#they seemed to be alright in that volcano so.
ii 16 spoilers!! its true!!!!
alright fellas, this is gonna be a long one, so strap in. let me preface this by saying i havent watched the episode since it came out, so im bound to miss some things in this analysis/breakdown/crazed ramblings of a madman. my headcanons also might leak into this a lil. sorry bout that NOW ONTO THE FUN!!!!! now, we all know the trauma we faced watching this episode. but lets talk about the funny characters trauma!! staring MePhone, since he's my favorite guy. First of all, I don't believe MePhone was aware of the fact that he created the contestants. As much as i hate the corn man, he was right that MePhone needed to hear that too. MePhone treats them like real people. Moments of vulnerability always come through with him (mainly in season 3) and he actively considers what the contestants during these. Even if he goes into denial afterwards most of the time. Examples; the entire volcano episode, the bridge episode (2nd half), season 3 finale, some rare moments in season 2 that are scattered about. I don't think he'd do that if he didn't believe the contestants were real, y'know? He sees the contestants as real people that he can form relationships with, no matter how reluctant he is to do so. He wasn't aware of their creation. SOO!!!! That leads me to my next point. This get's into headcanony territory, so bear with me. Or don't. I believe that MePhone created them sometime when he first got to the island, maybe in that intermediate period when he deleted his memories. We can see that he shut down right after he pressed delete, and maybe in his subconscious state he could've generated them. It would explain why he didn't remember. I don't believe he created them before he deleted his memories, as he was still in shock and didn't really seem capable of purposefully planning out an entire cast right there and then. He would also remember doing so after he got his memories back in that same episode. Anytime after he woke up wouldn't make sense either, as he would remember that too. I see him creating them in that unconscious state as a sort of unintentional coping mechanism. The only thing that brought him comfort during stressful situations, the reality shows he watched, being brought to life by his subconscious. this does not explain him being chris mclean in season 1. this mystery will take years to solve. perhaps future generations will still question this grand, unknowable decision by the eldritch horror known as adam i am sorry for whoever read through all of this
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captaindeinony · 2 years
Do y’all think the Survey Corps changes uniforms each season, I’d hate to think that they’re wearing thick clothing in the summer
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crazy-only · 3 months
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lando teaching you how to race go-karts! (fluff)
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pairing: lando x fem!reader
idea: lando introducing you to karting, total fluff!
preface: holy cow he looked so hot in this fucking video with that racing suit falling at his hips you can’t convince me otherwise! honestly wish this scenario would happen to me in real life (¬‿¬) hope you like it!
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“okay, y/n, remember what i told you? always break on the turns, no accelerating on the bumpy parts—“
“always keep both hands on the steering wheel—i know. you’ve only like told me 300 times,” you say, jumping into the small vehicle, your body above the ground by a mere few inches.
lando plays with a strand of your hair before you put on the helmet one of his assistants handed you. “baby, i just want you to be safe.”
you nodded, a bit inpatient as adrenaline pumped through your veins.
so this was why he raced. you hadn’t even touched the gas pedal yet and you felt like you were dancing with death. the feeling was absolutley addicting.
lando stepped away after powering on your cart, arms crossed in stress as if he were the one racing.
he counted down on the headset that shared audio with yours. once he reached one, you stepped on the gas and was off!
you followed lando’s instructions, trying to drive smooth on the turns and going fast on the straightaways. and in your head you replayed the moments in which he had raced on this same track, trying to replicate his path to the best of your abilities.
“there we go, good job. yes, y/n!” lando praised through the intercoms, only making you drive faster. “woah, baby you might steal my job.”
you laughed while driving especially fast around a corner. “i might have to become the breadwinner in that case, then.”
lando scoffed, his disbelief echoing through to your earpiece. “you know i’ll always take care of you, y/n,” he murmured low enough so his assistant didn’t hear.
at that point you couldn’t tell if the heat in your veins was from the racing or from lando’s words, but it didn’t matter! you were having the time of your life on the track and after one lap, you were still going strong.
“there we go, a little slower on turn three but that’s alright,” lando said, watching you carefully. “oh! make sure to step on it for that bit—yes, just like that.
“good girl.”
at those words you almost spun out, hands glitching on the steering wheel for a moment at the sudden nickname before gaining control again.
now your body was really on fire.
“oh, somebody’s suddenly quiet,” lando said with an audible smile on his face.
“fuck you,” you grunted, wondering if that nickname was in your imagination or if he really called you that.
“should i say it again?” he asked in a low voice. “goooo—“
you were now driving manically, trying to ignore the sexy voice in your ear that was distracting you and your pussy from the task at hand.
“shut up!”
“hm, might have to say bad girl on that corner. a bit rough, no, baby?”
your face was hot under the helmet, cheeks feeling like volcanos as lando messed with you.
“y’know, for all of that worrying earlier, it’s surprising how much you love to tease me. what if i crash, hm?”
lando sighed. “if i don’t tease you, you might just beat my lap time,” he joked, trying to hide his laughs.
“fuck. you!” you grunted out, finishing your last lap and driving fast towards lando to make it seem like you were going to crash into him.
except he only cocked his head in curiosity as you quickly braked at his feet, not fazed in the slightest.
you stepped out of the cart, ignoring lando’s floating hand in an attempt to help you up, and walked away from him, heading towards the break room. you angrily take off the heavy helmet.
“hey, baby! wait up.” lando grabbed your hand. “hey, i was just joking. sorry, baby, m’sorry,” he murmurs, holding your cheek in a large hand, the other resting on your hip as he searches your eyes.
“make it up to you?”
you roll your eyes and, suddenly feeling shy, look at the ground. you let it out, whisper-shouting as his manager was only a few paces away: “it’s just now i’m really turned on! how do you expect me to race for another round if i can’t stop thinkin—“
you didn’t get to finish as lando crushed his soft lips on yours, hands going around your waist to hold you tight.
“could’a just told me you were horny, baby.” he smiled as he rested his forehead on yours, staring at your lips. “no big deal.”
you pouted, body freezing in shame and heat that resided in your core. “fu-fuck you!”
he smirked, moving to whisper into your ear, “be a good girl and i might let you.”
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Jessie's Girl
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Jessie Fleming x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: The Natural History Museum
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The day that Magda and Pernille need to go to some fancy dinner to represent the club, is the same day they take you to the Natural History Museum in London.
Jessie told you about how she went weeks ago and it's all you've been talking about since.
You manage to wear Magda and Pernille down with all your talking until they finally relent and book tickets. You insist on Jessie coming too and, soon enough, you're all crammed on the Tube on your way to the museum.
You're sitting in Jessie's arms, squished like a sardine amongst all the other people. You insisted to your Morsa about booking the tickets at opening time so you could see absolutely everything which is why the Tube is packed right now and Jessie's holding you so you don't get swept away with the crowd.
Morsa's got one hand on the pole and the other on Momma's hip to keep her close as the doors open and more people pile off.
The Tube is loud. Very loud and it grates on your ears slightly so you duck yourself under the collar of Jessie's open jacket to try and block it out. You squeeze your eyes shut super tight too before it's finally your stop and the four of you pile off.
Jessie carries you all the way through the station before setting you on your feet again and letting you hold Momma's hand as you walk the rest of the way.
You're vibrating with excitement as Morsa gets the tickets scanned and then you're in.
It's your first time at a museum and, for a moment, you look like you're going to bolt so Pernille tightens her grip on your hand to make sure you can't escape.
The Natural History Museum is massive and Pernille knows just how easy it is to lose a little kid like you. You haven't hit your growth spurt yet so you're still on the shorter side and you would disappear amongst a big crowd like this too easily for her to be comfortable in letting go of your hand.
"What are you most looking forward to seeing, princesse?" Magda asks as you all stop in the middle of the hall to stare up in awe at the blue whale skeleton suspended from the ceiling.
"Er..." You think for a moment. "Dinosaurs! 'Cause Jessie says they're so cool!"
"Alright." Magda grabs a map from a pile nearby, unfolding it and studying it like Pernille hadn't caught her looking at the online version just last night. "I think we hit zone red first and go through all the stuff about volcanoes and rocks. Then we'll go to green zone and look at bugs and minerals. Then lunch and after that it should be about time for those tickets we booked for the spirit collection and then we'll round it off with mammals and dinosaurs and the gift shop. Sound good?"
Pernille laughs. "It's sweet that you've got everything planned out but I think our kids are already trying to plan out their own route." She tilts her head over to where you and Jessie (who has crouched down to be at your level) are discussing your own plans.
Magda sighs, lifting you up easily so you can't plan a mutiny on her and starts off towards the red zone.
"Morsa," You grunt," Wrong way! Dinosaurs!"
"Dinosaurs are last," Magda insists," Save the best until last."
You frown. "Like best bite last at dinner?"
"Exactly that," Magda says," We'll go look at rocks and volcanoes first and we'll work our way back to the dinosaurs. Sound good?"
You huff. "Fine."
Despite your original annoyance, you do find yourself enjoying the red zone and then the following green zone. Both you and Jessie are kept occupied for nearly fifteen minutes looking at the fossils of old ocean reptiles and Magda and Pernille rest their feet on a bench nearby.
At lunch, you and Jessie share a big bowl of mac and cheese and Pernille nearly laughs at how excited you both seem to explore the museum - even though Jessie went only a few weeks ago.
"Those are animals in jars," Pernille hisses to Magda during the spirit collection tour," We could be mentally scarring her right now."
"She loves it," Magda whispers back as you (and Jessie) listen, enamoured by what the guide is saying," Who knows? Maybe this is going to solve the problem of her wanting a pet. Nothing like a dead animal to put someone off of wanting a live one."
Pernille rolls her eyes. "You're evil. A pet wouldn't kill us."
"She's enough for us right now," Magda laughs.
By the time the mammal section rolls around, you're complaining of tired feet and Pernille swings you up onto her hip so you can rest and reads out the plaques to you.
Or, she tries to, because you keep interrupting to read them for yourself. You've gotten good at reading even though you're yet to go to school.
Magda insisted on starting you early, teaching you the basic principles of sounding out letters and phonetics to help you along.
Frankly, Pernille thinks it's frightening how intelligent you are at such a young age. You're Swedish and Danish bedtime storybooks are getting scarily easy for you to sound out and she shouldn't be surprised that you're applying the same rules to your English.
"What's that mean?" You ask, pointing at the italicised scientific name of the animal you're reading about.
"It's Latin," Pernille replies," Scientists use it to give a fancy name to different species."
"What's Latin?"
"It's a dead language," Jessie jumps in," No one speaks it anymore. It's just used to make scientists look smart."
You think for a moment. "Morsa calls me smart! Can I learn Latin, Momma?"
"Maybe when you're older," Pernille replies indulgently, not at all taking it seriously.
(She'll remember this conversation randomly when a letter comes home when you're sixteen asking if you could pretty please stop signing up for advanced Latin class because the teachers have nothing more to teach you).
Your feet have miraculously recovered from their aches and pains when you get to the dinosaur exhibit and Magda intervenes quickly when it looks like both you and Jessie are going to bolt.
She grabs you both by the hand and makes you fall into step with her.
"You stay where I can see you," She tells both of you equally," You hold each other's hands. You don't run ahead. If you can't hear me talking at a normal volume then you have gone too far ahead. You turn around and come straight back until you can hear me again."
"Yes, Magda."
"Yes, Morsa."
"Good. Remember your rules. Go and have fun."
Jessie shows you all of the dinosaurs, even down to the very little ones and you listen with rapt attention.
It's the slowest Magda and Pernille have seen you move all day, just taking everything in and hanging off Jessie's every word.
You almost don't want to leave and only the promise of a dinosaur at the giftshop gets you to move your legs again.
You browse for a while and so does Jessie, piling her arms up high with dinosaur merch. Magda, admittedly, knew that Jessie was a nerd in the best way possible but this only solidified it.
"No, princesse," Pernille says firmly when she sees you jumping to reach a jumbo triceratops plushie that said it cost sixty pounds," That's too expensive."
"Momma," You whine," Please?"
"I'm sorry," She says," But you know there's a budget on gift shop toys. What does your Morsa say about gift shops?"
"That they're stupidly overpriced and tourist traps for idiots," You repeat dutifully, sounding more and more like Magda that Pernille has to laugh.
"That's right," She says," So pick out something smaller so your Morsa doesn't complain about being conned out of money for the entire train ride home."
You huff in annoyance but ultimately choose an arctic wolf plushie because it's got super soft fur.
It's only twenty pounds but Magda still grumbles under her breath about gift shops being stupidly overpriced.
"Jessie," Magda says as you and her step out of the giftshop," What the hell is that?"
Jessie, at least, is feeling enough guilt to look down bashfully. "It's for y/n."
"Jessie," Magda says again," That's massive."
It's the triceratops you were eyeing up earlier and you nearly take Jessie to the ground from the force of the hug you give her.
You sit in Jessie's lap during the (much emptier) train ride home and you crash out asleep for your very delayed midday nap.
You stay asleep when you change trains. You stay asleep during the car ride and you stay asleep as Magda and Pernille get ready for their dinner tonight.
Jessie's your babysitter for the hours that they're gone for and you wake up as Magda and Pernille are a few minutes away from leaving.
"Momma," You whine," Don't go."
While your separation anxiety isn't as bad when you've been told in advance about things, it's still present and you still sniffle a little as your mothers gives you goodnight hugs and kisses because you'll be tucked up in bed by the time they get back.
You still sitting in front of the front door with Momma's Linköping jumper and Morsa's blanket.
For half an hour, Jessie doesn't understand how to help you. She's been warned about this explicitly, about how much you miss Magda and Pernille when they're gone.
She thought she would be fine but it's clear that this isn't something she can fully pull you out of.
So, Jessie turns on the tv, playing a random animated movie and just sits with you for support.
Somewhere along the way, you wiggle into her lap, leaning your back against her front and holding her hands around your belly for security.
"Do you want a drink?" Jessie asks quietly.
It takes hours for her to coax you into being a bit more like yourself, gradually shifting further and further away from the door until you're both sitting on the sofa again.
You're lying on Jessie's front, head lying pillowed on her chest as you stare longingly at the door.
One of Jessie's hands is under your top, gently drawing patterns on your back while the other plays with the little baby hairs you have at the base of your scalp.
It's nice. Not quite like how Morsa and Momma do it but enough for it to make you go all limp and boneless in her arms.
It's dark when Magda and Pernille come in from their dinner. Magda drove so Pernille was able to get a little tipsy on just one too many wines.
It's dark. The moon and stars are out but the light in the front room is open and the tv is still blaring some random show that's being shown gone one in the morning.
Jessie's asleep on the sofa, still in the clothes she worse to the museum. One of her hands is dangling on the floor, her knuckles skimming the carpet while the other is wrapped around your back.
You're still in your museum clothes too but you look perfectly content and happy, fast asleep on Jessie's chest.
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unsuredreamer · 2 months
I will always love you
Chloe Charming 💙 x fem! reader
requested! but i changed a bit
i feel like it's kinda shit, but you can let me know whatcha think!
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"Look at them honey, they are perfect for each other. Just like us" Charming calmly exhaled. The both of them, along with your parents admiring how you and your best friend of the whole universe danced together. Two 8 year olds just holding hands and spinning around, hugging, trying to make up new steps.
"We can try to this song! My momma and dad always sing it" Little Chloe yelled trying to find the right rythm to their newest invention of a dance.
"What is it, Chlo?" You yelled in excitement still holding her hand. There was a whole party thrown for your birthday but you didn't want to dance with anyone else. This little girl and her blue dress seemed to be enough for you. Not even the biggest cake with lots of frosting would make you as excited as being told you'll see your favorite girl again.
"So it goes like, mhmh-wait I don't remember. Mommy!" She swiftly ran off, you right after her.
"Yes babygirl?"
"Could you sing that one song you sing with daddy? I want to dance with Y/n. You always say it's special, i want to dance with her to it. Make it special too!" The little girl grinned, her storm of blue locks forbidding her from seeing anything, making her throw them to the side every now and then.
"So this is love?" Cinderella hummed, giggling in the process.
"Yes! Yes! That one!"
As Ella continued humming the rest of the parents could not help themselves to not be in awe at the sight before them. You both truly were soulmates, platonic or not, there's no denying it.
"Fuck you! Why are you so rude to me?" Chloe yelled
"Well I wouldn't have to be if you weren't a stuck up princess all the god damn time!"
"I am a stuck up princess..?"
"Chloe no I-. Fuck!"
"Hey little bluey girl right here, you're looking really good today, wanna hang after school?" The other son of Hook, Thomas, has appeared before your 'friend' holding her chin up with his piece of rusted metal. It was not gold, let's not fool anyone. And it certainly did not pass down on him his fathers charms. Only this horrible accent of his.
What would that douchebag want from her? You thought watching from afar. Your blood boiling hot at the sight. Glaring daggers, you thought of all the ways to kill him. He doesn't seem to want to let go. Hitting on the poor girl since the begging of the year. Despite the desperate attempts of Red trying to scare him off.
"I'm sorry, I'm actually quite busy, I was.." The charming princess stopped and looked at her friend for help.
"Supposed to help me...with something" Red butt in sensing her friends pleads.
