#they casted casa amore really well i think
azizemsin · 1 year
Ozzy x Oc (Love Island: Double Trouble) One Shot <3
— Romantic reunion after Casa Amor. (aka how I imagined it to be)
🩷 song: august by taylor swift
Jennifers heart pounded with a mix of nervousness and excitement. She had missed Ozzy dearly during their time apart, her thoughts consumed by memories of stolen kisses and shared laughter. As the reunion party began, Jen couldn't help but scan the crowd, searching for that familiar face.
And then, she saw him. Ozzy stood at a distance, looking slightly unsure, but his eyes lit up with joy and an astonished expression went over his face as he locked gazes with Jennifer. Time seemed to stand still as he made his way towards her, oblivious to the noise and the curious gazes of the other islanders. Jen walked towards him also.
When they finally reached each other, Jennifer could no longer hold back her emotions. She pulled Ozzy into an everlasting tight embrace, feeling the warmth of his body against hers. A soft sigh escaped her beautiful lips, and she whispered, "I missed you so, so much, Ozzy."
Ozzy held her tightly, burying his face in her long, soft hair, inhaling her scent. She smelled like the sun, a warm summer beach day, just the sun went down and there was this windy breeze and such an indefinable feeling went over his whole body that frightened him, because he felt himself get lost in Jens arms. "I missed you too, more than words can express," he replied, his voice filled with raw emotion. "I couldn't stop thinking about you. Casa Amor made me realize how much you mean to me. I wish…I wish I would‘ve walked out with you, but I was such a coward. When I thoughtI had to show respect and loyalty to Grace, I lost myself within what I actually wanted. What I needed. Who I had to give the same respect to. "
Jennifer pulled away slightly, her eyes searching Ozzy's for any signs of doubt. "Do you really mean that?" she asked, her voice laced with vulnerability.
Ozzy cupped her face in his hands, his thumb gently stroking her cheek. "I mean every word, Love. Being apart from you made me realize that my heart arches for you, and I can‘t imagine being here without you anymore. I want you to be with me. I want you mine." He came closer to her face, his lips almost touching her lips. His hot breath touching hers.
A surge of overwhelming joy washed over Jen. Tears welled up in her eyes as both of them leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender, passionate kiss. In that moment, all doubts and insecurities vanished, replaced by an unshakable belief in him.
They spent the rest of the evening wrapped up in each other's arms, sharing stories and catching up on all they had missed. Laughter mingled with whispers of affection as they strolled along the moonlit beach, their fingers intertwined.
As the night deepened, they found themselves in a secluded spot, away from prying eyes. The soft sound of waves crashing against the shore provided the soundtrack to their intimate conversation. With a shy smile, Ozzy confessed, "I've never felt this way before. This feeling, it‘s becoming stronger by the second and I fear, when I let myself fully go, I will never be able to stop this."
Jennifers heart swelled with adoration, her brown eyes sparkling with love. "I feel the same way. Our stolen moments, being with you has brought me more happiness than I ever thought I deserved. I'm so grateful to be here with you."
The moon cast a gentle glow on their faces as they moved closer, their lips meeting once again in a lingering, passionate kiss. They reveled in the warmth of each other's embrace, their bodies entwined as this fresh couple reached new heights.
Underneath the starlit sky, Ozzy and Jen shared a night of romance and intimacy, their connection deepening with every touch and every whispered declaration of their feelings for each other. The world seemed to fade away as they surrendered to the depth of their feelings, a promise of forever woven into every stolen glance and every caress.
As the night wore on, they found themselves lying side by side on a blanket, their fingers gently tracing patterns on each other's skin. The air was filled with a sense of tranquility, as if the world had paused just for them.
Ozzy turned to the woman beside him, his eyes filled with a mixture of desire and tenderness. Feeling so stunned, that someone like her would choose him, out of all people. "Love, there's something else I want to share with you," he whispered, his voice husky with emotion. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box, opening it to reveal a delicate silver necklace.
"While you girls where in Casa, we had a city stroll challenge. I found this one in a local jewelry store and immediately thought of you," Ozzy said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I knew it would be close to impossible of me ever giving it to you, especially after I didn‘t walk out with you, but I thought I could cherish the remembrance of you through it. But now, you deserve it. I hope you don‘t mind this and don’t think it‘s too much" He seemed a bit shy, almost unsure.
Jens eyes watered up as she accepted the necklace, her heart overflowing with so many emotions. She drew closer to him and turned him her back. Ozzy caressed her hair out of the way and clasped the piece around her neck. Jen felt the weight of his devotion resting against her tanned skin.
"Thank you, Ozzy," she whispered ever so softly, her voice filled with gratitude. "It is stunning."
Ozzy brushed a gentle kiss against Jens shoulder, his touch sending shivers down her spine. "You deserve every bit of my devotion and happiness, Love" he murmured, his breath mingling with the cool night air. "You look absolutely beautiful."
With those heartfelt words, their connection deepened, their souls intertwining as they embraced the magic of the night. They shared whispered secrets and dreams, their laughter blending with the distant sound of crashing waves. In each other's arms, they found solace and a sense of belonging.
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trulymadlykiki · 2 years
fuckkkkk casa amor shook the fucking villa i knew that was gonna happen omg
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
A tie between us and some hope // E.T.
words // 1505
warnings // a little bit of angst but overall fluff
pairing // Ethan Torchio x GN!Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. ooof im really feeling like a mess today i hope it does not show on this one, i thought i'd feel better than yesterday but my mental state is worse todays... anyway, my oversharing ends here, i hope you enjoy this lovies!! oh also, i am using some epithets (lol) in italian with the endings in -o because i can not for the love of me find specifically gn pet names on the internet or im just bad at looking but i am tired of only ever using 'amore' lol.
request // yes through a reblog so i will not link it right now
summary // Part three of Secrets and fights and Torna a casa. After Ethan showed up in readers house that night the two have started trying to work on being together again. But there are always new problems to arise.
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After that night passed, when Ethan had found himself on his love’s doorstep things started looking up. The man started being more consistent in taking care of himself, finally feeling like his able to breathe, like things were taking their rightful place again. He kept himself and his space put together, finding himself far out of the rut he was put into after the short-lived breakup.
Although things seemed to be better, nothing was yet back to how it was between him and Y/N. The two found themselves constantly around each other, be it little dates around the city- not caring about paparazzi at this point, other times just staying in and cuddling while watching a movie, or even going on a walk some nights, smoking and joking while talking about the deepest and shallowest things the pair could think of. It felt as if the intimacy that was previously been built had not gone away, it was still there, strong as ever, the trust being hard to be built again.
“Goodmorning, dolcesso,” uttered the man, a soft smile on his face as he walked through the open door, a bag of fresh pastries in his hands, the refreshing smell of coffee embracing his presence in the small home.
