#they said they were treated like dogs and humiliated
writersdrug · 5 months
Training for Two
Chapter 4. New Tricks
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Summary: You teach Riley a new trick, and Johnny gets a glimpse at what's had Simon on edge.
Warnings: cursing, obsessive behavior, slight humiliation
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"You need to stay still." You said quietly, your hands gently laying on Riley's stomach as she lay on her back. Her eyes flickered between you and your hands curiously with a nervous look on her face. Her tail swished, brushing with a whoosh against the unkempt grass of Simon's backyard.
"Good- play dead, good..." You slowly removed your hands, placing them against your thighs as you knelt next to her. "And stay-"
As soon as your hands left her fur, she twisted back onto her feet and sat upright. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she panted, looking at you for the next command.
"No!" You cried, holding the sides of her face and pointing her snout towards you. "You just had it! C'mon, we've got to get this down - need to show off your skills at the dog park, yeah?"
You flopped down on your back and raised your arms in the air. Riley took a few steps back and stared at you - her toe was pointed in anticipation. She had no idea what you were doing.
"Like this-" you said, "Play dead." You rolled back onto your knees, giggling at the flabbergasted expression on her face. "Really- it's easy, let's give it one more go."
You guided her to lay down again - she huffed, seemingly annoyed with whatever it was you were trying to do. She let you roll her onto her back, her legs awkwardly sticking out straight. You tutted and bent her paws at each ankle.
"Good. Sta- stay." You said as she tried to wiggle up. You kept your hands on her belly again, and she boredly looked at the blue sky above.
"Good, Riley. Play dead." You slowly sat back on your haunches, and she managed to stay put. She looked at you upside-down as you fished a few treats from your pocket.
"Stay..." You cooed, holding the treats up to her muzzle. "Good. Play dead."
She gently lapped up the treats when you opened your palm, chewing noisily and looking back at you for direction. She remained on the ground, feet pointed in the air and her tail still.
"Ok, Riley." You said, and she scrambled back onto her feet. "Now, let's try again. Play dead."
She looked at you, tilting her head in confusion. You could see the gears turning, and your skin was nearly on fire with anticipation. "Play dead." You repeated slowly, pointing towards the ground.
Sure enough, she sank to the floor. When she saw the excitement growing in your eyes, she rolled onto her back, letting her legs relax above her.
"Good girl!!" You squealed, rubbing her belly and her face and showering her with kisses - she groaned and yapped, hurriedly getting back up onto her feet.
"Oh, you're so good, Riley!" You exclaimed and handed her a few more treats. She scarfed them down in a matter of seconds as her tail thwapped against the ground.
You felt proud of her - and of yourself. You'd never really considered yourself an actual dog-sitter before. But now, after this achievement, you felt like the dog-sitter.
"Mitchell had better watch his sorry ass..." You stated, standing up and brushing your hands on your thighs. You paused when you felt something cold - you turned to look over your shoulder, and sure enough, your entire back and rump were covered in mud. You sighed, looking back down at where you had laid in the grass. There was a decently sized mud puddle, with the perfect imprint of your torso and backside.
"Oh, for Christ's sake-" you grumbled, trudging back towards the house. Riley hopped through the doorway and made a beeline straight to her water bowl. She lapped up the water messily as you toed off your sneakers, leaving them by the backdoor. You closed the door behind you and groaned as the damp fabric clung to your skin.
"Just my bloody luck." You murmured. You began peeling your clothes off in the hall, starting with your socks, then your sweatshirt, then your top. You were just about to shimmy out of your jeans, when you heard Riley whine.
Turning around, you saw her walking- no, limping, to her dog bed. She groaned as she shuffled around, scratching at the fabric, before plopping down onto the plush cushion.
"Y' feeling alright, girl?" You asked, and she turned her snout towards you. "Time for some medicine, hmm?"
You padded into the kitchen, grabbing her medicine from the counter and popping a pill into your palm. You stole a jar of peanut butter from Simon's cupboard and scooped a spoonful, shoving the pill into the sticky glob and heading back to the living room. "Don't worry-" you said, holding the spoon down to her as she licked it greedily. "I won't count this as one of your daily cookies."
You felt a chill against your bare back - you looked up, noticing that the AC vent was positioned right above Riley's bed.
"Well, that can't be good..." You grumbled. You quickly ran and snagged a worn-out blanket (decorated with bones and tennis balls, most likely from when she was a puppy) from the hall closet, before returning and draping it over her. She let out a wary groan as you tucked in the edges, cocooning her in a layer of felt.
"Need t' make sure you're not too chilly-" you said, securing her under the blanket. "That cold doesn't help your leg, does it?"
She made a content sound and sank her head down onto the cushion, making you chuckle. "There, isn't that much be-"
You stood back up, your sentence interrupted by your own panic. The mailman was outside the front window, staring right back at you. He was frozen, eyes wide with a shocked flush on his cheeks, as he was putting the mail in Simon's box.
In a fit of horror, you glanced down at yourself, being met with the sight of your shirtless torso and jeans. You shrieked in embarrassment and ran into the hall, quickly throwing yourself into the bathroom and slamming the door behind you.
Riley tilted her head as she watched down the hall, the sound of your "Fucking hell!!" Echoing from beyond the bathroom door - she flopped hear head back onto the cushion and sighed.
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The cot groaned and creaked beneath Simon as he dropped himself onto it. He tossed his duffle bag on the floor next to him, letting his arm hang over the edge for a moment. His entire body ached - he had let himself relax too much on his time off with Riley, and had nearly forgotten just how rough this job was on his bones.
"Never thought we'd be back 'ere, eh?" Soap said, trudging into the small dorm. "Alejandro said we're always welcome on 'is base, but I ken he meant other circumstances."
Simon groaned in agreement. "Brings back memories, eh?"
Soap scoffed. "If ye say so, LT. Rott'n ones, that's fer sure."
"A' least it's over."
Soap grunted. "Gonna celebrate with a cup o' joe." He said, rolling out his shoulders with a pop. "Need me t' grab ye some?"
"Thanks, but no thanks. Like to try n' get some sleep 'fore we head home."
"Suit yourself, LT." Soap said, before he left Simon alone in the dorm.
He sighed heavily. Simon was lying to himself if he thought he was going to get any sleep. During the entire mission (save the parts where he was snapping a bloke's neck, or planting bullets in bodies), he couldn't stop thinking about Riley - which was also a lie. Truthfully, he couldn't stop thinking of the both of you.
Were you treating her well? Did you end up using his shower? Did you remember her medicine? Did you use the throw blanket when you slept on his sofa? What did you two do all week? What did you do all week?
It was hard to realize that he'd only seen you in person twice, with the way that he was constantly plagued by you. You and your overly-bright and bold personality. He wondered if you'd be there when he gets back home, or if you'd-
Oh, right. He'd be home tomorrow night. He'd forgotten to text you. He quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket and typed up a message.
coming home tomorrow evening. it'll be late. don't worry about being there, but if you are, that's fine.
He hoped you would be there, he thought, as he sent the message, letting the phone drop onto his chest.
Not a minute had passed that Simon had fought with his own mind, when his phone buzzed. He pulled the screen back above his face and opened the message from you.
Glad to hear you're back safe!
If you are actually back, I guess I don't know where you are...
Anyways, that's fine! I'll walk Riley around 7 pm, she's good after that until bedtime
Of course, you know that, she's YOUR dog after all, lol
Get back safe! And I mean get HOME, not just wherever you are right now!
He stared at each message as it popped up, one after another. You must type fast - and god, were you annoying... but he didn't hate it. He should hate it, he'd hated every other person he'd run into with your attitude. But he felt the depth and the honesty in your words, even over text. It was aggravating him, but instead of stomping your sparks out, he wanted to hide them in his dark corner, where no one else could see just how bright you were.
Shut the fuck up, he thought. Man whore.
He began to reply to your message, thick fingers struggling to tap away at the tiny screen.
How are my girls?
Fuck- backspace, backspace- Christ, that was a close one.
How's my girl?
He groaned, staring at the screen, hungrily waiting for you to respond. He thought of the sound of your nails clacking away on your phone. What would you say? "Good"? "Fine"? "She's sleeping"? He wished you'd go on another tangent, stringing him along in a conversation where one message hardly had anything to do with the last.
You sent a photo.
Simon's chest felt tight with anticipation - he hurriedly clicked on the image to make it bigger.
It was you and Riley, both lying on the couch. You were curled up against the arm of the sofa, wearing your pajamas and tucked under his throw blanket with a book in your hand. Your hair was down, and a bit damp, too. Riley was cozied up to your side, her snout resting in your lap. The both of you looked up into the camera - you, with a sweet, soft smile that nearly put Simon in cardiac arrest.
Doing good! I think she likes it when I read to her!
Simon exhaled heavily through his nose. You read to the dog- of course you fucking read to the dog. Why was that attractive? Why was he so warmed by your matching daisy pajamas? By the mug of tea on the coffee table (in his mug, which made it worse)? By the way Riley was so comfortable around you?
How were you doing this to him - infiltrating his brain so easily, consuming it like a weed? A beautiful, elegant weed?
He groaned and laid his phone on his chest, rubbing his eyes. He let his palms linger over the sockets for a moment. Something must be wrong with him. Simon was never so easily distracted by anything, let alone anyone. Had he gotten soft on his time off? Was this some sort of pre-middle-aged hormone cocktail that was controlling him? How the hell was he supposed to snuff this flame out? He could never request your services again; but as soon as the thought entered his head, he threw it out. He'd keep you, if not for his own selfishness, then for the way you were so excited to have the job in the first place. This would have to be a project of self-discipline. He would have to figure out how to-
"Steamin' Jesus- that's who ye got watchin' Riley?!"
For a moment, Ghost nearly came out and landed a punch to Soap's gut. But Simon simply jolted, catching his phone right before it slid off onto the floor.
"Bloody- fuckin' hell, Johnny." He grumbled.
"Bloody fuckin' hell indeed-" Soap agreed, trying to swipe at Simon's phone. "Pull 'er up again, lemme see-"
"Bugger off." Simon warned. He sat up on the edge of the bed and pocketed his phone.
"Awe, this why ye dinnae want te talk 'bout 'er earlier?" Soap said with a playful grin, collapsing onto his cot on the opposite side of the room. "Been hidin' tha' pretty thing all te yerself?"
"'M not hidin' anythin.'"
"Then lemme see- might snag 'er number, too-"
"No you won't, Johnny."
"Why not?"
"Because y' don't need a bloody dog-walker."
"Maybe not, but I could always use a lass, eh?"
"She is off limits-" Simon said, narrowing his gaze at Soap, "- n' there's not gonna be another word 'bout it."
Simon laid down and rolled to face the wall before Soap could utter another word. He heard Johnny scoff, followed by the sound of him removing his boots.
"Dry piece of shite, ye are..." he grumbled.
Despite his instinctual reaction to Johnny's instantaneous attraction to you, Simon was a bit shocked with himself. Again - you weren't his. The only tether he had to you was strictly monetary and contractual. He even imagined that you might be pissed, having a client treat you like they were your bodyguard. He needed to figure this out and de-root it from the source, before it got any worse.
But... if he allowed himself to entertain the idea, just this once... Would it be such a bad thing? To attempt- to convince you that he wasn't so horrible a person, really- if you could just see past his hard, outer shell, built up from years of trauma and blood. Who knows how long it would take you to see him as a decent person, but he could think about the logistics later. It wasn't against the law to date your pet-sitter, he just had to make himself believe that. Maybe you were just the perfect amount of sunshine that could melt the iciness within him.
With a glance over his shoulder, making sure Soap was minding his beeswax, Simon pulled his phone out of his pocket. He gave your picture a long, favorable glance, before he sent you a final message for the night.
keep reading to her for me, and tell her I'll be home soon. thanks again.
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mooishbeam · 1 year
『♡』 Losing Game
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♡ featuring: ajax x f!reader
♡ summary: simmering feelings boil over as you're confronted by the man you hate the most; tartaglia, your boss. wc: 3.1k+
♡ cw/tw: afab, degradation, humiliation, creampie, squirting, light choking, sadism, throat-fucking, cum play, fingering, overstimulation, brat taming, mind break, pet names (doll, baby)
notes: hiii, the positive response from the last one motivated me to get this done just in time for Fontaine. kinda long this time so sorry abt that. ajax my beloved <3 art by sonomi_rap5 on twitter comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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Working for the fatui wasn’t easy in the slightest, especially when you aren’t on harbinger status. You were sent on long, grueling tasks only to be met with loose interpretations of gratitude and sometimes silence from the higher-ups, in which most wouldn’t even glance in your direction. Pleasant beginnings became a sour afterthought, and your perception of the fatui changed drastically. Your grievances, however, weren’t helped by your quick-witted snappy attitude and competitiveness; Presumably why you ended up under the division of Tartaglia. You assumed a binding contract from the capricious redhead wouldn’t mean much, but that was quickly proven false.  
You'd rather climb every mountain in Snezhnaya than spend a minute talking to that airhead. He was instructed to keep a watchful eye on you during missions despite the competence you demonstrated. It was insulting. Anything he did you could do better. It’d been proven multiple times from the petty challenges you created. How much water you could drink, how long you can stay up. You won every time. How could you not hate him? His feigned ignorance and careless flirtations were enough to drive you mad. “Please, call me Ajax” he’d say, winking. The simpering smile he gave you after every comeback shot daggers in your pride. What made you particularly furious was the incessant drum of your heart whenever he was near you. The warm autumn morning that was his hair. The cool still waves his eyes sent to your core. You couldn’t fall for him, or else he’d have one up on you. You had to be stronger than that. You quelled your stress in a tattered journal gifted years ago. 
“Hey, comrade!” His bubbly tone makes knots in your stomach, and you choose to stay silent. You’re hoping this mission will go without a hitch, as long as he doesn’t get in your way. Ajax lets out a teasing whistle. 
“Yeesh, tough crowd.” As you’re collecting the items needed for the deal, he rocks back and forth on his heels directly in front of you, absent-mindedly watching. 
You whip your head to face him, “You can’t see I’m doing something right now?” 
“Oh, I see what you’re doing. But this isn’t entertaining.” 
“Unlike you, your majesty, I have no choice but to be perfect. I apologize if that’s not exciting enough for you.” You retort with sarcastic curtsy.  
“Haha! You’re always a pleasure to be around, (Y/N). My faithful, kind-hearted companion.” he said with a taunting wink. You're beyond flustered, haphazardly stuffing the remains in your bag and lugging it over your shoulder. 
“Let's go.” You say lazily. He follows closely, arms crossed behind his head. “Calling me like a dog, how romantic.” 
“If you don’t want to be called like a dog stop acting like one.” 
“You could at least give me a treat if I'm gonna be your dog.” He looks at you, making his best impression of puppy-eyes. You bite back a few choice words, and glare at him instead. He isn’t fazed by this and flashes a beguiling smile that makes your ears warm. Glancing at the weight you’re shouldering, he comments, “You sure you don’t need any help with that?” 
“No. The last person I need help from is you.” 
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You and Ajax regroup in an alleyway deep in Fontaine’s bustling city. You are assigned to retrieve a rare gem for one of Pantalone’s elaborate schemes, and you quickly prepare yourself for this interaction. Ajax studies you, leaning against one of the walls. 
“Can’t you be a little nicer to your superior? If it wasn’t for me, you’d be in a lot of trouble half the time. You’re welcome.” You scoff. “I don’t know why you’re here in the first place, I have no problem doing this on my own.” 
“I’m sure. Don’t mind me, Ms. Independent.” A sly smirk crawled up his face. “Fucking asshole” you mumble under your breath. “I didn’t catch that. Can you repeat it?” 
“I said you’re a fucking asshole.” After a few moments of silence, Ajax grips his chest in feigned agony. “Ouch. I’m gutted!” 
Just as you're about to leave, he snatches your wrist, now only mere inches away from your face. His hand gently brushes away the strays of hair on your forehead. “There you go, doll. Gotta be perfect for your debut.” A whirlwind of emotions strangles your ability to think clearly, you pull your wrist away and start speed walking, attempting to gather yourself before you get to the jewelry store. 
You enter the empty store and are immediately confronted by the jeweler. 
