#they also used to go to their daycare and probably has seen Moon covered in real blood before and is not phased in the slightest
icy-gendango · 1 year
Wait a second...
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Horror Attraction! Moon meets a liberated DCA. His word is forever changed.
link to full of first image here
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ohno-the-sun · 1 year
Spoiler heavy fnaf ruin dlc rant up ahead
I am so fucking proud of steal wool they really took every criticism from the original game and fixed it and even added more
Like Cassie actually acts like a human being?? And like her knowledge of the original characters and cute little comments on every item are so endearing there is so much detail going into this.
The fact that they expanded on one of the fan faves Roxanne and giving her a great arc I’m in love I’m so happy
They honestly gave more depth to all the animatronics too like we finally see Bonnie’s design and get and get a taste as to what happened, also that poster Freddy gifted him I’m crying they are so cute and gay I love them
Also the whole dark ride section with Monty is so fascinating like is that narrative kind of true or is it just fabricated by fazbear inc to cover up the decommissioning of Bonnie
Why replace Bonnie with Monty?? Why not make a new Bonnie model?? With the prototype label on Freddy it may be confirmed that they make multiple models (well we already kinda knew that with Freddies comments but oh well)
Also Freddy?? Like is that our Freddy or a different one?? They very clearly highlighted the prototype label so they want to emphasize it, but then the head is still missing like in the princess quest ending so what is the truth??
Feel bad for chica fans tho she really was sidelined hard
Aaaaa and my baby boys!!! There’s 3 now aaahaga
I was really not expecting eclipse to be the way they were, very… normal? Is that the right word?? Like obviously a little delusional on when the daycare is gonna open again, but in the right mindset of like this child needs to leave this place is not safe. It is interesting to me that both he and Roxy thought that it was Cassie’s birthday, maybe that was the last day before she left the plex? Or maybe that was the day the plex caught fire? Or maybe most depressingly we are playing on Cassie’s birthday so the animatronics have it in their systems what her birthday is and wish her a happy one (if they are in the right state of mind lol)
Some peeps are upset moon is a little too villainous
I think you can still say it was mainly the virus but I would argue even if it’s not the virus I feel like moon is kinda justified here. Like sun has been shutting him away for a long time before this (if the books are to be believed but also in general) so when he finally gets a chance to roam free of course he’s gonna take it. And idk about u but if my alternate personality was constantly trying to shut me out and I finally got control, I probably too would try and keep my control for as long as possible. Also from what I have seen so far, not even moon is all that aggressive? Like he grabs you at the beginning, but I think that’s just his very ineffective way to get kids to sleep and other than that he just kinda stays away
Poor sunny baby is stuck in the ar world 🥺🥺 I didn’t notice at first but yeah everytime you talk to him it’s only in the ar world. And the end part where you switch them out for eclipse if you do that in the ar world, he says not for me it’s for moon.
I will say though I noticed the voice acting for them changed a little this game, like both have a higher pitch and are more goofy sounding? Like more gremlin energy than evil villainy. I wonder if that was on purpose? Both of them sounded more like the other so maybe that was the reason? Interest interest
Also their mouth moves?? Sort of?? That’s so silly to me they have a whole working mouth system and their face mask doesn’t work with at all 😭
Does give me lore intrigue tho cause like why do their mouths move but not anymore?? Did something happen?? Are they just not maintained enough?? They also move outward instead of up and down (at least from what I saw) so is the mechanism different?
Also the way that sun and moon talk about eachother is so interesting. Like moon says the light hurts “us” and sun says “no the other me” like they seem to almost consider eachother more connected than we first thought, like they’re not just coworkers or strangers they are almost like two sides of the same person. It’s very interesting and I wonder where people will take this.
Overall great job I’m so excited to comb through the game and find every little secret (especially regarding the dca) aaaa
Ok ok update moon does have a jump scare but it’s ridiculously hard to get and I’d still argue he’s not as vicious as he was base game. I mention in another post but eclipse being as kind as he is and being (presumably) a combination of both AIs, gives even more evidence moon is supposed to be kind and caring like his posters suggest but something went wrong. Also Cassie’s comments on their plushes show that there were kids who truly liked the daycare.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 years
(post glitchtrap virus) after roxy, monty and chica are repaired, they (along with moon) find out about the glitch virus they were infected with, what's their reactions to the shocking news?