Y/N, barely awake, but always with a deep love for the pastries Ethan picked up, moved towards him, taking the bag from his hands, humming in appreciation as they opened it, looking at today’s picks. “These smell wonderful, Ethan,” they mumbled before taking a bite from the first one they found.
He smiled a bit, looking at the person before him, mumbling a quiet response. “I always pick the best ones for you, beautiful.”
If it was possible to fall in love with a person again, then Ethan was definitely living that moment when Y/N gave him the stupidest and most childish smile, a spark in their eyes he missed while they were awake.
How could I have said those things to them, he thought while looking at said person enjoying their breakfast standing in front of the small kitchen and admiring the minimal city view. It was not much but it surely was something they enjoyed watching in the mornings or as the sun set. No matter how bad it would imprint on the photos they took, it was a breathtaking view they never got enough of.
Just another thing Ethan loved about them, finding such beauty in something so seemingly insignificant. He loved looking at them in moments like that, knowing how much in a trance they were, too deep in the beauty their eyes took in to say anything. Before the man could stop himself he utter the same three words from a few nights ago, “I love you”.
Y/N’s eyes widened, the information was not new but they did not expect this to be brought up again any time soon. “Ethan - I-I, uh-”
“You don’t have to say it back, cucciolo. I know how I feel, I am very sure of that. You don’t have to be there yet, you don’t have to say it… Not after what I said.”
They took a deep breath at that, one they had not realized they held back, still feeling guilty about their inability to simply say words. It is not that they did not feel it, was it?
It was not the last time this would happen. Only a few nights later, a similar incident occurred, Ethan admiring the person he is in love with, their eyes focused on their book, or at least trying to in the dark light they found themselves, a cigarette alternating from their lips to the ashtray on their side, looking like the perfect view at the side of the beach. Considering how hot the weather had been, the pair and their friends agreed on a field trip, the idea being they would either camp there that night or book a hotel room last minute. No one was going to drive that night, no one had to worry about having some alcohol in their system, so beers were a big thing around them, being passed back and forth.
“Hey, Y/N, do you want a beer?” Asked Victoria, getting up to pick one for her self, the other person nodding before she gave them their beer.
“I’d ask you as well Ethan, but seems you are too drunk on Y/N to drink any more beer,” she commented bringing forth a heatwave to happen on Y/N’s face and causing a big grin to cover the drummer’s face.
“What can I say? Can’t hide that I love them, can I?” Everyone laughed it off, Y/N included, but they felt slightly uncomfortable at the man’s words.
They had thought about it last time Ethan brought his feelings forth, knowing very well how they felt the same. They simply could not bring themselves to say it back. Maybe it had something to do with their life before him, and they would have a hard time saying it anyway, or maybe it had something to do with the loss of trust in the man after the pictures of the two kissing. Did he really love them if he was willing to say those things.
“Stop worrying so much about it, amore,” whispered Ethan, noticing Y/N’s state. “I told you, you don’t have to say it back, every one takes a different amount of time to do that.”
His tone and expression were reassuring but they knew this was hurting him a lot on the inside. So they apologized, looking down, ashamed, unsure… The whole situation created a whirlwind in their mind they could not control at the moment, instead opting for jumping into the cold water of the sea beside them, being sure that a bit of swimming would clear up their thoughts.
The same incident happened a few more times, Ethan never being able to contain his words, justifying it by saying how “I am simply trying to remind you that I meant what I said that night”. But Y/N was feeling pressured, as if the man was giving them a timeline, a reminder that they need to decide or it will be to late. One night, they could not take it any more, so they simply confronted him about it. He had just said it again, thankfully they were alone this time, meaning they could say all that they wanted.
“Why do you keep saying that, Ethan?”
“What do you even mean by that, Y/N?” He was simply taken aback, expecting everything but such anger after mentioning how he loves them.
“You keep saying how you love me, and you simply remind me of it, but man does it feel like you are trying to pry these words out of my mouth.”
“I would never do that and you know it!” Now the man was getting fed up as well. How could they accuse him of such thing?!
“Do I, Ethan? Do you even truly love me?”
“Wha- of course I do! What is this? Where is this coming from?”
“Did you love me when the photos of us came to the public?” They asked, voice now quiet, a contrast to their previous tone.
“What are you talking about amore, of course I did,” he responded just as softly, placing the palm of his hand over their face, swiftly collecting the few tears falling from their eyes. “Why are you crying, my love? What are you thinking?”
Y/N could not take it any more, they broke down in seconds, falling into Ethan’s open arms, soft sobs leaving their lips. “You- you said all those things that morning, a-and,” they hiccuped, “I-I am scared, Ethan…”
Their eyes were cast to the floor but Ethan could still see all the thoughts behind them. He finally realized what was happening, so he placed a kiss on their forehead, prompting them to finish their thought. “Could you really say those things if you loved me?” They whispered, moving away from the tall Italian, eyes cast to the floor and ever meeting his.
“Hey, hey look at me! What I said that morning came from a place of anxiety, overwhelming one at that. It does not mean it’s ok that I said that, of course not. But never doubt how much I love you, Y/N.” He paused for a second, his voice trembling as the words came out.
“Cause I do, and I did, but I could not control my emotions, instead I ended hurting yours. I don’t how many times I’ve apologized, but I will apologize that many more. I am sorry, sorry I made you feel so horrible, sorry for all the things I said, sorry for everything.” He said just as softly as before, hands cupping their face before leaving a deep kiss there.
“I love you,” finally said Y/N, feeling more sure and secure than they have for a while.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11
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volturiwolf · 3 years
The Volturi Princess - A Felix Volturi x fem!Reader Story (part 4)
A/N: I know it's been quite some time since I last updated the story, but I felt like I was losing motivation for the continuation of the story, as I don't have any feedback on how people like it. But I thought it would be unfair to the story and whoever read it so far if I abandoned it altogether - I have already written a few parts and I don't want to just leave them.
No of Words: 3400+
Mentions of: Abandonment, Abortion, Anxiety, Blood, Bruises, Coma/Comatosed State, Death Emotional Abuse, Emotional and Physical Pain, Gaslighting, Greece/Greek Language - with translation, Heartbreak, Italian Language - with translation, Manipulation, Murder, Pain, Panic Attacks, Pregnancy, Suffering, Suicide/Suicidal Thoughts, Swear Language, Throwing Up/Puking, Witches/Wizards/Witchcraft
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “The Volturi Princess ” Tag List (reply if you want to be tagged or removed): @felixvolturisprincess @singerj2002 @mrtony-stank1 @ikissedthescarsonherskin @alecvolturiswifeforever @hshehdyhd @kpopgirlbtssvt @eunoia-kth @iilsenewman ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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(Y/N)’s POV:
I started screaming as I was watching my father launch an attack on Felix. He was tossed over 50 meters away, and he fell to the ground with a loud thud. I ran towards him before my father attempted anything else, and fell to my knees, capturing his face carefully between my hands.
