#they aren’t always together! they aren’t always talking!
luna-azzurra · 3 days
do you have any advice for writing a love confession without making it grossly cheesy or awkward?
im writing one between long time childhood best friends that are EXTREMELY close and im so stuck
Since these two characters have been best friends for a long time, the confession should feel like it’s built off their history together. Maybe start with a memory that’s meaningful to both of them. It doesn’t have to be a huge, dramatic moment, something small but personal, like a time they supported each other or a running joke they’ve had forever.
For example, one of them could say something like
“Remember that time we got caught in the rain walking home from school, and you made up that ridiculous song to keep me from freaking out? I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately… and I realized that’s when I first started seeing you differently.”
When people confess their feelings, especially in a real and vulnerable way, it’s usually not in flowery language. If you try to make it too poetic or dramatic, it might feel forced. Instead, keep it honest and straightforward. They don’t need to say “I’ve loved you all along” in some grand, movie-like way. Let the confession come out more naturally, almost like they’ve been fighting it for a while and finally just have to get it off their chest.
You could have them say
“I don’t really know how to say this, and it might sound weird… but somewhere along the way, I started seeing you as more than just my best friend.”
There’s no way for this kind of confession to be totally smooth, and honestly, that’s what makes it feel more authentic. They’ve been best friends forever, so there’s going to be nerves, maybe some hesitation or stumbling over words. Lean into that awkwardness, it actually makes the moment more relatable and shows how important it is to them.
Maybe one of them starts talking, realizes they’re rambling, and tries to correct themselves. Like
“Okay, wait, that sounded dumb, let me start over. What I’m trying to say is… you mean a lot to me, more than I’ve probably ever said out loud, and it’s kind of terrifying because I don’t want to mess things up between us. But I’ve gotta be honest, this is how I feel.” The vulnerability in admitting they’re scared to ruin the friendship makes it more heartfelt and real.
This is probably the most important part! These two aren’t just falling for each other out of nowhere, they’ve built this strong, deep friendship over the years. So the confession should acknowledge how much that means to them. Make it clear that the romantic feelings don’t take away from their friendship but add to it.
You could have one of them say something like
“You’ve always been the person I turn to for everything, and that’s not gonna change, no matter what. But lately, I’ve been feeling something more, and I can’t keep pretending it’s not there. I just hope it doesn’t mess things up between us.” This way, they’re emphasizing that the friendship is still the foundation of everything, but they can’t ignore the fact that it’s evolving into something deeper.
Overall, just make sure it feels true to the characters and their relationship. Don’t feel like you have to tie it up neatly with a perfect line or a romantic kiss right away. The beauty of this kind of love confession is that it’s messy and emotional, and it should reflect the complexity of their relationship. They don’t need to have all the answers right away. Let the moment be about the honesty and the fact that they’re finally admitting something that’s been building for a while.
Maybe end with something like
“I don’t know where this goes from here, but I had to tell you. You’re too important to me to keep pretending like I don’t feel this way.” This leaves room for both characters to process what’s happening without forcing a big romantic resolution right away. It’s more about them taking that first step into new territory, which feels more genuine and in line with the close friendship they’ve had for so long.
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sea-lanterns · 3 days
Female lions usually grow manes due to lots of testosterone, so I really don't doubt that Deyha would grow one
Additionally, 'panther' isn't a species and it's just a term for a feline that has too much melanin. There's cases of leopards and lions becoming 'panthers', though jaguars get them most often.
Cougars/Mountain Lions/Pumas have also been called panthers (among WAY too many other names), even though I don't believe they've ever been all black before.
Additionally, snow leopards, tigers, and cheetahs, along with bobcats have never been recorded as being all black like panther be. They have been recorded as having melanism, but not hyperblack melanism like with what's seen on panthers.
Anyway, bringing this up because I've been wondering what kind of panther Arlecchino is.
And I thought it would be funny if she had a mix of all the traits?
Like, she can swim better than any other felid, because she's part jaguar (might even have extra webbing), the climbing prowess of a leopard (able to drag up to 220 pounds into a tree), and umm... I don't know much about lions, 'cause they're pretty boring to me, but maybe Arle has a mane too?
Additional fun-fact about lions. Ones with darker manes are seen as more attractive because darker mane=more testosterone, so if Arle does get a mane, it'd be funny to see how jealous Deyha is of it.
