soundingstars · 10 months
@secondtrumphet x
“Someone has to worry about you. You might be able to, Yu.” The blonde didn’t hesitate to voice his concerns while he tended to care much about his childhood friend. They were the only two survivors from that night. 
It might be true that he wasn’t exactly human anymore, but it was unknown if that was the truth or not. They wouldn’t be able to get the answers that they wanted especially surrounded by these ruined streets. Only talking to another person whether they were a human or a vampire, a person who most likely had the answers they wanted. If they were able to get those answers at all. 
Letting out a small breath, he shifted his weight before leaning against the nearby wall “I’ll go with you, you’re too reckless when left alone.”
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@anomieheld liked for a starter!
Being able to escape with Yu after the death of their family, Mikaela and Yu were found by Guren who thought that he was only going to find one child though. Mikaela and Yu were raised by Guren as they both were going to join the JIDA. Mika was only going to join because he wanted to make sure that Yu would be okay. He is apart of Shinoa’s squad even though there are times when it seems like that he is Yu’s babysitter. 
The blonde did have some hesitation about joining the JIDA at first, but he eventually agreed because he wanted to make sure that Yu didn’t do anything reckless. A bad habit that the other had especially when it came to the others he did care about. Next to Kimizuki, Mikaela had a habit of keeping to himself despite there being an obvious bond with the other members of the squad that he was a part of. Shinoa’s squad. 
He had made it pretty clear to Guren that the same squad as Yu was what he wanted, he doubted that he would have gotten along on a squad filled with complete strangers. Mika did have trust issues, especially what happened with the rest of the children who they had grown alongside with, children that had been there since they arrived at the orphanage. A place that was no longer, a family that was no longer. 
It was true that the squad had given a chance to make a new family, but it was going to take time for bonds and trust to be built. The blonde was going to need more time than Yu and the others. It was getting easier each day though. 
The JIDA had been sent out to the field once more to deal with the vampires as they did have their intended targets. Nobles since they were the one who did play apart in controlling the lower vampires besides the one vampire that led them all. It was important to take care of the Nobles first though. 
Mika had volunteered to go grab food from one of the nearby trucks as they were at the makeshift camp for now, the green zone as it would be called. They were safe here. Hands started to grasp at the supplies that were in front of him, supplies that he was putting into the random box that he had come across to bring back to the squad. He knew that they would be hungry.
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chiheisxn · 7 years
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“Ugh.. What I wouldn’t give for a bath.” She grumbles, looking at the muck her hand had just touched.
Akane couldn’t even recall the last time she had a good bath. A few water bottles here and there to be used to mostly wipe her face but that's a bit it. Wouldn’t really call that even a shower.
Sighing, she wiped her hands on her cloak before looking around, trying to see what else she can scavenge.
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kuroheishi · 7 years
Spiritomb is not a thing👻
@thevampiricseraph continued from here x
In the middle of a rather creepy hallway, parts of wall fallen down under their feet, the raven haired boy was staring up at the ceiling above their heads. He had no idea why he was hyped few minutes earlier before getting into that place, why the heck did he even came up with this shitty idea? Oh right, because I thought it could be a cool adventure, Pokémon style. 
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“Maybe it’s just a mouse or something.” that place might be full of rats right? That was what he wanted to believe in anyways right now.  
Let’s hope it is not a damn owl.
Another thud and the boy almost jumped on his place. 
“Let’s continue!” hoping his voice wouldn’t sound too weird, Yuu continued on his match down the hallway. “We’re gonna catch that thing, even if I gotta stay in here for an entire day!”
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kingofmikasass-blog · 7 years
Tagged by @thevampiricseraph Goal: tag nine people you want to get to know better! Relationship status: Single Favourite color: Pink Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick Last movie I watched: Idk Top three TV shows: Owari no Seraph, K project, Vampire Knight I listen to: Kpop Top 3 favorite characters: Mikaela Hyakuya, Yuuichirou Hyakuya and Idk Top three ships: YuuMika/MikaYuu, Sarumi, RenAi Tagging: @yoichisaohomo @minalikesyou @all-i-want-is-yuu and idk man I’m tired.
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bloodthirstylacus · 7 years
I think I've tagged way too many people
Why, thank you @ferido-sama @elyon-kurae and @deepnightblues for tagging me~
Goal: tag nine people you want to get to know better!
Relationship status: Single!
Favourite colour: Teal… Merlot
Lipstick or ChapStick: ChapStick… Not like I wear it anyways
I listen to: Alternative and rock…
Last movie I watched: Beauty and the Beast~ 10/10!
