#they may not set out to cause suffering but they will point and laugh at any collateral damage
dravidious · 1 year
Been in an imp mood lately, so I kinda made a villain character who's an imp. May or may not do anything with them.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
oooh I got one! prompt 74 with any of the follower!bishops, where they get hurt on a crusade and reader, who is a healer finds them and helps them <333
74) "I think I broke my leg!"
"I can't believe this...betrayed by my own-!!"
"Lord Kallamar?"
Surprised by the voice, Kallamar looked up at you, the figure dressed in white tattered robes, clean of any and all ichor. The metal halo behind your head reflected the sunlight from above Anchordeep, making it seem as though it were glowing.
Now he remembers.
You're one of the many nameless Healers in his former army of cultists and devotees. He thought most of them were culled by the Lamb at this point, yet you were somehow still alive.
"You have returned to us in such a miniscule form." You mused, to which you saw him tense up, trying to shuffle away.
So far, every creature here was trying to kill him during his crusade, and he wasn't sure if you were going to be any different.
He knew should've gone to the tailor first; at least they wouldn't attack him on-sight just because his red robes remind them of the Lamb..and that his defeat permanently shattered his image as a leader.
"Back away from me! I'm---ow!!!" Feeling a sudden sharp pain in one of his legs, Kallamar stopped moving and looked down, realizing it didn't look quite right. "Ah...a-ahaha...I-I think I broke my leg...!"
"Do not fear, my lord. I will make it all better." Floating down to the ground, you gently reached your hands out to him, green magic appearing from your fingertips. "How did this happen, if I may ask?"
"Well..I fell.." He mumbled quietly, and you looked at him, mishearing him.
"What happened?"
"I-I fell while fleeing from one of those sea creatures..." Red dusted his face as he averted his gaze, embarrassed to be seen like this--especially by someone he used to rule over.
But you seemed to show absolutely no bias nor resentment towards him, even though he now wore the same robes of the enemy cult.
Part of him was afraid you'd refuse and leave him to suffer on his own, although he remembers that your singular job is to be a healer. And despite knowing that he wasn't some all-powerful god anymore and allowed himself to be beaten by Lamb into submission...you wanted to help him anyways. You didn't huff or laugh or show any indication that you thought of him as pathetic for breaking his leg over a simple fall.
Instead, you quietly allowed your magic to go to work, mending the broken done and repairing the torn flesh. Soon it set itself back into place without causing him further pain, making it good as new.
Like nothing even happened.
"You should be good now, my lord. Do be careful with your new mortal vessel." Bowing your head, you rose to your feet and watched as Kallamar slowly got up.
"Only now I see how fragile this body is..damned Lamb.." He grunted, checking out his leg before picking up his backpack. Then he gazed up at you. "What's your name?"
You blinked. "My name..?"
"Yes, that's what I said. I never knew your name, but I wanna know it now."
"I see, then...I'm [y/n]." You answered, surprised and flattered that he asked.
It's been so long since you've said your name to anyone, that you've almost forgotten it entirely.
"Well, [y/n]..would you care to accompany me for the remainder of my crusade? I was sent to retrieve as many crystal shards as I could carry...but I keep running into dead ends, and death traps.." Kallamar shuddered. "And I-"
"You needn't worry, my lord. I would be happy to join you." Although he couldn't see your smile under your hood, he could hear the delight in your voice, and chuffed.
Why were you so kind to him? Why did you treat him as though he was still your ruler?
"None of this bothers you at all?" He vaguely gestured to himself. "You don't see me as your "enemy"?"
"I only see the injured and the sick, and I heal them." You assured him, chuckling softly. "Do not fret. It matters not what form you take or how limited it is, my lord-"
"Okay, I'm not your "lord" anymore. Just Kallamar is fine."
"...very well, Kallamar. Then let us go. I know a safe path."
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house-of-slayterr · 9 months
beloved <3 what are you Halsin headcanons??
ps do you also like the polymance w Astarion? i wanna know your takes!! <3
Omg ok it’s happening!!! Ahhhh!
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Halsin attempts to be a gentle man in his conscious actions. He wants to be soft and cause as little unnecessary harm as possible. That being said, with his size that’s a difficult thing to be. I feel he grows frustrated easy when he accidentally breaks things (or people). But on the flip side, if you unleash his rage, this hardly a way to put a lid on it. He’s a large beast, and as such, it seems so are his emotional states. He is terrifying to the enemy and it’s such a harsh contrast to him off the battle field when he’s safe and happy. It’s something I think sets him aside more than the other companions.
Halsin is also a patient man. It takes a lot of patients and self control to be someone with his gifts. The world is lucky his quicker to compassion than to draw his claws, and bear his teeth. I feel like he’s one to give several warnings.
He’s a very goofey guy. This man has a full belly laugh like good old American Santa Klaus. All of camp can hear it when you make him laugh. The best place to be in the world is with him lying on his back, and you on top of him during a sunset as you try to tell little stories to feel his chest rumble. It lulls you to sleep like a purring cat after awhile, like a sleeping agent for your heart, calming it in all the chaos. (Bear cubs can purr like cats sometimes and it’s adorable)
He’s an old romantic. I feel like this man like to try to play things by the book in his head. He knows what relationships are supposed to look like and sound like and he sounds so stiff when he starts off by using his “script” it works because by the gods does he have that shit down to pretty much a sex science at this point, knowing exactly what to say to get what he wants. But that’s not what draws you in. It’s the potential of getting the spontaneity out of him. Getting him to say things he normally wouldn’t, how he normally wouldn’t. Add people he normally wouldn’t. He’s a very flexible man, he’s happy as long as you’re happy. But his best flirting comes when he’s tried, or angry, or those rare moment he gets jealous. Lord help you if Halsin is jealous and the solution is he can’t just have both of you- good luck walking anytime soon.
He’s very in tune with his emotions. He’s a sensitive guy. I mean he loves ducks for fucks sake. This man is precious. He will treat you as if you are such too. Everyone is small and fragile compared to him. He’ll protect your body, mind, soul and feelings with his life. Defend you with his last breath, do anything just to bring a smile to your face. This man is nothing if not devoted 100% to what he does. He starts to become in touch with your emotions too. Being able to sense them from halfway across camp and always comes running ready to be your Druid in shining armour
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Now Astarion is a different beast literally , literally… he is a vampire. I wouldn’t say there’s much in common between vampires and Bears. I’d say other than their insatiable appetites. This spritely little elf is more akin to a cat than a bear.
The dynamic is different apart of course, but if you’re with Halsin first, he’ll notice. He’s not an idiot, far from it actually. He pays close attention to his darling and their needs and wants. Especially when it comes to body language. He wouldn’t exactly be mad you’re attracted to Astarion, he can’t blame you. He’d be more upset the longer he observed this attraction grow and you either said or did nothing about it.
I know I said earlier Halsin is a patient man, but one thing he’s not patient for is watching you “suffer” which might be a dramatic word in this case (Astarion would find it quite fitting, you suffering without his love) he will call you out on this attraction quite quickly and ask as politely and openly as possibly what you want to do about it. It’s no secret the wood elf may also find said vampire attractive.
Astarion would agree too it, not without some fuss at first, calming theatrics of wanting you all to himself but it’s fine to share with some “oaf” as if he too is not attracted to the Druid. Honestly if you keep your sanity during this phase of the relationship, congratulations love, you’ve survived the hardest hardship in all of Baulder’s gate.
But once that awkward phase is over. RIP your legs again. RIP your everything actually. Bestie are you sure you want to do this? A bear and a vampire. In love and obsessed with you… wanting to ravage you body at your earliest convince pretty much multiple times a day when they can? Yeah yeah- you’re totally sane, totally cool, totally normal. The rest of your companions aren’t looking at you like you’re the scariest motherfucker to ever walk this earth. Between the bite marks and the claw marks, and let’s be honest now you’ve probably dislocated a hip at least once- how are you feeling? Truly. That being said, they do go easy on you sometimes and give you a break and let you watch them go at each other , and boy is that a sight. (I’m not drooling, you’re drooling)
It’s the after sex but that’s really what you carve though. The part that makes you feel safe and whole and loved. They wouldn’t dare part from you even if the entire camp was engulfed in flames in that moment. Nothing could pry them from their lovers side. They look at you like you put the moon on the sky, the your he very reason their hearts beat, like you’re the only reason they’re still fighting (probably half the reason they’re still standing, let’s be honest, you’ve saved they’re asses more than enough times and they’re so greatful for that) but it’s these moments that you crave. There simple, full of love and lust and simple honest words and looks and touches. Everything so easy, and feels right.
It would be a moment like this one of your boys would choose to make this arrangement permanent. Perhaps Astarion with an off handed comment. Something about “well maybe we should just wed eternally, I hear honeymoon sex is even better” he would grin like a vampire at a blood bank. And it would be silly, but it would be genuine. Halsin would make him try again and give you something proper later if you asked. Or on the flip side, after a hard battle, Halsin would scoop you both up in his arms kissing you each deeply and say “we ahh like join our hearts as one, so we never fear one it’s like to be apart” and even though the situations not ideal and you may be exhausted and covered and dirt and blood and whatever else, it’s the three of you and that’s what matters.
The sleeping arrangements are simple. It’s always Halsin’s tent. That man in massive. Astarion won’t admit it but he creeps into his tent about halfway through each night, never wanting to start on his arms but always craving them. And you sleep happily on top of him, squishing both your boys as close to you as possible. And they wouldn’t have it any other way. They love you and you love them, it’s plain for all the world to see.
AN: sorry if this is bad, I don’t own the game, all I have to go on is fan fics, behind the scenes, fan info, and watching my friends play the game and info dump about it. If anything is inaccurate I’m so sorry 😭 I tried based on how I view them at least.
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the-widow-olivia · 7 months
Saw that Rhys Darby was going to be in an episode of Night Court, and I got really concerned for any Night Court fans out there who have no idea that there is a flotilla of pirates about to descend on them.
So I made a helpful guide we can give to fans of other shows when OFMD cast members show up.
So your favorite TV show has cast an OFMD actor!
Hello! It's us, the friendly queer pirate crew, here to enjoy your television program alongside you. We don't bite (and even if we do, it usually sets off a hilarious chain of events that ends in a lovely wedding).
You may notice at some point during our time together that one or more OFMD fans will begin foaming at the mouth or melting into the floor as though they have no bones. This is perfectly normal, as all OFMD fans suffer from a severe form of brain rot previously only found in goats.
However, be warned, the following "normal" items may cause ferality in OFMD fans:
- Oranges (petrified or regular)
- The color teal
- The color purple
- The color black
- The color red
- Fuck it, all the colors. We own colors now.
