#they go the a fazbear horror attraction park for parts
icy-gendango · 1 year
Wait a second...
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Horror Attraction! Moon meets a liberated DCA. His word is forever changed.
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strangererotica · 2 months
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Springtrap x Reader | Summary: Your uncle has asked you to keep watch over his new investment, Fazbear Frights, and the vintage artifacts his attraction contains. When you begrudgingly accept his offer, things take a turn for the weirder. An encounter in your dreams with a yellow rabbit changes you…for better, or worse?
Heads up: This fic is not for everybody, and that’s okay! It’s a fucked-up fever dream and if the summary intrigues you, come along for the ride. If not, that’s okay too. Things get heavy here. There’s monsterfucking, dream sex, vaginal penetration, some choking, fear, lust, disgust, basically a whole grab bag of fuckery, so if that’s your thing, read on, dear deviant 🫵♥️ PS the end is kind of fire, I love a good twist!!!
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To be honest, you thought the idea of opening a theme park ‘attraction,’ based on the mysterious disappearances of children was fucked up. But your uncle was convinced there was a market for such a sick endeavor, that an audience existed whose search for thrills and chills would have them willing to shed money for a chance at experiencing horrific local nostalgia.
Because really, who wouldn’t want to relive the tragedy of multiple kids going missing? You were being sarcastic, of course. But part of that sarcasm stemmed from genuine bewilderment. What was your uncle thinking when he formed the concept of Fazbear Frights? He’d always been into horror as a genre, but as far as you’d understood, his interest was confined to books and film, not true crime. And if the subject matter of the Freddy’s story had involved the tragic disappearance of local adults, maybe Fazbear Frights wouldn’t have bothered you as much as it did. But kids had gone missing, lives had been upended, and your uncle was about to make a profit off of their heartache.
The worst part of all? You’d accepted his offer to work there. The cost of life after college was kicking your ass; you could barely afford your rent as it was, working two part-time jobs. Money was more than tight; you needed extra cash wherever you could find it. And besides, the Fazbear Frights gig would only last a couple of weeks, just until the attraction opened. Your uncle’s job offer had been to monitor the security of the place overnight, with generous pay promised. You couldn’t understand why he’d be willing to pay someone to guard a bunch of creepy old relics from an abandoned pizza parlor, or why additional security was necessary when the theme park itself already had an overnight guard? Your uncle maintained that additional security was needed, and that he only trusted family with the responsibility of protecting such an important investment as his precious, twisted attraction…
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Entering Fazbear Frights, your first impression is that it’s really fucking ugly. Granted, it’s supposed to look old fashioned, and maybe the building’s creepiness is simply proof of good set design. However, a sense of unease lingers in your stomach, and you’re almost positive it’s caused by something beyond the decor. The attraction is fully furnished, but won’t open for a couple more weeks while the finishing touches on lighting and sound are tweaked. Those changes are made during the day, when at least a little sunlight can be seen filtering in through the windows, reminding you there’s life outside. For your part, working the night shift, the dark building makes you feel secluded and more than a little creeped out.
You have a flashlight, and mostly functional electricity running through the building. But there’s still much to be desired in the way of making the attraction feel…not haunted. And it occurs to you that that’s the word which describes how you’re feeling: haunted. The hairs on your skin are standing at attention, a cold sweat clinging to the back of your neck, but why? Obviously the setting is creepy, but it’s meant to be. You’re usually comfortable around spooky decor. It’s not as if you’re a scared kid wandering the halls of a haunted house alone…but that’s how you this place makes you feel…
It’s getting late. An outdated digital clock (probably a relic from the late eighties itself) on the desk in front of you reads 3 AM. You shiver as yet another cold breeze whispers past your shoulders. You look around, studying the vintage posters on the wall, wondering how much money your uncle threw away in order to call these scraps his own. The figures staring back at you look menacing, despite their wide smiles. They’re called animatronics, you remember. That’s how your uncle had referred to them. You also recall his mentioning one animatronic in particular, a Freddy’s original he’d managed to get his hands on and would be bringing to Fazbear Frights. You haven’t seen it yet, and to be totally honest, you’re not sure you want to. If the animatronic your uncle purchased looks anything like the ones in the posters you’re staring at, you’d prefer to never encounter such a creature…
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Re-entering the theme park feels like walking through the gates of Hell. You’d rather be anywhere else than here. Another night of spending six hours alone in the gloomy replica of a literal crime scene has your stomach twisting. And you didn’t sleep well, either. Your dreams had been too vivid to allow you rest. You’d dreamed of a monster, or something that could certainly be called one…a massive, towering figure with patchy, mustard-yellow fur clinging to its skeletal frame. It resembled a rabbit, or had, at some point long ago. While still maintaining the general shape of a rabbit, its appearance had decayed, warping its cuddly features into something ugly. Its eyes were cold gray orbs that rested deep in its oversized, vacant skull, tendons and ligaments intertwined with wires that wrapped its skeleton, which you later realized, was comprised of metal rather than bone.
