#they find them annoying and just gives up
corkinavoid · 22 hours
DPxDC Danny the Guy Who Won't Die
He lives in Gotham, and he is just A Guy. Nothing weird about him, he's just there to study/work/help Lady Gotham to lift her curse/on vacation with Sam. Point is, he is not there to cause trouble and there's no GIW on his tail. Just a dude living his (after)life.
And Gotham, being Gotham, still finds a way to be annoying. There are mugging attempts, robbery, Rogues running around. Only Danny really doesn't want to deal with any of it.
Now there's a dilemma. If he uses his powers to fight, it will sooner or later come to Bats' attention. And if he fights as a human, it will also alert some of the Bats since he doesn't really do a great job at keeping his power levels low. Not to mention the fact he is really not enthusiastic about accidentally punching someone hard enough he sends them to a hospital.
What does he do instead? He pulls the 'I guess I'll die' act.
So every time he is attacked, he just plays dead. The mugger shot him in the chest? He falls down and stops breathing. Caught up in the middle of a Poison Ivy attack? Skewers himself on the vine and goes lax. Scarecrow's Fear Gas? Very dramatically chokes himself and plays a corpse. He makes sure to disappear before any ambulances arrive later, and it all goes well for a few months - he is just a casualty, who cares, really - until one day, he runs into that same mugger who shot him in the chest a while ago.
The man does a double take. Danny doesn't notice - he's been mugged so many times, who has the brain capacity to remember all of those fuckers. But the rumor goes out anyway.
A guy-who-won't-die. It's more of a city legend, really, and the Bats don't give it much thought since, well, it sounds stupid and not very important. A rumor of some man who was shot dead and then showed up like nothing happened? Yeah, it's probably because the mugger didn't check if he was actually dead. That happens. Maybe it wasn't even the same man, Gotham is a big city. If anything, hey, at least that was one less casualty? That's a good thing.
That is, until one day, they show up to Joker's hostage situation and witness the clown screaming at one of the hostages. He is so enraged he is shaking, spit flying out of his mouth, and, contrary to the usual Joker's evil sneers and maniacal laughter, he seems just... furious. But, like, the normal-human-level furious. The 'I just lost the last ounce of patience with you' furious.
"Don't you look away from me, you think I don't remember you?! Na-ah, I do. You were the one I drowned in the shark tank last week! And you were the one run through the chainsaw trap two weeks before that! And you were in the guillotine!!! I saw your fucking head get deattached from your body, how the fuck are you here again?!"
And the guy he is screaming at just looks at him, confused and incomprehensive.
"Um, I'm pretty sure I'd remember getting my head cut off, you know? So, err, wrong guy."
"Wrong guy my fucking ass-"
Joker is so distracted by his screaming match that it makes it almost too easy for the Bats to fight him down and drag to Arkham. Yet, a few of them get just a bit suspicious.
Now, imagine all the shenanigans when they try keeping a watch on Danny the Won't Die Guy.
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mattscoquette · 1 day
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your arm was hooked around matt’s bicep and your cheek rested on his shoulder while you both waited in line in the cafe, softly murmuring about what you were both getting. the second the weather dropped and the leaves began to change color, you’d made it a point to go to your favorite local cafe to try the new fall drinks.
“i think that apple cider shit looks good,” matt mumbled, turning his head to speak into your hair as he planted a kiss to your head, “what are you gettin’, doll?”
you hummed softly, looking up at him with a smile. “white mocha.”
he scoffed, playfully rolling his eyes. “you always get that.”
“it’s good, though.” you giggled, hiding your face in his arm.
the both of you continued your light banter until you got to the register, the both of you ordering your respective drinks before heading to the end of the counter to wait. while you were standing, matt tugged you into his chest, hugging you closely as you both swayed back and forth. you both often found solace in just being close with one another. matt perked his head up at the sight of the barista placing two coffee cups down at the counter, softly mumbling to you that your drinks were both ready.
the two of you grabbed your drinks before heading out the door, heading down the street as you walked hand in hand to go for a small walk. you both admired all the little stores you passed, the windows on full display for the autumn season that was now upon you.
“this is soooo good.” you sighed after taking a long sip, looking up at matt with a smile.
“yeah, so’s mine,” he mumbled in agreement as he looked at you over the cup while he drank.
“can i have a little sip?” you smiled, perking up.
matt laughed, shaking his head. “no.”
you eyed went wide as you whined, dramatically and almost childlike, “what? why not?”
“you shoulda ordered this instead of your white mocha shit.” he chuckled, sounding matter of fact while he took another sip tauntingly.
“matty, please?” you pouted, stopping in the middle of the side walk to peer up at him, your best pleading eyes on display.
“no,” he pouted back as his bottom lip jutted out, his expression laced with faux sympathy.
you huffed in annoyance, clearly upset. you flicked your eyes down, then back up again, tears beginning to well. “please?” you rasped again
matt laughed, shaking his head yet again. “no, baby, you got your own drink. drink that.”
“you’re so mean.” you whined, a couple tears falling as you tried to rapidly blink them back.
matt was used to you overly-sensitive nature by now. when you’d first started dating, matt was always in a state of constant worry about what could possibly set you off, and try to find ways to calm you. now, he knew it was nothing serious. he knew that you would get over it and the world would continue to turn.
“yeah, i am, aren’t i?” matt chuckled down at you, softly cupping your cheek and wiping a tear with his thumb.
you sniffled, nodding your head as tears pooled out of your eyes. “yeah, i just wanted a sip an’ you’re not lettin’ me.”
“aww, poor baby,” he cooed teasingly, pulling you into his chest. he wrapped his arms around tightly, softly stroking your hair, “i’m just the worst, right? never met anyone meaner than your matty.”
you whined into his chest. “stop makin’ fun of me, you’re being so mean.”
“i know, i know,” he mumbled into your hair with a smirk.
you sniffled and cried for a few more minutes before pulling away, wiping your tears away with the sleeve of your sweater. you looked up at matt, still a bit upset as he laughed. “matty it’s not funny.”
he shook his head, leaning in to kiss your forehead before letting his hands fall to your hips, giving them a squeeze. “i know it’s not. this is serious.”
you huffed, pulling away from his grip as you joined hands once more, continuing your walk down the street, only this time a bit more annoyed. you sighed, taking another sip of your white mocha, smiling to yourself quietly, gaining matt’s attention.
“what’s got you so giggly over there, princess? they put somethin’ funny in your coffee?” matt asked with a smirk playing on his lips and his eyebrow raised.
you shook your head. “no, this is just really good an’ i’m glad i got this and not apple cider.”
© mattscoquette
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luveline · 1 day
Hotch’s little sister x Spencer, they gang up on her about her safety or health or something, and she’s like “I’m happy you’re getting along, but don’t love getting ganged up on” 😂
You thought that when things between Spencer and Aaron finally became less awkward again, things would be easier. It was never your intention to drive a wedge between them, but perhaps it’s not your fault. 
After all, Spencer’s the one who chose to date his boss’s younger sister. That was his idea. 
Of course, you ate up his flirting and agreed to all your dates, but still. Spencer’s fault for sure. So why are you in trouble? 
“Honey, I’m honestly a little surprised with you.” Aaron takes a deep breath. “It was a completely unnecessary course of action.” 
Surprised with you is more apt than he realises. “Wait a second, what?” You’d known you were in for a scolding from his weird text, but you have no idea what he’s talking about. 
“You went for a walk in the city alone at midnight?” Aaron frowns. “Have you learned nothing from me?” 
“How do you know I went for a walk?” 
Aaron raises his eyebrows. You look out of the window of his office and straight into the guilty face of your boyfriend. He has the decency not to look away, at least. “Spencer told you that?” 
“He did.” 
You meet the big, soft, beautiful brown eyes of your lovely boyfriend and quirk a finger at him for him to join you in the office. 
“Don’t start, honey.” 
“Aaron, I’m allowed to go for a walk.” 
“In the city? In the middle of the night?” Aaron gives you another unimpressed eyebrow raise. You glare at him, not fond of being questioned. 
“I had my phone.” 
He pinches his brow. 
“Aaron, what’s up with you? I’m well within my rights to go for a walk. I wanted to clear my head. I didn’t go down any side alleys.” 
“You realise you’re being defensive with me because you know it was a silly thing to do.” 
You bristle. The door opens and honestly seeing Spencer’s little frown makes you more annoyed than you had been. “Spencer, why would you tell him my business?” 
“It came up in conversation?” he tries. 
“I was concerned! You can’t just walk around at night in the city by yourself! Who knows what could’ve happened to you, and Hotch agrees with me, it’s too dangerous…” He bites his lip. “I didn’t mean to tattle, and I don’t want to tell you what you can or can’t do.” 
“But I can,” Aaron says. “We all know you’re aware of the danger you put yourself in. Please, don’t do it again.” 
“I feel like I just went back in time a hundred years,” you say. 
“It’s an antiquated attitude, but it’s, you know, grounded firmly in reality,” Spencer says, and you’re surprised to find he isn’t shying away from you now. “It’s reckless. I don’t want to see you get hurt.” 
“It would destroy me,” Aaron says without preamble. “Honey. Please, you can’t do that again, especially without telling someone where you’re going. What if somebody hurt you?” 