All this said, I just found out panther is also what a cougar is called, so maybe you just mean that Arlecchino is a cougar, if so then... uhh... I hope you found the random stuff I spewed cool :>
The big cat infodump I didn’t know I needed until now :0
If we are talking about what kind of big cat Arlecchino would be as panthers aren’t an actual species, I’d say she’d probably be a jaguar like Xilonen! Ever since this AU started, Jaguar! Xilonen and Panther! Arleccchino have always been paired together as they have some sort of rivalry. I think it’d be neat if they were actually both Jaguar hybrids, but Arlecchino’s coat color has a lot of melanin which causes her to be called a “panther.”
Also the thought of Arlecchino being a black lion hybrid is so intriguing too! Since you mentioned that the darker the lion’s mane is, the more attractive they are to mates, I can see Dehya getting jealous because Arlecchino’s mane would be all pitch black! That makes her think you’d be more attracted to Arleccchino’e mane rather than hers! Even though Dehya’s mane is also pretty dark considering her dark hair…
Lol, imagine Lion! Dehya forming a rivalry with Lion! Arlecchino too! Arlecchino beefs with everyone no matter what species of hybrid she is, poor baby 😭😭
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hannahluvsbillie · 2 days
was it ever casual?
part 1
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✮ pairing : billie eilish x reader
✮ cw: nothing too heavy, angst (kind of)
ᡣ𐭩 a/n: sorry for the wait!! my tumblr hasn’t been letting me post anything! but we’re here now and that’s all that matters. thank you sm for all the love on part one, it means everything to hear you like my writing 🥺🥺
the rain pitter patters on the window of billie’s car, it was pitch black with the exception of a few small streetlights in the empty parking lot.
it was damn near silent in the car, only the sounds of soft music playing were heard.
at least it was, until you got a notification.
you pick up your phone from the console, seeing a text from some random person you gave your number to at a party last week because he wouldn’t stop bugging you.
“hey, wanna meet up soon? still in la for the week.”
the text read.
billie’s eyes glance over at your phone, out of your peripheral vision you see her brows furrow at the message.
your eyes dart to billie, and you immediately put your phone down. not wanting her to see the message.
this just makes her brows furrow further, and her face contort a little.
“who’s that?” she asks, her voice stern. the hand that was once on your thigh moves back to her own, silently telling you she’s suspicious.
“don’t worry about it.” you say, glancing over at her and putting your phone under your thigh. you didn’t intent to mock her statement from the last meet up you had, but it just came out.
these past few times you’ve hung out with her, you’ve been noticing the abundance of notifications she gets while you’re together. you try to comfort yourself by saying it’s just her friends, or her family blowing up her phone. but you know, you know it’s other girls.
“im worried about it, who else is talking to my girl?” she states, the smallest hint of playfulness in her voice.
“my girl.” the nickname always seemed to find its way into her words while she was with you, but the once meaningful nickname that used to give you butterflies has lost meaning. how many other girls does she call “my girl” ?
you look away, you find yourself feeling annoyed at her words. she does the same shit to you, so why should she be mad about it?
“it’s not like we’re dating.” you say, glancing over at her only to see her brows raised at your comment. you were never this feisty with her, what did she do?
she moves her head just enough to look into your eyes, her brows still raised in surprise. “yeah, we aren’t. but i wanna know if my girl’s talking to someone else.” she says coldly.
your brows raise, matching her expression. you shake your head in disbelief, how could she be so dismissive?
“billie, you do the same fucking thing.” you say, your voice seems to have lost that soft, sweet, gentle tone it regularly has when you speak to billie.
“that’s- that’s different ma.” she says, feeling like she’d just been called out on her bullshit.
you shake your head once again, your hands fiddle with themselves in your lap.
“how is that any different? they blow up your phone constantly and when i ask you about it you brush me off.” you say softly, turning your head to meet her gaze.
she rolls her eyes at your response, starting to get agitated with you.
“because you’re my girl y/n. no one else’s.” she says, her eyes shooting darts into yours.
that doesn’t sound very causal, but to hell with causal at this point.
“i wish i could say that about you billie.” you say, shooting her a glare.
“oh my god- baby. we’ve been through this a million times. they don’t mean anything to me.” she says, her voice starting to get more cold by the second. how could she just lie to you like that?
you turn to face her, you can’t hold back anymore.
