#thesor sereno
sunshinemage · 1 year
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Thesor for @ladamebrunette / @i-mybrunettelady! He does spark joy 💙💙💙
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redwayfarers · 1 year
Wayfarer Week: View
Fandom: Wayfarer IF Ship: N/A Characters: Cassander Inteus (OC), Thesor Sereno (OC) Words: 697 Rating: Gen Woohoo leggo!!!! This is the first prompt for @wayfarer-week, featuring my two elven kids! Non-spoilery and generally fluffy. <3 Read on AO3
The day after my graduation, the sun’s bright and early. It always is, it’s the sun, it’s what it does, but this particular sunrise feels special. It shines on the snow-laden mountains of Artanis, on the Spire’s imposing walls, on the edges of my bed and the handles of my drawers. It greets me with a ray to the face as well. I wave back.
It’s stupid, I know, I’m a big boy, but I’m feeling a little drunk on joy right now and I can wave at the sun all I want. See if I care.
Suddenly, there’s a knock on my door. It’s a familiar rap now, three short, quick sounds that let me know who is on the other side. “Come in,” I yell from my position by the window and take a sip of my morning tea. “Thesor?”
“Good morning, Wayfarer Inteus,” he says in Vestran. It sounds so lovely on his tongue. Vestran always sounds lovely - it’s a rather melodic language, which makes our songs famously good - but paired with his gentle voice, it reminds me of a memory I never really had. Varyn tried relating to me in that way years ago, but it always brought an acidic taste to my tongue. We’ve since limited our conversations to Arathian, she and I. 
“I’m still getting used to that,” I reply, also in Vestran. “It doesn’t really feel.. It feels like a dream I’ll wake up from every second now, but I’m not. I can touch it with my fingers. Wayfarer Inteus.” I tilt my head slightly and watch him. “Did you know there’s never been a Wayfarer in our line?” 
“That’s hardly surprising,” he comments, standing beside me. There’s a strange look in his eyes, something pure, something gentle, but powerful, something that looks an awful lot like pride. I grip my cup to not squirm beneath his gaze. “The Vestran aristocracy isn’t exactly friendly to Wayfarers.” 
“And here I thought they were lining up to make out with us in the hallways,” I say. “Silly little me, however could I think that.” 
He snorts. In daylight, his hair blends with the paleness of his skin, save for the fiery brightness of his eyes. His broken nose gives his face quite a profile, half-turned to me. “They may not be lining up to share our affections, but you can now say you’re the first Wayfarer of the Inteus line.” 
“Are you? Of yours, I mean. Are you the first Wayfarer of your line?” 
He considers for a moment and shakes his head serenely. “I’m not a Samaras anymore, remember? Dayna Sereno means more to me than House Samaras ever will. If I wish to continue anyone’s legacy, it will be theirs.” 
I blink. Do I wish to continue Sero’s? Or do I wish to fly against my mother’s window like a particularly annoying bug, a sore spot in the shiny, sparkly family history that spans ages and centuries? I sometimes envy the clarity with which he speaks of these things. I wish I had it all neatly figured out. 
I resist the urge to kick my feet. The guy’s ancient, my parents’ age, of course he has shit figured out. He’s had decades to do it. I’m a glorified toddler, in elven terms. A kicking, screaming newborn. 
“Sorry, I was just thinking.” I drink the last of my tea and place it on the window sill. “So yeah, I’m a Wayfarer now. Like you, old man. I’ll get to be an ancient one and we can now safely hunt monsters together because Sero won’t bite your head off if I appear with a few gashes.” 
“Please try not to get gashes if you can. It’s not good for your health.” 
I whip my head towards him so fast I almost crick my neck. His face is straight. “Amazing observations you have there, Thesor,” I shake my head. He smiles. 
“I’ll ask you if it’s good for your health when we’re hunting beasts together and you have a cut or two,” he promises. 
“I’m holding you to it,” I whisper. 
We stay there, watching the sunrise, for a little while more.
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just-eyris-things · 9 months
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the year is coming to an end so here are some pieces that i've made in 2023! all the pieces included can be viewed below the cut if you're interested :)
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Honoria Ionneon and Thesor Sereno (Wayfarer if) - both characters belong to @i-mybrunettelady
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Anriin, my necromancer (GW2)
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Freya Wyldwolf and Eyris (disguised as Catherin) (GW2)
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Airell :) (GW2)
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Alyssanyra Ainsaph (GW2) (@i-mybrunettelady again)
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Riah, my tiefling bard (DnD)
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Airell and Eyris (+ DORB) (GW2)
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Risha Sero (Wayfarer if)
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redwayfarers · 2 years
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Thesor voice: And in the end, it was not fine.