- Goldfish
- Cats
- Seagulls
- Snakes
- Beanies
- Gloves
- Cake (can be combined with oranges)
- Garlic
- Soup
- Garlic soup
- Legs (pronounced "ligs")
- Eyes (“EYEEE!” however, will just make us laugh)
If an OFMD fan becomes a little too feral, you can soothe them by playing Gnossienne No. 5 and putting a blanket over their head until they calm down. Note: Results may vary if said fan is in “clowning” mode.
OFMD fans are a friendly bunch, but we are often socially anxious. Here are a few phrases you can practice at home if you want to befriend an OFMD fan:
“Wow, that Rhys Darby sure has nice legs.”
“That WJW with Con O’Neill got me right in the feels.”
“Our Flag Means Death deserves a third season and all the Emmys.”
Anyhoo, we’re delighted to be here enjoying TV with you, and you are all invited to Calypso’s next birthday. (BYO bathtub)
The Crew
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angelkissiies · 2 years
abby anderson x scar!reader
cw : mentions of canon violence, injuries, canon doesn’t exist here, slow burn as fuck, literal bare minimum romance but like ,, you can feel it.
wc : 5.5k
a/n : i did NOT proof read this ,, i finished it at 4am and it was 11 pages. nooooo way. hope you enjoy !
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The rain pelted you as you followed closely behind the boy, shielding him from sight as you pushed through the dense forest, hearing sharp whistles coming closer and closer no matter how fast you’d tried to run. It felt endless, the harsh scratches of the branches on your skin as you held the machete close- praying you didn’t end up having to use it. 
“Demons!” Lev whisper-shouted, altering you to the growling that seemed to be encroaching faster than the seraphites could- their hellacious moans of plea ingrained into your memory. He tried to ready his bow, pulling an arrow from his quiver before your hand rose to stop him- hand securing around his wrist. 
You shook your head, pointing ahead to the glow of fire in the distance, the area was populated solely by seraphites now- seeing as the treaty fell through. That meant even the smallest noise that could indicate human life would be used as a call sign, sending the hunters out. With a group coming in from behind you and no way to go ahead, you nodded towards the right path, that being the only one seemingly uninhabited. You loosened your grip, urging him to take hold of Yara and run.
Yara nodded swiftly, understanding your plan wordlessly. It was just like that between you two, spending so much time together growing up- despite the age difference, you could read each other like a book. “May she protect you.” She spoke in a hushed whisper, coming to take hold of Lev and practically drag him away from you. She didn’t want to leave you, but she knew you wouldn’t take no for an answer, choosing to trust you knew a way out of this. 
“May she guide you.” You whispered, not loud enough for her to hear as you bolted towards the left, hearing a sharp whistle follow your movements. The goal was to make as much noise as possible, draw them as far as you could from Yara and Lev so they could find a safe place to hide out. They were the ones the elders wanted most of all, your collaboration being shaken off as rebellious youth. If you got caught, your punishment wouldn’t be half as bad as the torture that awaited them back home. 
The rain picked up, soaking through your clothes as you flew blindly through the trees. You could feel the branches snagging your clothes, causing rips in the loose material before you came to a sudden stop- the whistling seemingly coming to an end as you panted. It was quiet, not even the growling of demons permeating the tense overhang of silence, causing your stomach to lurch. They knew you were here, so where were they? 
You got your answer as you felt two arms wrap around your waist, pinning your arms to your side, causing your machete to fall to the damp forest floor. “We found an apostate!” A gruff voice shouted, making your ears ring, their fingers digging into your skin hard enough that you began to feel blood trickle. “No more running.” 
You stifled a scream, not wanting to give them the satisfaction. You knew this was bad, worse than bad actually, feeling another set of hands come to grip your left arm- allowing the first man to settle into the flesh of your right. You’d begun to make peace with the idea of dying tonight, your suffering surely ending in a much swifter way than they’d allow Lev or Yara. It was worth it, in your eyes, to die for such a cause. “The prophet abhors blind followers of evil.” You choked out, trying to dig your heels into the ground as they drug you back towards the fire. 
The man on the right snorted, almost choking on his spit as he laughed. “Don’t tell me what the prophet abhors, apostate.” He snarled, squeezing tighter as he pushed through a thick brush. “You hold no right to her words.” As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. Your ties to the prophet being cut when you chose to leave, to search for freedom elsewhere. 
They pushed a thick branch out of the way, the harsh orange firelight blinding you as they came to a stop before a woman you recognized as Helah. If there was one person you’d always be able to find in a crowd, it was her. From her spindly arms to the mass of dark hair pinned to her scalp, she’d always sent a chill down your spine, now more so- her focus being on a girl struggling to keep her feet on a bucket just a tad too short, a rope tightening around her thick neck. 
Her impossibly dark eyes settled on you as she turned, letting her knife fall to her side as she looked upon you in contempt. “You.” She spoke, tilting her head as she came closer. With every step she took towards you, you could slowly begin to make out the splatter of blood that burned her unnaturally pale face- making you shift uncomfortably in the men's arms, from what you could gather- these bodies were her doing. “Your mother begged us to find you, to save you from the demons.” 
You winced at the mention of your mother, imagining her falling to her knees before the elders- begging them to spare the only daughter she’d ever come to bring full term. You tried to shake off the thoughts, knowing this was her game, manipulation being her weapon of choice. You couldn’t let her get the high ground, not knowing what could possibly come of her supposed ‘mercy’ as allotted by the elders. “The only demons I need saving from are you people.”
One of the men kicked your legs out from under you, making you fall forward as they finally relinquished their grip on your arms. The feeling of the moist earth under you was an almost welcome sensation if it hadn’t been for the words you’d heard slipping from the lips of the woman standing above you now. 
“Clip her wings.”
A horrified scream was ripped from your throat as you tried to scramble off of the ground, motions halted by hands pushing you back down- cheek pressed roughly into the hard ground. You could feel the rocks digging into your skin as you tried to wriggle away, harsh sobs falling from your lips. As a last resort, you cast your eyes upward, coming to connect with the dangling girl. 
She looked on in gargled disbelief, face turning an unhealthy shade of red as she held your gaze. What did they mean by clipping your wings? It wasn’t something she’d ever heard of in passing during the time of the treaty. Her stomach lurched, as she watched you closely, almost forgetting the fact that she was also fighting for her life. Though, she couldn’t manage to tear her gaze away, the horror in your eyes sending shivers down her spine. In those moments, it felt like time moved in slow motion, watching as the repulsive-looking man brought down a massive hammer to the joint of your elbow. The screams embedded themselves into her chest, every shrill, ear-piercing noise committed to memory. 
You couldn’t breathe, the white-hot pain filling your entire body as you felt him hand off the hammer. The shock had sent your body into a primal shudder, twitching uncontrollably as you tried to conceptualize the pain- you had to get up. You had to get up now. Your working arm was held down in place, dirty nails cutting into your skin, leaving you to try to use your broken one as leverage. “Oh, god.” You whimpered, the pain shooting into your shoulder with every movement. 
Suddenly, the man’s hand on your wrist went limp- the large hammer coming to land with an obnoxious thump on the ground by your head. The newfound freedom giving you the chance to pull yourself away from the other man, hand securing on the fallen hammer. As you turned yourself around, you saw the man lying with an arrow poking out from the back of his head, though your curiosity was short-lived- attention being caught by the short, struggling breaths coming from behind you. 
The girl secured her legs around Helah’s throat, holding her in place as she struggled with catching small puffs of air. You stared in amazement for a moment before sense kicked back in, pushing yourself off of the ground. The pain took a backseat to the problem at hand, legs trembling under your weight as you used your remaining strength to swing the hammer to wedge into the woman's skull- seeing her instantly fall limp, the girl letting her fall to the ground as she relaxed her legs. 
“Help me.” The blonde wheezed, eyes beginning to roll back into her skull, face turning a sickly shade of blue. The bucket was long gone, lost in the struggle between her and Helah, causing her to swing haphazardly on the tensed rope. The world was beginning to dot in black, pupils tiny from the lack of oxygen. She didn’t even have to grab the woman, it was a choice she made in the moment- seeing the way she delighted in the suffering of a seemingly innocent girl. Maybe it was her conscious dictating her actions, or maybe, it was a nagging voice in the back of her head- telling her that if it was her, she’d like to think you do the same thing. How she could know that was beyond her, it didn’t make sense logically, but it was enough for her. 
You nodded quickly, hissing as you grabbed your broken arm in an attempt to not strain it anymore. You eased yourself onto the ground, feeling around under Helah’s body for the knife she’d been planning to use on the girl. “I’m sorry.” You huffed, stifled breaths breaking your words as you finally found the blade. You got back to your feet, wasting no time in your sawing of the thick rope. It came apart with a harsh snapping noise, sending the girl onto the ground hard. 
Yara bounded out of the darkness, your lost machete in hand as she looked at the two of you frantically. “Demons, we have to go!” She rushed, motioning to the path leading left, Lev following her lead as she pushed forward. Her eyes tried to avoid your limp arm, the discoloration seeping from your joint down to your fingertips, guilt overtaking her. 
You nodded, urging them to go, as you looked at the girl. “Are you okay?” It was simple, something so seemingly meaningless, but enough to convey the appreciation you felt towards her. She was the only reason you weren’t dead, feeling absolutely sure that Helah would’ve ended you before your friends could save you. 
She nodded, pulling the rope from around her neck before dipping down to jerk the hammer from the woman's skull. “Can you still run?” She asked, hearing the noises of infected closing in. The last thing she wanted was to let you die, seeing as she now felt just as indebted to you as you did her. 
“Yeah, yes. I think.” You grunted, pulling your lifeless arm to your chest as you gave her a curt nod. “We have to go, come on.” 
The blonde eyed you for a second before giving in, giving you a small nudge forward as she took off in the direction of what she assumed were your friends. She could hear your slowed footfalls behind her, making her cut her pace to let you pass her. If anything was to catch up, she could handle them- but in your state, you’d be too easily overtaken. 
It didn’t take long for the two kids to come into view, their bodies moving nimbly through the trees as they seemed to have a rendezvous spot in mind. You didn’t even consider asking about their plan, focusing solely on just making it there- the mind-numbing pain being the only source of drive you had left. You stumbled, feet getting caught up on a root that blended into the dark earth, acting just fast enough to catch yourself on a nearby tree, your arm falling limply to your side. 
“I can carry you if you need.” 
You shook off her offer, panting lightly before pushing forward- not even able to grab at your arm anymore. Every breath rattled your body, sending indescribable jolts of pain reverberating through your nervous system, if you’d not known any better you’d have assumed this was what dying felt like- but you’d always been classified as the dramatic type, so you tried not to dwell on it. “I can make it.” You attested, not fully believing your own words, but pushing forward nonetheless. 
