#they r very friend shaped unless ur a human
undeadvinyls · 1 year
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new fuckers on the hero block before summer ends <33 oh wait it ended just im starting school on a different day oops
from L to R: Mrs. Chaossa, Evenfall, Fragrance
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melloneah · 3 months
6 for geto & 22 for megumi and/or yuuji for the character ask?
HAAAAA thank u for the ask >:3333
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
i Very Rarely relate to characters in shows but i feel like geto is one of the exceptions hehehe i feel like our moral views align in a way which we both tried to believe and do what's "right" without much questioning at first and then suddenly got slapped in the face by the reality of what a 'society' entails 😀 so uh. similar thought processes and experiences during the whole ordeal of discovering the world sucks and there's no way to really fix it (without murder? dshkfsjd) him and i are one and the same minus the genocidal tendencies<33 i also feel like his personality is quite toned down and calm unless he's surrounded by people closest to him, which is very me!!!!!
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
hhghhgf hard question. i basically love it all but ill try to limit myself to one each
i love seeing lonely yuuji that's surrounded by people </33 in general that's such a real, painful, gorgeous, often overlooked aspect of being human, and it's often dismissed in everyday life bc 'U HAVE FRIENDS WDYM UR LONELY!' but anytime i see it written in fic the descriptions and the raw defeat and the pain just hit so hard, and it just matches the character of yuuji SO SO SO well. he's so open but he just Cant Seem To Get Close to people in Any Meaningful Way. oh my GODDDD it hurts So Bad but i adore it. it's my favourite thing to read. and special mention to loner yuuji who isnt surrounded by people too. lonely yuuji has his own reserved yuuji shaped spot in my heart
i feel like i love everything about yuuji's character so it's hard to pick a dislike 😭 i think it's more of a mischaracterisation than an authors creative choice, but i dont love it when yuuji is portrayed as sort of morally grey or slightly mean bc to me that's just not even him anymore sdjfhsdjhf yuuji is a ray of sunshine who does everything to make everyone else feel at ease!!!!!!! who r u writing bc that isnt him!!!!!
i love it when fics make him suffer :3 as if we dont have enough of that in the manga........but i truly feel megumi's character is a great vessel to use in order to explore deeply rooted trauma, crises and complex emotions - his philosophy already illustrates that he doesnt blindly follow the objective 'good' and he doesnt see the world as black and white, which points to him generally being more self-aware and thoughtful. i feel like this translates into a sort of 'open space' in his character to freely and deeply explore for example shame, societal pressures, lived trauma, guilt or some internal struggles etc, whereas for example yuuji would probably be slightly more in denial, which would mean the thought processes described would be less direct and harder to explore deeply imo. so basically megumi is the epitome of overthinking and i like seeing him suffer over it :3
for dislikes in fic uhmmmnnmmn. id say making him too sweet/nice/open? in my mind the core of his character is that he's sorta standoffish and distant and mean lmaoo so it's strange seeing him fold immediately and be super sweet; i like seeing the gradual trust building and eventually opening up a bit but still keeping his personality!! but that's just a personal preference and actually now that i think abt it it's not that it bothers me when i see it lmaooo i just prefer the latter
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u have opened the floodgates i love talkimg abt max i think about him so much dude. hes so cool
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SILLY LITTLE GUY. they are. ex eom <3 taken in as an orphan and given unethetical human experiments u know the drill !! except smth went wrong and while he got the ability to perfectly mimic voices/sounds and has enhanced stamina he did not get the whole. healing thing. hes not very sturdy the experiments did not Fix Him (go figure.) BUT. they obv know that showing any sort of weakness will lead to death or worse so they train extra extra hard and hoard healing serum (<< inspired by the part in tristamp where ww has a stash of them hidden under the floor) so it seems like he works the same as everybody else. he has shit eyesight but again cannot let anyone know this so instead of guns he uses knives :] u cn kinda see one up in the top gorner there hes got 2 of these big cross shaped knives (here is an imahe from pinterest i thought was cool)
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uhhhhh what else. i played around w the idea of him being a gungho gun at one point too mainly bc i just really want someone to punch legato in the face. etc etc he escapes from the eom somehow and now just kinda. wanders around doing his own thing . my friend monty also has a trigun oc who is a reporter so we've talked abt them tagging along w max to get the real scoop on what the eom was like hehe !! personality wise he issss. quiet (doesnt use his normal voice a whole lot bc his whole. mercenary job was centered around mimicking other people) street smart but NOT book smart (picturing them in a library is fun hehe.. squinting and concentrating so very hard on history books and being like. his ass is NOT reading!!!) and i think they also have a huge soft spot for the thomases (tomas? tomases? the big fuckin bird things i never know the right plural)
