#they musta got embarrassed. i would too shit
kissanon · 4 months
i NEED to see/Silly
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luminnara · 3 years
Pro Hero Bakugou + cam girl!reader fluff 18+ ONLY
I wrote this for myself c: i’m a SWer and i gotta live through my self inserts sometimes lol
Warnings: nsfw language
part 2
requests are open!
Everyone always expected him to end up with another pro hero. After all, he was Dynamight, a determined, powerful man with an even more powerful quirk. He had his own agency, he kept his area of the city in check, and he had a near perfect record. It only made sen that he would want to date someone equally as impressive and passionate about hero work, someone who could keep up with him and match him on every level.
Nobody ever expected that he would end up with someone like you, least of all...well, you.
You held off on telling him what you did for a living for a while. You weren’t ashamed of your profession by any means, but you had developed too much of a crush on Katsuki to risk ruining everything if he didn’t share your viewpoint. What if he hated your job? What if he thought you were an embarrassment to his name? No, it felt better to just tell him that you did something mundane, letting him believe you were an accountant or something rather than a full time online sex worker.
You were absolutely certain that the great Dynamight wouldn’t want the news getting out that he was dating someone like you, so even though it felt like you were lying to the man you were falling in love with, it also felt...better. It felt safe.
So imagine your surprise and horror when he casually brought it up on his own.
“What, you thought I didn’t know from the start?” He rolled his eyes, kicking his feet up on your coffee table as he raised a beer to his lips. “You think I’m stupid or somethin’?”
“What? No!” You said quickly.
“Then why’d you lie?”
You looked down in embarrassment. “Because...I didn’t know how you would react.”
He raised an eyebrow but said nothing, waiting for you to continue.
“A lot of guys get jealous, or just...shitty about it.” You sighed. “I figured that you wouldn’t want my job ruining your reputation as a pro, too. So...I just never said anything.”
Katsuki was silent for a moment, taking another drink. He seemed like he was thinking about your words, and with each second that ticked by, you grew more nervous. Was he about to yell at you for hiding such a big part of your life? Was he going to break up with you right then and there?
“Don’t be a dumbass.” He finally said. “I don’t give a shit what you do, long as you like doin’ it.”
His voice was harsh, but it made your heart soar.
“Thank you,” you said, letting out a relieved sigh.
“For what?” He grunted.
When he saw the sappy look on your face, he groaned and motioned for you to come closer. When you came and stood near his legs, he rolled his eyes, reaching out with one strong arm and pulling you down to straddle his lap.
“I don’t fuckin’ care what your job is.” He said, a big hand settling on your ass. “Kinda pissed me off that you kept hidin’ it from me, but I figured you’d bring it up at some point. Then you just fuckin’ didn’t, so I did.”
“How the hell did you find out?” You asked, suspicious that he had gone through your shit or something.
In that moment, the great Katsuki Bakugou actually blushed.
“Uh...” he looked away, avoiding your eyes. “I...mighta caught a livestream once.”
Your eyes widened. “You what?”
He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Yeah, I tuned in once or twice.”
“What? When?” 
“I didn’t go lookin’ for you specifically like a creep!” he said roughly. 
When you just quirked an eyebrow, he sighed. 
“It was right at the beginnin’. Remember that first date we went on? You were wearin’ that green dress...”
“Of course I do,” you smiled. 
Bakugou readjusted his grip on you and you settled in against his chest. “You wore that fuckin’ dress, ‘n you got me so god damn worked up with that.”
“Did I?” You teased, already knowing the answer. You were well versed in the world of horny men, and you could very vividly remember all of his awkward shifting and not so stealthy readjustments.
“Fuck, you have no idea,” he groaned. “Had a hard on the whole night. Thought I was gonna explode by the time I got home.”
“Well, you’re pretty good at exploding,” you laughed, leaning your cheek against his chest as you looked up at him. “You could have invited me in, you know.”
“Nah, I was bein’ a gentleman. I mean, you’re fuckin’ gorgeous, princess...but I asked you to dinner because I liked you. And when I ask a girl to dinner, I fuckin’ do it right. After I got home, I had to go rub one out...’n that’s when I found you on that camsite.”
You blushed. “Yeah, I, uh...remember going home and deciding I should go live for a few hours, since you made sure to have me home by nine.”
He rolled his eyes at your joking tone. “Yeah, yeah. I saw you under the now online tab, ‘n I couldn’t stop watchin’...”
“That was a good night,” you grinned. “I went straight from having some of the fanciest food I’ve ever tasted to having one of my work nights ever. I mean, I remember hitting my tip goal in like, half an hour! Because my highest tipper was some new guy and—“
You paused, realization dawning on you.
“Wait just a goddamn second.” You leaned back, sitting up to look at Katsuki suspiciously.
The shit eating grin on his face confirmed your suspicions.
“What, babe?” He drawled. “You were gonna tell me all about your highest tipper. Don’t stop now.”
“My highest tipper,” you jabbed your finger into his chest, “was a new guy whose username I had never seen before, who had to have a lot of money to pay what he did.”
“Yeah, well. There’s all kindsa rich people on those sites. They love gettin’ off to pretty pieces of ass like you.”
“And he even ended up tipping enough tokens to cover my bills that month,” you rose up on your knees, straddling him again. “He had to have been a celebrity. Or a CEO. Or a pro hero.”
His grin only widened. “Musta been.”
“Katsuki, I cannot believe you!” You laughed, lightly slapping his chest. “All this time, you’ve been watching me from a burner account?”
“Well, I can’t exactly just put my hero name out there,” he chuckled.
“Because it would be all over the tabloids?” You guessed.
“What? No, because you woulda found out right away. Like I said, I wanted you to come to me first.”
“That’s...really sweet of you, actually,” you sighed. “Thanks, Katsuki. For not telling everybody.”
“...you told Kirishima, didn’t you?”
“I was excited about how hot my new girlfriend was!” He said defensively. “‘N it’s not like he was gonna do anythin’ bad, anyways.”
“Yeah, there’s not a mean bone in that man’s body,” you laughed, sliding back down onto your boyfriend’s chest. “I just can’t believe you. How are you so good at keeping secrets from me?”
“You tried to do the same thing to me,” he pointed out.
“Well, now we’re even. But...I don’t exactly think the world would like knowing that a top hero is dating a camgirl.”
“Like I care.” He rolled his eyes. “You know how popular you’re gonna be when rumors start flyin’?”
“Rumors?” You asked, looking up at him.
“Oh, yeah. Everybody’ll wanna find out if that’s really the pussy that the best pro hero is poundin’ every night.”
“What? It’s true.”
You were quiet as you thought for a moment. “You know, if you sign a model release, your dick can be on cam...”
His face lit up. “You wanna suck this cock in fronta all your loyal fans, baby? Wanna show em what a fuckin’ size queen you really are?”
“Full of ourselves tonight, aren’t we?” You asked dryly.
“You’re gonna be fulla my cum soon enough,” he flirted, leaning down to nip at your jaw. “C’mon, Princess. I gotta get my practice in before I can be your stunt dick.”
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vegalocity · 3 years
Hugs 16, Kisses 27 and 38 for Jasminetea, please because I need more content of this ship
Affection meme
16. ‘not wanting to let go’ hugs
27. desperate kisses
38. relieved kisses
I'd love to contribute to the jasminetea revolution Tigerseye~
Today was supposed to be a frightening day, yes, but not like this.
Pigsy had mocked him for his pining over Sandy for too long. And he couldn’t shut him up by mocking him over his thing for Monkey King anymore because unlike him Pigsy actually had the nerve to go for what he wanted. So once he was tired of Tang firing back about his own pining and suffering he just… went out and did it.
And Sun Wukong thought the initiative was endearing and then Tang didn’t even have a leg to stand on anymore because suddenly Pigsy wasn’t even a companion in Pining Hell anymore.
And he was getting tired of all the ‘That is NOT a good excuse! You’re a freeloader but you’re not a COWARD Tang!’ too, so he figured it was maybe time he should just grow a spine and do it too.
Today he was supposed to march over to Sandy’s boat and just.. Finally come clean. Tell him how long he’d been pining after him, whether it ended well for him or not, the emotions had all been bottled up for so long sometimes they felt like they were about to burst at the most inconvenient times.
And then Sandy would have to turn him down because Tang was man enough to acknowledge when he doesn’t really have a chance with somebody, but he’d let him down gently because Sandy was too damn good like that, and assure him a hundred times over that this didn’t have to make things weird at all and they definitely can still be friends, and that he’s super flattered and anybody would be lucky to have Tang, just… not him. And Tang would take it as well as he could and find at least some catharsis at the end of the day over it.
This was not supposed to be a day where everything went to shit so quickly. This was not supposed to be a day where some… Demon he didn’t even care enough to remember the damn name of (but he KNEW he was a Problem during the Journey to the West at SOME point) decided to raise some havoc and go absolutely batshit over the city.
Xiaotian, Xiaojiao, and surprisingly Red Son, took care of it because of course they did… But…
Sandy took a really rough hit for Xiaojiao, and… look… they were in what was essentially the superhero business in this day and age, Life risking battles were par for the course. And tanking rough hits was something Sandy would openly say he was fine with, that he was perfectly content to be the wall of muscle between his friends and danger.
That didn’t make it okay. It didn’t mean that Tang wouldn’t be absolutely devastated if something happened to him while he was protecting someone else.
That didn’t mean it wouldn’t destroy him if Sandy died without Tang ever telling him the truth because it just happened to be planned on Today of all days.
They were in what was essentially the superhero business.
They couldn’t afford to leave things unsaid anymore.
So when the battle was done, the demon (he did NOT care enough to remember which one he was- It was the Rhino King, fucking dammit) sent running, and everyone was pulling eachother from the rubble, Tang placed himself as the one to fuss over Sandy, since Pigsy was already fussing over Xiaotian and Xiaojiao whom both already had minimal injuries (and Red Son, but he kept shouting about how his assistance had been extremely conditional today and he wasn’t interested in being babied)
Though that knowing grin Pigsy shot him before doing so was certainly doing something to remind him about every single embarrassing story he had on the pig since college to threaten to indulge Sun Wukong in as what little blackmail he had left.
Sandy was a fair bit more roughed up, granted he’d been thrown through multiple buildings and every crash against the concrete that had made Tang’s gut lurch in fear and dread.
“You’ve got to take better care of yourself in these fights.” He found himself huffing quietly as he applied antiseptic to the huge gashes that had torn their way onto Sandy’s back.
He didn’t even flinch, and just laughed at the idea.
“I’ll be fine, Tang. Nothing small like this would be enough to take me down!” He forced the sterile cloth a little harder onto a certain wound right along Sandy’s spine to get the gravel out and felt the fish demon go rigid beneath his hands.
“Haha! Besides-” His voice was strained. “Rather it be me than the kids.” And the worst part was that he couldn’t even debate that! He was certain all of them would rather throw themselves into the jaws of agony than let any of the kids fall in themselves. (and by the surprisingly quick way Red submitted to Pigsy’s fretting they’d probably have another name on that list before too long)
“That doesn’t make it less terrifying to have to see.” He leaned forward just a bit, feeling his forehead brush the space between Sandy’s shoulderblades, one of the few parts of his back that weren’t raw or freshly bandaged.
He felt Sandy take in a breath beneath him. “I’m sorry Tang… Musta’ looked pretty bad from the sidelines, huh?” The sidelines.
“You have no idea.”
He was always on the sidelines, huh? Long before all of this fighting and magic started coming around.
He’d only become friends with Pigsy in the first place because the history buildings and the kitchens were close to each other so they’d pass through the same pathways on their respective ways to class back in college, and he was obnoxious and curious and Pigsy was the only one from the Culinary Arts major who’d indulged him. He’d only even met Sandy at all because of their history.
He’d just always been extremely lucky to annoy the right people. Because he never took any real chances. He’d talk a lot of game back then, and even sometimes now, but he was always the real wallflower of the group.
Did he really have it in him?
It wasn't really a good hug but he didn't have to pull away, he didn't necessarily want to anyway. If he just left it there Sandy didn't have to know. He could just continue on and it never would raise any red flags.
He could.
Tang shuffled around, and though Sandy remained seated he twisted his body to face him and smiled that big, sweet, beautiful smile.
“I’ll try to be a little more careful, There is a difference between being a body shield and playing defense, I gotta remember that.”
Fuck it.
Leap of faith time.
He… He was supposed to say something. He was supposed to just say how he felt. But the impulse to DO something instead of just say something had for a moment driven him temporarily insane, so instead of just telling Sandy how he felt, like a normal person would have done, Tang decided to pick the stupid version of that and grab Sandy by his necklace and pull him in.
But dammit- he was TIRED of this!
And-.... it felt good. It felt really fucking good to finally kiss him. Sandy let out a muffled yelp of surprise but quieted quickly.
-But he didn’t kiss back.
Tang pulled away and willed himself not to be too upset, he knew this was coming after all.
Didn’t make it hurt any less to have the confirmation though.
Too late now. Might as well make the whole thing explicit.
“I’ve been in love with you for too damn long to watch you throw your life away like that.”
He braced himself for the vague noise of distress when it sunk in for Sandy what that meant. Braced himself for the ‘Oh… Tang I’m uh… I’m really sorry and I’m super flattered-’
And then a large, gentle hand hooked under his chin to keep him in place and-
Well… that was a balm on his nerves. Tang responded to the second kiss as much as he could, which was admittedly a bit difficult for how chaste it actually was, but placing his hands on Sandy’s arm and leaned in, and- was this real? Was this really happening? Was he about to wake up at home halfway tangled up in bedsheets and cursing another day of being a coward?
He didn’t want it to end, but when Sandy pulled away and smiled down at him that big beautiful bashful smile, cheeks turning purple with a truly precious blush he couldn’t complain.
And then the sounds of cheering from the others broke up the moment.
“Fucking FINALLY”
Send me stuff
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magnusgoetia · 3 years
Transcript of a Sinner’s Conversation: A Meeting with Caecus
--Begin (In Medias Res)--
Sinner: You kiddin'? Dyin' was the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Caecus: There’s nothing you left behind? No family to miss?
Sinner: My family? Fuck 'em, I'd ‘ave hired 'elp to kill 'em already if it meant they'd be dead-dead, and I wouldn't have to spend time wiv 'em down 'ere. It wouldn't be right for me to force this on my friends either, but they'll be 'ere in due time anyway. I can wait.
Caecus: So, you’re expecting your friends to join you here as well. The wait must be awfully lonely.
Sinner: Ah, not really. I’ve made friends while I’m ‘ere. The shit I can do ‘ere is like, fucking magic and with it I can make up for what I lack in a lot of different ways. Just wish I could remember how I ‘ad died.
Caecus: Maybe it’s better not to remember… Not all of us intended to be here, after all.
Sinner: No. No, perhaps it’s best not to remember. I quickly found out that it's not just evil folks that end up here, lots of good folks, plenty of weird ones too. I'm sensing you’re of the “gooder” ones, you radiate...well, it’s 'ard to describe, but I don't sense any hostility from you at the very least, even though you were born ‘ere.
Caecus: How amiable of you. But remember, a birth is just a new beginning of sorts. You couldn’t have been alone since you were… delivered to us.
Sinner: Ah, you’re a poetic type aren’t ya? Anyway, I’ve not made many friends but I do ‘ave a particular fondness for this one clown...me an' 'im seem to 'ave this weird connection wiv each other. Actually, he's more of a jester type, though rather embarrassingly his name escapes me...
Caecus: Are you, by chance, referring to an imp named Blocko?
Sinner: Yeah, don’t surprise me you know ‘im. He seems like the type to ‘ave a particular reputation.
Caecus: That he does, and yet a divine will connects us. I’m being led to believe your intriguing appearance has an even more… intriguing history.
Sinner: Riiiight...Well, you know what they say about skeletons and closets. Though I suppose I ‘ave nothing to hide ‘ere...Well, to put it simply, I was a broken kid. I never got help, and I did... unspeakable things to anyone who ‘ad wronged me—or simply didn't like.
Caecus: Even the purest of souls can be corrupted by another’s sins.
Sinner: Yeah...Well, it's not like I'll stop doin’ what I did while I was alive, with all that murder and hedonism. Though death has a way of humbling some people...In any case, the murders mostly stopped as I grew older. I seemed to have preferred to just traumatise people instead, ruin lives of the people I saw as bad or evil.
Caecus: Then you found a different punishment for those you had judged.
Sinner: I suppose so. A lot of it involved me spying on groups of people. I'd worm my way into the seedy societies that thought they were safe in their little circles and collect dirt on them. Really sick shit too by the way but don’t worry, the hypocrisy wasn’t lost on me either.
Caecus: Oh? You judged yourself a hypocrite yet continued along a path of self-appointed righteousness... Why?
Sinner: I don’t know, maybe a sense of catharsis? A lot of these were people who I wouldn’t have to feel guilty about killing or whatever. Sometimes it was more personal too, there were—still are people I am attached to up there that got hurt, and I took my revenge on them in their place.
Caecus: Ahh, how noble. Fighting for your friends.
Sinner: Yeah, there was this one particular bastard. Actually, there were a few…but…eh, nevermind…this one particular guy who was essentially lying to one of these “friends” and caused them a psychotic breakdown. I didn’t take action right away, but I did end up killing ‘im. Didn’t even bother hiding the fact it was a murder.
Caecus: What made you wait?
Sinner: Money, mostly. It makes the world up there spin, and you need a lot of it to get anything done, right? Well, I ‘ad to wait until I ‘ad enough money to fly to the states on top of all that shit involved in immigratin’. When I settled in, that’s when I made my move on a buncha grudges. This guy was just the first. Moving to the states made my life a lot easier in some ways. Was a lot easier to sleep when I took care of the grudges too.
Caecus: Oh, wow. You must have had remarkable resolve to keep a “grudge” that long… Tell me, did all of them truly deserve it?
Sinner: No, most didn’t, but I am…was, an angry person. I found I was very much capable of venting my anger, to put it mildly, and I was much too young when I had...shall we say...discovered it.
Caecus: Young minds are impressionable.
Sinner: Right, and the fact that I was generally good at getting away with it made me feel just that little bit better about it.
Caecus: So, you exploited that validation to continue justifying your actions. Most sinners in your position never reach awareness...
Sinner: Yeah? I’ll take that as a compliment, but I was totally emotionally disconnected when committing my crimes. Afterwards I pretty much always dealt with conflict. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch. Though I had largely stopped my ways. I’m ‘aving way too much fun down ‘ere, and even though I won’t drag ‘em down here with me, I’d love to have my friends join me eventually.
Caecus: Would they be pleased being here, embrace this existence like you have?
Sinner: I dunno, some of them have a hard enough time as it is with one existence, I doubt they’ll be too happy to find out there’s another waitin’ for ‘em. The others I’d imagine would be quite surprised all the same, being atheists and such, but I reckon they’d come to like it.
Caecus: An existence you cannot escape is itself a prison. Albeit, choosing to enjoy it in spite of that perspective is a marvelous thing. If you could imagine them in your presence, what would you do?
Sinner: Again, I dunno. It’s hard to tell when they’re not here yet but I am somewhat interested in what’ll end up happening should they get here. I dunno if I’ll be able to tell if it’s them even.
Caecus: And how do you dare to enjoy existence now?
Sinner: Well, I’ve been doing everything I’ve ever wanted to do but could never do in life amongst other things. It’s kinda embarrassing, but I played a bunch of video games, so I miss those quite a bit. I’ve found plenty of ways to fill that void though. Some of your movies are pretty sick down ‘ere, and importing goods from the other rings to ‘ere means I don’t miss out…mostly, on their fun too. I just wish I could explore the other rings; I don’t get why us sinners can’t.