Half of his face was deeply cracked, along with the back of his head, and - I assumed - other parts of his body as well. This was my fault. “Perdonami, amore mio. Non volevo che ti facessi male. Ti porterò via da qui.” (“Forgive me, my love. I did not want you to get hurt. I will take you away from here.”)
I looked towards Demetri and the Twins and communicated with them the only way I could now. ‘Guys, please, come over here. Take care of Felix, while I deal with my parents. My shield will cover you for your own protection.’ My voice echoed within their heads, and although they were shocked for a few seconds, they all agreed.
They ran and stood beside me, and I let my shield expand from my body, and surround the four guards. I was devastated to see Felix, my mate, my only love be in this position, but I had no time to waste. I turned to my parents.
“Ώρα να τελειώνουμε. Έκανα υπομονή μαζί σας, αλλά, απ’ ότι φαίνεται, θέλετε να είμαι μίζερη, αρκεί να είμαι μαζί σας και να σας υπηρετώ.” (“It’s time to get over (with it). I had patience with you, but, it seems that you want me to be miserable, as long as I am with you and I serve you.”)
“(Ο/Σ), το ξέρεις ότι σε αγαπάμε και νοιαζόμαστε για σένα. Θέλουμε ό,τι καλύτερο για σένα. Αν καταφέρουμε να νικήσουμε και τον Άρο στο ενδιάμεσο, ακόμα καλύτερα.” (“(Y/N), you know that we love you and we care about you. We want the best for you. If we managed to beat Aro in the meantime, even better.”)
“Μαμά, αυτό δεν καταλαβαίνετε. Δε με νοιάζει να νικήσω τον Άρο. Δε σας αναζήτησα επειδή ήθελα να εκδικηθώ τον Άρο. Σας έψαξα γιατί ήθελα να καλύψω αυτό το κενό που ένιωθα μέσα μου. Ένιωθα την απουσία σας και, όταν βρήκα την ευκαιρία και το κουράγιο, ήρθα να σας βρω!” (“Mom, that’s what you don’t understand. I don’t care about beating Aro. I didn’t look for you because I want to take my revenge on Aro. I looked for you because I wanted to mend the emptiness I felt inside. I felt your absence and, when I got the chance and (gathered) the courage, I came to find you!”)
“Ψυχούλα μου..” (“My little soul..”)
“Σταμάτα. Καταφέρατε να καταστρέψετε ό,τι καλύτερο είχα στη ζωή μου και να με απομακρύνετε από κοντά σας. Ήρθε η ώρα να τελειώνουμε με αυτό!” (“Stop. You managed to ruin the best thing I’ve had in my life and push me away from you. It’s time to get over with this!”)
I opened my arms wide and closed my eyes. I gathered up as much energy as I could possibly derive from the pain and anger I was feeling. My emotions were feeding my power and made me stronger, though I felt my heart breaking in sadness. I felt my whole body lighting up, purple and black flames burning high. I looked straight at my parents. Purple smoke came out of my hands aggressively towards my parents as I casted my spell to make them forget about me and the Volturi ever existing.
The smoke surrounded both of them and they were unable to move or resist. I saw their wide eyes, their open mouths that could not utter a single word, and suddenly they fell down. The smoke slowly started disappearing and then I let myself fall on my knees crying.
I didn’t want to force my parents to forget me. I didn’t want to leave them, but, the way things turned, the way I turned and lost myself under their influence, I had to get away, I had to save my friends and myself. At least, this way, I wouldn’t have to kill them or deal with them anymore - we would be separated as we always were, and they won’t even know about my existence or the Volturi’s. I have created some vague memories about how they came to be, but nothing too specific.
I turned to my friends, retrieving my shield back to me. They were all on their knees, surrounding Felix, and examining him. Jane turned to look at me, her eyes desperate. Felix didn’t show any sign of life. I leaned over him and kissed him slightly on his lips. I passed my hand over his entire body, gold flashes shining bright, trying to heal him. The cracked skin started healing back to its original state and it took a few seconds for Felix to open his eyes. I stroke his hair lightly, while staring at him lovingly. He smiled faintly, and my heart melted with love.
“Dove sono?” (“Where am I?”) was the first thing he asked.
“Siamo ancora in Grecia.” (“We’re still in Greece.”) I told him while still stroking his hair. It calmed both of us down.
“Possiamo tornare a casa?” (“Can we go back home?”)
“Ma certo, amore mio. Torniamo a casa.” (“But of course, my love. Let’s go back home.”) I told him without thinking of the consequences. I would do anything for Felix to be okay, even if that meant going back to Volterra.
“Grazie, anima mia.” (“Thank you, my soul.”) Felix said, closing his eyes and passing out again.
I offered to carry him back home, not only because he was my mate, but because no other vampire was physically as strong as to carry the mountain that Felix was for such a long distance. We decided to travel up north, passing through the Ottoman and the Austro-Hungarian Empires to reach Italy, as we wouldn’t be able to cross the Adriatic Sea with Felix still being unconscious.
We reached Volterra about a week later, sometime after midnight, so no humans could notice us. Felix was still unconscious and I was getting really worried. What did my father do to him? However, I didn’t have enough time to examine him as Santiago noticed us and asked us to follow him in the throne room. We entered the cold room, the atmosphere electrified with hostility.
Aro saw us and started going down the stairs. “(Y/N), my dear granddaughter! I missed you terribly. I am so glad you’re back, mio figlio (my child).” Liar.
“I’m happy to be back, Aro.” I was lying just as much as he was.
Aro stared at the unconscious Felix in my arms. “What happened? Jane?” Aro called Jane to come over, stretching out his hand to reach her. I knew that he would soon know everything about me, my parents, and anything and anyone else that the Elite Guards came across on their mission. Jane looked at me apologetically. I nodded at her to show her that I didn’t mind. I knew this was going to happen.
A few minutes later, Aro turned back to me. “I’m glad you are okay, my dear. And I’m very curious about the range of your powers and your gift. But, we both know that your mate and one of my Elite Guards has been badly wounded. So, it is safe to say that you will have to be punished for both his state and the fact that you ran away.” Aro grinned. He knew I was feeling guilty about Felix’s condition and that I would only have to accept his verdict, as I did.
“Good. Demetri, Santiago. Can you please take Felix to his room?” Both guards nodded as they took Felix out of my arms, and exited the room quickly. “My dear, I’m sorry I have to do this.” No, you’re not. “But you will have to stay in the dungeons, for as long as it’s needed as your punishment. You are not to interact with anyone else unless I have allowed it first. Of course, I’m not going to treat you as badly as other prisoners. You will have a small room and a bathroom, to...take care of your human needs, but you will not be allowed to enjoy other comforts as you previously did. That means you will remain in your room until I allow you to come out. Is that understood?”