Your senses had been particularly keen in the dream. The rabbit’s scent was stale, yet comfortingly nostalgic. It reminded you of an old quilt your grandmother had once given you from the bottom of her dresser drawer, which smelled of love and other ancient, homemade things. She’d wrapped you up inside it, with kisses and promises that the chilly winter night wouldn’t be as cold now, that the quilt had been waiting there in the dresser for years, waiting for someone who needed it…
The rabbit’s fur was coarse, your skin a soft contrast when you wrapped your arms around its waist. It felt like the outdoor carpet that had lined your parents’ back porch, which your feet and rain had pelted countless Summer nights. The rabbit’s fur was cool to the touch, moist with something bittersweet, a musky blend of old books with yellowed pages, their corners turned down and words lined in pencil…
And against your lips, that was also his taste, his tongue the flavor of nostalgia, his large, unbearably strong hands crushing your body against his like he intended to make love to and ruin you all at once. Whether or not he consisted of machine or animal, he was more human than anything else, fully formed with the parts needed to bring you to a state of rapture. He held you suspended, your legs around his waist, fucking up into you with more vigor than his decayed appearance would suggest him capable of. You clutched his back, and then his ears, locking your fingers around them and bracing for impact as each of his mechanical, brutal thrusts punched inside you with a machine’s precision…
You’d woke up in a state of climax, your body drenched with sweat. The sheet beneath you had been ripped from the mattress, balled into tight fists. Your chest heaved, your bare breasts glistening with perspiration. Your cunt was pulsing, fluttering with the aftershocks of a powerful orgasm. Arousal dripped down your quivering thighs, onto the mattress which was soaking wet beneath you.
A shower and breakfast had done little to calm the questions racing through your mind. What the hell was that? Your dreams were rarely as vivid, as visceral, as the one about the rabbit. And as for the sex…it had been the best sex you’d had in a dream, ever. And it had been with what must surely have been a monster…
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You hope your six hours at Fazbear Frights will go quickly tonight, partially because you’re still a little unsteady and aroused from your dream this morning. Additionally, you’re looking forward to sleep, because maybe the rabbit will be waiting for you when you close your eyes, again?
Unexpectedly, your uncle meets you at the staff entrance of Fazbear Frights. He seems excited about something, and you’re grateful for a distraction from your thoughts of the rabbit. “Hey kid,” your uncle greets you with a friendly wave. “How’d it go last night?”
“Alright,” you reply. “It’s a little creepy in there, but that’s the point, isn’t it?”
You don’t miss the subtle gleam in your uncle’s eyes, revealing how pleased he is that his attraction is having its desired effect. “That’s right,” he says cheerfully. “Gotta give the people what they want. And what they want-.” He turns his key in the lock and pulls the door open for the two of you. “-Is the authentic Freddy Fazbear experience. Which is why I’m here tonight.” He lets you step past him into the building, and locks the door behind you both. “-To show you the part of my collection that’ll really have people talking. We just brought him in today-you’ve got to see him…”
You grimace visibly. “It’s the fucking animatronic, isn’t it?” you groan, and your uncle rolls his eyes.
“Yes it is, sourpuss,” he teases. “And trust me when I tell you, it’s gonna make this place really feel like Freddy’s, like you’re stepping inside a time capsule or something.”
Your uncle led you down a hallway to one of the doors marked STAFF ONLY . “He’s showing his years of course,” your uncle continued, searching his ring for a different key. “I mean, this animatronic sat abandoned for thirty years; of course he’s gonna look a little rough around the edges.”
Your uncle finds the appropriate key and jiggles it inside the lock. “But just knowing that we, Fazbear Frights, have our hands on the one and only Spring Bonnie-.” He sighs proudly. “-It reminds me how much all of this was worth it, y’know? Now that he’s here, back in his element. Where he belongs.”
Your eyebrow lifts in curiosity; you resist the urge to laugh in your uncle’s face. “You do realize you sound just a little bit crazy, right?” you question him. “Talking about this thing like it’s a real person or something. Don’t tell me-.” You lean in, whispering. “-You talk to it sometimes, don’t you?”
Your uncle pauses before whispering back, “yeah, but, the only time I really feel crazy is when he responds…”
You giggle at that, watching while your uncle pulls the door open wide. “Here he is, (Y/N),” your uncle declares, beaming in the doorway. “The yellow rabbit himself. Spring Bonnie in the flesh-err, I mean, fur…”
For a moment, you assume you must be dreaming. Because you find yourself looking at the exact same rabbit from your dream this morning. He looks different, sat on the floor, leaning against the far wall; but it’s unmistakably him. Your uncle watches your expression, slightly confused. “Is he really that scary?” he asks, his voice hopeful.
You take a step forward, curiosity overriding your apprehension. The rabbit is large, just as large as he was in your dream. Even seated on the floor, you can tell his height is substantial. Tentatively, you reach for the rabbit’s face, stroking his musty-scented fur tenderly.
“D-be careful!” your uncle frets behind you, adding, “that thing was very expensive-be gentle with him-,” but his concerns aren’t necessary. You know this rabbit…intimately well. And once you’re alone with him again, you’ll make sure to take excellent care not to damage him in your…exertion…
“What did you say his name was?” you ask, gazing into the rabbit’s steely eyes. Your uncle clears his throat, obviously perplexed by the care you seem to feel for a decaying animatronic you had no interest in seeing only moments ago. “Uh, Bonnie,” he replies. “Spring Bonnie.”
“Bonnie,” you repeat, allowing the word to sink over your tongue. “That means beautiful, doesn’t it?”
Your uncle nods, still confused, and glances at his watch. “Well, it’s just about midnight,” he says. “Time for me to head out. Come walk me to the door, will ya?” He pretends to shiver. “This place gives even me the creeps at night, to be totally honest.”
You choose to leave the rabbit (for now). “I’ll be back,” you whisper against his ear, quietly enough that your uncle doesn’t hear. He’s waiting for you in the doorway, a warm smile on his face, your fascination with the yellow rabbit a fleeting curiosity to him, and nothing more. Once you’re sure your uncle is gone, you exhale a sigh of relief. Locking the door behind you feels like sealing the world away completely; and in contrast to yesterday, that kind of isolation is now exactly what you want. Your heart thuds against your chest like a horse’s hooves, skipping beats as you turn for the hall.
