it all off, yū standing at the top of his class just like his father. both you and kento had to stifle back tears watching him walk across the stage.
mayu’s high school days were a flash as well, a very fond memory looking back. she remained with the same snappy and sassy personality, just as when she was little. mayu remained close with her father, but began to talk to you as she got older, needing advice for any decision she made. it made you feel like a proud mother, someone she wasn’t embarrassed of because even through her mood swings and bad days, she always found refuge in you. mayu became the student council president by her second year, running every school event like a ship, making sure to always get extra t-shirts for you and kento because you would always show up. while yū was away at college, mayu became your focus as you let your son navigate his way through life.
kento thought he was going to have a heart attack the second his beloved daughter said she had a boyfriend she wanted the both of you to meet. the night that boy rolled up in his car, knocking on the door frantically, kento put on a stern and serious face as he was the one to open the door. mayu came running up behind kento, to no avail, as her boyfriend was already bowing and then shaking your husband’s hand. he politely introduced himself, practically shaking with how intimidated he was by your husband. but the night went on smoothly, you had dinner together and found out more about mayu’s boyfriend and his aspirations. at the end of the night, after he had left and mayu went to bed, kento said he was an, “alright young man,” which was the biggest compliment if you were going to date his daughter.
mayu’s graduation was the time for kento to sob again, seeing his daughter get so much recognition for all she did for the school, feeling like the proudest dad of two children. yū had driven into town, sitting next to you and kento in the stands, a bouquet of flowers for his sister. mayu moved into her dorm only a few weeks later, leaving you and kento in an empty house, riddled with the memories of raising two beautiful, accomplished, important and thriving children.
it all went by too fast.
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after your birds had successfully left the nest, you and kento spent all your time together once again. the days would mix up as he began to work less and less to prepare for his retirement. time flew by, aging you and your husband both, the wrinkles becoming delicately pronounced each year, the grey hairs eventually taking over all the blonde in his head. you spent your time reading, baking, and most of all, traveling as soon as kento’s last day at work hit.
you flew all around the world, visiting the most gorgeous and diverse cities alike, emerging yourselves in all the different cultures, practices, and kento’s favorite part – the food. you visited malaysia with him again, just as you did on your honeymoon, the love you felt all those years ago still present within you both. you walked along the beaches and toured all the spots you favorited on your honeymoon again.
your life with kento nanami was beautiful.
you lay in bed with your husband at your side, his peaceful yet loud snores endearing as he sleeps so soundly. tomorrow, your 25th wedding anniversary will be here. you’ll walk out on the porch of the beautiful condo kento bought after retirement with a cup of coffee for him. you’ll read a book as your husband basks in the view of the beach he longed for all his life. your children and their spouses will drive in around afternoon, and spend the weekend with you both, letting you get time in with yū’s new baby, your grandchild. you will mingle, laugh, maybe cry and reminisce in all the memories you and your husband built up over the course of decades. your house will be loud with the sounds of kids and family and friends, all there to celebrate the life you’ve had with your husband.
even if kento were to die the next day, or in a year, or in 10 years, something would always remain true.
kento nanami had successfully spent his life with his true love.
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taglist: @kundere20000000 @missakward123 @cherriee-ee @lagataprrr @ourfinalisation @ynniksslirg
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inkedinshadows · 1 month
Little Rainbow
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Pairing: Azriel × reader
Summary: When you can’t comfort your baby daughter, you bring her to her dad, who always manages to calm her down.
Warnings: just lots of fluff
Word count: 2.2k
A/N: I thought I'd try my hand at writing second person pov instead of third. It just felt natural to write this one in 2nd pov. Maybe I'll stick with it in the future idk. This was born out of my baby fever btw, enjoy!
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Azriel sensed you right before his shadows whispered of your arrival. He would recognize those steps and those soft wails anywhere.
A smile was already on his lips when the door opened with a small creak and you, his beautiful and loving mate, walked in holding your few-months-old daughter in your arms.
Leaning against the back of his chair, he watched as his shadows shot forward to greet the two of you, writhing around you and caressing your cheeks. You chuckled, but your daughter's soft cries stopped only for a moment before starting again, her little face even redder.
Azriel had spent centuries thinking he would never find love, that he wasn't good enough to deserve it. He was glad for his brothers’ happiness, and yet silently jealous of what they had. Brother, uncle, friend—he was grateful for it all, he truly was, but he longed for something more.
Then he met you.
Even before the mating bond snapped, he already knew you were the one. He had never been so smitten with someone in all his long years. He fell for you as quickly as a stone sinks in water, and finding out you were mates was just the cherry on top. He was convinced he could never love anything or anyone as much as he loved you.
But then you got pregnant. And when you gave birth, one look at the tiny bundle in Madja's arms was enough to prove him wrong. Seeing his mate holding his baby shortly after brought tears to his eyes, and he couldn't keep them from falling when you passed him Iris—named for the rainbow shining in the sky as she came into the world.
It was one of the happiest moments of his life, if not the happiest: looking down at the fragile, beautiful new life he had helped create.
But now, Iris was crying.
“One of those days?” he asked, his arms already outstretched toward his daughter.
“Yeah… sorry to interrupt you,” you answered with a sigh. You passed the baby to him and perched on the armrest of his chair. “But I tried feeding her, playing with her. I sang her all the lullabies I know. Nothing worked. She wants you.”
Azriel smiled down at Iris, holding her as if she were the most precious thing in the world. And to him, to you, she was. You were never interrupting when it was about her.
“You missed me, little rainbow?” he asked softly, a scarred finger trailing down her red, puffy cheeks. His shadows followed suit to swirl around her little face as if they could wipe away her tears.
He'd been scared at first—scared he would somehow taint something so perfect with his scarred hands, hands that had done things he had never been proud of. Though you had reassured him many times, his every concern melted away completely only when Iris had grabbed his pointer finger and innocently put it in her mouth.
It was exactly what she was doing now. Under Azriel's adoring gaze, his daughter wrapped her tiny hands around the finger he had just used to caress her and began contentedly sucking on it, her wails stopping for the moment.
“I don't understand how you do that,” you complained, though your tone was soft, your eyes full of pure love and adoration as you watched your mate and your baby. “She refused her binky when I gave it to her. Every. Single. Time.”
Azriel finally looked up from his child and met your gaze. Amusement sparked in his eyes at your grumble.
“Don't take it personally, love,” he said, curling one of his wings around you and gently nudging you with it. “She said ‘mama’ the other day.”
Catching on to his little wing bump, you slid from the armrest onto his lap, even as you rolled your eyes at him. “She didn't say 'mama’. She was just babbling. She's too young to say words, Az.”
Azriel hummed thoughtfully, but his gaze slid back to Iris. She was still clutching his finger, and even though it had been almost seven months since she was born, watching her was as mesmerizing as the first time.
She had his eyes—hazel with a speck of green—but her hair was the same shade as yours. The two of you had initially spent hours simply gazing at her, whether she was awake or asleep, endlessly debating who she resembled the most. You claimed she had inherited Azriel's nose, he said she had your mouth. The truth was, it was too soon to know for sure, but neither of you cared. She was your rainbow, and she would always be perfect in Azriel's eyes.
The one thing he wasn't sure how to feel about was the lack of wings. After Feyre's tragic experience while giving birth, he had been relieved when Madja announced that your baby wouldn't have them. He never wanted to see you in such pain or risk losing you during childbirth. And yet, he was still Illyrian. Nothing could change that. A part of him longed for the chance to teach his baby daughter to fly, to hear the song of the wind and feel that unparalleled sense of freedom that only came from soaring high in the sky.
“Maybe it's the shadows.”
Your voice dragged him back to reality, and he turned to you with a furrowed brow.
“Why she's always calmer around you,” you clarified, gesturing to the shadows swirling around Iris. You caressed her head, and her eyes tracked back to you as she giggled around Azriel's finger. “They soothe her.”
Azriel smiled, his heart soaring at the sound of his daughter's soft laughter. His wing curled more tightly around you, drawing you closer so he could place a gentle kiss on your temple. “She's just like her mom, isn't she?”
You could only nod, returning his loving smile with one of your own. It was true—his shadows had always been a safe space to you. The first time he had seen you upset, they rushed to you, swirling around you and brushing your cheeks and your neck until you chuckled. From that moment, whether it was anger, sadness, or fatigue, they would leave Azriel's side to cheer you up before he could even take a step in your direction.
Your head came to rest on Azriel’s shoulder and you both watched your daughter's eyes grow heavy, her lids starting to drop as she stubbornly tried to keep them open, her hold on her dad's finger relenting.
“You fall asleep so easily in daddy's arms, don't you, little rainbow?” you whispered as you tenderly booped her cute little nose. “Just like mommy.”
Azriel chuckled, placing his now-free hand on the small of your back to gently nudge you to stand up. “Let's go to bed, love.”
You rose from his lap, and he immediately felt the absence of your warmth against him, but you only stood in front of him with that cute frown of yours—the one that created a small crease between your brows that he always wanted to smooth with his thumb.
Azriel knew exactly what you were thinking.
During the last month of your pregnancy, he had asked Rhys to keep missions away from Velaris to a bare minimum. And after Iris was born, he had stopped taking on any missions that required him to be away for more than two days, because he simply couldn't bear the thought of being separated from you and his baby girl. After centuries, he had finally learned the meaning of the word “delegate”. But sending his spies on jobs he'd usually do himself had led to a high pile of documents and reports on his desk—a pile he mostly tackled after you and Iris had gone to bed.
“I'm done working for tonight,” he reassured you, standing up and rocking Iris in his arms. “It can wait.”
It couldn't, not really. Some of those papers had been sitting on his desk for days, and the Azriel he was until seven months ago would have recoiled at the mere thought of unfinished work. But that was before an eternal rainbow added even more colors to his life than you already had.
You only smiled at him and brushed a kiss against his cheek. “Let's go to bed, then,” you repeated before turning to walk out.
Azriel followed you, his baby’s eyes fluttering open at the movement and darting around as he walked down the pastel-blue hallway. She was always so curious, even when tired.
Not wanting to risk Iris deciding she’d rather stay awake and explore than sleep, Azriel began to hum her favorite lullaby. You glanced over your shoulder at the sound of his deep voice resonating off the walls, a soft smile on your lips as you watched the shadows gently sway to the melody.
He met your gaze when you stopped in front of Iris’s room, where you had painted the walls a light shade of pink while Azriel assembled the cream-colored furniture. He shook his head and gestured for you to keep walking, never interrupting his soft singing as Iris’s eyes fluttered closed once more. You raised an eyebrow but continued toward your bedroom at the end of the hallway.
You had recently started getting Iris used to sleeping in her own room instead of yours, with both doors left open for the rare times she still woke up at night. But tonight, Azriel wanted to hold both his girls in his arms.
Iris was fast asleep by the time Azriel gently placed her in the center of your large bed, careful not to wake her up. She rolled onto her tummy and let out a content sigh that had you both staring in awe.
You turned to him and wrapped your arms around his waist. “You didn't want her to sleep alone?” you murmured, your tone amused.
“I couldn't,” he answered with a smile, his fingers tangling in your silky hair. “She missed me, you said it yourself.”
You chuckled, leaning up to peck him on the lips.
Azriel didn't let you pull away.
It felt like a lifetime had passed since he last had some alone time with you. If it wasn't Iris needing attention and care, it was his duties as spymaster keeping him so busy that you had resorted to dragging your favorite armchair in his study, where you would curl up with a book during your daughter's nap time. Sitting in comfortable silence as you each focused on your own tasks was better than being apart.
He felt you relax, melting against his body as he deepened the kiss, and only then did he pull back to rest his forehead against yours.
“And I missed you,” he whispered. Your cheeks were warm under his touch and he took a moment to just breathe in your familiar, soothing scent.
“Then you should have let Iris sleep in her crib, my love,” you said with a glance at your daughter. A mischievous gleam entered your eyes when they settled on him again. “Because I really miss you too.”
Azriel's soft laugh echoed in the room, and he kissed the top of your head. “Tomorrow,” he promised. He could make those reports wait a bit longer.
You smirked, stealing one last kiss before stepping back to peel off your clothes. He took a moment to admire you—your smooth skin, the dip of your hips, the soft curve of your stomach that remained from childbirth—but he quickly undressed as well, and soon you were both in bed, with Iris nestled between you.
Azriel placed a broad hand on her back to draw her a bit closer, and his wing draped over you as you scooted over, enveloping the three of you in a warm, dark cocoon, the silence interrupted only by your daughter’s soft snoring.
He felt you move in the dark and guessed you had just kissed Iris when you murmured, “Goodnight, my rainbow. Even though you didn't let me sing you lullabies.”
Azriel didn't need to see your face to know you had a loving look in your eyes and a playful smile on your lips.
“Of course she prefers my lullabies,” he teased, brushing his thumb over Iris's back. “She's her daddy's girl.”
For a moment, he was tempted to fold back his wing and let the moonlight caress your face, just to catch your cute pout as you said, “I used to be your girl.”
“You still are, love. You're both my girls,” he assured you, letting his wing lower over you like a second blanket. “You're my family. There's nothing I love more than you and Iris.”
“I love you too,” you replied, your voice now stripped of all playfulness. Only pure, undiluted sincerity remained, warming his heart. “Both of you.”
Silence fell again, and it wasn't long before your breathing evened out as you drifted into sleep. But Azriel stayed awake a while longer, listening to the steady rhythm of his mate's soft sighs and his daughter's occasional snorts.
His own little family—everything he had ever wanted, more than he had ever dared to hope for.