The forest felt endless, from blindly following Yara’s lead to dodging infected spewing from unknown sources- it was like it was trapping you here. In a constant state of suspended terror, you dragged behind, feeling the burly girl's unrelenting aura looming over you with every step. She was different from the other wolves, you’d gathered in your short time with her, her attitude about your situation border lining empathy. It was something you’d never expect from her kind, having spent most of your life running from their old-world weapons. 
“Here!” Lev called behind to you, seeing your figure slowly encroaching on the two of them, he wanted to run back to help but restrained himself- seeing the shadows morph into fungus-ridden figures trailing after the pair of you, he nocked his bow in preparation. 
The girl ushered you forward, turning her back to you whilst you slid through behind Yara, allowing Lev to enter before she followed behind him- making sure no infected managed to come in behind the four of you. Her hair was sticking wildly to her face, eyes blown with adrenaline as she pushed herself through the hole. “Where from here?” She gasped, catching her breath as she peered around at the three of you standing at a fenced-in gap. 
Yara was inspecting your arm silently, leaving Lev to speak on her behalf. “The fence, it’s new, we have to go through there.” He explained, his bow remaining tense in his hands as he watched the girl carefully. 
She nodded, coming to kneel next to the fence. Her hands latched in the lattice holes, grunting slightly as she pulled the wire away from the pole. She managed to get it loose, holding it open for the three of you to pass. 
“Go ahead.” You halted Yara, pushing her gently towards the exit, not giving her the option to object. Her eyes lingered on your arm before giving a hesitant step towards the hole in the fence, giving it a once over before getting down on her hands and knees to crawl through. “Lev, you next.” He bore no hesitation, following Yara’s motions. 
You bent down next to the girl, ducking your head through the hole and using your feet to push yourself out to the other side, hearing her mutter a soft ‘watch your arm’ unconsciously. You heeded her words and pulled the limb to your chest, holding it firmly in place as you found your footing again, only to be grabbed by a force strong enough to rival that of what you imagined a god could. A choked scream passed through your lips, cut off by the neckline of your shirt coming to press uncomfortably around your throat- whoever had you was using the fabric of your shirt to dangle you just above the ground. 
“Goddamn it, leave her alone!” Her gruff voice rang out, finally wriggling herself free from the fencing, coming to bring the hammer down on the person's knuckles. It was enough for them to release you, letting you fall to your feet, their attention now solely on the wolf. Something she didn’t mind, her abilities lying mainly in her uncanny strength, as you’d come to notice. She took in the massive woman, eyes zeroing on the straps of an oh-so-familiar bag that hung on her back- practically straining against her massive shoulders. It lit a fire in her, her fingers tensing over the handle of the hammer- tilting her head slightly. “Is that my fucking backpack?” She shouted, quickly dodging out of the way of her massive pick, and taking a few stunned steps back.
You stumbled away from the pair, whipping around just as Lev let an arrow fly- landing in the woman's shoulder- sharpened stone burying itself in the muscle, giving the wolf a moment to strike. It was like watching feral dogs fight, strike- yelp- strike. They both had the strength to overpower normal people, but when paired together it was one immovable force meeting another. 
The girl locked her hand in the strap of the backpack, jerking the woman back just as she struck- hammer embedded in her skull. It was like destroying a sand castle, her body crumbling right before you in a mass of blood and muscle, it took one hit. “Fucking hell.” She hissed, kneeling down beside the woman’s body to strip her of the backpack that was rightfully hers- not hesitating to retrieve the hammer either. “We almost there?” 
Yara nodded quickly, pointing towards a building marked with a large seraphite symbol. “I-it should be right through there,” She began, glancing around nervously, anticipating the arrival of more soldiers- or worse wolves. “We have to hurry, she might not make it much further.” 
The words sent a pang of guilt into your stomach, causing you to shake your head. “I’m fine, I promise. I can make it.” You assured, glancing over to the bloodied girl, not letting your eyes linger for too long. You didn’t want to be seen as a burden, even now with a lame arm, you could still keep going- you had to. It wasn’t for lack of trying, that your convincing words fell through, no it was the sight of your now blood-red fingers peeking out from your shirt sleeve that caused the three of them to share a look of concern. “Let’s go, now, before they catch up.” 
The wolf stayed close behind you, eyes trained on the crimson of your fingers as she racked her brain for a possible explanation. Her father being a doctor meant nothing in the long run, leaving her with a basic knowledge of injuries, not nearly enough to account for what had happened to you. “How’s the arm?” She hummed, not wanting to bother you too much in case her presence began to cause you to recoil from her, seeing how differently you two were. 
“Bearable.” You managed, doing anything to not think about the numbness that had begun to creep into your arm. You knew it wasn’t a good sign, seeing as normally when you got injuries- even bad ones, they continued to hurt. This was a new sensation, one that sent a dread-filled ball into your stomach. “Thank you, by the way.” You added, your dull eyes coming up to meet hers as you pushed a bramble push to the side so you could pass. 
She chuckled, the noise lightening the mood for a moment, shaking her head in disbelief. “Don’t mention it.” She spoke quietly, coming to a stop in front of the warehouse ledge, lifting herself effortlessly onto the platform before turning to you- offering her hand. “Can I ask a question?” It was something she hadn’t been able to shake, the idea of ‘wing clipping’ being something regularly used in scar life, she wanted to gain perspective- though after she asked, she realized how bad a time this might be. 
You took her help gratefully, scaling the wall with minimal effort. Once your feet were back on solid ground you nodded at her, using your good arm to pull your lame one close to your body, trying not to hit it on anything. It had gotten easier to deal with the arm, though you’d begun feeling an uncomfortable chill creeping up your spine as the minutes dragged on. “Ask away.” You prompted, watching as she took hold of the latch- pulling the heavy metal off of the ground so the three of you could slide in under the door.
“Do the scars clip wings.. a lot?” She spoke once you’d all made it under, letting the heavy door fall closed with a ridiculously loud bang. Her hands came to her pants legs, wiping off the rust that had detached from the old metal, leaving red stains on the taut cargo. 
The words made you shudder unconsciously, the flashes of burning hot pain plaguing your memory. For something so recent, you could’ve sworn this ache was ancient, rattling even the strongest pieces of your will. “Seraphites, and,” You paused, shaking off the unwelcome recollections. “It’s not the go-to method of punishment if that’s what you’re asking.” It was mainly true, wing clipping being reserved only for the apostates they had no will to kill. Their goal was to maim them enough that they wouldn’t consider disobeying again, and usually, it worked. “It’s reserved for the ones the council decides to spare.”
Her brows knitted together, “Spare?” From her viewpoint, this seemed worse than death, the bones surely crushed into powder by the sheer amount of times she man brought the hammer down onto the joint. The memory made her want to crawl out of her skin, hammer suddenly feeling much heavier, the screams being the worst thing she’d ever heard in her life. “This is what they consider sparing people?” She wanted to say more but stopped herself, not understanding why she cared so much about the goings of scars. 
“I’m just glad to be alive.”
She nodded, finding that a good enough reason to drop the conversation there. “Grab any supplies you find, okay?” 
Lev almost choked on his own spit, looking at Yara and then at you. “We can’t touch this stuff, it’s old world.” His words hung in the air between you as you gave him a half-shrug. His mouth snapped shut before he turned on his heel, using the tip of an arrow to move stuff on the tables around- your reply wasn’t what he wanted to hear, but he didn’t dare to fight against it. 
You came to stand with Yara, her hands trembling as she thumbed through different stacks of old material. “You okay?” You hummed, swallowing thickly as her glossy eyes met your own, indicating she was nowhere near it. She was such a strong girl, pushing aside her emotions for the sake of others. She was so good at it, it had become her fatal flaw. 
She nodded curtly, dropping her eyes back down to the sheets of fabric, stuffing them in her pocket haphazardly. “I’m sorry, sister.” She whispered, doing everything in her power to keep her voice steady. “I went back for your machete, I... I thought I’d be able to get to you in time.” She turned on her heel, coming to face you fully, tears brimming her dark eyes. “I was wrong.”
The sight made your stomach twist into knots, free arm coming to wrap around her shoulders gently- pulling her small frame into your chest. She’d been the sister you needed through childhood, becoming the closest thing to blood you had besides your mother. It crushed you to hear her blame herself for something that should've never had to happen, the blame falling on the group you’d once thought was home. “She sees your love, she doesn’t blame you. Neither do i.” You hummed, squeezing your eyes shut to avoid letting the brimming tears escape, ignoring the faint feeling that had crept into your head as you held her.
A cough drew you from the embrace, causing you to turn in response- the movement almost knocking you off of your feet. “We found a way forward, might even be a couple places to rest.” The wolf spoke, nodding towards a door Lev stood by, seeing it barely hanging onto its hinges as rain droplets slowly raced down the corrupted frame. “Are you feeling okay?” She spoke suddenly, not letting you fit a word in before stepping forward, the back of her hand coming in contact with your forehead. 
You almost took a step backward, your heart jumping into your throat at the heat of her touch. It felt like she was on fire, her skin burning into yours as she spared Yara a nervous glance. “What’s wrong, why are you so hot?” You asked, tearing away from her touch with a slight tremble in your legs. You brought your own hand up, pressing it to your forehead in the same manner she had- pulling away quickly, finding your hand coated in sweat. 
“You have a fever, we need to get you out of here, now.” She pushed forward, not letting you object as she scooped you into her arms- careful to not crush your arm further. This was something she knew wasn’t a good sign, meaning you’d contracted an infection or worse. 
The sudden change left your head spinning, the body heat radiating off of the girl making you uncomfortably hot as you writhed in her arms, fighting in a sense. Not against her but against her unbearable heat, though in your eyes currently- they were one and the same. “You’re so hot, wolf, I can't breathe.” You knew she wasn’t doing this out of malice, quite the opposite actually, but sense evaded you in your current state. 
She pushed through the doorway, eyes locking on a trailer on the far side of the yard- her feet picking up pace as she held you firmly in place. “I know, I know. I’m sorry.” She managed, on any other day she would’ve made some tasteless joke about her being hot, but she settled on this not being the time for it. She could feel your body shuddering, still trying to fight off her warmth as she practically broke down the trailer door- kicking it open so hard it left a door knob-sized hole in the panel wall. 
Lev followed closely behind her, closing the door behind Yara to avoid drawing any more attention. “Is she gonna be okay?” He asked gingerly, putting his bow to rest on the dusty countertop. He knew the wolf didn’t seem like a healer, so she probably wouldn't know, but it was worth it to at least ask. 
