#they all look like regular people so if its not in the iconic style its like.. who are these people ajdhfghafh;a
strawbie-doodle · 2 years
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the silly (i care about him deeply)
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frederickkittens · 1 month
Sweet Lolita through the years
Part 3
2008-2013(ish) “ott sweet”
This is what I believe to be both the most iconic era and the most misunderstood. As someone who was wearing and getting into Lolita at this time I remember it very fondly.
This is the era that really cemented lolita as what we know it as today. Due to the sheer amount of references and documentation of this era I’m going to focus less on individual items and moreso show the over all look
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The regular look at the time was very elaborate and focused on creating a fully cohesive coord from head to toe. Balance, harmony, motifs, color and detail level being carried from head to toe was more important than ever. Contrary to popular belief however, piling on a bunch of accessories was not really the look. Very few Lolita’s went for the decora inspired vibe and instead went for tasteful balanced statement accessories and a lot of cohesion. Each individual item had its own detail creating a very “ott” look when paired with the trendy hair and makeup at the time as well as the busier prints and brighter colors.
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Casual Lolita was still seen at the time though it seems what people call casual Lolita now is wildly different than what we called it back then.perhaps it was due to OTT very elaborate coords being the norm led to the casual coords of the time being quite elaborate in their own right. Usually using a skirt, cutsew, smaller or simpler accessories and a more wearable comfortable vibe.
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“Bittersweet”, I’m not here to debate whether or not this is a substyle or a “real thing” on this post, simply to acknowledge what the term refers to. During the ott era it was a micro trend to wear a mix of pastels and black- often paired with edgier hairstyles and accessories. A lot of people compare this style to pastel goth but I think a more accurate comparison is spank! Kei being the darker sibling to fairy kei. Consider this the spank kei of lolita.
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Hair and makeup typically look inspiration from another wildly popular style at the time: gyaru. With its rise and popularity, many styles in Japan used the hair, makeup, and even deco nails from the style with their own styles. This can be seen very often in lolita. Hallmarks of this being the eye droop, lashes, circle lences, big teased hairstyles, face gems and heavy rounded blush.
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Though still seen, metal jewelry was quickly becoming less common with plastic chunky jewelry becoming the popular trend for brands and wearers of lolita. Jewelry that directly matched the print really took off at the time.
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Novelty bags were at their peak at this time. You can often see snaps of girls carrying multiple bags! Plush animal bags had also come back around as a trend with the emergence of many iconic designs like ap’s horse bags and the lyrical bunny pochette. Tote bags that featured the dress’s print were also quite popular as opposed to the screen printed designs of past eras.
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Some of the most iconic and sought after prints were from this era, it truly defined what we view as lolita and so many people cite this era as what got them into lolita. The prints were honestly really varied in terms of motifs and colors though- moreso than ever before!
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While twinning has always been a thing I feel like making a 2010s sweet post without showing some of the absolutely iconic twinning coords would be a disservice to everyone. Twinning was in and of itself a trend of the time
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I often see any ott sweet coords called 2010s sweet when they simply aren’t. Deco lolita definitely existed at the time but it wasn’t the common look. So if you intend to emulate 2010s iconic sweet style try and look at and truly study the style of the time! I hope this post does help clear up some of the main misconceptions.
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If you’re interested in reading more here’s part 1 and part 2
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arkus-rhapsode · 7 months
Manga Recommendation: Tower Dungeon
So looks like Arkus Rhapsode is here to recommend another fantasy manga after the last one. So this time we're going for a bit of a different flavor with the series Tower Dungeon by by Tsutomu Nihei who you may know as the creator of Blame! and Knights of Sidonia.
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Now I've known about this series for a bit even though it is relatively new. Having only started last year in Monthly Shonen Sirius. But I remember its announcement from people like Manga Mogul and hearing Makoto Yukimura (Author of the incredible Vinland Saga) recommending it. Now I always loved Sword and sorcery so I was gonna read it eventually, but it just wasn't translated. However, now being able to read the available chapters, I can say this is a very different type of fantasy series.
The premise is very basic: An evil sorcerer has killed a nation's king and kidnapped a Princess and now the royal knights need to ascend the "Dragon Tower" to save her. One battalion has conscripted a young man named Yuva for assisting troops medically has found he has impressive strength. Now Yuva must strengthen himself for the journey ahead as they explore the deadly tower.
Now like all simple premise stories, the real strength is in execution. And unlike the other fantasy series I've talked about before which have bucked the trend of "RPG fantasy" be leaning more into a traditionalist fantasy stories a la Tolkien, this goes for the more realist fantasy of something like Berserk or Dark Souls.
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The world of Tower Dungeon may have things like magic and dragons, but it is a dingy, dirty, and lacks any frills. Knights wear heavy armor and people are covered in blood and scars from their adventures.
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The mighty Dragon Tower itself? The most iconic thing about this series and the basis of the adventure? Looks like this. This isn't an opulent tower, this is a massive imposing structure where monsters dwell.
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However, unlike some grim dark or edgy fantasies, this world isn't indulgent in its darkness. The violence and death are never cool or cheap. They are simply the way the world is. Even when magic exists, the world is still like Medieval Europe and all the "joys" that come from it.
The people as well are similar. These aren't romanticized or polished fantasy archetypes that often come with the idea of a Dungeons and Dragons style adventure, these feel like average joes plucked off the streets having to do a job. If you are say a fan of something like Chainsaw Man, this sort of post modern emphasis on people acting like regular weirdos and not some "anime characters." And I think that is something quite nice that even in a fantastical world, we can see our regular selves in them.
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But that's just the story, what about the art? Well if you've noticed this series does have a very minimalist style. Something similar to that of Land of the Lustrous or Chainsaw Man. These almost scratchy and not the most detailed designs that make use of their simplicity to create this very unique atmosphere.
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Creature designs themselves are less fantastical and more grody. Feeling as if they come from an off shoot of man rather than some majestic beast. Right down to the cat people.
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This series is still new and sadly hasn't been officially translated yet. I've had to use mangadex to read this, so my heart goes out to the translator team. I can understand that this may be a niche that's not for everyone, but its something that feels like such a good sign for fantasy as a genre. A genre that I think has somewhat been stagnated in popular belief with the greater emphasis on Urban Action manga and the reliance on escapist fantasy anime like isekai. To see a more dirty but down to earth take on the premise, I highly recommend it.
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missmyloko · 4 months
Hello! I was wondering about the evolution of kimono styles throughout Japanese history. I have a rather static image of what they look like, but being into general historical fashion made me question if it really was as unchanging as I imagine. For example, the Edwardian and Victorian silhouettes, or Tang dynasty qixiong and Ming dynasty aoqun look very different from each other. Did kimono have they own trends that amateurs don't know about?
Part 2: Hi, just to clarify, I mean general fashion trends, for both men and women (though I'm leaning more women). Also, I was wondering if there was a disparity between geimaiko trends which separated them from "normal" women. In certain cultures, courtesans and entertainers were trendsetters. The kimono as we know it today, the kosode, has been around for approximately 600 years or so. In that time not much has changed in its shape, but rather all changes have been made in length and material. Until the late 19th century almost all kimono were worn while dragging along the floor, so they were longer than their contemporaries. In terms of material, obviously the richest members of society had the most lavish kimono, which are the ones that have survived in the highest quantities to this day. From what we know as the "modern kimono," which dates to the Edo Period (1603-1868), we know that goshodoki (views of the nobility) were a very popular motif on kimono for both women and younger girls (kosode and furisode) and were worn on their best kimono. Goshodoki began to fall out of favor just before the Meiji Period, so around 1840-1850, when Japan began to experience upheaval and Western influence. When it comes to influences and influencers, The Edo Period once again strictly controlled what people could wear due to sumptuary laws. There were many ways that people got around these laws, but for the most part you had to dress in what was prescribed for your social class. Courtesans were in a class above those of the "normal" people, so they weren't setting any trends for clothing (although they did with their hair). However, it was the geisha who were trendsetters for the common people as they belonged in the same class. What a popular geisha wore was quickly copied by other geisha, which was then in turn copied by townswomen. The only real control that they had over their wardrobe were the patterns on their kimono and obi, which, although still regulated, could be presented in unique ways or new color patterns. With the end of the Edo Period came the end of sumptuary laws and a fair degree of Western influence in everyday Japanese life. Kimono were now shorter as people no longer wore them dragging on the floor (except for geimaiko) and motif placement had to change to due to the adoption of Western furniture. Kamon (family crests) on women's kimono grew smaller but with them came added motifs on shoulders that weren't seen before as now most motifs on kimono couldn't be viewed properly on Western style chairs. Western style motifs and artistic styles also began to be adopted in the early 20th century in a time known as the Taisho Roman. Kimono production boomed during the Taisho Period (1912-1926) as Japan was expanding its foreign territories and the economy soared. The different types of motifs and and the sheer richness and sparing of no expense was something that has never been seen before and will never be seen again. Sadly then came World War II, production stopped, and when it resumed it was much more subdued as people moved to Western clothing as their main clothing of choice. Kimono were still being produced throughout the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s with a fair amount of regularity, but the burst of the bubble economy in the 1990s lead to a sharp decline in kimono production. It's only been within the last 10 years or so that a "Kimono Renaissance" has been taking place that has lead to both foreigners and Japanese nationals rediscovering the iconic garment, with an uptick in indie designers leading the way in new fashions rather than older fashion houses ^^
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maybemoonout · 2 years
if you were to put together a milex starter pack, what would be the top moments you’d include?? love your blog btw! 💗
Hi there anon! I'm so sorry it took me so long to answer this, there's just a lot going on right now for me so I only really found the time to answer this now! I hope you don't mind and still see this T_T
A starter pack sounds like such a fun idea! I want this to be sort of a bite sized post that allows new people from the fandom to find a little bit of everything they need to know. I think that's a good idea, so I decided with that!