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jack is def book smart but not street smart. if they joined monty’s sona and max on their adventure they would be oh so scared all the time forever <3 they would probably hate an adventure at first but then get sad when they have 2 go home. they also love animals esp the tomas (i too do not know the plural or the spelling for them) so they would get along with max in that regard. also they like worms :3 bc i LOVE bugs and every single sona of mine needs 2 have a strange fascination with bugs
LOVE THE CROSS SHAPED KNIFE!!! oh that is the coolest. the baddest bitch out there. jack is also v quiet unless u get them talking abt somethin they like in which case they will not shut the fuck up. would love 2 rant at max about history or worms or any other number of things. they r friends now that’s just how it is i don’t make the rules (i DO make the rules. and so do u. and we have made the rule that they r friends :3)
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askmyboys · 3 years
Dudley (Piglin Brute OC)
| Name: Dudley
| Nickname: Dudz
| Gender: He/Him but he also likes It/Its
| Age: N/A
| Height: 10ft
| Species/Race: Piglin Brute
| ‘Hair Color’: It’s pretty much just fur in the shape of hair tbh- its pink and his ‘hair’ is in a quiff style
| Eye Color: His left eye is a Crimson Brown color and his right eye, well usually he wears a black eyepatch over it but it is white and cloudy, it also has three claw marks swiped over it, he can’t see outta that eye at all.
| Skin Color/Body Type: Pink and he’s actually pretty chubby and just- w i d e, a wide lad lmao
| Appearance: Tbh he genuinely doesn’t even need to wear clothes, he has nothing to hide under there but he still likes the feeling and it makes things feel er… Less awkward, his main outfit is a black toga with a golden ribbon piece going over it and it connects to a large golden shoulder pad on his right, he wears black pants with rips and a distressed look to them with, gotta have that giant golden belt buckle to keep them pants up too (idk why i just think its silly how big them belt buckles actually are in game lmao) he has hooves for hands n feet likewise, he can grip things though with his hands- gotta have that hoof thumb or whatever ya really wanna call it, he has folded ears, fairly long tusks that stick out of his mouth, the rest of his teeth are actually pretty sharp too, also his body is pretty much all fur, but the areas with the most fur is the chest, bigem fluffy chest, the elbows, and technically the fur that makes up his hair.
He has a few golden piercings in his ears, black gauges, he also wears a large golden gauntlet that has big spikes on them on both of his wrists, some golden bracelets on his arms but not TOO many, he also has a golden nose piercing he wears in his snout as well.
| Personality: He’s got that BIG bastard energy, him stimky piglin brute mans, he’s the type to pop through your nether portal and steal a bunch of your food and call YOU a bitch, he acts SUPER tough and cold, even borderline mean but deep down? If you befriend him or he seems to like you… He’s a big softie who’s very sweet and caring, and if you do become his friend? You’ve got a DAMN good protector! Anything tries to bother you? Well it’s going to have to get through h i m first and that ain’t easy, his actual strength? It ain’t no act at all lmao
Unlike most piglins he literally doesn’t give a shit bout gold or any valuables really, he just comes to the overworld to steal people’s foods n such, while he might be a big bastard he actually won’t attack you unless you hit first, he’s actually under the chaotic neutral alignment tbh- He can rile people up because its funny to him and poke fun but he won’t actually fight unless someone fights against him first.
Tl;dr: big stimky bastard pig who’ll come over even if u don’t know each other and steal ur food, will purposefully do n say shit to piss you off, actually chaotic neutral though, will only attack if you hit first, doesn’t give a shit about gold or valuables just wants ur food, acts SUPER tough bc he kinda is tbh, definitely acts mean n cold as well, a big jerk tbh, however if ya get close with him well he’ll still be a big bitch and steal your food and be a meanie toward you, but you’ll notice its DEFINITELY more light hearted than it sounded before, anything tries to hurt you? That thing D I E S… A very good protector to have, not the cuddly or huggy type but when you’re asleep is when he’ll strike, if you catch him though he’ll only play it off like “mm… Was only protectin’ ya bud…”
| Side Facts: Because he’s still a Piglin Brute, he does grunt sometimes- mostly he grunts when he’s frustrated or literally just too tired n lazy for English conversations, he can still speak fluent Piglin as well so hey another bonus if your his friend, he can translate shit for ya if needed!