“bullshit.” you say coldly, her eyebrows raise in response.
“if i meant anything to you i wouldn’t be sitting in your car at 1 in the morning- let alone letting you eat me out in your car, or only meeting with you in secluded places, or the fact you won’t text me back for a week. it’s like im only here when your bored.” you ramble, finally letting your feelings spill out. it felt nice to call her out, even though you knew she wouldn’t tell the truth.
“baby- y/n- you know damn well it’s not like that.” she says, looking at you with furrowed brows.
in all honesty, billie didn’t know you felt like that. so what she’d talk to other girls, you were still the one she saw the most.
“so what is it then?” you ask sharply, furrowing your brows at her. you had to swallow the lump that was forming in your throat.
she looks away, trying to think of a way to possibly answer that question.
“we’re just- a casual thing y/n, don’t act like it’s more then that because it’s not.” she says coldly, her response shooting daggers into your heart.
a moment of silence falls between billie and you, neither of you knew what to say, or what was the right thing to do.
but you knew one thing, you couldn’t keep doing this with her. if that’s how she really feels, then you two aren’t on the same page.
it’s not causal when you look at her like she hung the damn stars every time she speaks.
“just- take me home billie.” you say, looking into her eyes. you were so tired of begging for her to choose you. it’s all that you’ve done is beg for her attention this whole- situationship. or whatever the fuck you wanted to call it.
she scoffed in disbelief, shaking her head. her hand went down to the shift and put the car into drive.
“god damn it- fine.”
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deancasbigbang · 12 hours
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Title: I'm Not Living Here Without You
Author: Avonlady
Artist: TwinOne
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Dean Winchester/Castiel; Meg Masters/Bela Talbot; mentioned Gabriel/Kali; past Charlie Bradbury/Dorothy; implied Charlie Bradbury/Jo Harvelle
Length: 26229
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply; Cancer Diagnosis
Tags: Dean/Cas Established Relationship; Castiel has cancer; Angst; fluff; explicit sexual content; Dean Winchester wears panties; Dean Winchester is in denial; minor character death; grieving; eventual happy ending (Castiel lives)
Posting Date: November 5, 2024
Summary: Castiel promised Dean that they would be together forever. They met when they were just kids and they were each other’s first everything. They are happy and have an unbreakable bond that makes them the envy of everyone around them. Everything changes 15 years into their marriage when Castiel is diagnosed with cancer and the doctors aren’t very hopeful that the treatments will work. Dean is crushed and spends a lot of time in denial while trying to find a cure for his husband. Castiel knows that his dying will destroy Dean, so he fights as hard as he can to stay alive for his husband’s sake.
Excerpt: “Cas, have you seen my green tie?” Dean yells towards the living room from their bedroom. “I think it’s in the closet.” His husband’s voice yells back at him.  Dean keeps searching, but he isn’t having any luck finding it. Tonight is their 15-year-wedding-anniversary dinner and he wants it to be special. Dean knows how much Castiel likes his green tie because it brings out his eye color, so he needs to find it, no matter how long it takes. He hears someone clear their throat and he turns around to see Castiel holding his tie, a snarky grin plastered on his face. Dean reaches for it, and begins tying it as he speaks. “Thanks, babe. Where did you find it?” “It was right where you left it last, on the bed in the guest room.” “Why the hell did I leave it there?” “I don’t know. I’m not sure it would be safe for anyone to try to figure out what goes on in that gorgeous head of yours.” Dean grabs Castiel by the back of the neck and pulls him closer, kissing him on the lips. “Do you think we have time to fool around a little before we go?” Dean says with a waggle of his eyebrows.  “We do not have time, Dean. The reservation is in an hour. We can always fool around when we get home.” Castiel gives him a swat on the ass. “Now, finish getting ready. I’m hungry.” Castiel leaves the room and Dean watches him as he walks away. He will never take for granted how lucky he is to have been able to marry his childhood sweetheart. Castiel makes him so happy and he knows he would be lost without him. That’s why he tries to show him everyday how much he loves him.  They met in 1st grade, two years after Dean’s mom, Mary, died of cancer and his father’s soul died right along with her. Dean didn’t talk for two years, but the moment he saw Castiel and glanced into those blue eyes that gave Dean hope that good things still existed, he finally found his voice again. Dean didn’t like to talk much about Mary and John became a living ghost once she was gone, so Dean and Sam were raised by John’s brother, Bobby. Dean hasn’t seen John in 15 years. They have been distant ever since John made a scene at Dean and Castiel’s wedding spouting hatred about how Mary would be rolling over in her grave if she knew her eldest son was marrying a man. Castiel broke his nose and told him if he ever came near Dean again, he would do worse. That moment just cemented the fact that he was going to be with Castiel forever.