"It's alright I can help too, so what are we doing?" The bloke grinned not letting go
"It's girly stuff so we'd rather-"
"Well, I've been round women my whole life babygirl, so i believe i should know a thing or two" His grin getting bigger. What a shithead. Take a hint bro.
"I mean, It's-It will be-I"
"All good blu, I know you want me there" He winked getting closer to her. She was looking rather uncomfortably, slowly backing off. He was atrocious, she would never want to do anything with him. Would she?
Even if she was to be paid for it, she'd never wish to look at him. Chloe's eyes squeezed shut at the growing feeling in her stomach. Her heart beating rapidly in her chest.
"Hey back off bro" You claimed, right on time, pushing him away from almost kissing the princess of Cinderellasburg. Standing in between him and the girl he was basically harassing. You felt her hand find it's way to yours, squeezing it tightly. Her breath shaky on your neck, you felt the anger burst out of you like a volcano.
"Becauseee what?" He smirked, coming even closer "I'm just trying to flirt with my girl here" His eyes wandered around your body settling on Chloe's, her hand squeezing yours even tighter. As much as if cutting the blood flow from your limb was intentional.
"She's my girlfriend, so you better back off little shrimp before I gut you out just like my father did yours" You threatened, showing him your sharp canines in a fearful smile. They were all that was left after this little bibbidi bobbidy boo the young fairy godmother accidentally performed on you when you went back in time with the girls. She was not the brightest fairy back then let's say.
"Bibbidi bobbidy boo! OH! I'm so sorry!" Fay yelled "I'm gonna fix this, I'm gonna fix this!"
"Don't! You've done too much, leave it" You growled looking at yourself, full of fur with sharp claws sticking out.
"You look rather cute as a wolf!" Bridget butt in, smiling from ear to ear. Petting your back.
"Shut up!" You yelled, shrugging her hand off "I'm a beast not a wolf"
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say man" Ella snarled "I mean girl, sorry"
"Yeah, fuck off" You stormed out of the building glaring at anyone you saw on your way, your dear friend running after you. She wanted to help you, tell you you were not bad, and actually kind of nice looking as a beast. Maybe even give you a few belly rubs to make you finally smile " Go away Chloe"
"But Y/n, you-"
" I said go away!" You roared, scaring the poor girl. You did not want her to look at you in that state. You were a monster.
"Geez, you're crazy. But don't worry I won't take your owner, dog" Thomas laughed after his annoying bark walking away.
"Fucking dumbass" Red snickered under her breath, raising her eyebrow
"Thank you Y/n, really" Chloe smiled warmly
"All good" You just muttered coldly. Usually you'd be more harsh to the Charming princess, to Red, your brother, basically everyone. But you felt the anger slowly falter.
You began to act like that around your fourteenth birthday. Something happened to ypu and you hadn't quite known yourelf what happened. To make you feel so much anger. To make you act so heartless, cold, to be so harsh and truthful to the point it hurts others. It was like a switch in you, being played with for months and left on the side that made everything turn dark. Deep down you dont want to be that way, you know it. But it's like a shell has began to form around your heart, your skin getting ten times thicker forbidding your true character out int the broad daylight.
Were you cursed?
You did not want to be that way with Chloe, she was the dearest to you. But you've already hurt her so much. It made your heavy with guilt heart ache.
Why couldn't you look in her eyes? They were the most beautiful eyes you've ever looked into. But somehow you were too ashamed to look at her, to even glance.
She was pretty, too pretty for you.
too good for you.
As she looked at you with that kind look in her eyes, you could not fathom how was she even able to talk to you still. Be so nice, after you literally abandoned her. It was never your intention to let go of this beautiful soul, but something pulled the strings on you. Making you not be yourself. You hated that. You hated yourself.
"i hate what you've become, I miss the way we laughed together, and how you held me. Everything we've done"
"Okay" I miss you more Chloe.
"Come back to me please, break out of this Y/n. I'm waiting. I'm always gonna want you back"
Days have passed, you two faking being a couple for the sake of Thomas leaving Chloe alone. The whole school whispering about this unusual romance.
Her hand found yours in the middle of the corridor upon all of these eyes looking at you. You felt awkward. It was truly awkward as she whispered to you.
"Y/n, act normally. I can feel your hand sweat soaking mine"
Slamming her back on the lockers you couldn't help but almost graze her lips "Then let go of my hand and just kiss me, we'll be done with that whole show" You blurted out, not realizing what have you just said.
"Are you insane?" That was exactly what she wanted.
" I think i might be...about you" you muttered the last part under your breath.
"They are so gonna talk about it" The blue haired princess breathed, her cheeks turning deep red.
"Well, that's why we're doing this right?"
And yet another argument burst out between you two.
How could someone be so stupidly, obviously in love with each other and argue on top of that? Whilst also being in a relationship? Fake, yes, but still.
You have to make up eventually though, right? You need to.
"Chloe.." You blurted out.
"Yes?" She answered with hope in her eyes, she was tired of this too. She missed you like hell and the worst part is, she didn't even know why you acted this way. You just stopped talking to her, stopped hanging out, became more distant and kind of floated away. She tried to bring you back a few times, but no luck. As if something was holding you hostage.
Oh how you loved her hopeful eyes. Always cheery, always positive. She was like a beam of sunlight on a dark day. A singular ray lightning up the whole world for you. You loved dark days but she was much better than that. Much better than anything and anyone you've ever loved.
So why couldn't you say it to her? scream at the top of your lungs how much you love her.
"Do you want to go out with me? After classes, go for a little walk?" You asked unsurely, would she want to? After all you've put her through? And now, faking being her lover? That's like an arow straight through the heart. Injesting itself like a poison flowing in her veins.
"Sure" she gave you a small nod. Just a small nod.
That way, you spent all of your remaining classes rethinking all the bad things you've said to her. All the mean things you've done. And how you could make the plane turn right around. How you could show her you're sorry. Apologize. But your mouth was doing something completely different than your soul wished to come out.
"You know it's really annoying, knowing you can't stick up for yourself. Like a child."
Chloe tried to stay calm, walking by your side when you broke the awkward silence, but she could not let go of these growing feelings, buzzing in her head with every second her hand grazed yours as you spat those harsh words at her. Is she annoying? Is that what you imply? Suddenly she burst out as she couldn't contain herself anymore,
"Tell me! Tell me what did i do wrong?! I can't believe you've been this icy, son of a bitch to me for the past, what, two years?! It's like we've never been best friends. You know how bad it hurt me? Having you be so cold to me after all those years spent everyday together? You were the closest person to my heart and you walked away from it. I cried nights colliding with your freezing stare after tasting the previous sun coming out of you. You were like swording to me, and now i don't even enjoy that! Everything I do reminds me of all the things we have done together. The simplest walks and these hard quests our dad's used to prepare for us just to get us out of the castle. Coming home just to eat a nice sandwich from my momma, split in half, the other for you. Never have I ever eaten the other half, even after you stopped coming to hang-out. The gut wrenching, sickening feeling in my stomach forbid me from eating for days. Even Chad has been asking for you, yes, this annoying little prince whos been bugging us everyday, missed you too. You turned away from me, why from me Y/n? You were everything i had. And you took it away" Chloe spat out the last sentence, giving you one last look before turning away and running till her legs gave up. Not giving you a chance to reedem yourself. Collapsing on the ground crying her heart out.
It was broken. It was broken by you. But she wanted you to be the person to piece it back together. She's been hurt by you but she wanted nothing more than to feel your comfort. You were the bad person, but how wrong of her was to want only you in her life? To feel your love? To feel your touch?
"Hey boo, what's wrong?" Red whispered into Chloes hair after dropping on the floor right beside her. Clinging hard onto her knight, so the blue would feel that support. She didn't know if that was right but thats what she heard is supposedto help.
"Y/n.." Was all that the Wonderlandian could make up from Charming's sobs.
She knew the situation between you two was tense hence all she did was just be there for her friend. Holding her, listening to her on and on rambles, how you're the worst, but also the best. It confused her, how this many feelings could be stored in such a small body.
"And it's so frustrating! Infuriating!" Chloe yelled pacing around the room, throwing her hands in every direction. Her emotions changing 10 times in the span of minutes. If Red didn't take her sword that would be the thing she'd be gesturing with.
"She says one thing then all of a sudden she's got me spinning, clasped in her touch. Messing with my head like I'm some kind of a toy?" she was irritated, confused, sad. "You know what? I'm gonna go and sp-"
"No, no, Chloe, chill out first" Red tried to calm her but her friend was already at the door, swinging it open revealing someone standing in the frame.
"Um-Chlo?" She froze in place.
"I was about to knock, i promise i did not eavesdrop" You offered a small smile.
"Good. What are you here for?" Her harsh tone made you wince
"Can we talk alone?" You asked looking briefly at the princess of Wonderland. She just nodded her head walking swiftly out of the room. "Listen Chloe. I'm sorry"
"Woah, deep coming from you Y/n, after two years" She remarked, crossing her arms on her chest. Looking anywhere but you
"I really am, I know it wil not change anything. But-" You breathed in, "I try to stop these harsh words from coming out, but i feel like a puppet. Like someone who is just controlled by others. Like I'm not myself. And i haven't been since I went to these woods" You sharply exhaled. Chloe shifted closer to you, sensing your truthfulness. "I fell like I've been cursed Chloe" You gazed into her eyes, your own brimming with tears. She immediately pulled you into a deep hug. She knew it wasn't you, you have always been a sweetheart. How could she not be there for you?
"It's okay"
"It really is not Chlo" You pulled away from her comforting arms, taking her hand in yours. The brief, delicate touch made Chloe spin, her mind cloud and her sight to blurry. Her body got hot and her heart thumped in her chest. "I thought, about complimenting you at least 5 times a day but i couldn't muster up the courage to break through" You admitted.
"You did?" Your soft tone of voice made her swoon, she missed you so bad.
"I did love. I wanted to scream because my mouth did the complete opposite" You giggled, but there was nothing to really giggle at "You know, you are absolutely wonderful"
"You think so?"
"Chloe, you're the most amazing, talented, smart and beautiful girl I've ever known. Of course you are" you smiled, taking her head in your hands, swiping your thumb over her rosy cheek.
"I love you" The Charming princess blurted out "I'm sorry, I'm so stupid"
"Chloe, Chloe, calm down" You tried getting her to stop shaking her head but it was no use. She was like a storm, unmanageable. So you did the only thing you could think of a the moment.
Getting closer your lips touched hers. Making her stop everything and hum into the kiss. She was frozen, her heart rate hitting skies, when she finally realized what was happening. Your mouths moved in synchronization as your hands found her neck pulling her even closer.
The kiss was slow, savoring every single second as you tried to pour all of your feelings into it. Her lips so soft and her tounge entangling with yours. It made you want more and more.
But you had to pull away, keeping her chin high up in your palm. Her little smile and kind brown eyes looking up at you made you burst out with happiness from the inside. Her hands hooked around your neck playing with your hair.
"I love you Chloe" You promised, planting one peck to her lips. The girl closed her eyes and nodded her head, telling you silently she knew.
She always knew, that's why she waited for your love.
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crazyyluvr · 6 months
heyy I've heard your requests are open! Could you do like a Jason Grace x gf reader where the reader has severe anger issues, but since Jason is rlly calm he is the only one who can handle her, and calm her down? I'm such a sucker for sunshine bf! X grumpy gf! trope haha
How to Anger a Demigod as a Horse 101
pairing: jason grace x gf!ares!reader
summary: in which you're very tempted to murder Hazel's magic (magically annoying) horse, but Jason's there to prevent that from happening.
genre: fluff, grumpy x sunshine (i think)
no particular place in the heroes of the olympus timeline, but they're on Argo II.
wc: 1.2k
warning/s: cursing, jason may be ooc, she/her pronouns, anger issues, jason's nickname for reader is pompeii because volcano n stuff
note: thank you for your request anon <33 i hope this lives up to your expectations. enjoy!
short oneshot under the cut :: not edited
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The Argo II became more of a home to the eight demigods during their months of travel. Even though the ship would most probably get destroyed beyond even Leo's repair by the time they finished their quest of destroying Gaea, that didn't stop them from finding comfort within the Celestial bronze walls.
During that morning, most of the demigods were in the dining room, enjoying their breakfast. They were all tired and sluggish, since the night before wasn't kind to them. Usually they would take shifts when it came to guarding the ship, but everyone was awake last night due to the mini army of winged terrors that came across the flying ship, which caused them to set down on the sea near the land.
They all slept for less than four hours, and they all wanted nothing more but to add to those hours of sleep.
Well, most of them slept. It seemed that one of them didn't find sleep as luxurious as the rest did that night.
"How does she have this much energy? It's like, seven in the morning," Percy groaned, almost faceplanting into his blue pancakes if it weren't for Annabeth's quick reflexes to hold her boyfriend's head up.
"She's a daughter of Ares alright," Frank chuckled tiredly, rubbing his eyes. "Only she can be heard this clearly when she's all the way on the other side of the ship."
"What horse is she talking about? I thought the stables were empty," Piper wondered, not bothering to tame her typhoon hair as she sipped her orange juice.
It seemed that Arion decided to pay them a little visit now that they were set on a monster-free dock. That would explain Hazel's absence from the table, and how she reappeared in the doorway. She turned to Jason, who was trying to shovel as much food into his mouth as he could so he can go to the stables.
"She's gonna explode again," Hazel panted, putting a hand on her knee to support herself. "I tried getting her to breathe, like you normally do, Jason, but she's not listening. She might actually go through with killing Arion this time."
Jason swallowed, wiping his mouth as he stood up. "I'll go handle it. You," he pointed to Hazel, "eat."
Leo looked up from his rubber band helicopter to stare at his best friend. "Good luck, buddy. She hasn't bit off your head yet, but that could happen any day now."
Jason chuckled. "Thanks, Leo, but I'll be fine." He left the room.
More cursing and shouts that sounded dangerously close to war cries made Jason quicken his pace as he crossed the deck to go down into the stables, where he could see flickering shadows of a girl and a horse.
"If you bite at my shirt again, I'll shove a grenade down your throat and use your insides as monster bait."
Jason stopped walking, to see if you could actually control yourself this time.
You're thundering footsteps grew louder as you approached the doorway to leave the stables. Jason stepped forward just as you were about to exit the room, putting a placating hand on your shoulder. "Woah woah, slow down there Pompeii. No need to resort to violence so quickly, hmm?"
Strands of hay were poking out from your hair — which wasn't as messy as Piper's but it was well on its way there. There were dark circles under your angry eyes, indicating that you didn't sleep a wink that night. Your knuckles were white from how hard you were balling your fists, and heavy breaths escaped your lips. Jason swore that he could see a little bit of smoke coming out of your ears.
"That goddamn horse is gonna die," you seethed, your chest rising and falling from your angry inhales and exhales. "Step out of the way, Grace."
Jason shook his head, a calming smile on his lips as he moved his hands to your hair, picking out the hay before resting on your flaming cheeks, flushed with annoyance. "Breathe with me."
"I gotta give that stupid piece of shit what it deserves —"
"I know, I know, but you gotta breathe with me first, okay?"
"But —"
"Breathe. In..." He took a deep breath in, sending you a pointed look when you didn't follow. His scolding glance made you mutter some colorful words under your breath before following along with him.
You exhaled with him. You could feel your anger boil down, and Jason saw and felt your shoulders let out the tension in it.
"In..." you closed your eyes.
You opened them once you sensed that Jason was done. "How are you feeling?" He asked you.
"Better. Still a little annoyed, but I'm better."
"Remember what we said?"
You glared a little at Jason, before sighing and looking away. "I shouldn't act on my anger unless necessary."
"And was it necessary now?"
Jason's smile grew, putting his palm under your chin to make you look at him so he could give you a small peck on your lips. "You look like you haven't slept. How about you rest in your cabin for the day, let the rest of us handle the monsters and the bird crap on the deck?"
You shrugged, acting like you didn't really care, an act that didn't convince Jason, judging from the way you leaned into his touch. "Sure, whatever. As long as someone else makes sure that damned horse is gone by the time I'm awake." You casted a heated glare at Arion behind you. The horse simply snorted, bending down to eat the hay that you were trying to get him to eat instead of your shirt moments before.
Jason nodded, his blonde hair swaying slightly with the movement. "Deal. Let's get some food in your system before you head to bed, okay?"
You let Jason lead you out of the stables and into the dining room, where everyone was.
The silence that followed your arrival was awkward and tense, like they were still waiting for some aftershock of your anger.
They finally breathed when you and Jason squeezed into a chair and Jason gave you food that you ate in silence, a pensive expression on your face as your eyes were focused only on the food in front of you, paying no mind to the stares of your fellow demigods."
"How do you do it?" Leo sighed, launching his helicopter, which flew out of the room. "Even back at camp, not even her siblings could contain her. That takes skill, man."
Your half sister Clarisse, despite being known for her issues with controlling her anger, could hardly restrain you when someone decided to tick you off.
Jason shrugged, staring lovingly at you, his girlfriend, cheeks slightly puffed from the food you were chewing. "I don't know man. I just do it."