“Yes, Aro.” I agreed with him, just because I knew I had to be punished for the way Felix was feeling now. “What about Felix?”
“Felix will remain in his room. If you want to visit him, you’ll have to ask for my permission. I will assign you a guard to stay outside of your room at all times, should you need anything. You know, (Y/N), I could have been way harsher on you. I am trying to be as lenient as I can, dear.”
“I know.” I agree with him, as I didn’t want to cause any more problems for now.
“Chelsea, Afton. Please, escort (Y/N) to her new room. Afton, you will stay with her.”
“Yes, master.” They both bowed before Aro, as we all turned, walking towards the dungeons, where I would spend my remaining days.
The days were passing without any news about Felix. Was he awake? Was he still unconscious? I asked about him probably 10 times a day; Afton was getting tired of me. He would, of course, have to feed, so Chelsea took his position guarding me. I, myself, was only allowed human food, which I didn’t mind, but it was only to keep me weakened and restricted, which I did mind. I could barely sense Felix through our bond, and trying to track him made me feel dizzy and exhausted. I knew I could not help him from here, I had to see him.
“Chelsea? Chelsea, please, open up. I have to go see Felix.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), I can’t let you go see him. Aro did not approve this.” I heard Chelsea’s voice behind the door.
“Please, Chelsea, you know how mates are. I cannot not see him, not now that he’s in such a position. I want to help him, Chelsea. I don’t know what I’m going to do if anything else happens to him. Please.”
There were a few seconds of silence, which felt like hours. Chelsea opened the door and allowed me to get out of the room. “You’re going to get me in trouble, (Y/N).” I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back.
“I’m so sorry, Chelsea. If anything happens, I’ll take full responsibility. Nothing will happen to you. I promise.” Chelsea nodded but insisted she escorted me to Felix’s room.
I ran up the stairs, getting out of the dungeons, and ran towards the Elite Guards’ quarters, with Chelsea close behind me. I stood outside of Felix’s room, my heart pounding, and struggling to calm my breath. Before I could knock on the door, it opened slightly and Demetri’s head popped out. He was a bit pale and his eyes were black - he clearly hasn’t fed in days.
“(Y/N), you shouldn’t be here.” He whispered though it would still be easy for other vampires nearby to hear us. “If the masters find out you came here, without Aro’s permission, you’ll be in big trouble.”
“I don’t care, Dem. I can’t get in any more trouble than I am right now. Please, I have to see him. I have to make sure he’s okay.” Demetri did not move.
“Σε παρακαλώ, Δημήτρη. Δεν μπορώ να μείνω μακριά του και το ξέρεις. Σε παρακαλώ, άφησε με να τον δω.” (“Please, Demetri. I can’t stay away from him and you know it. Please, let me see him.”) I pleaded and pleaded. Demetri took some time, but moved aside and let me get in the room.
“Chelsea, can you stay with (Y/N)? I have to go out.” Chelsea nodded at Demetri, and he quickly left the room - I assumed he went hunting.
I turned my head towards the bed where Felix was laying, eyes closed, still unconscious. I moved towards him and stood there for a while. His face looked peaceful and calm, a calmness I’ve never seen before on him. He was always intense, or stern, or even smiling slightly a few times. But never like this, never drained out of life and energy.
I felt a few tears running down my face. Now it’s not the time for tears, (Y/N). Felix was pale, almost translucent, and covered with a bedsheet that only left his face, shoulders, and chest exposed. I hated seeing him in this state, and from the hands of my parents - they were equally responsible for his state, but that didn’t matter now.
I reached out to caress his cheek. Cold as ever, but still soft and perfect. Felix was perfect, maybe a little too perfect for me. He didn’t deserve to suffer like this; it was not his fault that my whole family was messed up. Aro promised him a better life before he turned him into a vampire, and now, he looked like he was dying.
The only indicator that he was still alive somehow was his small breaths which could go unnoticed if you didn’t stare at him for a long time. He looked weak and fragile; he would hate looking fragile, as much as I did right now. He does not deserve this. We should have been celebrating now. We indirectly admitted that we were mates - I hoped he still remembered that. We could have been together by now.
I thought about all the times we caught each other staring; all the small smiles we would exchange; every time he would defend my stupid actions when I got carried away talking back to Aro or Caius; every time he got confused when I talked to the kings or Demetri and Chelsea in Greek - Demetri offered to teach him but he had trouble learning and he gave up trying.
I thought about every time we spent time in the library, me reading essays or poems or history books, and him either keeping me company, while also ensuring my safety, or trying to read books in different languages, and failing miserably - although he was an expert speaker of many languages, he wasn’t able to read or write in those languages that well. The smallest detail, the smallest thing he would do was what made me fall in love with him, again and again. And now, I only wished I could do something, anything to help him.
And then, the realization hit me. I was human. Well, partially human, but still human. I had blood in my veins, I could blush, I could cry. My blood did not appeal to others as much as a regular human’s would, but I was Felix’s mate. Maybe my blood could help him. Without thinking twice, I bit down on my wrist.
I heard Chelsea squeaking at my action, but I continued. I bit as hard as I could, moaning in pain in the process until I saw enough blood gushing out of the bite. I lifted Felix’s head as carefully as I could and brought my bloody wrist to his mouth, forcing the blood to enter his mouth. My heart was pounding at the sight; Felix was still unconscious, my blood not helping him.
Suddenly, I saw Felix gulping. He chugged big gulps of my blood, his body coming slowly to life. His color was getting better, healthier and he took my wrist in his hands as he continued to suck on my wrist greedily. My wrist started going numb, my stomach twisted and turned, and my heartbeat weakened. I didn’t try to pull my hand away from him; it was the least I could do for him. Chelsea must have heard my weakened heart and ran towards me, trying to pull me away from Felix. I guess she didn’t make it in time, as everything around me went black before I heard Felix screaming my name.
My head felt heavy and dizzy. I couldn’t feel the rest of my body, though I could hear my faint heart. I couldn’t even open my eyes, as if they were forced shut. Besides that, I felt nothing and everything. I felt a weight pushing me down, but I also felt as if my body didn’t belong to me anymore. I was feeling pain, but I was also feeling the ultimate relaxation. I didn’t know where I was, but I felt the familiarity of the environment. I felt powerless, but I also didn’t care at the moment.
I was in my own empty world, a place where I could finally relax. I felt at peace. The last thing I remember was Felix feeding off of me, and that made me smile. If Felix was okay and alive, I’d be happy. I would have died saving my mate, the only person I truly and unconditionally loved.
A conversation nearby interrupted my thoughts. “Demetri, Chelsea! She smiled!” Felix? “She smiled! I saw it! She’s alive!” So, I didn’t actually die?