“Good afternoon, ma’am. Do you have an appointment?” You proclaim your business and appointment under a fake identity, posturing yourself as wealthy. “May I see identification please.” Of course, you say. As you’re looking through your purse you notice something: there’s no identification here. Surely you weren’t that negligent over something so simple. You rummaged through the other compartments, trying to stay calm in front of an increasingly concerned jeweler. But it’s not there. How is this possible. Your nerves are heightened and the anxiety of failing the mission starts to creep in. “I made an appointment with Lottie; she’ll be able to provide reference. I believe I left my passport at home.” The jeweler seems slightly disappointed. “Unfortunately, ma’am, I am not allowed to present any gems without identification.” Your heart beats faster. “Well, sir, I’m very busy and I’m afraid this is my only chance to close on this item. You wouldn’t want to push away a well-paying customer.” 
“I have no choice in the matter. If you have no proof of identification, I must ask you to leave.” Should I take it by force? You thought, thinking about the next possible option. As you’re about to handle the rest physically, the door swings open. Ajax comes up to you, placing his arm around your waist.  
“My love, were you able to get the gem we were discussing?” You’re annoyed, but you improvise and look at him as if he’s the love of your life. “Not yet, dear.” Suddenly, he places a plush kiss on your lips. You’re stunned and speechless, filled with anger and wanting. 
The jeweler interjects. “And are you the husband? Would you happen to have any identification.” 
“Yes, sir.” Ajax pulls out a passport and fake birth certificate unbeknownst to you and begins to close the deal. The rest of the meeting you sit speechless. 
“Thank you for your patronage.” are the last words you hear as you leave the store, Ajax guiding you with his hand. You’re silent the whole way back to your room. 
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You turn your bag upside down and begin looking for the mismatched documents. All while Ajax stares at you expectingly. You ignore his presence.  
“So... how about a ‘you’re welcome?’” 
“For what.” 
He lets out a mocking laugh. “For what? I don’t know, maybe saving your ass back there? You froze, and you were unprepared, Ms. Independent.”  
“I wouldn’t have forgotten it if it wasn’t for the obnoxious bullshit you did this morning.” 
“That’s dishonest, I wasn’t even talking!” he pretends to be hurt. “Admit that you need me.” 
“Fuck off.” 
“No.” His light-hearted inflection vexes you and makes it hard for you to focus as you read through the mountains of pages in your folder. 
While your head is down, Ajax comes across the tattered notebook just peeking out from under the bed. Storing the months—no years—of feelings you had regarding the fatui. Regarding him. Some time passes and you finally raise your head, met with the horrifying reveal of him skimming through the journal, mischief coating the deep void in his eyes. You spring up and reach for the book but he’s faster, grabbing your arms and pinning them above your head. 
“This is really good stuff... really good.” You shout profanities over and over, anything to get his attention away from the book. But he continues to read as if you’re not there. When he’s done reading, he lets you go, and you instantly try to swing at him. Before you can land a hit, he grabs you by the throat and stares into your soul, almost as if he’s trying to swallow your being. 
“You’ve been acting like a little fucking brat all over a crush? Not very big girl of you.” 
“I know you think you’re beyond charming, but I promise you don’t have that effect on me.” 
“Really? Let’s play a game then.” He knew you’d accept just to beat him at anything. 
“If you don’t cum by the end of this journal, I’ll apologize for everything. I’ll do whatever you want. But if I win-” he steps closer to you, “You have to do everything I say.” 
You almost burst out laughing. Such an easy challenge, how hard could it be? 
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You're panting, trying your hardest to focus on the words that seemed to melt off the page. Your back lays comfortably against his chest, with his legs keeping yours spread. 
“Next page, baby.” 
“Don’t call me that.” Your words are lenient and breathy. Your underwear is still on, but Ajax’s fingers are covered in your slick, playing with the erect nub just enough to make you fuzzy. “You look like you’re tapping out.” 
“This? This is nothing” You respond meekly, continuing the reading.  
“I can’t help but have fe-elings for himph.”  
“There’s some nice things about me in here, why aren’t you always like this?” He says, circling and dipping into your gushy folds, smearing the glossy mess all over your vulva. You try so hard to read the letters, squirming from his touch. The sensation pulsing from your clit to your brain made you incoherent; the more you move, the more he moves. The contents of the journal are humiliating, detailing your romantic and sexual attraction towards Ajax, and your attempts to stifle these feelings. He was getting a kick out of seeing your flustered face stammer over his appearance. He plays with the precum glazing his fingers, widening them to watch the trail it left. Only two more pages left. 
“I-I-” You couldn’t get through the first sentence on the last page. Your thighs are trembling, and your pussy began to twitch. “Uh, s-shit. Ajax, wai-.” He trails his fingers over your clit spelling his name, then pushes two inside, fighting back an amused grin. “You’re almost done” Teasing in your ear. You bite back the moans threatening to escape; at the very least you couldn’t give him that satisfaction. He watches you fall apart, shaking more aggressively before your body gives in and you cum on his fingers.  
“Uh oh, that’s unfortunate.” You try your best to catch your breath, but he rides out your orgasm, making you subconsciously grind yourself into his palm. Then you’re struck with the reality of losing. He licks his fingers clean, eyes rolling back from the taste. “So fucking good, does being a bitch make you taste better?” You were too embarrassed from the loss to retort. “You won.” 
“I did.” He lifts you off the bed and onto the floor, your legs still recovering. He hikes your shirt up, trailing kisses up your stomach until he gets to your nipples. He flicks and sucks one while kneading the other one, occasionally biting the slightly bruising flesh. “Not gonna moan for me, huh baby?” 
“Not in the slightest.” You rasped. He smiles and blows cool air on your tits, sending a rippling feeling down your back. “That’s okay, you’ll give in.” 
Ajax unbuttons his pants, and they drop in front of you. Unsheathing his thick throbbing length, drooling with desire. His balls are full and heavy, and as you look up at him his eyes are clouded with lust. The pretty freckles that dotted his arms and chest are much more visible now, and so are his battle scars. He breathed in deep, "take care of this for me, yeah?” You wanted to say no and say fuck this; but there was another side that wanted him desperately, that needed this.  
You force your jaw open to accommodate his size and push yourself halfway on his girth, feeling his cockhead hit the back of your throat. Once you feel like you got it in, you slobber all over his cock, dampening his balls and begin to bob your head. You stroke with one hand and massage his sack with the other, leading to a breathy whimper from him. “Ah fuck, feels good. Suck it slow, slut.” You begin to move faster while cupping his balls, obscene noises leaving your sopping mouth. You have tears running down your sweating face trying to keep up with the vigorous movement of your tongue. You feel him throb a few times, his moans and grunting getting progressively louder.  
“Need more” is all he says, putting one of his legs on the bed and grabbing both sides of your head. Before you can register what’s happening. Ajax pushes your head onto his cock until your nose reaches his pubes. He lets out a breathy sigh and starts throat fucking you with an animalistic grip. The gagging and spit noises echo off the walls, along with his continuous whimpering. You wanted to hate him, but your blood was buzzing, and your panties were drenched. “Shut up and take it” followed by broken fuck’s and yes’s. He threw his head back, hair slicked and torso gleaming with sweat, “look at me.” You reluctantly look up, addicted to his passionate expression. “I want you looking at me when I cum.” You grip his thighs, and he twitches a few times before spurting white, thick cum down your throat. He pulls out slightly to drag his semen over your lips and then taps it on your face, holding you in place.  
“What are you doing? Clean me up.” he husked. You clean him up without complaint and lick your lips, forced to maintain eye contact with him the entire way.  
In one swoop, Ajax picks you up and throws you on the bed, eager to get your underwear off. “You proved your point, stop being an ass" you slurred out. The room was intoxicating, all you could smell and feel was him. He takes your panties off, spreading your pussy to watch the slippery puddle dribble down your thighs. He shoves your panties in your mouth, “Fucking liar, I know you like it. Can’t taste how wet you are?” He aligns himself with your aching hole, keeping your arch steady with you bent over. Shoving his cock in, moaning from the feeling of your body perfectly molding for him. Ajax starts moving at a rapid pace quickly, his big slender hands tightly gripping your ass. The sound of wet sticky skin slapping together and the squelching from your core made you shudder. It was all too much; you have been teetering on an orgasm since you went down on him, and the way his balls thump your clit make you quiver.  
“Whiny brat. Just needed to be fucked good to shut up, yeah?” he groaned through his words. Tears were coming down your eyes now, you can’t tell if he’s edging you by accident or on purpose. But right now, you’d do anything. He turns your head to face him, gazing at your tear-stricken face. “Aww, you cryin’ for me?” He stops to kiss and lick your tears, delighted by your tenderness. Taking the panties out your mouth, he brings your body flush with his and continues to pump inside with you looking at him.  
“So sweet all of a sudden, where’d that attitude go?” The morals you had for moaning went missing and mewls and soft whimpers began to leave you. “Let it out, baby.” You’re suddenly babbling please’s begging for him to let you have it. “Pathetic, can’t even get off on your own. You need me that bad?” You nod repeatedly, dangerously close to your release. He had a dark look in his eyes and a sinful smirk. “Yeah? Okay, you’ve been so good.” He reaches down and starts to rub your clit ceaselessly, kissing your cheek. Your whimpers become loud shaky moans and he finally lets you have it, shockwaves going through your body as you’re dissolved into pleasure. You pulsate through the explosion, jello-brain and boneless as your cum leaks down his thighs. Just as he pulls out and flips you over. You’re dizzy and drunk off him, legs shaking indefinitely from the intensity. Then he puts it back in. “You can take one more, yeah baby?” Your overstimulated and violent shaking wasn’t enough for him to stop. He wanted you ruined. He keeps going, grabbing your face to kiss you deeply, tongues intertwining with each other. He feeds you deep strokes, tip prodding your spot every time and watching as your tits bounce. You throw your head back, eyes rolling to the back of your skull. You have no thoughts, only his name rings in your head. You can feel the coil inside you winding up, pleasure beyond the searing pain of your swollen pussy. He looks down at you and smiles.  
“Look at me." You can’t hear anything at this point, not even the sound of your own voice. So, it’s a pleasant surprise when your voice carries his name, “Ajax, Ajax”, chanting as if he’s your god. “Fuck. Gonna cum. Let it out. baby” he says grinning. You’re clamping him so tight and throbbing until you ultimately shatter with him, releasing a stream of squirt onto him and the sheets. He bucks into you, letting out thick spurts, panting heavily as he watches you in disarray. You instinctively hold on to his arms, trembling uncontrollably as you try to search for breath and ride it out. You’re completely hysterical and sobbing from the emotion it ripped into you. You were in shambles and Ajax couldn’t help but smile out of happiness for what he caused. “I’m so sorry.” you say repeatedly, eyes shut and lined with tears. He got closer to wrap you in his arms, and you cling to him for stability. “It’s okay, I’m here for you.” 
You didn’t want to talk about it when you woke up. You were hoping he’d be gone, and therefore wouldn’t have to deal with the humiliation. But there he was, watching you sleep just as the sun rose. His ginger hair danced with golden flecks of light, and he looked at you like you were the only person on Teyvat. 
  “Good morning to you too, baby~.” 
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missswritesalot · 2 months
Can i request some possessive, maybe even a little mean, Robb Stark nsfw? i need that man in a way that borders on obsession 😭
A/N hope you like it anon. Gets soft at the end. Will edit later for historical accuracy. Requests open.
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"Your grace," you began nervously as your husband threw open your bedchamber door. Opening it was hard enough so thinking of the force it took to rattle the hinges made you wince. Perhaps you could finally see the King Robb that maidens swooned for and bards sang of.
"Like a dog? A beast? Numbskulled brute? Is that what you said?" He spat out. His anger, so hard to provoke but equally hard to quell. Now it was righteous too.
“I didn’t mean any of it,” you nervously said. “I only wished to entertain.”
Robb walked towards you and you took a step back. You were vulnerable, only wearing your shift.
“And what did you call yourself? Little more than a whore I paid two coppers for? A greedy little queen, at the mercy of the king?” Robb said. “I can’t even repeat what I heard. Yet you said it when I have done nothing but treat you gently with kindness.”
“It was only my ladies, and I didn’t wish to disappoint, husband.” You said. You placed your hand gently on his chest. “They dream of you, and I couldn’t appear jealous. I needed to show you didn’t lack passion in bed.”
“Wasn’t just the ladies. My men heard you recount your pleasure and now they’re the ones salivating.” He shouted.
“Cease this! It’s childish and I will speak as I wish.” You said, feigning annoyance.
Robb looked madder with each word out of your mouth. He gripped your wrists to the point of pain and spun you around. With a hand on your back, he pushed you face down onto the furs.
"You talk like a whore you get taken like one."
He pushed your chemise up and you felt his fingers find the most sensitive parts of you. He shoved two in roughly, making you scream. Thank the old gods, your plan worked better than expected.
“And what of my men guarding you? Did they have to hear your of escapades? Know how you enjoy in my chamber?” Robb demanded.
The twist of his fingers in your unprepared cunt made tears spring to your eyes.
“Who do you belong to?” He asked. You refused to reply. You shook your head.
“You’re mine, you hear me?” Robb yelled. He slapped your arse to make his point. No need to trigger him even more, you decided. “Who owns ye?” He asked again.
“You do,” you mumbled.
“And I am your King, and your husband. And you had better remember that.”
“Yes, husband.” You whispered. You heard the sounds of him undressing. You didn’t dare move.
Robb held your hips on either side of you and pushed you into the bed.
“Who’ll take you now?” He demanded.
“You, my lord and husband.” You replied submissive. His breathing behind you told you he was still furious.
His hands tightened around your hips and you felt the impossible thickness of his member at your entrance. He'd taken you before, he was your goddamn husband, but never in anger and never like this.
He began to push in, deaf to your cries.
"Robb," you pleaded, your will breaking. He was deep in you but not to the hilt yet. This new position was physically uncomfortable adding to your humiliation. "Please, please." You begged. You didn't know what you were asking for, for him to let you go or for a moment to adjust. But you were so hot you could barely see. You had never felt desire like this. You anticipated your release like Robb returning home.
"No," he said quietly. "You will accept this, wife." He sheathed himself to the hilt within your body. You were glad he'd let go of your arms, so you could twist your fingers into the furs on your bed.
He was deeper than before in this new position, you felt like you were being split open. You reminded yourself you were trying for this reaction. Some part of your heart hurt most of all, knowing that your husband didn't care about the pain he inflicted upon your body. He was mean.
He pulled out again and pushed back in slowly. The deep pleasure knocked the breath out of your lungs. It added to everything you felt from the stretch of his girth.
Your cries grew louder due to pleasure, and you were screaming in abandon at how good he made you feel.
“More, husband, Robb, please.” You begged incoherently. The snap of his hips against yours set a harsh pace.
He tried to stop, to tease you, but he couldn’t. He was too excited looking at your body beneath him.
It didn’t take long before you were clenched around his cock in your pleasure, and he spent in response to you.
Robb collapsed atop you. He rolled over to the side, breathing heavily. You took a moment to calm yourself down and turned to face him. You took his hand in yours carefully, you wanted to know if his anger had been quelled yet. You were pleased when he brought your hand to his lips to kiss it.
“I love you,” he said. “And I have no desire to share you. Not this. Not our time together when we get so little.” Robb confessed. Your heart broke for him. Perhaps you’d gone too far in seeking his passion.
His face grew tense as you didn’t reply. “Have I hurt you, love?” He asked, caressing your cheek. You leaned into his touch with a sigh.
“No, dear husband. I love you too,” you said softly, content.
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vampsickle · 7 months
more thoughts on ex bf! jason todd? ps. ur writing is amazing
hello sweetheart !!! thank you so much this is so sweet. and here are my thoughts! ❣️
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as i said before, he broke it off with you, but he absolutely cannot stand seeing you with other people. it’s just not fair. he wants you to want Him, to beg for him, to stay alongside him despite his faults.
it’s amazing how five nights out of the week he’s back in your bedroom, either sitting on your bed or rummaging around, looking for anything new you might’ve brought home. every time you get upset with him, you even go so far as to scold him, but all he does is wrap his arms around you and grin so smugly. You? Scolding him? It’s like a kitten hissing at a lion.
the worst is when you’re on a date with someone new, he’s sweet, wanting to know about your interests. jason figures he has time to kill and he enters the establishment, and somehow his hand is on your shoulder, smiling down at your poor, poor date. you’re almost humiliated, a helpless expression on your face as you gaze up at jason, n he tilts his head, akin to a puppy dog. he just wanted to make sure you were safe!
most nights when he shows up at your place it always results in sex, his large hand pushing you down into the bed, your ass up and taking everything he has to give you. he’s asking things like “Those other guys not treating you the same way I did, huh?” or “I know baby, feels s’ fucking good, doesn’t it?” and you can never respond, just broken moans and loud whines slipping past your kissed swollen lips.
but every time you both have sex, he’s always talking, praising you while simultaneously degrading you. how you should be with him, on his cock only. he’s so needy. and you remind him he’s the one who broke it off with you. he mumbles “I don’t care about that shit— You belong to me, still.”
somehow he makes you feel so wanted and at the same time so unnecessary. he confuses himself, but he desperately wants you. it’s only a matter of time until he comes back to you, a sad, floppy bouquet that tips to the side in his hands, and a small gift just for you. he doesn’t need to ask, because he knows you’re going to take him back.