You pause to digest what he’s saying. He’d profiled you correctly before —you’re defensive because you already knew you were taking a risk, and you knew if he found out this is how he would react. You hadn’t suspected Spencer would rat you out, but it’s not like he’d been very happy when he learned about it for the first time either. 
“Is this how it’s going to be?” you ask. “You’re going to gang up on me whenever I do something stupid.” 
Aaron’s smile is forgiving and a little bit sorry, too, “I didn’t say stupid, did I?” 
“Reckless,” Spencer supplies. 
“Well. At least you’re both getting along again.” 
“That’s yet to be seen,” Aaron says quickly. 
You wave a hand at Aaron in the universal sign for shut up and turn your full attention to Spencer where he’s laughing in the doorway. You push him out by the chest, not bothering to wait for the office door to close before you start in on him. “That was confidential information, Spencer Reid, which you were privy to as a boyfriend, and not my brother's colleague and conspirator.” 
“I’m sorry.” He smiles, and he’s sincere. “I just knew you’d listen to him.” 
Ugh. Stupid profilers. “Sure, I’ve listened. Now I’m extremely upset and in need of lunch.” 
“Where do you wanna go? I’ll buy,” Spencer says immediately. 
That’s more like it. 
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suiana · 2 days
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(yandere! zombie x gn! survivor reader) (im such a youtube shorts kid bruh this idea came to me because of a video i watched)
did you know that zombies retain their habits from when they were humans?
well you sure as hell do now, because why is your annoying neighbour still following you around?? he's literally fucking rotting???
"shoo! go away!"
you hiss at him, shooting a rubber band at him before quickly climbing up a tree. phew, you wouldn't be bothered by him from here. it's been like this for a few days now, your undead neighbour following you around as you did your best to survive in this ruined world.
you never really liked him, your neighbour that is. he's always been that one weird guy that keeps annoying you ever since he moved in. constantly knocking on your door and asking to have meals together, to getting to and from work at the same times as you... you're so sure that he was stalking you. how could it ever be a coincidence that he just somehow knew when you were going out and coming back from work?
but now you wouldn't ever know and it's not like you wanted to know anyway. ignorance is bliss after all. oh! he's also very stubborn and it's quite apparent in his zombie form.
"go away!"
the zombie hits at the tree you were sitting down on as he looks up at you with what seemed to be puppydog eyes. you could only grimace at the sight before checking through your supplies. shit, you're running out of stuff.
"ugh... i'll need to scavenge for food-"
you raise an eyebrow at your undead admirer before humming. right, you suppose it isn't that bad that you have him around... he gives you stuff that's useful and scares away other mobs (you think he eats them if they get too close to you). you would've actually coddled him like a dog if he wasn't trying to get into your pants or kiss you every second.
you lean forward and snatch the bad of chips from his rotting hands before stuffing it into your bag. mn, you could probably have that for your lunch and dinner tomorrow.
"let's see... i need to find a good place to sleep tonight."
"bwa! buh beh!"
your zombie immediately starts scratching at the tree bark before jutting his lower lip. huh...
"no, i'm not sleeping in your apartment."
you think you're starting to understand zombie language because why are you holding full on conversations with him??
"don't give me that face. you know our apartment complex is riddled with zombies. i don't want to be turned."
"kh... gur! rh..."
"you think i'm trusting you? i swear i saw our old neighbour lurking around there and he was an olympic sprinter."
you shake your finger at the zombie before sighing softly. why did this apocalypse have to happen? things were going great for you before this. you just had a raise and you were so close to landing a date with your hot boss!
if you didn't know any better you'd have thought that your little zombie admirer was the one who kickstarted this zombie apocalypse because of his jealousy. what did he work as before he turned? a scientist?
"tn... jhn... ngh..."
"don't act all sassy with me right now. it's not like i want to sleep in your place to begin with. you'd probably lock me in there with you and i'd be trapped."
rolling your eyes at the sassy undead man, you rest against the trunk of the tree and shut your eyes. might as well get some rest before setting off again.
"i'm going to rest now. help me keep an eye out."
"kah kah. jah?"
"no, i won't kiss you. and no, i most certainly won't reward you with myself. you're rotting, damnit! how many times do i have to tell you that?"
what in the sassy zombie apocalypse have you gotten yourself into?
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laughingfcx · 3 days
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megumi, water :: it's hot — thirty-five degrees, to be exact, and of course you've forgotten to bring water, and the only canteen nearby only takes cash, no change. in short: you're melting.
you're draped over a lunch table, cheek pressed against the cool (but rapidly warming) metal. oh, what you'd do for a drink right now—
suddenly, you can hear footsteps behind you, coming closer with each passing second.
hi, megumi. you can tell it's him without even looking.
hi yourself, he replies, slipping into the chair next to you. a small bottle of water is slid your way; he does not look at you, but the gesture speaks for itself.
thank you.
don't what?
don't thank me.
you've had this conversation a million times before.
just because we're best friends doesn't mean you have to—
i do it cause i want to, okay? he turns to you, annoyed. all you can think about is how pretty he is.
megumi, company :: frat parties are scary. you don't know why you're here; nobara and maki have already disappeared too. it's packed, sweaty, scary. you squeeze through the crowds to climb out of a window and escape the heat. you know you can't leave until you find your friends, though, so for now, sitting on the dewy grass in the backyard will have to suffice.
megumi was right, you think.
don't go, he'd said, sprawled out on your bed, arms around one of the plush animals on your bed. it's tucked under his chin, and he looks adorable.
why not? you'd asked him.
it's not worth it, he scoffed. couldn't pay me a billion yen to go.
you should've listened—
can i say i told you so?
he ignores you; or are you gonna start crying? you definitely—
you launch yourself up from the ground into his arms, laughing. i thought you said you weren't gonna come!
i had a feeling this'd happen. the slightest hint of a smile graces his lips. couldn't leave my favourite alone now, could i?
what? say it again, i think i heard wrong.
his smile widens; he shakes his head.
megumi, power bank, his heart ? :: my phone's dying, you sigh.
no response.
my phone's dying, you repeat, louder.
say please. he's desperately fighting a losing battle, the corners of his lips twitching.
please, megumi, give me the power bank!
you snatch it greedily from his hands, connecting it to your phone.
no thanks?
thank you, megumi! you throw your arms around his neck suddenly, and he is glad that you cannot see the blush on his face.
megumi always carries power banks with him. it's a known fact by now; he always has one on him. meanwhile, your phone is always dying. what a coincidence!
or not.
because one day, you overhear him talking to yuji. you're not really listening, scrolling on your phone when you hear your own name.
it's only because of y/n that i need a backpack in the first place, megumi grumbles. otherwise, everything else fits on my pockets.
then don't? to yuji, the problem is easy to fix.
but they need it.
megumi makes a grumbly noise in his throat; so cute, you think.
oh yeah, says yuji. i forgot you're horribly in love with them and everything you do is somehow connected to them.
they're here, by the way, he adds.
what? did they hear?
i don't know, yuji replies unhelpfully.
you barely manage to get your earphones in before they walk in.
you, flowers, chocolates, your heart ? :: today is the day. to say you're nervous is a huge understatement. your hands are shaking, palms sweaty, and you're shivering, even though it's not that cold. the flowers and chocolate wait patiently for you on your desk.
megumi, you say aloud to the empty room. megumi, i like you and—
megumi, you begin again. i've liked you for a long time and—
who've you liked 'for a long time'? megumi looks mildly interested as he walks in. you always get kind of lonely around this time so i thought i'd come to hang out.
his voice is even, but you amidst the normal calm, you sense something controlled. like he's actually sad, or something.
no one!
yeah? he hums. i'm not buying it, but i won't push you.
fuck him! why does he always have to be this respectful? if he asked you, you wouldn't not have answered!
who gave you the flowers?
i bought them myself! you squeak.
he raises a brow at how high-pitched your voice is. for?
you see the way he stiffens visibly, hand tightening around your doorknob. he swallows, and then, sorry for overstepping, y/n.
you're not overstepping, you tell him. you have every right to know. we're best friends, right?
... right, he responds, but there's something missing; he's clammed up, retracted into himself. his voice is forced into not showing any emotion, and he's backed away a little bit from you.
your heart breaks at the sight.
megumi, i like you!
you're shitting me, he replies.
no, really! also, i hope you don't mind, but a few weeks ago i heard yuji and you talking, and he said something, and—
stop talking, he murmurs. i want to kiss you.
megumi has never been greedy. be selfish, gojo's told him. he's never listened — he's had no reason to, after all. yet... right now, he understands. it's all he can think about — getting something he wants, getting it now.
when he makes his way back to you, all he can think of is how kissing you will feel. when he is kissing you, he realises that he wants this forever. so he lets himself be a little selfish, and tells you he loves you, and asks for the one thing he'd thought he'd never have — you.