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Taglist: @mrsjna @navyblue-eternity @paintedbyshadows @highladyandromeda @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @azrielsmate3 @mollygetssherlockcoffee @mirandasidefics @tinystarfishgalaxy @cynthiesjmxazrielslover @anarchiii @readinggeeklmao @andreperez11
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celestemona · 2 months
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there is no greater happiness in the world than being with his little sister, according to cameron. i mean, isn't she the most precious thing?
pairing: dad & husband! wriothesley x fem! reader
cw: slightly ooc, domesticity, parenthood, siblings being adorable. fluff. not beta-read.
reblogs and comments are appreciated ♡
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Cameron carefully adjusted the carrier strapped to his chest, ensuring his little sister, Marie, was snug and comfortable. Her small hands waved excitedly in the air, and her wide eyes curiously took in the sights around her. Cameron beamed proudly, feeling like the best big brother in the world as he carried the baby through the bustling areas of the fortress.
“Look, Mae, it's Mr. Wolsey and Estienne!” He pointed to the sentinel and the coffee shop owner who were talking not far from their posts. They both smiled at the sight of the two siblings, giving a small wave.
Marie gurgled happily, shaking her tiny hands again as if in response.
“Hello guys. Thank you for your service,” Cameron said on her behalf, his voice filled with the pride of a big brother showing off his adorable baby sister.
As they continued their walk, they encountered several inmates who greeted them warmly, and some who even paused their tasks to play with the happy little girl. Marie's chubby cheeks and innocent smiles melted even the hardest hearts in the fortress. Cameron couldn't help but puff out his chest a little, enjoying the attention his sister was receiving.
A few moments later, as he turned the corner, the boy came across Wriothesley, you, and a few guards in range, deep in conversation. You carried a stack of documents while the others listened to you attentively. When you saw Cameron and Marie, your faces lit up.
“Why, if it isn't my favorite little lady,” Wriothesley approaches, his voice warm and affectionate. He reached out to take Marie out of the transporter, but Cameron quickly turned his body, shielding the girl from her father.
“Step back, Dad. I'm the one taking care of her today,” Cameron protested, giving the older man a determined look, “We're in the middle of our walk, and only brother and sister are allowed.”
Wriothesley raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at his lips. “Is that so? Well, I think Daddy deserves some time with his princess too.”
Cameron shook his head, holding Marie a little tighter. “Nu-uh. Not now. You'll have to wait for your turn.”
You, who until then just watched the interaction in silence, laughed softly. You handed the paperwork to a nearby guard and crossed your arms, clearly enjoying the scene unfolding before your eyes. The other officials around you also exchanged amused glances, enjoying the playful family drama.
Marie, confused by the tension developing there, tugged at the fabric of Cameron's shirt, catching his attention. 
She cooed something in her own language, her eyes shining with adoration.
Cameron's heart melted instantly, but he remained steadfast. Though it was crystal clear to both you and your husband the pride and exhibitionism that emanated from your son.
“See? She wants to be with me.”
Wriothesley sighed dramatically, placing a hand over his heart. “The courage of this boy. Very well. You won this round, Cam, but I'm not giving up that easily.”
You approach your husband from behind, smirking mischievously. “Maybe we should let Cameron have his time with Marie, dear,” you suggested, winking at the teenager, “Besides, it seems like she’s pretty happy where she is.”
Wriothesley pretended to think about it, a pout almost imperceptible, then nodded. “Okay, but don’t think this is over,” he said, giving Cameron a mock-serious look. “I will return to my princess.”
Cameron smiled triumphantly and said goodbye, continuing his walk with his little sister. The baby girl clapped her hands and laughed excitedly, happy for the attention and play between her father and brother.
As they walked away, you turned to Wriothesley, laughing softly. “You two are like big kids,” you teased. “It’s lovely.”
Wriothesley shrugged, a fond smile on his face as he watched his children disappear around the corner. 
“What can I say? She has us all wrapped around her tiny finger.”
The guards exchanged amused glances once again, shaking their heads with smiles.
The fortress may be a place of order and discipline, but moments like these brought a warm feeling that everyone appreciated.
For Cameron, the hike with his sister was a cherished memory in the making. And for Wriothesley and you, seeing your children bond so closely made your hearts fill with pride and love. As Marie's sweet laugh echoed through the halls, the family knew these moments were priceless.
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trivia: wriothesley is around 40s here. we love a old man, girl's dad.
a/n i wrote this very quick so i don't know if it's good but i like it?? i've been inspired by your brainrots and mails in the few past days and saved all of them. nonetheless, i'll be reducing the number of posts because i'm leaving my studies behind lol thank you for your reading! anon who suggested their interaction, this post is for you <3
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Hahah the moms flirting with Charles. You should write a dad flirting with Ruby’s mom and she tells charles and he’s like wtf
you’re not my dad | charles leclerc
yes, the title is a vine reference 🧍🏽‍♀️
request #2: Could we please have return of baby leclerc, where she's out with her mum and a man starts to flirt with yn but he won't leave her alone and then Ruby is like she happy with my papa and then Charles notices and gets him to go away, pleasee and thank you, I love your work
Ruby loves Texas. She loves the food, the cowboy hats and boots she got to wear everytime she visited the state, but most importantly, she loves going to the hotel pool on a hot day.
It was a nice sunny day in Austin when Ruby woke up her parents demanding them to take her to the pool. It was media day for Charles so as much as he wanted, he couldn’t join his family for a pool day.
“Listen to your maman, be good and have fun for me, okay?” Charles pressed several kisses to Ruby’s cheeks.
“Okay, papa!” Ruby gave Charles even more kisses.
Charles said goodbye to his family, wishing he could skip every interview, but he couldn’t leave Carlos alone.
“Baby, which swimsuit do you want?” Y/n asked the girl, who overpacked. Ruby had practically stuffed her entire closet into her tiny princess suitcase.
On the bed laid two swimsuits, a pink and purple one piece. Ruby took choosing her swimsuit seriously. Pink was her favorite color, but purple was her mother’s favorite. She ended up choosing purple. After putting on her swimsuit, Ruby wanted to wear her goggles, arm floaties and her donut shaped floaty. She probably looked crazy with all her floaties on, but she didn’t care. She was ready for the pool.
Y/n was also in her swimsuit, but had on a pair of swim shorts over her bottoms. When they finally arrived to the pool, Ruby stopped herself from running since her mother had told her about the pool rules.
They found an empty table to put their bags on. Ruby patiently waited for Y/n to take out the sunscreen. To her it felt like forever, but eventually Y/n gave her the okay to enter the pool.
“I’m going to be a mermaid maman!” Ruby yelled as she jumped into the pool. She doggy paddled all over the pool with Y/n keeping a close eye on her.
“Maman! I can swim from here to there really fast! Watch me! Are you watching me?” Ruby called out to Y/n, who laughed at the little girl. She swam as fast as she could to one spot then turned to look at her mother. She didn’t expect to see a man talking to Y/n.
“Hi, there.” The man said to Y/n. “I’m Matt.” He introduced himself.
Y/n politely smiled and nodded. “Hi.”
“You visiting?”
All Y/n wanted to do was enjoy a pool day with her Ruby Jules but this ‘Matt’ guy decided she needed some company.
From her spot in the water, Ruby noticed the frown on her mama’s face. She hated seeing her mama upset so she swam to the edge. “Mama.” Ruby spoke.
“This your daughter? She’s really pretty like her mama.” He said with a smile. “Hi, little girl.”
Ruby looked at her mama, who shook her head. But Ruby wasn’t letting this man ruin her day. No, they didn’t deserve to have their day ruined by some stranger.
“Only my papa can call me and my mama pretty. Sometimes my uncle Pierre calls me pretty, but you can’t.” Ruby replied, already giving her famous ‘Ruby glare’.
“Well your papa is a very lucky man.”
“Yeah, and he loves me and mama more! I’m telling papa.” Ruby said in a threatening manner.
“Hold on, I’m just telling your mama she’s a very pretty woman. No need to tell your dad about it.” The man tried to defend himself. From her seat, Y/n was enjoying Ruby make ‘Matt’ wish he didn’t come up to her.
“Papa calls us pretty. You’re not my dad.” Ruby said with the most serious face ever.
Matt, feeling scared for his life, apologized and excused himself. He walked away wishing he was anywhere else at the moment.
Y/n chuckled and got up from her seat. “You’re the best, my Ruby Jules.” She took off her swim shorts so she was just in swimsuit and joined Ruby in the water.
“Want to play mermaids?”
When Charles finally arrived, both Ruby and Y/n had showered and changed into their matching pajamas. They were currently watching The Lorax on the tv.
“How was the pool?” Charles asked Y/n as he joined them on the bed.
“Wonderful. Ruby, want to tell papa your favorite part?” Y/n asked her daughter.
“We played mermaids and I swam really fast and then some guy was talking to maman but I made him go away and then we came here and now we’re watching my favorite movie!”
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ghettogirly · 4 months
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-> synopsis: to which you’re his bestfriend’s lover, but that doesn’t stop him from getting what he wants.
[🕷️] warnings: mature themes, mentions of alcohol, mature language, sex, fingering, kissing, infidelity, Armando is a shit friend!
Authors note: First time writing smut in a long time. Bear with it. Let me know if you guys want a Part Two!
Minors DNI.
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The mini tavern was bustling with energy as people chattered away, drinks and drinks flooding the tables. People felt free the more alcohol they took, letting the drug overpower their body as their conscious state slowly fades into a drunken mess. The shouts would the house, the rough echoing of the footsteps along the wooden floor were the main sounds of the room due to the groups high excitement.
However, one man was not in the same mood as the others. Focused on something else.
Armando’s deep, brown eyes were in a trance as you walked across the room, glistening in mesmerisation as you began to sit down next to your boyfriend. He could tell you wasn’t happy, the spark in your eyes being no more from the start of the relationship where he first was introduced to you. Your lack of interest in your boyfriend’s conversation with another man. Initially, you both didn’t really talk. He just nodded to you and then whisked your boyfriend away for a “private conversation”. You hoped for more of a reaction from your lovers best friend, disappointed by the plain, uninterested response from him.
You came to the conclusion that he didn’t like you. But, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
He loathed your boyfriend, believing he didn’t deserve to be with someone like you. You were innocent, loving and was worth way more than someone who constantly disrespected you. On his mind 24 hours a day, obsessive thought clouded his mind. He couldn’t fathom how amazing you were as a person.
Unfortunately, you didn’t see it yourself.
Snapping back into the room, Armando notices you sitting there alone. Sick and tired of your boyfriend’s mistreatment, he decides to walk over to you and sit by your side.
“Where did he go?” Armando asks while taking a sip of his drink, preparing to be slightly amused by whatever excuse you’re going to use for his disappearance. However, something is different. You look at him with a lack of love in your eyes, your face clearly tired as you succumb to your emotions of disappointment. “I don’t even know.” Y/N exhales.
Silence fills the moment between you two for a minute before the male opens his mouth, “Why are you still with him?”
This clearly catches the girl off guard, shocked by the lack of loyalty from the leader who preaches devotion to his followers and workers. Nevertheless, Y/N responds to him. “I don’t know anymore.”
Armando scoffs, rolling his eyes at your answer. However, an expression of pity seems to cascade down his face. “I could be better than him mi cariña.”
Y/N looks up at him in shock, the man you thought who hated you just confessed his longing of wanting to replace your lover. The male stood up, casting a shadow over you as he blocked out the dim, warm light illuminating from the lantern which hung off the ceiling. He held out his hand,
The red, velvet sheets comforted you as you slightly exhaled at the little touches of his lips that littered all over your body, they savoured every crevice of your smooth skin, holding you close, not wanting to let you go. Your back slightly arched at the feeling of his hand helping his lips explore your body, the cold touch contrasting with the warm sensation that was now growing in your body making the tiny hairs on your body stand up.
He watches your reaction, captivated by the way your body responds to him. He dips his head and takes your right nipple into his mouth, sucking gently before biting down on it softly causing you to gasp at the feeling. “You like that?”
He continues to tease and caress your breasts, alternating between rough and gentle touches to gauge which one you prefer. He moves his hand slowly down to the waistband of your pants, before slowly stopping and looking into your lustful eyes. “Am i allowed?” He asks, his smooth mexican accent filled with desire.
“Please do..” you whisper to him, biting your lip in eagerness as you want him to please you more. He wastes no time. His hands move lower and lower before slipping underneath your panties, slowly sliding them off you and throwing them onto the floor. Finding your clit, he starts rubbing it gently, increasing his pressure as he feels it pulsating at his touch. “Fuck..”
His hand moves faster and faster as he feels you getting wetter, his own desire growing stronger by the second. Leaning in, he kisses you fiercely his tongue invading your mouth as you moan into it, running your hands slowly through his hair.
He slips one finger in. Then two.
You gasp at the bold move, moaning slightly as he stretches you out. The warmth in you increases as you become closer and closer to the edge. He begins to move his fingers in and out, you justices coating his tan, slim fingers as they hit that special spot inside of you repeatedly that has you squirming underneath him.
“F-fuck, i’m so close.” “Oh my god!” Your endless babbling at the pleasure brings music to his ears, smiling down at you as you come close to your orgasm. “That’s it baby..”
The male then goes straight back down to your neck, sucking on your delicate skin to create purple and red marks while he continues to finger you. This causes you to see stars, that being the final straw which causes you to cum all over his fingers, your juices dripping down them as your toes curl. “Fucking hell..”
“This night isn’t over yet.”
Oh shit.