But deep down, Jason knew the truth. You would never calm down unless you let yourself be calmed down by someone you completely trusted.
Being able to make you see through your anger was not a skill Jason had, it was simply the one of the perks of being your boyfriend, and the one person you trusted more than yourself.
And Jason would rather jump into Tartarus than let anyone else have the privilege that you entrusted to him.
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total-drama-brainrot · 4 months
i now wanna hear your very long character analysis on how the drama machine affected alejandro
Yeah alright.
So I haven't actually watched All-stars, but I did skim through this video to get a feel for Alejandro's characterisation in it, since All-stars is the only canonical material we get from Alejandro post Drama Machine.
And by skim I really do mean skim; I was mostly looking out for signs of his imprisonment's influence, which for the most part seems to be as follows:
His legs fell asleep.
He developed a minor case of agoraphobia, mostly in the context of sleeping in open spaces.
His standards of human interaction have plummeted; something he's aware and accepting of.
Interestingly enough, he doesn't really seem to acknowledge the volcano itself (outside of an offhanded comment) or the injuries he got from the explosion. His focus is solely on his time in the suit, not what out him there in the first place. He even skirts over a memory loss issue, which could contribute to this.
I'll tackle these three points in more detail, and then give examples of how they can be developed into actual characterisation points instead of (for the most part) gags.
Number one; Leggy McLatin and the paraplegia scheme.
Alejandro's inadvertant and unintentional escape from the Drama Machine, and subsequent readmission into the competition (as himself, instead of as the machine) is, for the most part, entirely focal on the fact that his legs no longer work after his year of entrapment. It's a big deal - or, at least, as big of a deal as any injury or ailment can be in the context of Total Drama, considering that he doesn't miraculously get better in the span of an episode. Of course, we learn fairly early on that he's faking the paraplegia, but it's fairly heavily implied that his legs really were asleep initially (and that, in all likelihood, the massage we see him getting from an intern is what "wakes them up").
What's interesting about this particular plotline choice is that it would, realistically, be entirely feasable for Alejandro to have mobility issues after spending a year inside a robot.
Now, I'm no doctor, nor do I have any formal medical training, but I do know that not being able to move your body for an extended period of time results in a serious case of muscle atrophy. We see in canon that Alejandro was essentially locked in a seated position for the year; his arms, head and (assumedly) torso had place to move around, but he couldn't really stretch out his legs. This would explain the "weakness" of his legs in the first episode - i.e. their wobbliness, and the fact that they couldn't hold up Alejandro's body weight. The numbness he cites would be explained by poor circulation - again caused by him being sat down for a solid twelve months.
Or it could be nerve damage from the eruption, but given that Alejandro doesn't seem to have any long-term issues that stem from the volcano itself, it's unlikely.
So it can be assumed that the numbness of his legs was offset by the massage he gets after the first challenge. The masseuse kickstarts the blood circulation back into his legs, resulting in him regaining sensation in them - enough feeling to notice a crab pinching at his feet.
And, if I really want to reach into headcanon territory/realism, the reason he keeps up the "ruse" is because, despite having feeling in his legs, the muscles there are still fairly atrophied and he has a lot of trouble walking, let alone running, for extended periods of time. Though, as it stands, any long-term impact on his health would be entirely headcanon/fanon territory, due to the nature of the show itself.*
Then there's the psychological aspect to consider. Alejandro's a very prideful person by design - that's evident in both the way he portrays himself and the physical standards he holds himself to. Having use of half of his body stripped away from his is bound to be distressing, perhaps even traumatising. Hence why he tries to make himself as useful to the team as possible despite still recovering; he needs everyone to see that he's still capable.
Eventually his legs fully recover, because this is Total Drama and things like "realistic healing processes" and "lasting damage" don't seem to exist in-universe.
Number two; snug as a bug in a rug.
Alejandro's shown to have started sleeping in a sleeping bag throughout All-stars. He even canonically states that he needs to, because of his time in the Drama Machine. He cites that sleeping whilst srpawled out makes him uncomfortable, unspokenly referring to the fact that, for a year, he'd only had the option to sleep in an incredibly cramped position/environment.
This is interesting since, for the most part, you'd assume that someone held in close-quaters captivity would develop claustrophobia instead of a form of agorophobia, and yet Alejandro seems to have internalised the need to be in an enclosed space to sleep. Maybe it's symptom of just how long be was encased for - a year is a long time - or maybe it started out as claustrophobia, but the indefinate nature of his captivity morphed the initial fear into a twisted sort of coping mechanism.
It begs the question; what else can't Alejandro do in open spaces?
Is he perpetually uncomfortable with the openness of the outside world? Does he resort to hermiting himself into closed-off corners and enclosed rooms, just to feel a semblence of normalcy after he escapes the confines of the Drama Machine? Would he take to wearing tighter but more concealing clothing, just to immitate the feeling/pressure of being trapped in a too-tight enclosure?
Is his need for a snug sleeping space indicitive of him missing his isolated imprisonment?
Which brings us nicely into the third point.
Number three; long-term isolation and the effects thereof.
Alejandro explodes out of a glorified toaster and one of the first things he really comments on is Heather's off-putting personality and her facial hair. In a positive manner. He's so starved for human contact that he attaches himself to the first "friendly"/familiar face he sees, which in this case is Heather, and focuses on the aspects of her that make her human.
If he were a "weaker man", I have no doubt Alejandro would be clambering for attention from his team, mostly for proof that he's no longer completely isolated. It's a well-documented phenomenon; people who experience a long time in isolation, or who suffer through long periods of loneliness, become desperate for socialisation (and physical contact), to the point their immune systems and biological rhythyms (from circadian to infradian) start to deteriorate.
Realistically, Alejandro would've come out of the Drama Machine a desperate and sickly mess, riddled with insomnia and paranoia and incredibly touch-starved. But, as established, the show isn't exactly true-to-life when it comes to things like this, so...
As it stands, the fact that he emerged from his prison and immediately jumped back into his charming persona attests more to the fact that his flirtatious act is so deeply ingrained into his psyche than it does to his mental wellbeing. It could be argued that he's using the same act/mask/persona as a tether to his old self and an anchor to normalcy, as he'd likely crumble into an inconsolable mess without the scaffolding of his "TV personality" keeping him upright (metaphorically of course, as Alejandro is in fact not upright in the show. He's upside down for the majority of his time on All-stars).
Or maybe he's just built different? Who's to say.
We don't exactly know what went down during his year away, so it's impossible to make any concrete statements as to whether Alejandro was afforded the luxury of other people's company, or if he really was kept 100% isolated in the machine. The only thing we do know is that he likely had access to a phone, though didn't have the capability of using it without assistance, since he calls Heather out for never trying to contact him but also states the impossibility of him doing the same in turn.
Number four; lava damage and the lack thereof.
It's sort of explained during his scene at the end of World Tour, but Alejandro's whole "being trapped in the Drama Machine" deal - alongside being a parody of the scene where Anakin Skywalker is first put into the Darth Vader suit - is stated to be for his own benefit. He's essentially being locked away into a healing suit. Again, just like Anakin - they both even sport similar burn wounds.
He mentions at the beginning of All-stars that he doesn't really remember being put into the machine, and it's safe to assume that the majority of his time in the contraption is likely fuzzy to him as well; being fully concious of complete isolation for a whole year would be enough to drive anyone completely mad, and Alejandro is decidedly not insane (for the most part). Ergo, it's also a safe assumption that the inner mechanisms of the Drama Machine act as a sort of stoporous healing chamber, keeping Alejandro semi-concious and healing his various lava burns over the course of his concealment.
Sort of like a medical coma. Inside of a robot. A portable medical coma.
The "healing properties" would also justify why Alejandro's whole body hadn't deteriorated from muscle atrophy, or developed any (visible) burn scars from his stint in the Hot Sauce. Of course, as far as burn scars go, unless they're significantly deep they do tend to fade into near-invisibility over time. That, paired with the ~magical healing properties~ of his confinement, likely resulted in his lava burns scarring over into insignificance.
Then again, I once again have to take cartoon logic into account - the show itself likely just didn't consider the semi-realistic consequences of a year of entrapment, and wanted Alejandro to be near-enough the same character he was at the end of World Tour before the consequences™.
The main point here is this; Alejandro doesn't seem to remember the majority of his injuries following the volcano eruption in the World Tour finale, or if he does he's had a year of semi-conciousness to work through his thoughts and feelings on the matter, and as a result he doesn't seem to carry any (reasonable) trauma regarding lava, volcanoes, or other related stimuli.
He does, however, retain some "quirks" from his time in the machine.
Number five; an overview.
Alejandro comes out of the Drama Machine with a surprisingly little amount of visible trauma, both in terms of physical damage/scarring and observable mental changes.
He developed a very minor case of agoraphobia, spurned on by him becoming accustomed to existing in a very small, very cramped space, but otherwise attunes himself to the outside world incredibly fast.
Is this probably related to his social training, as a diplomat's son, and his heavy reliance on a "suave and charming" persona. He's likely battling with a lot of internal issues throughout the season, but squahing down his inner turmoil under his determination to win, which explains how/why he falls so easily into his scheming mindset - it, in and of itself, is a coping mechanism, though not a very healthy one.
*The paralysis of his legs was in all likelihood genuine, and a result of poor circulatory issues and minor muscular atrophy, which was almost immediately treated by the masseuse intern after the first challenge. Realistically (and how many times have I said that word) he'd have some lasting weakness in his legs, and maybe require the use of a mobility aid and/or physiotherapy. This is not the case, because... Total Drama.
There are subtle signs of the mental impact of his imprisonment, mostly in his immediate attachment to Heather (despite her taking away his reproduction privileges the last time they spoke, and her being Heather) and his innate need to prove himself as useful/capable despite his gameplan riding on him appearing pitiable and unthreatening (due to his "sleepy legs"). He's so starved for social interaction and validation that his actions are directly contradictory to his gameplans.
Though in the case of his Heather attachment, he could just be like that. He was also fairly infatuated with her in the latter half of World Tour, and the pineapple scene speaks for itself.
In conclusion; Alejandro is either completely goated and (for the most part) just shrugged off the trauma of being trapped in a tiny box for a year, or he was already so traumatised that the imprisonment was just another needle in his haystack of turmoil.
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jesswritesthat · 3 months
Miya Atsumu: Housemate Test
Fandom: Haikyuu!! — [ Masterlist ]
Summary: ~1k, fluff, humour
• You and your housemate have certain traditions, it all goes out the window when Atsumu wants in on it.
Warnings: A little cursing
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It was peaceful cafe date with your flatmate originally, Nana updating you on events you might’ve missed in passing including her dating life.
“So our housemate test was once again successful, thanks for your assistance (Y/n)~”
That’s when Atsumu had joined you, a friend of yours and also now an acquaintance of Nana, and had immediately picked up on the one thing you wished he didn’t overheat when effortlessly sliding into the seat beside you.
“What test?”
“Nothing at all! How was practice? What are you gonna order?” You quickly diverted, hoping he’d at least be distracted for a moment - except when a Miya wanted to know something, they weren’t easily mislead.
“Great! Made some flawless sets, but I wanna know more about this test of yours, can I do one?”
"Uh well… It's rather superstitious and ridiculous, so it is a last resort when deciding on a man." Came your dismissive flyaway, slight laugh in place hoping you wouldn’t have to go into detail.
"Okay now ya gotta explain." Atsumu leaned forward, resting his arms in the table after gentle budging you as encouragement, however it was Nana who gladly elaborated.
"Basically, (Y/n) comes in wearing the sexiest outfit they own - if the date stares for longer than 10 seconds, no more dates."
"Oh? Didn't know ya dressed up."
"Never have a reason to when I'm around you." Was your witty response, making a face at the Setter next to you who was equally as childish when pouting at you.
"Ouch, but it sounds dumb... is there a backstory?"
"It was a pure coincidence, but one time (Y/n) came home wearing a drop dead gorgeous outfit and the guy I was on date with stared at them for more than 10 seconds. We got together and he cheated on me 2 months in. However, the next time it happened, that date only greeted (Y/n) and I was with him for over a year." Nana finished with a wistful sigh, smiling wider when Atsumu took a disbelieving quizzical tone.
"And ya based an entire strategy on these coincidences?"
"Yup~" Your roommate said proudly, practically gleaming with the pure bemusement of it.
“Alright, I ain’t in a position to question it. Anyway, in practice today Omi-Omi…”
Luckily the conversation took a welcomed tangent now Atsumu had his answers and you’d excused yourself to go to the bathroom. Hopefully that’d be the last time that topic would surface in his presence. Except, you’d never been that lucky.
[ Nana: Housemate test required!!! Are you free? xx ]
With a defeated sigh, you responded positively since you were already out it made no difference to leave early as you'd had quite enough of this social gathering.
By the time you'd arrived, you heard her giggle through the door mingling with the chime of your keys as you unlocked it. No more than 3 seconds after you'd walked past the entryway a wolf whistle erupted and you froze in your tracks with a boiling rage building in your chest. It was deathly silent, aside from Nana choking on what you assumed was her wine.
"Was that at me or at Nana?"
"All you darlin'."
If you weren't so furious, you probably would've recognised the voice but instead your fury propelled you in full view with a dangerous darkness in your eyes.
"Nana! Epic fucking fail - you deserve—" That exploding volcano suddenly sucked all of its lava back in and hit an ice age. Atsumu lounged in the main area, once cocky and when you came into view properly there were stars in his eyes, completely awestruck.
You'd expected further teasing but the blonde seemed unable to muster anything, now just simply staring with mouth agape and then shaking his head furiously as to hide his blush.
"Uh— I ah— yer housemate— I was—"
"Miya came to visit, I thought you'd want to see him too."
"The housemate test is only for emergencies, he doesn't count. Atsumu is just a hazard." You pointed an accusing finger at the blonde, Nana even more amused than usual as she smoothly intercepted with her classic charm.
"Aha since we're all here, might as well sit down and chat with us before he has to go right?"
It was as normal between yourself and Nana, however you noted the Setter was more awkward than usual. Especially when you focused your attention on him, however you chalked it down to being the odd one out of sorts.
It wasn't until you showed him out and bid him farewell that you heard a dramatic groan from the down the hallway when you stepped away from the door. Then came the debrief from your trusty housemate on why he was actually here.
"It's funny, when you stepped out for a bit at the café, he asked me a favour."
"I assume that favour had something to do with pulling a housemate test whilst he was present?" You raised an expectant brow and crossed your arms, Nana excited to elaborate and even mimicked Atsumus' kansai dialect in her answer.
"Yes, but how he asked - oh he was a stuttering mess, I think he only wanted to tease you at first but he ended up spluttering something like 'I just wanna see (Y/n) in a dress/suit 'cause it'll be cool'."
"You've gotta be joking." It warmed you in a way, and it was hard to fight off the embarrassed smirk.
"I'm not! Why do you think he was so flustered just now? He obviously finds you really attractive, how blind can you be?" Nana loudly laughed, leaving you with food for thought when she went to her bedroom.
Surely not, Atsumu you assumed was too charismatic and teasing to be flustered by appearance. Let alone someone he already knew. This was a man who openly told you if he found someone hot, or liked their style, a man who dealt with gorgeous fans cheering his name at every game. For you to render him defenceless just by putting on an outfit? Absurd.
Still you snapped to your housemate when she re-emerged from her room only briefly, proud and mischievous smile painting her lips.
"He passed the housemate test by the way, I don't think he looked anywhere else for more than 10 seconds the moment you entered the room~"
[ Masterlist ]
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roosterm3attrash · 7 months
101 ways to kill Barney Calhoun
I ended up making this list by going through multiple servers and people so here cuz I found it in my phone notes
Anyway the brilliant minds of the half-life fandom
1.) Waited pressure plate with tnt under it
2.) im going to leave mines under his mattress
3.) i’m setting a rake on his floor so he steps on it and whacks his face
4.) I'm giving him a bomb disguised as a cigar
5.) barney death 3: he ate what elvis presley ate….
6.) I would kill Barney Calhoun by slapping him so hard on the ass that it gives him cardiac arrest
7.) I drop him onto a pit of venomous snakes
8.) Im going to give Barney a beer but instead of beer it will be filled with deadly neurotoxin
9.) “now gordon, ive been keepin an eye out on this combine hideout for a while. they seem to walk in a certain pattern when crossing over to the entrance, which makes me think theyve buried mines all over the place. now, ive memorized the pattern, so im just gonna sneak on over, and you follow my lead, alright? dont worry, i know exactly where all the mines are.” and then he explodes
10.) that one episode of sponge bob where he eats the exploding pie and explodes
11.) set up tripwire then he falls into a tiger pit
12.) I type kill npc_barney into console
13.) slap the boobies off his chest so hard them fly around the world and hit the side of his head like water balloons
14.) i could marry him and slowly feed him mercury over a span for 3 years until he dies of mercury poisoning
15.) He tries to become a wwe wrestler but gets killed in a freak accident mid match
16.) I would kill him by making him a pizza but it’s covered in big chunks of lead but it’s hidden in the sauce and it’s a Chicago style pizza
17.) bring him to a highway and kiss him so hard he gets knocked onto the road and gets ran over
18.) Peeling him apart by the dna strand and eating it like spaghetti
19.) barney gets trampled by a stampede of horses
20.) giving him under the counter off brand viagra
21.) put him in a washing machine and turn it on
22.) shark attack
23.) pit of sharks
24.) barney gets criticized so badly he dies
25.) barney sits in an uncomfortable chair for too long
26.) He gets his arm caught in a bear trap w a beer used as a lure
28.) he gets stuck in a swimming pool like hes in the sims and dies from getting exhausted and drowning
29.) barney roasting marshmallows but his stick ignites into flames and he burns to death
31.) barney gets rejected by gordon and he gets so sad his body shuts down
32.) I kiss him so tenderly on the lips that he melts into a puddle and dies
33.) i throw him in to a volcano so that he melt into a puddle and dies
34.) "I’ll turn him into a flea, a harmless, little flea, and then I’ll put that flea in a box, and then I’ll put that box inside of another box, and then I’ll mail that box to myself, and when it arrives…I’ll smash it with a hammer!"