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cevherien · 5 months
Ellie Williams, ྀི♡
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons
Along with your blood, sweat and fresh wounds.
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Warnings Yandere, Smut, Angst, Blood and Gore, Violence, Possessive Behavior, Jealousy, Vaginal Fingering, Fingerfucking, Cunnilingus, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Lesbian Sex, ww, Sapphic, Drugged Sex, Dubious Consent, Kidnapping, Verbal Humiliation, Abuse, Toxic relationship
Also, hey. Dark content. Clearly. Kidnapping and yandere business is never consensual so keep that in mind.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Before Ellie started showing her lovesick tendencies, you'd thought that she was just the type of girl to be possessive over her loved ones, like a protective dog. But the more into the relationship you got the more intense her obsession became.
Insufferably jealous and easily irritable.
During sex she started getting rougher with you, leaving more visible marks across your body with her skilled mouth. Mumbling curses under her breath about how she couldn't bare to lose you, how you were meant to be. How much you meant to her.
"Tell me you'll never leave me angel, say it." she'd urge while two fingers knuckle deep into your sweet pussy, the pussy that belongs to her and her only. Curling them to your G-spot with ease, getting you to the edge with only simple movements.
With the way she blurs your thoughts, head in the stars with the satisfaction of each stroke, you can't get yourself to respond. All that leaves your lips are moans and the occasional call for her name.
Now that just won't do.
She'd grab your chin with her free hand, fingers squeezing your cheeks with a little more force than necessary, "I said tell me, tell me how much you need me." her fingers stop their movement so you can focus on her words better. "Say you'll never leave. Promise."
That night was the first time you saw such a dangerous spark in her pupils, one that spoke volumes about what was about to come.
"I promise, Ellie."
Not like you had a choice in her eyes.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Real messy.
We all know she gets the job done, she is no rookie in the killing game. This is not something new for her, the killing atleast.
But now she has you, she swore to be more careful to not get any unwanted attention from people but it's not her fault that a pretty little thing like you attract the worst kind of pesticides. She won't even dare call them human, just filth. Filth that wants to take you away. Unacceptable. Unforgivable.
Ellie violently stabs the now completely unrecognizable corpse. Been going at it even after it died. This little piece of shit had its eyes on you. Undeserving little whore that was, thinking it had a chance.
Her angry screams fill the night along with the wet splash of blood everywhere leaving god knows how many stab wounds behind.
Ellie pulls back away, but not without spitting at it for one last time.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Never. You are her sweetheart, her lifeline. The blood that pumps in her veins, it's all for you. The breath in her lungs rushes in for you and her heart beats with the contagious love she carries for you.
But the catch is, she expects the same from you. It's only fair, no? If Ellie is to dedicate her all for you, she thinks you should be doing just the same.
She worships you, quite literally.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Anything thats for your own good, for your own safety. She knows what's best for you, always. The more you deny, the more pervasive and stubborn she'll get, leaving you no freedom left whatsoever.
But in her eyes your freedom belongs to her. Just like how you do too. Her precious baby, all for her to love on, all for her to adore.
She doesn't acknowledge or recognize your autonomy & consent in times like this, yet ask her, she'll deny rape. Afterall, aren't you her sweet girlfriend, soon to be wife, darling, angel? ,,All her's so she doesn't really need to ask.’’
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Ellie is absolutely infatuated with you. We know that, whats new?
She is truly her genuine self with you, shows you all her colors, which also -unfortunately- includes the ugly aspects. Since she loves you this much, why can't you excuse her imperfections? Love her as she is. as the monster she has become
Disinterested and rude as she may be to others, to her angel she is a saint.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Betrayed, confused and scared..? You were supposed to be by her side no matter what. No matter. You promised. Come back. Don't go. Please don't leave.
Was she too overwhelming for you? Was her love too much?
That night she makes her plans for the abduction.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
She isn't playing when it comes to you, she can't have you abandon her. Ellie genuinely believes she's better off dead without you.
Oh and don't even try your luck running away, your first few attempts were futile and she had gotten more paranoid and violent after each try, leaving you no choice but hope for someone else to come get you. But Ellie would make sure nobody even knew of you.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Probably first week of the kidnapping, just freshly captured and kept in Ellies basement for the time being, until you accept the shackles your new life, she'd be keeping you safe and sound.. or with no sound with the gags she used on you.
In her defense, you were screaming too much, tch her poor baby. You might just damage your throat and that just won't do. It's for your own well being baby, she swears.
"It hurts me more than it hurts you puppy, you know that."
The night that she drugged you, once too many times, she'd swore upon her love for you that this would be the last time. Since.. you won't be needing that no more, Ellie had planned this long before but now that it was finally happening, it felt surreal.
But hell, she couldn't keep her promise.
Why'd you have to misbehave so much? Just sit tight and enjoy your new life with her; getting used to it would take time, sure, but she had that in mind when she captured you, giving you some alone time in the basement to.. ehm, cope for a lack of a better word, cope with the loss of your old life, your freedom, your ways of living.
And soon yourself.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
After the difficult first two weeks in the basement with a fit thrown every other day, it was inevitable for your resolve to slowly crumble, shattering into in salvageable pieces like the shards of a broken wine glass; knocked, devastated, broken.
And that's exactly what she wanted, what she needed. She had too many things in mind for you: wife you up, keep you safe in her grasp. Her little doll to do whatever she desired. But planning too far ahead was never Ellies forte, you knew that. Her kidnapping you was impulsive and selfish, and she doesn't regret it one bit.
But for now, she'll just have you all by herself. Keep you naked for her viewing pleasure, her sweet insatiable eye candy you were.
Just sit pretty, thats all you had to do.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Once she feels like you finally accept her and your new life she would start taking you out occasionally, not too much though, and you can't leave her side not even for a second. Ground rules are to be followed, and thats one absolute.
And at days when she felt jealous or envious, sometimes for absolutely no reason, she'd take it out on a complete stranger she claims looked your way weird or stared at you for too long. When she doesn't have anybody else to blame she takes it out on you.
"Baby how could you do something like this to me? Betraying me and my trust like that..?" she'd spit on your face while fingers digging through the sensitive skin of your cheeks, "Is that what you are, bitch? A whore?"
"Ellie please-"
"A fucking whore that tries to seduce anyone she possibly can, and for what huh? All you need is me, don't you get it-!"
With that Ellie has her way with you for the rest of the night. Nose buried deep into your cunt, sniffing in your scent while she sobs as you are too tired to shed more tears. She'd apologize a mantra, yet your body would be too boneless tired and overstimulated to even respond. You'd only be hearing her pleading in tidbits in your state.
sorrybaby sosorrybaby imsosorry iloveyou please pleasedontleave dontleave me please dont leave
Before the usurp, before she opened your eyes as to what kind of person she truly was, before all the trauma and abuse, when you two were just an unconventionally overloving couple, she'd be constantly on your neck about how other people had their eyes on you and how she wasn't having it. You'd shrug it off with 'they don't matter to me', 'you're the only one for me Ellie.' or 'why does it matter, just ignore them'
At first she'd listen to you, but time pass, and her impulses get heavier to control leading her to murder them, or worse, torture them behind your back. And things would only escalate from there.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Like a primal fucking animal.
Groping your ass every chance she got, one hand one your waist constantly as if something or someone was going to take you away from her.
Hands exploring your inner thighs when sitting together, occasionally going in too deep and settle on top of your crouch, just lets it linger there. Arousal hits your core in times like this, guilt getting harder to swallow with how enticing her touch is, yet her hand doesn't move. Just holds it still as to tell 'this pussy belongs to me' her eyes recite the same story, 'she's mine right? my cunt.'
When she has you naked, fingers in your mound just fingerwarming your wet pussy barely moving and avoiding your clit and leaking hole, only maybe caressing your puffy wet lips if she's feeling generous. Afterall, you were but trouble at times, and she was just giving you a lesson. Patience.
She was doing much more than you deserved, with how ungrateful you were, she was convinced.
But with the way your nails would imprint on her forearms and wrists, her name falling with heavy moans as you whine for your sweet most anticipated release, she'd give in and slide two fingers in, just easily with the way you were creaming all over her palm.
And when your orgasm finally hits, you cry out with so much pent up satisfaction that it would make Ellie hurl. Music to her fucking ears.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Ellie is hardly around people, and if she is, she's stoic and serious. Really not much of a people person, not anymore atleast. The only person she needs is you, anyway. Why would she bother with incompetent fools.
The only time she's around people is when she's out on a deputy, and it doesn't take her long to come back considering she skillfully handles the missions with ease, swift and faithful with the thoughts of you at home. Home. What a foreign concept made possible by you.
But what could be said is, Ellie has an impossible to read Poker-Face. Try as they might, no use. She's a mystery to everyone but you. She shows the real Ellie to you and you only.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Sex. Ellie uses sex both as a gratification and as a punishment. It might sound dubious but really, is the least painful thing she does. Atleast on your end, it makes you feel good even for the shortest of time. Goddamn her and her masterfully talented hands and tongue.
Everytime you cum for her you feel guilty, guilty for feeling good in your situation. Guilty for liking the rape.
Guilty for starting to crave your kidnapper.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
She's certainly patient with you, as long as you don't make a fuss, she'll tolerate you quite fine.
Just.. don't try to leave her, that won't end well.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
You're not going anywhere, she's convinced herself that. Atleast not physically. You're binded to her as long as you live. But what if you die. Then what?
Then she dies too, that simple. If you were killed, she'll seek revenge and pull another Abby hunt before she commits. But more violent this time around, the second time losing someone so close, this close, and now she truly has nothing else to lose.
Her death would be quick and smooth with a revolver to her head. Not wasting any time, she wants to see you again. Maybe in an afterlife. Ellie's never been a believer, she never believed in that kind of stuff, but for you she wants to. She hopes to.
With the pull of her trigger she'd go out effortlessly. Her body going limp with a subtle smile on her lips, ready to see you once again.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Regretting kidnapping you? No way in heaven or hell, that was the best thing she'd ever done, the only right thing -she's pretty convinced - she's ever done.
But after every punishment you receive, the smallest resemblance of humanity left in her twinges. Not enough for her to stop or change her ways though. Just an uncomfortable little shiver up her spine.
She's not ever letting you go.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
All her life, Ellie's been abandoned wether they intended to leave her or not. She'd been left alone for too long, nothing was ever permanent in her life. Every thing and everyone she'd loved and cared for had turned into nothing but a figment of her memories.
... Joel was her breaking point.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
She's conflicted when it comes to this, at one hand it turns her on. She can't really explain why. ever heard of a fetish Ellie? But it also hurts her soul to see you suffer like that. And for what?
For you to get used to her that is. If then, she finds no mean in interfering with that. When it comes to that point of denying her so much that you isolate yourself for days, she knows your resolve is about to break soon.
It's just a matter of time before you fully give in.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Definitely the love and admiration she has towards you. She cherishes you so much to the point that, she would not only kill but die for you.
Do what you will with that information.
But she will certainly be hesitant with the self sacrifice route, since she doesn't want to leave you alone. What would you possibly do if she died?
Especially since she made sure to mindbrand you shamelessly.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
This goes without saying but she truly believes there is nothing more serene than having you under her touch, besides wasn't all the hussle she went through just to have you enough to prove it?
And the worship doesn't stop there, not with the murders or the sex. With her devoting everything she is to you, it's only a matter of time for you to get lost and be over consumed by her lust love.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
You're not aware but she'd been watching you left and right for years. Not making a single mistake in her ways or getting caught.
Never thought she would even end up with you at first, but when a night in the bar had you two all over eachother - definitely not because she spiked your drink, it was all for you she says - and fucking like animals all night she asked you on a date and things progressed.
You were completely oblivious to the fact that this was her plan all along. You only thought of her as a faithful encounter, a one night stand turned into your new girlfriend. But Ellie had something completely different in mind.
You have no idea how painful it is for her to be away from you, like ever. After Ellie kidnapped you, she still had to work to keep things moving. Which meant being away from home, from you.
Her being away so often left you all alone in the house, resolve broken from the emotional manipulation she'd been doing to you for so long.
In the earlier days of the abduct you had tried to escape, multiple times. But after some time -and a lot of abuse- you'd became completely dependent on her. The plan she had worked wonders, breaking your resolve and keeping you all to herself till the end of days.
Now you just wait for her arrival like a loyal little puppy. Stockholm syndrome so strong that you feel stressed and anxious when she's not around.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Her poor little innocent angel, you don't know any better now, do you? It breaks Ellie's heart to see you hurt, see you so out of it and shattered, but it had to be done.
When she first took you in and you rejected to eat or drink anything, let alone spare her a glance, it became the only option. Had to have you one way or another. Either you'd eventually submit to your new life or she'd have to get you get used to it.
Has to have you to the point of no return in which you feel the constance of time breathing down your neck everytime you're not with Ellie, not under her touch, not near her warmth. Craving her like some drug. Completely dependent on her to feel something, anything.
Then again, she'd much rather not have you go through a single bad experience with her, -that's what she promised, yet..- unless you really push it she'd be as gentle as the night sky.
Just be her sweet escape, the darling she can come back home to, her beloved. It's about time you get used to it by now.
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hayakawalove · 25 days
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Summary: Satoru stays out late one night so you're forced to punish him.
A/N: I fixed this up a bit and decided to post it to this blog! CW: Smut, Mutual Masturbation, Sub!Gojo, Readers kind of bitchy, Dom/sub, Hand Jobs, Dirty Talk, Voyeurism, Come Eating, Choking Mention, Humiliation, Praise, Gender Neutral Reader, AFAB Reader W/C: 2,138
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You hate him. 
At least that’s what you told yourself every time he came home late. You knew it wasn’t true, not in the slightest. Every fiber of your being loved him, that’s why it hurt so bad every time he failed to show. 
More often than not it was because he got caught up at work. “Being the world's strongest sorcerer keeps you busy” so he put. Everyone wanted a piece of Gojo Satoru, and you couldn’t say you blamed them. You wanted a piece too. He was your husband, but you felt like you were begging for crumbs of him all the same. 
Tonight however, he was surprisingly free from work. That didn’t mean he wasn’t busy, though. He got invited to dinner with his friends from work; all of them were celebrating Nanami’s birthday. Satoru invited you to go as well but you didn’t feel like socializing. Truth be told, you wanted him to deny his invitation as well. You knew that was selfish. 
“I’m home!” His voice bellows from the front door. 
You lay in your shared bedroom, flicking through a book. It’s one you’ve read countless times; Satoru got it for you for your birthday last year. Sure, he may have teased you for it, saying something along the lines of “my little nerd”, but that didn’t matter. 
The door clicks shut and you can practically hear him deflate. Most nights you ran up to greet him, but perhaps you were playing hard to get tonight. It wouldn’t be the first time, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. 
Satoru calls out for you, his long limbs bringing him to the bedroom. 
His body fills the doorway, his height being yet another one of his strong suits. How annoying. You really want to stay strong tonight to show your grumpiness. You fight every urge to jump up and pull him in. 
“Oh, I didn’t think you were here. You didn’t come to the door.” 
You arch a brow at him, looking over the top of your book. You weren’t even reading it. You hadn’t been for at least an hour. 
“Am I some kind of dog?” You ask flatly. 
“Last time I checked, no.” Satoru walks up to the edge of the bed. His lithe fingers grab one of your ankles, rubbing slow circles on your skin. His warmth instantly spreads over you. You want to melt into his touch and never look back. 
“Sorry I got back so late, we were at the bar.” He sounds apologetic. The tone of his voice causes you to deflate a bit, but you force your walls back up.
“You don’t even drink.” 
His bright blues flick up to your eyes. 