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forever-rogue · 1 year
I saw ur taking miguel requests!!! 🫢how about grumpy x sunshine trope with miguel trying to ignore his feeling for r (who doesn’t hide hers) until one day he just snaps bc she’s so perfect that if he doesn’t kiss her he’ll explode
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AN | My first attempt at Miguel, but I hope you enjoy 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Miguel x Sunshine!Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.5k
Masterlist | Main, Spider-Man
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"You know, Miguelito," you popped up behind him and caused him to start slightly. He cringed at the fact that one, he hadn't heard you coming, and two, that you were there, "you'd be pretty cute if you weren't so grumpy all the time."
He made a small sound of frustration as you made one of satisfaction. There was almost nothing you loved as much as getting under his skin with your eternal cheeriness. 
"You'd be a lot more tolerable if you weren't so obnoxious all the time," he huffed as he walked past you, leaving you staring after his tall, brooding figure. His lack of response and disinterest weren't enough to detour you. You followed after him, a small skip in your step as you picked a few sunflowers from one of the market stalls, leaving behind a large bill for the owner. 
It took a few beats to catch up to the man but you soon fell into stride next to him. He turned his head towards you, raising an eyebrow in question but otherwise remained silent. You took the bright, fresh flowers and pointedly pressed them into his hand. They had felt so large in your grasp but were practically tiny in his hold.
"Why?" He grunted as you smiled brightly at him. His stomach churned with what he was positive was sheer annoyance. 
"Why not?" You moved so you were in front of him and started walking backwards. You could feel a few annoyed passersby step out of your way, grumbling but you weren't bothered. It was a beautiful, summer day and you were enjoying it with Miguel. He might have been your neighbor and reluctant friend, but you held a great amount of feelings for him, "everyone deserves something a little special now and then."
"Even you, Miguel O'Hara," even if he'd never admit it to another living person, or even out loud to himself, he thought you had the prettiest smile, "you're a good man, Miguel. Even if you don't want to see it. And just so you can't say no, I'm telling - not asking - you to come to dinner at mine on Friday. A few of the neighbors are coming too. Be there or be square!"
You offered him a parting wave before darting away and leaving him alone with nothing but his flowers and thoughts. Miguel let out a long, heavy sigh as he watched you go until you disappeared into the crowd. You often made comments about how good of a man he was; he wondered what you would think if you ever learned that he was Spider-Man. 
A heavy sigh escaped him as started walking towards the office where he worked at his day job. It might have been mundane and mind-numbing but sometimes he appreciated the monotony it provided compared to, you know, running a team of spider-people. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Today, however, he was very unthankful for the quiet and stillness. It allowed his mind to reel all over the place and somehow, annoyingly in his book, everything went back to you. You were so…incessantly happy, bright, and kind. It was almost disgusting but he loved it. Ugh. That realization practically made him nauseous. 
He stared at his computer screen blankly but his attention shifted to the vase now containing the flowers you'd gifted him. His fingers drummed along the top of his desk, and he couldn't help but think of the smile on your face as you'd given to him. You looked so pretty today, all cute in a summer dress and sandals, with your beautiful face and perfect hair.
And your lips…they'd looked so glossy and plump. He wondered what they would feel like and what you'd taste like and - wait.
No. No, no, no. He shouldn't be having thoughts and feelings like this. He was definitely just having a moment. He felt nothing for you besides the appropriate friendly neighbor feelings. Right? Right.
He was just a normal guy that was totally normal about you. Besides, he was positive that whatever odd flutters he was experiencing was probably something bad he ate earlier. Yeah. 
"O'Hara?" Miguel snapped out of his daze as he looked up to find his coworker standing in the doorway of his office, "everything alright?"
"Of course. Why wouldn't it be?" His voice was pitched about two octaves higher than normal and his cheeks darkened. 
"No reason," Diego shook his head in amusement, "just seem a little distracted is all. Nice flowers - your girl get you those?"
"She's not my girl," he almost choked on the words. His heart felt like it was fluttering around his chest with nerves, "she's just…my friend."
"Whatever you say man," Diego held up his hand in a small little salute before darting down the hall. He'd rather not be on the wrong side of Miguel's annoyance. 
The man in question, meanwhile, was left staring at the space Diego formerly occupied. Was it…were his feelings that obvious? Whatever those feelings were anyway. Did you like him more than a friend? Surely not. But…if other people thought that there was more than friendship between the two of you, maybe there was something. Maybe…
"Fuck," he scrubbed a hand over his tired face. There was way more going on in his head than there should have been. 
He hated it. He hated the fact that he'd probably been blind this whole time even more.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the time Miguel showed up at your apartment on Friday, it had been a whole two days since you'd seen him. Two days too long you would argue. 
He'd arrived almost an hour earlier than you'd had expected with an anxious smile on his face and a bouquet of flowers in his hands. These were daisies mixed with other seasonal flowers - your favorites. You'd mentioned them maybe once in passing but he'd remembered. You knew that this was no accident. 
"Hey there," you welcomed him inside, noting that there was something different about him today. Something just slightly…off, "you're early, Miguelito."
"Came to see if you needed some help with anything," he admitted sheepishly, watching as you gently took the flowers and put them into a vase before displaying them on the countertop. A shiver ran down his spine at your reverent actions, "and wanted to come and annoy you."
"Well, you're out of luck," you offered him a cheeky little grin, "you could never annoy me. So."
"So…" he snorted in amusement as you motioned for him to come around the counter so he could help you. You set him up with chopping veggies for a salad before turning back to finish your desserts.
"Can I ask you something?" your voice almost dropped to a whisper as you focused on the task at hand and all but refused to look him in the face.
"You just did," there was a teasing lilt to his voice as you groaned at his terrible little joke, "but you can ask me something else."
You were silent for a few moments, carefully mulling over your words. But then - you decided just to go for it, "how long have you been Spider-Man?"
You felt him stiffen, his mouth opening and closing a few times as he balked at you. There was at least part of your answer; you knew that you were right on the money. After a few moments of floundering he set down his knife and turned to you, "I-I have no clue what you're talking about. But you're funny! I mean me being Spider-Man? That's-"
"A true story?" You turned so you were facing him head on and crossed your arms over your chest. This was turning out to be thoroughly entertaining, "I'm a lot of things, but I'm not dumb."
"How did you…you know?" His shoulders slumped as a heavy sigh escaped him. It had been a long time since he'd shared his secret identity with anyone else. Sure, he had his team of elite spider-people, but no one else knew. There was a bit of him that was relieved to have someone else know. It made him feel so vulnerable but so…alive.
"I wasn't born yesterday," you nudged his arm and he let out a huff of air that you figured was amusement, "let's see - the mysterious injuries, the coming and going at odd hours, you 'happen' to be near anything bad that occurs…"
"Those could be…coincidences."
"And I've seen your suit," you turned to him with your hands on your hips and a little smirk on your features. Miguel's eyes widened in surprise as instinctively looked down at himself to make sure he wasn't wearing it, "you're not the best at hiding it under your clothes. Don't worry, I don't think anyone else has noticed. I'm pretty sure no one's looking at you how I do."
"And how is that?" He was practically vibrating with nervous anticipation. The idea that you were watching him in any sense made him feel electric, "how do you look at me?"
"Miguelito," you put your hand on his arm and gave it a gentle squeeze, "you don't really need me to answer that, do you? You're a smart man after all."
"Oh," he nodded as though he understood what you were saying but you could practically see the gears in his turning as he processed your words, "oh. Oh?"
"Oh," you teased, giving his chest a playful shove. Not that it mattered, he was built like a mountain and didn't move an inch, "are we on the same page now?"
"Y-yeah," he answered while every single alarm in his mind and body was going off. Did you…had you really just confessed that you liked him without saying it?
Maybe you'd meant you'd liked as a friend. Surely - 
"Not as a friend," you answered for him, turning back to your dessert. You couldn't deny that you were enjoying this just a little too much.
"Are you a mind reader now?"
"Nope," you smiled sweetly, "I just happen to know you well. You're not as mysterious as you like to think. Not to me anyway."
He hummed in response as he leaned against the counter. He had the desperate urge to turn you around and kiss you dizzy. He'd been thinking about it for so long now, even if he'd never admit it to himself. Honestly - he'd dreamed of doing the same thing, and then some.
He'd been lying to himself for so long now that it had become his truth and his armor. In the past, when he'd let people in and opened his heart to them, bad things always happened. It never ended well for him or anyone else. And he wasn't about to be the source of anyone else's pain…not again. 
And you. You were so kind and sweet and lovely, a practical ray of sunshine and he was afraid that he'd just bring you down. That's why he'd put up a wall between the two of you. That's why he'd been lying for so long now. If anything happened to you…he wasn't sure he'd ever recover from that.
"You're thinking much too loudly," you turned and mirrored his position. He easily dwarfed you, which made you chuckle to yourself, "don't shut me out, Miguel. Talk to me."
He met your eyes and swallowed thickly before nodding in response. You offered him a small smile, hoping to coax him out of his shell.
"I want to kiss you."
Now that caught you off guard. He sounded so positive and unsure at the same time that it made your heart melt. You were about to say something but he quickly cut you off as he took your face in his hands, his touch gentle as he brushed his thumb over your cheek.
Your mouth parted in surprise before forming a small pout as you looked at him. You were going to be the death of him, he was sure about that. But it would be a sweet, wonderful death.
"Miguel?" Your voice sounded so small and gentle as you waited for his next move. 
And then he did it - he leaned in and kissed you, his lips warm and gentle against yours. He was hesitant at first, making sure it was okay to even kiss you but when you melted into him and sighed softly, he knew he was doing the right thing.
His large hands found your hips as he effortlessly picked you up and set you on the counter. You looped your arms around his neck and kissed him back, eagerly to finally experience his touch.
It felt so right, kissing him, like you'd been doing for so long and it was second nature for you. He kissed you until you were left dizzied and breathless, looking up at him with starry eyes. 
"Are you okay?" He ghosted his fingertips along your jaw, admiring your pretty face as you tried to catch your breath.
"Yes," you promised, wrapping your fingers around his wrists as he rest his hand on your cheek, "took you long enough."
"Yeah well…" he rolled his eyes playfully as you laughed softly, "you know how I am."
"Stubborn? Thick skulled? Bull headed?" You raised an eyebrow as he groaned, pressing his forehead against yours. 
"Yeah," he agreed, "all of that."
He kissed you more, stepping into between your legs as you sighed into him. This was definitely going to be your favorite place in the world - his arms.
"I really like doing this," you pulled back but rested your hand on his chest, "but people are going to be here soon so we should probably finish dinner."
"Fine," now that he knew what you were like, he was addicted. He needed more, he wanted to know all of you in all the ways, "but this is far from over."
"Oh, I'm counting on that," you brushed a hand through his dark locks before kissing his cheek, "I'd be disappointed if this was it."
"Yeah," he let out a long exhale followed by a small laugh, "me too."
"What caused you to finally….realize?"
"You drive me crazy," he eyed you with eager eyes as you slid off the counter, "all the time. It just all made sense. So."
"So," you echoed and the two of you exchanged a small giggle, "hurry up, O'Hara. The sooner we finish all this up, the sooner people leave, the sooner we can-"
You didn't have to finish your sentence - he was already back to furiously chopping the vegetables. 
You were glad the two of you were finally on the same page. 
So was he.
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angel5ofp0rn · 4 months
♡ part ten ♡
ExHusband!Price x f!reader
@rosiesghost we were totally on the same page with John and Nadia 🤭
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“So, why did the two of you split up? John found someone younger?”
You nearly choke on your water, caught off guard by Nadia’s bluntness.
“Just teasing.” Nadia chuckles softly, taking another sip of her wine. “Younger than you? He’d ‘ave to rob a cradle.”
From the patio, the two of you watched John and the three children kick a football around in the backyard.
Your youngest struggled to keep up due to her age and size. John was quick to help by lifting her from under her armpits, helping her get a good kick in.
“Actually, it was you," you confess, a slight blush creeping up your cheeks. Nadia looks at you curiously.
"He wouldn't tell me where he was going when he would come here to visit you and Theo. I thought he was cheating."
Nadia almost frowns a bit, looking back to John and the kids. “And now that you know the truth?”
You sigh softly. “I don’t know… I still can’t move past you. I can’t stop thinking about John cheating on you, and abandoning you and Theo.”
“I told him to leave.”
“You… what?”
Nadia sets her wine glass down on the table between the two of you. “John and I… We weren’t in love, you see.” She starts carefully. “We just had a drunken one night stand, and I fell pregnant with Theo… John proposed just to do the right thing, but it wasn’t what either one of us wanted.”
You sit quietly, absorbing her words. The revelation leaves you stunned. You had no idea...
"We were unhappy for a long time," Nadia continues, her gaze distant as if reliving those moments. "We talked about seeing other people for a while, but John said he couldn't bring himself to do it. Even though there were no feelings between us, he couldn't date around while married. And then he met you."
Nadia smiles to herself as she explains the situation to you. You glance over at John, memories of your first meeting flooding back. John kept insisting that he wasn’t right for you, that you should just forget about him.
Now it makes sense.
Unaware of your eyes on him, John uses the bottom of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his face. You get a glimpse of his toned, hairy abdomen and that hint of a v-line that still lingers despite him getting softer with age.
“Can’t deny that he’s sexy, though.” Nadia murmurs, a low whistle escaping her lips.
You chuckle and nod in agreement.
The conversation lulls for a moment, both of you lost in your thoughts. The children’s laughter echoes from the yard, and you see Theo twirl your youngest around, her giggles filling the air.
"Do you ever regret it?" you ask quietly. "Leaving him, I mean."
Nadia pauses, considering your question.