To get started, I wanted to link this post by @i-m-a-leaf-on-the-wind who made an AMAZING full blown post proving milex and it's wonderfully detailed and full of interview moments that start from the true beginning. A GREAT read if you need something to get you started!!
Some of my favorite moments that I got from that post are:
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— Alex Turner on ‘Hot Press’ (x)
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— Miles Kane, Les Inrocks Magazine 2016 (x)
And many many more from that post, it's also a great place to collect gifs since it has a lot, just remember to credit @i-m-a-leaf-on-the-wind !!
Another GREAT post to read about their relationship is this post by @paperlovesadness that discusses Miles and Alex's relationship as the definition of Twin Flames. It's INCREDIBLY detailed and has sources for all the interviews mentioned. It's honestly such an interesting study, the definition of twin flames, even outside Milex, so please do give it a read!!
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More great reads for this fandom are song analyses! You can find tons just by searching, but personally I have read all the song analyses of @yellowloid and @paperlovesadness, and I love them A LOT. I also have a few of my own, just check out my #ask !!
@puppetsspace started a Milex Timeline of events but it only ever made it to 2007, I don't know if anyone else made a bigger timeline but this is still a great blog to check out for the early timelines! My favorite one there has to be this post where Miles sees Alex for the first time and he looks in awe. Very sweet!
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@yummilexhub created a full blown collection of the entire EYTCTE Tour!! A great place to get sources and clips!! please check it out here!
Now for some more fun stuff, if I had to choose my favorite moments it would be really... difficult. I have A LOT in mind and I honestly can't pick just a few so I'll try limiting it as much as I can.
1. The Iconic Øyafestivalen 2016 hug
Need I say more? Miles HIMSELF posted this moment, so it's not surprising everyone loves it, including meself.
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2. The Iconic Coachella Kiss
This is honestly my favorite for 2 reasons:
[edited] I was unfortunately a slave to the internet but I originally said here that they were really banned but really its just a rumour!! I hears the guy handling coachella really wasn't happy with the whole thing thoigh, still funny lmfao
It was the one of the few moments that were the closest to a kiss, there are a few others but this one is the most popular and most iconic because again of said reason in #1.
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3. Sharing Clothes
This ones not really a moment but a collection of moments. I find it EXTREMELY FUNNY that whenever people do those "boyfriend style" things on Alex, you see the regular array of ex girlfriends or current girlfriend, and out of nowhere, it's just Miles HAHAHAHHA. LIKE IT'S FUNNY AS HELL. I find it kinda sweet that Miles is somehow the... consistent out of all of the styles, like no matter the era of Alex there's gonna be a moment where he shares clothes with Miles, compared to the others who obviously only ever share with him in one period. I guess that's the perks of being the best friend?
Some examples:
Striped Shirt
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Leather Jacket
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Fred Perry Cardigan
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4. The Albums being called "their baby"
This one is a little more of a stretch because I've only ever seen it one time. In this interview Alex says "for the past 8 years we've considered...trying for another baby" then they both start laughing hysterically. It's funny and cute :)) If anyone ever sees a different moment where Alex and Miles call the albums their babies, please do let me know!
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5. I Want You (She's So Heavy)
These gifs explain themselves I think
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I honestly can't think of more on top of my head right now, if anyone wants to add more please do! I'll definitely add more later but for now, this is my starter pack!
I hope this is a good little collection of stuff for you guys to see a little bit of everything!
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James Angelos at Politico:
BERLIN — Listening to Sahra Wagenknecht, Germany’s hard-left icon, you could be forgiven for coming away with the impression that the greatest threat to democracy is “lifestyle leftists” nursing lattes in reusable cups while shopping for organic kale at a Berlin farmers’ market. Such well-off, eco-friendly urban bohemians hold what they deem to be “morally impeccable” views about everything from Ukraine to climate change, she says, and then impose those beliefs over regular people with draconian zeal. Wagenknecht — whose recently formed populist party is polling in the double digits ahead of critical state elections in eastern Germany on Sunday — also believes there are too many asylum seekers coming to the country, claiming there’s “no more room.” She reserves much of her ire for Germany’s Greens, blaming their clean-energy push for the country’s deindustrialization, and favors closer relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. One of Germany’s most well-liked politicians, Wagenknecht started out in politics as a member of East Germany’s communist party and has long been the face of the country’s hard left. Of late, however, she often sounds positively far right.
Her views and scathing attacks on the mainstream left have, in fact, won her many far-right admirers. Björn Höcke, one of the most extreme politicians in the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the party’s leader in the eastern German state of Thuringia was so impressed with Wagenknecht — particularly over her position on Putin — that he once called upon her to enlist in the AfD’s ranks. “I implore you, come and join us!” he said last year during a speech in Dresden. Instead, Wagenknecht has forged a new political force defined by a seemingly oxymoronic ideology she dubs “left conservatism.” In the process, she is upending German politics by chipping away at the crumbling dominance of the country’s mainstream parties and further scrambling the left-right divide that characterized Western politics for most of the 20th century. As established parties lose sway across Europe, the fractured political landscape makes it easier for political entrepreneurs like Wagenknecht to stake out new territory. That’s increasingly true in Germany too, which has long served as Europe’s anchor of stability — where politics were long relatively staid and predictable.
Long gone are the days when the Volksparteien — big-tent parties — could virtually alone determine Germany’s political course. Upstarts like the AfD and Wagenknecht’s party — dubbed Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) — are fomenting a revolt against the political mainstream. That rebellion is particularly strong in the region that makes up the former East Germany which — despite the more than three-decade effort to absorb and integrate the formerly communist state after the fall of the Berlin Wall — is increasingly following its own parallel political reality. With three state elections to be held in eastern Germany — in Saxony and Thuringia on Sunday, and in Brandenburg on September 22 — the AfD is leading or close to leading all the contests. Wagenknecht’s new party is polling between around 13 and 18 percent, a striking result for a party that just formed several months ago.
I met Wagenknecht earlier this year backstage at a theater in Berlin, where she was scheduled to answer questions from a reporter from Germany’s left-leaning newspaper Die Tageszeitung before a live audience. Wagenknecht sported her signature look — a jacket with padded shoulders, a knee-length skirt and pumps — a style so invariable she’s often asked about it by reporters. (“Ultimately you get the feeling that it’s a kind of uniform,” the Tageszeitung journalist, Ulrike Herrmann, told Wagenknecht on stage later that night.) Wagenknecht is far from alone in blurring the traditional left-right spectrum. In the U.S., former President Donald Trump has embraced some traditionally left economic policies on trade and tariffs, partly explaining his appeal to working-class voters. France’s far-right leader, Marine Le Pen, has co-opted economic and welfare policies from the traditional left, attracting, in the process, many former French Communist Party voters.
