#they have HEIGHTENED senses??????
methoughtsphantom · 8 months
not me thinking about imaginary scenarios of ten year old Tim Drake in the ghost zone (pariah’s castle)
where Tim thinks it’s strangely soothing that despite being the only one whose steps connect to the ground, there’s not that eerie silence that befell drake manor
strange blob creatures chitter softly and nip at his hair and swooshes and wisps of wind betray the presence of an invisible ghost
which after following he realizes it’s almost like he’s trailing after the black dark shadow that is batman again
which gives him the idea that, maybe, just this one time, he can play the part of robin
that in mind Tim makes out a game of sneaking to the side of ghosts that look like they’re brooding and if they can spot him he loses
most just grunt in response (very in character) while others fuss over him and ask questions which Tim uses to infodump
he also politely asks the ghost that always asks him how he’s doing to instead say the word “report”
(the ghost looks at him weirdly but humors him and besides the answer would be the same anyways)
Tim also(!!)
gets on the case of why the walls lack tangibility when he is the one leaning on them (he doesn’t live down the time he wanted to look cool only to fall through the wall)
hyperfixates on how gravity works in the ghost zone because he couldn’t do a skateboard trick he has pulled off many many times and he’s salty about it
tries to figure out where they are getting human food from (cause it’s hot enough to be homemade but also there’s no kitchen —so how could it be) (also he wants coffee)
finds out the dude that often gives him a side eye when he finds that Tim knows how to do something (math homework), is next in line for the throne and yet doesn’t have a single “mingle and talk people up” bone in his body. (despite it his networking is a solid 7/10)
gets a ghost horse to adopt him what
discovers pretty quickly that there are rooms to which he can’t phase through (a.k.a. he’s not allowed entry) to which he begrudgingly backs off even though that stands in his way of doing a very thorough layout™ of the place (robin would)
sulks over the lack of extreme sports in the place
(Danny takes him to the Far Frozen where they go tire sliding in the snow and where tim learns how to use a skateboard skate and also that ghost ice cream is just as good as normal ice cream)
sulks again cuz he caught a common cold
also because there’s no sun or moon poor Timmy’s already screwed sleep schedule gets more messed up to the point no one knows when or where he will fall asleep
(ghosts find him in the most unhinged of places with a signature purple cloak draped over him every. single. time.)
overall, be a menace
see-> the time he threatened to build ghost weapons he’d somehow memorized the blueprints of cause Danny wouldn’t let him visit the radium girls factory but yes the renaissance period
see-> that time he went through the whole ghost energy and how to work with it book section in the library and half an hour later had a prototype of a star wars laser beam made
(note: bribing only works for hot chocolate, not for letting him keep cool-looking guns)
just tim having the time of his life
clockwork being no help at all (the ghost loves being a cryptid)
and danny trying not to get attached while he progressively gets more concerned over this chaos child he emotionally adopted as his little brother
(to fit canon cause i want it to this would just be until Danny finds the dimension little Timmy is from, then they can safely yeet the child back to the moment he first went missing)
anyways before anyone knows it’s been three months
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sleepyseals · 4 months
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[Image Description: A digital painting of a Lego Bionicle Rahkshi facing left and stooped over as if tracking its prey along the ground. The background is black with a bright green vertical shape to contrast the character in front. The Rahkshi is holding its spear in its right limb, propping its body up with it as it holds its face close to the ground. It is rendered as a black metallic material with red eyes. Its hunched shape and angular spines stand out harshly against the green background. End Image Description.]
I got a rahkshi recently and wanted to draw it so here's this - kind of an experiment with studying a real life object and how to pose it into a interesting composition and then replicating the lighting I got tired of rendering this partway through however :P
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mattzerella-sticks · 8 months
So are the Big Bads of Junior Year going to be the Rat Grinders? AKA kids who leveled up 'the normal way' by doing a bunch of quests, grinding, taking on any enemy to get more powerful, but because of the 'luck' and 'opportunities' given to other kids (ie the Bad Kids) aren't being lauded or appreciated like they expected so they're taking it out on the Bad Kids, have taken advantage of it the summer they were gone, and are doing what they can to punish them for 'being rewarded despite failing at what's expected of them, despite actually saving the world'.
I wonder if all the members of Rat Grinders have classes that reflect those of the Bad Kids? We already know they have a rogue and a bard...