35.) stick a bottle of beer into his throat, the whole bottle
36.) give Barney Calhoun a beer can full of poison
37.) hang a piano over the toilet and wait
38.) i think barney should have his spine ripped out through his mouth
39.) he goes to a bar and tries flirting with the bartender and the bartender takes out a shotgun and kills him on the spot
40.) punch him so hard in the penis that he shatters like a brittle glass
41.) bite him in half
42.) I'm grinding him in a giant shredder
43.) bro took a bath in hot mac 'n cheese
44.) i put him ina giant caldron full of water and i begin boiling him down to gelatin and broth
45.) barney accompanies the crew to the borealis and he steps over thin ice and gets dunked into the below zero water and freezes to death
46.) barney calhoun gets carried away by a tornado
47.) took barney on a vacation to Hawai’i and pushed him into a volcano
48.) He dies and he's never mentioned again and nobody cares
49.) died of tummy ache
50.) Stepped on by a strider
51.) shrinked until he disappeared completely
52.) blasted into the sun
53.) Stab him with 300 pencils made with real lead
54.) slip and falls and dies
55.) put him into a Minecraft furnace
56.) Barney ignores the wet floor sign and slips and cracks his head
57.) while swimming in the swimming pool he swims to fast and smashes his face against the pool's wall
58.) he gets a concussion and drowns
59.) i want to put him through a lunchmeat slicer
60.) He falls off a dumb huge cliff
61.) he lives his life to the fullest and at his deathbed at age 93, June 29th, 6:12 am he passes away
62.) he eats a burgie with too much grease and gets a heart attack
63.) testicular cancer
64.) He should get sucked into a fan while trying to fix it at Black Mesa and literally no one comes looking for him
65.) The Pita Bread Room
66.) slipped on a Banana peel
67.) ran over by a crap ton of shopping carts rolling down the hill
68.) barney overheats in a fursuit
69.) he has sex so bad that he dies
70.) Barney dies because i fucking kill him with a shovel 🖕
71.) barney eats the gas station sushi
72.) barney faints via twirling around and holding his hand in front of his forehead, and then slowly lying down with a flower in his hands to indicate death
73.) When they turn off the suppression fields he just blows up
74.) barney gets crushed by a giant boulder thats all i got son
75.) barney goes to the beach that makes you old
76.) His head spontaneously combusts and pops like corn
77.) erectile dysfunction
78.) we should also have him get carbon monoxide poisoning
79.) barney gets gaussian blurred into nothingness
80.) he eats 20 year old expired mcdonalds burger and contracts the worst case of food poisoning youve ever seen
81.) Have we done tying him to a train track like a damsel
82.) he dies in a glue trap
83.) barney develops lactose intolerance over the years of combine occupation and he drink milk and then dies from shitting hinself to death
84.) he should chocke on his favourite food
85.) barney gets lead poisoning from a 1990s garfield glass mug
86.) he chokes on plastic
87.) barney gets thrown throw a glass window from a 15 story building
88.) gordon gives barney a wedgie so bad that he splits in half and dies
89.) gordon and barney divorce and barney dies from heartbreak
90.) alyx and gordon have enough of barney’s snoring so they smother him in his sleep with a pillow
91.) he trips while walking with gordon and impales himself on gordons crowbar face
92.) if he were the size of an ant he'd be ok instead he blows up like a watermelon and his remains are fed to lamarr by a very delighted kleiner. he fucking hated barney
93.) dog roughhouses with barney and accidentally obliterates his spinal cord
94.) barney gets poisoned to death by his own chumtoad
95.) coats him in eggs and flour and fries him
96.) snatched by a hawk and eten alive
97.) barney gets to participate in a danganronpa killing game and gets executed
98.) barney opens the love-letter-for-you.txt.vbs file and it kills him
99.) elaborate rube goldberg machine to drop an anvil on barney
100.) barney dies in an Iron Maiden
101.) we should put barney under those old timey stone tablets meant to squish and torture people and make them talk
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gojos-whatnow · 3 months
『Trust Me!』⇝♡
⭒Synopsis: That friendly jellyfish you found forever ago, now your boyfriend, wants to try something new with you...
⭒Warnings: Jellyfish!Rui, could be seen as virgin Rui/reader, tentacles included, semi-public I suppose, p in v (as in tentacles do NOT go inside), unprotected??, creampie??? (It's okay they can't breed), very fantastical/unrealistic in ways
⭒Setting: On the beach! (On the beach...?)
⭒Notes: Happy Birthday, Rui!!!! (I'm so in love with him WAHHHHH) Also my first time making my own divider gif! Did it turn out alright...? I took the video myself 🤭
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Nearly sunset, high tide, a relatively warm night... those were the conditions where, undoubtedly, Rui would be waiting for you at the shoreline. And so, with your flip-flops making their trademark sound as you walked, you made your way towards the wet sand at the water's edge of the beach. When the foam of your footwear started to sink into the watered-down sand mush, a few emerging splashes sounded. Before you, rested half-against the yellowish ground, laid your... odd interpretation of a "boyfriend". As per the usual, his eyes were wide and puppy-like, mixed with a soft smile that spoke his appreciation for your return.
Upon seeing him, you approached and crouched down before him. He leaned up, hoisting his torso upwards with one arm while the other reached for your cheek, cupping it and pulling your lips to his. They felt cold, in contrast to yours, but not quite as cold as usual.
After a moment, he pulled away and laid back down on the sand, a smirk-like expression on his face.
"Your lips are warmer than usual," you commented.
"I had hoped. I had a thought. But, I'll let you talk your day out first."
"It was nothing special. What's up?"
"You sure? You know I just love hearing about common human antics on the day-by-day."
"Yes, I'm sure. Very few antics on this day. What's your thought?"
"Well, if you're sure... There's a... peculiar human act that I witness often on this beach. I'm assuming it's rather intimate... one saved for couples... like kissing!"
"Yes, like kissing. So, what's it this time? Hugging? Dancing?"
"Hmn, maybe? Do either of those have anything to do with procreation?"
"Pro... creation...?"
"Y-you know... mating? Breeding? Reproducing? What do you humans call it...?"
"Wha... are you... talking about... s-sex...?"
"Yeah, that sounds like what I heard! I originally saw no reason to try it with you, since my kind reproduces without such a process... But seeing and hearing it so often, it seems to be a lot more about love and enjoyment than reproduction with you humans. Is that right?"
"Uh... yeah... If that's how you want to put it..."
"Hmn, well, I'm sure you often crave such an act, no? It's only natural for any species, asexual or otherwise."
You were speechless, face easily a deep red as you floundered.
"I just wanted you to know that I'm open to such an act! I believe I'm actually well-prepared for it at this very moment, if you wish to try it now."
"Y-you're... prepared...?"
"Mhm! When I had this thought, I swam down to one of those volcanoes in the depths and made sure I was nice and warmed up for you! Cold tentacles would be quite uncomfortable, no?"
"R-right... Then... there's other things that need to be sorted out... I can't exactly breathe underwater, and crawling up onto the beach will dry you out too much..."
"That's hardly a worry. I'm a much stronger swimmer than you land-life, so I can be sure at least your head is above water at all times! Anything else?"
"Uh... yeah... Y-you're not planning on putting one of your... tentacle thingies... in..."
It took him a moment to understand as your sentence trailed off, but he then smiled welcomingly. "Of course not! I'd never treat you that way. Besides, they have no business being there. They're for grabbing, not-"
"G-got it, thanks! Then... you're prepared for this, but I..." you huffed, "not so much..."
"You mean... mentally?"
"Well, mentally, yes, but..."
"...is there some process your body has to go through? Need I remind you, this isn't real reproduction, so if you would usually need to prepare your eggs or something-"
"N-no, no! Nothing like that! W-we humans have something we call 'foreplay'."
"Ah, I've heard of that! Is it... really necessary? Anytime I've heard it spoken of, it's usually asking permission to skip it."
You scoffed. "Knowing the people around here, they fucking would... All you need to know is that... f-for insertion to take place... there needs to be lubrication... an-"
"Did you bring any?"
You paused. "W-what?"
"I'm assuming 'lube' is short for lubrication, yes? It comes in a little bottle. I see people use it sometimes!"
"R-right. No, I didn't bring any. Such costs money, and it seems unnecessary when the human body can make it itself."
"It can? Fascinating!"
"Yes, well, anyways... this preparation, foreplay, is necessary to get the body to produce it."
"Ah, I see! So, how does foreplay work?" He asked eagerly, eyes starry. You shied away slightly.
"It... requires a process similar to sex itself. Just... without the insertion..."
"Interesting... could you elaborate?" He looked at you for a moment, noticing your anxiety upon asking his question. "Ah... is it... uncouth of me to ask?"
"No, this is just... a rather obscene topic as a whole."
"Oh! Why didn't you tell me sooner? I could have tread more carefully from the start! Though, it does seem odd of humans to deem reproduction 'obscene'. Though, of course, the bare human body is too..."
You nodded along bashfully, remaining quiet.
"Well, would foreplay consist of... removing your clothes?"
"It... it can... depending on how it's done..."
"Then, let's start there!" A few of Rui's tentacles lifted out of the water, one of which waved to beckon you over. "Could you come a bit closer, my dear?"
Nervously, you inched closer, slipping your flip-flops off and tossing them towards the dry sand where the tide wouldn't sweep them out. Your bare feet slipped into the chilled ocean water, warmer at this time of day thankfully. Once you were closer to him again, he leaned up to kiss you once more, his hands rising to your face again. You flinched slightly as one of his tentacles, a bit cold, slid under your shirt, making goosebumps rise all over you.
He pulled his lips away, just a little, to whisper to you. "Forgive me, Sweetheart, I'm gonna have to get your clothes a little wet." As fast as they had left, his lips were on yours again.
It only took a couple minutes for your slightly damp shirt and shorts to be tossed towards your footwear. Being this exposed in front of Rui wasn't a rarity for you. Hell, you'd met him in a bikini while going for a swim. But moving forward is what had you bashful.
"How was that? Do you feel more prepared now?" He asked, his cat-like smile and matching tone musing. In all honesty, you were surprised you weren't soaked through your underwear. It was shameful, what you were about to do.
His smile only grew, and one of his tentacles wrapped loosely around your bare waist, tugging tou even closer. A chill ran up your spine at the coolness of the water. By contrast, Rui's tentacles weren't warm, but definitely warmer than the water. The cool flesh rubbed your side reassuringly.
"Sorry, Love, I know. The water must be cold, yeah?"
You nodded with a soft hum. He gave you a caring look as you felt one of his tentacles push just past the waistband of your underwear.
"I don't wanna get these too soaked either. If we take these off too, you can get in the water the rest of the way, and then I'll keep you warm!"
"Ah... o-okay..."
"Would you like to do the rest yourself? Or should I keep going?"
"Y-you can continue..."
He gave you a warm expression and brought you further into the water, carefully tugging your bra and underwear off (with the help of you unclasping the covering on your top half). Once they were also tossed, and your face became unimaginably hot, he started to gently tug you into the cold water.
Once in the water with him, Rui wrapped his tentacles around you tightly, hugging you to him and nuzzling your head. "There's my lovely sweetheart! You're shivering, but you'll warm up soon, Dear."
You curled into his appendages, finding solace in how they covered you in something slightly warmer than the water, even if still colder than you.
As expected, within a few moments, you had stopped shivering, finally comfortable and relaxed in the cool water and warm tentacles of your boyfriend. With that, he started to kiss up your neck lovingly, but considering why you were naked and up to your neck in sea water, it felt a bit more sensual.
His limbs started to wriggle in a way that felt like a nice massage and a heated rub-down at the same time, and then Rui spoke into your ear.
"Do you need more foreplay?"
"I... I dunno..."
"Ah, wait, we're surrounded by water! Won't that work just fine?"
"Y-yeah, I guess... Not to mention, I was pretty ready earlier..."
"Well, then here goe-!"
"Wha- w-wait!!"
Rui froze. Every single limb. He stared at you.
"Y-you can't... you can't just go..."
"Ah, really? What now?"
"Y-you're supposed to go slow... And with warning..."
"Alright, alright, I can do that! I suppose I'm just getting a bit impatient is all. I want my sweetheart to have a great time and feel really good!"
"Y-yeah...! And I will... if you just... go slow..."
"Right. Then... can I start now? Can I enter you?"
You felt something press between your legs, right against your folds. Through the water, you could see what exactly he wanted to "enter you" with. You swallowed nervously at the sight, then nodded.
"Mhm... s-slow..."
You shuddered slightly as you felt the ends of two tentacles slip between your legs. You gasped, almost saying something to Rui as they pushed into you shallowly, but you stopped when they stopped entering. Instead, they pulled your lower lips apart gently, allowing Rui to slip in easier.
"Does that hurt?"
"Can I try to open a little further? I'm not sure this is enough..."
"Yeah, j-just a little..."
The tentacles pulled just a little more, and you could feel the stretch of your hole. Not a full breath later, Rui's tip started to nudge into you, bit by bit. You held your breath with nervousness, shivering as he reached deeper and deeper. Eventually, you could feel him bottom out in you, and God was it just too much.
"There we go! All in. Doesn't hurt, no?"
"N-no, no- mmf- n-not at all..."
"Are you sure? You seem to be struggling... Is it... that it feels good already?"
You nodded your head, just struggling to breathe without moaning. He smiled, squeezing you close, your back pressed tightly to his chest.
"Great! Then all I have to do is start moving. Slow and progressively faster and faster until you're ready for my sperm! Fufu, not that it'll do much to you..."
He slowly pulled out and pressed back in, filling your body with an overwhelming feeling that made you whimper.
"You'll tell me if it hurts, yeah? I don't know what I'll do if I hurt you and keep going..."
He hugged you tight and started to speed up. The more your noises increased, the more he got addicted to them, speeding up to hear more and more. You felt like nothing more than a doll. A doll who felt really, really good.
"You're being so loud! I think the people in your neighborhood might even hear you. That means you feel really good, right? I'm so happy I can make you feel like this! I-it... kinda feels good for me too, hehe..."
Fuck, was he ruining you. You could feel yourself rapidly getting closer, and before you could even choke out the words, your body was spasming with euphoric bliss. If you hadn't been underwater, you were certain you would've squirted.
Rui seemed to pick up on how you were feeling, giving a few more thrusts and excited praises, before you felt his cock unload into your depths.
It took a good bit for you to come down from that, gasping for breath as Rui lifted your upper half out of the water. His cock remained half inside you, with you too unbothered to change that and him not quite ready to try. Once you'd caught your breath and laid back against his chest, he finally slipped out of you.
"Was it good?" He asked with wide and eager eyes.
"Yeah... yeah, really good..."
"Great! Then you feel loved? You feel like you can understand how much I love you?"
"You look a little tired too..."
"Maybe you should go home... I'll be here tomorrow, so we can do this all over again, fufu!"
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itsseohannbin · 5 months
• Like A Volcano | Part Six | • SMUT MDNI
Han Jisung Mini Series
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© itshannjisung, 2024
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♡ itsseohannbins masterlist ♡
Series Masterlist
Chapter Genre: Crack💥 Angst⚡️Fluff 💕Suggestive Themes 💋
-Bestfriends to Lovers Trope-
Summary: being best friends with the kings of kpop always has its ups and downs, and when you're offered a spot on the next European-American book tour to promote the publishing of your new book, there's one kpop king in particular who just doesn't want you to go.
Pairing: Idol!Han Jisung x Female Reader x Bestfriend Skz
** Includes two of my own original female characters, both whom are romantically involved with two of the members. Chan x Jo / Minho x Ash **
Warnings: Swearing. brief vulnerability over the trauma yn went through. good guy Jisung (srsly why can't all men be this incredible?). tooth-rotting fluff throughout but mostly towards the end. the boys do not use honorifics. reader is called jagiya & princess SMUT; making out. dry-humping/grinding. breast/nipple play. dirty-ish talk. soft!dom Han. brief dom/sub reader. praise kink. slight doting. fingering. anal play (f rec). edging. unprotected sex (dont do this). p in v sex. reader is on the pill, though it is not mentioned. failed pull out method/cumming inside. multiple positions. hair pulling (m rec). crying during sex. biting. overstimulation (m and f rec). flaccid-fucking. multiple orgasms.