You’ve bunched your skirt around your waist, your shoes clicking loudly in the empty hall. Heavy rain pelts the tin roof as you round the corner that leads to him. In the doorway, a tall, familiar figure stands. His gray eyes flash cold as steel, locking you in place at the opposite end of the hallway.
Thunder growls outside. The building’s electricity spits in and out, crackling around you like fireflies caught in a jar. Your heart’s in your throat, lips spreading into a wide smile. The hall goes dark, lit only by the steely gaze of the yellow rabbit...
…until suddenly, even his eyes disappear, and you’re left engulfed by an all-consuming darkness.
Lightning flashes, illuminating the hand reaching for you. Robotic, aluminum fingers draped with rotting yellow fur close around your throat, silencing the scream beneath them. The rabbit lifts you by the throat till you’re completely suspended, feet dangling limp and useless beneath you. His sour breath reeks of rotten meat and dried blood, the kind of smell that instinctively alerts you to danger. Your eyes roll back, surrender sinking over you as you accept your fate.
But as quickly as he seized you, the rabbit yields. You feel the cold, filthy tile meet your cheek as you land against it. Through gauzy vision, you make out the metallic feet of the rabbit standing before you, his endoskeleton clearly visible. He takes hold of your hair, and tugs you upright, holding you in place as your trembling legs cannot sustain you. His eyes bore deeply into yours, chortled breath leaving his mechanical chest in a slow, grotesque pant. When he speaks, your whole body shivers.
“You…” the rabbit murmurs, his wide jaw cracking, fleshy tendons stretching. The curdled timbre of his voice betrays the smile on his lips; the rabbit is glad to see you.
“How…long…” he snarls. “…has it been…?” He drags a thick, soiled finger across your cheek, the gesture unexpectedly tender. “…Since anyone desired me…?”
Your chest is heaving, conflicting emotions of every kind overwhelming you. A sick cocktail of fear and arousal throbs in your belly, keeping time with your pounding heart.
“P-please,” you stutter, tears bleeding down your cheeks. “Don’t h-hurt me…”
The rabbit tilts his head to the side, thinking. His hooded eyes wash over you, this tiny little creature in his hands, pleading mercy from him.
“Mmm,” the rabbit hums, his skeletal chest vibrating like a lion’s purr. “You think I’m a monster, don’t you?”
You gasp as his touch glides from your face to your chest, his big paw closing over your breasts. He groans at the feeling of your heartbeat thundering against his palm. “I’d forgotten,” he says. “How a woman’s pulse feels…the proof of her life, beating in the palm of my hand…”
With his other paw, the rabbit clutches the back of your head and draws you closer. The stench of rot, of horror and decay, cannot repulse you anymore…not when his tongue has breached the barrier of your lips, the thick, sinewy muscle undulating against your tongue in a wet bed of perversion. His bulky fingers lodge between your thighs. Immediately, you begin to grind against the textured fur, wetting his mechanical digits with your arousal.
Seized by a sudden courage, you lift your hips in a way that has you poised atop one of the rabbit’s fingertips, his damp appendage resting against your entrance. He obliges your silent request, allowing you to sink over his thick finger, taking him as far as you can.
The thunder inside you eclipses the storm outside. You moan filthy, disgusting praises as he pleasures you, all sense of fear long-abandoned in exchange for the fulfillment of your most hedonistic desires. His fat, coarse digit strokes you like it was made for you to ride, reaching places inside you no part of any man ever has. You’re going dumb on top of him, so dumb you don’t even notice when the rabbit gently eases you onto the ground.
He’s under you now, his back pressed against the wall, his paw of a hand still clutching your cunt, letting you use his fingers to get yourself off. A dark, satisfied chuckle rumbles up from his bony chest. “Just look at you,” he murmurs, his steely eyes heavy with lust. “Bouncing on my lap like a slutty little rabbit, aren’t you?”
His lewd words and husky tone send you over the edge. Your body convulses on top of him, the muscles at your core clenching around the rabbit’s touch, sucking his fat appendage rhythmically as you ride out your high…
“Fucking Christ!” A man’s voice bleats through the hallway like a frightened animal. You whip your head to see him, blinded instantly by the beam of his flashlight. He’s wearing a shirt that identifies him as the theme park’s security, and as your eyes follow up to his face, you’re met with the wide-eyed gaze of unfiltered horror staring back at you. His flashlight shakes wildly in his hand, catching the rabbit’s skeletal leg in its beam. Confusion sets over you…followed by shame. Because the rabbit is now as he was when you arrived there tonight…sat against a wall, unmoving and limp, no more than a broken machine overcome by decay. But unlike earlier, you’re now sat straddling the broken machine, your cum dripping down its tattered fur…your hands locked around one of the animatronic’s arms, lodging his hand between your thighs…one of his fingers buried deep inside your cunt…
The guard clears his throat; you force yourself to meet his eyes. “Th-there was a c-.” He clears his throat again, blinking to focus. “-County-wide power outage, miss…I knew you were um, keepin’ watch over the place for your uncle, and uh-.” He swallows, forcing his eyes from dropping to the place where your body and the animatronic are joined. “-I th-thought you might be spooked in here, alone-.” He glances at the rabbit, then back to you. “-in the dark…”
Frustrated tears burn at the corners of your eyes, your cheeks hot with humiliation. Carefully, you ease the rabbit’s finger out of your cunt, wincing as the metal scratches your skin. Somehow, it didn’t hurt before. You smooth your skirt down, concealing your nakedness but none of your shame.