When I asked Wagenknecht if she saw any similarities between herself and Le Pen or other radical-right parties, a hint of shock seemed to break through her cool, composed countenance. Such parties, she told me, do not truly represent the “so-called little people.” Rather, she said, her brand of politics does — a left that focuses on fighting economic inequality while, as she put it, also embracing social policies that foster “traditions, stability and security.” That’s territory, she said, the left has mistakenly ceded to the right. “These are quite legitimate human needs, and at some point the left was no longer interested in them,” Wagenknecht told me. She then blamed the rise of the far right on German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his left-leaning coalition’s “arrogant” approach to governing. “This is the direct result of an incredible frustration and indignation about wrong policies,” she said. “And the indignation is justified.”
Yet, in subsequent years, Wagenknecht became an increasingly controversial figure within the Left Party, including when, amid the refugee crisis of 2015, she became a critic of then-Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to allow in hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers, using the mantra “Wir schaffen das!” (“We can do it!”). In 2016, after a spate of terror attacks perpetrated by migrants, Wagenknecht released a statement that read: “The reception and integration of a large number of refugees and immigrants is associated with considerable problems and is more difficult than Merkel’s frivolous ‘We can do it.’”
Members of her own party sharply criticized her, arguing that no true leftist should attack Merkel from the right on migration. That year, at a Left Party gathering, a man from a self-described anti-fascist group threw what looked like a chocolate cake topped with whipped cream in Wagenknecht’s face. Relations with many members of her own party grew more strained after Wagenknecht became a sharp critic of the government’s “endless lockdowns” during the Covid-19 pandemic and after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, with Wagenknecht frequently appearing on German television to offer takes that echoed Kremlin propaganda. Finally, last year, she announced that she and a group of Left Party allies would leave to form their own party, with Lafontaine, her husband, also later joining. “We live in a time of global political crises,” she said in Berlin. “And in this of all times, Germany probably has the worst government in its history.” Many people, she added, “no longer know who to vote for, or they vote out of anger and despair.” The choice led to the unraveling of the Left Party, which was forced to dissolve its parliamentary faction, liquidate assets and fire staff.
Wagenknecht has since grown adept at finding a leftist angle for what are commonly rightist stances. Her skepticism of immigration is due, in great part, to her support of the welfare state, which, she says, requires a certain degree of homogeneity to function. “The stronger the welfare state, the more of a sense of belonging there must be,” Wagenknecht told me in Berlin. “Because if people have no connection to those who receive social benefits, then at some point they will refuse to pay for those benefits.” Another example was Wagenknecht’s vote against a bill passed by the German parliament earlier this year to make it easier to change one’s legal gender — a law, she said, that would “just be ridiculous if it weren’t so dangerous.” But she found a traditionally left line of attack for that view, targeting the profit-seeking pharmaceutical industry as the main beneficiary of the bill. “Your law turns parents and children into guinea pigs for an ideology that only benefits the pharmaceutical lobby.” She has also repeatedly called for an end to German military aid for Ukraine and negotiations with Putin — a view prevalent on the far right, but for her, an anti-war stance rooted in the leftist tradition.
That she sounds like the right on these issues brings to mind the “horseshoe theory” of politics, often attributed to the French author Jean-Pierre Faye and his 1996 book “Le Siècle des ideologies,” which holds that political extremes bend towards each other, in the shape of a horseshoe, so that the far left and far right ends are closer together than they are to the center.  But a more concrete explanation for her policies is that Wagenknecht sees a representation gap — a space for people with socially conservative views who are uncomfortable with migration and progressive politics, but are also wary of the AfD’s extremism. Wagenknecht, in other words, seeks to provide a more palatable, anti-establishment alternative. Wagenknecht, like leaders of other parties, has ruled out governing with the AfD in a coalition. At the same time, she has not, like others, ruled out cooperating with the AfD to pass what she deems to be sensible legislation.
Politico Europe takes a deep dive into the “leftist”-turned-right-wing German politician Sahra Wagenknecht. Wagenknecht formed her own party called Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) that features a mix of far-right and far-left stances.
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cherrylng · 4 months
Muse Disc Guide - Showbiz [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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In the UK in 1999, dance and idol music dominated the scene. This trio emerged in the midst of such a rock slump and brought new life and hope to the scene with their rich creativity and solid musicianship, which were not typical of newcomers.
At the time of making this album, their average age was just over 20. However, for the three, who had been playing together in a band since junior high school, this was their first album. Most of the songs on the album were written over the span of several years. Seven of the songs (2/ Muscle Museum, 5/ Cave, 7/ Unintended, 8/ Uno, 9/ Sober, 11/ Escape, 12/ Overdue) have already been released on rare EPs from their former label, Dangerous (although the recording times and versions were different).
The growth they have achieved since their formation is in direct proportion to the variety of music they have absorbed during that time. From classical to boogie-woogie, Matthew's musical origins lie in the piano, Dom started playing drums after jazz, and Chris has played guitar, keyboards, drums and a variety of other instruments. They started playing in bands around 1992, just as the grunge wave was blowing, but they also digested melodic punk, grebo, goth, alternative metal and more.
What ultimately defined their uniqueness was Matthew's insatiable inquisitiveness and omnivorous tastes. At the age of 17, Matthew wandered around Europe, getting to know the folk music of different regions and later learning to play the Spanish guitar. In his late teens, he returned to classical piano, including Chopin and Rachmaninoff, while the influence of Jeff Buckley became evident in his melancholic melodies and emotional singing style with a deft use of falsetto. This album, which has all of this in its blood, is a debut that is still in its infancy compared to their second and later albums, which fully developed their unique personalities, but it is diverse and accomplished enough to show their potential. The coexistence of the dramatic contrasts of movement and stillness, as well as the coexistence of the intense emotion and elegant romanticism represented by (3/ Fillip), can be said to be the cornerstone of the ‘Muse’ style. —Imai Sumi
1999 Hit Albums
The year 1999, when Showbiz was released, was actually a bad year for UK bands. The year was dominated by idol/pop acts. This was epitomised by the debut album (A/ …Baby One More Time) by Britney Spears, the biggest pop icon of the following decade. The video for ‘Baby One More Time’, featuring a high-school girl in a super-mini, navel-baring look, is still burned into people's brains as a powerful impression. It was also the year Christina Aguilera made her album debut. Other so-called boy band albums such as Backstreet Boys, Westlife, and Boyzone topped the charts across the board, while S Club 7 and Steps also became regulars in the UK charts.
In the US, Red Hot Chilli Peppers' (B/ Californication), which Muse also opened for, proved overwhelmingly strong, while Limp Bizkit, who debuted with (C/ Significant Other), raised the signal for the rise of Nu Metal. Eminem, who debuted with (D/ The Slim Shady LP), later became a major force on the chopping block of Limp and the aforementioned Britney. Among these, the few successful albums by young UK guitar bands were Travis‘ (E/ The Man Who), which replaced the loud Rock'n'Roll of their debut with a more melancholic sound, and Stereophonics’ (F/ Performance and Cocktails), which was a straight-up rock hit. Although Muse were initially compared to the likes of Radiohead, they were quite unique in the scene. That hasn't changed even now, though.
As a debut album, the lyrics are very much Matthew in his local Teignmouth days. A prime example is (4/ Falling Down), which even gives the population/household numbers: ‘15,000 people scream’ and ‘5,000 houses burning down’. The city's status as a holiday destination for Londoners, a city that makes its living by serving tourists, combined with its recent desolation, made adolescent Matthew feel like a core of losers in a society of inequality. It was self-evident to Matthew that ‘no one can save this city’, and not only in this song, but also in the protagonists of the lyrics, there is a tendency to try to escape or hide somewhere.
(1/ Sunburn) is also attributed to a local story, and here too we can see the composition of a disparate society: ‘the winners who spend a lot of money on a tourist attraction that seems to be a kind of women's dance show’. The image of the ‘Sunburn’ = tanning is also associated with ugly adults for Matthew, but it could also be interpreted as a form of the money-grubbing music business. Although wrapped in a thinly veiled mask, there is no way to hide the nervous state of mind before the debut, and the world is formed by ‘me’ who restrains himself and clowns around, and ‘you’ who indulges his desires. Track (6/ Showbiz), exudes the blue anxiety of the night before stepping into the real showbiz.