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new freaky writing style LOL only for this one though... also 3+1 because im lazy and sad and unmotivated. also grammatical errors highkey & im sorry.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 days
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deep breath in, deep breath out.
your eyelashes flutter, your eyes move around under your eyelids.
your chest expands, then drops again.
and repeat.
tomura wonders when the last time he’s been this close to somehow before was.
he also wonders how long you’ll let him do this.
tomura shigaraki has, what you call, the nasty habit of being a night owl. it usually wouldn’t be that much of an issue if all he did wasn’t just playing some pc game until ungodly hours of the morning. tomura was awake when you went to sleep and was awake when you woke up too.
he’s unfortunately so very stubborn, so he always insists that he’s not tired at all and that he could at the very least just get a nap in later.
but he was also very picky and sensitive, he didn’t like napping on the couch because he couldn’t find the right way to position his neck, or the light of the outside world would prevent sleep from consuming him, and he moves around a lot so he can never get comfortable and then he gets moody and bitchy and annoying and everyone is just trying to piss him off today. you’ve seen him almost lose his mind because on one of those days he’d gotten his shirt stuck on the door handle. and you don’t want to see that again.
the reason he’d be up so late was because of his insane competitiveness, it only took one nasty comment picked up through his headphones to send him spiraling, just having to prove to the world and the people behind his computer screen he was better than them.
you’d been able to find a sort of compromise lately. because sometimes he woke you up raging and you did not want the both of you to end up moody and bitchy in the morning. so you somehow convinced him to get into less violent games, sandboxes and such. right now it seemed he was really into puzzle games.
and it started working out well for you. it was a good plan, tomura could give you that. the soundtracks in the games he played usually managed to calm him some, and actually start to make his eyes droop and the urge to sleep started to seep in.
but sleep never came.
he managed to finish some games at an okay-ish hour. some he’d just leave for tomorrow if he got bored, and he go try to lay down with you and close his eyes. but he just couldn’t sleep.
thought it shouldn’t be all that surprising, now that he thinks back on it. he’d probably completely fucked up what was even remotely left of a sleep schedule. completely fucked it over in the ass and chucked it off a cliff.
now he’s irritated, tired and so bored.
until he realized something.
you drool in your sleep.
it’s something he wouldn’t have realized if he were at his pc, nor if he’d fallen asleep earlier. he thinks about that for a minute, then focuses back on you. he reaches forward and wipes at the small trail with a single finger, careful not to wake you.
you’d probably call him gross for it, but he doesn’t care. you should thank him for saving you the embarrassment of waking up with a pool of drool on your pillow.
and so, tomura developed another nasty little habit.
whenever he was unable to sleep, which was 98% of the time, he’d just watch you do it. as cheesy as it sounded he always gets this weird feeling whenever he does, like he’d slept too. it felt like he was sleeping with you in a weird, weird way.
and he could admit you were interesting to watch. you weren’t doing anything interesting , but he thinks a sick, twisted part of him enjoyed seeing you so vulnerable, so unaware of the eyes on you, so clueless once you wake up and you have no idea that you make noises and chew while you sleep.
another part of him wonders what is is you dream about. it watches and analyze how your breaths pick up and relax again, how you shuffle or snuggle more into your blanket and pillows.
it wonders if you ever dream about him, but that he’ll never admit, because that was pathetic.
another part of him thinks you just look cute while you sleep. the way he can catch your eyebrow twitch occasionally if he pays extra close attention, and one time he even heard what sounded like a mumble of his name on your lips. and it felt rewarding. would you do it again if he kept doing this ?
he wonders what you’ll do if you woke up to see him doing this. would you be scared ? embarrassed ? angry ? disgusted ? would you hate him ? you’d have to see how much of a creep he was then, wouldn’t you ?
or maybe you’d laugh, maybe you’d jokingly call him a freak for watching you sleep, maybe you’d somehow make him feel embarrassed about it in that weird way you do.
he likes not to think about that much though. not because it was completely unrealistic, but because it wasn’t completely off the table either, and that just made him feel sick. guilty.
for now, he’ll just keep watching you. if you complain about him being moody then you’ll just have to deal with this. you’ll snuggle into him when you find him in bed with you, conveniently already awake because he was such an early riser. you’d kiss his cheek first thing in the morning and smile lazily at him “how’d you sleep ?” you’ll ask.
“good.” he’ll reply.
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aviiarie · 3 days
cws & notes: reader (and kaveh) are VERY implied to be aromantic or on the aromantic spectrum. mentions of kissing. lots of platonic affection. platonic kaveh & gn!reader. 1.1k words. wrote this for myself tbh
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“So are you two dating?”
You wish you could say it's the first time you've heard the question. And you wish you could bring yourself to be annoyed about hearing it again, but you know there's no malice or spite in the words. Only a polite sort of curiousity, unaware of the way your stomach turns at the thought.
And maybe you wish you could tell Nilou 'no, we're not, why would you think that?' but you know your hand is intertwined with his, and his knee is touching yours, and you have his cheek leaning against the top of your head. You know how it looks, but that never mattered. It felt comfortable, like you fit together just right. Affectionate, with no strings attached.
That was the part that no one seemed to get. You and him were at an understanding that seemed to make sense to no one but yourselves; the squeezing hugs, and nicknames, and nights spent staying up until 3am didn't mean a thing. When you fell asleep on his shoulder, when he chastely kissed you goodbye before leaving on a work trip, it wasn't because you both harboured a secret love you were too shy to say out loud.
You adored him, of course. He was your best friend. But that was it; no strings.
There were always those who couldn't wrap their heads around the thought, the ones who insisted that they had to be at least into each other a little bit. So much time spent being friends, such closeness had to speak to a blossoming romance that just hadn't quiet bloomed yet, right?
What they didn't know was you had tried, your senior year at the Akademiya. It was after all of the comments about how odd it was that they were so close without being a couple finally started to get to them. During a party hosted by a classmate you don't remember the name of, when the teasing and jabs had gotten a little too much, you had found him taking a breather out on the front steps.
Conversation came easily, comfort came quietly, and soon the topic shifted to what people were saying. It was always talk, rumours, gossip. But he could see how they were weighing on you. He could see the look of doubt in your eyes, wondering if this was something you were supposed to want.
If you can't bring yourself to fall for the most important person in your life, then what was wrong with you? Was love a prize that you were never going to win, a lock that you're never going to find the key for?
“Will you kiss me?” You blurted out, and his eyebrows raise. “J-Just once. I just... everyone keeps telling me I'm supposed to like you, and you're supposed to like me, but I just...”
“You want to see?” Kaveh asked hesitantly. You swallow, and nod. “I don't want to do something you don't want to do.”
“I want to. Please, I... I don't want to ask anyone else.” You paused, before quietly adding on, “If there's truly something wrong with me, I want to know now.”
The pinch between Kaveh's eyebrows deepened, but there was a flicker of vulnerability behind his eyes. Some part of him was flashing with the same fear, wondering if there was something wrong with him too, all because he couldn't muster up enough emotion to see you in a romantic light.
Carefully, he placed his hand on your cheek, bringing your face closer to his. There was a pause, before he met your lips in an awkward kiss. There were no sparks that crackled against your mouth, no butterflies in your stomach. It was a unpleasant clashing of teeth together, with your cracked lips pressing against his soft ones for a second too long.
You pull away, face flushed with embarrassment more than anything. “I... I don't think I want to do that again.”
“Me neither.” Kaveh grimaced. He sighed, leaning back to give you a bit more space. “Why do you worry so much about what they say?”
“Because! I'm supposed to enjoy it, aren't I?” There were tears in your eyes, but you didn't care. If there was one person you could cry around, it was him. “What is wrong with me? Why can't I even fake it?”
“You don't need to!” Kaveh said quickly. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “Maybe... maybe some people just don't like that sort of love. I know I sure don't, and I've known you long enough to figure out you don't either. We don't have to be a couple to care about each other, right?”
You stared at him, slightly dazed. “...I guess not.”
And since that night, you've never been able to forget his words, and the way he said them. It was like your world got shifted around, and nothing seemed quite the same. All the stress about love, all the worry about whether people thought you were a couple seemed so insignificant all of a sudden.
Yet, your new lighter worldview never stopped that burning question, that followed the pair of you like a shadow.
“So, are you two dating?”
The question echoes in your head, sounding over and over. Nilou is still staring at you, waiting for an answer, although her gaze occasionally flicks to your linked hands resting on his lap.
“We're just friends,” Kaveh responds smoothly. He lets go of your hand long enough to wave away the question, laughing lightly. “Honestly, the amount of times I've been asked that...”
“O-Oh!” Nilou's eyes widen, and her cheeks turn pink. Part of you feels bad for making her look so flustered, but the uncomfortable twist in your gut reminds you that it was her question that started it in the first place. “I didn't mean to assume... you just look so close!”
“We are.” He smiles gently. “But I can assure you we are very happy as friends. Neither of us are interested in that sort of relationship, much less with each other.”
She nods, as if she understands, but there's still confusion behind her expression.
It didn't matter. People didn't have to get what was so special about the two of you. They didn't have to understand what you had, and what you lacked, and why it didn't make much of a difference at all.
You were friends, best friends. And that was plenty enough love for the both of you.
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© aviiarie 2024. do not copy, repost, translate or use my work to train ai
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bitethedevil · 2 days
What do you like about the character of Raphael ?
A Feral Love Letter to the Devil We Know
Oh boy. Here’s my list of why Raphael is like catnip to me (it’s not short and it is possibly a bit extra deranged because I am currently sick).
