#they just need each other (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Link Click S2 EP3 spoilers
Ok so Shiguang softly touching hands (Lu Guang gently resting his on top of Cheng Xiaoshi's, Cheng Xiaoshi lifting his palm to support the weight) was so painfully soft, BUT what also got me was their conversation before hand.
Cheng Xiaoshi's just returned from Chen Bin's funeral (that whole scene was so sad omg😭) and he looks so tired and defeated — he practically slumps into the chair. Lu Guang doesn't say anything, just quietly supportive. And then Cheng Xiaoshi just has to say that he wants to help Chen Bin and his wife (wait, does she have a name? I can't remember), with such a pained expression and Lu Guang knows what he wants to do. Like, their relationship has developed in such a short time that Cheng Xiaoshi trusts that Lu Guang will allow him to use his powers, and Lu Guang trusts Cheng Xiaoshi to not try to change anything but provide comfort through the words Chen Bin's wife needs to hear.
They have a better understanding of each other's perspectives and have found a balance. And while the prolonged contact rather than their usual clapping could be a comfort thing (especially since we know Cheng Xiaoshi can dive by himself) and/or to minimise movement onu Guang's part, the gesture seems to convey: I am here and I trust you.
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acorviart · 3 months
Europe VAT laws not changing any time soon, recent. If understand FAQ well, mean shipping to Europe impossible for several years minimum?
That's correct, I won't be shipping to the EU for the foreseeable future due to some import packaging regulations that either have already been implemented or are planning to be implemented in the future.
Note that this is for EU countries only—I can ship to all other non-EU countries like Switzerland, except for the UK due to the UK's own convoluted VAT system.
The only workaround I can offer for EU folks is that you can have a friend or family that lives in a non-EU country place an order to deliver to their address, and then they are able to ship that order to you marked as a gift. Not an option for everyone, I know.
Longer explanation under the readmore for those curious:
As it stands now, each EU country has its own system and fees that I can't keep up with (for example, France would cost me 80 euros per year), I'd need to individually register and report to each country, some require reporting and tracking of what sources of packaging I use, I believe? It's all very complicated, and it makes my head spin just trying to figure out what the requirements actually are, so that's why I stopped shipping to the EU entirely out of an abundance of caution. I also just don't get enough sales to the EU to justify the headache, I'd probably actually lose money paying all the fees. Actually, while I was looking up details while writing this post, apparently there's a new PPWR that's going to replace the old EU Packaging Directive? This is why I can't handle this (ಥ﹏ಥ)
As for why this doesn't seem to be affecting all companies—corporations can obviously afford their own professionals whose entire job is to handle this stuff, and the requirements are also different for large vs small volumes. Meanwhile, a lot of other small or 1-person businesses straight up don't know about these requirements, because it's not like there's a memo passed around about updates to international shipping law. It's also even more confusing because some packages are slipping by without any issue, probably in part due to how the regulations are still new and still being implemented, so I assume it's kind of a mess.
I know of a few people who are willingly taking the risk and shipping to the EU anyway and have had no consequences (for now at least), but I'm not risking the fines ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now for the UK, their VAT system doesn't have anything to do with packaging, but what it does require is similar registration with the government, and I'm required to collect and pay the VAT myself. No thanks!
TLDR; laws hard. laws also expensive. too stupid to figure out and too fearful of fines. no ship to countries
fun story: someone also once emailed me this long diatribe about how they think I'm shit at research and that I'm just making all this up (specifically just to screw with europeans or something, I guess?), so I sent them a few links to the literal official government websites where I got my info (like that UK one), and they never responded. lol
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rafyki · 4 months
[Percico fanfic]
Some fluffy domestic canon Percico for the soul! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Oh how I love writing them being all fluffy and i love!! It's what they deserves (ಥ﹏ಥ)
You can read it on AO3 too, if you want!
Nico woke up feeling strange. Even before opening his eyes, he reached out with his hand to pat the space on the bed beside him; it was warm but empty and, together with the muffled noises coming from the kitchen, it left Nico smiling into the pillow.
Strange, but not in a bad way - just in the way that made his heart feel so full he almost didn't know what to do with it. Strange in the way that it seemed that every sound and every scent around him made it so heavy Nico didn't even know how he could feel so much and still feel good about it. More than good.
Strange in the way that made him feel that everything he had lived up to that point in his life had definitely been worth it.
He got up, rubbed his eyes, and went to the kitchen without even bothering to put his slippers on. Percy would probably hear him approach anyway.
The sleepy smile on his face only grew bigger as he leaned against the door's frame and let himself busk into the image before his eyes. It wasn't new, hadn't been for almost a year now, and yet it still left Nico questioning for a second if he was still dreaming. 
Domestic, strange. Beautifully familiar.
Percy was at the counter, humming a tune under his breath as he made breakfast for both of them. The coffees were already almost done, and Nico knew he would have brought them to bed for him in just a few minutes.
The morning sunlight coming from the window bathed everything in a blurry glaze, like the scene could disappear if Nico as much as raised his fingers to try and touch it. 
Strange. Strange that Nico didn't feel like it really would disappear under his eyes. Strange that it felt like Nico could trust it to stay there, that he would wake up again and again to this same picture.
His heart didn't have enough space anymore in his ribcage.
Percy must have heard him, yet he didn't turn around yet, focused on finishing his task of making the perfect coffee (Nico loved the special attention, knew that Percy did his best to make the perfect coffee for him every morning).
Before Percy could turn around to greet him, Nico moved and went to him, wrapping his arms around his middle from behind.
Percy used to smell like the sea, always like he had just come out of the ocean; and he still did, but not in the same way. There was the sea, and tangled with it was the faint scent that Nico associated with the Underworld. Earthly and strong, almost the complete opposite of the sea. 
Nico knew their home smelled like that, knew he himself did.
He buried his face in the back of Percy's neck, hugged him tighter as he breathed him in.
“'morning, sleepyhead”, Percy greeted him.
Nico could hear the beautiful soft smile in his voice. A hand came to hold his, warm and big. Their fingers intertwined naturally.
He tried to mumble a ‘good morning' back against Percy's neck, letting him feel the smile against the skin. He left a kiss there, and Percy raised their joined hands to leave a kiss on Nico's skin in response.
“Slept well?”
Nico hummed in reply.
“I made you coffee”, Percy said. “Just the way you like it”.
Nico hugged him tighter in thanks, kissed his neck again.
Percy was always more talkative than him in the morning; Nico needed a while to get used to the world and find his voice and words again. Percy knew that, and so he talked, soft and pleasant to Nico's ears, gently coaxing him awake with idle chat, not expecting a reply in the form of spoken words. 
They moved around each other with easy familiarity, fitting together in a way that years ago neither of them would have ever thought possible.
Percy turned around in the embrace, one of his hand resting on Nico's hips, the other finding its place against Nico's neck, thumb stroking his cheek. Nico leaned into the touch like it was second nature to him. Their eyes met, and once again Nico thought strange. Amazingly and beautifully strange that he could look into those eyes and see his own love perfectly mirrored in them, that he could see that look first thing in the morning and drown himself in the beauty of the life they had built.
He leaned in, touching his nose to Percy's, then moved to leave a kiss on his cheek, once, then again, then on the corner of his lips, where he could feel Percy's smile. 
Morning kisses were something special to Nico. There was something different in the way their lips met in the morning - maybe it was the laziness of it, the way he was still drowsy with sleep and Percy kissed him slow and soft to wake him up; maybe it was the simple fact that he could start his day like that, by kissing the man that he loved and that incredibly loved him back just as much. Maybe it was the intimacy, the scent of their home around them, and the fact that that moment was only theirs.
They stayed like that, arms around each other, kissing and kissing for so long the coffees had probably gone cold. 
Slow and lazy, not the kind of kisses that led to something more - just lips meeting over and over again, smiling against each other. 
Another kiss, this time on the tip of Nico's nose, and then another, on his forehead.
“Coffees are going to get cold”, Percy said.
Once, when they had first started this, every time he had to move away from Percy felt like a cold shower, like it would be the last time; once, he would cling to every touch and every moment like they were stolen, like he would blink and lose it all. It had taken some time for him to realize and accept that he could let go without worrying, that they would come back to each other every time. 
Now, he sat on the counter with his barely warm coffee in his hands, and he smiled. Percy was leaning on the counter right next to him, arm pressed against Nico's knees.
It was nice and quiet, an unhurried morning when they could just let themselves be.
“What are you thinking about?”
Nico smiled. Of course Percy would notice his strange mood without needing him to say anything.
He took a sip of his coffee, thought about it for a moment.
“Tell me something?”
It was a game they played, sometimes. 
Tell me something I don't know yet.
There were years of history between them, and not all of them good. Misunderstandings and failed communication had tainted their relationship for a long time and both of them had had their issues and traumas that had held them back for way too long. In a way, it didn't matter anymore - both of them had learned to leave them in the past, to not let them haunt what they had now, what they had worked so hard to build. 
It mattered because it was a part of them, but they had learned the hard way that they could let themselves work slowly through all of that, only when they felt like reopening old wounds, but focusing on the now and here.
So they did this. Tell me something I don't know yet.
Something about their pained history, something about themselves, something that they hadn't had the chance or the courage to share yet. Just one piece at a time.
Now, feeling the warmth of the morning sunlight on his skin, the weight of Percy next to him, and the press of his kisses still on his lips, Nico thought that he could bear to know anything, to share anything. He would still wake up the next morning, and find Percy there, making coffee and ready to kiss him good morning.
Percy smiled, and thought about it for a few minutes.
“The Prophecy- the first one, I mean”, he started, eyes fixed on the wall before them. Nico looked at him, patiently. “It could have been about either of us, you know it. But after you left Camp, I decided I wouldn't let it be about you, that it had to be on me”.
Nico put his cup on the counter, reached out to take Percy's hand in his. 
Strange, that the confession didn't make him mad, that he didn't feel the need of blaming himself for never knowing, for letting it happen.
“Why?”, he just asked, even though he could easily imagine the answer.
Strange, that when Percy turned to look at him, he was still smiling.
“You were just a kid”.
“So were you”.
Without letting go of his hand, Percy moved to stand in between Nico's legs.
“I know”, he said. “But I didn't want you to suffer more than you already had. It didn't feel right”.
Nico loved him so much. Had loved him for so long it was almost incredible that that love was still growing - every day, every moment. 
Wrapping his arms around Percy's shoulders, he kissed him. Percy tasted like sweet coffee on his tongue, like shared truths and confessions. 
They parted but didn't move away from each other, noses still touching and lips still brushing together, breathing the same hair. 
One of Percy's hands was in Nico's hair now; it had gotten longer lately, and sometimes he thought about cutting it shorter, but Percy seemed to like running his fingers through it. It felt nice, Nico liked the feeling.
