#they got back together in the last episode supposedly
enobariasteeth · 10 months
just remembered this Kdrama I watched that was REALLY good until the second to last episode where the main couple finally kissed AND THEN SHE BROKE UP WITH HIM!! IMMEDIATELY!!! AFTER THIRSTING OVER HIM THE ENTIRE SHOW!!!
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mozzzz05 · 2 months
I hate to bitch but… I’m going to:
There was just? So much wrong this season and not even because I wasn’t a fan of the ending - in fact, I quite liked that they were 8 little marigolds together - but the rest of it!?
There’s at least three plot lines that added fuck all to the story - and I’m all for fluffing out the stories/characters, love me a filler episode - but not only did we not have time for a filler episode with 4 less episodes than usual those plot lines added nothing to the characters or the story or anything really.
Klaus getting kidnapped (again), no one noticing (again) - getting possessed & having sex, getting buried alive (again, if ykyk) apart from Alison going to save him - what did it add? - I love Klaus he’s literally my favourite character, I always want more Klaus but it kind of feels like they didn’t know what to do with him? - “let’s make him relapse and do some crazy stuff, for shits and giggles!”
Diego & Luther going to the CIA - this is the one I see the most sense in of course, but apart from making Diego realise that he shouldn’t take Lila and his kids for granted and announcing that the CIA guy was part of the whole Jean & Gene cult thing (and getting to see David Castañeda’s abs (despite supposedly having a Dad Bod now?)) it kind of went on too long? It felt like it was slightly misplaced? Idk
And of course, how could it go unmentioned - the Five/Lila romance? whAT THE FUCK!??? Like it’s creepy both ways bcos Ritu Arya is 15 years older than Aidan Gallagher - freshly legal - and because Five is nearly 70 at that point? And that’s without even mentioning the fact that, oh yeah - Lila’s married to his BROTHER? But if you took it out - what would change? Genuinely? That Lila will always choose her family? Choose Diego? Tbh she could easily come to that conclusion without any romance, she clearly longed to go back more than Five did (who btw, abandoned his family after spending his entire life trying to save them - WHAT?)
The only one making any progress was Viktor
And so many things left unexplained- why did Ray leave Alison? What happened to Dave? (Guessing he’s long dead now but we still don’t know if Klaus’ s2 plan had any effect & the only hint of him we got this season was the dog tags (more than last season at least)) Why is Reggie a fucking alien? How did he get to earth??
I just feel so unpleasantly underwhelmed for a show that has meant so much to me the past few years, for an ending that was mildly disappointing but not as much as the 4 episodes that came before it.
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jmdbjk · 3 months
Are you sure?
August 14, 2023: I said this back last year:
Are Jimin and Jungkook going around the world Namjooning? In May they were in Japan. We know they were together in New York in July. And also in Connecticut during that same trip. And now they're cooling their butts off in the ocean down in Jeju? Where else have they been and we didn't know it? WhAt doEs it ALL mEaN? Are we getting some sort of vlog or Bon Voyage subunit at some point in the future? Is it for a subunit MV?
Last year, I knew saying all that might stir up some delulu controversy but I know there was a window of time in May when they could have snuck off to Japan. Someone supposedly saw them, and blabbed about it and that's why I had mentioned it last year. But that's it, only hearsay. It was enough to make me pay attention.
On July 12, 2023, Jungkook departed Incheon Airport for New York City to make appearances for Seven.
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The next day, Jimin leaves to join him in New York (with a fresh full body wax that made his skin as slick and shiny as that terrazzo floor he's walking across):
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Once in New York, the buzz about sightings of Jimin and Jungkook together began to heat up. First at a restaurant called Antoya where someone snapped some pics of them.
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Then the next day the boat captain of the yacht they chartered blabbed about it and we got this from him:
That is this boat:
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Another sighting in Connecticut, buying grocery store deli pizza.
Then Jimin goes back to Korea and Jungkook moves on to London for more appearances related to Seven.
On August 31, Jimin posted this on his Instagram:
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It looks like it was taken while they were in New York state or Connecticut.
He posted these on September 28 on his Instagram and said Jungkookie drew a fish, we later find out directly from Jungkook that Jimin also helped draw but it was supposed to be a whale (awwww):
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On September 29, Taehyung posted this sunset from Jeju on Weverse:
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This is the same rock in one of the preview images for "Are You Sure?" Is Tae's pic above taken from the deck of the sailboat?
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And on October 3, Tae posted these on his Instagram:
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They were at a place on Jeju called Chai Cafe – Jjaidabang (짜이다방).
Chuseok holiday was Sept. 28-30 (Thurs-Sat.) last year. Did the three spend Chuseok weekend there? If so, what was the trip back in August for?
On November 21, BigHit sent out the notice that Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Namjoon had initiated the enlistment process.
We didn't know yet that the enlistment process had begun months and months earlier for Jimin and Jungkook because it was only right before they went in that we found out they'd be enlisting together under the accompanying military program or companionship enlistment. It was still a shock.
They knew they had to break it to everyone that they were going to spend the next 18 months together and they spent much of 2023 laying the foundation for that.
On November 23, 2023, Jimin and Jungkook depart Gimpo Airport together for Japan.
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At this point, they can't or no longer care to hide or be discreet. That entire trip was riddled with sightings at the airports in Japan. Rumors of them staying at an onsen (hot spring) resort in Sapporo emerged when it was mentioned on a Japanese show.
Jimin posted these on his Instagram on November 25:
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But what were they doing in Japan back in May, if we are to take the rumors of that sighting as possible too? Hmmmm. Don't know.
Well, now we know they were going where ever the mood struck on the spur of the moment and making it up as they went along. "Are You Sure?/Is this Right?" (however you'd like to interpret "이게맞아?)"
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And we'll find out soon what sort of fun they had on all of these trips. Will Tae make a cameo appearance in the Jeju episodes? Will we see if they actually went "glamping" or if they were really trying to rough it? I can hear them now: "Is this right? wait, are you sure that goes there?"
They'll be on watercraft, and various types too: kayaks, sailboats, yachts...
The foods they will eat... will they include grocery store deli pizza in one of the episodes?
I wonder if they are eating seafood will they be catching it, cleaning it and cooking it? Again: "Am I doing this right? Are you sure? this doesn't look right. What do I do with these fish guts?"
And can't forget to talk about the drinking. The brewery they visited in Connecticut and possibly Sapporo... All I can hear from them here are the satisfied "ahhs" when they take the first taste.
Will we finally see MMA in their sleep?
All I know is they were very, very excited about it.
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They promise it will be unpredictable as they embark on their journey without any plans, simply relishing the joy of traveling together. 
As I sit here thinking about them (as I often do), the past year (or two or ten) continues to bring into focus more and more their dynamic and relationship. All the unnecessary projections and narratives that people have placed and continue to place upon them...Jimin and Jungkook just continue being themselves and as close as ever through it all.
All of last year and even all the previous years, all of the things: the "twinning" in their style concepts for their solo work... the scenes of them from the Beyond the Star documentary... the passages in the Beyond the Story book about them and the GCFT trip... every time Jungkook mentioned Jimin, calling out to him during lives or spending time watching Jimin content, especially the post-NY/CT-naked-in-bed live that made us glitch:
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2023 was not just another year of copying each other or strange coincidences. It was them preparing us for the inevitable.
All of it bringing it all into such sharp focus.
Anyway. All that rambling to say I have never wavered in my understanding of them as two people who were so very close, so very similar and so very important to each other.
And one more thing... what about this?
I thought it was coincidental that the bar pendent necklace that was sold at the Monochrome pop up was so similar to the one Jimin wore most of 2022...
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Will we see the ring necklace as part of a merch line at some point in the future too?
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carigm · 6 months
About Dyersfilm’s “leak”
For all of you who don’t know, dyersfilm is an insufferable individual who used to go by the name of swiftlynatalia. She is racist, homophobic, transphobic, and even made fun of her supposed favorite actress’ eating disorder. However, people on Twitter (especially mlvns) entertain her because she had reliable sources during the filming of S4, and after during post production. She had some true leaks, many being the same that Reddit got right, while others only she had. She was also wrong about quite a few things, but generally she was reliable.
It is worth noting though that she is extremely biased against byler (many of the leaks she got wrong for S4 were pertaining their storyline) and absolutely hates the ship.
This time around, she was getting some leaks during the first couple of months of filming to her curious cat, but she herself claimed that these were not reliable leaks whatsoever and that she was pissed because this time she doesn’t have access to the real sources she had for S4. She has complained about this repeatedly for these past few months. The leaks she has gotten tho, many she has mocked and made fun of because they don’t align with what she wants from the show. She also made a “disclaimer” when the show started filming again that she would not be posting leaks about Byler because she hates us all, and yet every single one of those most likely fake leaks she got she posted, and many of them talked about Byler. She would post them and mock them for “clearly being untrue”. She has barely gotten a single Mlvn positive leak this whole time, and when she’s gotten at least something that alludes to them having scenes together she immediately ran to post it and alert all her friends, even tho she herself knows all of these are most likely fake.
