#they do but... it's v minimal...
moeblob · 7 months
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I am really tired of a situation rn.
#fe three houses#felix hugo fraldarius#me using felix on my angy days because he is my angersona? you bet!#anyway if you want to try to get someones money or something bc you hurt your own car banging into mine#can you try to be a bit more timely with it buddy come on you hit me on feb29 !#why am i getting your insurance company calling me today !#also i would like to point out i didnt do it and neither of us were hurt and i filed a claim with my own insurance comp#and also filed a police report bc he didnt even suggest calling the cops to the scene#so like yeah hey man maybe you and your insurance company can move a lil faster or smth#literally everything that happened the day of is - according to my dad - an intimidation tactic#i look like im 15 and he probably thinks he can take advantage of a new driver but ya know! tough luck!#im just really tired and stressed over multiple things not negative so getting this on top of it was like#bro .................... anyway my phone didnt pick up for some reason so i called back and then nothing got resolved#cause the person who actually called me wasnt around to connect the line to from the guy who answered#idk man just its a lot despite my v minimal energy#got a job interview on monday tho ! and then also next week is an eye exam#and you might be thinking isnt that a good thing to get your eyes checked? you are correct but i am horrified#there are two body parts that give me absolute anxiety and eyes are one of them#and i know my eye sight is declining and im just v anxious#its fine im going to be fine i just have to be anxious about it
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killa-trav · 1 year
espnf1: We played You Have To Answer with Sebastian Vettel 👀🗣️
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dailyedgeworth · 1 year
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today, a couple monochromatic franziskas
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witchqueenvisenya · 1 year
Her fingers felt thick and clumsy as she struggled with the silver fastenings without the benefit of servants. Jeyne Poole had been confined with her, but Jeyne was useless. Her face was puffy from all her crying, and she could not seem to stop sobbing about her father. “I’m certain your father is well,” Sansa told her when she had finally gotten the dress buttoned right. “I’ll ask the queen to let you see him.” She thought that kindness might lift Jeyne’s spirits, but the other girl just looked at her with red, swollen eyes and began to cry all the harder. She was such a child.
such a good illustration of the difference between sansa and jeyne. sansa's status turns up her horror and disbelief over her father's arrest to an extreme where she is able to hope (even though she knows something absolutely horrible has happened), because of course highborn prisoners like her father have something called hope going for them, but people like jeyne know, okay. they know. their fathers have no value as prisoners. she knows he is dead and sansa's reassurance to this useless child is a horror in and of itself because her father might yet be alright but an unarmed steward won't be, and it makes her cry harder at her friend's platitude.
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callixton · 3 months
just read a leverage fic and went hmm. this style feels like a west wing writer. and if not that then someone who's dabbled in a sorkin work and if not then there r other writers who have a similar style which i could identify. but like surely i'm just projecting. checked their profile and Guess What
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evanbuckwad · 13 days
writing thank you notes tomorrow
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xx-justsomeguy-xx · 3 months
whenever i go out to buy things i feel two wolves battling it out inside me
one revels in the pleasure of buying things and the rush of acquiring Stuff
the other hates spending money and is already tired of owning things >.>
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apeshit · 4 months
You know it’s nice and all to be able to separate your creative aspirations from yourself sometimes I guess like I feel like that’s the goal of a lot of people is to avoid self inserts but like it feels like such a waste to live in such a specific world that people dont know so much about that I could perfectly portray compared to like, let’s say someone trying to portray a world through a character when they don’t have the intimate knowledge about that world that I do, and that they would never really be able to accurately portray without immersing their whole lives in the subject and experiences they’re attributing to that character
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shiominato · 5 months
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this is really funny why is demifiend so extra
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shmreduplication · 16 days
Groundhog Day Musical on Groundhog Day heehee haahaa hoohoohoo
Company The Musical on my birthday heeheehee haahaahaa hoohoohoohoo
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
How do we know that COA was offered her daughter made bona fides and kept princess? When was this?
It was an offer made by Henry alongside Campeggio when he was there before the trial, that her acceptance of the offer meant the trial could be foregone ....