His most favorite weapon is a Mace, his second favorite weapon is his giant netherite battle axe (the reason he really doesn’t care for gold is because, well, one he just never saw the appeal but also gold breaks so. Damn. e a s i l y. He hates how easy it always broke so he went for something m u c h stronger)
...I will tell u a secret- Even though he acts tough, mean, etc- If ur close to him n such, he actually really loves cuddling- He’ll just always play it off especially if he’s caught as he was just protecting you, or he doesnt ACTUALLY enjoy this, psh nah this weak shit- ….He loves how warm humans feel though, its a nice warmth and not SUPER overwhelming warm unlike the Nether’s heat… Another thing, he’s actually SUPER DUPER soft, despite being such a big, well, b r u t e he’s soft n fluffy as all hell.
His most FAVORITE foods are: Mutton, Carrots, and Potatoes. His favorite desserts are Cake and Cookies.
He h a t e s Dried Kelp, Beetroots, and Cod.
He’s resistant to Fire and Lava as well, and while Water doesn’t hurt him he h a t e s Water, it goes against his stimky policy! Get that shit away from him! He will N O T take a bath, he will NOT get in the water no, he’ll take Lava Baths though which only ADDS to the horrible burnt smell he radiates.
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spirit-shroud · 4 years
Imagine you're playing a team game where you have human team members. Do you think it's the best option to follow the big tank (who went first btw) while you're a squishy hacker or is the best option to go the opposite way of the tank and get targeted by everything? Better yet, what if no one followed the big tank? Also is it fair for the player who got rocked (hacker) to be mad at the tank player they didn't follow for not jumping in and getting absolutely hit by everything? Or mad at every other player actually for not going out in the open to get destroyed? Granted...team communication was terrible, but should the team have followed the tank that does the most damage and could've protected them?
id like 2 preface this with im very tired and have been writing a fic for the past 12 hrs and cant read rn so im like. hoping im reading this right. my eyes r crossing a bit looking at all the words 
anon im so sorry first of all, i have Been There as someone who mains primarily tank/support. dps r just Like That. i think you should be able to bully them w/o the potential of losing endorsements 
but also if ur a hacker (character) n just wanna run off n do ur lil hacker thing and stealth around then all the power to you! but generally speakin the team should be behind or at minimum NEAR the tanks assumin theyre like. going the right way. i cant see why you wouldn’t wanna huddle behind a shield if you have less than 400 hp. shields are friend shaped. they’re always there for you, unless some shoeless professor decides 2 just randomly move it before its destroyed
i guess if like. the whole team is going one way and you (tank) are going another, you should probs go hang out w/ your team tho, that’s like, ur job 
n as far as the rest of the team goes, some dps r just. better milling around on their own for sure, but like. dont. follow them sdkjfghdg 
n like obvi tanks r very capable of being total hooligans n just straight up Not Pushing Forward but idk i’d trust the shots called by a mediocre rein more than a dps who wants to be god anyday. maybe i just play too much healer 
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taesthetes · 6 years
Hey I just need to get something off my chest and idk why I’m dumping this all on u but u seem like the nicest person on tumblr that I know but if ur uncomfortable or anything pls feel free to look over this. Lately I’ve been trying to stay away from bts and the fandom bc I feel like it’s toxic for me. It’s not like where I listen to them and follow them and obsess on a religious level but I feel like I’m more occupied w them than I should be. 1/?
After all they’re all just humans who get tired and lonely and miserable and aren’t perfect, yet we idolize them and depend on them for our happiness. Of course we should support them, but it’s to the point where it’s frickin ridiculous, like nothing exists without bts, u know what I mean? 2/?