“No,” a grin spreads across his lips, a dangerous glint in his gaze. “Why, you want me to?” You can see his eyes shining as he speaks. 
You roll your eyes and fight back a smile, snatching your leg back up and pulling it closer to your body. He always knew how to cheer you up, but tonight you weren’t going down without a fight. 
“Oh come on baby, I said I was sorry.” One of his knees dips in the mattress, his hands splaying across the bed as he crawls over to you. Satoru almost looks comically big as he traverses the sheets on his way to you. 
“You don’t seem sorry.” You say, pressing your foot on his shoulder to keep him from advancing any further. 
“No? What do I gotta do to convince you?” His voice is muffled as he turns his head to grab your foot, pressing gentle kisses into your ankle. He may be the strongest man in the world, but he treats you like porcelain. 
One of his arms shoots out and glides across your calf, sliding up and down your skin, sending shivers barreling through you. Your body instantly reacts, heating up the second he touches you. You bite your lip and resist the temptation to pounce on him. 
“Want me to make you feel good?” Satoru asks, his eyes locking with yours. 
Damn his long arms. He can practically reach your core from where he’s at. Satoru’s hand snakes its way down to your pelvis, the warmth from the pad of his finger seeping through your pajama shorts. He gets in one swipe before you wiggle your hips backwards out of his reach. 
“Baby.” His eyebrows furrow while he pouts. 
You place your book down and slip your fingers in the band of your shorts. “You’re not allowed to touch me.” The tone of your voice is smooth as you maintain eye contact.
Satoru’s mouth drops open in retaliation while you shimmy your shorts off. You’re left only in your underwear and a sheer tank top. Your legs spread wide open while your fingers dip down, rubbing against your clit. You can’t help but let out a moan at the feeling. 
“Baby, please-“ he begs. 
Your eyes drift closed while you immerse yourself in pleasure. His pleas fall on deaf ears as you continue working yourself. You can feel the fabric getting soaked even though it had only been a couple minutes. 
Fuck, it felt good. 
You needed more, body aching to pull down your underwear. But you didn’t think he deserved to see. 
“Feels so good, Satoru.” You murmur, hand pushing your tank top up to expose your chest to him. He could at least see that much. How generous of you. 
You open your eyes while continuing to rub your clit. You can see Satoru adjusting himself, his hard cock surely painful by now. The outline of his dick bulges through his pants, making your breathing stutter. You lick your lips and drag your eyes up to his. 
“Fuck, baby. Please let me touch you.” He asks, his voice straining. 
You don’t respond, too afraid that if you do your words will betray you. You stuff your hand in your underwear, needing more contact. Your fingers slip into your pussy, two of your digits not even comparing to one of his. Strangled moans fill the room; a mixture of yours and his. You’re sure there’s a wet patch forming in his underwear by now. 
Good, let him know what it’s like to be left wanting. 
“T-Think I’m gonna cum, Satoru.” Your fingers speed up. 
Satoru’s sitting on his knees now, eyes switching between your blissed out face and your fingers between your legs. 
“Yeah?” He asks breathlessly, as if he’s getting off to this just as much as you are. Knowing him, he’s probably enjoying himself more than you. 
“Yeah, fuck, feels so good!” 
Satoru lets out a mix between a sigh and a moan. You could hardly contain yourself any longer. 
“Satoru! I’m-“ 
“Yeah baby, come on.” He was just as invested as you were, encouraging you from the sidelines. 
With a moan you cum hard, your underwear drenched. Your hazy eyes trail Satoru’s body. His breathing is labored, his long fingers splayed over his knees. 
“Take it out.” You order. 
Right as you finish your sentence, Satoru is sliding his pants and underwear off, exposing himself to you. His cock looks harder than ever, the tip angry and leaking. The sight of it nearly has your eyes rolling in the back of your head. He makes a move to slide between your legs but you stop him. You weren’t finished yet. 
“Did you already forget what I said?” You question, the words clawing at your throat as you speak. Part of you craved the feeling of him between your legs, but you knew it would be much more fun this way. 
Satoru frowns. He was clearly aching to be inside of you already. 
“What? You think you deserve to fuck me? You told me you’d be home hours ago.” 
His cock twitches at your tone. There’s a bead of precum dripping from his tip, begging to be licked up. 
“You’re mad at me?”
“Text me next time so I know that you’re at least safe.” You were concerned. Even though he was the best, that didn’t mean you didn’t care. As much as Satoru would disagree with you, he wasn’t invincible. 
He nods quickly, his eagerness wearing you down. Your body feels a bit lighter now that you’ve driven your point across. 
“Good. You still can’t fuck me though.” 
“What am I supposed to do then?” 
You think for a moment before a glorious idea pops in your head. You slide your underwear down and hold them out to him. His expression is nothing short of clueless. 
“Get yourself off with my underwear.” You say, hoping your voice doesn’t waver. Your heart pounds in excitement, the mere prospect of him desperately humping your underwear leaving you reeling.
“You heard me. Make yourself cum with these.” 
His breath hitches in his throat, his hand grabbing the fabric from your fingers. He could feel how cum soaked they were. 
“You’re cruel, baby.”
“You’re lucky that I’m letting you have anything at all, Satoru.” The second his name falls from your lips you hear him exhale hard. You catch the sight of his Adam’s apple bobbing from the corner of your eye. 
Satoru bites his lip and looks down, wrapping your underwear around his cock. It’s soaking wet from your cum, the damp fabric clinging to his tender skin. A shiver goes through Satoru’s body as soon as it makes contact. You can tell how sensitive he is from where you are. His hand starts to move up and down as he grips his cock, jerking himself off with your soiled underwear. 
“G-got so wet, can feel it- fuck, can feel it against me.” 
You could cum again from the sight of him. The world's strongest at your beck and call. 
“Want more, please let me have more.” He whimpers as his hips buck into his fist. 
“Poor baby, if only you were a good boy earlier.” You tut. 
Satoru whines, throwing his head back. His pale throat is on display for you, and it’s tempting to reach your hand out to choke him, but you refrain. The sight of him is nothing short of appetizing. His face is completely red, body shaking from how hard he’s breathing. Seeing the strongest person in the world crumble into a puddle because of you made you feel so good; you craved more. 
His hand speeds up, precum seeping into the underwear. 
“You should’ve just texted me earlier, now you have to fuck my underwear instead. How pathetic, baby.” Your voice is not your own anymore. It belongs to someone else, someone much more powerful and confident than yourself. 
Satoru’s eyes close from pleasure. A strangled whimper rips from the back of his throat, the sound making you shiver. 
“Oh no, that won’t do. Keep your eyes on me.” You instruct. 
He drags his eyes down to look at your figure laid underneath him. Your legs are spread, showcasing the strings of cum that cover your pussy and inner thighs. A sob racks his body, his shoulders begin to tremble from lust. 
“How does it feel?” Your sultry voice asks. 
“Good, so good- need more, need your pussy baby, please!” You almost feel bad at the way his voice cracks. 
“But you look so beautiful for me right now.” You coo, your fingers tracing your slit. “You’re such a mess.” 
Your eyes flick down to the clothing wrapped around his groin. You can’t see where your juices end and where his begin. Satoru continues stroking his cock, imagining your warm walls hugging him. It’s not hard enough, fast enough, tight enough. And you knew that. His hips desperately chase his hand, needing more. Even though it couldn’t compare, his high was building, bubbling in his stomach. It was so close, he could feel it. 
“Need to cum!” He shudders. 
“Gonna ruin my underwear, Satoru?” You hope he does. 
“Yes, yes, gonna ruin them, gonna ruin them just for you baby!” He winces and drops his head, eyes scrunching shut. You’ll let him off the hook for that. 
His moans fill the bedroom while he strokes frantically. You can see spurts of his cum shooting up, oozing into the fabric. His body relaxes once he stops, hissing at the way your underwear clings to him. 
“Did so well for me, baby.” Your words are hushed but full of love. You get up and sit on your knees in front of him, reaching out to stroke his cheek.
Satoru looks up at you, his fucked out expression irresistible. Poor guy, you’re only getting started. Your hand grabs at the underwear, pulling it off, and shoving it in his mouth. His eyes fly open, shock evident on his face.  
“Now, be a good boy and clean these up for me.” 
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celaenaeiln · 11 months
I literally can't take it anymore. I need to get this out of my system. This is a hate-rant about why almost every single thing Tom Taylor has written is wrong.
First and foremost is the bimbofication of Dick Grayson. Tom Taylor loves to write him like this idiot who doesn't think at all. Being cheerful does not mean being dumb.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #79
"You seem unusually contemplative"? All Dick does is contemplate!
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #3
His mind is always running!
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Nightwing (2011) Issue #13
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #38
I just picked a random issue from all of these comics and in every single one of these, Dick's planning, thinking, and strategising constantly.
Tom Taylor literally treats him like he's stupid or something.
Also the degradation of his abilities
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #79
A vigilante for 20 years. Who has faced assassins, hitmen, psychos, surprise attacks, metas, and you're telling me he didn't know that a untrained kid snuck up and stole from him?
He forgot who he was, he didn't forget where he lived! Even when he was Ric Grayson, Dick had procedural memory. His battle instincts stayed with him.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #52
"Then...I didn't even know what I was doing. I took him down--took him apart in seconds."
This man is a vigilante machine when he was amnesic. Why the heck would Dick ever let his guard down?
His robin reference
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #92
Even Bruce in Batman: Hush has said it-Dick was the best. His skills were the best of anyone he's witnessed which is one of the reasons why Bruce let him be Robin in the first place.
This scene is so wrong that there's a robin scene that came out before this in direct opposition of this Tom Taylor Shitshow.
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Robin & Batman Issue #1
This was actually pre-robin. Bruce had him do a solo-trial run to see his skill before he made him Robin and this was the result. Compare that to Tom Taylor's scene and the result is humiliating. For Taylor.
Tom Taylor's version of trying to show that Dick loves the people comes off as him hating crime-fighting. RIP the whole Robin firing drama and Nightwing birth i guess.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #79
"We could have avoided all of this if we'd just stayed in and eaten kibble."
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #3
Dick would rather die than stop crime-fighting. After Blockbuster's first attempt, his life was hanging on by a thread and he still continued crime fighting.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #91
After Blockbuster blew up his apartment, this is the single-minded determination Dick had to continue crime-fighting. This is him at one of the worst lows of his life but he refused to give up but now? He has everything and Dick wants to ignore the murder of a child to stay inside and eat kibble which - what the heck? I know he's seen as a happy character but him finding dog-food desirable is too far!
Also the idiocy of which Tom Taylor had Barbara calling the cops in Bludhaven for a stolen wallet. Newsflash! This isn't her first rodeo here.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #81
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #24
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Nightwing (2011) Issue #23
Given how Dick's easily defeated enhanced metas and "very good" fighters, him falling down the stairs is a little to absolutely impossible to believe.
Another thing I love about Dick that Tom Taylor deciminates is his grace. Dick is the most graceful person in DC. His balance easily matches Selina's enhanced cat powers.
But yet. You have.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #83
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Nightwing (2011) Issue #23
yeah. okay.
Taylor's motorbike scenes of Dick make me so mad. The boy is a pro at crazy. It's one of his best traits because he does the wildest stunts and he pulls it off.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #93
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #86
He lands on his feet. He grabbed a villain mid-air, crashed into a window, and was perfectly fine. Actually no, he's not fine because he's worried about his bike's paint job.
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Nightwing (2011) Issue #24
He just sailed over a whole crowd of people and started kicking butt like what he just did wasn't extraordinary - which for him is just another tuesday.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #95
yeah, tell 'er Dick.
He doesn't need someone to hold his bike.
One of the worst things in Taylor's run is how Blockbuster went down. It suddenly reminded me of Selina's stupid ideology which is why I think I got so ticked off.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #96
Blockbusters' thugs loyalty to him isn't a make it or break it deal. He's one of strongest criminal organisations and the knowledge that he owns one of the worst prisons that he could easily put his underlings into would've instilled fear into his thugs, not freedom. Furthermore Blockbuster takes good care of his people that don't piss him off. He teamed up with Nightwing in the scarecrow era in Nightwing (2016) because someone was messing with his people. He's extremely intelligent and superstrong, and he's not just going to be brought down by the knowledge that he owns a prison. It's Bludhaven. If he didn't, then there would be something suspicious given that he runs the city. It's the way Taylor dumbs down Bludhaven's villains that gets to me. Imagine him writing Batman (2016). It's like saying, "yeah the Joker was just a little misguided but he found the right way again after a stern talking to by Batman."
Nightwing is a big name.
When Dick first came to Bludhaven, one of the police officers was like we don't want your crazy here or something. Also Bludhaven loves Nightwing. They want him.
So why is everyone pretending like they don't know who he is?
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #90
The police, the citizens, the villains-all of them. Dick fought Brutale and beat the crap out of him way back in 1996 comic. He's a Bludhaven regular. Just because Dick forgot who he was doesn't mean anyone else forgot him. Amnesia doesn't work that way.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #54
A whole team of Nightwings were formed during Dick's amnesic period because of how badly he was needed and missed. It's almost like the Tom Taylor run is set in an alternate universe.
I ran out of image space but what the absolute fiddlesticks is up with Dick being scared to jump. It better be a manipulation tactic but at this point I think Tom Taylor doesn't even know that Dick is manipulative.
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blueicequeen19 · 1 year
Hi, my love. I’m here with a request and a spicy lil thought. Jealous!Rafe marking his territory on Fem!Reader and not holding back in the slightest. I’m talking degradation, humiliation, spit kink, choking, you name it, I want it all. I can’t wait to see what you and your beautiful brain comes up with!
Warnings: all of them - dubcon?, public humiliation, spitting, choking, dry humping, degradation, party scene
Rafe’s jaw ticks as he watches you. You know you’ve fucked up. That’s your problem. Always too nice. So when the sweet guy at the party gets too friendly, too touchy, and too in your personal space, you know your punishment will be severe just by the look on Rafe’s face. You grab Rafe’s drink and brush past the guy, making your way over to Rafe with your head down.
You offer it to Rafe but he shakes his head, glaring at you with murderous blue eyes.
“Drink it.” Rafe demands in a low voice that goes straight to your core. You gulp, eyeing the whiskey in the glass.
“Get on your knees and drink it.” Rafe bites out, widening his legs as he leans further into the chair. You look around, meeting the cocky grins of Topper and Kelc before facing Rafe again. Your knees shake as you lower yourself to the floor, your cheeks heating with humiliation. You throw back the drink, the whiskey burning all the way down your throat and into your belly.
“Good girl.” Rafe praises, making your cheeks burn brighter. He leans forward in his chair, resting on strong forearms with a devilish smirk.
“You want to act like a bitch in heat and flirt with every guy here, I’ll treat you like a dog. For the rest of the night, you’ll stay on your knees.”
“But Rafe—.”
“Does my dog need a bone? Want me to shove my cock down your throat?” Rafe taunts, raising a challenging brow at you as his friends snicker. You sit back on your heels, willing yourself to remain silent.
“That’s what I thought. Keep your mouth shut and sit there and look pretty for me.” Rafe bites out, leaning forward to untie the strings on the front of your dress to reveal your prominent cleavage. You clamp your mouth shut as he slides his hands inside the cups of the dress to give each of your breasts a squeeze.
“These are nice, baby. Let’s show everybody.” You don’t get time to object before he yanks the thin straps down your shoulders, revealing you to his friends and anyone who walks by. You fight back tears of embarrassment as they gawk at you, your nipples hardening painfully.
“What’s wrong, baby? You wanted another guys attention. Now you have all of it. Every guy here is getting to look at your beautiful tits.” Rafe says in that condescending, mocking voice of his before leaning back in his seat to stare at you. A single tear slides down your cheek but Rafe catches it with his thumb and brings it to his mouth.
“You know your tears don’t work on me. I love it when you cry.” Rafe smirks, leaning back in the chair and letting you see the massive bulge in his pants.
“Rafe.. please..”
“Crawl towards me. Ass in the air.” Rafe demands, narrowing his eyes at you in frustration. He didn’t tolerate your disobedience. You lowered yourself to trembling hands as you crawled the few feet it took to end up between his legs. The cool air reached between your thighs as you made sure to do as he said, your ass and pussy practically on display for everyone else.
You looked up at Rafe through your fake lashes as he leaned forward, gently sliding his hand into the back of your hair and tugging back.