We (Wolsey and Campeggio) are agreed in opinion to test the mind of the Queen, and to persuade her to consent to the separation, and to enter the profession of some religion. For this purpose his Lordship promised me the assistance of himself and all the prelates of the kingdom, and the favor of the King, and that the Queen shall have any honorable conditions which she demands, retain her station as Queen*, and not lose anything except "l'uso della persona del Re," which he (Wolsey) says she has lost for many years; allowing her her dowry, rents, ornaments, and assignments for her support, and many other things; especially that the succession of the kingdom for the present shall be established in her daughter, by the ordinance and consent of all the estates, in case there should never be any legitimate male heir. 
....(although, actually I don't exactly remember, that might have just been one stage of the offer...another might have been that her absence from the trial would ensure a result in Henry's favor; as we know she refused to attend after her speech and it did not, so whether or not that was true...Campeggio had a decretal comission to declare the marriage valid or invalid at Blackfriars and didn't, so in some sense they both got played, although Catherine only in hindsight...ironically, she would later vehemently complain about the severe injustice of the delay in any resolution, but she was the one that had interceded for that delay**, demanding the case only be tried in Rome). Even her counsel at the time, before becoming as contumacious as he did (Bishop Fisher), advised her to take this 'deal', as it were. Off the cuff, I don't remember every reference made to it, Chapuys some months later does also mention (very conditional) 'offers' made to her, but the dispatch is frustratingly vague:
Meanwhile the Queen is daily assailed by people making her all manner of offers, if she will only consent to the divorce; but she remains as firm as ever [...]
In 1533 Chapuys reports Catherine as having said she was willing to take the 'offer' made to her by the King's council three years ago, that then she had thought it was a feint to induce her to accept demotion, but she would accept it now. He does not specify what this offer was, I remember I went back to the sources of when Henry's council visited and argued with her and it was not clear then, either, but I always wondered if that was what she was alluding to. If so it was too late at that point; Henry had decided that the issue of any union that contravened divine law was irrevocably illegitimate (although technically, he would not manage to garner Parliamentary assent for this notion until three years later, he only managed it by implication in 1534), and he believed that was what it was.
Often apologia of Catherine's stance in the late 1520s has been, why should she have even considered that inducement, how was it even presented as an 'offer', even if the papacy had annulled the marriage, Mary would be bona fides regardless, etc. It was presented as an offer, inducement, compromise of sorts because in England that was not the legal precedent (ie, an offer made on behalf of her daughter that was not guaranteed otherwise):
"[Henry VIII] now argued she would would be barred by illegitimacy. This contention puzzled continental contemporaries because elsewhere in western Europe those children born to couples who in good faith believed themselves validly married were treated as legitimate. Nevertheless, Henry was right. After a period of some uncertainty, by the late fourteenth century England had opted out of the bona fides principle. As Sir John Baker notes, 'succession problems were usually debated in legal terms and in accordance with the common law canons of inheritance.' A successful challenge to his marriage would thus automatically bastardise Mary and leave Henry no direct heir... [although] Mary could have been legitimated by statute." - JF Hadwin, The Journal of Ecclesiastical History
*One assumes this meant only a ceremonial title of some sort, ie Dowager Queen of England, as her sister-in-law was still referred to as Queen of France.