In an interview during his first visit to Japan, Matthew said, ‘There were alcoholics roaming around in my hometown’, and (9/ Sober), in which several brands of whisky are interwoven, does not deny such drunks, but rather describes the effects of alcohol on the mind and body in a rock-like manner. The casual love for one's hometown can also be read into this, and the half-love-hate feelings towards one's hometown overlap with the split state of what is known in Japan as ‘chuunibyou/middle-school second year syndrome’. The British national band was very young at the time of their debut. —Kaoru Abe
YEAR 1999 January - The Euro was introduced as a currency in 11 EU member states. - The children's song ‘Dango San Kyoudai’, which is currently ranked third in (terms of overall sales in) the Oricon singles chart, was released. February - The first brain-dead organ transplant under the Organ Transplantation Act made headlines. March - A Swiss and an Englishman made the first non-stop circumnavigation of the world in a hot-air balloon. - Stanley Kubrick, film director known for films such as A Clockwork Orange, died. - The J2 League, Japan's professional football league, was started. April - Shintaro Ishihara [T/N: RIP to this xenophobic ultranationalist asshole] was elected Governor of Tokyo. - NATO forces bombed Yugoslavia in order to sanction the Kosovo War, which had been raging since 1998. May - Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace was released in the USA. This was the first film to be made in 16 years. - The Treaty of Amsterdam enters into force. - Opening of Safeco Field (later renamed to T-Mobile Park in 2018) in the US. June - Sony launched AIBO, a puppy-shaped pet robot. The price was 250,000 yen. July - Muse's North American tour started. - The All Nippon Airways Flight 61 hijacking incident occurred, in which the captain was stabbed to death and the perpetrator took control of the aircraft. August - Muse's Germany tour started. September - A M7.7 (7.3 in Richter scale) earthquake occured in central Taiwan, with a death toll of over 2,000 (1999 Jiji earthquake). October - Muse's European tour starts. First album Showbiz released with John Leckie. - The Fukuoka Daiei Hawks won the Japan Series. November - First parliamentary party leadership debate (in Japan). [aka Japan’s first time in trying out the British-style Question Time] December - Macau returned from Portugal to China and the Panama Canal from the USA to Panama.
Translator's Notes: This has way more research required to know what happened in a single year of 1999. The next few albums to cover are going to be quite the effort to cover through.
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sassylittlecanary · 2 years
Ranking the Major Live-Action Superman Suits Since 1978
Because I have a lot of thoughts.
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8. Superman & Lois (Tyler Hoechlin)
I adore this show, and I think Hoechlin does a fantastic job as both Superman and Clark Kent. However, I HATE this suit. SO MUCH. It just looks like a regular dude in a Halloween costume, and it keeps getting worse and worse with each season. I hate the muscle highlighting (it looks cheap and forced), the neckline needs to be lower and more square, the boots could be taller, the S shield is too small and way too dark, and the colors are too dark and faded. I genuinely cannot understand who thought this suit was ready for filming in any way. It is absolutely hideous, and I will die on that hill.
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7. Superman Returns (Brandon Routh)
I like that this suit stays so close to the source material, but it’s just … off. It would be completely fine if it weren’t for several little things that combine to make it underwhelming. Firstly, the colors are off: On screen, the blue looks almost turquoise, and the red often looks brownish (just a few shades lighter and brighter would’ve been a huge improvement). The S shield is too small, and I personally don’t like how raised it is. The thing I hate the most is the neckline — it needs to be lower and more square. Show some collarbone and shoulders, you cowards.
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6. Zack Snyder’s Justice League (Henry Cavill)
I know a lot of people really like this suit and its symbolism, but I have mixed feelings about Cavill’s suits in general. Personally, I prefer bright colors, and the fact that Cavill never got bright colors at all made the black suit just another dark outfit (and therefore less special, which harmed the intended symbolism). I appreciate the comic reference, but if the filmmakers really wanted to go for it, they should’ve traded the cape for a mullet (mostly kidding).
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5. Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (Dean Cain)
I don’t really have feelings about this one. It’s the classic Superman look, and there’s nothing really special about it, but I don’t mind that. It’s cheesy, but I don’t mind that either. The show doesn’t take itself too seriously, and neither does the suit.
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4. DCEU (Henry Cavill)
I was VERY torn about how to rank this one. The love-hate relationship is strong. Cavill looks good in it, but I honestly don’t like it that much. Even at the best of times, the blue is WAY too dark (I mean, sometimes it’s more black than blue). I resent Zack Snyder’s aversion to color. I understand they wanted to modernize the suit and get rid of the trunks, but it needs something red to break up the blue. Unpopular opinion, but I also don’t like the way all of Cavill’s muscles are highlighted. However, this is my all-time favorite Superman cape. It’s floor length and billowing and amazing, and for that reason this suit is ranked this high.
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3. Supergirl (Tyler Hoechlin)
Now, if you want to ditch the red trunks, this is the right way to do it. The red belt breaks up the blue similar to how the old trunks did, the colors are just right, the cape looks good (although the material isn’t my favorite), and the size and design of the S shield are perfect. If the trunks have to go, this is my favorite suit.
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2. Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover (Brandon Routh)
This is perhaps the best modern Superman suit. It’s a lovely blend of tradition and modernity, and of course the Kingdom Come reference is awesome. Everything about it is perfect. I love it. It looks great on Routh, and the style and colors suit the character and context. I desperately want Routh to have his own Superman show and wear this in it.
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1. Superman I-IV (Christopher Reeve)
What can I say? I’m a sucker for nostalgia. This one is definitely dated, but despite that, it remains quintessentially Superman. When I picture Superman, this is the suit I see. It’s iconic, it’s a near-perfect recreation of the comics, and Reeve wears it in a way that makes it real and authentic.
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shineearticles · 11 months
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There comes a time in every male Korean idol’s career where the pause button has to be pressed and, as SHINee’s maknae (youngest member) announced in that April livestream, his turn is looming on the horizon. On May 31, Taemin will enlist for his mandatory military service, bringing down the curtains on an incredibly accomplished first chapter of his career – the kind most people would be happy to enjoy even a small fraction of.
The star’s reflective mood in his broadcast is unsurprising – as he himself acknowledged, he’s barely had a break since debuting at 14 years old. Heading to the military will give him his longest period of “time off” from his day job since he first became an SM Entertainment trainee. It’s only natural, then, that as he’s about to be given some space from all he’s known for the last 13 years – be that SHINee, supergroup SuperM or his solo projects – he would begin to take stock of everything that’s happened so far.
As he looks back, Taemin will find a first act to be proud of – one full of constant improvement, passion and hard work. It’s hard to imagine a time when the 27-year-old wasn’t considered an all-round talent, but back when SHINee made their debut in 2008, he was thought of more as a dancer than a singer. Infamously, his vocals weren’t even featured on the iconic debut track ‘Replay’, yet now he’s one of the most respected and beloved singers and dancers in the biz. It’s a journey that highlights just how far he’s come and how much he’s poured into his life as an idol. These days (and for a long time now), Taemin is one of K-pop’s most reliable aces, a star who can inject magic into any song or performance.
“Reliable” might not be the most exciting adjective, but Taemin certainly does live up to its definition as an authentic and dedicated idol to his craft. His consistency doesn’t cancel out his ability to thrill and he does so on a regular basis. That enthralling nature sparkles whether he’s conquering the stage with his theatrical, elegant dance style or playing with the ideas of gender and androgyny, as he did in the video for his 2017 solo song ‘Move’, blurring the lines between femininity and masculinity with the song’s now-iconic choreography.
Over the last 13 years, Taemin has also proven just how versatile a performer he is. Here is an artist who can take on an eclectic range of bold concepts, from the avant-garde to the seductive and everything in between. It’s no shock that a member of SHINee – a group renowned for their ability to constantly mix things up – is a pro at always finding some new ground to explore.
The title of his ‘Never Gonna Dance Again’ series didn’t hint at an impending retirement but a desire to break free and try something new only goes to show just how commendably committed he is to shaking things up, even when he could easily rest on his laurels. In case there’s still any doubt over that fact, Taemin has one more release before he heads off to the military – the solo mini-album ‘Advice’.
For someone who has had very little time off since he was a child, it’s impressive how much Taemin consistently gives to his work. He’s clearly an idol who’s in love with both performing and creating, his passion and energy palpable in everything he does, even down to communicating with fans during livestreams on VLive and Instagram. The joy he seems to find in his work is infectious, gilding his performances – both on stage and on record – with even more gold. His teary broadcast last month reinforced this feeling further – a change of scenery might be refreshing, but he’ll miss every aspect of his job as an idol.
