#they should have 12 players in football so one of them can stay with the goaly so they don't get bored like poor manu here
octuscle · 11 months
Hey I love to become Stereotypical blonde football player guy with amazing muscles and a hairy body
"Why don't you take this spring break too, darling?" "Why don't you relax after your first semester, you've been so hard-working, boy" You can't hear it anymore. After the exams, you would have loved to go to the mountains. Hiking. And explore the starry sky at night. But no, you gave in to pressure from your parents and set off for South Beach in your ancient VW Jetta. This is going to be endlessly embarrassing. You're pale, chubby, completely untrained. You're a virgin. No one has ever sucked your pathetic little cock. And you've never sucked anyone else. For your taste, it should have stayed that way. But now it's Florida. And you don't even drink alcohol.
Your father actually found a cassette entitled "Freshman's Guide to Spring Break". It's embarrassing enough that you only have a cassette player in the car. You listened to your beloved 12-tone music during the whole journey. Schönberg was a genius after your own heart. But now, just under an hour before your destination, you put the cassette in. Accompanied by hip-hop, someone speaks in a nasty slang. You can just imagine the guy Football-Jock. One of the guys who bullied you at college last year. "Yo, dude! let me tell you ha to get da hottest spring break. You'll have more sex n more fun dan you can imagine." You take a deep breath. This is going to be great… "You should start uh year in advance n get your muscles burning every day. An important motto of spring break is n remains 'sun's out, guns out'." Well bravo, then you can turn around right away. What kind of stupid advice is that an hour before you get out of the car? A little late, perhaps, to… Damn it! Your muscles are swelling. And in your head, a profound knowledge of the gym matures. Hey, the gym is your home. "Bruh, last haircut maximum three months before you go to da beach. Yes, your mommy will be sad about da messy look at christmas. But uh surfer's mane is best for da beach." You said it, dude. You think to yourself. Your hair is flapping in the wind. You love it. "N bruh, don't wash your hair two weeks before. You can smell da sweat from your football helmet in your hair." Hehehe, sure thing. Showering sucks, but washing your hair is for wimps. You love the look when you take your helmet off after the game and your sweaty hair lies wildly on your head. "My tip, dude, is that da last time you shave is two weeks before spring break. Nah one wants uh clean shaven guy on da beach. N while we're on da subject of shaving. You can shave your chest again four days before you get ta steppin. Da stubble on your mighty pecs looks hot." The traffic is getting heavier. More and more party-addicted students are clogging up the streets. You scratch your chest. Yes, the bruh with the podcast coming from the sick speakers of your powerful new car knows all about it.
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"So dude, before you hit da road, one last workout. You'll have somethin other dan sport on your mind for da next few days. Nah more showers afta training n keep your training clothes on for da journey." It already smells a bit in the car. But it's the stench of youthful masculinity. Up ahead is the guesthouse where the others from your football team are staying. Some of them are already there. And obviously already drunk. The podcast said that the most important accessory in the car is the cool can of beer for the arrival. Hell yes! You park the car, get out, rip open the can, drink the beer on ex and crush the can between your forearm and biceps. Spring break is only once a year. Let the games begin!
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rubyroses222 · 6 months
My take on the Jude slander after RMA vs ManCity
8th April 2024
I have seen so many people straight up hating Jude for yesterday’s game, and I just can’t stay silent anymore, so enjoy my little rant.
Playing football, especially on the level of Real Madrid is (apart from skill and mindset) also a lot about building and keeping rhythm. This applies to any team but also to each and every player - Toni Kroos has mentioned this a couple of times already but I’m sure you can find a lot more players talking about this.
So let’s take a look at Judes appearances in 2024:
started the year strong with 5 games (Copa del Rey (1), Supercopa (2) and LaLiga (2))
missed the away game vs UD Las Palmas (27th January) due to a yellow suspension
played three games in LaLiga again
missed three more games due to his ankle injury (LaLiga (2), UCL (1))
played the away game vs Valencia and got THAT red card
missed two more LaLiga games due to the suspension
his first (and last) game before the one vs City was the game against Bilbao last week
-> all in all he played 12 (5 of which were in January) out of 19 games total (not counting international games)
Compared to that the games he missed this season in 2023:
the home game benched against UD Las Palmas (27th Sept)
one game benched vs Braga in the UCL (8th Nov)
one game due to shoulder injury against Valencia (11th Nov)
-> in 2023 he played 21 out of 24 games total (not counting international games)
Yes I expected a better performance from him (and Vini!).
Yes we are Real Madrid and no player stands above the club (if you don’t show up we will hold you accountable for your mistakes).
Yes a player like Jude should be able to compensate a missing rhythm with his talent and skill but he is still very young. Older players like Lukita can rely on 10+ years of playing in the white shirt on the highest level possible, he only needs seconds even when he spends more time on the bench than the pitch. Jude is still learning and has shouldered an unusually huge responsibility in his first season.