"Sometimes. Not because there’s any feelings,” She explains briefly. “He was a good husband, though, and he’s a good father... But I know it was the right thing to do. We deserved to be happy, and so did Theo. And you deserve that, too."
You take a deep breath, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. “You’re right.”
“I have a couple pregnancy tests under the sink in my bathroom.” Nadia mentions casually.
“I’m sorry?” You look at her incredulously.
Nadia gestures to your glass of water, with her wine glass.
The drive back to the rental for your last night before heading back to the states is quiet. The soft hum of the engine and the rhythmic sound of the tires on the road are the only sounds filling the car.
The children, exhausted from their last day with their big brother, are fast asleep in the back seat. Their heads bob slightly with each turn, tiny bodies relaxed in the safety of the car.
You glance over at John, his profile illuminated by the passing streetlights. He looks deep in thought, one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting casually on his knee.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, you gather your courage. "Nadia told me about your marriage to her... how it really was."
John's grip on the steering wheel tightens slightly, but he keeps his gaze on the road. "Yeah? What’d she say?
“She told me about how the two of you weren’t really together… just married for Theo’s sake.”
John nods, still watching the road.
“I wish you would have just told me.” You sigh. “I wish you would have trusted me with the truth. Trusted that I wouldn’t have judged you for that.”
“It wasn’t about trust,” John explains. “I just… I wanted our relationship to be about us, our future, not my past.”
You stare at John, frustration starting to resurface. "There is no future without a past, John. You can't just compartmentalize parts of your life and expect it not to affect everything else."
John glances at you, his expression conflicted as he rubs a hand over his mouth and beard. "I know. I fucked up, alright? I was scared. Scared that you'd see me differently, that you'd think less of me."
"John, I already see you differently because of the lies," you say softly, your voice trembling.
The silence in the car is heavy, the air thick with unspoken emotions. You can feel the distance between you widening, even as you sit mere inches apart.
John finally breaks the silence, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry. I really am. I never meant to hurt you.”
You close your eyes, trying to steady your breathing. "I know you didn't. But it doesn't change the fact that you did."
John pulls into the driveway and parks the car. He turns to you, his blue eyes filled with regret. "I haven’t cheated. I haven’t abandoned my family. Yes, I hid things from you but I came clean.” John takes a deep breath. “How do we fix this?“
“I can’t talk about this right now.” You shake your head, turning to open the passenger door.
John stops you, his hand grabbing yours.
“We made a promise to each other to talk everything out, not fight.” John’s voice was stern as he locked eyes with you. “If you’re going to just walk away again… I’m going to take that as you wanting to end things for good.”
You turn to look at the children, still peacefully asleep in the back seat. The sight of them, so innocent and unaware of the turmoil around them.
"I want to fix this," you say quietly, turning back to John. “I want us to be together again, but-“
“Then we’ll be together again.” John insists.
“It’s not that simple…” You nearly whisper.
“It’s always been that simple with us.” The corners of John’s mouth twitch into a smile. “You found me at a bar and decided we’d be together. I took you on our first date and decided to make you my wife just a year later… It can be that simple. Just say the word, lovey, and I’m yours.”
You study John’s face for a moment. Everything he said is true, whether you want to believe it or not.
“I want us to be together again.” You confirm.
“You mean that?” John’s grin widens, his grip on your hand tightening slightly.
You nod, your own smile growing.
John moved to cup your face, leaning closer to plant a kiss to your lips, but you pull back.
“Wait- Before we get too far, have my own secret that I need to confess.”
John’s eyes flicker between yours, his expression shifting from elated to confused.
You reach into your bag and pull out a little blue-and-white box and hand it to him.
John studies it, then looks up to you.
“Y’r fuckin’ with me.” He mutters, eyes practically twinkling.
“You didn’t even look at it yet.” You roll your eyes playfully.
John tilts the box to the side, letting the pregnancy test slide out and fall into his hand.
It’s positive.
“When did you take this? How long have you known?”
“I’ve had a feeling for a while… I took the test at Nadia’s.” You blush.
John tosses the test to the floor of the car and cups your face again, peppering you with kiss after kiss, murmuring a few I love you’s against your lips.
Your oldest, pretending to still be asleep, opens just one of his blue eyes and peeks at his parents giggling and kissing in the front seat.
He reaches his little arm out to gently shake your youngest awake.
“Kissies.” Your oldest whispers, pointing a finger to the front seat.
Your youngest’s little hands fly to cover her mouth, muffling an excited squeal.
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 11 months
Lessons learned
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Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Word count: 4.3k
Summary: One fateful day R decides that teasing Wanda is a good idea and she receives exactly what she deserves for it.
Warning: NSFW, 18+, lesbian relationship, teasing, oral to a strap, magic use, strap on sex, enchanted strap, cockwarming, a tiny bit of breeding kink, Mommy!Kink, top!Wanda, Bottom!Reader
Masterlist with all my works.
It started as a typical day in your household, you and Wanda waking from the sound of her alarm. It took her a moment to untangle herself from you, her arms and legs firmly wrapped around you, just as they had been throughout the night, and finally stopping the ungodly sound.
You groaned, unwilling to wake just yet, and if the way Wanda quickly took her previous spot behind you was any indication, she was just as happy to sleep in a little longer. Of course that bliss didn’t last long and the two of you started your normal routines. You, addicted to coffee, ran to the kitchen in nothing but Wanda’s t-shirt and panties, while she started getting ready for her day.
When you entered your shared bedroom again, coffee cups in both hands, she was just getting dressed and you hurried to leave the cups on the nightstand and you threw yourself on the soft mattress, watching her select her clothes for the day.
She put on a comfy bra and panties, nice, short socks, to keep her feet warm, she had a suit laid out already too, somewhere near your feet, but to your surprise she didn’t reach for it. Instead she reached in her drawer and pulled out a harness, securing it around her hips, while you looked at her with a raised brow. Then came the dildo, flexible and skin coloured, easily attached to her harness with a smirk as she turned to you.
“Don’t look at me like that.” She scolded, but her voice was giving away her amusement. “I’ve got 10 minutes. I have to get dressed.” She informed, looking at the watch already on her wrist.
“That’s so close to the perfect sentence.” You mused, turning on your tummy, your eyes following her hungrily.
“We’ll have fun when I get back.” She smirked, putting on her pants and tucking her shirt in.
“Tease.” You accused, your hand sneaking between your body and the bed, delicate fingers caressing your clit through your panties.
Wanda let you continue your little ministrations, perfectly aware of what you were doing, and happy to let you tease yourself some more, while she put on her blazer and picked out a few rings from her jewellery box, her eyes always darting towards you to keep an eye on your activities, but when you let out a little moan, signalling your pleasure, she was quick to crawl over the bed, turning you over and pinning both your hands above your head.
“What do you think you’re doing?” She asked, her gaze hardening as she looked in your lust filled eyes.
“Playing?” You responded with amusement. You knew Wanda always got worked up at the thought of anyone else bringing you pleasure, even if that someone was you.
“Not without me, you’re not.” She said sternly, leaning down to capture your lips in a deep kiss. “You better wait for me.”
“But you’re right here…” You said playfully, biting your lips, so you wouldn’t laugh at the dark way she was looking at you. God, you loved it when she got like that.
“I am leaving for work.” She emphasized. “And you’re not going to touch yourself. Is that clear?” She asked sternly.
“But you haven’t left yet…” You pouted.
“Don’t play dumb with me.” Wanda growled down at you. “We both know you’re not.” She reprimanded. “No touching. Am I clear?”
“Very clear.” You nodded, even if you made a show of pouting up at her. “But you better make it up to me when you get back.” You suggested, arching up under her, so you could press your body against the bulge in her pants.
“When have I not…” Wanda thought to herself, but chose to keep the comment to herself.
“That’s for me to decide.” She told you instead, pecking your lips one last time, before she pulled away entirely and made her way towards the door.
You only got up, when you heard the front door of your house close behind Wanda, her voice carrying as she said goodbye. You were feeling more than a little worked up by the whole situation, but decided that the best way to get over it is to go about your day. You just needed to distract yourself long enough for Wanda to come home. Unfortunately, you were feeling more than a little worked up and if you were going to suffer in your wet, ruined panties, so was Wanda.
The thing about her? She was masterful at teasing, prolonging your pleasure, edging, she was an expert at making you desperate and needy and she knew it damn well. She loved doing it too. But she couldn’t stand it when you teased her back. She was far more impatient than she liked to pretend and she hated having to wait for what she wanted. Which is why, on the days that you did, you often found yourself gloriously fucked out. And hopefully, today would be no exception.
When she checked in the first time, you were at the store, getting all the needed groceries, so instead of answering her text, you just opened your camera, pointing it towards yourself, pulling down your shirt, to make sure that it showed more cleavage than it did and you quickly snapped a photo, sending it to her.
“Is that what you’re wearing?” You quickly got a response, Wanda scanning the picture you sent her and seeing the expanse of your chest out on display for all to see. And sure enough, there was a man behind you, looking intently in your direction, something you might have seen, had you looked before sending it to Wanda.
She seethed, waiting for a response, but none came, since you preferred to ignore her, now that you had her attention. After all, she had done the same to you this morning. It was only fair.
None of it felt fair to Wanda though, as she watched the minutes tick by without a single response from you, and she was just about to send you another text, when you finally started to type.
“Sorry babe, I was in the car. I just got home.” You tell her, snapping another photo of yourself in your kitchen.
            “Fix that shirt, or I’ll rip it, when I get home.” Wanda responds, her hands squeezing her phone more than they should.
“I thought you liked that one.” You type in, playful smile on your lips.
            “Which is why I would feel terrible, having to rip it from your body, if you don’t fix it right this second.” She repeats, only to receive a third photo from you, this time, looking appropriate and she feels like she can finally breathe freely.
But the accidents continue, your photos getting more provocative and daring as the day goes by and Wanda finds it impossible to stay at work for much longer.
Taking one last look of the photo of you, sent an hour ago, with you naked under the covers of your shared bed, claiming that you’ll be taking a nap, Wanda had enough. She decided that you’ll be paying dearly for all your teasing tonight. Just as soon as she was done with her work, she would be heading back home and she’ll teach you what happens, when you provoke her.
By the time she steps inside your house, inhaling the scent of her favorite pasta cooking, she’s received 2 more pictures of you, one with you, prettily waiting on your knees with nothing but the thin sheet covering your breasts and a second, of you cooking in nothing but the t-shirt from this morning and a pair of panties covering your pussy.
Now, here you were, wearing exactly the same and looking even more ravishing in person, setting the table for her, a candle already lit. God, you looked beautiful. And despite your torturous teasing, it was hard for her to be mad at you, when you were being so thoughtful. Hard, but not impossible.
“Hi, baby.” You greet her, approaching her quickly and leaving a peck on her cheek. “Dinner’s ready.” You say as you take her bag and coat from her, feeling her eyes follow you intently. “And I’ve got some dessert for you too.” You winked at her and it seemed to be the last straw.
Wanda pulled you in a deep, heated kiss, her tongue invading your mouth quickly and her hands finding their way around your waist in seconds, getting you as close to her as she could, the feeling of her, her scent quickly taking over your senses and pulling small gasps of wanton pleasure from you.
Her hands roamed your body eagerly, exploring you and feeling you up, touching everywhere she could reach with fervour, hands easily sneaking under the t-shirt you were wearing and teasing your breasts. As soon as you moaned, she pinched your nipples, pulling on them slightly, only to have you gasping, but she was quick to soothe them soon after.
“You’ve been such a bad girl today.” She told you unceremoniously, pulling the t-shirt off entirely and attacking your nipples with her mouth.
“Wanda.” You squirmed, but she only sucked harder.
“Try again.” She told you, attaching her mouth to the other breast.
“Mommy!” You mewled, your hands gripping her shoulders, uncertain if you wanted to push her away, or pull her closer. Not that she gave you time to choose, because as soon as she could, she took them both and pinned them behind your back.
“What’s the matter, baby? Are those pretty nipples sensitive?” She asked with fake pity in her voice, her hands continuing to tweak the hardened buds, as she kissed you again.
“Yes!” You squirmed, your legs squeezing together in need.
“Well, you should have thought of that, before you decided to be such a tease!” Wanda countered, continuing her ministrations. “Luckily for you, I’m in a generous mood.” She decided, finally releasing you. “Take my pants off.” She instructed with a serious tone, pushing on your shoulders and guiding you to your knees in front of her.
You were more than a little eager to do as you’re told, dropping to your knees on the unforgiving floor and unzipping her pants, already knowing what you’ll find in them. It’s what you’ve been waiting for all day after all and you hastily pulled out the dildo.
“I said, take my pants off.” Wanda reminded you, swatting your hand away from the fake cock. “Have you forgotten how to listen to Mommy, hm?”
You were quick to shake your head, looking up at her from your position and starting to pull down her pants and helping her step out of them. Wanda finished the job of undressing herself, tossing her blazer and shirt off hurriedly, before unhooking her bra as well.
She made a show of taking hold of the dildo, stroking it up and down with a lazy smirk as she looked down at you.
“So fucking pretty!” She sighed. “Open your mouth for me.”
Doing as you’re told, you let your mouth hang open and your tongue to stick out, watching as your girlfriend made a show of dragging the dildo across your tongue a few times, before she took hold of your hair and pulled your face closer to her, pushing the cockhead past your lips and starting to move her hips.
“I hope you worked up an appetite!” She snarled at you, fucking your face eagerly, driving her hips deeper and hitting the back of your throat.