“Felix, don’t do this to yourself. We don’t know if she’ll be okay. Let’s just wait for Jane and Alec to return with Carlisle.” Demetri sounded reserved. Carlisle? Carlisle would come here? I smiled again. Carlisle always treated me like I was his daughter, and I saw him as the caring father figure I never had.
“She smiled again! Amore mio, please open your eyes, I want to know that you are okay.” Felix, I missed you so much. I wish I could have told you how much I love you. I hated to see you unconscious. Oh, how I wish I could hug you right now. “(Y/N), please. Open your eyes.” His voice was filled with pain.
I tried to wake up, to reach out for him, but I couldn’t. The darkness was swallowing me. I couldn’t fight it. I couldn’t react, I couldn’t scream. I wanted to tell him that I was okay, but I couldn’t open my mouth to tell him that. All I could do was lay there and wait, wait for this to be over. I would either get better or worse, and I had accepted both scenarios as plausible.
“Felix, maybe you should leave, this is not good for you.” Demetri has always been protective towards Felix, although Felix was stronger, faster, sturdier than Demetri. Demetri was the most logical out of the four Elite Guards, way less sadistic than any of the Volturi, if not sadistic at all. He was the voice of reason, and the one who would always check upon every single one of us for our mental health - being a vampire for so long could easily mess up our mind and perception, and Demetri always made sure we were okay and knew there was always someone for us to talk to.
“I cannot leave her, you know. She..she sacrificed herself for me. That’s the ultimate sacrifice a mate can do for their mate. The least I can do is stay by her side. She needs me as much as I need her right now.” I do need you, Felix, but most importantly, I need you to be happy. I don’t want you to suffer because of me.
“Please, Fe, let’s go for now. The Twins and Carlisle are on their way. Carlisle will know what to do. Right now, you cannot help (Y/N) or even yourself. Come on.”
“Fine. Goodbye, amore, I’ll come and see you soon.” I felt his cold lips against mine for a brief moment, and I felt like my heart skipping a beat from the sudden wave of happiness that spread across my body.
Felix noticed it. “Her heart.” He whispered.
“I know, Fe. Don’t have high hopes though. She has been unconscious for quite some time now. No one knows if she’ll be okay.” Demetri sounded reserved. Wait, how long have I been like this? “Quite some time now”? What?
“I know, Dem. I guess we should go.”
I felt a breeze and heard the door click. I was left alone with my thoughts and my weakened body, though I now had a feeling of happiness to support me through my last moments. I could finally let go of everything and finally find peace. I wish I could tell Felix how much I loved him. I wish I could tell him that he will be okay, everything will be okay. He will live a long and happy life because he owes it to himself. And with these thoughts, I finally felt my body falling into the darkness.
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ravenadottir · 4 years
i’ve seen asks about this before but I wanted your take on it because I love your opinions and how much depth and flavor you give the islanders especially the bland as hell ones (*cough* Jo *cough*) (*cough* i hate her *cough*) anywayssss how do you think a relationship would go if MC never found love with any of the Islanders, but ended up falling for one of the producers or someone who works on set ?
yesss! thank you! jo is the worst! i’ve seen people saying “oh, but all she did was kiss ibrahim and lie about it.”
riiiight, but that bullshit lasted two weeks, then she twerked on my guy’s lap, smirking and thinking she was doing some damage! “vena, that’s the girl you have the lowest relationship with.” THEN SHE BROUGHT ON HERSELF, SON! if she wasn’t unbearable, i wouldn’t have a low relationship with her, and that’s on that.
*takes a deep breath* NOW
that galaxy brain of yours, bringing this prompt, it’s detrimental for me, ‘cause like, i already have over 23 WIPS... LOL but because you’re a fellow common sense stan, i’ll do a quick list of bullet points for this scenario... i honestly love it so much, and i apologize if someone has done it, but i haven’t seen it.
((this got a little long, so i’m putting it under the cut, for space saving purposes))
in the game they don’t quite show just how much the islanders actually interact with the camera/mic crew. they’re present in every date and recouplings, besides those “following” shots when they walk to the different locations. there are some takes that show the islanders having friendly conversations with them, and that’s why i included mic guy in gary’s beach hut confessions. it’s also something i mention in noah’s chapter, on “hold the line”, after operation nope.
for this scenario, i’m using a f!mc - robin x m!cameraman - seb
robin meeting the boys could’ve been exciting, but after a few days she quickly realizes the o.g boys are nothing but friends to her, her couple being the closest. let’s pair her up with bobby, initially.
the bombshells arrive, and still, she doesn’t feel much, but she’s invited to a date, and in hopes to find that little spark everyone keeps talking about, she decided to go.
while walking towards the table, she notices the camera man focusing on the image of the side screen, possibly telling her to flip her hair, and she does it, playfully charmingly, because why not? she’s excited to go, and that makes him smile. “that’s perfect.” he says, following the path to the table, where the henrik waits for her.
as she finishes the conversation with mountain boy, robin and seb move on to go back to the villa, the guy quietly follows her, but he can’t help asking. “how was it?”
she shrugs, maybe looking directly at him. “i think it went fine.”
“you don’t sound excited.”
she looks down, biting her inner lip. “i guess i don’t, huh...”
he leaves her by the gate, waiting to get further instructions. after bobby finds her, and she gets another text, she’s again heading to the date, the cameraman just smiling awkwardly. “another one, huh?”
“yeah, i guess...” they exchange a look, and she puts a strand of hair behind her ear.
“are you... excited?” immediately his pocket vibrates, and he interrupts the shot, reading the text. “focus on the shot.” so he does, staying quiet as he continues it. robin gets a bit confused, but it’s probably something to do with his job, so she doesn’t say anything.
as the date ends with lucas, and she walks back, the camera man is quiet, which makes her intrigued. “did you get in trouble?”
he nods, perching his lips. “nah, it’s fine.”
“i hope so. i don’t want you to get in trouble because of me.”