“I want to say not to worry about me,” Taemin adds during that VLive, a smile breaking out on his face. “Because I’ll be back next year. This makes it sound like a short period of time, right? I think I’ll be back at the end of next year’s November.” When he does come back to us, service done, expect Taemin’s second act to be even more brilliant than his first and full of yet more risk-taking, flawless creativity.
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issybaker · 4 months
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The social media platform’s shopping service is integrated into its app. The latest iteration of TikTok Shop officially launched in the UK and US in September 2023. Like Amazon and eBay, Tiktok Shop is a marketplace: products are sold by third parties, not by the social media platform itself. It offers sellers a huge audience of potential customers and nets a 5% commission in return. According to TikTok, sellers must be located in the UK. There are big-name brands and high-street retailers on TikTok, such as Garnier and M&S. You’ll also find plenty of private and third-party sellers you’ve never heard of, as well as influencers who are paid to promote products to their followers (more on that below). 7% of UK adults purchased a product through TikTok last year according to our nationally representative survey - that’s around 2.8 million people.
Buying through TikTok feels quite different from buying from your average shopping app. Users usually discover products through the videos they see rather than actively searching for something, and brands tend to promote their wares through content rather than adverts. Social shopping feels more intimate than buying from a regular online retailer, which can make you more inclined to part with your cash. TikTok’s shopping channel-style live videos allow you to ask questions about a product in real time, then immediately buy it by tapping a pinned product or browsing the basket icon. These live videos often play pumping music and encourage viewers to place an order immediately so they can watch it being packed. Sellers often create a sense of urgency by promoting a ‘flash sale’ with a countdown clock, or by claiming there’s limited stock - which all piles on the pressure to buy. When you click on the product in the ‘shop’ tab, it suddenly feels like every other video you see is trying to sell you a product.
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common features : -lots of colour
not many plain white backgrounds
fun/ bold fonts
lots of overlapping
https://eu.theledger.com/story/business/2013/02/04/after-10-years-teen-vogue/8110039007/ https://variety.com/2017/biz/news/conde-nast-layoffs-teen-vogue-print-shut-down-1202605228/ https://www.designscene.net/magazines/teen-vogue/page/2 https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/75125-magazine-spread-experiment-style-over-substance/ https://www.magzter.com/IN/The-Bombay-Pauline-Periodicals-Society/The-Teenager-Today/Entertainment/379450 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Missy-Magazine-Kalender-2023/dp/3869152621 http://fffffff.org/saturday-may-11-17h-feminist-magazines-in-conversation-missy-magazine-call-and-labour/
“The kids are alright… But they do have pretty different tastes to some of the older generations. Marketing to young people can be difficult, because they are so entrenched in the digital landscape— an ever-changing world where style and interests fluctuate by the day. We have all seen the painful attempts to appeal to young people with dead memes and outdated slang. Avoid these and other faux pas by taking the time to understand what your younger audience actually wants to see. Appealing to young people is often a matter of design. If you look at the branding of businesses that have exploded in recent years such as glossier, drunk elephant, reformation, and others, you see a common thread of light, simplistic color palettes, clean black sans-serif typefaces, and a strong brand voice. Therefore, when marketing to young people, think genuine human connection and appealing to their desire to make the world a better place.”
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iamvector · 6 months
Boost Your Site’s Appeal with The Trendy SVG Icons
When you visit a website, what’s the first thing that catches your eye? It’s often the visuals, right? Well, that’s the power of visual appeal in web design. Imagine a website without any images, colors, SVG icons  or attractive layouts. It would be like a book with no cover—not very enticing. Visual appeal is crucial because it’s what draws people in and keeps them engaged. Think of it as the first impression your website makes on visitors. If it looks outdated or unattractive, they might leave before even giving your content a chance. So, creating an appealing website is key to grabbing attention and making a lasting impact.
Now, let’s talk about  Free SVG icons and why they’re a big deal in web design. SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. Unlike traditional image formats like JPEG or PNG, SVGs are based on mathematical equations rather than pixels. This means they can be scaled to any size without losing quality, making them perfect for responsive web design. Not only that, the icons are lightweight, which means faster loading times for your website. Plus, they can be customized using CSS, allowing for endless design possibilities.
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What are SVG Icons?
Engaging SVG Icons are like magic pictures for websites. They’re not like regular images you see online. Instead, they’re made using a special code called XML. This code describes how the icon looks—its colors, shapes, and all the details.
One cool thing about SVG icons is that they can change sizes without getting blurry. Whether you’re looking at them on a tiny phone screen or a big computer watch, they stay clear and sharp. This makes them perfect for any device, from phones to tablets to computers. Another neat trick of SVG icons is how they adjust to different screens. No matter if you’re using a small phone or a big TV, these icons always look right. They’re like superheroes in web design, always ready to fit in wherever they’re needed.
So, why choose SVG icons over regular images? Well, they’re super flexible. You can change their colors, make them transparent, or even add special effects with a little bit of code. This means you can match them to your website’s style and make it look extra awesome. With these icons, your website can stand out and look great on any device, making everyone who visits smile.
Importance of Trendy Icons in Web Design
Trendy icons are like the cool stickers that make a plain notebook look awesome. They do a lot more than just look nice on a website. These little pictures actually help you find your way around. You know those tiny pictures you see on websites, like a little house for the homepage or a magnifying glass for search? Those are icons! They make it easy for you to understand what each button does without having to read a lot of words.
When websites use high-quality SVG icons, it’s like adding some fun decorations to a party. They make the website look stylish and exciting. Plus, they make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for. Imagine going to a website and seeing everything in plain text. It would be like reading a big book without any pictures – not very fun, right? Trendy icons make the website more interesting and make you want to explore it more.
Some websites are really good at using trendy icons to make things look awesome. Think of websites like your favorite fashion brands or cool tech companies. They use icons that match their vibe and make everything look super sleek. And when you’re browsing on your phone, these icons still look great and are easy to tap on, no matter how small your screen is. So, next time you’re surfing the web, keep an eye out for those trendy icons—they’re like little pieces of art that make your online experience more enjoyable!
Popular Trends in SVG Icons:
 SVG icons are really popular on websites nowadays. People like them because they can change size without getting blurry. They’re also small files, so they don’t slow down websites. And guess what? You can easily change their colors and sizes with CSS. That makes them super flexible! Since websites need to work well on all devices, these icons are perfect because they look good on any screen. Plus, they’re great for people who need special tools to use websites. The icons are a hit because they’re easy to use and make websites look awesome!
Let’s have a look at some popular trends:
Exploration of current design trends in SVG icons: Designers are looking into what’s cool and new about making icons. They’re trying out different styles and tricks to make icons that catch people’s eyes and stay modern.
Minimalist designs: Some icons are getting simpler. They’re cutting out extra stuff and just showing what’s important. These simple icons are easy to understand and look good, making them great for apps and websites.
3D icons: Now, some icons aren’t just flat. They look more real, like they’re popping out of the screen. Designers are using special effects to make icons have more depth and look more interesting.
Animated icons: Some icons are moving now! They’re not just sitting there; they’re doing stuff. These moving icons catch people’s attention and make things more fun. They’re perfect for making websites and apps more exciting.
Illustrative icons: Some icons are like tiny drawings now. They’re really detailed and show a lot. Designers are making icons that look like little pictures, so they tell a story or make people feel something. These icons have a lot of personality and make things more interesting.
Read rest of the article here
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infiniti-mall · 6 months
Exploring the Zara Showroom at Infiniti Mall: Your Ultimate Shopping Destination
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If you're a style fanatic residing in Mumbai, possibilities are you've heard of Zara, the renowned Spanish clothing logo regarded for its current designs and less expensive costs. With a Zara showroom nestled within the bustling premises of Infiniti Mall, Mumbai, looking for the current-day style tendencies has by no means been more convenient. In this blog, we're going to take a higher test of the Zara showroom in Mumbai at Infiniti Mall and why it is considered one of the best buying facilities inside the city.
Introduction to Zara Showroom in Mumbai:
Zara needs no creation to fashion-beforehand people. With its worldwide presence and popularity for supplying on-fashion clothing and add-ons, Zara has grown to be a skip-to vacation spot for fashion-aware purchasers globally. The Zara showroom located in Infiniti Mall, one in every of Mumbai's maximum pleasing buying locations, brings the logo's iconic collections toward Mumbai residents, presenting a massive variety of favor-ahead garb and add-ons for men, ladies, and children.