Strange, again, that their life had become so intertwined even in the smallest things.
“Your turn?”, Percy asked, gently.
It was a game of give and take, theirs, but only if they wanted. It was easy, they met each other halfway.
“When I left Camp, that summer- when Bianca died”, Nico started. He didn't like thinking about that time - as far away in time as it was, it still felt dark and sometimes way too close. Still, today he felt like he could bear to share everything, like he could take his soul piece by piece and put it into Percy’s gentle hands. “I spent most of my time in the Underworld, you know, but- I knew you were looking for me. Sometimes- often, I came looking for you”.
He stopped to let himself look into Percy's eyes, smiled at the surprise painted in them.
“You did?”
Nico nodded.
“I thought you hated me”.
“I thought so too - maybe I did, in a way”, he said. “But I still couldn’t stop myself from wanting to see you”.
Percy’s smile was easy and just a little sad. “I never noticed”, he said.
Nico leaned in for a kiss, soft and chaste. “I didn’t want you to know”.
For the longest time, that had been a constant between them; whenever they were looking, the other was looking away. Always looking, always caring, and always missing each other., never realizing. They had been out of each other’s reach for so long.
Now, they had their arms around each other, always looking, always meeting halfway.
“Do you think it’s strange?”, Nico asked after a few moments of easy silence. “That we’ve been able to come this far?”
Percy rested his head on Nico’s shoulder as he pondered the question. The weight of his body against Nico was familiar and comfortable. Nico wrapped his legs around his waist to bring him closer.
“I don’t”, Percy said in the end. “We worked hard to build this”.
Nico felt a kiss on his neck, shivering at the feather touch.
“We earned it”, Percy added, decisive. This time, he bit lightly on Nico’s skin. 
He was right, they really did. 
Nico loved him so much.
They kissed again, lips melting against each other, fitting together in the most perfect way. Nico could get lost in the feeling, wouldn’t want to find a way out of the labyrinth that was the feeling of Percy’s lips, Percy’s taste, Percy’s body against his, Percy’s touch. 
“Do you think it’s strange that I want to spend the rest of the day just kissing you?”, Percy murmured against his lips, smiling into the kiss.
Nico laughed. 
He shook his head lightly. “Hm, I think that's perfectly normal”.
Percy's soft laugh joined his, and kissed him again.
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vladdyissues · 4 days
your blig, your fic, your takes on pompous pep are just *chef kiss*. I was never into the pairing but reading your takes on it, well, they all make sense. Vlad's desire to be desired and lived amd seen as a first choice, just wow! Daniel's need to be of service,his acts of service but it stemming from neglect. Like seriously he and Vlad were neglected by the people they care for. Whew! I just want these two to have that tender love and affection for each other 🥹
Same, anon, same ಥ﹏ಥ
I'm probably not adding any new insights to this venerable ship, but I'm so happy you found this blog and decided to hop aboard the SS Pompep. There's so much about these two that the show writers either a) hinted at but neglected to explore, or b) didn't elaborate enough to satisfy the fans' needs. The romantic angle appeals to me especially 'cause I'm a sucker for that enemies-to-lovers trope, but I love Vlad and Danny's relationship even if it's totally platonic. I mean, Pompous Pep or Badger Cereal, it's all good and I want more of it ლ(ಥ益ಥლ)
I guess we should all be thankful that the show gave us such a great premise with so much potential and yet left enough gaps that we could fill them with our fanfiction and fanart
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👆 (Vlad's doing his part)
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clearcloudlesssky · 1 year
BONJOUR (i really need to stop opening all my asks with this line there is not a singular french bone in my body)
you seem like a cool and intellectual person (everything i aspire to be fr)! and you speak mandarin like me (事实说,我的华文很糟糕...我的母语怎么说到那么差哎呀呀)! and you're friends with all my friends (i'm like a human detector device i see new person on my friends' blogs i stalk their page and follow them ehehehhj)
like we have to be besties at this point/j
my question: gush over your favourite book?? like GUSH IDC IF I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT I WILL LISTEN TO EVERY DETAIL
NEE HOW 没关系---其实我的中文也很糟糕 (ಥ﹏ಥ))
thank you so much for the ask!! i'm VERY new to interacting on tumblr so this is like really really really cool to me lmao
also PLEASE i am not a intellectual or a cool person do not aspire to be like me you don't know what i did last year under the blood red full moon of october 27th at 3:27pm
generally speaking my favorite books are the ones i'm reading/have just read, so right now they'd prob be perfume as you who have stalked my blog may be able to tell and probably coriolanus which i am rereading rn @bassguitarinablackt-shirt i told you about coriolanus last year sobs
i was forced to read perfume by a friend of mine -- she's a sucker for these totally reprehensible, incorrigible characters, and she'd been ranting abt perfume for aaaages. and it sounded kinda perverse but at the same time really interesting so i read it and it was actually really good...
ok and just in case this monstrosity below convinces anyone to read perfume, there's a few warnings in hand
perfume is a decently dark book, there's like 26 total murders, and the ending is...interesting. the author has a talent for creating unique, immersive descriptions but like maybe 20-30% of the time these descriptions lean towards eroticism so if you don't like that pls be warned?
if you've ever seen food wars think that but with really really good smells
ok now to start
i think that perfume is really cool because it's one of those where there's exactly one, very very clear theme - others may crop up but this feels super central, and that theme would probably be human greed, and the tendencies of humans to destroy that which they most love. it dives into total obsession and the idea of wanting to possess something so much, so badly that you destroy it in that greed, and the poster boy for this idea is the main character of the book, jean-baptiste grenouille, who murders those with scents he desperately wants to possess
the entire book is very unique in that it focuses itself around one sense - smell, and this creates a lot of really cool descriptions and a pov that you've probably never thought of before.
the mc himself is also a really interesting character - he's totally dominated by this sense, he's like a dog but ten times more sensitive to smell. he doesn't care about other human beings at all, he doesn't care about physical pain, or visually beautiful things, he only cares about the smells around him. he has a urge to possess all of them, to learn how to create them and collect them. i've spoken about his inhumanness and other stuff before so i won't go into that (this is long sobs i haven't even spoken abt coriolanus)
ok what's below is a weirder interpretation..
one of the ideas that popped out to me when i was reading is that the author uses individual scents as an analogy for a soul. everything in grenonuille's world has a scent. it is what defines them. it is what makes them them in his worldview, and for him to lack a scent means that he lacks a soul, and this only further emphasizes his inhumanity. he's terrified when he realizes this, and his lack of a smell is what actually pushes other humans away from him
by attempting to create a sort of "ultimate perfume" for himself, he seeks to give himself a soul, a sense of being, but he's left full of hatred and fear once he realizes that people don't care for him, the soulless, scentless grenouille, but the scent he created. they aren't attracted to him as a person, they're attracted to his ultimate perfume, and their sheer olfactory gullibility disgusts him. i can elaborate but that means spoiling the rest of the book and i don't wanna do that TwT
this leaves no room for coriolanus but let it be said this is a goofy ass book (i love it but still) generally shakespeare is a bit dry? for me and i don't take a lot of enjoyment out of it but i had fun reading coriolanus
the main idea of coriolanus is a general, a military hero who enters the cutthroat world of roman politics, and is absolutely destroyed. his bluntness, refusal to compromise, and above all pride makes him psychologically ill-suited to become a politician, generally i feel that a lot of traits that made him an excellent general turn on him once he becomes a consul (think president).
he has an absolutely wack relationship with his mom, who i feel is like the roman equivalent of that one parent who's basically living through their child. from the start to the end, she's the one pulling his strings. she's the one who pushed him to military success, she's the primary one who pushed him to become consul, and it's her who's able to convince him to spare Rome when he finally leaves to seek revenge. and when she returns to rome? it's her who gets the glory, it's her who's hailed as rome's savior, while coriolanus himself is brutally murdered at the end of the book.
to me, she comes across as someone who's hyper-ambitious, and perhaps as a woman in ancient rome, she wasn't able to move anywhere with those ambitions, so she pushed them onto her son instead. she speaks of blood and swords and death, and is prideful that her son was sent into battle at a young age.
honestly their relationship is one of my favorites from this play, and the only scene that i enjoy more than the death scene is uh coriolanus's arch nemesis speaking about him..
"Twelve several times, and I have nightly since Dreamt of encounters 'twixt thyself and me; We have been down together in my sleep, Unbuckling helms, fisting each other's throat; And waked half dead with nothing"
And there's also this
"Than thee, all noble Marcius. Let me twine Mine arms about that body, where against My grained ash an hundred times hath broke, And scarr'd the moon with splinters: here I clip The anvil of my sword, and do contest As hotly and as nobly with thy love As ever in ambitious strength I did Contend against thy valour. Know thou first, I loved the maid I married; never man Sigh'd truer breath; but that I see thee here, Thou noble thing! more dances my rapt heart"
yep additional note coriolanus's full name is gaius marcius coriolanus
they're a little bit silly aufidius totally isn't the one assassinating him at the end nope
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ode2rin · 1 year
us again 🙁🙁🙁🙁 it was actually so good i’m so glad you decided to pick it up again THANK YOU FOR SHARING TJAT WITH US DONT EVER LEAVE PLSKDJFB
Anyway i will send a long ask about quotes i liked because i need to express my awe and support and compliment U because omg. what.
After all, everything here in this town is about you and him. 
i like how you decided to set it in a town instead of just saying smth like city or whatever, because i find it more like … romantic? and YES the way we rot in his memories he’s never getting rid of us we are his childhood and literally 19 years of his life t-t THE OTHER HALF OF HIS HEART (like u said).
And deep down, he didn’t want to believe it either – until that day you decided not to show up when you promised you would.
OUCH. the paragraphs before this one too i love the way you portrayed his coping to himself and how much of an effect we had on him 😭😭 at first i was like wrf i can’t believe we ghosted him like that but after reading the letter i would definitely do the exact same thing i’m ngl 😭😭
A thousand emotions danced in his eyes, each one a testament to the love that once blossomed between you.
i love it when they can’t ever forget about us. the use of the word blossom makes it seem like such a temporary thing and it just screams highschool romance because flowers don’t blossom often (like what… once a year or smth???) and that’s like saying our love blossomed and was peak in the past and idk what i’m saying but i hope yk what i’m saying and i hope i’m not misinterpreting ur work LOL but i just had to sauce this one in here too
In this universe, you're just some two ghosts standing in the place of you and him, haunted by the memories of what once was while trying to remember what it feels to have a heartbeat.
while you share a kiss as greedy and fiery as the sea’s yearning for the moon.
the sea’s yearning for the moon that’s all.