For weeks now, her curious cat has been dry af because I guess nda’s are stronger this time, or no one wants to leak shit to her (she’s rude as hell). she posted the following ask 10 days ago. Someone asked her if she knew about any Mike and El scenes and she said no. Keep this in mind for what’s coming next…
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Then suddenly yesterday, she alluded to a Jonathan spoiler she’s supposedly pissed about, but refused to post it like she’s done for everything else. People quickly thought it might involve Byler because she said she wasn’t going to post “leaks” about it, even though she had already lol. So they asked her and she said that “yes, it has to do with Byler.”
Then shortly after this someone asked about Mlvn again, this was just today. Again, note how she proceeds to say she knows nothing about Mlvn 😭
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Bylers on Twitter noticed her answers about Mlvn and her comment about a supposed byler leak involving Jonathan and started speculating. She ofc noticed this, and not even after an hour of her saying she knows nothing about Mlvn she goes on to say this.
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She knows nothing but somehow she knows Mlvn is stable? The bipolar disorder of these answers could rival my own bipolar.
Mind you, we all know that she would’ve jumped up at the first opportunity to post any leak that implied Will was pining and miserable, her and her friends would’ve had a field day over it. And yet, she only clarifies this after…
Not to mention how utterly ridiculous this all is. They’ve filmed stuff up until episode 4 (from what we know), why the hell would Will be pining and hung up over Mike if Mlvn is endgame? That makes absolutely no fucking sense. They would have him immediately fully patch things up with Mike and move on, not be hung up on someone he can’t have in the middle of an apocalypse. Especially not after the Duffers said he’s getting a happy ending. Will getting a happy ending but still being in love with Mike halfway through the last season with Mlvn being endgame is absolute lunacy.
Especially when you consider the fact that narratively, in a sense, Will has already moved on. He doesn’t expect anything from Mike, he doesn’t think Mike can like him back. He saw Mike confess his love in front of El, he helped that confession happen. Will literally has no problem with Mlvn anymore pls 😭 He saved them!!
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This is the most ridiculous shit I’ve ever read.
Will is somehow upset at Mike not feeling the same way…when Will already believes Mike doesn’t feel the same and doesn’t ever expect any reciprocation 😭
Either she’s wildly twisting this supposed leak out of context to fit her own perceived narrative of what should happen, or she’s straight up lying about this.
And we know she’s lying about Mlvn so…you people decide what you think of this buffoonery lol.
Wait for Reddit leaks y’all. This woman could get a legit leak saying Byler is endgame and dig her own grave before posting it.
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son-of-rap-bear-art · 11 months
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So, do y'all remember the Adventure Time Mash-Up Pack for Minecraft back in like, 2017? Me and some friends have been messing around with that map lately and revamping some of the areas we consider a bit lacking with creative mode, and for me that was the Treehouse! I got ~100 reference pics from various episodes and tried to put it all together into the most autistically accurate Treehouse I could, and I wanna share it here cause I'm really proud of it!
Feel free to skip the text and just look at the pretty pictures. Cause when I say "autistically accurate" I MEAN IT. It's MY blog and I get to choose the special interest. :p
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The exterior is mostly unchanged from the official map, but I added the orange tree from My Two Favorite People, and the pond. Also the log where Finn sits and thinks in Gotcha!
Yes, I will be mentioning specific episodes like this often.
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I didn't make the Grotto, because I'm not THAT crazy, but I did make the pond really deep and filled it with the sort of things you see when Finn swims down there in Beyond the Grotto.
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The first thing you see when you actually go inside is the treasure room, of course! The official map's treasure room is so small and sad, but I made it more accurate to how it looks in the show, with a ton of ladders and platforms going upwards until you get to the kitchen.
Speaking of, at this point I should show the layout I based the rooms' positions on...
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I put this together myself and I THINK it's the most consistently accurate layout... of course, it's a cartoon, sometimes you'll get stuff like the bathroom in the left branch for the sake of a gag in Dentist, and characters will frequently run offscreen and then teleport to another room, BUT this is what I observed to be the most common layout seen when the camera will actually follow the characters through doors and ladders and etc.
Interestingly, the ladder in the trunk actually seems to connect to the kitchen, which is HIGHER than the living room, and then you have to go down a separate ladder to get to the living room. Confusing! But it checks out.
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So yeah, climbing up past the treasure room takes you right to the kitchen! Some specific details to call out here are: - The picture of PB with the two spatulas is from Abstract, and I painted it myself in-game via a mod! Unfortunately I didn't get around to other paintings yet, they're a bit annoying to make. - The urn supposedly containing Margaret's ashes, from Conquest of Cuteness, is on one of the shelves. - There isn't a single torch in this whole build! It's carefully lit up with candles, just like the Treehouse should be! - There's actually this easily missable tiny room connected to the kitchen, seen in the last pic, that has another trapdoor and also the door to the bathroom. I believe that first shows up in Incendium and then stays around forever. - The cooler is entirely full of eggs, like how Finn exclusively buys pre-boiled eggs when grocery shopping without Jake, in Temple of Mars.
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The bathroom! Funnily enough, the bathroom might be the least consistent room in the whole Treehouse. It's just made up of a toilet, bathtub, and sink, but these three things shuffle around the room entirely at random from episode to episode. In this sort of situation, I consider the most accurate way to handle it to be the same as the show: just put them wherever! So I did that.
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That door in the kitchen leads to this room, connected by a bridge. I just called it the "bucket room" because it has a bucket that Finn and Jake ride in in Rainy Day Daydream, although that episode has a pretty wacky Treehouse in general.
I hooked up a hand crank with the Create mod, so you can use it like an elevator kinda.
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Down the other ladder in the kitchen gets you to, the living room! This room's just a small round circle in some episodes, but others have it a bit bigger.
That bookshelf is there in Jake Suit, and has Dream Journal of a Boring Man, Vol 12 on it. Since one of the decor mods I'm using lets me place down books, I copied the 3 excerpts we get to see from it down into a written book, so it's even actually there!
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A really inconsistent aspect of the living room is this weird platform with a door. I can only remember it appearing in In Your Footsteps and Three Buckets, but maybe I've just always missed it? I made it lead back into the trunk, so you can use it as a shortcut up to the kitchen.
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Also over here is this workbench, which to my knowledge suddenly shows up in season 8 and becomes a REALLY REALLY consistent part of the living room?? Seriously, it's in Two Swords, Horse and Ball, Abstract... It's suddenly all over the place!! But I genuinely can't recall it existing before that. Am I crazy or is this an actual thing?
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Anyway, connected by bridge to the living room is the den! Surprisingly, even though it barely even shows up in any episodes, the den is SUPER messy and lived in. I tried to reflect this by jamming as many decorative blocks as I could in there.
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Also for some reason this fireplace doubles as a pizza oven in Abstract? Yeah, Abstract's got a really silly Treehouse. But it was easy enough to slot in there, so I did!
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Way back to the kitchen and upwards: the bedroom! I always thought the bedroom was so tiny and cramped, but a good few episodes actually show it as pretty spacious! I tried to hit a good balance.
The pictures hung up around Finn's bed are a blurry, badly taken picture of Huntress Wizard, and a clearly old picture of Flame Princess. They're both cute choices for Finn's future, and are my girlfriends' respective favorite characters, so I included both :D
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I also included the attic, which as far I know ONLY appears in Dad's Dungeon. I think it's neat, though, so I put it here. It'll be nice for survival mode storage.
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If you exit through the attic, you can get to the cloud that Finn and Jake have tied down for its rainwater. The dripstone on the underside looks a bit ugly, but it makes it functional! If you scoop water out of any of the cauldrons with a bucket, it'll slowly refill with water from the cloud!
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We're nearing the end! Here's a back shot of things. I added the power lines, Neptr's cave, and the farm. For some reason, Holly Jolly Secrets has a second, distinct set of powerlines, but those would be ugly so I didn't include them.
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Lastly, the chicken coop, as seen in BMO Noire and mentioned in Three Buckets, featuring Lorraine. Who looks like Boobafina in this texture pack, which is silly.
I'm... honestly not very satisfied with the coop's placement, as BMO Noire shows it being out on a rarely-seen branch, but this is the best I could do without a major facelift on the tree itself.
So, yeah! That's the image limit. There's a good few extra details scattered around here and there, but I'll leave it at that. I hope this is as fun to read as it was for me to write :D
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multi-fxndom446 · 1 year
Remember me
Zoro x reader
Summary: you and the other straw hats lose your memory and you put yourself in between a fight with Zoro and Luffy and Zoro feels guilty about it when he regains his memory.
Warning: very slight angst I suppose. Happy ending. Ig you could say a little spicy at the end but not much else.