Horror. Disbelief. Distress. Guilt.
They probably wouldn't believe it at first. Being shown camera footage would change that and they would be absolutely horrified.
Roxy would probably shut herself away. She has a hiding spot no one knows about and has refused to leave it ever since. She's um. Not doing okay? The Minis are probably searching every room via the vents to find her and when they do, they try and comfort her the best they can. She feels guilty, like she should have been able to stop all of this, or seen it coming somehow. She's so fucking angry with herself for not being able to stop it all from happening that she's torn up so many plushies and posters of herself she's lost count. Her room is destroyed and her hiding place is covered in scratch marks.
Monty would be angry too. His room is wrecked worse than it's ever been and he's avoiding anyone and everyone. He's not hiding away, but he's doing his best to make up for what he's done by focusing entirely on the kids that enter Gator Golf. He's working his ass off on the course and was hoping to help Roxy with her repairs and maintenance stuff but she's vanished into thin air so he's picking up a mop and cleaning the place top to bottom every night. If he's busy, he's not having to think about it. He's making himself useful, so maybe he'll still be worth keeping around, even after all he's done.
Chica is crushed. She's an emotional wreck and can't stop crying. She's distracting herself by focusing on supporting the others as best she can, which means hunting down Roxy. She's trying to help them through this and pushing her own emotions aside to do it. She's also making sure that Gregory always has every single thing he needs from a distance. She's leaving little notes for him, with regular meals, toys, clothes, everything where she knows he'll see them to make sure that no matter what, he knows she's there for him. She gets everyone in on doing this too, so the little stack of items gets bigger and bigger the more of them that join. She's essentially a ticking time bomb. Once she's reached her limit, she's going to cry for like a week straight and not leave her room for two at least.
Moon is horrified. They can't believe they're watching themself chase a ten year old around the Plex and attack Freddy like that. He doesn't know what to do with himself! After a while of avoiding the problem and stewing on everything, they start to focus on making things right with Sunny. Rebuilding that trust is his biggest priority right about now because he needs Sunny, he always has. While the lights are out, Moon is running around the daycare, cleaning everything, tidying up and being so soft and gentle with the kids like their usual self but with much more effort put into it. At some point, they join in on the search for Roxy and a part of them really hopes that Sunny will see this as proof that he's back to his old self and that he's still the same, caring individual they were before all of this happened. He's concerned about the others but he misses Sunny so damn much it's easier to focus on that. Is definitely going to have a few good long cries about this though.
Yeah none of them are doing great.
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hystericalwisteria · 3 years
Can I Buy You a Drink?
Monty/Moon oneshot
Authors note: I KNOW it's past christmas but It's not very christmas themed and I felt like it would just be weird if there was just some random ass staff party at the pizza plex. Also if this is Human au and Sun and Moon are two different people.
Monty huffed as he watched his bandmates chat amongst themselves, talking about anything from new song ideas to work gossip. Of course he genuinely loved his friends, he just found this entire party a waste of his time, and he made sure all of them knew that.
“You know you don't have to be with us the entire night, go get a drink and talk to someone, loser” Roxy laughed, “Loser? What are you, my highschool bully? And I don't like anyone else here” Monty retaliated. “It doesn't hurt to talk to new people Monty, you'd be surprised who you'll get along with” Freddy said, in his ‘good dad’ voice, even though he knows damn well that he smuggled his kid into an adults only party, who was currently trying to steal the fruit off of the drinks at the bar.
“Alright” Monty sighed, his thick Louisiana accent shining though in that one word. He stood up from his table, cringing slightly as he watched Chica shoving the appetizers that were offered down her throat. Monty turned and looked around the room for a second, before noticing Venessa and walking over to her.
“Hey Ven-” “Not now, i'm still waiting for the alcohol to take over so I can actually stand talking to people”
Um, okay.