Normally our young transfers are give time to adjust at Real, they were/are not guaranteed starters, for example:
Camavinga was mostly used as a sub in 21/22
Rodrygo wasn’t even a regular part of the first squad in 19/20, and was still used as a super sub in 21/22
Vini rarely was part of the starting XI in 19/20
Tchouameni had his fair share of being subbed on/off last season (although less than one would expect)
Brahim was sent away on loan
Arda sadly rarly gets playtime as well etc etc
Jude however has started almost every game, he scored more goals than our two wingers and is carrying Zidanes legendary “5” on the back (while Vini only got Ronaldos Hazards “7” this season, even though Hazard never really played in these last years and Real could’ve reasonably taken the number away from him)
So to all those that are hating on him, that are saying he’s loosing form, he’s overhyped and overrated and I have even heard he apparently “partyed too much”. To the ones that were only praying for his downfall waiting for a bad game - please kindly shut up!
Criticism is good and healthy, but there is no need to slander him like this. It was ONE very bad game and unfortunately it was against ManCity, as long as he shows up next week everythings gonna be fine. Regardless of this he has saved our asses way more than he’s let them down this season. Give him a some time and he’ll come back and be the Judey starboy we all know and love.
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whalehouse1 · 10 months
@thefaeriefeatherdark Sorry, I just haven't had either the time nor the energy to write up a response to your thoughts on the AU and I apologize because this is basically stream of consciousness and not edited, but a few things about my 3 Superboys AU, which thanks to Jon is technically 5 but another time.
Okay, the Superboy AU has actually gotten worse thanks to Leah Williamson (long story, but now we have two Jons). But to answer your questions as best I can given my limited Super family knowlege. Connor is a Cadmus creation, he is straight up the series origins. Made by Cadmus with Lex's funding with Lex's and Clark's DNA. The main difference is he is the first attempt at being cloned and Cadmus lies and tells Lex the clone had deteriorated once he was out of his clone tube. If you want to add Contessa to this, you could have her doing this to spite Lex. I know nothing about her besides what you said in your post, but I'm sure she has good reasons to be spiteful to Lex. And you know to try to keep and groom a Superboy on her own.
As for Lena Thorul, I know nothing about her, but since I am a fan of random characters from Kara's original series (I want that trade if it will ever exist), I don't see any issue with her being involved. My only issue with Kara in your idea, is I hc her around the ages of the original Teen Titans from the comics. At most a year younger, only because I think it's funny that Dick will call her an old hag even though he's physically older, but she's older than even Clark by a decent amount.
I mean all three are Clark and Lex clones, so they will look alike, but as Connor and Kon do have other's DNA mixed in with them (Maik is the only 100% just those two's DNA), they're can be variation. I think Connor looks distinct enough, it could have just been the cartoon style, but he seems more muscular and taller. He's more of a football player, while Kon is more Baseball player in terms of general build (it's a very bad description, but the best way I can explain it without drawing it, sorry). And Maik is 12, he's baby shaped. But he's basically built thicker than Jon, but not really by much since again, babies. Connor doesn't have the earring like the other two do, but I think Maik in terms of appearance does get mistook as Kon's younger brother since they look a lot alike. Maik has much better fashion sense though, cause is it Kon if he is dressed well? Maik has the gray eyes from the movie cause they're very striking compared to everyone else's bright blue ones. I also just like grey eyes and there's not a lot of of them in comics. So Kon and Maik will look alike and will argue about who stole whose look, but it comes down to just their age and clothing. I think Maik will end up looking a bit more different when he gets older, but I think those two will resemble each other the most with the eyes and fashion being their difference sadly. As for their outfits, don't they all need those super awesome jackets? Connor sadly gets his black shirt and pants, it's boring, but you know which Super it is when you see this. I did liker Kon's outfit in Kelly's run and YJ98, but Maik's would start out as the same as in the movie, but I think he would keep a more subdued coloration in his outfit. I also think as he gets older, he would make his costume more punk-rock than just spiked shoulders. I'm not sure how exactly, but I like him having a music industry plant type of idea behind his creation and so I want to incorporate music styles into his older costume if that makes sense.
Well, we have how many Flashes now? It should be fine, right (laughing in DC's inability to give codenames to established heroes for mantle passing)? They would get new codenames, but I haven't thought that far ahead yet. Also their names would have to use some of their personality and stories (Nightwing coming from Clark's story, Troia coming from Donna's stay on the Greek Moon planet thingy, Tempest coming from his water magic, etc.). So that would take a bit to get a good codename for them. But them and both Jons would evolve into having their own codename. Kara at last could go for Superwoman (since as far as I know there isn't one running around (watch me be wrong and there's like 5).
Oh, I completely forgot about Matrix. I want to say since the goal of this AU is to give Ma and Pa Kent the biggest amount of grandchildren, I want to at first instinct say yes, but from what I remember about that, it's still just Kara just merged with another. Also, I just didn't enjoy the bits I've seen of it. But since I haven't read the whole story, I'm not going to say definitively no, but that was just a weird bit of Supergirl's history to me, but not enough for me to just, "yay, no" it. If you want those, ask me about Nightwing XD.