Caecus: Decretum is often difficult to understand. However, it would seem a blessing that you’ve been placed with the multifarious company of the pride ring.
Sinner: True enough, whatever that means. There’s a lot of strip clubs, greedy businesses and shit, stuff you think you’d only find in the other rings. Though I think I probably would’ve ended up in wrath if we landed in the rings based on our sins.
Caecus: Most catechisms view wrath as an excessive anger. You strike me as having more control than the average sinner.
Sinner: A lot of people on the surface woulda said the same too, I was and I suppose still am really good at keeping it in check, well, good enough to not make it obvious anyway. Though it’s been a lot tougher down here.
Caecus: This is a realm of collective temptation, after all.
Sinner: My only judge here is myself and perhaps my peers if I let them. I still kill down here, but it’s been in self-defence. I don’t think I’ve killed anyone out of anger yet but let’s just say I’d feel sorry for the poor sod who happened to piss me off on a bad day.
Caecus: You’ve always been your own judge. I suspect the lack of good comparisons for your behavior here has coaxed you further.
Sinner: Actually, I could tell you about the first person I “killed” down here. It was soon after I woke up. I suppose this guy thought it’d be easy—fresh sinner, just in time to be another tally mark on some statistic.
Caecus: A second death, the lake of fire…
Sinner: Uh...yeah, I reacted on instinct and it musta been a sort of “kiss of death” type shit. I only touched the dude with my hand, and he just kinda…shrivelled up and died. You know…like when a cartoon character eats a lemo—ah sorry, you can’t watch TV.
Caecus: Ah, yes… a shrivelling death is nevertheless descriptive.
Sinner: Anyway, I have a bunch of other powers too but that one I’m most afraid of you know? I can drop the ambient temperature of an area so shit gets cold, have some form of telekinesis and a buncha other stuff, like I have some kinda control over this weird glowy energy, it’s how I have my eyes, which are purely for show, I don’t need them since I can see perfectly fine without ‘em...not that you’d know I even have ‘em.
Caecus: I’m aware you observe our world, in a traditional sense. My observations are just a bit more… unorthodox. And I feel as if your fear is not from a lack of understanding.
Sinner: Well I seem to have it under control, but I’m afraid in a moment of weakness I might react without thinking, you know? I’ve not had it happen yet, but it would be so easy when flippin’ out that I just give ‘em the ol’ touch of death.
Caecus: Even a king’s heart is just a stream of water to the hand of… fate.
Sinner: Gonna be honest, I haven’t the foggiest of what you just said. Though if I’m being honest myself, I couldn’t care less if it was someone I didn’t know anyway. Only really care about my friends and such. You seem pretty neat yourself.
Caecus: The impression is mutual. It’s not often that I’m seen as anything other than senseless and intimidating. I don’t find it unwarranted, granted; my appearance is as disconcerting as my psyche.
Sinner: How do you even know what you look like? It’s not like you can just look into a mirror.
Caecus: I was presented with a vision soon before I arrived, my last blessing I suppose… Regardless, my rebirth is a tale for another time. I’ve relished in your company long enough, and I must answer my calling. I’m sure our paths will converge again.
Sinner: Hey, I hope so too...uh....
Caecus: Please, call me Caecus.
Sinner: Well, it’s only polite to give you my name too. I go by many names here, but I am quite fond of “Mr. Death” as silly as it sounds.
Caecus: Silly, yes, but very becoming of you. A pleasure, Mr. Death.
Mr. Death:Well, don’t let me keep you. I’d like to see you again sometime, Caecus. I’ll take my leave.
Caecus: All in due time.
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samthemarvelfan · 4 years
Hard Day’s Night: One Shot
Summary: CEO!Bucky is a dick. He takes out his frustration on the one person he shouldn’t have. Honestly? The dude just needs to get laid.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC, feat: Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: Angst, Smut!
A/N: This is just a small idea that hit me outta no where! I hope you enjoy! 18+ please!
Taglist: @iheartsebastianstan @jjlizz @stuckysbabe @sk493494 @lefoutoir @nickangel13 @marvelismysafezone @lilulo-12 @warmvanillafeels @star-spangled-beard-burn @ravenesque @pinknerdpanda @wintersoldierissucharide @snapcapquartet @ellen-reincarnated1967 @unlistedpond @my-drowning-in-time @supernaturalwintersoldier @kimvmarvel @roseboho @disaffectedbarnes​ (strikethrough means the tag didn’t work! I’m sorry!)
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Your heels echoed through the halls of the empty lobby. A sound you’ve come to enjoy, because it meant you can enjoy your morning in peace.
It was calm—serene, even. The best part of getting here a full hour before your co-workers; having your coffee in peace and watch the sun come up over the Hudson.
You’d ditched the heels the second you got to your floor, no way you’d suffer in those things and not have anyone around to see you in them.
The ‘refreshment room’, as you’d been instructed to call it, was always fully stocked with snacks, essentials, and coffee. You hummed to yourself, deciding on an iced vanilla latte. Being sure to stir it carefully, not wanting to splash it on your white top.
You were about to take that first delightful sip, when you heard someone walk in behind you.
“Would you look at that, just the person I wanted to see.” The voice called from behind you.
You have got to be shitting me. You grumbled internally.
Clearing your throat, you turn around, plastering on the fakest work smile you could.
“Mr. Barnes, I didn’t expect to see you so early.” You greet, smoothing our your black pencil skirt.
James Barnes was the foremost author of the decade. 12 Novels, a TV series, and a screenplay—I guess the guy liked to keep busy.
“Could’ve fooled me.” He said curtly, gesturing to you stocking-clad feet.
You felt heat rise to your cheeks with embarrassment. “Oh. I’m sorry, Sir. I’m just usually alone this early and I thought—“
“You thought you’d treat my office like it’s your home?” He quipped.
You shook your head quickly, “No, no I was only—“
“Forget it. Listen, these sales reports? They’re horrendous. Who taught you how to summarize an account?” He was already in a mood...and it wasn’t even 7:30.
You cleared your throat in an attempt to control your temper. “To be fair, I’m not an account executive. I was filling in for Sam, and you asked me to do them.”
He scoffed, “Oh I see, it my fault you’re incompetent.”
Your jaw dropped.
“Incompetent? I do every assignment you ask of me, most of which are above my pay grade. I do them to the best of my ability, and when something isn’t up to the ‘Barnes Standard’, I’m chewed out for it. Regardless if I’m even trained in the job or not.”
He threw the file on the table next to you, before gripping the back of a chair, leaning forward on it.
“Is that how you see things? Tell me then, Miss Monroe, what would you like? Me to hold your hand through every aspect of your job? Or maybe just do your job for you.” He said sarcastically.
That’s. It.
“How about you learn how to treat your employees! Maybe then you wouldn’t go through so many! How many secretaries have you been through this year alone, hm? ‘Cause I’ve met at least 6.”
You couldn’t stop the word vomit. James Barnes was an awful boss. He was crass and arrogant, and looked down on everyone.
But he pays well. You thought to yourself.
After watching you for a moment, Mr. Barnes suddenly stood straight up, grabbing the file from the table top.
“You can go home. Your skills aren’t needed today.” He spat.
A pit opened in your stomach. Did you just get fired? For speaking your mind?
Time to grovel.
“I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sorry. I can—“
“You can go home.” He said, turning his back and leaving you.
Your legs felt like they were going to give out on you. You had one of the most respected authors as a boss, a job most people would kill for, and you couldn’t just keep your mouth shut.
“Fuck.” You whispered with tears in your eyes.
You didn’t even grab your drink. You just picked up your heels and your bag, and did the proverbial walk of shame to the elevators.
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“Just put a fucking dress on and come out.” Wanda shouted through your phone’s speakers.
“Wanda, I’m not in the mood! For all I know I was just fired from a very well paying job. All because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.” You groaned, flopping backward on your bed.
She sighed, “Even if you were, who cares? Do you really want to keep working for that asshole?”
She was right. Was money really worth getting verbally accosted everyday?
“Fine. I’ll get dressed, but I reserve the right to wallow if I get an email telling me I’ve been canned.” You bargain.
Wanda laughed, “Deal! Now go get ready. Wear a dress. The navy one!”
You pressed end, and stood from your bed.
That navy dress Wanda mention was a showstopper, but was it really pub appropriate?
Velvet, long sleeves, a deep v neck to accentuate your curves. Pair it with black heeled booties and you felt unstoppable.
Hair curled, burgundy lips, and the right perfume. You made a mental note to thank Wanda for pulling you out of your funk.
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“Two more, please!” Wanda shouted at the very attractive bar tender.
The pub was full of people and the music was blasting through the retro jukebox perched against the wall.
“Thank you for making me do this.” You say to her.
She smiled, “I know you, don’t I? I know when you need a push in the right direction.”
The bartender returned with your shots of tequila, and you all too quickly downed them.
“I’m a good fucking employee.” You slur, feeling the effects of your 3 previous shots.
She nods, “I know! I mean, I don’t know...but I bet you are! He’s crazy, to not see that.”
You were about to reply, when you see a man looking at Wanda. His eyes flitting between her and smiling shyly at his drink.
“I’m going to go down to the other end of the bar, and I’m gonna order a beer. It’s probably gonna take a loooong time.” You say dramatically.
“What?” She asks confused.
You nod your head behind you. “He’s cute. And he definitely thinks your cute. Don’t worry, I’m only a dozen bar stools away.” You wink, stumbling off the stool you’re currently perched on.
The other end of the bar is further than you thought, but thankfully, there was one seat left open.
“Can I sit here?” You ask the person beside it.
They paid you no mind, “Go ahead.” He grumbled.
You glanced at the bartender, “Beer. Bottle, not a glass, please.”
The person next to you scoffed.
“Something funny?” You ask.
He laughed again, genuinely. “That’s my order too.” He replied without looking at you.
You stare a bit longer than would be soberly required. When his featured start to seem familiar. You quickly turn back to face the bar.
Not here. He can’t be here.
“I was wondering when you’d recognize me.” Mr. Barnes said causally.
Your heart pounded in your chest. Of all the fucking bars in Manhattan, he chooses this one?
“Sorry, I’ve just never seen you outside of work. How long have you been here?” You asked, praying he’d only just arrived.
He sipped his beer, “Oh I think I arrived around shot number two.” He smiled.
James Barnes smiled.
“You saw that, huh?” You ask, feeling the blood rush to your cheeks.
He nodded, fiddling with his bottle.
“Figured your day musta been pretty rough when I saw number four.” His voice was somber, almost ashamed.
“Mr. Barnes, I—“
“Bucky. Please, we’re not in the office.” He said, finishing the last of his beer.
You smiled shyly. “Speaking of...” you sipped at your drink, “Am I...did you...was I—“
“Fired?” He asked.
You nod.
Bucky -gosh that’s weird to say- laughed, “No. I just wanted you to stew in fear for a little bit.”
Typical James Buchanan Barnes. “That’s kind of you.” You seethe.
He put a hand on your back. “Relax. I realized I was being an asshole about 3 minutes after those elevator doors closed, and I knew you wouldn’t answer if I called.”
He raised a hand in the bartender’s direction, and in seconds had another beer. “I know I’m...difficult at best. That’s no excuse. I shouldn’t have taken my frustrations out on you. I’m sorry.”
Bucky’s hand slid from your shoulder back to the beer in front of him.
You nod at his sentiment, “Thank you for saying that. I’d thought I’d get an email telling me to pick up my things.” A nervous laugh escaped you.
He shook his head, “God, no. I don’t think that office could run without you. Logistical Liaison is a made up position, but I invented it for a reason. I need someone who knows how to run things when I lose control.”
Bucky tipped the bottle towards you, “and that’s you, Ella.” He hesitated, “Can I call you that?”
You giggle, and nod. “Like you said, we’re out of the office.”
A silence fell between the two of you. It was comfortable. Surprisingly comfortable.
“You look beautiful, by the way.” Bucky suddenly spoke. It was a hushed tone, meant only for you.
“Oh yeah?” You replied.
He nodded, “I wanted to say that a lot earlier, but then it would look like all I was doing was hitting on my employee.”
“Wouldn’t want that, would we?” You quipped.
Was he flirting? Were you flirting?
His eyebrows raised in agreement as he nursed his beer. “No we would not.”
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The two of you had 3 more drinks between you; a beer and jack and coke for Mr—Bucky, and a Jameson on the rocks for you.
Now you stood on the brisk Manhattan streets, waiting for a cab.
“I gotta say Ella, you’re so different. You’re much different than I’d thought you’d be.” He said, clearly feeling the effects of the booze.
You surprisingly weren’t as drunk as you’d usually be at this point. Perks of eating pizza before going out.
“You’ve thought about me, huh?” You ask slyly.
Bucky’s cheeks redden. “I might have. You're so kind. You’re kind to everyone at that godforsaken office. You help anyone who needs it and you’re always professional, no matter the circumstances. You’re a good person. I know you are.” He thumb swipes tenderly over your cheek.
Now it was your turn to be timid. “And you, Mr. Barnes, have a way with words.” You smile, playfully slapping your clutch against his shoulder.
Bucky flagged a taxi down, “Come on, share my cab. I don’t want you going home alone like this.” He offers.
You nod, agreeing you’re probably not in the best shape to be alone in a cab at damn near midnight.
After giving the cab driver your address, you relax, leaning against Bucky’s shoulder.
“This was fun. I’m glad I ran into you.” He said lowly.
You glance up at him, “I never thought I’d say this, but me too. I had fun, and bonus, I’m not fired!” You jest, and share a laugh.
A short while later, the cab pulled up in front of your brownstone, and Bucky helps you out.
“Well, this is me.” You say, sadness coating your words.
Bucky nods, “I’m kinda bummed. I don’t want this to end.”
You let out a small breath.
Now or never, Ella. You think to yourself.
“It doesn’t have too.” You say boldly.
He looks at you, a new glimmer in his eye, before waving the cab on, sending the driver away.
“Guess I’m not always professional after all.” You say, shyness making its way back into you voice.
He put his hand on the small of your back as you walked up the steps to your front door. “I think I can make an exception for tonight.”
You pushed the door open. “Just tonight?” You ask.
Bucky looks at you, slipping his hand around your waist. “That’s up to you, Doll.”
Your back pressed against the front door. His nose nuzzled yours. “Are we doing this? Cause I’ll be honest, If we do what I think were gonna do, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop.”
His warm lips moved to you neck, leaving bites and wet kisses up to your jaw.
“James.” You breathe.
This seems to work him up. His mouth moves to yours, soft at first. Longing.
You tangle your fingers in his hair, tugging at it slightly. Bucky takes this as an okay for his hands to roam your figure.
“I’ve watched you.” He says between kisses. “The way you float around that office.”
“I’ve seen you look at me, too.”
“The way you bite that lip. Mmm, I think I want a turn.” He nips at you again.
You push off the wall and tug his hand to follow you.
The door to your bedroom is pushed open agonizingly slow. You get the impression he doesn’t like being teased, so of course you have to tease him.
Bucky’s hands are on you again, finding the zipper to your dress. It hits the floor and he steps back, admiring the view.
“You’re killing me, Sugar.” He moans, seeing you topless.
Heels kicked off, you crawl backwards into your bed. He ditches his shirt and pants, and he crawls up your body.
“Can I taste you?” He asks seductively.
Your eyes meet his; cerulean pools of lust drawn you into him.
“Yes. God, yes.” You beg.
He smirks. His lips attaching to the skin above your breast, before taking your nipple into his mouth.
You let out a feral moan, “Oh.”
His lips trace a line down your torso, stopping above you panties.
“Now who’s teasing who?” You breathe.
In seconds, your aching heat was exposed to him. “Baby, baby, baby.” He whined.
Bucky attached his mouth to your throbbing clit, sucking it gently.
“Fuck.” You groan. Grinding your hips upwards.
He puts his hands on your belly. “Don’t move.”
You’re panting, gripping the bedsheets. “James...Oh my God I’m—I’m.”
“Let go,” he coos, “I’ve got you, Sugar.”
At his behest, you come undone. An explosion of ecstasy exploding in your belly.
“Come up here.” You pant.
Bucky smirks as he attaches his mouth to yours.
You press your hands against his chest urging him to lay on his back.
In a fluid motion, your straddling him. Grinding your heat onto his cock.
“You’re a little tease, you know that? I should punish you.” He nips at your breast.
You smirk, lifting yourself just enough for him to slide into you. He was buried to the hilt when he grunted into your ear.
“So wet. So tight. So perfect.”
You rode him like there was no tomorrow. Feeling that familiar burst building in your abdomen.
Bucky lifted you from him, knocking you to your knees and slipping in from behind you.
“James.” You moan.
“I know. C’mon Doll, give me one more. Together.”
He pounded you harder and faster, chasing his own release. Bucky snaked a hand between the two of you, fingering your clit.
“I’m gonna cum. Oh my God, I’m cumming!” You shout.
Bucky’s groans became rhythmic, matching his strokes. You came—hard. Feeling the his warmth spill into you as he lay his chest against your back.
You both flop back. Panting like you’d run a marathon.
“Holy shit...” you breathe.
Bucky leaned over and kissed your head.
“I think I realized why I was such a miserable bastard.” He jokes between breaths.
“Oh yeah?” You ask.
He nods, “I needed to get laid, and I needed it to be you.”
You leaned over and kissed him. “Well, what’s gonna happen on Monday?”
“Based on that? I should fucking promote you.” He jokes.
You slap his chest. “I’m serious! I don’t want this to get weird.”
He grabbed your hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing it softly.
“It won’t. I promise. In all honesty, I had planned on asking you out at some point—this kinda just happened first.”
You looked up at him as he closed his eyes peacefully. He really was handsome; a tortured writer in his prime.
“Ask me.” You say suddenly.
Bucky opens one eye. “What?”
“Ask me. Ask me out.” You urge happily.
He looks at you for a moment, before smiling wide. “Miss Monroe, would you like to go out to dinner sometime?”
You leaned on your elbows, kissing his lips longingly.
“I would love to Mr. Barnes. I have to make sure my boss doesn’t need me to work overtime. He’s a real hard ass, ya know.”
Bucky chuckled, “Is he? Might have to knock some sense into him.”
A smirk lands on your lips, and you wink. “Just make sure you leave his mouth alone, that’s precious cargo.”
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nighttimepixels · 5 years
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Well, if you insist... It’s time to learn more about Dusk... and about her sister, Dawn.
Below a cut, because it sure did get long~
2 months later... and they still hadn’t found Dusk’s sister.
Your leg was healed by now, to your and the other's relief. There's not even a scar, to your pleasant surprise; between Blade's magic cooking and Twist's healing and care, not to mention the rest of the girl's insistence in their own ways of ensuring you take it easy, you've been very thoroughly nursed back to health.
Dusk, on the other hand... was a work in progress. She couldn’t move well thanks to her lost lower left leg, and Crimson, Cinnamon, and Alpha were still working on prototype prosthetics that could interface with her magic.
You spent the better half of your first week in healing at her side; at first, you could barely get away from her, if you were honest. It wasn’t until between yourself and an exasperated Crimson, you managed to communicate your genuine need to go to the bathroom - and Dusk, larger than even Blade though not quite as tall as Twist, couldn’t make it there in her condition... not that you would have wanted her to. You were embarrassed enough as it was, once she reluctantly let you go, her eyelight shrunk to the size of a dime in her massive sockets, when Crimson had to carry you there with your leg not ready to have weight on it.