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s1ckh1mb0 · 4 hours
“Bitch where the fuck are you!”
“Shit, at home. I’m not coming out, I told y’all that already.”
“What? Bitch stop playing. For real, where are you at?”
You looked at your phone dumbfounded for a moment before bringing the phone back to your ear.
“What are you talking about? I’m home. Like I said. I’m not coming out, I told y’all I don’t be drinking and shit like that no more. I got kids to worry about.”
“You’re a fucking weirdo you know that? You got with that man and all of a sudden you wanna pretend like you got your shit together. You are just like the rest of us. When you decide to quit being an uppity bitch let us know.”
You all but jumped through your phone before you heard her hang up. This was why you wiener hang out with them. They always hated when people were successful. Anything good that happened to you they just find some way to make it seem like you were trying to come off as better than them.
When you graduated from school, whenever you got your hair done, whenever you did something good at school work, they just hated it. The worst was when you got with Bruce. They were just spiteful. Bruce was a good man. A man that many wanted, but he was the one that you got.
“Those bitches are weird man, almost forty and all they wanna do is club and shit. Like be for real. And then wanna get mad at me for not wanting to go out and be messy. Weird ass hoes.”
Bruce was listening to you talk about the girls who constantly blew your phone up asking to go out and get drunk. His hands massaging your freshly done feet. He was never really the biggest fan of anyone honestly, but those girls especially. Loud and obnoxious, always doing nothing but gossiping.
They had nothing going for them and he could easily see that. That’s the reason he told you to distance your self. Those aren’t the people you needed to be around. He was doing his best to provide you a soft life when he wasn’t busy, no way in hell were some random bitches about to ruin that for you.
“You might as well block their number. No need to keep in contact anymore.”
You were frustrated but knew he was right. You would have to. You recentered yourself and your life to be the new person that your happiness allowed. You just needed to get rid of the last few things that were ruining your energy.
“You’re right. I’m happy, I don’t need that bitterness in our life.”
Bruce let out a hearty chuckle and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. A comfortable silence as his hands roamed your body. Just taking in every dip and curve. It was like art to him.
“I’m hungry.”
You and Bruce turned around only to faced with your little toddler stepson, Damian. The small four year old made his way to you, pushing his father’s hands away from you before plopping on to your lap like nothing. This was nothing new, you were his favorite parent. You moved your phone off your lap as you took the small boy into your arms.
“It’s two in the morning Damian, you’re supposed to be sleep.”
Bruce rolled his eyes at the boy and watched as you walked off with him to get him a snack before putting him back to bed. He took the time to go on your phone and block every single one of the girls. No way in his was someone about to ruin the love of his life’s happiness.
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ningco · 1 day
almost ours (h.kk)
pairing: hueningkai x reader
genre: romance, angst, lovers to strangers.
it starts with a spark, a warm evening in hueningkai’s apartment. you’re both sprawled on the couch, legs tangled, his fingers absentmindedly brushing through your hair as you talk about everything and nothing at all. somehow, the conversation turns to the future—your future, together. it feels natural, so easy, to imagine what comes next for the two of you.
“i think they’d have your smile,” you murmur, fingers tracing lazy circles on his chest.
hueningkai’s brow arches in playful curiosity. “who?”