Besties & Wayfarers but without the secrets between them! My two other MCs, Honoria Ionneon and Thesor Sereno, (reluctantly) ready to do shenanigans, by the sweetest @just-eyris-things 🥺 Thank you so much Eyris you're truly the best mwah mwah
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redwayfarers · 1 year
🤎 multiple kisses / kisses all over / kiss after kiss for whichever ship you feel like <3
Ty for dropping by <3
🤎 multiple kisses / kisses all over / kiss after kiss // ship: Thesor x Rhodarth
In hindsight, Thesor now realises, needing an army as a moral support to accept Rhodarth's invitation for a walk sounds so silly. He almost reminds himself of how he acted in Vodena, but that too makes so much sense he can't fully find fault in his own behavior.
He hasn't been this interested in anyone for decades, he's almost forgotten how it feels to.. look forward to things. To the barest of smiles, and the steadiness of their presence, and the laughter and the touch of hands, one that is devoid of any carnal desire but desirable nonetheless.
That's not to say he doesn't want to sleep with Rhodarth. He just wants other things too. That knowledge is far scarier than he'll ever let on.
"Rhodarth," Thesor calls, trying to will his voice into something calm, "I'm curious. How short was the shortest person you've ever been with?"
Rhodarth laughs. "Shorter than you, I assure you."
Thesor huffs. "Most certainly, but that doesn't answer my question." He knows he isn't very tall, and he's seen how tall Cassander grew up to be, but there is an appeal to just burrowing against a much taller person's side. He won't do it, of course, not here. He's just curious.
"And the honest answer is that I do not remember," Rhodarth continues, "although there have been shorter people."
"And how did you solve the issue of kissing without breaking your neck?" Thesor presses. Emboldened by his own question, he brushes a hand against Rhodarth's - he's not yet entirely sure of their levels of comfort respectively regarding public displays of affection like this. Rhodarth seems content to leave it at that, though there's warmth in his yellow eyes.
"I think I know what your melusine friend would suggest," he says. "Climbing a tree. Inteus would suggest it as a joke, but Ionneon would be very serious about it."
"She'd even offer me support as I climb," Thesor shakes his head. "I don't know what I'd do without her."
"Not kiss me," Rhodarth says and Thesor stops dead in his tracks. There's a content smile on his face, and the wind plays with his hair, showing tips of pointed ears. The corners of his eyes crease, but it's a joyful thing. Thesor has a feeling he needs more of that in his life.
"I don't see any trees nearby," he states and it makes him bury his face in his hand to breathe out the laughter that presses down in his throat.
"I suppose we'll just have to find another way, then," Rhodarth supplies, and walks a little back to where Thesor stands, holding the the sash he borrowed from Oria earlier. He then looks around - no signs of life beside them - and leans down. "I do think my neck can endure a couple of kisses though," he adds quietly and closes the gap between them.
Thesor leans into it and closes his eyes. It's hardly their first kiss, but there's something about emotionally charged kisses that leaves him breathless and stunned, something he cannot quite get enough of.
"I'm curious how many," he says once they part for air. "And only then will we go looking for trees I can climb."
Rhodarth merely nods and kisses him again. And suddenly, it doesn't feel quite as frightening as it had before.
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redwayfarers · 1 year
Wayfarer Week: Mentors
Fandom: Wayfarer IF Ship: N/A Characters: Thesor Sereno (OC), Dayna Sereno (OC) Rating: Gen Words: 871 You know the drill - @wayfarer-week prompt 4, now in very much pre-game and featuring Thesor <3
Maybe this is not the best time for this, but when is it ever? This close to graduation, Dayna wants to make sure they’ve gone over everything. It’s what Thesor appreciates about them - their dedication to detail and precision is something he hasn’t really seen anywhere else. Unfortunately, it also means that he doesn’t have a moment to ask what’s been weighing on his mind a lot recently. 
Therefore, he has to make one. The bags under his mentor’s eyes speak of their tiredness, made all the worse by a nearby torch, but he’s been waiting for weeks. He needs to have this information by the time he walks to the Grandmaster as a true, graduated Wayfarer. 