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taz-writes · 1 year
here's a hot take for today
the narrative function of sex is the same as the narrative function of fight scenes is the same as the narrative function of songs in a musical
no i will not explain
#taz talks#writing#actually i WILL explain but i'll do it in the tags#these each serve the same function within their respective appropriate genres#each one is a kind of revelation#they heighten the connection between 2+ characters and highlight relationships and feelings and needs#they are out of place in genres where they do not belong and/or as curveballs when the narrative did not provoke them from the start#but they have the same sort of emotional/dramatic build-up#talk -> sing -> dance (talk -> yell -> stab) ((talk -> flirt -> You Know))#and they are all expressions of intense physicality and intimacy through physical gesture and interaction#they are fundamentally empty and boring if there is not a deeper purpose or drive behind them#although they can still occasionally be entertaining on their own if your audience is specifically seeking that experience out#people who do not like them will be very unhappy to encounter one where it isn't supposed to be#it is very easy to ruin the mood with poor word choice#many people have an inherent sense for terrible ones but it's often difficult or complicated to explain precisely why a bad one fails#when executed properly they are a very raw and intimate expression of a character's most fundamental needs and desires#the fluff is stripped away and there is nothing left but a series of needs. conflicting or cooperating.#and even when you're lying during one it's still a form of truth#none of these things are remotely necessary to tell a powerful or compelling story but if you're going to use them you need to do it right#also all 3 of these things are difficult if not impossible to write if you are not both interested in them and personally invested#this post brought to you by me trying to write smut about my dnd characters and failing because i generally hate /reading/ smut#so i have none of the vocabulary or instinct for it that i do for. say. graphic violence (or lyrical poetry)
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Pro tip for fellow miners:
Do not go on Deep Scan missions while (re)engaging with the Rival Escalation Pass + Rival Presence Warning. The narrow tunnel dug by the Drillevator does not mix well with a randomly spawning Nemesis. I DO speak from experience 😵‍💫
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metatheatre · 6 months
Crowley has partial memory-loss this, Crowley is just pretending not to recognize people to be a jerk that. Consider: prosopagnosia. That man* is fucking faceblind.
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surreal-duck · 2 months
idk y it took me this long to notice that midori is wearing a ring in the cuddle drawing. r they marriage?!
i was thinking of just matching/promise rings of a sort rather than an actual proposal but feel free to imagine as such.... didnt think either of them would love huge flashy surprises so something like slipping it on while asleep has always seemed rather cute (ˉ▽ˉ;)... its my being cheesy hours dont look at me
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kerfufflecricket · 7 months
all of the demons in kny have sensory issues and I will not be told other wise
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sukugo · 1 month
gojo's special individualized training includes having his students use their cursed techniques on him during sex as practice
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brutalmasks · 4 months
so, i think i have talked about this a little bit before, but i haven't really gone into it much and that is that bunny mask does have a regenerative healing factor — and this means that she usually heals rapidly from any sort of gunshots and/or even stab wounds to her body. but i was thinking about it, and she is kind of like achilles in the way that does have one particular 'weak spot.' (bunny mask actually has several but SHHH lol) this would be her head as she can not regenerate it back if it's cut off, and thus, it would unfortunately be pretty much 'game over' for her in this case.
it would also take bunny a rather substantial amount of time (though perhaps still a bit shorter than the average person) to recover from something like brain damage. and she is not capable of reattaching her head either. thus, blows to the head do take bunny mask longer to recover from, especially if they are of an extreme nature and in that case... they would likely require medical attention just like any other person would after receiving some sort of wound. this does translate to bunny mask exercising extra care in protecting her head during fights because she KNOWS that if her opponent were to find out that she's vulnerable there, they would likely exploit that. sooo yeah. whenever it comes to scars, y'all, it's likely that a majority of hers are concentrated around that area
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
TBB headcanons: Physical and Mental Traits
I was originally gonna break these posts up by character, but it’s more fun just categorizing everything (plus I get to make more posts this way hehe)
anyway! here are some traits I believe each of the boys have:
Oldest of the og four (CT 9901) 
All of his senses are heightened, which makes him more sensitive to things (smells, sounds, touch, etc) but he’s REALLY good at hiding it
Occasionally experiences sensory overload, but has several techniques to keep himself calm (stimming with his knife, meditation, isolation, listening to music, conversing with one of his bros or Omega) 
Is autistic, but is good at masking it most of the time 
Very, very rarely experiences panic attacks from overstimulation (happened mostly as a child, has only happened once during the war) 
Has a high level of tolerance for pain, despite his heightened senses (mostly is just good at hiding it though)
Has a scar over his left eyebrow that he got due to accidentally cutting himself with a knife when he was younger (he has perfectionist issues because of this); has other various scars all over his body (main ones being on his left pectoral from getting shot by Cad Bane, and slight burn marks on the palm of his right hand from the Zygerrian whip)
Fairly introverted; he likes his solitude but gets lonely at times and can NOT be away from the squad for too long or he’ll go crazy
Second oldest of the og four (CT 9902) 
Retains information the first time it’s told/explained to him (the recording thing is literally just a hobby, he doesn’t need it LOL)
Obsessively researches things in his free time 
Basically blind without his goggles; he’s semi colorblind, which is why the lens are tinted
Is very autistic 
Stims with his tools 
Has an average level of tolerance for pain, doesn’t like to make a big deal out of it and straight up ignores it most of the time (“I pretend I do not see it”)
