#they don't want to rule the world but they might want to change certain things about it
You want to manifest your dream life?
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I gotcha! This post is right here to make you stop over-consuming content about LOA and finally be able to manifest your dream reality!
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Okay, so you first need to decide what you want to manifest.
You want to live in a penthouse and in a Big mansion with your family or sp? you Can! You want to wake up in a magical world you created Guess what? Yes, you Can!
Do you want to wake up with your desired appearance from head to toe? Yes, you Can. And when I say you Can that means you're fucking limitless don't let anybody limit you, 'cause you’re the creator of your own reality, not theirs but yours, and you create the rules here!
throw logic out the window! cause it won’t get you anywhere if you still ask “if i can manifest that and that..”
Okay, so when you decide what you want to manifest you might wonder what will you do next?
Well, it's simple really. just decide that you already have it.
But how?
By simply deciding that you already have your desires/dream life in your 4D/imagination.
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using methods:
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Now you might need to use methods and by methods that means techniques that will help you achieve your desires and that make you fulfilled, you Can Also create your own method that suits you well.
Note: you don't need to do a certain method that everyone uses and that doesn’t resonate with you.
You Can click here and here you will find all the methods that were used in the LOA community.
my favorite: affirming and this method (click here!).
Then when you start affirming for your Desires or use methods to manifest your Desires you might encounter some issues with the 3d.
Things start going the opposite and you’ll start giving up and doubting yourself and the law.
And that when it comes to the important thing to do and it is called persisting.
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when you see things start going up the opposite way (in the 3d) and that is when you need to do your job by persisting in the idea of already having your desires in the 4d, by being consistent and stubborn in your assumption.
that it! easy right?
you might have some questions about all of this and how to react in certain situations with the 3d I advice you to read these posts and documents:
This one , this , this , this , this one, this, this.
and lastly, stop it like really stop consuming info and not applying the law, you can stay on this app but just don’t be obsessively always here, always waiting for a new post to make you realize what method or technique or what it is will make you manifest your desires.
remember the key is self, and yes you, the reader who is reading my post, you have such infinite power inside you that could change your whole world 360 degree.
remember to trust yourself and to have faith in the unseen, you can do it I have my trust in you, and always remember that some people were in extremely difficult circumstances and they did what? yes succeed, by having faith in the unseen and persisting in their imagination and now they’re living their best life.
be gentle with yourself, take care of yourself, and prioritize your mental health.
: ̗̀➛ decide what you want to manifest.
: ̗̀➛ affirm (or use any methods).
: ̗̀➛persist.
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chao chao!
xoxo, Eli.
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dravidious · 1 year
Been in an imp mood lately, so I kinda made a villain character who's an imp. May or may not do anything with them.
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sunderwight · 9 months
Bingqiu AU where SY and LBH grow up as childhood friends (idk maybe they're both at QJP but Shen Jiu is less of an asshole, or maybe SY transmigrates into Random Village Bully Child No.3 when Binghe's mom is still alive -- or both) and there's none of the tension of the idea of "one day Luo Binghe is going to rip my limbs off" for Shen Yuan.
So he and LBH can just be bros! Fantastic! Shen Yuan has never had a little brother before but he's had a little sister, he knows how to do this. Just spoil the cute kid rotten!
It's only fair compensation for how many terrible things LBH is gonna have to endure on the road to ruling the world, after all. SY also feels more freedom to change minor aspects of the plot around, too, like maybe he'll stop Liu Qingge from dying, definitely he can help LBH get a better start to his cultivation journey, and maybe the abyss and xin mo thing doesn't really need to happen...?
The list of things SY considers meddling with ends up including wives.
Like really, come on now, Luo Binghe may be a stallion protagonist but there's no need for that many women. Especially when at least half of them are just increasingly cheap copies of the other half, and that's being generous about it. Some of PIDW Binghe's wives were, frankly, horrible people. And if he's being honest about it, it wasn't fair of Binghe himself to take on that many either. Even if anyone would naturally give their left arm to be the protagonist's wife, after a certain point Binghe just can't spend that much time actually with them! And then he can't form the kinds of deep and meaningful bonds which might actually help heal his trauma!
SY's not looking to interfere too much, of course. Ning Yingying is not his favorite wife, but she's fine. She causes trouble but it isn't on purpose, and she's genuinely sweet and willing to befriend Binghe before he's anything special (although even now, it's obvious Binghe is special). Ning Yingying can stay.
And of course, so can Best Wife Liu Mingyan.
But Sha Hualing? Well, she offers some political advantages, and as the demon wives go she's not the worst. She's kind of iconic and was very popular, but Shen Yuan thinks the harem could do without her scheming and malicious attitude towards the other wives. The cost of harmony was too high for the political bonuses offered, especially when Binghe might as well just take her ancestral lands by force and be done with it. He's going to advise against that match.
And the Qin sisters. Sure there's the legendary threesome, but Wanrong's dead weight and it never struck SY quite right how Qin Wanyue pressured Luo Binghe into sex. The threesome wasn't even good anyway.
Better Qin Wanyue than the Little Palace Mistress on that front, though. But aish, that's complicated, the Palace Mistress is even more politically vital to securing HHP than Sha Hualing is for her father's kingdom, and almost as bad for the peace and harmony of the harem. Ultimately SY will leave it up to Binghe, but if Binghe asks, he's going to advise against the Huan Hua wives too.
With thoughts like this in mind, SY starts talking to Binghe about how to establish a household, what to look for in a spouse (or twenty), and other topics of that nature. What sort of household Luo Binghe ought to strive to have, and what sorts of standards he should himself to. Also while of course assuring him that Shen Yuan isn't interested in women. Lest he worry that Shen Yuan might be trying to steal any of the wives from him, at any point. He's not competition!
SY: I am helping to pave the way for Binghe to have better marital relationships! I am the best big brother slash best buddy ever! don't worry, no matter what happens to Binghe, this gege will be your no.1 cheerleader forever!
LBH: is he saying I should get a palace if I want to marry him? well... that sounds reasonable. ok, I will do it! (•̀ ω •́)✧
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emeryleewho · 2 years
I've noticed that people take writing advice way too literally and then get really mad about it, so here's a quick guide of what the typical "bad' writing advice is actually trying to tell you.
[Note: you don't have to take literally any piece of advice. It's just there for your consideration. If you hate it, leave it and do things the way you want. But the reason all of this advice is regurgitated so often is because it has helped a lot of people, so it's okay if it's not for you, but it may still be life changing for someone else.]
Write Every Day
"Write every day" is NOT supposed to be a prescriptivist, unbreakable rule that dictates anyone who doesn't write literally every day isn't a real writer. It's supposed to be a shorthand way of saying "establish a writing routine. Get used to writing at certain times or in certain places or in certain patterns, both so that you can trick yourself into writing even when you don't feel like it by recreating certain conditions, but also because if you only write "when you're in the mood", you may never get around to finishing a project and you likely won't be able to meet publishing deadlines if you decide to pursue publication."
The point of this advice is basically just to get used to seeing writing as part of your daily routine, something that you do regularly. But if you decide you can't write on Tuesdays or weekdays or any day when you have certain other activities, that's literally fine. Just try to make it a habit if you can.
2. Show Don't Tell
"Show don't tell" DOES NOT AND HAS NEVER meant "never state anything plainly and explicitly in the text". Again, "show don't tell" is a shorthand, and its intended message is "things tend to feel a lot more satisfying when your reader is able to come to that conclusion on their own rather than having the information given to them and being told they just have to accept it." It's about giving your reader the pieces to put the puzzle of your book together on their own rather than handing them a finished puzzle and saying "there. take it."
So if you have a character who's very short-tempered, it's typically more satisfying that you "show" them losing their cool a few times so that the reader can draw the conclusion on their own that this character is short-tempered rather than just saying "He was short-tempered". Oftentimes, readers don't want to take what you tell them at face value, so if you just state these sorts of details, readers will push back against that information. People are significantly more likely to believe literally any information they are able to draw conclusions on without being told what to believe, so that's where this advice comes in.
3. In Medias Res
This one is so often misunderstood. "In medias res" or "start in the middle", DOES NOT MEAN to literally start halfway through your plot. It also DOES NOT MEAN that you should start in the middle of an action packed scene. It just means that when you start your story, it should feel like the world and the characters already existed before we started following them. It shouldn't feel like everything was on pause and the world and characters only started acting the moment the story begins.
This is why starting with a character waking up or something similar can feel jarring and slow. We want to feel instantly compelled by your character, and the most efficient way to do that is [typically] to have them already doing something, but that something can be anything from taking a shower to commuting to school to chopping off a dragon head. We just want to feel like the story is already moving by the time we enter.
4. Shitty First Drafts
The idea that you should let your first draft suck and not revise it as you go is a tip presented to combat the struggle a lot of people have with not being able to finish a draft. If you find you've been working on the same first draft for five years and barely gotten anywhere, you might want to try this advice. The point is to just focus on getting to the ending because finishing a draft can give you renewed energy to work on the book and also makes it easier to get feedback from readers and friends.
That said, if your story is flowing fine even as you go back and make edits, then don't worry about this. This is advice specifically designed to target a problem. Likewise, this doesn't mean that you can't clean up typoes when you see them or even make minor edits if you want to. It just means not to let yourself get completely bogged down by making changes that you never move forward.
A "shitty first draft" also doesn't mean that your story has to be completely illegible. It just means that you shouldn't let perfectionism stop you yet. I see a lot of people say "well, I can't keep going until this first part makes sense", and that's totally reasonable! Again, the point of this advice is just to get you out of that rut that keeps you from making progress, but if you spend a couple weeks editing and then move on or you find the book is still making forward strides while you edit, then you're fine. You don't need this.
5. Adverbs
The idea that you "shouldn't use adverbs" DOES NOT MEAN that any time you use an adverb, you're ruining your story. It just means that you shouldn't *rely* on adverbs to carry your story, namely in places where stronger verbs or nouns would do a lot more heavy lifting.
For instance, you can write "she spoke quietly", but generally speaking, that "quietly" there is a lot weaker than just subbing out this clause for "she whispered". You probably have the word "spoke" all over your draft, so subbing out one instance of it here for a stronger verb in place of the same verb + an adverb makes for stronger prose. This doesn't mean that you'll never want to use the phrase "spoke quietly" over the word "whispered". For instance, if I write, "When she finally spoke, she spoke quietly, like that was all the volume her weakened lungs could muster." In this case, I'm using "spoke quietly" specifically *because* it echoes the previous spoke earlier in the sentence, and it evokes a certain level of emotion to have that repetition there. I also used it because she's not actually "whispering", but trying to speak at full volume only to come off sounding quiet.
So when people tell you to cut adverbs, they're saying this because people often use adverbs as a crutch to avoid having to seek out stronger verbs. If you're using your adverbs intentionally, having considered stronger verbs but ultimately deciding that this adverb is what does the job properly, then there's nothing wrong with using them. This is just a trick to help you spot one common weakness in prose that a lot of authors don't even realize they have.
6. Write What You Know
This is potentially the single worst-underestood piece of writing advice. "Write what you know" DOES NOT MEAN to write only what you know or that you have to put all of your life's knowledge on the page. It just means that drawing from your own experiences and already there knowledge will help you craft a better story.
So, for instance, being an eye doctor doesn't mean you have to write a story about an eye doctor. It doesn't even mean you need to write a story that directly deals with any eye knowledge. It just means that there are likely things you've experience as an eye doctor that can help inspire or inform your story. Maybe you remember a patient who always wore the same yellow shoes, and so you include a character who does exactly that. Maybe you spent a lot of hours dealing with insurance so you decide to write about insurance agents. Maybe your practice was located next to a grocery store so you decide to write a zombie apocalypse story that takes place in a location inspired by that shopping center.
The point is that, as people, our lived experiences allow us to relate to other people and craft more believable worlds. So don't limit yourself to your lived or experience or feel obligated to only write the things you've done, but when you find yourself wondering what to write about next or how to give a character more depth or how to describe this random location, pull things from your life and let what you already know bring a certain level of unique you-ness to your writing.
And the MOST important advice I can give you is to stop looking at writing advice as some holy, unbreakable rules passed down by the gods that you cannot ever deviate from. And if a piece of advice sounds totally bonkers, do some research on it. There's a good chance that whoever's passing it to you has no idea what they're talking about. But even if every other writer swears by a certain piece of advice, you absolutely do not need to take it. Try it on if you want, and throw it away if you don't, but stop making yourselves miserable by letting random internet people dictate your life. Most people giving advice on the internet aren't where you want to be anyway, so don't expect them to be able to guide you somewhere they've never been.
Everything's made up, and nothing matters. Write what you want.
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eamour · 1 year
manifestation rules
everybody has a different set of beliefs when it comes to manifesting, determining their journey. some believe that nothing unfavourable can manifest for them, some believe that they can get whatever they want even if they react to their outer reality, ... whatever you choose to believe in creates the basis for the way you go about manifesting your desires. therefore, it's always nice to make manifesting easier and more effortless by sticking to certain rules that can protect, guide and make you feel more at ease while manifesting a certain desire.
applying the rules
it's totally up to you: you can make all of these your new rules or just pick a few new ones that resonate with you the most. the way you make these rules "work" is by simply declaring that this is now your new way of manifesting! don't worry, you don't have to learn them all by heart but remind yourself of them in times of manifesting. it's the most affective when you don't overcomplicate it!
here are the rules
whatever i want, wants me more
everything conspires in my favour
i am the only creator in my reality
the world revolves around me
i’m the main character and always get my happy ending
i am destined to win and succeed
everything is rigged in my favour
i easily manifest
manifesting is very easy for me
it’s all in my command and under my control
i am in charge of pretty much everything
there’s only one operant power and that’s me
i always get everything i want in my life
i was made to rule both dimensions
everything always falls into place for me
it all perfectly works out for me 
i never chase, i attract
everything i want is easily given to me
i have it all
i’m a master manifestor
i’m a pro at manifesting
whatever i desire is already mine
i’m the blueprint
i’m way too perfect not to have it all
all of my desires are meant for me
i effortlessly manifest the life of my dreams
everything is always about me
i am the prize, everything chases me
i decide what happens next
i am the god of my reality
i’m the master of my destiny
my desires are done deal 
everything is mine for the taking
i have my desires simply because i say so
as the god of my reality, it is my right to have everything i want
i get everything i desire since everything i say, goes
life is a game and i keep winning
i never fail to get what i want
it’s impossible for me to fail
not getting what i wish for isn’t possible
“failure” doesn’t exist in my life
others might not succeed but that doesn't go for me
i manifest quickly, effortlessly and instantly
my desires materialise very fast
i always get whatever i want whenever i want it
everything i want is being handed to me instantly
whatever i desire is mine in the very moment
i get whatever i want as soon as possible
i manifest regardless of everything and anything
there is no such thing as “impossible”, “illogical” or “unlikely” to manifest
circumstances don’t matter
the outside world doesn't affect me in any way
nothing can hinder my manifestation process
i cannot not get my desire
no one can stop me from attaining the life i want
the 3D immediately conforms
everything always works out perfectly for me
i am limitless
my abilities are infinite
anything is totally malleable 
i can change reality to my liking
the world only shows me what i wish to see
i mould my own world
in imagination, i have it all
regardless of any circumstances, i get whatever i like
intrusive thoughts, doubts or worries cannot influence my manifestations
the 3D quickly reflects my desires
my outer world shows me my inner world
negativity doesn’t exist for me
i am protected from anything undesirable
unfavourable thoughts never manifest for me
with love, ella.