“Can I speak to you?” he asks, grabbing their wrist. 
“You had your chance earlier today,” they grumble, but it’s without any real heat.
“Dayna, I did not. You wanted to make sure I knew exactly how to kill a sandwraith in ten different ways before you were summoned away by the Grandmaster and I didn’t see you for the rest of the day.” His tone is measured and even, and for a moment, he reminds himself of a young man he knew once. He’s watched many times from a quiet corner how much Aiantes Lascaris hid his disdain for people under a diplomatic tone and how he’d cross his hands in the same gesture Thesor is doing now. 
The memory tastes like ash and Thesor separates his fingers as fast as he possibly could. Dayna, of course, catches it. 
“Something the matter?” Dayna asks. There’s so much genuine care in their voice it makes his heart clench. 
“I.. I just remembered something. It’s nothing, really.” He swallows. “But there has been an issue that I need to discuss with you. And to clarify - I don’t mean the bad issue. It’s just an unresolved thing, therefore an issue.” He smiles weakly. He’s usually a better communicator than this, a more detached one at the very least, but this issue has kept him awake at night from how personal it is. 
He recalls Aiantes’ empty, polite smiles and the snickering with Theokleia afterwards. He recalls how jealous he was that Aiantes could even do that and how his hand would then fall neatly on Theokleia’s forearm as he leaned in to whisper things in her ear. He could’ve never done it - one touch and his secret was out. All he could do was seethe and watch and laugh at jokes he didn’t really find all that funny because he tried convincing himself that just being in her presence was good enough for him.
Rarely did they call him by his name. It was always Samaras; his brother was also Samaras, as was his sister. He would’ve rattled the fucking stars just to have them call him by his name. 
But Aiantes and Theokleia did discover his little secret and did reject him in a very public, very humiliating way. He doesn’t want them - or anyone else - to call him neither Samaras or Thesor. Instead, if they have to refer to him for some unfathomable reason, they could simply say Sereno. 
He wants to ask if Dayna’s alright with that. He wants them to know he feels safer with them than he did with his own family. He wants them to know how much they did for him. He wants to be their legacy, not Samaras’ flawed creation. 
How does one ask for such a thing anyway? 
“Tess,” Dayna repeats and pulls him into a hug. He rests his head on their shoulder and squeezes tight. 
“I’m trying,” he whispers. His throat is tight. “It’s just that.. Graduation is soon and I don’t want to walk out of my apprentice days as a Samaras.” There, he said it. It feels like a punch and the warmth of their caring hands doesn’t help at all. 
“Then don’t,” Dayna says. They release him, but maintain their hold on his upper arms. “You can call yourself anything you want to. Make up a name, if it feels fitting. A lot of apprentices shake their old lives away once they become Wayfarers.” 
“But I don’t want to make up a name!” He feels like a child even though he’s older than half the apprentices already. Deep breaths, Thesor. Deep breaths. You’re an adult. You can do this. “I want to take yours.”
“Was that the problem?” Dayna’s eyes go wide. The pearlescent sheen in them sparkles under torchlight. 
He knows he must be red. “Yes.” 
“I – Gods, of course you can,” they exclaim. “I’d be honored to see you carry my name as a Wayfarer. You’d do it justice, Tess.” Their hands squeeze his arms. He blinks. 
“Thank you,” he says softly, overcome with emotion. They hug him once more and ruffle his hair. “This is.. This is a big thing for me.” 
“I know,” they smile. “Now go rest. I’m still making sure you’re all caught up by the time you get to carry that shiny new name you have in your mind.” 
So when Dayna gives him Dragonfang on the day of his inauguration, he receives it as a new man. A Samaras wouldn’t have deserved it anyway. 
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redwayfarers · 1 year
Wayfarer Week: Swords
Fandom: Wayfarer IF Ship: Honoria x Rienna Characters: Honoria Ionneon (OC), Rienna Cenric (OC), Thesor Sereno (OC) Rating: Gen Words: 660 New day, new @wayfarer-week prompt, this time swords! Huge thanks to bestie @just-eyris-things who graciously let me borrow Rienna for this one <3
“Cenric’s giving me a cursed sword,” Honoria says. “I asked him yesterday. He was very open about it.”
“What do you mean, cursed?” Rienna replies as she ties her hair. Or attempts to - by her own admission, she’s never been particularly good at it. It’s no matter though, because then Honoria can step in and tie it for her. There’s nothing softer and more intimate than tying a girl’s hair in her eyes, and she’s tied Thesor’s hair many, many times.