The way you gagged and struggled around her only made it sweeter for her and she held you firmly in place as she repeated the action, only stopping to give you small moments to breathe, before she started it all over again, watching the way your saliva wettened the toy.
It was only when you had started to squeeze your legs together and to moan around her dick that she stopped, looking down at your flushed face, wet eyes, full of unshed tears looking back at her with eager submission that she finally stopped and pulled you up to your feet.
“Get up, baby, you’ve made me such a lovely meal, it would be a shame if I let it get cold.” She stated bluntly, guiding you to the dining table with gentle hands, as you looked at her with a confused expression.
She took her usual seat and she patted her thighs, giving you room to sit on her erect cock.
“Come on, you’ve been so thoughtful, making Mommy a nice, warm meal. Now my cock needs warming too.”
Fuck, she looked both intimidating and hot, while her eyes fixed you with a stern look and you hesitated only a moment, before you followed her instructions.
You tried to take off your panties, so it would be more comfortable, but she didn’t let you. She pulled you towards her by your wrist and she bent you over the table, so she can move your panties to the side, teasing fingers probing your opening for a moment, finding you wet and throbbing for attention, before she pulled you to sit on her lap.
Taking her all the way inside you left you almost dizzy with arousal, but if she heard your needy whines and whimpers, she said nothing of it. She made sure you were comfortably settled, one of her hands firmly wrapped around your middle to keep you steady, while her legs kept yours from closing, leaving you fully on display.
“How does that feel, baby?” she asked, her husky voice next to your ear sending shivers down your spine.
“Feels so good, Mommy. I’m so full.” You gasped softly, your head turning so you could nuzzle into the side of her neck.
“It does, doesn’t it. I bet your pussy is throbbing around me so much right now. What do you think? Should we find out?”
You knew what she was implying right away and the idea of it excited you even more, making you nod in anticipation, yet you still gasped, when you saw the red tendrils of Wanda’s magic swirl in the air. When they were gone, you held your breath for her reaction and it didn’t disappoint.
Wanda canted up her hips, holding you firmly against her as she did it, driving the dildo even deeper inside you and you could hear a moan that matched your own, as she felt the way the toy moved within you and made your walls pulse with need.
“Fuck, you’re so good, baby!” She gasped, nuzzling into you for a moment so she could calm down. “Mommy can’t wait to fuck all her cum into you.” She smiled. “But first, we’ll have dinner.” She explained, her head turning to the plate in front of her and almost laughing at your disappointed whine. “You made all this wonderful food, honey, Mommy wants to show her appreciation.” She chastised you softly, picking up her fork and taking a bite out of her food, before she offered one to you.
You wanted to beg her to please fuck you, but she had already made her intentions clear, and with the way you’ve been teasing her, you knew that your best chance at earning an orgasm is by doing what she said, no matter how much she teased you. And even then, she could still leave you hanging and that made it all the more thrilling.
Yes, you wanted to cum, but you knew that you gave Wanda control for a reason, knew that you had earned this treatment from her, knew you could stop her at any moment and that she’ll give you anything you ask, but you didn’t want it that way. You wanted to earn it. Her control was intoxicating to you both and you wanted to see this through.
Having to sit in Wanda’s lap, being fed your food one bite at a time, while she was buried deep inside you, was a harder task than you ever imagined. Every shift, every little move she made, you would feel and it drove you up the wall with anticipation and need. God, you preferred edging over this. The promise of so much more was driving you crazy, yet you had to sit still and wait for her to finally take you.
Wanda felt the burn of desire and anticipation just as much as you did. She could feel you grind on her, you’re your inner muscles try to milk her, whenever your patience wore thin and she had to force herself to hold back and make you sit still, just to prove her point. And it was so damn hard. Your pussy was pulsing and throbbing, squeezing around her deliciously and tempting her to forget all about her plans and just fuck you, but she wasn’t going to give in that easily.
When dinner was finally over, she helped you to get off of her lap, something you were very reluctant to do and she bent you over the table once more, teasing fingers probing at your entrance and rubbing soft circles over your clit, while she inspected you. Fuck, you were desperate for her and she was loving it. Your wet hole was dripping with arousal and twitching at the smallest touch and she knew that only she could make it better. That was the ultimate aphrodisiac. That knowledge that only she could see you like this, only she could touch you this way, only she could make you such a mess… And only she could fix it.
For a moment Wanda considered giving in, instead of just teasing you and she had to remind herself why she was doing this in the first place, before her hands retracted, pulling your panties back to their spot. You whined so pitifully, knowing exactly what made her go feral for you, knowing that she could never resist fucking you when you got like this, but alas, you had to accept your fate as she instructed you to put on a movie while she cleaned up the table.
As soon as she joined you, Wanda patted her thighs, signalling for you to take your place on her lap, barely hiding her amusement at the cute pout you gave her.
“Oh, don’t give me that look now, baby. You started this.” She chastised you, her eyes growing hard as she took you in. “Come on, baby, don’t you want me inside you? I bet that pussy feels so empty without me filling it up, doesn’t it?”
You only gave her a nod, your breaths now shallow, as you pictured the feeling of her stretching out your little pussy again and it didn’t take long, before you were sliding down her length and feeling her arms keeping you down as you reached the base of the dildo.
“Mmm, I love the way you feel baby. So tight.” She murmured against your ear.
She was close to breaking and just fucking you, the way she’d been craving, but she knew you. You’d be begging for the same thing soon enough. And it was always so much more delicious, when she got to play with you, instead of just giving in.
Just as she expected, it only took you a few minutes, before you were already grinding in her lap, feeling the cock buried inside you move within you. It wasn’t enough in the slightest, it fuelled your desperation, rather than providing any relief, yet you couldn’t stop yourself. It felt so damn good.
Wanda tried to stop your slow grinding on her, her hands stopping your movements and keeping you still, but it never lasted very long. You’d start it up again, even more determined and more needy and eventually she broke. She grabbed you by the hips and she lifted you enough to slip her cock out, before she made you get off of her lap entirely.
“Get on your knees.” She demanded with a growl, bending you over the back of the couch in one smooth motion, leaving you open and on display for her, while she stood behind you with her cock in her hand. “Did I give you permission to ride me?” She asked sternly, landing a slap on your ass that startled you.
“No, Mommy.”
“No, I didn’t. You were only meant to warm my cock. But you’re such a desperate little slut, aren’t you? You can’t help yourself.” She stated with an icy tone. “Well, if you want to act like a mindless toy, I’ll treat you that way.” She promised, the head of her cock teasing your entrance once more.
She slid inside you easily, taking hold of a fistful of your hair and pulling your head back, helping your body lean against her as she started to fuck into you. She kissed your shoulders and neck, leaving small kisses and bites there that would have had you begging for more if you could form a single coherent word. But you had been so worked up, so deprived, that this felt like the first real stimulation you’d received in days and it was heavenly.
Wanda felt like she’s in heaven too. Your pussy was just begging her to be fucked, to be ruined by her cock and with each thrust, she was losing herself in the pleasure of it all.
“God, you have such a perfect pussy.” She gasped as she started to pick up her pace. “This pussy was made for me. To be fucked and worshipped and ruined by its owner.” She growled in your ear. “It was made for Mommy, right? For me to use it? For me to keep it all happy and satisfied?” She asked, her tone softening, while her thrusts grew harsher and more demanding, hitting deep inside you each time.
“Yes, Mommy, all for you. All yours.” You breathed, high pitched and shaking from the intensity of it all.
Her hands were gentle as she touched you through it all. She helped keep you upright with a hand around your middle, while the other cupped one of your breasts. She would tweak your nipple gently whenever she could, trying to focus all her energy on keeping her pace.
Desperate to feel her, you leaned into her as much as you could, her warmth providing comfort and security. You could feel yourself grow more submissive, your mind giving in to her control and letting her take over. She could feel it too. She could practically hear your thoughts quiet down and your body relaxing, turning more pliable in her hands.
“Yes, that’s my good girl.” She praised, leaning further into you, so she could kiss your neck and cheeks softly. “My sweet, good girl.” She removed a strand of hair from your face as she spoke. “You want my cum inside that needy pussy so bad, don’t you? Nice and deep, where it belongs.”
“Yes, Mommy, please.” You begged, trying to meet her thrusts as much as you could, feeling yourself getting closer.
“I shouldn’t be indulging you right now. You were a very bad girl earlier…” Wanda reminded, her movements never stopping. “But you can’t help yourself, can you? You’re so close, I can feel it. You’ll start coming as soon as I do.” She accused, smirking. “So I guess the question is… Do you deserve it?” She asked with a grin. “Do you think I should reward you, hm?”
But the question was rhetorical, and you both knew it. You were so wound up that if she didn’t pull out, you’ll cum, regardless if she allowed it or not. You were on the edge and there was no going back from it now.
“Oh, there’s that edge…” Wanda remarked, feeling your walls squeeze her in even more. “Go on, baby, you can cum for me. Mommy wants her pretty girl to feel good.” She gasped behind you, getting breathless from the effort and feeling just as close as you were.
Hearing her give you permission came as a relief, but it still took you a few long seconds to process it, letting yourself to really feel her ministrations, before your orgasm finally hit you. It crashed over you, more powerful than you thought you could take, your legs shaking and threatening to give out from under you. It was a sweet release and you let yourself feel every little tremor of pleasure, your moans growing louder and the chants of her name becoming indistinguishable babbles.
You could hear her do the same, you could feel the spurts of her cum as she filled you up with her release. Her hold on you only tightening, arms wrapped around you possessively as she continued to fuck you through your orgasm and hers.
When she was done, happy and satiated and knowing that you felt the same, Wanda maneuverer you both, so she’d sit on the couch and she pulled you back down on her lap, wrapping her arms around you once more and kissing your neck softly.
“There.” She sighed. “That’s better, isn’t it?” She asked as she settled more comfortably, turning her attention to the forgotten movie. “Now we can finish our movie.”
“But, Mommy…” You tried to draw her attention. You were feeling full once again and the orgasm she gave you, as mind-blowing as it was, did very little to help the neediness you felt. In fact, with each second she held you on her lap and plugged in her cum, you grew more restless and desperate for her to fuck you again.
“What’s the matter, baby? Feeling full?” She chuckled knowingly, watching you nod. “It must feel so frustrating, feeling me stretch you out, without being able to do much about it…”
“Mhm.” You hummed, nodding your head.
“Good. Maybe next time you’re trying to tease me, you’ll remember that.”
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aliidarling · 5 months
danny johnson with friendly!survivor
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DANNY JOHNSON x fem!reader
— headcanons
nsfw / sfw content below!
imagine danny seeing you for the first time, dressed in a cute black dress with black uggs, your hair with a bow in the back. his first thought is how the hell can you run in those furry boots? they must get mud all over them.
he’s at first drawn by you, your beauty, innocence, and how you’re so god friendly. it’s nerve wracking, how each time he pairs up with you, you don’t hesitate to greet him with a hug. he feels a little possessive, wondering if you do this with other killers. he asks around and they all tell him you’re scared of them, how you run off immediately and how you stick to gens.
he feels prideful at that. you were comfortable around him, safe even. if he wasn’t such a deranged lunatic maybe he’d ask you out like a normal gentlemen, but whenever he sees you he’s caught inbetween two worlds.
imagine danny seeing the other survivors take advantage of your purity, asking you to sacrifice yourself and unhook others, always blaming their generator blasts on you. one time he even witnessed them slamming a pallet in your face, and at that moment he swore he would all gut them and send them up into the entity.
his pretty princess didn’t deserve this treatment. you deserved to get pampered and massaged, get your cute little face rubbed and kissed, not whatever the hell this is.
safe to say, none of the other survivors made it out that round. you, on the other hand, escaped unscathed through the hatch with a kiss on the forehead.
imagine danny witnessing you coming into the match with a tiny pajama set, matching with all your fellow survivors. you have a black oversized tee shirt on that hugs your chest and accentuates your curves(he swears he’s not a creep, he just notices things easily..). your shorts weren’t any better, shaking off that soft skin of yours that glowed. he would rather die then to see that pretty skin all bruised and bloody.
he can quite literally melt into a puddle as he notices what’s on your shirt. it’s a graphic design of him slashing, with his name written in a flashy red font. the entity must of noticed his obsession with you, because no way this was a coincidence. he had never been more happy. he was definitely gonna make sure to give the entity some more sacrifices as a little thanks.
imagine danny slowly becoming more and more obsessed with you, a small crushing turning into a massive obsession over the span of a few months. he can’t breathe with you, can’t think, can’t sleep, can’t do anything. he starts to sneak into the survivors camp just to take photos of you, snapping you in every angle he can get. he thinks you’re the prettiest girl in the world.
whenever he sees someone interact with you while he’s doing his usual stalking he finds himself becoming so angry. why were you entertaining them? you were his good girl, not that dick steve’s or sweet boy dwight’s. his.
half of his bedroom is a mess, cluttered with random little miscellaneous he found throughout the forest of his realm. his house is small and rusty, a little cabin in the woods he stays in outside of trials, where he spends all his time thinking about you. just you. under his bed is a blood red box he hides, full of polaroids of you, some pieces of clothing he managed to snatch off your figure, even some of your missing objects you hadn’t seen in months.
did i mention he loves to break into your cabin?
imagine danny snooping through your small room while you’re out in a trial, shoving his nose into your business and sniffing everything. he goes through your closet, dressers, under your bed, even tries prying open the floor boards. he wants to analyze every part of you and understand how you work, how you function, how that tiny brain of yours thinks.