The girl gently let your body press into the moth-eaten couch, her arms sliding from beneath you with ease. “Can I?’ She asked, nodding to your arm, seeing the purple tint your fingers had taken on in the time it had taken the four of you to get out of the woods. A nod was all she needed, her hands coming to your arm. 
One hand held your wrist, and the other pushed the linen of your tattered long-sleeved shirt up past your elbow. As the extent of your injury came to the light, nobody moved. The air felt stale, not even a ragged breath cutting through the anxious silence. You glanced down, the sight drawing a sharp gasp from your mouth, dark red pigmented your skin down to your fingers, which now took on a darker more purple hue. It looked like something a child would draw, devoid of all sense of tone, hung high in some disease-ridden home. 
“I can set it, That might help.” The wolf spoke, eyes betraying her thoughts as she glanced up at you, trying to make it less scary. If maybe by some miracle this could work, she’d try just about anything. “Let me do that, okay?”
You didn’t even think to object, giving her a tiny nod. “Yara, the cloth.” You spoke, looking between her at the girl. “That would help, right?” You checked, having the most inept idea of healing from your time spent sneaking around the healer's hut for herbs. 
Yara dug into her pockets, drawing out a handful of thick strips of cloth- immediately placing them into the hands of the girl. “I can go find more if we need more.” She rushed, watching closely as the girl turned them in her hands. 
She nodded, “This is perfect, thank you.” She gave the younger girl a tight-lipped smile, kneeling beside the couch. She brought the chair leg to rest on her knee, popping the fabric on top of it, as she placed her hands at the wrist and just above the elbow. This was going to hurt, a lot, and the only way she could think to do it- was by distracting you. “What’s your name?” 
“It’s-,” You began, only to be met with a harsh crack and a searing pain filling your arm. From your fingers to your shoulder, it felt like someone had sent you through initiation again, fire licking at your skin. “-My god!” You hissed in response, a choked sob escaping your trembling lips. 
“I’m sorry, I know it hurts.” She shushed gently, letting your arm come to rest on the cushions as she picked the chair leg up- fitting it to your arm. “You’re gonna be okay-?” She drew out, waiting for you to finish your previous sentence 
“(y/n), my n-name is (y/n).” You forced through the pain, breathing labored as you felt her secure the wood to your arm- straightening it permanently to let it heal. You had no idea if it would work, but you chose to trust her, not considering the fact that she might have just been lying for the sake of your comfort. “What’s yours?” 
She smiled slightly, finishing up her work, letting her forearms come to rest on her knee. “Abby.” It was like some switch inside of her had flipped, all thoughts of her original reason for coming out here being lost in her subconscious, heart jumping with anxious beats at the idea of leaving the three of you here- but she had to go, much to her dismay.
“Abby.” You repeated sluggishly, getting a feel for it on your lips, earning a small chuckle from her. “Thank you, Abby.” 
Abby stood, glancing between the two kids standing off to the side- looking visibly relieved. “I have to go, try not to make any noise. '' She warned, knowing the wolves had not cleared this area of infected yet. If they needed to be scared of anyone, it was the flesh-hungry infected that ran these woods. The ache to stay threatened her chest, forcing her to move faster. She pushed out of the door, halting on the wet steps as she turned on her heel- coming face to face with the boy she now knew as Lev. 
“Listen, kid. Whatever shape she’s in, you need to be out of here by tomorrow.” Her words came out rushed, her hand digging into the door frame as she loomed over him, watching as his lips set into a thin line. She didn’t know what else to say, already conflicted enough, so she just took a step back. “Don’t let her die because you wanted to be a hero.” 
The night passed in a blur of delusion-filled hallucinations, the pain creeping back into you when you least expected it. So when the light of morning poured through the tattered curtains, you thanked the prophet for the ability to even see another day- having thought many times you’d just die with the next flutter of your eyelids. 
“Here, drink this.” Yara hummed, holding a small water bottle up beside your head- waiting for you to part your now chapped lips. Her hands shook slightly, letting the liquid drip out of the bottle slowly to avoid making you choke. She’d not slept, spending the night hovering over you just to be sure you were still breathing, making her even more cautious in her pouring. 
You swallowed the water gratefully, feeling the ache in your throat dull slightly with the moisture. “Thank you, but really, try to rest before we have to leave.” You pleaded, eyes glossed over with the usual maternal worry you reserved for the siblings. “It’s gonna-,” 
Your words were cut off by the door swinging open, Yara immediately reaching for Lev’s bow on the counter her hands moved faster than you could follow, nocking an arrow and letting it fly in just seconds before a familiar voice called out from behind the door. ‘It’s me!” They began, slowly coming around the corner, face flushed. 
Yara let out a stressed breath, watching Lev rise from his sleep with a confused expression on his face. “On the prophet, have you heard of knocking?” She huffed, letting the bow fall back onto the counter as she crossed the room to collect Lev’s (definitely broken) arrow. 
“Abby?” You spoke quietly, voice hoarse as you gazed up at her approaching form, her name still feeling foreign on your lips. “What are you doing here?” 
The blonde shook her head shortly, kneeling down by the edge of the couch- leveling with you, letting her gaze rake over the sickly flush of your face. “You deserve a shot, (y/n).” She spoke, bringing a hand to rest on your uninjured one tenderly. “I’m here to give you one.”
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vixstarria · 8 months
I’m enjoying your snippets. I guess I have a prompt, or more like a scene that made me giggle.
Imagine Tav is a paladin who took the oath of vengeance. Except she’s very new and bubbly. So after finding out Astarion is a vampire spawn and he was tortured by his master, she excitedly vows to personally make Cazador suffer in excruciating detail. Astarion’s like, “Uh…thanks?”
I can’t stop laughing at the thought of Astarion being protected by a small, bubbly paladin that’s vibrating with excitement to avenge Astarion. Like a bloodthirsty squirrel.
Ha! I love the idea. Thought I'd bring out the whole gang for this one though.
I'll stick this one under a cut for uhh... some lighthearted gore.
The tiny paladin stalked around the campfire, having worked herself up into a righteous fury. Short of 5 feet, she made up for her stature with sheer vigor.
"We'll tear out his tongue. Then we'll tie him up. Throw him somewhere with just his feet out in the sun, and wait for it to slowly burn and consume him, from the bottom up, inch by inch," she ranted.
Wyll grimaced and lowered his spoon back down into his bowl, before it reached his mouth, just as Astarion let out a delighted laugh.
"Simply wonderful, my dear! Are there any other miseries you'd like to bestow on him, before his eventual demise?"
"Hmm," Tav paused, briefly. "Lae'zel, are there any good githyanki torture methods you would suggest?"
"I am not aware of anything specific to vampires," Lae'zel mulled over Tav's question. "But the regular routines should work on an incapacitated vampire just as well. His natural regeneration will only aid in making it last longer."
"Would that really work?" Shadowheart asked Gale in between sips of her wine. "Leaving a partial shield over a vampire and spot-burning him?"
"That is an excellent question," said Gale. "In theory, it depends on whether it is the literal energy of and exposure to the sun that causes the damage, or the more ambivalent idea of what the sun represents - goodness, righteousness, divinity - which may only need to touch a small part of an evil entity such as a vampire, to set the entire creature ablaze. I don't know the answer, but I could write to some of my colleagues, who have 'shed light' onto vampires, so to speak. Come to think of it-"
"Are you going to eat that?" Karlach pointed at Wyll's untouched stew.
"You're welcome to it if you like, I've lost my appetite," he said, handing her the bowl.
"Once his legs are gone, we'll burn his arms off in the sun, one by one," Tav continued her laps around the fire.
"You are vengeance incarnate, darling," Astarion spurred her on.
"We could chop off the limbs once they got too burnt and crusty and lost feeling," Karlach offered, talking with her mouth full. "He can regenerate but not regrow, right?"
"A good technique when combined with flaying extremities, as well," Lae'zel nodded approvingly.
"Yes!" Tav exclaimed, shaking a small but mighty fist at the sky. "We'll carve him up! Like a turkey."
"Now, call me an old fashioned romantic," Wyll interrupted. "But can't we just kill him in a civilized manner and then piss on his grave like normal people..?"
"All in due course, my friend," said Tav, before turning to Astarion. "Do you think Cazador would find this experience more horrifying with or without his eyes?"
A warm, fuzzy feeling was threatening to overtake Astarion.
So this is what friendship is, he thought.
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Mommy... I mean Wanda 
Part 11👀
Series here: 🎃
Word count: 1k ish i didnt look too close tbh
Summary: i barely remember what i wrote, but theres some smut, some cuddles, some sexting... oh and yelena 🫰🏻which always makes a story better
Do yall have any suggestions for future chapters or yk one shots 👀 just send me a request 😚
Cause frankly this series is getting long and completely lacks plot 😎ahahha help😥
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To say you and Wanda got punished for your bratty behaviour would not do it justice.
By the time morning rolled around you were a needy mess. With tears rolling down your cheeks and a bruised ass, you lay begging for a release she was dead set on not giving you. Wanda on the other hand was being refused any touch at all. Which in your opinion may just be worse. Natty may be a cuddly teddy bear with the two of you but when she wants you to suffer she shows no mercy.
You lay cuddled up to Wanda as Nat was off making you all some coffee, trying your hardest to follow her orders of  “keeping it in your pants” while she’s gone. You assumed it wouldn’t hurt for your hand to sneak under Wanda's t-shirt, simply wanting to feel the warmth of her skin. However, with how frustrated she was at this point when your hand rested on her stomach she let out a moan. A moan you were certain Nat would’ve heard from the kitchen. When she returned she held two steaming cups of coffee and one of tea. She also held a smirk that said she knew but would be letting it slip just this once. If you’d known that you would have gone for Wanda’s boobs instead. For a while, you simply sat there enjoying your hot beverage between your girlfriends, just soaking it all in.
That bliss was only interupted when an alarm went off on your phone.
“UGh just turn it off” you grunted slipping further down and into the sheets. Nat obliged and reached for the phone, being the one closest to it. Once the alarm went quiet she sat still looking at it.
“Baby, why does it say you have class in 30 min?” Nat asked turning back to you.
“It’s fine I can skip this one.”
“Not a chance, come on get dressed.” Wanda grabbed your cup putting it on the nightstand.
“ I really don't want to leaveee” Yes you sounded like a child whining like that, but there was no way you’d leave this bed, to go and listen to some boring lecture.
“Y/N behave. I know it's hard but how about we pick you up after class and go do something fun?” 
Nat pulled you out of bed, giggling at how your legs were all wobbly still.