 Honoria lightly waves Rienna’s hands away. “Turn around,” she says and Rienna’s surprised oh makes something in her belly tighten. “Vanariel, I think. And it’s cursed in that a lot of its wielders died away from the Spire. Shit luck sword, more or less.”
“And Cenric’s giving it to you.”
“I will press him on why exactly he’s made that choice. You could help me out as well.” Honoria leans in to give a conspiratorial whisper in Rienna’s ear, all too aware of the warmth of her body near hers. Gods, how she wishes she could kiss her. “Maybe inquire after your own and then mention me, as if off-handedly, you know? You’re giving me this one, and what about Oria, something like that.”
Rienna licks her lips and looks at her shoes. “I could,” she agrees after a moment. In the snow, she’s a true splash of color. Honoria’s not any different, but where she has seaweed curls, Rienna has beautiful, purple tresses. Tresses whose cool tones fit against the snow much better than Honoria’s. Tresses she’s holding onto even after she’s done braiding them.
“Braid’s finished,” Honoria announces suddenly, feeling suddenly very, very stupid for reasons unknown to her. When Rienna turns to lean her back on the freezing fence once more, Honoria’s picking at the fur around her shoulders absently. “Thank you for the help with Vanariel, by the way. Figured the two of us would get this done faster– Thesor, what happened to your face?”
The elf in question merely shrugs. He wasn’t here a moment ago, but now he’s standing there, leaning against the fence alongside them. His right eye is purpling with a fresh bruise. “Master Sereno punched me.”
Both Honoria and Rienna stare. “They did that?”
“I was bad at dodging,” he adds, with the same tone from earlier. It’s forcefully detached and even, as if it’s practiced. Knowing him, it probably is. Vodena’s habits are just beaten too roughly into him still. “So, you wanted to tell me something about swords, Honoria?”
“Have you iced that?” Honoria doesn’t relent, grabbing him by the wrist. “Do I need to drag you to the infirmary?”
“I was curious about the sword,” he says softly. “I am fine, Honoria. Life of a Wayfarer will be far worse than one black eye.”
Honoria sighs and lets go of his wrist. She isn’t that older than him, but he feels like a kid to her sometimes, absolutely far too young to be this pragmatic about things.
“Maybe we could tell him while we go to the infirmary?” Rienna suggests. It’s unanimously accepted and Honoria takes it upon herself to lead on the familiar path to the infirmary. 
(Things were so simple back then, she thinks one night, many years later. He’s asleep beside her and her hands are still bloody from cleaning the red, angry line from a dagger that missed its mark in the ugliest way possible. He had a bruise then - now he’ll have a scar on the same eye for the rest of his life. Porphyrogenita, Vanariel renamed, lays on the ground beside her.
She hoped that the bad luck would avoid her by renaming the damn thing. But it seems that by doing so, she only managed to make it pass onto someone else.
Rienna’s somewhere in this big fucking world, Honoria isn’t even sure she’s alive. And Thesor’s just escaped death by a small margin.
Things were so simple back then.) 
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redwayfarers · 1 year
3 and 51? for whichever otp you want 🥰
Kels, you have the honor of seeing my first Rho x Tess ship ask!! I have no idea how Rho's romance will develop and if I need to change something, I will, but like. Thesor's been on my mind a lot so here's a post :>
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
No, funnily enough, if we're talking larger pieces. The size difference between them is frankly hilarious, given that Thesor is actually fairly short for a man, and he doesn't strike me as the type to admit he likes wearing his tall boyfriend's shirts, because he thinks he looks ridiculous. He already feels judged and self-conscious enough for the scar on his face. Scarfs, hair ties, occasional jewelry is on the table though.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
Once more, this is vibes only, but I don't think they're this dramatic, over the top couple. They're largely subdued in their (public) affection and most you're gonna see is just a prolonged arm or hand squeeze. It's the small things.
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redwayfarers · 1 year
Rotating Cass on the brain tonight and while I cannot write a word for the life of me, blame it on a stupid essay, I am forever soft for the way he bonded with Thesor.
Thesor was never a father-figure, not truly. Cass is weird when it comes to parental figures (makes sense) but has decided that Sero is one. Thesor’s like an uncle, but someone who he trusts (for the shared experiences of being Wayfarers of Vestran, aristocratic birth) and who did help shape him as a person growing up.