Purely physical things that convince me that this man was made for me in a lab:
Brown eyes and dark hair has always been my type
The slight stubble and those cheekbones (generally just his whole facial structure is beautiful)
The fucking n o s e <3 <3
Those thick thighs (perfectly sittable and bitable). He is just perfectly shaped.
Those hands he waves in your face all the time and those long fingers (does things to me)
His clothes. Yes, even in cambion form and even the silly clown boots, I love them. It is just all too extra, and I live for it
Everything about his cambion form
I have this crazy theory. There has been made these studies that depending on hormone levels, women are attracted to different kinds of men. At one end of their cycle, they prefer more ‘feminine’ looking men, and on the other end they prefer more traditionally ‘masculine’ looking men. If I get tired of his human form, I get more attracted to his cambion form and the cycle repeats. I think that is why I just do not get tired of staring at this stupid man every day. I know I’m not crazy. It’s science (and we all know I’m a trusted scientist).
Non-physical things that intrigue me:
How expressive he is. I love how his face changes constantly and dramatically with each sentence he speaks. It’s mostly an act but he is so charismatic. He has ‘rizz’ like the kids would say.
I can’t fix him. I don’t want to. His mind games intrigue me. I want to study him like a bug and play mind games with him too (I’m not delusional enough to think I’d win). Let it be toxic as fuck on both parts.
This man is just chucking stones from his glass house like there is no tomorrow. He plays such a big bad devil, but he is really just a little wet cat with a god complex and daddy issues. Not to mention his little hissy fits if any of his perceived weaknesses are pointed out. I find it endearing (unfortunately).
His voice and his eloquence. I love it. Even his shitty poetry. I could listen to it for eternity.
He is so smart. I have been shouting it from the roof tops: he is not stupid. He is always ten steps ahead.
He’s honest. He doesn’t lie and you know where you’ve got him (if you know how to keep up with him).
Genuinely everyone thinks he sucks, both devils and mortals, and yet he thinks he is the shit, either genuinely or as a coping mechanism.
He just such a nuances character if you really dig into it.
Things I relate to:
The scheming and overthinking. Everything is meticulously thought out to the point of obsession. He is playing 4D chess but doesn’t even consider that the other players might just eat the pieces to win. He strikes me as someone who completely overcomplicates things for no reason, and I felt that.
His idea of order is very different from what’s actually orderly. It just has to make sense to him, like ‘what do you mean it’s not orderly to have dead people lying around, trash everywhere, and debtors running around aimlessly in my house? Completely intentional. What’s not clicking?”. I felt that too. There is order to my chaos, and you don’t have to understand it. I get it.
He’s a cringy theater kid with a love for poetry too.
I too find it annoying when other people don’t follow the script I had in mind for the conversation.
Just human enough to understand how human interactions works, but either doesn’t give a shit or genuinely thinks that just spouting vaguely threatening poetry to strangers is a completely normal thing to do.
The obsession and ambition that just completely makes him lose the plot of everything else.
He is just so obsessed with everything being perfect to a point where it almost seems silly.
Acts like he doesn’t care, but actually cares A LOT about how other people perceive him.
I could honestly keep going but you get the picture.
(Thank you for the ask <3)
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shiongenkai · 2 days
TD Captain Swap
I have crafted a captain swap so hilarious to me I need to talk about it so here's the stupidest thing ever.
Frostheim: Yuri
Vagastrom: Jin
Jabberwock: Ed
Sinostra: Alan
Hotarubi: Taiga
Obscuary: Haru
Mortkranken: Subaru
My insane ramblings below the cut.
My basic premise is that one day Darkwick is like. In order to promote harmony across the houses and establish rapport with one another we will be assigning captains to a new house for the next month. And then they do that. And it all falls apart immediately.
Yuri voice ill never go back. And then Darkwick is like okay you're too biased against them go make up!! And Yuri seethes so hard something in his body pops.
First off, nooo way he gets along with Tohma or feels comfortable in Jin's room. Secondly, Kaito? Kaito. Literally no way that guy won't scream every other day. It's not even that he dislikes Yuri, it's just that the rumors are too Big for Kaito not to freak out every single time. And Luca of course will not help this concern ever, and will ask for Yuri's history and why he seems so familiar with Frostheim stuff, and Yuri will have to decide how far morals can carry him.
Somehow someway everyone in this scenario comes out appreciating Jin just like. A smidge more. His Frostheim runs as smoothly as Yuri's Frostheim but there's something slightly more dignified about it.
I really just need a Jin Leo bitch off. Leo trying to get info from Jin except he soundproofed his room again, Jin not giving a shit about what the two of them do which makes it considerably less fun despite neither Sho nor Leo being willing to admit that, Jin using his stigma when MC is around to force Leo to do things. It's technically functional, like Vagastrom doesn't fall to chaos after Jin asserts his dominance on day one, but it's like. Everyone misses Alan so bad. So bad. Sho and Leo would never admit it to his face but they prefer their captain over Jin even if most things haven't really changed.
Also I think the only reasons Jin would leave his room is if Leo was bothering him too much and even then it would take a bit. I think Sho's life wouldn't be changed a whole lot but he'd miss the sparring and also find Jin's philosophy like.... not strange or bad but too different???? Like yeah it's annoying to spar every day but it's also fun. That's his enrichment...
This is what inspired it all. The exact sequence of events was that I thought to myself, wouldn't it be funny if Ed was in Jabberwock since it's usually pretty sunny and it requires a lot of work? And then I thought, and also Towa is there. And then I remembered Towa hates Ed and I laughed so hard I cried trying to envision Ed announcing that he's replacing Haru for the time being and Towa trying to electrocute him.
Ren and Ed would also be funny because as long as Ed leaves Ren alone I'm sure he'd be fine. And doubly so if he draws Towa's attention away from him. But I can't tell if after that it'd be funnier if Ren gets annoyed because Ed is actually high maintenance and if Towa isn't doing it then Ren definitely has to. And he'd hate that. OR Ed has seen all his movies and knows all his games and keeps trying to talk to him about it but in a way that pisses him off about it and he's like mad about that. Either way I can't imagine anyone in this house is happy about this arrangement and it's killing me to imagine.
You'll have to stick with me for this one because it's a very specific dynamic in my mind that I'm not very good at articulating but basically. Romeo is at first glad Taiga can't mess things up anymore (even though deep down he misses him) and glad Alan is capable of scaring people straight just by Looking but then Alan is like hey this operation isn't very honorable. It's a low blow to threaten and intimidate and cheat. And then they butt heads about it endlessly.
Which is why Ritsu has to come in and be the equalizer but Alan can't take him seriously because he's like you're way too skinny you have no muscle what is your diet what's your trianing like. Spar with me. And Ritsu, embarrassed and offended, is like ILL HAVE YOU KNOW IM WORKING ON IT. And Alan genuinely offers to help but Ritsu is too used to Taiga and lowkey assumes Alan is making fun of him. And Alan is sincere. So he keeps going.
PLEASEEEE PICTURE IT. THINK ABOUT IT. Think about the Haku Taiga prologue dynamic and make that daily life. Now add in the fact that Hotarubi is meant to be traditional Japanese themes with grace and tranquility and then imagine Taiga is there and try to tell me that's not the funniest shit ever.
And then add in Zenji. We already know Taiga can see or sense more than others so I would bet everything he could probably sense Zenji in some way, which he honestly probably wouldn't care about but I think he'd care a lot about the doll or the biwa. Basically I think he'd try to eat it. I think he'd try to eat something and it would be chaos and hilarious and please just imagine the three of them together. Please. Please. Please.
House Simulator. This is the only truly fully functioning house with no problems outside of Lyca complaining about noise and annoyances and so on so forth. And that is because Rui and Haru are so used to doing like 100% of the work all the time that they both try to do it and end up finishing all the work in half the time since they've split it and now they randomly have free time??? And it's so strange??
Haru helps with breakfast and cleaning and taking care of the animals and chores and so forth and Rui helps with Peekaboo and relieving Haru's exhaustion and it's basically such a functioning pair that it's almost scary. Like Lyca is scared. But also Haru smells bad and is too high energy and LOUDDD so he's in his rebellious teenage phase atm.
Only downside is that Haru has too much bar access and has to be cut off but it's a small price to pay for a house that isn't up in flames by day one. Unfortunately it can't last bc Haru would miss his animals and Rui would feel too worried about hurting Haru so when they swap back both have made peace with it. And Lyca will still kick rocks they couldn't have Subaru.
I think Subaru would become a legend very quickly but not because he's this secret medical genius but because he seems to have this uncanny ability to guess things. And the secret is that he is using his stigma fully on accident and seeing what they were up to and then Jiro is figuring it out from there. And he keeps trying to give Jiro credit but nobody will listen.
He's also squeamish. Like he can't handle blood so when Jiro is like 'Move that to the other table please' Subaru is happy to and moves this weird lump under a sheet and the sheet falls off and its a severed arm and Subaru faints. and Jiro laughs for a second before putting Subaru on the table and making sure he's like actually okay. And they are both very patient with one another and very cordial. But it's so so awkward. And Subaru honest to god does not know how to take care of Jiro and is constantly having to ask Yuri how to do things except Yuri is always occupied by Frostheim so Subaru has to follow Jiro's instructions and they are both praying Every Day.