And I’m at the point of life where t depends on me to make my own decisions and make choices that will shape my future, and I really don’t want to look back and regret wasting time watching videos and thinking about things that will essentially have no impact on my life. What I like about bts is that they seem to have a deeper motive behind just simple Kpop, but I think I’ve taken that too far to an extent where it’s become my excuse. 3/?
Bts are seven people who have worked hard to deserve recognition and truly deserve it, but they’re also seven men who have separate lives from me that I have nothing to do with. They’re people that I’ve never even met and I don’t know tbh, we only see the filtered and edited sides of them. It just feels wrong to look at the packaged versions of them and expect them to live up to my expectations or fantasies. 4/?
There’s also the aspect that they’re kpop idols, as in regardless of how different and unique they may be, they’re still going to follow the formula and act like idols who are polished and made as perfect as possible. The whole industry is based on us going crazy over their looks and dance and singing and whatever, and it’s so messed up to me that we r supposed to like them for something so superficial and in genuine. 5/?
Idk if I’m making a lot of sense rn. I just don’t think it’s right of me to force them into a mold that I’ve created in my mind and then get disappointed when they don’t comply, and expect them to be something different when this whole time, even I’ve been idolizing them based on their appearance and talents. 6/?
And then there’s the fandom, filled with a variety of people from all different backgrounds, races, ages, genders, etc. and while it’s cool to have something in common with someone, I’m just tired of having army be the only thing that defines me. When I meet someone that likes bts, it’s as if I personally don’t matter, like it doesn’t matter if I killed someone as long as I like bts. 7/?
I don’t know how to phrase this … the diversity and tolerance is amazing, but at the same time, I’d like more genuine friendships than fangirling over someone’s biceps and thighs u know. Lately I’ve been kind of falling out of listening to bts and stuff, but I find myself continuously going on social media so I can keep up with them in habit, more than being interested. I deleted Twitter and unfollowed all bts accounts on insta and tumblr, but without it I feel like I’m missing something 8/?
It’s just a cycle of me trying to discipline myself, not being able to do it, and getting sick of myself for being so pathetic. Even with fanfic, ur writing for example is literally better than like an average author, but I feel so stupid to fantasize about someone without even knowing them first. I don’t have a problem with fanfic, it’s more like I have a problem with myself reading fanfics. 9/?
I know most of my problems lie with myself, not bts or the fandom, so that’s why I’ve tried to bottle it up and pass it on but it’s really making me miserable. I know going to a fanfic author who I don’t know personally may not be the best idea, so pls don’t feel pressured by this message to do anything or say something. I think writing out my feelings and venting has made me feel a little better. 10/11
So I’m really really sorry for forcing this on you, and don’t feel obligated to do anything!! Thank u for ur amazing writing like always, and have a restful and amazing day!!! 11/11
hi, honey bee, it’s totally okay to talk to me about anything you want and also, you’re incredibly sweet for thinking that i’m the nicest person on here, thank you :’) but i really understand how you feel towards the whole fandom and bts.
yes, bts are just humans who get tired and lonely and miserable and aren’t perfect, but rather than idolizing them, it’s perfectly okay to like them for who they are as people and for the music they produce. it’s okay to appreciate someone for the work they do, like how we enjoy artwork and appreciate the artist for creating them or how we like the flowers planted in the park and appreciate the gardener for planting them.
i wouldn’t say that my happiness depends completely on them, but they do make up a little part of it because their music makes me happy. and music is supposed to make you feel things. their funny videos can make you happy, and that’s okay, too. i see stanning bts as a hobby i enjoy at times, not as my only source of happiness, because there’s so much more that makes me happy, like flowers, food, art, etc. however, depending on one thing for happiness is unhealthy, so i do agree that an obsession with bts is bad. there’s nothing wrong with supporting them, but yes, having a mindset that only bts exists is unhealthy. i just found this post that better explains how stanning a group is good and bad through the psychological point of view, and it’s pretty interesting! :D
i don’t think you’re wasting time watching videos of them. if they made you happy at the time, if they made you laugh when you were sad, then it was worth it. unless you’re choosing to watch videos 24/7 and neglecting your family, friends, academics, job, health, etc. then i don’t think it’s necessarily bad that you’re watching videos. it’s like watching your favorite tv shows or playing sports. it’s just another hobby. it has an impact on your life because it makes you happier.