After taking care of that, you ended up lingering and taking a bath, Crimson running it for you, lightening your heavy spirits and guilt for needing so much help by flirting and cracking her usual jokes. She left you a little reluctantly herself, warning you she’d bust the door down if she heard you struggling too much without calling for help. With the promise of a fresh change of clothes coming from the main house, you relaxed into the bubbles and soothing magical solution poured in, made by Twist herself.
... That is, until you heard a massive thump a few minutes later as you nearly nodded off in the massive bathtub, shaking the very floorboards. It was followed by a sound you could only liken to an anchor dragging along the ground, punctuated by several thumps.
The front door of the huge cottage thudded open then, followed by muffled swearing in Spanish, a grunted sound- you tried to sit up, splashing and letting out a grunt and then a squeak as you slipped, your propped up leg splashing into the hot water and causing you to swear as a stab of pain lit up your nerves.
“-dammit, stone for skull, she’s fine- i’ll check, just-”
By the time you were pulling your head back from the wave of pain and mild nausea, the door splintered and crashed inwards.
You yelped, jumping again and earning yourself another bolt of pain. Thankfully the enormous tub - hand built for both Blade and Twist’s size - had you up to your shoulders in water, especially as you curled in on yourself, your hands submerged over your injured leg-
-but your gaze locked onto Dusk, who was propped up on one elbow, her other hand splayed on the ground, no attention paid to the thick splinters beneath her massive hand. She was staring at you, singular eyelight a pinprick, vibrating, flashing around-
Crawling, because she had lost half her leg.
“ay coño-”
Crimson was right behind her, hand caught up in the patched up, fur-lined jacket Dusk wore, as if she’d been stuck between trying to help her up and also drag her back.
Magic was spreading across her cheekbones as she glanced up to you, frozen in shock. She glanced away again, grimacing.
“disculpa- ah, shit, i just stepped out for a sec t’ call Scar, she musta heard somethin’- c’mon Dusk, y’can’t just-”
Crimson attempted to scoop under Dusk’s raised arm, to pull her up or loop it over her shoulders to get her to her feet, you weren’t sure. But Dusk wasn’t moving. Rather, after a moment, she growled, before slipping into some roughly spoken words in her language you still didn’t understand - like listening to an old-timey radio, if that radio was in another country known for some sort of romance language.
Not once did her eyelight leave you.
Crimson’s face shifted, looking frustrated but...
You weren’t sure.
Her hand remained on Dusk’s arm, but she tried, haltingly, to say something in the same language- before huffing, grumbling as she looked away, a shadow passing over her face.
Her words were almost too soft for your human ears to catch, but...
“... i know, but people here don’t understand that kinda... protection.”
You swore you could feel your soul tighten in your chest.
“She...” you began, before having to swallow around the lump in your throat. Your face felt hot, and you glanced down at the water, tenderly adjusting your leg. “Um. If... if she needs to, she can stay. Just uh. Don’t... look, so intently?” You huffed an embarrassed sound, ducking lower, “I-I dunno, um, her back to the tub, maybe. You can... stay, like that, too, if it... helps, Crim...”
In the end, you had two red-eyed skeleton woman with their backs propped to the sculpted tub. Your face was nearly as red as Crimson’s, but she was playing it off well, at least, joking and telling you some stories about her countless hijinks. You were grateful for the mercy in her choice there - even as Dusk, not blushing in the slightest, sat sentinel near the head of the top where you sat. Just a little tense, as if she didn’t like not seeing you... but she eased whenever you responded.
It was the start of a trend.
Halfway through the week, while Dusk seemed reluctantly willing to let you go take care of normal human body things, if it lasted much longer than that she wouldn’t sit still. Several of your skeletal friends were less than pleased about this. Scarlet seemed ready to fight, but Crimson managed to talk her down, apparently. Amber seemed particularly concerned, but hid it pretty well, with a joking boop of your nose in reassurance that they’re all just a little wary of the unknown but things would calm down as she hung out with you nearly the entire second day. Pepper and Cinnamon seemed to strongly dislike the entire situation, but there was also a strange... and deep level of understanding there that wasn’t said but you could feel - propped as you were, facing your friends and housemates, with Dusk like an enormous shadow of a throne behind you, her femurs on either side of you. It was the only position where she seemed she’d feel willing to not be actively holding you.
Blade didn’t leave on her usual haunts of the forest nearly as much as she usually did.
Crimson was the only one who could really communicate with Dusk, though it seemed Dusk caught on to most of the conversation around her as the days passed, more and more - the glimmer of understanding clearer in her one remaining eyelight. Speaking English seemed to be another matter, but it was reassuring to at least be able to know she mostly understood you - even as you struggled to try to understand her.
The others were less happy when at one week you were cleared by Twist to be able to sleep in your own bed back in the main house - and you slowly, hesitantly asked and offered to continue staying in the cottage... where Dusk was staying for now, too.
In the end, you won out; the others, at the least, couldn’t argue that when Dusk caught onto the full context, she was not going to let you out of her sight easily, and your room was the smallest in the house - not that it wasn’t still huge by your standards - she simply wouldn’t be able to easily fit... or keep out of your privacy, as the other girls put it. So with the understanding that they’d be looping in to the cottage constantly, they acquiesced to your decision and just asked you let them know if anything changed or you needed something.
And so, another week passed.
You’d gotten to the point that Dusk would nod or shake her head to some of your questions - basic likes and dislikes, and so on, mostly. Yes or no questions could only go so far - and as Crimson admitted, she was a damn private person... not unlike herself and Blade, well, put together.
Still, it was a form of conversation, and you felt your heart skipping whenever there was a flicker of enjoyment, or pleasant surprise in her eyelight. Something you cooked for breakfast, a cup of strong coffee, the texture of a soft blanket, the sound of the ocean when you showed her nature videos, the sight of the clear sunny sky when with Twist’s help you got her outside, even more so the sight of the stars...
Before you knew it, two whole months had passed. You were getting close to moving back to your room, but Blade and Twist, despite their new roommate, seemed to actually resist your offers and worry about doing so and giving them more of their space back, Dusk’s own seemingly trauma-linked dislike of distance from you aside; you’d spent more time with them because of this, and they were very much so pleased with that side of things in their own way. And you’d effectively cemented yourself as determined to nurse and look after Dusk while her prosthetic was finished up, as the other girls were still busy and trying to handle the whole machine being turned on against the agreement thing, which was another story entirely.
And it felt like your heart would break when, for the first time, two months after she’d appeared, you finally caught her dozing off when you were still awake...
Only for her to wake up mere minutes later, her briefly lax, shadowed face suddenly tensing with what you could only describe as overwhelming fear.
She didn’t scream, she hardly moved - like she’d trained to hide any expression of weakness - but her sockets snapped open, singular eyelight missing, and the pillow beneath one hand nearly shredding under her grip.
You’d been in a comfortable palette bed next to the pillow and blanket pit in the living area she’d passed out in - close enough to relax her constant tension, but not quite touching, something that seemed to relieve the girls when the setup had been established. But when you saw her tense you’d risen a little, propping yourself up on your elbow, bandaged leg no longer jolting with pain when you moved -
And when she’d woken up in a way that would have been screaming in anyone else, you’d sat up, hands lifted towards her.
You murmured her name, touch slowly lowering to her arm. Her jacket had been washed just the once since coming here, a few days ago - the first time she apparently trusted the intentions of Sapphire and Vellum as they attempted for the umpteenth time to gently convince her to let them at least wash her things. It was softer now for it, the obvious hand-stitched nature of it more apparent for the removed grit and mud and stars knew what else. Her pants were... you didn’t know a word for it, actually, besides vaguely harem-style, only... not sheer. They had a dropped crotch, effectively, roomy but soft and warm, and came to a fur-lined cuff below the knee... well, on the one leg, anyways. The other was tied off below her femur, now.
Her head turned towards you, both too-quick and too-slow. Her sockets remained empty, though you murmured her name again.
She was a still as stone itself. Not even her ribcage moved.
... Slowly, so slowly, you shifted forward. It was clear that she was watching you, even with her single eyelight missing. Gently your touch moved to her hand... and slipped into her grasp, managing to coax her to loosen its death grip on the pillow.
It was almost comical, the size difference. Your hand wasn’t even the size of her palm.
Still, the intention was clear, and you gripped her hand as best you could, a sad smile on your face.
You knew night terrors. And you knew at least a little about the night terrors your other skeleton friends had.
“It’s okay,” you murmured. “It’s okay. You’re here. I’m here. It’s safe, here. You’re safe.”
Her phalanges twitched around yours.
... And slowly, slowly, she looked away, up to the ceiling- and her hand closed around yours.
Time ticked by, like that.
You only moved to shift a little closer, your legs curling up on your little palette, her nest’s pillows spilling and leveling against it. Your other hand rested over hers, slowly stroking it.
And finally, for the first time since that first day...
“... n.ot... me.”
You blinked, staring up at her. She wasn’t looking at you still. Her fingers twitched a little around yours, gentle, and you realized - she was attempting, hesitantly, precisely what you were doing. To... stroke your hand back.
It was suddenly very hard to swallow.
She was quiet for several minutes. You had so many guesses- one, above all, the very question that had her completely stonewalling, whether from you or the others, even Crimson, since she got here.
At last, her head rolled a little, back to you. Her eyelight was back, now, small and faint, but there. You had the distinct impression that she was searching for something in your face.
Finally... she sighed, and slowly, almost painfully, rolled, propping herself up on one elbow, but not letting go of your hand. With her other, she made two gestures-
She pointed at herself, and then with a flat palm, pressed down on the air, just a little.
Smaller me-
“Crimson?” you murmured, surprised. Dusk had never... asked for her, before, but - she hadn’t avoided her, either. Admittedly, she seemed the most willing to talk to her, even if only in small amounts.
Dusk nodded.
Crimson had answered her phone on the second ring, sleep husking her voice, but more sharp and alert than you’d expected.
She was there in less than sixty seconds after you made your tentative request and explained what little you could. As usual, she was wearing just a pair of boxers - these ones a galaxy print - and she had a black band hoodie dragged on over it, a last second addition, you had no doubt.
Her hand came down on your shoulder, searching your face as you looked up at her, thanking her for coming so fast. With a shrug, she then smiled, looking tired but curiously focused. Her hand lifted and ruffled your hair, and despite your half-hearted protest and quiet laugh, she just chuckled.
“anytime, cielita. so... what’s up, Dusk?”
Crimson unceremoniously fell onto the nest of pillows as she addressed her, kicking up a leg over her knee and curiously searching the face of your motley crew’s latest addition. Dusk seemed to do the same.
Her hand still held yours. Crimson had obviously noted that, but to your surprise... didn’t say anything.
Dusk began speaking.
Your eyes widened. She’d never spoken this much before; part of you wondered if she could, if maybe her nigh-feral fangs and sharp teeth caused her too much pain to do so... but if it did, she didn’t show it. You couldn’t understand a word, but it wasn’t long before you were watching her expressions more than anything... and, when she inhaled sharply not thirty seconds in, Crimson’s face.
You... you didn’t like what you saw.
But Dusk wasn’t giving her time to translate- not yet, and it seemed like she needed to get this out, whatever this was.
For nearly five minutes, she spoke.
If you weren’t certain that whatever was being said was dark and dangerous and quite probably heart-breaking, you would have likened it to some kind of exercise in listening to the most pleasant cadence of language and inflection. You didn’t know what made her voice sound like a rich old radio’s quality, but you’d become accustomed to it, and enjoyed it as much as you could around your frustration at being unable to properly understand her...
It nearly jolted you when she suddenly ceased speaking.
Your head turned to Crimson. Her eyelights were gone, and despite the fact that she’d largely held the same seemingly laid-back posture the whole time... her hands were balled into fists. Slowly, she sat up, her feet dragging in the pillows.
“Crim..?” you gently pressed. You felt anxious, desperate to be let in, but you didn’t want to be demanding when-
“it’s... joder, i can’t...” Crimson shook her head, her sockets clenching shut as she slowly rested her elbows on her knees. “that’s...”
She took a breath. Above you, you could tell Dusk was looking down once more, but you weren’t sure you had the courage to glance up and see who she was looking at... or how.
“... she’d already explained a bit about her world,” Crimson managed, gaze still down, gazing into some dark middle distance. “like i’d explained to you all... all i could really get was that her world had a famine thanks t’the kid abandonin’ them ‘n killin’ queenie, but it was more vicious ‘n deadly than B ‘n Twist went through - more like me ‘n Scar’s...”
She took a slow breath, and finally, finally looked up with a heavy exhale.
It had been a long time since you’d seen her with that kind of weight and darkness to her expression, and it chilled you.
“... ‘pparently... rather than their Dyne simply goin’ mad with sorrow ‘n power ‘n rage, he... ended up tryin’ to absorb the souls.”
You inhaled sharply. You’d heard, eventually, from Blade and Twist what they’d gone through. But... “But, wouldn’t taking a soul, I mean- it’s not good, but one of them leaving, he could get more and come back to break everyone free, right-?”
Crimson grimaced, and shook her head, her eyelights dimming.
“that’s the kicker. it... wasn’t one. he... he tried to absorb ‘em all. ‘n... they had five at that point.”
You couldn’t help but gasp, and your hand tightened in Dusk’s.
... after a beat, she squeezed yours back.
“they’d lost ‘em all, but i guess Dusk ‘n her sis had been kinda doin’ some treason ‘n squirrelled away new ones after Dyne lost it and murdered the next human, destroyed ‘em to the point of their soul bein’ shattered ‘n lost. they weren’t gonna let it happen again... everyone was starvin’, too, so-” she glanced away. You understood - not unlike Blade and Twist, they had to do what they had to do. You simply nodded, and Crimson continued, “Dyne figured it out, though. ‘course the bastard did. snitch or spy, dunno, but he kept tryin’ t’find the proof, th’ souls, and...”
“He finally did...”
Crimson nodded, and now, her eyelights were burning brighter, angry.
“fucker raided the place, what shambles were left of the royal guard now his, and clingin’ to the power ‘n his bullshit promises of revenge and the surface bein’ their’s - but... but Dusk’s sis was there... preppin’ the fifth soul. Dusk was out distributin’ the, uh, food, and...”
You felt like you couldn’t breathe. You didn’t notice the single eyelight, transfixed on your every minute reaction.
Crimson dragged a clawed hand down her face.
“i didn’t understand all of it, ancient’s a tricky magical language ‘n i’m so damn rusty, but... they fought. everyone else was dead by the time Dusk got there, no longer able to teleport, already had her head injury from their last clash with Dyne... and Dyne had gotten hold of three of the souls. he’d fuckin’... he was some horrifyin’ thing. no longer a monster, no longer him - fuckin’ forty or fifty feet tall, and-” Crimson gestured, something unfamiliar but you understood the horror and disgust and wrongness of whatever it was conveying. “-Dusk’s sis had the last two souls, and- shit, that thing saw Dusk and before she could do a damn fuckin’ thing... her sis was reactin’. Dusk woulda been dust with a single swipe, but... her sister...”
You didn’t know when your hand had clapped over your mouth, agape - but the prick of heat in your eyes was undeniable.
“She... she absorbed the souls-?”
Without thinking, you looked up at Dusk.
She was staring down at you, cracked, battered face unreadable.
“... yeah. next thing Dusk knew, her sister was screamin’, writhin’- and the moment after, she was knocked on her back by something huge before Dyne could get to her - clean out the cave, into the forest.”
Your gaze was locked on Dusk’s, and you felt the wetness finally hit your cheeks.
“she came to and Dyne was no where to be seen, but half the forest was overgrown ‘n mowed down. ambient magic was overflowin’ in ways she’d never known, clearly affectin’ the environment. and over her was somethin’... someone 20, 30 feet tall.”
“Your sister,” you whispered, eyes stinging, your view of her face blurring a little. Your voice was almost too tight.
Dusk, ever so slightly, inclined her head.
“... she wasn’t... her. not exactly. not anymore. but for some reason she hadn’t completely de-stabilized either - she didn’t say much about that, but...” Crimson made a sound like a growl in her throat, and you heard the quiet sound of her phalanges sliding together and tightening. “for years now, guess her sister’s... been some sort of... sentinel, in the snowdin caverns. she can’t talk, doesn’t seem as... there. like she’s got just the one mission... and she does. Dyne’s still out there, i guess - completely mad, somethin’ that ain’t quite sentient, more beast than monster or... amalgamate. fucked up the rest of the underground, sent everyone scramblin’. guess they both put off insane levels of ambient magic, and the whole underground’s different for it, monsters more feral ‘n magical, ‘n the surroundings too. there’re two factions now, those that worship Dyne as some sorta god now that’ll deliver them from the underground if they can just sacrifice a few more souls to him. the others rallied in snowdin, dusk got ‘em to the ruins, only place that’s close t’safe. she’s hunted, and she hunts... ‘n tracks her sister, i guess. makin’ sure none of the huge number of fanatics bands t’gether enough to take down her sis, who is the only one who can fend off Dyne when crawls outta whatever hellhole he’s been digging lately. guess she was in the middle was disarmin’ one of the traps the fanatics laid out for her sis when she got dragged here, but uh, yeah, that went about as well as it obviously did.”
You were crying.
There was no hiding it. Your heart, your soul hurt, and you didn’t even know what to say.
No wonder she almost never slept. No wonder she didn’t want you out of her sight. Was she inclined to protect any human, if only to keep them out of her Dyne’s hands? Or had she been about to kill you at that first glance, pain-ridden mind only registering there was a human in the forest with her, a human that could be used to make Dyne more powerful, and wanting to extinguish that chance?
Had... she given up on ever seeing the sky...? With her people so altered, with some horrifying haunting threat and faux-god threatening their lives...
You were moving forward suddenly, hand leaving hers only to wrap your arms around as much of her as you could. She jolted, slightly - but you didn’t pause, didn’t pull back, your face burying into her chest and your hands balling into her jacket.
“Fuck,” was all you could manage for a moment, your voice choked. You squeezed tighter, a tiny sound breaking free of your throat as you fought the tears. “Dusk, I’m- I’m so sorry, oh my god, I d-don’t... I can’t even i-imagine-”
You only felt a fresh wave of tears when, so, so slowly... her arms shifted, and folded around you.
She held you, squeezing, eventually, but carefully, and you held her back. You didn’t see Crimson set a hand on her elbow, looking away, out the window, silent, her other hand clenched in a fist.
You didn’t know what lead Dusk to want to reveal this now. You didn’t know what exactly her night terror had been about - countless things in that tale were enough for a lifetime. It glossed entirely over so many things you could only hazard a terrible guess were equally horrifying and soul-breaking.
So, you simply hugged her, form shaking lightly, and she hugged you back.
Eventually, you pulled back, wiping at your face and apologizing, but she simply shook her head, and didn’t entirely let you go. You ended up sandwiched between Dusk and Crimson, a few final questions answered in that language you didn’t understand, but was apparently referred to as simply ‘Ancient’.
It turns out, the reason Dusk had seemed so unsurprised when your friends explained that usually both siblings were transported, yet they couldn’t find her sister, was because after the gist of the mechanics were explained to her she figured her sister’s soul was... too warped to register, or perhaps too powerful to be dragged against her will out of the timeline.
There wasn’t much you could say to that.
However, quietly, you asked Dusk if... even if her sister wasn’t here, if she wanted to give her a nickname too, to make things... easier?
You weren’t sure if that was the right word, but she, surprisingly, agreed.
Dawn, it was decided.
And, in one of the last phrases she offered that night before going quiet once more, she explained in Ancient to Crimson, while looking down at you and making a gesture, hands folded and fisted, then splaying outwards...
“... her sister’s magic’s overpowered now t’keep her together, threaded through her joints, glowing red visibly at all times, and filling cracks and scars in her bones, and spilling out of her eyesockets. the forest’s overgrown and taller now so even at full height she’s not usually visible... but when she’s near, it’s... it’s like dawn’s risin’, peerin’ through the mist ‘n snow ‘n trees.”
