#they also made a diff post saying anything made by humans has creativity and soul
fleurdelissaswords-blog ยท 7 years
Pete Bethune (Conservation Champion for Animals & Friend) Has Been Stabbed in Brazil On A Mission:
Pete Bethune is a longtime friend of mine, across countries and worlds away most of the time, who does animal conservation work all over the world. I met him after his time on Whale Ware, just after he was released from Japanese prison (as seen on Whale Wars) where he boarded a Japanese whaling ship to serve an arrest warrant. Many feel he was wrongly imprisoned, yet once he got out, he was an outcast. No longer able to work with Sea Shepherds, off the show, embroiled in a lawsuit with former members who screwed him, as he also lost his vessel during that campaign, he didn't have many to support him. It seemed the world had deserted him. I contacted him and told him he was a champion in my book and support him. Thug began our friendship and us supporting each other in different projects. So when he had his "welcome home" party after being released (he was sooooo excited!) he invited a few of us whom were fans turned friends, who had stayed in touch with him. I wasn't able to get to California at the time, for his release party, due to things in my own life preventing, but had really hoped to. I wanted him to know he had my support and i applauded his brace efforts. I had however, continued to be friends with him online all these years, staying in touch, sharing funny stories, sharing diff projects we were each working on, sometimes getting chastised for sharing too many cute puppy pics, lol... and sharing his stories with my readers, as he shared them... watching as he slowly rose from the ashes to having his own Tv show, and conservation nonprofit org. Omg I was so proud of him that day he made that announcement, cuz so many of us at the time were encouraging him to do just that and NOT STOP! The day Earthrace was born was an awesome day! โœŠ๐Ÿฝ Now he has new custom designed vessels and new conservation missions and projects, and is doing so much good in the world! So he is always all over the world, and I never know where he's gonna be when I hear from him. We both have twins in our fam so we used to talk about that sometimes. Lol. We used to share stories of twin shenanigans from our families. Right now I would share with him how I once tried to make "alien milk" for my twin brothers growing up, cuz normal milk was "bad," thinking they'd think it was a cooler meal idea if I could make it blue, for a vegetarian lunch while babysitting (I won't include the recipe cuz it totally didn't work, but I was only 13) and how that was the worst lunch I ever had to endure as a babysitter of twin boys. Lol. They just refused to eat anything during that phase of their life, so I got creative and it backfired, cuz now I have rehear endlessly how I fed them blue fake milk growing up. The vegetarian tried... & failed. ๐Ÿ™ˆ So much for cool recipe ideas for kids from the cooking channel. It scared them. Hahaha. Then I watched as Pete's children grew up and became champions for animals as well... the day he made a massive tree swing just for his daughters to experience on holiday. It was a tradition in my family too. So again I cheered him on. And is it just me, or has he gotten hotter and hotter each year?! Dang those workouts and vegan diet do a body good! ๐Ÿ˜‰โœŠ๐Ÿฝ He had been updating us on his recent trip to Brazil. Posting pics of of the sights he loved the most: the beautiful wild jungle! A shipwreck found in the middle of the jungle he wanted to use as a hotel+workout space, cuz it was just that dang cool to see out there in the middle of nowhere! Lol. It was on this trip he seemed to be enjoying, when he was attacked by 2 men, and almost killed. He had felt he was being followed. I'm sure doing conservation work to get illegal poachers caught made him a target in some ways. It can't be a popular profession in some areas of the world. When I was helping on a anti-bird poaching project log ago, I learned that in some places of the world, some families in horrible poverty in other countries, survive by poaching, even though it's illegal. The statistics of how many poached birds died before even being sold to homes or reaching a destination place was saddening. And I remember crying over the pictures. I remember feeling for these families who had no other choice they felt, but at the same time crying for the ecosystem destruction. Jungles down there once filled with so many parrot species, are now baron of parrots altogether. I remember telling Pete to post any free flying wild parrot pics he happens to get, but knowing there may not be many. Just in more recent years the formerly extinct Spix Macaw, had been seen in the wild for the first time in generations. Poached to extinction, one lone Spix Macaw was seen by a teen in Brazil one day, & it began the conservation effort to bring them back! During this anti-poaching project I helped on, I learned about several unique and amazing reintroduction programs being done now in Brazil and other places down there, where captive parrots breeding (and with the help of humans raising these birds and teaching them what foods to forage for in the wild before being released), show promise of repopulating the jungles with new generations of macaws. For more info on that: http://www.birdlife.org/americas/news/spix%E2%80%99s-macaw-reappears-brazil Spix Macaw conservation effort in Brazil: http://www.bluemacaws.org/en-gb/article/the-spixs-macaw-conservation-programme Pete was down there working on a mission regarding logging and the illegal pet trade. He founded Earthrace conservation org which you can find out more info about here: http://earthraceconservation.org/ Once he got his own Tv show, Pete remembered a lot of his fans and friends who'd been there thru it all with him, from the beginning, offering jobs and opportunities to many of them. Yeah, he's that level of good guy! How often have you seen a celeb do that?! So when it came time he needed some graphic artists for a project, I sent my graphic designer friend to him, who was a young girl with a dream of making it in graphic design and just starting college. She was very young and up against many challenges but he took her on to give her an opportunity. I wanted to help her and him so I referred her to him and she got the job! My beloved friend Becky Ann designed a season poster for his show The Operatives, and was over the moon on the day of the release. We literally cried and celebrated I was so happy for both of them. It was a volunteer gig. So then he invited us to tour one of his new boats to thank us, but once again I wasn't able to get there. ๐Ÿ™ˆ But I swear I was totally there in spirit! I felt so bad having to turn down such a kind offer by Pete a SECOND TIME! ๐Ÿ™ˆ And I was mad at the universe that again, I did not get to go see my friend and hero, Pete, when he extended such a kind offer. DARN THE UNIVERSE SOMETIMES!!! ๐Ÿ˜ค Pete & I are not like besties or anything, but we have kept up a friendship online for many years now, of the kind you don't often get to experience in life. A blessed good soul who is on the same mission in life you are (to save animals), so we always connected over that. And then there's been those times he's been there to chat with me, late at night, while I was sick, just to keep me company and be kind. He's a good guy like that. Please keep him in your prayers. Anyone who's a journalist who's covered his stories, worked with him in the entertainment or conservation industries, who's supported him as a fan online, be there for him now. He's done a LOT for you and the world you live in whether you realize it or not! And for those who can't speak at all: the animals. I almost had a bad feeling about this most recent trip to Brazil, and almost said something to him, but didn't want to worry him with some premonition of doom, & figured I was just being nervous and silly. Guess I was right. Now I wish I would have said something... but I have a feeling, knowing Pete, it wouldn't have stopped him! Once he makes his mind up to go on a trip to save animals, he's there! Next time Ima warn him if I have a bad feeling. He has done a lot of good, but very dangerous work. When poachers do not want to stop poaching, it can be dangerous to confront! It was reported Pete was robbed and stabbed in this attack, but luckily made it out alive and got himself to a hospital. I'm not sure yet what all was taken during the robbery but authorities are investigating it. He's apparently back at a hotel resting now, till he can fly home. Me & my fam extend our love and prayers for a speedy recovery, and hope he is able to have a good Thanksgiving holiday with his family. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ Stay with us Pete, the world needs you too much! Also, you may wanna consider hiring some security on these missions. I do not want to have to worry like this again. We love you man and on behalf of humankind and animalkind (& my parrot Tupeck who always has something to say about everything): Thank You for all you do, and get well soon. https://www.radionz.co.nz/news/world/344485/activist-pete-bethune-stabbed-in-brazil
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