“Aww, poor baby, did daddy leave you all fucked out?” You felt yourself getting needy at those words, you just wished she’d bend you over right there and not stop pounding you til you came all over her strap. But instead, you were left walking on shaky legs and wincing as you pulled your jeans over your very sore butt. Which the two women found very amusing as they watched comfortably from the shared bed.
“Can I at least get a kiss before I leave?” You said with a pout. Nat simply gestured for you to come over. She gave you a soft kiss before Wanda pulled you into her arms. She kisses you deeply, ending with a peck on your cheek, that leaves you wishing for much more.
“Now go be my good girl and study hard yeah?” You nodded gleefully at that. Wandas praise washing away some of your grumpiness.
You rode on that happiness all the way to Yelena's car. Thankfully she was also late.
“So how come you were around here so early?” Yelena usually spent most of her time on campus in your shared flat. 
“Mmm, I may have stayed at Kate’s place last night.” She mumbled keeping her eyes on the road.
“Oh my god, Yelena!” A big grin appeared on the blonde's face and that was honestly all you needed.
“So tell me?! How’d it go? Did you… you know?” 
“ Y/N!” She blushed. You laughed knowing that was a yes. 
“So does this mean we can go on double dates now?” You said as the car came to a stop in the university parking lot.
“And watch you drool over my sister for an hour? No thanks.” 
The class dragged on and although you attempted to take notes, you spent most of your time squirming to find a comfortable position to sit in. About an hour in,  the class was doing discussions and you saw it as a chance to sneak out for a quick break. You locked yourself in the bathroom and pulled out your phone.
Y/N: on a quick bathroom break, I’m assuming you’re still in bed?
Nat:( sent you an image)
You could not have opened it faster. It was a photo of the two, Wanda's shirt long gone and her breasts in full view. Your eyes take in the sight of your mommy's body. Her legs were spread and Nat's hand was inside her shorts. You so badly wanted to remove them. to see every movement of her fingers as they pleasured Wandas pussy.
Nat: are you alone?
Y/N: yes x
Nat: Mommy and Daddy would love to see how wet you get just thinking about what we’re doing
Wanda: Please baby be a good girl and show us
You thought about it for a second before pulling your jeans down and taking a short video of you running your fingers through your folds, showing just how much you needed them.
Wanda: such a good girl. why don't rub your clit for Mommy? 
You do as you are told and start touching yourself. just in time for another message to arrive, this time a video. Nat is holding the phone and is showing you a close-up of Wanda as she slowly sinks down on Nat's strap. you could honestly come just at the sight of that. 
Nat: Make daddy proud and cum for us baby girl 
A couple more brushes over your clit and the sound of Wanda moaning paired with wet noises of her pussy being slammed down on nats cock and you finally came. Shaking with pleasure after the amount of teasing you had endured. Once you are able to breathe normally, you pick up the phone to send them a text.
Y/N: I may have made a mess all over my jeans
Wanda: oh poor baby, did mommy getting fucked make you all stupid? No worries honey we’ll come to get you and how about you let Mommy clean up all that wetness on the way home? I’m dying to have a taste ;)
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star-going-supernova · 11 months
May I humbly request clingy Freddy suffering from separation anxiety who is constantly on edge about losing his child 🙏
We are on a roll! Here’s tumblr generated prompt number 33! I put Gregory at twelve years old here. Poor Freddy in this one, lol.
Separation Anxiety
Back and forth, Freddy paced the length of the pizzaplex entrance, always keeping the parking lot outside the doors in sight. It was two minutes after 11 p.m., two minutes after Gregory had said he would arrive for the night. 
His wires felt itchy with mounting worry. He cycled through various cameras, all focused on side or back doors, in case Gregory had entered the building elsewhere. He would have asked his friends if they had seen him, but he did not think they would soothe his nerves, not after he spammed the group chat at eleven that Gregory had not arrived at his designated time. 
Monty had laughed at him—Freddy had been able to hear it from the foyer, loud as Monty had been in his amusement—and Chica had gently reminded him that Gregory had given him an ETA, an estimated time of arrival. Roxy had lost her patience and snapped at him to stop being such a helicopter parent and give them all a break from his incessant, and needless, paranoia. 
Gregory’s a beast of a kid! she had furiously typed, essentially a shout. You seem convinced that everything in the world is out to get him and would succeed! Give the little monster some credit, Fazbear, hell. 
So. He was not sharing his concerns in the group chat. 
He just—it was not paranoia. His fears were perfectly rational; there were many things that Gregory could encounter in his daily life that could cause him harm. And while Gregory liked his foster parents well enough, they clearly were not up to the task of taking care of him. Not when they failed to notice that Gregory snuck out several nights a week to visit the pizzaplex. 
Gregory deserved excellent care, not average care. 
(It did not matter to Freddy that his foster parents’ lapse was the only reason Gregory was able to visit outside the pizzaplex’s hours of operation.) 
He toyed with making the argument (again) that Gregory should stay here, with Freddy. Then Freddy would not have to worry about many of the potential dangers that existed beyond the front doors. Which, he would like to point out, had very effective safety measures. 
Distracted with creating a list of reasons for why Gregory should never leave Freddy’s side again, he did not notice Gregory riding up to the entrance on his bike. Nor did he notice Gregory climb off, tilt his head in amusement at the sight of Freddy pacing, then chuckle to himself before walking his bike through both sets of doors. 
“Miss me?” he teased, breaking Freddy out of his thoughts. 
Freddy snapped his head up, his worry instantly vanishing at the mere sight of the boy. As soon as Gregory had leaned his bike against the wall, Freddy was there to pull him into an inescapable hug. 
Gregory laughed against him, reaching up to hug him back. “Sorry I’m a little late. I guess the pacing is why Roxy texted me?” 
Sheepish, Freddy asked, “Ah, what did she say?” 
“Only that you’re reaching all new levels of worrywart and it’s driving her crazy.” 
“I… suppose that is not inaccurate.” 
Gregory leaned back to look up at him. “What’s got you so worried?”
Everything. Anything could take Gregory from him: Other humans. Car accidents. Potentially undiscovered deadly allergies. Dangerous animals. Illness. Injury. The list went on and on and on and on—
“I think you have a pretty skewed idea of what life for us humans is like,” Gregory said. “I swear I’m not dodging danger every second of every day.” 
It only takes once, Freddy carefully did not say. Gregory, as an orphan, would know that all too well. 
Though he did not respond, something in his expression or body language or even in the silence itself made Gregory frown. 
“I’m sorry my health and safety’s got you so freaked out,” he said earnestly, and he lifted his arms in an offer. One Freddy gladly took, scooping the boy up and holding him even closer. “Is there anything I can do to help?” 
Stay. Stay forever. Never make me let you go again. 
“Did you say Roxy texted you?” he asked instead, and it was only because he had impeccable control over his voice box that he did not sound strained. 
“Hey, yeah! She found me through my foster mom’s Facebook, I didn’t even think—let me give you my phone number, and then we can text and stuff. On nights I can’t make it, we could do a video call? Would that help?” 
“That—yes. I think it would.” Freddy saved the string of numbers to his memory and then sent a message to Roxy asking how to get his systems set up for texting outside of the pizzaplex’s internal communications system. She sent him a few laughing emojis, then mercifully passed along a mod file. 
“While you get that set up,” Gregory said knowingly, “how about we head down to your guys’ lounge? I owe Monty a beating in Mario Kart.” 
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jackie0502 · 2 months
Random rant
Ok so, basically I think that after Jason dies at some point Leo should find Hera or Hera find Leo and Leo confront Hera about Jason dying. Like Leo is obviously confused about why Jason is dead as he died already so Jason should still be fine and I want Hera to tell him Jason was never meant to live. Jason was an insurance policy to make sure Leo did. Hera goes on to explain that out of everyone in the Seven she has interfered the most with Leos life shaping him the way he was supposed to yet, he still fought he defied every single path that he was given, to forge his own. Hera thinks this makes him so very human. Adding on to this point Hera also makes him suffer in cruel and particularly mortal ways. Hera see’s Leo as a connection to the mortal world which we know she really wants as in the HoO series she states that she is often jealous of the other gods because they have mortal children that connect them to the mortal world unlike Hera. Initially I think that Hera would actually want Jason to be the one who lives but overtime she realizes that Jason doesn’t seem all that human you know. He has been involved with the godly world since he was like two. He followed every path that was given to him and believed in destiny. Qualities that made him too godly. Hera decides that she doesn’t want Leo to die anymore so she decides Jason had to. I also think that Hera would start talking about how she thinks that despite Jason being her "mortal hero". She thinks that he was never her connection to the mortal world, he never would be. Because she realized this and also gave Jason to Lupa she set her eyes on a different target Leo. Whom’s life was always interfered with by Gaia and Hera but still seemed so mortal. We can connect that to the how Leo always thinks that he is worthless by making Leo go, “Wait but why would you focus on my, out of all of the seven? I’m not that special,” Hera laughs at that. She says child if you weren’t special I wouldn’t have focused so much on you neither would have Gaia. Leo you are so special because of the way things affect you. For example when Jason was exposed to the godly world (A lot more than Leo albeit) he followed his path. But you, you didn’t. Even though you knew that you had a destiny to follow you did things your own way it made you different from the rest. More defiant. More human. You my Leo, you are my true hero. 
Some added points this would be super interesting in my opinion because this makes Leo realize he is more special than he thinks. Also what I mean by making Leo suffer in particularly cruel and mortal ways I mean that out of all of the seven Leos trauma and issues are the most mortal, for example Frank suffered from the stick gifted by Hera (also the death of his mom and grandma but he didn’t think that was his fault and accepted it) by constantly being afraid of fire and loosing his lifeline, Hazel suffered from her gift (her moms selfishness plays a role in it but it wouldn’t be the same without Hazel’s gift) by causing misfortune and eventually dying as of such, Percy suffers from all the responsibility, expectations and quests given by the gods (I think that one speaks for itself), Piper suffers from her charm speak a gift from her mother Aphrodite (albeit her dad is also neglectful but its not the same) by getting in massive trouble with the law and being sent away from her dad (the reason she was causing trouble), Idk if Jason actually suffers but I think it may have been the expectations of camp Jupiter (which is obviously the godly part) idk don’t came at me, and Annabeth suffers by always trying please her mother and prove herself to get attention (also very obvious in my opinion). But Leo, Leo thought that his mother died as a fault on his part. I’m pretty sure he either thought he set the place on fire idk and also the foster care system. The first one you could argue that was caused by Gaia, but Leo didn’t know that. He completely thought it was entirely his fault which is actually something that happens to people irl and about the foster care system we know it was super toxic because he literally ran away so many times and that’s how he ends up in the wilderness survival school. Also toxic foster parents are something that exists in real life. Also would like to mention most of this stuff the Seven (minus Piper and maybe Hazel but that doesn’t have big impact) already know about gods and stuff but like I pointed out previously Leo knew nothing! He literally lived his life thinking he killed his mother!!