Word count: 3.6K
based off of that 5 episode filler where the straw hats lose there memory
God I have such a fixation on his earrings😭
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“Y/n!” Luffy screamed for you as you took a protective stance in front of him. Shielding him from the attack that was coming his way.
You gritted your teeth together while you tried to hold onto the man’s hands in front of you, trying to be careful to not grab onto the sharp parts of his swords. But it was proving difficult.
You didn’t even know why you jumped in front of the guy with a straw hat or why you were protecting him from such a terrifying person. You had no idea who either of them were yet you felt a sense of duty to the both of them.
From what Luffy explained to you on the ship, you all were friends. You wouldn’t have been so inclined to believe him if the black haired girl hadn’t said the same things. But still even with what Luffy told you, you didn’t know why you felt your heart hurting having to stop this green haired man from hurting your supposed captain.
When you woke up the morning before you were lost and so confused. You squinted as a ray of light hit you in the face and you looked up from your spot on the ground to see a man stood above you, staring.
Your mouth opened in surprise while you took the rest of him in. He had a hand resting on three swords?! He had a glare on his face but you almost got a feeling that was just the way he looked.
“Who are you?” He demanded but still you said nothing. You sat up, keeping a very close eye on him. “Why were you sleeping up here next to me?”
“Next to you?!” You shook your head at the implication. “I couldn’t have been!”
“Well you were!” But you shook your head in denial again and he clenched his jaw in annoyance.
You backed away as far as you could when you saw that look on his face. “What were you doing sleeping next to me?!” You demanded and his jaw clenched tighter. When he went to say something the both of you heard someone call out to you to come down.
The man before you spared you one more glance before jumping down, you following his lead but down the ladder like a sane person.
For the rest of the time leading up to the orange haired girl and the same green haired man leaving you couldn’t help the sense of familiarity about it all, or about him specifically.
You watched him go until he was out of sight and the black haired girl led you to the kitchen to explain what she could.
You sat in absolute shock upon hearing the news that you were part of a pirate group. Not only that but the fact that green haired man had a 60 million berry bounty and you were supposedly sleeping right next to him?
When everyone beside you, and the ones you learned to be Sanji and Robin, fell asleep Robin found a seat next to you. “I suppose it is a little overwhelming if you don’t remember any of it huh?”
“A little.” You mumbled before glancing at her from the corner of your eye. “Hey was I really asleep next to the pirate hunter guy?”
Robin gave you a coy kind of smile and nodded slightly. “It wouldn’t surprise me if you were. You both tend to stick close to the other.” Again you were left in shock. “Though I don’t think either of you have admitted it I believe there’s some feelings between you.”
Sanji scoffed in disbelief. “That reckless idiot with someone so beautiful? I don’t believe it. How would that even happen?” Robin shrugged.
“I’m not sure myself I was the latest to join the crew. There’s still some things I don’t even know.” You couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed at that. Apparently everyone that did remember got those memories taken from them.
Well that didn’t last long when the next few moments the kid taking the memories appeared on the ship to try and take more but ended up giving Luffys back on accident when Luffy kicked him off the head of the sheep.
The kid disappeared in the next moment but none of you seemed to care when Luffy turned to you all. “I have my memories back!” He shouted in glee but the rest of you didn’t know wether the be happy about that or not.
After he explained he was actually the captain and not Usopp you were even more confused. But he refused to let the other two go no matter how much Sanji and Usopp tried to bargain. “No! Y/n would want Zoro to stay! Wouldn’t you y/n?” Everyone’s eyes turned to you and immediately you held your hands up in defense.
“I-I don’t even know him!” Your apparent captain frowned at your answer but didn’t press it further.
It wasn’t until later when everyone was starting to settle down again after agreeing to go after the two in the morning that you found questions reappearing in your head about the green haired swordsman.
“Ah y/n!” Luffy called excitedly when you came to sit next to him. “Excited for tomorrow?!”
“Actually I was wondering if you could tell me more about this Zoro guy and why you asked if I’d want him to stay.” Luffy titled his head in confusion but nodded in understanding nonetheless.
“Well we found you and Zoro pretty close together if I remember right. You were captured by a pirate group that had taken you from your home and put you to work.” You glanced down and noticed Luffy clenching his fists tightly together as he recalled the time you met. “You were incredibly sick it may have been because of all the labor they were forcing you to do and the conditions they were making you do them in.”
“But Nami, Zoro and I destroyed that group and agreed to take you home. But when we got to your village..” Luffy trailed off and refused to meet your gaze. “You had no one. So we decided to take you with us. At the time you were still very sick even when we got the going merry. Your life was very touch and go for awhile but you hung in there until we found chopper who helped you.”
“I-“ you were at a loss for words. They took you in when you had no one left? They even helped nurse you back to health? “But what does that have to do with Zoro?”
“Oh yeah! Well he became pretty protective of you when you were sick because a lot of people tried to hurt you while you were defenseless but even after you got better he was still just as protective if not more.” Luffy smiled, “anywhere you’d go he would be close behind. If you didn’t want to go he’d stay on the ship with you or if he had to leave he’d bring back a present for you.”
“You felt safe with each other.” Robin chimed in out of nowhere and you turned to her in surprise. “It’s probably why he didn’t do anything to you while you were up in the crows nest defenseless. There’s still some part of all of you subconsciously understanding that we do know each other even if the rest of you can’t accept it.”
“And-and him and I aren’t together?” You asked timidly. Robin looked toward Luffy for the answer but Luffy looked just as confused about that question.
“I don’t think so?” He said as more of a question but still you were confused.
“Who knows?” Luffy shrugged, “maybe because Zoros an idiot sometimes.”
You stared at him in shock. “I see.” You had no idea what was going on but you couldn’t deny the fact that the swordsman felt familiar to you. No matter how much you wanted to deny it, you were starting to believe there words.
Your hands shook as you tried your best to hold onto him. He seemed to be holding back for some reason and you recalled what Robin had said, it was as if subconsciously he knew this wasn’t right.
You didn’t remember him but you trusted Luffy and Robin. You had too. There was no other way to explain the missing pieces without their explanation.
Robin and the others beside you and Luffy had gone ahead to try and find the source of the problem. So there was no rescue beside them getting your memories back somehow
“Y/n stop!” Luffy shouted when he noticed your feet sliding in the dirt below. Zoros swords were sharp even an idiot could see the man in front of you could end your life in one fell swoop.
Luffy went to punch Zoro off you but in a split second the swordsman had thrown you over his shoulder but you forced him to follow suit by keeping a tight grip on his hands.
Though now seeing your current position you aren’t sure that was such a great idea.
He had you pinned, blade to one side of your throat while the one in his mouth was dangerously close to your face and the other was creeping up on the other side of your neck. Out of desperation you started speaking to him, “I know I don’t remember you and you don’t remember me. But I believe that straw hat guy and that other girl. Because your warmth feels to familiar to be foreign.” You said softly, wincing when you felt the tip of one of his blades pierce your skin.
“Y/n!” Luffy screamed and you saw he was powering himself up for another move but you held your hand out to stop him, your other hand coming to rest on Zoros cheek. An action that felt to familiar.
“It’s okay.” Zoro hesitated for a moment when you simply smiled at him the dark look in his eye softening slightly. “Somehow I know it’s going to be okay. So if this is what you need to do, go ahead.”
Tears pricked your eyes when you felt the blade cut further into your neck and you could feel your own blood dripping down the side of your neck. Your hand that was held out to stop Luffy came to hold onto the blade in his mouth. You cried out as blood gushed out of your palm and down your arm.
The other blade was close to the other side of your neck so you took a deep breathe and closed your eyes, preparing yourself to die when everything stopped and you felt the two blades at the side of your neck stop. “Y/n?” Came a shaky voice then next a flood of memories.
Your eyes shot open in shock. Zoro seemed just as shocked if not more when he realized he was not only pinning you to the ground but had your life just barely in his grasp.
“W-what the hells going on?” He asked while he removed the sword from his mouth. You winced as it finally released itself from your hand and he noticed immediately. He dropped all his swords to the ground and made a grab for your hand before he noticed the blood trickling down your neck. “What the hell did I do?!”
“It’s okay!” You cried happily, all the things Luffy told you on the ship coming back in full but this time in your perspective. “It’s okay! I’m okay!”
But before he could respond Luffy shot himself at Zoro, knocking the swordsman away from you and into the trees. “Zoro!”
“Are you alright? He didn’t hurt you to bad did he?!” Luffy asked as he kneeled bedside you and assessed the damage. When he stood next he had a glare on his face. “What the hell Zoro?!”
Zoro came out of the trees with a glare of his own. “I didn’t know Luffy!” He shouted as he made a beeline for you both again but he had an angry look on his face again.
Instead of going to you he grabbed his swords and started walking the path the others had gone. “Stay here with Y/n I have to go finish something.”
“Wait Zoro!” Luffy shouted and instead of doing what he asked he went chasing after him.