i do understand your concern though as you move into a new chapter of your life. personally, i’m not as into them as i once was back in high school anymore. i did spend a good deal of time writing and posting a fic about them once a week. it really changed when i went to college though since my priorities and time commitments changed. i think you might be more occupied with them when there isn’t something else to fill that aspect in your life if that makes sense? i wasn’t particularly academically simulated in high school, so i had a lot of time on my hands even after spending time with friends and doing clubs. i got into kpop because that’s something easily accessible and it’s entertaining. but with the freedom that comes with college and harder classes, my time is filled more with going out with friends, studying, painting, spending time with my roommates, etc. and bts got less of my time.
yes, bts are people with separate lives who you may never meet, but that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate and like them for what they do. and, they might not show everything about themselves to the public, but we can learn from the good examples they do show, such as their UNICEF work and lyrics that talk about more than just romantic love. i personally think that most of what they show is genuine, but there is a line to be drawn between enjoying the work they do and believing they are gods. but yes, i do get that their personas to the public can be fake, which is a bit /: because yeah, there are people who are in love with them and dedicate their lives to them, but we really don’t know who bts actually are.
i think, rather than idolizing them, it’s better to see them as humans and as people just like us. that tends to take away any fantasies or expectations i have of them. yes, they are kpop idols, and that’s their job. they’re just working to make a living doing what they love. yes, the industry is built upon the fans, but it’s like that with any music artist or celebrity. i think it’s okay to like bts, but not to the point where your love for them surpasses the love you have for people who are actually in your life.
and you’re making sense, don’t worry! i hope my answer makes sense, too. i think every fan goes through where you’re at right now. i had felt that way about bts and exo before, but i moved on from that and now see them as people whom i appreciate. it was just a process for me, but i think it has to do with me filling my time with other things and spending time with people i thought were more important, and my love for kpop is now just something that brightens my day a bit if i ever need it.
some fans can be very… enthusiastic, but that might just be because they don’t have anyone else to talk to about bts. but yes, i get what you’re talking about. sometimes, it’s exhausting to just talk about one thing all the time and be seen as just a bts fan, and not as your own person. but even myself, i think it’s exciting to find someone else that listens to kpop since for me, there aren’t that many people around me who do. but after the initial excitement, i’ve made many friends through our mutual love for bts. as friendships grow, we talk about other interests we have and other things we like, so we don’t always talk about kpop. many of my friendships started from a mutual interest, whether it be bts or art or a mutual dislike for a teacher or class subject haha, but it grows from there as we talk about other things and get to know each other.
it’s fun to have someone to talk about comebacks and mv’s with, but yeah, i get that there’s more to talk about. maybe you can try introducing a new topic? or going out with friends who don’t listen to bts? and hey, we can be friends if you want :D you can talk to me about your day, your favorite foods, your favorite tv shows, any pets if you have them, anything else you want! i haven’t listened to bts for a while now either, i only follow their official account on instagram, and i don’t check my tumblr for days, even months during the school year. i don’t think you have to cut them out entirely to the point where you feel like something is missing. but if you are no longer interested in them, do you have any hobbies you can use to fill up that missing feeling? maybe baking or cooking? drawing? going out with friends?
and you are not pathetic!!! you don’t have to cut off something entirely at once. it takes time, but you’ll get there. and omg alsjdhflaksdhfd thank you for saying that about my writing :’) and there’s nothing wrong with reading fanfiction! please don’t feel bad for reading it. fanfictions are just like any other stories out there, except you already have a face and a name for some characters. i personally don’t read them for the idols featured; i read them because the writing is so much better and there are so many more interesting concepts involved in fics than in books i can get from the library. 
and please don’t keep your feelings bottled up and be miserable ): you can always come talk to me if you ever feel this way. and if you have one, we can swap kakaotalk id’s if you want to talk since it might be easier to text that way :) or you can send in more asks! it’s always good to talk about your feelings, even if it isn’t comfortable at first. even if it’s not me who you talk to in the future, i hope you are able to share your feelings with someone else and not keep everything inside. you deserve to feel happy. and i’m happy to hear that you’re feeling a little better! you’re always welcome to vent into my inbox (or you can direct message me; i have it turned off for those i don’t follow, but if you send me an ask with your url, i can message you first, so we can talk that way, too, if you want!)