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liknws · 1 year
skz & introducing you to the others
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⎯⎯ PAIRING: stray kids x reader ⎯⎯ TAGS: fluff, tiny bit of angst, just cute shit ⎯⎯ WARNINGS: mentions of anxiety, lmk if i missed any
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absolutely the least subtle of the group
sure the rest of skz knows that he's seeing someone but they respect that he hasn't brought you around the chaos yet
it's not until he name drops you when half asleep do the rest of the boys start teasing him
instantly regrets speaking and tries to bury himself in the couch to hide from the jokes
he'll bring it up to you eventually, almost nervously
"so i was thinking, it's time you met the other's" and you're supportive of the idea. only ever wanted to do things at his pace
you can't hide that you're just as nervous to meet them because if they don't like you what's to say that won't stop the relationship?
thankfully they like you and are welcoming to you when you come by for dinner
seungmin jokingly calls you "mom" one day and now they won't stop with the parent jokes
next step is introducing you to the world but the boys are protective and help keep your relationship private
(they go to ridiculous lengths to make this happen and at one point you have to convince them that JYP knows about you and no one is breaking rules, just that you want to stay out of the public eye for now while you can)
you were more nervous meeting his cats (who love you by the way and you get daily pictures of the three from his parents)
oh yeah, you met his parents too and they loved you
he wasn't reluctant to introduce you to skz but he wasn't making it happen fast either. "the longer i can keep you to myself, the better" was always his excuse and you don't argue because it's true
stay ends up learning about you first (by accident) when you're visiting his parents and he posts a photo of you cuddled asleep with the cats
he did it without thinking, just captioning it something vague and cute on the official instagram
chan takes it down quickly but not fast enough and there are already screenshots
you end up meeting the rest of them through video call when chan calls minho to tell him what happened
once it's clear you're not upset at all, you're invited (read: demanded) to the dorms to meet the rest of them when the break is over
minho pretends to grumble that his perfect secret is blown and that he's going to have to share you now because they'll all love you
spoiler alert: he was right
i don't think this man knows the meaning of subtle or private if a dictionary was thrown at him
the second you two make anything official he's asking you to come by the dorms and hang out, to come with him to the gym when he's home to spend more time with him
he can't get enough of being around you and that translates to the rest of skz knowing about you pretty early on
the hard part is keeping your relationship private from people outside of the group
he has almost name dropped you so many times during interviews or tours that it's becoming a running joke among the boys who is on "binnie's big mouth duty" that night
it takes the whole group to keep him from saying something that would give you two away
while chan and changbin might be the least subtle, hyunjin is easy to tell something has changed
he's singing certain songs with more energy
his personal instagram posts are very boyfriend coded but he doesn't really say or do anything specific
there's a lot of speculation that he might be seeing someone
you're actually the one to blow it
you were just going to drop something off in the dorm while everyone was at practice (he'd cleared it with security and you had your own code specifically for visits without him)
what you didn't expect was han standing in the kitchen half dressed and a tooth brush in his mouth
he screamed, you screamed, he screamed again, security came to the rescue
you're trying to explain who you are until you pull out your phone and call your boyfriend
"han is here and i scared him and now security is kicking me out i just wanted to leave you a present on your bed im so sorry"
you have to switch to video call to prove that you're talking to hyunjin and that yes, you're his s/o and allowed to be there so security lets you back in with apologies
safe to say you don't do the surprise visits in case you give jisung another heart attack
when i say this boy was stressed about it, he was stressed out by you meeting his friends
you had teased him endlessly about how his true soulmate is minho and he's kind of scared that once you meet them you'll think you're not good enough and leave him
so it takes a lot of talks to get him okay with introducing his favorite person in the world to them
you suggest that instead of meeting them all at once to do it one-by-one in whatever order is the most comfortable with him
which makes you wonder if you're going to meet minho first or last
you're surprised however when you meet him first and ji is anxious the whole time
until both you and minho reassure him that it's okay and that because you and him love jisung that why wouldn't they get along
and you do (so much that minho is almost your bff) which is a relief to him
you end up meeting chan and changbin last which you realize is because of how much he really respects their opinions
he's still a little anxious sometimes when you hang out with the whole of skz at once, fearing that the chaos will chase you off but he realizes he has nothing to worry about when you feed that chaos
you two made a whole plan of how to introduce you to the rest of the guys
mostly because you wanted it to go perfectly even if he assured you it would no matter what
he helps you get into the dorms right after everyone has left so you can set up snacks and games to have a game night and get to know everyone
he was supposed to be the first one through the door so when you almost throw yourself at changbin instead of your boyfriend you're mortified
they don't let you live that down but it was an effective way to break the ice and it gets everyone laughing right away
the small hiccup passed, you're trying to impress the others as much as you can because you know they mean so much to felix
chan eventually gets you alone in the kitchen to ask if you're okay and you confess in one breath how anxious you are for them to like you
chan assures you that no one could hate you, you're basically felix in another person and they can all see how he looks at you
another situation where the boys are super protective of you two and your privacy, helping to keep you out of public eye as much as possible
literally no one knew this man was seeing anyone until you just showed up to the dorm one day?
truly one of those types who has the private life thing down and while he shares most of his life with skz, he hasn't ever shared your existence with them
that was an agreement you both came to when things were getting serious and you two like having this whole separate life with each other away from everyone else
they're all confused who he's invited to dinner (he's been so picky about the foods and made sure that only your favorites are made)
truly no one knew about you at all, he wasn't any different but when you're around there is a whole other side of seungmin that the boys are shocked by
until you roast him just as hard as he does the others and oh now they see why you two are perfect for each other
they're not really convinced you two are together until you kiss him goodnight at the door and when he turns around he's so pink in the face and biting his lips to keep from smiling
you two are probably the only ones that are able to keep your relationship out of the public eye for so long until seungmin drops one day that he's a dad?????
he loves teasing about your existence to the others
like you're aware of what he's doing and you think it's funny
"oh just texting my s/o" like the most casual sentence ever that leaves everyone just looking around confused
never once says your name but will bring you up anytime it's natural
he does this so much and it's so normal that he does it on stage during their unscripted part and it takes too long to realize what happened
seungmin realizes first and starts laughing, telling the others while jeongin realizes what he did
you two have talked about revealing your relationship for a long time but the teasing of it was too much fun
so you end up being introduced to skz at the same time that stay learns about you
(you were backstage at the show with the staff. after clearing the idea with staff, you're dragged out on stage hand-in-hand with jeongin)
to say the boys flip when they realize it's you is ridiculous because you've been on so many schedules and shows that they never realized you were right under their nose
that was part of the fun of it to you two but even with that part over you two will still find ways to tease the members together
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tarotofhope · 10 days
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PAC: 「What's your working style?」
(Please Read My Pinned post *IMPORTANT NOTE* before selecting a Pile)
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Pick an Image by meditating and selecting the image you feel called to. You can be attracted towards more than 1 image. If you are not able to select maybe this reading isn't for you.
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Pile 1
Cards: The Devil, The Star, Death, The Empress Reversed, Wheel of Fortune and The Magician.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 1. You are married to your work and you're a hard worker. You're very goal oriented and ambitious. Whatever you're working towards is not only work for you but much greater than that. Your work is your passion, your religion, your God. You even have good leadership qualities. You know how to give and earn respect. Even when you guys retire, you would still do some or the other thing as work. You just can't sit idle. You value money and you use your money wisely. I can also see one more thing here, you guys have this drive for becoming something in this world, doing something effective, having an impact, leaving a legacy. You guys are like a magnet for power and money just because you have a strong drive for work and you strive hard to achieve your goals. For a few of you, this could be the case that you had to take responsibilities at an early age because one of your parent passed away or you were stripped off of your financial support by your parents/guardian. You have good businessmanship and a lot of creative abilities. You want to become independent in your life and stand on your own two feet.
That's all I got for you, my dear Pile 1. Love, light, peace and hope to you..🌸🍁🌻🌼
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Pile 2
Cards: Queen of Swords, The Hermit, The Tower, The Fool, Ace of Pentacles and 9 of Pentacles.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 2. You do your own thing and you don't like to follow any set rules or regulations. You might appear cold and tough and you somehow also know how to get other people to work for you if you want to. You have a lot of experience in life and you could be a street smart too. There could be a phase in your life(this could be your past, present or future because many people are reading this) where you had a huge financial loss and then you had to start from scratch and earn for your living and then become financially stable and satisfied. Yes, financial stability and satisfaction with material possessions is there but it will come after a lot of struggle. Whatever I said in the starting 2-3 sentences about your nature of work could be something which came after your struggle. You have learnt a lot from your struggles and that has shaped you the way you are. You are someone who would take the leap of faith, manifest a tower moment(sudden and drastic ups and downs) so that change can enter your life. You are not afraid of changes, you invite them..😉
That's all I got for you, my dear Pile 2. Love, light, peace and hope to you..🌸🍁🌻🌼
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Pile 3
Cards: The Hierophant, Temperance, 5 of Swords, 7 of Wands, King of Cups and Knight of Wands.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 3. You have a great desire to follow your passion or maybe you wish you had more talents and choices in your life because you look stuck in a traditional work environment. You think you'd have your own working style if you had the opportunity to work on your own but somehow you're trapped in a normal office type job or traditional work style where there is less to no scope for creativity and personal growth and you have to follow certain rules and fulfil certain criterias. Maybe you feel stuck in a boring 9 to 5 job. This is also because of necessity, you need to pay bills and this and that, so what else you could have done? But there is this strong desire to do your dream job which is not like your normal office job. Either you are doing something as a side hustle but you earn very little from it and you want to make big in it but you also have a main job which gives you good enough money to pay your bills but you're not happy with it. There's this constant struggle to strike a balance. You don't get much time with your family due to this job and also very less holidays/vacations. There's a lot of judgement and competition at your workplace, ranks, scores and a hierarchical management which you're tired of. You don't want any of this. You want to reach at a level where you're emotionally satisfied in your work, where there is less stress and pressure.
That's all I got for you, my dear Pile 3. Love, light, peace and hope to you..🌸🍁🌻🌼
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Pile 4
Cards: The High Priestess, The Sun, Page of Swords, The Magician, Empress and Knight of Cups.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 4. Looks like you're doing what your heart desires and something which pile 3 dreams of. You're very fortunate and blessed, pile 4. Your job has that proper balance of work and relaxation, work and creativity. I'm not saying that your job is easy or you don't work hard or work enough, it's just that your work is so full of creativity and enjoyment that you'd happily put more hard work in it. You'd happily and willingly struggle in it. You might feel very independent and free because of your work. You might also be very protective of your job, I mean to say that people get jealous of your job easily, whether or not you earn much from it, whether or not you're successful in it, I can see that people just couldn't digest your enjoyment and excitement which is associated with your work because they don't get to do the same. So, you could be wearing some evil eye protection talisman or bracelet/ring. The best part of your job is that you don't have to follow strict rules and regulations, you're mostly free to do your own thing. You could be into creative fields of work and you're doing this because people are known by the kind of job they're into and you want to attract like-minded people or you want to help other people who are less fortunate in regards to creative work.
That's all I got for you, my dear Pile 4. Love, light, peace and hope to you..🌸🍁🌻🌼
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Pile 5
Cards: 9 of Swords, 9 of Pentacles, King of Wands, King of Pentacles, King of Cups and 6 of Pentacles.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 5. You could be into service related jobs mostly which involves doing a lot of charity and helping the needy. You don't want to see people struggling like you did in your past. Your job gets a lot of criticism by people because maybe you get to earn very little from it or because people don't understand your job, but you're happy and people don't see this. For some of you, this work could make you successful in future but it's a very slow and steady process so again people don't see any value in your work. You might be doing something unconventional and different, so you might not be supported at home too, so you're very protective of this job. Whatever you're doing is either within a community or a one man show, nothing in between. You serve a variety of people/customers involving foreigners too. You're very satisfied and content with this job and nobody can change your mind with their worldly philosophies. There is 9 of pentacles after the 9 of swords which can indicate that you got this job after a lot of struggle and bad experiences, this could be something very unattainable to you earlier, but you fought for it, worked hard for it and now you're not going to leave it. Maybe you're constantly trying to prove your worth and the value of your work, pile 5. You don't have to. The right people will admire you for your work and will also understand and respect your work choice.
That's all I got for you, my dear Pile 5. Love, light, peace and hope to you..🌸🍁🌻🌼
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Thank you so much for being here. I post PAC readings every Tuesday and Friday. Do love and support by reblogging, liking or following.
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tossawary · 4 months
I do like time travel fics for a variety of reasons. It can be fun to see a "perfect run" fix-it fic running through the canon storyline again. There is a little suspension of disbelief required for some of them, because at some point, the little changes for the better or big tragedies averted should start to mess with the world. Very good time travel fics take this Butterfly Effect into account.
It is VERY fun to think about time-traveling characters who immediately break the plot, because they fail to or don't even try to keep things on a certain track. I love seeing authors use this jumping point to explore entirely new directions for canon. It's off-roading time!!!