As for the "it's gotten more complicated" it might actually be more fun for you, since you like the paternity bit more, but again I haven't had a chance to read Kon's solo yet (I've been reading from the beginning and I haven't made it to Superman comics yet and until the 90's, there's not really any writer who I'm just going to skip (I can't with Dixon anymore. He can write good plots, but he's such an awful garbage person and it bleeds through too much for me. And actually between him and Fitzmartin, I almost started to hate Tim, but one of his fans actually helped me with that), so I still have awhile and time is a dick. But to the actual point, Connor is the first actual clone, but he isn't "alive" to the world as Contessa is keeping him a secret from Lex and so Lex decides to cut his losses and tries again and that's how we get Kon, but Kon on top of Lex and Luthor's DNA also has Westfield's DNA in the mix. So he'sd the first clone the world gets to know. As for where Contessa and Cadmus is storing Connor, I'm not 100%, since I really, really hated the clone tube, so they probably have a facility underground that they "trained" him in so that he would be perfect for their nefarious schemes. He 100% will keep Wolf, I don't know if it would be from an Outsiders' mission or a one off mission with the Titans, but he's getting Wolf. And I'm fine with him on the farm, the Supers can come and go from there and since it's centrally located, it's not a bad place for him to join up with others. He doesn't have flight, but he's fast and can jump. Also he can get the stickers from Lex again and one of the heroes could probably figure out a way to replicate them without the addiction issue, there's enough scientist to figure it out. I know absolutely nothing about Indigo, but as long as she isn't going to take him to the Legion of Superheroes I'm fine with it (still bitter about that arc with Kara in the show, it just never sat right with me). But I do like your idea of him staying at the Outsiders HQ until Clark invites him to the farm. I think Connor has more of a relationship with the Kents than Clark, because Clark just doesn't know him and after Kon doesn't know how to deal with this new, but older clone. And he has to deal with raising Jon, so he can't just drop everything to help raise this kid he never knew existed. I think it makes him more understandable than what YJ did with him where he just came off as a prick. The powers are right, the heat vision and cold breath aren't as strong as Clark or Kara's, but that can be enhanced with the shields and that's ofc where the flight comes in as well. I do think he has the most strength out of the three in terms of raw physical power. Kon's TTK though obviously wins in terms of actual strength.
Now, because I just want to make things over complicated for no reason, I get you like cybernatics, but as I'm not a big sci-fi fan, when Maik was being cloned, in an attempt to see if they could remove the kryptonite weakness, they had some red kyrptonite in the room where they were cloning him. He still has the weakness, but instead it warped his Kryptonian abilities to an extent. So for example, he has heat breath and frost vision. His superstrength isn't as strong as the others, but (thanks to your boiling water Kara thing), I think he has the strongest durability out of the Supers. This wasn't meant to contradict you, I just think it's funny Kara doesn't want to get him hurt, but if he's not around kryptonite, the kid could get punched by every other Super at full strength and he'd barely feel it. He's still strong and could punch a hole through a solid steel building without a problem, but he's losing the arm wrestling contests. He is also the one Lex had the most see-over on though so he is the smartest since he was basically being taught by Lex approved tutors and that. He also since he actually is the one clone that "got to be a kid" and if the aging thing was retconned, I'm fine with it, he started out as an actual kid, so he and Jon actually are one year apart (Jon's a year older, kid Jon, not teen Jon, as I said it got complicated, but another day), and he would have absorbed some of Lex's "morals", so he could have a good character arc of growing out of that greed inspired mindset and learning to see humans as humans. I do think the Danvers would be a great set for this. The Kents would be too, and they 100% get to help with their grandson, but the Danvers had Kara, who was a teen when they adopted her, with (depending on the timeline) good or bad Kryptonian ideaolgies and previous connotations on Earth and its inhabitants. So they have more experience with that than the Kents. Also, since he and Jon are essentially the same age and Maik starting as an antagonist, that would be a good start for them since it would give a chance of kids figuring out things and influencing each other and given what Jon has been through, it's not like he's 100% rainbows, unicorns and sunshine. He's been through the ringer, possibly more than any other Super, 3 years under Ultraman torture will do that to a person. More so, being left for dead and having to watch that person living your life. But yes, as Kon would have YJ and Connor would be best (for me personally) for the Outsiders with helping out the Titans and YJ at times, Maik would fit in perfectly with the amount of child heroes that exist right now. He might feel redundant if he joined up with Damian and Jon and the people I have on their youth team I have, but what's the harm in having two supers? But even excluding that fact, there's a large amount to make a team out of. And heck, he could even start on my Damian team, butt heads with him (not hard to do) and take a few with him to make his own team and get some of the others Damian couldn't recruit. Even more fun if it splits up the West twins so Wally and Linda have to listen to who has the better team at dinner at least twice a week. And for villains, they would have to fit a theme for him to grow, so if I were to write stories for him, I would want to figure out a good balance for that. I would have to think of a few examples, but someone targeting him for being Lex's son, clone, "hero", "weapon" wouldn't be bad, someone who isn't able to control their actions for one reason or another, I think an evil Toyman would be good to as well, a villain who wants the spotlight (like Punchline, but not as annoying, sorry I just don't like her), he'd be very good for a social media type of villain or a eugenics villain. There's potential for others, but for villains, I think the moral theme for the story should come before their gimmick for a good story (can you tell I'm a batbrat?).