Standing in the beam of the guard’s flashlight, you summon every bit of the (minimal) pride you have left to tell him, “thank you. That was very kind of you, to come check on me.”
He licks his lips nervously, eyes darting between you and the animatronic propped against the wall. His flashlight illuminates the perverse scene, revealing your cum still glistening on the rabbit’s fur. The fear in the guard’s expression has softened to a pitying disgust.
“I think it’s time for you to go home, miss,” he says. You wipe a tear from your cheek, glancing back at the animatronic one last time, before leaving Fazbear Frights (and your rabbit) behind, forever…
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tenebraevesper · 11 months
Five Nights at Freddy's (Movie Review, Part 3)
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Five Nights at Freddy's (Movie Review, Part 1)
Five Nights at Freddy's (Movie Review, Part 2)
So, this isn't really a FNaF Movie Review per se, but rather me speculating what we might get in the sequel, because let's be honest, given how well Five Nights at Freddy's is doing, we can expect a trilogy and I'm very excited for that.
I will leave a warning here because this sequel speculation will contain spoilers for the ending of the FNaF Movie.
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During the climax of the FNaF Movie, we have witnessed William Afton's demise via the springlock Spring Bonnie suit, and it was said that in-universe weeks have passed between those events and the springlocked William that got sealed in the backroom.
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Yet, we see that William is still moving during the ending. Note, he should not be alive at all, and I sincerely doubt that he is. Going by the game lore, the ending of the movie is actually showing us something else. Something that had been foreshadowed earlier during the springlock scene.
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''I always come back!''
Yeah, this moment? William knows that he is dying and that his soul will possess the Spring Bonnie suit. He will return, as Springtrap.
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I'm certain that the very ending of the movie had shown us William's awakening as Springtrap, learning to control his new body. However, considering how he had been sealed into the back room by the Golden Freddy Ghost Child, he will remain stuck there for quite a while.
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Or perhaps not? The movie does deviate from the games in some aspects, but in spirit, it is very accurate, and personally, what I would love to see in the sequel is William as Springtrap being put front and center in the story, with the sequel being an adaption of Five Nights at Freddy's 3.
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Yeah, I'm talking about Fazbear Fright, the amusement park attraction that was haunted by a serial killer trapped in a bunny animatronic. I think it would be really awesome if we saw a haunted house-type of attraction or a museum-like establishment created by nostalgic fans who have raided the old Freddy Fazbear Pizza Place for animatronics and decorations, and found the old rotten Spring Bonnie suit.
I want to watch Springtrap stalk those corridors, killing off anyone foolish enough to enter it. Perhaps take a cue from the Mimic and the Tales From The Pizzaplex Epilogues and have a bunch of teenagers enter the place during the night on a dare, only to be hunted down one by one by a deranged bunny animatronic.
Sure, it sounds like a typical slasher flick, but in-between the murders, have the lore sprinkled in. Show us flashbacks of William's past, how Freddy's has started, whether there were any other accidents like the Bite of '87 or whether there was a Sister Location. I want to know whether William had a partner, Henry Emily, and whether Charlie Emily had been his first victim, as well as whether Puppet exists in this universe.
Depending on the timeskip, Mike Schmidt could return once again as the security guard at this establishment and learn about William's fate, or perhaps have a teenage-aged Abby Schmidt visit the place in an attempt to help her ghostly friends, whose animatronic bodies have been turned into props for the horror attraction. There is so much potential in continuing this story.
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I also want to see William just hamming it up and chewing the scenery as the Villain Protagonist of the movie. Have him embrace his new identity as Springtrap, and at the end, have the main protagonist/s of the movie burn the whole place down with Springtrap inside it.
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But then, at the very ending, you get a cliffhanger of Springtrap walking outside, even more withered than before, having just barely survived the fire and set us up for the third movie.
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Now, these are just my ideas for the sequel. What are yours?
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William, meet Crowbar. Crowbar, meet William’s kneecaps. (Part One)
It was once again another cold, dark night outside the city limits of Hurricane, Utah. There were hardly any signs of life around the area asides from the Fazbear’s Fright horror attraction. The place was full of controversy given the gruesome history behind Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza and the sheer fact someone was trying to profit off the horrors of the events that happened. Or rumors given many believed that the horrors were mythology. However for the driver of the beaten up purple car that pulled into the parking lot, the myths were true and that this place was on it’s last night existing.
Michael Afton parked in the parking lot, his spot far away from the building as possible. Not because of the policy of employees parking in the back to give customers front parking with easy access to the building, but rather because he didn’t want his car to be damaged in case the fire was more out of control than he planned. He glanced back at the red can of gasoline in the back seat, full and sloshing with the highly flammable fuel. If he still had his organs, he’d probably be feeling the negative affects of the fumes. However, that wasn’t likely given he was the purple zombie from hell.  He decided to pull down the visor and look at himself in the mirror for a moment, seeing the purple eyes with white glowing pupils in the center. Despite the purple skin and the signs of decay, he could still easily see the teenager he had been before killed and used as a skin suit by his own sister. He winced at the memory, slowly rubbing his neck for a moment along before adjusting his hair for a moment. Despite being dead, his hair hadn’t fallen out but did turn a dark black color from its original brown. Still, it could be worse. He could have turned into a walking bald skeleton and really scare the shit out of everyone even at night. Thankfully a ton of deodorant, Febreze, some taxidermy supplies and some embalming fluid helped make him look somewhat human as long as he was masked up or wearing heavy makeup. Not that he could go out in the day.