Thank you for listening to my ted talk. 
P.S sorry for the spelling mistakes.
P.P.S would like to give credit to @liekasrt on Tumblr whom I got inspired by to take this route (a lot of Inspo comes from her pls go check her out I luv her stuff) 
Would also like to give credit to this fanfic on Ao3 (I’ll drop the link right after this) which liekarst took inspo from. I read it and it is absolutely amazing! 
You should go check these people out and thanks for reading my rant!
(If you’re reading this, this is just to make sure you check these people out) 
Always give credit where its due!
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witchhazelevesque · 6 months
While I still think that Esperanza would laugh at the thought of dating a guy like Tristan... there are many ways to take a mortal step siblings Leo & Piper au....
Tia Callida??
How would the addition of another seemingly unimportant demigod impact her dynamic with Leo?
She probably would have wormed her way into their new place, being like, 'damn, now I gotta gaslight TWICE as many mortals?'
Depending on where in his career Tristan was at any given point, they could hire actual babysitters and nannies, in which case, Hera would either need to lay the magic trickery on heavier or get a new disguise.
I think Piper says that his King of Sparta role was like his break out hit, even though he had success before that, and she helped him study up on Greek mythos, so she must not have been super young at that point. 
Then again, it'd been long enough that the McLean’s had fallen into a bad cycle of Piper getting into trouble for attention and Tristan not giving it to her and having Jane deal with her, not to mention the whole 'any three questions' thing.
So let's just assume that Tristan was mildly successful from when Piper was relatively young, like 6 or 7.
Anyway, yeah, so like, Piper would have a LOT of complicated feelings about her dad remarrying and having someone else take his time and attention, even though Esperanza would absolutely be loving and supportive to Piper. 
So like, part of her wants to lean into having a maternal figure, but she's GOT a mom, one that she's desperate to know more about, one that her father will never tell her about. And it feels like Tristan is just replacing this mom Piper's been yearning for, and no matter how great and kind this lady may be, she ISN'T Piper's mom. 
And then there's Leo. I don't think they'd get along at first.  Piper likely thinks he's odd and isn't interested in what he likes. At this point though, Leo doesn't go out of his way to be loud and make people laugh or hide his feelings, because he doesn't yet have anything to run or hide from. 
Leo's got a more healthy view of his birth father, because his mother has always told him that they'll meet one day and that he'll understand more when that happens. Leo sees his father less as part of his mother and he's less curious about him than Piper is about her mom. 
Leo would be pretty uninterested in Tristan as a person at first, but he'd be glad that his mom has more help and more time for herself and that she doesn't have to struggle as much. 
While Esperanza wouldn't let Tristan use his fame to get her a job, he DOES know a lot of rich and influential people who know people and basically, he creates opportunities for the right people to see how intelligent and valuable Esperanza is as an engineer, and gives her some breathing room to develop that screw design she was working on and trying to get patented when she died in canon. 
She eventually DOES get her design patented and sets Leo up for the future.
Both parents seem like they'd be generous with each other and their kids, but both have known struggle and idk, it'd probably be something they have to talk about, I'm not sure what outcome it'd be. 
Either way, they of course DO consider their step children as family and WOULD take care of them if something happened to their spouse.
Which leads us to the Gaea of it all. 
So she sets up Esperanza's death because her employee Madea got a premonition while in the Fields of Punishment that Leo was fated to cause Gaea issues. Gaea couldn't outright kill Leo, but she does say that she can make him suffer. 
Piper being in the picture could go a few ways:
Either, Madea also sees that Piper is a threat, which would be interesting since she and Piper have that whole charmspeak/ magic struggle in TLH and in TBM. 
It could be more personal for Madea that way, she might highlight Piper's role over Leo's which, if it's only one parent to die, might make it Tristan.
But considering that in canon Piper still existed at the time that Leo did, and Gaea decided to set him up to suffer and not Piper? But then that might have been because of Hera paying attention to him and training him to be a hero.
But if Hera was still around when Piper came into the picture...
Idk what Hera and Aphrodite's relationship is like. I'd like to believe that it's one of the more positive ones, since love and marriage go together (ideally) and I don't think Aphrodite ever had an affair with Zeus, so there's a point in her favor to Hera. 
It WOULD be something to have the whole lost trio be coached/ favored by Juno/Hera...
If that's the case, then yes, Piper might have been on both Madea and Gaea's radar, in which case, Gaea might have targeted both Tristan and Esperanza.
Which just leads to a whole other mess:
Things could go a lot of different ways depending on whether or not Leo and Piper considered each other siblings, or if they got along or were friends. 
As much as I like the idea of their friendship, I don't think it was really as strong in canon as it's made out to be by readers. Piper has a selfish streak, and I'm not saying that to be hateful. It's an important and interesting element of her character, and it could be really integral in this situation. 
Piper was like, the first person to have positive feelings about Leo's fire and to praise him for it in canon. 
Can you imagine the reverse of that, if Gaea manipulates him into killing both his mother and Piper's father? 
Piper MIGHT hold on to Leo because he's the only family she has left, and she's terrified to be alone. Or she might lash out and hurt him more deeply than he's ever been hurt.
That also depends on whether Hera trained Piper as well, and if Piper was jealous of the preference that the 'babysitter' showed to Leo over her. 
Also, Piper would have become attached to Esperanza eventually, even if she didn't want to admit it. And that, the loss of another mother, of never getting to show her that she did consider her a mom, that she's gone, and Piper made her think that she didn't want her, that she pushed her away and now doesn't get the chance to fix that?
And that, I think, could get Leo to fight back, because he spent the whole time watching Piper outwardly reject his mother, who he loved so much and now Piper wants to act like her death is about Piper's loss?
They could very well implode. 
And they go their separate ways, Piper to whatever guardian her father had appointed for her, and Leo running from that same guardian, because of course their parents wanted them to stay together. 
So Piper's just trying to live her life but she's always haunted by the knowledge that her brother is somewhere out there, alone and probably in danger and she has no idea what happened to him or where he is or if he's thinking about her. 
Oh, and when they meet up again for the Prophecy of Seven bullshit?? Woooooooo!!
Or maybe she runs off too, but in the opposite direction of Leo, and they go through they're own shit, learning and getting stronger and getting knocked down and getting back up again, but always seem to run into each other over and over again, and it's like, 'ugh, you again' but also 'oh thank god you're okay' but also 'get out of my face i never want to see you again' but 'if you touch my sister/ my brother again you'll be on your way to the Underworld WAY early'.
And maybe one of them gets into a scrape they can't get out of and the other HAS to help, they HAVE to, and that leads to some kind of reconciliation even though there are all these bitter feelings of grief and blame and abandonment, but beneath that, they just miss each other, god, they miss each other. 
Or, Piper might not blame Leo, whether because Hera did train her too and she knew about Leo's abilities already and knew that he wouldn't have hurt their parents and saw that Gaea was manipulating him. 
In that case, then, yay, a little runaway team of two. 
Doubtful that Gaea would let the two of them end up anywhere good, even though Tristan would have had better options for a guardian than Esperanza would have with her judgmental family. 
Or maybe they might have ended up someone fine, but they're both traumatized and terrified and grieving and can't trust anyone but themselves and run from any decent situation to make it on their own. 
And you know, maybe they end up in the Labyrinth, or the Lotus Casino, or get found by the Titan army. Maybe they stumble into the Waystation, maybe a random god takes them under wing and guides them along to camp, lots of stuff could happen. 
Because the world is terrible, they would need to develop their abilities much sooner to keep themselves safe.
They've probably killed some people.
 Like, Piper would scream in blind terror at some man following her to leave her alone and he'd walk out into traffic and calmly get hit by a truck, that kind of thing. 
Well, Piper probably kills people, accidentally and then intentionally when needed, but Leo might not be able to bring himself to repeat what he did to their parents. It's okay, though, Piper understands and takes care of that part.  
Oh, and by the time they get to the giant war, they are just so done.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
The Creature is so good but I have to fight for Mr. Eaten, so here we go:
Remember Eugene Vanderstock's candles made of human flesh? Seekers of the Name obtain St. Arthur's candle by rendering it from their own fat. Similarly, while the Cult of the Lightless Flame were turned into wax, becoming St. Gawain's candle entails someone becoming a hollowed-out shell filled with wax and a wick.
The warning you must acknowledge to start SMEN reads, ""I acknowledge that frustration is likely, other players may be enemies as well as friends, and I am more likely to fail than succeed. If I spend hard-won resources, or even Fate, and suffer from buyer's remorse or ill luck, no refunds will be forthcoming (unless the loss is the result of a bug). Acknowledging this warning will place a reminder item in your inventory which will allow you to opt out permanently at any point." You must voluntarily accept that going down this road will utterly ruin you, then ignore the exit you've been given to keep progressing into self-destruction. Later on, when obtaining St. Beau's candle, you are given another chance to escape Seeking. You once again must choose to turn this down.
Seeking Mr. Eaten's Name causes compulsory self-destructive acts such as attempting to literally drown oneself in beer, having a dentist pull your teeth so you can eat them, and setting fire to a candle shop followed by eating your own burning flesh.
There are several cards which let you raise your SMEN quality. One of these is "Set fires around the city": "Candle-seeds will blossom to bonfire-roses. Probably, people will die. Possibly, you will be discovered. However cunning you may be, when the red takes you - when the red takes you -"; if you succeed, this is followed by "All these little lights to remember him by. Like and unlike the lights between. They drowned the lights when they drowned him, but water nevers burns. That scent, that roasting scent! Raw would be better. But sharpen your knives. It’s almost time." The description implies the mass arson you've committed is one of Mr. Eaten's acts of revenge against the Masters. Another is "Blacken your mind like paper," in which you sacrifice part of your Watchful stat to discard your memories of and attachment to your friends and vow to destroy them: "Yes you have forgotten their names. […] neglected their business. No you do not recall their faces. If they laugh at you let them […] you will steal their treasures. You will sculpt them of wax. When the time comes all of you will burn together." A third option is to erase the knowledge of the Correspondence you've studied: "Each word that you forget from that Last Alphabet opens a commensurate space in your brain. Untrace sigils. Unmake the promise. Unwrite yourself." Finally, you can "Light a Taper," which will cost rare materials and all of your goodwill with the Masters: "...It will not burn. It burns. It will not burn. […] It burns. It will not burn. It burns. IT WILL NOT B (One day I will go north to the end of the world, stained with the inks of the violet undernight, and there will I bur -)"
To progress, you must get 7 each of Weeping Scars, Memories of Chains, and Stains on your Soul. To get Weeping Scars, "Cover your body with the signs of your search. Carve the number into your flesh. Death is nothing before your purpose. Seven are the scars that will never heal." The cost is described by the wiki as "Unspeakable, and mounting with each Weeping Scar you have — your Correspondence Plaques, your Hard-Earned Lessons and your life — many times over." To gain Memories of Chains, "Burden your mind with memories of what you have done, what you have suffered. The courts aid you, unwitting. You shall never be free. Seven are the chains that weight your mind." The cost is "Unthinkable, and mounting with each Memory of Chains you have — your treasures [...] your secrets [...] your papers [...] your wines [...] and your Sudden Insights. You will also become intimately re-acquainted with New Newgate Prison." To obtain Stains on your Soul, "Mark your soul with the unspeakable. Only a monster can help you now, but soon you will be the monstrous one. Soon." The cost is "Unconscionable, and mounting with each additional Stain on Your Soul: vast quantities of F.F. Gebrandt's Superior Laudanum and your Confident Smiles." In short, you must pay ridiculous amounts of resources; permanently scar your body, mind, and soul; and transform yourself into something monstrous and forever suffering in order to Seek the Name. This is before we even get to the Candles.