Likewise, Thesor just attached himself to the disowned kid of his first love and hasn’t looked back. His childhood wasn’t as difficult as Cass’, but he does understand a few things about how it feels to be an outcast in a family whose reputation requires perfection.
I will never not be soft over their relationship, actually <3
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redwayfarers · 2 years
A small study on grief
Fandom: Wayfarer IF Pairing: None Characters: Thesor Sereno (OC), Honoria Ionneon (OC) Content warning: Nothing of note stands out, but I will add if needed
It’s been five months since the Spire was overrun and two since he and Honoria showed up at her father Justinian’s home. Five months, not nearly enough to forget the scents, the sights, the sounds, tools of his trade, yet now turned against him so ruthlessly he can’t help it. Hundreds against dozens - of course they’d fall, no matter how well trained they are. It all makes sense, in that cold-blooded part of his head. But hard pragmatism does little to soothe the open wounds on his heart and the grief-like puss that oozes out of them. 
Even his face won’t let him forget. He feels the wound every time he emotes. He feels people staring at him, the warm, dark red against his cool, pale skin, and he offers a weak, apologetic little smile in response. Honoria’s done all she could. It’ll leave a scar regardless. 
I’m sorry for being a little unsightly right now. It’ll never go away. He always resists the urge to hide his face away before the other person returns to whatever they were doing.
It’s been five months and Thesor still sees the heartache on his pillow every time he wakes up.
Read more on AO3
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redwayfarers · 2 years
Oh! This is largely self-referential but I finalized Thesor's design recently and just. Forgot to post. Forgive the awkward clipping before I get him better armor to wear.
Pre-Spire scarless Tess ✨
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redwayfarers · 8 months
Nero polls, Valentine's edition: who would YOU romance?
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redwayfarers · 9 months
nero's fanfic wrap-up 2023
key ocs of 2023: cassander inteus & nika perseis, and a whole host of other, lesser well known kiddos <3 most of the unpublished stuff is some exile drabbles and smut that i haven't posted yet (mostly cassmel) rip
fandoms: 4 total fics: 36 fics published: 31 fics unpublished: 5 words: 45,546
masterlist organized by fandoms
unnamed prompt - rating: gen - pairing: cassander inteus + aeran kellis
dictionary of everyday life - rating: gen - pairing: risha sero (@just-eyris-things) + aeran kellis
it's not good for the grieving to be alone - rating: gen - pairing: cassander inteus + aisanne bjornsdottir
just what friends do - rating: gen - pairing: cassander inteus + aeran kellis
ties that sever, ties that bind - rating: teen - characters: cassander inteus, theokleia inteus, aiantes inteus
overflowing - rating: gen - pairing: cassander inteus + aeran kellis
wayfarer week: view - rating: gen - characters: cassander inteus, thesor sereno
wayfarer week: alone - rating: gen - character: cassander inteus
wayfarer week: injury - rating: gen - characters: cassander inteus, amali sero, aeran kellis
wayfarer week: mentors - rating: gen - characters: thesor sereno, dayna sereno
wayfarer week: swords - rating: gen - pairing: honoria ionneon + rienna cenric (@just-eyris-things)
wayfarer week: flirt - rating: gen - pairing: valerian varyn + melchior larkspur
one of those days - rating: gen - pairing: cassander inteus + melchior larkspur
picking your battles, and how it can go wrong - rating: gen - pairing: cassander inteus + senna osker
unnamed prompt - rating: gen - pairing: thesor sereno + rhodarth nairan
unnamed prompt - rating: gen - pairing: cassander inteus + aeran kellis
a particularly nasty weed also known as wayfarer - rating: gen - pairing: cassander inteus + senna osker
howlers and minstrels in the night - rating: gen - characters: nika perseis, ianera maliriq
does she like men with scars? - rating: gen - pairing: nika perseis + minfilia warde
to (kick your feet) strive but not to yield - rating: gen - pairing: nika perseis + minfilia warde
crisis he didn't ask for, but got anyway - rating: gen - pairing: nika perseis + artoirel de fortemps
cold nights in ishgard - rating: gen - pairing: nika perseis + artoirel de fortemps
unnamed prompt - rating: gen - pairing: nika perseis + artoirel de fortemps
(you) restless son - rating: mature - pairing: nika perseis + artoirel de fortemps
(you) restless son (continued) - rating: teen - pairing: nika perseis + artoirel de fortemps
bridgerton au - rating: gen - pairing: nika perseis + artoirel de fortemps
'ajde bar noćas budi mi drug - rating: gen - pairing: nika perseis + hilda ware
a long, long line - rating: gen - pairing: swan ellis + orion quinn
absence - rating: gen - pairing: swan ellis + seven lawless
blood moon
safe - rating: gen - pairing: angelina jakovljević + farroq khan
night runs - rating: teen - pairing: cassander iodinnis + roe martin
the exile
setting the stage - rating: gen - pairing: alysannyra ainsaf + sabir du vaelas
two snakes, one bed - rating: explicit - pairing: cassander sero + nikke ivante
inside the gift horse's mouth - rating: gen - pairing: cassander sero + nikke ivante + sabir du vaelas
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redwayfarers · 11 months
🖊 ahh I don't know who so I'm gonna give two categories: Wayfarer of your choice OR new OC you are excited to talk about!