“our baby.” you say it as if the words are second nature, as if you’ve thought about it a hundred times before, the idea living just beneath the surface of your mind, waiting for the right moment to slip out.
he grins, a flush of warmth spreading across his face as his eyes soften. “our baby? we’re going there already?” his tone is teasing, but there’s something genuine in the way he says it—like he’s entertained the idea too. maybe not seriously, but enough to wonder.
you laugh, nudging him gently. “come on, i know you’ve thought about it.”
kai leans in closer, his breath warm against your ear. “okay, fine. they’d have your eyes, though. you know how everyone gets lost in them.”
you roll your eyes but can’t help the smile that curls at your lips. “maybe your sense of humor. or that laugh that makes everyone feel like they’re in on the best joke.”
he chuckles softly, the sound reverberating through you, making you feel safe, like this moment is all that matters. for a brief second, you let yourself really imagine it—a child with kai’s smile, your eyes, a perfect mix of the two of you. your little family. it feels distant, but close enough to touch.
the conversation continues, and for a while, it’s a sweet fantasy. the kind you both laugh about, adding details like what kind of music they’d like, if they’d be shy like kai or a bit more outgoing like you. it feels like the future is full of endless possibilities, and for that moment, you both indulge in the dream.
but time passes, and dreams start to fade.
the little cracks in your relationship begin to show. you argue more, the weight of your lives and schedules tugging at you from opposite ends. kai’s work pulls him away—he’s busy, distant. you find yourself retreating into your own space, too, where it’s easier not to feel the gap growing between you. the nights on the couch, laughing and dreaming, grow less frequent, replaced with quiet, uneasy silences.
one night, the argument bubbles over—about something insignificant, but it’s enough to shatter what’s left of the warmth you used to share.
“you always do this!” you yell, your voice cracking. “you push me away like you don’t even care anymore!”
kai’s face is a mask of frustration, but behind it, you see the same exhaustion, the same hurt you’re feeling. “i’m trying! do you think i want this? i’m overwhelmed, and i—” he cuts himself off, shaking his head. “i just… i don’t know how to fix this.”
it’s in that moment you realize what you’ve been avoiding—things aren’t working, and no matter how much you both care, you’re slipping through each other’s fingers. the dreams you built together, the child you imagined, the future you thought was certain—it all starts to fade, like smoke dissipating into the air.
the breakup happens quietly, the kind of thing you both saw coming but never wanted to acknowledge. he leaves, and the space he once occupied feels colder than it should. you know it’s for the best, but the ache in your chest doesn’t lessen with time. you keep thinking about what could have been—what *almost* was.
weeks later, you find yourself staring at the ceiling in your darkened room, memories flooding back. you think about the nights you talked about your future, how you and kai would laugh and plan a life that now feels impossibly far away. you wonder about the baby you imagined—would they have had his smile, your eyes? would they have filled the spaces between you, made everything worth it?
the thought lingers, a quiet pain that settles into your bones. the reality of your breakup stings, but it’s the loss of that dream—the one where you and kai made a life together—that keeps you awake at night.
you hate it. you hate that you let yourself believe in something that was never meant to last. but you can’t let go of it, not completely. because no matter how much time passes, the idea of what you could have had together remains, a bittersweet reminder of a future you’ll never see.
you close your eyes and imagine it one last time—a child with kai’s soft smile and your curious eyes, laughter filling a home that was once yours. a life that was almost yours.
but only almost.
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shubble chat shut up about wilbur shut up about wilbur shut UP ANOUT WILBUR
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purplecatghostposts · 11 months
Sometimes (not often and not referring to the proxy versions bc that’s its own thing), I’ll see someone call Masky and/or Hoody a killer and I sit there like. But they aren’t though. They tried to kill one (1) guy and technically Tim did later but that was purely self defense.
Their actual crimes ARE attempted murder, breaking and entering, theft(?), assault, and stalking, with maybe a few more, but 80% of the murders were caused by Alex. You can lump Tim’s kill count with Masky if you want (which brings him dubiously up to 2 if you count Hoody falling) but Hoody has a kill count of exactly zero.
They ARE very intimidating figures and highly important to the story but I definitely wouldn’t label them as killers!