Even Crimson had to take a moment after that, her voice failing her.
Together, the three of you watched through the broad living room windows as the wee hours of the night gave way to the wee hours of the morning, and the morning sun began to paint the horizon in warm, brilliant colors.
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oikawas-bae · 5 years
See You Never pt.2
Pairing: Oikawa x Reader ( BROTP of Iwa/Oik/reader bc I live for that 😚)
Word Count: 1669
A/N: this is very long ahah, kinda got out of hand but I had fun ahah!
“WOah!! SO COOL! Even better than Kageyama?” Shoyo gaped at the possibility of someone even more skilled than his meticulous teammate.
“And he’s a playboy!” Tanaka chimed in angrily, punching the air.
“So this guy is dangerous enough to scare his majesty, huh?” Tsukki snickered to which Kageyama glared at him. As you were about to go full on mom-mode with Sugawara on them, you caught sight of the figure finally approaching the net, free from his teammates’ horde of complaints. He was practically glowing, bouncing on the balls of his feet, another figure beside him with an expression that was absolutely done.
A beast
Star of the Show.
Grand King
“Oikawa Toru.” You said just below a whisper but Yamaguchi read your lips as he was the only one not in distress or teasing Kageyama.
“You know him, (y/n)?”
You winced out of your daze when you heard Yamaguchi’s acknowledgment of your discreet recognition of the man chatting it up with the boys around him. The whole team turned to you. You blushed at the overwhelming attention.
“What? Did he break your heart? If so, I’ll break him!” You ducked behind Asahi before kicking Tanaka for bringing attention to the group by screaming.
“Shut the hell up, Tanaka.”
“Why are you hiding, (y/n)?” Nishinoya perked his head to the side and you couldn’t help but blush at his cuteness.
“He didn’t break my heart...I mean technically he did but not before I broke his but I mean he probably didn’t care. Iwa was mostly affected but I mean, look at them now, they’re looking just fine and honestly Toru is looking very...nice. He’s matured fully almost, it seems...wow I actually haven’t seen him in a while and omygod I miss him sooo much, I-” Daichi deadpanned at you rambling and kicked your calf lightly to snap you out of it. The boys were all staring at you in awe.
Realizing you had given them no context to the situation, you explained from behind Asahi. “OH yeah! I knew him in middle school too, like Kageyama...I musta not seen you around, huh? Well Iwaizumi, the one next to our Grand King, and the Grand King himself and I were close back in the day since birth practically but we separated when we went to high school.”
“Hey, losers! Ready to be crushed?” Oikawa raised his voice just when you finished. Asahi moved to turn and you were exposed...like a deer in the headlights and you just knew that the two- Iwa and OIkawa- had noticed you and to make matters worse, recognized you. You blushed deeply, hiding yourself once again behind Asahi to be out of sight.
“UH… this is really awkward for me so if you don’t mind...imma head out.” You pointed your thumb outside and quickly dashed out before even receiving a nod from the team.
The game proceeded as it was going to with or without you but you watched from the window, making sure To not be seen by anyone, not even your own team for fear of them reacting. You forgot what a thrill it was to watch Oikawa play, his serves had gotten even more theatrical, OLÉ! And then he swatted the ball in the air, majestic… You melted into the wall with a reminiscent and lovestruck smile, you had missed him so much that even just watching him get slapped by Iwa was enough to send your stomach into a fluttering whirl. The game had turned around since his entrance and not to Karasuno’s advantage. The game seemed to be over as soon as OIkawa stepped in front of Kageyama and brought him to a standstill.
The Karasuno boys walked way in defeat, you knew they wouldn’t let a loss get to them, they were relentless but you wanted to comfort them either way but this damn nervousness. You cursed at the thought of running into Oikawa and Iwa and striking up a conversation and about what? You imagined it…
“Good game huh?” no scratch that, maybe I could say “Long time, no see!” O shit that’s literally awful you would drive them away...again.
Before you could embarrass yourself further by reenacting any other simulations where you encountered the two or even just one of them, Oikawa spoke up from behind you, leaning against the door frame of the gym entrance. “What are you doing, (y/n)?”
You jumped so high Hinata would be proud and felt you heart leap out of your chest. You slowly turned around to see a taller-than-you-remembered Oikawa crossing his arms and smirking.
“H-How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough to see you’re still the same (y/n) I knew.” He walked forward, examining you.
Slightly uncomfortable from the entirety of the situation, You gave him a sideways glace and mumbled, “I would appreciate it if you didn’t stare.”
To your surprise, he chuckled, “What do you take me for? A pervert? No, (y/n)~ I just haven’t seen you in so long and you’re looking just fine.”
Damn it, he still has a way with words. In truth, his way of speaking was different, he talked much smoother than before, almost as if he had trained himself in more than just volleyball.
“I take you for a dangerous playboy King.”
He crooked his head, maintaining his sly smirk. “Huh?”
“Your reviews aren’t very good you know? “Everyone knows about your reputation.”
“I’m still a full five stars, (y/n).” He chucked, closing the space between you gradually as if you wouldn’t notice. His smile was almost snake-like, you assumed underneath it he wanted to tease you to no end about what you’ve missed out on by going to Karasuno and not Seijoh and in truth, he did want that but not exactly right now. At this moment, he wanted to talk to you, whether it be in the broken riddles you were speaking in now or just as casually as you had in the past. He missed you so much his heart lurched out of his chest as yours did but he was so much better at not showing it.
Bravely, you took a long step forward and the two of you were practically nose-to nose; his smirk a polar opposite of your anxious stare. “Damn it...I can hardly look at you.” You admitted.
He confidently pressed his forehead against yours. For a second, you dreaded anybody exiting the gym and seeing you like this but his words kept you from straying too far from your fixation on him. “I don’t know why you’re so jittery right now. I’m feeling right at home.” When was he going to stop playing this confusing game? Was he trying to enchant you? Provoke you? Either way, you didn’t have a clue how to respond and at this point, you were just saying random stuff.
“Your house is next to mine.” He arched a brow at the blatant fact you spouted.
“Yes, that’s true. And yet you haven’t visited. It’s because it’s awkward, isn’t it? You’re not with Iwa and me and you might even have a boyfriend of your own at Karasuno...tell me, is it Tobio? Or maybe the shorty...No, you like em’ feisty, what was his name? Tsukki?”
You pushed him back with your forehead, “It’s Tsukishima to you. And no.” However nerve wracking it was to snap back at Oikawa right now, it didn’t matter. You had your boys’ backs, even if it was a jerk like Tsukki.
“Really?” He pulled himself back in surprise, “You’re not dating anyone?”
You shook your head, “It’s a surprise huh...” You trailed off awkwardly.
“I mean yeah...look at you...” He stopped talking to shake his blush off, “I mean that- ugh...okay. I had a crush on you in middle school and since forever and seeing you again...it feels amazing.”
Iwaizumi poked his head out, catching the two of you in conversation. He crossed his arms at the sight of you.
“And you’re still mad…” You rubbed your arm shyly. “Iwa…”
“Hey! We were having a moment!” Oikawa smacked him and Iwa threatened to punch him before you intercepted...a familiar position the three of you had been in years ago. You looked at both of them before looking down, a small smile tugging at your lips.
“I guess you guys still act like immature little boys with each other…”They both calmed down as you continued. “I-I’m sorry for abandoning you guys. I could have fought harder to go to Aoba Josai...but I just didn’t want to be a hindrance to your volleyball careers...high school is your chance to go to the big leagues and I didn’t want to ruin that... the selfish part of me couldn’t stand the thought of you guys ignoring me either...but now...I don’t regret going to Karasuno. Those boys in there are my best friends! I joined the team as their manager because I wanted to help them and I’ve improved my own volleyball skills so I’m not...useless. That being said, I can be friends with you guys again...if you feel the same.”
Iwaizumi hugged you without another word said. Oikawa smiled and joined in on the hug.
“You were never a hindrance. You wouldn’t have been.” Iwa pulled away, making direct eye contact with you.
“And we’ll be glad to hang out again. We’ve missed you sooooo much!” Oikawa smiled widely.
Iwa scoffed, back to his usual self, “Yeah, this fool hasn’t stopped practicing his love confession to you since you left. They’re getting better though at least.”
“Shut it, IWA!”
“How about we do movie night with us and Shittykawa? Tonight?” Iwa offered. You lit up, eyes watery and pulling him into another hug, to which Oikawa jealously pouted behind you.
“New nickname huh? I like it.” Oikawa gaped at your positive response at his friend’s vulgarity.
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beautifulbuckys · 5 years
Glass of Water
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Word Count: 1,400+
Warnings: horrible pickup lines, some suggestive stuff, fluff
A/N: I’m super duper proud of this so please don’t let it flop!!
Bucky was a blusher. He blushed at anything. A dirty joke Sam made after a workout? He a rose tint appear on his cheeks. Natasha accidentally grabs his bicep to move him when reaching for the peanut butter?  A wave of crimson engulfed his face. Nobody ever gave him a hard time about it. He was in a new world, he had to adapt to all sorts of innovative and unique things. Everyone was a lot more forward these days. Tampon commercials played on the massive TV Tony bought constantly. Ads promoting the freshest condoms were the usual now.
The most awkward, however, was this modern method of flirting. All Bucky had to do back in the day was wink and call a lady 'doll' and he had them at his feet. Now there are pick-up lines, and a majority of them are cheesy and unoriginal. Some are just straight out suggestive and revolting. You treat a lady with admiration, not as an object, that's what Ma and Mrs Rogers continuously told him. He still followed those rules, even in these modern times.  He treated Natasha, Wanda, Hope and Carol with the respect they deserved, they didn't have to gain it.
When you moved into the compound, he freaked out a little bit. He liked meeting all the powerful women of this generation, you were just an addition to the roster. He shook your hand and introduced himself, and you did the same.
"Hey, welcome to the compound!" Bucky said through a wide smile, offering his hand for a polite handshake. "I'm Bucky, nice to meet you,"
"Hi! Nice to meet you Bucky, I'm Y/N," You replied, reciprocating his bright smile.
"Y/N is a beautiful name!" He replied. He's not typically this bold, in fact, he's still getting used to how forward these times were.
You winked. "I guarantee you it's not the only beautiful thing about me."
He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. You smirked and walked away, leaving Bucky alone in his shock. Bucky looked to his right, he was standing in the kitchen, and now he can see his reflection in the fridge. He was blushing.
It's been six months since you moved in, and Bucky thought you'd adapted well. The team loved you. They constantly laughed at your jokes and supported you in your tough times. Bucky did too, he enjoyed your company. You were a nice breath of fresh air, you had a different personality than the others. You weren't as shy as Steve, you talked to everyone and never ceased sharing what was on your mind. You weren't as reserved as Wanda. You were open about your struggled and what you might need assistance with. You weren't as egotistical as Tony. You were down to Earth, yet your head always seemed to be in the clouds. You were different from everyone, yet ridiculously comparable to Carol. You'd always be with her. Sometimes, at 10 PM Bucky would hear Carol giggling 'Y/N! Stop!' from the kitchen. Hearing you having fun made him smile.
The team soon discovered what made you smile. You grinned at a lot, granted. You smile at cute dog videos, you smile at Carol, you smile when Peter asked you for help with math work, but your all-time favourite task? Making Bucky blush.
You caught him alone in the gym once. Now was a perfect time to catch him by surprise.
He was lifting 200-pound weights, sweat dripping down his toned arms. You took a quick glance at his shirtless figure, before striking your prey.
"Easy there, tiger," You laughed, "wanna save that stamina for a different workout?" You winked.
His sweat ridden cheeks turned a bright shade of pink, blinking a few times in surprise. Why of all times did it have to be now?
"G-Good to see you too, Y/N" we nervously chuckled.
Another time, he was too in his head while making a sandwich. He was quietly humming a tune you've heard on the radio, you were too occupied to pinpoint it. You sat at the island across from where Bucky was standing.
He smiled once he noticed your company.
"Hey Y/N, how's it goin'?"
"Pretty well, Scott kicked my ass during training today," You sighed, lifting your arm to show the large bruise that covered almost all of your bicep.
"Holy shit, Y/N, musta' been snoozin'," He said, biting into his sandwich.
You nodded.
"Does that sandwich taste as good as me, Barnes?" You asked, standing up with a smirk.
He blushed, a rose pink tint rearing its head. He smiled, your comments made him blush, sure, but you made them funny. If they were from anyone else, they'd be cheesy and dumb. But they were from you.
He watched you leave the room with that famous cocky smirk. It's become your trademark around the compound. You do something your happy with? That smirk appears and makes sure everyone knows it. It was cute, but Bucky had to get you back.
The Avengers may not give Bucky a hard time for blushing. But they sure as hell give you a difficult time for making him blush at any given moment.
"Hey Y/N?" Sam asked one day while laying on the couch reading his copy of Men's Health Magazine. You sighed, sitting up from the rug beside the couch.
"Yes, Sammy?"
"You're always 'tryna make RoboCop blush, gotta reason for it?" Sam questioned.
You smirked. He always wanted to bring this topic up, It's almost like he was trying to make you embarrassed about the little game you play with yourself. "Some things are best left unknown, bird brain."
He groaned in acknowledgement. That's the answer you always gave him. It was basically rehearsed in your head at this point. The second you heard the word 'blush', the sentence was queued up in your brain.
Perhaps one day they'd find out that you make him blush so he can't do it to you.
It was team dinner night, tonight. Usually, everyone ate separately. About a month after your arrival, Bruce requested a team dinner night once a week. He declared he didn't care about the rest of the week, he just wanted this one day. Everyone obliged to the request and designated Wednesdays as this little activity. Tonight, Clint made potstickers, which was a favourite of yours. They were always so savoury and crispy, like heaven in your mouth.
You settled your plate on the emerald green table cloth in front of you. Sitting down, you heard small murmurs of conversations. Carol, who was on your left, was chatting with Peter about old music. Thor, on your right, was chuckling with Natasha about Clint tumbling down the stairs earlier in the day. You overheard a clink at the head of the table, it was Hope. She did this every dinner, so you were curious what this week's message was.
"Make sure everyone says thank you to Clint tonight, he slaved over the stove for a while. Who knew birds could cook?" Hope recommended.
Everyone at the table laughed, starting to dig into the food Clint expertly prepared. The silence, except for the occasional crunch from the potstickers, was comfortable. People would exchange stories about their day in-between bites. It was loud enough to drown out the stunt Bucky was about to pull.
"Y/N," Bucky whispered, he was opposite the table from you, so it was easier to hear.
You looked up at him mid-bite. These potstickers were just so goddamn good.
"Those potstickers taste as good as me, sweetheart?" Bucky smiled. He hated being this forward, but he also loved it. He almost laughed at how pale you became.
You chocked on your potsticker. Everyone heard the muffled cough and glanced in your direction, panic self-evident in all their eyes.
"You okay, Y/N?" Carol questioned.
You nodded in response, but it was all a lie. You were not okay. Where the hell did that come from?!
"Go get a glass of water," Steve suggested, getting up and pulling out your chair for you.
You practically ran to the kitchen. You whipped out your phone and got to typing.
You were gone for 5 minutes, and Bucky was starting to worry. Drinking a glass of water didn't take this long. Nobody else noticed your suspicious absence, and if they did, they chose to ignore it.
Then Bucky's phone rang-
Dollface: Meet me in your room. Now.
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Into My Web (Chapter 3)
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Its been so weird writing this one. I'm so used to writing pre-show and season one Daryl that's it's strange now. I've mentioned so many times how his voice changes throughout the seasons and I keep watching clips to see him right and hear his voice how it should be around the time.
If anyone's interested just what era Daryl I'm writing since this isn't really canon, I've been watching the video TWD S3E9 - Daryl Leaves the Group for his Brother by the account Rick Grimes on youtube. This is how he looks in my head and how he sounds. Just if anyone cares loool.
I’m writing this author note way after I finished this chapter.
I have like only 6 chapters written up of this so far and I’m fucking freaking out because I’m gonna fall behind loool
I’m not as inspired with this one as I was with Flames and I’m really hoping it just kicks the fuck in or I’m gonna go insane.
I really should have started posting my other Daryl one I've been working on. I have like 11 chapters of that one done and I have a clearer idea of where I'm going with that one.
Bad life choices
“Give me my damn bow back Daryl!” Arabella snarled as she stomped after the hunter through the yard. He was still a few steps away from her and he had been ignoring her protests all through the prison. She lunged forward and grabbed his wrist, yanking it so he turned around to face her. His face was unimpressed as she glared at him.
“Give it me back!” she repeated, her eyes ablaze.
“I said no princess,” he smirked, clearly loving seeing her so upset.
“It's not yours, its mine, so give it the fuck back!” she yelled, her anger reaching an all-time high. Her small hand was still firmly gripping his wrist and the touch felt like it was setting him on fire as it spread through his arm. He yanked it away from her easily as he scowled down at her.
“What part of no do ya not get here?” he asked harshly, she clenched her jaw fighting the urge to deck him.
“What the hell is going on out here?” Rick asked, glaring at the pair of them like naughty children.
“He took my bow Rick!” she frowned at him. Yeah, they certainly acted like fucking children. Rick squeezed his eyes shut for a moment and heaved a sigh. He was so sick of dealing with them like this. Daryl watched him and he could sense the impending ear-bashing a mile away.
“Rick, ‘fore ya start, I only took it ‘cause she needs the rest alright? Her arms were shakin’ so bad this mornin’ just from liftin’ her damn spoon at breakfast,” Daryl defended himself. He wished he hadn't though as he realised it sounded an awful lot like he cared if she hurt herself or not. Her cheeks flushed from embarrassment that he had just declared that, not only to Rick but everyone else milling about, and also the fact he was right and he had seen her struggling.
“Look, ain't like she can help round here if she fucks her arms up is it?” he asked harshly, trying to rectify what he said so it sounded a little less like he was bothered that she needed the rest.
The glare she shot his way told him it worked, at least on her. But when he looked to Rick, the tug of a smirk on his lips told him his brother most definitely wasn't so convinced.
“Maybe Daryl's right here. If you hurt yourself then you’ll never learn. You need to take it easy,” Rick said in that diplomatic tone he always had. Arabella squinted at him with her nostrils flaring.
“You’ve got to be kidding me?! I won't even use it Rick! I just want it back! It’s mine, people have no right just taking my shit!” she implored, looking at Rick with those large blue eyes. Daryl rolled his eyes and huffed, knowing Rick would give into her. She was right, it was hers, and if she wasn't going to use it, he had no reason to actually keep hold of it. He knew if someone even touched his bow they'd lose their damn teeth.
“Alright, Daryl give it her back,” Rick sighed, making Daryl grumble as he took it from his shoulder and shoved it at her. Her arms wobbled a little and she tried to ignore it as she slung it over her shoulder. Daryl had caught her though and was looking at her with a quirked brow like he was taunting her.
“You’re such an asshole Dixon,” she spat before turning on her heels, walking back inside. She knew he didn't give a shit that her arms were hurting, it was just an excuse to do something to piss her off, to take something of hers.
A couple of hours later saw Arabella sat with the youngest Greene as she tried to soothe Judith to sleep. Arabella had been shunned no matter where she went. Whether it was trying to help Tyreese at the fence, Carol with the laundry, even Rick with the fucking pigs, everyone told her to just rest and she hated it. She was being treated like she was seriously injured just because her arms ached and she knew Daryl was the asshole behind it, no doubt to taunt her of how weak she was.
“He’s just lookin’ out for you Bella,” Beth smiled softly as she rocked the baby to sleep. Arabelle squinted at her with a scoff.