you don’t have to apologize; i’m just very glad that you’re feeling at least a little better now! i understand that there’s a struggle that comes when you’re dealing with something that’s been a part of your life for so long. your feelings are valid, and i have definitely felt this way before, and it’s always good to talk it out or have someone listening. and thank you so much for liking and reading my writing, sweetpea 💕 i hope you have a lovely and relaxing day as well! i hope you’re doing good, and you’re still feeling better today, honey bee 🌻💘
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Hiya folks!<3 so here’s a bio on Kriztian down under the “read more” and y’knw the drill, u can either hmu or like this intro post if you wanna plot connections or anything with him! <33 (pls do as i would love lots of connections for him as well!:)) )
ok so he’s from the old Gotha royal family in germany as u can digest from his url, and he’s the oldest sibling i think (for now ).  Despite him being older than Victoria (the current queen) he never ever wanted the throne/ become king and his stubborn refusal to become the heir for the throne was very strong when he was young due to his younger personality who didnt want the vry heavy and very difficult responsiblities of a king.
ok so back when he was younger, before he turned 500 XD, he was actually a very care-free, v happy, very playful,  vry  active, a bit of fun-loving,  full of life, and def couldn't care less about his royal duties/responsibilities kind of guy.  He loved to gallivant about hvaing fun and seeking adventures and often would shirk his royal duties/responsibilities, and never took his royal lessons seriously except for the lessons/subjects he was interested in. He was also at that time, very flirtatious, pretty romantic and a very charming playboy. He also didnt really care much about his attire at that time, preferring simple and easy to wear clothing instead of elegant and finely -made garments and stuff.  He was very skilled at sports hence  he naturally took to his fighting as a vampire lessons very well and easily, thus paving the way to become one of the most top skilled vampire fighters around. (but all he’s fighting is mostly to defend himself or people as he hates the thought of murdering people for fun) And so, bcos he wanted to get out of ever inheriting the throne and instead would rather his next sibling have it, he rebelled against his heir duties a few times, tried his dammnest to prove he  wasn't worthy of the crown to his parents and openly refused his parents to become heir to the throne whenever they tried to talk or convince him. So his exasperated parents eventually gave up and let Victoria, their 2nd child be the crown princess instead, to which Kriztian happily & quickly stepped down as heir when they finally made that decision.
When he was 500 yrs old, he met a  human girl and soon fell deeply and madly in love with her. They got married and he was blissfully happy with his wife and it was actually her who got him to change his ways and become a more serious, matured, and responsible person thus he began to take his royal duties properly and seriously since then. He settled down and eventually became less of an adventure& thrill-seeker, content with his current life. And when his wife eventually became pregnant, he was beyond ecstatic and both of them became very excited and so eager to meet their child.
However his whole world came crashing down when his wife became deathly ill due to a fatal disease during the last trimester of her pregnancy and desperate Kriztian searched the whole country for a way to cure her, any way, even magical ways.
he finally met a witch who claimed she could magically save his wife and baby from death if he paid her an extravagant sum of gold in return. HIghly desperate and not thinking clearly, he agreed and paid her instantly and she chanted some sort of spell and did some magical ritual. however, was actually very sadly conned by a selfish and greedy witch, as poor Kriztian then watched the whole terrible process of his beloved human wife dying because of the disease and also due to a very difficult childbirth process. His baby also eventually came out as a stillborn.
  Kriztian then almost grew mad with grief and was completely wrecked, suffering hard in the aftermath of their deaths. He made a complete wreckage of their large home , destroying almost everything in the house , and firing all his staff. he isolated himself in the house, refused to come out for weeks on end, and only a few of his closest family members were permitted to enter to see him. he then even tried to starve himself whenever his family tried to send bags of blood for him to eat in hopes that he could wile away to death to join his late wife and child. It wasn;t till one day, one of his siblings found him in the early process of standing at the wide open sunny windows of his hallway with his daylight ring thrown away, trying to burn himself to death. Thankfully due to his age and strength of his powers he would take about 25-30 mins to eventually be fully incinerated and die , so his sibling was only about 10 mins into kriztian’s suicide  process and managed to save that stupid fool.