I would’ve traded all my tomorrows for just one yesterday with you.
now this is genius. traded the tomorrows aka trading your entire future and dream and careers just for one moment in your fleeting highschool teenage romance with sae that was left in the past ……. 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
so yeah. i love your writing lots and i’m glad we’re moots<3 thank you mimi!!!!! and thanks for listening to my little rant tehe
yumi. YUMI. i would really really really love to hug you right now like this INSTANT (ಥ﹏ಥ)
the fact that you even took the time to go over the whole fic (ik it's a lot bit ._.) is enough to make me go ➡️ o(〒﹏〒)o btw i can't even start to articulate better word to tell you how thankful i am. YOU CAN HAVE A HUNDRED MANGOES FROM ME PLEASE 🥭
let me go over your fave quotes (that made my heart go swell btw wdym i have quotes now) AAAAAAA
➼ the small town !! let me telle you something, i actually love small town romance like a not so normal amount, it's prolly included in my top 5 tropes pls. i just love it when the other leaves and the other stays and by fate, they just meet again to rekindle what was once their shared memories. childhood friends to lovers is nice but if it's small town? NOM NOM I LOVE IT i've always wanted to try writing it and who's a better choice to try than our mr. i went to spain right here (even if it's not fullblown focus on that trope..)
➼ THE LETTER AHSJKAJSHAJ ngl, i would also do the same thing .. i just think sae is the kind to hold grudges lmao he definitely held MASSIVE hatred for not showing up
➼ i like using the word blossom in describing past love sometimes because (1) i love flowers, (2) it's a one time thing aka seasonal and it fits characs that yknow will fall in love once or twice in their whole life and that's it, (3) and lastly, it's temporary and it passes like time.. I LOVE YOU YUMI YOU REALLY GET ME I'M GIVING YOU SMOOCHES RN
➼ two ghost is actually a song !! i love that song so much (rumor has it that it's about taylor swift since she's harry's ex 👀) i've been listening to it and got inspired by the lyrics <3
➼ there's this children bed time story my friend told me abt that the reason why there are high tides is bec of a prince imprisoned in the sea and the moon was actually a goddess that he got punished for loving? and everytime the tide is high it means he's trying to reach for the goddess I CAN'T REMEMBER BUT THAT WAS THE STORY BEHIND IT and i decided to use it bec damn that story is the definition of yearning come on..
➼ now that line.. i was making pancakes when i thought of that oh my god and i reached out to the nearest paper i could find bec what if it leaves my mind 😭 ngl i love love love that :(
it's ME who should be glad 🫂 i'm glad i wrote make you mine bec it led u to MEEEEEEEE (iirc we became moots bec of it :>)
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Spoiler for my stories
Note: Sea for the fairy tale au Kohaku
Mad hatter stared at the Mick and proper Sea, who tried to pour a tea properly in the cup without spilling like he thought him to do.
Mad Hatter: well, you did good.
Sea: (¬ ¬;)...
Sea don't comment anything, scared to say anything to the scary version of himself. He seen things.
Mad Hatter: (◕દ◕) cheer up. I won't torment you anymore, since you don't have info where those two went. Beside if I torment you it's like tormenting my own self. (´・ᴗ・ ` )
Mad Hatter chuckle at the face the other is giving him through his already use to the silence the other have. Technically his not of the speaker person from the batch of pink kkomas.
Sea, point at a direction and signal about something that been happening for a two days now: (˘・_・˘)???
Mad Hatter who knows what he meant as he knows what's going on his mansion just chuckle and sigh
Mad Hatter: well, we don't want to ruined their fun, don't we? (ㆁωㆁ) Anyway. Have some of the tea, it's good for nervousness. Besides I think others will join us soon--
As he said that, he heard someone march from the front door and and the door to the living room slam open, showing a very well prepared doll who's ready for war with bunch of weapon he have.
Doll: listen up, you tentacle bastard give me back my friends or I'll Barbeque you--
Mad Hatter who's clearly not harmed: ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ friends huh
Reaper, who's drinking the tea causally in the side: ooh doll, welcome! (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Reaper: we don't really said you need to--
Doll, throw a punch to reaper out of embarrassment: s-shut up!!! Y-YOU BASTARD!!!
doll chase reaper around with embarrassed face, not wanting to be tease at all.
Sea point at doll: σ( ̄、 ̄〃)???
Mad Hatter: (◕દ◕)hmm... Charming child isn't he? I do mean his personality since technically we all share the same face. Kokoko. I'm not into selfcest after all. (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎) anyway, doll is a good friend. I think you and him will get along very well.
Sea tilt his head in confusion: (・_・ヾ??
Mad Hatter, sips tea: (─‿‿─) yes, sea???
Sea point at doll who's behind mad hatter: (c" ತ,_ತ)
Doll, who's now putting mad hatter in a choke hold: YOU BASTARD, WHERE IS BEE?!
Mad Hatter: ackk... ?! Oh doll! Why am I being choke by you???! (ಥ﹏ಥ) I plead fifth!!!
sea: ( ̄  ̄|||)
Sea pulled doll sleeve and point upstairs: 'their upstairs... '
He telepathically told Doll before Mad Hatter can stop the darling doll, he went upstairs, knocking open all each door he sees.
Mad Hatter who sigh as he sip on his tea and waited for something, stared at Sea who's about to pick his teacup: ( ̄︿ ̄) I will smack your hand with a stick if you don't held you tea cup right.
Sea pause and look at him: →_→
He move away from mad hatter and beside reaper and drink his teacup in a way where he held the cup not from the handle but from the mouth of the cup like a caveman.
Mad Hatter: ( ╹▽╹ )
Mad Hatter: I told you---
His words come a stop when a loud scream erupted from upstairs.
WTF (●__●)
That day, Doll almost burn Mad hatter in embarrassment from his witness with his bare eyes and that little shit don't tell him In advance as a warning too!!
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tempestforged · 1 year
grabby hands with a (ಥ﹏ಥ) face being made .. she had a bad day .
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-> Amber eyes raise over the top of the book LOOSELY held in his hands, CURSING Cocolia for failing to even make an attempt to see the GIRL before him as anything more than a weak to stop the eternal freeze before snapping it shut and shifting further down the SOFA, inviting her without speaking to curl into HIS side.
they'd discovered this ROUTINE before, a way for her to find COMFORT within his presence without needing to speak or ASK for anything in the process, just content to find comfort and solace in each other's PRESENCE, Himeko had called him a papa bear before, on the rare occasion she stumbled across him soundly asleep with Seele and Bronya tucked in protectively.
"Go to sleep BRONYA"
You are safe
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queenbumbles21 · 2 years
When TBHK get jealous of Tsukasa for his s/0!?
Warning: long headcanons, grammar errors, not proof read
Characters: Hanako-kun / Kou Minamoto/Mitsuba Sousuke, Hyuugo Natsuhiko
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• yes he will shamefully admit it..
• that he was indeed!!!
• jealous of his younger brother….
• for hitting the jack-pot…
• how the hell?!
• did the little bratty bother!!!!
•he get such a fine looking woman!!???
• your too beautiful and innocent
• kind and thoughtful
• literally an angel
• Tsukasa…
• and you choice Tsukasa…
• (ಥ﹏ಥ)
• he had to keep his affection towards you a secret
• who knows what his brother will do if he found out about it…
• And so that’s what he did!
• he kept his feelings secret!!
• yeah this is easy!!
• He’ll just show his affection in other ways
• like holding your hand!..
• teasing you! ^^
• and maybe even-
• just a little bit of perverted touches 👀…
• those times were very much enjoyable d:
• that was until the dame Mokke found out..
•about his feelings towards you..
• crap…
• they told on him…
•why those little! >:o
• they obviously told Tsukasa about the whole situation,
• Tsukasa even visited his bothers bathroom!
• Too see if it was true,
• of course he believed it!!
• Why wouldn’t he believe the Mokke
• Tsukasa knows he has a stunning s/o!
• your eyes shines brighter then the sun and your hair is softer then Silk
• so yeah he believed it :D
• anyways!! 
• he confronted his older brother about it
• Hanako was very nervous...
• he looked down in shame…
• “Tsukasa, look I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have even so much as took a glance at your s/o direction but I just-
• “wanna share (Yn) then?” :)
• “couldn’t help myse- I’m sorry wat? (⚆ᗝ⚆)”
• and that is how they were in a agreement to share you (^º◡º^✥)
• Hanako’s s/o at Day ☀️
• Tsukasa s/o at night 🌙
• at first it was a bit odd
• but you all got used to it eventually
•Day time: with Hanako was very nice (❁´◡`❁) and relaxing, he was gentle, sweet and yes a bit perverted but still sweet, your hands running through his hair after a long day and sweet little kisses by the window, lovely~ he’d even give you the same treatment while he buried his face in your neck or hair, sweet neck kisses were the best! :D, hair too! :>
• Night time: with Tsukasa was pleasant, cuddles next to each other gazing at one another with love in your eyes was amazing, he’d caress your face admiring you, with butterflies kisses and even a ehm… make out session here and there. lip nibbles, ear bits, running his fingers through your hair, whispers of sweet nothings, never thought he be a romantic 😳
• you did like hanako very much actually early before dating Tsukasa...
• but you felt like your were cheating and felt bad :(
•until they both confessed and shared there idea of sharing you
• you thought It was a great idea (❁´◡`❁)
• now you don’t have to feel like a complete ass-hole
•For falling in love with Hanako!!
•Even though you liked hanako from the very start :D
• “…. Wat… :D you liked my bother this whole time while dating and loving me…”
• “😔👉👈 I’m sorry…”
• “it’s okay baby! I forgive you!”
• “really??!!( ^ ºoº )”
• “of course! ^^”
• “yay!”
• “but you need a little punishment, for being a naughty and looking at one’s older bother romantically :)”
• “…what kind of punishment…?”