he can’t help but laugh when he finds your collection of bows and your girly objects. he doesn’t know how you’ve managed to have make up and hygiene products in this realm, but your dresser has them. no wonder he’s so obsessed with sniffing you, you have that sweet aroma of sweet goods and vanilla sweets that’s coming from your perfumes.
nsfw content below!!
imagine danny whisking you away whenever you both are matched up, taking you into one of the rooms in the myers house. he’s quick to push you down onto the rugged mattress and pull your tiny dress up, grinding his hips against your round butt. he cherishes your sweet little moans, how your eyes roll back.
he loves to tug at you, taking his mask off at times to bite and kiss you. you were the only person he’d let see him without it, especially in such a vulnerable moment. he would take advantage of his access to your butt and give it bites, leaving literal red marks on your butt. your loud squeal and annoyed glare is what amuses him and makes him keep doing it.
imagine danny holding you by your waist, his large hands that were undoubtedly covered in your friends blood grippijg you tightly as he rubbed his tip up and down your wet hole. he relishes in the fact he makes you so wet. he doesn’t have to do much, he can rub you and give you a little kiss and you’d be begging for his cock like a needy whore. he’s loves that about you, you’re easy. only when it comes to him, though.
imagine danny humming in relief as he finally slides himself deep inside you, bottoming out in one thrust. his hips snap against you as he focuses on how tight you are around him, how warm you are around his cock. he could not give a fuck about any of the survivors running around like mice, doing generators and opening chests, not knowing one of their fellow survivors were being slutted out and fucked nice n deep like the good girl you are. “shhhh,” he whispers gently, petting your face. your sweet cries make him harder.
imagine danny having you bent over one of the vaults, your head sticking out on the other side as you moan like a dumb girl, tongue sticking out. his hand is in your hair, tugging at it gently as he rolls his cock into you. he knows you’re in a position where anyone could walk across the two of you, but that only makes him more needy for you, more eager to fuck you hard.
he teases you a lot, making fun of you and giving you small jabs each time his fat tip hits your cervix. he listens to each noise you make, wanting to inhale your words. he was obsessed with every part of you, from your head to toes, your insides to outsides.
imagine danny having his days where he’s so pissed off. all four survivors escaped, and he can’t even count the amount of times he got a pallet slammed in his face. he’s quick to sneak into your cabin and push you down onto your bed, not caring about your confused pleas and dumb words about getting caught. he ignores everything you say, pulling your pants off and pulling you forcefully into a face down ass up position.
ramming his cock in your unprepared hole was one of the best feelings in the world, other then gutting his victims. your cries into your pillow are silenced as he keeps a hand on the back of your head, massaging your scalp subtly. his other hand holds you down as he batters your pussy, groaning and letting dirty phrases slip out of his mouth. a part of him feels bad for being so mean to you, you’re just a sweet girl, so pretty and innocent— you don’t deserve this, no, you deserve to be fucked gently and kissed, but that doesn’t matter right now. right now he needs a tight hole to fuck his anger into.
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merchelsea · 1 year
took care of your girl - max verstappen
pairing: max verstappen + fem! driver!(charles' gf) reader
summary: charles is too busy celebrating his P2 to care about your home dnf, but max is not.
author's note: this is my first time writing for tumblr and im so excited!! i cant believe i actually came up with is.
word count: 4k+
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"ugh, you're so boring." charles sighed.
he had been trying to convince you to go celebrate his p2 with him for the last five minutes, but you were just not in the mood for a party.
i mean, this was monza. ferrari's and alfa romeo's home race, but your home race too. you had big expectations for this one.
of course you didn't mind ending up 6th, like you thought you would 4 laps before the end. you just wanted to cross the line. but you didn't.
at lap 50, you collided with sargeant, who was trying to overtake. the williams got to the end, and you didn't. you thought it was so unfair, but there was nothing you could do.
you had done an amazing race, managing to go from 15th to 6th. it was more than enough after a terrible qualifying, and you couldn't understand how someone took that from you in a heartbeat.
you were so angry. all you wanted to do was cry. but you still got out there with your best smile and watched the drivers getting to the podium.
first one to get up there was lando, who once again did a great race for mclaren, ending up 3rd after an 8th in qualifying. he was a great driver and everyone could see it.
then they called charles. the man in ferrari red stepped into the 2nd place with the brightest smile. he was really happy, and so were you. you were happy for him, genuinely.
you smiled and applauded just like everyone. you were so proud of your boyfriend. of how he managed to get that thing they call a car from 13th to 2nd.
the tifosi were out of their minds proud, and so were you.
in that moment, just for that one tiny amount of time, all you felt was happiness.
and then they called max verstappen. you sighed and applauded when the men got to his place. your smile never fading, but growing wider. you were beyond proud, more than what words could ever achieve to show. so you just stood there applauding.
you knew it was boring to see the same person win race after race, always getting to step on that ridiculous number one. but he deserved it, and you were delighted to be able to see his dreams coming true. because he was talented, that’s something no one could deny, but he worked his ass off.
you didn't get to watch them celebrate tho. because, unfortunately, someone called you in the garage.
lewis was already there when you arrived, and he was the first to talk to you.
"hey listen, i'm sorry for what happened. you deseved that 6th." he pat on your shoulder and you smiled, thankful.
"it was a great race, just a bad outcome." you sighed after hugging him casually like you always did after a race. "you nailed it today, congrats!" he thanked you and toto arrived, wanting to talk to both his drivers.
"you were absolutely amazing out there today. every person in this team is very proud." he smiled. "of both of you." his eyes fell on you when he said that. he knew you well, and he could tell you blamed yourself for what happened, even if you didn't show. "the incident with the williams was a shame, but you two fought like hell. i am proud of you."
you faked a smile and thanked toto. his words were comforting but they didn't do much. you were still upset.
that's why the first thing you did when you were free was lock yourself in your driver room. letting your body fall into the couch you reached for your phone to focus your mind on something that was not the race.
but after a little, you heard someone knocking in your door.
"mon amour? it's me. can i come in?" you got up and unlocked the door, facing your smiley boyfriend. he greeted you with a wholehearted kiss, showing you how happy he was for his race.
"hey baby." you smiled to him. "you did so good today, i am the proudest girlfriend in the world." you whispered into the tight hug you pulled him to.
"thank you!" he said simply, not even acknowledging your race. you weren't surprised because he never did, but it was your home race. and somehow you thought that changed something. "so, does the proudest girlfriend in the world want to come and celebrate with her man?"
and that is just how you got into this 'fight'.
"i'm not boring. you know that i would go any other day." you tried to explain yourself. it was kind of embarrassing, having to explain that to the person who's supposed to love you and understand you. "i just dnf'ed, charles. in my home country. after a freaking perfect race. that´s not easy."
"aren´t you happy for me?" he asked, looking at you with a fake sad expression.
"of course i am. you know i am." how could you not be? the monegasque deserved this more than anything.
"then come. why don't you make an effort for me? you know how important this is. and i want you to be by my side." he begged.
he didn't understand you. god, he didn't even try to. he was the one who wasn't making an effort here. he never made, and that's what you've been realizing for quite sometime.
"i'm sorry charles. but not today. you go and enjoy for me." his fake expression suddenly faded to give room to a frown.
"fine." he sighed and left, slamming the door on his way out.
you stood in the drivers room, this time not trying to avoid any thoughts. in fact, you were analyzing the race. from the start to the moment you went out.
all of your overtakes were perfect, not once colliding with other cars. you knew that because you were in the car, but you were looking for something to blame, some other touch that could've damaged the car slightly. but you never found it.
so you cried. you cried looking at the roof of the room. you cried your heart out because you were this close to proving people wrong, you were this close to making your people proud.
you cried until you heard another knock on the door, this time around being the last mechanics in the garage, telling you they would go for dinner and would come back later, leaving you alone for sometime.
when they left, you went to take a look at the car. and observing it, you realized what went wrong. but instead of putting your mind to rest, you started to think about what you could've done to prevent it.
"what are you doing here?" you heard a familiar voice, and turned to face its owner. the dutch was looking down at you, who cried with her head between her knees, in front of her racing car.
max had changed into his normal people clothes, whilst you still wore your racing suit.
"it's my team's garage. what are you doing here?" you asked, highlighting the 'you'.
"i was on my way and saw you here. what happened? why are you here on your own?" he asked. genuine preoccupation in his eyes. you could recognize any expression of his. any and every.
"nothing happened. i just wanted to be alone." you lied. straight up lied into his eyes. that was not something you were used to nor something you liked to do. but you did. and you knew he didn't buy it for a second.
"oh yeah. you decided you wanted to be alone, sitting against a wall, crying, for three hours after the race without showering and changing, just for fun? sounds like something i would do." max ironically said.
"look verstappen, i just wanted to be alone. and i still do, so if you could go away i would appreciate it." you said, getting up to walk to your room.
"don't call me verstappen." he says seriously. you never call him verstappen. "and i'm not leaving you alone after today. i know better than to do that." he follows you, leaning in the door frame when you are about to close the door in his face. "where is your so called boyfriend?"
your left eyebrow shot up as your head turned to look at him. his face remained serious, waiting for an answer.
"celebrating his podium. aren't you supposed to be celebrating your win?" you asked carefully, trying to get him to leave.
"maybe." he crosses his arms in his chest as you turn off your laptop and put it in your bag.
"then go." you said simply, collecting your stuff to go home. you wanted to stay there, but alone.
"not unless you're coming with me." he changes his position again to be more comfortable as you sighed, making him know you were getting tired. but that didn't change anything for him.
"leave, max." you said firmly, looking at him. he mimicked a 'no' with his mouth. "why?" you tried to get out of the room, but just as you passed through the door, the dutch caught your arm, making you look up to face him. your height difference was not too big, but it was still noticeable.
"because i know you, and leaving you alone after a dnf here, is a mistake i don't want to make." he let go of your arm, but you didn't move. "a mistake i'm not going to make." you stepped back, and proceeded to pick up your stuff. "go shower and get dressed, i'll get your stuff. if you are going home, i'm going with you."
"no. i don't want you to come." he laughed.
"care to guess who doesn't give a fuck, darling?"
"do not call me darling. and you are not coming, i wont let you in." you threatened, knowing you would never do such thing.
"then i hope you have money for a new door." he was determined, and you knew he was damn serious about not leaving you alone.
"i hate you." you laughed and as soon as the sound got to his ears his mouth formed a big bright smile. oh, what that laugh did to him. it was even better than winning races.
"if that means i get to come, i'm more than happy. now go shower." you did as he said, going straight to the bathroom.
once inside, you never thought about stuff like not giving the interviews you were supposed to, or how charles never once said he was proud of you.
the only thing you thought about was max, in your room, picking up your stuff so that you could go home with him. and the fact that it wasn't strange nor weird, it was fine.
from the beginning, you two had a special connection with each other. that's why you became best friends so easily, and also why you fell in love with him.
but he never showed reciprocity, so you thought it was a one way thing. god knows that if he had gave you one minimal sign, you would've never ended up with charles. the thing his, he didn't.
since your red bull day's, in his eyes you were just friends. or at least that's what you thought.
cause it turns out that the world champion is a way better liar than you could imagine. or you are just blind. because the signs were always there, you just doubted yourself enough to be oblivious to them.
it was the little things. like you being the first person he talked to after every freaking race. or how he was always in his best mood for you, but only for you. how he always said he was proud of you after a race, it didn't matter if you ended up first or last. he always came to you, hugged you tight and whispered "you were amazing, i'm so proud of you".
that's the kind of thing you noticed but never payed attention to. and that's exactly why you are with charles now. because he, on the other hand, was direct and shoot his shot.
he didn't love you and you didn't love him, but you felt good with each other, and it was nice having someone. you both knew it from the start, even if you denied with every thing in yourselves. it was just so obvious now.
you got out of the bathroom with hair still wet, but already dressed in your black sweat pants and your light pink top. max had picked every single thing, leaving your room exactly how you found him.
"let's go?" he asked, after a couple of seconds observing and admiring you.
you nodded in response and tossed your car keys to him.
"you drive, i sing." he picked them and laughed.
"deal." you made your way to your, brand new, white mercedes in a comfortable silence. but when you closed the doors, he broke it. "i don't want you blaming yourself, williams got a 10 second penalty for a reason. you were amazing, i'm so proud of you."
"you always say that." you smiled, looking at him.
"because it's true. i am proud of you."
"i know, and i am proud of you too. it's just that you always say the exact same thing." you noticed. max was sure you never took note of his words, but he didn't know how much they meant to you.
"i guess it became kind of our thing now." with now, he meant the past 3 years. you just nodded and smiled, searching through your phone for a good song.
"hey max?" you called, still unsure if you should mention it. he muttered something you didn't understand due to being focused on your words. "you know you don't have to do this, right?"
"do what, y/n?" he asked, fully focused on the car as he started driving.
"care because he didn't." straight to the point, we can see some improvements.
"omg, you can be so dumb sometimes." he talked, out loud, to himself. you didn't understand, so he might just be right. which is something you'll never say.
"huh?" you muttered, confused. he was indeed right.
"i care. i always do. i would have cared even if he had some decency in that shitty brain of his and had, at least, taken you home. do you actually believed i would have to go through the mercedes garage to get to my car?" he laughed, your face full of confusion, reflecting what was happening inside of your mind. "i was looking for you. i thought charles had took you home, or out, but i had this little thing inside of me telling me to check."
"oh yeah, that was me sending you telepathic messages." you joked. "thank you for coming, max. this is just a very important day for charles."
"whatever helps you sleep at night, y/n. and i would always come, any day and anytime." max took his eyes off the road to face you.
"are you saying racing is not important for him?" you focused on the first sentence.