You titled your head to the side to watch them go and laughed to yourself softly before the action made you wince. “Yeah glad I’m not his enemy.” You sighed before closing your eyes and letting the world go dark.
What felt like only a few minutes later which you’re sure was probably longer, you felt someone shaking you.
“Y/n! Wake up!” The voice sounded so close yet so far. “Y/n please wake up!!” He cried his voice laced with concern.
“Chopper!” Someone else called before you felt someone grab onto your shoulders and start roughly shaking you
“Ah Luffy!” Chopper shouted as your eyes opened just in time to see Zoro punch Luffy clear across the path and grab hold of you protectively.
“She’s injured idiot!” He yelled after him and Luffy stood up while rubbing his head.
“Well it was you who injured her.” And with this new information from Luffy Sanji was quick to kick Zoro in the head.
“Stop it!” Nami yelled before zoro could drop you recklessly to the ground to fight the cook, though Zoro wasn’t going to do that anytime soon. He didn’t even seem to notice the kick to the head because all he noticed was the way your eyes were staring up at him and the corners of your mouth were curled into a smile.
Chopper stopped briefly as well when he noticed you had woken up and not only that but you were laughing. “Y/n!” He said happily before he continued going through his bag.
“Are you okay?” Zoro asked softly and you could only nod your head while you looked up at him. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m okay.” You reassured but he couldn’t help but look down guiltily. “Though I am glad we aren’t enemies. That was exhausting even for such a short fight”
He could tell you were trying to lighten to mood and he decided to let you. “Which will never happen again alright? If I’m ever taken control of don’t try and get between me and whatever my target is. Alright?” You went to disagree but he stopped you. “I never want you to be on that side of my blades ever again so don’t try to be heroic against me okay? Please?”
You couldn’t argue with him. Not when he had that pleading look in his eyes. So instead you just nodded in agreement.
After Chopper wrapped your hand and stopped the bleeding on your neck you set off to the going merry again. You were stood with Zoro the whole way back as he refused to let you leave his sight. But that changed the moment you all were on board.
While everyone else went there separate ways to start getting the hell off the island Zoro was quick to go up to the crows nest. You watched him go in confusion until chopper came up to you, tapping your leg.
“Your palm needs stitch’s, come on.” You only nodded and started to follow him while you spared the crows nest one last glance.
His cold shoulder lasted for more days than you expected. You hardly expected him to avoid you in the first place if you were honest. But after getting back on the ship he was everywhere you weren’t, mainly up in the crows nest.
He’d have his meals after the rest of you or he’d take his with him to eat somewhere else. Everyone would watch you in either concern or confusion but you had nothing to say to reassure them, you had no idea where this was coming from either.
Your attempts at cornering him had proven unsuccessful because he would simply push you away. Albeit gently, he still did and it may not have hurt physically but mentally it hurt worse.
So after you had had enough you grabbed a blanket and pillow and while everyone else was asleep you made your way up the ladder to the crows nest.
Zoro had his arms crossed and head down until he heard you and he opened his eyes to see what was going on but he only sighed when he saw it was you. “What are you doing? You’re gonna get a cold.” He said Cooly and you shrugged.
This wasn’t anything new. On the nights he held watch you would be up here sleeping next to him and on the nights you held watch he’d be sitting next to you keeping you company even if he did fall asleep immediately after sitting down.
Usually on those times you’d cuddle up next to him but this time you made yourself comfortable on top of the door leading down so he couldn’t escape from you.
“Why are you avoiding me?” You asked, curling into the blanket to keep away from the especially cold night.
Zoro opened his eyes and stared at you silently for a moment. “I’m not.” he finally said.
“Don’t lie to me.” You mumbled trying to suppress a shiver. But Zoro could see it, he could see the way you were shaking ever so slightly from the cold and it made him frown. “Is it because of what happened? Because if it is I’m fine! You didn’t remember who we were and I didn’t either.”
“But you still tried to stop me even when you didn’t know who i was.” He could hear the chattering of your teeth now. You should be inside the girls cabin asleep, not up here. “Come here.” He finally caved and opened an arm out to invite you into his embrace.
You were quick to stand with your blanket and cross the small space to get to him. You straddled his lap and rested you head between his shoulder and jaw. His arms coming to wrap around you securely. “Do you doubt my ability to protect myself?” You whispered against his neck and he resisted the urge to shudder.
“I don’t doubt your ability.” He affirmed, “but I never wanted to be the one you had to prove your strength against. I never wanted to be the one to cause harm to you.” You were silent then, you had nothing else to say you seemed to finally understand his need to put distance between the two of you. He felt guilty.
After a few more minutes of silence you spoke again, “I remember talking to Luffy when I lost my memories.” Zoro hummed. “He was telling me about the two of us and I remember asking him why weren’t together and he said he didn’t know. But it got me thinking,” you sat up now and you could see a small blush covering his cheeks. “Why aren’t we?”
You moved slightly closer, just enough to distract him from his thoughts as he attempted to keep his gaze on your eyes and not on the way your warm breathe fanned across his lips so delicately. “What do you want?” He asked eventually, swallowing down his nerves.
If you were anyone one else you would’ve backed away at the tone of voice he used when asking that question but you could tell he was nervous to even acknowledge the shift that was happening between the two of you. “I just wanted to be yours.” You responded quietly and leaned closer again to brush your lips against his in a barely there kiss but when you pulled back his eyes were closed as if trying to commit the feeling to his memory. “Can I be yours?”
Zoros eyes finally opened as he stared at you and just when you were about to take back what you said and did he surged forward and crashed his lips to yours, pouring everything he had into it. His hands gripped your sides while yours went to cup his face in your hands when he suddenly pulled back just an inch, breathing heavily. “Tell me to stop.” He breathed but you only looked at him in confusion.
“Do you want to stop?”
He shook his head. “No. But if I keep going everything changes. So please tell me stop.” He begged his hands gripping tighter.
“Zoro.” Your lips brushed his again as you let your fingers run across his earrings. “I’m not going to tell you to stop. I want everything you have to offer me.”
He looked at you in utter shock and admiration before he finally let one of his small smiles out. He chuckled softly, leaning up until your lips were just centimeters apart and you could feel his next words on your own lips. “What could I possibly tell you that could top that?”
But your next words would have him grinning the rest of his life. “Just tell me I’m yours.” Finally he closed to gap again and he held onto you for dear life like you would slip from his grasp if he loosened his hold.
“You’re mine.” He murmured after pulling away. Then he pushed back against you, his hands slipping under your shirt where he could feel the goosebumps flood your skin.
Kissing along your neck until he was back face to face with you. He smirked, “And I’m yours.”
The end
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azirafuck · 1 year
GOS2 Spoilers Masterpost (ONLY EP. 1-2)
alright, you read the title, you know what's under here - gonna tag everyone who helped this if I know them, thanks to everyone for their contribution and for being agents of chaos the way satan intended. love you all
[Last update/edit: 24/07 - 14:10CET]
first of all, we got some amazing posts from @incorrectquoteswwdits mostly about the first scene in heaven with crowley as an angel:
angel!crowley creating stars and aziraphale thinking he's calling him beautiful
more on that
aziraphale's lies make the lesbians have problems, apparently
communist aziraphale be like OUR CAR
isolation and doubts
THEN we have a detailed recount of the first episode by a kind anon! again, thank you @incorrectquoteswwdits for sharing <3
@goodomens-hints posted a lenghty and detailed recount of the first episode as well with some little hits at future episodes (nothing too big on the post itself, but BE CAREFUL, the blog is actually posting some other spoilers from episodes past the second one!)
@goodomensjail gave us a detailed recount of the first scene, with angel!crowley starting to question stuff and eventually shielding aziraphale with his wing
@mikubinders gives us SOME GOOD GOURMET SHIT by telling us that:
"Beelzebub kidnaps and threatens Crowley, tells him that ze could put a price on his head but ze doesn't want to. After that Crowley comes back to the bookshop and Good-old-fashioned lover boy plays while he drives there. "I'm back" happens. Aziraphale makes Crowley do a silly little apology dance so he forgives him and so they work together"
after thinking this last spoiler was fake, an anon came through and confirmed its real! we also have new context! (sent by an anon to yours tuly)
anon came through with some details about the Everyday record, told us Queen is actually tied to CROWLEY and not to the Bentley, and gave us more context to the OUR CAR and OUR BOOKSHOP bit (sent by an anon to yours tuly)
as for what happens during the Job flashback, after which the sitting five feet apart on a rock in front of the sea happens, a bunch of different versions of what actually happens are going around. @thesherrinfordfacility kept up with the madness surrounding it, so im gonna post here the last two versions of events/details.
first one:
In the Job section, Aziraphale is questioning gods decision of punishing Job. Then u see him in heaven w Muriel here and they are looking thru a long scroll that has instructions from god and he's trying to make sense of it. Muriel is telling him that god and satan made a bet about what Job would do and that's why they are testing him. And az is like whatttt why would god do that that's mean!