And that's also why they're both happy when its over. Not because it was bad or they dislike each other but bc they're both glad Yuri will come back and it won't be Does Jiro Die Today Roulette. and then Subaru goes to Haku and grabs his shoulders and is likep lease do not start dying ill cry right in front of you forever. and Haku just nods slowly.
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akataiii · 2 days
Snap, crackle, and pop. (A Bakugou x reader)
Katsuki’s eyes snap up from his work, angry eyes scanning the classroom in search of the perpetrator responsible for making the noise. It sounded oddly like…
There it is again! Katsuki spins around in his seat, eyes immediately falling on the head of green curls behind him. “Oi, Deku,” he prompts, and Midoriya looks up from his work as well.
“Yes Kacchan?” Midoriya answers, green eyes wide in surprise and curiosity.
“Did you just break a bone in the middle of class?” Katsuki questions, narrowing his eyes in suspicion and doing a quick once-over of the boy behind him. The blonde’s question may as well have been rhetorical, as Katsuki could clearly see with his own two eyes that Midoriya was (for once in his life) void of any purple and bruised skin, meaning his bones were all fully intact. 
What the fuck is that!? Katsuki rips his eyes from Midoriya and continues to drag them across the room, paying extra close attention to every student before his gaze finally lands on the offender. Y/N, busy stifling a yawn behind the hand that she just cracked the knuckles of. 
Now, realistically, Katsuki can’t blame a person’s body for reacting the way it does– however. The only way he’s able to forgive someone for making such a godawful noise is if the cracking occurs naturally, like when a bone spontaneously pops back into place when they stretch, or accidentally cracks when they stand up after sitting down for too long.
Point is, it has to be natural for Katsuki to be able to get over the noise. But when someone does it on purpose. Intentionally placing strain on a body part to make that irritating, grating sound that is a bone cracking, Katsuki just about loses his shit.
He takes a deep breath, ripping his gaze from Y/N to get back to his schoolwork, thinking (hoping) it was just a one-time thing and that her knuckles needed some release after gripping a pen for so long. He’ll forgive it just this once– but only because Y/N was one of the few people in class he actually respected and considered a friend. He could give her the benefit of the doubt. 
Except… It’s not a one-time thing. 
Over the course of the next few days, Katsuki is repeatedly faced by that same maddening noise that is bone scraping against bone. 
Snap, crackle, pop.
Snap, crackle, pop.
Over and over. Again and again, as Y/N continuously cracks the knuckles of her hands. 
Every time, Katsuki tries his absolute best to write it off and forget about it, giving her the benefit of the doubt time and time again. But Katsuki can only take so much; and between dealing with Deku’s incessant muttering on a daily basis, and trying not to blow up Mina and Denki’s faces for their frequent endeavors to seek out trouble– Katsuki really could not fucking handle the snapping, crackling, and popping of Y/N’s knuckles on top of it all. 
So, he did what he does best. Seek out the source of the problem and fix it with the same drive he has to become the No. 1 hero. 
He finds Y/N in the common room one afternoon, talking to Sero and Mina about their upcoming training sessions and, much to Katsuki’s dismay, cracking the knuckles of her hands one by one. Katsuki nearly breaks a molar from how hard he’s clenching his jaw, and his own knuckles ache upon seeing the pain Y/N is subjecting hers to. 
It’s only when he hears a loud pop, much more prominent than the ones from before, that Katsuki finally springs into action, storming his way over to the couch and wrapping his hands respectively around both of Y/N’s wrists, ripping her hands away from each other, and holding them on either side of her head.
She stares at Katsuki, stunned, and the blonde can feel the piercing gazes of Mina and Sero trained on his back, but he ignores them as he yells, “Do you know how fucking annoying that is!?”
Y/N blinks at him dumbly, seemingly not having a singular clue as to what he was talking about. But then he can see a hint of mirth flash through her eyes as her lips curl up into a mischievous smirk.
“What? You mean this?” She questions, curling her thumb around her index finger and pressing down to release a near-deafening crack into the air.
Katsuki lets out what can only be described as a demonic screech, tightening his grip on Y/N’s wrists and stopping himself just short of exploding them. She didn’t have Kirishima’s hardening, so Katsuki has learned to restrain himself a little around her, at least when they weren’t busy training. 
“Stop that!” He scolds, earning him an amused giggle from Y/N. “You’re going to get arthritis!”
Y/N only seems to find more amusement in Katsuki’s declaration of concern, letting out another round of chuckles, and Katsuki could also hear Mina and Sero stifling a snort behind him. Seriously, why are they laughing? He’s trying to be a good friend here, damn it. Kirishima would be proud of him for being so open and honest.
“You do know that isn’t true, right?” Y/N eventually manages through her laughter, earning an aggressive ‘Huhh!?’ from Katsuki.
“There are countless studies that show you can’t actually get arthritis from cracking your knuckles,” Y/N explains, as if it were common knowledge. It’s definitely news to Katsuki, who went pretty much his entire life avoiding picking up the habit for that exact reason, no matter how much his knuckles ached with the need to be cracked after using his quirk too much. 
Still, though. The fact that Y/N isn’t facing a crippling condition does nothing to change the way Katsuki feels about the subject. It doesn’t matter that there weren’t any side effects to cracking your knuckles. The sound was still as irritating as ever.
“Just drop the habit,” Katsuki says, voice firm and commanding. “You make me want to claw my ears off every time you do it.”
Good job, Katsuki. You unlocked the achievement for ‘communicating your feelings.’ Kirishima better be jumping in joy wherever he is right now.
Y/N regards him for a moment, tilting her head slightly to the side as she considers his words. Then she says, “I’m sorry for disturbing you.”
“Damn right,” Katsuki retorts, finally letting go of her wrists and stuffing his hands back in his pockets. 
“Still, though,” Y/N voices, and Katsuki lets out an audible groan. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to just stop. It’s kind of become second nature by now.”
Katsuki can’t help but glare, faced with a brand new problem to solve. The whole ‘caring for your friends’ thing still baffled him from time to time, because why should he be bothered to care for some random extra that couldn’t take care of themselves? But now… Katsuki’s learned some new things and actively tries to apply them to his new friend group on a regular basis.
So, he thinks. Sifts through possible solutions in his brain until he comes up with an idea that might just help his friend to get over her nasty habit. 
“Alright extra. Here’s what’s going to happen,” he says, trying his best to fight the embarrassment creeping its way onto his face. “Every time you feel like making that disgusting noise, you find me, and you hold my hand instead.”
The silence is unnerving, and Katsuki has the indisputable urge to take back his words and run away. Y/N stares at him with a blank look that makes Katsuki want to explode her face, and even Mina and Sero, who watched this entire spectacle unfold and would usually be throwing out mindless comments right about now, sit quietly in their seats.
“Listen. If you don’t wanna hold my fucking hand, all you had to do was say so–” Katsuki starts, but he’s effectively shut up by the warm hand that digs his hand out of his pocket and intertwines itself with his own. 
“Better hope you don’t regret this~” Y/N sing-songs, shooting the blonde a wide grin that has his stomach doing somersaults.
Katsuki can feel his face break out in a flustered blush, and he brings his free hand up to try his best to hide it. With Sero’s wolf whistle and Mina’s adoring coos in the background, Katsuki can barely focus on his friends being assholes as the warm hand of Y/N gives his own hand a thankful squeeze.
Kirishima. Universe. Random deity… Please. Pray for Katsuki’s heart.
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lorkai · 3 days
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Finally after 272637919 years, I finished writing this aaaa. @hanafubukki
Warning: Gn reader, small reader, Lilia being a little shit, fluff
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You stood in front of the mirror, biting your lip as you stared at the pair of high heels Vil had lent you. You could still hear Lilia's teasing voice echoing in your head: "Oh, darling, I didn’t realize I was dating someone so tiny and cute, you're almost like a bunny!"
He was constantly teasing you, especially when he’d lean down with that smug smile and ruffle your hair. His provocations were starting to annoy you greatly.
“Well, not today,” You muttered to yourself, slipping your feet into the heels. They were elegant, glistening in the light, and far more intimidating than you expected.
You took a deep breath and stood up, wobbling slightly as you tried to find your balance.
“I’ve got this,” you told yourself, cautiously taking a step forward. It was awkward at first, your ankles threatening to give out as you clung to the nearby furniture for support. You could practically hear Vil’s voice in your head, critiquing your posture, your stance, your lack of elegance.
“Come on, if Vil can make this look effortless, so can I,” you said, taking another unsteady step.
After a few minutes of practice, you managed to take several steps without tripping over yourself. Feeling a bit more confident, you decided it was time to show off to Lilia - who also used heels, so why was he teasing you when he does the same. You made your way to the common room, trying your best to exude the kind of poise Vil was known for.
When you entered, Lilia was lounging on the couch, flipping through a magazine. On his side, Silver was hearing Malleus telling him about gargoyles, yet he was praticall sleeping.
Lilia glanced up, and his eyes immediately widened, a grin spreading across his face. “Oh? What’s this? Have you finally decided to grow a little taller, love?”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the smile tugging at your lips. “No thanks to you and your constant teasing,” you shot back, wobbling slightly as you tried to strike a confident pose.
Lilia stood up, walking over with that mischievous glint in his eyes that always made your heart flutter. He circled you, examining the shoes and how you stood in them, before stopping in front of you.