“Okay, Mike. You can do this. Just go inside, pour gasoline all over the place, spark some wires, start a fire and leave. No need to go the extra steps.” He talked to himself for a moment, giving a firm look in the mirror. Though he stared at himself for a moment, his eyes drifted to the passenger seat where a decent sized crowbar was laying. Initially the crowbar was going to be for opening the doors in case they got stuck given how rundown the place was. However the temptation to just let loose decades worth of anger onto his deadbeat of a father was growing strong by the minute.  “Mike. What are you thinking?” An eerie yet familiar voice asked, causing him to look away from the crowbar to the golden plushie sitting on his dashboard. The plushies eye’s had white pupils that started at the teenaged zombie while its head tilted slightly. Mike looked at the plushie and sighed.
“Sorry, Evan. I was just thinking of wanting to just let loose on our deadbeat serial killer of a dad but given he’s trapped in the Spring Bonnie suit, I’m not sure if its a good idea to start beating him with a crowbar.” He confessed to his brother to which the plushie looked at him with a hint of questioning in its eyes. Evan Afton hadn’t passed on nor possessed Golden Freddy like that one Cassidy did. No. The boy had possessed his own plushie which lead to the two boys slowly reconciling over the years and trying to stop their father, William. It was an interesting arrangement and currently Michael was working on his own special project to give Evan a small body to move in. 
“Go for his knees. Dad always had weak knees even with the suit on.” Evan replied, reminding Mike of all the times his dad complained about his knees. Originally that was due to the weight William had gained over the years prior to becoming a serial killer but after the first accident with Spring Bonnie and a change in diet, he lost all the weight but the problematic knees remained. He smirked as he gave the Golden Fredbear plushie a pat on the head.
“Alright, Evan. I think it’s time to say hello to dad and introduce him to Crowbar and Gasoline.” He replied as he grabbed the crowbar off the seat along with the gas canister before stepping out of the car. He had a lot of work to do ahead.
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v4mpr1c1c-zombii · 3 years
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▶Part 1/?
Five Nights at Freddie's is infamous in the darker, urban legends type, parts of the internet. So many youtubers and news stories have talked about it! How mysterious it is and how the people running it are.
And people are willing to stay five nights there. It's an internet challenge. The people who survive are basically considered gods! Who wouldn't want to be considered one?...But almost no one "survives", well they go missing. There are countless stories of a someone who knew a guy that started a job there and went missing within a week.
I am a "FNAF" FANATIC! The animatronics and the mystery is just amazing! I would kill just to visit their newest attraction! It is based around the horrors and mysteries surrounding their franchise.
Those thoughts fill my head as I scroll through a forum, dedicated to the franchise, something catches my eye.
A new job opening.... A JOB OPENING!
I feel my heart practically beat out of my chest. I was an idiot to never think about a job opening! Of course they would have had one since they opened up a new place!
Wait. (Y/N), don't be so dumb. You know the stories about this place. But.. To have the title of, I SURVIVED FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDIE'S, would be THE BEST! And the animatronics! The mysteries! My longest desire could finally be fulfilled!
I sign up. Putting in my full name, email and phone number. I am stupid to trust such a link but I don't care. This is my chance.
I await my phone call now.
I tap my fingers on my computer desk, impatiently.
Ring ring ring!
There it is!
I quickly pick up my phone, "Hello? " I say in my most formal voice.
"Uh hello, I am calling this number about our newest Fazbear establishment, Fazbear's Frights, for a job opening as the night guard? " the voice, seemingly a man's, says.
"Yes! This is the right number. I would love to be apart of the franchise. " I say eagerly awaiting his next words.
"Alright! " he says enthusiastically, "well I have just sent you an email with all of the information you will need. The email also has a contract you will need to print out and sign. It needs to be mailed in within a few days and in about a week, you could be accepted into Fazbear Frights! Now miss, have a good rest of your night and goodbye! "
"Bye-bye. You have a great night sir. " I say before hanging up the phone.
I can feel my blood rushing from excitement.
With my email list still open, I watch the message appear. I quickly read over the information and print out the contract. I sign and get ready to mail.
A week and a half after I mailed the contract, I get a phone call from the same man saying I have been accepted and can start my job tomorrow!
He says he will greet me upon my first arrival and will show me around before my shift starts.
I could almost cry from happiness. After I survive, I MUST tell the people on my blog. I'll become an internet sensation! I can already imagine myself on the news saying something along the line of, " Hahaha, it wasn't that scary! Just something like another horror game. "
And even better, my unwilling desire to discover at least some of the mysteries!
It is now 11:30 pm. The ride here was a nervous one. My heart is racing. I step out of my car near an already parked one. Near the entrance, I see a man standing there. There appears to be something in his hands along with a flashlight.
"You must be Y/N! Here is your uniform and hat. I will show you around then you can begin your first shift. How exciting! "
I force a laugh, then he opens the door for me and we begin.
After the tour is over, he sits me down in my office and right as I sit down, the clock strikes 12 and he is gone.
"And so it begins." I whisper to myself.
This place is disgusting. The air is dry and reeks of mould. The walls are yellowish and almost everything in my office has dust on it.
I hear a beep, then recording, "He-hey! Glad you came back for another night! I promise, it'll get a LOT more interesting this time! ... "
Another night? But this is my first... I begin to tune out the phone recording, getting lost in my thoughts. Whatever! I'm just glad to be here. But I'm also really nervous. Just now am I beginning to think through getting this job?
Countless people have gone missing to this franchise and I will probably be the next. God dammit..why have I put myself here? I live for the lore behind this place but fuck it is terrifyingly real. Just stay calm, Y/N. Stay calm. Five nights is all I have to do.