“honestly... it wouldn’t be the worst thing if it was because of you.”
they exchange a look and he brushes it off as they get to the entrance, and before she steps in, robin quickly turns to face him, speaking in a very discreet voice. “hopefully i’ll see you on the next one.”
on the afternoon of day 9, robin needs to choose someone to go on a date with. as she and her pick leave the villa, seb is following them, slightly uncomfortable, and possibly focusing the camera way more on her, not even noticing. the boy she’s taking definitely realizes it, but doesn’t say anything.
every challenge they need to go to a platform has her following behind, just to steal a glance or two from him.
and every time the challenge ends, she does the same, going back to the villa while having a short conversation with him.
each recoupling has her a little more on edge because of that initial attraction she felt towards him, and none of the boys really have her head over heels. from time to time it’s possible he casts a look or two, mouthing “are you alright” during the drama that she gets pulled in.
casa amor, which is a pivotal moment for all of them, because they all get in the cars, and the cameraman gets a little anxious, is now a reason to make him ask for the assignment in the second villa, not the main. he has to himself this is just a crush, and it will be fine after a few days, but it’s becoming really hard to look away whenever she’s around. same for her, even when the girls are doing the challenges.
receiving the suitcases from the boys, robin realizes she misses them, but it’s all about the mate vibe she has with each of the boys back in the villa.
seb has to watch her trying to have fun, and that might include the raunchy challenges that earned a party for casa amor. the guy is maybe now realizing is more than a crush, and he’s possibly upset that she doesn’t get to know him like he knows her. robin has screen time, she is solving drama back and forth, being a good friend, while he’s just watching, helplessly. what can he do except for trying to be professional and stay quiet?
the editors are having a hard time to cut those glances seb and robin exchange, since that would’ve been the hardest plot line to explain, and she signed a contract that states her attraction should be limited to the islanders, or she’s gone. and for whatever reason she has to stay, whether the money, or the clout, is enough to make her restrict the things she says to him. same for seb, he can’t exactly risk his job.
i think the moment seb is possibly more bothered is when the girls are back, and she finds out her partner switched. given they’re not romantic, she’s not disappointed or upset, but she’s frustrated for not only not finding someone, but also seeing everyone else getting the summer romance she wished for herself.
“are you ok?” he mouths, at the firepit, in the most discreet way he can. she nods, responding to her partner and saying how happy she is for him, proceeding to talk to the boys, by the bean bags.
seb is on edge, holding himself back and letting things flow naturally. but what he really wants is to offer a hug. that night, robin can’t sleep, worried about whatever is gonna happen the next day, and heads to the kitchen for water.
he can’t help himself but going there, knowing fully well he’s risking his job.
“oh, hi!” she’s surprised, but can’t help smiling.
he promptly fixes her a glass of water. “so... how are you feeling?”
“not great, i’ll tell you that!” she sees the look on his face, and immediately corrects herself. “not because of him! i’m not... i-” she stammers a bit but gets through it. ‘i’m not interested in him...”
“right! of course! not that i care!” seb notices her eyes going wider. “i mean, i do! i do care! i just meant...” he scratches the back of his head, possibly mortified. “i’m sorry... you make me nervous.”
before he can respond, he’s called back to the back house, where the crew stays during the show. “sorry, i gotta go... i... hope you feel better.” he rushes to head out, not even hearing she said a very stunned “bye”.
with each bump, each bombshell that comes later, robin is definitely disheartened because the only person she felt a spark is not even part of the cast.
at some point, i think robin truly felt like the right decision should’ve been made ages ago. which she’s now determined to make it happen, calling everyone to the firepit, because she has an announcement. the boys and girls are anxious, because not once, in the history of the show, an islander has called the rest of the group to the firepit. something serious must’ve happened.
“i’m walking.” to the shock of everyone around her, and possibly to the guy who switched, she tranquilizes everyone, by saying what truly has been happening this entire time. “i found my spark... it just wasn’t with an islander.”
the boy she took on a date interjects. “i knew it! it’s the camera guy, isn’t it?”
possibly leading to a very “the office” moment, where all of them just stare at the guy, the camera captures their shocked and amused faces, all of them either smirking or nodding knowingly at him, to his very flushed face.
“i’m thinking to myself if i should just stay and wait around, but i’ve been trying it this entire time, and i just can’t... not anymore. everyone is making a bet on someone from the villa. i’m just... betting on someone out of the cast.”
between being showered in hugs from the islanders, possibly tears from everyone that loves her, because let’s face it, she’s an awesome girl, she heads to the entrance with her suitcase. and because seb has to follow her, he’s just as shocked as everyone else, maybe smiling so much his face hurts.
one thing i know for sure, in this scenario, he would probably make a joke about the date they’ll have later, with no cameras around, and not being in a vineyard with plastic cups, to which she responds “i was hoping you would say that.”
social media would be so confused, because whatever the producers decided to put out there won’t feature the real reason that led to her walking, that being the start of ridiculous speculations, only to be cleared up a few months later, when she reveals they’ve been dating since the moment she left.
and i can see the show trying to profit on that, making memes on twitter and instagram.
overall? i would love to see that take in the game. you can’t exactly control who you fall in love with, who you feel attracted to, and definitely not the timing. it just happens.
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socialattractionuk · 5 years
Amber Gill isn’t racist but her prejudice towards black men has consequences beyond Love Island
An Instagram story she posted came with text that read ‘I don’t like black guys.’ (Picture: ITV; Amber Gill/Instagram)
The new series of Love Island has a big race problem before it’s even begun.
New Islander Amber Gill was forced to explain that she is ‘not racist’ this week after stating that she doesn’t ‘like black guys.’
Perhaps she isn’t racist, but that doesn’t mean that what Amber said isn’t prejudiced.
The 21-year-old made the comment in a since-deleted Instagram story that appeared to show her spurning the advances of a dark-skinned black man. Apparently what Amber really meant was that she ‘didn’t want to date someone that looked the double of her dad,’ who hails from Trinidad and Tobago.
Choosing to exclude people on the basis of their skin tone – even if you are a person of colour yourself – is a prime example of colourism, a sort of racism within racism.
‘If we think about the idea of beauty and what is beautiful, racism is kind of based on this idea that you have this hierarchy – African black at the bottom and white European civilised at the top,’ Dr Kehinde Andrews, professor of black studies at Birmingham City University, explained to the BBC in 2018.
‘Essentially the further you are away from blackness, and the closer you are to whiteness, this has historically been seen to mean that you are good, you are pure, you are beautiful, you are intelligent.’
Unlike Love Island, colourism isn’t all about aesthetics and romance, playing a part in school suspensions, prison sentencing and police brutality.
Dark-skinned black students are about three times more likely to be suspended from school than those with the lightest skin, according to a 2013 study of young African American women, while upon entering the workplace, light-skinned black men are paid on average seven percent more than their dark-skinned peers.
Within the justice system, lighter skin often equals a lighter punishment. A 2011 study that looked at the jail terms of over 12,000 black American women found that darker-skinned criminals were mostly given lengthier sentences. In some cases, being ‘stereotypically black-looking’ can even mean being twice as likely to get the death sentence, according to a Stanford University professor who investigated the sentences of black men convicted of murdering white people.
Perhaps most terrifying is a piece of research from 2017 that found a correlation between skin tone and the deaths of unarmed black people at the hands of police officers. It found that out of 68 victims of police brutality, 58 percent were found to have ‘dark to deep brown skin.’ Quite literally, having a darker complexion can be the difference between life and death.