Some characters are happy to work within the systems of their worlds. They'll put up with the little indignities of having do to things again and are able to act their way through a redo. (And apparently have incredibly good memories, like, damn.) The cost of keeping things roughly the same is something that they're willing to pay in order to reap specific benefits at the end of the journey.
Other characters would prefer to break the systems of their worlds. They have no patience to play by someone else's rules if they have the power to do otherwise. They may think that the world is broken as it is and needs to be changed. They may be unable to let certain injustices happen again no matter the cost to their ability to predict the future. (I admit, I have a preference for this, because I think it's more interesting, and if the protagonist is a heroic figure, I like the idea that every single life is worth trying to save if you can try.)
Anyway, this is all to say that I just read the last 100 chapters of "Naruto" and apparently Naruto was the only person keeping Sasuke from following through on his unhinged and vague supervillain plans at the end there. If you sent Sasuke back into the past, let's say from a battle with Kaguya going poorly back to the Uchiha massacre or something, and he retains his adult body or any of his abilities (full Sharingan + Rinnegan)? I cannot see that Sasuke trying to give Konoha a shot again. I don't think he trusts like that anymore.
I think he would immediately 1) kill Itachi if Itachi forces him to do it and he can't convince Itachi to join his side, 2) kill Danzo and any ROOT agents who get in his way, (2.5) kill Zetsu and Madara if he can find and catch them, and also Obito if Obito forces him,) 3) kill or try to kill the Third Hokage, and potentially 4) try to declare himself the new Fifth Hokage. Winning a lot of these fights just by taking eeeeeverybody by surprise. Or something like that, you know? I think he'd at least try to immediately do some reckless revenge murder.
If time-traveling Sasuke is stuck in his child body for a redo, and can't set himself up as the new dictator of Konoha or the new shared enemy of the shinobi world or whatever, then I think that he might just run off and join Orochimaru again. I think he would make early deals with Orochimaru for the relative freedom that offers.
Like, Sasuke just does not strike me as a particularly stable person who gives a shit about maintaining a comfortable life for everyone around him. He does not care about Konoha's image. He does not want to settle complacently into a comfortable life within this corrupt state. I think he'd rather drag out the rot and set everything on fire than sit through the frustrating false civility of politics or go to school again, if he had any choice in the matter.
A time-traveling Sasuke would not behave like a time-traveling Naruto or Sakura! So, if I had to do a time-traveling Sasuke, I'd probably reach for the "break-it" rather than the "fix-it". Konoha struggles to deal with this new, mysterious, Rinnegan-wielding Uchiha who appeared out of the middle of an incomplete massacre, just killed the Hokage, and declared himself the new one, completing the Uchiha coup at the eleventh hour. (People are saying he looks like Uchiha Izuna come back to life, apparently???) Oh, shit, someone secretly go get Tsunade and Jiraiya right now, fuck.
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thevirgodoll · 2 years
Doll Diaries: 10 Ways to Begin Living the Doll Life.
To introduce my brand and my mission, I have created the first guide on how to Live the Doll Life.
This is the first of many posts to build around what a Doll means.
This is a compilation of all of my advice from past posts, my values and things I recommend aspiring to. It's an initiation of some sorts, and will be a sneak peek to what my website and Patreon will entail. This covers who you want to be (your ideal self), who you are right now (your current self), your measure of confidence and value (your worth), and your reality of who you are (your traits and individuality).
Welcome to the Dollhouse!!!
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A huge part of what made me choose "Doll" as a brand is the movie, Life Size (2000).
In Life Size, Eve stood up for what was right, was ambitious, and learned how to honor her feelings as a real person. I highly recommend giving it a watch (I haven't seen the second movie, only referencing the first) to really get a feel of the energy I want to cultivate and embody. Now, let's get into it!
1. Embrace everything you already are.
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Just because you are in a pursuit of becoming someone new does not mean you have to discard the things that make you who you are. Embracing who you already are and who you were is key to building self confidence. Who you are now is worthy of love and gratitude.
Ask yourself:
What can I forgive myself for?
What are my current strengths and weaknesses?
How can I show myself gratitude today?
2. Love people and speak life into them.
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A true Doll does not engage in taking other women down. The biggest issue in today's world is that negativity has become a hot commodity. It is so insidious once it gets started, and it has been normalized to tear other people down in shady, subtle comments. These things bear no fruit. Understand now that talking badly about people and hating them only increases their sun.
What makes the difference between a Doll and another person is that everything she says has a purpose. Before speaking ask yourself:
Is this necessary? Is this true?
What do I gain from saying this?
Would I want to hear this?
These questions will make you distinguish between feelings and facts. You may not even know why you don't like someone at first, but asking yourself critical questions will teach you to see things from a different perspective. Most of the time, this has taught me to keep certain things to myself! If you don't know what you feel yet, the best thing to do is be quiet. It really is true that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. ***There are obviously exceptions to the rule, such as emotional abuse, bullying, etc. Defend yourself. Just don't be the one to be a catalyst to someone's downfall.
3. Be a student of life.
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In this Dollhouse, we are eager to learn!!! If you want to lead others, you have to be willing to admit that you can be wrong. Even though Dolls are well adored and well educated, we aren't always right. Well, a lot of the time I am, but that's not the point!
Ask yourself:
What is this trying to teach me? What can I take away from this?
When was the last time I opened my mind to something new?
What could I have done differently? If I am resistant to feedback or change in this present moment, why?
4. Take pride in your appearance.
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We aren't perfect...but we might as well be the closest thing to it. Make the decision now that you want to look your best every day. This doesn't mean wearing a full face of makeup 24/7, but this does mean being put together. A Doll should never leave the house without looking presentable, and if this is difficult, it's time for a change! Remember in The Princess Diaries when Mia got a makeover to become a princess? She looked like a completely different person and all it took was a new routine in beauty maintenance.
Obviously, you don't have to go to the extremes like she did. There's nothing wrong with glasses, thick curly hair, or thick eyebrows. It's all about making those things cohesive, which is the point of the makeover. I suggest you go on Pinterest or other platforms to find inspiration for what you want to look like. Create a routine around looking your best for YOU...only you know what flatters you the most.
Ask yourself:
What do I feel when I look in the mirror?
What influences me? What does a Doll look like to me?
What would a physical change do for me right now? And why am I doing it?
5. Have people in your life that align with you.
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Friends can inspire us, or derail us. It is extremely hard as you get older to sustain friendships because once you leave grade school, there aren't any commonalities keeping you around people you know. Sometimes, we hang onto people longer than we need to.
A verse from the Bible that I often keep in mind regarding friends is Proverbs 12:26:
The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.
Ask yourself:
Would I take advice from this person? Why or why not?
What are the pros and cons of having this person around? How do I feel after hanging out with them?
What do they do for me? Is this reciprocal or transactional?
Is this person bringing me closer to or further away from my dreams, goals, and aspirations? Do they value what I value?
During conflict, how has this friend treated me? Do I trust them? Can I go to them when I need them?
As far as relationships, that is different for everyone but the questions are relatively the same. Some people stop their entire journey towards becoming the woman of their dreams because of love. Guard your heart!!!
Ask yourself:
Does this person align with my beliefs and values? Have I vetted them to see what type of person they are?
How does this person take care of themselves spiritually, mentally, and physically?
What is their story? Is this person aware of that story (whether it's with family, exes, friends, etc.)?
What can they offer me that I cannot give to myself?
Why do I want to be with this person?
6. Truly begin to believe you ARE 1 of 1.
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Everyone is different, especially you. Your energy is highly sought after, all you have to do is acknowledge that. In order to live this lifestyle, you gotta appreciate differences in people around you so you can avoid guilting yourself into assimilation/conformity.
Individuality is everything... don't trade that for the approval of others. Social media has revealed how much originality women lack... so be a breath of fresh air. Think of this as Miley Stewart becoming her alter ego, Hannah Montana. The best way to see the new you is a alter ego. Celebrities have used alter egos to embody a side of them that is full of tenacity and candor...basically what they wish they could be. Real life examples are: Sasha Fierce (Beyoncé), Roman (Nicki Minaj).
The arc of an alter ego comes full circle. At some point in the Hannah Montana franchise, Miley came to terms that she lacked nothing in being who she really was because the star power was already in her. Therefore, she let her go and embodied those qualities in herself as "Miley". After hard work it will be the same for you, and you will appreciate who you are even more and not have to separate the two.
Ask yourself:
Who am I? What makes me special?
What do I love most about myself?
What is my signature and aesthetic?
What are the qualities of my alter ego/archetype?
7. Be a woman of substance.
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It's useless to work towards being an it girl if you have nothing to talk about. So many women have star quality on the outside, but they are surface level and it prevents them from being seen positively and it takes away their chance of being an it girl.
Learn about current events. Learn about past events. Learn about events that are yet to come, and form an opinion.
You have Google at your disposal, so there's really no excuse to be lazy. Find your passion...most people are empty because they don't do anything they love. Be well versed in multiple topics. I know we say beauty and brains, but it really is hard to come by these days. Most people do not read anymore, nor do they take the time out to learn things themselves.
When it comes to school, that counts as substance as well if you're actually taking classes you're getting something out of (which is a whole other post). I would be remiss if I did not mention that education isn't for everyone. But for those of you that are going to college or are in college like me, this is one of the most important stages of your life. You're on the cusp of greatness. Life happens, but no matter what, we gotta get that degree no matter how long it takes.
Ask yourself:
What's going on in the world right now?
When is the last time I read a book or did something educational?
What are my hobbies? What are my habits? How do these things speak to my intelligence and who I am?
What are the things I want out of my education and what are my goals for this upcoming semester?
8. Dedicate time to your healing.
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Just because everything looks perfect, doesn’t mean it will always be that way. This journey towards being that girl will not get rid of your need to heal.
Healing is a rugged path that one must travel their entire life...your journey in becoming the person of your dreams never ends. Give yourself grace on things that you didn't know before.
As always, I recommend journaling to understand your thought process. Sometimes, I look back at my entries in my diary and realize that things weren't as bad as they seemed. Sometimes, though, they were...and for my healing process it became crucial to (when I have the capacity) revisit the moments that shaped my perspective.
I know everyone says this, but there no shame in getting help. No amount of Doll Diaries I give you or confidence lessons/advice from others will matter if you are ignoring what fills your heart with dread at night. Like Megan thee Stallion says, bad b*tches have bad days too.
I am in therapy and I take medications for my mental illnesses, and that made all the difference. Tips are in my mental health tag.
I recommend a spiritual routine that works for you. This may include meditating, praying, going to church, taking quiet time...it's all up to you, but it gives me purpose and structure when feeling existential.
Dedicate life to something bigger than yourself. Remain on the path by upkeeping discipline. Outside influences can lead you astray, but you are the difference between stumbling and getting up, and stumbling and remaining flat on your face. This will involve giving up certain things, such as music or shows or even people that push you further away from what you believe in.
Lastly, have a list of coping mechanisms that you review in crisis. Often, things get overwhelming and we won’t get the chance to sit down and journal or go read something. With that, it’s helpful to make a list of things that you know will help you cope and survive no matter what (while acknowledging the absence of these means you’re getting bad again.)
Here is a very small portion of my list:
cleaning my space
spending time with my dog
playing video games
writing, drawing, music
Ask yourself:
When's the last time I had a break without feeling guilty or lazy?
What positive practices do I have in place to keep me stable? What negative practices do I have in place that prevent me from being stable?
How am I currently working towards improving my mental state? What do I know about myself mentally and spiritually, and how can I use that to transcend?
9. Learn the art of detachment.
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People talk about being unbothered, but I don't think everyone truly understands what that means. In this Dollhouse, unbothered does not mean being nonchalant and void of all emotions. Feelings are natural, and I am not sure where someone mixed that up. What creates "unbothered" energy and "detachment" is by realizing you cannot control everything and that majority of the time, it isn't personal. This is one of the hardest lessons out there.
Ask yourself:
Is this really in my control?
How can I focus on the present moment?
And ultimately, remember you cannot fix or please anyone. Keep your composure even in the face of negativity. Your reactions and perceptions to everything you deal with is the most important thing, and will be the common denominator when it comes down to your experiences. Two books I read that changed my perspective and helped me maintain this lifestyle on this was The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty.
10. Above all, live in YOUR world!!!
Make your world exclusive. Keep certain things for yourself so it retains sacredness. Be your own best friend before anyone else. Learn to embrace your own company. Don't always be accessible. Cultivate richness in your life...be willing to take risks and have a variety of experiences.
The main and most important question to ask yourself is: What does my dream world look like?
This is where the Doll Life comes into play. Barbie was marketed as being an all around sweetheart and "girl boss" with the dream life. Bratz were marketed as having individuality and a dream world experience driven by passion.
Both have core values in making sure young girls dreamed big and remained authentic. Honorable mention: Disney, as they did a great job at emphasizing dreams can come true with Disney princesses.
What I want my version of a Doll Life to be marketed as is a world where we indulge in endless possibilities and be multiple versions of ourselves at once. Where we feel like something wonderful could happen, even in the midst of trials.
We can be gentle, yet demanding. We can be feminine with masculine energy, and vice versa. We don't have to choose between one aesthetic or the other. We don't have to conform to the world, because we are in it and not of it. Dolls are seen as "perfect", and that's just the thing, I don't want my brand to be a cookie cutter definition! That's why I say I am the Doll that no one can play with. To be a Doll means to be uniquely you and standing out amongst the rest. It's a mindset, it's a lifestyle.
Don't box yourself in... remember growing up the dream life of Bratz and Barbie refused to box themselves in and remained true to themselves. Live without limits!!! Dreams really can come true. And this Dollhouse is a safe space to DREAM!!!