As for the DNA samples, I think it'd be a cute story that Maik and Jon are wanting to be the babies (the twins come in after this so it's all pointless), and also just worried that since Cadmus and Lex both have had access to controlling all three clones, with each one being a stronger control (Maik even having a microchip just in case that Kara made inert whether through Kandor or heat vision, doesn't matter, but one of those), teaming up and Jon using some lockpicking skills he get from Damian and Maik knowing the layout of the building, breaking and entering and destroying the DNA samples Lex has and scanning the building for anything he could possibly use for more DNA and eradicating it. It doesn't even have to be a stressful comic, just a fun little one of them having fun destroying untold and unsolvable property damage to Lex Corp. Everyone wins. And I'll give you this for the cybernetics and Lex being more involved with him, we can give him electric touch. So he could be a human taser or stronger. Lightning has been shown able to incapacitate the Supers, so it wouldn't be a bad thing for Lex to put into the one he has the most control over, until he defects. But now relooking at the timeline you gave me, I don't know if Contessa could have been around for all three cloning attempts. If so, Maik could be the one she doesn't lie about to Lex, but if she couldn't have been in charge for Connor, the pettiness isn't needed. But I do like them lying to Lex that Connor was a failure, so when he finds out he's still alive and functioning, he tries to be a "good" dad with the stickers and to give him resources that Connor knows better than to accept after the incident with the stickers.
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caitlin-4rd · 2 years
It's sad. People having to leave because they have been replaced. Same with Beth England. Can Jordan come back to Arsenal later maybe?
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It just doesn't look right but really Jordan can go anywhere she wants because she is a legend.
A goodbye letter from Jordan Nobbs
After 12 incredible years, 270 appearances and 81 goals, we say goodbye to a true club legend: Jordan Nobbs.
Today, it was announced that our number 8 will be leaving to join Aston Villa on a permanent transfer. Here is Jordan's goodbye to the Arsenal family, in her own words.
When I think back to first arriving at Arsenal, I never could have dreamed that this would be my home for the next 12 years.
That first day is something I will never forget. I knew I was leaving a club that I love in Sunderland, but as soon as I came to Arsenal, I said ‘Dad, this is exactly where I want to be.’
Growing up, I always looked up to the Arsenal legends and thought I want to be one of them. I wanted to be one of those players who goes down in history and leaves something behind. Something that means more. Because for me, that’s what football is all about.
Trophies, titles and honours are what’s expected at this club and it’s something I’ve always given everything to achieve, but being able to call Arsenal my home and to create a special connection with the fans is something I’m incredibly proud of.
People often ask me, ‘What’s been your favourite moment at Arsenal?’. But I’ve never been able to pick one. How could I? My first game was an honour, every single trophy was perfect, wearing the captain’s armband filled me with pride, and I’ve met so many special teammates who I can genuinely call friends for life.
It’s been a crazy journey and I’m so proud that I’ve been able to see all the ups and downs, all the development and growth, and to really be able to say that I’ve been a part of it. People say ‘It’s only football’ but I’ve given every single part of my life to this club. Arsenal will always be my home. Arsenal will always be my family.
From the minute I came here at 17, every part of me was dedicated to this club and working hard to become one of the best players Arsenal has ever seen. How do I become the next Jayne Ludlow? The next Kelly Smith? And how do I keep up with Kim Little?
Every single time I put on that shirt, I gave so much of my life to it because I knew how important it was to play for this club, and I knew how much passion and love was in the girls when I first arrived. To know I’ve played my part in creating that legacy is something really special.
If I’m being completely honest, I’m finding it really hard to talk about all of this right now. There’s so much for me to look back on and writing this has dug up a lot of really special, important and emotional memories. I’ve cried a lot over the past few days because I knew this was coming and now the reality of it all is really settling in. There’s a saying that you shouldn’t cry because it’s over, you should smile because it happened, but I’m allowed to do both, right?
I said my goodbyes to my teammates on Tuesday and I cried from the second I walked in, to the second I left, because this is my home. It’s everything I’ve known for the past 12 years and now I’m having to say goodbye. I know it’s not really goodbye, but this part of my life is over now and it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.
I’m leaving the love of my life behind and that’s something really quite scary for me. But I’ve got no regrets in my mind because it’s been the perfect fairytale and I’ve achieved everything I ever wanted to and a whole lot more. 270 appearances, 81 goals, three WSL titles, four FA Cups? Where did the time go? I think a 17-year-old Jordan would have been very happy with that. It’s very rare these days to stay at a club for such a long time, and quite simply, there’s no other club I would have rather done it at.
And to you, the fans, you honestly mean everything to me. You’ve all been such a key part of my life and I’ve wanted to go around and say thank you to each and every one of you because it’s a family here and we’re all part of the ups and downs together. The past year and a half have been difficult for me, you all know that, but there’s never been a moment where I haven’t felt loved and appreciated, and I think that’s all you can ever ask for in this world.
I’ve always heard you shouting my name from the stands, and the love you show me on social media is incredible too. Without you, my journey wouldn't have been the same. It’s going to be really hard for me to come back to Meadow Park soon, but the main thing I want to go there for is to say thank you and show my love, because you’ve shown me so much over the past 12 years.
