basmathgirl · 4 years
Tag Meme
I was tagged by the wonderful @raywritesthings, Thank you! :D
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
1. NAME: I hate giving my name in everyday life, let alone in these things so I’m going to put Basmathgirl
2. NICKNAMES: BMG, Bas, Fan (Fanny Fanackapan is the longer version), and short!Mummy
4. HEIGHT: it was 5’ 4” (1.62m) but I think I’ve shrunk
5. LANGUAGES: English and a vague smattering of French
7. FAVOURITE SEASON: Autumn, although I quite like Spring
8. FAVOURITE FLOWER: If you ever buy me flowers DON’T make it lilies – I can’t stand the smell; otherwise I tend to like white or blueish flowers
9. FAVOURITE SCENT: I like vanilla smells
10. FAVOURITE COLOUR: I like blue – it used to be yellow but a wasp attack put paid to that idea
11. FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Probably dogs
12. FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(s): Donna Noble, Harry Potter, Elinor Dashwood, Anne Elliot, Captain Frederick Wentworth, Fitzwilliam Darcy (yes, I like Jane Austen, and Colin Firth’s photo was on my wall), Roderick Peterson, Peter Vincent, the Doctor, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Miss Marple, Father Brown, Shakespeare & Hathaway (yes, I like cheesy BBC detective stories), Inspector Morse,  DI Alec Hardy, DI Alex Drake, DCI Gene Hunt, Malcolm Tucker, Professor Vivian Bearing (have you seen “Wit”?  Of my goodness, I sobbed and sobbed),…. and I’d better stop there, or this would become an essay.
13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE:  Generally speaking, I’d always go for a tea (I try to keep chai or Earl Grey as a special treat) but in fast food places I’d opt for a hot chocolate as the safest option.
14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: I’m at that age where a bathroom break in the middle of the night is essential, so getting a full 8 hours is a rarity.
15. DOG OR CAT PERSON: I’ve had limited dealings with cats so I’m more of a dog person. My favourite jokey quote is: “People look at me and think ‘dog’.”
16. NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: I don’t sleep with a blanket; at all. We use duvets.
17. DREAM TRIP: At the moment I am desperate to go back to Scotland – we tried watching the whole Mallaig steam trip on TV (the Jacobite Line) but it ain’t the same as actually being there.
19. FOLLOWERS: 1567.  I suspect a high percentage of this figure is pornbots, so I’ll miss them when they eventually unfollow me….
20. RANDOM FACT: Seeing a clip from the recently ‘free to watch’ “Jesus Christ Superstar” reminded me that I’d seen it on the second night it originally opened in London. The ticket was acquired because, for a few months, I shared the same agent as Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice.
I’m tagging: @bedeliadumaurierblog, @badxwolfxrising, @blueyedthiefling, @drtonks @myrklin, @useless-fangirl-does-fan-art, @horseonthespaceship,  @24601error-prisonernotfound, @faceball-95, @mindibindi, @let-your-chaos-explode, @melmey-fanfics, @shego1142, @captainjackspoilers, @joi-in-the-tardis, @cookie-moi, @antiantemeridian, @danasnobledonna, @thewirealbatross, @storamogul, 
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What's the money making thing? Idk how old the post is (I'm on mobile) hope it's still something you're doing.
Hi! It’s actually been a really long time since I’ve even thought about that lol. It works if you have a lot of people working with you, but meh. If you have the time and dedication you can make a little money here and there, but to make anything major you need a lot of people lol. I don’t know if it’s still running, but if it is, it’s called Featurepoints. It keeps crashing for me, though, so I wish you much better luck than I had if you go for it. :) 
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iwriteaboutfeminism · 9 years
thewirealbatross answered: I never finished s8 of spn bc I saw a lot of stuff on my dash picking apart the Gadreel situation. I don’t mind when shows go dark or heavy but they have to handle it well and spn did not from what i heard. So I never had the heart to click ‘next ep’
You mean the consent issues with Sam?
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iamthemelocked · 9 years
Hello! Your themes are lovely! I'm using #139 Achilles, and I've run into a bit of a problem. I'd like for the 5 info squares at the bottom of each post to have a little hovering 'reblog' 'date' etc so you can see what each one is, but I can't figure out how to do that. Could you help me please? Thank you xx
i’ll show you how to do it :) see, let’s take the notes square for example (you can find it deep down in the code, the blueish part that is marked with )
now you need to put title=“notes” into it so it looks like this
you can exange the notes with any title you want. now do the same with the other 4 links :) (i’d recommend /not/ copying this but typing it into the code yourself because the “ “ tend to get messed up when you copy them directly. also make sure that there is space between a href="{Permalink}" and title=“notes” or it won’t work :))
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sunflowerchester · 10 years
thewirealbatross replied to your post:  Is Tony Stark my favorite Slytherin?  These are...
I’d say he’s more of a ravenclaw personally, just because his inability to leave stuff alone while he’s trying to figure it out is such a strong driving force for him. I’m curious, what elements of Slytherin do you see in him?
Yeah I especially can see this in him when he pokes at Bruce in Avengers to kind of see what happens, hahaha. That makes sense. 
I think he changes so much from IM1 to where he is now that his Slytherin tendencies were all more prominent early on in his life. He was ambitious and didn't seem to care what it took to be on top (Those cunning folks use any means/To achieve their ends), until the end of the movie which has lead to the character development I mentioned ^^. He loved power, and still does (And power-hungry Slytherin/Loved those of great ambition), and I think his cunning shows through with how he dealt with the Government trying to take his suits in IM2. I mean, it can't be denied with something like Stark Tower that he loves recognition, so I think that's why I can see him as Slytherin as well as Ravenclaw. 
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blacbirdfly · 10 years
My only blog rec would be ben-c but I think you might be following this pretty little nebula already? I'm new to your blog, so hello! ^ . ^
yes i just followed her, thank you tho cutie pie! xx
url: 8/10icon: 8.5/10theme: 6/10posts: 6/10overall: 7/10following?: of course/now/not yet 
want this?
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oysternuggets · 10 years
2, 9, 18?
2: no, I don’t care much for makeup :P 
9: yes, I have a younger sister :) 
18: super messy :S I really do need to clean it 
0 notes
For your presentation: Doctor Who is brilliant because it teaches us that compassion and pacifism are not weaknesses. It teaches us that guns are not the answer and that nobody is unimportant.
thank you, darling! i really love what you have written, you will have a special place on my poster :)
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oysternuggets · 10 years
17, 33 and 41?
17: hmm this is a tough one but its between Tangled, Cars 2 and Monsters University (in no particular order)
33: ‘XD’ to my friend kameko 
41: chocolate! 
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