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Even if you don't believe it now, day by day, if you start dedicating yourself to this and remain congruent with your philosophy, you will be more than you could ever imagine. It took so much time for me to do this, but my life is forever changed. So indulge in your wishes, and create your own "life of luxury" or "dream world". Simply live by YOUR rules, and use mine as a outline to get started. I can't wait to see what all of you come up with. I hope this helps Dolls!!! *gives you the keys to your suite in the dollhouse* Proud of you!!!
thevirgodoll ♡
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see also:
confidence tag
other doll diaries
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rainystarters · 7 months
๋࣭ ⭑𓆩✧𓆪🗡ྀ࿔ 〖 stories and songs . . . 〗 a collection of sentence starters inspired by various codex entries from the dragon age rpg series. some prompts usfw. adjust details as necessary.
the wind that stirs their shallow graves carries their song.
heed our words, hear our cry.
oh, fair damsel of the garden!
surely your work is far too vital to be interrupted by one like me.
i was a fool to pluck that flower.
you are not a man known for your honor.
you allowed me to live once, and so now i do the same for you.
i am humbled by your words.
but some things cannot be repent.
there is something in here with us.
death is certain, either way.
you have been my rock and my shield.
strike true, do not waver. and let not your prey suffer.
as the sapling bends, so must you.
you are lost, and soon you will fade.
go forth and claim the empty throne of heaven.
you have brought doom upon the world.
magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him.
they shall find no rest in this world or beyond.
there is but one truth.
all things in this world are finite.
each night in dreams you may always remember me.
the light shall lead you safely.
i am but your faithful servant.
if blood must be shed and used, so be it.
step away from this folly, before it consumes us all.
i long to dance with you beneath the moonlight.
do not despair. for it is not you, it is of me.
my most heartfelt apologies for the ripped bodice.
such depravity i have never been forced to suffer!
let them hunt, and dread finding me.
truth will hold you for that is what truth does.
i shouldn't have doubted your resolve.
please accept my humble apologies.
in truth, it is i who has been most vulnerable.
the seals are already weakening.
it must be protected at all costs.
of unknown metal and magic keen, a finer blade there's never been.
any army is only as good as its equipment.
blessed by the vine in spring, i shall not fear the winter's sting.
only fools ignore the history of the ground they walk and the people they meet.
i could use an extra pair of eyes to keep watch at night.
i hope they found peace.
blessed are they who stand before the corrupt and the wicked and do not falter.
in blood, my will is written.
we are forever in your graces.
the oath you have taken is all but broken.
can you be forgiven when the cold grave has come?
once we raised up our chalice in victory.
why change the past when you can own this day?
the wolves are our allies.
always keep an eye out for the noble owl.
nothing burns like the first cup.
gallows master, hold they hand. hold it back awhile.
look away, look into the sun.
you know we all are dying.
alas, i cannot stay.
we'll beat down the bastard, and then we'll get plastered!
what of the old secrets the burn in our hearts?
now we pray for a dawn that will never arrive.
but it is our blood he seeks.
you will realize the smiles are false, and behind them lies revenge.
for all your fancy intrigue, you have spent your life creating nothing of worth.
it moves on without you, uncaring.
who could bear the weight of a people destroyed by his hand?
what was your vision of our purpose?
so buy the lads a round.
i'm ashore for the night and seeking company.
i'd still rather die.
why be what i am when i can be more?
have you threatened to cut out anyone's tongue today?
for have i not grown in skill and measure?
binding a demon of higher power is dangerous...
let it be my choice to have served and died.
i'm not staying to watch you die like a fool.
the undead you have been fighting are people i killed with my own hands.
here is my soul, trapped in a cage of bone.
turn around, face the shadows. don't blink.
just going to lie here for a while.
chopping off their heads should do the trick.
i am empty, filled with nothing.
arrogance becomes our end.
i'm here to die. but i won't go quietly.
i don't want to die like this.
cry for the past; only there does glory dwell.
so the forest grows, a reflection of our might.
mourn the past and all that was left there.
mastery of the self is mastery of the world.
suffering is choice and we can refuse it.
pride disguises itself in its surety.
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alwaysonthemend · 9 months
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Author's Note: Requested by the lovely @mindastreamofcolours Please don't throw tomatoes at me I know this has taken FAR too long (I'm the worst I'm so sorry) But I hope the length is enough of an apology for the wait. If you see any typos... no you didn't
Also sorry if you got tagged twice. Tumblr was against me posting this apparently and I was ✨struggling✨ but I think I got it fixed now.
Warnings: Fem!reader, threesome (no slash) / unprotected sex / spitting / spanking / oral (m. and f. receiving) / hand jobs / masturbation / voyeurism / arguing / josh being josh / jake being a little shit / dom and sub jake / dom and sub reader / soft!dom josh / MINORS ABSOLUTELY DNI. 18+ ONLY PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
Word Count: 7k+
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It started years ago – this little… arrangement that the three of you have. And at this point, none of you can even really remember how it had started. But, you suppose, the why and how don’t really matter anymore. 
All that matters is them. 
All that matters is that your life had changed from the very minute you were hired as their makeup artist. Your life changed to revolve around them and their needs. 
And you love every second of it. 
The rules (though none of you have ever really stated them outright) have always been simple. 
One: Don’t talk about it with anyone else. No one needs to know what goes on behind closed doors and no one needs to concern themselves with something they won’t understand. This works for you three and involving others would only complicate things. 
Two: No jealousy. At least, no more than a little showing out here and there. They work together (and they love each other more than anything else in the world) and this cannot ever get in the way. No questions, no pissing contests, no anger, no holding it against each other. There are nights where you leave with Josh and there are nights where you leave with Jake. There’s nothing else to it. 
And finally, three: Never at the same time. 
The arrangement is simple, really. You’re there to help them get their frustrations out now that they’re far too famous to be sleeping around with just any old roadie like the old days. They trust you. And you trust them. It’s easier this way for everyone. They get to blow off some steam and you get the most mind blowing sex of your life – all while getting to travel around the world doing what you love (for a handsome paycheck). 
Plus, there’s satisfaction in knowing that despite there being thousands of men and women out there who would give anything to have them the way you do… it’s you who they go to. It’s you who they trust. 
And anyways, you’re fairly certain that none of those screaming fans would be able to handle them like you can. 
Though it had taken time, you had learned over the years what makes each of them tick – the thing that drives each of them absolutely crazy. 
They’re both so similar and yet so different at the same time. Sun and moon, yin and yang… whatever you might call it – they balance each other in a way that few can understand. 
Their differences are subtle, and yet they make all the difference in the world. 
Josh loves to watch you. He wants to see how your face contorts in pleasure and how your tits bounce when he fucks you. He wants you on your back with your knees up to your chest so he can watch his cock slide in and out of you. He wants to watch you unravel around his cock as he whispers sweet things into your ear. Good girl, clever girl, beautiful girl. All you have to do is lay there and take it – let him pleasure you with his skilled tongue and big cock. Call him baby and Joshy in your sweetest voice and he falls apart inside your cunt, whining and moaning so prettily for you. Josh will give you orgasm after orgasm after orgasm until your body just can’t take it anymore and when you’re finally spent – laying there in a daze,  he’ll grin and kiss you softly. 
And then there’s Jake. Ever the dark to Josh’s light… he wants you to beg for it. He wants you cock drunk and desperate as he brings you to the edge over and over and over again until you’re left as nothing but a whiny mess beneath him. He demands respect. You call him sir or you will receive punishment. You do not cum unless he tells you to. You are obedient to him and him alone (though he always remains a slave to your pleasure despite himself). He likes you on your hands and knees where he can grip your hips and reach around to squeeze your throat as he pounds into you mercilessly. And his mouth. The vulgar things that spew from those plump lips of his leave you blushing like a schoolgirl. You’re his whore, his slut, his pretty little hole that he gets to use for the night. And when he finally, finally lets you cum…it’s the closest to Heaven on Earth that you’ll ever get. 
But yet, as different as they are from each other… they’re the same in all the ways that matter. Your pleasure is at the top of their priorities. As much as you are there to help them relieve themselves on the road… they never take you for granted. At the end of the day, you call the shots and you have both of them wrapped around your finger completely. They’ll follow you into the depths of Hell if you ask them – which you’re sure is where all three of you are headed anyway. It’s an addictive little dance that you all play and you’re sure that it can only lead you all down the path of destruction. And yet… none of you can find it in yourselves to care. 
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You already know that they’re pissed. You can practically smell it in the air as you wait patiently in the green room, waiting. 
They had already been having one of those days – where everything seems to go wrong and they’re both intent on blaming the other for it. You’d been watching them do their dance all day. Listening to their bickering and passive aggressive little remarks at each other as the hours wore on and on. As close as they are… as inseparable as they are, there are days when they can’t seem to stand each other. 
And unfortunately, the tension between the two of them had manifested itself on stage tonight. Of course, you’re 100% certain that none of the members of the audience had even noticed, but you had. And they sure had. 
Josh had been late to the curtain drop. Perpetually late to everything else, he’d always had the decency to at least be on time for his own concerts until tonight. Jake’s shoulders had tensed practically up to his ears at the confused sounds of the crowd as they realized that they were one man short and though you couldn’t see him, you’re sure that the glare that Josh had probably received had been pointed and harsh. 
And then of course Jake’s equipment had malfunctioned briefly, causing him to angrily gesture at his tech to get the problem fixed. It hadn’t taken longer than two minutes and few even noticed the mishap, but the shit eating grin that Josh had given Jake only added to his building rage. 
And finally, the nail in the metaphorical coffin for the night… Jake had decided that it would be a wonderful idea to cut Josh off in the middle of one of his little bits, effectively silencing his joke with a piercing whine from his guitar. 
You’d known immediately that it was over. They'd pushed each other far enough and you would be the one to suffer the (delicious) consequences. It’s just a matter of who gets to you first. 
If Jake reaches you first, you know that you’re in for a night of complete sexual agony and he’ll push you to your limit until he deems you’ve begged him enough for it before finally giving you an orgasm that you’re sure to remember for months to come. And you’ll surely be waking up tomorrow with a bright red ass and a hitch in your step. 
And if Josh gets to you, well… it’s harder to tell with him. Perhaps he’ll decide on a vibrator for the night – getting to watch you fall apart serving as the perfect distraction from his troubles. Or perhaps his tongue will instead be his weapon of choice, using it to make you cum until you physically can’t anymore. 
Either option sounds wonderful and you can’t quite tell which one you want more. The wait will be well worth it no matter which boy is the one to reach you first. 
The sound of the door opening stirs you from your thoughts. You turn to see Josh (the lucky winner for the night) eyeing you like you’re the most incredible thing he’s ever seen. At this point, you’re pretty sure that you are. 
That’s all he says. It’s all he has to say. Even from here you can see his eyes are blown wide and his chest heaves as his eyes drink in your form. Standing there, cloaked in velvet, he’s the picture of sin. The gemstones on his suit glitter as he stands there and you meet his hungry gaze with an innocent smile. 
“Hi, Joshy. Something wrong?” The lilt in your voice is sickly sweet, building up the tension that will inevitably make him snap. 
He only hums – the sound rumbling deep in his chest. 
“I think you know what's wrong, baby.” He whispers, dropping his hand down to palm his hard cock through the velvet. 
Well shit you think to yourself, an excited thrum coursing through your veins as slick pools between your thighs. If he's starting something here… he's desperate enough to not be able to wait for the short ride back to the hotel. All the signs are pointing to tonight being one that you won't forget. 
“Bad day?” You question, leaning back on the sofa where you're sitting and giving him your very best doe eyes. 
He nods, a sigh escaping from between his teeth as his hand grazes his crotch– his throbbing length obvious to you through the tight material. 
“Anything I can do to make you feel better?” This game is making you even wetter… the promise of what you know is to come. Without another word, you slide your body downwards until your knees hit the floor. You glance at him, patting the sofa with your palm. “Bet I can make you forget all about today, baby.”
“Fuck.”  He practically moans, biting his lip as he stalks across the room to look down at you. “You gonna be my sweet girl? Help me relax?” 
You nod, your mouth watering at the sight of his cock straining the fabric of his jumpsuit.
He grins devilishly, unzipping his suit and pulling the fabric down so that it rests around his thick thighs. With grace, he eases himself down to sit on the sofa, leaning back and spreading his legs. 
He never wears underwear in these tight suits and you’re grateful as you sit and stare at his cock. Flushed red and rock hard, it curves upwards to rest against his belly. 
Making a show of it, you hold your palm open and allow a string of saliva to drip from your mouth into your waiting hand. Josh groans at the sight and you waste no time as you wrap your palm around his length, slowly pumping him as you keep your eyes fixed on his. 
A flush has overtaken his cheeks and a light sheen of sweat beads at his hairline. He's got his plump bottom lip caught between his teeth as he fights to keep his eyes from rolling back. He wants to watch you stroke his cock. 
You drop your focus to his throbbing erection, flicking your wrist as you continue to tease him. You press your thumb into the spot just beneath his head and a whine escapes him. You keep the pace slow – too slow for his liking. Working him up until he can't stand it anymore. 
“Don't tease, baby.” He whispers, his tone soft but demanding. 
His hand covers yours, halting your movement as he gazes down at you. You know what he wants. You open your mouth and stick out your tongue, flattening the muscle as you look up at him through your lashes. 
“Fuck, there she is. My wonderful girl.” He mutters, placing the head of his cock on your tongue. He doesn't push in yet, instead taking a moment to admire the sight before him: you, on your knees, tongue obediently extended and your eyes glittering in the dim light. 
Slowly, teasingly, he slides his length into your mouth and you close your lips around him. Relaxing your jaw, you allow the blunt head of his length to hit the back of your throat. You gag slightly around it, exhaling strongly through your nose. Placing both of your palms on his thighs, you dig your fingers into the meat of them as you start to bob your head up and down. You keep your tongue pressed into the underside of him, drawing a loud moan from between his pretty lips. 
You pull out all the tricks you know, making sure to gag every now and then because you know it drives him wild. Tears stream down your cheeks and saliva drips from the corners of your mouth and Josh is quickly coming apart beneath you. 
Just as his cock begins to twitch, signaling his impending orgasm, you’re both broken from your moment at the sound of someone clearing their throat. You pull off him, wide eyes turning to be met with none other than his twin – a dark, dangerous look on his face. 
“What a fucking sight.” He says with a grin, stepping further into the room. 
Josh eyes him warily, his cock softening at Jake’s interruption. 
“What do you want, Jake?” You ask him, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. 
“You’re kinda interrupting something, here.” Josh says snidely, sitting up straighter and pulling his jumpsuit back up to cover his cock. 
“I didn’t say you had to stop.” Jake shrugs, taking a seat in the chair opposite the sofa. “Just patiently waiting for my turn, is all.” 
You quirk a brow at him. He’s never done this before – neither of them have. You can sense the tension and anger radiating off Josh – and Jake seems entirely too comfortable as he sits there watching, a smug little smirk on his face. 