From the bottom of my heart, I just really hope that you will all remember me as a player who wore their heart on their sleeve and would give anything to play for Arsenal. Hopefully, I’ve been someone that when you think of Arsenal, you think of my name because of what I’ve done and given on the pitch because that’s all I’ve ever wanted.
There was never going to be an easy way for me to leave Arsenal. It was always going to hurt. But I know I’m leaving with my head held high because there was never a moment that I didn’t give my all for this football club.
I’ve had the time of my life here, and if you’re reading this, you’ve played a massive part in making this journey so special to me.
I will always love this football club.
Thank you, Arsenal, for everything,
Jordan Nobbs
Copyright 2023 The Arsenal Football Club plc. Permission to use quotations from this article is granted subject to appropriate credit being given to www.arsenal.com as the source.
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pick-em-pool · 1 year
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HELLO again my football fanatics, and welcome back to WEEK FOUR of the pick-em pool competition 🏈🏉 Where 11 contestants battle 🤺 for cash prizes 💲💲💲 It's been an exciting week so far with some bright spots and surprise flops 🥴 Let's get into it!
Ladies and gentlemen, she is 5-Feet-Negative-1-Inches of pure football expertise 🧠 and she has scored FIFTEEN points to rebound back to her original lead 🏆 can the rest of the field catch her before the end of the season? It will be tough - those short little leprechauns are shifty and can fit into small hiding spots 🍀 Peyton hasn't been under 5 feet since he was 2 1/2 months old 👶
Not to be outdone, Val consolidates her grip on second place with a stellar 13 point week ✊✊✊ She's trying to keep her opponents' window of opportunity smaller than the amount of closet space she gives Peyton ✊ I guess you need all that clothing when you're a human water park 💦💧💧 It is said that Val once even sweat through a backpack 🤷‍♂️
Taylor Swift shows up to one football game and all of the sudden Juliette's calling winners like Josh Allen calls audibles ▶▶▶ (Juliette for reference just think of him as "Halie Steinfeld's boyfriend" 🎶) If I spent all this time doing research just to be beaten by a squishmallow that would certainly be a "Cruel Summer" 🎤
Even though she crushed it this week and remains in 3rd place, our defending champion 🏆🏆🏆 is REALLY a baseball fan now that the Phillies are in the playoffs ⚾🧢 Before their game last night she said, and I quote, "I had to look up the roster because baseball players are hot" 🔥 - I certainly chose the wrong sport. Peyton - can I borrow some of your old baseball pants? 🤔
This is an actual photo of me wearing Peyton's pants:
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Our new Pittsburgher is also our top-scoring man of the week once again 👨 keeping the honor alive for football men everywhere 🎖 Now that the ladies have been dominating the top 3, will Peyton be the first guy to challenge them?! 🥊 Help us Peyton-Wan-Kenobi, you're our only hope! 🌑🚀
A solid 12 points keeps our resident hockey star right in the thick of it 🥇🥈🥉 Although I have to admit I'm not really sure I want him to win it all this year 😲 After seeing him getting ready for the Pink concert, I think we ALL need to avoid any celebration dances from JJ 🕺🕺🕺
A much-improved 12 point week is enough to keep Janie out of last place, though she's not far from it 😱 We'll have to keep a watch out to see how she performs this Sunday 👓 I have a feeling if she stays stuck in seventh place we'll all get to learn some new French swear words!
A so-so week for Abby with 11 points 😐 but still enough to hang on to THIRD place for the time being 3️⃣ Abby has been on top of her football picks this season, as I have threatened her with a lecture on space from JP for every time she is late ⌚ we all may love football (and money) here, but NO ONE loves anything as much as JP loves space 🌌🌌🌌
My mother always told me that if I didn't have anything nice to say then I should just be quiet 🤐 She also told me that bacon is terrible for you and I shouldn't eat it. What do these two sayings have in common? They are both true, and I don't do either of them. RUSTY YOU STINK 🤢🤢🤢
Another great week everyone 😁 and despite some early leaders NO ONE is out of the running for that cash PRIZE 💹💹💹 So keep on that grind and keep the money on your mind! SEE YOU NEXT WEEK
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let-it-raines · 3 years
I Hope We Never See October (10/12)
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When his personal life and football career go up in flames, Killian Jones escapes England for America, finding seclusion in Martha’s Vineyard in order to hide from his demons. It’s a fresh start, or at the very least a paused moment in his life, and all he needs is a few months alone to allow his heart to heal. He doesn’t count on meeting Emma Swan.
Emma’s life depends on tourists who come to the island every summer. It’s how she makes her money working in restaurants and clubs across the vineyard, but every year, she cannot wait until autumn comes and her life returns to normal. She especially cannot wait for Killian Jones to leave.
Rating: Mature
a/n: I will respond to all your lovely comments on the last chapter soon, but I felt like y'all cared about getting a new chapter more than that 😘
ao3: beginning | current
tumblr: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
Emma has a problem.
A big problem.
Like, really damn big.
And she doesn’t know what to do about it.