Infiniti Mall: A Hub of Retail Excellence:
Infiniti Mall, positioned inside the coronary heart of Mumbai, is a sprawling retail complex regarded for its numerous forms of shopping, eating, and enjoyment options. Boasting a plethora of world and home brands under one roof, Infiniti Mall caters to the discerning tastes of Mumbai's cosmopolitan population. From excessive-prevent luxurious labels to much less pricey fashion brands like Zara, the mall offers something for everybody, making it a favorite shopping holiday spot for locals and travelers alike.
Zara Showroom: A Fashion Paradise:
Step into the Zara showroom at Infiniti Mall, and you'll be greeted through a fashionable and modern environment that unites the diploma for a tremendous shopping experience. The expansive showroom showcases Zara's cutting-edge-day collections, offering fashionable clothing, modern footwear, and announcement add-ons that mirror the extremely-current fashion traits. From casual requirements to formal apparel, Zara caters to each fashion choice, making it a one-save you destination for all your fashion wishes.
Shopping Mall Near Me: Convenience at Your Doorstep:
Convenience is top with regards to shopping for, and Infiniti Mall's strategic vicinity guarantees smooth accessibility for consumers throughout Mumbai. Whether you live inside the suburbs or the metropolis center, Infiniti Mall is only a brief pressure away, presenting adequate parking centers and seamless connectivity thru public transportation. With its proximity to residential regions and commercial enterprise hubs, the mall serves as a convenient buying excursion spot for busy individuals and families alike.
Best Shopping Center in Mumbai: The Infiniti Mall Advantage:
What sets Infiniti Mall apart as one of the excellent shopping centers in Mumbai is its commitment to handing over a holistic retail revel in. Beyond buying, the mall functions a numerous array of eating alternatives, beginning from global delicacies to neighborhood favorites, ensuring that buyers can refuel and recharge amongst buying sprees. Additionally, the mall hosts regular occasions, promotions, and leisure sports, developing an energetic and dynamic surroundings that keeps visitors coming again for additional.
Conclusion: Your Fashion Journey Begins at Zara, Infiniti Mall:
The Zara showroom at Infiniti Mall, Mumbai, is more than handiest a retail vicinity; it's far a vacation spot in which fashion lovers can indulge inside the modern- day dispositions, find out new patterns, and boom their cloth wardrobe with chic and less expensive portions. With its pinnacle area, huge product variety, and dedication to customer pleasure, Zara at Infiniti Mall stands out as a beacon of style and class in Mumbai's colorful retail landscape. So why wait? Plan your subsequent purchasing tour to Zara, Infiniti Mall, and embark on a style journey like no distinct.
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parfummm · 1 year
A Closer Look at Burberry London: Exploring the Iconic British Brand
Step into a world of timeless elegance and unrivaled British style as we take you on a captivating journey through the iconic brand that is Burberry London. From its humble beginnings in 1856 to its status as a global fashion powerhouse, Burberry has always been synonymous with sophistication and impeccable craftsmanship. Join us as we delve deep into the heart of this illustrious label, uncovering the stories behind its signature designs, innovative technology, and enduring legacy. Prepare to be enchanted by Burberry's rich heritage and discover why it continues to captivate fashion lovers around the world. Get ready for an unforgettable exploration of all things Burberry London!
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History of the Brand
Burberry London is an iconic British brand with a long and storied history. Founded in 1856 by Thomas Burberry, the brand started out as an outerwear specialist, creating coats and other garments made from a water-resistant fabric called gabardine. In 1901, Burberry introduced the now-famous trench coat, which quickly became a must-have for both men and women.
Throughout the 20th century, Burberry continued to innovate, expanding into new categories like fragrances, luggage, and accessories. In 1955, the brand opened its first flagship store on Regent Street in London. Today, Burberry has more than 500 stores worldwide and is a favorite of celebrities and fashionistas alike.
Iconic Pieces and Collections
Burberry London is a brand that is synonymous with British style. For over 150 years, the brand has been creating classic pieces that have been worn by everyone from royalty to rock stars. Today, Burberry London is still one of the most sought-after brands in the world.
Some of the most iconic pieces from Burberry London include the trench coat, the quilted jacket, and the signature check print. These pieces are timeless and have been worn by some of the most famous people in the world.
The trench coat is perhaps the most iconic piece from Burberry London. This classic style has been around for over 100 years and shows no signs of going out of style. The trench coat is perfect for any weather and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion.
The quilted jacket is another must-have piece from Burberry London. This jacket is perfect for transitional weather and can be easily dressed up or down. The quilted jacket comes in a variety of colors and styles, so there’s sure to be one that suits your taste.
The signature check print is also synonymous with Burberry London. This print has been used on a variety of different items, including bags, scarves, and even umbrellas. The print is classic and chic, and it’s easy to see why it’s such a popular choice among celebrities and fashionistas alike.
Current Trends and Fashion Styles
Burberry London is an iconic British brand that has been around for over 150 years. The brand is known for its high-quality garments and classic styles. In recent years, Burberry London has undergone a bit of a makeover. The brand has embraced current trends and fashion styles to appeal to a new generation of customers.
One of the most notable changes to Burberry London is the inclusion of more casual pieces in its collections. This is in line with the current trend for more relaxed and comfortable clothing.Burberry London has also introduced new lines of bags, shoes, and accessories that are more fashion-forward than its traditional offerings.
The brand has also made a big push into digital marketing and e-commerce. It now has an excellent website and online store that makes it easy to browse and purchase items from anywhere in the world. Burberry London’s social media presence is also very strong, with regular updates on new collections and behind-the-scenes looks at photo shoots and runway shows.
All of these changes have helped Burberry London stay relevant in the ever-changing world of fashion. The brand continues to be one of the most respected names in the industry, and its timeless style ensures that it will be around for many years to come.
The Burberry London brand has certainly made an impact on the fashion and luxury world. With its iconic looks that capture a sense of timeless style, plus innovative new designs perfect for today’s consumers, it is no surprise that this brand has stood the test of time. Whether you are looking for something classic or modern, Burberry London offers an array of options to help you stay fashionable and look your best with both comfort and confidence.
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noahfashionblog · 1 year
What Is Daft Punk Jacket And How To Style It?
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Daft Punk is the name of the legendary electronic music duo which is popular all around the world due to their unique style and legendary music. This article is for you if you really wants to dive into your Daft Punk style and slay their personal look. This style guide will help you to style yourself with Daft Punk jackets to look a true Daft Punk enthusiast.
There are different types of jackets which can be styled in Daft Punk styles to make yourself unique and iconic. This style guide will help you to get edgy look and step you into the world of Daft Punk styles.
The Iconic History Of Daft Punk And Its Styles
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Daft Punk is the name of iconic electric music duo which comes from the France. This performance music duo was made in 1993. This duo has two guys named Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo. This duo was very popular in 1990s and they popularized French House and gained a lot amount of popularity. They were popular after many years and gained an excellent amount of success in the coming years as their music has features of techno, rock, disco, synth pop and funk.  
Daft Punk was not popular for their iconic music bet they were also popular for their fashion forward styles and their modern representation of thoughts. They were modern and futuristic things such as shiny gloves and chrome helmets which represented robots in their music videos in 2001 and even in their public appearances.
This duo became an instant hit in all over the world right from their debut album which are Homework to Discovery and Tron: Legacy. They were still a hit during their final album which was "Random Access Memories," which was released in 2013. This final album gave rise to the time mega hit "Get Lucky," which reached to the No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100. 
"Random Access Memories" secured best five wins at the 56th Annual Grammy Awards for Record of the Year and Album of the Year for their mega hit "Get Lucky." Daft Punk was a duo who achieved their first number-one hit on the Billboard Hot 100 in 2016. They collaborated with The Weeknd on the track "Starboy." Daft Punk had a successful career and even an influential one before they announced their disbandment in 2021. 
So, What Is So Iconic In The Daft Punk Jacket?
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Daft Punk jackets are a great iconic style of jacket which has a good blend of art, music and fashion. This style was made popular and recognizable by the Daft Punk Duo. Their fans greatly sought after to this look. There are many reasons why Daft Punk jackets are so iconic and loved by many people all around the world. Following are some reasons you should know of:
Ultra Advanced Visuals:
Daft Punk duo was commonly known for their robotic and futuristic façade same as their jackets which also exemplifies these features. These jackets mostly had metallic or shiny mirror like materials including stylish futuristic cuts, use of geometric patterns as well as distinctive appearance.