**Probably not anticipating resolution would not take place for another four years, but...still.
#anon#so...i think the answer has to be that catherine believed she would win#and she was vindicated although this was something of a pyrrhic victory for her own lifetime#and beyond it if we are considering 1536-52#or maybe she was not aware of this precedent which doesn't speak very highly of her advisors#her stans kind of want it both ways in a lot of aspects of the GM which is sort of like...#well either she was ignorant of certain things or knew them and decided to take the gamble#which presents a bit of an either/or with the Genius of the Tudor Court versus Devoted Mother Above All except for them it has to be both#the pragmatic solution would have been to put henry to oath with witnesses that mary would be first in succession after any sons#by subsequent marriage... in exchange for her agreement#to either enter convent (although as the article i quoted argues that wouldn't have really been an entire solution in and of itself) or#to tell charles v not to interfere and let the matter run its course in the courts#that is of course something of a secular perspective but isn't that the win win? if you win then great she's ahead of everyone#if you don't at least there's the chance for the throne#this was basically what did end up happening with the caveat that she was still illegitimate but at that point it had nothing to do w/ coa#more like in spite of her#royal retirement also /= an admission of sin; people seem to have really minimal historic literacy on this subject...#charles v retired to a monastery in 1556.#although traditionally it was for royal widows#(catherine of valois; eleanor of provence; elizabeth woodville...)#there might have been the crux of her moral opposition.#henry insisted she was arthur's widow; catherine insisted she was not
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roylustang · 9 months
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actualbird · 2 years
i think i made a post abt this before but it rlly is such an odd and horrendously pervasive constant feeling to have imposter syndrome but for Life and Existing. like, yes, imposter syndrome in workplace/own craft/communities/etc cuz it feels like you tricked your way into it, but for All Of Existing, a fraud in the space of Existing, Does Not Belong, i feel like im not rlly meant to exist and i conned my way in here like. it's most apparent whenever im outside and theres a lot of people around or even online in servers or grp chats, im made acutely aware of a host of minute little Differences that i do and much-larger Incorectnesses that i actively have to remind myself to not to and hold back on. like how i sound when i talk or type, how i walk and move and fidget and twitch endlessly, how theres 71364983746287356923875 things im sensitive to that nobody else seems to be bothered by or notice and i need to not react to those and need to keep a down low on all the Differences and Incorectnesses because ive been made aware that many of these D&Is make people upset or uncomfortable or weirded out to witness and like. idk imposter syndrome for Existing is weird, it's like i wasnt rlly made to exist among other people and shit. shrug
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wonder-worker · 10 months
Didn't edward iv leave his brother Richard in lots of financial difficulties though?
No, he did not. I really don't know where this myth has originated from other than the persistent need to victimize Richard.
Firstly, Edward IV didn't leave Richard anything. Whatever he left was for his own son and heir, Richard's nephew, who Richard usurped.
Secondly, Edward IV was probably the first king in generations to die solvent. He had managed to break the vicious cycle of plummeting debt and inefficiency that had plagued pretty much every single ruler till then. It doesn't really matter how much money the crown actually had left at the time of his death*, because the fact that he died solvent meant that whoever his successor was (in this case, Richard III), they were going to begin their reign with a financial advantage that no English monarch had enjoyed for the past 200 years. I don't know Richard's fans have convinced themselves that he inherited financial difficulties instead.
As stated by David Horspool, Richard's own historian:
"(Richard III) would try to differentiate himself from his brother, whose ‘unlawful invencions and inordinate covetise, ayenst the lawe of this roialme’ he would later denounce in an Act of Parliament. In fact Edward had managed to set royal finances back on an even keel after the disastrous waste and inefficiency of Henry VI (and all former kings post Henry II), Richard was, initially, the beneficiary of the better practise instituted by Edward IV.”
(The contemporary Croyland Chronicle mentions a main reason that Richard was better prepared to defend his kingship was "because of the treasure which he had in hand—since what King Edward had left behind had not yet all been consumed". They may have exaggerated the money Edward left behind, but either way it shows how contemporaries were aware of Richard's comparative advantages. It's highly ironic that what should have been used to uphold Edward's son was now being used to uphold his son's usurper instead).
Thirdly, Edward IV had presided over a highly effective and innovative combination of financial policies. These included the elevation/increase of royal chamber finance, the enlargement of the crown lands (Steven Gunn calls it "the most extensive royal demesne in medieval English History"), and an increase in royal feudal rights towards the end of his reign, among others**. Most importantly of all, he was actually successful, meaning that whoever followed him would have the huge benefit of having his established and well-attested precedent to continue from. Indeed, Charles Ross has noted how "Henry VII had the great advantage of being able to build upon the foundations laid by his father-in-law". Richard III, who seized the throne just a few months later, would have had the same advantages, as Horspool also notes.
