#they do anything and i feel like that drunk buzzfeed girl with the puppies going ‘i can’t protect them!!!’
chinzhilla · 2 years
also. this url continues to be the best thing that ever happened to me.
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dongsooks · 6 years
Pentagon as uni-students
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Admin: Asa Type: AU Warnings: I do not know Pentagon personally! A/N: I go to school in Germany and I’m only familiar with the German and the Kazakh scholar system. But then again I think university is always the same experience with it being a mix of pain but also ~maKinG MEmoriEs~ and getting to know the real meaning of capitalism. Asa out.
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Major: Music Education, maybe later on Music Therapy
Just wanted to make his passion into his career
Probably the type that has a long term relationship throughout college to avoid STD’s
really enjoys what he is doing
whenever he holds presentations he has this genuine passion in his eyes like wow???
Teacher’s pet but just because he is the best and is so interested in learning
always asks for extra material to ~expand his horizon~ 
I could also see him starting Music Therapy after he gets his bachelor in Music ed??
because he realises music makes him happy, he sees how music actually makes others happier and he just wants to spread!!! happiness!!! and his love for music!!!
originally started working in a grad-school but then quit to work in an elementary school
less income but he loves seeing the kids all excited and eager to learn it reminds him of himself, sob
Just please imagine him, his calm voice, his patient character and his love for music teaching and helping people?? I’M??
dreams of opening his own music school/music therapy center
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Major: Music Theory and Composition; Performance
fight me, do it, but:
I mean you can lie to yourself, but in the end we can all see him on that stage being the phantom of that opera 
brags about interships he gets, contacts he makes
works at the local theatre on weekends where he does all the dirty work but in exchange he can view all plays for free
takes girls to said plays to impress them
“Oh the main? Yeah sure we’re like basically friends”
The overly hype one at campus parties
always ends up in a drunk vocal battle with Jinho at the end of the night oh the cringe
Hates the theory parts and always would prefer actually singing, performing, playing than just??reading how?? jesus what he got them vocals for y’all
the type who starts studying for finals the week before and eventually just laughs the lack of sleep away
tries to get the teachers to like him
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Major: Physical Activity, Nutrition & Health Promotion
honestly for the other’s I did research on what majors there are and read into them t make sure they fit but for him I just looked for the English equivalent of what I meant Sport- und Ernährungswissenschaften my german folks will know
okay back to it
campus heartthrob but also campus mom
cooks healthy soup when his friends get sick :’)
and then tells them about all the nutritions inside and what vegetable helps for what 
the typical jock with enough brains to actually study something 
“do you even lift bro?”
“I had to broken legs and sprained all my toes and still got an A in my PE” everytime someone mentions physical pain
will recommend moves for when your back hurts though :’)
Asks girls if they need help with their workouts as a pickup line 
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Major: Fashion
Fashion queen
always well dressed
how he affords to keep his style that good is worth a buzzfeed unsolved episode tbh
comes to 8 am courses in Balenciaga
may or may not have a slight shopping addiction
never seen making money, studying, putting any effort into anything
good grades, good looks, style so good Karl Lagerfeld unnies was found shaking in his boots
lures photography majors into taking his portfolio pictures
and his Instagram pictures
probably gets offered one or two modeling contracts eventually
you could swear you saw him in the Vogue the other day
The one who suggest Strip Poker EVERYTIME
but that’s for an au coming soon which’s title rhymes with ptg as fucktroys ;)
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Major: Fine arts
has a Kranken, listens to real music and likes to judge people who wear skinny jeans watch out
seems unapproachable but honestly, genuinely is nice when you get to know him
part of the dance group
actually very interested in his courses but always seems like he is about to pass tf out
the guy who’s health you’re just really concerned about but he’s holding up, doing well
really good at art though
like they get displayed in the local museum good 
always a little disturbing but so, so interesting and deep??
Probably smokes them trees to widen his horizon man
was seen having a whole funeral for one of them once
the type of person where everyone who knows them says they’re so nice and great but you’re on the low intimidated by them
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Major: Classic literature
so involved in acting but also writing
writes poems 
goes to poetry slams with Hyojong 
the type of person who you could talk to for hours and hours
writes poems for his s/o’s
cries during emotional plays, novels etc
everyone loves him tbh 
the soft one who is ALL OVER THE PLACE during finals
S T RES S ED OUT so much Tyler Joseph knows NOTHING 
worries so much but ends up with great grades!!!
needs lots of encouragement 
Yan An:
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Major: International Studies
to be very honest I just had no idea what else to give him? 
I mean he said he’d be a flight attendant if he wasn’t an idol and you don’t have to go to Uni for that
but I guess this come close enough? 
gets the cultural aspect and everything
seems lost all the time
like in his last year first-years will show him around 
all the teachers are in love with him
he always gets dicounts because eeeveeeryyyonneee loooooves hiiimmm he is sooooo softttt omg
once had a phucboy phase but psshhhh
knows everything before finals but still stresses out
sometimes asks for help because he didn’t understand something and just smiles even though he still didn’t get it bby
generally smiles a lot for no reason
a puppy, a whole pup
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Major: Sport and Fitness Administration Management
probably has a scholarship 
wanted something “easy” but “safe”
honestly puts a lot more effort into his sports than school but always makes it
is the best player of the team
his coach probably always on the other teacher’s diccs about him
so he always gets to hand things in later/retake tests 
is unapproachable but nice #2
leaves parties before it gets dark so he only has a small time frame to GET LIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTT
gets drunk and does that “EY EY EY EY” deep, manly, TESTOOOOSTERONE scream thing men do y’all feel me???
I think no one gets what I mean but I feel so passionately that he’d do that I’ll leave it in
forgets to bring his pencil, his notebook, his motivation and HIS DAMN BAG LIKE BOY IS YOU_::;.,:_
but always ready to help and share as much knowledge as he has we’re all just here to make it and leave
Kino <3:
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Major: Dance 
whooooo saw THAT coming wow what
yeah but maybe an education minor too?
has his SHIT TOGETHER! WOW !??
the epitome of a teachers pet
but tbh everyone just loves him it’s as simple as that
much like Jinho to be honest so I’m afraid to just repeat myself but shortly:
in love with what he is doing
wants to share this
is so genuinely happy to do what he does even when it’s hard it’s so?? inspirational?
dreams about opening his own dance studio 
but same as with Jinho I could see him into teaching especially younger kids
not much to say, he’s great and on top of the game 
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Major: Music Theory and Composition; Music Management
wanted to chase his dream but also chase that shmoney
soundcloud rapper
once hacked the university facebook page to post a video of himself recreating the 
“it’s ya boy, uhhh, skinny penis”-vine
gets delusional from the lack of sleep during exam season tbh
“can I borrow your calculator? what’s 4+5?” 
always drunk at parties but a funny, bearable kind of drunk
also seen hungover and full of regret ™ the next morning lmfao 
hungover in class
also brings snacks to class 
but makes it and so will you!!
Requests and Ships are open my children
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