When Az finds out they're going to kill Jobs kids, he goes down to Earth to save them while using his angel voice until he realizes he's speaking to Crowley. He sees Crowley about to enter the kids room and tells Crowley "I know you, you wouldn't do this" and Crowley tells him he doesn't know him really. (
AND TY TENNANT IS SASSY AND FLIRTS W AZ??!??!? (*) And THATS when crowley goes "well he seems nice" from the clip. He wasn't jealous tho, like he thought it was funny since they are literally there to supposedly kill these kids and one of them is flirting lol.
The moment of 'weird-beard Crowley' was actually more focused on azi and him questioning God. Crowley tempts Azi w food and u see him struggle but then he gobbled it down and he cries bc he thinks crowley is going to bring him to hell (that's the scene where they are sitting on that thing with the pretty horizon) Crowley tells him "you're just an angel who follows gods as will as much as he can" and Az says that sounds lonely, and Crowley agrees, which is a callback to when he asked Crowley if he was lonely being on what Crowley calls "his own side", and Crowley said no. Crowley then tells him "i'm a demon. I lied"
(*): it was told this isn't actually canon canon, it's up for interpretation - some reported Ty's character is just the classic bratty teenager UPDATE: NOPE anon cleared it up and apparently it DOES read as flirty because ty's character is a little bitch, love that for us
and then we have the second one:
"Episode 2 is half present day things [...], and half the Job story/flashback. Crowley is the demon sent by Satan to torment "God's favorite human" Job to see if Job will curse God, in one big bet between God and Satan. Aziraphale comes to try to stop him, discovers they recognize each other but haven't seen each other since "the flood" and that Crowley seems to have changed since the flood, because he is willing to sacrifice the goats, and ruin Job's house. Crowley says he "has a permit" to torment Job FROM GOD. Aziraphale brings this up to the archangels that gleefully explain that yes it's a bet with Satan and that Job will suffer, but he will get everything back 3-fold by the end. And he will get NEW children. This disturbs Aziraphale, he does not want the CURRENT children to die, he understands the familial love that the archangels do not. He goes to stop Crowley not with power since he has the permit but to reason with him. Aziraphale says things to the effect "I KNOW you don't want to harm them I KNOW you and you don't want to kill children" and Crowley is defiant, but then…. It is revealed that he never killed any of the goats either, he transformed them into pigeons to hide them. And he is hiding the children away in the basement but destroying the house to make it look like they died. He transforms the three kids into lizards to hide them, then when the Archangels descend to give Job his rewards and tell him his wife will bear 7 new children, Job and his wife are in despair because they love their children. Crowley comes in pretending to be a human doctor and he and Aziraphale LIE to the angels faces about how babies are made and trick the angels into thinking Jobs three original children are NEWLY BORN children. Which fools Gabriel, who has only ever seen God make Eve fully grown from Adam's ribs. Crowley then meets Aziraphale at the rock. Aziraphale is crying and says "im ready for you to take me to hell" because he has LIED to angels and foiled God's plans. Crowley is gentle and comforts him that he is still an angel and "I won't tell anyone if you won't" and they reminisce that it's lonely being a different kind of demon and a different kind of angel that sort of do what they feel is right. Heavily implying that they are the same and have each other now. The end of episode 2.
that's what's going around for now, but ill add stuff if we find anything new - also feel free to add to this yourself or send me stuff!
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
I don't think Wukong might have been wearing his armor. At least not the famous armor he's known for. Considering he was supposedly asleep when the Thrall took Wukong's egg, he was likely wearing either his standard outfit or something closer to sleep wear (which tbh could just be his standard outfit without the chest plate, shoes, and the waist wrappings) and I think it's implied the outfit got destroyed into he fight with the Thrall, or at least heavily damaged
I thought about this after I made the post + this other anon ask;
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And now I'm imagining a whole Heist-style episode where the Monkie Kids (MK, Mei Peaches, and Sandy) come together to plan a heist on the Megapolis Police Department in order to get the Monkey King's armor back.
Peaches and MK see it as a perfect opportunity to flex their transformation abilities. Peaches takes the form of Monkey Cop while MK is his loyal Deputy. Mostly cus it would be a lot easier a "tutorial mission" to transform into a slightly-different monkey than a whole new animal.
The heist has issues of course
Mei is diguised as a speedster doing dangerous driving so the bros can get through. Sandy is posted outside in the van as their handler ("I've seen the inside of this place before a bunch of times! They know my face.").
Hijinks ensue as you can imagine. Lots of speech checks need to be passed. Key cards and passwords borrowed to access the files + evidence locker. Turns out the layout has changed since Sandy last got arrested, so they end up in the wrong room at some point - for some reason I'm imagining a retirement/birthday party for an actual police officer.
The gang suddenly has a strike of moral dilemmia, and Peaches/Wukong decides to just walk up to the front desk as himself and ask for the evidence taken when he was picked up those 18 years ago.
And... they give it to him.
Turns out the cop he befriended at the retirement party was the officer on that case. The cop seems to know "Peaches" is something else but decides it none of his business as long as no crime has been broken. (The kids laugh nervously in Heist-mode)
The gang happily run home with the evidence box, excited to show Tang and Dadsy the Monkey King's armor.
Only for....
Macaque, unimpressed: "Wukong. Those are your pyjamas."
Peaches/Wukong, holding whats obviously not armor: "Waa??"
Macaque points out that the "armor" is no more than linen cloth with no ornamentation or protective padding. Likely whatever event led to him losing his memory occured when the Monkey King was snoozing. His real armor is probably back on FFM in his hut.
Macaque: "Also, if you needed to steal something from the police; why didn't just ask me to do it?"
The gang: (*avoid his gaze all embarassed*)
They still keep the pyjamas though - it's the Monkey King's pyjamas after all.
Macaque's nose curls as he recognises a scent on the fabric. A dead, cold scent....
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spotlightlowlife · 5 months
Unpopular opinion, at this point, Blitzø is an issue.
Not because he's in the wrong, his situations suck more than him, so do some of those around him (*cough*Stolas *cough*Loona), he sucks because he's becoming more and more of an outlet for writers to play out power and sex fantasies with whilst being edgy and always quick enough to have a remark ready for others, always managing to be the centre of attention but will always be the victim too.
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In every conceivable way, he's being wronged or he's punching up.
The arrangementship with Stolas is a case of him being a victim but for those who don't see it this way, Stolas x Blitzø is a chance at happiness, pauper being picked, even though their union was and will always be an inappropriate power imbalance which has now been the case since childhood, back where Blitzø was a victim of his dad, yet a few years later he somehow developed feelings for his friend who seemed like a sibling to him, but he seemed to envy him too? Either way we are too root for his unrequited 'love lost' that we can blame on a fire accidentally caused by none other than Blitzø, but we can also push blame others for this accident too.
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Fizz and Barbie may be victims of his recklessness, but he means/meant no harm and he had it just as bad as them, hence the 'sorry but..' he offered Fizz.
Substance abuse got to be something Blitzø endulged in before we met Barbie who we had already been informed is an addict, Blitzø got to be both a boss and a victim during his binge which had even the sin of gluttony beat and concerned, yet when we meet Barbie, she is composed, working and has some success in being able to freely travel, having a human disguise and being able to easily manipulate others, which could have all been good, a change of tone from yet another downtrodden character and a change from a sloppy addict that may have expected, only, we had to be told Barbie was in rehab and recently so, we had to be informed that Blitzø looks out for her and is worried even though we never had never saw him track her progress previously. We meet her, there's nothing to indicate that they have spoken since Blitzø's fall out with Fizz, Barbie is pretty much work a similar job to her brother of causing destruction on Earth, yet morals come into play for just one of them? Neurotic, antisocial and traumatised, comes to earth as an assassin, excellent, no content yet and seems well put together but we have been told is an addict, comes to earth the deal, scum.
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Barbie made Blitzø sad by not listening to him and washing her hands of him (again, when did they last speak? Has there been nearly 20 years of the same conversation?), which yet again has us pouring sympathy into him.
Then there's the clearly hurt and robbed Verosika, who's upset is totally glossed over because 'she's so iconic'.
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The power dynamics are entirely power play, because there are too many characters supposedly of much higher standing who Blitzø easily rubs shoulders with, stands out to and crosses to no consequence, all for no particular reason, the dismissal of what he says and does is reminiscent of a movie where a ghost doesn't know they're dead or a character doesn't realise their friend is imaginary. All excluding Stolas of course but this but this is where the power play sex fantasy is.
Why are they together? Answer, Blitzø's desperation to have his business work, the whole plot to the show.
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Like Hazbin, the pilot started out rather strong, it ticked every box mentioned in one episode, they were a wicked bunch but morally grey, the trip to hospital being a prime example, we met humans, we saw Earth, Stolas was a intimidating and regal, Blitzø was reckless with money and decision making, the advert on a low rating station being the prime example, along with blind nepotism.