“Wait somewhere else, then.” Josh demands, sitting up straighter and glaring at his brother. 
Jake only meets him with a grin, sitting back in his seat and spreading his legs to get more comfortable. 
“I’m good here. Won’t take long anyway.” 
Despite yourself, you huff a laugh at his joke and then it's your turn for Josh to glare at you.
“Fuck off, Jake.” Josh tells him, jerking his head for the door. “Be fucking thoughtful for once in your life.” 
Jake sits forwards suddenly, placing his elbows on his knees and narrowing his eyes. 
“That’s rich coming from you, brother. Easy for you to say when you always get your fucking way.” 
“That’s not true and you know it.” Josh snaps, eyes fiery. 
Jake scoffs. 
“Fucking diva.” 
“Boys.” You cut in, wiping your palms on your thighs. “Enough. I’m not doing anything with either of you if you’re going to act like children. You,” you glance at Josh, “now you know that you can be controlling and nitpicky sometimes.” Josh’s eyes narrow at you and he opens his mouth to protest but you start in on Jake instead. 
“And you” You glare at Jake, washing the smirk off his face. “You know that you like to stir shit up and make people mad on purpose because you think it's funny. You both have been acting unreasonable all day and you will not be using me as a piece in your little games with each other.” 
Josh looks suitably chastised and Jake too has the decency to look a little guilty. You rise from your place on the floor, knees protesting slightly. Both of their brown eyes track your movements, their facial expressions exactly alike. Fucking twins you think to yourself. 
“Can you please make him leave?” Josh begs, pleading with you with his eyes and a tiny pout on his lips. 
“No. I’m the one who’s leaving. I’m not fucking either of you until this” you gesture between the two of them, “gets resolved. You both know what room I’m in. Get your shit together and figure it out.” 
With that, you stalk confidently across the room, throwing open the door and making your way to the exit of the venue. Just as you round the corner, faintly you can hear Josh’s voice – angry and high pitched, “You couldn’t even let me have one fucking moment with her, could you? You asshole!” 
Rolling your eyes, you call an Uber and wait for it to take you back to your hotel. 
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ ✺ ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
You take a nice, hot shower as soon as you get back. You take your time, allowing yourself to relax and forget about your idiotic twins. Once you get out and dry off, you check your phone to see a text from Jake. 
I’m sorry.  
You just giggle at the message. You know he’s never being malicious. But he does enjoy stirring shit up sometimes without really thinking about the consequences. You figure you’ll leave him on ‘read’ for now so he can sit there tonight and stew for a little bit.
Just as you turn it off, the screen lights up again with a text from Josh. 
im sorry baby
You figure you can answer him. He hadn’t been the one to try and involve you in their pissing match anyways. You send him a quick ‘It’s okay.’ before turning your phone off for good. Once changed into a pair of comfortable cotton panties and a tank top, you slip under the covers in the hopes of getting some good sleep. 
A loud knock wakes you. 
Sitting up, you rub your eyes and try to get your bearings. You’d been sound asleep. 
Another knock against the door. 
“Fuck, coming!” You call, climbing out of bed and making your way to the door, fully expecting one of the twins to be waiting on the other side. 
The door swings open and you stop dead in your tracks. Both twins stand across the threshold, matching twinkles in their eyes. 
“Hey, angel.” Jake says kindly, as if both of them showing up at your door in the middle of the night is perfectly normal. 
“Um. Hi?”
“May we come in?” Josh asks you, grinning slightly as he takes in your state of (un) dress. 
“I guess?” You step aside, allowing them both to step into the room (annoyingly in sync as they walk). You close the door and lock it behind you. “Is everything okay?” 
“Wonderful, actually.” Jake says, plopping himself down in the desk chair and swiveling back around to look at you. 
“You and Josh figure things out, then?”
“Yup.” Josh says, popping the ‘p.’ 
They’re both silent for a minute, making you squirm slightly under their dual gazes. They know something… or want something. You can feel it in the air. They’re up to something. Whether good or bad… you have no fucking clue. 
“Is there a reason that you’re both here?” You ask, sitting on the edge of the bed as Josh comes to stand in the middle of the room. 
“Yes. Though whether or not both of us stay is up to you.” Josh starts, glancing back at his twin for a moment before continuing. “See, we realized that we were both being a little overly dramatic today.” 
“Which Josh started.” Jake butts in. 
“Shut up, Jake.” Josh says, narrowing his eyes again and you’re worried that they’re going to start all over again. But Josh lets it slide. “And neither of us really want to give you up for the night seeing as how we’ve both had such a shit day.” He pauses and looks pointedly at Jake. “Regardless of who started it.” 
“And see… we thought that maybe – just this once, neither of us should have to wait. Figured that maybe we could share you for tonight.” Jake cuts in. 
“Share me?” You ask slowly, brain working a mile a minute as it tries to make sense of his words. Surely he doesn’t mean… right?
“Only if you’re comfortable, of course.” Josh says easily, hands moving about slightly as he speaks. “Or you can tell us to fuck off and we’ll leave you alone for the night.”
You swallow thickly, heart thrumming. 
“Share me…” You echo, brows pinched together. “As in, you both… with me. At the same time.” You speak slowly, still trying to wrap your head around the idea.
“In essence, yes. If you’d like to.” Jake says. 
You’re silent for a long moment – each of them waiting patiently for you to speak again. You’d be a big fat liar if you said that you hadn’t thought about it before. Having both of them… the ultimate sin that your mind loves to throw at you whenever you’re alone. Nights in between touring when you lay alone in bed, your own hand between your thighs to relieve the ache that the twins leave in their absence. Your thoughts – unable to choose, swirling between both of them. Their faces, the same but not, plaguing your mind’s eye and making your aching pussy soaked. Josh’s sugary words and Jake’s dirty compliments echoing through your ears all mixed up. The thought of having both of them at once – as wrong as it may be… just the thought alone usualy has you coming apart in seconds. 
And now here they are, offering you your deepest desire on a silver fucking platter. 
“Okay.”  You breathe out, voice shaky but sure. 
“You’re sure?” Josh asks, stepping towards you and brushing his fingertips down your cheek. “It’s your choice.”
“You won’t hurt our feelings by saying no.” Jake adds, smiling ever so softly at you. 
“And I’m saying yes.” You tell him with all the confidence that you can. Because you do want this. More than anything. You want to be fucking ruined. 
And yet… you’re not sure where to start. This is new territory – one that feels as though it’s too good to be true. Perhaps it is. 
“I believe I interrupted something earlier.” Jake says, once again leaning backwards in his chair. “Perhaps we can start by letting you finish what you started.”
Jake must have sensed your hesitance, deciding instead to tell you where to start. You’re infinitely grateful for him and his ability to sense when you need guidance.This is familiar for you – letting him take control. It’s natural the way his velvet voice tells you what to do. It makes this easy. 
You nod, gaze sweeping to where Josh stands, his face eager as he watches you slide off the bed to come and stand before him. 
“On your knees for me, sweet girl.” Josh whispers, easing his sweatpants off his hips and then hooking his fingers in the elastic of his boxers and pulls them down as well. He’s already hard and leaking, probably aching to be touched after being interrupted earlier. Slowly, you ease down onto your knees. 
“Suck his cock, angel. Make him feel good.” Jake’s voice is smooth as whiskey, just barely above a whisper. 
You do as he says, opening wide and letting Josh slide his cock back into your waiting mouth. 
“Shit.” He hisses, tossing his head back as his tip hits your throat. His hand comes up to tangle in your hair as he begins to thrust into you softly, giving your throat a moment to adjust to the intrusion before picking up his pace. 
You can feel the wetness between your thighs as you sit there letting him use your mouth – the cotton of your panties surely completely drenched through. Something about the noises Josh is making coupled with the feeling of Jake’s dark gaze on you has you feeling like you could come completely untouched before the night is over. 
The sound of a zipper being undone has you pull off Josh and snap your gaze over to Jake – Josh whimpers at the loss of contact but you’re more concerned with the sight of Jake easing his own hard cock from his pants and wrapping his fist around himself. He strokes his hard length lazily, eyes never leaving you. 
“Did I tell you to stop?” He asks, a sharp edge to his voice. “Keep sucking him, angel. You look so pretty like that.”
Josh’s finger hooks beneath your chin, forcing your focus back onto him and you gasp at the sight. His eyes, normally a soft brown, are blown almost black with lust. His cheeks are flushed and his breathing is heavy as he gazes down at you. 
“Focus on me.” He says softly, his thumb coming down to caress your bottom lip. He tugs at it, dragging it downwards slightly before gripping your jaw a little harder. 
You take the hint and open your mouth again. 
“Good girl.” 
This time, you do give him your full attention as his thrusts into your mouth grow more confident. You gag around him and you hear Jake let out a quiet little groan at the sound. Spurred on, you relax your jaw even more, taking Josh even deeper. 
“Oh fuck.” Josh whines, head tossed back in pleasure. “Good fucking girl.” 
His cock twitches on your tongue and he pulls out, a string of saliva connecting his flushed tip to your mouth. 
You pout slightly, having wanted to taste his release but he only smiles at you. 
“Not yet, baby. I wanna savor this.” He caresses your jaw lovingly. “On the bed.” 
You hastily comply, scrambling to sit in the middle of the large bed and looking at your twins – waiting for them to tell you what to do. 
“Look at that.” Jake says with no small amount of pride in his voice as he stands up and begins to strip from his clothes before striding over to the side of the bed. You take a long moment to admire him. 
You eye the way his biceps and forearms flex as he moves, your mouth waters as you admire his plush thighs, and your own thighs clench at the way the strength of his body is balanced by his curves that are so rare to find in a man. He’s nothing short of breathtaking.
“Always so eager to please. Just waiting to be told what to do.”  He hums, hand still lazily stroking his leaking cock. “Strip.”
“That’s a good girl.” Josh mutters, watching you with hungry eyes as you pull your tank top over your head and slide your soaked panties down your legs, kicking them to the floor. 
Josh, the only one still clothed, begins to strip himself – but your focus is ripped from him as Jake comes to stand at the edge of the bed. He grips your calf in his strong, calloused hand, using it to yank your body around and onto your back. There’s no finesse to his movements as he manhandles you into the position he wants, the hunger in his eyes infinitely clear. 
Once on your back, Josh climbs into the bed between your thighs. He settles his weight between them, using his palms to spread your legs wider and exposing your glistening folds. His back muscles flex as his lithe form settles, his amber eyes glittering up at you. 
“She’s dripping.” Josh murmurs, tongue darting out to lick his plush bottom lip. “Stunning.” 
You whine, inching your hips towards him slightly, your core aching to be touched. 
“Desperate little thing.” Jake’s velvet voice rings out through the room, his hand coming down to tangle in your hair. He stands at the edge of the bed, his hard cock merely inches away from where your head hangs off the edge.
Another pulse of need rocks through you as your brain catches on to the possibilities that this position grants you. With Josh nestled between your thighs and Jake’s aching member so close to your mouth, you have no doubts about where this is going. 
As if in answer to your sinful thoughts, Josh swipes a finger through your folds, just barely brushing against your swollen clit and making you jolt. 
“Josh, please.” You whine, spreading your legs wider for him – begging him silently to give you more. 
“She just loves to be eaten out, don’t you?” Jake murmurs, looking down at you squirm on the bed. “Go ahead, Josh. Give her what she wants.” 
Josh relents, delving into your core and circling your bundle of nerves with his tongue. The feeling is sudden – aggressive even, and the stimulation makes you cry out loudly. He hooks his arms around both of your thighs as he begins his assault, using his talented tongue to completely unravel you. 
Jake, never one to let the spotlight last on Josh for too long, taps the head of his cock on your lips. Without hesitation, you open your mouth and let him slide his member between your lips. With your neck hanging downwards, he reaches all the way to your throat with ease. You moan and swallow around him, making his composure crack slightly as a groan escapes him.
“Fuck. Perfect little mouth.” He praises, beginning to thrust delicately into you. “Tap on my thigh and I’ll stop.” He says through clenched teeth and all you can do is moan around his cock in response. 
Josh’s slender fingers suddenly join in the mix as he plunges them into you – curling them in a way that makes your legs feel like jelly as he keeps lapping at your clit with your tongue. He moans as he does so, his hips rutting into the mattress below him as he pleasures you. 
If your mouth wasn’t otherwise occupied, you’re sure that you’d be screaming from the pleasure. Between Josh’s menstrations and the sound of Jake’s breathy moans as he fucks into your mouth, your orgasm is already rapidly approaching. 
Your arms thrash about widely, finally coming down to fist into the sheets as the crest of pleasure builds within you. Josh is unrelenting, using all the things that he knows makes you fall apart. Jake is faring no better than you, his face twisting and contorting in pleasure. 
“Come on, Y/n. Be a good slut and cum, baby.” He encourages, voice shaky with his own pleasure. “Enjoy it. You’re not gonna get another one for a long while.” 
With that, the band snaps and your orgasm rips through you – drenching Josh’s face as he works you through it. Jake pulls from your mouth, allowing you a chance to get a full gulp of air as you writhe beneath them. 
Josh sits up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and grinning from ear to ear. 
“Tastes like candy.” He says, licking his lips as he gazes at your spread out form. 
All you can do is lay there stunned for a moment as you recover, chest heaving. 
“She’s a sight for sore eyes.” Jake murmurs, caressing your jawline with his pointer finger. “Bet that pretty pussy is just aching to get fucked, isn’t she?” 
You nod, body already aching for another orgasm. 
“Does my beautiful girl want my cock?” Josh asks, gripping your ankles and pulling so that your head now rests fully on the bed. 
Just as you open your mouth to reply, Jake cuts in with a dangerous lilt to his voice. 
“Don’t assume, brother. Maybe she’d prefer someone else’s.” 
“Doubtful.” Josh snarks, glaring daggers at his twin. 
“Fuck, stop.” You breathe out, sitting up to glare at both of them. You try to keep your face stern, but the thought of both of them arguing over who gets to fuck you has more slick pooling between your thighs. “No arguing.” 
“Your choice then, baby.” Josh grins, a smug smile on his face as if he already knows your answer. 
But in truth, even you don’t know. In fact, you have half a mind to let them continue arguing if only to further fuel the fire between your legs. But you figure that encouraging them would only end in all out warfare. Instead, you just grin at them, a wonderful idea coming to life in your mind. 