I think that's everything. lmk if I missed something!
Word Count: 11k (lol whoops)
Screenshot Count: 8
**this chapter is edited and revised**
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The second you stepped foot back inside of your apartment with Jisung by your side, a wave of anxiety stabbed you abruptly in the gut. Not because of what was yet to come once the two of you eventually reached the bedroom, but because that same helpless feeling you felt earlier in the night had returned, hitting you at full force despite having Jisung glued to your side.
Your eyes darted around the living room nervously as you dropped your keys onto the table by the door and discarded your shoes. You expected something to jump out from the shadows at any given moment, though logically, you knew nobody else was in here. 
Still, your body tensed as you strode further inwards, your jaw clenched in anticipation as the hairs on the back of your neck stood up, waiting for something to happen.
A big part of you still felt Seojun lingering in every corner of the one-bedroom apartment you rented out, and when a gust of wind blew in through the cracked window and sent your curtains flying about, you nearly screamed in surprise. Fortunately, all that left your mouth was a small gasp, causing Jisungs arms to wrap around you in an instant.
“It’s alright, Jagiya.” he cooed softly in your ear as his arms tightened around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder. “He’s not here. He can’t hurt you anymore.”
Your eyebrows shot upwards in surprise at his words, causing you to turn in his hold and look at him in confusion.
“How did you-?” you paused and squinted at him, the pieces forming together quickly inside of your mind. “Minho, that bastard.” you finished with an annoyed grunt.
Obviously it was Minho.
Jisungs hand came up to hold the back of your head as he pulled you into a hug. 
“Please don’t be mad at Min, okay? When he, Chan, Jo and Ash left in a hurry this morning I knew something was going on. I practically forced it out of him the second they got back home.” he explained. "I didn't want to believe it until I saw for myself, so I'm sorry for what I said back at the club. You didn't deserve the way I spoke to you. I was just hurt and confused."
You swallowed roughly at the news, wondering how much Minho had told him.
“How much do you know?” You asked, barely registering the coldness that seemed to seep into your words. You bit the inside of your cheek as you waited for Jisungs response.
“He didn’t tell me the details.” he reassured you, his arms still holding you in a tight embrace. “Just that that asshole was hurting you. He didn’t even tell me you were home.”
You nodded slowly, lost in thought. 
Despite wanting to be mad at Minho, you knew you couldn’t be. Your friends always had your best interests in mind, even if it didn’t seem like it at times, so Minho telling Jisung meant he was confident Jisung wouldn’t say anything to anyone, especially not to the others.
Though, you knew with how nosy and protective they all were, they’d all find out the truth eventually. It wasn’t like you were planning on hiding it from them, you just wanted to avoid the topic as long as you could. But right here, right now, you couldn’t think of any reason not to tell Jisung the details of what you went through.
You trusted him with your life, and this, whatever this was, was forever. He’d never leave your side again and you knew you’d never leave his.
“Do you want to know?” you asked softly, almost whispering as your head dipped and your eyes found your feet. You wouldn’t push it upon him, but you knew letting him know you trusted him with everything in you was important. He needed the reassurance, needed to see how serious you were about him, about this, about whatever came next for the two of you after tonight.
Jisung was silent for a moment as his fingers found the cast on your arm, causing your eyes to lift up anxiously and meet him once more. He looked pained and unsure as he stared at the plaster, as if the answer to your question was more than just a simple yes or no, because in all honesty, it was. 
This was about more than just finding out what makes each other tick, it was about being vulnerable and opening up about the trauma you worked so hard to push away. It was about giving someone the opportunity to destroy you and trusting them not to. It was about handing them a ‘get out of jail’ free card and then praying they wouldn’t use it, that they wouldn’t leave, that they’d stay.
It was scary. 
No, it was fucking terrifying, but for Jisung, you would do anything.
After a couple of short, thoughtful breaths, Jisung gave you a sad smile. 
“Not unless you want me to know. And even then, I won’t pressure you into telling me.” he answered, softly kissing the tip of your nose. “Just know that I’m not going anywhere, okay? No matter what you went through and who you become because of it, I’ll be right here. I’ll stick by your side while you work through this and do whatever it is you need of me to help. We’re in this together.”
It was like a flame had suddenly ignited inside the depths of your heart at his words. Like someone had poured gasoline into your veins in an attempt to bring you down, and Jisungs words, his encouragement, was the match that lit you on fire and allowed you to fight back.
The sentiment was short and sweet, one that anybody else would have laughed at and waved off as him being too cheesy, but to you, it meant everything. You could feel the sincerity and truth behind each vowel, each consonant, and it made your heart burst with a form of emotion you’ve never felt before.
It was more than the happiness and joy you felt when you were surrounded by your friends, more than the excitement and anticipation you endured when you walked out on stage and found thousands of fans staring back at you. It was more than any pain and sadness you felt during your time away.
This was it. This was true love. And you found it in your best friend, just like you always hoped you would.
A smile broke out onto your face and an unexpected sob escaped your throat as you stared into Jisungs big, beautiful eyes. The ones that held so much adoration, so much joy, so much respect. You saw galaxies upon galaxies inside them, the chocolatey brown nearly hypnotising you as they sparkled in the dim light.
In that moment, you wanted him, needed him, in every way possible, but the words got caught in your throat and all that you managed to squeak out was a small “Thank you Ji.”
Jisung smiled back at you, a laugh seeping from his lips.
“Anything for you, Princess.” he whispered. Your heart skipped a beat.
“Anything, you say?” you then raised your eyebrow suggestively, causing his gummy smile to fade into one of his signature smirks.
The way his eyes darkened as if on cue had a fire stirring in your lower belly.
“Absolutely anything.” he chimed back without hesitation.
And those words of affirmation were all you needed to pick up where the two of you left off at the club. You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him to you, swiftly connecting your lips to his. Immediately, he scooped you up and wrapped your legs around his waist as his tongue pushed against your lips, demanding entry.
Before you knew it, you were straddling Jisung on the couch, your tongues both slowly and lazily tasting each other, exploring the expanses of what the other had to offer. While your fingers threaded through his hair, his hands explored you at an achingly slow pace. It was like he couldn’t get enough of you, his movements neverending as he memorised every inch of skin he could find.
All traces of wanting to rip his clothes off had exited your mind the second he sat the two of you down. There was no rush. You guys had the rest of your lives to jump into the sheets with one another. This night, however, would be one you both would remember for eternity, and the both of you cherished every breathing second you had as if it would be your last.
Every breath was slow, every touch delicate and teasing, every smile and giggle against the others lips dissolved into another long, searing-hot kiss. The two of you could stay like this for hours and still neither of you would be completely satisfied.
You weren’t sure how long the two of you sat like this for, just holding each other while your tongues battled for dominance, but when Jisung eventually pulled away, the two of you were breathless and exhausted.
You didn’t say a word as his big eyes found yours, his hands finally teasing the hem of the shirt you had on, a look of question in his eyes. He was silently asking permission to go further, to touch more of you, and you hoped the half nod and smile you sent back his way would suffice as an answer as you were still struggling to catch your breath.
Jisung didn’t give you much time to do so before he captured your lips once more and put his hands to work.
When his large, calloused hands dipped beneath the fabric, a jolt of electricity shot across your skin and a gasp fell from your lips into Jisungs open mouth. He smiled against you before reaching his hands higher, his fingers softly tracing up your spine until he came into contact with the clasp of your bra.
With one flick of his wrist, your clasp was undone, and he wasted no time bringing one of his hands around to slip under the cup and grab ahold of your breast.
With his other hand, he pulled your shirt over your head while he gently kneaded you in his palm, your bra following shortly after. He pulled away from your lips and leaned back to briefly stare at your now naked chest in wonder. 
“Jesus Christ Jagi,” he whispered delightfully, his thumb coming up to run across your already hardened nipple. Your body jolted at the sensation, causing an evil grin to lift the corners of his mouth while a puddle formed in your panties. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”
A blush crept to your cheeks, but instead of feeling insecure and shying away from him, you felt your ego boost to a whole new level.
Jisung brought his face to your chest and delicately kissed the cluster of scabs that sat at the crevice where your torso and arm met. You expected the old cigarette burns to hurt when his lips came into contact with them, but you felt nothing but neutral sensitivity. The action was so intimate and soft you almost lost your senses, but then Jisung was back to the task at hand an instant later, the soft, sweet moment gone. 
“Does that feel good, Princess?” Jisung asked as he rubbed his thumb across your nipple once more, watching the way your head fell back while a moan escaped your lips. You nodded in response, your hips seeming to have a mind of their own as they swung back before dragging forwards against the bulge in his pants that didn’t seem to fully go away ever since you kissed him in the club.
Both of you moaned noisily into the emptiness of the apartment as you repeated your actions several more times, the two of you feeling the wave of pleasure you both so desperately craved but were too nervous to insinuate up until now. 
“That’s it Jagi, lemme’ hear those pretty sounds.” Jisung mumbled as his other hand came up to cup your other breast, his thumbs now both circling around your nipples simultaneously.
Your jaw fell open and your eyes squeezed closed as pleasure shot through your body at his actions, another moan eliciting itself from deep within. With his thumbs gently playing with your nipples and his dick growing harder and harder against your core, you swore you were on cloud nine. A laugh escaped Jisungs throat as he watched you seductively grind against him.
“That’s my girl.” he praised softly, smiling up at you. Your eyes popped open at his words, the praise sending chills straight down to your pussy, and he flashed you another evil grin before bringing his face back into your chest. 
He wasted no time in clamping his mouth down around one of your nipples, his tongue expertly running over it as his now free arm folded around you, holding you against him and causing a halt in your hips movements. A high-pitched cry left your mouth when he pinched the opposite nipple between his thumb and pointer finger, his tongue still working wonders against you.
It had been so long since you had any of this, felt any of this, that you weren’t sure what to do, how to react. No one had ever touched you like this before. Seojun barely spared you any type of physical affection when the two of you got intimate, and if he did, it was brief, never lasting long enough for you to even get worked up over.
Jisung was bringing you into unfamiliar territory, and quickly at that. Despite his strong hold against your lower back, despite wanting to melt into the way his tongue slowly worked your sensitive bud, blowing at it and nibbling when he needed to breathe, you couldn’t help but wiggle. You needed to feel this on top of the added movement of your hips grinding against his. You needed to feel that warm, fuzzy feeling build up in your tummy that you haven’t felt in years.
“Ji.” you cried as your hands flew up to tug at his hair, trying to pull him from your chest. Jisung mumbled a soft ‘hmmm’ in response, his attention solely focused on your breasts. 
“I need more.” you whined. The way your lower lip jutted out was more than a little pathetic, you knew that, but with the way Jisung was pleasuring you right now, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. Jisung pulled away from you then and craned his head back to stare at you. 
“What’s wrong, Princess?” he doted, his fingers pausing in their attack on your swollen nipple and coming up to tug at your pout. “You want more?”
You cried against his touch.
“I need more.” you emphasised, your hips still struggling to move against his firm hold. "I need you." 
Jisung paused to brush a strand of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear and giving you a firm kiss on the lips before he released his hold on you.
"God, I want you so bad Princess." he whispered as his darkened eyes sparkled into yours. You swung your hips back and grinded hard against him, continuing your previous assault on the boner in his pants.
"Then fucking take me already Ji." you begged.
Jisung let out a small sigh and brushed some more hair from your face.
"I can't." he pouted. “Even though there’s nothing I would rather do more.”
You quirked your eyebrow and smirked at him as your hips continued their slow movement against his.  "Oh, and why is that Ji?" you teased around a small gasp, bringing your face to his jawline where you began planting soft kisses. 
Jisung sighed once more, his body growing tense under you, and you immediately stopped all of your movements. You pulled back to look at him, your eyes widening in concern as you took in the anxious expression that had suddenly fallen upon his face and the way he was nervously chewing on his lower lip,
“Ji, Baby, what’s wrong?”
Jisung swallowed roughly before his gaze fell to your shoulder. He pulled his lower lip into his mouth completely, his breath shaky as he gave you a slow response, the anticipation killing you.
“I just,” he paused before his eyes found yours again, his once darkened pupils now dilated with worry. “I don't want you to feel like I’m taking advantage of you. We both have alcohol in us and I don’t want our first time to be made on a drunken decision that you’re gonna’ regret in the morning.”
His honesty melted your heart but his insecurities threatened to disintegrate it completely. You hadn’t even thought of the fact that the two of you were running on alcohol and adrenaline alone. You were completely consumed by him that you didn’t even stop to think about what he wanted, what he needed.
It was your turn to reach up and tug at his pout.
“Han Jisung, the man you are.” you whispered in complete awe. Jisung’s lower lip jutted out further and he blinked up at you through his long lashes.
“I’m sorry, Bubs.” he whispered. Instantly, your hands flew up to cup his face, forcing him to tilt his head back and look at you completely.
“Hey. None of that.” you lightly scolded. “Never apologise for speaking your mind and telling me how you feel, okay?” Your eyes shone into his so intensely Jisung thought he might cry. The last thing he wanted was to disappoint you and his anxiety was quickly making him feel as if he was.
He swallowed hard again, his eyes darting between yours. The two of you stared at each other intimately for a moment before he nodded, his body relaxing slightly beneath you.
"I will never regret you." you then added, making sure he understood every syllable and that he felt the truth behind your claim. “Never.”
A small breath of relief left Jisungs mouth and he nodded again, the reassurance charging him like a battery. That’s all he needed to hear.
“Thank you Jagi.” he whispered, his face leaning into the hands that were pressed against his cheeks. The warmth that radiated from your body mixed with the smell of you was soothing and comforting to him, so much so he suddenly felt tired and exhausted and like he could fall asleep right then and there.
You noticed his eyes closing, his body melding into yours, and you leaned forward to plant a kiss on his exposed forehead. Jisung smiled and opened his eyes slightly to beam up at you.
“I’d do anything for you, you know that, right?” you asked softly, your thumbs running delicately against his cheek bones. Jisung's eyes sparkled at your words, his lips tilting upwards into another one of his signature smirks.
“Anything?” he mimicked your words from earlier, causing a giggle to escape your lips. God, he could listen to that sound all day.
You gave his cheeks a small squeeze.
“Absolutely anything.” you quipped back before placing another kiss on his forehead, followed by one to his nose. Jisungs smirk broke out into a smile before he carefully hoisted you off of his lap and held his hand out to you while he stood from the couch.
“Come shower with me?” he asked, his eyes glimmering with joy. You stared up at him, your mind still trying to process how he managed to get you off of him and on to his feet so quickly.
“What?” you asked out of habit. It wasn’t that you hadn’t heard him, you heard him loud and clear, but your brain was foggy as the adrenaline from your lewd actions began to simmer.
Jisung took your hand in his and pulled you to your feet when you took too long to do so yourself. He wasted no time planting a kiss to your cheek before pulling you towards the bathroom door, that damn evil grin appearing on his face once more.
“The sooner we shower and clean up, the sooner we can go to sleep, and the sooner we go to sleep, the sooner we can wake up and do what we’re both dying to do right now.”
He didn’t even wait for your answer as he opened the door to the bathroom and pulled you promptly inside.
Waking up the next morning beside Jisung was a strange and unfamiliar sensation. Not because you had someone in the bed next to you, that much you were used to by now, but because of the sheer level of intimacy that was shared between the two of you as your limbs tangled together in peace. 
You never woke up in another person's arms before, their face pressed into the back of your neck where their breath tickled you softly. It was strange to wake up engulfed in another person's scent, their arms wrapped tightly around your torso as if they were scared you’d disappear if they let go, even in their sleep.
It had been a long time since you woke up feeling this calm and at peace.
It had been a long time since you felt this safe.
You blinked your eyes open and glanced over at the alarm clock on your bedside table. It was only six in the morning. You let out a small groan. 
You were careful not to jostle Jisung too much as you reached blindly for your phone. You were happy to see you hadn’t received any more messages or calls from Seojun, but the twelve missed calls from Jo and the endless group chat messages left you feeling just as crappy.
You had totally forgotten to text the group last night to let them know you and Jisung were together and safe. You stifled a sound of guilt as you lazily swiped across the screen to read the messages everyone had sent.
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You let out a small sigh, laughing silently to yourself at your friends and their antics. You debated texting them back, but Jisung shifting his body behind you had you dropping your phone to the table once more and turning softly in his embrace.
He lay on his back, his one arm still tightly wrapped around you while the other was now thrown across his forehead, trying to block the sunlight that poured into the room. A cool breeze blew through the open window, causing him to squeeze you against his warm body.
You rested your head onto his shoulder and glanced up at him, admiring him as he slept. 
He was absolutely exquisite.
His skin was glowing against the early morning sun, making the small scar along his forehead and the mole on his cheek stand out prominently. There were bags under his eyes, only slightly lighter than they were the night before, and his long eyelashes cast shadows across his cheeks beautifully.
The scar beside his eye was practically begging for you to run your finger along it, so you did, reaching up gently and making sure your touch was feather-light. With a mind of its own, your finger then moved to trace the bridge of his nose down to the tip before slowly running along the plushness of his lips. 