How is it that this series hasn't had the time to return to its roots since half way through season one?
When does Blitzø get a break from all this trauma dumping and actually get to have other things going on in his life?
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Realistically, someone who works has work to talk about, it is a major part of their life. Someone who runs a business tends to put in more hours than your average worker. Work gives you something to talk about, creates new experiences and problems to solve, has you mixing with other and takes up a lot of your time. Where is any of this?
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Until it returns to the plot where he is a business owner actually running his business, having interactions with customers and victims, travelling to Earth more regularly, facing actual threats from those who don't care about how sad he is and are actually bothered by his obnoxious ways, I have a questions.
Where are the common teething issues business tend to have, like budget, landlords, tax, inflation, lack of exposure?
How do they pay their day to day expenses, especially since they have so much time on their hands?
Why aren't they out advertising?
How do I.M.P catch the eye of those who just died and how do these sinners pay?
When was the last time we saw a sinner?
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Blitzø's direction gives the impression that he's being written for the chronically online people who wish this was them, that they were more feisty, outgoing and desirable whilst others just got them and felt their misery, something that can easily be done as a viewer, throw in the tried and tested powerful and dangerous royalty that worked so well for Twilight and 50 Shades and we have a character who can be vicariously lived through, basically the classic fairytale default damsel who people also want to criticize. It's like he's being reduced to an clownish caricature, looks the vibrant and animated character we were introduced to but that's all just in paper now, he barely stands out in any recent episodes because his presence wasn't nessessary and when he was relevant, it's for his ship or drama from his past.
While waiting to see him with his coworkers who he voyers on because he's sad and lonely, his rude and violent adult adopted daughter, or learn about the trauma surrounding his mother, or whatever is going on with his user dad, or when we will next see his troubled sister who is mad at him, his bitter ex, his best friend/ex friend/rival/friend who lives the life he should be living who he sexually harasses since reconciliation, or his transactionship, or whatever else is pushed on him and there no doubt will be more. What about his present? What about his daily life outside the misery forever sent his way for us?
He should be encountering strangers and a massive variety of situations he can't entirely control on the regular, having to draw upon his smarts, experiences and group dynamic to get out of binds or be efficient, his trauma, sadness and his sass could be a force of good.
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How much of his likability is nostalgia, maybe from outside of show? Outside of the pity and sex jokes, what is being done with him?
This may all be harsh and funny enough I actually like this character, but never have I known a series where the solution to making a main character more deep was is a simple case of
'Let them get on with it!
Let them do their job!
Stick to the story!'
Well I do know one other case...
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basicbunnyboo · 5 months
An Adam x Reader Fic
A.N. - This one is going to be kinda rough. I’ve been wanting to make something about Episode 8 for so long and I found the BEST inspiration during my history class. I’m really hoping this goes well ‘cause angst is kinda hard for me to write. Enjoy, my dears
Cw: Descriptions of blood, stab wounds, and overall harsh injuries / Descriptions of multiple deaths / Derogatory name for Charlie
Adam bleeding out on the battlefield.
To be an Exorcist required a few things: being harsh, unfeeling, ruthless, and ‘badass’. The last part was added by Adam himself.
It required being able to kill off the sinner scum and protect Heaven. There was no need to worry about them fighting back. They can’t. It’s not possible. It shouldn’t be.
So why the Hell was the Hotel’s grounds littered with red and golden blood? Only angels bleed gold. Only angels have angelic steel. But, somehow, these vermin got their hands on it. And now multiple angels have fallen, some injured. Callie was surrounded by cannibals, Mia lay crumpled and left for dead, Alex was hung on a wall with a spear through his shoulder, and even Lute was missing an arm.
All because little Miss Princess couldn’t take no for an answer.
Then there was Adam. The first man, the leader of the Exorcists, and a close friend. ‘Friend’ was rather inappropriate considering everything you’d gone through together. Being one of the few people to ever see his face spoke volumes of how much he respected and cared for you.
He was an asshole: rude, misogynistic, blunt, aggressive, egotistical, and overall a huge prick. It was obvious why his two wives left him. He seemed to care only for himself. The definition of a red flag.
And yet, he wasn’t like that anymore. Well, he was, but not as bad. Everyone noticed. Somehow, at some point, he started to care about you. At first, he hardly noticed. You were just a cool person that didn’t put up with his shit. You were hot. And fun. And patient. And safe…
And then he realized. He was fucked. He promised himself he wouldn’t let that happen again. Not after the last person ruined everything because she wasn’t satisfied with paradise. But no matter how hard he tried, you just wouldn’t leave and damnit it made it worse.
Now he felt anxious when he didn’t see you amongst the others. The chaos was making everything so much harder. Where were you? Were you okay? Did they get you? Are you safe? He absently shot a pack of sinners as he frantically flew around, looking for you. Then a flash of your mask caught his eye. You were by the dumbass hotel shits and that clit-licker that started it all.
He landed behind you, “The fuck are you doing?” He aggressively grabbed your shoulders, looking you over for any injuries, “I told you not to-”
“Take them head on, I know. But I’m not some weakling, Adam. I-”
“You don’t fucking get it, bitch. I- I just…” he hesitated. You knew. He knew you knew.
A pause.
You sighed, putting a hand over the one on your shoulder, “Okay. Just… don’t-“
You both paused at a pained groan and a small giggle. Looking down, you saw gold trickling down his chest and a small, pink bug holding a knife.
It took too long to react, but you pulled him to you, kicking the creature back. He was shaky, clinging onto your back from the shock, “Shit.”
You could hear cheering from Charlie and the supposedly redeemable sinners.
“Adam,” you grabbed his face, “Adam, look at me.”
How could they preach about redemption when they’re willing to kill someone for not agreeing with them?
He coughed harshly as you held him up, only for him to spew out golden blood. He leaned into you, clutching his stomach. “I got you,” she held him closer, “I got you, I got you, I got you.”
Someone walked closer, “He’s done for, ‘sweetheart’. Take your-”
A sharp glare shut him up.
“Two weeks?”
They nodded, “We’re guessing. He lost a lot of blood, you have to understand that-”
“I get that,” a sigh, “just… take care of him.”
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mikuni14 · 29 days
I Hear The Sunspot - Ep 10
I won't lie if I say that series that create dramas out of nothing, creating problems and scenarios that are far removed from the ordinary lives of millions of people around the world, kind of annoy me 🙃 Kohei and Taichi's relationship is getting more and more weird and unnatural, and they had such a good flow in episodes 1-6. Taichi, who didn't allow any bullshit and openly confronted Kohei and everyone he met, is now unable to communicate. Kohei, who had a tendency to blurt out confessions about his feelings, is now unable to communicate. We also had scenes of them being shy, hiding, which were eventually resolved by contacting/meeting/ even visiting home, and we keep going back to the same point over and over again. Although that's not even it: I complained about the repetition, but now they're back to a point where they never even were. Besides, I really have the impression that the series creates artificial drama, the lack of communication has reached astronomical proportions, they either do not talk to each other AT ALL, and when they meet for a second, when they are not with Maya, they barely talk about important stuff, which was not a problem for them before. They cannot talk, they cannot make an appointment and meet with each other alone like adults, they do not use phones, they cannot get rid of Maya for 5 seconds.
I am generally furious with Kohei that he cannot once and properly put Maya down for her words and behavior towards Taichi, if someone spoke shit like that about someone I like - not even my close friend or crush, and someone like that is supposedly Taichi for Kohei - we would have a serious conversation about it: either stay and shut the fuck up, or leave.
I absolutely hate how Maya described Taichi not knowing him at all and how Kohei immediately thought of it when he saw Taichi making a decision about his life, career and future. What the actual FUCK. Am I the only one who sees Taichi's life as being quite lonely and supporting himself and going to college and working and helping Kohei? And how he has to think about himself and his future because he has no supportive parents and no one will do it for him? How can anyone even think of him as doing it all thoughtlessly or on purpose? Or that he "abandons Kohei" because he is a stupid and cruel person who never cared? ☹
What is the point of this BL at all, since there has been no BL for the last 4 episodes, and the main characters are drifting further and further away from each other with each episode. Why don't they struggle with all these adversities, problems TOGETHER. What is the point of all this, since there is no "togetherness" in it! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
I just... I just love Kohei so much and he seems very lonely to me now. I started shipping him with Chiba-kun ngl, with whom he currently has the most chemistry and scenes lmao
On the one hand, it's not so good that the grandfather isn't more helpful and advising on the young man's important life decisions, on the other hand, the fact that he doesn't make a drama out of these decisions is a big relief for him 😊 Even if Taichi makes a bad decision, he'll have a place to go back to and he'll have the support of his grandfather, who won't make him feel bad about it or say "I told you so". Taichi is still young, he can do whatever he wants, he can go back to college someday, these are no longer the times when people had to make the most important life decisions before the age of 25, which were also irreversible. I think it was a good scene.