He wandered away from her, who seemed to be at least her 3rd drink. Heavyweight Huh? Anyways. Monty scanned the room once more, he looked over at DJ, who was currently playing the music for the party, so he would probably want to be left alone. One of the map employees? Eh… no, he always found them weird. 
That's when Monty's eyes landed on Moon, who was sitting at one of the smaller tables in the  corner. Monty has never really talked to either of the Daycare attendants, Of course he's seen them here and there and their posters are literally everywhere around the daycare, he just never felt the urge to talk to one of them, Until now.
“Hey” Monty Spoke, which only got an upward glance from Moon, before he looked back down to the paper he was working on. The bassist sat down across from the DA, before leading over the table slightly to see what they were working on. Sudoku. Really? At a Christmas party?
“Are you playing Sudoku? What are you, a middle aged mom?”
Without moving his head, Moon looked up and stared at him, giving him the glare™ that, infact, a lot of middle aged moms gave him.
“What do you want?” Moon Grumbled “I dont know, man” Monty replied, “I have to be at this stupid ass party and im board” The DA rolled his eyes and straighted up his back before looking Monty in the eyes, “then talk to someone else, and leave me alone”
Monty took this chance to look Moon up and down. He had freckled brown skin that went with his dyed bluish and white curly hair that slightly covered the right side of his face. He was wearing makeup, blue eyeshadow that matched well with his tired gray eyes, as well as the same shade of blue on his upper lip. He probably always wears makeup, Monty just never really got close enough to notice it in detail.
“Where's your brother?” Monty joked
“Do I look like his keeper?”
“Kinda, with the whole sun and moon theme and all” 
Moon once again rolled their eyes.
“You're pretty, can I buy you a drink, Junebug?” Monty asked
Moon eyes went wide, their cheeks flushed slightly.
“Uhm,” they stuttered, clearly debating with themselves in their head if that was a good idea or not “....sure…. Just one”. Monty smirked, then got up and headed over to the bar.
‘I probably should have asked what type of drinks they like’ The Louisianain thought to himself, ‘probably something fruity’. Monty looked over the paper menu the makeshift bar had, before ordering a Blue Hawaii and a Strawberry Daiquiri, as well as asking for a cup of fruit, and an orange fizzy faz that he slipped to Gregory who was hiding under one of the cloth covered tables. He was so going to use that as leverage in his next argument with freddy.
Monty ambled back to the small corner table, then placed the two drinks in front of moon “Which one do you want?” The DA looked between both of the drinks for a second before choosing the Blue Hawaii. Moon shoves over his sudoku papers and pencil to the side and pulls the drink in front of him and takes a sip.
Monty can tell that the other has gotten a little skittish by the way they kept looking down when they knew they were being looked at.
“Uh… are you okay Moon?” Monty asked. Moon didn't say anything for a moment, “you think i'm pretty?” The bassist laughed “Yeah?”
“Hm” Monty shrugged “I don't know, you don't ask the sea or the sky why its pretty, it just is” Monty had never seen the angsty little daycare attendant look as soft as they did right now, and that just made his night. 
“What, never been called pretty before? I find that hard to believe.” Monty teased as Moon covered their faces with their hands for a moment. It was funny how Moon's edgy tough guy persona quickly faltered by receiving a compliment.
“No,” moon laughed awkwardly, “I think sun has, but he calls everything pretty” 
Monty leaned in, putting one of his hands under his chin and leaning that arm on the table, “I don't think he means it in the same way I do” He took a sip of his drink, watching Moons stunned expression. “We never really talk, what are you into?”
Moon looked over at the papers beside him for a moment, before looking back at the other “that's a very broad question” they giggled. Monty snorted after he realized what they had just said, “yeah my bad, do you play any instruments.”
“I can somewhat play the violin and the piano, since they are apart of some lullabies” a violinist and a bassist, this was going to be an interesting night.
– – – – – – – – – – – –
The Christmas party had to come to an end at some point, considering that it was 11:46 AM.
Has Monty really been talking to Moon for 2 hours? Has Moon really let someone talk to them for 2 hours? 