“I mean, what the hell are you supposed to feed a bunch of ten-year-olds that’s relatively healthy?” she groans, flopping her head against the pillow. “Orange slices? Am I supposed to cut up one hundred oranges and put them in little baggies? Can’t I buy those individual chip bags? And what happened to them drinking water out of a cooler instead of Gatorade or something? Do you have to be rich for your kid to play rec league soccer? The registration fee was five bucks. That doesn’t scream rich.”
Killian pops his head up from between her thighs where he was running his lips along her skin. “I was prepared to do some of my best work here, love, and you want to talk about what snacks to bring to your boy’s football match?”
Emma shrugs and pulls her legs up. Killian gets the hint and rolls over until he’s sitting at the end of the bed. The comforter covers very little of him, and she can’t say she minds. She really shouldn’t have let him stop, but her mind cannot get over the snack problem. She double checks that the bedroom door is locked, but that’s all she does about making sure he stays covered up.
Weeks ago, she and Killian made a deal to stop being weird and keep their thing going, and really, the only condition she had was that Henry couldn’t know. Killian has to stay his soccer coach and his mom’s friend, and that’s it. Henry can never see Killian in the mornings at the house. Not again. Emma tried her best to explain that one away, and she thinks the only reason she got away with it is because Henry was too distracted by having a real-life soccer player in the house.
Emma still forgets that sometimes.
Okay, every day, because she doesn’t give a damn what he used to do if he doesn’t want to talk about it.
(Everything she knows comes from Henry’s story-telling or Ruby’s drunken ramblings.)
(She should maybe Google him sometime, but she likes this version of Killian Jones. She doesn’t know if she’d like the old one.)
So, as far as Henry (hopefully) knows, Killian is just a friend of Emma’s, and he hangs out at the house sometimes.
But doesn’t spend the night. Definitely not. And she doesn’t spend the night at his house when Henry is with friends or the Nolans.
“Mom,” Henry calls from outside her bedroom, “Mom, I’m going to the bus!”
“Oh shit,” Emma whispers. She gets up and grabs a robe, wrapping it around her as tightly as she can and then slips out her door to take Henry to the bus stop. She could easily watch from the window, but she needs to at least see her kid before putting him to bed tonight. She doubts she’ll get time to do that when she has shifts to work all day. He’s eating toast in the kitchen when she finds him. That was fast. “Hey, you want me to walk with you?”
He chomps down on the toast. “To the end of the street? I can do that by myself.”
“Yeah, well, I’m going with you.” She wraps her arm around his shoulder and tugs him closer. “Don’t we have anything more nutritious than toast?”
“Pop Tarts?”
“Yeah, let’s stick with the toast. I think that might be multi-grain. Maybe.”
“Do you have to come with me? You’re in your pajamas.”
Emma drops her arm and tightens her robe. “These are my nice pajamas, kid. I could be in the ones with the cats on them.”
“Oh God, no.” Henry grabs his bookbag and his other piece of toast and mumbles, “let’s just go.”
Emma walks Henry to the stop, and even though she’s in the best pajamas of the bunch, he still acts like she just got finished giving him the sex talk or some other embarrassing conversation. He’s usually of the type kid who wants her to walk him to the bus, who doesn’t mind having her hang out around him, but she knows he’s getting older. Soon, he’ll want nothing to do with her in public, and she isn’t ready for that. Right now, she’s choosing to think this reluctance only has to do with her appearance and the fact that he’s been with Neal for the last few months. It usually takes Henry awhile to ease back into his normal patterns of life.
Henry eats as they walk to the bus stop, and Emma tightens her robe when other moms come into view. Emma’s known she doesn’t fit in with them since Henry’s first day at elementary school, but the stares still come. These women are always put together, are always volunteering, and they have no problem cutting up one hundred oranges into individual slices.
They also have no problem glancing Emma up and down or gossiping about Henry’s dad or Emma’s love life. They nearly had a field day when she broke up with Walsh, and this is why Emma keeps everything as private as she can.
Or, at least, one of the reasons.
She’s never not going to be the girl who got pregnant as a teenager and is one of the only single moms in the school, and right now, she’s thinking that maybe she should have simply watched Henry from her bedroom window.
“Have a good day, kid,” Emma says, kissing the back of his head. “Don’t forget you’re going home with Mary Margaret today, okay? Love you.”
“Love you too,” he mumbles, crumbs of bread tumbling to the sidewalk. “Bye, Mom.”
She waves as he hurries onto the bus, and Emma waits until he’s settled in his seat next to Violet. Emma waves one more time and then turns away, thinking she’s made it away from the bus run relatively unharmed, when she hears her name.
“Emma. Oh Emma.” Emma braves her shoulders and turns to face Kim Monroe. She’s one of the women who is always put together, always judges Emma for not being, and even though she doesn’t work and has someone who cooks and cleans for her, she can’t seem to drive her kid to school. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Good morning, Kim.” Emma forces a grin. “I have a minute, but I do need to get ready for work.”
“Oh, yes, I know you have to run that little restaurant of yours, so I won’t keep you long. It’s simply that you missed the beginning of the year meeting we had where we signed up for different events at the school, and I wanted to know if it would be okay to sign you up for the fall harvest festival.”