Your lips part on their own and Rafe takes the opportunity to spit directly in your mouth onto your tongue. Someone chuckles nearby but you’re too frozen in place to move or protest. Rafe does it again and heat crawls up your neck as his warm saliva coats your tongue.
“Swallow.” Rafe says in a low warning voice that shouldn’t be sexy. You obey, humiliation by the act and how wet you were.
“Now take out my cock and suck it.”
“But—.” Your eyes dart from side to side, a party still in full swing around you but Rafe tightens his hold in your hair, making you whimper.
“Choke on my cock or get out.” Rafe spats, his handsome face morphing into an angry scowl. You didn’t want to leave and you weren’t sure if this was a test or not. Would he come after you if you refused? Or would he replace you? Another snicker comes from his friends and your face beats further with humiliation.
“You know what, I have something better. I want you to ride my boot. Get yourself off on my laces like the desperate bitch you are.” Rafe smirks. Dread fills you because some how that is worse than sucking him off in front of all these people. Now he wanted you to dry hump him.
“Rafe—I—.” His hand finds your throat, bringing you in for a quick peck on the lips that leaves you hungry for more as he slips his foot between your parted thighs. His presses the laces against your slit and you whimper, hating your bodies reaction from the slightest bit of attention he gives.
“Make me happy and I’ll reward you.” Rafe murmurs against your lips, encouraging to move on your own in search of friction from his boot. Someone curses and there’s the sound of a zipper but you refuse to look, focusing on the feel of Rafe’s lips. “That’s my girl. Show all these people what a good slut you are for me. Make them all jealous.”
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ataraxiaspainting · 6 months
Catch a Grenade.
Yan Nanami x GN Reader.
Synopsis: You should have just left that damn satchel where you found it.
Warnings: Yandere themes, kidnapping, some infantilization, humiliation/manipulation, and violence.
Word Count: 900.
Continuation of Never Let Me Down Again.
“Go.” Only one word, said so coldly yet loud enough to hear it above the stomps of Kento’s clad feet making their way down the hall. “I say this only once.”
The only reason he does not tug you is because he will surely accidentally break your wrist or your arm.
You know this from experience, all without words and all with actions.
“Since you have planned so much, you should have planned for other possibilities.” You cannot see his face because you are facing the corner of the living room, your forehead leaning against one of the walls. You cannot see his face, but you know he is furious, from the tone in his voice to the position he forced you into. He put you in the time-out corner, a corner that you have not been put into since the first month you arrived here.
The walls are a dull marigold and smell of spoiled milk. This corner also has a large white spot that is uncovered by the paint, and so you attempt to push your nose against that instead.
In what felt like months ago, you attempted to tear off the paint out of boredom. Kento was angry, but not angry enough to buy more paint to fix it.
“I do so much for you…” He says, and there is the sound of his armchair squeaking slightly. He must be sitting on it, grimacing. There isn’t any other cause to think about, not when this sound has been the only one you had heard for months, aside from Kento’s tones, the television, and your cries. Yeah. That must be it, you think. “God. What the hell were you thinking? I have work tomorrow too…”
You don’t say anything. You close your eyes and breathe in the only piece of air that does not smell so rotten. You can imagine being somewhere else, doing something else, other than being here, and being forced to stand on your tiptoes against a coat of yellow latex. Anything else.
“Answer.” He demands, and you can hear the soft sound of his right foot thumping up and down on the musty carpet floor. “Or do you want to be in more trouble than you already are?”
Out of instinct, out of a want so embedded within you, to survive, you stutter out some hardly audible words.
“You don’t have any logic in you, do you?” He sounds so disappointed, and your mind goes to the image of him having his arms crossed. “I’m right. Aren’t I?”
Your toes hurt already. But it feels like something is holding you up by your neck and forcing you to stay there. An invisible noose made of fear. An invisible weight in your chest too.
“I’m sorry, Kento…” You murmur, sniffling as tears and snot and drool run down your face.
“No, you’re not.” He refutes. You can hear him turn to another page of whatever he is reading.
“Please. I am… I am…” You repeat I am a few more times, feeling humiliated, like just an infant who doesn’t know their place.
A sigh. “Are you? Are you? How do I know you’re not lying, hmm? Again?”
Even the soft carpet underneath your toes feels like a bed of thorns at this point. Everything hurts.
“Please, Kento…! I am…! I am…!”
A whine escapes your lips, like a defeated dog sent off to rest in their crate without a treat: a dog, a mutt, a pet.
“Are you?” Another familiar sound of pages turning. You must have been here for hours at this point, so the thing he is reading must be quite long indeed.
So long.
You can imagine him rubbing his thumb and pointer finger into his brow area in frustration, disappointment, in apathy pretending to be sympathy. “You don’t appreciate what I do for you… Do you?”
You can feel a glare, and the ghost of something squeezing your neck to force more desperate words out of you. “P-Please, I’m-” 
You hear the squeak of Kento’s armchair again.
You feel hands, the same hands that always felt so strong, on your shoulders, and you are turned around with ease. He looks at you, but you don’t look at him. You look at his shirt, his work shirt, still halfway unbuttoned with his tie hanging loosely from the stained collar. You can smell his cologne, although it has almost fully faded away. You can remember tying it before he left for work this morning, he looked so happy that you were behaving so well for him.
You almost scream out thank yous, but then Kento ruins your small moment of happiness again.
“We aren’t done.” You see the book he was reading this whole time, it is thick and red and looks so heavy. The pain on your cheek came so fast that you didn’t even see it move. You stumble back, the back of your head hitting hard against the white spot on the wall. 
You were too focused on the pain, on crying even more, that you didn’t notice the book being raised again.
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soxcietyy · 11 months
Cat and Dog
Yuta x fem reader
Yuta finally decides to let you top him for once and you don’t seem to phase his at all. So he decides to be polite and show you how you truly dominate a person and have them submit to you.
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tw:sucking, slapping?, degrading, dirt talk, bitting, overstimulation, pounding, humiliation
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This was the first time Yuta has agreed to let you be dominate in bed. It was something you’ve been asking for for a while now and he simply said no. Something about it making him feel less masculine and hurting his ego. He only agreed because you told him you would stop bugging him if he did.
So now you had him in bed in a cute puppy head band and collar. He looked at you in disbelief when you approached him with such thing but let you put it on him. To make him feel less embarrassed you put on some cat ears. When he asked you why the silly costumes you patted him on the head and simply said Halloween.
"Your worrying for no reason Yuta it’s not a big deal." You said as you sat on his crotch making him grunt.
"I’m not worried, I just know your not going to get much of a reaction from me."
You quirk your brow, leaning over him. "Is that so Okkotsu?" You smile.
The both of you were already undressed so you decided to get right into it. Smashing your lips over his, you kiss him. His soft lips touching yours and his hands caressing your body. As he open his mouth your tongue slipped in just like he would do to you. He tasted like the chocolate ice cream he was eating not too long ago. His hands explored your body, rubbing his hands on anything he could reach. He loved doing this especially on cold nights where he needed to "warm up" his hands. Though what he wanted didn't matter tonight, this was all about you and what you wanted. He was supposed to be an obedient dog after all. Pushing his hands down gently you continue to savor him until you needed air.
Leaving his proximity you rest your back on the back bored. Sitting on the opposite side of you he waited for your instructions. You lift your hand up and curl your finger directing him to come to you. He does so but relatively slow. Obviously he wasn’t that into this play but maybe he’ll learn to like it.
Sitting In front of you he watched as you grab him member. Running your hands all over his cock and balls. You pump him member up and down and you couldn’t help but notice how soft it still was. You continue for a good few minutes trying to get him a hard on but nothing seemed to work. You groan internally, maybe you weren’t good at this.
"Yuta your not hard." You said looking at him.
He slowly averted his eyes away from you, suddenly finding the wall more interesting than the situation right now. "Maybe it takes a bit more to turn me on." He says with an almost panicked expression.
Grabbing him by the collar you yanked him till he was eye level with your crotch.
"Excuse me?!" He says once again baffled.
"You heard me bark if you want the treat in front of you."
"…….woof….." he said with the most straight face.
You let out another loud sigh as you let go of him. You couldn’t force your boyfriend to continue when he was clearly not into it. He slowly sat up and put his hand on your leg for comfort.
"Your just not made for it, your not that intimidating nor well you get it. You wanna see how it’s really done?" He asks.
You gave him a shrug as you sit up from your slouching position. Taking his collar off he puts it on you. He liked how it looked so much better on you than on him. Standing up he stretched his arms up before getting started.
Standing next to the bed he directed you to lay on your stomach with your head on give edge of the bed. You do so and have him towering over you like he usually does.
"Now we can role play as a puppy bullying a kitten. Also when you lick my balls you better do like a cat. Now meow for the treat in front of you." He said as he wiggled his dick in front of you.
Okay now you could see why he was awkward about barking.
"Yuta that embarra-" before you could finish your sentence you felt something hard smack your across your face. Blinking blankly you turn back to see it was his dick that smacked you. Opening your mouth to say the same sentence again you get stopped at the same syllables by the smacked with his cock.
Clearly this was payback and clearly he was going to continue this until you meowed at him. Taking a deep breath you look at him and let out a quiet meow.
"Such a good obedient kitty." He said as he lifted his dick up to shove his balls in your face. Hesitantly you stick your tongue out and lick his balls. Looking up at him for feed back, he gave you a smile of approval. You continue doing so and suck on it a few times. Playing with the sack in your mouth. You could hear some satisfying huffs coming from him until he decided to switch things up and put the tip of his cock in between your juicy lips.
"Beg for your treat"
You gulp the last of your integrity you had in you.
"Can I please have your fat cock in my mouth? I need it more than you think. I want it so ba-" not letting you finish another sentence he shoved it in. It seemed like today he was impatient. Moaning with your mouth full you hallow your cheeks while taking him. Slobbering all over his cock until it was wet. He gripped your hair pushing your head in and out of his cock. Groaning every time he pushed you all the way down to his base. The gagging and choking noises made him want to torture you more but he decided he wanted to fuck you fully aware and not air headed. Letting you go your head falls over the edge of the bed as you catch your breath.
Pushing your back on the bed fully, he wiped the drool off your face and wiped it on your soaking cunt.
"Does this kitty want to be dicked down?"
You nod as you sat back up.
"Then why doesn’t this kitty show this puppy how a cat looks like when it’s in heat?"
You mentally groan of embarrassment as you position yourself. Your knees together, your ass up in the air and your waist arching. Wiggling your behind to him, flushing of embarrassment.
You can hear him chuckle causing you to roll your eyes. He clearly saw this as a joke but didn’t care to end it.
"Alright alright I get it, you must excuse this poor puppy though because he doesn’t know how to stop when he’s told." He said as he spreads your folds.
He knew very well how to stop but he was just trying to play it off as role play.
You felt as something warm and moist slipped in you. How it moved in and out of your trembling body. How his fingers rubbed against your clit. You groaned finally being able to feel a bit of pleasure from this whole situation. You grind onto his face wanting more of the pleasure. God why was he so good with his tongue. He was going all in with the slurping, tongue fucking and clit rubbing.
You whined as you felt yourself getting closer. He knew exactly what those noises meant too so he stoped.
Standing up he put his dick in your entrance and leaned forward to look at you by pulling your hair back.
"Look at this dumb little pussy getting taunted by a puppy. Are you going to fight back or give in to me? Though I think I already knows the answer to that." He said as he smacked your went cunt. You jolt at the sudden touch.
"Okay I get it Yuta please, I can’t take your little game anymore." You say breathing heavily.
"Game? Im just trying to show you that your all mine and I’ll always be the dominant one in our relationship. I’ll do all the work and you just worry about looking pretty for me. Cant wait to fuck this kitty dumb."
He slides into you slowly stretching you out.
"Such a helpless little kitty, so dumb for agreeing to letting a puppy show you dominance. You wanna know how dogs show dominance? They ignore commands and they bite with there sharp teeth." He said fully slamming into you as he pushed your head onto the mattes.
"Iv been waiting to fuck the shit out of you since forever." He said running his hands through his hair as he went in and out of you.
You moan as he quickened his pace. Have you been riling him up unknowingly? What made him all of a sudden go off on you like that? Why was he hitting your sweet spot over and over again all of a sudden?
His dick hit deep inside of you repeatedly. The lack of air you were getting was making you light headed and the pleasure was crazy. The sloppy smacking, his groans and moans. The way he has you pinned down and the way he spoke to you had you speechless.
"Yuta slow down please it’s too much." You cry as he rammed into you. And just like that he bit into your shoulder. Not enough for it to hurt bad but enough to leave a mark and get a reaction out of you.
You let out a half cry and half moan as he dug his teeth in. He continued to drill your insides even if you attempted to crawl away. grabbing your arms he pulled it back and held your fist that had balled up the covers and continued pounding you until you saw starts.
Your mind went blank and you couldn’t figure out what was happening. All you knew was that he wasnt going to stop anytime soon and all you could do was let out a loud moans as your body twitched on its own. He still had his teeth in your skin and held you tight as if he was afraid something might take what is his. He kept penetrating you bruising your cervix. At some point it all became to much for you that you blacked out.
Next thing you knew you were waking up with Maki putting her hand over your head. There was no way that was all a dream. Looking around everything looked neat and organized. Yuta sat on the bed looking at you.
"You okay? You apparently passed out all of a sudden." Maki said looking at you concerned.
Turning around to look at Yuta, you see him looking at you with the most guilty look ever. Maybe it wasn’t a dream after all.
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tawfu · 2 years
walk ‘em like a dog
cw: sub heizou, dom reader, gn reader, pet play, exhibitionism, public humiliation, masochism (incl. physical harm), dacryphilia, shoe humping, cum eating
wc: 1.1k
Summary: You take Heizou for a stroll around town.
Heizou is quite a well known figure in Inazuma, considering he’s the biggest hotshot among detectives. But more importantly, he’s your pet, and today, you decided to take him out for a night of bonding activities.
Said pet currently sits on his knees in front of you, body bare and covered in questionable bruises and fists resting on his knees. The only thing he’d been wearing throughout the whole day was a pair of light brown dog ears, and a cute tail plug to match.
His eyes are looking up at you expectedly as he leans his head upwards to expose more of his neck to you, showing off the collar he so proudly wears in front of everyone.
You can see his eyes sparkle when you secure the leash onto his collar, the satisfying click causing Heizou to wiggle in place.
He loved the serious look in your eyes as you inspected him, letting out a sympathetic hiss as you pressed on one of the bruises littered on his collarbone, making Heizou wince in discomfort.
“You poor thing, these must hurt,” you coo condescendingly, knowing that you were the cause of each and every one of them. He nods slightly in response, shuddering at the way you smile down at him. He can recall every memory that came with those bruises.
Whether it was to mark him as your property, or to simply hurt him for your own amusement, he loved seeing the physical proof of his devotion to you.
You run your hand through his hair, letting out a sigh of contentment before getting up.
“Let’s go.”
Heizou’s fluffy tail almost looked like it was wagging in excitement as he crawled behind you, too slow for your liking, so you pulled on the leash harshly and he yelped, moving frantically to match your pace.
A short while later, you arrived in Inazuma City. The roads were fairly empty at this time in the evening, with only a few fair maidens in sight. However, it only made your pet stand out more, and he watched as they shot him judgemental looks and whispered amongst themselves, eyes widened at the unwanted display. Oh god, they definitely recognized him, didn’t they?
It humiliated him to no end, but despite the low whimpers of shame he let out in an attempt to catch your attention, you only continued to walk nonchalantly, shooting the women a friendly smile as you passed them. 
After what felt like ages, you arrived at Ogura Textiles & Kimonos, your puppy trailing behind you, head bowed in embarrassment as he tried to conceal his presence. 
“Welcome to Ogura Textiles & Kimonos. What can I do for…” the owner trails off mid sentence, eyes slowly wandering downwards when she notices the naked, leashed human by your side. It seems that Heizou’s efforts were to no avail. 
He looked up at her with a ruddy face, and he could feel himself twitch at the way she stared at him slack-jawed. He whined, rubbing his cheek on your calf, not knowing what to do now that he’s completely distracted the woman.
You look down at him, smiling once more, before grabbing his hair roughly to pull him away from you. Heizou whimpered in response, mumbling sorry’s, but it only served to irritate you further. 
You push him to the ground with your foot and as he falls to the side, you deliver a harsh kick to his stomach, causing Heizou to scream in both pain and pleasure. Yes, this is what he lived for, to be treated like he’s a puppet, to be played with, to be the dirt beneath your feet.