• T^T
• Good luck 🍀 ^^
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Kou Minamoto • Mitsuba Sousuke • Hyuuga Natsuhiko
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2ynjns · 3 years
enhypen with a cute and small s/o headcanon
pairings: ot7 x gn!reader
word count:
notes: fluff!
request states “enha reaction to a short and cute s/o please thank you"
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this boy is tall and we all know that
so comparing to u he could come off as a giant
he also gives off domestic vibes
a whole boyfriend material
he doesn’t really give off clingy vibes but with you it’s different
he would protect you at all cost
but it’s not obvious
he would watch you from afar while you do something by yourself but as soon as he sees you struggle he would immediately help you
"i got it i got it"
he doesn’t baby you in public but he babies you SOOO much when you’re alone
he teases you yet he’s so sweet about it at the same time
would call you cute names like “little one” or “little kitten” because you remind him of a small cat
oh my goodness
he would baby you every single time it actually gets tiring
you’re so small comparing to him his favorite thing he always does is carrying you
either like a baby or giving you piggy back rides
he teases you because when you sit on the chair, your feet doesn’t reach the floor
would always compare his height from yours
then you’d get pissed
"jay shut up" 👊
like damn he didn’t need to slap it on you that you're short af tf
besides that tho he loves cuddling with you because you’re like a little doll
although you're adorably cute you two always fight and wrestles
and though you're smol you'd always win
and you're convinced that he purposely lets you win bc he's strong af but bc you're his someone ofc he's gonna give you the W
the sweetest boy EVER??
he doesn't tease you about your height!!
mainly because he doesn't want you to get insecure or he doesn't want you to feel bad about your height
he would look at you with so much sparkles in his eyes
like that "omg you're so heckin adorably smol" typa in love look
just like other bfs out there, he would help you reach high stuff
and he's not gonna be a jerk about it
he is genuinely sooo nice
giggles at every single little adorable thing you do
one time you sneezed, tho no matter if it was an ugly sneeze or a cite sneeze,,, he giggles so much
its kinda concerning
"hehehee you're so cute"
"i'm literally having terrible allergies and you're calling that cute??"
but whatever right thats okay
as long as you make him happy,
you'd sneeze from allergies from him i guess 🙄
like jake, he would look at you with heart eyes
but he wouldn't make it too obvious like heeseung
one time you're playing on your phone sitting on the floor
and sunghoon was just watching you from the couch all smiling by himself
like little smirk/smile that he does
sunghoon simp wbk
and the way you screamed was so cute
you looked like this: ╰(‵□′)╯
then you heard sunghoon giggling so hard
then he sat on the floor with you and rubbed the back of your head
"you lost again?"
then you pout "yes >:("
he giggles again then he pulls you into a hug
"it's okay, i'll teach you"
then he pulls you it between his lap and you'd hold the phone together
is a baby himself
a whole babie couple
if you're whiny, he's even whinier
and shy af
but thats okay because you guys are the cutest couple
so many cuddle and cheek kiss exchange
a day of you hanging out with each other consists of you cuddling or doing home activities
and because you're cute like him yet tinier
imo sunoo appears to be smaller than he actually is
because we all know this boy is TALL
he's 5'10 and you're def WAY shorter than 5'10, it hurts
regardless, your height we would cling on you in every way possible
he would cling on you like a koala, or he'll cling on you like a lost child
like i said earlier, babier than you
but thats okay because his hugs and cuddles make up for it.
like jay, but worse
he could be sweet but he's definitely meaner than sweet
you'd look at him like (。•́︿•̀。)
puppy eyes
look jungwon you made your baby sad HHH hHH HH H H h h H
he's immediately apologize
"i didn't mean it !! o(TヘTo)"
you'd just sit there hugging your knees because he made you sad
then he's feel even worse
"i'm sorrryyyyy" (ಥ﹏ಥ)
you'd resort to making yourself feel better and the other members are gonna notice
"don't make y/n sad! you're a bad bf!" heeseung would tease
anyways he'd treat you out because he made you super sad
buuuTTTT he's def gonna film you eating bc,,, well you're cute
this boy is yoUNG but TALL
it doesn't matter if you're older or younger than him but he's more like a clueless bf
so he would treat you normally
yes you're short, but he's not gonna discriminate you bc of it HJSBDd
a sweet baby
"do you want to eat?" "do you need help?" "do you need to grab it? i can help you."
would tease you a *little* bit
"look, you're not even past my shoulders hehehe"
gets a crispy smack from you
your tall giant helper
"ni-ki, can you get the plate for me?" "ni-ki, can you reach the frame?" "ni-ki--"
"okay okay i got it"
would compare heights
no matter what
he will not be fazed, there's no day when he WONT compare height
"do you sleep? i heard sleep helps."
"shut up riki, just 'cause youre tall youre gonna treat me like this... AND YES I DO SLEEP"
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suhmayzooka · 2 years
brooding batdad and his slightly more emotionally intelligent robins
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"i don’t mind being a team with solo careers. in fact, i want it that way... maybe i’ll avoid what dick grayson went through—forced to leave just to find out who i am... so i don’t need to be at your side every time. just don’t freeze me out completely.”
in this issue (batman #526) alfred comments that bruce has been working alone lately, and this is in the wake of knightfall so we’re all concerned with bruce overworking himself. bruce admits he’s still grieving jason 
and is concerned tim robin is a liability on the field (bruce: “maybe i’m still affected, being too cautious, but whether the problem is tim or me, robin can be a distraction”)  because crime’s getting more dangerous and he won’t lose another robin again dammit
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turns out he knew tim was within earshot of this but since it’s so emotionally vulnerable he would rather discuss his deep feelings via facilitating tim’s eavesdropping instead of, like, talking to tim directly. of note this is like 10 issues after prodigal where the climax of that was dick and bruce's Moment
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“i didn’t have the right to call you back” “...the right? i’d die for you, bruce.” (ಥ﹏ಥ) 
“but that’s the way it always is, isn’t it? between fathers and sons.” yeah okay this is like one of my favorite scenes ever and ive only been in this fandom for a few months and my heart’s skewered IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT DC
and then two of my other fav scenes of (1) dick yelling at bruce for making jason robin only for bruce to admit that he was lonely after dick left and (2) dick yelling at bruce after jason died only to get bruce’s fist in his face. 
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(side note, yes obviously it is not good to hit your kids and i cringe whenever bruce lifts a hand to hit them but he’s very distressed and the grief the pain the angst the hurt it’s so RAW this is why people like soap operas, we want DRAMA. unless the comic’s written by one of the... less good writers... there’s narrative reason for bruce to hit his kids. i won’t get into where i stand on the “is bruce an abusive father” discourse)
back to batman 526, ofc a few pages later batman and robin defeat the bad guys and tim takes the initiative on the ride home to tell bruce his feelings
god i love this family the robins are so integral to bruce as a character and as a person, they force him into these uncomfortable Emotionally Vulnerable moments where he has to admit that he has feelings. honestly i think bruce wouldve died a few years into the job without robin but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
there’s the constant pattern of bruce acting out like this, pushing the robins away out of his own grief and fear and pain, and it’s especially explicit here with him quietly trying to keep tim away because he’s not over jason, and never will be. it’s just something i find interesting about bruce’s character—pushing people away not because he’s the cold brooding bat but because he’s scared to lose them. it's all trauma
i do appreciate tim flat out stating that he’s fine working more as a team with individual solo careers—that’s how i personally see and prefer the batfamily, rather than one group that has to be together for every case 24/7, but to each their own
anyway i have no thesis or anything, it’s like 10pm and i just finished class and wanted to vomit my bat feelings into the tumblr void
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astraesi · 3 years
Hii! May I suggest something? :]] What about Kaeya with an s/o that genuinely cares for him and he's just kinda surprised? ;; because like, I really want him to genuinely smile and it gives me so much serotonin to see him actually happy (ಥ﹏ಥ)♡ Just a bunch of fluff, basically (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
operation: save kaeya
kaeya × with a gn!reader who genuinely cares for him
warnings: he doesn't do anything in this but i like to warn people of his presence so kaeya warning
notes: hello, of course! this kind of went off course but i hope you like it nevertheless. also please excuse the lack of fluff in this - tbh i don't really consider writing fluff my forte but i tried to make it as sweet as possible haha
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-you've been in a relationship with kaeya for a while now
-things are progressing very nicely, he takes good care of you and is a very appreciative boyfriend overall
-however you've also noticed that he has tendencies to degrade himself while joking (looking at the take me out with the trash comment he shot diluc once)
-you've been wondering if it is simply joking -which is what he would say if you brought up the topic- or if there is something more sinister behind it all
-then one day you were appointed a commission in liyue, which would mean that the two of you would be apart from each other for a couple days
-you were just about to leave, already saying your goodbyes to him when you told him to stay safe and take care of himself
-he was aback to say the least, looking at you questioningly, while you just stared at him with a "what" expression
-as usual kaeya tried to play it off with saying that it was you who was going away, you should be on the lookout for danger
-for you, it confirmed the doubts you were having: he really doesn't expect me to care about him. he probably doesn't expect anyone to care about him, does he? of course, he'd never say that out loud but that doesn't mean that the signs aren't there
-so from now on, you've made it your personal mission to let kaeya know how much he is appreciated.
-you didn't want to bombard him with it all though - fearing that it would make him uncomfortable, so you took it slow, reworking his belief that he is all alone.
-you made sure to tell him that you need him, that you care for him when you saw an ounce of doubt could his features.
-you also took up some of his work at the knights of favonius: they were only trivial matters like running that errand or delivering that paper, but it was still something that eased his workload.
-basically, you tried to make your presence as comforting, safe and reassuring as possible, hoping that kaeya will find shelter in it.
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honeysidesarchived · 3 years
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⊱ a santino d'antonio / oc short-fic
pt. iv: we begin in the dark ( read on ao3 ) ( masterlist )
words: 4.9k
warnings: brief and fleeting allusions to patricide, liberal use of a very basic understanding of italian.
rating: m/t
notes: not me coming here after months of not touching the editing of this thing (ಥ﹏ಥ) i suppose i have been putting it off just because i know where it's going....we ALL know where it's going......anyway i love u guys. losing myself in editing this has been really, really nice.
i think i mentioned this early on, but i am taking some liberties with world-building around the camorra. so if you see me doing that....no u didn't.
as always you can find translations on ao3, where it’s easier to store them in a place that doesn’t get in the way. sorry tumblr!
Santino is in an exceptionally good mood the next morning. Euphemia, however, struggles to find comfort in anything.
It’s worse because Gianna calls. The second she sees her sister-in-law’s name show up on the caller ID of her phone, she thinks she’s going to puke—but Santino raises his eyebrows expectantly at her.
“Aren’t you going to pick it up?” Santino asks, flipping through some paperwork that he’s been reading, bent over the kitchen’s island counter. It’s as though he’s not just cashed in a favor with Baba Yaga to kill his own sister. For one split, brief second, Euphie can feel normal.
But she knows that’s not the case.
Hitting the green accept call button on her phone, Euphie lifts it to her ear. Her mouth feels dry. “Ciao.”
“Buongiorno, Euphemia. I hear there’s good news to celebrate!”
Her stomach wrenches. Santino, polished and perfectly postured as Michelangelo’s David, scribbles something on his notepad. She can feel the insistent beat of her heart—tap-tap, tap-tap, tap-tap, let me out—against her ribs, until it’s not a tapping anymore. It’s hammering. Pummeling the skeletal bars of its cage, demanding to be set free.
“Pardon?” Euphemia asks, even though she knows exactly what Gianna is talking about, even though the sly little smile on Santino’s face tells her everything she needs to know.
“The baby, Euphie! My future niece or nephew? Santino called and told me last night.”
“Oh,” she says. “Yes. Mi dispiace, it still doesn’t feel real. It’s still—early.”