“You look stunning,” he admitted, his voice dropping to that soft, genuine tone he rarely used. “But you know… I think I prefer you just the way you are.”
You huffed, trying to hold onto your defiance. “You say that, but you never stop teasing me.”
“Oh, but that’s because you’re adorable when you’re frustrated,” He replied, leaning in close. “Besides…”
In one swift motion, he swept you off your feet, causing you to let out a startled yelp. “Height differences make it easier to do this.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck instinctively, cheeks burning as you tried to regain your composure. “Lilia!”
He laughed, that joyful, carefree sound that always seemed to melt your resolve. “You also aren't used to heels, and I can tell your poor feet are starting to hurt, aren't they?" Lilia said softly, eyes meeting yours with that unwavering affection.
"I neither confirm nor deny," You replied stubbornly.
Despite yourself, you felt your frustration melt away, replaced with the warmth of his words. Maybe you didn’t need to be taller, after all, not when he always made you feel like you were the center of his world.
You will still punch him though. For every joke and teasing, and because he is simply too cute.
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softly-sirius · 2 days
Will you watch the Barbie Movie with me? (fem!reader)
Currently on shift: Carmen, Richie, Sydney
I know, I'm so late, I'm sorry :(
Richie Jerimovich is not going to the Barbie movie
No way
Absolutely no way
He cannot be seen standing in line for that movie, it would ruin his reputation
Until you look at him with that look
Until you tell him you were really, really, really looking forward to it
He folds very quickly
You and Eva watch the Barbie movies you grew up with in preparation
Richie really starts to regret his choice to come with you about two movies in 
Like what the fuck is a bibble and why is it so annoying
Starts to backtrack, but it's too late, he has already agreed. 
He gets in line, dreading the next two hours of his life
Comes out of the cinema wiping the tears from his eyes, because holy shit. 
Eva is holding one of his hands and you’re holding the other. 
You end up driving the car home and he sits in the back with Eva
When he’s tucking her up for bed that night he gives her a big smooch and promises to protect her from everything. 
He’s ready to fight sexism with his bare hands for his little girl
Holds you all night and tells you how much he loves you and that he’s an alan right? Right!?
You and Eva get matching bibble Croc charms and Richie gets a complex
You do buy Richie an ‘I am Kenenough hoodie for his birthday’ 
He goes on a tirade and says he hates it, but he wears it all the time at home
It's comfy god damn it
INNSISTS you buy your pink outfit with his card
Releates, because you are everything and he is just ken
Thinks, Holy shit, is this really that hard for you to be a woman
Fucks you so good and praises you so much when you get home
Maybe when you’re having a talk and he’s trying to explain how he feels, is embarrassed because he finds it the best way to explain it
He doesn’t understand how you can love him so much sometimes, because he feels like you’re so amazing and he’s just ken. 
You tell him you love him chef ken
When you buy him a chef ken for christmas he fucking looses it
Also, if you collect vintage barbies or are just all into barbie facts history he will listen to you talk about it for hours and would adore it if you showed him your collection. 
At first, she didn’t care at all that this movie was coming out until she found out how much you were looking forward to it
Then with Twitter and all the excitement I think she would really get into it
She would have some really cool thrifted pink outfits
I kind of feel like you would sneak in some pink cupcakes to eat at the cinema
Matching painted nails 
Probs becomes her comfort movie 
You and Sydney are always calling Carmen and Richie Ken, whether that's in front of them or when she's venting 
‘God Richie stop being such a Ken’
She is everything, you often think, watching her deal with all their bullshit. 
Would you love me if I was a worm?
Would you peel my orange?
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bedsyandco · 1 day
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𝓹airing , quinn hughes x leilani tocchet
quinn doesn’t know what he’d do without his brothers and he hopes he never has to find out. him and jack have a habit of meeting at the lake house kitchen when quinn feels like the ground is about to swallow him whole. (wc ; 1.2K )
꒰ 𝓷ote , this is the first piece of my new au (sweet nothing). It’s a prologue of sorts. I am already completely in love with this universe, dad!quinn and everything that’s coming. this takes place before the ‘23-‘24 season. please feel free to drop by the inbox and tell me all your thoughts about quinn, lani and ro ꒱
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quinn doesn’t know how long he’s been sitting at the kitchen counter, counting the drops that are falling into the sink from the leaking faucet. considering he’s counted to 600 something each time, 4 different times before losing count again, one might say a little too long.
drop , drop , drop . . .
the longer quinn stares at the sink, the more annoyed he gets. what a perfect analogy for what his life has been looking like the past few years. problem after problem dropping into his lap, like those drops in the sink, and he’s just supposed to figure out a way to solve them all.
except, much like the leaking faucet he still hasn’t fixed, quinn can’t seem to get a moment to catch his breath before another thing gets added to the long list of problems and responsibilities he has.
the latest wrench thrown in his plans showing up as a 6’2, green eyed Australian whisking his child’s nanny away down under. quinn lets an amused sigh escape, rubbing a hand down his face, and taking a long sip of the warm beer from the can he took out of the fridge hours earlier.
it’s not like this was totally out of the blue. the nanny and the Australian have been dating nearly three years and got engaged last summer. surely quinn should’ve anticipated this move. but for some reason, probably all the other things clouding his brain on a daily basis, he didn’t.
and despite the 2 month head start she gave him on replacing her, quinn still hasn’t found a suitable replacement that meets his standards.
a shadow moving on his left catches quinn's attention but before he can even give a reaction a fist is flying towards his face and hits him square in the jaw, sending his head rearing to the other side.
"what the fuck?!" jack yells, laying a palm flat on his chest, right over his erratic heart, looking at quinn like he was the one who threw the punch, and wasn’t on the receiving end of it.
"jesus jack. the fuck are you doing?" quinn grumles, rubbing his palm over his jaw, the rough hair against his fingers reminding him that he needs to shave.
"what am I doing? what are you doing? sitting here in the dark like you’re contemplating all your life choices,” jack half-jokes, sending his older brother one of his signature grins, but when quinn only releases a sigh as a response jack’s demeanour immediately changes and he pulls out the chair next to quinn’s at the breakfast bar, letting them both bask in the silence for a few seconds.
“last time we had a little bro-to-bro meeting in this kitchen at 4A.M. was when you told me about Rowan. And look, Ro is the best thing that ever happened to this family, but if you’re about to tell me you got someone pregnant again I’m really gonna freak out. I love being an uncle but you gotta learn how to wrap it up—“
“I’m not having another kid Jack. I can barely cope with the one I do have as it is,” quinn mutters, sending his brother an annoyed look that his mind would even jump to that conclusion. Not that he could blame him.
“Thank God. Besides my bet is on Luke and Vi having a kid next. Those two go at it like rabbits, at least now that Luke’s gonna be in Jersey it’ll lower the chances you know?” Jack says and Quinn lets out a soft laugh at his little brother’s disgusted tone.
“Let’s not put that out into the universe,” quinn jokes and jack hums in agreement.
“so if there’s not another little quinn on the way, what’s keeping you up this time of night Quinny?” jack asks softly, bumping his shoulder into his brother’s and Quinn lets out a shaky breath as he meets jack’s worried, blue eyes.
Maybe it’s because those blue eyes remind him so much of his mom’s that Quinn’s resolve melts away immediately as he tells his brother about the latest predicament he found himself in.
“well just start start up interviews again when you get back to Van. Ask some of the guys on the team who has kids, maybe they can recommend you someone they trust,” jack suggests as if quinn hadn’t already thought of and done that himself. jack must have seen the expression on quinn’s face because he doesn’t even let him get a word out before he speaks again.
“I don’t remember you being this selective when we were younger,” jack mutters and quinn scoffs
“yeah well I’m not choosing what toy to play with or who share my snacks with on the playground jack. this is my child’s happiness and safety on the line, I’ll be as selective as I damn well please,” quinn snaps, and jack puts a hand on his brother’s shoulder, squeezing reassuringly.
“it’s gonna be okay. I’m sure you’ll find someone before the season starts. and if you don’t, and it comes to that, i’m sure mom and dad will fly out and be there as long as you need them,” jack suggests and quinn can’t help it as the feeling of panic settles in his chest and wraps around his throat at the idea of his parents rearranging their lives because he can’t get his own together.
he’s the oldest brother. he’s the captain. he’s the dad. he’s supposed to be the one looking after people; helping them figure things out and supporting them, not the other way around.
the thought of burdening others with his problems, physically made him ill. or maybe it was the thought about why he needed a nanny at all. the fear that he wasn’t present enough in his own son’s life. that he was an absent father.
with a mother that couldn’t get rid of him fast enough and a father that couldn’t even put him to bed every night. quinn was bound to screw his kid up for life.
jack’s face comes into view as he twists quinn’s chair, forcing him out of his deprecating thoughts.