Also the whole ‘just one drink’ thing was a lie, they've probably gone through 3, or 4… maybe 6? They've lost count. That was probably a bit overboard but if they didn't drink so much then Monty would never find out how funny it was watching Sun trying to convince their intoxicated brother that they should leave. It was like trying to get a child to leave the park. It was a little less funny when Freddy came over and started doing the same thing with him, saying since Monty came with him they need to leave because Gregory needs to go to bed.
Nearly everyone was gone, even Chica and Roxy bailed way before they were supposed to, Freddy said that they went to go get Taco Bell, which Monty doesn't doubt. The cleaning staff were wiping down the tables and they have already very passive aggressively cleaned the corner table like 4 times now, so maybe that was a sign to leave.
Moon and Monty trailed behind each other out the back door to the employee parking lot. Moon paused for a moment on the sidewalk just outside the door, Monty noticed this and turned to face him. “Are you good?” he laughed, the other just took both his hands in theirs “Thank you for sitting with me tonight, otherwise it would have sucked” Moon gave monty a kiss on the cheek, before turning and following Sun back to their car.
Monty just stood there for a second, holding his cheek with his hand, watching the other walk away. Damn. They were going to be the death of him.
Authors note: this is my first fic so gice me a break. Im open to constructive criticism just please be nice to me. Anyway have a bonus shitty sketch for the aftermath
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How do you draw the inside of cars-
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Soooo in the role reverse au fire ending Sun also gets snapped out of the virus from his brother, though the situation is far different. 
They don’t initially leave the building together firstly. In fact, Sun gets out before him and has very little care for the safety of his brother. When Freddy asks where Moon is, he laughs saying that “He’ll be fine, he can take care of himself!” and continued with a similar sentiment no matter how much Freddy pressed for the animatronic to check his brother’s status through their link.
Spoiler alert, Moon was not fine. He had woken up in the small naptime room inside the daycare, where he had shut off to try and recharge a bit somewhere he felt safe. His sensors immediately went off alerting him to the smoke and heat outside the door, and when he opened it he saw that the entire daycare was on fire. The soft padding of the floor was covered in high rising flames that reached up to his chest. He quickly called for the wire to come down. Walking wasn’t an option, and if he was fast enough he would be able to get out of the room and into the air before too much damage was done. 
But it didn’t come down. It was damaged, disconnected from the fire and he felt a pit form in his stomach. He was on too low charge to use the springs, and too tired to care. He closed the door and sat down on the other side of the room to check his brother’s status, seeing that his systems were running fine and that he was a good distance from the fire. 
He decided to send him one last message through their private connection. He had avoided using it ever since the virus infected him, as it usually annoyed his brother and lead to lots of arguing, but decided that he should at least send a final goodbye to him even if they hadn’t been getting along. The message went as followed: “My sensors have told me that you are out of the building. That’s good, I’m glad you’re safe. Tell the others not to wait up for me, as I won’t be leaving. I love you, sunshine, and I’m going to miss you. Stay safe.”
Meanwhile Sun had become progressively more nervous as time passed and his brother still didn’t emerge from the fire, but convinced himself that everything was fine and he was just having trouble navigating or something. His demeanor changed from the typical manic bubbliness, to crossing his arms and tapping his foot impatiently, to then looking around the group of animatronics uneasily until he FINALLY got the message.
The moment he heard his brother’s voice through their inner connection, he gave in and checked his status before the message even ended. He was sitting in the back of the nap area of the daycare still, and Sun noticed the warning that indicated that the harness was broken; His heart sank when he realized that Moon couldn’t get out, and wasn’t going to. Hearing the message confirmed it. The internal workings were going faster then normal, already heating up to dangerous levels, and he could tell from the way the camera shook that he was scared. He didn’t try to get up, though. What’s the point? There was no way out. 
He’d given up. And Sun immediately dropped what he was doing and ran back into the building, ignoring Freddy as he called after him. He hadn’t even noticed the virus disappear from his code, too distracted trying to find his brother before it was too late. Moon wasn’t checking the stats on his brother and hadn’t realized he had re entered the building, preoccupied with trying to calm himself down. (Most likely it was his singing that led Sun to finding him. He was probably singing “You are my sunshine” because he would rather think of the positive of the situation being that his brother was safe, even if he wasn’t.)