Your face began to heat up as you thought about his lips and what else they were capable of other than kissing you senseless, and you were so wrapped in the thought that you nearly jumped when Jisungs fingers dug into your side lovingly a moment later, signalling he was awake.
You grinned up at him and poked his mole, causing a smile to breakout across his face, his eyes still closed.
“Good Morning Princess,” he whispered, his voice raspy from sleep. “Did you sleep well?”
With your finger still prodding at the tiny beauty mark, you sighed.
“Better than I have in years.” you told him honestly. Jisung just smiled and brought his other arm around you again, pulling you up so you were laying on top of him, your legs now tangling with his.
You rested your hands along his naked chest, your chin propped on top of them as you melted into his touch and watched as his eyes opened slowly. He looked down at you as one of his hands reached up to brush his knuckles softly against your cheek.
“You’re so gorgeous, Jagiya.” he murmured. “I love you so much.”
You didn’t need to say it back. Jisung knew just from the twinkle in your eyes how deeply you felt for him. It made his heart pound in happiness.
The two of you were silent for a moment, staring at each other in wonder as you both got lost in thought. You felt breathless knowing he was yours now, completely and undeniably so.
You were so scared he wasn’t going to want you back after everything that happened. You were so sure you were going to tell him how you felt and he would just turn around and leave you in the dust, much like you left him. 
The fact that the two of you were here now, clinging to each other while you both tried to rid your bodies from sleep, was an absolute dream come true. It couldn’t have turned out better.
You impulsively reached one hand up to trace your fingers against his lips once more, your mind once again swirling with thoughts of him pleasuring you with it.
“I was so worried I wasn’t going to get you back.” you whispered, trying to mask the blush on your cheeks.
Jisung grabbed your fingers and kissed them gently before resting his cheek against them. 
“I was so worried you weren’t going to come back.” he answered just as quietly, his eyes staring into yours. You gave him a cheeky grin as you scooted up his torso, bringing your face level with his.
“Yejun told me about all of your late night endeavours. You’ve been pretty busy since I’ve been gone, huh?” you teased before planting a kiss to his cheek and nestling your face into his neck. You breathed him in as his arms wrapped tightly around you, holding you in place. 
A sigh left his mouth at your words and he let out an embarrassed chuckle.
“Yeah, I’m not proud of who I became when you left. Losing you was the worst thing that ever happened to me and it was obvious by my actions that I didn’t give a single fuck about those girls or their feelings.” he mumbled. You could tell by the tone in his voice he was severely disappointed in himself, so you lifted your head from his neck and poked his mole again as you stared into his eyes.
“Hey, those girls were lucky to have been underneath you.” you joked. Jisung gave you a soft smile and pushed some hair out of your eyes again as he answered, causing your heart to leap in your chest.
“And yet, none of them stood a single chance against you.”
You dimpled up at him, feeling speechless at his cheesy words before planting a tender kiss to his lips, though Jisung suddenly had other ideas in mind.
As you pulled your face away from him, his hand came up to hold the back of your head, halting you so he could chase you with his lips and pull you back down.
Despite the forty-five minute shower the two of you had the night before, where you did nothing but make out relentlessly in between washing each other's bodies, you still felt your stomach flutter when he pushed his lips against yours.
Despite the hour or so afterwards that you guys spent just holding each other in bed and kissing, never reaching past second base, you still felt your heart thump excitedly in your chest when Jisungs tongue slipped past your swollen lips and battled against yours.
Kissing him now felt as natural to you as breathing, but it still left you feeling breathless and weak to the butterflies that filled your tummy like it was the first kiss all over again. Well, second technically.
But, unlike the many kisses that were shared the night before, this one was quick to become needy and desperate. Gone was the long and slow exploration of each other's mouths and in came frenzied desire as you two clung to each other, both acknowledging it was now morning and you were free to do what you so desperately longed for all night.
With his tongue still battling yours, Jisung removed his hands from your head and let them roam down your body until they were cupping your ass. He squeezed handfuls of your cheeks into his palms, his nails digging desperately into your skin, causing you to hiss in delight as he pulled you against him. You could feel his bulge growing hard against the inside of his boxer briefs, and you felt excitement shake your bones when he lightly lifted his hips to push himself against your core.
You moaned noisily into Jisungs mouth as his hands then slipped further down your ass, his fingers reaching to prod lightly at your panty-covered core from behind. He wasted no time sliding your panties aside and running a finger teasingly along your folds, a groan leaving his mouth as he felt how wet you already were for him.
“Princess,” he mumbled against your lips, his hips pressing up into yours again. “You’re already so wet for me and I haven’t even done anything yet.” he teased as he slowly inserted the tip of his finger into you, only slipping far enough in to reach his first knuckle.
The feeling of just the tip of his finger toying with you had a whine slipping from your mouth as your hips began to grind against his.
“Sungie,” you groaned. “Need you so bad.”
Jisung grinned up at you in awe as he hugged you tight to his chest, his eyes sparkling in excitement when he slowly inserted his finger further into you. The most delectable sound left your mouth, encouraging him to then pump his finger in and out at a snails pace.
The feeling of his clothed dick pushing up into you mixed with his finger softly sliding in and out of your pussy had your legs shaking and your breath caught in your throat. He felt so damn good you could cry.
Jisung mocked the pout that fell onto your face with one of his own as he stared into your eyes, gauging your reaction to his actions.
“What’s wrong Bubby? Feels good, huh? You like it when I touch you like that?”
All you could do was nod in response and let your face fall into the crook of his neck, your breathing heavy.
It had been so long since you’ve been this worked up by something that wasn’t yourself and your own fingers. It was almost painful to feel your orgasm building so quickly.
Unexpectedly, Jisung slipped another finger into you at the same time that he dipped the tip of his thumb over the opening to your anus. A loud, almost pornographic gasp escaped from your throat at the unfamiliarity and foreign sensation.
No one had ever touched you there before, and while you never saw yourself as someone who would enjoy anything to do with that part of your body, you couldn’t deny the absolute euphoria that rattled your bones as Jisung repeated his actions once more.
“Is that okay, Princess?” he whispered, watching you intently for any signs of discomfort. You nodded quickly against his neck before lifting your face to come level with his again.
“Mm'do it again.” you begged before you pressed your mouth to his, the kiss immediately becoming sloppy, teeth clashing against each other as your resolve began to slip.
“Anything for my girl.” Jisung murmured back before he dipped his thumb into your opening again, his fingers moving in time with it.
The heat in your belly grew at double the speed as Jisung worked his digits inside of you. You felt manic as his hold around you loosened, allowing you room to move your hips against his all over again.
Within minutes, the three different sensations all working against you in tandem had you practically screaming, begging for relief. It was all too much.
Just as your head began to grow foggy and the heat in your stomach was on the verge of exploding, Jisung pulled his fingers out of you and flipped you onto your back, stopping you before you could reach your release.
A cry left your mouth involuntarily at the sudden loss of contact.
“What the fuck Ji?” you gasp, your breathing coming out in spurts.
Jisung smirked down at you from where he was hovering over your body on his forearms, his legs tangled with yours as he pressed his erection into your thigh. His silver-blonde hair fell into his eyes as that wicked smile spread across his puffy cheeks.
“Sorry Jagi, but I don’t want you cumming yet unless it's around my cock.”
A growl left your mouth unexpectedly.
“Motherfucker.” you ground out around clenched teeth as you pushed him off of you. Jisungs eyes widened in surprise but he obeyed you without a hassle, allowing you to push him back against the headboard and straddle his thin waist.
“Let’s see if you’re as bratty and submissive as everyone thinks you are.” you half-threatened, your hands working quickly to slip off his boxers. His thick, hard cock bounced back lightly against his stomach, causing you to pause and stare at him in wonder as you threw his boxers somewhere behind you.
Jisung bit the inside of his cheek at your hesitation, watching you nervously as you stared down at him. 
“Is it okay, Jagi?” he whispered out. Your eyes flickered up to his and you saw mountains of insecurity in them. Without a pause, you nodded your head and licked your lips, your eyes travelling back downwards.
“It’s fucking perfect Ji. Can’t wait to feel it inside of me.”
A small sigh left his mouth, his shoulders relaxing at your reassurance. 
“How’s your pull out game?” you then asked as you continued to stare at him, saliva pooling in your mouth at the mere thought of having him pumping inside of you. Jisung was quick to answer, his insecurities gone as quick as they came.
“As strong as it needs to be, why?”
“I just wann’ feel you raw.” you answered around a huff as you slid your panties off. The shirt Jisung was wearing the night before hung loosely around your body, barely covering your naked skin. Jisung swore he could cum right then and there from just the sight of you.
“Yeah?” his muscles tensed at the thought of having you wrapped around him with nothing separating your bodies. He moaned lightly just imagining it.
You licked your lips and nodded swiftly in response as you straddled his hips, his dick throbbing deliciously in between the two of you. 
"Yes. Please. Just let me feel you." You cried. You reached up and grabbed a handful of his hair again and pulled his head back roughly, your eyes shining into his.
Shamelessly, Jisung moaned into the feeling, staring up at you as if his biggest dreams were coming true, because they were.
He always dreamed of being with a dominant girl in the bedroom, but all of the females he’s ever been with insisted on him using his dominance over them. Sure, there was nothing he loved more than bending someone over and fucking them into submission, and he couldn't wait to do that to you, but he longed for the chance to let someone direct him. He yearned to let someone be in control for once and use him to their heart's content.
 And alas, here you were, doing exactly that without even being asked.
As if you needed to be any more perfect for him.
As if he needed to be more in love with you than he already was.
“There’s no one like you Jagiya.” he whispered in awe before he wrapped his arms around you and pressed his lips against yours. You positioned yourself over his dick and pulled his hair roughly once more, earning another whimper from his mouth before you lowered yourself down onto him.
The stretch was slow, excruciatingly delicious. He filled you so perfectly you nearly came from the skin on skin contact alone. Jisung must’ve felt it too because he squeezed his nails into your hip bones and helped pull you down completely until your pelvis was flush with his, a hiss slipping from his lips as euphoria hit him.
For several long seconds, the two of you froze, both crying out in pleasure at the highs that were already building from the naked sensation of each other's bodies against one another.
It made you feel delirious, the way he fit inside you so flawlessly, the tip of his cock pressing against your cervix delicately. Your hips twitched with anticipation, causing his dick to press further into you and you couldn’t do anything except let your head fall to his shoulder as a whine left your lips.
“Ji, Baby,” you cried. “You feel so good.”
Jisungs breathing was already laboured as he focused on not cumming inside you. Your walls clenched around him so effortlessly it was almost as if your bodies were made for each other.
“I know, Jagi. I know. Your pussy feels so good around me, it’s making me fucking crazy.” he whined.
"Are you good to go?" You asked, barely holding yourself back from grinding your hips down onto his. Jisung took another deep breath and nodded, desperate to feel you. 
You smiled against the skin of his shoulder as you then began to rock your hips, riding him slowly, allowing both of your bodies time to adjust to the feeling. Everytime you'd rock your hips forward, you'd yank Jisungs hair, causing him to whimper and buck his hips up into you, which in turn only encouraged you to move again, desperate for that friction. 
It was a vicious cycle that had you both whining with pleasure as you made love to him. Because that's what this was. You weren't fucking him, you were pouring every ounce of love you had for the man underneath you into each roll of your hips, and you knew, you felt, the loving pouring back into you from him as he thrust his hips upwards to meet you halfway. 
It didn't take you for long to reach your high again. The knot in your stomach tightened quickly with each movement and you were whimpering into Jisungs ear desperately despite being the one in charge. 
Jisung pressed his lips to your ear when he felt your pussy clench around him beautifully. He smiled against your earlobe as he tightened his hold around you.
"That's it Princess. Cum all over my cock." He whispered. That sentence alone, hearing the dirty words slip past his lips, is what sent you over the edge and you did exactly that. You came, hard, drenching him in your juices as a loud gasp fell from your lips and you dug your nails into his shoulders. 
Your legs shook violently as Jisung continued pressing his hips up into you, extending your orgasm into one of the best highs you've ever had. It had been so long since you've had one that tears immediately formed in your eyes and pooled down your cheeks. 
You shoved your face into Jisungs neck and sniffled, trying to stop the tears from flowing. Tears of relief for reaching the high you were barely able to accomplish on your own, and tears of happiness because Jisung was the one beneath you, making you feel this way. 
You always dreamed of this, of him being beneath you, on top of you, inside of you. You spent the last year and a half with another man, fantasising about this one specifically, and having those fantasies finally become a reality was absolutely mind altering. You've never been happier than in this moment.
Jisung stopped his hips movements when he felt your tears wet his skin, and he pulled away slightly to look up at you in concern. 
"Are you okay Princess? What's wrong?" His big, brown eyes were full of worry as he watched you cry. His dick was still hard inside of you, and yet all he could focus on was your emotions. 
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." You apologised as you wiped at the wetness on your cheeks. Jisungs hand came up to help wipe the tears that were spilling over uncontrollably. 
"What are you apologising for, Bubs?"
You hiccuped and shoved your face back into his neck, feeling heat flush your cheeks in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry. I'll be able to keep going in a minute. I just-” you hiccuped again. “I just haven't had one of those in a long time." You explained. 
"What, an orgasm?" Jisung was briefly shocked at your revelation, but it quickly turned to downright annoyance when realisation hit, but it wasn’t directed at you.
"Wait, that asshole never…?" He trailed off when he felt you shake your head against his neck. The two of you were quiet for a couple seconds as Jisung pulled you impossibly closer to him, his dick still twitching restlessly.
“How long has it been since you had one that wasn’t your own doing?” he asked quietly, his heart breaking for you. You took a shaky breath and mumbled your answer into his shoulder, feeling your cheeks flush even more.
Jisungs eyes nearly bulged out of his head, and he was glad you stayed nestled into him. The last thing he wanted was his surprise to be mistaken as pity and have you get even more upset than you already seemed to be.
“Oh, Princess.” he doted as he tightened his hold on you and flipped you onto your back unexpectedly with ease, his dick still burrowed deep inside you. The second your head hit the pillow, your eyes widened with worry and you began to shake your head in protest.
“What are you doing? No, no, no. I’m on top. I’m always on top.” you felt panic begin to grow inside your chest, but it faded away just as quickly as you saw the reassurance in Jisungs eyes. He pulled a hand out from beneath you and wiped at your tears, brushing his fingertips lightly against your cheekbones before kissing them promptly.
“Just take a deep breath Bubs” he whispered. “How about you let me make you feel good, hm? It’s the least I could do for the love of my life.” he cooed. You stared up at him in confusion for a moment, trying to process what it was he said.
He wanted to take over and fuck you?
The idea of being on the receiving end felt so foreign and strange to you. You’ve been the dominant one for so long, you barely remembered what it felt like to let someone else be in control. You stared up at him with your big beautiful eyes, a look of uncertainty in them, and Jisung’s heart nearly broke all over again. 
It was at that moment he vowed to himself that he would always do everything in his power to give you as many orgasms as you wanted, whenever you wanted. Anything to get that look of insecurity off your face.
He brushed his fingers against your cheek again when you still didn’t give him a consensual answer to keep going.
“Let me take care of you, Bubby. Let me show you what it feels like to be with a real man. One who loves every square inch of you, inside and out. Just lay back and let Sungie do all the work, yeah?” 
The amount of promise and emotion in his eyes had you choking on your next breath. A feeling of excitement brewed low in your stomach, one you hadn’t felt in forever, and you nodded eagerly. You didn’t realise how badly you were craving this until now.
With a satisfied smile, Jisung pulled out of you completely and kissed your forehead before repositioning himself. He took your one leg and laid it flat against the bed, moving to straddle it as he hoisted the other up onto his shoulder. Your body twisted slightly with the movement, leaving you half on your side and leaving your pussy tight and ready for him.
With his hand cradling your leg, he turned his head and kissed your calf softly before positioning himself at your entrance.
“Are you ready Princess?” he asked. You nodded breathlessly, eager to have him fill you up once more. Jisung sent you one of his sweet, gummy smiles before he turned his head and bit roughly into the muscle of your calf, his dick pushing into you at the same time. The pain and pleasure of both actions mixed together so perfectly you let out a string of curse words in response.
The position he had you in was new, one you never tried before, and while your butt ached from the way your body was twisted, you couldn’t deny how good it felt. His dick was pushing against your cervix so flawlessly you nearly passed out from the pleasure alone.
“Oh my fucking god,” you cried as Jisungs hips began to rock into you. The friction of his pelvis rubbing against yours from how deep he pushed was blinding, his mouth only adding to the intensity as he licked and bit at your leg.
You let out a loud squeal as he pulled himself half-way out and slammed back into you again. 
“I told myself I was going to take my sweet ass time with you, but the way your pussy is clenching around me right now is making me fucking feral Princess.” he breathed as he picked up his pace, his hips rocking more forcefully into you.
You let your head fall into the pillow as another round of obscene sounds left your throat. Jisung’s head had fallen back in pleasure as he cursed under his breath. You were so perfect for him. He wanted to take care of you and absolutely destroy you at the same time.