Perhaps she isn’t racist, but that doesn’t mean that what Amber said isn’t prejudiced (Picture: ITV)
In comparison, whether or not Amber fancies black men feels small fry. But popular culture by definition has the power to change society for better or worse, meaning Love Island and its stars have a responsibility to do better.
In the four years that the ITV2 series been on air, it has had many well-publicised issues with race and colourism. It took until 2018 for show bosses to cast a black female contestant: Samira Mighty, who spent much of her time in the villa being overlooked by both her male contestants and producers in favour of her light-skinned (and overwhelmingly white) peers.
She was last to be coupled up on the opening night, and when she did finally find love with Frankie Foster, (or at least, the reality TV show version of it) their relationship played out mostly off-camera. For a generation of dark-skinned black girls watching the show, the message was loud and clear: don’t expect to be loved by white mainstream society.
The 2018 series was also notable for two separate incidents where white women claimed that their type was ‘mixed-race men,’ specifically Wes Nelson and Josh Denzel. Both are light-skinned men of black heritage, who fared better in the competition than either Samira or Marcel Somerville, the sole black man in 2017’s initial line up.
Marcel, who is darker than either Wes or Josh, was the only guy left on the subs bench on the third series’ launch night.
‘Real talk I was 31 and dark skin first week was peak and you do feel insecure,’ he later wrote on Twitter.
Marcel is a muscular, handsome man who had a dash of celebrity allure thanks to his time in the boyband Blazin’ Squad–but his skin colour seemed to negate all of that in the show’s early days.
It’s an experience shared by black men, women and non-binary people day in, day out. On dating apps and in nightclubs, refrains such as ‘You’re pretty—for a black girl,’ ‘I just prefer light-skinned guys,’ or my personal favourite, ‘You don’t look too black’ are commonplace. Prejudices are passed off as preferences, especially so on Grindr, where app-makers were last year forced to launch an anti-racism campaign.
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Arguably, it’s the lack of face-to-face interaction and the increased gamification of dating that makes statements such as these tolerated, but when one of Britain’s most popular TV shows follows suit, it only serves to make prejudice feel even more acceptable. And if it’s okay for society to say no to dating dark-skinned individuals, where does is the line drawn?
So no Amber, you’re not a racist for saying that you ‘don’t like black guys.’ But you are guilty of perpetuating a dangerous form of prejudice that reaches further even than Casa Amor.
MORE: Love Island’s Amber Gill shares shock statement in eye-opening post: ‘I don’t like black guys’
MORE: Meet the cast of Love Island 2019, from Amber Gill to Tommy Fury
MORE: Love Island contestant Amber Gill age, job and Instagram as she joins the ITV2 show
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
One of the girls from Casa Amor claims Love Island producers hid this major plot twist from viewers
One of the girls from Casa Amor claims Love Island producers hid this major plot twist from viewers
Love Island fever is well and truly taking over the country.
From Megan and Laura fighting over a man to crying as Jack and Dani fall in love day by day, we literally count down the hours until the next episode. Just us?
The drama intensified after ITV2 producers split the cast into two separate villas and sent in six new men and six new women. Oh, you cruel things, you.
We flew into the Love Island villa to find out all the cast secrets and here’s what we know…
Is Love Island Staged?
With all the drama, it makes you wonder – how much of it is staged? This week, fans have been taking to social media to discuss just how fixed they’re convinced the show is.
And now, a former contestant has shed light on this very topic.
Savanna Darnell, who you may remember from her brief stint at Casa Amor, appeared on Lewys Ball’s YouTube channel and revealed that she and Wes got close during their time at the rival house.
She said: “Me and Wes actually really got on. We got on really well, we shared a bed-they never showed that. We had a cuddle.
“We were having a great time, we were giggling and they just never wanted to show it.
“Me and Wes were singing the whole time, joking about, we were like up till stupid o’ clock giggling and laughing in bed – that’s what you didn’t see hunnies.”
One eagle-eyed fan also recently took to Twitter to claim they believe the show is staged, all because of these two clips of Georgia.
It comes after Caroline Flack entered the island on Sunday night’s show to dump Ellie and Charlie from the villa. The Twitter user shared two pictures of Georgia having a meltdown following the dumping, and claimed that in one clip, she had full acrylic nails and didn’t have any on in the second.
Here’s the tweet in question….
Uhmm, excuse me but how is the 2nd photo technically filmed only moments after the 1st? You telling me she’s lost all her nails in 10 min 😂 it doesn’t bother me that Love Island is so staged this year, but it REALLY bothers me that it’s not even staged properly…#loveisland pic.twitter.com/HUmM90RDEJ
— Anca M (@_anchorr_) July 15, 2018
So what’s your verdict?
It comes after Frankie, who recently left the villa, told The Sun that his relationship with Samira didn’t get enough airtime, especially their mysterious night in the hideaway that was never aired.
He said: “It’s weird for me because obviously it’s a big thing for everyone in the villa. Everyone was cheering us into the hideaway, everyone was happy for us.”
And then it was unearthed that Megan and new girl, Alex, were in a raunchy music video for grime rapper Giggs together last year and even posed for pictures together on social media.
Viewers took to Twitter in their droves to comment: ‘@LoveIsland how come Megan didn’t let on that she already knew Alexandra ? Makes me think it’s all a fix ?? #LoveIsIand #fakeisland #scripted?
‘So Megan & Alexandra know each other but I haven’t even seen them talk to each other yet #LoveIsland’; ‘Is Megan really pretending she don’t know Alexandra? #LoveIsland’
‘Why is Alexandra pretending she doesn’t already know Megan?”.
To add fuel to the fire this viral video emerged this week…
Eagle-eyed viewers are convinced the kiss between Georgia Steel and Jack Fowler was staged – and if you look closely, you’ll see what they mean.
The footage, which was shown from varying angles on the spin-off show, Aftersun, showed a missing bottle of champagne in the two differing shots, leading viewers to believe it was re-shot.
I genuinely can’t believe people don’t see how staged love island was last night And all the acting that was involved..
— Havva (@havvarebke) July 3, 2018
Im actually fed up with people talking about love island 🙄🙄. The program is staged. And people believe it’s real. It’s a SHITE program. And it is completely FAKE.
— Robert #letsgo (@rangerslad1983) July 3, 2018
Then, former contestant Tyla Carr spoke to The Daily Star and suggested that a lot more is down to the producers than we first thought. She said,
“What viewers don’t see is there is always a producer on site. They don’t live in the villa with us but someone generally comes in every hour to have a chat.”
“They would often tannoy an announcement asking for someone to come to the sofa to have a chat with one of the producers. They tell you what they want you to talk about, and who with.”
She does clarify that the producers don’t make the contestants do anything they don’t want to do, but certain topics of conversation are prompted.
However, an ITV2 spokesperson denied the allegations, calling them ‘absolutely untrue’.