“hey , no matter what happens. we got you, okay? someone’s gonna be there. mom, dad, me, luke, someone will be there if you need us quinn. I don’t care if I need to take a leave of absence from the team for a few weeks and be babysitter while you figure some stuff out. If that’s what we need to do, we’ll do it. And we’ll cross that bridge if and when we get there. I don’t say it nearly as often as you deserve to hear it but you’re a good brother Quinny, and you’re a great dad, and you’re about to be the best leader in the league,” jack says and quinn struggles to swallow past the lump in his throat
“crosby’s not retired yet you know,” quinn replies to the “best leader” comment and jack sends him a grin
“I know. My big brother’s always gonna be the best at everything in my eyes tho,” the words slip past jack’s lips and he laughs as quinn shoves him away slightly
“now you’re just trying to make a grown man cry and it’s mean,” quinn says and jack squeezes his shoulder one more time before going to grab a glass out of the cabinet. the original task he was coming down here to do…
“go to bed. i’m sure Ro is gonna wake up any minute and be looking for you,” jack says
“he’s passed out between luke and vi actually,” quinn says, grinning cheekily as jack laughs
“well that’s one way to keep them quiet.”
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teecupangel · 2 days
What if Desmond reincarnated as a dog in Hannibal (NBC)?
I immediately assumed you mean one of Will’s dogs and not, like, a random dog so the idea will be for Desmond being reborn as one of Will’s dogs for this one.
He’d be a pup that Will takes care of after finding it half dead near his home, nursing him back to health. This would give Desmond time to adjust to his new body and for Will to assume Desmond’s awkwardness and clumsiness are both because he’s a malnourished pup.
By the time season 1 of Hanniball rolls around, Desmond would be an adult dog. Most definitely the youngest of Will’s dogs but he had shown that he was top dog.
… by accident.
He truly wasn’t planning to do anything. Will was mostly a chill dude who definitely has a chip on his shoulder and Desmond has no idea how to be a service dog at all so he just tries to support Will the best he can. Make sure he remembers to meal time (although Will did assume it was a dog reminding Will to feed them) and that he has a… ‘paw’ to lean on when he’s starting to spiral.
One time, the dogs were getting rowdy while Will was sleeping and Desmond had to put a stop to them because Will has not been sleeping well for the past few days. He wasn’t going to let their barking and rough housing wake Will now that he was actually sleeping.
When Will woke up, Desmond had taken the ‘not actually there’ throne and, really, he has no excuses for why this happened. He was just as confused.
Will knows Desmond is more intelligent than most dogs but he tries not to show it because he doesn’t want people to start thinking he was crazier than usual.
He does bring Desmond with him to work when he’s having a bad day, not because he wants to but because Desmond always has a keen sense when he’s having a bad day and would follow him no matter what. The first two times Will tried to keep Desmond inside, Desmond found a way to hitch a ride on his car while Will wasn’t looking.
Will was actually worried that, one day, Desmond would try to follow him on foot so he just brings Desmond to make sure nothing happens.
So Desmond knows that Will is in charge of figuring out the most gruesome shit. He wished Will didn’t have to and he’s annoyed that he’s not allowed to be near Will when he’s in a crime scene because dog fur and all that but he tries his best.
… while trying to listen in if there was any hints of the Brotherhood or the Templars in this world. He highly doubt it since there was no Abstergo but he’s still going to try and listen in (he has, in many occasion, turned on the tv while Will is away to check the local news and other shows, especially history channel)
So he was there when Will first met Hannibal.
And he could smell the blood that clung to Hannibal.
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maikissed · 2 days
cherry flavoured lips part 3
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Kylian Mbappé x reader
And there was one, very disturbing truth behind anger taking over Kylian’s common-sense: he turned wrathful and dangerous. warnings: none
Previous parts: part 1, part 2
Bon appétit!
“Hello, you” Gia beamed as soon as she opened the door before his eyes with a quick swing.
He greeted his friend with his most charming and bright smile, the sound of music coming from behind her was subtle, a sign that the party was yet about to start. Most of the time he made an appearance closer to it’s end than beginning, but there was something he anticipated way too much to delay his arrival. Gia eyed him mysteriously, with a glint of amusement painting on her face, and took a step to the side to let Kylian in.
“Happy birthday” he leaned to her to press a quick kiss on her cheek “Hope you stay such a wonderful and sweet person for another year” he smirked while pulling away, handing her a little gift bag for the occasion.
Gia snorted with a frown at his sarcastic wishes, voicing out a honey coated thank you as she accepted his present.
“Good thing you are at least good at buying gifts, though” she laughed turning around and taking his arm to lead him inside her apartment.
“I have to be honest, y/n always helped me pick them out, but this year I was on my own” he muttered eyeing the surroundings, already spotting few familiar faces.
Gia hummed at this information, not actually giving him a sign that she might be disappointed in a poorer choice of a birthday gift for her, but more thoughtfully, wondering about something that appeared in her mind. She stopped suddenly, facing him, her facial expression unreadable.
“She is here with her new tidy and well-mannered boyfriend. He’s British, you know” the way she articulated this sentence made his lips twist in a mocking smile “She didn’t tell me much, but the way things took turn between both of you worries me” one of her brows shot up as she peered at him. He knew she expected for him to clue her in to it.
“Kyliaaaaan!” there was a call from behind him, more like a roar to be honest, and he gladly turned away from Gia to greet his friend Remy. He could sense Gia’s annoyance at breaking her little investigation “Long time no see, you handsome beast” Remy laughed pulling Kylian into a tight hug “You gotta keep up, I’ll make you something to drink” and with this last sentence Remy pulled him in the direction of the bar, leaving Gia frustrated and annoyed. She turned to find y/n.
He spotted her among the crowd not so long later, and despite being surrounded by many of his good friends he haven’t seen for quite some time, he could not tear his eyes away from her and this new addition of hers, smiling politely at everyone they made the tiniest conversation with. The guy was tall, just a little scrawny though, he admitted he was good looking just enough, hair perfectly styled, a dirty blonde. But nothing really admirable, he concluded. Nevertheless there he was, standing next to her, close, very close, his arm wrapped around her waist, his palm gently caressing her side, tenderly and affectionately, Kylian was eyeing the movements of his hand along her body way too attentive. It did make him feel uncomfortable, he moved his fingers up his shirt to undo a few buttons, since he registered something growing painfully inside his gullet. The sour taste of whiskey was turning it even worse but he could not stop from sipping it. There were words around him, some questions, he believed he answered a few of them, but his mind was absent, focused on a scene few meters away. Y/n laughed, gazing up at her companion, her eyes pretty and sparkly, her hair styled different tonight, wavy and wild. Beautiful. Truthfully he did not expect her to attend with him tonight, at some point he somehow forgot about this new revelation, maybe even blocked it from being true in his mind. But right now he kept observing them together from the distance, many restless thoughts raging through his head. They truly seemed close, did he have her already? Did she fuck him? Did she enjoy it? Are they going to fuck tonight? Do they spend every night together? What the fuck? He could not believe everything that was happening right now. Anger started to take over him. And there was one, very disturbing truth behind anger taking over Kylian’s common-sense: he turned wrathful and dangerous.
“Are you going to introduce me?” Ian whispered in y/n’s ear, she stiffened for a moment wondering about how to escape this situation. She smiled timidly at him, taking a quick look in Kylian’s direction.
Of course she could not omit to mention about being friends with the Kylian Mbappé himself, because pressing on the lies would not do her good in her very first serious relationship. But Ian did not know how far their friendship went and she could not block her fears about the very first interaction with Kylian after they parted so coldly and unpleasantly few months ago. She was such a coward. But she could not hide the fact that she missed him.
And there was no point in opposing, it might wake some doubts and even suspicions in Ian so she agreed, nodding with a smile, and taking his hand with intention to approach Kylian. Few more steps his way and she was heavily fighting the urge to run away from here as fast as she could. Kylian noticed her in no time, a very dark but delightful smile appearing on his face as he looked at her, just at her.
“Hi” she called, rather stiffly, but she greeted him with a kind smile. He still did not look in Ian’s direction.
Kylian leaned into her, close, with aim to greet with her, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek and she felt hot and nervous. A normal greeting, as she did with every other friend present here. Nothing weird, nothing suspicious, still her legs turned weak. He said hi back as he straightened up.
“I wanted to introduce you my…” she started in English, something heavy, like a bile, or more like a stone, appeared in her throat and blocked her voice from coming out, she could not fathom why, but she swallowed heavily and added quickly: “My boyfriend, Ian”
That’s when he finally looked at him.
“Ian. Nice to meet you. I’m a huge fan” Ian added, calm and collected, with a subtle accent, he truly seemed nice.
“Kylian” he shook his stretched out hand and y/n let out a big breath of relief “Appreciate it”
“I was really surprised when y/n mentioned you guys are acquainted” Ian continued and Kylian smirked scoffingly at his choice of words. Y/n actually went pale.
“Oh, that’s how she put it?” Kylian asked, his eyes beaming playfully as he looked down at her “In fact, we know each other since diapers, our mothers are very close friends” he said nonchalantly before bringing the glass to his lips and taking a sip of his drink.
Ian peeked quickly at y/n, a sign that confirmed Kylian’s suspicions that she skimped on stories about him and how long they knew each other. And definitely skipped crucial elements regarding their long time friendship. It should make him feel downhearted, it did deep down, but he was not paying attention to it now. He was determined to prove something here, using nothing but the truth.
Although Ian did not come off perplexed at this information. His expression cool and relaxed.
“That’s great” Ian nodded “You guys go way back”
“Oh, we do” Kylian hummed, his gaze traveling back to her “Don’t worry, chérie, I am not going to embarrass you with stories, at least not so soon” a cocky smirk appearing on his lips.
