#they got bit by a spider from another planet teehee
lemondoddle · 1 year
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[I.D. a posca pen and colored pencil illustration of an alien-themed spiderman with four arms. their suit is mostly green with black web lines, blue aysmmetrical sleeves on some arms and legs, purple bracelets on every wrist and big purple boots with blue accents. on their chest is a spider emblem where the body and head resemble stars, they have big black eye holes line with purple and two antennae with blue bobbles on top. they stand confidently with all their arms and hands in various poses, one stretched out with a peace sign, one hand on their hip, one giving a web shooting position and one waving. small purple blue and green doodles decorate the pages with lines, stars and squiggles. in bold blue lettering is "space spider". end I.D.]
+ what's under the mask :3c
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[I.D. two simple colored pencil drawings of space spider taking off their mask to reveal a nearly identical alien face under it, though in a different shade of green with eyebrows and a smile. end I.D.]
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Interview and Mission
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): Avengers - Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Rating: PG
Original Idea: I did one with Peter getting interviewed about Brown Recluse. Switched it around to show off their different personalities.
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) Teehee. Don’t really have much to say about this one.
“Recluse!” one of the reporters shouted, waving to get my attention. I turned curiously and looked over. “Is it alright if I ask you a couple questions?” There was a cameraman standing next to him.
I pointed vaguely off towards the rest of the city. “I got work to do,” I replied.
“Please? It’ll only take a couple minutes,” he pleaded.
I bit the inside of my cheek and walked over cautiously, making sure my mask was securely on my face.
The camera started recording, if hadn’t been already. “What’s the scariest thing about being an Enhanced individual?” he asked. I blinked in thought—not that he could see that under my pretty opaque goggles.
“The government trying to impose on my freedom,” I answered.
“So you did not side with Iron Man when the Accords were proposed?”
“I didn’t have my powers when the Accords were proposed. But apparently that doesn’t stop Congress from trying to impose on me.”
“Had you had your powers, would you have sided with Iron Man?”
“Maybe. Not sure. But the second Spider-Man showed up on his side in Germany, I would instantly switch sides.”
“I was going to ask you about that. Your rivalry with Spider-Man mostly seems playful and friendly, but sometimes very serious. Where does it come from?”
I snickered. “Look, Spider-Man and I are the same age. In fact, he’s a couple months older than me. Yet the entire team coddles and babies him because he’s ‘small and cute.’ Which frustrates me because I'm smaller than him and—arguably—cuter than he is, and I'm fine. No one needs to coddle or baby me so why do they feel the need to with him?”
The reporter chuckled. “So you're mad because they spoil him?”
“If you want to simplify it like that. It really is mostly for fun. It makes us laugh. But the serious part of the rivalry stems from the fact that we basically have the same powers and I'm determined to prove to him that I'm just as good with them as he is. It’s more of an equality thing.”
“Who thinks you're not as good with your powers?”
“Most of the other Avengers. But he’s had them longer so I have to work harder to catch up.”
“How did you get your powers?”
“That’s classified, sorry.” I winced as an alert went off in the Heads-Up Display—or HUD—in my mask. It was loud and hurt my ear. “Sorry. Gotta go.” I pressed my finger to my ear with one hand as the other one lashed out and shot a web, successfully flinging myself back into the rest of the city. I hated doing interviews. Why had I agreed?
But Peter would see that I dragged him on TV and then the prank war would probably resume afresh. That’d be okay. The Avengers facility could use a little day-to-day spice.
Actually he’d probably just laugh and tell me I was right—the others did tend to coddle him.
Though, we’d probably have a laughable argument over who was cuter between the two of us. I imagined it’d be funny. Tony would probably sit off to the side and record the whole thing on his phone, trying hard not to laugh.
The rivalry was all for show. Peter and I were pretty good friends. We teased merciless and ruthlessly, but we actually liked hanging out with each other. We trained together a lot and, yeah, I did constantly try to be as good as he was. I was nowhere near as good. But I was learning. And one day, he and I might even be on the same level. My dream was to be marginally better than him and beat him in the future. I doubted it would ever happen, but it was my goal to win of my own merit.
I knew every time I'd won recently it was because Peter let me. He was just sweet like that.
And that was another cause of the rivalry. He was just too nice to me and I insisted so many times that he treat me like a superhero instead of a schoolgirl, but nothing ever changed.
Turned out it was because he literally just treated everyone kindly. I felt better when I learned that. He was just being nice to me because I was a confused but feisty girl who, really, was in way over her head in this world of Enhanced people.
The alert finally stopped going off in my ear when I reached the point on map that showed up on my HUD.
“Hey kid,” Tony’s voice greeted through the metal suit.
“Mr. Stark,” I replied, as though surprised to see him. “Are you actually here or am I talking to an empty can?”
The mask lifted, revealing a lot of mechanics but no organics. “No I'm not here.”
“Where are you?”
“Fantastic,” I muttered under my breath. “Okay. So what do you want, Can Man? Why’d you bring me here?” I was perched on the edge of a building with one knee bent under my torso and the other straightened out along the side of the wall, both hands on the ground to support my stance. My ponytail had fallen over one shoulder. I had too much hair to comfortably tuck into a cowl so it hung out.
“Hang on, eager beaver. We’re still waiting on one other person.”
At that moment, another costumed kid swung around a building and landed lightly on the wall right below me, sticky fingers and toes clinging to the brick. “Hey guys,” Peter greeted through his mask. “What’d I miss?” He glanced between me and the empty Iron Man suit—whose mask was still open to reveal it didn’t have an occupant.
“Not much,” Tony’s voice said from somewhere in the helmet. “She just got here too.”
“So, what are we doing here?” Peter asked.
“Well, kiddos,” Tony began, voice sounding awkward. “It is the belief of the other team members that the two of you could do with some hard, boots-on-the ground experience with something other than petty, everyday criminals.”
Peter and I exchanged a look. “What do you mean?” I asked.
“We’re sending you two on a solo mission. Just the two of you,” Tony answered.
“So you mean a duo mission,” I corrected.
“Yeah. Point is, the team isn’t going to be with you. It’ll be up to the two of you.”
“Really? You're going to trust us with something like that?”
“Well, quite frankly, it’s not a world-ending mission, but it’s important.”
“London. How are your British accents?”
I glanced over at Peter and he looked over at me. In sync we looked at Tony. “Pretty sure everyone on the planet knows Brown Recluse and Spider-Man are American, Tony,” I remarked.
“Yeah, but no one knows about Peter Parker and you,” he retorted to me.
I grunted. “Sure okay. Whatever. My accent’s not great but not bad.”
“Well mine is fantastic,” Peter added in his British accent. I snorted.
“Good. Well, you two are on the next flight to London so you better get moving.”
Peter and I glanced at each other. “Okay. See you back at the building,” I told Peter, jumping off a building and swinging back toward home.
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