Suddenly remembering that you ARE at your new job, you quickly check the cameras. I need to see if these animatronics really do move on their own.
And there, you see it. A rabbit that appears to be a run down version of Spring bonnie, is moving. Walking!
Holy shit! I put a hand in my hair, holding the tablet in the other. My eyes are wide and my excitement weighs out my fear.
I quietly laugh as he walks out of the cameras vision, clicking another camera to see him more.
Wow.. This is amazing! I keep switching the cameras to watch him keep walking. I wonder where he is going..
Then he is out if the cameras view again. I search for a camera to watch him but there are none.
Damn it! Where did he go? I continue to search but I hear a loud bang on my office window.
Almost jumping out of my seat I look up and see him.
Holy shit! All of my worries and fear are back. How could I have been so stupid? I should have been afraid from the beginning!
He is staring at me, a hand pressed against the window, slowly sliding down.
I am frozen in place, staring back at him.
His eyes are bright compared to the dark all around us.
My breathing is shallow and I gulp , trying to remember how the hell I can get this thing away from me.
I didn't listen to the recording or read the information! Fuck me! Fuck fuck fuck!
The lights flicker and he is suddenly peaking into the door way.
I jump out of my seat , dropping the tablet. I quickly back into a corner of the office while on the ground. Tears now forming in my eyes, I stare at him.
I force out a few words, "P-please don't hurt me! "
He smiles and I can feel the hot stream of tears running down my face. His eyes are lowered, they look happy, or satisfied. My whole body is shaking and I have no idea what to do.
"You poor thing... " He says, taking a breath like it was a struggle to say. His voice is raspy and robot like. And oddly hot...
Does this thing really take pity on me?
He takes a step in and I'm thrown out of my thoughts once again. I ball up and force myself against the wall more, crying heavily into my hands and shaking violently. I hear the clanks of him walking closer and an almost unbearable odor enters as he does. I am begging now, "P-please don't kill me please... Please p-please... "
I hear him take a deep breath in, "Look at me. " and out. "Now! "
I slowly lift my head up , trembling.
He smiles once again at me. He then leans down to me, the stench only getting stronger. I back away a bit but he stops me, "Do not move. "
I quickly stop and he moves in closer to me. I close my eyes and wait for my death.
I can hear him struggle to breathe as he just keeps moving closer. I feel a hand around my neck , my eyes opening, and he slowly lifts me up and off of the ground. Words try to form out of my mouth but nothing comes out. While holding me up, he scans my body with his dark eyes. I claw at the hands around my neck, my vision blurring. Suddenly, I hit the ground and immediately gasp for air using the wall as support.
"You are quite something. "
This thing can speak?!
I look up , confused. I am baffled. How does one respond to that? And what does he even mean? Especially after he had just choked me. Well I don't want him to do it again so I will try to stay on his good side.
"T-thank you. " I stand up now, scanning him with my eyes. I can now examine the suit. Oh my god.. The suit is worn down, some parts of the skin missing. Dried blood is everywhere on the thing and wires are popping out at some parts. On the very worn down places, organs and muscle are exposed. I think I am going to vomit. Please don't throw up... He might fucking kill me!
I gag once but stop myself before I could anyone. My whole body is frozen in fear and trembling.
He stares at me for a while. I'm to scared to speak or even breathe to loudly. Who knows what this thing could do?
Word count : 1557
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Full Circle
DISCLAIMER:  This story was written back in 2015 before FNAF 4 came out.  If canon divergence doesn’t bother you, it’s still a fun read.
Title:  Full Circle Part:  1/1 Author:  Murasaki Rose Beta:  none Genre:  Horror/Romance Rating:  PG-13 Spoilers:  Major ones from the third game. Warnings:  Violence, Slash ~i.e. male x male pairings Pairings:  Golden Freddy x Phone Guy
Disclaimer:  Here we go...Five Nights at Freddy's and all related characters are the property/creation of Scott Cawthon.   In other words, they aren't mine and I'm not making any money off of this, I'm just a fangirl having some fun.
Author's Note:  Sequel to - Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down
Flames will be used to keep me warm while I write and will only serve to make me more determined to continue.  (They may also cause me to break out in bouts of maniacal laughter.)  Soooo......come at me bro.
Summary:  The restaurant is gone but they still can't cross over.  Not when HE is still there.  When an old evil is unleashed in a new location, it may provide the key to their salvation.  Will Fazbear's Fright finally grant them the peace they deserve?  Or will Golden Freddy, "Phone Guy", the Marionette, and the children be forced to watch the tragedy of Freddy Fazbear's repeat itself?
Again, MAJOR SPOILERS for the third game.
The sound of playful giggles echoed through the empty restaurant, bringing a smile to the guard's face.  It wasn't often that the children left the suits to have fun.  Suitless, they couldn't go any farther than the main party room or the cove, but it was enough.
Sensing the familiar presence of Golden Freddy behind him, he turned to face the other spirit.  "What is it?"
Golden's form began to flicker wildly, going between the empty suit and that of a twelve year-old child like someone flipping a light switch on and off.  The flickering grew faster and faster until the guard grew nauseous, an impressive feat for someone without a living body, and had to look away.  A sudden burst of energy knocked him back a few meters, disorienting him enough he had to reform his "body".
"Sorry about that," a new but somewhat familiar voice said.