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seiwas · 12 days
my friends and i gathered for a bday celebration yday and it hit me all at once that we all are truly growing up together and it made me a lil 🥺
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ssruis · 4 months
Emu 🤝 Rui “I’m so selfish for pursuing the thing I want and feeling basic normal human emotions (that I don’t think I should be allowed to feel)” l… emu saying that for the longest time she felt like her dream to keep PXL (and the wonder stage) from drastically changing was selfish and feeling like she was the only one who wanted that after her grandpa died & becoming shackled to that dream & being unable to leave PXL because it’s what she’s been fighting for for so long and it’s what she has left of her grandpa and it’s so hard to let go and trust that she succeeded and isn’t abandoning or failing her grandpa if she’s not still putting everything she has into the park vs rui viewing his desire to keep his friends together and hold onto wxs as something selfish/something that is interfering with what his friends are working towards (even though they all want to stay together as well) and wishing that he didn’t have to feel any emotions because he’s spent so long without connections like these that fighting for them & being anxious about losing them is entirely alien and new to him and to wish for anything but letting wxs go is something he views as selfish. Dreams and desires as a burden and source of constant guilt instead of them being the light at the end of the tunnel. “I’m a bad person for pursuing what I want/what will make me happy but I’m still going to pursue it I’m just going to berate myself for it as I do so” & the fear of letting go of the happiness you’ve found after looking for it for so long because surely if you do you’ll be right back at square one. Emu struggling to accept that nene & tsukasa have dreams that will take them beyond the wonder stage and rui struggling to accept that all of their goals (including his own) are incompatible in the long run and to reach them they’ll have to split up.
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ough finally got my bluefeather book today !
#I had the totems sitting around I just remembered to finally do it#and I joined a farm party for the fight so I have more totems now#and a few coffers still? I think#no mount tho sadly ;—;#u skip so much of the fight now it’s wild#like honestly if you have someone who knows how to read the time shift mech#and just knowing doing chains + towers#it was scary doing it for the first time but having done other EX content + DT ex stuff it’s like. it ain’t bad going back#it’s always that case of over time you learn the mechanics the game throws at you#and you figure out how to put all these pieces together#so it’s easy once you can see how that all fits together#Shdjdjd not at all related but I remember doing EX2 and we had an extra ranged#so I had to be fake melee for the congo line#and I’m just doing dancer stuff in the spot right after tank towers go off whejdjdjd#I wanna run that ex w like. ppl who know the stuff#bc half of the runs I had were scuffed af#I also wanna do ex1 bc I never got any weaps from it#and iirc I do still remember a chunk of it#tbh I don’t even wanna think about the mount grind ough I haven’t even done some of the EW ex’s#I think I could do golbez + zeromus just fine#but rubicante my beloathed of the fire mech makes no sense to me#I also have such a big dislike of the rubicante + zeromus weapons that grinding for just the mount is kinda. kinda insufferable#also the mounts aren’t all that cool to me#so it would just be for the Big Mount and I can wait on that until like. late DT#owen talks
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sadaveniren · 2 years
I want you to know that like….98% of the time I see blue and green together as it relates to HL and I’m like “whatever they are two colors that go together very well it’s not that big of a deal and it’s not signaling anything” and then shit like this happens
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And I have to be like “okay so at the very least they aren’t bothered enough by the implication that it’s something that comes up as no-gos during meetings”
And this is important because for a large swath of time in fandom it WAS a no go. Louis’ IG banned something in the comments (I think it was larrie? Could have been the hearts), effort was made to separate them from these color meanings. And at some point they either gave up or they decided to just roll with it.
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coinsoup · 11 months
losing feelings easily is a curse because when it doesn’t happen you know ur screwed
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collideliketwostars · 9 months
I worry this wound will never close and will continue to bleed
#I want to stop hurting so bad but im worried I never will stop hurting because of how much it still hurts and how it leaves me confused.#It’s been a few months and I still cry about it. My heart still aches and breaks when I think about it.#I thought they were someone who wouldn’t hurt me. but I guess I was fooled. I guess they always were that someone. Just hidden#it hurts to know that someone who I thought was a close friend and an ex got “together” in a way.#They aren’t exactly together together but together in a way where they’re kinda fucking#And that’s where it hurts. To know what they’re doing.#that was my closest friend. my actual soulmate I believed. and thats my ex. They got “together” a month later after we broke up.#after talking about it to a few people.. were they attracted to each other even when my ex and I were together? If so.. what was I?#And how could they do this so easily? Or am I just overthinking/overreacting?? I don’t know. I need someone to tell me#I look back when my friend & I were still friends. I think I started to lose them during the beginning of summer last year#I just tried believing I wasn’t and things would fall back into place soon. but they weren’t.#They just said one thing and left. Leaving me alone in the dark.#I don’t know.. I get it in some way? I was in a bad place and probably draining for them to stay but like#Idk.. I guess I can understand why they left me. but why get with someone who I dated and start.. fucking.#im so hurt by this. I’m worried this wound will never close and that I’ll be a wounded dog chained to the tree forever.