Figurative Personality
The Daft Punk jackets became very symbolic of Daft Punks identity too. These jackets were popularly and frequently worn by them during every possible events such as music videos, performances, and their regular public appearances. This made this jacket very recognizable and fans of Daft Punk recognized them very easily and associates them with music and personality.
Influence Of The Pop Culture
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We can undoubtedly say that the Daft Punk paid a good influence on pop culture. Their fans associated the Daft Punk jacket with their style sound and aesthetic appearance. Due to this, the Daft Punk jackets is featured in several media sources such as TV shows, movies, music videos and other media which helped in the popularity of the jackets.
Availability Of The Limited Jackets
It is known that Daft Punk jackets are not mass produced and they are limited in market in small amount. This adds them being highly sought after for their fans and also some private and public collectors. High demand and limited supply makes them iconic and also serves as the means to prove loyalty to the band and celebrate their dedication.
Different Types Of Daft Punk Jackets
You can classify Daft Punk jackets into several types based on their materials and design. Following are some types of Daft Punk jackets you should know of:
The Electroma Daft Punk Jacket
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This is one of their signature looks, this one is the very iconic look, and the Daft Punk duo popularized this leather jacket design. They made differences in their look as per the occasion in their appearance. In all of their styles and outfits, the style of Electroma Daft Punk leather jacket is one of the frequent styles they have tried.
The Daft Punk Electroma style jackets are one of the individualistic style of Daft Punk jackets they popularly worn in the 2006 film "Electroma". They are similar to the classic biker styles with features such as front zippers, snap collar buttons, lined stitching with a fitted shape. We can also see the logo representing Daft Punk on the Electroma Daft Punk jackets.
Fans trying to replicate the iconic style of Daft Punk firstly replicate this look as this is one of the most authentic look you can follow. Electroma Daft Punk jackets is a versatile kind of jacket you can pair with different kind of clothing.
Denim Daft Punk Jackets
There are not any official availability of Daft Punk denim jackets. But the fans created these custom made denim jackets by embracing the style of the duo in denim as well. Typically, the classic denim jacket features blue colors but can also be available in other colors and washes.
Daft Punk denim jackets may have minimal detailed embroidery, embellishments, patches, zippers, daft punk logos as well as stitching details which represents the daft punk duo’s personalities. You can also customize your Daft Punk denim jacket at your nearest shop as well as online sites.
Daft Punk Varsity Jackets
This is a kind of rare design which was inspired by the Daft Punk "Delta Pi" varsity jacket. This was the part of the limited edition released by Centralia Knitting Mills. You can also go for the same style.
These jackets were originally made from the highest quality 100% real wool. The sleeves of the varsity jackets were made from real full grain leather. The lining material used as the inner lining of the varsity jacket is made from the highest quality of nylon lining material. Other features such as matching color snap fasteners and leather edged slash pockets. The jacket also features Chenille patches on the arms and also a large "DP" patch on the chest. There are also Daft Punk leather varsity jackets which you can also try for similar look.
Daft Punk Bomber Leather Jackets
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One of the classic styles of the leather Daft Punk jackets is bomber style Daft Punk leather jacket. Daft Punk bomber jackets are mainly made from black leather and is typically made from faux and genuine leather which features a unique style. You can find many spectacular features such as solid black body, sleek fitting, minimalist appearance and complementary faux and leather sleeves.
Most of the time, these jackets have front zipper closure, shearling lined, shirt styled and open hem cuff sleeves. Other than the features said above, it also features one chest zipper pockets and two side waist pockets.
Sequin Daft Punk Jackets
Do you remember the sequin jackets the Daft Punk duo wore during their "Random Access Memories" era which was mainly focusing on black. These jackets can be recognized due to their front and back sequin embellishments which can create a dazzling appearance which plays beautifully with the light. This adds to the great visual appeal and glamour of your apparels. The main features of the sequin daft punk jackets are fitted shape, black lapels, lightweight inner lining creating a classic highlighting appearance of the attires.
Led Daft Punk Jackets
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If you have followed the legendary Daft Punk duo very closely then you may have observed that Daft Punk duo wore the lighting suits for their symbolic robot costumes during the Alive 2007 world tour and for the duo’s presence at the 2008 Grammy Awards.
Most of the LED Daft Punk leather jacket was ornamented with numerous hundred feet of red EL wire, succeeding the seam lines and crucial styling details. The symbolic Daft Punk logo on the back of their jackets was made with about 300 red LEDs. For the lighted helmets, EL wire was attached on matte black models of the metallic helmets. The LED lights would generate vibrant patterns and effects, adding to their shows' revolutionary and visually appealing nature.
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theswearyscholar · 1 year
One of the things I’ve really enjoyed about my Twitter community (I know, #waitwhut) has been the development of the #AcademicSelfie. I encountered this movement through the international law and legal studies community. It was initially championed by Prof Douglas Guilfoyle and has been taken up by quite a few of us in the ANZSIL community. It’s delightful because one of the unspoken rules of academia is that you must simultaneously care very deeply, and also not care at all about how you’re dressed: be professional, but not superficial! Your brain is the important thing, not how you present yourself. But also, don’t look like a slob. And women? Be “professional” but don’t be pretty! Wear a suit, but not a pants suit (too masc), and not a dress or a skirt that is too clingy, form fitting, or flowy. We all know the “I don’t care” lewk is a signifier of how clever (white) men are, because they focus on their Very Important Thoughts rather than frivolous (feminine) things like fashion. The Academic Selfie hashtag confronts this discourse: is populated by scholars across the genders and is generally focused on style over fashion. It’s also a great space to explore vulnerability, such as those days where you’re feeling like an academic fraud, and therefore put on the costume of the academic. Or the days when your emotional and psychological resilience needs replenishing and you are living in the same tracksuit for the third day running, or in an animal onesie. The Academic Selfie has offered a place for people who are expected to inhabit only their minds to also inhabit their bodies. It enables scholars who are often focussed on Very Serious Thinking about relationships between States, corporations, and individuals, with issues of human rights, of justice, of politics, politicking and Realpolitik to explore and show their creativity. It’s not merely populated by sports jackets in tweed, but by Corporate Goths, by Homecounties Drag, by Candy Kids and some of the most beautifully tattooed middle-aged Punks I have ever seen. We even have an International Law Barbie, and she is ICONIC.
So the #AcademicSelfie is a place where I can touch in with my peers and my students. I can share my good days, and my bad. I can share the days when I am nailing because I am a GODDAMN GENUIS and gorgeous to boot, and the days where I am amazed that the academy has not yet figured out that I don’t belong there and I am faking it and also aren’t we due for a Cave Hag Winter right about now? I will genuinely miss that point of connection when the Twitterverse finally implodes/ eats its own tail all the way down/ when Twagnorok finally arrives #Twitterdämmerung.
The other thing that the #AcademicSelfie helped me to realise is related to my AuDHD (I was diagnosed last year at the age of 40. I went through THREE goddamn bachelor degrees and a PHD undiagnosed. I am SALTY AF. This is another story. However it also explains the regular asides because #ADHDTangents). So lockdowns revealed to a lot of folk with ADHD that they needed to put together new strategies to enable them to work remotely because just sitting down in front of the computer DOES NOT WORK FOR US. So maybe it’s timekeeping, maybe it’s drinking mint tea, maybe it’s putting on shoes but you need to do something to make your body feel like it has to work when it is not in its Work Space.
Now, I want you to bear in mind two things:
1. I wasn’t diagnosed until 2022.
2. My industry (academia) is unstable on a good day: we move between offices (usually shared) and classrooms. We often teach classes in the evening (so people who are working can study), we sometimes work on campus, we sometimes work from home. Many of us are precariously employed: in Australia we might be on six or 12 month fixed term contracts (if we are lucky), or casual contracts by semester (these mean the universities don’t have to pay us over the Summer break which is usually from late October to early March. I shit you not. That is the LONG SUMMER OF CENTRELINK and no one, NO ONE, want that). In the US this sort of teaching is described as adjunct teaching. I also want to stress that in Australia (where our union is running a campaign regarding wage theft by the Universities) we are significantly better paid as casuals than are the UK or US members of the academic precariat. Not enough to make it long term viable to work this way (she says after she’s worked this way for 10 years), not well enough to call it “financial security”, but well enough that (if I teach the equivalent of 2 full time teaching loads at 2 institutions during the academic year) I can mostly make it through Oct-Mar with my rent pre-paid and my Christmas shopping done in the October sales. Then I just spend that time working admin/retail/teaching if I can get it/doing research/trying to write/searching for jobs/failing to write/having ZombiePlagueFlu/having AuDHD burnout and depression.