“Jake.” You start, turning to meet his dark eyes. “Get on the bed.” 
He grins and complies, eyes glittering thinking that he’s going to get his way. He always does when it comes to the bedroom, but tonight you want to challenge him – remind him and Josh who’s really in charge here. 
Jake crawls over to you, a dominant air about him as he moves to smother your body with his own. But instead of allowing it, you press your palm into his chest and push – shoving his back roughly into the headboard. 
Air escapes his lips in a shocked huff as he stares at you – completely taken off guard. Josh, seeing his expression, laughs quietly.  
“Angel, what-” 
You shush him. 
“Quiet.” You glance between him and Josh. “You both said that I’m in control, didn’t you?” You ask, though it’s not really a question. You all know the answer. 
Jake nods and Josh whispers a quiet ‘yes.’
With a grin, you turn your eyes to face Josh, his lips parted and eyes watching your every move – just waiting for you to tell him what you want. 
Without a word, you nudge Jake’s legs further apart before settling yourself on your knees between them. His chest moves up and down rapidly as he looks up at you. Though he’s letting you call the shots, you’re sure that you’ll pay for it some other time. But for now, you’re going to enjoy it.
“You know, Jake…” You murmur, sweeping your palms up his thighs and feeling the muscle twitch beneath your fingertips, “You love calling the shots. Maybe even more than Josh does.” You drop your hand to play with his cock – lightly pinching his tip between your fingertips and making his hips buck upwards off the bed. “I feel like maybe it might be time for a taste of your own medicine, yeah?” 
A delicate, almost silent whimper escapes him. It’s so quiet that you might have thought you imagined it… but the way his cock twitches and his chest heaves gives him away. 
“Josh?” Josh, sitting silently and watching you, perks up as you finally turn your attention back to him. “Come here, baby. Right behind me.”
Josh complies, crawling over behind where you sit between Jake’s thighs. Without a word, you slowly ease your chest downwards, spreading your own thighs and allowing your ass to stick up invitingly in the air for Josh. You wiggle your ass and a shaky exhale punches out of him, his hands coming to rest on your hips. 
As he does so, you sweep your gaze up to meet Jake’s eyes – his pupils blown wide with want. Opening your mouth, you teasingly lick up his shaft, swirling the tip of your tongue around his head, before pulling your mouth away again. 
“You don’t get to come until I say. Understand?” 
He nods and you wrap your arms around his thighs and dig your fingers into the soft flesh. 
“I understand, angel.” 
Tossing your head back over your shoulder to look at Josh, you ease your hips back towards him again. 
“Let me fuck you, pretty girl.” He begs, his hard cock pressing into your ass cheek as he waits for your permission. 
“Go ahead, Joshy.” You tell him, keeping your voice nice and sweet just like he likes. “Make me feel good.” 
You descend your mouth back onto Jake’s aching cock as Josh enters you with one long thrust. You moan, causing Jake to groan at the vibration. 
“Fuck, just like that.” Jake moans, his hand coming up to grip your hair but you swat it away. You want to enjoy the control for a while longer. 
Josh’s hips slam into yours rhythmically, his pace slow and precise. With each glide of his cock against your walls, his head nails that special place inside of you. It takes all of your focus to keep bobbing your head up and down Jake’s length, making sure to keep your tongue pressing up into him – making him writhe and moan as he fights to keep himself from rutting his hips up into your mouth. 
“Baby,” Josh moans, his voice sounding wrecked as his hips increase their speed. “Fuck, I can feel you fluttering around me.” 
The wet sound coming from between your thighs coupled with the sound of Josh’s skin hitting yours and the sound of your mouth moving up and down Jake’s cock makes a delightfully symphony of pure lust and sin. You know already that this night will forever be cemented in your mind for years to come. You will never be able to think of it without growing wet. Josh’s cock is stretching you so wonderfully and Jake’s pretty noises are making your clit throb. 
Saliva dribbles out of the sides of your mouth, drenching Jake’s cock and just by the sound of him alone you can tell that he’s close. Josh’s pace is beginning to grow frenzied, his breaths coming out in tiny little moans as his own orgasm approaches. Hearing both of them, Jake’s hot, aching cock twitching on your tongue, Josh’s cock hitting all the right places… it’s like every one of your senses has been overtaken with them. Their sounds, the feel of them. Fuck it’s the best feeling in the whole fucking world. And as much as you don’t want this to end, you just can’t fight your orgasm anymore. 
You cry out around Jake’s cock, throat constricting around him as your release rips through you. Josh is a moaning mess as his own orgasm overtakes him, his cock painting your walls as he buries himself inside of you. His hips keep going, overstimulating himself with your clenching pussy as he fucks you through your orgasm. 
Finally he pulls out, murmuring praises for you as he tries to calm down. 
Through the haze of pleasure clouding your mind, you register Jake’s cock twitching on your tongue. He needs to cum, his whines echoing over the roaring in your ears as he holds himself back, waiting for your permission. 
You pull off him, robbing him of his finish and a feral growl escapes him at the loss. You’ve enjoyed not giving him what he wants and the power has gone to your head it seems. But you’ve pushed it too far. 
Faster than what you thought possible, Jake sits up and fists your hair in his grasp. He yanks backwards, exposing your throat for him and you can’t help but moan. 
“Brat.” He whispers, leaning in close to you. His eyes look over your shoulder to Josh, who’s eyeing the both of you warily. “Move.” Jake demands, but Josh doesn’t do it. “Move.” He demands again, eyes blazing. 
A fresh wave of slick escapes you, dripping down your thighs and drenching the bed below at the anger in Jake’s voice. Making him wait, telling him what to do… it had been wonderful while it lasted but this is the Jake that you want. 
“Josh.” You whine, unable to face him fully because of Jake’s hold on your hair. “Do as he says.” 
Gingerly, Josh moves up in the bed. As soon as he’s out of the way, Jake grips your waist and flips you, pushing your back into the mattress as he hovers over you. His cock, neglected and no doubt aching, grazes your stomach and your thighs clench together in the hopes of soothing the ache there. 
“I agree to share you for the night, I let you call all the shots. Fuck I even let Josh be the one to fuck you…” He says darkly, his fingers gripping your sides and digging into your skin harshly. “And this is what I get in return, huh?” He laughs, sitting up just a bit to grip his cock in his hand and pump himself a few times, his precum making it easy for him. “No more nice. You’re gonna lie here,” he says, sliding his tip through your wet folds. “And you’re gonna fucking take it.” 
Josh, breaking his silence at last, leans back onto the headboard and spreads his legs. 
“Be good for him, baby girl. Just lie there and look pretty doing it.” 
The shock of his words has you momentarily breathless but then Jake spears you with his cock, effectively silencing your thoughts of anything other than the feeling of him stretching you. You cry out, hands fisting in the sheets at your sides as Jake starts a merciless pace. His hips are like lightning, pounding into you at a pace that you’ve never experienced before. 
From the corner of your vision you can see Josh, his hand dropping between his thighs, his dick rock hard yet again despite having only just cum moments before. He moans your name at the first glide of his hand over his cock, his knees falling open wider and his jaw hanging slack with pleasure. 
"You look so fucking pretty like that, baby." Josh's words come out shaky thanks to the pleasure coursing through him. "Fucking hell."
Jake, his face contorted in almost a snarl, snaps his hips into yours like a man possessed. It’s so fast and so soon after your last orgasm that your pussy feels like it's on fire – icy hot sparks mixing with the pleasure as your body trembles beneath him. You open your mouth to speak – to demand more or for him to stop you have no idea, but all that comes out is a high pitched, whiny moan. 
“I don’t fucking care.” Jake grits out, licking his thumb and dropping it to circle your clit. Your body jolts, the pain of overstimulation finally melting away to fiery pleasure.
Josh’s moans grow louder, the sound of his fist over his cock matching the pace of Jake’s hips – brutally fast and unforgiving. Your name falls from between his lips, interrupted only by groans and whimpers as he brings himself to the edge yet again. 
"Cum for us, baby. Make a mess." Josh encourages, his hand never slowing.
"Give it to me. Come on, angel." Jake's demand is firm but his voice wavers and cracks as he holds himself back.
The band that has been building and building in your lower belly finally snaps and your whole body goes taut, your muscles contracting and shaking uncontrollably as your release washes over you. Jake’s pace finally falters, his hips stuttering and a loud, feral groan falling from between his plump lips as he finally finishes. Josh’s voice rings out as he paints his hand and belly, his own release hitting him at the sight of you. 
As the fog of lust and wanton, filthy desire finally begins to dissipate, the three of you are left lying there trying to get your breathing back under control. As harshly as Jake had been fucking into you just moments before, he’s delicate and soft as he slowly pulls out of you. His hands caress your sides, his rough fingertips ghosting over your skin and making goosebumps rise in their wake. Josh sits up and leans forward to brush your sweaty hair from your forehead. 
You smile lazily up at them, body still buzzing with pleasure but tiredness leaching into your muscles. 
“Better now?” You murmur, a lazy smile on your lips. 
“Infinitely.” Josh answers you, eyes glittering.
“Thank you, angel.” Jake says, pressing a feather light kiss to your belly. “So good for us.” 
“The best, even.” Josh adds, tone equally soft as Jake’s kiss. “And all ours.”
“All yours.” Is all your tired brain can come up with to answer. And it's the truth. You’re theirs. Completely. 
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ ✺ ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
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esoteriamaya · 9 months
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Hey! My name is Monet. I wanted to share some more insight on the signs and some house placements. I hope you all enjoy!
Taurus suns are incredible listeners. They are big on gift giving and creating safe and sensual spaces for their partners. However they due tend to argue a lot, its the bull headed energy they have. Its an Adrenaline rush. Be careful not to be around them while their hot tempered, you might get a kick from the bull. On the bright side, their sensual personas is a gift from the cosmos. They can turn this trait into a gold mine. They have the energy to entice you with their words, their bodies and even the way they express themselves.
Jupiter in Aquarius individuals have a complex understanding of the cosmos. It's not typically understood by the masses but I mean it is in aquarius! Jupiter here shows an expansion in knowledge be it whatever it is they put their fingers on. The Midas Touch. Even if the odds are against them, they still have a notoriety to their character that most never saw coming. They change the odds to work in their favor due to a shift in mindset. Good luck bestows them when they go into odd, original territory. You never know what you might find!
Jupiter 10th House individuals have an urgency to be successful, this can be a painful placement to have because while they may have big dreams their is a ton of practicality that comes in with this placement. This placement can be quite depressive when they aren't sure how their plans for the future can commence. They have to work hard to get to this dream however they must take into account that things don't always happen so quickly. Jupiter in this house shows a person with a magnetic persona, where people will feel the good energy on you and will latch on to it. It doesnt quite matter what this character is doing, they will always have a respectable aura to the masses. It is their gift.
Sun in the 11th shows a person who is popular with the masses, however it has its quirks. These are the internet famous geeks. The ones who turn the trends into their favor. Pioneers in the originality train. They normally just have to be themselves and people will be attracted to them. Angel dust is literally sprinkled on their character. For social media of course ;) jk. On another end, these people are quick to join different organizations and groups. However they feel at the moment, they usually take a chance in whatever is not the ordinary. 11th house is ruled by uranus/aquarius naturally, so the 11th house suns have a knack for creating and/or being in spaces where they can connect to people who are different from them.
Neptune 12th housers, whew boy. You guys have a gift in the subconscious that goes untapped by the rest of the world. Your gift in seeing things that arent there, can be used in creative/practical outlets. I'd argue that you could just paint or draw, but its much bigger than that. Sometimes thats not what you're subconscious is looking for. It requires you to seek it. This house placement goes on journeys through the psyche, and in the physical it shows itself in a number of ways. Whether through people, art, locations. Doesn't matter. There is one thing that is always certain, that the imagination has a mission. And that's to bring it to life.
These people are good at reading the world because they are constantly rejected and ocratized on being different. The 'crazy' one. But the one who is also the most talented in astrology, occult, the stars, and mysticism. It's a gift not everyone gets, but it's something work noting. They challenge you too see the beyond, and help others tap into themselves . The escapist, they have others who try to escape with them, but it doesnt last. Be gentle with them, they have a lot going on in their mind. They just want to share it with someone.
Venus in Leo has a royal aura. Their charm can wow others and can make them fall in love easily. Their gift is in works of art but for them i do sense singing would be a great one for them. They don't need to have the 'best' voice. Just the confidence to keep going. Their magnetism is strongest during artistic associations because leo gets a knack out of being in the spotlight.
Mercury in the 3rd House has a significant tone to their voice. Its odd but its very distinctive that people enjoy listening. These people can also have a knack in playing instruments. Jazz style locations works for them. This is so the mind can relax as they are consistently on the go. Researching kills any acts of boredom easily, as this is a necessity for the mind.
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creeativesimmer · 5 months
Pretty Guardians Legacy Challenge
A Sailor Moon inspired legacy challenge for the Sims 4
I have always enjoyed playing Legacy Challenges and wanted to one day attempt to make my own. While I am certain there are Sailor Moon Legacy challenges out there, I couldn't find one that suited my fancy, so I decided to create my own updated version. I'm also trying to utilize as many packs/gameplay that I don't usually use. So here goes.
~~This is currently in gen 1 of playtesting, so things might get changed or updated. If you have any feedback feel free to share as some changes may be in order. Also stay tuned for my documentation of the playtest.~~
Basic Rules:
Money cheats can be used, but I wouldn't recommend using it extensively since that's half the fun. But who am I to tell you how you like to play
Mods and CC are okay to use. Feel free to make the heirs look as similar or as different than their counterpart.
You may live wherever you please unless something is specified in the rules of a generation.
All heirs must have a human lifespan unless otherwise stated. Heirs can be either male or female. Just because you're a Pretty Guardian, doesn't mean you have to be a girl. c:
You may have as many children and you'd like unless otherwise stated. Marriage and Live-in Partners are optional, unless otherwise stated in the challenge.
Every generation is supposed to complete both the career and aspiration of the heir unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Would recommend keeping the lifespan on normal, but you may play on whatever lifespan or custom lifespan if you so desire.
Feel free to accept any additional self discoveries, just don't switch personalities unless otherwise stated.