"i'm saying he would do this on a regular tuesday. and i'm saying i would come after winning at zandvoort if you were needed me." he sighed. "you should stop lying to yourself." now was your turn to sigh. just as he layed his eyes on the road, your right hand went through your hair.
frustration, anger, sadness, loneliness.
"i'm not lying to myself, you don't know him like i do."
"i may not, but i know you. better than he ever will. you don't love him, and i bet my career you never even managed to lie to him about it." ding ding ding, max verstappen, the mr. knows it all was right once again. you are mad at him for knowing you so damn well.
"if i didn't, then why would i be with him?" you tried again. fooling max was getting more difficult by the day.
"we both know why." he said to your eyes, turning his head when he was done talking. damn, max.
the rest of the ride was completely silent, you wanted to say something but you couldn't. you simply could not. you couldn't even put on some music to relieve the tension.
all those questions coming to your head like gun shots "does he really know?" "why didn't he say something?" "does he see me the way i saw him? the way i still see him." every single one of them wounding you, creating a whole you couldn't close.
he was silent as well, his mind a little quieter than yours. that had been stressing his mind ever since you told him about charles, and now he couldn't keep it in.
not when the girl he loved was left alone by her boyfriend for a fucking party. he would've never do such thing, max would've been by her side, letting her know how proud he was, how loved she was.
the dutch was so angry, it took him everything to stay silent in that ride. but he did it, because it wasn't your fault. he was mad at charles, for not being a good enough boyfriend. he was infuriated because the monegasque couldn't make you happy. he was out of his mind because the greened eye ferrari driver took the place in your life that he wanted. that, in his head and heart, was supposed to be his.
the first glimpse of voice came from his mouth, when you were already in your apartment. monza was the only racing place you had somewhere to call home.
"come here." he opened his arms, when you looked at him. you expected him to talk, you wanted him to talk, but that was the only thing max said. the only thing he wanted in that moment was to feel you close, feel like he was protecting you from every bad thing.
of course you went, you would always go. his armes embraced you almost immediately and you closed your eyes, trying desperately to feel him closer. you could try to deny it but you missed him more than anything.
"i'm sorry." you apologized. none of you knew what you were talking about, yet at the same time, you both knew exactly what you meant.
max didn't respond, not with an "it's okay" nor a "not your fault". he simply kissed the top of your head while stroking your hair, and you knew it was okay. everything was fine between you two.
maybe not fine, but they were okay for now.
"break up with him." he half advised you half asked you. everyone knew that was the right thing to do, but he wanted you to do it for other reasons too, not just because it was right.
you chuckled into his chest, causing him to push a little just to face you.
"you talk like it's easy." he stepped back, separating the two bodies completely.
"breakups aren't easy, but yours, particularly, is. it's as simple as it sounds." he went back to the serious features.
"it's still a break-up."
"breakups only hurt when you love each other. do you love him?" you stood silent as he stepped closer. you watched as he brought his hand to your chin, caressing him once there's contact. "tell me. do you love him?"
"i don't." you let out as a sigh. instead of smiling, like you expected, max's face did the exact opposite.
"then why are you with him?" he asked in a low, tired voice. he was trying to find an explanation where he was not in the middle. he wanted to know that he was not involved in the why you weren't happy.
max knew, deep down, that you felt something for him. he always had that feeling. but, in his defense, you didn't make it easy for him. hiding it, locking the feelings in a deep part of your yourself, where no one could find them. bringing up some made-up-boy whenever you felt like you where being to obvious, constantly telling him he was like a big brother you could talk about that sort of thing. you had covered up the truth pretty damn well.
but even with all of that, he knew. something in him just knew. and all he could think about now was how he could've changed something, how you wouldn't be with someone who didn't deserve you if he had just done something.
he had tons of opportunities to ask you out on a date, or tell you how he really felt. it was just hard to believe you would feel something for him sometimes, so he waited for you. he waited until it was too late.
"i like him." you lied again. it was the second time you lied straight into his eyes in such a little time. that pissed him off. you should never feel the need to lie to him.
"bullshit. we both know that you're with him because i never risked losing you for how i felt. i never got to shoot my shot, and he did. that's why you are with him."
you lowered your head, both hands going to your face immediately. you felt like crap.
"what do you expect me to say?" you asked, raising your voice. your eyes finally fell on his.
"i don't expect you to say anything. i just want you to cut this thing you two have going on." his gaze never left your face, not even when you weren't looking at him. "you don't deserve this. you deserve to be happy. to be treated right. you deserve to be loved right."
another sight and then silence filled the room. no one could say anything.
"just..." he started, leading your eyes to look for his. "do you still..?"
"yes, max" you shot automatically, your voice sounded like a cry, but that didn't matter.
he sighed, relieved. and then stepped closer again, pulling your body to his, in a hug. he let you cry against his shoulder, while he cried silently against yours.
you pulled away to look into his eyes, smiling silently. even being like this, you had just found out that this was no 'one way thing', he felt the same.
"stop smiling. i'm fighting over here not to kiss you." you laughed, that was the best thing you could've heard that day.
"don't." you searched for his hand, taking it into yours once you've found it.
"i would love to, believe me. but as much as i want this, you have to be fully single first." his eyes were so bright that you were sure they could glow in the dark. you always loved his eyes.
"i love you, max." you whispered with the biggest smile on your face.
"i love you too." he whispered back. your smile growing impossibly wider.
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max kissed the top of your head before leaving your room. it was a bit past 4a.m. and you had just finished watching a rom-com movie you liked.
it's fascinating how you two fit so perfectly. it's like you've been handmade for each other.
of course that, on his way out, max had to find charles coming. because that's just your life.
the dutch and the monegasque spent a little of time just staring at each other.
"what are you... what did you do in there?" charles asked breaking the awful silence that had been installed. you could hear everything from the inside of the room due to the paper thin walls.
"i took care of your girl." you would pay to see charles’ face that moment. "not so yours anymore, i guess." max said with his most serious face. he definitely won the idgaf war.
"not so mine anymore? mate, what are you talking about?" his confusion was deeply amplified by the alcohol in his system.
"i don't know man, figure it out." the world champion responded and walked out.
he knew that the moment he walked out charles would enter that room and lay in the same bed you were. but he didn't mind, he trusted you fully. and on top of everything, he knew that no matter what, he was the one you loved.
so when he closed that door, he had a smile on his face, knowing damn well he would open her soon.
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luveline · 7 months
I adore your 'kisses before dinner' au. Bethie has my entire heart <3!!!
Is it possible to request a fic where Bethie is in a stage of wanting to dress similarly and wear makeup like mom!reader? And Steve catches the lovely moment of them getting together for their mommy/daughter date and marvels at his pretty girls? 🥹<3
thank you for requesting!! mom!reader
“I want to wear blue.” 
“Yes,” you say, dragging out the soft ‘s’. “Your favourite colour out of all of the colours, mommy remembers.” 
Bethie smiles and looks down at your feet. “Yeah, mommy.” 
You reach for her face, cupping it in two loving hands to encourage her to look up again. Your fingers cover the side of her heads, your thumb rubbing sweet, gentle circles into her cheeks. “You know how you told dad you wanted to dress like me?” 
“Yeah,” she says, holding your wrist. She has very little hands, even for her age. 
“Well, I’ve got us dresses that are nearly the same one, and they’re blue. Should we have a look at them?” 
You and Bethie kneel by the dresser to unearth the paper bag you’ve tucked away in the bottom drawer under Steve’s socks and underwear. Bethie waits patiently, quiet and still, her hand tucked under her legs to stop from snatching. You admire her dedication to being well-behaved. “Baby, you can touch them! They’re for us!” 
Steve gets really worried about Bethie being shy, and he can’t understand it. “You aren’t shy!” he’d said to you before, “And I’m not shy, I don’t get it, I really don’t. All her favourite people are loud.” 
“We aren’t shy now, Steve. But you were a quiet kid, right? That’s what your mom said.”
“My mom would tell you the sun is blue to spite me.” But he’d conceded. Steve doesn’t mind if Bethie’s shy, he just wants what’s best for her, and being shy can be awful. 
Building her confidence was a big reason behind these mommy-daughter dates. Building her confidence, tackling Avery’s want for affection (which she deserves to have), and getting Dove out of the house —you love getting to have them one on one. You and Steve are gonna switch out after this set. He had big plans for his dates. 
You’re trying to keep it simple. You and Bethie pull on your matching dresses and dark tights while your shoes wait for you downstairs. You'd tackled her hair that morning, leaving makeup as your last port of call. “Alright,” you command, patting your lap where you sit cross-legged on the floor, “come here, sweetpea.” 
She lets out one of those happy-excited gasps that only kids seem to be able to make and hurries into your lap. You hear Steve’s footsteps on the stairs as she sits, your pretty husband edging open the door with his foot to peek inside. You smile at him, hoping it says to come inside. 
“Can I have, um, lip gloss? The pink one? That you always say gives sticky kisses?” Bethie asks.
“Yeah, for sure. I thought we’d powder your face first, how’s that?” 
She nods and closes her eyes. You pout at Steve, summoning him to sneak to the bed so he can see her tightly squeezed eyelids and her lips puckered for gloss. He puts his hand on his heart. 
He melts more and more as you go. Bethie relaxes her eyes the longer her makeup takes, though you only add little tiny dabs of everything. A dusting of powder, a short patting of crème blush on her cheeks. 
“Last but not least,” you say, gliding the pad of the lip gloss applicator  over her bottom lip. “Rub your lips together.” 
“Like this?” She rubs her lips, gloss spreading up into her cupid’s bow and under her nose. 
You wipe the smudge away with your pinky nail. “Perfect.” 
“You can say that again.” 
Steve doesn’t sound like he’s joking. He clutches the fabric of his t-shirt just below his heart, totally in love as Beth opens her eyes to smile at him shyly. “You look amazing,” he says, fingers tapping his chest in emphasis. “Beth, you look so pretty.” 
“You think so?” 
Steve sits on the end of the bed to hold her hand. He’s soft with his touches, caressing her arm with his other hand as he says, “Of course I do. How about you blow mommy off and go on a date with me tonight instead?”
She giggles. “No, daddy!” 
“You don’t wanna go out with me instead?” He ruffles his hair. “Is it the way I look?” 
“No, me and mom are gonna go to the pizza party at the bowling alley,” she says. 
“I like bowling.” 
“For time together,” she says, flopping into Steve’s arms to hug his front. “It’s okay, dad, I’m coming back.” 
“You are?” He kisses her forehead, meeting your eyes over her head, fondness in their slight squint and furrow of his brow. “That’s good. Miss you too much if you didn’t.” 
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peachsukii · 6 months
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unbreakable bonds ꒰ no quirks au | childhood friends | friends to lovers ꒱ ⇢ a collective of family bonding and little moments between you and katsuki.
『♡』  k.bakugo x fem!reader ꒰ tags & content ꒱ emotional hurt/comfort, fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, happiness all around ⋆ ˚ʚɞ — just wanted to write something sickly sweet and it’s been sitting in my drafts forever. reader has a little sister that helps bond the two of you together over the years. cross posted to ao3 | word count; 3.3k -`✧ katsuki bakugo masterlist
You were too young - a little over three - to understand the day your mom brought home your little sister. You'd been secretly asking the universe for a sibling, someone to share everything with. Ask and you shall receive! But, you never knew just how much she would shape your life into what it is today.
The Kingdom - Elementary School
Fourth grade is when you and Katsuki started to play after school together on a daily basis. Him and Izuku would come by and grab snacks from your mom while you went back to the park around the corner, playing pirates and super heroes with the other neighborhood kids. Every so often, your mom would ask for you to bring your sister along. You never minded, even though she was your baby sister in first grade. The boys would pick on her - lovingly, of course - to make her feel included with the rest of the pack. She loved being around you, cooing and giggling away as she'd hold your hand and squeal with delight.
One day at the park, she'd declared herself to be queen of the castle as she stood on the slide, proudly puffing out her chest with her hands on her hips.
"I am the queen, and what I say goes!" she pointed to you and Katsuki. "Sissy will be the princess and you will be our royal guard, Katsu!"
You chuckle. "Isn't the older sister supposed to be queen?"
She does her best impression of a royal laugh, projecting her voice theatrically. "Not in my land! It's my kingdom and if you don't like it, I'll send you to the brig!"
"You're confusin' pirates 'n princesses again,” Katsuki taunts playfully.
She stomps her foot on the slide. “Silence in my kingdom! Izu will be my knight!”
Katsuki pouts. “Hey! Why don’t I get to be the knight?!’
“Cause I say so! You’re the royal guard cause you’re tough. Izu is the knight because he’s brave!”
You can’t help but let out a loud ‘hah!’ at her comment. Your sister never failed to push Katsuki in the cutest ways - he probably was thankful to be an only child whenever you guys would go home for the day.
Katsuki huffs at her declaration, taking the challenge with stride. “Fine! I’ll show you who’s tough and be the best dang guard in the whole world.”
“Do I get a cool set of armor, queen?” Izuku asks, bouncing up and down at the bottom of the slide.
“Of course! Only the best armor and ponies for my royal kingdom.”
She sits and pushes herself down the metal slide, rocketing off the edge past Izuku and barreling toward Katsuki. She trucks into him at full force - but, being small, that force isn’t much for him to withstand.
“What the heck was that for?!” he yells while catching her before she hits the wood chips.
“A test of your toughness, Katsu! And you passed! You’re deserving of a spot in my kingdom,” she giggles, mashing his cheeks together with her tiny palms. He protests her closeness and tries to fight her off, setting her feet back on the ground while she’s wiggling in his hold. Watching the two of them act like siblings themselves always made you feel so warm and fuzzy inside, knowing your two closest friends also adored your sister as much as you did.