Has a few scars on his hands from tinkering, but are mostly healed (lotion works wonders my dudes)
Completely introverted, please leave him alone thanks
Second youngest of the og four (CT 9903) 
Is constantly hungry because of his size and high metabolism 
Gets muscle aches if he goes too long without being active 
Has ADHD and autism 
Stims via working out or playing with Lula (or any of Omega’s other toys when she’s not playing with them)
Has a low level of tolerance for pain, but tries to act otherwise (and does a terrible job at it LOL)
Got his face scar on their first mission ever, doesn’t regret it and thinks it makes him look cooler 
Has various scars all over his body, as well as stretch marks from growing so big so quickly
Very extroverted, gets lonely easily
Youngest of the og four (CT 9904) 
Gets frequent headaches because of his superior vision (which is why getting the Order 66 headaches didn’t seem out of the ordinary to him) 
Gets sore limbs sometimes, especially his legs, from how long they are 
Is autistic 
Stims by chewing on his toothpicks 
Has an average level of tolerance for pain but is really good at hiding it
Has a few minor scars on his body but mostly stretch marks from growing so tall so quickly
Very introverted, but gets lonely at times (and will NEVER admit it)
Oldest of the entire group overall
Suffers from “ghost limbs” with his scomp arm and legs sometimes 
Will get eye twitches sometimes from his brain “short-circuiting” 
Makes jokes about his disabilities to cope (“you wouldn’t hurt a disabled man, would you?”) 
Has PTSD, mostly from what happened after the Citadel explosion 
Distracts himself from the Horrors™ by running ship diagnostics and rereading manuals (which he already liked doing, of course)
Has an average level of tolerance for pain and likes to hide it behind his jokes (“tis but a flesh wound!”)
Has some scars all over his body from the Citadel explosion and his implants
Big extrovert, HATES being alone, please don’t leave him alone OMG
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amethystmpress · 2 years
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the black bastard & the stormborn (daredevil and elektra au) ✩
you desperately want to belong somewhere, with someone, which is the real reason why you sneak into fancy parties... you know what your problem is? you're pretty, you even work the blind thing, but you're dumb.
is it good? this uh... life as a queen. it's fantastic. but i would trade it all in for a lifetime of smelling your skin.
there is always this glorious darkness inside of you, the blood of the dragon and the wolf. that's why i took you to petyr baelish, and yes it's why i loved you, that's why you loved me too. don't deny what we have.
i want to know how you found me. i know who you are because lord bloodraven trains me in his visions. i saw you beat down the bolton bastard. i wear a mask. well, you can't mask that ass. i'd know it anywhere.
so, what if... from now on... if we make it... wherever you run, i run with you? you're not serious. i've never been more serious. this... dany, this is a part of me that i need. and you're the only one who gets it. without this, i'm not alive. i'm not. not really. i don't know what we are together, and if we have any chance in the future... but i do know that i'm free with you. like with no one else.
#daenerys targaryen#jon snow#jonerys#matt x elektra#daredevil#okay so here is the au 🫴#maester aemon adopts dany from essos after her family dies to make a home with her at the wall#the proximity to bloodraven (stick) allows him to communicate and train her for the war for the dawn#he tasks her with recruiting the one remaining targaryen in westeros and she falls in love with him while pursuing and seducing him#jump to jonny#who was blinded in an accident while saving robb when he was younger#which caused his greenseeing and warg senses to be heightened#after the death of his father catelyn sends him to the wall where he too is connected with bloodraven#dany and jon become friends at the wall#dany as aemon's steward has authority to get up to stuff and be cute at the wall#which includes roping her nephew into shenanigans sometimes shirtless#even though he is a baby nights watch recruit#the roscoe sweeny incident in this case is petyr baelish bc he was responsible for ned's death duh#but you have to suspend your disbelief for a second bc lbr#jon would have no problems killing baelish pre- or post-resurrection#dany disappears from the wall while jon proceeds with his acok timeline#during which time he adopts the vigilante identity 'the black bastard'#to search for his uncle and fight wildling rayders and keep his own men in line during the night and practice warging ghost#ik so far it seems like i've attributed matt to jon and elektra to dany entirely but realistically they're a mesh of both characters#don't think this au is as simple as 'dany dark targaryen seducing jonorable jon stark' no that is boring#aka it's jon who is the black sky (black bastard hello) who will die and be resurrected#HE is the one who will curl up in dany's bed as he regains memory of her#'the stormborn' is supposed to be a play on the electric part of elektra 😭#i love you sofi <3#my gifs
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jounosparticles · 3 months
I feel like if jouno ever grew a mustache accidentally (got so busy he just forgot to shave/take care of himself) teruko would joke that he looks like a koi fish and he would never forget to shave again
HELPPPP YOURE RIGHT. teruko keeps everyone in line because seriously kids are so blunt sometimes. jouno koi fish won’t leave my mind im crying now . my man has shaved daily since
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constantvariations · 5 months
Okay so, I like that Professor Rumpel is both Rumpelstiltskin and the miller's daughter-turned-queen, and that her weapon invokes the spindlewheel from the tale, but the guessing of the name is so utterly lazy that I could chew glass
Spoilers for Before the Dawn btw
It literally comes out of nowhere. There is no buildup to the mystery of Professor Rumpel's name; she just randomly says at the start of the fight that if Fox, Neptune, or Yatsuhashi can guess her name that she'll let them go chase the Crown
It would have been so easy, too! Just have it be Rumpel's game whenever the students want something. Late to class and don't want extra homework as punishment? Guess her name and you're free. Got caught getting handsy in an inconvenient spot? Guess her name and she'll let you off with a warning. Hell, have some of the staff lean into it for comedy and comradery
This would naturally set up why Rumpel would offer an easy out to the fight and establish how steep a demand that is for our heroes. If no one's guessed her name in the many years she's been at Shade, what hope do they have of figuring it out in the next five minutes?