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paperanddice · 4 months
Gremlins are mischievous spirits forged into a miniature humanoid creature. They exist to pull pranks and sabotage places or items, the more destructive and chaotic the better. The tallest of gremlins are at most three feet, and range down to just over a foot. Most lack significant physical strength, and so must rely on trickery and forming groups to achieve their goals
Jinkins delight in drawing larger beings into pits and confusing caverns, often by snatching up small items and using them as lures. They hold grudges and will stalk a group that evades their trap or recovers a stolen item for weeks to try and escalate the situation. While they rarely directly attack, they may if their traps and thefts are repeatedly foiled and the target looks weak. Their greatest strength is an ability to curse magic items, and a band of jinkin will come together whenever they have the chance to do so. In combat, a group of them can throw a quick curse that is tenacious but will break over time, but if a band of jinkin can get their hands on a magic item they can perform an hour long ritual that lays a permanent curse on that item. Until the curse is fully stripped by stronger magic it always has a 20% chance of failing to activate its active ability.
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Jinkin Gremlin 1st level mook spoiler [humanoid] Initiative: +7 Tiny Sword +6 vs. AC – 2 damage. Sneak Attack: The jinkin deals an extra 2 points of damage if another ally is engaged with the enemy. Tinker: If 4 jinkins start their turn engaged with the same enemy, they can combine their standard actions to make the following attack against that enemy: Lay Curse +6 vs. MD – Any time the target attempts to use the activated ability of a magic item, there’s a 20% chance that the effect fails. Each time the character completes a full heal up, it can roll a hard save (16+); on a success, it overcomes this curse. AC 18 PD 15 MD 13 HP 7 (mook) Mook: Kill one jinkin gremlin mook for every 7 damage you deal to the mob.
Nuglub gremlins are very large and very simple, by gremlin standards. They have less ability for magical trickery, and so just thrill in brutal combat. While a nuglub will set up and take advantage of traps whenever possible, their ideas are very simple and straightforward. Hidden pit traps, thrown spears or rocks at someone who steps on a tripwire, or just a broken tree falling over. Then the nuglub jumps out and starts clawing and biting and beating any vulnerable targets. Nuglubs tend to have smaller groups than other gremlin types, as they fight among themselves, but they can take control of groups of other gremlins by threat of force.
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Nuglub Gremlin 1st level troop [humanoid] Initiative: +3 Cruel Beatings +6 vs. AC (2 attacks) – 3 damage. Natural 16+: The target is hampered until the end of its next turn. AC 16 PD 15 MD 11 HP 32
Like a particularly mean lapdog given the ability to walk on its back legs, pugwumpi are vicious and cruel gremlins. They enjoy seeing others suffer accidents and mishaps, and each one carries an aura of bad luck around itself that causes chaos for everyone nearby. This combined with their love for setting traps and hovering nearby to let their aura ruin any attempt to bypass or disarm it, laughing uproariously over the fallout. They hate almost all other creatures, except strangely gnolls, who are also unaffected by their bad luck. Few gnolls appreciate this affection, but certain outcast gnolls may find themselves leading bands of pugwumpi, as they have no one else to rely on.
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Pugwampi Gremlin 0th level mook spoiler [humanoid] Initiative: +6 Very Tiny Dagger +5 vs. AC – 2 damage. R: Very Tiny Bow +5 vs. AC (one nearby enemy) – 1 damage. Unlucky Aura: Any creature except pugwampi and gnolls nearby to 2 or more pugwampi has terrible bad luck. Any time they make an attack roll or saving throw, they have to roll 2d20 and use the lower die result. Each time this causes an attack or save to fail, that enemy can attempt a hard save (16+). On a success, that enemy is immune to the pugwami’s unlucky aura until the end of the battle. AC 15 PD 14 MD 10 HP 5 (mook) Mook: Kill one pugwampi gremlin mook for every 5 damage you deal to the mob. Vexgit
Maniacally destructive, vexgit focus their attention on complicated devices. Looking like little crustaceans, each one carries around a heavy hammer it salvages from whatever source it can. They dismantle and destroy machinery, the more complicated the better. At their most simple, they'll rig a carriage wheel to fall off, or a door to stick when closed, but groups of them can create much more dangerous traps. A castle's portcullis may fall unexpectedly when passed under, or a clocktower's gears burst and fly about a room. Vexgit are boogeymen blamed for all engineering failures, even when not responsible, but that just boosts their egos and drives them to be responsible for more failures.
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Vexgit Gremlin 0th level spoiler [humanoid] Initiative: +3 Surprisingly Large Hammer +5 vs. AC – 4 damage. [Group Ability] Rusting Grasp +5 vs. PD (one enemy wearing metal armor or wielding a metal weapon) – The target either takes a cumulative -1 penalty to AC or to attacks and damage until the end of the battle. Group Ability: For every 2 vexgit in the battle (round up), one of them can use rusting grasp as a standard action once during the battle. AC 16 PD 14 MD 12 HP 18
Inspired by the Pathfinder 1e Bestiary 2. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
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tar-thelien · 4 months
Chapter 4 of Rethië
Maedhros request some candles before panicking and Fingon gets to talk with Fingolfin TW: flashback to Alqualondë (Fingon)
Words: 1667
Fingon´s POV
Findecáno attempted to sneak a glance at Nelyafinwe, who was tossing and turning. Yet every time Nelyafinwe noticed Findecáno looking, he paled even more and started to hyperventilate, and tears of fear welled up in his eyes. Paralyzed with fright, he would remain motionless for what seemed to Findecáno like an hour had passed.
He easily found himself wishing they could have brought one of the grand wall clocks from the bustling streets of Tirion along them.
Nelyafinwe had made the decision, the day after receiving praise from Findecáno regarding his health that he no longer required any medication. He started declining any food that carried medicine he could smell out, gazing at Findecáno as if waiting for approval. Although his behavior was tiring Findecáno tried to not make it show and just smiled a half smile down at him. He hoped this behavior was a sign of independence, but he couldn´t shake away the back thought that it was something deeper.
In an attempt to make it easier for all involved, the healers had tried to withhold medication from his meals a few days earlier. Initially, this tactic proved successful for a brief period, but soon Nelyafinwe found himself back in severe agony, so much that he couldn´t even breathe without whimpering, and shortly thereafter, his anguish became so intense that he had exhausted himself to the point where he was no longer able to express his pain but small spasms and whimpers. The agonizing wait for the medication to take effect, when they hurriedly gave him some again, was a harrowing experience for them all.
Thankfully the healers had been able to make a stronger numbing cream and had sneaked some painkillers into the tea without being noticed after he had smelled it out in his soup.
"Russo, is something bothering you? You seem troubled," he inquired as Nelyafinwe's left arm, which had been seized by what appeared to be a severe cramp, finally ceased to lay weakly by the high king´s side.
Nelyafinwe wearily strained his neck to glance at him before swiftly averting his gaze and stubbornly shaking his head. His tired eyes conveyed a sense of exhaustion and reluctance as he refused to meet Findecáno´s face.
"Come Nelyo, something is weighing on your mind," Findecáno attempted to lighten the mood with a laugh, as if wanting to laugh all the worries and troubles away, "please tell me so that I may offer my assistance and support."
Slowly turning his body to lean forward Findecáno´s chair Nelyafinwe began murmuring, “light… light so bright.”
Findecáno inquired with a puzzled expression, "is the brightness causing you discomfort?" as moments passed in silence with nothing happening, Nelyafinwe's began to nod eagerly.
Humming Findecáno pondered the situation carefully. Nelyafinwe, being of Valinor descent, was supposed not to be bothered by the light, yet memories of when the radiant Anar rose after Isil haunted him. Many of his people had suffered from, what they called it, light sickness, an illness that targeted the eyes, and in severe instances, even the skin, causing it to blister. Thankfully it was fast to cases and once you had had it you didn´t get it again. But then again, the high king's tent only source of light was the occasionally opened opening, to the main part of the tent, and a few dim lanterns. Adding to the intrigue, Nelyafinwe's secluded abode within the Bell Tent, set apart until his complete recovery, was partitioned off by a thick fabric wall from the main area reserved by healers for storage and Findecáno's space, typically used as his lounge or a meeting room and never was Nelyafinwe´s part open while the opening in the main tent where to, so he had only seen Anar when on the cliff.
“I can switch the lanterns out with some candles?” he asked tryingly, Findecáno himself didn´t want the only light to come from their eyes, too much like the ice, and it couldn´t be healthy to Nelyafinwe, with all the time he had spent in the dark iron halls, “I will do that, yes! But I will have to leave you alone for a short moment, is that alright Nelyo, you just stay there and I´ll be back, yes.”
Hurrying out to search for candles, he was unexpectedly blocked on his way by his father just as he emerged from one of the supply tents. The hurried mission to acquire candles was abruptly interrupted by the presence of his father, who waited for him right outside the tent with an emotionless expression plastered to his long face.
"Yón," Nolofinwe interrupted Findecáno just as he was on the verge of leaving the shadowy tent, asking, "have you been with Russondol?"
read the rest on AO3
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
Now a game im interested in is assassin creed title that will take players to feudal Japan. Here the announcement video they did for the franchise 15th anniversary https://youtu.be/gD_DemeUuy8?si=oFcOY8AW_uHmo4N9
Now leaks revealed we are going to play as two characters, a female Shinobi who in the trailer named Naoi/Noae Fujibayashi, a daughter of a famous ninja. And African samurai who will slowly join the order that Naoi is part of the assassin brotherhood.