Emma raises her brows. “Well, I feel like I might need a little more information on it, so you can email me. I’ll see what I can do.”
“I really need you to commit to something now. We don’t want to fall behind.”
Emma grits her teeth and tightens her robe. She’s never felt like her boobs were showing more than right now, and Emma’s never been one to dress conservatively. “I can’t commit to anything right now, Kim. I have to check my schedule and know how long I need to volunteer, but if you just send me the information, I’ll see what I can do.”
Kim purses her lips, and Emma’s seen that enough times to know what kind of sentence is coming out of her mouth next. “Well, I’m sure you’ll find time for a fundraiser benefitting your child’s school. Maybe you can enlist your boyfriend since he seems to already be so involved with the children coaching soccer.”
What the actual hell? Killian is not Emma’s boyfriend, and while she may have been seen around town with him, she has not been seen doing anything that would make Kim think he’s Emma’s boyfriend.
But gossip runs quickly in Martha’s Vineyard, and Emma shouldn’t be surprised.
“Like I said, I’m sure I’ll figure something out. I really need to go. Have a nice day, Kim.”
And then she’s on the move, not waiting to hear the next insinuation, and on her way back to the comfort of her house. When she gets there, Killian is dressed and sitting at the kitchen table, eating eggs and sipping on coffee. Emma can’t decide which one the house smells like more.
She can’t say she’s a fan of the combination.
Or today. She’s not a fan of today, and it really was starting out so well. Besides the whole orange slice issue.
“How was the walk, Swan?”
“Fine, she mumbles, loosening her robe. “I’m going to take a shower.”
And then she leaves before he can make a joke about joining her. She doesn’t need to deal with that this morning. The very last thing she needs is to fall and break her collarbone in the shower.
Surprisingly, she’s left alone for the entirety of her shower, and she can have ten minutes of peace to let the hot water hit her body and turn her skin red while she shaves her legs and scrubs shampoo and conditioner into her hair. This is normal. This is routine, and right now, she needs a little bit of a routine to ground her.
Killian’s not in the bedroom when she leaves the bathroom, and if she didn’t hear the TV downstairs, she’d assume he had left altogether. He’s probably got something to do today. Mary Margaret said he’s coaching all ages at the community center, and that can be time consuming.
God, she still can’t believe he’s volunteering to coach soccer.
And that she willingly took Henry there knowing that.
Sometimes she swears there are no brains in her head. But this is temporary. They’re having fun. Honestly, she deserves to have some damn fun. If she has to put up with the moms at Henry’s school, she deserves fun.
Emma grabs some jean shorts and a t-shirt, not caring about looking professional in any way today, and twists her wet hair into a low bun. She quickly puts a little mascara on, finds her sneakers, and jogs down the stairs. Killian’s moved to the living room and has the local news on. He mutes it when he sees her.
“Hey,” he says.
“Hey.” Emma walks toward the couch and perches on the back of it. “I’ve got to head into work soon.”
“I’ve got to go to the community center.”
Emma nods and twists her hands together. “So, I’ll see you when I pick Henry up from practice.”
“I’ll be there. You sure you don’t want me to bring him here?”
Emma hesitates. That would be easier, but the warning bell in the back of her head goes off. That’s too much. Too real. “I’m sure.” She unclasps her hands and reaches down toward Killian’s collarbone, dragging her finger along it. His lashes flutter as he looks down and then up, the slightest grin forming on his face. “But if you happen to come by the Blue Dog for dinner after practice, I might happen to be there.”
Killian grabs her hand and gently presses his lips against her knuckles. For three impossibly long seconds, Emma is sure her heart is going to burst, and she isn’t sure if she likes that feeling.
She thinks she does.
“I’ll see you later, love,” he whispers against her hand, scruff scratching her skin with each word. “It’s a date.”
It’s not, but for this one moment, Emma doesn’t let herself correct Killian on his phrasing.
She cuts up orange slices for the game.
She puts them in individual bags, and she puts them in a giant cooler full of Gatorades and water bottles. This isn’t even a serious soccer league. It’s a fun, summer to fall one, basically a training session for the spring teams, but every parent out here is acting like this is the climax in a high school sports movie. If the team doesn’t win, their chances at state will be over, and life will be ruined. Nine times out of ten, they win state.
Emma is not one of those parents. She’s sitting with her back against a tree, her phone in her lap, and she’s watching the game away from others. She has the magical cooler of post-game snacks next to her, and when it’s all over, she’ll have the guts to go and socialize with the other parents. For now, though, she wants to fly under the radar.
She just wants to watch her kid have fun. She doesn’t want to slip up and let anyone else know that she has some kind of personal relationship with Killian. She already messed up on that enough. He’s her kid’s coach. That’s it.
The wink he just tossed her way certainly doesn’t help matters, but at least he’s discreet about it.
Well, as discreet as he can be when Emma knows half the moms – and some of the dads to be honest – pay more attention to Killian than the game.
Henry, the ever-focused goalie for the Vineyard Velociraptors – it was the highest-voted name on the sheet Killian passed around on the first day – blocks a goal, and Emma lets out a loud wolf whistle as the other parents politely clap and then glance back at her.
So much for keeping a low profile.