“It is absolutely untrue to suggest that Love Island is fake. The opinions they have and the relationships formed are completely within the control of the Islanders themselves. Love Island is a combination of reality and produced elements. Any produced elements are designed to allow viewers to understand what the Islanders are feeling and to help move narrative threads on.”
So there you have it. We’re not naive enough to think that they’re completely left to their own devices, but according to show bosses, everything is down to the Islanders.
Want more secrets from the villa? Keep reading to find out what happened when we jetted out to the Love Island villa to meet the cast, chat to Caroline Flack and find out all the villa secrets…
How do the Love Island cast communicate with each other?
The recently dumped islander, Adam Collard and Zara McDermott, told OK! Magazine how they really communicate with each other away from prying eyes and ears of the producers and other islanders.
“We used to write messages to each other when we were in bed so other people couldn’t hear what we were saying,” said Adam. “We deleted our messages but the producers told me that they still have them all.”
Are Love Islanders allowed phones?
The Love Islanders are allowed phones, but not to communicate with the outside world. Samsung provide them with phones and they have an island chat where they can talk amongst the other Islanders and then Love Island producers can contact them from the control room.
Do the Love Island cast get free clothes and makeup?
There’s plenty of makeup and clothes on offer for the Islanders. GHD has supplied all of the hair styling tools (from straighteners to curlers) in the glam room, while Superdrug has stocked the bathroom full of toiletries. Missguided is offering the Islanders clothes to supplement their own wardrobes.
In fact, Adam revealed just how many free clothes they get, adding: “We get a sack full of clothes from Missguided delivered every couple of weeks. Everyone gets given their own sack of things that suit their style.”
Do the Love Island cast know each other?
Producers go to some seriously extreme lengths to keep the contestants from meeting before the show. They are all flown over on different days and different flights. They also stay in different parts of the Island in a plethora of hotels. They have their own personal chaperone to keep them safe and from trying to find the other Islanders and even have their phones confiscated before they jet out.
When we interviewed the new cast, including Samira, Kendall, Hayley, Laura and Dani, there were four security members waiting in the corridor to ensure they didn’t bump into other cast members; it was akin to an mi5 operation.
The Love Island 2018 cast is hotting up, with new bombshells already
Are the Love Island cast head-hunted?
Most of the Islanders are head-hunted by producers or talent scouts via Instagram. A lot of this year’s contestants have been approached several times to go on previous shows.
How many people apply for Love Island?
Over 150,000 people applied to be on this series and there’s plenty of potential islanders waiting in the wings in Mallorca to enter the villa in the coming weeks as ‘bombshells’. You can still apply through the show and they keep casting for new contestants. 
How to get a place on Love Island: The 2018 cast, producers and Caroline Flack reveal the key to success
Is Love Island scripted?
The show is far from scripted. “The beauty of the format is that it allows us to do what we want,” one producer told us. “We follow the way the stories lead, we don’t go in with a master plan. The beauty is that we can be reactive and flexible so we follow where the islanders lead us.”
How does Caroline fly out to Love Island?
Caroline can be flown out with a few hours’ warning. “We’ll get Caroline a passport and fly her out if there’s a reason for her to be here tomorrow, and none of us know when that will be as none of us know where the contestants will take us,” said one.
Is Love Island cut chronologically?
The show isn’t cut chronologically. It doesn’t begin in the morning and end in the night; the producers can end a show in the middle of the night to give them time to adapt to what is happening. The evictions often happen at 3am after public votes have been counted up.
Who cleans the Love Island villa?
A cleaner comes into the villa once a week to give it a spruce up and change all the bed sheets.
Why is the Love Island bedroom so long?
Ever wondered why the bedroom is so long? Well, it’s because there’s a secret kitchen behind the bedroom. The house is owned by a Spanish farmer and the producers had to build a wall to divide his kitchen in half and use the other half as the bedroom.
How much alcohol do they drink on Love Island?
There’s no restrictions on how much the cast can drink. One producer explained: “There’s no limit, we just sort of monitor things, they can have a drink and we are careful that they don’t have too much to drink, but there’s no limit, it’s just a case by case basis.”
Here’s where to buy your Love Island water bottle (and why it will change your life)
Are the Love Island producers on social media?
The producers are just as addicted as we are and spend the hours after the show has aired trawling social media for reaction. “We are really invested in the cast already and consider them like our children.”
Do the producers match-make Love Island couples?
The producers never get the match-making right. One of them told us that they all sit around and try and pair the potential couples up – and have never got it right!
Is there a psychologist for Love Island?
It can get pretty intense in the villa so there’s pyschological help on hand for anyone who needs it.
First look: This is the beauty accessory that the Love Island cast will be wearing in the villa
How long did it take to build the Love Island villa?
The new villa took eight weeks to put together and it’s a complete set that’s brought in every year. The sundeck is very different this year and comes away from the wall, while a swing has been added to help with filming.
What is the security like on Love Island?
Anyone coming and going from the villa has to use hand sanitiser to keep germs out. There’s also tonnes of security on site and gates to stop any trespassers sneaking in.
Who cooks for the Love Island cast?
A catering station is set up in the grounds of the villa with chefs on hand to make food for the production team and the Islanders.
Are the Love Island cast given contraception?
Love Island have their own branded range of condoms – there are over 200 in the house and they will be replenished as needed.
How many cameras are there in the Love Island villa?
There are 72 cameras dotted around the villa. They are mostly hidden so the contestants will forget they are being filmed.
Primark has given us a sneak peek of its Love Island fashion range and it’s our type on paper
Is the Love Island grass real?
The grass and flowers are all fake in the villa.
What are the Love Island slogans?
All around the villa, there are neon slogans on the wall including “Get laid all night long”, and famous Love Island catchphrases from last year like ‘muggy’, ‘crack on’ and ‘all my eggs in one basket’.
Are there cameras in the Love Island toilet?
There ARE cameras in the toilet just in case but the footage isn’t monitored. They have it for health and safety reasons.
What’s in the Love Island hideaway?
The Hideaway has a kingsize bed with gold sheets, a fur throw and a mirrored headboard, as well as its own private terrace with sprawling views of the hills.
Here’s your first look inside the super plush new Love Island villa
Are there clocks in Love Island?
Just like Big Brother, there are no clocks in the villa meaning the Islanders never know what the time is.
What are the Love Island Jacuzzi rules?
The contestants are not allowed to jump into the Jacuzzi for a dip unless the producers say that they’re allowed to.
After a first look at the official merchandise and the new love island cast of 2018, the time is FINALLY upon us. That’s right, people, wave goodbye to your social life for eight weeks because Love Island 2018 is finally here – but it’s not too late to apply for Love Island 2018 so act fast!
The Love Island finale date has been revealed and we’re absolutely dreading it
Get to know the new cast before they head in…
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