Top three TV shows: I don’t exactly have time for those…
Top three characters:
Ferid bathory Ky Luc Lacus Welt
Top three ships: although I’m not really one to ship, I do like…
Rene x Lacus (Seraph of the End) Armin x Erin Sorey x Mikleo (Tales of Zestiria)
Tagging: @eusfordprincess @lordgeales @lestkarrkingofeurope  @arctxcstalkxr @bathory-welt-children @demoncompanydad @lacus-owns-you @ferid-trash-bathory @lvstforblood @renesimmvampire @askasuramaru @thesensitivevampire @askasuramaru @thevampiricseraph @tatsu-rose-bathory Do forgive me if you’ve already been tagged or if we have yet to interact~
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savagerox · 8 years
A New Path
It was several years after the events that changed the life of Alice Liddell. Now being no longer burdened by the mental disorder she once suffered from, the young lady set off to renew her life. This started with her moving as far away from London as possible. After hearing some ominous forces spreading throughout Japan, Alice made it her goal to arrive and conquer all that threatens the lives of others. Without a doubt, she found herself in the streets of the enslaved land. But she was not in fear by the horrid, twisted environment. She only saw it as a challenge. Little did she know, she would come to meet those who could stand beside her in battle.  @thevampiricseraph
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stellcrblossom · 8 years
Ember looked holding her spear in her hands looking at the vampires " YOICHI " ember called out running over to where the male one blocking the attack from the vampire but slowly looked seeing a familiar face as she slowly dropped her spear in shocked " ember " shinoa asked in confused , Ember saw her twin brother with the vampire's . 
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was when there were attack by the vampires , Igneel left and ember was left alone almost dying from the vampire but if it wasn't for the moon demon company she would be dead . " ATTACK HIM" yui screamed " iii can't " she slowly said .
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soundingstars · 10 months
"I missed you." (Mika)
‘i love you’ prompts |still accepting|
He couldn’t really truly recall what exactly had happened after allowing Yu to escape because his plan ended up in failure, a plan that would allow them to leave this place behind. It was the only thing that he could do for the sake of protecting his remaining family member, he had to make sure that Yu survived. The only parting gift Mika was able to give him since he thought that he wasn’t going to leave this place alive, but luck was on his side years later. He was rescued by the very people who managed to bring Yu to a place where he would be safe, a place where the survivors could be safe. 
Mika had to recover though, he needed to rest so he could regain that missing strength from his time spent with the vampires. It would take him a bit until he could reunite with the one person he wanted to see the most. Not until he was able to stand properly on his own two feet without the help of the hovering staff who was there to help him. He couldn’t help, but be wary around that time besides the familiar face of Guren who came to visit him. The man who found Yuuichirou. 
His strength soon returned before he worked hard to join the fight against the vampires which is where this reunion was going to take place. Mikaela was bracing himself to reunite with Yu while he didn’t want to see him in such a weak state even though he most likely would be upset about not learning the truth sooner. Yu probably would have plenty to say to him once he appeared in front of him, words that he would gladly hear because it was from him. 
His arrival was going to be a surprise despite him asking questions about his friend, Guren told him plenty about how he was doing since he was brought here. He wanted Yu to focus on himself while he recovered despite how much he wanted to see him, there was plenty they needed to recover from. Especially with the loss of their family before that fateful day. 
Today though, they wouldn’t have to be apart any longer while he wore that familiar uniform which showed that he was apart of the army for the sake of fighting against their enemy. One which most likely wasn’t going to disappear anytime soon. The blonde soon appeared in front of him though while he was waiting for a lecture to be thrown his way, Yuuichirou had other ideas from the hug that gripped at his shoulder. 
A light smile moved to grace his lips though “I’ve missed you too, Yu.”
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My Headcanons
- Noctis’ Headcanons  - Mikaela’s Headcanons  - Yoichi’s Headcanons  - Alec’s Headcanons  - Peter’s Headcanons - Kuroko’s Headcanons  - Kaeya’s Headcanons  - Zhongli’s Headcanons - Kazuha’s Headcanons - Atreus’ Headcanons
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chiheisxn · 8 years
@judemathisaselia @thevampiricseraph
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Akane kinda just stood there, memorized by the ocean’s gaze, the way the water glimmered under the sun. The salty smell that reached her nose and the cool breeze.
“I.. I never seen the ocean up this close before.” Not even as a child before the world went to shit, before she was taken in the orphange. In fact, Akane had been sure she probably would have never lived to even see the blue vast.
Eyes glance down to watch the water lap at the shores gently before receding back with each wave.
“It’s.. really pretty..”
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kingofmikasass-blog · 7 years
Take THIS TEST for your muse and post the results, do not reblog. Tagged by: @yuichiroswife Tagging: @yoichisaohomo @minalikesyou @thevampiricseraph @all-i-want-is-yuu @nataliyahyakuya @thekingofgayandsalt
Warmth |||||| 14% (Bro why but makes sense) Intellect |||||| 18% (Lol geez) Emotional Stability ||||||||| 26% (Too high. XD) Aggressiveness ||||||||||||||||||||| 66% Liveliness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74% Dutifulness |||||| 14% (I agree with this) Social Assertiveness ||||||||||||||| 42% Sensitivity ||||||||||||||| 42% Paranoia |||||||||||||||||| 54% Abstractness ||||||||| 30% Introversion |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78% (Oh) Anxiety |||||||||||| 34% Openmindedness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70% Independence ||||||||| 30% Perfectionism |||||| 14% Tension ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
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soundingstars · 10 months
'i'm not giving up on you.' { From Rin, to Mika }
‘i love you’ prompts |still accepting|
Mikaela didn’t know why she was determined to give them a helping hand since everyone who traveled with him and Yu were considered a traitor. They had turned their back on the military, one the forces who were once allies, but it became quite clear that humans couldn’t be trusted. A truth that the blonde vampire knew from the beginning while he couldn’t bring himself to trust them that easily because of what he was able to learn. Yu was the only one who actually had his trust despite slowly learning that his friends could be trusted. It wasn’t going to be an easy matter when it came to trust though, it had to be earned. 