But, no. We get zero setup and the payoff doesn't even land! They guess her name and Rumpel attacks Neptune anyway. Right in front of the whole school, including Headmaster Theodore! In what world does that make sense? I get that she's desperate, but it feels contrived so Yastuhashi can do his thing and accidentally break the mind control
These books honestly read like a first draft of a story that really could've been something if more time and attention had been given. Rwby in a nutshell, eh?
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aphverse-confessions · 10 months
Something that's always bothered me about Mystreet (and especially the later seasons once we start focusing on werewolves and their lore and stuff) was how the racism aspect was handled.
I think on paper the werewolf racism wasn't necessarily a,, bad idea to include this since it's a very real topic and this could have been a good instance of explaining this kind of thing through metaphor/allegory (although whether its inclusion was a good thing is also up for interpretation imo. Personally I think you could include it but you would need to be extremely conscientious and knowledgeable through research about how to tackle this in a realistic and respectful manner). I just feel it's so weird that werewolves are the only ones who seem to get hit with the racism button and no one else does?? Meif'wa don't, witches don't, demons don't (at least in Mystreet) so why is it only the werewolves? (oh hey Jess' not so blatant werewolf fetish what are you doing here?)
And what constitutes actual racism in this universe? Are there slurs? It seems to be implied a few times when werewolves get upset being called 'dogs' or anything similar. And I think 'furry' could be read as one too? And it seems like 'cat' could also be one for meif'wa (although that was mostly a thing from a Halloween special mini series that was a zombie movie parody with magic cats so idk how canon it is). But meif'wa aren't considered as much of an issue as werewolves in-universe which,, okay??? Why?? Surely there's a stereotype about them scratching stuff up all the time?? If there are stereotypes about werewolves shouldn't there be some for meif'wa? And Zianna, when meeting KC, says that she's heard meif'wa are "so easy going". Couldn't that be considered a micro-aggression in some contexts? But no one says anything about it? It was so weird. Also I'm pretty sure Zane called KC "kitty" once or twice which again,, wouldn't that also be considered a micro-aggression??? I feel like I'm going insane
Like there's so many instances of Aphmau using terms or doing things which other werewolves find offensive (like calling Aaron alpha which,, I'm not touching that with a 39 1/2 ft pole) but meif'wa being called kitty or other variants are fine?? This also isn't helped by the fact that the meif'wa literally have no culture or lore development whatsoever.
Also the fact that race fetishes exist in Mystreet is,, a very fucked up choice. Why was this decidedly a thing for Sylvanna?? It's so weird and uncomfortable and she does this IN FRONT OF HER HUMAN BOYFRIEND ERIC. It felt so distasteful and just should've been excluded entirely.
Also none of this is helped by the ACTUAL racism present in Jess writing (especially with KC bc holy shit she was a hot mess) and other stuff which I honestly can't name off the top of my head but it sure exists :/
TLDR: why was racism included in this Minecraft roleplay YouTube series to begin with it's weird as fuck
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bookishdaze · 7 months
I don't think we'll get mutants anytime soon, BUT if we do get them eventually....
The mutants worshipped the atomic bomb. And correct me if I'm wrong, it has been a fat minute, but the mutants venerated and respected the atomic bomb because its radiation from nuclear fallout made them what they are, right?
What if this time around, we get a weird cult or group of people whose religion is based on the worship of the simian flu? Because the virus mutated them and made them what they are?
I know there have been other scifi stories that did something like this, particularly in zombie apocalypse stories. I just can't think of some examples right now....
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