Looking in the direction of the voice, the guard was met with an astonishing sight.   Golden had finally stopped shifting forms...and was now something altogether different.  For the most part, he looked like an adult human though his hair was the same yellow-gold color the suit's fur was and his eyes...at first glance they appeared black, but a closer look revealed that the irises were bright blue.  He was wearing a light yellow dress shirt, yellow-gold slacks, and navy blue dress shoes, bow tie, and top hat-
"You have bear ears."
Wiggling the appendages, Golden grinned.  "But I don't look like a suit anymore."
The guard rolled his eyes, "You don't look like you did when you were ah, alive either."  He'd made the connection between Golden and his young friend, the first of the five to go missing, years ago.
"Hey, I had to wait like...ten years to get you and unlike them, I grew up.  I'm way older than I was back then, so why not look like it."  He jerked a thumb in the direction of the other spirits, "I also think like an adult, but they're still stuck as kids."
A wicked idea crossed his mind and it must have reflected in his expression because the guard was now giving him a wary look.  It was all the warning he had before all 221cm of Golden's new human form tackled him to the ground.
"Adult.  Riiiight."
"I'm young at heart."
"You're impossible," the other groaned.
Laughing, Golden rolled them over and pulled the former guard into the same position they usually rested in, with the shorter man draped across his larger form, head resting on the other's chest. 
Looking down into the smiling face of the other man, Golden felt the urge to try something he'd never had the chance to do before.  He knew it wouldn't be the same as if they were alive, but he wanted-
Gently cupping the smaller man's face with both hands he pulled the unresisting guard into a kiss.
The physical sensations were missing, but the warmth and emotion behind the action was still there.  It felt amazing.
Pulling away just far enough to press their foreheads together, he smiled.  "This okay?"
The guard gave a shy smile in return, "Yeah."
A thunderous crash was the only warning the guard had before four small forms flung themselves at him and Golden, clinging to them for comfort as they trembled in fear.  "What happened?!"
"ThE sUiTs HaVe bEeN BrOkEn bEyOnD RePaIr."
Done speaking, the Marionette appeared before them and raised an arm to point down one of the halls.  Golden looked confused, but the guard-
"Stay here," he ordered, running down the hallway.
"What?!"   That was usually his line.
He knew something was off.  Should have known that HE would find a way out.  Reaching the scattered remains of the animatronics, he knew he was right.  Stepping through a door no one could see and few knew ever existed, he scanned the dark room, his eyes landing on a familiar figure leaning against a wall.
"I knew it was you."
Chuckling, the other spirit, this one clad in the purple guard uniform, gave him a mocking bow.  "You always were the observant one."
He tried not to show how close to home that dig had hit, but judging by the smile on his face, the other knew.
"Haven't you hurt them enough?!"
"Until I'm free, it will never be enough."  He gestured to the rotting Golden Bonnie suit behind him, "and thanks to you, my body is still trapped in that damn thing."
"You want MY pity?  The way I see it, it's your fault we're ALL here," he glared at the purple-clad spirit.  This monster had taken something wonderful and used it in acts so foul the taint never escaped the company.   When he'd found the man's corpse, he and the current employees decided it would make for an ironic sort of justice to leave him there.  He was the one that convinced the uppers to rush the sealing of this room and since they were retiring the spring lock suits, no one asked about the Golden Bonnie in the back.
"YOU!"  Golden roared, startling both guards.   He'd followed the energy of his guard to this room, not expecting to find his killer too.
"I see you still have your shadow."  The purple uniformed guard smirked, "He followed you around like a lost puppy for months.  It was so easy to trick him..."
Golden roared and took a swing at the smug spirit, stopping short when he vanished and the other gold suit jerked.  Dashing between them, the guard placed his hands on Golden's shoulders.  "Let's go."
"But he-"
"Can't leave.  Now that he's broken the others, h-he doesn't have a strong enough anchor to leave the room."  Moving his hands from the spirit's shoulders to take his hands, he gave him a sad smile. "C'mon, the Marionette can't keep them entertained forever."
"No.  No.  No.  No.  No.  No.  No damn it!"  They'd found him.  Those damned amusement park people had found the Golden Bonnie suit and brought it here!  If HE had figured out how to move...
The familiar giggle of Balloon Boy echoed the halls confusing the former guard, breaking his train of thought.  'What the hell?'   He went back to the security room where a replica of the light blue night shift uniform was draped over a chair and three of the attraction's employees were checking over the equipment.
"So if this thing starts to move, our night guy can just lure him away with this?" one said, watching another casually flick through the glitchy cameras making a deep feeling of dread come over the spirit.
"That's the idea.  I read that noise attracted these guys," he waved a hand at the box containing the shells of the toy animatronics.  "They were made by the same company, so I bet they all react like that."
"I still don't see how that rotted hunk of junk could possibly move," the lone female commented.
"Dude!  Didn't you read all the lore?"
"Yes, lore," the woman scowled.  "Just because I'm a fan of horror, doesn't mean I think any of this is anything but urban legends gone wild."
"You gotta be kidding me!  This stuff is totally real!"
Closing both panels, the third worker stepped between the other two before they got out of hand.  Again. 
"All right, let's compromise.  Even the boss knows that something freaky was going on with the animatronics.  Remember when he found the employee records and tried calling all the old surviving night guards?"  Both workers nodded.  "Well, none of them would talk about it.  He even tried offering them money to talk and they still wouldn't say anything."  He fixed his over-excited co-worker with a stern glare.  "That doesn't mean that every story about the place is true."  He clapped them both on the shoulders and led them out of the room, "Everything in here is working so let's move to the next room, we've still got a lot to do before the park closes."
"These guys are idiots.  Are you sure we need to do anything?"
The guard gave Golden a warning look, "Yes.  You and I both know HE won't stay ah, idle for long.  He's had nothing to do but practice."