He was the only vampire among them which did make things more difficult, they were enemies once. Now they were willing to help him because of the bond he had with Yuuichirou, a bond that has been there since they were children. 
The group had found a place for rest for the evening since they had spent most of the day wandering the streets once more. They needed to rest even though they would be sharing taking watch throughout the night. 
Eyes that were no longer blue glanced upwards at the girl before a small breath escaped from him. There only was one thing he could think of to say
“Why are you trying so hard? I’m not human anymore.”
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soundingstars · 1 year
Peter Parker Verses Alec Lightwood Verses Request Only Verses Hoyoverse Verses Anime Verses C/K Drama Verses
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soundingstars · 1 year
Mikaela's Handwriting
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soundingstars · 1 year
Mikaela Hyakuya AU Verses
Fallen Angel: Outcasted from heaven because of a crime that he didn’t commit, Mikaela fell to earth as his wings lost the luster that they had. His wings turned black making him a fallen angel, but he still had his angelic abilities. Mika hasn’t decided on if he will return to heaven though because of how untrusting the angels were of him. Mika is going to stay on earth though until the truth comes out about the crime or when he finally makes the decision on what he is going to do.v: the fallen one
Angel Mika: Being a heavenly being, Mika lives in heaven as one of the many angels that serve god. He is one of the warriors that helps fight in battles or gets sent down to earth to take care of the supernatural problems down there. Mika seems to only care about his mission, but that could change is someone shows him that there is more out there instead of him being a warrior. v: the angelic one
RWBY: Mikaela comes from Menagerie being a Faunus with the ears and teeth of a wolf. He was apart of the White Fang for some time before he made the decision to leave because of the changes there. Mika decided to become a hunter which is why he became a student at Haven Academy. He wanted to do something good in the world instead of being a criminal which is another reason on why he left the White Fang. v: the wolf faunus
Last Airbender: Mikaela is the son of a royal and a commoner, but it is unknown who his parents are since he was orphaned at a young age. There is a chance that he is the son of two different type of benders being water and fire, he can only bend fire right now though as waterbending is something that he needs to learn. Mika is actually traveling at the moment to find anything about his unknown parents going to different nations looking for answers secretly hoping that someone out there will have a clue to his parents v: the orphaned bender
College: Being a first year, Mikaela decided to be a double-major for performing arts and literature since he is a very creative person. He likes to draw and read books which helped make the decision on what he wants to do for a career, he wants to be an artist and an author. Mika can get a bit cranky because of the long hours that he has to put in for his classes, coffee and naps have become his best friend because of the long hours that he has to deal with. v: life as a double major
Fantasy: Living deep in the forest, Mikaela is a wood elf and the son of the royal family making him be the next heir for the throne. He does keep to himself a lot though since he can be a bit antisocial sometimes, he just isn’t big into dealing with people most of the time. It isn’t too hard to find him though since Mikaela does spend a lot of time in the forest, mostly in his favorite spot that no one else can really find. He might be one of the better fighters among his kind though because of the training that he went through growing up. v: the wood elf
Percy Jackson: Mikaela is the son of Ares, but didn’t find out about his heritage as a demigod until he was at the age of sixteen when he was brought to Camp Half-Blood being the only child of Ares at the moment. He thought that he was going to be by himself because of his struggle when it came to making friends, but that was before he got reunited with his childhood friend, Yu. Things changed for the blonde afterwards gaining a family and bonds with Yu and the others since they were the group of people that he got to know. The blonde is still living at the camp as it is the only place that he can call home v: the son of Ares
Pokemon: Mikaela comes from the Kalos region while his decision about what career he wants is still undecided. So for now, he is traveling around the different regions to learn what he can about Pokemon and think about what he wants to do for help the world that he lives in. He is a skilled trainer though and has a lot of experience underneath his belt for the age that he is. He hopes that he can learn more about Pokemon though and further his skills as a trainer with the team that he has. Team: Vulpix, Growlithe, Cubone, Eevee, Mareep, and Absol. v: the one from Kalos
Shadowhunter: The New York Institute has been Mikaela’s home since the age of eight as he was orphaned at a young age for unknown reasons. It was discovered soon after that he had the blood of a Shadowhunter which was why he was adopted by the one who was the headmaster during that time. It was at the Institute where his training started to become the fighter that he is today, he skilled with using a blade and runes since he was able to pick up them very easily. The natural born ability that he has lets him control over water, but he actually does better controlling ice because of how much he has practiced with it. v: the icy shadowhunter
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