“Don’t you dare disrupt us again.” you spit, and Heizou keeps his eyes cast downwards as he nods, getting back on all fours silently with one arm clutching his stomach to soothe the pain as he feels his eyesight blur from tears of delicious humiliation.
He was trying his hardest to hold back now that his dick had hardened to the point of leaking, but all he could do was try to rub his legs together discreetly, anxiety pooling in his gut in fear that you would catch him, but luckily, you paid him no mind.
It didn’t do much to relieve the ache he felt, but he was glad that he could catch the precum drooling from his tip on his thighs. He could only imagine what you’d do if he dirtied the ground.
You apologized for the misbehavior and the rest of your conversation with the now mortified woman continued as normally as it could after what she had just witnessed, and finally, you left, tugging on the leash in your hand with enough force to choke your pet. The coughs he let out made you shudder in delight as you smiled to yourself.
The two of you stayed silent as you walked home, with Heizou trying his hardest to be good for you, to not make a sound as he sobbed at the way he’d been treated, and due to the excruciating pain he felt on his stomach and scraped knees. 
At last, you arrived at your doorstep, unlocking the door and leading Heizou to kneel once more in front of you as you sat yourself on the couch. Moving one of your boots closer to him, you looked at him with disgust, seeing the obvious effect your treatment towards him had, and how shamelessly he spread his legs to ensure you saw his reddened cock jump.
“Hurry up, filthy whore.”
“Yes!” he exclaimed, quickly maneuvering so that his dick rested on your shoe as he began to frantically hump it, hands moving to tug at his nipples as he cries out at the rough feeling of the cold leather on his skin. It hurts and he can barely get enough friction, but he’s so pent up that he will take anything you give him. 
You slowly move your foot away from him and he whines loudly, pleading with you with tears falling from his eyes that you keep it under his cock as he wouldn’t dare to touch it himself, and with a chuckle, you bring it back where he wants it most.
It doesn’t take very long for Heizou to finish. He looks like a lovesick puppy, hearts in his eyes and drool escaping his lips as he ruts against your shoe until it’s stained with ropes of cum.
 “O-oh… Thank you! I love you!” he yelps.
You don’t even have to speak after he gets out of his post orgasm haze, because Heizou immediately leans down, throwing a teasing look your way as he laps up the mess he made on your shoe, swallowing it loudly and sticking his tongue out to show you how well he cleaned it. 
You caress his cheek with your thumb, wiping his tears away as you praise him for his manners, and he smiles up at you as he leans into your touch.
Correction, Heizou is a lovesick puppy.
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zcorners120 · 1 year
Could you do mick x Angie new vet
yes ! good timing i picked this rec with mick blowing up lmaoo
mick schumacher x vet!reader MASTERLIST
synopsis; mick's hesitant taking his dog Angie to a new vet, but after seeing you he has nothing to be nervous about.
"Are you being serious? Okay.. Was good working with you." The dial tone clicking, Mick looked down at Angie with a frustrated face, met with Angie's head tilting to the right.
His vet, Dr Wilson just announced he had retired, his practice being passed onto someone else. It just wouldn't be the same, Angie had a good connection with him meaning that Mick didn't have to drag Angie into the office.
She jumped up attacking him with kisses making Mick stumble back a bit laughing, her warm and fluffy body hugging him.
He was a bit nervous about bringing her to someone new, she was a fairly picky dog about who she did and didn't like, and if she didn't like the new vet then boy was he in for a long time.
"Morning Mr Schumacher, if you take a seat Dr L/N will be with you in just a moment." The receptionist said with a smile.
Dr L/N, seems fairly nice so far, he sat with Angie hoping she'd like the new vet to save him some peace of mind.
"Mick?" A soft voice spoke out from a door next to reception.
He stood, holding Angie's leash as he looked up at easily the most beautiful woman he's seen.
"Hi! I'm Dr L/N and I'm presuming this is Angie?" You knelt down slightly, as Angie ran from Mick's loose grip and jumped onto you.
"Yep, this is Angie." He held his hand down to you, helping you off the floor due to Angie's excitement, to which you took the grasp of his bigger, rougher hand.
A bit embarrassed you looked down, "My office is just down here." Mick followed behind, Angie abandoning him and taking stride next to you.
You got Angie up onto the table and did some routine checks, and some basic paperwork.
"She's usually quite standoff-ish but she loves you." He spoke as you looked up from your paperwork.
"I tend to have that effect." You joked, seeing his face light up with an infectious smile.
"I'll just need your signature here, and here." You pointed, before stroking and playing a bit with Angie.
"Since you were so well behaved Angie, I've got a special treat for you!" You turned in your swivel chair, getting a dog treat.
She woofed some excited barks, tail wagging rapidly as you threw it in the air slightly, her catching it fast.
Mick stroked her head as your hands grazed, looking up at each other at the same time.
"Your next routine appointment will be in 6 months but you're free to call anytime for any concerns." You spoke to Mick, nodding his head.
He clipped Angie's leash back onto her, but his dismay, she refused to leave. Humiliating to say the least, but with you being the angel you are, you walked Mick and Angie out to help him out.
He was most definitely calling about any small concern to bring Angie in, and it looks like Angie doesn't seem to mind.
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witchofhimring · 1 month
Disloyalty (Loyalty sequel) preview
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After being killed by Alys Rivers in her first life, Y/n Tyrell is taken to the night Aemond Targaryen married another. In her first life she was a pawn first for Joan Tyrell. Now with a heart full of hate Y/n will strive to be the opposite of what she once was, loyal. She will take revenge for her slain son, and the girl she once was.
Aemond Targaryen x Tyrell Reader
Aemond Targaryen x Ellyn Baratheon
Alys x Aemond Targaryen
Jaecerion Targaryen (OC) x Reader
Warnings: Angst, heartbreak, trauma, mentions of child morality emotional turmoil, death, unrequited love?, humiliation by Ellyn Baratheon, marital abuse,marital consummation, misogamy(internalized as well as external), brief depictions of smut, morally ambiguous reader, ptsd
Extra long spoiler as a treat😘
'Y/n, Princess Ellyn has summoned you.' Pulled out of your thoughts, you saw one of Ellyn's handmaidens standing by the door. Oh, right. You were in Ellyn's service at this time. In all honesty it was a bit funny. Once she had terrorized you so, now the hatred had melted that fear. Besides, there were those you now hated more. Despite that you remembered the interaction clearly. Being imprisoned for months on end gave one time to reminisce. You had poured over every detail and thought of ways you could avenge yourself. And to your savage delight you could. She would dismiss Cerilla and have you alone tend to her. And on a table near by were nails filers. Sharp pieces of metal to style nails, or slice through skin.
In that moment a thought occurred to you. Had the handmaiden, who had now departed, seen the smile that curled upon your face she might have thought twice. G etting up you decided that yes, you would be more than happy to help. Slowly you made the walk to Ellyn's chambers. Last time you had walked slowly out of nerves. Now you did so in order for the time to be right. Your hands shook with excitement. Oh, she would regret summoning you. Whatever accusation she hurled would pale in comparison to what was about to happen. She wanted to ruin your reputation, you would destroy hers.
You enter Ellyn's bathing chambers one had to walk through her bedroom. Six ladies sat sewing or talking in low voices. Good. They would hear the scream. A few looked up and you, one or two gave greetings. No one seemed to notice you looked unnaturally gleeful. A maid opened the door and you stepped into the moist, heavily perfumed room. It was like stepping back in time, because you were. Everything was just as it was last time. Ellyn in a bath, Cerilla fussing over her hair and a maid. Cerilla gave you a nasty look. She was standing right over the water and you imagined giving Cerilla a shove, holding her underneath the waves as she struggled for breath. You would deal with Cerilla later. 'You. Get the herbs.' It was strange to see Ellyn so healthy. Jaecerion had not gotten to her yet. 'You never should have been so cruel to me.' You thought.
Nothing was said as you placed the herbs in warm water. You could feel Ellyn's cold blue eyes on you. Luxuriously she stretched out and eyed you imperiously. She had no idea what was about to happen. 'I think this suits you.' You wanted to say something. Ellyn no longer scared you as she once had. But for your plan to work everything had to go as it did last time. 'The Princess is speaking to you.' Yipped Cerilla the little lap dog. 'If the Princess whishes me to answer she may say so herself.' You heard the water splash as Ellyn got up and in a moment was out of the tub. Her nails dug into your skin just as they had last time. Back then it had hurt, but since then you had faced far worse. There were no tears in your eyes. Because you were no longer that little girl. You had always been prideful, but back then had buckled under Ellyn.
'I am the Princess, you are my lady in waiting! You are nothing compared to me.' When her grip tightened you cried out. Louder than last time so they would all heart. 'I will keep you by my side if only to further vex you. Every night I will have you wait as my husband loves me. And when I have his son you may be here to assist. Then maybe I'll send you to the Silent Sister to release you from your torment.' Cerilla and the maid left, the door slamming shut. This was so easy you wanted to laugh. Last time she had laughed, you remembered. Not this time.
'How do you know it will be a boy.' You had leaned in very closely. The whisper could only be heard by you two. A hot ugly flush crept up her cheeks. 'No laughter?' You thought. Suddenly you were thrown back against the table. Behind you could hear the clattering of nail files. 'I am simply curious, no brothers...I mean. And I have heard some men put away...deficient wives. Perhaps you, not I, will be sent to the Silent Sisters.' Ellyn's hands closed about your throat. Her thin nails scratched at the skin. 'You bitch! I will have you flayed alive!' She hissed. Suddenly Ellyn jerked back, because in your hand was the nail file. It sparkled n the sunlight. Pale, unmoving, Ellyn stood here frozen. Then she sneered. 'I am a princess. You can not harm me.' 'Oh, your right. You seized her by the arm. An insidious smile curled on your lips, shocking the princess. And then in front of Ellyn you cried out 'Please don't hurt me!' all the while smiling. You forced the nail file between thin fingers, the sharp edge pointed right towards you. 'But you can harm me'. That was when Ellyn, with horror, realized what you were about to do. But it was too late. Pointing the razor towards flesh, you stabbed.
Note: I decided you provide you guys with an extra juicy piece today! I am so so so excited and have already started on book 2. The first chapter will be up in a few months because I really want to take my time with part 2. The problem I found were continuity errors that I will need to go back and fix. The first six chapters will be written and edited before released so that I will not be rushing through. Any major edits I do will be explained. In the mean time feel free to ask any questions. You guys have honestly been amazing and made writing a true joy. Words can not describe how thankful I am. I know when you guys comment I write thing like "glad you like it" and sorry if that comes off as repetitive. It is a bit difficult to respond because I get kind of flustered with all the lovely comments you guys give me💕. I want you guys to know that I am actually very grateful.
From now to when the first chapter of book 2 comes out I will be working on editing other stories and putting out one shots. See you guys soon!
If you want to join the taglist please let me known!
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nymphoheretic · 10 months
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Synopsis: What if Kyoujuro took Akaza's offer and became a demon? He trades his mortality for the immortality of demon. But for some reason, he can't get your sweet scent out of his head. It calls him like a moth to a flame. So, much that Akaza has to bring you along.
Warnings: Black coded!Reader, slight nocon(but they back off), Dubcon, Corruption, Clawing, choking, biting/marking, spitting, knotting, oral (recieving and giving), blood play, darcyphilia, somnophilia, bondage, collaring, usage of the nickname "Pet" from Akaza, pet play, Master/slave, slut calling, humiliation, exhibitionism, dumbification, nipple play, sadism, double penetration, anal, spitroast, claiming, praise, degradation, and just overall roughness(mostly from Akaza). Let me know I missed anything!
Word count: 5.3k
Pairing: Demon!Rengoku x Slayer!fem!reader x Akaza
Tags: the rengoku girlies(gn) @bakugosbratx @renhoeku @glz-100 @herohibiscus @potofstewie @comatosebunny09 @cherryblossomsenpai @linpunny @unknownspecies @yeahitzally @taisho-era-secrets@auraee @diorsbrando @serenesaku @yandere-kou @mrsrengoku @sukunaes @novagirlxoxo @fuyuswifey @desi-the-blue-eyed-kakushi @sugardollie-907 @ruggiethethuggie @luxesiren @uronlywifey and the network @enchantedforest-network
A/N: The art in the header is a paid commission by me! Done by the amazing Nightly_uwus on Insta!
Smut under the cut! Reader discretion advised!
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Akaza turned to you, still holding your jacket closed with one hand as the other searched for something you could fend them off with. A sadistic smile curled at his lips as he approached you. He knelt down on the balls of his feet and peered at your face. “I said a collar.” He said simply as he reached out, his fingertips stopping just short of touching your throat. His shortened nails grew into long talons as his smile widened. “Unless you want to become a Demon, pet?”
You glared at the pink-haired demon as you grit your teeth. You did not want to be collared like a dog, but you refused to become a demon. You lowered your head as your face flushed hot. You were going to be treated like an animal by this demon. Your fist clenched tighter in the fabric of your jacket as you felt his cold fingers glide over your throat as he wrapped something around it.
“There.” Akaza smirked as he placed with the little pink tassel that now hung from her neck. He used one of the tassels that hung from the rope around his waist. ``That should do until a proper collar can be made.” He glanced over at Kyoujuro, who had calmed down, the flames that had surrounded him dissipating before checking the sunlight that still filtered from beneath the door. “Ah....” he whined out, tossing his hands out. “I’m so bored since the sun is up.” He looked back down at his newest little pet. “You should probably get some rest, Pet. We have a long night ahead of us.”
For some reason you did not like the way Akaza said that. You clenched your jacket tighter as you glared at the two demons, your eyes softening a bit when they landed on Kyoujuro. You still loved him despite him betraying everyone. Betraying his family, leaving Senjuro behind, leaving Tanjirou, Zenitsu, and Inosuke without a mentor like Kyoujuro had promised, and finally for forgetting about the years of love you had shared. Now Kyoujuro was a demon with a vague sense that he knew you, but why just you? You scooched over to a corner of the shack and leaned your head against it all while keeping your eyes on them. “I’m not tired. The last time I slept, I was woken up quite rudely.”
Your mind replayed what had happened when you finally regained consciousness. Kyoujuro nestled between your thighs, his hot tongue lapping at your folds, suckling on your clit as Akaza was fondling your breasts, his own wet muscle tracing over your nipples, and having his long thick fingers shoved so deeply down your throat.
 You clicked your tongue as you could still taste the pads of his fingers. Your face ran hot as thoughts of Akaza’s mouth on your breasts again while his fingers slowly worked in and out of your mouth flashed across your eyes. You shook your  head to try to get rid of the image, but it lingered like the taste in your mouth.
Kyoujuro glanced over at you and wounded why he was greatly attacted to you. While he swore that he would not touch you again until you did not fear him anymore, a part of him demanded that he lay claim on what belonged to him. You were his and that he could touch you as much as he so desired.
And while you gave him a frightened look, Kyoujuro could not help but to thnk that the fear was not because of him, but Akaza. He just had to know. Waking over to you, the newly turned demon kneeled down to eye level with you. “Are you afraid of me?”
You took your eyes off of Akaza to look at Kyoujuro and fought off the urge to blush. He was still so very handsome even if he had become your sworn enemy. “Afraid? No. Angry and hurt? Yes.” you answered evenly, your eyes staring into his flame colored orbs. You could never be afraid of him. He was and still is your one and only love. You loved him so much that it hurts. Yo clenched your fists tighter into the material of your top as you glared at him. “Why?”
“Why? He repeated. Kyoujuro thought about your question, his claws coming up to rest against his chin. “What do you mean, Why?”
“Why did you betray everyone and become a demon, Kyoujuro!” you screamed, your eyes burning with fresh tears. “You betrayed Tanjirou, Zenistu, and Inosuke and left them without a mentor and with the burden of having to slay you one day. You left sweet Senjurou without his beloved older brother.” Tears threatened to fall and run down your face as you continued your rant. 
Kyoujuro had so many people that looked up to him and for him to go and betray everyone like this was unacceptable. “You left Mitsuri and the others behind without a comrade! The master will be so hurt to learn that one of his Hashira turned into a demon.” your tears broke through the barrier that held them back and fell down your cheeks. “How could you be so willing to forget about me and the love we shared?”