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Once again, I’m working on multiple fics at once rather than just focusing on one and actually finishing it. Some of the stuff I’m writing at the minute includes:
• More trans Morty (some backstory on Morty A-70 figuring out he’s trans/coming out)
• Flesh Curtains era Birdrick (the original idea was to have a series of little drabble-y type things exploring times Rick and Birdperson realised just how alien the other actually was to them but now it’s sort of changing into a longer fic of them getting to know each other and also exploring Rick’s issues so we’ll see where that goes)
• J.R./Rand smut
There’s also some other WIPs that I haven’t looked at in a while (Morty finding out he’s autistic and so is Rick, some smuttier Birdrick content, and a Birdrick request that I’m very sorry it’s taking me so long!) but hopefully will continue although I have a feeling a lot of stuff might get thrown off once new episodes drop.
#rick and morty#rnm#inside job#rick sanchez#morty smith#birdperson#birdrick#writing is hard#sorry i needed to talk about this with someone lol#and there’s no one irl who i’m willing to tell that i’m writing rnm fanfiction lol#don’t get me wrong i do like writing and i am enjoying it#and everyone has been really nice and supportive#but also it’s a struggle sometimes lmao#because my autistic brain likes to link together things that aren’t related i end up jumping between things very quickly#so i start writing what i think is going to be a short scene about bp acting like a bird#and then before i know it it’s turned into rick and bp dyeing their hair/wings#(i promise it makes sense in context lol)#and it’s hard to decide what to include and not to include#the editing is what always gets me#i know realistically i’m writing fanfiction of the pickle man wubba lubba dub dub show#for a relatively small audience/my own enjoyment#so it’s not like i need to hold myself to ridiculously high standards#but it’s still hard to convince your brain that editing is ok actually and not everything needs to be perfect#i’ve been feeling kind of shit mentally this week (nothing serious just… meh) so i think i feel like i need to justify myself#also i have an appointment tomorrow with a mental health type charity person and i’m wondering if i should say i’ve started writing again#obviously i will not be sharing the subject matter but it’s the first ‘productive’ hobby i’ve been able to engage with for a while#so i feel like it’s the sort of thing i should share#i’ll just be very very vague#like ‘oh it’s fiction’#’what about’ ‘oh like sci-fi stuff and some family stuff’
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starlooove · 7 months
I will never care about besties tim and Damian or a good relationship between Damian and Bruce until everything tim and bruce did gets seen with the same weight and vitriol everything Damian did. Y’all dragged that shit for years on Damon’s part but now you think ‘I’m sorry I wasn’t understanding of you even tho I was right and you were evil but it was just bc u were brainwashed and refused help and I should’ve done more but that’s not my JOB that’s just the kindness of my heart so really the person who’s wrong is you but aren’t I so nice and understanding and emotionally mature for saying sorry?’ In every fic for Bruce and Tim is appropriate for them to move on 😭
#tim gets to be mad suspicious and lame for YEARS after the dinosaur#which I’m not saying isn’t valid#but damian just has to be like ‘yeah the hitlist was on me 😬’#and have tim apologizing equate to being hard on himself in that scenario?#btw in my ideal version of canon they don’t talk about these things ever and brush them under the rug and allow that resentment to fester#so even when they’re on good terms there��s still that underlying ‘fuck you’#bc in my ideal version of canon these sibling shenanigans are far and few in between bc a they don’t live together and b there’s always smt#going on and even if they desperately want to be close and a family they can’t. bc of the issues they allow to fester#BUT TALKING FANON AND FICssss#if they’re gonna be all buddy everyone’s gotta put work in#it can’t be ‘im sorry I didn’t idolize you in the right way father 💔 instead of propping ur white ass up for being murderous now I’ll do it#for being so nice and kind and…kind of like a savior. my white savior :)’#And bruce going ‘sorry I didn’t trust u. but not rlly.’ etc.#like whenever u hve tim or bruce feeling guilty it’s always with the underlying ‘aren’t they too nice/too understanding’#but Damián has to fall to his knees and do BLOOD OATHS (u racist ass fucks) to even be kind of deserving of kindness#it’s crazy bc as always this does reflect how y’all see black and brown ppl irl but I digress#anyways I’m not even against buddy buddy tim and Damián or tim and bruce#it’s just as always the way things get skewed in favor of white characters is always…always.
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