“He hates me Beth, everyone knows that, he's being an asshole,” she muttered, toying with the baby bottle in her hands as a distraction.
“I don't think he hates you at all,” Beth smirked a little, glancing over to her.
“Oh right yeah, I almost forgot about your weird little theory,” she snorted, rolling her eyes.
Judith finally fell asleep and once Beth put her in bed, she came over to sit with her.
“He likes you Bella, I know he does!” she insisted, earning a laugh off her.
“Yeah right. He calls me all the names he can think of, but he likes me, sure,” she snarked, making Beth huff.
“It’s what boys do! They pull the pretty girl's hair and tease her ‘cause they like her,” she defended her theory, looking at her friend with her large innocent eyes.
“He’s a grown-ass man Beth, not a schoolboy,” Arabella snorted, shaking her head.
“Yeah, well maybe he is a little too old to act like that...but maybe he ain't ever liked a girl before, maybe you're special,” Beth grinned wickedly at her.
“That's it, I’m done. You’re awful. I’m off to find Maggie,” Arabella laughed as she stood up, making Beth giggle at her.
“You know, I have a theory,” Glenn smirked as he looked at Daryl.
“Oh God,” Maggie muttered, turning her head to fight the grin that wanted to make way on her face. The three of them were stood near the fences in the yard. Daryl had just been grumbling about Arabella and how she hurt herself being stupid for practising for so long.
“What's that?” Daryl asked gruffly as he gulped some of his water.
“I think you like her,” the shit-eating grin on Glenn’s face didn’t even falter as Daryl choked on a mouthful of his water.
“I think ya musta hit yer damn head,” Daryl snorted as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
“No, hear me out a minute. You told everyone not to let her lift a finger because she hurt her arms, and we both heard how concerned you sounded this morning about giving her the bow back. Not to mention how you're always looking at her,” Glenn smirked. Daryl squinted at him, his hands clenching and unclenching like he was trying to stop himself knocking the damn assholes head of his shoulders.
“I think ya don't know what the fuck ya talkin’ about, ” he growled.
“Oh look, your girls coming over,” Glenn snickered, making Maggie cover her mouth to stifle her laugh at Daryl's murderous face.
“She ain't my damn woman,” he sneered, but much to his dismay, Glenn didn't seem the least bit scared of him. Fuck, he was losing his touch.
“Hey Mags, Beth wanted me to ask if you wanted a sleepover tonight in my cell,” Arabella asked as she got to the three of them.
“A sleepover? Its the end of the world and ya’ll gonna have a sleepover?” Daryl asked incredulously as he looked at her.
“Can you guys hear that really annoying sound?” she asked, looking confused as she looked around, making sure her eyes never landed on Daryl as she pointedly ignored him. He felt his temper flare, especially when Glenn let out an inelegant snort.
“Sure, I’ll come by later,” Maggie grinned at her friend. Soon enough Arabella was walking away again. Daryl glared after her retreating form like he wanted her to set on fire. Glenn snapped him back to reality as he started talking, and he realised he had been indeed looking at her once again and proving Glenn right. Lucky for him they seemed not to notice.
“What is it you guys do at these sleepovers?” Glenn asked curiously as he looked at his wife.
“The usual, braid each others hair, eat stuff, gossip,” Maggie shrugged casually.
“Oh. I always thought girls like...had pillow fights in their underwear or something,” he sighed looking so let down by the revelation. Daryl barked out a laugh as Maggie looked at him with her mouth agape.
“You do realise my little sister’s gonna be at this sleepover right?” she asked him carefully. Glenn looked sheepish for a brief moment, and Daryl shook his head as he quirked a brow at her.
“So ya sayin’ if it was just you and Belle there, ya’d be livin’ out his fantasies?” he asked looking amused. The couple looked to him though with shit-eating grins and he grimaced internally knowing just how he fucked up.
“He called her Belle! Oh my God! Did you hear that?!” Glenn asked gleefully as he looked at Maggie who was grinning.
“That I did. What happened to ‘Princess’?” she said the word so sickly sweet that Daryl scrunched his face up. He was pretty sure he ain't ever said it that way to her before.
“You two can go fuck yaselves,” Daryl huffed as he pointed at them, making them roar with laughter as he walked off with a groan.
“You gonna find your princess, prince charming?!” Glenn called after him, making some heads turn in the process.
“Fuck my life,” he sighed, not turning around but lifting his hand to flip him the bird before skulking off inside.
That night the three girls were sat on a blanket on the floor of Arabella’s cell. Why they chose to sit on the floor instead of the bed, she didn't know. But it felt much more like a sleepover for some reason when they sat on the floor. Maggie was braiding Beth's hair, Arabella’s had already been done. Her long blonde hair now in two french braids either side of her head, a couple of wavy bits framing her face. She was stuffing her face with some cookies they had found, they were stale but she was enjoying them all the same.
“You know Maggie agrees with me on my theory,” Beth smirked at her, making her stop mid-munch to scowl at her.
“Oh, you mean the Daryl one?” Maggie asked, shooting her friend a sly grin. Arabella rolled her eyes with a groan.
“Not this again,” she whined, she’d had enough of it for one day.
“I think he does like you,” Maggie agreed with Beth.
“Come on guys, we’re supposed to be having a fun sleepover and worshipping the holy grail here,” Arabella huffed, stroking the small bar of chocolate that lay between them on the blanket lovingly. It was tiny, they'd probably only have a bite each but it would be the best bite of anything she had ever had.
“You know, he called you Belle before,” Maggie grinned, making her look at her like she had grown another head.
“You're so full of shit,” she snorted shovelling another cookie into her mouth.
“I’m not, he was talking about you and then he called you Belle, Glenn found it hilarious,” Maggie huffed a laugh as Beth grinned.
“See! He talks about you!” Beth smiled widely at her, causing her to roll her eyes again.
“He talks about me ‘cause he goes around telling everyone I’m a weak ass bitch.” She huffed, her tone harsher than intended. Maggie could see her friends mood souring so she decided to lay off, unfortunately, her little sister wasn't so good at reading moods.
“You should talk to him, get to know him more,” she suggested.
“I tried Beth, remember? At the farm? I tried to get to know him and he didn't wanna know. If he isn't ignoring me altogether he's calling me every name under the sun. Trust me, he doesn't like me,” she bit out, glaring at the pack of cookies. Maggie tugged her sister's hair lightly making her hiss and gave her a pointed look to drop it. They were supposed to be having fun, not making her feel like shit. They dropped the issue and continued on with the sleepover, talking about anything and everything. They went through magazines years old with no new gossip in, but it didn't matter because it was all they had.
“Oh my god! You're in this one!” Beth gasped, casting her eyes to Arabella before back to the magazine as her sister leaned over to see it.
“Oh no,” she muttered, there was only ever one reason why she made it into the magazines and she was frozen as she watched on in horror.
“Heiress to whiskey company in rehab for the third time for drugs and alcohol…” Maggie read out slowly, her eyes widening as she looked over at her friend.
“You were taking drugs?” Beth whispered, looking horrified. Arabella swallowed thickly as she blushed with shame. She hated her past and she really didn't think it would come back to haunt her, not now with her new family. They’d never look at her the same after this. She snatched the magazine from Beth's hands as she glared at the floor.
“I’m not feeling well, you should leave,” she bit out, her tone leaving no room for argument. Maggie wanted to say something to make her feel better but she could see the girl had shut down, she would get nowhere right now. Instead, she dragged her sister out of the cell despite her protests.
Arabella sat on her bed glaring at the magazine in her hands. She hated that this happened, that things would be different now. Soon whispers would go around the prison and no one would want to know her. She tossed it on the floor angrily. Angry at her younger self, angry that she had to use in the first place. She flopped onto her back with a sigh and wiped a hand over her face. Everything was fucked now.
Taglist; @risingphoenix761 @daryldixonandfrogs @arlaina28 @divadinag @keeperofwonderlandus @jodiereedus22 @easnuppa @fand0m-fiend @txladyj-blog @walkingdead-dixon
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nobodys-pearls · 6 years
For the fic prompts, adashi and 11. I read your fic "I hate space" and loved it and just want to see more drunk adashi because every time they get tipsy they get all lovey
Ahh I’m so happy that you enjoyed it I love that scene
(also if you read ‘i hate space’ this takes place during ch 13 after they save the day and all that jazz and are heading home)
11. things you said when you were drunk
“Woah, wait,” Shiro said, stopping in the middle of the hall and laughing to himself. His head felt all floaty and warm and nice and -
“Hurry up, Takashi. Lance gave us only five minutes,” Adam whined, tugging on Shiro’s sleeve and giggling when he lost his balance for a moment. Shiro pouted and closed his eyes, trying to focus.
“Right, we’ve - we’re going, but -” Shiro paused, scrunching up his nose in thought. “Where are we going again?” He opened his eyes to see Adam standing there with crossed arms, deep in thought.
“Shit, I forgot,” Adam said after a moment, but then he waved his hand. “Oh! We’re supposed to get Coran’s musta - you know, the thing on his - masta -” Adam furrowed his brow as he tried to come up with the word. “Coran’s gel and, uh, bring it back!” Shiro looked up and down the hall.
“So, what way?” Shiro asked, and Adam laughed, shaking his head.
“I have no idea.” Adam moved to lean against the wall, putting his hands on his knees and bending over. “My head is all -” Adam began to say, waving his hand as he tried to think.
“Floaty?” Shiro offered, and Adam pointed at him, his hair falling in his face.
“Yes, that.” He laughed again. “I don’t think that we’re gonna be able to do this dare.” Shiro joined him, leaning his head against the wall and closing his eyes.
“I can’t believe we even made it this far,” Shiro admitted, shaking his head, which currently felt like it was stuffed with cotton.  
“Are we lightweights now? Did we get old and now we can’t handle our alcohol?” Adam asked, leaning into Shiro’s side. He was warm. Shiro smiled.
“It’s the Nunvill, I think. Very strong.” Adam scoffed.
“If Iverson could see us now,” Adam said. Then Shiro watched as he quickly looked up and down the hall. “Oh shit, Iverson could see us now. He’s on the Atlas too!” Shiro’s eyes widened and then they both erupted into giggles, holding on to each other for support.
“I didn’t mean to get this drunk,” Shiro said, holding Adam’s hands and giving them a lazy squeeze. He felt himself leaning forward and Adam quickly shot a hand out to catch him.
“I don’t think we’ve ever been this drunk, not since -” Adam began, and then he started to blush. Shiro looked at him in confusion for a moment, and then the memory finally floated to the front of his brain. Adam’s hands on his chest, his tongue in his mouth, an empty bottle of wine between them. Shiro could feel his cheeks heat up as well, although they were already plenty warm. “Look at you,” Adam said, booping Shiro’s nose. “You have the Asian flush going on all over your face.” Shiro pouted.
“I do not.”
“Do too,” Adam teased, moving his face closer to Shiro’s and giving him a lazy smile. Shiro looked at him for a moment, admiring the way his skin glowed in the moonlight that was peeking through the window, and then he kissed him. It wasn’t one of their more graceful kisses, but Shiro felt himself being pressed against the wall, Adam’s arms caging him in on either side as he bit Shiro’s lip and asked for more. Shiro grabbed Adam’s belt loops and pulled him closer, causing a surprised gasp to escape Adam’s lips. Then Adam moved to kiss Shiro’s neck, biting and sucking until Shiro’s breathing became uneven and breathy. He wound his fingers through Adam’s hair and Adam started to go lower. Shiro laughed.
“We can’t do this in the hall, Adam. Knowing our luck Ives - Iverson will definitely catch us.”
“I don’t care,” Adam said simply, placing his hands on Shiro’s hips and sliding them up his shirt. Shiro let out another breathy gasp and he could almost feel his own pupils blow wide as he watched Adam with parted lips. “I’m so into you,” Adam said between kisses. “I don’t think you understand just how much I’m into you.” Shiro laughed again. Everything that Adam said sounded hilarious.
“I don’t think you understand how much I’m into you,” Shiro countered, his words sounding heavy and warm on his tongue. “I think the first time we kissed I almost sploded - exploded.”
“The first time we kissed I thought it was a dream,” Adam said easily, kneeling down to kiss Shiro’s hipbone.
“Adam -” Shiro gasped, his voice sounding a lot more uneven than he thought it would. Then he saw Adam looking up at him, his beautiful brown eyes half-lidded and soft.
“God I’m so in love with you, so in love that - that I -” Adam furrowed his brow in frustration. Then he laughed and shook his head. “I’m sorry, I’m too drunk to form a sentence right now. I want to tell you just how much I love you but I just - the words -” Adam laughed again and Shiro put a hand on his cheek.
“You don’t have to say anything. I already know,” Shiro said, giving him a lazy smile. Adam grinned up at him, and then his expression became more mischievous.
“Since I can’t tell you how I feel with words,” Adam began, placing his fingertips on Shiro’s beltbuckle. “How about I show you?” Shiro swallowed, his throat suddenly too dry.
“But Iverson -”
“It’s past his bedtime,” Adam assured him, beginning to play with Shiro’s beltbuckle. Then something buzzed in Shiro’s pocket and they both jumped. Shiro looked down at the pocket of his pants in confusion and then his eyes lit up in realization, clumsily pulling his phone out. He looked at the screen and then showed it to Adam. The timer was at zero.
“Looks like we lost,” Shiro said.
“Whoops,” Adam said with a smirk. He moved to stand up, clumsily wiping the knees of his pants. “I guess we should tell Lance and Keith that we failed. Shiro laughed.
“We failed horribly.”
“What can I say? You’re distracting even when we’re not drunk,” Adam said, weaving his arm through Shiro’s and leaning against him. They began to walk down the hallway, but then Shiro stopped. “What?” Adam asked.
“We’re going the wrong way,” Shiro said, looking over his shoulder at the other end of the hall. They looked at each other for a moment and began to laugh, their shoulders shaking. “We’re hopeless,” Shiro said, shaking his head.
“Two halves of a whole idiot,” Adam said. “How were we ever able to function on our own?”
With some effort and an embarrassing amount of wrong turns they managed to get back to Lance’s room, ready to tell him and Keith about their failed mission. But when they got there they found Lance and Keith passed out on Lance’s bed, the empty bottle of Nunvill on the side table. Shiro smiled at the two of them, seeing how Keith’s arms were wrapped around Lance like he was something delicate, seeing the way Lance face was nuzzled into Keith’s chest.
“Oh I am so tempted to take a picture,” Adam whispered, picking up the empty bottle. Then he turned to look at Shiro.
“You know that they’re totally into each other right?” Shiro nodded his head.
“I don’t think Keith realizes how much he talks about Lance when we train together.” Adam let out an amused huff.
“Back at the Garrison Lance couldn’t deal with his crush on Keith so he tried to convince me to kick Keith out of the program.” Shiro let out a surprised laugh and then quickly covered his mouth with his hands, looking at Lance and Keith with wide eyes and then breathing a sigh of relief when they didn’t move. Then he heard a click and turned to see Adam taking a picture of them before putting his phone back in his pocket. “I’m saving it for the slide show at their wedding,” Adam explained, and Shiro smiled, wrapping his arm around Adam’s waist and pressing a kiss on the top of his head.
“I’m so in love with you too,” Shiro said, “just so you know,” and he could feel Adam nuzzle into the crook of his neck.
“How about we let these two have their bonding moment,” Adam offered, and Shiro grinned, nodding his head in agreement. “And let’s finish having our own bonding moment,” Adam said, and Shiro’s eyes widened.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Shiro whispered, hearing his voice crack a little. Adam chuckled softly and move to hold Shiro’s hand, leading him out of the room.
“Tomorrow let’s just tell them that we found it, and that we totally didn’t get lost on the ship we’ve been traveling in for almost a year.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Shiro said, and together they made it to their own room, Adam still leading Shiro by the hand. By the time they made it back the effects of the Nunvill had pretty much worn off, and they ended up falling asleep on the couch the moment they got through the door. Shiro couldn’t imagine anything more perfect.
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jack-kellys · 6 years
today is Halloween
here's a real wild ralbert spider-man au fic that takes place on Halloween
another day on the job
warnings: cursing, al's a cop, someone gets s m a c k e d, yeah that's it how unusual for me,
words: 1700 ish oh jeez
Race was late again.
This was the third time this week they’d set a date, just a small coffee date, and Race had been at least twenty minutes late to each of the last few. Not like Albert was punctual, but anyone who arrived after Albert? That was saying something.
Albert opened the case file in front of him, taking away the paper clip that held the pictures inside. He frowned, looking down at them for what seemed like the millionth time.
People like this really made him hate his job.
Spider-Man, the newest “hero” of New York, has recently caused a lot of property damage on a high end building in Midtown, and now the NYPD was starting to get more directly involved. Albert was one of the lead detectives on the case, and it had been extremely taxing lately. There was barely any information on the guy, except that he apparently talked a lot, a few cops recounting their strange encounters with the web-slinging creep.
He looked up from reading through the file for the fourth time as the door of the small café banged open, Race practically tumbling in.
Albert stared at him with furrowed brows until Race sat himself down across from him. “What happened this time?” Al sighed, sipping his espresso.
“Well, ok, so I was comin’ here, right,” Race starts off, and Albert could already feel the headache coming on, “right from work. And I notice this guy start followin’ me, which like, gotta get away from that right? So I take a longer route. Guy’s still there. So then I book it, okay, completely different direction, ‘n now I’m here. Sorry,” Race finally finished. His arms were crossed, Albert didn’t fail to notice, making Race come off as evasive and defensive.
He breathed in, eyes closed, and then out.
“Race, babe,” Al said, brows lowered with a frown. “You know I’m a detective, right?”
“Uh, yeah, Albie, of course I—“
“You know it’s part of my job to call bullshit?”
Race opened his mouth to argue, then closed it, slumping back against his seat. “I just...don’t wanna talk about it, alright?” Race said, voice quieter.
“Alright,” Albert relented. “We won’t.”
“Thanks, baby,” Race smiled, standing up to peck Albert’s cheek. “Lemme get my pumpkin spice latte. It’s Halloween after all!”
Albert rolled his eyes, watching Race go to order. He felt worry roll around in his stomach, tightening a bit into a ball of sharp anxiety. He looked down at the file with a defeated expression.
He hoped he was wrong.
He hoped Race wasn’t the reason he hated his job.
But there was only one way to find out.
Albert supposed he was lucky it was Halloween. It fell right in line with his plan.
A stupid, ridiculous plan, but it was the most plausible he could think of.
The hardest part was going to be keeping Conlon in the dark, but that would come later.
First was the phone call.
Albert parked, walking an extra two blocks just in case. The moon hung bright in the sky, Albert having excused himself from Halloween night for a few hours, telling Race he had some extra work to finish up.
What a fucking lie.
And here came another one.
He glared at Race’s contact on his phone, stomach twisting in guilt before pressing call and raising the phone to his ear.
“Hey, Albie! Ya comin’ home early?” Race’s voice crackled over the other end. “I hope so, cause I got so much candy here—“
“R-Race,” Al interrupted, making his voice sound weak. He was afraid he’d break his act and falter if Race finished his sentence. “I-I got jumped. These guys, musta recognized me as a–“ Albert coughed away from the phone, then bit his lip before continuing with the lie. “–as a cop. They’re gonna come b-back, I can’t move–“
“Baby, oh my god,” Race breathed, and Albert almost sighed in relief that he had been cut short. Lying to Race practically caused him physical pain. “I-I’ll be there in a moment, where are you?”
“I think near the First Avenue subway, on...14th, Race, I don’t kn—“
“I’ll be there. Hold on, Albie, I swear—I’ll be right there. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The line went dead, and Albert lowered the phone shakily, leaning against a wall to breathe for a moment.