The blond demon felt conflcition in his non-beating heart. Love? He was in love with you? That would make sense as to why he felt so drawn to you. Kyoujuro felt an intense need to gather your small crying frame in his arms. Slowly, not to startle you, the new demon wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you to his chest. 
He placed one hand against the small of your back and the other petted your head gently. Kyoujuro felt the overwhelming need to apologize to you. For some reason he did not like seeing the tears in your beautiful eyes. 
You flinched when Kyoujuro suddenly pulled you into his arms, but quickly melted into the familiar embrace. While it felt slightly different due to his new demonic strength, your body knew that it was Kyoujuro’s arms that you were  in. You wrapped your arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder. It felt so good to be comforted by him like he used to whenever you were feeling emotional. “Kyou..why did you leave me?” you asked as you pulled away to look into his glowing eyes.
Akaza sat back on his haunches as he watched the two of you and felt an odd feeling in his chest. For some reason, he wanted to snatch you out of Kyoujuro’s arms, to lick away the sad salty tears that trailed down your face and replace them with fresh tears of pleasure.
 He did not want to coddle you or say words of praise to you. He wanted to make you cry, to fuck yo until you were a literal sobbing mess under him. The pink-haired demon flared his aura slightly, concentrating on the pink tassel that hung from your neck. “Come here, Pet.”
Your back straightened as the tassel around your neck began to heat up. What was going on? Why did you feel a sudden need to go to Akaza? You were finally about to get some answers from Kyoujuro, now this damned collar was acting up. You tried to grab it, but it burned your fingertips. 
“Ow!” you yelped, blowing your hand. You glanced over at Akaza from Kyoujuro’s shoulder and saw him beckoning for you. You shook your head and clung to the blond.  You felt more safe with him than Akaza. “No...” you tried to ignore the burning sensation the tassel caused.
“Come to me, my pet.” Akaza cooed as he crooked a finger at you. “Your master wishes to comfort you.” He used his words carefully as Kyoujuro was still very protective of you. If his creation sensed that he was planning on making you cry for an entirely different reason, Akaza did not want to think about that. He flared his aura a bit more, causing the tassel to glow a luminous red. “Come here.” He commanded with a sly smile. “I won’t hurt you.”
Kyoujuro looked a bit confused. Why was it everytime you got too close to him and asked him of his past did Akaza interfere? Biting his thumb with his fang, he quickly squeezed out a drop of blood and touched the tassel. He then flared his own aura, overwhelming Akaza’s control. “Stay where you are, Fireball.” The nickname flowed off his tongue easily, almost too naturally. He then turned to a confused Akaza. “I want to know more about her, Akaza. Stop interrupting me.”
Akaza bit his lip. What would happen if he let Kyoujuro talk to you and he somehow regained his memories? This would be Tamayo all over again if that were to happen. But if he would come between Kyoujuro and you now, a fight would surely break out and they would end up destroying their shelter from the sun’s harsh rays. 
Relaxing his stance, Akaza backed down. He had to hope that the amount of blood he’d given Kyoujuro would be strong enough. He shrugged his shoulders, “Do what you want. I’m going to sleep.” Akaza then moved back over the opposite wall and laid down on his side. “Wake me when the moon is up, Kyoujuro.”
You sighed as the burning sensation finally subsided and you touched the soft pink tassel. Your face still felt sticky from your tears drying, but you looked back over to Kyoujuro, who was still in a rather protective stance. “Thank you.”
Kyoujuro glanced over to you, eyeing your shirt that now hung slightly open now that your hand was not clenched tightly in the material. “I didn't do it to save you. I have questions that only you can answer.” He reached out and grabbed you by the arm and moved back over to the further end of the hut. Removing the flame haori from around his shoulders, the demon handed it to you. “Here. Cover up with this.”
You took the haori from him, his warm scent still clinging to the fabric. Tears swelled in your eyes again. Kyoujuro had often lent you his haori on cold winter nights when you cuddled under the stars before making sweet love. You held back the tears and wrapped your body in his cloak before looking at him. 
“I’ll answer your questions if you answer mine.” you said, staring into those beautiful glowing eyes of his. Eyes you could still get lost in just by gazing deeply in them. You started to feel that familiar heat in your belly the longer you stared into his eyes. You broke eye contact briefly before his hand shot out and grabbed you by the chin.
“Do not look away from me.” He said softly. “I agree to your terms.” His thumb rested on your plush bottom lip and he struggled with the urge to stroke it and to pull you into a passionate kiss that would leave you breathless and panting for more. “I feel so drawn to you. Your scent calls to me and it makes it so hard to not strip you down and devour you and not in the demon sense.” He smirked slightly, causing your face to warm with a blush. “Akaza says that it's because we must have been lovers when I was human. Is it the truth, little one?”
Your heart thumped painfully in your chest when Kyoujuro called you by that name. It was the name he always called you when he was buried deep within your walls because you were so small in his arms. Your face heated further as your eyes darted to his lips before flickering back to his eyes. 
“Yes, we were to be married. You’ve been courting me for nearly a year now.” you watched as the blond nodded his head, seeming to accept your answer. That ball of heat in your belly grew when he released your chin and trailed the tips of his fingers down the side of your neck. You swallowed thickly, “Is that all you want to know?”
Kyoujuro looked down at you, your scent becoming intoxicatingly sweeter the more his fingers traced over your skin. So it was not him that frightened you. He aroused you. “I will answer your query before asking another.” he said simply. His eyes never left your face, zeroing in on your perfect, cute mouth. He wanted to kiss you so badly that his jaw ached from him clenching so tightly.
You fidgeted with your fingers as you stared into his eyes. You noticed how they were downcast slightly, looking at your mouth.  “Uhm...” you started, your tongue coming out to wet your lips. You watched how his eyes followed your pink muscle as if he was mesmerized by it. You glanced over to the spot where Akaza lay and saw that he was indeed sleeping, his hand scratching his stomach as he snored. “Why? Why did you become a demon?”
Kyoujuro snapped his eyes back up to your face, pupils dilating as your question reached his ears. “You want to know why?” His lips curled up into a smile as he moved in closer to you, his hand coming up to wrap around yourneck. “I just didn’t want to die. Why should I have to give up my life and die for the demon corps? I was going to die.”
Tears began to swell in your eyes as you grabbed at his arm. “You said to die as a human is one of the most beautiful things!” you yelled. “That’s what you said! You said you would never become a demon! Why? Why did you betray my trust in you? Why did you betray Tanjirou, Inosuke,and Zenistu! Why did you betray the Demon Corps and the Master?” you bit your lip and blinked hard to keep the tears away as your voice started to get a bit more loud. “Why did you betray Senjuro, your beloved little brother!”
His hand tightened around your throat as Kyoujuro pulled you in closer to him. His eyes burned into yours as he growled. “I don’t know what you are talking about. I only want to know about you and why you have such a spell on me.” His words came out a bit harsher than he wanted, but his demon blood was starting to boil and those tears in your eyes were making him feel sick to his stomach. 
“No more questions.” Kyoujuro whispered, his nostrils flaring to take in more of your intoxicating scent. Even with his hand wrapped so tightly around your neck, you did not fear him. It actually aroused you even more.
You knew you should be scared, angry and definitely not attracted to this demon, but it was your Kyou. He still looked like your Kyou. Your body still remembers his touch. Even with his hand around your neck, he’s still being so gentle with you. You could not stop yourself. 
Your hand slid up his arms until your fingers wrapped around his biceps and your other hand came to rest on his cheek. “Kyou...” you whispered softly. “I...I’m sorry.” you did not know what else to say. You knew you should hate him now. He was a demon, a pawn to Muzan. “What else do you want to ask me?”
The blonde demon stared into those enchanting eyes of yours, the longer he stared the more he wanted you. He wanted to see those eyes of yours with tears of pleasure, not pain. He softened his grip around your neck until he moved his hand up to caress your cheek. “You’re so beautiful, little one.” Kyoujuro purred, staring into your eyes. His thumb rested on your bottom lip, stroking it softly as he slowly began to lean in.
You should have turned away, pushed him away. But instead, you followed his lead and leaned in closer. You could feel his cool breath on your lips. You let out a soft moan when his mouth slanted over yours as his other hand came up to grab your face. You slowly wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to pull him in close to your heated body. You wanted him when he was human and you still wanted him as a demon. Your heart only saw him as your Kyoujuro. Slowly, you pushed your tongue out and parted his lips. You needed him so badly. “Kyou...” you whined before his tongue slid into your mouth.
Kyoujuro tilted your head back, deepening the kiss as he slowly moved one hand from your face to stroke the exposed skin of your neck and collarbone. He curled his tongue around yours and sucked it into his mouth, drawing another sweet sounding moan from you. 
Gods, they were like music to his ears. He slowly moved his cloak off of your shoulders, taking your black demon slayer corp jacket with it. He pulled away from your delectable lips to look at your body. “You’re so fucking beautiful, little one.”
Your face heated with embarrassment and you tried to cover my chest with your arms, but he caught them in one hand and held them above your head. The look in his eye told you that your actions displeased him. His other hand trailed down the side of your neck to your chest, the tips of his claws ghosting over your skin softly. You bit back a moan when he twisted a nipple, tugging it slightly. “Shit...” you panted.
The blond leaned in and licked a wet stripe down the side of your neck, following the path his fingers just made. He stopped just before his tongue could circle over your sensitive bud and he looked up at your face. “If I continue, you are mine. Understand?” He watched as you nodded your head before biting your lip in anticipation. “That also means that Akaza will have you too.”
You were briefly reminded of the pink tassel that hung from your neck. Your temporary collar that bound you to not only Kyoujuro but the sleeping demon across the room form you. While a part of you wanted to rebel and deny that the pink haired man had any claim over you. A part of you, a carnal lust, wanted him. And wanted him badly. Despite the fact that you just had Kyou’s tongue in your mouth, you could still taste Akaza’s thick fingers on your tongue. The bitter, slightly metallic taste of blood that clung to his skin was heavy on your tastebuds. “Yes. I belong to you and Akaza.”
No sooner than those words left your lips, Kyoujuro ran his long tongue over your nipple, closing his lips over it. He played and tugged on the other one with his free hand, drawing more of those moans from you. His tongue lavished your breast, circling the tip with his fangs before using the tip of his tongue to toy and flick at it. He felt you pulling at your wrists, wanting them to be freed of his grip and he let you, groaning when you immediately tugged at his hair. His pupils narrowed into slits as he looked up at you, “Do that again. I liked that.”
You nodded your head. He was still your Kyoujuro. Kyoujuro loved having his hair pulled during sex and you were happy that he still remembered it. “Ahh~” you let out a loud moan when his fingers ghosted over the sensitive spot down the center of your back, claws trailing over your skin. 
Kyoujuro smirked at you as he laid you down on his hashira cloak and that brought a tear to your eye as it reminded you of how he would do that when the two of you would make love outside under the stars. “You’re still my Kyou. Still so gentle.”
The demon looked down at you, his head tilted before a slow smile spread over his lips. “I am not the Kyoujuro you fell in love with, human.” His fingers came up and twisted your nipple roughly as his mouth fell against your neck, fangs scraping the flesh there. Your sudden shocked and pained moans drove him to keep moving. His other hand skimmed down your body until it cupped the heat between your thighs.
 He could still feel the dampness from your previous orgasm not too long ago and smeared the stickiness over your pussy lips. “Remember that I am a demon. I am not a gentle lover. I wish to see your face covered in tears of pleasure and pain that only I can provide. He used two fingers to spread your lips and pressed his thumb against your clit roughly.
Moans were torn from your throat as Kyoujuro rubbed harsh circles over your sensitive nerve. You tried to grab his wrist, but the look he gave you was a warning enough. If you tried to stop him,he could bind your arms and you would be at his mercy. You gasped when a finger slid over your hole before easing inside.
 “Ahn~'' your mouth dropped open in a pant and your back arched off the silk of the flame hashira cloak, fingers clenching into the fabric. His claw grazed ever so slightly over your clit, making you jolt even further off the floor.
Kyoujuro watched you slowly come undone by just his touch. He could feel his cock swelling in his pants, begging to be buried deep with these soft, velvety folds his finger was occupying. He leaned down and scraped his fings over your breasts before sucking a nipple back into his hot mouth, pressing it against the roof with his tongue. 
“Moan more for me, dear one.” The sweet nickanmes seemed to flow off his tongue naturally betrtaying the rough treatment he was doing to your body. He sped up his thrusting finger, drilling into your opening at such a speed you were creaming over it within seconds.
Tears began collecting in your eyes as your body began to come undone to this demon’s touch. Your cunt was gushing from the intensity of just a single finger within you. The loud squelching sounds echoing in the small area of the hut.  You were sure that Akaza would hear them, but when you managed to focus my eyes on his prone form, it looked like he was still asleep.
You let out another sobbing moan as another orgasm crashed over your body as Kyoujruo finally added a second finger, never stopping the vigorous pace he set. Your pussy clenched around his digits as slick coated them aiding in their pumping in and out. The tears broke free and streamed down your face when his thumb rubbed hard, rough circles over your clit as his fangs scraped over your nipple.
The demon pulled away from your breasts when he smelled your tears flowing down your face. He could not stop himself from admiring them as they fell. His tongue slipped out and Kyoujuro licked at the trails on your cheeks. The blond was hooked on the taste of your tears, but he wanted to taste something else. Something much sweeter than these tears. 
He licked a trailed down the side of your neck, nibbling slightly at the flesh there before moving lower down your body. His tongue flattened when he reached your stomach, dipping into your belly button. 
You felt your body jolt as Kyoujuro traced the tip of his hot tongue down the length of your body. You shivered in anticipation as his fingers slowed, his hot breath fanning out over your dripping cunt. You could still remember the feeling of his tongue on you from earlier, the intense orgasm he had brought you to. “Please...Kyou...” you whined when he removed his fingers to spread your lips even further.
He stared down at your glistening pussy, admiring how pretty it looked, all shiny with slick. He used his other hand to slide up your slit, collecting some of the slimy fluid on the tips of his claws. Kyoujuro pulled his hand away, watching your honey slide down his fingers as he spread them apart. “Just look at how drenched you are for me.” He placed his fingers in his mouth, sucking your juices off. “So sweet, It’s addicting.” The blond demon quickly settled between your thighs, spreading them further apart and licked a wet sloppy line down the center of your aching pussy.
Your back arched off the ground as your hands flew to his hair, tugging and pushing him even closer. Your voice came out in a series of moans of his name in broken bits as his tongue flicked across your clit before he closed his lips over the sensitive flesh. “Ah ah ah~'' It felt like hours that he was down there, long tongue lapping at your honeyed center, two thick fingers pushed so deeply inside and reahcing parts of you that only he could reach. Your body remembered each and every touch, even if it was more rough and faster paced.
Kyoujuro curled his fingers, rubbing against the spongy spot within you that would have you writhing against his tongue. He wanted to taste you again. You were so sweet and he wanted to have your oragsm on his tongue again. “Cum for me, baby girl. Cum on my tongue.” He dipped his tongue in your quivering hole, spreading it apart with his fingers and sucked. 
Your back arched off the ground once last time before your oragam hit hard, spraying out on his face and chest. Kyoujuro gredily drunk all you had to offer, his tongue lapping up every drop. He pulled away after placing a slow kiss to your dewy center and wiped at his chin. 
You panted harshly to try and catch your breath. That was the best orgasm you ever experienced. It was much better than any of the times you were with Kyoujuro when he was human. You struggled to focus your eyes on the demon between your legs as you felt him slide up your body. Your mouth dropped open in a loud gasp when the large, bulbous head of his cock brushed against your hole, teasing it. “Kyou...I...” you were silenced by a single clawed finger as he stared down into your eyes, his expression strained with barely concealed lust.
“I am going to take you now and there is nothing you can say or do to stop me.” Kyoujuro pushed his pants further down his hips and rubbed the thick tip against you again. He slowly began to push inside you, groaning at the feeling of your soft, velvety walls stretching to accommodate his size. His claws tore into the floorboards when your hands gripped his shoulders, crying out from the pain and pleasure. “Fuck....my cute little Fireball...” He groaned out, sinking in a little more.