Please take advantage of the Reward traits and potions to help you through each generation
Have fun. I personally like challenges, so I'm adding some additional requirements for each generation for a challenge mode. Feel free to adjust the rules to suit your own playstyle better and complete as much or as little of the generation as you please.
Generation 1: Pluto
Optional Colors: Black, Red, Maroon
You are the Keeper of Time and this legacy. The timeline has shifted, and the Moon Kingdom is in danger. You and your companion have been allowed to leave your post in order to correct it. This world is different that what you are familiar with. It isn't the Moon Kingdom, nor is it Tokyo. But you do learn there is a place that teaches you the things you need to know, and you find yourself enrolled in school. You must compile this knowledge to develop a new Door of Space and Time to guard for all of eternity from this new world. But not everything is doom and gloom. When you're not trying to fix the world, you find yourself relaxing by playing chess and making things to wear.
Optional: Start off or Become a Vampire, the goal is to eventually become immortal (You may also cheat this if you prefer to remain human) Optional: Have a feline companion who also gains immortality (with the power of many, many age down treats) and lives with each generation to provide them with the wisdom and knowledge. Traits: Gloomy, Genius, Vegetarian? Aspirations: Academic, (Optional) Good Vampire Career: Scientist Skills: Research & Debate, Knitting or Gemology, (Optional) Veterinarian 
Complete Academic aspiration and get a degree in Physics
Max Scientist Career along with Research & Debate and either Gemology or Knitting Skills
Create and Upgrade the Door of Space and Time (aka the Wormhole Generator) and place on home lot.
Travel to the Moon Kingdom (Sixam) at least once.
Must adopt at least one child
Heir must be human or have human lifespan (can be adopted sim)
Challenge mode:
(Optional) In order to achieve immortality: Become a Vampire and complete the Good Vampire Aspiration
(Optional) Create all the serums in the scientist career
(Optional) In order to achieve immortality for your feline companion, master the Veterinarian skill and create the Age Down Treats. (Purchasing them is also okay, especially in later generations)
(Optional) Have a garden where you grow most of your food source and death flowers
(Optional) Gift at least 3 knitted items or jewelry to friends or family
(Optional) Complete both Knitting and Gemology skills
(Optional) Use the gemology skill to make you immortal
(Optional) Complete the crystal and geodes collection
Generation 2: Saturn
Optional Colors: Purple, Maroon, White
Your guardian was always locked up in a lab seeking answers to life's greatest questions. While they still loved and cared for you, their ultimate focus was on their own goals and mission, leaving you alone with your thoughts. The voices in your head make it hard to be alone, so you spend most of your time reading. When you finally meet someone new, you become close friends. But one day when you have a maniac episode where you completely black out, you ruin the only friendship you had. And to save your friend and anyone else from your unstable personality, you become a shut-in with just you and your books. You dream of traveling, but never trust yourself to leave. So you travel through books and fantasy, writing about the adventures you'll never take.
Traits: Erratic, Loner, Paranoid Aspiration: Best-Selling Author Career: Freelance Writer Skills: Writing, Selvadoran Culture, Vampire Lore, + 1 skill of your choice
Complete Best-Selling Author aspiration and write Book of Life for Gen one.
Max Writing, Selvadoran Culture (will likely need to attend classes to sit on to gain the initial skill), Vampire Lore, & 1 skill of your choosing (preferably one that you wouldn't ever use like herbalism, rock climbing, skiing, etc.) that you must master via skill book only.
Only make your money from Royalties and/or Freelance Work.
Make a BFF and and eventually loose your BFF status due to the decline of your friendship
Never leave your lot (unless for a rabbithole event or absolutely necessary)
Complete the Postcard collection.
Challenge Mode:
(Optional: As a child) Become best friends with the first child (or younger) sim that you meet. Can be a Non-blood related sibling, if you're having trouble.
(Optional Mod) Be homeschooled
(Optional: As a teen) Have a falling out with your friend that goes from BFF into the red.
(Optional: After falling out) Never leave your lot (unless for a rabbithole event or absolutely necessary)
(Optional: As a YA) If you decide to move out, you must stay in the same neighborhood as you grew up. Alternative: Stay in your family's home or Turn your family home into a residential rental and stay there.
(Optional: As an adult) You settle the voices in your head. Should you desire, you may replace the erratic trait with a trait of your choosing (as an adult) or via self-discovery prompt (at any point as a YA or older)
(Optional) After accepting your new self, rekindle your friendship with your former childhood BFF.
Generation 3: Uranus
Optional Colors: Navy & Yellow
Your guardian was a complete shut-in. Always talking about adventures, but refusing to leave home. You're tired of being surrounded by all these books about action and adventure, you want to live and experience it. You develop a need for speed. And since there's no cars in this world, you want learn how to ride. Your guardian begrudgingly allows you to have a horse, but only because they thought it was one of those "I wanna a pony" stages. Turns out, you're pretty decent of a rider, so much so that you can build a living off of it. As soon as you're old enough, you move out of your parent's home and set off on your own adventure. With your career, you have the flexibility to work when you want and travel the rest of the time. While you enjoy riding horses, you're not really about the farm/ranch life. You gain a little fame from work and your adventuring, so you find yourself having to disguise yourself when going out, but it doesn't slow your adventures in the slightest.
Traits: Adventurous, Active, Horse LoverAspiration: Championship Rider Career: None - Make your money competing in horse riding competitions (Alternatively, you can join the Athlete career) Skills: Fitness, Horse Riding, 1 Extreme sport skill (skiing, rock climbing, snowboarding)
Max out skills: Fitness, Horse Riding, 1 Extreme sport skill (skiing, rock climbing, snowboarding)
Finish the Championship Rider Aspiration.
Have at least 2-star fame
Travel more than you work. (ie. compete in competitions 3 days of the week and then vacation 4)
Meet your partner/spouse when traveling
Challenge Mode:
(Optional) Live in at least two additional worlds outside of the one you grew up in. Start in Chestnut Ridge and then move somewhere else.
(Optional) Reach 5-star celebrity and wear disguises when going out. (alternatively create an additional look in CAS for your disguise)
(Optional) Climb Mt. Komorebi
(Optional) Complete 2 of the following additional aspirations: Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Jungle Explorer, Body Builder
(Optional) Gain the Adrenaline Seeker and/or Frequent Traveler Lifestyle.
(Optional) Complete the Omniscan Treasures collection
(Optional) Vacation in Sulani at least once with your children.
(Optional) Marry someone of the same gender.
Generation 4: Neptune
Optional Colors: Sea green & Navy
You spent a lot of your childhood traveling. While it was enjoyable traveling the world, it was the beach that managed to capture your heart. You heard the ocean's call and you answered with your own. You develop a passion for music and the ocean that you move to Sulani live out your dream to become the siren of the sea.
Traits: Child of the Island, Music Lover, Perfectionist Career: Entertainer - Musician Aspiration: Musical Genius Skills: Violin, Singing, Painting
Master skills for Violin, Painting, & Singing
Max out the Musician Branch of the Entertainer Career.
Complete the Musical Genius Aspiration
Live in Sulani
Summon and Befriend an Island Elemental
Have your heir with another partner before meeting your spouse.
Become a mermaid
Challenge Mode:
(Optional) Become a mermaid after maxing the singing skill
(Optional) Complete the Beach Life Aspiration
(Optional) Have a child with an Island Elemental
(Optional) Befriend a mermaid
(Optional) Seduce a local and marry them after becoming a mermaid.
(Optional) Paint pictures of the Ocean and decorate your house with them.
(Optional) Heir should ideally be human, but if you want to keep playing with mermaids, feel free
(Optional) Complete the Buried Treasure and Seashell collection.
(Optional) Clean up the islands and see the turtle hatching at least once.
Generation 5: Mercury
Optional Colors: Blue & Light Blue
You grew up listening to your guardian's voice singing into the night. It made you wonder what all was out there. So you took to the books to study what you could. You were a nerd in all senses, with your nose always stuck in a book. You had an absentee parent, so it made you admire your guardian that much more being able to raise you solo and still dedicate so much to their career and passions. It motivated you enough that you wanted to become a doctor, but along the way in your studies you discovered your love of technology.
Traits: Bookworm, Ambitious, Generous Career: Doctor Aspiration: Nerd Brain Skills: Logic, Programming, Handiness
Max out the Doctor career
Get all A's in school
Complete the Nerd Brain Aspiration
Max Logic, Handiness, & Programming Skills
Challenge Mode
(Optional) Gain the Workaholic and Techie Lifestyle
(Optional) Complete Whiz Kid aspiration as a child.
(Optional) Graduate early if you can.
(Optional) Get a degree in Computer Science before joining the Doctor career at entry level.
(Optional) Join the Bot Savants in Uni.
(Optional) Max out either Rocket Science or Robotics Skill
(Optional) Build a rocket and give it all the upgrades/ Build a servo and all the bots.
(Optional) Complete the Space Prints, Aliens, & Space Rocks Collection
Generation 6: Venus
Optional Colors: Orange & Blue
You grew up surrounded by all the latest technology. But you could care less about the robots and rocket ships, your obsession came in the form of video games and computers. Though despite your knowledge on computers, you were too good for school. You usually would stay up too late at night gaming that you would get caught sleeping in school more than you did actually studying. While you present yourself as lazy in appearance and in nature, you still try to maintain your figure. Because when you aren't gaming, you're fawning over potential interests at the arcade or at school. You seem to cycle through relationships, never maintaining a solid relationship for long. Despite some accidental or unplanned pregnancies, you are determined to be provide a good life for your children, even if it takes a bit of discipline.
Traits: Geek, Romantic, Non-Committal Career: Video Game Streamer, Tech Guru Aspiration: Computer Whiz Skills: Fitness, Video Gaming, Parenting, (Optional) Romance
Must finish the Computer Whiz aspiration
You are a slacker in school so you never get over a C.
Get a part time job as a Video Game Streamer and maintain it at least until your first child is born.
Join the Tech Guru career after quitting the Streamer career. (You don't need to max this out)
Marry at least two different sims
Never have more than one pregnancy with the same partner.
Create a video game based off your alter ego.
Challenge Mode
(Optional) Drop out or get expelled from school. Get your GED before turning into an adult.
(Optional) Finish the Serial Romantic Aspiration
(Optional) Max the Romance Skill
(Optional) Maintain the Streamer Career until you've reached your adult birthday.
(Optional) Max out the Tech Guru Career (eSport Branch)
(Optional) Win the Ultimate Gaming Test and Hackathon at Geekcon at least once.
(Optional) Have a least 3 pregnancies.
(Optional) Always use the highest level of discipline with your children whenever they misbehave. But also encourage them whenever they do something good.
(Optional) Gain either the Supportive or Strict family dynamic with most of your children, but Strict Family dynamic with your heir.
(Optional) Finish the My Sims and Voidcritter Collections.
Generation 7: Mars
Optional Colors: Red & Purple
You grew up listening to the sounds of your guardian yelling at the tv late into the night as they worked to achieve the highest score. Not to mention the revolving door of men and women that would stay over, some of which stuck around long enough to label themselves as step-parent. Even though you still aimed to make your parents proud, you swore you'd never become them. A failed attempt to set you up with another politician to 'assist' your career was the final straw for you. You cut ties with your parents and seek to better yourself. On your path of self discovery, you learn that you are a vessel of power. You diverge from your current path to follow the unknown, learning more about yourself then you ever imagined discovering. You never wanted children, but somehow you ended up with one. You manage but not without a little help.
Traits: Hot-headed, Self-Assured, Proper (Hates Children) Career: Politician, Freelance - Paranormal Investigator Aspiration: Inner Peace, Spellcraft & Sorcery Skills: Charisma, Wellness, & Medium
Complete the Inner Peace Aspiration.
Master Charisma, Wellness & Medium Skills
Join the Politician Career and stick with it until you reach adulthood or both of your parents pass away.
Go on 2 dates with a co-worker, and realize that this wasn't how you wanted to get ahead.
Never marry.
Have only one child(/pregnancy)
'Discover' your inner power by becoming a spellcaster (may also be born as one, you just never use any powers until finishing the Inner Peace aspiration)
Summon Bonehilda and befriend her
Challenge Mode:
(Optional) Have a good relationship with your grandparent if your grandparents are still alive.
(Optional) Complete the Inner Peace Aspiration before leaving your politician career.
(Optional) Complete the Spellcraft & Sorcery Aspiration.
(Optional) Move into a haunted house after starting Paranormal Investigator.
(Optional) Live in a technology free home (no tvs, no computers, etc.)
(Optional) Complete at least one of each level gigs within the freelance career.
(Optional) Befriend Guidry.
(Optional) Collect a Sugar Skull from every lot that you encounter a tombstone on.
(Optional) Gain the Hates Children personality trait
(Optional) Purchase the Brave reward trait.
Generation 8: Jupiter
Optional Colors: Green & Pink
You had an odd childhood, growing up surround by spirits both good and evil. You spent more time in the care of a living skeleton than you did with your own guardian. Your other parent is no where to be seen. You learned to fend for yourself rather early on. You found comfort and enjoyment in cooking. Your perfect soulmate is someone who is kind and loyal and enjoys to eat your cooking. And after meeting that perfect mate, you are determined to give your children the best upbringing you could possibly give them.
Traits: Foodie, Loyal, Loves the Outdoors Career: Either Chef or Gardening (Floral arranging) careers, eventually own a retail shop Aspiration: Soulmate Skills: Baking, Gardening, & Floral Arranging
Complete the Soulmate Aspiration
Choose between either the Chef or Floral Designer Career
Master Baking, Cooking, Gardening, and Floral Arranging skills.
Buy and own a retail shop to sell your floral arrangements and cakes.
Marry someone with either the Loyal or Glutton traits
Have at least two children.
Challenge Mode:
(Optional) Complete the Appliance Wiz, Master Chef, and/or Freelance Botanist Aspiration.
(Optional) Live on a lot with Simple Living and you grow most of your food and flowers for your arrangements
(Optional) Complete the Gardening and Magic Bean Collections.
(Optional) Master the Gourmet Cooking Skill as well.
(Optional) Take family photos regularly and hang them all over the house.
Generation 9: Moon
Optional Colors: Blue & Red
You had the perfect upbringing. With parents who loved and cared for you. Even so, you're still a little scatterbrained and quite the klutz. You have a strong justice for your friends, and will stand up for them in any situation. Your grades suffered in school cause you were out late fighting the forces of evil. You secretly fight for justice, but your family is none the wiser and only thinks you're an innocent teacher.