If Albert was right about Race, this was a perfect trap.
Albert had been on top of the Spider-Man’s activity since last year, and last Halloween it seemed like the guy had been more stressed out than usual—more activity and false alarms than normal, people in costumes doing stupid things.
Race would be more distracted, not thinking as clearly.
Albert had chosen a more discreet location, somewhere people weren’t often there. A small alley. The Spider-Man swung from above—Albert knew he’d be found.
And as much as it broke Albert’s heart to decit Race like that, it was a clear motivation. Race would come.
Albert raised his phone up again, having selected a different contact.
“Conlon. Track my phone, bring your stuff, don’t ask questions,” Al said when Spot picked up.
“Fuck you,” Albert heard Spot groan back.
“It’s about Spider-Man.”
“Fuck!” Albert almost laughed at the surprise in Spot’s yelp, taking the phone away from his ear as Spot hung up.
Everything was in place.
Albert found himself pacing the alley, nerves starting to settle in. There was always a chance he could be wrong, and Race could get here after Spot, and see he was perfectly fine, and then Al would have to explain he thought Race was the fucking—
Al whipped around as a figure landed behind him.
It was him.
Oh, god was it him.
Albert could easily tell it was Race from this close up. The way the red and blue clad spider held himself, shifting from one foot to another, the slimness of his body, seemingly all angles.
Albert could also tell he was confused. Race, of course, expected Albert to be hurt in some way, which he wasn’t. Yet Race didn’t know that Albert knew his true identity, and therefore had to hide his hesitation.
The insect-like eyes on the mask went large for a small moment and then back to normal. “Hey, dude, didn’t mean to startle ya. Just patrolling the area, crazy night—“
“Cut it out,” Al sighed, the knot of guilt unraveling into a nauseous feeling as he watched the masked man falter. “The act, I mean. You can drop it.”
“Uh, I don’t think I follow? I..” the Spider-Man trailed off, the eyes larger again. Albert recognized the habit of Race’s voice going up when he was confused about something.
“Tony,” Albert managed. “I know. I know it’s you, Sunshine.”
A silence hung in the air for a few long seconds, and for a moment Albert thought he had been wrong about everything.
Then he watched as the Spider-Man shakily pulled off his mask after looking around warily. Messy blonde hair and watery blue eyes were revealed, Race wearing a defiant expression. “Albie, wait, don't arrest me, I can explain, please, just—“
“You don’t have to,” Albert whispered, surprising himself.
Race looked up, angry tears threatening to spill. “And what’s that even mean? You fucking hate the Spider-Man, you always have,” he said bitterly. Albert couldn’t help but wince a little.
“Well,” Albert started, hesitant. Conflict burned inside him, his obligation to the law clashing with his morals, the sound of their battle blaring in his ears. “Well, I called you, like, two minutes ago, and you’re already here. I called Spot only thirty seconds after and he’s an officer and he ain’t even here yet.” Albert scuffed his shoe into the ground, not meeting Race’s eyes.
He was embarrassed. Embarrassed for not trusting Spider-Man—Race, really—to be the good guy, and embarrassed for throwing the NYPD under the bus like that.
Albert looked up as Race took his hands. “I know how hard this is for you,” Race said quietly. “But, Albie, this is what I do. It’s who I am—who I’ve been.”
There was a fire in Race’s eyes that Albert had never seen before. Race wanted this. He believed in this. And standing in this dark alley with the moonlight gleaming in Race’s set expression, distant sounds of children screaming as Halloween continued far away from them, Albert couldn’t find it in himself to refute him.
“Alright,” he said shakily, “okay.”
Albert saw Race beam before he was enveloped in a bone-crushing hug from the taller man.
“Thank you, Albie. I’m so sorry,” Race whispered, then kissed Albert’s temple lightly.
“No, I am. Shit,” Albert‘s eyes widened, pulling himself away from Race. “I called Spot as backup, in case I was wrong about you. Fuck.”
Race’s eyes widened too before he pulled his mask back on, pressing two fingers to his palm and shooting his famous webbing into the sky. “Albie, I gotta—“
“Aw, but wait, shit,” Albert smacked his forehead. “I told him I called him about you. About Spider-Man. God, I’m an idiot.”
“Baby, how are you a cop?” Race sighed, the eyes narrowing on the mask.
“Shut up and punch me,” Albert frowned.
“Yeah oka—wait, what?” Race sputtered, incredulous.
“I can say you got away from me, but I need evidence,” Albert explained. “Just do it.”
“Baby, no I couldn’t ever…”
“Race.” Albert deadpanned. “I lied to you about being hurt. On Halloween night. For the sole purpose of tricking you.”
“Oh yeah,” Race growled, and Albert watched nervously as the eyes on Race’s mask started narrowing. “Albert DaSilva, you fucking dick, ruining my favorite holiday.”
“Wait, wait Ra—“ Albert’s eyes widened as Race’s fist wound up, remembering in that moment about the Spider’s extra strength.
Too late. Race’s fist hit his head like a sharp brick, Albert’s eyes rolling back as he slipped into darkness.
He waded back into consciousness a while later, cracking his eyes open and seeing a blurry Spot Conlon’s dark eyes on the road, finger’s drumming his steering wheel of his cop car. “You’re the second biggest idiot I know, DaSilva,” Spot grumbled.
“I feel like a fuckin’ building jus’, like, bitch-slapped me,” Albert slurred, not daring to move. Everything felt like it was ringing, banging in his head. The traffic lights looked blinding through his slow blinks.
“‘Cause one did. You’re definitely gonna have a concussion, pal, that damned Spider got ya bad. You musta pissed him off.” Spot scoffed, rolling his eyes.
Al smiled messily. “Yeah, I did piss ‘im off,” he giggled.
“I hate your stupid ass.”
“Happy Halloween, Conlon,” Al sighed happily, closing his eyes.
“Shut up.”
fun right? also albert's the dumbest cop in the city. at least that's what spot tells everyone he knows
tag list: @suddenly-im-respecsable @alberts-cigar @bencookisagod @thatpoorguysheadisspinning @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn
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(Open Rp!!) I met someone very Interesting today.
Shiiiit. This ain’t where I’m sposed’ to be. Leon musta’ given me the wrong damn directions.
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*Mondo got back on his bike and turned on the engine, but something was wrong. It began to sputter and eventually died out.*
Aw Come on! Are you F*ckin’ serious?! What’s wrong now?!
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*He got off and unscrewed the cap to the fuel tank, and much to his dismay, it was completely empty.*
F*ckin’ Fan.Tastic. *He took in a deep sigh and leaned against his bike, trying to remember if he had passed any gas stations on the way. The summer sun was unforgiving, and glared down him, his long coat only intensified the heat.*
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Man,it’s hot as balls out here...
*He wiped the sweat forming on his brow, but started to feel lightheaded and dizzy, the effects of being out in the hot sun were starting to catch up to him.*
Shit I ain’t feelin’ too good...
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*Mondo was soon greeted by a new voice.*
Sir? Are you alright?
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Whoah! what the-! Lady! Don’t sneak up on me like that!
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Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you!
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O-oh nah, y-ya didn’t scare me...I was just uuuhhh...not payin’ attention...
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*Mondo averted his eyes from the young lady that stood in front of him, feeling  pretty embarrassed.*
Of course, of course. Anyways, what brings you here? Oh how silly of me!  Let me introduce myself, my name is Sylvia Price I’m called The Ultimate Housewife!
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*Mondo finally looked at the lady in front of him. She was very petite with rosy cheeks and red lips. A gleam of beautiful purity in her hazel eyes.*
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Um, sir?
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Oh yeah! Uhhhhhhhmondooowadaultimatebikergangleader!!
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I’m sorry...? What did you say?
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*Thinking* F*ckf*ckf*ckf*ck slow down
Y-yeah! Sorry, names Mondo Oowada, nice to f- uh, nice to meet'cha.
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Oh? Mondo as in the gang leader? That would explain the bike!
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Yeah, that’s me! I was passin’ through and kinda got lost, then my damn bike ran outta gas. *the heat came back to Mondo as he started to calm down, and once again he started to feel ill.*
Shit, it’s hot....
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Oh, I have some lemonade if you want some! My house is right on top of that hill! Would you like to rest there for a while? You can just park the bike on the walkway. 
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Yeah that sounds great, don't mind if I do.
. . . .
*The pair began to make their way to Sylvia’s house.... Would anyone care to join them?*
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angelfiume · 6 years
Mouth Like A Sailor Part 3
Last part for tonight.  I will be back with more if yall like it!
The morning after our little night out, I wrote a note to Sophie and Jean and left as the were still sleeping.  I woulda walked back home, but Soph's house was a while from my place.  I took the trail into town and waited at the bus-station for the 7 AM.  The city was real quiet at this time in the morning, either everyone was just now waking up, or had just gone to sleep.  Nothing was even open yet, except for the 24/7 places at the plaza, but I wasn't in any rush to get a cup of old coffee that wasn't even hot.  I saw the bus come rolling down the hill, the sun was starting to rise.  I handed the driver 25 cents (you only had to pay from 10 PM till 8), and kept to myself the whole ride back to my neighborhood.    It was Saturday so Darry and Soda were getting ready for work and the rest of their outfit was probably gonna get to the house soon.  I accidently slammed the door on my way in- a habit Darry would probably be yelling at me for the rest of my life.  Steve, Soda's best friend, was lying on the couch having an awful loud conversation with Soda, who was in the shower.  We smiled at each other briefly and I went to my room at the back of the house.  I used to be real close to the whole gang when we were all younger, but it started getting awkward when I turned twelve and my mom gave me this long talk about how a "young lady" shouldn't be out late with "young men" and she went off the one day she walked in my old room and saw Dally and I just hanging out all innocent like.  After those lectures I started hanging out more just with girls and only really spent time with my brothers' friends when they were around.  It wasn't too heartbroken about it as Dal was the one I spent the most time with and he liked me a whole lot more than I liked him.  Even as a kid Dally was tough and harsh and his idea of a fun game was pulling my hair and taking play-fights way to serious.  He's not too bad now, now he just teases me relentlessly about my voice and tries to tell me I'm flat chested and even my ass makes me look like a boy.  Which is ridiculous because I know I'm a looker and so does the rest of Tulsa, he just thinks it's cute to hurt girls' feelings is all.  I got out of yesterday's clothes and cleaned off my makeup from last night.  Most of the things I owned used to be my mom's when she was in college, before she had four kids.  The other twenty-five percent of what I owned were actually hand-me downs from my brothers, a whole lot of that being their shoes from junior high, shirts, and a pair of soda's old 501s.  I got into my mom's old hip-huggers, a black blouse, and Pony's recently out-grown converse.  On my way into the kitchen for a cup of coffee I bumped into Soda who whipped around to look at me with a nervous expression, my stomach dropped, I was either in trouble or something real bad had happened overnight, Soda was rarely ever bothered.  
  "What?  Soda, Darry didn't check to see where I was last night, did he?"  I asked shakily, Darry didn't just sound scary, but he was real smart, he knew what to take away from me that I would get upset about.    
  "No, no but he's gonna get suspicious, Marli, you smell like you drank all night!"  He whispered back at me, "You better go brush your teeth and put some perfume on or something, hell just light a smoke."  
  "OK,OK, thanks Soda."  I ran back to my room to grab a cancer stick,  I hadn't even had much to drink last night, but Soda and Darry had this odd talent for smell, I remember last week I quickly got outta a fight with Darry with some bullshit lie when he smelled pot in my car I had smoked a month before.  I walked out puffing on a cigarette, which of course Darry wasn't gonna be too happy about, but rather that than alcohol.  I walked out to the porch to have it, luckily before Darry even turned around to see me walk out.  
  "Hey Marls, you look rough, man, what's the matter with you?"  A deep voice laughed from the concrete steps, "Musta been one helluva night."  
  "Shut-up Dal!  This door is most screen, you don't think Darry won't rip my head off if he suspects something?"  I snapped in a hushed voice.   
 Dally raised his eyebrows and took my cigarette, taking a long drag before handing it back, "Be cool, man, he's not gonna know you went all the way to that bar just cause of some smart-ass comment I made."   
 "Yeah?  Guess so.  How the hell did you even know where I was last night?  Doubt you have half the dough to leave this neighborhood anyhow."  
  "For some reason people around here seem to think you're a real cool broad, did ya know that?"  Dallas chuckled, looking up at me from the ground,          "Some socy girls were yappin at the drive-in about how that Sophie was goin' all the way to Oklahoma City to see some celebrity or something, and you weren't here last night, so where else would you be?" 
   "Hmm, well as long as that don't get within a miles radius of the Curtis Residence, I guess that's alright."  I sighed and took one last  drag before heading inside.     
 Darry was walking around looking as stressed-out as ever, with a piece of toast in his mouth, a cup of coffee in one hand and the other trying to tuck his shirt in.  Luckily, he didn't even give me half a glance, so I was pretty much in the clear.  Ponyboy was sitting on the couch next to Two-bit, looking surly as ever.  He was a real smart kid, but a little on the awkward side.  I could tell he wasn't too confident in his steps just yet, but I didn't judge him too hard on it, I'm still figuring my place out in the world.  Darry could get pissy at him a lot, and Steve wasn't too keen on him either.  I hate to think it's a girl thing, but I always held a special place in my heart for kids.  He was my kid brother, so he annoyed the shit outta me, but he was alright.  Soda came running through the living room, looking for his DX shirt, I just can't believe he refuses to set it out for himself the night before, as every damn morning he runs around like a scalded cat looking for the damn thing.  He pushed me outta his way and started around the rest of our small house.  I went in to get a coffee and saw that Dal had followed me into the kitchen.  I turned around to look at him, immediately my stomach did a little flip.  I had seen that look before at a lot of guys' faces and it never really made me feel all flattered at shit, just kinda uncomfortable.  But for Dally I changed a little, he and I had been so close as kids and even after that he hung on to our friendship more than the rest of the gang.  I didn't say anything, I just walked back to my room, what could I have said?  I sure as hell wouldn't be caught trying to chat him up, I knew better than that.  He wasn't necessarily a player, he's only had one girl at a time and always kept her close, but he was still a dick!  He didn't have a lot of respect for girls, he always did for me and the other girls he knew, but I'd like to know the guy I date doesn't embarrass girls on the street just for kicks.  Not even that, but my brothers would think I'm just the dumbest little thing to walk the earth if we ever did become anything.  I remember last summer, I had a short-lived fling with this 22 year old in the Army on leave, and when I told Darry, he said "Marls, I don't wanna tell you how to live your life, but c'mon don't be just another greasy girl in our neighborhood who thinks she's hot shit for getting in with older men.  You're just being trashy."  Usually when my brothers say stuff like that to me I don't care, cause that's what siblings do, we are SUPPOSED to hate each other, but this time it was different.  He wasn't calling me trashy as an annoying older brother, he really meant it.    My brothers really care about me, Soda mostly just cause he cares about everybody.  But Darry will always just judge me before he stands up for me, same with Ponyboy,he can sure say a lot of shit about Darry, but at the end of the day those two are a lot more similar than Soda and I, and we're twins.  I'm probably overthinking it all anyways, maybe Dallas was just being an objective jerk, but that's not the first time, nor the mildest thing, that has happened between us.
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liv-andletdie · 6 years
Puppy Love
Author: liv-andletdie Rating: Teen and up Pairing: TP Zelink Modern AU Notes: Link is a vet at Ordon Veterinary surgery. Zelda is an Aristocrat with a dog who is sick… surprisingly often. Though nothing seems to be wrong with the poor thing.
Available on Ao3 
Chapter 3: The Park
The spring air was a pleasant change to the stuffy atmosphere of her office. Outside she was free, it could just be her, Naru, and the sunlight shifting through the leaves.
The park was surprisingly empty that day, grey clouds from the north threatening to bring the rain with them. But that didn’t deter Zelda or her Husky. Naru always enjoyed jumping in puddles anyway, even if she did end up making a mess. Plus an almost empty park meant Naru had the space to run freely. Throwing the tennis ball in her hand, Zelda watched as Naru sprinted across the field.
This was heaven.
Breathing in a deep sigh, lungs filling with the scent of fresh flowers and cut grass, she felt herself relax. This is what she needed, just what the doctor ordered, an afternoon free of stress. What with her father demanding more from her and the constant phone calls from work, not to mention the whole earring fiasco!
It had been just over a week since it had happened and still the memory of Link’s shocked face made her want to curl up in a ball and scream. It had been mortifying! Midna hadn’t been able to stop laughing when she’d told her, tears rolling down her pale blue cheeks. It had been good to see her friend smile, but Zelda wasn’t going to deny that it was a bit of a blow to her ego.
“I can’t believe you didn’t notice that you were wearing it!” she had cackled, obviously finding a lot of joy in Zelda’s misfortune. Though it could have been worse, she could have told Midna about Link’s flirting! She never would have heard the end of that. Who knows how many jokes she would have to sit through? Probably countless! And all ending with some variation of the school yard phrase “Ooooh Zelda’s got a Cruu-uush”
No, it was best not to think about his flirting comments at all! She already had enough sleepless nights just remembering the way he smiled at her, the almost wanting look in his eyes! She didn’t need to fixate on his voice as well.
Oh, his voice! It was ridiculous for a man to sound so beautiful, not to mention unfair! He already had the looks of a great hero he didn’t get to sound like one as well. Every word was like music on his tongue, even just the simple “hello” became a symphony. Coupled with his kind smile and shining eyes, she was sure he could tell her that she only had thirty seconds left to live and she would thank him. Farore had no doubt taken her time whilst making Doctor Link Wolfe, she probably sculpted him perfectly, right down to his-
Right. No, that’s enough of that. Zelda tore herself from her thoughts, instead focusing on where Naru had gotten too. She hadn’t thrown the tennis ball that hard had she? Looking out across the field she searched, eyes focusing on everything that moved, but ultimately saw nothing. Just a few people either enjoying the sun or with their own dogs. Naru was nowhere to be seen.
A burning panic settled in her chest, her fist clenching around the dog lead in her hand. She could feel the leather creak in protest, her knuckles turning white. How could I be such a fool?!, she cursed, I should never have taken her off of her lead! She’s never been to this park before. She could have gotten hurt! Images of her poor friend in distress swam at the forefront of her mind. This wasn’t like Naru, she wasn’t the best behaved dog all the time but she’d never run off like this! Swallowing down the steadily rising bile in the back of her throat, Zelda began to walk. Maybe she’d find Naru somewhere else in the park?
“Miss Harkinian?”
The fiery panic turned to ice cold dread. She knew that voice, that strong soft wonderful voice. The frozen feeling in her chest spread down to her legs, ice holding her against the pavement, trapping her where she stood. She couldn’t run. She couldn’t flee. He’d seen her, here! In the park! Without her dog! She could already feel the humiliation bubble in her gut. What would he think of her? Probably that she was just some air headed heiress who couldn’t even look after her own pet!
Swallowing down her pride, Zelda turned to face him. It would be better to get it over with she supposed. Then she could go back to looking for her husky.
“Doctor-” her voice died in her throat. Violet blue eyes going wide as she looked at him. Link stood before her, a tennis ball in his hand and a smile on his lips. His blonde hair had been caught in the breeze and she curse how good it looked on him. He seemed comfortable, his white coat gone in favour of a light jacket. He tossed the ball up in the air for a second catching it with one hand.
“I think this is yours” he said. Zelda looked at the yellow ball in his hand, brow furrowing slightly. It was a tennis ball… nothing special. Why would he think that it was hers? She was about to ask him what he meant when a long dramatic, joyful, howl interrupted her.