A lot of things don’t feel real anymore. The longer Euphie stays awake, the longer she feels disconnected from her reality. Santino spent all night meticulously piecing her back together, but this morning it feels like the glue’s dissolved and she’s falling apart again. If she moves too fast, takes in too deep of breath, she will go crumbling apart again.
“We will have to have a baby shower, si? I will even come to New York. Are you doing the wedding before or after?”
Her lashes flutter. She grips the edge of the counter as her stomach lurches and twists. “Before,” she whispers.
“Before,” Euphie says again, louder this time, ignoring the way her voice cracks. “We want to get married before.”
“Good, good. I know our papa would have been most happy with that. Euphie…”
She can’t take it. It’s too much, Gianna’s kindness—they’ve never been close, not even close to close, but Gianna is not an unreasonable woman. On the contrary; she’s exceptionally reasonable (more so than even Santi), and in the week that she and Euphemia spent around each other, it felt good. It felt good to be around a family, any family, that wasn’t brimming with dysfunction. Not the kind you could see on the surface level, anyway.
“Santino has told me you don’t have a very good relationship with your mother—”
Please, Euphie thinks, feeling faint. Please don’t.
“—but I think you will be a lovely mama, Euphie. If you can bring my brother to heel, you will have no problem with a baby.”
Sick. She is going to be sick. She doesn’t care that Santino has contracted a killer to dispose of his sister—she shouldn’t care, anyway—but of course it is the purest irony that Gianna expends all of her kindness the second that the contract has been signed, sealed, and delivered.
She is hollowed out, gutted like a Halloween pumpkin, all of her insides scooped out and dumped somewhere and now she is nothing, empty and cavernous and waiting to be filled so she can feel whole again.
“Thank you,” she says, “sorella. I am sorry—” I’m sorry, I’m sorry. “—to rush off of the phone, but I feel a bit unwell.”
“Of course, I will not keep you. We will plan the baby shower, yes? In time. In bocca al lupo, Euphie.”
“Yes.” Euphie swallows. In bocca al lupo, Gianna says, and what she means is, you are one of us, now. Frantically, Euphemia searches her mind for the proper response. “Crepi il lupo.”
She ends the call and sets the phone on the counter. Santino says her name—something like concern in his voice—but she doesn’t want to look at him. Her legs carry her from the kitchen to the bedroom, to the bathroom, closing the door behind her and locking it. Euphemia slides against the door until she’s sitting, bringing her knees up to her chest and burying her face into them.
“Stellina,” Santino says, “open the door.” He does not rattle the doorknob. It would be beneath him, to try, when she ought to just do what he wants.
Euphemia closes her eyes tightly. Tap-tap, tap-tap, her heart mocks her. She is alive. She is alive, and she is carrying another life inside of her, and by this time next week Gianna will be dead.
A death is one thing. Everyone has it, their little deaths, sitting in the hollow of their jaw—hot and swollen and waiting to burst. A death is one thing. But to carry your death, and another’s, and another’s—to know that you carry the life of one inside of you, that you have the ability to stop someone else’s death from bursting viscera in their mouths—is entirely another.
“Why did you tell her?” Her voice comes out sounding like a stranger’s, breaking and hitching, grinding laboriously in her chest. “Why would you tell her?”
His voice comes through the door, muffled: “Euphie, Euphie—”
“Don’t,” she bites out viciously, “condescend to me, Santino.”
A pause. He is considering, she thinks—considering her nature, her tone, all of the careful pieces he has fitted back together in the wake of her fresh agony. He is considering, and she is thinking about how her life has become this: a series of flashes, memories, fleeting and slipping through her fingers like sand.
No, she thinks, Gianna is sand. John Wick is ruin.
After his careful consideration of his next words, Santino says, “She deserved some happiness. Before.”
Ruin arrives. Ruin does not leave.
“Our life will be so good, Euphie.” His voice is softer now, and feels closer, like maybe he’s knelt down. She can hear the shuff of his hand against the heavy wood of the door. “It will be so good, you know?”
“I know,” Euphie whispers, and she doesn’t think he hears.
“Ours, and the baby’s.”
“I know, Santi—”
“I just want to make sure,” he says.
She knows what that means.
I want to make sure you don’t have a weak stomach, is what he means to say. I want to make sure you aren’t going to squirm out of this. It’s the first time that Euphemia feels like he needs her, rather than he just wants her; the realization that maybe he thinks he couldn’t endure this alone sitting heavy over her.
“Because I know you, my Euphie, I know what you—”
“Stop,” she whispers. “Don’t, Santi.”
“I just want to make sure,” Santi says again, even though he knows; if ever there had been an idea that she would leave him—and there wasn’t, not really, not in the way that has legs—it’s gone. They’re bound together now, irrevocably. Where would she go? Would she even want to? Santino knows everything about her.
He knows about her work, and how she has lifted from the pockets of some of the most awful under the Table. He knows about her nightmares. He knows about her father, and the little death of his she held in her hand, and the way she crushed it, like dust.
He knows, and no one else does, and no one else will ever love her the way that Santino loves her—in spite, in spite, in spite.
Tap-tap. A cloud of death, following her, and new life inside of her.
She turns, reaching up in the dark of their bedroom to unlock the door. She uses the cool metal to pull herself to her feet and opens the door. Santino is standing, like maybe he knew she was going to acquiesce to him. He probably did. She is predictable, that way.
“My Euphie,” he says again, reaching up and skimming the backs of his fingers against her cheekbone. “Are you really so cross with me for telling her? I only wanted her to have something.”
“I know,” she replies. The words ring hollow. Tap-tap. A mockery of her, bringing life when death is so close at hand. “I am sorry, Santi.”
She doesn’t know why the words I’m sorry come out of her mouth, why it is that she feels compelled to apologize for his wrongdoing—and it is wrong. He should not have told her. He should not have said anything to anyone about the baby, with John Wick at their doorstep.
But if some God shakes your house, Ruin arrives. Ruin does not leave.
Two years ago, if someone had told her that she would be married to and pregnant with the child of Santonio D’Antonio, she would have laughed.
Two years ago, they’re dating, so—maybe marriage is in the cards, but Euphemia doesn’t have a great picture of what a functional and practical marriage is, and that’s the cornerstone for her. Functional. Practical. An even and proportionate business transaction between two consenting adults. But childbearing? That is not something that Euphemia ever pictured for herself.
Two years ago, Santino does sometimes bring it up, in the early days. He’ll carry her into the loft, tipsy on expensive champagne, and set her down on the kitchen island countertop with no regard for the pricey dress he’s put her in and kiss her anywhere he can reach—her mouth, her cheeks, her jaw, her neck. It doesn’t matter until she’s laughing and swatting him away. He’ll say, with all of his soft reverence, “You will be a beautiful mother, Euphie,” and that he says you will be instead of you would be is not lost on her.
She doesn’t have the heart, then, to tell him that she doesn’t think she’s cut out for motherhood. She doesn’t have the heart now, either.
Too early she discovered that all things, love included, are a zero-sum game for Santino in which the amount that he wins is directly and perfectly proportioned to what his opponent loses, or it isn’t a win at all. That is why he says things in absolutes; you will be a mother, you are perfect and all mine, Wick owes me and I will have what I am owed.
He kisses her forehead and leads her to the bed. In moments like these, all of Santi’s quick, cold cruelty is tucked away, the condescension packaged for later, and instead he just is; he’s a man that she loves, that loves her, and as he pulls her under the covers of the bed and cradles her against his chest, she might almost be able to fool herself that they’re a regular couple. Just two people, in love—laying in the bed first thing in the morning, intertwined.
“We are closer than lovers now, Euphie,” he whispers into her skin as the deep-dark of sleep begins to crawl over her; she has only just woken, and yet it permeates over her, threatens to drag her down. “You know that saying? The same sin binds us.”
The day passes in a blur and into the next. She hears nothing of it—of John Wick, of Gianna—and she prefers it that way. It feels even more wretched and awful, to prioritize herself in such way; to say, the less I know, the better, because she knows that if Santino makes even a passing comment about it, she will need to know. A horrifying, dreadful curiosity that she cannot abide.
“We should have a party,” Santino announces, one evening. Euphemia stretches, shoving her arm beneath the pillow as she watches him undress—buttons of his shirt first, then his watch, deposited on the vanity beside her jewelry box, then his belt, hung over the back of the chair; he moves methodically, deep in thought. There is a gentle furrow of his brows.
Euphie says, “We just had a party.”
“Yes.” He smiles, turning once he has sufficiently undressed enough to climb into bed beside her. “For our engagement.” Santino pushes the blankets back, settling himself that he can press a kiss just above her belly button, through the silk fabric of her camisole. “But now we are married.”
She shifts onto her back at the behest of his hands on her hips, combing her fingers through satiny curls. “You overindulge.”
“Si, si,” he murmurs against her tummy, “gluttony is my greatest vice. When it comes to you, anyway.”
Settled between her legs, Santino pushes the fabric of her camisole up, skimming his fingers across the slope of her abdomen and tracing the shape of her hip bones where her sleep shorts have ridden low. He takes his time, burying his face against warm skin and trailing kisses wherever he can reach.
He glances up at her through his lashes. “Would you deny me, my Euphie?”
Her breath catches in her throat. No, she thinks, not when you look at me like that.
“I don’t want to worry about planning it,” is what she says.
He flashes her a wicked grin. “I will take care of everything. Worry not, sweet Euphemia.”
“Mhm.” She gives him a hard look. “‘Worry not.’ Please.”
“Luce della mia vita,” Santino murmurs, returning to his lavishing of attention against her skin. “When are you going to tell your mama, hm? Now that you have ceased your cruelty towards me?”
Euphemia lets out a long sigh. The last thing she needs to think about right now—while she is managing her stress—is her mother. She doesn’t know if her mother will be happy that they are married or not; she has always said she wants it, but also cannot stand that she’s found a life outside of their tiny home in Tuscany. Maybe she will be furious, even, that they got married and denied her the attention of being the mother of the bride.
He sidles back up, nosing past loose hair collecting in the dip of her shoulder, his hands gliding up the back of her thigh.
“Another time, then,” he ventures lowly into the crook of her neck.
“Was it so obvious?”
“Nothing about you goes without my seeing it.” He pauses, kisses the hollow of her jaw, and she feels the flutter of his lashes against her skin. “Now tell me you love me.”
She tilts her head so that their noses can brush, their eyes meeting in the dim, warm lighting of the bedroom. His fingers dig playfully into her skin, dragging her leg up around his hip to bring her impossibly closer.
“You know that I do,” she whispers, “Santi.”
“Yes.” He grins. “And I like to hear you say it anyway. So, I will ask again—would you deny me, my Euphie?”
She could never.
Santino has a particular talent for throwing parties on short notice.
He thinks it might be one of his finer skills—polished and refined perfectly for years of use—but he is sure that Euphemia would argue that if asked, she would think first of his ability to yank her between the realms of infuriated and infatuated as easily as breathing.