Richard III, in fact, seems to have (temporarily) reversed some of his brother's well-established policies which could be used to gain money. Eg: he abolished benevolences; and he repealed Edward IV's newly established wardships and marriages act in the Duchy of Lancaster "notwithstanding that he conceiveth the said act to be to his great profit … having more affection to the common weal of this his realm and of his subjects than to his own singular profit". If you deliberately reverse policies with immense potential for revenue-raising, I don't know how you can then go on to complain that your brother left you nothing.
In conclusion: no, Edward IV did not leave Richard in financial difficulties. If anything, he left Richard with financial advantages that no king had had in over 200 years.
(Also, just to clarify: the Woodvilles did not steal the treasury. We know for a fact that Elizabeth Woodville did not have any money in sanctuary. The story of a theft was only mentioned by Mancini and either originated in gossip or, more likely, from Ricardian propaganda aiming to vilify them in 1483 by positioning them against the crown.)
*We know for a fact that Edward IV died solvent, but from what I understand, the exact money he had is impossible to know because of his missing chamber records. Contemporaries like Croyland did believe he had substantial money and treasure; on the other hand, Rosemary Horrox has analyzed how his cash reserves were probably relatively low due to international conflicts the previous two years. Either way, like I said, the main thing is that he was the first king in over 200 years to die solvent, which was massively advantageous to his successor. **While his policies were clearly innovative, they weren't all completely original. However, their combination certainly was; they were modified to actually work better; and they were initiated from the beginning of his first/second reign and widespread across the royal lands (rather than in smaller pockets), meaning that they were clear systematic policies. They were also, like I mentioned, actually successful - meaning that they would be the proven precedent that his successors would turn to.
#ask#richard iii#edward iv#this is the same logic as people who hail Richard for his 'peaceful' administration and reign#without understanding that he a peaceful country *from Edward IV*#it was already peaceful when he took over - he can't really be given the credit for making it peaceful on his own lol#Or claiming that Edward IV let a rivalry develop between Richard and the Woodvilles which 'forced' Richard to usurp the throne#when there is no evidence of any hostility between them and all indication of cooperation#and *Richard* was the one who provoked fear/hostility by arresting them and forcibly seizing the young king#Or claiming that Edward IV left great naval tensions with France with he died - when he had already begun making efforts to alleviate those#tensions and preserve his truce - something *Richard* chose to ignore to try and instigate France for no reason instead#Or claiming that Edward IV's manipulation of landed estates somehow led to his son's usurpation - conveniently ignoring how they were#successful during his life and would have been successful during his son's as well. Without *Richard* actively inflaming and exploiting#them to gain political support they wouldn't have mattered (Edward was not the first nor the last king to do this)#Or claiming that Edward IV's policies complicated matters for Richard / Richard III was reforming them when in fact we know that#Richard mostly tried to *follow* his brother's policies (with some exceptions that usually backfired)#or when historians (Pollard; Ross) blame Edward IV for failing to pass his crown successfully to his son#Conveniently ignoring how literally everyone expected and wanted Edward V to be crowned soon#And minimizing how the only reason that Edward V was usurped because his own uncle *Richard of Gloucester#decided to usurp him* and took active steps to make that happen#Somehow Richard's agency is always downplayed. Just look at Ross saying: 'Nor should Richard's own forceful character be overlooked'#at the very END of the list of reasons for a potential usurpation#Richard's 'forceful character' is literally the main reason the usurpation happened. If he had supported his nephew instead#none of this would have happened. This is ridiculously simple; HOW is it so difficult to understand?#Horspool says it best: 'Edward IV had not left a factional fault line waiting to be shaken apart. Richard of Gloucester's decision to usurp#was a political earthquake that could not have been forecast on April 9 when Edward IV died'#and#'Without one overriding factor - the actions of Richard Duke of Gloucester after he took the decision to make himself King Richard III -#none of this would have happened'#It's a very consistent pattern I've noticed. Edward IV is somehow held more responsible for Richard's usurpation than Richard himself
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trashlie · 1 year
now wait a DANG minute......
all this stalkyoo talk gave me a stupid epiphany....
the fact that Nol is the only one that is actively calling Shinae "Yoo" rn....