“My god, you’re so perfect for me Jagi.” he groaned as his face fell downwards so he could stare at you. You were looking back at him already, your face contorted into a look of pure bliss as he fucked you senseless. He felt his high approaching but he forced it back, wanting to make you finish at least once more before he did.
Luckily for him, you were close, and when his hands came down to wrap around your thigh, his nails digging into your skin as he pulled you even closer, allowing him to go deeper, you shattered.
“Fuck Ji, baby. I’m cumming. I’m cumming. I’m cumming.” you cried loudly as you exploded around him, your walls squeezing him deliciously. Jisungs hips halted as he pressed into you as far as he could go, wiggling slightly to help overstimulate you. He paused there, watching your face melt into a puddle of pure satisfaction. 
“You’re so good for me Princess.” he reached down to cup your chin, forcing you to look at him as you shook in sensitivity. “Keep your eyes on me, okay? I’m not done yet.”
Before you could process his words, Jisung manoeuvred himself once again until he was snug between both of your legs, looming over you in missionary. His dick automatically slid back into your slick cunt and he wasted no time chasing the high he had been holding back.
He thrust into you hard, his dick sliding delightfully against your walls, his eyes never leaving yours and yours never leaving his. You had barely come down from your previous orgasm, the oversensitivity building another one up so quickly it was overwhelming. But you didn’t dare ask him to stop. Not when he was making you feel so heavenly.
“Fuck Jisung. Fuck, fuck fuck. Your dick feels so good inside of me.” you whimpered as he continued to relentlessly slip in and out of you, the overstimulation perfect. “I’m gonna’ cum again.”
Jisung let out a hearty laugh as his face fell into your neck, his lips and teeth gliding against your skin as he squeezed your hips and tried to hold you still.
“You gonna’ give me another one?” he teased, to which all you could do was nod in response. His question quickly sent you over the edge again unexpectedly, your body floating in bliss as the white hot pleasure threatened to blind you.
 “Holy shit, Bubby. Your pussy feels amazing sucking me in like this. You’re so fucking tight. Shit.” Jisung’s movements faltered as his orgasm approached quickly. “Shit, Princess, I’m gonna’ cum. Let me out.”
Instead of allowing him enough room to exit and cum all over your tummy, you wrapped your legs around his slutty waist and squeezed him closer to you. Jisungs eyes widened in panic, his hips stuttering again.
“What’re you doing?” he squeaked as he tried to hold back his orgasm long enough to escape. The pout on your face would have driven him over the edge if your next words hadn’t.
“I want you to cum inside of me Ji.” you whimpered, staring into his eyes.
“Wha-?” Jisung stuttered over his words. He was feeling so frenzied he barely managed to slow his hips down long enough to make sure he heard you right. “Are you - fuck - are you sure?"
You nodded quickly, feeling tears form in your eyes again because of how desperately you wanted to feel him. “I wann’ feel you fill me up. Please Jisung. Make me yours.”
The affirmation was all he needed. Jisung nodded and pressed a kiss to your lips as he bucked his hips, picking up his pace once more. The small break in his movements, the unintentional edging, left him absolutely pussy drunk. He began slamming into you with so much force your body was moving up the bed with every thrust.
“Oh Jagi,” he moaned. “I’m gonna fill you up so good. Gonna give it to you so nice. Fuck. Tell me how much you love me Bubby. Tell me you’re all mine.” he begged desperately.
The oversensitivity from your orgasm had you feeling unhinged, barely able to keep your eyes open, let alone form another sentence to respond.
“‘Mmmm love you s’much Ji. More than anything else in’he world. I’m all yours.”
“Fuck Jagiya. I’m fucking cumming.”
A second later, he exploded. His load shot into you at neck-breaking speed, painting your walls and filling you to the brim. He had waited so long to fuck you, there was so much of it. It spilled out of you so easily, and yet, Jisung couldn’t get enough of those pretty sounds leaving your mouth.
He squeezed his eyes shut as he forced his hips to continue a slow thrust forwards, extending his orgasm impossibly more, the overstimulation driving him crazy. 
You let out a whimper as you felt his dick slowly softening inside of you. Regardless, it still felt amazing pushing inside of your pussy, and you knew if he kept thrusting into you like that, you’d cum again from the feeling of it alone.
“You got one more in you, yeah?” Jisung asked lovingly as he pushed the hair off of your sweaty forehead. Your eyes barely opened, a soft cry leaving your mouth as you nodded, desperate for that high you suddenly felt absolutely addicted to.
“Of course you do, that’s why you’re so good for me.” he praised as he continued to fuck you while his dick softened. It was rubbing so delicious into your swollen clit, a mixture of your juices and his spilling from you and onto the bed sheets.
“Gotta’ make sure my Princess is satisfied.” Jisung lips found yours and he brought you in for a long, slow, burning-hot kiss. One that was no longer rushed, no longer delirious and desperate. One that, much like the night before, held mountains of love and adoration and happiness. One that showed you just how much you meant to him, how much he needed you, how hard he fell for you.
It was passionate, feeling his tongue glide over yours as his dick lazily pushed in and out of you, your orgasm building as quickly as the others had. His hands slowly trailed up underneath your shirt and he softly caressed your breasts, his fingers moving to play with your nipples as his swollen lips left yours and latched onto your neck. He licked the sensitive spot right below your jawline before biting it gently and before you knew it, another orgasm hit, an exhausted cry leaving your mouth.
“That’s my fucking girl.” Jisung praised, his hips stuttering to a halt as you came around his cock one last time. 
He watched you with pure adoration, loving the way your face twisted up in pleasure as you came around his semi-hard dick. You looked absolutely gorgeous, hair sprawled out across the pillow, body slick with sweat, your eyes barely open as your jaw fell slack. 
You were so beautiful he felt himself growing hard again already. He would've loved to keep going, fucking you like this for hours until you were both spent and exhausted, but the pained look that spread across your face when he experimentally bucked his hips forwards once more told him you were done for.
Jisung carefully pulled out of you as you tried to catch your breath. He smiled down at you before he rolled onto his back and pulled your naked body on top of him. You barely had enough energy to look at him, so you settled for resting your head across his chest. 
Jisung wrapped one of his strong hands around your waist while the other played with your hair softly, his fingers brushing through the knotted and sweaty strands.
The two of you laid like that for a while, both silently catching your breaths. You listened to his heartbeat pumping softly in your ear and it was so comforting you were sure you would've fallen asleep if Jisung hadn't spoken up into the silence that engulfed the room.
"So I've been thinking."
"Uh oh. That's dangerous." You teased. You twisted your head to smirk up at him as he grinned down at you and pinched your sides in retaliation. An adorable squeal escaped your mouth then as his fingers proceeded to gently tickle you, and Jisung swore your laugh was the most beautiful sound ever to exist on earth. He'd listen to it for eternity if he could. 
"You're a jerk." He mused, planting a soft kiss to your forehead. You beamed up at him and pinched his cheeks.
"You love me." 
Jisung didn't bother denying it. He simply just beamed back at you before leaning forwards to plant another kiss to your face, this one on your nose. 
"More than you'll ever understand." 
He paused to take a deep breath, brushing your messy hair away from your face before he continued on with what he wanted to say. 
"Anyways, as I was saying. How would you feel about moving into the house with the rest of us?" 
Still staring up at him, you arched an eyebrow and gave him another sly smile despite the way your heart rate rose quickly at his question.
"Han Jisung," you tsked. "That's a big step. We aren't even dating yet." 
You expected a pout to appear on Jisungs face at your joke, but you were surprised to find him smirking back at you instead, his tongue prodding the inside of his cheek in amusement. 
"Really? 'Cause I thought it was pretty obvious that we were after I had you practically screaming my name just a minute ago." Your jaw dropped in surprise at his upfront teasing. Jisungs smirk deepened as he caught your reaction before he mimicked you in a high-pitched voice, moaning with each word as it left his mouth dramatically. 
"Oh Jisung! Oi Papi! You're so good! I love you so much! More than anything else in the world! I'm all yours! Take me, take me!”
You smacked his arm and tried to hide your giggle around a hard glare, but failed miserably. “Alright, alright. It wasn’t that dramatic.” 
Jisung let out a laugh of his own at his theatrics and snuggled you closer to him.
“Seriously though, Bubs. Move into the house with us. You practically live there already. We can turn the guest bedroom into an office for you and you can stay with me in mine. We’ve been dying to have you move in for years now.” he explained as he rubbed a hand slowly up and down your back. 
Electricity shot through the ends of his fingertips as he trailed his fingers along the curve of your spine. You melted into his touch as you stared up at him, your fingers coming up to prod at his adorable mole again. 
Moving in with Jisung and the rest of the family seemed like nothing but a green flag. You did already spend all of your time at the house rather than your own apartment, and you knew each and every member of your friend group would be absolutely over the moon if you moved in. But, you were an introvert at heart, and although you loved your friends dearly, you knew you’d miss your cherished alone time and private space.
“I don’t know Ji.” you whispered as you stared at his beauty mark, unable to meet his gentle gaze. Jisung’s grin softened as he searched your eyes for any sign of you being uncomfortable with his request. He was relieved to find none but he did notice a hint of uncertainty in them, which he knew came from your introverted nature.
“I know you always said you enjoyed having your own space, but I’d feel a hell of a lot better if you moved in with us. I wouldn’t have to worry so much about Seojun showing up out of nowhere and catching you when you’re home alone.” he whispered.
You didn’t want to see the look of disappointment you knew would come to his face when you turned down his idea, so you settled with biting your lip as if you were still undecided.
“I don’t know. I need space for all of my stuff, and you and I both know that the guest bedroom is desperately needed for the amount of parties you idiots throw during your off time. I’ve seen more naked bodies in that bed than I care to admit.”
Jisung let out a small huff and curled his mouth to the side as he fell into another thought, taking your response seriously. You waited patiently as you watched the gears in his brain work in double time while he tried to come up with a better solution.
“Well, what if we move out and get a place together? I can keep you safe.”
Your heart jumped at the proposal, warmth spreading throughout your limbs as soon as the words left Jisungs mouth. You were taken back by how quickly he managed to come up with the idea, almost like he had been debating it for a while. 
The second the words reached your ears, there wasn’t anything you wanted more, but you still found yourself shaking your head and giving him a pointed look.
“You wouldn’t hurt a fly, Ji.” you stated, as if that was reason enough not to. Jisungs eyebrows furrowed and he gave you an artificial look of disgust.
“Excuse you, but if Seojun ever dared to show up around here again, you can bet your sweet ass I’d put him in the hospital.”
You let out a thankful smile before you sighed.
“You don’t have to feel obligated to move in with me to keep me safe.” you spoke, your voice soft and quiet. Jisung scoffed at your words and shook his head as if what you said was the stupidest thing he’d ever heard.
“Princess, I’m not doing it as an obligation.” he paused to catch your chin in between his fingers as you began to turn your head away, forcing you to look him in the eye. “I’m not doing it for you, I’m doing it for me, okay? For us. Because now that I have you, the thought of not waking up next to you or coming home to you from here on out makes my stomach turn with anxiety. I don’t want to go another day or night without you by my side.”
You swore to yourself you weren’t going to cry again for the rest of the day, rest of the week even, but after seeing the honesty and sincerity and absolute devotion in his dark eyes, you felt the tears begin to form. The two of you were silent for a moment as he let his words, his emotions, sink in. 
This was it for him. You were it for him. There was nowhere else he’d rather be.
 You pouted up at him in astonishment.
“You’d… You’d move out of the family house and find a place with me?”
Jisung smiled down at you and wiped at the tears that were threatening to spill out of your widened eyes.
“Baby, I’d marry you tomorrow if I could.”
You swallowed roughly, choking back a sob at his words. It was definitely too soon to be talking about marriage, but the underlying commitment and unspoken promise in his voice rocked you to the core, rendering you speechless.
“I’m also going to sit down and talk with Chan and the managers to see what I have to do in order to bring you along with us whenever we travel for tours and performances and such.” 
You blinked up at him, the surprise from his previous statement only making you more emotional. You weren’t expecting that.
“What?” was all you managed out. Jisung brushed his fingers through your hair and let out a hearty laugh.
“What? I was serious when I said I didn’t want to go another night without sleeping next to you.”
Your eyebrow shot up in question.
“Is that really a good idea?”
Jisung shrugged his shoulders and pulled your naked bodies impossibly closer together, revelling in the feeling of your soft skin on his. He could never get enough of this, enough of you.
“Ash and Jo come along with us. So why can’t you?”
It was your turn to scoff and let out a laugh. 
“Ash has to, she's the head of make-up. And Chan threw an absolute fit when it came to Jo and that barely worked. How do you know they’ll let you?”
“I’ll throw a bigger fit.” Jisung answered, as if it was obvious. A smile broke out onto your face and you shook your head at him as he continued speaking. “I’m an idol, Baby. They have to let me. Plus, if the sex continues being this incredible, I won’t survive without it. And I can guarantee you none of them would want to put up with my cranky, stressed out ass if I’m forced to go months without you. I swear to God, there’s nothing more stress-relieving than being balls deep inside of your perfect little pussy.”
His voice had gone deep and husky, and you could feel his dick growing hard against your leg once again. Butterflies set off inside your stomach at his words, his tone. His one hand tightened its hold around your waist while the other guided your face towards his, his nose tracing yours.
“You’re so dramatic.” you whispered, your lips hardly brushing his. 
Jisungs hand held your head in place as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. You immediately melted into his touch, his scent, his taste as he opened his mouth and ran his tongue along yours lazily.
“Not dramatic. Just hopelessly in love.” he whispered as he pulled away and beamed up at you, his eyes sparkling with that familiar look of lust and love and happiness. You pulled further away from him and prodded his mole again with your finger, deciding it was your favourite thing to do.
“And what happens when this honeymoon phase ends Ji?” you questioned with a quirk of your brow. Jisung turned his head and caught your finger between his teeth, biting it playfully as his hand began tracing the curvature of your ass.
“Oh trust me. It never will. You’re my destiny, Jagiya.”
You practically swooned.
“Damn,” you breathed, fanning yourself dramatically, ignoring the flush that engulfed your cheeks and spread to your ears. “You love me that much?”
Jisung squeezed your ass into the palm of his hand, unintentionally pulling you against his hardening dick.. You could see the heat and desperation growing in his darkening eyes, causing a ball of fire to brew in the pit of your stomach.
“More than you’ll ever understand y/n. My love for you is like an eternal flame. It burns brighter than the sun and hotter than any desert on earth. It is truly and utterly endless.”
At his confession, you moved to abruptly straddle his waist, his words igniting a fire in your core. His dick pushed deliciously against your opening. Jisung let out a whimper as you lightly rubbed your pussy against the head of his cock, teasing him as you sent him a knowing smirk.
“You mean like a volcano?” you inquired. The smile that broke out onto Jisungs face would forever be imprinted into your eyelids as he connected the dots to what you were saying. He shook his head at you in awe, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugged you tightly to his chest as he pulled you down onto him. He filled you to the brim in one motion, ripping a loud cry from your throat.
“You’re damn right Princess. Like a Goddamn volcano.”
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as mentioned in a previous post, I will not be writing/posting a Jisung POV anytime soon, but I do want to eventually do a bonus chapter, whether that be a pov or a time jump, idk yet. i will make an announcement about it closer to the time i do, so watch out for that.
Thank you all so much for reading and joining me on my journey of reposting this fic. As my first one, it is still so dear to my heart and I'm thankful I had that chance to go back and edit what I wanted to. I'm so much happier with this version than the original on my old blog. I hope you all love it as much as I do!
Taglist || @sungshineworld @collisvng @ihrtlix @queen-in-the-shadows @cassidymb121
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bobbinalong · 3 months
haven’t been reading the run, out of curiosity was jon unhappy with the adoption?
Unhappy isn't the word I'd use, no. He had some complicated feelings about it, which makes sense in the best of circumstances, which isn't exactly what the Kent family finds themselves in. Seeing his parents care for them kind of makes him realize that he isn't quite as alright after the volcano as he thought he was. But he knows from the beginning that those feelings are his and while very valid, they aren't the kids' fault.
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Action Comics (2016) #1053
He can't stand the thought of them thinking he hates them and he feels very responsible for them.
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Action Comics (2016) #1054
And we see him have fun with them, even playing "Coneyball" with them, a game he used to play with Clark as a kid that he previously felt somewhat protective over. (Or, more specifically, over playing it with Clark, who suggested taking the twins and making a weekend out of it when Jon mentioned playing it again, which isn't quite what Jon had in mind. Either way, he seems to have gotten around to playing it with the twins.)
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Action Comics (2016) #1053 & Action Comics (2016) #1059
He also seems to be regularly watching them now (though I'd take this back-up with a tiny grain of salt because Otho and Osul call Lois "Mom" in it and I don't think they're quite there yet anywhere else.)
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Action Comics (2016) #1059
So no, he's not unhappy with the adoption. It's just a complicated thing for everyone involved.
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ask-the-royal-absol · 2 months
(@ask-the-shiny-pokemons) As Rimi approaching the castle, she gasps of how it looks so beautiful. Upon approaching Hope and King Flint, she smiles.