But what's worst about all this is that the series got itself tangled up in its own plot, because we don't have a single hint since ep 6 that Taichi is responding to Kohei's feelings, so this whole drama makes no sense. Since they have nothing in common romantically, if they want, they can meet up after work/school (although they haven't managed to do that yet lol) as friends, write to each other (also something they can't do) and live their own lives. Kohei can meet up with Maya since he prefers her company anyway, and Taichi can pursue his career. After all - there is no BL in this BL, so why the drama?
This show has become such a mess. But it would still be a "managable" mess if Kohei and Taichi had more than one scene per episode where something actually happened between them. And we didn't even have the aftermath of the famous "what if I didn't hate it". Like it never happened...
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mlsofh · 9 months
Theory Five - Alastor and Lilith
Oh my god I cannot begin to tell you all how much the gears in my head have been absolutely turning. I noticed in the second episode of Hazbin Hotel that Vox mentions in him and Alastor's song that he's also been conveniently gone for seven years. The same amount of time that Lilith has been gone. Of course, this could be a stretch, but I think Lilith and Alastor have a deal together. Lets get into my super theory. The first theory I had was the fact that I think Alastor isn't just there at the Hotel for entertainment. I think he's actually there to stay protected for the most part. He knows how powerful Charlie must be, she's the princess of hell, and if he makes himself useful to her then he'll be protected. We heard that Vox almost got beat by Alastor. Alastor then supposedly fled the scene (My thought being from Vox's line "The demon is a coward.") I think Alastor may have bitten off more than he could chew against the three V's and fled. Alastor knows modern media is incredibly strong. We know Vox can traverse through technology, and seven years ago in Hazbin Hotel (2021) would be 2014. 2007-2014 was the age where we saw technology skyrocket. Especially in tablets, computers, smart TVs, etc. Hell seems to only just now be really getting caught up to what's happening on Earth technology wise. Vox probably gained quite a bit of power and Alastor knew he had to be wise with what he did. I think that's why Alastor can't be recorded. I think it will end up messing with his power. Maybe that's how Vox got him last time, was by basically thrusting technology onto Alastor like high tech cameras. Alastor destroys any new technology on sight that has Vox labeled on it. In the scene where Vaggie and Alastor are talking and she almost films him, the lighting is blue. Almost Vox blue. This whole debacle with getting a commercial makes him think of Vox. He's more irritable in this episode than he is in the next. Regarding the background of the situation also, Valentino says "He almost beat you" in their last fight, then Alastor supposedly fled. I think it's more than that too. I think Alastor, while also wanting some safety from the hotel, was given help from Lilith. In turn, he is sent to silently help Charlie. Alastor may have recieved sustainable injuries. Lilith, seeing the power and passion Alastor held, saves his damned soul. Maybe Vox had access to a heavenly weapon of some sort temporarily and did almost kill Alastor. Lilith seeing how powerful Alastor was drags him back to the soil to be made anew. In turn, Alastor made a deal with her. Alastor is in fact not there just for entertainment, he's there to protect Lilith's daughters dream. We now know that Lilith was a loving mother, and a loving queen to hell. She likely put in a safety net for her daughters dreams in case things hit the fan. She saw passion in Alastor and decided he should help. I'd like to also point out Alastor has enough connections to get a commercial on the air, especially whenever Vox seems to own a lot of the overal TV/Electronics industry. Anyway, that's all I have for now. What do you think? Stay Tuned!
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character-fan19 · 7 months
So I calculated the exact screen time for the love square ships in season 5...
I'm back again with the latest season of Miraculous and it's definitely different but not as much as you would expect. But firstly for the newcomers...
Some Ground Rules
Both characters of the ship must be present in the scene to count. So none of that kissy kissy meow meow talk.
At least one of the characters must be interacting with or reacting to the presence of the other character or both characters must be doing something together for it to count.
If one of the characters believe that they are talking to the alter ego of the other character, it will be counted as screen time for that ship so Adrien and Marinette talking to each other through the wall in the sewer will be counted as Ladynoir. The scene with Adrien holding Ladybug will count as Ladrien though, since Ladybug isn't conscious.
In case of group interactions, the screen time will only count if the interaction is specifically between the two characters.
If you want to check out my previous post, you can find it here. Now onto the distribution.
Screen Time Distribution
Despite all the Adrienette we had this season, Ladynoir was still able to come out on top, even a season which is supposedly Adrienette-centred, although it still took a huge hit took a huge hit in terms of percentage of screen time, having had 56.4% of the love square screen time this season rather than it's usual range of around 70% and Adrienette had a huge increase in screen time this season as well both in terms of percentage and actual screen time, having 37.4% of the total love square screen time rather than it's usual range of 18-25% which is a total of 45 min 57 sec when it usually remains under half an hour ever season.
Maricat this season got a pretty fair 5.8% of the screen time while Ladrien got the short end of the stick as predicted with not even 1% of the screen time which is even worse than last season.
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In terms of its effect on the overall screen time, Adrienette has increased from last season by a good 3.6%, Ladynoir decreases by a slightly less 3.2% which is percentage than it has ever decreased before, Maricat increases by a small 0.3%, and Ladrien decreases by 0.7%.
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This leaves Adrienette with a total screen time of 2 hr 34 min 8 sec, Ladynoir with a total screen time of 7 hr 28 min 54 sec, Maricat with a total screen time of 30 min 59 sec and Ladrien with a total screen time of 23 min 11 sec which around the same length as an episode of Miraculous itself. This isn't their final total screen time though, at least not for Ladynoir, 'cause we still got the Paris Special. But in the mean time, let's move on to the screen time trend.
Screen Time Trend
Ladynoir started off strong this season with 7 min 50 sec in it's first episode. It never reaches this high again but it remains pretty high until the Adrienette part of the season starts after which it remains under the Adrienette screen time for the most part and only got more screen time than Adrienette in 6 episodes most of which are only by less than a minute.
Adrienette had a handful of episodes in the first third of the season giving it a good amount of screen time but nothing compared to Ladynoir but it starts getting screen time in every episode from the Kwamis' Choice two-parter onwards aside from "Representation" and "Conformation" which were the first ever episodes in love square screen time history to not include screen time for any love square ship. After "Perfection" though it only seems to get no more than 3 min of screen time every episode with "Protection" being an exception that is aside from the final three episodes it is a part of, those being "Revolution" and "Re-Creation" and "Action".
Maricat and Ladrien, not being the major ships this season, only got spikes of screen time in 2-3 episodes, Maricat predictably having the larger spikes with its largest spike being it's designated episode of the season "Elation" and Ladrien having two small spikes of a few seconds in "Passion" and "Deflagration".
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Well, that about wraps this up. Well, almost, since like I said before, we still got the Paris Special, after which we will get the final screen time distribution for all the love square ships, at least until we get more seasons and that changes up the distribution. Feel free to make your own observations based on this data. Until next time!
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aceartistactivist · 2 months
Okay here we go!
Things I would have changed/am confused about in tua season 4
- first of all, it needed 10 episodes. Not 6. Don't even need to change the storylines- just flesh it out. Add random filler stuff. Not one of the characters got a real character arc because they didn't have enough screen time to show it!!
- speaking of, Jean and Gene got way too much screen time. Like I don't care about them I want to see the actual main characters
- no mention of Sloane????? Nothing???? What about the other sparrows? Do they exist in this timeline?
- how were they still riding in that van after puking so much in it lol 😭
- wtf is up with the only mention of Ray being a throwaway line that he walked out on Allison??? Seriously wtf??
- also, if Lila's parents are alive and living with her & Diego... Uhhh... are they not gonna address the fact that Five killed her parents in the last timeline? Like with all the scenes they had together I felt like that should have come up... I guess maybe that was something they already got past sometime in the 6 years?
- I'm so confused about Abigail. I'm just so confused. What is up with her
- also five's weird arc in s3 where he gets the tattoo? I'm still so confused about that. What was the purpose of the tattoo? Why was that whole thing a thing? I'm just lost 😭 and the "restaurant at the end of the world" scene in s4 was not exactly helpful or forthcoming either
- not a fan of how Ben's original death was just Reginald shooting him. Also the whole "reverse element of the marigold" thing seemed like a random idea turned plot device that just could have been planned/set up better. I also didn't understand the whole Jennifer thing. Why did she have the element thing in her anyway? Why was she in that container? I need explanations please
- Just so many things that could have been fleshed out
- where did the notebook five found that was "in his own handwriting" even come from? What version of himself figured out the subway system and wrote the cipher?? So many questions
- speaking of, what IS the subway system. Where did it come from. Why- just- why. I'm so confused about how it even affects the plot at all (except for the very end with the kids & family members)
- five and lila were supposedly lost in time for 6 years but they didn't change at all?? I get that actors are not going to be able to visibly age 6 years in a week but really, they couldn't have tried to make it look more believable? Changed their hair, added makeup and stuff? And then when they got back and they looked exactly the same as when they'd left and certainly didn't act like they'd spent 6 years lost in time? Like you'd think something like that would be extremely noticeable lol... I was expecting the others to be like oh my god what happened to you? And then it was just on we go business as usual. Like they could have done a lot more to make that feel realistic/believable I think
- oh, the ending... I get it, but I also think they should have gotten the lives they have "in most timelines" in the commission handbook thing, iykyk (basically if they'd all just grown up normally without the umbrella academy or anything)
- but... If Lila's family and Claire were taken to a restored timeline where the 43 children & umbrella academy never existed, wouldn't that create the same paradox that was the EXACT SAME THING that was the whole premise of season 3?? Remember the kugelblitz??? By YOUR OWN universe rules, sending those people to the restored timeline where they never existed created a kugelblitz that destroyed the real timeline and the universe for good. Congratulations.