Traits: Childish, Clumsy, Good Career: Secret Agent (Diamond Agent)/Detective or Education Aspiration: Friend of the World Skills: Research and Debate, Charisma, Cooking
Complete Friend of the World Aspiration.
Master either the Secret Agent (Diamond Agent Branch)/Detective or Education Career.
Have 4 Good friends/BFFs that you meet in high school.
Spend several evenings as a teen out on the town with your 4 close friends or partner.
Have two romantic interests, but one of them starts out with your friendship in the negative.
Befriend and eventually marry the romantic interest you disliked initially.
Challenge Mode:
(Optional) Achieve mediocre grades in school. Never do homework or study for exams.
(Optional) Confront anyone who is mean to you, your friends, or partner. Fighting is an option too
(Optional) You fight justice in secret, but everyone just thinks your a simple teacher. Master the Detective or Secret Agent (DA), then quit to join the Education career.
(Optional) Also master the Education career.
(Optional) Complete the Super Parent Aspiration
(Optional) Have your spouse maintain a better relationship with your heir then with you. (doesn't have to be much)
(Optional) Accept the Jealous personality trait if prompted.
(Optional) Make at least 3 enemies with sims who wrong your friends or family, but later mend your relationships with them.
(Optional) Complete the Holiday Cracker Plushie, Marbles, & Frog Collections
Generation 10: Chibi Moon
Optional Colors: Pink & Red/Pink & Black
You loved and adored your parents growing up, especially one more so than the other. You were sweet and innocent for your favorite parent, and little mischievous with the other. But you still were on good terms with both parents. You enjoy drawing pictures as a child and gifting them to your parent. As a teen, you start to be jealous of the attention your guardian seeks from your other parent. You start to be a little rebellious. You become friends with an unlikely individual who sends you down a dark path as a young adult.
Traits: Self-absorbed, Evil, Goofball Career: Criminal Aspiration: Public Enemy, Werewolf Initiate Skills: Mischief, Painting
As a child complete the Artistic Prodigy aspiration
As a teen, meet and befriend a werewolf.
Follow a path of evil as a young adult and master the Criminal Career.
Complete the Public Enemy Aspiration.
Become a werewolf either towards the end of your teenhood or at the beginning of your YA-hood.
Complete the Werewolf Initiate Aspiration
After completing the above, feel free to accept any personality swaps away from your negative traits.
After completing the above, feel free to change Careers to a career of your choice.
After completing the above, change your aspiration to Strangerville Mystery.
Challenge Mode
(Optional) Befriend a rabbit in your youth.
(Optional) Join Drama Club as a Child/Teen
(Optional) Age up with positive character values.
(Optional) Complete one of the following additional werewolf aspirations: Lone Wolf, Wildfang Renegade, or Emissary of the Collective
(Optional) Complete the Cure Seeker Aspiration.
(Optional) Complete the Strangerville Mystery and repel the forces of evil.
(Bonus) Recruit Pluto in your battle against the Mother.
If you do plan to play this legacy, please share your adventures using #prettyguardianslegacy
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lets-try-some-writing · 7 months
I saw someone else ask about Transformers Animated and you said you had something in the works for it, mind if I ask about what it is? I know you do most of your work for Prime, but I would love to see what you have in mind.
It's been a LONG time since I've thought about animated. I don't think I have the drafts I wrote up for my various thoughts when I first watched the show anymore.
BUT I think I remember a few of the premises I came up with at the time.
Days of Old: Cybertron has long forgotten its history. The Autobots are all puppets of the Quintessons, although they are not aware of it. Only the Decepticons remember when their people were free, and even their memory is warped. The Allspark was taken from its place, the people have been physically altered to match what the Quintessons wanted. Nothing is as it should be.
Primus is not pleased, and he refuses to allow his holy stations to be corrupted. Thus he has returned one of his first creations to Cybertron to wield the Matrix and put things back the way they were.
Author's note: This concept would be a way to warp TFP elements into the animated universe. I personally imagine it is set in an alternate universe where the Quintessons never left and so continued to change Cybertronians to their liking. This way old TFP lore can still apply and certain world rules can still come into play. I also just liked the idea of young Optimus slowly remembering how the world used to be. It gives him an excuse to ally with the Decepticons since they are, essentially, a living remnant of the old world.
I don't know I just wanted lore so I made an excuse for lore.
Death Korps: The Primes aren't just high ranking generals, they are also absolutely insane. The most indoctrinated out of all of Cybertron's citizens, the Primes are raised from youth to fulfill the role of fanatic soldiers. They throw their lives away willingly if it is for the greater good and tolerate absolutely zero disrespect toward the Council. Imagine how things go when one disgraced Prime is saddled with a suicide mission and a team of heretics who don't give a flying frag about the government and its rules.
Megatron is going to have his hands full working to open the optics of one fanatic Prime, an exiled medical officer, two recruits who simply couldn't be indoctrinated, and a ninja who fled from the government sanctioned reprograming he was meant to undergo.
Author's note: I liked the idea of each of the team showcasing a different aspect of Cybertron's corruption. Optimus the religious fanatic. Ratchet the war vet who knew too much and thus was silenced. Bumblebee and Bulkhead who were born with the rare mutation that makes it impossible to be forcefully indoctrinated. And good ol Prowl who is one of the few with enough brain cells to get the heck out of dodge before he underwent what might as well be shadowplay.
The plot of this potential fic would follow Megatron's efforts to get these Autobots on his side. Primes aren't just fanatics, they are high ranking generals. They know things. If he can get to that knowledge, Megatron can win. But due to the fanatics that are the Primes, its not like torture will do anything. That means trust is the only avenue.
Warframes: The team are not what they seem. Megatron has begun to see it now that the Autobots on Earth aren't being pumped full of whatever Cybertron puts in its energon. They are growing, getting taller, stronger, and more aggressive. They don't seem to notice the changes, but Megatron is seeing it and he is enraged.
Vorns upon vorns ago the Council stole hundreds of Decepticon sparklings to make up for the lack of newsparks on their own side. They were considered dead, a lost cause. But seeing the team on Earth, Megatron now has a far greater fear. What in Primus's name are the Council planning to do with a bunch of warframes?
Author's note: Aka: the Cons now have a very VERY good reason to be extra pissed with the Autobots. Hundreds of their sparklings all stolen and each forced to remain on suppressors until the Council decides that its time to turn them into the super soldiers they need. In this particular idea, Ratchet SHOULD have been keeping the team on their suppressors and Prowl SHOULD have been ensuring that their civilian social coding was up to snuff. But neither have been doing that, and thus the three youngest bots on the team are coming into their own.
I imagine that at least one of the three are directly related to a high ranking Con. That way the beef can be REAL and PERSONAL.
I have some other ideas as well, but I will need to put them in a separate post I think since they are more one shot material than anything else. Let is be known, I wasn't actually the biggest fan of animated, but I loved the POTENTIAL it threw out for fic writers.
Please let me know if any of these appeal :) I will gladly write for one of them if I get a request for it.
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batim-bowtie · 23 days
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊ Hello Tumblr! Welcome to BOWTIE, an in-production and soon-to-be comic series based off of the Bendyverse. This is a swap AU, and you can find ALL details, comic progress updates, and artwork here on this blog!
Yes, this is a repost to this new account as the other one has been deleted. I accidentally made the other one a sideblog, so it couldn't receive asks. ._.
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⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊ Above is the complete main toon cast design lineup so far!
CLOSEUPS + AU INFO below the cut!
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There are other designs, such as Mama Pluto and Mama Venus, who will be put into separate posts of their own as I want to lay out the rules of the Overworld, Underworld, and Heaven in those posts. This is simply an introduction post, so we will keep things simple!
The BOWTIE au centers Diana, Doris and Alex as they make their way through the Great Depression and onward to the mid 1940's. This AU is consistent with the Bendy Crack-Up Comics Collection, and the characters are based on the Crack Up Comics renditions of Bendy, Boris, Alice, and so forth.
It's 1944, and Manhattan is bustling with activity. In an ever-recovering economy past the Great Depression, DIANA is a young imp cast out of Hell in her 500s (or simply, early 20s) blessed with the gift of misfortune. After finally stabilizing and yearning for a traditional American white-picket-fence lifestyle, she often associates with DORIS, a wolf twice her size who knows her like no other. Troubled with her identity and struggling to move on from her past, Doris welcomes Diana into her abode, where she finds herself adjusting to much more than a new house—but a home. Becoming more fearful as time passes and her bad luck wears onto the people she cares about, it seems that the local townsfolk - and a certain someone - have started to develop plans to sabotage Diana's future and send her back to Hell. Quickly evolving from a small get-away scheme to send Diana back to her realm, unfair defaults about the world become unearthed; soon to stop not only affecting Diana, but the whole cast as we know them.
Most if not all AU events occur from 1944 and onward, however there are important character events that have occurred before 1930 that will be mentioned in future posts, either through comics or character backstories.
This AU has shipping involved, so here are the pre-established relationships and dynamics between characters.
Doris and Diana were "close friends" from 1930 until 1944, where they eventually settled down, established a relationship and moved in together. This relationship is important to the story, so if you are uncomfortable or view the original Boris and Bendy as siblings you might be unpleased with this. Borendy and Dorendy (Diana/Doris) are common themes in this blog, and you don't have to like it to be respectful of it!
Charlene and Barlene are married and have been for a long time. Marriage between same-sex couples is indeed frowned upon in the Overworld so they eloped, and consequently rarely speak about this marriage to anyone besides other Butcher Gang members and the Toon Trio.
Mama Pluto (Devil) and Mama Venus (God) were once lovers.
Alex and Cody are in a situationship - Alex is constantly busy on tours in 1944, making promises to Cody to come to his next show and hopefully they will have enough time after to spend time together. Cody never misses a show of his, and is slowly becoming exhausted by this.
The BOWTIE comic will total around 45 chapters, each with estimated 20-29 pages. The comic will be cross posted on Webtoon ideally. This is subject to change as the comic is in pre-production and in the writing stage of each chapter. Be patient, as one person is creating this! However, there will be daily art and updates.
Merry (AU author) is disabled and struggles with a condition that causes occasional blindness and limb numbness, especially to the hands. During inflammation periods, the comic may be delayed due to physical limitations. After the first few chapters are released, recruitment for additional help MAY begin so delays can be avoided, and comics can be produced faster. A Google form application will be released when ready.
Feel free to draw any of the designs or do pretty much anything with them (with credit) as long as it's not questionable obviously. You can ask about what the limits are with these AU characters if you'd like!
PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ASK ANYTHING TO ANY OF THE CHARACTERS, OR ASK IN GENERAL! Lore-based questions, general asks, etc. are permitted - so go wild!
Reblogs are appreciated, as this tumblr blog is new! Thank you so much if you read this far!
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adrian-sheppy · 4 months
can you talk about aroace freemercy :D?
Freemercy being aroace is an important part of the character if you want to view him as a real guy and not an ingame avatar and want to keep his odd moral compass intact. It is intertwined with his personality and worldview. ESSAY INBOUND.
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Freemercy is detached from the world. There is good or there is bad. There are people to save and there are enemies. Nuance and shades of gray are often lost on him. Can the concept of a savior love? Can a self-made lethal weapon be held without cutting the skin? Can a man so focused on saving what's good and exterminating what's not stop to smell the roses? Does he actually care about anyone, or is this simply an obligation to him? What drives him, drives his morals? He is not really a healer. His hands that have tended wounds could have also been the cause of the wounds. He will shoot someone or break a bone if it meant physically stopping them if it would keep them alive. Freemercy is a bundle of strange impulses and uncomfortable truths masquerading as an average man. After all, he laughs, jokes, can hold a conversation, has a calm, put together demeanor... but don't be fooled.
His rules and some thoughts behind them
1. Save as many of his own as possible (us versus them mentality. what qualifies as his own? Scientists? Civillians? or... non-Enemies?)
2. Remove as many Enemies as possible (Enemies, capitalized. He has enemies. People and things who are dangerous, or even have the potential to be dangerous. He goes as far as to kill leaches in the water. Where is the line? Remember: he is not merciful)
3. Remove Hazards if Possible (nothing to really overanalyze with this one, hazards was defined as things that could kill people)
So, when you take him out of his element, out of danger, his mind will concoct it. He's not exactly a man with many hobbies. He's selfless --- too selfless. Selfless to the point it wraps back around into selfharm (see: grenade jumping). He fills the Freemercy shaped hole in his life by doing good, by being kind, by being attentive. And he does it by saving lives, too. Present him with the trolly problem and if he is certain he cannot stop the trolley, he will flip the lever (even if he knew the person tied to the track), and the only thing he'd care about is he failed to save everyone, not that he knew the person on the track. (And then even then, he can't linger for too long. He has people to save)
People are goals to him. Keep them safe; and when that can't be done, keep them alive. And threats are to be sought out and eliminated. He is too busy saving and obsessing. No one person is more important to him than another. They are people, and they are either good or bad. Freemercy will hurt himself or others for the greater good, and that includes anyone "close" to him. And... he's aroace (and you could even say aplatonic if you want too aswell)! It fits him well. He reminds me of when Data fron star trek next generation tries to be in a relationship: Freemercy isn't mean and he might try, but the concept of intimacy is alien to him, and he doesn't "feel" the right things to be able to engage with it. He cannot prioritize a life, especially one that's not in danger. It's hard enough to keep friends. The only reason he has any is because the other Freemen HAVE to associate with him. He's deeply misguided and sacrificial to a fault, and that can be uncomfortable to be around.
But it's important to note he doesn't see the need to try and change how he operates. He doesn't feel it his burden to save others, it's more like his duty. It's a job he does and does well. And it works! And as long as he's saving people (his self worth is determined on how many people he saves), then he's doing well! He's in his element as the savior of humanity, and being a savior doesn't mean you need to have the ability to love. And... he doesn't.
little bonus:
I like drawing Freemercy with snakes. I've usually only done one, but he has two! A black snake and a white snake. These have multiple meanings and were given to him for symbolic reasons, and one of those reasons is aroace! The black snake is the Asexual ring and the white snake is the Aromantic ring. Just a little fun . smiles.
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