Enough was enough. His whole family grouped together on him with his closest friends and determinedly had an intervention with him. After days of endless ways to get thru to him, they finally made a breakthrough, knock some sense into him and made him see the light a little bit, thanks to (1 or 2 siblings and his best friend) he was then strongly told & encourages to   travel far away to help get over his grief and hopefully his late wife. He then did so and travelled far and wide around the world for about a 150 years or so. And slowly he did manage to overcome his grief and heal from the loss but he could never let go for his  love of his late wife so till this day his still holding back a small piece of her in his heart, thus blocking him frm ever wanting to pursue any romantic relationships at all till now. To him, she was his only one and true love for his whole lifetime (tho im hoping that his eventual new bride will eventually change all of that XD)
It was thru his travels that he accumulated more years of combative experience that further  helped shaped him to one of the strongest, extremely quick-thinking and highly skilled fighter vampires around. And like i said earlier, he never killed or seriously wounded any being for pleasure. He only fought or killed when it was absolutely necessary, in which most cases were situations where he had to defend himself or protect others, or save humans or even to help his few closest friends defend their home.
he also met another witch who used him to get her revenge on his family for some accidental wrong they did to a relative of hers in the past. She’s the one who caused the many fading scars on his body u can see now. Thus, it was due to his 2 very bad experiences with witches, which stemmed his current distrust and dislike for most of their kind.
He finally returned home about 100 plus years ago and came back wiser and less troubled. he then resumed his princely duties very seriously in honor of his late wife who he knew would have wanted him to live his life responsibly. And his current great attention to being elegantly and finely dressed as well as being super neat and organized is also of her influence somewhat when she was living XD
Thus his current personality now is of he’s very responsible, serious for most of the time, distant & aloof with many people except for a few trusted longtime friends and his family ofc (due to him having a few experiences of his trust being broken during his travels  and a lil disillusioned of there being many actually honest pure beings  left). He’s  a man of a few words half the time, and when he does converse, he tries to get quickly and clearly to the point most of the time unless ur talking about something he’s interested in or like in my starter he’s irritated abt the current situation and annoyed about his precious suit getting damaged XD. he’s also pretty stoic and doesn’t really like showing much expressions or feelings. The only times you can catch him giving warm, genuine smiles & have great convos with is when he’s with family members or very close friends or with his beloved citizens and when his around kids (as they’re his weakest & softest spot currently)
he can a be a teensy bit  selfish at certain/particular times and he will only help people in distress if they genuinely need help and can’t solve the problem at all or if they’re 100 not capable of saving themselves, he cares for humans as he sees them as being quite the weaker beings in comparison to the supernaturals so those are the ones he would instantly and readily save if they r in danger. Other supernaturals it depends on various few factos hehe XD However, he’s loyal, v protective over he people he cares about, quite good-hearted and has pretty smart and quite cultured brains. and as mentioned, earlier he’s somewhat well-mannered, very neat and organized. He also can be a bit grumpy and moody sometimes.
he was initially very reluctant and refused to go thru the arranged marriage plan. However, he eventually relented for the sake of peace and political alliance. He’s still not really looking forward to it tho tho he has finally readied himself to treat his fiancee with respect and be cordial towards her and try to get along with her cos he has no time for conflicts. Oh and also protect her from harm as he currently sees her as vulnerable being. he was actually relieved to find out that he was being matched with a human cos witches (big no-no), vampires and hybrids(they would live forever and he would be stuck in this “marriage” for his whole long lifetime) and werewolves ok but he found that female werewolves which he encountered in the past, tend to get possessive due to their carnal  wolf side and he had no intention of being with a werewolf wife when they were in heat XD. That’s cos he secretly has  NO INTENTION AT ALL OF BEDDING HIS WIFE PERIOD. he doesn’t want to risk the chance of getting her pregnant as he is still afraid of her potentially dying at a gruesome childbirth. So his plans for his marriage is for them to be if possible, distant, agreeable partners as he isn’t planning on opening his heart & falling in love ever again  or to get too attached by becoming vry caring and super best friends, they can be friends if she wishes but only to a certain degree. So he’s planning on keeping her at arm’s length till she dies of old age or unfortunate sickness.  (BUT OFC WICKED OLD ME, HAS LOTSA PLANS FOR HIS CHARA DEVELOPMENT, SO MOST OF HIS NEGATIVE VIEWS, TRAITS AND PLANS WILL HOPEFULLY CHANGE DOWN THE ROAD, hehe)
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