"It's not going to be easy.  None of us have a suit to fight back with."  The others had been trying to move the empty suits but without endoskeletons all they had accomplished so far was popped lights and further strain on the building's already over-taxed electrical wiring.
"Let's hope this guy can keep himself alive until we figure something out."
"No fuckin' way!"  Dodging an arm that came so close it knocked his hat off, the young man was just barely keeping his disbelief from interfering with his actions.  He'd been warding this damn thing off for four nights straight and the over-taxed wiring in the building had finally given in, leaving him defenseless.   There'd barely been time to call 911 before the thing had appeared, peering into the room from the doorframe.  Now the damn building was on fire and a rotted animatronic rabbit was trying to kill him!
Tripping over his own feet, he landed painfully on the ground, gasping for air.   The ventilation was already off and now the fire was taking what little good air he had left!  Rolling over, he looked up and flinched backwards violently, the thing was leaning right over him, its' permanent grin mocking him in his failure.  One huge hand reached towards him when suddenly something large and brown crashed into its' side.   Scrambling to his feet, he saw that the Freddy suit that had once stood outside his office had been what saved him.
"Don't think about it!  Just run!"
With the rabbit getting back to its feet and the fire still an immediate threat, the young man took the voice's advice.  In the hall he could see the fire was spreading quickly and wasted no time heading for the fire exit.
He came to a jerking halt as something grabbed the back of his shirt and hoisted him off his feet, bringing him face-to-face with the molding animatronic.
"NO MORE!" a new voice bellowed just before the rabbit was knocked off its' feet again, sending the guard crashing painfully to the ground.
"They can't hold him off for long, you need to keep running!"   Invisible hands pulled him to his feet.
Not questioning the oddly familiar voice, he took off down the hallway once more.   Above his head, a beam cracked and groaned and he felt two hands push hard on his back sending him rolling to relative safety on the opposite side of the burning beam just as it crashed behind him.
He didn't have time to wonder as flaming debris had caught the sleeves of his shirt on fire when he'd covered his head and now the cheap fabric was rapidly burning.  Tearing it off and scorching his hands in the process, he continued to the fire door and pushed, only for it to rattle in place.  "You have GOT to be kidding me!"  Kicking the door, he could hear the sound of a padlock rattling on the other side.  'Those assholes locked me in!'  He couldn't go back, his path was completely blocked by fire!
"Hold on!" A transparent blue-clad figure passed by him and through the door.  Seconds later the door swung open and he stumbled outside, taking deep breaths of the clean night air.  Looking back at the burning building, he saw a man wearing a dark blue version of the reproduction uniform he'd been wearing.  The man smiled and tipped his duty cap, "See you on the flip side."
Watching him fade away, the young man didn't know what he'd just seen, but he was damn sure it was no hallucination.
The wail of approaching sirens reminded him that he was still too close to the burning building and he stumbled to safety of the boardwalk just as the fire trucks pulled up.
Going back inside, it didn't take him long to find the others, they were standing around the burning remains of the spring lock suit and the murderer it contained.
"You missed it," Golden commented, not taking his eyes away from the corpse.
"Missed what?"
"The light didn't come for him.  Something else did."
The former guard decided it was best he not ask.
Suddenly a bright light pierced the room, so white and pure it made the light of the fire appear almost black.  In this light, the Marionette looked like a child in costume and the four children human, with masks of the suits they once inhabited on their heads.  Smiling, the Marionette ushered the younger ones into the light, beckoning to the guard and Golden.
"Ready?" he asked, turning to face the other spirit who now looked fully human, eyes and ears normal, his height closer to the guard's and a Golden Freddy mask tilted back on his head.
"Yeah," he reached over and took one of the guard's hands.  "Together?"
"I promised, didn't I?" he replied with a smile, wrapping his free arm around the other spirit's waist.  Pushing up on his toes, he connected their mouths in a kiss just as the light enveloped them both.
'I can't believe I'm doing this.'  A few days had passed since the fire and the young guard was still bothered by the events at the horror attraction.  The fire had destroyed almost everything on site, leaving little besides the Fazbear personnel files that the owner had kept at his home.  He'd managed to get his boss to give him the contact information for the guards who'd survived and hadn't gone missing and the list had been depressingly short.  There was one though... the young man felt that maybe this guy...one who had survived a whole week before quitting...he thought that maybe this guy would understand.  So now, just days after being released from the hospital, he was standing like a crazy person on the guy's doorstep.
'No backing out now,' he thought as the door opened revealing a blue-eyed man in his late forties, maybe early fifties.
"Mike Schmidt?"
Blue eyes narrowed in suspicion, they wouldn't be this damn determined.
"I...I know this'll sound crazy....and I won't blame you if you slam the door in my face...but...I think you're the only one I can talk to that won't think I'm insane."
Looking into the young man's eyes, Mike saw something familiar in his haunted gaze.
"You worked at that amusement park."
"Yeah.  I-I was the night guard for Fazbear's Fright."
"Real or an actor?"
"Real," he cringed slightly, "They were going to add me to the attraction...even had a new uniform made so I'd look "authentic" while I worked."  He took a deep breath, "It's gone now.  Everything burned to the ground...including..."  He cut off, not sure if he should continue.
"Come in," Mike moved aside, guiding the shaken man into the living room and pushing him to sit on the couch.
Picking at the bandages still covering his burnt hands, he gave Mike a nervous smile.   "Do...do you believe in ghosts?"  Not waiting for an answer, he continued, "Because, I've met one....and he saved my life."
March 09, 2015
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