Yor hands grabbed at his shoulders as he sunk his thick length in. His cock was so much bigger than what you remembered. It was too much. You could not take all of it. You’d break. “Kyoujuro, s’too much. M’gunna break.”You whined, feeling your hole stretch to take him in more and feeling every single inch. The burn in your cunt brought tears back to your eyes as you pleaded for him to take it out once more, but you were ignored. The throbbing soon was replaced by the most delicious of frictions. “Fuuck...” you babbled, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
Kyoujuro snapped his hips, bottoming out within you and held still when your nails ripped down his back. It took every fiber of his being to not disregard your feeble human body and just pound into you and bruising up your insides like the demon he was. “You’re so tight.” He groaned out as his hands went to wrap around your waist, his torso hovering over you. “So tight and all for me.” He pulled out until only the thick, bulbous head was barely inside before pushing it all back in, your slick walls gripping him tightly. “I’m going to fuck you now. Okay, pretty girl?”
You barely nodded before his cock started rocking in and out of your body. You clung to Kyoujuro as your orgasm was approaching rather quickly. Too quickly. Why were you  going to cum so soon? He’d just started. Why was your body so sensitive? “Ah~ Kyou...” you moaned out, wrapping your legs tighter around his waist.  
You let out a whine when he grabbed your thighs, pulling your legs from around him and pushed them back against your chest. From this angle, you could see his cock sliding in and out of your clenching hole, your honey coating it more with each thrust. There was a ring of cream forming around the base of his dick and your face heated even more as you tried to cover your face. You were letting a demon have his way with you, letting him make your pussy cream on his cock.
He noticed that you were trying to cover your face with your hands. The blond quickly let go of your thighs and grabbed your hands away from your face and placed them in the crook of your knees. “Hold them. If you let go, I will ruin your next orgasm.” 
At her nod, Kyoujuro then pressed two fingers against your lips, pushing them inside your mouth to grab your tongue. “Such an obedient girl.” He angled his hips, the tip of his cock pressing against the spongy spot deep within you. Kyoujuro removed his fingers, now slick with your saliva, and rubbed them against your puffy, swollen clit. 
Strings of curses left your, now, hoarse throat. Yor could feel someone other than Kyoujuro looking at you and you turned to where you felt the gaze. Akaza was staring at you with an amused expression on his face. 
You wanted to bury your face in my hands again, but you were so close to your next orgasm and Kyoujuro threatened to ruin it if you moved your hands from their place of holding yor legs up. The demon leaned down and grunted in yourear, his thrusts becoming more sporadic. It was then I felt it. A swollen knot that had formed on the base of his cock. “Kyou! No! That won’t fit!” 
Kyoujuro leaned down, his forehead pressed against yours as he dropped sweet kisses to your lips. “Yes, it will. Trust me.” He slowly pushed inside, stretching you out even further to accommodate his knot. He was so close. You were so wet for him. “Just breathe, love.”  
He felt you clench down even tighter on his cock when he called you that, causing him to whine. He could sense that Akaza was awake and watching him fuck his knot into you, but he could not bring himself to care. Let Akaza watch as he takes you for his own. The thought of being watched made his dick twtich.
The stretch to fit Kyoujuro’s knot was painfully, but the aid of his fingers rubbing quick circles over your clit and his sweet sloppy kisses distracted you as he pushed it inside. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head when the thick end finally went inside. “F-feels s’good.” I cried out.
“She looks so fucked out and dumb on your cock, Kyoujuro.” Akaza’s voice echoed through the small room. He glanced at the thin crack under the door and saw the fading sunlight. A smirk crossed his lips as he rose to his feet. “Time to see just how fucked out I can make her.”
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cantstoplovingjude · 3 months
Maid for Your Command - Jude's Commands
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This is from Ikemen Villains EN, Cybird owns everything.
Jude: "So lemme get this straight. Some bloke ya barely know says 'Be a maid' and you go 'Yessir, right away, sir!'?"
Jude: "That the kinda thing ya into, huh?"
Kate: "That's not what happened!"
I let out a frustrated sigh as I argued with Jude yet again.
It all started as I was accompanying him on a mission as Fairytale Keeper.
A woman who appeared to be a maid accidentally bumped into me and dropped the clothes she was carrying.
The man beside her looked to be her master and tried whipping her right there and then.
I immediately intervened to protect her, only for Jude to get irritated with the "negotiations" that took place between us.
Kate: "I thought it would be better to help her with the laundry, rather than let her get abused."
Jude: "Real impressed by your integrity, I truly am."
Jude: "But there's no guarantee all ya gotta do is wash it 'n be done."
Kate: "I know there's no way to confirm that, but still..."
Her master has said, "If you want to protect her, then be my maid in her place and wash my dirty clothes."
But then he saw Jude before I could say a word, and all the color drained from his face. And then he just ran off somewhere.
Kate: "At least I'm not such a terrible person that I scare people off with just a glance at my face."
Jude: "Yeah, 'cept thanks to that 'terrible person' ya don't gotta play maid no more, do ya?"
Kate: "Well-"
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Jude: "Shouldn't ya be returnin' me the favor?"
My body froze as if it were a reflex.
I already knew what owing Jude a favor meant, and it wasn't pretty.
(But I can't deny that him being there helped me out...)
Kate: "I'll treat you to lunch in order to say thank you."
Jude: "Nah, don't want that."
He flatly refused and stared at me with the eyes of a predator.
Jude: "Let's see, what should ya owe me..."
A cruel, cold smile spread across his face.
Jude: "How 'bout ya pay me back by bein' my maid, huh? If ya can do it for a stranger, ya can do it for me, can't ya?"
Jude: "Ya ever hear of a contract of obedience?"
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Jude: "Huh? Can't hear ya. Say it again, louder this time."
I tried to gather up my voice, but every time I opened my mouth to speak, the words came out shaking.
Jude: "Next time if ya talk too quietly, I'll shove a rag in your useless mouth. C'mon now, speak up."
Jude had taken me to one of his company warehouses.
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And I stood there trembling with anger at his humiliating order.
Kate: "...I pledge obedience to my master."
Jude: "Sit."
Kate: "...Excuse me?"
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Jude: "What the hell happened to obedience, huh? I said, sit!"
I gritted my teeth as I obeyed Jude's ridiculous order while he crossed his arms and leaned against a packing box.
The floor of the warehouse was so cold it made me shiver.
Kate: "You're not treating me like a maid. You're treating me like a dog."
Jude: "If ya listen to every command I give ya, what's the difference?"
He stood up and stepped on the hem of my dress with his stylish black shoes.
(How am I supposed to stand up now?)
As I watched him looming over me, my heart started pounding even louder.
(Who knows what he might do if I don't fulfill my debt to him...)
(I don't know if I want to find out what else that twisted mind of his could come up with.)
Jude: "How 'bout I strip those annoyin' clothes off ya, slap a collar round your neck 'n take ya for a walk?"
Kate: "Absolutely not!"
Jude: "Did I ask the dog to talk back to her master?"
Jude: "Apparently, ya got no intention of obeyin' me, so I guess ya don't need that mouth after all."
He reached out and tried to cover my mouth with his large hand, but I jerked back and hurriedly apologized.
Kate: "A-all right, I'm sorry! I apologize for being careless!"
Jude: "Oh yeah? Prove it. Get on your hands 'n knees and bark. Then I'll forgive ya."
Blood rushed to my face when I heard his command.
I started to protest instinctively, but then quickly shut my mouth.
(...I might as well just do it. Make him happy, and get out of this situation as quickly as I can.)
I glared at Jude, getting down on my hands and knees like he said.
Kate: "...W-woof."
Jude: "So vicious. Looks like you're 'bout to tear your master to pieces!"
Jude: "And look at those rebellious eyes of yours. Hah, yeah, I like that."
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Kate: "Wha-?!"
Jude: "Wasn't intendin' on playin' with a lil bird like ya, but..."
Jude: "Now I wanna know what you'd look like when ya scream 'n cry for me."
Kate: "...Ah?!"
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He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet, then roughly pushed me up against the wall.
He pinned my arms to the wall, his grip so trong I couldn't fight back.
Kate: "Let me go! ...Ah!"
I struggled in vain as he wedged his knee between my legs, then my body began to tremble as a strange heat rushed through me.
(He's got to be kidding... He can't be serious!)
Jude: "Hmm..."
I couldn't read the expression on his face as he stared at me coldly.
Kate: "Ahh, J-Jude...!"
As I shifted, his knee rubbed against the sweet spot between my legs and a thrilling, throbbing sensation overtook me.
My mind was a mess of fear, frustration, shame, and... pleasure.
Jude: "What're ya gettin' so excited 'bout, huh? I'm not doin' nothin'."
Kate: "Please move... your leg."
Jude: "Ya could get fired for tryin' to do somethin' that indecent with your master's body, ya know that?"
Kate: "I am not!"
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Jude: "How 'bout I leave ya here all alone as punishment then?"
(Oh, to hell with it. He is the absolute worst!)
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I wanted to say that to him, but the sound of his whisper against my ear sent another shiver down my spine.
I desperately tried to stand my ground, but my legs began to tremble and grow weak.
Jude: "What would ya do if ya saw another woman bein' treated the way ya are right now, right in front of ya, huh?"
Kate: "What? I-I'd call for help, of course!"
Jude: "Tch. You're a right idiot, ya know that?"
Right now, he looked more angry than mocking.
Jude: "You're supposed to ignore it. Haven't learned your lesson one bit, have ya?"
Kate: "Ahh...!"
Now his leg which had pressed me against the wall started rubbing against me with purpose.
The hot, grinding stimulation I felt between my legs was too much to bear and I couldn't help but moan.
(I-I didn't mean to make that noise...)
Jude: "Ya really think ya can 'help' anyone with that tiny, weak body of yours?"
I flushed with embarrassment as he immediately released me.
Jude: "If you're gonna follow me 'round, ya gotta ditch all the niceties 'n goodwill."
(He really is... something else entirely.)
Jude: "Or if ya don't wanna get tossed aside, then forget the damn mission 'n go back to sleep in your castle, princess."
I bit my lip, trying to calm my breathing.
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(Even if that was his way of warning me, he could've done it in a different way.)
(And I'm not going to stop being kind to people. But I don't want to give up on my mission, either.)
(Besides, why is he trying to make me learn a lesson by being so malicious, anyway?)
(I wish I could understand his way of doing things better.)
I took a deep breath and stared at him.
Kate: "I refuse both."
Jude: "...Hah, should've stuffed your mouth shut, after all."
He gave me a very displeased look and then sauntered out of the warehouse.
And I still chased after him, dragging along my throbbing knees and aching body...
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zarasu · 1 year
What I think about Bingge
So, funny story: I did not start out liking Bingge. I doubt most people do. The first thoughts I had about him were "Damn, boy's fucked up" and "Who starts ripping off limbs without even asking questions first?" He seemed more like the final boss of a horror game than a fleshed-out character.
Then I finished the book and went "Ehh do I wanna read the extras?" Tbh, I skimmed a lot of them but the Bingge vs Bingmei one was one of the few I fully read, just because the premise sounded interesting.
And it was interesting alright, to see Bingge do something else than torturing people and ripping off arms. But none of it really made my brain light up until that little scene where Bingge watches Shen Qingqiu fuss over Bingmei. Then he asks him to come with him, to choose him, and Shen Qingqiu says no. Bingge returns to his own world, sad and alone.
"Well, sucks to be you," I thought, and "lol, I sure hope that doesn't awaken anything in me."
Two weeks later, I found myself lying in bed, thinking about Bingge with a single tear rolling down my cheek.
I really shouldn't be sad for him, I told myself. He has a big harem full of hot women to tell him how great he is all day. If he's not happy, then it's really his own fault.
But what if he's more the monogamous type, my heart wailed back. Or what if he's too fucked up to let anyone love him??
Ugh, alright, I gave in. Let's think about him then.
So, Bingge is a power fantasy made for incels. But even Bingge was Bunhe once. He shares a past with Bingmei and they are, at their core, the same person. And if you can say one thing about Bunhe, it's that he really has an undying hopeful streak. Sure, when Shen Yuan transmigrated, it took him a while to gain Bunhe's trust. But even after all the beatings and insults and humiliation, he did gain it.
Bunhe gave him his trust because he desperately wants Shen Qingqiu to love him. And, if not love him, at least like him. And if not that, then at least not hate him. When Shen Qingqiu actually showed notions of doing just that, loving him, he was all over that like a dog getting a treat and a head pat for the first time in his life.
But Bingge never got that. He hoped and hoped and kept hoping for Shen Qingqiu to show even a hint of affection and all he got in return was the firm assurance that, no, Shen Qingqiu would never feel anything but hate for him.
That has to give a guy issues. Probably makes him feel deeply unlovable. Hate himself, even. Binghe is a little dumb about things like these, he likely didn't give up hope until Shen Qingqiu physically pushed him into the abyss. He probably spent a lot of nights in the abyss crying into his dirty little sleeves.
But you gotta find ways to cope with heartbreak, right? So, eventually, lightly charred Bunhe stood up straight, turned his little determined protagonist eyes up to the sky and said: "I'm going to make him regret it! He will rue the day he cast me away!" And he went on to become stallion protagonist #1, demon emperor, conqueror, etc etc.
The thing is this: if you build your whole identity on the idea of making the guy who hates you regret his feelings, you're not really over him, you get what I'm saying? You're like, the opposite of over him. Not a good emotional state to connect to the hot women throwing themselves at you either.
So yeah, after that, Bingge did all kinds of things that aren't really that important, but eventually, he got Shen Qingqiu where he wanted him: in the water prison (also kneeling at his feet). And I'm sure I have an inkling of what went on in his dumb little head. It may have been something like:
"Aha!! Now I have the evil Shizun in prison, where evil men like him belong! Finally, people have told him how evil he is! I'm going to go and talk to him and make him see the error of his ways. And when the horror of what he did finally dawns on him, and he apologises, I might forgive him and give him another chance."
Shen Jiu being Shen Jiu, he probably laughed right in Binghe's face and also spit at him too, for good measure (as is, in this case, kinda relatable). So Binghe's righteous little plan didn't quite work out as he wanted it to. This procedure might have been repeated a few times but, well.
Binghe's emotions are already volatile on a good day. Add Xin Mo to that. Add childhood trauma and Shen Jiu to that. One time, he snaps and reaches out to rough Sqq up a little, just to make him regret his own behaviour. Underestimating his own strength, he rips off his arm instead.
Awkward situation, that.
What are you supposed to do after ripping off someone's arm? Maybe Binghe just went to bed and stared at the ceiling for a while, thinking about his life choices.
See, at this point, another person might have thought: "My life is going in the wrong direction. I need to change something, maybe go on a journey of self-discovery or something."
But Binghe has never been the best at things like morals and ethics, no matter what version of him we're talking about. Even Bingmei, who had a comparatively more stable home life, never really got the hang of that stuff (Turning some people into lifeless husks? Well, better than fucking someone, right? The man you love apparently just isn't as insane about you as you are about him? Time to destroy the world^^)
Anyway, you gotta go on, and I'm sure Binghe found some convincing enough arguments for why ripping arms off was an acceptable thing to do.
"But Zar," you may interrupt me. "How can anyone think that's an acceptable thing to do?"
See, in all honesty? I think, deep inside, Binghe knows it's not. But right next to that knowledge lies another knowledge: it's that he's unlovable. And if he's unlovable, it can only be because, at his core, he's already rotten. And if you're already evil? You might as well do evil things, doesn't make much of a difference anymore.
So things escalate, surely not helped by Xin Mo. Shen Qingqiu loses limbs with the same speed other people lose socks, and when even that doesn't heal him of his evil ways, Binghe comes up with the whole Yue Qingyuan plot. And when even that doesn't help, he loses his patience and kills everyone.
Then he sits there, on his throne, surrounded by hot women, fully charred, not so little anymore, and without a Shizun he can hope to one day convince of his worth.
There sits Shen Yuan, a world away, growing increasingly frustrated at how purposeless Bingge's life has become.
Then the extra happens, and Bingge gets transported to a world where another Binghe got everything he ever wanted: the love of his Shizun. And, all at once, the hope he thought he had killed and buried flares back to life, never having been dead after all, and burns Binghe up until he's nothing more than the bare bones of his desperation.
But the other Shizun doesn't love him. He only loves the other, inferior Binghe. He looks upon Bingge coldly before he sees his husband and his eyes turn warm. And it's like Bingge is looking at a funhouse mirror, at a world of dreams and wishes that never came true.
In the end, he's still as unlovable as he has ever been. And he goes back to his own world, and he feels flayed with the knowledge of everything he will never have.
And I just think it's impressive how Shen Qingqiu manages to break every version of Binghe without even trying.
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