He hadn’t intended for their marriage to happen so quickly, of course. But the important thing, he keeps telling himself, is not necessarily sticking strictly to one plan, but being able to change on the fly. This quick little celebration, speeding along the public timeline so they could announce, formally, their marriage, would happen in perfect time with his ascension to the High Table.
Married. A father. In his seat.
“What are you thinking about?”
It’s Euphie’s sweet voice that beckons him out of his thoughts—thoughts of John Wick, and whether he’s dead now or has been dead for quite a while, if his sister was easy to kill or if it even matters because everyone is easy to kill for John Wick—and he turns to look at her.
She is beautiful, as always, in the white dress with silver stars scattered across it, the plunging neckline and gauzy fabric suiting her. Always so beautiful, he thinks, reaching out and tucking a flaxen strand of hair behind her ear, my gorgeous little fox.
“You, of course,” he replies. Even now, even after years together, she blushes when he says things like this. It’s one of his favorite things about her; she always feels shiny-new, like she will never grow tired of him. Like she will never stop blushing when he catches her off guard with his sweetness. “Vieni qui.”
Euphemia does as he asks, closing what little distance is between them with a few steps before her arms are sliding around his neck.
“What are you really thinking about?” she asks, smoothing her hand along the lapel of his jacket. Santino can’t help but think she looks absolutely perfect like this; a little sly, her eyes glimmering with a sweet amusement that had been missing in the last week. It’s his fault that it’s been gone, but in the long run, she’ll be grateful for this time, this hardship.
Santino buries his face into the crook of her neck and growls playfully, “I am always thinking of you, my Euphemia, belladonna.” He kisses her neck, her shoulder, the spot just below her ear. “That you are the loveliest, most cunning little fox I have ever had the pleasure of trapping.”
“Oh?” She seems pleased. There is still a look to her eyes—on-edge, incensed, the energy vibrating just beneath her skin—but it’s softened now. “We are already married, Santi, you don’t need to sweet-talk me so much anymore.”
“On the contrary,” Santino replies, hands running along the dropped back of her dress, “I will sweet-talk you as much as I can, now that you are my wife, and the mother of my child.”
The blonde laughs delightedly, squirming under the attention of his hands before pulling away from him. “Stop staring off into space, then,” Euphemia says, “and dance with me, Santi.”
He thinks about the look on John Wick’s face that day in the museum, when he’d asked how John would kill him—how Wick had said, with my hands. A chance that had sat there, and Wick had not taken. For a man like John Wick, Santino knows, there are no “chances”; every moment is an opportunity, blending into the next and the next, until that’s all his life was. A single, blurred, stream of opportunity.
It will work in his favor.
Santino plants one hand on her waist and takes hers in the other, kissing her wrist and then her palm before interlacing their fingers together. Yes, it really is like nothing has happened; thousands of miles away, his sister will be dying, or dead already; here in a gorgeous ballroom, under glimmering lights, Santino takes his freshly minted bride onto the dancefloor and kisses her.
“I have a new favorite word,” Euphemia says, drenched in the golden light of longing and the chandelier, reflected in the green of her eyes. Santi hums inquisitively, giving her a gentle turn before drawing her back close to him again.
He kisses her, slow. “Tell me.”
Her breath catches as if it’s the first time, and it might as well be—each time with her is electric.
“Mine,” she breathes out, fingers curling into the hair at the nape of his neck. “That is my new favorite word. Mine.”
Santino thinks about the promise that he made her, to not go to war with John Wick, and about how relieved she’ll be when John Wick’s death becomes news.
Anything. The thought permeates, dreamy and hazy, through his mind; ever-present, clinging to him like a cloud. I would do anything to keep you and our baby, forever.
“Funny,” he says, “that is my favorite word, too.”
“I like the name Viola.”
Euphemia is three-fourths of the way through her book, sitting cross-legged at the table in the breakfast cafe that she and Santino frequent, when he says this. She glances up from her reading, dog-earing the page and then settling her chin in her palm to look at him.
He gives her a boyish grin from across their little table, setting his napkin down. “For the baby,” he continues when she looks at him expectantly. “If it’s a girl.”
“Mm.” Euphemia closes her book and tucks it beneath her leg, stirring her tea absently. “And if it’s a boy?”
“Luca,” Santino says without hesitation. “I’d want to name him Luca.”
“Well,” Euphie replies, playfully, “it’s nice to want things, isn’t it?”
“Mrs. D’Antonio, are you threatening to usurp naming rights?”
She laughs, and when Santino reaches across the table to take her hand, she lets him. It’s been a few days since he talked her off the ledge of leaving, since she signed the certificate, since John Wick was sent off to kill Gianna. For those few days, she almost feels normal again; like they really are just any other married couple expecting their first baby.
“I like Luca too,” she murmurs, when Santino kisses her fingers and rests his cheek against them. “And Viola.”
He relinquishes her hand—and it is a relinquishment, because if he had it his way he would be touching her forever—and finishes his coffee before coming to a stand. He drops some bills on the table to pay their tab and then snakes his arm around her waist, walking her out of the cafe.
“I think I will cook dinner tonight,” he announces, and the way his hand squeezes her hip and he turns his head to kiss her temple feels so terribly domestic that her heart aches with the sweetness of it. “What do you think?”
They step up to the curb, a soft drizzle of Fall rain coming down on them, but Euphie doesn’t care; she takes Santino’s face in her hands and kisses him sweet and soft and lets it linger. This, she thinks, damp and tasting the rain in her husband’s kiss. This, always, forever.
“I think it is the least you can do for me,” she replies playfully, pulling away from him when the car pulls up to the curb. He laughs, opening the door for her to slide in—but he doesn’t follow after right away, instead watching someone down the sidewalk approaching.
Euphemia scoots back close to the door having moved in further to make room for him. “Santi?”
“Just a minute, cara mia,” he says, flashing her an extraordinary smile. “Warm up in the car.”
He closes the door without waiting for her to answer and takes a few steps away from the car. Through the rain streaking the window, she can’t see exactly what’s going on; but if the lithe, sleek shape of Ares is any indication, things aren’t going well. She is almost never a bearer of good news when she shows up unannounced.
Something is wrong. Euphemia can feel it inside of her, a chill that goes bone-deep, into the marrow of her skeleton.
After a few minutes of silence, Santino walks back to the car. He opens the door, and before Euphemia can say anything, he leans down and kisses her. It’s a normal kiss, the kind he would give if he were running to the museum for something, unhurried and patient.
As soon as the kiss breaks, she says, “Santi...” but he’s already straightening up.
“It’s only business, cara mia,” he assures her. “I will meet you at home.”
“What business? Santi, please—”
He closes the door to the car and steps away from her, taking off at a casual pace with Ares falling into step beside him. The car pulls out and away from the curb, taking her in the opposite direction of him, carrying her away and away until she is back at the loft, by herself.
It’s cold, she thinks, without Santino. Even though he’ll be back—he said that he would—it still feels cold. She draws a bath that’s a little less hot than what she normally likes and sinks into it, waiting as the silence ticks by. It strikes her that time is passing excruciatingly because he won’t tell her what’s going on; when Satino is gone for anything else, it doesn’t matter. She’s happy to be alone, then.
But this? This is different.
An hour passes, maybe a little more, before she drags herself out of the bathtub feeling like her limbs have become lead. Wrapped in her towel, Euphemia steps out into the living room again and checks her phone—but there is nothing. No text, no call, not from Santino or Gianni or anyone.
The door to the loft clicks open. For a second, her heart drops—but when she goes to foyer, she feels relief flood her. Santino hangs his coat on the stand and glances up at her. He’s closing the space between them, shrugging out of his suit jacket.
“Isn’t it a little early for a bath?” he asks playfully, indicating the bathrobe and her flushed, damp skin.
“I was cold,” she replies. “Santi, what’s going on? Where have you been? I was worried—”
“Shh, tesora, don’t fuss,” he murmurs, pulling her to him by the tie of her robe. It should be romantic, but the movement only sets her on edge. “Everything’s fine. Come here, I want my wife.”
This close, she’s sure she can feel a strange vibration under his skin, bloody and unkempt. It buzzes just beneath the surface of him, under the rain-damp curls and dark jade eyes and she wants to ask him what it is—what’s happened that has him worked up—but then he’s leaning in and kissing her. Hard, and impatient, his teeth dragging along her lower lip punishingly as he walks her back, far enough that she hits the kitchen island.
“Tell me,” she demands between breaths, her fingers knotted in his hair, half to anchor herself and half to make sure he can’t run away from her, “what it is that has you upset—”
“I’m not upset,” he replies evenly, but his breathing is shallow, his eyes darting over her face like he won’t get another chance to look at her.
“I am not stupid, Santi.” Euphemia can see that her insistence on the matter is beginning to irritate him. “Tell me.”
Santino pulls away; she doesn’t have the heart to keep her grip on him, so he paces to one end of the kitchen, passing a hand over his face. He does look agitated, now, like the cracks are finally starting to show, like he’s peeling his mask off piece by piece. Santino has only taken his face off in front of her a few times over the course of their relationship, but enough that she felt confident in agreeing to marry him, like she knew who he really was under all of the polish and glimmer.
Her husband is staring absently at a spot on the counter, like he doesn’t want to say the words that come next. Maybe he’s thinking of a way that he could get out of it—talk a circle around her, the way that he likes to—but for a brief moment in time he looks too tired to do that. It’s worse, she thinks, to see him tired, than if he were just to be bothered by something inane.
She waits with her arms crossed over her chest before she tries again, “If it’s business, I don’t mind listening—”
“You have to go,” he says abruptly. It’s as though her gentle insistence seals the deal for him. “Upstate, to the lake house. You have to go, Euphie, and I don’t want you to.”
Her heart clenches and twists in her chest. Suddenly, she does mind; she doesn’t want to know that anything is wrong, if it will mean that Santino won’t tell her she has to leave.
“Why?” she asks, sounding petulant, like a spoiled child. “Santi, what is going on?”
“It’s just—” Don’t, she thinks, don’t you say it. “—business. There are some things that I need to tie up, and it’s safer if you are not in town while I’m doing it.” He pauses. “For you and the baby.”
Euphemia feels her lower lip wobble. She hates it. She never cried this easily before being pregnant. Blinking rapidly to stay the tears, she steadies herself on the counter.
“Tesora, don’t cry,” Santi sighs, crossing the kitchen, and somehow that he says it makes it harder to stop crying. “It’s just a day, maybe two. That is all. I don’t want you to go, but you are—you are my greatest treasure, and I just want you to be safe.”