Needless to say he wasn’t expecting Sun to break through the wall without any warning, hoist him up and then run back through the massive hole he had made. He could barely process what the fuck just happened before they were out of the building again; He’d never seen Sun run that fast, it was honestly jarring. 
But the behavior didn’t make sense, and when he checked back into his brother’s code he noticed that the virus was gone. There was no more purple code, and Moon wondered what had happened to destroy it? He quickly realized that he was spacing out and giving his brother a panic attack with his lack of response, and quickly reassured him that he was alright. Sun wouldn’t believe it until he checked him over himself, and even then he didn’t put him down for several hours after that. 
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wolfsgravity · 3 years
[Giovanni and I in his office at Team Rocket HQ. Giovanni at his desk, though he hasn’t written anything in a few minutes now, lost in thought. Remee is sitting on a pile of pillows in the corner, reading a book while Jigglypuff sleeps beside them]
*Giovanni sighs and looks up from his paper work, lowering his pen. His eyes land on Remee, and his jaw tenses with the nerves of what he feels the need to say*
Giovanni: My love?
Remee: Hm?
*Remee places a cute little Sylveon-based bookmark in the book and sets it to their side, putting their full focus on their lover and Boss. Giovanni’s eyes linger on the bookmark for a second, almost out of a fear of looking into Remee’s face. The two may be lovers, but he often finds himself struggling between his ambition in the Team and his love for Remee, who just so happens to be his subordinate. He doesn’t have guilt about the power imbalance, but he does fear the risk on their life, as well as possible insubordination from the rest of his team if he looks too soft. He shakes his head to clear it*
Giovanni: We’ve spoken before about my desire to promote you…
*Remee tenses, Jigglypuff stirring awake beside them. The bond between those two was enviable to the Boss, though he wasn’t sure if it was because his only emotional attachment to a Pokémon is his Persian or because he wants Remee all to himself*
Remee: Sir, uh, Giovanni, uh. Work talk, I’ll say Sir. Sir, I know we have, I just don’t feel—
Giovanni: You don’t feel you’ve proven yourself in the field, and I’m pressed to agree.
*silence falls. Jigglypuff glares, but Remee puts a hand on the Pokémon’s head to calm it. They agree, why would they be mad?*
Giovanni: As much as I love having an intern such as yourself, I have been battling with myself over my duties as a powerful leader and my duties as your partner.
*more silence as he thinks, but Remee slowly pales as time passes.*
Remee: S-sir, I believe you’ll do the best for… for the glory of Team Rocket…
*Remee trails off, their assumption swimming in their eyes as they blink down at the floor in front of them. Giovanni nods, then visibly blanches as their assumption becomes clear to him*
Giovanni: No! I mean, yes, but my dear, it’s not coming to that! Come here.
*the Grunt stands on lead limbs and shuffles over to the desk, tears already falling down their cheeks. Giovanni gently grabs their waist once they are in reach and pulls them to him, Remee standing and Giovanni remaining seated for now. His thumbs rub soothing arcs against the sides of their shirt as he looks up at them. They simply sniffle*
Giovanni: I love you. I’m too selfish and cunning a man to just let go of a prized possession like you, you should know better than to assume I’d throw you away. Especially since you see my video calls to Jesse and James so frequently. If I haven’t shucked those idiots from my organization, and found use for them, I’m certainly not going to send you away.
*Remee hiccups but gives a little smile, reassured. Giovanni smiles back, heart genuinely warmed even with the little sunshine he’s gotten. The tension eased, he realizes that maybe he approached the topic wrong for once, too stuck in his Team Rocket mind and not finding the balance between his two worlds. With a good-natured sigh, he slowly takes the hand closest to his desk off Remee’s waist and rests his elbow on the top of the desk, propping his head on his hand in a sign of thought, but a more casual one than his body language before. He continues looking up at the face of his love, who’s only slightly preoccupied with wiping their face off*
Giovanni: I do, however, find myself in a conundrum.