ty for dropping by! <3 since i've been missing my wayfarer kids something fierce, so have some wayfarer kiddos! here's some honoria for you :)
picrew link
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🖊 she's from sathir but her father, justinian, isn't. he's an ayadan melusine warrior that did helped the court of sarin, and over time, after he and his first wife parted ways, he married a minor-ish elven noblewoman of sarin's court named galla and they had honoria and her two siblings :)
honoria is also very much attached to her father, who didn't shun her for being a magianis, who loved and defended her, as did her mother. the decision to join the wayfarers was honoria's own, and even though she grew close to cenric and views him as a second father after being his apprentice, she never really shook off her father's name, ionneon, in honor of him.
when the spire fell (since in my extended verse honoria and thesor sereno are older wayfarers who are spire survivors) she took a very injured thesor to her father in sathir to recover, where they spent some time living with the clan. i have an old fic about it, if anyone's curious to read! i love oria and thesor's relationship, they're platonic life partners and they're so funny together. i care them lots!!!
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redwayfarers · 2 years
Oria beloved for that oc name ask? 🥺🥺🥺
Oria post! yess
Since she's a beeb I ramble about less, here's a picrew of her to illustrate! Picrew credit
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01. Full name: Honoria Ionneon
02. Best friend: Thesor Sereno (also my OC. They're like MC and Aeran but with no secrets)
03. Sexuality: lesbian
04. Favorite color: purple :>
05. Relationship status: dating @just-eyris-thingsgs' Rienna Cenric!
06. Ideal mate: someone steadfast, respectful, willing be in it for the long run. In an ideal situation, they'd also be long-lived, like her.
07. Turn-ons: pretty women??? i'm not entirely clear on that
08. Favorite food: Bread her family used to make from locally sourced grains in her native Sathir.
09. Crushes: I'll have to say Rienna again but she's had a lot of crushes over the course of her life (she's 100+ years old)
10. Favorite music: TBA
11. Biggest fear: Losing the Spire!! It's come true
12. Biggest fantasy: Having a life where she isn't an outcast/a danger to her family's reputation and she had that in the Spire for a while. But uh. Things happened.
13. Bad habits:
14. Biggest regret: Choosing to escape from the Spire when her friends fell (survivor's guilt is a bitch)
15. Best kept secrets: TBA
16. Last thought: probably something about how soft Rienna's hair is or how there are survivors out there.
17. Worst romantic experience: a Guild mage she had a fling with back when she was a wee bb Wayfarer. She's cautious around dating Guild mages after that
18. Biggest insecurity: TBA
19. Weapon of choice: Sword (Porphyrogenita)
20. Role Model: Her father Justinian
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redwayfarers · 2 years
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Contrary to what it may come across as, I have multiple Wayfarers that I may not post much about, but they are runs I’m having fun doing, including ones not yet finished - one for each Origin 💖 Picrew link
In order of appearance:
Cassander Inteus - male, he/him - elven - Child of the City - Amali Sero
Thesor Sereno - male, he/him - elven - Child of the City
Honoria Ionneon - female, she/her - melusine - Child of the Desert - Rindan Cenric
Valerian Varyn - female, she/her - melusine - Child of the Fields - Brissa Varyn
Tita Sarrastel - female, she/her - human - Child of the Wilds - Rindan Cenric
Aenea Sero - nonbinary, they/them - aeda - Child of the Seas - Amali Sero
Siegfried Atanas - male, he/him - human - Child of the Streets - Brissa Varyn
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