And she frowned delicately, for his eyes only to see, because she guessed that the meaning hidden behind these words was not really innocent. Ian chuckled, but she could sense that he preferred to change the subject.
“You play a game this Sunday, we will stay in Paris for few more days, I was discussing it with y/n, that we should definitely buy tickets to see it”.
Yes, such conversation has taken place, but right now y/n had doubts if it was such a good idea. She hoped Ian would forget, she had various ideas about many other plans for them for this week, just to make him forget about attending the closest PSG game.
“Oh, that’s a fantastic idea” Kylian politely agreed “It’s been a long time since you last came to see me play” he turned to her, his attitude friendly and amiable, but by some means she sensed a ruse hiding beneath it all.
She was not exactly sure why she was so reluctant in this encounter. It was truly a pleasant and nice conversation they had, but she knew Kylian, she knew she hurt him, she could see it deep in his eyes.
“I’ll send you tickets, how about that?” he proposed generously.
Strange feelings enveloped y/n in a few seconds, it came out of nowhere, she did not expect it, the conversation started to fade around her suddenly. A heavy burden fell upon her shoulders quickly, like a lightning striking just beneath her feet. She started to fight for the next breath, an alarming sensation, like she was about to faint in any second now. It terrified her, strong and cold chills ran across her whole body and she muttered a fast apology, informing that she needs to find a bathroom. And she left them alone, with no second thought if it was a good idea. She did not care, she needed some time alone. She almost ran in the opposite direction, not very much focused about where she was heading. She realised she ended in Gia’s room. The noisiness of music and conversation fading in the quiet room. She rested on the closest armchair, trying to calm her nerves and shaking hands. Was she experiencing a panic attack? She wasn’t sure, she never had one before. She breathed a sing of relief as her mind started to slow down, quieting down. Looking at the shelf to her right she spotted a collection of pictures collected upon it and stood up when she noticed a few that she recognized and remembered. Gia loved stacking memories with pictures, the collection was quite impressive. Some hanged on strings along the walls of her room, other framed prettily on the shelves. A specific one caught her attention and she approached it, spotting a photo taken at one of Gia’s Christmas parties. It was her and Kylian. He was seated on a chair, looking to the side and up at her as she stood above him, her fingers delicately grazing his chin from behind, she was laughing at something, looking at him, he was smiling softly at her. She took in their appearance, scoffing at the sight of her long, colourful nails, now shorter and elegant. They both looked careless and so young, so unburdened. But what caught her attention the most was the colour of Kylian’s hair, he dyed it white at the time, and despite the fact that she was immensely drunk that night, she remembered it so well. And she remembered she used to not be so innocent as well.
-December, 2017-
“Ky!” she called as soon as she noticed him enter with a few of his friends. She was anticipating him for a whole evening. And he was always late, she was embittered, she loved partying with him and he always made her wait for him “You can take off that beanie now, it is not snowing inside” she snickered noticing him wearing a ridiculous headgear in a covered room. Was this a new style now or what?
She approached him closely, rather wobbly due to the amount of alcohol she has already poured into herself, reaching for his hat, but he shifted swiftly to avoid her reaching hand. She frowned, visibly surprised. She noticed a mysterious smile on Tchaga’s face from behind him. Interesting, he was wearing a similar hat as well.
“What is it now? Are you hiding something there?” she asked playfully, still trying to snatch the hat off his head. She was truly determined.
“Don’t” he warned, his lips stretching into a little smile and she giggled.
“Let me see” she whined, still putting up a little fight with him. But she was drunk and he was way too sober and strong for her. He grabbed her sides to steady her “You did something with your hair, didn’t you?” she laughed, excitement gushing out from her “Show me!”
“No, I did not” he opposed with an accusatory expression. Oh, he would not give her shit now. She knew he was lying. And it made her even more excited now “I’m just comfortable like this” he commented.
And she was a smart girl, that she was, so she shrugged as a sign of finally giving up, stepping away from him, making his grip on her loosening. And that was when he lost with her. She still had it in her to be clever enough and quickly reached for the hat, taking it off him in a swift move. He groaned trying to get his hat back, one hand on her waist, another gripped the forearm of the hand holding his beanie. But it was too late already, she could see it now. She did not laugh, she did not appear much surprised. She just gazed up at him, her eyes round and big as she took in his appearance. He looked like he expected some form of stronger reaction from her. She swayed in his hold.
“It’s white” she stated and he smirked in amusement at this obvious conclusion.
Was he about to make fun of her now? Looked like it.
“It’s cool, it’s hot” she emphasized, still mesmerised at the sight of him “Suits you”
“Yeah? You like it?” he chuckled, because she truly must have looked funny, so serious and so stunned.
“Mhm” she nodded “It’s sexy” she added, noticing the playfulness disappearing in his eyes, making room for something closer to curiosity now, with a bit of more intensity as he looked at her.
She was young, and she was wild, drunk, carefree and absolutely… hot right now. So many concerning feelings she had for him this whole time now dangerously skyrocketed. She realised she stood there awkwardly, trying to keep herself straight, trying to calm her racing heart, calm the drive awaken in her. She was turned on. Irrationally, rabidly turned on by her friend. She wanted to climb him. Oh, fuck. She was so drunk and as it turned out - horny. And so, so stupid.
“Alright” he murmured, his voice dropping even lower. Oh fuck, fuck! “How many drinks did you have, ma chérie?”
“A few” she choked out nervously after few seconds.
“I see” he nodded, still holding her close “Want me to take you home now?” his eyes… stood out much more now in contrast with his hair. Dark, enchanting.
Oh no, don’t talk to me like that, a little voice screamed inside her head. She was close to a tremendous break out, close to doing something foolish. She could not trust herself if they were to be alone.
“Just one more hour?” she managed to say and he accepted her proposition, swearing to keep her close to himself for the rest of the night to make sure she would not drink too much anymore. For her own good.
He was being a good friend. She began experiencing torture.
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femsolid · 3 days
Can I ask how does separatism show in your life? Do you have male relatives you have to interact with a lot? I assume you don't have male friends, have you ever had them in the past and at some point you decided "nah, this ain't it"? Are you in a job where you have to interact with men a lot? Do you reduce dealing with men when it comes to other things like avoiding places with men? Sorry I'm just curious about it from someone who lives a separatist life!
It's been very easy. I have no interest in men any more. I don't like their personalities and the misogyny of our daily interactions always jumps out to me (weaponized incompetence, interrupting women, disgusting jokes, main character syndrome, viciousness etc) and I just have no tolerance for it. I'm not a lesbian so I'd say there's 0.1% of men who aren't ugly but they immediately become repulsive to me when the casual sexism comes out, which it inevitably does. I don't understand the "radical" feminists who, after seeing men for what they are, don't feel such repulsion and even claim that we need men to be fulfilled. So I don't date men, don't flirt with men, don't take an interest in their lives, don't play the psychologist for them, don't put extra work for them, don't offer my help etc. I just don't care about men. There's no male relative I still see except for my nephew who is a child. I've cut ties with my father years ago specifically for his misogyny and homophobia. I stand by my moral principals no matter what. I don't have male friends and I never have because I never trusted males nor related to them. And I could never be myself around them. I have male co-workers though, I talk about work with them when I need it. I only have real conversations with my female coworkers. And I only joke with women. As a result, I've noticed, only women sit around me and talk to me at work. The guys have given up. However, my manager is a man which is quite annoying. I keep it minimal with him just like with every other males I'm forced to interact with. I keep it professional and cordial, not friendly and sweet.
I make zero effort to please men physically. No make-up, no tight clothes, no long hair, no shaving, no shutting up, no dainty mannerisms. I'm eating what I want, when I want to, and show no remorse unlike a lot of my female peers. And when I'm angry, I don't hide it. And if I need to say something, I say it. A lot of people assume I'm a lesbian based on the fact that I make no effort to attract men. And it's true that I make no such effort. But I also think that if, to attract men, you have to pretend to be a helpless little thing, you can't call straight or bisexual women "lesbians" just for refusing this humiliation. It's called dignity, not lesbianism.
I like women, I try to help them, prioritize them, support them, reassure them, defend them and push them forward. When a woman speaks negatively about herself, I always jump in to correct her. And when a man attacks a woman I intervene. I distribute compliments and encouragements to women. And I point out the misogyny they confront when they don't see it for what it is. I only debate women because I only value women's mind.
If I have to see a doctor, I'll look for a woman every time. Only and only if I can't find a female doctor close to me will I pick a male doctor. My general practitioner is a woman, my podiatrist is a woman, my psychologist is a woman, my radiologist is a woman, my gastroenterologist is a woman etc. Same with a hear dresser, a masseuse, a fitness coach: only women. I only read books from female authors. I try to watch movies with a woman or girl as the main character. Same with video games or music. Though obviously I'm only human and might enjoy a movie or song made by a male sometimes. I try to support female artists and creators by promoting them, buying from them, giving them nice reviews. I avoid places that are filled with men like a gym or café or profession or online space, and I gravitate towards places filled with women.
That's it, that's my daily life. It's taking care of myself and valuing women. It's easy because I enjoy it and it feels natural. I'm following what my guts have always told me. Feminism simply helped me verbalize it.
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