*Remee finally fixes their gaze fully on him, interest piqued now that their brief cry ended. They take a second to enjoy his almost coy-looking gaze through his eyelashes, probably not an intended effect of the angle at which the two are looking at each other. “He’s always so handsome”, Remee finds themself thinking, before realizing he’d prompted a response*
Remee: Y-you? In a conundrum? Color me surprised.
Giovanni: Heh. Don’t be sarcastic with me, it makes me want to distract us from the conversation.
*Remee blushes, Giovanni blinks at his own uncovered brazenness*
Giovanni: .. I have to find a way to make you useful to the organization, not just to me. I adore having you all to myself, but the Admins have the audacity to question your place in the organization. You struggle stealing Pokémon, but not because you are an incapable Trainer by any means.
*Jigglypuff trills in the corner and Remee’s smile widens bashfully*
Giovanni: What can I do with a competent Trainer that wants to help me and my goals, but can’t hurt or steal Pokémon?
*He ponders in musing silence for a bit, the hand still on Remee’s waist gently guiding them to sway back and forth in front of him. Remee basks in the gentle affection while he thinks, then, realizing he actually can’t seem to come up with an idea on his own, begins to think themself*
Giovanni: ..If you meant nothing to me, I’d merely find a way to manipulate you and keep you around that way.. but you don’t mean nothing to me..
*he smiles dotingly*
Giovanni: You light up my life like the sun, moon, and stars all put together. How dare you make this such a challenging task with your cuteness?
*Remee giggles shyly, using a hand to rub their cheek to try to cover their face. Giovanni smirks, his head tilting further against his hand while he allows himself to enjoy the moment. Remee finally regains their thinking capacities and clears their throat, causing Giovanni to raise an eyebrow*
Remee: Well, uh. I’ve got maybe an idea? I know our operations mostly involve stealing Pokémon for power and profit, and those nasty scientific experiments that you couldn’t pay me enough to witness. (‘Mhm’) Well. I’m good at raising Pokémon. If we had operations that bred powerful and rare Pokémon, I would be an excellent choice to hatch and raise those Eggs. With the right direction as to what the Pokémon needed to be raised for, I’d be fantastic. I’d teach them the right moves, make them as profitable as I could if we needed them sold, or teach them loyalty to Team Rocket, instead of to an original trainer, from the day they hatch so they could be used in high-profile agent schemes.
*Giovanni blinks. There have been Daycare schemes from time to time, but he’d never considered breeding Pokémon. But with a pair of the right Pokémon, a seemingly unending supply could be begotten. And he’d never trust a normal Team Rocket agent for a job like that, because they’re only as trustworthy as they are loyal, and he’s seen a large number of cowards and brigands come and go. But Remee.. he laughs, a relieved sound*
Giovanni: I’d never considered such operations. Team Rocket grunts are not particularly known for patience or warmth, which is what I’d thought would be demanded of such operations. We’ve always stolen what we need. But.. you do have a knack. I’d trust Pokémon raised by you would lay their lives down for our agents. Flinch all you want, I apologize, I’m just thinking in business again. We’d also fetch a pretty penny for rare hand-reared Pokémon.
*Giovanni stands, taking Remee’s now beaming face in his hands. The two kiss, both letting out sighs of respective relief. Persian, from its fancy cat bed, makes a soft yowling sound, and Jigglypuff trills again. After a few seconds, Giovanni and Remee part, both mildly breathless*
Giovanni: Have I ever told you that you’re a genius?
Remee: I’ve never really given you a chance to
Giovanni: Regardless, you are. I don’t know what I would do without you. This way, the Admins won’t take out their bad faith on you, and I have a willing agent to try out a potentially lucrative scheme. I love you so much, I will begin remodeling any remaining Daycare under our control to send healthy Eggs to HQ. In time, I’ll find you a proper base to operate in.
*Remee looks excited enough to cry. Giovanni kisses them once more before gently ushering them towards the door with Jigglypuff floating out behind them. He almost feels like he has to do this without them in the room, like it will somehow be a romantic surprise if he does*
Giovanni: Go busy yourself and Jigglypuff, or better yet, take the rest of the day off. I will see you at home later tonight. Be safe, as always.
*The two share quick ‘I love you’s before he strides back into his office to make arrangements.*
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