You meander over to grab her from him. “Alright, I think you made your point, queen. Your guard and knight have other duties to get to.”
She waves goodbye to the boys over her shoulder as the two of you stroll home for dinner. She gleefully remarks how cool they are and that she can’t wait to marry them someday.
You can’t help but giggle at the thought. “Both of them? Wow, all to yourself, huh?”
She pouts and whips her head upward. “No, sissy! We both get one!”
”Oh yeah? Because you’re the queen of the kingdom, you get to pick?”
“That’s right! They’ll have to fight to see who gets to pick you!”
You roll your eyes, shaking your head at the thought. You’re only ten years old, the thought of boys fighting over you was hilarious.
”Promise not to tell Izu, but I think Katsu would win that fight,” she whispers, tugging on your hand to get you to lean over closer to her face. “He’s taller and faster!”
The thought of marrying Katsuki flashes in your mind - you have zero clue what that even looks like, but you imagine him bringing you flowers on the playground or giving you a bite of his ice cream. A blush creeps over your cheeks and nose at the thought. Your sister catches your reaction and gasps dramatically.
“You like Katsu?!” she exclaims.
You shush her. “No! Don’t go yelling that!”
That’s a big fat lie. You liked him a lot, he was your favorite person, but you’re kids.
It’s just a harmless crush.
An Enchanted Afternoon - Elementary School
A week later, the four of you returned to the playground after school. Snacks from your pantry in hand, the bunch of you sit on the swing set to eat. Your sister seemed extremely eager today, more so than usual. Once you all finished eating, she demanded your attention.
"Gather 'round! Your queen summons you," she declares, arms raised above her head. You and the boys huddle around her.
"Katsu, go fetch flowers!" she orders as she points to a nearby patch of grass. "Zuzu, clear out the sandbox of any villagers."
There wasn't anyone else here today, so that job was easily done. Izuku doesn't say anything and smiles as he heads over to the sandbox as ordered. Katsuki is confused, nose scrunched and arms crossed.
"Why do I need to get flowers?" he asks, tapping his foot in the wood chips.
"Do you dare defy your queen?!" she shouts, grinning wickedly. He obliges, sauntering over to the grass to find a few spare daisies.
"What's all this for?" you ask, genuinely curious to her plans. She doesn’t answer you as she grabs you by the wrist, dragging you over to the sandbox.
A few minutes later, Katsuki comes back with a handful of daisies, picked and pruned clean of any dirt and weeds. Izuku stands on the edge of the sandbox patiently.
”Perfect! Katsu, Sissy, please approach your queen.”
You play along and stand in front of her with Katsuki. It’s amusing how small she is in comparison to the two of you, easily shadowing over her figure.
“With my knight as witness, I give the blessing to the princess and royal guard to be married forever!” she exclaims, waving her hands around to mimic casting a magic spell.
You're pretty sure she got that line from a princess movie, but that doesn't make the sentiment any less adorable. You begin to chuckle to yourself, smiling ear to ear before turning toward Katsuki. You're expecting him to be disgusted, repulsed by something so sickly sweet, but are shocked to see him standing with the flowers outstretched in your direction. He's biting his bottom lip and avoiding eye contact by staring directly at your feet.
"H-here," he whispers meekly, pushing the flowers into your hands. You've never seen him so shy before - that's usually Izuku's demeanor. His unexpected affection makes your little heart flutter in your chest.
"Thank you 'Suki," is all you can muster up the courage to say, your mind running blank on the right thing to say. It's just an imaginary scenario...It's not real, not like you're actually marrying him. Katsuki exhales, turning his back to you to hide his strawberry colored cheeks.
"Now you're together forever!" you sister raves, dancing on her tip toes with satisfaction.
Maybe that was the moment she bound you two together with some unknown magical force, or it was a mere coincidence. The sappy part of your young brain believed in fairytales and chose to believe she was weaving your golden string to him, binding you two for life.
Leftovers - Middle School
”Yo, brats! Come eat already so I can get the hell outta here,” Katsuki called from your doorway. He’d come by with leftovers from his mom for you and your sister, since your own mom was working later that day. The two of you were still…friends? You weren’t sure. Being in seventh grade and all, he started acting like you weren’t cool enough for him. He did the same to Izuku, starting to ditch the two of you for other kids in class to hang out with at lunch or walk home with. Did it hurt your feelings? Absolutely. But you didn’t own him, he was allowed to have other friends, even if it did suck to see him less outside of class.
“Coming!” you called back, skipping down the hallway with your sister in tow. She happily ran into the entryway, hugging Katsuki by the waist. She was taller now, but still much smaller than him as a fourth grader.
“Hiya Katsu!” she gleamed up at him, rubbing her face against his uniform jacket.
He grunted, uncomfortable with her sudden affection and poking her in the forehead to release her grip. “Let go, squirt!”
He turned his attention to you as your sister finally let go of him. “Here, take these. I gotta get to practice.”
”Thank you! Tell your mom we said hi.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
You hand the containers to your sister as she wanders off to the table. Before Katsuki opens the door, you tap him on the shoulder.
“Hey, are you alright?”
He scoffs at your question. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You just seem distant lately. Wanna come by sometime for a movie marathon?” you ask, tilting your head and giving him a warm smile.
“We’re not kids anymore. Got better stuff to do.”
Ouch, that stung. Your smile fades away as you reply. “Well…I know. I just miss hanging out with you.”
“You have Deku an’ that other group of bitches you hang out with, ya don’t need me.” His harsh comment has notes of jealousy intertwined in his words. He goes to put his hand on the door again before you take a step forward to stop him.
“Kat, they’re not a replacement for you. You’ve got your own friends now, too since you’re on the soccer team. You’re saying we can’t hang out 'cause we have different friends?”
He glares at you before pushing past you and pulling on the front door.
“Hey!” your sister shouts from the dining area. “Katsu, that’s not nice. My royal guard doesn't act like that!” She’s always thought of Katsuki as a guard since your elementary school playground days.
“Cut the shit! We’re not kids anymore!” Katsuki rebuttals with a growl of frustration.
He makes eye contact with you. “We’ve grown apart, end of fuckin’ story. Get over it.”
He slams your front door closed and leaves you standing in the entryway, your eyes stinging from the urge to cry. You feel a small gust of wind rush by as your sister is sprinting to the door, throwing it open and running outside without shoes on.
“Hey!” She calls after Katsuki. “Get your butt back here, Katsu!”
He turns on his heel. “Hah?!”
She stomps on the ground, fists balled at her sides. “Apologize to her!”
Katsuki cackles, a little too manically. “For what, brat?”
“You’re being a mean jerk to her! She doesn’t deserve to be yelled at like that. Friends are friends forever, idiot!” she yells, her cheeks puffed and eyebrows scrunched together.
You can’t help but stifle a laugh at her calling Katsuki an idiot and turn your head to hide your amusement.
”That’s not who you are, Katsu. That’s not how you treat your princess!”
He pinches the bridge of his nose and screws his eyes shut in annoyance, exhaling dramatically. He locks his gaze on you, storming back up to the doorway. He roughly ruffles your sister’s hair as he passes by her as a pseudo apology. Katsuki sucks the air through his teeth and shoves his fists in his pockets as he stops in front of you.
“Look, ‘m sorry for yellin’, okay?” he sighs, kicking a foot against the pavement. “I'll come over Saturday, we’ll have that movie day ya wanted.”
"You don't need to if you feel forced to hang out with me." Your eyes shift to your feet to avoid looking at his reaction.
" 's fine. I'll be here at noon, don't pick anything lame."
With that, he turns to leave for a second time in silence. You watch him disappear around the corner and can't help but feel like a burden for asking him to make time for you. As if reading your mind, your sister shakes you out of the negative train of thought while walking back to the house.
“Don’t worry about him, he’s just being a dumb boy. That’s what my teacher says when boys are mean for no reason.” She grins a toothy smile up at you and grabs your hand. “Come on! Foods getting cold!”
Katsuki rounded the corner and waited to be out of sight before palming his face in anger. He had no idea why he said those things to you. None of it was true, especially that you’d grown apart. If anything, he was jealous of your friends and missed seeing you all the time. But he couldn’t bring himself to say so, like always. Ever since middle school started, he’d harbored some unknown rage inside of him that lashed out every chance it could. He hated it and didn’t know what to do to stop it - hence trying out for the soccer team, looking for an outlet for the pent up emotions in his body.
Katsuki secretly hoped you wouldn’t end up despising him for it. Even after all this time, he still thinks of you whenever he sees a patch of daisies.
Maybe one day he’d be brave enough to tell you about it.
Running Late - High School
The front door to your home opens as Katsuki slips inside, kicking his loafers off by the door. Your younger sister peaks over the kitchen counter while spreading jam over her toast and nods in his direction.
"Hey Katsu, pretty sure she's still asleep upstairs," she calls, rolling her eyes. "I tried to get her up three times, maybe you'll have better luck."
It was hard to believe that she was already in her freshmen year of high school - shit, it’s crazy that you and Katsuki were seniors. The age of playground days and summer adventures went by in the blink of an eye.
He makes his way to the kitchen island, leaning over to ruffle your sister’s hair - some things never change.
"Thanks, bean. I'll get her ass movin’."
“Stooop! You’ll mess up my hair!” She whines as she pulls away, fixing a few stray pieces of her fluffy mane.
“Ya look fine, don’t sweat it,” he compliments while heading for the staircase. He makes his way to your bedroom on the second floor. The door is surprisingly cracked open - he taps on the doorframe to grab your attention.
“Come in,” you call, lying on your bed facing the wall above the covers while scrolling on your phone. You presume it’s your sister until a soft kiss is planted on your cheek.
“Mornin’ sweets,” Katsuki whispers, rubbing your shoulder to turn you to face him. He sits on the edge of your bed beside you. “You wanna be late for our last first day of high school?”
You shift to sit up and drop your phone to your bed, reaching to cradle his face in your hands.
“No, I just wanted to steal a few kisses first,” you mumble as your lips quietly meet his. Katsuki places one hand on your cheek while the other lightly grazes your back. After a few moments, the two of you part with a soft smack. You stand and straighten up your uniform skirt, flattening a few of the panels to work out any stray creases.
“Do I look okay?” You ask, spinning around for Katsuki and showing off your uniform. Your hair was pulled into a pretty ponytail with a few pieces framing your face. The only make up you had on was some lip gloss - you valued sleeping in over doing a minimalist makeup look today.
“Y’always look good,” he sighs, standing to his feet. “Let’s get movin’ before bean suspects somethin’.”
You hadn’t told your sister about your relationship with Katsuki. Sure, you guys had been friends since you were children and he’s always around…how would she know the difference?
The two of you patter down the hallway and skip down the stairs to the kitchen. Your sister is waiting for the two of you, arms crossed and tapping one foot impatiently.
“Finally! Get your damn shoes on,” she orders while pushing you toward the door. She does a double take at Katsuki while you’re putting on your shoes, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Katsu…are you wearing lipgloss?”
Katsuki’s searching for something to say as his face glows scarlet. He puts a hand on the back of his neck and turns away, grumbling while attempting to hide his embarrassment.
“Oh come on, you two. I knew you guys started dating months ago. You think I didn’t notice?”
You spin around to face her, cheeks puffed and eyebrows scrunched. “You never said anything?!”
She laughs, walking up to Katsuki and placing a hand on his shoulder.
“If you ever hurt her, Katsuki, I’ll knock your lights out. I know where you sleep,” she threatens, grinning mischievously. Katsuki pulls her into a headlock, ruffling her hair a second time.
“Deal, but I plan on stayin’ alive.” He lets her go, chuckling as he smooths out the pieces of hair he messed with.
Seeing the two of them get along never fails to make your heart swell with joy. Katsuki has always treated her like his own sister - one that he could easily give back at the end of every day, anyways.
She turns with a huff with her hands in the air.
“You both have my blessing, you should know that. I didn’t marry you two in a sandbox for nothing!”
Today Was A Fairytale - Current Day
“It’s an honor to be doing this for a second time. You’re in luck, my vocabulary has grown exponentially since our sandbox days.”
There’s a wave of laughter through the crowd at your sister’s lighthearted joke. You can’t help but smile as Katsuki’s fingers dance across the back of your hand to regather your attention.
God, he looks so damn handsome in that tux. His usual wild hair is slicked back and tamed - an extremely rare sight. Carmine eyes stare back at you, full of devotion and excitement for this next chapter in your fairytale.
“By the power vested in me, and these people as my witness, I pronounce you two as king and queen of the kingdom!”
Friends and family alike cheer and whistle as you and Katsuki intertwine, kissing each other for the first time as husband and wife. He spins you around and dips you low, kissing the tip of your nose playfully.
“I love you,” he mouths, a silent profession of adoration - reserved just for you.
The two of you strut down the aisle to the dance floor in the reception hall, the DJ already queuing the first dance song. Katsuki gently tugs you by the waist, pulling you closer to him as he begins to sway side to side when the music begins to fill the room. You rest your head against his chest and get lost in the moment.
Right now, the world belongs to the two of you. Every worry, struggle, and hardship is stripped away from your lives to give you the peace you deserve.
There’s one thought that lingers in your mind as you catch a glimpse of your teary-eyed sister watching you from the corner of the dance floor, latched onto Izuku’s arm for support.
She tied that golden string with an unbreakable knot.
tags 💥 @slayfics @maddietries @queenpiranhadon
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