Naru stood at his feet, a large doggy grin clear on her face. She looked at Zelda as if to say “Look mum! Look who I found! It’s the nice man you like!” All fear and stress vanished in the blink of an eye, overwhelming relief coursing through her veins.
“Naru!” Zelda cried, kneeling down to take the husky’s head in her hands. “Sweet girl, where did you go?! I got worried” Naru didn’t say anything, she only pushed her head into Zelda’s palms, trying to coax a pet or a scratch from her.
“That’s my fault” Link knelt down next to her, his hand moving to give Naru a quick scratch behind the ear. “I got to the tennis ball before she did, ended up throwing it a few times for her. Musta distracted her” He shifted his hand to scratch behind his own ear, pink dusting over his cheeks “Sorry if we made you worried”. Zelda couldn’t help the smile that curled over her lips at the sight.
“It’s alright” She turned to face him, heart momentarily stopping in her chest when she noticed how close he was. She could count every individual freckle that covered his nose, every eyelash, every shade of blue that swirled in his iris. She tried not to think about the last time she’d been this close to him. “I-I’m just happy she was safe. She must like you if you managed to get her to play with you. She’s quite picky I mean”
Link’s happy grin was infectious. Pure joy radiating off of him in waves. Zelda watched as he scratched behind his ear again, the pink on his cheeks growing deeper. “Shucks” he murmured, his smile turning bashful, “I feel real honoured”
Zelda felt herself smile with him, a really happy smile. The world around her fading slightly as they knelt next to each other on the damp pavement. Maybe she’d been wrong about before, being alone in the park. Maybe this was heaven instead?
Naru’s dramatic wail cut off all future thought. She’d grown tired of just sitting there while they smiled at each other. She howled again, the noise ringing in Zelda’s ears, before pressing her nose into Link’s hand. He was still holding the tennis ball, the bright yellow felt peeking out between his fingers.
“You wanna play?” he asked and Naru let out another howl. He turned to Zelda his head tilted to the side as if to ask “may I?”
“Go ahead” she breathed, her voice lost somewhere in her chest. What was it about this man that made her turn from a grown adult into a stuttering school girl? She was Zelda Harkinian for crying out loud she should be able to get through one conversation without dissolving into a blushing mumbling mess!
Link pushed himself up to standing, Naru jumping up and down with excitement. She moved to stand beside him, watching as he lifted his leg, balancing for a moment, before pitching the ball as hard as he could. Her eyes followed as the yellow tennis ball became a speck on the horizon and Naru began chasing after it with a wild enthusiasm.
Zelda tucked her arms behind her back. Giving him, what she hoped was, a mischievous grin she said “Very impressive” Link looked quite pleased with himself, a matching smirk shining on his face.
“Why thank you very much” He teased, dropping to a low bow. She couldn’t hold back her giggles as Naru ran back to them, eagerly dropping the ball at their feet. Link stooped down to pick it up before pitching it across the field once more. He turned his head towards her “How was that?”
“Almost as good as the first one” she said. Link clicked his fingers, pretending to be frustrated, his wide smile ruined the illusion.
“I’ll just have to keep practicing” He shrugged.
The two fell into a comfortable silence, both watching as the husky ran across the grass. Link threw the ball a few more times, getting more and more over the top in his actions. Zelda let herself smile at his joking, playing along and paying him increasingly extravagant compliments. She couldn’t be sure, but she thought he may be blushing.
Link let the ball fly once more, this time adding a spin to it as he let it go. Zelda watched as it flew further than the others had before, arcing in the air before rolling on the grass. Like a shot Naru was gone, running after it as fast as she could.
“Impeccable form Doctor Wolfe” she teased, her heart feeling a light at the sight of his ears going pink. He lifted his fingertips to his chin before tipping them towards her, a silent thank you. The quiet settled over them as Naru ducked through bushes, searching for the yellow projectile. Link kept his eyes on the husky, keeping track of how the animal moved.
“She’s looking good” he said, tilting his head towards where Naru was. She’d managed to free the tennis ball from where it had gotten stuck, and was now chasing it as it rolled down an embankment. “Certainly better than the last time I saw her”
Zelda let out a groan, shielding her face with her hands. The wave of embarrassment was back as she remembered that night. “Please don’t mention it. I feel like such an idiot wasting your time like that” Link’s laugh was gentle and reassuring, no malice hid in his tone.
“It was a simple mistake to make” he said. She dropped her hands to look at him, his hair shining in the sun, blue eyes brighter than the sky. She could feel herself trust him, her hands moving to hang by her sides.
“And I was the one who made it” She scoffed at herself, tipping her head back to feel the sun burn against her eyelids. She was thinking about his hand on her cheek again, his touch dimmed slightly by latex, his lips curling into a beautiful smirk. She needed to stop, he was standing right next to her!
“Anyone could have” He sighed “You’d be surprised at the amount of crazy calls we get. Just last week Rusl got a call to check on a cat who was making ‘strange noises’” He held up his hands, making finger quotes around the words. “In the end it was nothing. Just a cat throwing up a hairball”
Zelda let herself laugh, the humiliation she’d once felt fading away with each joyful giggle. Beside her Link laughed as well, his eyes crinkled as he smiled, blue seeming even more magical than it had before.
Naru returned, tennis ball clamped firmly in her jaw, tail swinging wildly at the chuckles that filled the air. It was almost like she could sense Zelda’s happiness, her own doggy smile lighting up her face as her owner knelt before her. Zelda’s hand scratched under Naru’s chin, coaxing the ball from her vice like grip.
“I never asked” Link started as Zelda finally pried the ball from Naru’s mouth, “did you enjoy yourself?”
Zelda raised an eyebrow at him as she stood. “What do you mean?” she asked
“That evening? You were all dressed up you must’ve been going somewhere fancy”
Holding back another groan, Zelda lobbed the tennis ball into the air. It didn’t fly as far as Link’s had, too much overspin causing it to bounce near to where they stood. She couldn’t bring herself to care much, however, she was too busy thinking about the Spring Dinner. The whole event had been incredibly boring as she’d expected it to be. A room full of well-to-do folks all talking about how wonderful and spectacular they all where. She’d have much rather spent the evening curled up watching rubbish TV and shoveling ice cream into her mouth.
“It was… alright. As dinners go” she said, fingers fiddling with the zip of her jacket. “I’m just glad I was able to leave early. I don’t think I could sit through 6 courses of nonsense”
“And your partner didn’t mind leaving early?” Link’s voice was oddly quiet, like he was shy about something. Casting a quick glance his way, Zelda saw that he had hung his head. His hair was obscuring his eyes which were no doubt boring holes into his boots, his hands had been tucked into his pockets, and a faint red colour stained the ends of his ears. Yet Zelda couldn’t really pay attention to that, she was caught up on his words.
Partner? I work mostly alone… I suppose he could mean Shad. But he’s been in Snowpeak visiting his wife for the past few weeks. I don’t have a business partner to take to corporate dinners, what’s he going on about?
“I went alone” she said “It was just business after all” Naru bounded over to them, this time dropping the ball at Link’s feet. She sat, patiently waiting for Link to reach down and pitch it again. But instead he stayed still, his head snapping up to meet Zelda’s gaze.
“A Business dinner?” “Yes” Zelda tucked her hands into her jacket pockets, her hands wrapping around the items she had stored there. “My father made me go on his behalf” Link looked… relieved? A heavy sigh pushed past his lips, shoulders drooping under some imaginary weight.
“So… it wasn’t a date?”
“No” Zelda giggled, reaching down to pick up the tennis ball before Naru could start whining again. “It wasn’t a date. You kind of need to be in a relationship first to go on dates” She watched as his eyes seemed to sparkle, the emotion within unreadable to her. Avoiding his gaze she threw the tennis ball as hard as she could, watching as it veered of and hit a tree. Naru gave her an unimpressed look before running after the poorly thrown ball.
“Very impressive” Link teased. She could feel his breath on her cheek, warm air sending a chill through her bones. Zelda tried to hold back the blush that threatened to paint her cheeks. Why does he always have to get so close?! She thought, breath catching in her chest. She turned to look at him, attempting to fix him with a hauny glare.
“It is impressive” she huffed watching as his sunny smile grew brighter “especially since I do not have the practice that you so obviously do” Link let out a single laugh, the sound cutting through the air like a cannonball.
“You should have plenty of practice” he chided “dogs need exercise every day”
“She does get exercise every day!” She squeaked. A slight annoyance began to grow in her chest. Maybe he does think i’m a bad pet owner, she thought, mood souring at the idea. “I take her for walks every day, I just don’t get to play fetch with her very often that’s all” she defended, her arms crossing over her chest, “Castleton isn’t really the best place to raise a dog”
Link let a lazy smile curl over his lips, shoulders rising slightly in a weak shrug. “I guess it’s a good thing you’re in Ordon then ain’t it?” He turned his gaze to where Naru had curled up below a tree. She’d grown bored of fetch for the moment, and bored of not having their full attention. “It’s nothing but nature out here”
“It does make a wonderful change” she conceded, arms uncrossing, “I can tell Naru enjoys it as well” The sight of her husky, rolling around in the fresh green grass, relaxed her. Zelda let her shoulders drop, all tension leaving her body. “It almost makes going to that dinner worth it” Link raised an eyebrow at her, a silent question hanging in the air between them.
Taking a deep breath Zelda steadied herself. “The dinner I went to… it’s supposed to be a networking exercise but everyone just takes the opportunity to gloat about all of their achievements” She could feel the tension slowly return, creeping up her shoulders and threatening to tie around her neck. “It’s hosted somewhere new every year and they picked Ordon this time. Normally my brother goes, but this time my father practically insisted that I take his place! Something about ‘inspiring me to take initiative in my life’ or whatever contrived reason he created to embarrass me” She flinched at the look on Link’s face. His blue eyes going blank as she spoke. The tension finally squeezed around her neck and she felt herself choke.
“I’m sorry” she mumbled, wrapping her arms around her waist in a desperate squeeze. “You probably don’t want to listen to me ramble about my family life-”
“It’s okay” His voice cut through her doubt. Two little words stopping her in her tracks. “You’ve obviously got a lot on your mind, I’m happy to listen if you need me to”
She wanted to scream. Just when she thought he couldn’t get any more infuriatingly wonderful he had to pull this goat crap! He was so kind she wanted to curl up into a little ball and implode. She knew it was dramatic but it was very difficult to look at him when he was being so nice to her.
“Are you sure?” she asked, cringing at how meek and little her voice sounded
“I’m sure” He smiled again and Zelda was sure she could feel her heart stop moving “besides, I could share a hundred complaints I’ve had in the past”
Now she was skeptical of that. He always seemed so happy, so upbeat, she couldn’t imagine him being so angry or frustrated about anything… except maybe his job… being a vet had to be stressful yes? She couldn’t imagine the kind of pressure he must face day in and day out.
“Like what?” she teased. She hoped that her smile came across as less “I don’t believe you” and more “I’m happy to listen if you need to talk too” She didn’t want him to think that she didn’t care. If anything she wanted to be his friend.
The word felt weird in her chest. Her silent crush still wrapped around her heart, squeezing and squeezing until there was nothing left. Sometimes it hurt, really hurt. All she wanted to do was pull him into her arms, maybe rest her head against his shoulder. Giving herself another squeeze she tried to push down those thoughts. He probably doesn’t feel the same way, she thought to herself, I mean… why would he?
She wondered if it would hurt more or less to be without his smile.
“Well one time a crazy lady called the surgery because her dog ate a tiny chocolate cake” he teased, mischief shining in his bright blue eyes. Zelda couldn’t hold back the laugh that bubble up in her chest, her mouth hanging open.
“Hey!” she gasped, swatting him lightly with the dog lead in her hand. “That was an emergency!” Link held up his hands in a mock surrender, his own chuckles echoing in the still spring air around them.
“I never said it was you” He laughed “There’s a lotta crazy dog ladies in Ordon”
“Why don’t I believe you?” She asked, standing toe to toe with him. She hadn’t noticed before but he was… shorter than her. Not by much, but just enough that he had to tilt his head back to look at her. It was cute.
“I don’t know” He shrugged, tilting his head to the left “lotsa people say I’m quite trustworthy”
“Like who?”
“Rusl. He works at the Surgery, you might know him as Doctor Hunter”
“You mentioned him before” she remembered, taking a step back “Are you close?” Link smiled fondly, a hand reaching up to scratch at the back of his neck. He looked relaxed, calm as he rose a shoulder in a half hearted shrug.
“Pretty much” he started, eyes drifting to look at Naru who lay spread out in the sun. “He kinda raised me, taught me everything I know. He’s the best vet in the surgery” he looked proud, a smile as warm as the sun glinted in his eyes. Zelda could tell that he really admired his almost father.
“I’d like to meet him one day” she breathed, surprised to find that she meant it. Normally when those words left her lips it was to some posh idiot who’d never had to work a day in his life, existing solely off of Daddy’s money. But thinking about Link and the way that he admired Rusl so, she found that the words were, probably for the first time, completely sincere.
“You might do if you stick around Ordon long enough” Link murmured. His voice became low, the rough timbre mixing deliciously with his soft accent. He stood incredibly still, like living marble “How long are you staying in Ordon anyway?”
Zelda paused for a moment, her mind running through an imaginary calendar. How long was she planning to stay? She only really needed to be in Ordon for the Spring Dinner and that was over, staying any longer would mean missing out on work and she couldn’t do that. As much as she complained she truly did enjoy her job. However, perhaps another week wouldn’t hurt? Ordon really was lovely, it would be a shame to leave so quickly.
“Are you that eager to get rid of me?” she asked, only half teasing. Link took a deep breath, as if readying himself to say something. She could see the courage build behind his smile, mounting as he ran through a list of scenarios in his head.
“No, just…” And then he faulted. “Just curious is all”
Before she could responde, a sharp electronic buzz wrang through the air. Link suddenly became a flurry of movement, arms and hands patting down the pockets of his jacket and jeans, searching for something. Zelda watched as he pulled out his phone, flashing her an apologetic look before pressing it to his ear.
“Hello” he said, turning his body away from her as if to keep the call privet. Zelda forced herself to look away, to study the treeline or the husky who was now making her way back over to them. All the while trying to bite down the inexplicable rise of jealousy at the sound of a woman’s voice on the other end of the line.
“Yeah, no I understand” he said, voice drawing Zelda back to him, “You can’t help these things. Alright I’ll see you in a bit. Love you, bye” She watched as he hung up, sliding the phone back into his pocket. “Sorry about that” he breathed, hands patting his thighs awkwardly.
Zelda turned her eyes to Naru as she butted her head against her knees. “It’s quite alright” she breezed, hand reaching down to scratch the husky between the ears. “Was that your girlfriend?” She tried to sound disinterested, keeping her focus on the animal in front of her instead of on the man next to her.
“My secretary actually” A brief chuckle left his lips before he realized how it sounded “W-well that’s not right, she’s not just My secretary. She works at the surgery with me so she’s kinda the secretary for everyone there”  The red blush was back as he rambled, his hand instinctively moving to scratch the back of his neck. It seemed to be a habit of his, something he did when he was nervous “I don’t have a girlfriend”
Zelda was almost ashamed of how quickly she turned her head to look at him. Naru’s ear scratches were completely forgotten as the heiress tired to think of something to say that wasn’t “I can’t believe that you don’t have a girlfriend!” or “Are you looking for one? Because I’m right here”
“What was she calling you about?” she asked instead, fingers twisting around the leather dog lead once more. “Nothing serious I hope”
“Nah it’s just… I gotta run. One of the goats down at the ranch is giving birth, they need an extra pair of hands so…” he hit his fist against his palm, the dull sound shuddering through the air between them. He looked almost… hesitant? She wanted to believe that he was trying to think of some way to stall or at least a decent end to their conversation.
“It was nice to see you again” she supplied, heart skipping a beat as he smiled back at her. He nodded slightly, shoving his hands in his pockets to keep them out of the way.
“It was nice to see you too, especially without the pressure of this one being at death’s door” he pointed to Naru who looked quite offended at being referred to as This one. Zelda let herself giggle, not knowing what quite to say. She didn’t want him to leave, but as the silence began to grow she couldn’t help but remember that there was a goat somewhere who needed his help.
“I’ll see you around?” he asked, feet beginning to carry him away from her. She could only nod, watching as he began to inch further and further away. It was almost like he was waiting for something, but Zelda didn’t want to think about what that could be lest she get her hopes up.
And then he turned away from her, and all she could see was his back. She could hear Midna in her head, dramatically urging her to take action, to do something to stop him from walking away. A wave of adrenaline coursed through her veins and she called out “Wait!”
Link turned back to look at her and she realized that she didn’t have a plan for what to say next. Quickly stammering out the first thing that came her mind she cried “Can I have your number?” She could feel her cheeks turn pink as his mouth dropped open slightly, almost like he was shocked. “F-for emergencies, just in case Naru… you know” she clarified, heart beating like a drum against her ribs. She watched as his face changed, eyes dimming slightly as he reached his hand into his pocket.
“Yeah sure” he breathed, taking a quick step towards her. He pressed a small card to her hand, fingertips brushing slightly against her palm. Rough skin brushed smooth and, as fast as he had arrived, he left. Link gave her one last wave from over his shoulder before breaking out in a short jog.
Zelda watched him go, eyes fixed on the slope of his shoulders. She hadn’t looked at the card in her hand, she’d do that at home where she could agonize about how to contact him in privacy. Beside her Naru made an unamused noise, displeasure curling from the back of her throat. Zelda shot her look, sliding the card into her back pocket.
“Hush you” she muttered before picking up the ball once more and throwing it as hard as she could.
wait... is that? Plot?!
This chapter was really fun to write! I want to thank @andelynk for her help looking over it. I'm in serious need of a Beta Reader, if you're interested hmu at liv-andletdie.tumblr.com. Any help at all is appreciated, no matter how small.
Thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed it <3
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bastardnev · 6 years
That Guy Next Door -- Ch. 7
one more week till we officially reach the halfway point!! damn that went by so fast dfkjgdfgdf
tagging: @tylerblacks @joonhobi @rivela @aliciasfox @sailor-slam-dunk @kidvoodoo @smolsammichu @simulated-heat @douglas-leon-michael @1dluver13xx (lemme know if you ever wanna be added to my tag list!!)
Prev.: Ch. 1 ♡ Ch. 2 ♡ Ch. 3 ♡ Ch. 4 ♡ Ch. 5 ♡ Ch. 6 ♡
The first month of Neville and Mustafa’s relationship went by quickly. They maintained their usual routine, going about their work and family-related business during the week and finding time to hang out (or, at the very least, talk on the phone) during the weekend. To Neville, it seemed like only yesterday that Mustafa first moved into the neighborhood and they became acquainted with one another. Time really does fly, he mused whenever he thought about it.
Neville wanted to do something different for their next date, however. Up until that point, it had been the two of them going out someplace to eat or shop. This wasn’t a bad thing, but he felt that it was time to do something new, and this was exactly what he told Mustafa the next time they had a chance to talk.
“I was thinking that maybe you can come over to my house for dinner,” Neville told Mustafa over the phone as he walked across the parking lot to his car, just having finished yet another long day of work. “On Saturday. Would that be okay?”
“Sounds good to me,” Mustafa replied.
“Good.” Neville sat down in the driver’s seat and shut the door, tapping his fingers in the steering wheel. “Wasn’t sure if you’d be up for it or not.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” “I thought you might say that it’s too soon for you to be meeting my family.”
“Come on, Nev.” Neville didn’t have to see Mustafa’s face to know that he was rolling his eyes. “You know I don’t have a problem with hanging out with the girls.”