And it makes the title of the story soo transparent than it already is .
i know i know its a dumb thought but i just NEVER read it in that angle for the first time until now.... :p
I've thought about this a lot and I'd really love to hear quimchee talk about it but I don't know if she'll be able to until later, in case it's right and it was an indication of Nol lol
I remember her once saying that there isn't anything to read into re: the title, that it was just something she came up with because she's bad at titles and it wasn't meant to be an indication of anything but... she's also said things to throw us off the trail before or to evade giving spoilers lol so I don't know if that was truthful or not?
Because the romance is such a secondary thing I've always taken what she said at face value because I think the main focus of the story is still so much about those interpersonal relationships, the way Shinae was accidentally drawn into this very complex family drama and how she sort of got centered between these two brothers with a really messed up dynamic, and how becoming involved with that affected her own life. But, yeah lol with a lot of the development we've seen up until now, it sure comes off that way, right?
I have a friend who also reads (though she hasn't caught up in ages and I am dying waiting for her to lol) who ships Dieter and Shinae but when we got to episode 151 when Nol called her Yoo for the first time she was like "Ohhhhh I see it's going to happen huh" lol and I hadn't! Even thought about that? Because I really did take what quimchee said at face value lmao and now I want her to talk about it one day - if she really intentionally named it that or not!
Cos yeah, even now he still continues to call her Yoo, and right, he's the ONLY one who does, and I think he will for a while. Someone I was talking with on reddit pointed out that it was because Shinae had told him if she's not allowed to be familiar with him, he can't be familiar with her and call her by her name - which I had definitely forgotten about lol - and we think that's probably what it is?
Gonna stick some spoilers under this read more now hehehe
Even as VERY FAMILIAR as Nol is acting with her, he's still calling her Yoo and he's probably struggling with that disconnect. He doesn't think himself allowed to be familiar with her yet, after everything that's happened, so he still calls her Yoo, even though he seems to be acting on more familiar instincts. The closeness, the touching, the dance invitation!!! These are SO INCREDIBLY FAMILIAR.
And yet, who he is he to her? Is he ready for her to call him Nol, Nolan? Does he still want to be Yeonggi? If he can't let her use Nol, does that mean he can't call her Shinae? If he goes by Yeonggi, that's still unfamiliar, right, because he's using his mask. So even though he's acting on these wants, being familiar with her in a way they hadn't (consciously) previously been, in his mind he cannot call her Shinae yet, because he cannot be Nol yet.
(I think that will be INCREDIBLY exciting future development, when not only he's able to call her by her name again, but when he will let her call him Nol. The name that once was so precious to him has been marred and demeaned and now feels like a branding of what he means to that family, but I think when he's ready to take that name back, to reclaim it and let it be something special again, and when he lets Shinae use it is going to be a big, BEAUTIFUL moment. I think he's far from that yet - Nol has been used against him for so many years, it will take a lot of undoing for the name to become something special for him again. But GOD when Shinae gets to use it ;~; I will cry. When his friends get to call him Nol, I will cry ;~;)
So!!!! To respond to you basically - I FULLY had not considered it that way because I will believe what people tell me until proven otherwise LMAO but it definitely feels really suspicious at this point now that it's been 50+ episodes and Nol still cannot use her name, and will probably continue to, and who else does it?! But also yeah, because this was so romance secondary I had never considered it to mean anything pertaining to romance? So idk! We'll see in time won't we lol. I'm always interested in hearing what other peoples' interpretations are, because for a while, my working interpretation has been that Shinae has inadvertently gotten involved in so many peoples' lives and, much as Yeonggi did with her, she's grown to become this very special person, so in a sense, so many people have come to love her? But also again I just believed that quimchee threw together a pun and said i guess this works and it was too late to ever change it LMAOOOOOO
ANYWAY DON'T FEEL DUMB! I think a lot of us took what quimchee said at face value and have just never thought anything else of it LMAO so being the first time you're reading it that way definitely isn't dumb!
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ssoupcup · 2 years
eternally adrift
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