“I can stay,” Euphemia whispers. “I can stay, Santi, I’ll--I’ll stay here, and I won’t go anywhere unless you say--”
“No.” He takes her face, smoothing the tears away. She reaches up, gripping his wrists, desperate to keep his hands on her now. Anything for touch, for affirmation. “I cannot risk it. Not you, not the baby. Okay? So you will go upstate for a little while, and then I will come and get you and we’ll go back to life as usual.”
She nods, numbly. Her stomach churns, and she thinks, it’s John Wick. Santino did something to him, and now John Wick is coming back to get what he is owed.
“Tell me you understand, Euphie.” There is something firm, hard about his voice now, and it fills her with dread.
“Yes, Santi,” she replies. “I understand.”
And I wish I did not.
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junicai · 4 years
Relationship with NCT Dream
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➣ MARK ☾ mari
½ of the best friend crew
honestly at the beginning, mark and aria weren’t very close, having only really seen each other in passing or with johnny
but after being dropped into training together the two quickly became fast friends, and now they’re borderline inseparable
you thought you knew pain? watch aria’s reaction to mark’s graduation from dream :)
mark’s the reason why aria felt confident enough to pitch some of her lyric ideas to the team, after staying up until 4am to help her make some edits so she was as confident as possible
kinda just, rests his head on her shoulder? and wraps his arms around her waist when he’s tired
mari being confused in foreigner: ???
aria said once in a vlive that she finds mark really comforting to be around - when she feels stressed or worried about something she’ll go to mark’s room and just sit on his bed for a while
aria is so close with his parents - “ahh, how’s my favourite child” “i’m doing great mom.” “no not you, how’s aria?” “wh-hu-MOM?”
you’d swear sometimes mark is younger than her, considering the pout he puts on and how much he whines when they’re not on the same team together for promotions
mark big protecc boi but also little small cuddly boi
they’re so soft for each other ( ╥ω╥ )
in one of the fancams for mark’s solo stage during superm, someone zoomed into aria singing along with him in the wings and dancing to herself with the Proudest Smile™
he’s! so! proud! of! her! constantly! she could be walking and he’d be like “omg get it”
when aria refuses to get up and make herself food (this happens way too often, she just gets into the groove of her work and doesn’t want to move) mark gets her to by threatening to do it himself
consistently caught by czennies just standing behind her and holding her hand in crowded areas - airports, waiting rooms, etc.
mark and aria were standing off to one side as the mc explained the rules of the game they were about to be playing. mark looked totally confused, and elbowed aria in her side before looking down and mouthing “what?” to her. aria opened her mouth, before closing it and looking down at the ground, muttering to herself, “결합… 結合….. le chéile…. le… le.. oh oh - combined! we have to put them together, markie.”and thus, a new confusion meme was born
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➣ RENJUN ☾ renjaria
renjun and aria room together while she’s promoting with dream
they were so awkward around each other at the beginning :(
only really spoke in passing, or when they had to
it was renjun that broke the ice at first, asking if she wanted to go shopping for the dorm together
now it’s their thing
“no aria, we can’t get more ice-cream we’re all supposed to be on diets.” “but  。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。 please”
he’s lowkey soft for her but he’d rather throw himself off the roof then tell her that
piano pals
he started teaching her how to properly play once he found her messing around on a keyboard in the studio one day
they actually argue quite a bit
not about big things, but about smaller things that push each other over the edge because of stress
the first time he yelled at her, aria spent the night in hyuck’s room 
hyuck yelled at renjun for making her cry 
now they’re probably the best pairing for talking through their emotions instead of blowing up on each other
they’re both quite opinionated people, and they’ve learnt to navigate that well so fights don’t happen as often
does that stop renjun from teasing aria an within an inch of her life? absolutely not
“i’ll kill you” “can you, reach?” “LISTEN HERE-”
he acts like he’s 10ft tall, excuse you sir you are barely 5′6″
renjun was her mandarin teacher for a while, but then kun kindly told her that her “introduction” was actually calling herself an idiot 
aria has a bad problem with saesangs go away bitches and renjun is iconic for going off on them for her because she doesn’t like to make a big deal out of it all 
he gets so angry on her behalf
that was actually a topic of one of their biggest arguments smh
aria was leaning on a pile of books to prop herself up as she leant forwards to try and hang a string of lights on her bedroom wall. renjun walked in, and immediately came to her aid, speaking with a teasing tone. “need a hand?” 
aria, without ceremony just elbowed him in the stomach and used his then folded up figure to push herself up higher. “yes, thank you!”
she got hate for that one, but it was all in good fun and renjun was laughing after it
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➣ JENO ☾ nori
aria is his princess and everyone else can fight him
like they’re both doyoung’s children, but if it comes down to it he will lay down his life for her
and not even in a romantic way, just a “you’re too precious i have to protect you” kind of way
czennies thought he was in love with her for the entirety of nct 2018 promotions
this boy was hanging off of her at any given second, and there was an edited video of jeno “glaring” at lucas’ back when the taller boy walked away after hugging aria
it was faked, stan twt needs to chill out
he drags her to the gym 
he’s basically her big brother? but they’re the same age - its a weird dynamic but they make it work
they’re so LOUD together
not chaotic, but he makes her laugh so hard 
vlive 191030: “nono-ah makes my cheeks hurt so i can’t spend too long around him. my sides hurt too ~  ♡(。- ω -)”
any and all fanfictions written about the two are definitely either coffee shop, university or library AUs
this man walks like a bodyguard around her - boy got the arm over the shoulder, tucked her head into him, covering her face, its a whole ordeal
dispatch released some pictures of aria one day and accidentally blurred out jeno’s face because they thought he was her bodyguard 
is so. so mindful of how long aria spends in the training rooms
like, yes everyone else expects her home before midnight (long story)
but jeno actively makes sure to ask people what time she left the dorm at, and texts her to remind her to take water breaks and to come home at a good time so she can sleep 
these two are the creators of so many iconic vlives - they have a bad habit of going live at 1 or 2 in the morning, just doing random things
“hi hi! so, nono and i- jeno stop it, stop it! - nono and i are walking down to the park to go feed the birds - yes we’re going to feed the bird- no! we are not going to feed the ducks, bread can kill the ducks! why did you bring brea-”
jeno pulled the camera from aria’s hands. “ari and i,” he looked at her purposefully, “are going back to the dorms because someone forgot to bring the bird seed, and apparently we can’t give bread to ducks anymore.”
*sounds of aria intermittently hitting and scolding jeno ensue*
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➣ DONGHYUCK ☾ arichan
the other half of the best friend crew
absolute heathens to be around when they are together
donghyuck is the person aria is closest to, and someone she’d call her best friend (only when she was sure he wouldn’t hear her)
she calls him “the demon child i can’t get rid of” but will, and has definitely pouted when he ignored her for too long
generally aria is a pretty soft spoken person, but not with hyuck around - he brings out all her chaos energy (please pray for the patience of dotae)
the pair have a little tradition of kissing the back of each others’ hands before going on stage for good luck. they can’t even remember how it started, but now its an unnegotiable pre-show ritual
he’s so clingy with her absolutely everywhere its painfully adorable  (ಥ﹏ಥ)
interviews? hyuck has a hand on her knee, or if she’s wearing a skirt he’s tucked his hand in between their chairs so she can hold it discreetly. in the dorms? full body tackle onto the couch, where he proceeds to lay on top of her completely.
because of hyuck’s nickname being the sun, and aria always being around him, czennies gave her the nickname “moon” to go with him
fans thought that aria was older than hyuck for a good year and a half before she released her birthday on a vlive, because she’s normally the one tasked with reigning his chaotic energy in during promotions (that is, if she hasn’t already joined him)
but off-camera, aria is absolutely hyuck’s baby there is no disputing that. aria’s sad?he’s there with ice-cream and a blanket and a baseball bat.
the winnie the pooh character that is on aria’s bed was a gift from hyuck for her 17th birthday, after she made him watch seven episodes of the show on netflix with her one night
yes he complained, but he slapped her hand away when she went to change it to something else
a twitter thread of a czennie comparing their horoscopes together went viral when people realized that it was quite plausible that the pair were each others (platonic) soulmates
after an incident involving blueberries, donghyuck took it upon himself to check the ingredients of every. single. food item in their dorm to make sure it was ok for her to eat
hyuck clowns her for her irish accent, and aria curses him out in japanese
tldr: they cute or whatever
donghyuck was doing a vlive in his bedroom, sitting and talking to czennies when aria opened the door to his room quietly. she didn’t say anything, just waved slightly with almost closed eyes before she crawled underneath his covers and tucked her plushie underneath her chin. hyuck didn’t even blink at it - so it must have been a regular occurrence.
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➣ JAEMIN ☾ nari
jaemin highkey flusters her
not in a oo you’re so cute, cute boy make nerves go eeee
but he’ll wink at her and teasingly compliment her and now she looks like a firetruck this isn’t fair
he absolutely takes advantage of this where ever possible 
“riri, can i have some?” “no, i just made these you should have helped me (-_-)” “riri~ but you looked so cute making them i didn’t want to interrupt you~” *aria.exe has stopped responding*
but when aria isn’t trying to get her cheeks to stop being red, they’re really cute together 
you’d swear aria is older, by how much jaemin whines for her attention
the mighty battles between jaemin and hyuck
hyuck’s just biding his time for the rooftop fight
kinda panics around her when she’s crying, but is always the first to offer up a hug 
has a period tracker on his phone but no one knows about it 
he doesn’t like to coddle her because they’re so close in age, but that doesn’t stop him from getting protective in certain situations *cough cough the fansign cough cough*
jaemin and aria cuddling when they’re drunk? more likely than you’d think
he definitely professed his undying love for her at one point while being drunk, and chenle caught it on video 
“noona we’re playing that at your wedding” 
designated blanket/pillow hunter at award shows, and if he can’t find one then he usually just gives her his jacket
the amount of coffee these two consume should be illegal 
aria prefers to call him nana and he prefers to call her riri in the dorms, so when either of them get called by their first name by the other it means A: they’re on a schedule, or B: someone’s about to die
nct dream on idol room were trying out jaemin’s death-in-a-cup (his coffee) and as the cup got passed around, aria grew more and more concerned with each face the members made. “jaemin if i die from this-”
he only smiled at her while passing over the cup. aria held it up to look at the black liquid skeptically, before sighing in resignation and bringing the cup to her lips to take a sip. 
and then another.