As you probably guess the African “Samurai” is very likely to be or based of the famous Oda Nobunaga retainer Yasuke https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke
In the story leaks in reveals that Naoi and Yasuke will start out as fierce rivals/enemies as historically Nobunaga constantly tried to wipe out the ninja clans. But will later become close allies in their desires to unify Japan
Now I did my research on yasuke, he never joined the samurai class and such. I have theory when Japanese were reviewing their samurai ancestors. They made Yasuke a “honorary” samurai but Afro centrists twisted it
Now for the game they changed Yasuke backstory where he was a slave on a slave ship that was attacked and he was the only survivor. And he eventually end up under Nobunaga learning the way of the samurai
Now some people think Yasuke is as just Nobunaga pet…though it stated he was 6’2 and I can’t really believe didn’t trained him in at least the bushido code.
Now in assassin creed settings, human history was influence by mainly two secret orders and their incarnations. The assassin brotherhood (Free Will) and the Templar order (social order)
Now as I theorize about how ac red could use Yasuke, I realize that they could do a story where Yasuke joined the assassins and goes into the shadows and protect and unify japan so they don’t suffer the same hardships as him. Basically an immigrant protecting his new home.
Now it caused a shitshow on twitter when the leaks came out as they thought it was form of Afro centrism after you know the Netflix cleopatra thing. Mainly because the headlines forgot to mention he was one of the two playable characters
Now for me, Yasuke help inspired one of the first seinen anime’s my father introduced me to being Afro Samurai which the titular character was voiced by Samual Jackson.
Now we probably won’t get a proper reveal of the game until April or May as that when the company Ubisoft like to do such a big reveal. But I know he going to very likely be in the announcement trailer. So prepare for the shitshow
Sorry for these long anons, yes people pointed out ac could done a game set in Africa
But I think Yasuke fine, as 1. The Japanese has references him several times and been used as inspiration. 2. Help this feudal era game stand out from the many ones
And of course the Europeans will play important roles in red. Can I please get a historical black project that isn’t “Fuck white people!”?
I’m so starving I’m taking a video game with a huge Illuminati war and I’m leaving out the crazy scifi part
Sorry for ranting these past days. I feel like you’re one of the few tumblr people I can truly talk to
Still remember how incredibly blown away I was when I saw the first videos of the first AC game. I could never play them I knew that way the camera moves gives me vertigo and a splitting headache if I try and play games that do that for more than a couple min, never could play DooM for the same reason whole 3D thing caused actual physical pain.
Still these are beautiful looking games, *personal tangent over*
Not at all sure how accurate the stories about Yasuke are, guy absolutely existed and as thing go this is still a work of fiction so that'll be less important imho.
I'm sure we'll get people saying that if he's not chosen to lead the shogunate it's racist but those people we point and laugh at.
Now it caused a shitshow on twitter when the leaks came out as they thought it was form of Afro centrism after you know the Netflix cleopatra thing. Mainly because the headlines forgot to mention he was one of the two playable characters
Nothing like incomplete information to start a fight, you just reminded me I haven't seen anything about the Hannibal thing they're doing in a while, gets all kinds of free advertisement when the angry mob starts up and the people with the full information start responding. Do they do that on purpose as a form of viral marketing that they don't need to pay for, probably.
I know I've played a few Ubisoft games, can't remember what they were, looked at their list and it's too long so I'm letting it be.
And of course the Europeans will play important roles in red. Can I please get a historical black project that isn’t “Fuck white people!”?
Probably not, maybe they could do something where the British fleet is enforcing their blockade they set up in order to stop the ocean going transport of slaves to the Americas, or maybe French or British army going in and going to war with the various kingdoms and such in Africa that were still trying to keep the slave trade going after they were told to knock it off and stop selling their fellow Africans.
But that probably wouldn't go over too well in certain communities. The discourse would be delicious though.
Sorry for ranting these past days. I feel like you’re one of the few tumblr people I can truly talk to
you're good, it's why I leave anon on even when I'm getting attacked I like to be available for people that need a place to vent or anything really, other than the weak ass threats some of them send, if they could actually do what they say they'd do it instead of whining in my inbox
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deadpuppetboi · 11 months
Goretober Day 28: Horns
By definition, psychosis is a mental disorder characterized by a disconnection from reality.
It can be caused by a health condition, medication, or drug use. Or, in Murkoff’s case, an incapacitating noxious gas is known to cause hallucinations so destructive that it can cause psychosis in the subject. No matter the age, no matter the gender, or even the mental well-being of a person, they will be affected.
Case in point: Joseph Morre.
He was in a rush amongst others in his group, running from one room to the next, holding what items they needed to go on, and avoiding every ex-pop there was. He had held onto a gas canister to fuel the generators, distracting anyone that got in their way, set up and dismantled traps, and managed to remain slightly sane throughout the trail.
He had to blame himself for this mistake.
He caught himself off guard by breaking through the window to avoid Mother Gooseberry and her eagerness to give him an ‘appointment.’ He misjudged how far he would jump, catching his foot on the broken window still below, he tripped and fell onto his hands and knees. Jagged glass dug deep into his skin, causing him to cry out as he immediately fell to his side, holding out his injuries as the pain escalated.
He made quick work of tearing the pieces of glass out of him, the smaller pieces being a pain in the ass as his broken nails dug deep into his bleeding skin.
The pain may have disillusioned him to think that he would have been fine when he wasn't. Tearing out the glass out of his right knee the sound of the door bursting open and obnoxious laughter had come along. Joseph tried to move when his mind had taken the time to recognize the laughter but was stopped by a harsh tug of his hair.
With his head pulled back, the teenager looked up at the boiled man above him, his gas mask staring him down as he pointed his fumigator at him.
“No need to go anywhere,” Pusher laughed as he placed his finger on the trigger, “There’s plenty of gas to go around!”
Green gas had invaded Joseph’s senses, his lungs burning with the lack of oxygen, he coughed violently as his mind started to break apart. His vision began to distort, his hearing echoed, and his adrenaline grew to its peak as he was finally let go. The same obnoxious laughter had come along, the figure walking off to leave the teenager to suffer on his own.
Veins grew up on the walls that surrounded Joseph, his breathing labored as his vision caught onto a familiar figure and started to crawl from the ground below.
Black tendrils swayed from side to side from all around, the teenager experiencing sharp bursts of pain as the tendrils slashed at him. Every step he took to get up was stopped by the tendrils, pushing and pulling his broken skin, bleeding him out and preventing him from running away. He was by his side by then, eyes shaking as the figure had finally risen on its feet, its features coming together as it began to walk towards the teenager.
The Skinner Man was exactly like what Joseph was told about.
A tall man, dressed in the dark, had a skull as a head with red pinpricks of eyes, and black tendrils acting like hair that went all around. Joseph had crawled back, fearful of the creature as his eyes caught onto how the creature’s ‘hair’ started to twist and turn into something else. His heart beat faster as he began to form into a form he had grown to fear since he was young.
He had horns.
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syngigeim · 2 years
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#lovely spot and just hearing that region theme as i stepped out into stormblood proper is something i'll keep with me as a favorite memory
My Top Posts in 2022:
Day 1 - Cross
Syngigeim couldn’t help it. Tears began to trickle down her cheeks. She closed her eyes and tilted her head up, hoping to stem the flow just a little. She was alone. Everyone close to her giving themselves up to make a path for her. Or else an infinitesimal distance away back home.
She opened her eyes and glanced forward ahead at the lonely world, a fragment of one that Meteion found...and at the glimmering bridge ahead.
Her path was clear.
Shadows began to form around her. Were they the spirits of those lost? Or something more? It was along her way forward and so she strode towards it. She thought of this lost world. Where all life was gone without a trace. Meteion said she found nothing and yet-
If you need a push, I’ll be right there behind you.
Syngigeim stopped. And laughed. She smiled, pressing her hand up against her heart, where she could feel a warmth blossom. Of course it was him. She set forth again, her stride steady.
Do not despair. You are not without allies.
Of course, she thought. She turned her thoughts towards those back home, awaiting her return. And there was still hope, was there not? By the matter that she still drew breath, that before her was that bridge, the breeze upon the wind, they weren’t fully gone. Not yet.
What we have sown in blood, we have reaped in suffering, and it can not go on.
Syngigeim’s smile faded but she kept her pace steady. She fought and struggled and in the process, hurt others. Taken lives. Bloodstained were her hands...but she still had to try.
Upon the souls of they who have sacrificed themselves to pave the way for peace, we will never abandon our cause.
She had to try. To struggle. To believe in that brighter future. For those who we’ve lost. For those we can yet save. For everyone else who was struggling at the very same moment.
While it is true that man succumbs all too often to anger and avarice, he may yet overcome his baser instincts through the forming of bonds with others.
It always felt a little silly when it was presented in stories such as these. For what can a person do on their own? Walk on, her mind countered. Walk on and keep moving. For their sake.
Such victories are rarely won without sacrifice. But the prize is worth the price.
Syngigeim took a breath. Sacrifice. She wanted to stop. Wanted to stop and break into tears anew. She focused instead on the next spirit ahead of her, of the bridge she was coming up upon.
And we for our part are glad indeed to be able to welcome friends both old and new…
New. New friends. As of this point, she could only envision a faceless mass in front of her, in shadow. What would they be like? What were they doing at this moment? She reached the bridge of light.
Save your tears for the morrow. You may be sure we will have ample cause to shed them, be they for joy or for despair.
She gave a short snort at that. It was a little late for that but perhaps when this was over when journey’s end came, she could finally allow herself to feel it in full. “That she may find happiness at journey’s end…” she whispered.
From tragedy and sacrifice, we rise to greet a new dawn.
This place was a place where worlds ended. But she suddenly thought of the fact that day and night still came over those planets. The universe was destined to have all light vanish one day...but what caused life in the first place then? Questions yet unsolved.
A future shaped by the choices we made, in ways we could have never forseen.
Who would have thought that a search for a friend would end up to all of this? Lost, struggling in the dephs of despair, her mind countered. He’s still fighting, she counter-thought. Still fighting. Move on.
Yet miracles do happen. So let us pray, and will our friends home.
She gazed ahead. She was near the end of the bridge. There was a way to do just that...at the risk of undoing all of the protection she had.
I won’t stop praying until I know they’re safe.
Still, she’d find some way shouldn’t she? For amidst all of this loss, she kept a kernal of hope in her heart. The warmth she kept alive in her chest.
Strong art thou, mortal.
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13 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
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13 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
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Friendly reminder that airships exist and can be way cheeper than teleporting. This is from a teleport from Limsa Lomina versus taking the airship from it.
17 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
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19 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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35 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
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