- I was also hoping for an explanation of why their powers were slightly different but I guess it's just a plot device that doesn't really matter
- all in all, honestly, I really liked it! And I'm sad that pretty much the majority of the fandom doesn't. It could have been a lot better just by fleshing it out and giving the characters enough screentime for actual character arcs but. You know what. It's good enough for me. I'm satisfied
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bluginkgo · 10 months
On today's Ginkgo rambles, we have
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what is going on with Tessa and why I find her very suspicious.
Spoilers, duh
The main thing that glares at me is how she interacts between the team and what she says. Or, more specifically, how inconsistent she is with the information she gives us. When we first see her, she says:
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"Her [Cyn] last known act was siccing you lot on human exo-planets."
N: "But why?"
J: "That's what we're trying to figure out, bozo."
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"If she [Cyn] wants these labs. We burn them down!"
But later, she switches it up.
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"When we get to the lab and find that list..."
Why was there a switch? She went from "we are burning this sh*t down!" To "I actually need the labs to get the list of drones that are infected."
So what gives?
The only thing I can see is J's presence. It's strange too isn't it? Tessa specifically told J to stay back and mind her ship. Illiciting this weird pause in the trio.
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The entire time in N's memories/flashback, it's shown that J follows Tessa all over. Granted, N's memories are a bit of a shaky land to base anything off of. Many of the things that happened in N's memories did not actually happen in real life. More specifically, the gala massacre happened, yes. But N, V, Tessa, and J most likely did not fight eldrich Cyn like in Episode 5, Home. Given that we have nothing else, we can at least infer that J and Tessa are pretty close friends- specifically taking the scene when Tessa asks J to act as a "ripping royal stud." J, who we have seen to be very strict, showed concern for Tessa's hand injury (which is another thing I'll touch on).
With all this in mind, why would Tessa do that? They've been together ever since the first clip of then in episode 3, The Prommening. Why would Tessa forgo the extra security that J provides? Supposedly, Tessa knew that N and V have forgotten about her due to the CYN administration program. We see this from when Tessa first interacts with them,
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"N! You remember- *cough cough*" It seems that she knew that N and V, to some degree, do not remember her or working for her as butler and maid. That detail would put her at a risk, wouldn't it? N and V are almost like strangers, not to mention Uzi bit her the second she got close enough. Having J with her would be safer for her. Instead, she tells J to mind her ship.
Now, there are a couple of things that I could think of.
1. J is a liability somehow. This is the more insane and unhinged idea, therefore has more holes. But basically, the thought is that the absolute solver somehow has a stronger hold on J and is using her to gather data on Tessa's movements. Tessa might have realized that the corrupted core with ths absolute solver in J is a liability to what Tessa is actually trying to do. Therefore, she says "we burn the labs!" When J is there, but when she's gone Tessa switches to her true goal which is "get the list." There is a glaring hole here tho. How would Tessa know that the corrupted cores in N and V do not have a strong hold on them? Maybe the hint to her was that N remembered her. But J hasn't shown signs that she doesn't remember Tessa either. But the counter to that could be that J views Tessa as a JcJenson technician, therefore Tessa is already supposed to have that level of respect/loyalty.
2. J is backup. This would make more sense. We can't have the entire gang going down into the labs, and not have someone as backup in case things go south. They'll need someone to either drag them out or finish the job of burning the labs down if the gang isn't successful.
3. Tessa herself is what's weird. J, N, and V are all acting like themselves, the only person that we've seen to have a change in their personality is Tessa. Maybe Tessa is posessed with something something, more unhinged idea rant. But you get the idea. Of course, no one can go through seeing your parents and friends killed, and then kinda causing the fall of the entire planet earth and come out with the same personality as you had originally. So maybe, she simply matured rapidly, and that gave her the more cold side we often see throughout Episode 6, Dead End.
I'm mostly very suspicious of Tessa because V was too. While the trio were making their way over to the elevator, V had one of her eyes/sensors on Tessa the entire time.
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After V saw that Tessa was no longer trustworthy and that the sentinels did not listen to her, she stopped following along with Tessa. Just as many more people have mentioned, it's really sad how V's true personality and care only shone in the second half of episode 6. How protective V became of Uzi and N. Taking lead while walking down the corridor, and taking lead in fighting the sentinels.
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Now as for this! Tessa's hand injury, or something at least being wrong with her hand. Liam would not include this just because. Something is wrong with her left hand, and we have to keep that in mind for some odd reason. I have a feeling that the injury will come up later in eps 7 and 8. Perhaps if the theory of this Tessa being the imposter, then the gang will have to figure it out by basing it off of Tessa's left hand injury. That, or maybe this Tessa is the real one, and the injury might cause a hiccup in the fight that is gonna go down in ep 7 or 8.
Of course, as per usual, I could simply be looking in too deep to this. Feel free to gut this! ^_^
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jmdbjk · 1 year
He wears his heart on his sleeve
...maybe he should just get it tattooed there too.
Jungkookie was very quiet and reflective during his most recent Weverse live, at least at first.
Perhaps he was manifesting his Jimin to appear in the comments because he stared at them for a while... a long while.
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Earlier in the evening, with Tae, he attended the movie premiere of Dream, a soccer movie with a ragtag team storyline. A team of misfits who come together and persevere. It stars Tae's friend, Park Seojoon, Wooga squad and fellow cast member on Jinny's Kitchen.
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He looked happy to be there but self-conscious at the same time. Unused to the crowds and spotlight after being out of it for a while. He didn't have anyone to hide behind. It looks like maybe he said "oh my god" when he stepped up in front of the bank of cameras (haha).
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After having a supposedly fun outing, Kookie came to visit us on Weverse live and seemed to have a lot on his mind. He said he missed us and wished us good health both physically and mentally. I imagine Hobi leaving for service and Moonbin's tragedy last week are fresh cuts to our Kookie's heart. It breaks MY heart that Kookie has to experience those things. I don't know how close Kookie was to Moonbin. But I do know losing someone so suddenly can make you so scary aware of your own mortality and makes you realize instantly what should truly be important and what is irrelevant.
I am thinking his evening out had him keyed up and he came to visit with us in order to decompress and relax. He said the only ones who could create a calming environment for him right now was Army. However, the (I'm sure inane) comments he was seeing were not doing the trick. He seemed a little perturbed at them so he turned them off.
But he said sitting there knowing we were on the other side was calming and enough for him at that moment. He felt at peace knowing we are all connected. And then he let out a big sigh. Sort of a "I'm doing the best I can" sigh. Oh Kookie, I feel you.
Incidentally, the song he said he was obsessed with that evening and that he had playing in the background on repeat was I Really Want to Stay At Your House by Rosa Walton & Hallie Coggins ... some of the lyrics:
Another evening I'll be sitting reading in between your lines Because I miss you all the time...
...I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go 'Cause I really wanna stay at your house
He said he's working hard on new music but its difficult. If he says its not easy, then the final result will probably be OUTSTANDING because he struggled to make HIS version of perfect. Masterpieces are sometimes not easy to create.
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He was steadily sinking, sitting in the dark, sipping his highball through a straw but after 35 minutes of solemnity and saying he needed to go to sleep, he all of a sudden came alive when he began talking about food... go figure.
He waffled back and forth about whether he should just get off his butt and make the noodles or go to sleep, but then he really got into it and explained in great detail this recipe, down to the proper color of the perilla oil to use. Though he didn't have the correct perilla oil in his pantry, he made the sauce and boiled the noodles.
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The whole idea of him puttering around his kitchen trying out new ways to make noodle or rice dishes is very endearing. He does have somewhat of a head start in advanced levels of cooking though because of the times they filmed Run BTS episodes with Chef Paik. He learned important cooking procedures like "reduce" the liquid in the pan and desirable "viscosity" of the sauce.
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When he's into it, HE. IS. INTO. IT. He adjusted his recipe, repeated the ratios of ingredients, explained in great detail every step.
Please. Someone just hug him. JIMIN COME GET YOUR MAN.
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