“It’s not just them. It’ll be Wade, too. Y’know, the guy that is hellbent on interrupting every single moment we have together? I love him to death, but he can be a bit of a handful at times…”
“I’m pretty sure I can handle him. Today I had to break up a damn war between a group of six year olds.” Mustafa chuckled. “Dealing with Wade will be child's play compared to that.”
“You don’t know Wade like I know him,” Neville sighed, but he smiled. “But hey, if you think you’ll be fine, then alright. Don’t say I didn’t warn you though, Moose.”
Neville knew that in order for this dinner date to go smoothly, he needed to take measures so as to avoid any possible issues.
More specifically, he had to make sure Wade knew to not act like a complete nuisance (and to not convince the Jen and Daisy to go along with whatever scheme he came up with).
“I assume you all know why I’ve called you here,” Neville began, slowly pacing back and forth in front of the couch. Seated on that couch were a confused Jen and Daisy as well as an incredibly bored-looking Wade. “I have an important announcement to make.”
“Moose is moving in with us?” Jen suggested.
“You’re finally getting married?!” Daisy asked, beaming.
“You’re pregnant?” Wade shrugged.
“No, no, and no,” Neville replied. “But it is Mustafa related. Tonight, as I’m sure you’re all aware, is Saturday night. Not just any Saturday night, though -- it’s the night where Mustafa comes over for dinner.”
Wade put on a look of mock surprise. “Is he? Really? This is the first time I’m hearing about this. It’s not like you’ve been talking about that all week or anything.”
“I’ve been talking about it all week because you keep asking me about it, Wade.” Neville put on his best fake smile.
“So what are we having tonight?” Jen asked as she put her feet up on the coffee table. (“Oh, so it’s okay when she does it…” Wade complained.)
“I’m thinking we’ll probably order pizza, just to keep it simple.”
“Also because you can’t cook to save your life!”
“Wade, if you keep this up, I’m locking you in the basement.”
“You say this as if you haven’t trapped me in your basement ever since I moved in! I’ve spent close to 10 years down there!”
Daisy looked back and forth between the two of them before finally settling on Neville. “Daddy, have you and Wade known each other for that long?” She asked.
“Longer,” Neville said, shaking his head slowly. “Unfortunately.”
“Wow! You’re old!”
Silence. Neville sighed, and he clapped his hands together. “Okay, back on topic, please. You know I love all three of you dearly, but I need you all to be on your best behavior tonight. Not that any of you are ever bad--”
“Not even me?” Wade asked.
Neville rolled his eyes. “There doesn’t exist a word in the English language that describes your particular kind of annoying, Wade,” he said.
“I’m sure if you search hard enough you’ll find one.”
“As I was saying, you’re all lovely, and I need you to be your usual lovely selves tonight when we have company. This means I don’t wanna see any fighting from you, girls. And I also don’t want any rude jokes.” He shot a glare at Wade as he said this. “Alright?”
“Okay!” Daisy and Jen both affirmed, while Wade gave a half-hearted shrug and an, “I guess…,” which was easily more of a response than Neville thought he would get from him. Despite this, the question still remained: Would Wade actually take Neville’s request to heart?
No. No, he would not.
“So, what makes you think you’re good enough to be dating my little Neville, huh?” Wade asked, eyes narrowed at Mustafa, who had been interrupted right as he was about to take a bite out of his pizza.
He slowly put his slice down, looking to Neville (whose red, burning face was on the table) for a moment, and cleared his throat. “Uh…” He said with a little chuckle. “Well, I like to think I’m a pretty good person.”
“You think you’re a good person. But are you actually one?” Wade took a sip of his water, staring him down from over the rim of the glass. “There’s a big difference between thinking and knowing, you know…”
“Wade…” Neville’s muffled voice could be heard. “Cut it out. Please.”
“I’m asking important questions here, Nev! Can’t blame me for wanting the best for you,” he said with a little smirk. “Tell me, Mustafa -- if that even is your real name--”
“It is.”
“--what’s your life like? You got a job?”
“Yes, I’m a teacher. First grade.”
“You got a good home?”
“Well, you live right next door to it.” Mustafa shrugged. “You can just look out the window and see for yourself.”
Wade’s mouth formed into a line. He nodded. “...Okay, fair point.”
“Yep, he’s right.” Neville’s voice came again. “Let’s leave it at that please--”
“Can I ask a question?” Daisy, after having been watching this whole scene in silence, suddenly asked in a sweet voice that sent shivers down Neville’s spine. He was all too familiar with that tone of voice -- it meant she was about to ask something she wasn’t supposed to.
“Go right ahead!” Before Neville could object, Wade had already given her permission to speak, as if he were waiting for her. This bastard.
The next sound they all heard was the sound of Daisy’s hands smacking the table, surprising Neville and making his head shoot up. “When are you getting married?!”
Neville’s face grew bright red due to the embarrassment of the question, the giggles from Jen and Wade, and the shocked look on Mustafa’s face. “Lord help me…” He groaned as he put his head back down.
“Well…” Mustafa scratched the back of his neck, grinning sheepishly. “We’ve only been together for about a month…”
“And?” Daisy still looked confused.
“Life isn’t like a Disney movie, Daze,” Neville said, propping his head up on his elbows. (“No elbows on the table, Daddy!” Jen quipped, much to Neville’s humiliation.) “People don’t normally get married immediately after meeting each other.”
“Because they need to get to know each other first.”
“So that they know they want to marry them.”
Neville shut his eyes and took in a deep breath through his nose, slowly letting it out through his mouth and opening his eyes again. He knew he was going to lose this argument. “...Just eat your pizza, kid.”
Neville dried his hands with a towel, having just finished with the dishes. Mustafa and the others had gone into the living room to “talk” -- or, as Neville liked to call it, “continue the interrogation”. He knew that it was probably a bad idea to leave Mustafa alone with them, but he was in charge of the dinner cleanup (and Wade had dragged Mustafa out of the room before Neville had a chance to intervene).
Now, however, Neville was finished, which meant he could join them. He walked out of the kitchen and entered the living room. He spotted Mustafa sitting on the couch, and he sat down on the arm of it, prompting Mustafa to look over and smile at him. “What’d I miss?” He asked.
“Not much, actually,” Mustafa replied. “I’ve just been sitting here watching them trying to get the DVD player working.”
“Why do we even still have this?” Wade asked, crouched down by it. Daisy and Jen were on either side of him. “Haven’t we upgraded to Netflix yet?” “Uh, we have,” Neville replied, frowning. “You’re the one who’s living in the past.”
“The basement doesn’t have those types of luxuries…” Wade complained. “Well, I already went through all this trouble to set this damn thing up, we may as well use it-- Jen, no, don’t give me that look. ‘Damn’ is not a swear.”
“Wait, wait,” Neville interrupted. “I’m lost here. Why are you setting it up in the first place?”
“Family movie night, duh!” Wade said it as if it were the most obvious thing ever.
Neville tensed up. “What?”
“Wade told me about how you guys always do a movie night on Saturdays,” Mustafa said. “It’s a family bonding activity.”
“Yeah, Nev. Don’t tell me you forgot...” Wade was wearing a shit-eating grin on his face.
There were many things that Neville wanted to say to Wade at that moment, but he knew that this wasn’t the right place to do it. “...Wade, can I speak with you for a minute? Out in the hallway.” He asked with a big (forced) smile.
“Why, certainly, my friend! Lead the way.” Wade got to his feet, doing finger guns at Mustafa before following Neville out of the room.
It was once they were out of sight that Neville’s expression turned to one of confusion and annoyance. “Family movie night?!” He hissed, keeping his voice down.
“Isn’t it great?!” Wade replied, clearly ecstatic and proud of what he’d done. “I thought of it at the last second. This is gonna be awesome.”
“How is it gonna be awesome? God, I didn’t plan this far ahead…” Neville ran his hands through his hair. “Mustafa was supposed to leave not too long after dinner, not stick around for a damn movie!” “You want him to leave this early? Come on, Nev, it’s only seven! You can’t kick him out this soon. Don’t you want to spend more time with him?”
“I mean, I do, but…” Neville was the type of person to always stick to a routine-- this sudden development went against that night’s plan. “I wasn’t expecting this. I wasn’t expecting you to do anything that you’ve done tonight.”
“How can you say that? You should know that the moment you tell me not to do something, I’m already planning out how I’m gonna do it.”
“I’m gonna get you back for this one of these days…” Neville shook his head, sighing. “Okay, fine. I’ll go along with this under two conditions: first, you’re in charge of getting the snacks together. And second, I am not watching Frozen again. I’ll never get those damn songs out of my head.”
“The first part is easy, the second one…” Wade made a vague hand gesture. “Well, you’ll have to have that conversation with your daughters.”
“I can do that. Easily.” Neville turned and started to walk back to the living room, taking one last glance at Wade over his shoulder. “I’m a persuasive person, Wade.”
“I swear, I hear Elsa in my nightmares,” Neville complained as he walked Mustafa back to his house, causing Mustafa to chuckle. “You laugh, but I’m being serious. I must have seen that movie close to a hundred times.”
“My poor, poor Nev,” he replied, putting an arm around him and giving Neville a pat on the shoulder. “It’s not easy being you, is it?”
“It really isn’t.” The two of them reached Mustafa’s porch, and Neville sighed, rubbing at his temples. Mustafa was about to say something, but Neville interrupted him, saying, “I… am so sorry.”
Mustafa looked at him, brow furrowed. “What are you sorry for?
“For how everyone acted tonight. Daisy kept asking weird questions, Jen kept making comments, Wade was being… himself--”
“Neville, you don’t have to apologize at all. I loved it!”
“You-- You loved it?” He was shocked.
“Of course! If I were ever uncomfortable, I would have left, believe me. You have such a cute family.”
“But Wade literally interrogated you like some overprotective father! You didn’t think that was weird at all?”
“I mean…” He shrugged. “It was unexpected, yeah, but it wasn’t bad or anything. I knew he was only teasing you and trying to make the girls laugh. If anything, that made me wanna stay even more.”
“And Daisy’s repeated performances of ‘Let It Go’ didn’t bother you?”
“Neville, I teach first graders. You think I don’t hear that song all day anyway? I’m used to it.”
“I… damn.” Neville was impressed. “I was so sure you were gonna hate me after this.”
“What? No, never! I can’t hate you.” He ruffled up Neville’s hair. “I really did enjoy myself tonight, Nev. Don’t worry.”
“Good.” Neville breathed a sigh of relief, and before he knew it he felt Mustafa’s lips on his cheek and his face go hot. He made a mental note to start getting used to that kind of thing.
“Thanks again for dinner. I’ll text you tomorrow, alright?”
With that, they went their separate ways, Neville returning back to his own house. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Wade waiting for him in the hallway, bouncing on his heels. “Dear God, what now?”
“Oh, you’re back,” he replied with a coy smile. “I was so sure you’d end up staying at his house for ‘dessert’.”
Neville sighed for what had to be the millionth time that day. “The moment you get a boyfriend, I’m going to bug the shit out of you about it. Mark my words.”
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dragonie · 7 years
“i woke up, & you were gone.” ulysses/courier 👀
               Ulysseswoke to find the other half of the mattress empty.
               Wouldn’thave been surprised, perhaps, in the past. Courier had little enough keeping her here; if anything, would’ve beensurprised she didn’t move on sooner, leave the Divide ashes behind her and moveon to new lands, a future that neither he nor this dead place had.
               Neverdid, though. Been sure, every time she took her leave, that that was the end ofit, whether she’d admit to it or not. But every time, she’d come back, rifle onher back, same smile on her face, bringing some new gift from the Mojave. Pity,he’d once thought, but… wrong, about that. But now… things were different, now; better. Knew why shestayed, stayed for him… thought shedid, at least, but now she was gone.
               Hesat up in the bed, moth-eaten old blanket falling from his naked body. Felt theother side. Cold; she’d been gone a while. Couldn’t say how long he’d slept,not here underground. He kicked off the blanket, picked up his clothes fromwhere they were strewn about the floor – she’d practically torn off his beltlast night, nibbling on his bottom lip, didn’t make sense that she’d leave now – and tried to think, to understand whyshe’d gone. Hard woman to predict, the Courier; always seemed to find new ways ofsurprising him, delighted in it. His brow furrowed as he pulled his ratty oldshirt over his head. Been a long time, before her, but he’d tried to be gentle,let her feel it too. She seemed pleased enough, didn’t think he had hurt her… Regret, maybe; wanted him inthe night but thought better of it come morning? That, he could understand;never expected her to feel about him as she did, couldn’t blame her, decidingthere was no future in it… but not like her, not her way.
               Aftera moment’s hesitation, he strapped on his bandolier, put on his breathing mask.If she’d headed out into the Divide, would need to be prepared, to follow her.
               Thoughtgave him pause. Follow her? Wouldn’t have come to mind before; had alwaysaccepted his fate, here. Divide never felt lonely,before.
               Didn’tknow what he planned to do, when – if – he caught up to her; felt more like hewas acting on instinct. Convince her to come back to him, perhaps? Wasn’tsilver-tongued like she was – not used to having others around to hear his words– and had little enough to offer if she stayed, knew that. Find answers,perhaps, at least; why she’d left… if there was any comfort to be found in theknowing of it. Had no plan, no tactic, but wanted to see her, to go to her, couldn’t so easily go back to the solitude,pretend that it had never happened, not anymore. Said he was her home…
               Wasn’tthat Ulysses didn’t know the words for how he felt… just never thought of themhaving meaning to him, still not usedto it.
               Notrace of her in the Temple,as if she’d never been there. (Hadbeen there, though; still had the love-bites on his neck to prove it.) Neverthought it so empty, before. Taken her gear, meant she’d headed out into theDivide, be foolish to leave without it. Winds made it hard to make out a trail,but he’d done it before.
               Sunboiled high in the sky; early afternoon. Bootprints in the dust before theentrance, sheltered by the cliffs. Hadn’t bothered to hide her tracks; would’ve,if she wanted him not to follow, he told himself. Told him, once, that shethought he left his tapes behind in the Divide wanting her to find them, to understand… might’ve been some truth toit. Same thing, perhaps? Leave a trail, let him follow… to test him, maybe? Seeif he cared enough to come after her?
               Ulyssesshook his head angrily. Long time since he’d let himself get caught up inwishful thinking. Had to be prepared for whatever she might say.
               Hertrail was strange, though, not the beeline back to Hopeville he’d expected.Meandered through the Divide instead, ducked into caves, headed towardspolluted ponds. No sense in her actions, no reason that he could discern.Seemed disorientated, more than anything else. Couldn’t have troubled her thatmuch, could it? Regretted her enough to take away all reason, set her toaimless wandering? Felt that himself, after White Legs and their way of… honouring him, but wouldn’t have thought…
               Hadplenty of reason to regret last night, with all that passed between thembefore, things he’d done, but thought… he thought he’d shown her kindness.
               Paintwisted in his chest; couldn’t get rid of it. Deadly, to be distracted in theDivide, he thought, and the twisting got worse. Had to follow, whether she wanted to see him or not, make sure shewas safe…
               Tracksled into a big cave, piles of rock near the entrance, sort a Deathclaw mightmake into a lair. Ulysses kept a tight grip on Old Glory, stepped into thedarkness.
               Nearlycollided with the Courier, in doing so.
               Shedidn’t expect to see him, either; started, gripped the rifle in her hands, thensaw who it was, relaxed.
               “Ulysses?”Her eyes were still wide. “What’re you doin’ here? Thought you were back at theTemple.”
               Hestared at her, brow furrowing in confusion.
               “Askyou the same question, Courier.” Something was strange, she looked too normal…surprised to see him, but not bothered, no trace of conflict or turmoil. Whyleave, only to come here? No sense in it. Tried to keep his voice steady, butdidn’t work; traces of confusion and hurt leaked through. Maybe some wouldn’thave noticed, but she was very perceptive, when it came to him.
               Shelooked nonplussed.
               “Th’hell are you on about, man?” She took in his face, the tension in hisshoulders, the slightly frantic look in his eyes. “Wait. Shit, you thought-? Awhell, thought I’d be back before you woke up.” She set her rifle down, leanedit against the rock wall, shot him an apologetic look.
               “…Wasout huntin’,” she said sheepishly, gesturing to her gun. “Thought it might benice, havin’ somethin’ fresh ‘stead of another goddamn MRE for breakfast, y’know,after last night.”
               Shescratched behind her ear, embarrassed, a rosy tinge creeping across her cheeks.Ulysses felt dazed, like he’d been hit by a charging bighorner, couldn’t domore than stare.
               “So,”she continued. “I thought I’d go huntin’; seen some mole rat ‘round herebefore.” She snorted. “Stupid goddamn idea, really; couldn’t find shit. Wouldawoken you, but you were sleepin’ more soundly than… pretty much I ever seenyou, didn’t have the heart to- Hey, Ulysses? You okay, my man?”
               Tensionbled from his muscles, and he slumped, letting Old Glory fall to the groundwith a clatter. Courier looked confused, put a tentative hand to his shoulderto steady him, and he grabbed her arm – firm, but not so hard it might hurther, couldn’t hurt her – and drew her close.
               “Thoughtyou’d gone,” he said, face close to her ear, could see her swallow hard as hisbreath reached her throat, brought his head closer. “Thought better of it,returned to the Mojave, Woke up, and you were gone…”
               “I…”Her mouth was open, taken aback, as he rested his head on her shoulder, lipsat her neck. “Ulysses…” she said faintly, drew an arm around him, stroked hisback, touched him as if it were simple…“I’m… sorry for worryin’ you, I really am. Didn’t think it’d mean that much toyou. ‘Sides, thought the hunt’d be better, have somethin’ nice to surprise youwith.” Didn’t answer; she leaned against him, fingers traced gentle circles onthe back of his neck. Could be deadly in a moment, but always gentle, with him;not something he was used to, not since Twisted Hairs. “Musta tracked me here,huh?”
               “Thoughtyou’d left,” he mumbled into her skin.
               “Nah,ain’t the lovin’ and leavin’ kind.” Her hand crept up further, tangled in hishair, cradled his head close. “So, you tracked me down to, what? Yell at mesome? Talk me out of it?” He shrugged a shoulder vaguely. Seemed important,before, but now… Courier laughed, gentle fingers danced on his scalp. “…You hadno goddamn clue, did you?”
               Herskin smelled faintly of sweat and Divide dust. Part of him wanted to have herthere, on the rock; lower her down and get on top of her, make her moan likelast night. She’d probably let him, even; wrap her arms around his neck as hepushed her back against the rocks – but no, foolish idea, easy way to getkilled down here, being so… distracted.
               Felther head lean against his, cheek against hair, her other arm wrap and tightenaround him.
               “Neverfigured you for a big ol’ softy,” shesnickered, but he heard the fondness in her voice. “Can’t say I ain’t touched,though.” Gave him a brief hug, and detached. Grasped his hand, where it heldher upper arm, and brought it to her lips, kissed it; eyes crinkled at thecorners as she watched him.
               Wantedto say something, but words to reply wouldn’t come, couldn’t think clearly.Squeezed her hand back, as she held it; seemed to understand that, at least.She held on for a minute, let him stay there, before giving his arm a tug.
               “Comeon, my guy,” she said with a grin. “Guess it’s an MRE breakfast for us afterall.” She picked up her rifle and slung the strap over her shoulder; he bentdown to pick up Old Glory, wondering when he’d gotten so careless as to drophis weapon in a place like this. Never would’ve before, but a very differentworld now, one in which he never expected to still be standing, yet was.
               GentleRain stepped out of the cave, peering off into the distance for signs of MarkedMen. Ulysses let her lead him back to the Temple,back home.
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