"Heya! It's nice to meetcha again! I'm impressed of how this place looks... Anyways...ya have a family, right?" now she facing the king "Can you tell some of your stories with Hope? Woulda be interestin' to hear them."
King Flint: Of course I have a family. Everyone in this castle is family to me. They've all helped in running this kingdom and raising Hope. The magmar you see there? One of the best advisors I've ever had. Stan the Hitmonlee? Superb bodyguard. Everyone is considered a part of the family.
King Flint: As for stories about my little girl, I have many! The time she got her head stuck in a bush, the time she almost fell into the volcano, that time she almost lost a race to a slugma. The tales I have about my little chic are endless.
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King Flint: But the embarrassing ones make you, well, you. They're just as important as your successes. Every part of your life develops you into the Pokémon you are today.
Hope: Please spare me the embarrassment.
King Flint: Alright, alright.
Destino: Coward.
King Flint: Oh? Coward, am I? Need I remind you that I'm in an alliance with your family? Or should I tell everyone here about the shower incident? The evolution party? The talent show? What about the-
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King Flint: Let me tell you all about the moment I was most proud of her. It was when she first learned how to write. Now, you can probably see that Hope is one to struggle with certain things due to her lack of arms. To be honest, I never thought it'd be possible. She had to use a scribe for a lot of her younger schooling. You found it frustrating having to have someone write down absolutely everything. One day, she'd had enough. She spent time and effort writing and writing and writing, finding new and more comfortable ways to do it. There were many times you gave up, weren't there?
Hope: Kinda hard to write when you're so behind all of your peers and nobody knew what to do with you.
King Flint: Pretty much. I was told by many of her teachers that she probably would never be able to develop the skill. Legs and feet just aren't designed to do that. She persevered though. I think you were about, what, 12 when you wrote me my first father's day card all by yourself. I couldn't help but cry.
Hope: Cry? You were bawling your eyes out!
King Flint: Hahaha! I suppose I was! I was just proud my little girl had achieved something that no one else thought possible. Sure, your spelling is a bit wonky at times, but I'm still so proud of the progress you've made. Of course, you've still needed your scribe sometimes and we've had to make a lot of adaptations to make things easier for you, but I'm still so proud of how far you've come.
*Destino listened to the kind words Hope's dad said about her. Had they ever received any meaningful praise from their parents? Their dad was one that barely spoke at the best of times. When he did want to talk to them, it was usually about royal duties and doing what's right for the kingdom. Their mother babied them every second she saw them but there was never a time Destino had ever heard anything about how proud they were of them. Was the absol envious of what they were seeing? Maybe a little. What would life have been like if their parents were more supportive of them or even just there for them? For half of their childhood, Destino was mainly raised by the two Bisharps, Roy and Hershel. It was only when they were 10 that their parents decided to take some responsibility for raising them.
Their face turned to a small frown for a second before they quickly corrected themselves. They couldn't show this simple story affected them. Destino wouldn't show any emotions that would make it seem like they weren't in control of themselves and their emotions. Not again. These Pokémon had already seen enough.*
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King Flint: Were you born like that?
*Destino moves in between the King and Rimi, looking at him*
Destino: You mean to tell me Rimbo over here is not supposed to look like that?
King Flint: Well, she certainly ain't like any lycanrocs here.
Destino: Wow, I knew you were weird, Rimbo, but this is on a whole nother level. I just assumed this is what your species looked like. No, turns out you're just some oddball. Couldn't be me. Thank goodness.
Hope: Is there anything wrong with Pokémon who are born looking different?
Destino: Of course not. I definitely don't look like your average Absol. In fact, I'm far better than the average. Flawless even. Definitely better than all of you. Guess I was just born perfect.
*Hope, breathing out a sigh of frustration, gives a small kick to Destino's legs. The absol lets out a little scream.*
Destino: How dare you?!
Hope: Oh, I'm sorry. Your incessant voice is just so unpleasant to my ears. I had to put an end to that. Nice scream by the way. Can't wait for that in the training grounds.
King Flint: Hey hey, now let's stop all that. No need to be fighting here. Save it for a more appropriate time. Hope, you know better. And Prime Destino, perhaps you should hold your tongue for now. You're funny but I don't wanna have anything start whilst I'm here, alright?
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idontknowreallywhy · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
This isn’t what I am supposed to be writing, but it’s been… A Week and I’ve struggled to write anything at all. Only this, for some reason, and I’m not 100% content with it as it is still kind of clumsy. But… work in progress, right? And sharing does seem to motivate me to pull the words together so here we are!
Instead of the three possible things I plan to be adding to / finishing in the near future, I’ve leapt months and months ahead in a currently dormant fic because I’m fascinated by what might happen when the truth of a particular incident is revealed. So we have Scott having a panic attack and a bit of the frustration of being a whole world away from someone you’d really like to be able to comfort with more than just words… both of which could be considered personal catharsis I suppose.
*apologises to characters for inficting more angst upon them*
The call finally connected, voice only this time, and she could hear seabirds.
He sounded so deflated it knocked the breath from her lungs and she found herself straightening up and clenching her fists as her body instinctively readied itself to fight and destroy whatever it was that had hurt him.
“Hey Blue, what’s happened?”
There was silence. No, not silence. She could hear him breathing erratically against the white noise of the sea and the occasional gull squawking in the distance. His despair was almost tangible from half way around the world.
She tried an easier question:
“Where are you?”
“Volcano” it was barely more than a whisper.
“On the island?”
“Yeah… it’s… view is nice… up here. Lot of sky.”
“Sky is good.”
She could hear a faint gasp as if he’d suddenly remembered to breathe. Then several short panting breaths before he was clearly holding it again as there was only the sea.
“Scott… can you try a slow breath for me?”
She could hear him inhaling in through his nose and blowing out through his mouth with the faintest whistle.
“That’s it. And again.”
He obeyed and mumbled an apology.
“You don’t need to apologise. Give me another breath.”
He did. Then swore softly.
“I don’t think they trust me.”
“Who? Your brothers?”
“Yeah.” The word was little more than a squeak.
“What has given you that impression?”
He huffed the least joyful laugh a human being could ever emit.
“Not just an impression.”
“Ok... What is the evidence for your conclusion?”
“I’ve messed up so bad. I… they… they think I… that I could…”
His breathing was quiet but way too fast, a faint squeak at the end of each inhalation betrayed his losing battle with the panic.
“Slow down, Blue. Where never lark…”
“Or-ever-eagle-flew” the words came out in a rush but after a further shuddering breath he managed to get his breathing more even and apologised again.
“Stop it, you’ve done nothing to be sorry for.”
“You don’t have to tell me what’s going on. I’ll just stay here with you until you’re feeling stronger, ok? Until you can find Virgil or one of the others to… Scott?!”
The gasp she just heard was so saturated with pain she was sure he’d been physically hurt - that he’d just been stabbed or fallen somehow - and she was unable to hide the panic in her voice:
“Scott! Are you ok? Please answer me.”
“I’m ok. Sorry.” He sniffed and tried to hide it with a cough. “Just… can’t… not them. Not about… this.”
“Oh Scott…”
“They… they…” his voice faded out again. Not for the first time, Estera wholeheartedly wished she had her own Thunderbird handy as being stuck on the other side of the planet when her friend so clearly needed a hug made her want to gnaw her own arm off.
“They…” He was trying again but clearly couldn’t form the words he wanted.
“You don’t have to tell me, it’s ok, I’m here anyway. We can just sit.”
Another faked throat clearance then in a tiny voice that seemed utterly incongruous coming from a man with such a large presence:
“N-need to? Please? Nobody else…”
“Of course you can! It’s ok! It’s alright… It’s… ok. Take your time.”
He sniffed again then Estera could almost hear him counting the length of his breaths. She wracked her brain, trying to think of something, anything she could do to make this better. The smallness of his voice hurt - it was so wrong - it was as if with the same words in which he was tentatively asking for help he was also somehow apologising for taking up space in the world. She found herself recalling little Alex, red faced and full of tears, gasping and unable to verbalise his frustration until she nudged a pencil towards him and he’d snatched it up and carved “THEY PUSHD ME DOWNE” six sheets deep into her notebook. Huh. What if…
“Would typing be easier? I can stay on the line?
There was a shaky sigh and then another breath-holding pause before a text message popped up.
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gunpowder-arti · 10 months
you know, i'm unable to see saint as an ending, any more than it is a beginning.
gh--alright. i'm going to preface this by saying it is after 3am where i live and i am on enough melatonin to sedate a horse, which is probably why i've been possessed to write this post to begin with. all of this is up to interpretation, half of this is shit i made up in my brain, and maybe (probably) i'm finding meaning that wasn't intended to be there and maybe (probably) i'm grasping at straws (haha jusr like
but. okay. if you know me, you might know that I am a Paleontology Nerd. and you might know that I quite enjoy waxing poetic about it. bear with me here i promise this is connected
within rain world, there are multiple lines of dialogue that I would like to bring up--
Ah, in the end, everything reaches the conclusion of its journey. I'm not sure how many of us are even left in this world. A new cycle is already unfolding, one we need not be a part of. We've long outserved our purpose. (Looks to the Moon, Rivulet's campaign)
A little beast! Come to join me in this great undoing. The old world will soon vanish, wiped from history, to pave a path for the dawning of a new era. How many have been consumed so far? Were we the tenth civilization, or the thousandth? Amusingly, they thought their small struggles bore such great significance. All was naught but to serve the void. (Two Sprouts; Twelve Brackets, Saint's campaign)
even the title of the credits theme--Reclaiming Entropy--seems to speak to my point. which is:
there is one thing the world proves, time and again, and that is that life cannot end. it is a cycle in and of itself. entropy reclaims, epochs end. volcanoes erupt, meteors fall, glaciers melt. few can change fast enough to accommodate. 83% of genera went extinct during the Great Dying.
and yet, as entropy all-but-guarantees massive destruction, so too it all-but-guarantees that destruction is not absolute. that remaining 17% grow and spread and diversify. the world ends. the world lives. the world is changed. the world is new. the world is alive.
any that cannot change with it, die.
as Moon states in the dialogue shown above, the Iterators have outserved their purpose. this is their flaw. they cannot change, and they cannot reproduce, and they cannot perpetuate themselves forever. they live for a long time, yes, but time and entropy claim all.
and that time and entropy, indeed, is named as Saint.
I... do not interpret Saint's campaign literally most of the time, unless I'm thinking about them as a Character TM. but I think that to see them as an ending, as an absolute--it goes against this world's very nature.
the Saint is not absolution. the Saint is the psychopomp for an era. the Saint is the turning of the epoch.
I would like to point out the Scavengers. they have grown and spread and changed.
The scavengers never cease to adapt, even in this weather! (Looks to the Moon, upon being brought a lantern as Saint)
they are widespread and ever-adaptable. they will live, i would hazard a guess, even when most do not.
even the lizards! they have grown fur (or feathers--i personally hc it as feathers. but it's not clear) in an adaptation to the cold. the strawberry lizards have developed unique and beautiful adaptations. the orange lizards have spread throughout the land. undergrowth grows lush and warm, even as the world is carpeted in tundra (it is not a wasteland! look! they're alive, they're changing!).
how can you look at this world and say it is dying?
how can you look at this world and say it is dead?
the saint is an ending, but so too--perhaps even moreso--the saint is a beginning.
the saint is the impact winter. the saint is entropy. the saint is change.
the saint is a mass extinction event.
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unicyclehippo · 11 months
laudna was staring at her hands.
she had been for a good portion of the evening and imogen wanted to press against her mind, that gentle side of it, just to see what the shape of her thoughts would be. and if laudna's soft skin split open to welcome her in, all the better.
imogen held off.
instead, she ambled over, careless in her approach, and plopped down beside her girlfriend. she was met with an arched brow and a smile playing across dark lips; laudna, it seemed, had not bought her performance.
'hello, darling,' she said. 'just casually dropping by?'
'shut up.' imogen rolled her eyes. laudna laughed, and imogen found a much better place for her eyes--looking at the marble column of laudna's neck as she threw her head back and laughed, the sound shiveringly bold.
'i'm sorry, i couldn't help it, you tried so hard to be casual about it. i do think FCG bought it,' laudna offered.
imogen scowled playfully. 'great. one out of five.'
she laughed at herself, then tried visibly to pull herself together. the drinking had started not long after crepes - not the perfect dinner to keep from getting shit-faced after all, as chetney had insisted, or maybe it was some quirk in gnomish constitution that she couldn't boast - and she hadn't drunk too much but after a lifetime of not drinking ever, the small amounts she'd been indulging in, finally, felt like heavy hitters. it was nice actually. the whole world didn't feel like a storm; it felt like she was floating above the world and each mind was a burning, churning star. still there, still loud and present and burning hot. but she didn't have to go there. she got to just - float.
laudna's mind was one of those double stars, old and cold and slow and forever turning around each other, ready to crash. imogen read about those, back at the starlight - starbright - starpoint academy. conservatory? whatever. stars that died and turned inside out. instead of sending all their burning energy out they sucked it in, everything around them. that's what delilah was trying to do to laudna.
'you're staring, darling.'
'you're beautiful,' imogen replied simply. laudna's lips turned up at the edges. she looked down at her hands. 'can i ask you something?'
'anything. you know that. you ought to, anyway.'
imogen leaned into her. she was pretty sure she was flirting heavily, but maybe orym wouldn't quite be able to tell just from their backs. oh who was she kidding--he saw everything, and anyway, she was as obvious as the bloody moon in the bloody sky when it came to laudna.
'i don't remember much from our chat in the market,' imogen said, voice low, 'not after you said alright,' she drawled. 'i was a bit occupied.'
laudna's eyes brightened. she glanced around, then back to imogen. 'i think i made my point quite clear. as you made yours.'
they were so close imogen could feel her cool breath fanning against her cheek. all she had to do was lean in and--imogen closed her eyes. pulled back.
'wait - sorry, laud, i got carried away. this isn't why i came over. i came to -' she fought with her mind, wrangling it to focus. 'i came to ask you something. serious.' imogen stared at laudna, who nodded for her to continue. 'i noticed you've been a little quiet tonight. and you've been looking at your hands a lot. is everything - okay?'
a cool hand against her wine-warm cheek was heavenly. imogen leaned into the touch.
'yes, darling, nothing's the matter. the very moment that changes, i'll let you know,' laudna vowed. her thumb brushed across imogen's cheek, tender. her voice dripped into imogen's ear, melodious. 'i've been thinking merely of power and capability...and culpability. the incident in the volcano frightened me. i tried to calm the inferno heart of the fire empress with a drop of ice,' she said, and her tone changed in a heartbeat, grew fangs, dripped venom. 'i had nothing to offer - there was nothing i could do - and i would do anything for you,' laudna said. imogen opened her eyes. watched as laudna glanced from their friends, still carousing, and back to her. locked eyes with her. 'anything,' she whispered, 'for you.'
'i know.'
'it seems some cruel trick of the world that one can grasp for power and gain it, more and more, and yet come up against challenges that require still more power. there never does seem to be a limit. there never does seem to be...peace.'
'no,' imogen agreed. she looked down to laudna's hand - the one in her lap. her fingers were long, her skin pale but darkening like gathering smoke, white to grey to black until the ends of her fingers and her nails were the deepest black. a ring encircled one finger, serpents twisting around a red gem. imogen wanted to kiss her hand, her knuckles. wanted to run her tongue over that ring--her ring--sitting so prettily on her finger. she dragged her eyes back up to laudna's face.
'were you talking to her?' she asked.
this time, not even laudna seemed to suspect that she forced her tone casual, intrigued. and it was forced. there was nothing she would like more than to rip delilah out, crush her beneath her boot in the fucking mud where the bitch belonged. but it was laudna's killer, laudna's mind, laudna's choice.
'i was thinking about my other powers.' laudna waved her hand and let shadows pool around them, dark and heavy. imogen wasn't afraid. the power was in laudna's hands; she was safe, she was at home here in laudna's shadow. 'where they came from, how i gained them. i was trying to recall--playing with them as a child. i did, i think. long before - everything that happened. that's why she was intrigued, i think. that's why she thought i had potential. because i did. and i have been wondering, i suppose, if anything of that potential remains.'
the shadows were deep and dark. imogen leaned close and pressed a kiss to laudna's shoulder.
'you wanna research? you wanna go somewhere and find the answers? it'll be like when we first started travellin' together.'
'except it may well be the plane of shadows. not exactly a city on a map.'
'i'll travel to the ends of the world for you and beyond.'
'again,' laudna reminded her softly, eyes glowing in the shadow blacker than the black around them. gorgeous.
sorrow gnawed at her aching wrists like a hungry dog. she remembered carrying laudna, cradling her to her chest. she couldn't forget. her fucking wrists ached. imogen grabbed laudna, dragged her closer. her breathing was harsh like she'd run a mile, or been dropped out of the sky and caught at the last second. landed softly but heart still trying to catch up. she felt for the side of laudna's head, who murmured empty soothing words and moved to help her, and pressed her trembling lips to laudna's eyes, one after the other.
'if it comes to it, i will do it again. as many times as i have to.'
'i know,' laudna said, and tilted imogen's head so she could kiss her gently on the lips. 'but next time, i swear, we walk into the plane of shadows together.'
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