Anyway, my point is that I have always struggled to focus when working from home (which I often do). There is washing/vacuuming/napping to do. The Academic Selfie helped me to realise that what I needed when I wanted to work wasn’t shoes, a playlist, or mint tea: it was make up.
Every morning as part of my routine I put on makeup.
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This is often something that women in the academy are low key shamed for: it is conformist, it is a tool of patriarchy, it’s superficial. I’ve read the arguments against makeup. I see it, I understand them. Also, I’m femme, this is a political position that is
I don’t fucken care. Makeup helps me to focus.
I shower I get out and dry my face, I put on whatever serum I’m using at the moment. My skin care and makeup routine is not a habit for me, because my ADHD means I don’t form habits (I form Compulsions, and boy-howdy do I form them well). My skin care and makeup routine is, however, meditative and creative. My choice of textures and colours are premised on my outfit, on my skin’s needs at that point, on what character I want to present to the world.
Am I a Very Serious Grown Up?
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Am I Professional Business Lady?
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Am I Scatterbrained Professor?
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Am I Manic Pixie Nightmare Broad?
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Am I Soft Femme Romantique?
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Am I Middle-Aged Mall Goth?
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Am I Miscellaneous Pill You Found On The Floor At Revolver?
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Each of these requires different bases, eyeshadow colours and styles, eyeliner colours, textures and applications, and LIPSTICKS.
Honestly, I can and have turned up to teach a class in every single one of these aesthetics.
Even when I’m teaching from home, or working from home, or reading from home, if I put on my slap in the morning I will guaranteed be more focussed throughout the rest of the day.
This leads me to the thing that made me want to write this morning:
I’m sharing the knowledge. I have a lot of makeup. I will never show my mother the extent of my makeup collection, but it’s one of my hyperfocuses, I love experimenting and I am perpetually on the search for the perfect red lipstick. (Things I would tell my daughter if I had one (I don’t): spend money on a good red lipstick. There are days where it will make you feel powerful. Line your lips, put the lippie on your top lip, do the mumumum lip smoosh. Apply eyeshadow or flush or something. Blot. Apply a light dust of powder to your lip. Apply the lipstick again. Mumumumumum. Blot. Go forth and battle evil.)
So here are my faves.
L’Oréal Paris Prime Lab: I fucken miss the Garnier 5 second blur primer, but in Australia this has been my next fave.
ELF Poreless Putty Primer: This shit is hardcore, but well priced, smooth AF and holds all day. Bless KMart.
I miss The Original’s foundation which was perfect, because I’m not into a heavy coating. Usually I go with a tinted CC cream. But I recently picked up two products from W7 that are amazing. The one for heavy coverage is the W7 Ultimate Cover Up and that sadly seems to be discontinued so that sucks. The other one is:
W7 Genius Foundation: for a pasty bitch like moi, this is a light, soft, serum like cover with a matte finish. It’s perfect for every day and cheap AF.
When it comes to blush, shimmer, eyeshadow, I honestly just play around.
Generally I try to keep my makeup budget friendly (except for perfume, that’s a whole different ballgame), but I make an exception for mascara
Fenty Frontal Volume: Holy shit this mascara is flawless.
Make-Up Studio Matte Silk-Effect Duo: I got this as a sample in the Velvet Mauve and I will repurchase. Long lasting, great colour, doesn’t dry out.
Fenty Stunna Lip Paint: I still haven’t forgiven Fenty for discontinuing my fave every day lipstick, but this red is currently the greatest of the red lipsticks available IMHO.
In terms of general makeup brands my fave (Kiko Milano) isn’t available in Australia, so I have to stock up when I’m in the UK. Their eyeshadows and shimmers are amazing and I love every lipstick of theirs that I own.
In terms of perfumes I’m a fucking monster. I love them. I spend FAR too much money on them. However, if you want a long lasting scent that is going to be sexy, elegant and professional, but also not everywhere and not going to bankrupt you, you can’t go wrong with checking out Fragonard. I get mine through Libertine because they send out samples with purchase that are basically a show bag for adults who love perfume. I am currently wearing their pomegranate one which is sweet but tart, and gorgeous for winter. I also love their violet perfume because I’m not super into florals that are rose-based and violets have a delicious, vintage edge to them. This perfume also has a bit of a citrus and berry sharpness to cut through the floral-powdery nose feeling. (How good is that autism, eh?)
Honestly, now that I’ve finished with this information, the urgency is gone and I’m like how the fuck did I get from Twitter to lipstick? Fuck it. I haven’t written this much in ages, so I’ll take it. I’m going to make lunch.
Do with this information what you will.
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luxurycarfaqs · 1 year
Porsche FAQs
Gear Up For Knowledge: Frequently Asked Questions About Cars Answered!
If you are a car enthusiast or just curious about how these amazing machines work, you might have some questions that need answers.
Many people have questions about cars but sometimes need help finding reliable answers. That's why we created this guide, where we answer some of the most common and important questions about luxury cars. 
Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you will find Car FAQs mentioned in this guide useful and interesting. So gear up for knowledge and read on!
What Are Luxury Cars?
Luxury cars are defined by their exceptional quality, superior performance, and advanced features. These vehicles are designed to provide their owners with the utmost comfort, style, and exclusivity. 
They often incorporate cutting-edge technology, premium materials, and meticulous craftsmanship. 
Luxury cars like Porsche, Lamborghini, etc., are known for their smooth and refined driving experience, offering powerful engines, precise handling, and advanced suspension systems.
FAQs About Porsche:
Porsche is a German car manufacturer that makes high-performance sports cars, SUVs, and sedans. Here are some of the most common Porsche FAQs.
What Does Porsche Mean?
Porsche is derived from the surname of the founder, Ferdinand Porsche, who started the company in 1931 as a design and engineering firm.
What Does Porsche Specialize In?
Porsche is a renowned German automobile manufacturer specializing in producing high-performance sports cars, luxury vehicles, and SUVs. They are known for their precision engineering, exceptional performance, and iconic designs.
What Are Some Popular Porsche Models?
Porsche offers many models, but some of the most popular ones include the Porsche 911, Porsche Cayenne, Porsche Macan, Porsche Panamera, and Porsche Boxster/Cayman.
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Are Porsches Expensive To Maintain?
Owning a Porsche comes with higher maintenance costs compared to regular vehicles. Factors such as specialized parts, performance components, and labor costs increase maintenance expenses. 
However, routine maintenance and regular servicing can help keep the car running smoothly and minimize unexpected repairs.
Does Porsche Offer Electric Vehicles?
Yes, Porsche has expanded its lineup to include electric vehicles. The Porsche Taycan is their first all-electric sports car, offering impressive performance and range. 
FAQs About Lamborghini Cars:
Lamborghini is the ultimate dream for car lovers who crave luxury and speed. They make high-performance sports cars and SUVs. Here are some of the most common Lamborghini car FAQs:
How Much Does A Lamborghini Cost?
The price of a Lamborghini depends on the model, year, condition, and options. The cheapest Lamborghini model is the Huracán, which costs around $209,409. 
The most expensive Lamborghini model is the Lamborghini Veneno, which costs around $8.3 Million.
How Fast Can A Lamborghini Go?
The speed of a Lamborghini varies depending on the model and configuration. 
What Makes Lamborghini Cars Unique?
Lamborghini cars are renowned for their distinctive and bold design language, often featuring sharp angles and aggressive lines. They are also known for their powerful engines, advanced aerodynamics, and innovative technologies.
How Much Do Lamborghini Cars Cost?
The price of Lamborghini cars can vary significantly depending on the model and customization options. Generally, Lamborghinis are considered high-end luxury vehicles, with prices ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.
Are you looking to boost your knowledge about cars? Look no further; Luxury Car FAQs is your ultimate destination for all things automotive luxury. 
Whether you're seeking answers about cars in general or have specific questions about Porsche or Lamborghini models, we have got you covered. 
With a wealth of valuable information and expertly crafted FAQs, you'll immerse yourself in a world of luxury car knowledge. We ensure that your curiosity is satisfied.
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