“wait this is good i like this”
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➣ CHENLE ☾ leri
hide yo kids and hide yo wives because leri is entering the chat
*cue aria and chenle wearing 2000s rapper clothes with backwards baseball caps*
these two are so chaotically calm
its like the energy cancels out or something 
aria with hyuck is just so loud and obnoxious, and the same with chenle with jisung
so when you put those two together it just turns into le positive vibes
you ever meditated to those 132 hertz sounds? thats them in a sound 
aria will hold him like a baby kitten she’s expecting to try wriggle out of her grip at any moment and its comical because he’s a good head taller than her
aria definitely has a knack for making her groupmates’ parents fall in love with her
every two weeks or so she goes for dinner in chenle’s house upon his mother’s request
they have a mutual understanding of the mental toll it takes to be around the rest of the dreamies constantly
chenle and aria sitting peacefully, watching a cdrama: 
the dreamies, throttling each other: AAAAAAAAAAA
will never admit it but he misses her the most when she goes away to promote
he thinks of her as a big sister and the dorms feel empty without her there
aggressive proud hugs 
so aggressive, he legit tackles her
he had to tone it down after knocking her over once backstage and she narrowly missed clocking herself on a nearby soundboard 
he always gets a little bit anxious when they eat things outside of the dorms because he’s never seen her have an allergic reaction before and he’d like to keep it that way  (`皿´#)
chenle was particularly restless that day, constantly shuffling about in his seat to the point where renjun forcefully tossed an arm over his shoulders to hold him still while the vlive was still playing.
not one to be defeated, chenle then turned to press his lips to renjun’s cheek playfully, laughing when the older boy turned away in disgust. he turned to do the same to aria, coming closer to her cheek before aria turned her head to face his.
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➣ JISUNG ☾ jiri
oh god oh god oh god
if aria could take this boy and wrap him in a blanket and keep him in her pocket she would - no questions asked 
jisung knows she loves him the most out of dream sorry markhyuck and takes advantage of it every second
she used to coddle him a lot when he was smaller, but now that he’s older aria tries to rein it in as much as possible
that doesn’t mean it goes away completely though
“noona can you cook for me?” “of course jisungie! what do you want?” 
*jeno gobsmacked in the background* “you just told me you were too tired to cook tonight”
aria: big baby, must protect
jisung: tiny noona, must protect
jaemin and aria are really the only people jisung is ok with seeing him be super emotional - and he flip flops between the two depending on the reason why he’s emotional
self-esteem, feeling poopy side of it all? straight into aria’s bed, letting her roll him onto his side so she can tuck his head into her shoulder and covers the two of them with her duvet the way she used to do when he was shorter
this boy cannot curse around her unless he wants to get his ass Beat
dancing bros
they go so hard in their NCT Dance duet videos 
he keeps band-aids in his bag for her in exchange for her keeping an extra bottle of water in hers because jisung always forgets his own
jisung rests his elbow on her head a lot
but only briefly because the last time he stayed there for too long she stamped on his foot
tldr: aria is jisung’s emotional support gnome
jisung and aria were doing the chicken leg battle (this one) to fight for first dibs on the rooms they were going to be sharing for the next week or so. just before they were about to start, mark started laughing and pointing at how high jisung’s leg came up on aria’s, with aria’s knee barely hitting jisung’s mid-thigh
“this is an unfair advantage! this is cheating!”
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lillupon · 3 years
Hi. How are you? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve re-read chapter 13, I love it so much.
What I love about the MinWon relationship now, since chapter 12, is that now Wonwoo reciprocates Mingyu’s advances. Except, of course, the embarrassing ones, which, can’t really blame him, lol.
Even though, AEV is in Wonwoo’s POV, you’re able to describe Mingyu’s character really well. It’s adorable how head over heels and totally whipped Mingyu is for Wonwoo now. I love imagining that Mingyu wakes up quite a bit before Wonwoo when he stays over, but he doesn’t move, because Wonwoo is sprawled over him, drooling over his chest. And Mingyu has to pee, but Wonwoo was in such deep sleep, he doesn’t want to wake up Wonwoo. So he stays in that position, completely endeared by Wonwoo, until Wonwoo moves after which he runs to pee, lol.
After freshening up, our Mingoo decides to make breakfast for Wonwoo. He doesn’t know if this was what people generally do after staying over, because he’d only dated people his age before, all of whom lived with their parents, so there hadn’t been any sleeping over before. But Mingyu is a good cook and he wants to impress Wonwoo, damn it! Even though, something tells him that Wonwoo was already pretty impressed with him and he doesn’t really need to make much effort, but he still wants to. He can already hardly believe that incredible man wants him. He’s going to do whatever it takes to keep him.
When Wonwoo calls them boyfriends, and Mingyu totally loses control, I’ll bet they don’t even make it to the bedroom. Mingyu turns the stove off; breakfast can wait, he’s already spent all of his self control not ravishing Wonwoo when he saw him in his shirt. He just grabs Wonwoo’s by his thighs, makes him wrap them around his waist and just takes Wonwoo against the nearest wall. He probably makes Wonwoo keep his shirt on, while he asks him to call him his boyfriend again, like,
“Say it again,” Mingyu growls against Wonwoo’s ears as he slips in and out of Wonwoo, nice and deep. “Say what we are.”
“Boyfriends,” Wonwoo gets out, not able to deny his alpha anything. He moans, loud and clear, because he can now that it’s just the two of them in the privacy of his home.
“Again,” Mingyu straight out demands now, pounding into the omega. HIS omega.
“B-boy.. ah.. boyfriends,” Wonwoo rasps out, lolling his head back against the wall, as Mingyu hits his sweet spot. “We’re boyfriends.”
“Fuck,” Mingyu says, voice rough, before crashing his mouth against Wonwoo.
I’ve never written smut in my life, and while this wasn’t really full blown smut, it was enough to embarrass the crap out of me.
Have a great week.
UH HOLY SHIT! I combusted reading this Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→ I love the way you write whipped alpha Mingyu. 
Oh my god, drooling Wonwoo! He truly conked out after their bedroom activities lmao. I imagine AEV-Wonwoo being quite strict with his sleeping schedule. Like, In-bed-by-10PM strict. Staying up late, getting dicked dumb by Mingyu, and then spending hours whispering pillow talk to each other took a lot out of poor Wonwoo. 
So cute that Mingyu held his bladder so that he wouldn’t disturb Wonwoo’s sleep (ಥ﹏ಥ) Wow, imagine what’s going through Mingyu’s head when he woke up that morning. Part of him thought that it had all been a dream. So when he opens his eyes and sees Wonwoo’s dark head on his chest, when he feels Wonwoo’s weight atop him...  He’s in heaven. Wonwoo smells of content and satiated omega. Pride swells in Mingyu’s chest. He did that. And maybe it’s asking for too much, too soon, but he wants to share more mornings with Wonwoo that are just like this one. 
Mingyu really showed his alpha side with that little smut snip you wrote OMg!! So hot ( ╥ω╥ ) Wonwoo is still soft and ready from last night; Mingyu slips in like he belongs there. Wonwoo koala-clings to his alpha: arms wrapped around Mingyu’s shoulders, thighs tight around Mingyu’s waist and his toes curled with pleasure. The position has Mingyu hitting the deepest parts of him. He’s seeing stars, it feels so good. Mingyu’s demands of, “Say it again. Say what we are,” gets him wetter than any dirty talk ever could. That, combined with the display of alpha strength--Mingyu bears his weight so easily--has an orgasm shaking out of him embarrassingly fast.
Aww, and I bet it takes them a long time to say good-bye after! They’ve both showered. Mingyu is all dressed up and ready to go (sans hoodie, since Wonwoo has now claimed a second one for his collection). They loiter at the door, squeezing in some last-minute conversation and kisses. Wonwoo has his fingers curled loosely into the front of Mingyu’s shirt.
“You’ll text me when you get home?”
“M-hm,” Mingyu says. 
“Okay,” Wonwoo says. “Bye, then. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I’ll see you Monday.”
“Video call tonight?” 
“Yeah,” Wonwoo says. The way things are going, Mingyu might just end up spending the night again. They’ve been trying to say goodbye for the past hour, and Mingyu is still here.
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 3 years
can u share some some shimayukio headcanons or what you like about their dynamics? if u dont mind🥺🙏 (the Sans!Yukio pic you did is so good/funny. Your art style is so ❤️🤩!)
I genuinely was not expecting to get an ask about Yukishima anytime soon considering how long it’s been since I’ve made anything for them. I apologize so much anon 😭 I swear I will make content for them once more I’m just slow when it comes to making things ;-;
But to answer your ask! Ah headcanons...I feel like I used to have a lot but have forgotten many of them (ಥ﹏ಥ) but here’s a few And-They-Were-Roommates/Domestic ones:
When the pink box dye Shima used to color his hair gets discontinued he challenges Yukio that he couldn’t possibly replicate the exact same shade with different dyes knowing fully well that Yukio would never pass up on a chance to flex his perfectionism and resourceful prowess.
Of course Yuki succeeds and now is the personal dye mixer for Shima. Shima can entrust no one else with such an important role. Yukio just goes with it because otherwise Shima won’t stop begging him (and he lowkey hates seeing the energetic guy depressed because his roots are starting to show lol)
Yukio did try to teach Shima how to make it once but after a mishap that resulted in the need to replace the bathroom’s permanent hot pink stained tiles, among other things, he thought it best to never attempt such a thing again.
Shima has quite the hentai collection he’s built up and proudly displays them on a couple shelves in the living room. Yukio is not pleased. They find a middle ground and agree to move the shelves into Yukio’s bedroom since it’s the biggest and has the most space.
Yukio has read a couple of them...out of curiosity, of course. Purely for educational purposes, yes.
Shima knows about this and starts keeping tabs on which ones seem the most recently viewed so that he can start getting insight on what Yukio is into ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The sudden influx of hentai with particular kinks/tropes/and themes that...intrigue Yukio is noted but he’s not about to say anything about it. Who is he to hinder free por- uh someone’s hobby…
Maybe Shima uses his insight on Yukio’s taste for future activities together too. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Both are absolutely terrible at talking about their actual emotions that they developed acute awareness of each other’s body language that always gives away when one or both are upset.
They know they should probably work on actually verbalizing their feelings but boy is it great to not have to figure what words to say and just have someone be able to tell when you need your space or comfort.
They don’t say it but that’s the biggest thing they appreciate the other for and is a major reason they can live together so well.
After a particularly horrible nightmare Shima begs Yukio to let him sleep in Yuki’s bed with him (because Shima sure as hell isn’t going to sleep on the floor and he certainly doesn’t want to be alone now either). Yukio is too damn tired to put up much of a fight and let’s it happen. After realizing how heavenly comfortable Yukio’s bed is, Shima starts making any excuse he can to sleep in it.
Eventually it just becomes a routine thing and they just...start sharing a bed together. Yukio won’t admit it but he likes the added warmth Shima brings. Shima likes sleeping together too. Not just because he manages to get away with cuddling Yuki but also because the bed truly is that amazing.
Eventually Shima starts bringing in his stuff for convenience sake and that’s how his old room becomes the guest bedroom and he is once again reunited with his hentai. ヽ(͡◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ
Lmao says “a few” and then proceeds to write my longest response to date. But the sad part is this really is only a couple compared to what would always be passing my mind. Perhaps they’ll come back to me later~
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