But for the most part, she’s ignored, which is how she likes it, and then she’s celebrated for her orange slices and Gatorade, and that’s how it goes on Saturday mornings and Wednesday afternoons when the community center has their games for the ten-to eleven-year-old group. She doesn’t always make it for the entire thing, but she makes it enough of the time for Henry to know that she’s there.
That she cares.
He has always got to know that she cares and that she won’t leave him or drop him off early at his dad’s if she decides it’s all too much and wants her freedom back.
Her freedom comes at one in the morning in the backseat of Killian’s rental, quietly in her bedroom, sometimes at Killian’s house if she has a lunch break. It comes in having fun, in letting loose, in not holding herself back from doing what she wants.
It’s almost like she’s living a double life.
In the day, she’s a mom. She’s a manager, a waitress on occasion, and someone who spends her entire day working. At night, when Henry’s asleep, she’s just Emma who gets to be twenty-seven and live her life the way she’d like to. It’s selfish, she’ll admit that, but she doesn’t think being a mom means she can’t be selfish sometimes.
Henry may call her mom, but she’s never lost the fact that she’s Emma too.
“Favorite kind of crisps?” Killian asks as he tosses a piece of popcorn in the air that lands on the corner of his mouth. He swipes his tongue until it lands in his mouth and he swallows it before flashing a big white grin. “Wait, let me guess. Salt and vinegar.”
Emma narrows her eyes and takes some of the popcorn out of the bowl. “How do you know that?”
“I’ve tasted them on you before.”
Emma scrunches up her nose. She doesn’t like the thought of that at all. “Well, you’re boring and like the regular ones.”
“What can I say? I’m a simple man.”
Emma hums and runs her hands through Killian’s hair as he lays on her lap. It’s longer than it’s been. He hasn’t gotten it cut in awhile, and the ends are just starting to flip out and curl.
“I don’t think anything about you is simple.”
“Well, what do you mean by that?”
“You used to not know exactly how much a loaf of bread costs.”
Killian clicks his tongue. Gotcha.“Favorite first date location?”
“An activity,” Emma says, not calling him out for the conversation redirect. “That way if the conversation stills, you can focus on the activity or even talk about it. Much better than a dinner.”
“So, skydiving?”
“Too much chance of death.”
“A run?”
“Too much chance of intense sweat.”
“Mini golf?”
“Eh, maybe. You’re getting closer.”
Killian twists his head and grins, a sleepy half smile, and his hand reaches up to wipe something off her cheek. “I’m guessing sex is not the activity you’re referring to.”
Emma laughs. “Maybe if the first activity is really good.”
Killian chuckles and twists back around. “Okay then. Noted. Favorite item on the Blue Dog menu?”
“Wait. Don’t I get to ask you the date question?”
“Eh, you didn’t give me a definite answer, so you gave up the right to ask me that question.”
Emma flicks the back of his head, but she answers his question about her favorite food at the Blue Dog anyway. They go back and forth like that for the next few hours, aided by alcohol and the chips Emma hid in the back of the pantry. Emma doesn’t think. She just answers. And it’s nice.
It’s all nice, actually.
It’s back to how it was at the beginning. Simple, easy. Fewer walls.
And it stays that way.
Every now and then, Emma worries that Henry is getting too attached, that he likes Killian a little too much, but then she reminds herself that to Henry, Killian’s his coach, someone who switches out and changes all the time anyway. He’s not permanent.
None of this is permanent.
And that’s fine. That’s good. That’s…Emma gulps, and her stomach twists.
This is all good, she reminds herself. This is fun.
Emma blinks, and all of the sudden, the music comes back as she comes back to herself. She’s no longer in bed with Killian. She’s at the Nolans’. She’s in their pool. Henry is at Avery’s. She has no responsibilities tonight. She can simply stay in the water until her entire body becomes one big wrinkle.
Warm arms wrap around her from behind, and Killian presses his nose into her neck, dragging it along her skin as he lightly peppers kisses into her. His hand is running down her body, finding a home on her upper thigh, and she absolutely refuses to be turned on when David is five feet away on a freaking pizza float.
“Killian,” she whispers even as she cranes her neck to the side to give him access to her shoulder and collarbone. He pauses, just for a second, and then starts up again even as he begins walking them across the pool into deeper waters. Once Emma can no longer touch her feet to the ground, she twists her body and wraps her legs around Killian’s waist. She is too relaxed to have to think about keeping her head above water. “Hi.”
“Hi,” he echoes, letting her wrap her arms around his neck as he does the same thing around her waist. He finds her ass in a second, and really, she shouldn’t be surprised.
“Were you just trying to fuck me in front of my friends?”
Killian winks and runs his tongue across his bottom lip, and Emma already knows a smartass comment is coming.
Or not. Just a serious one.
“Shut up,” she laughs, gently slapping the back of his head.
“You have on very little fabric, Swan. We’ve been apart for a few days. Can you blame a man?”
“I can.” She presses up and quickly kisses him. “Later. Maybe. If I don’t immediately pass out when we get home.”
“We both already know you will. You’ve had a long week.”
“So,” Emma begins as she curls her hand into the hair at the nape of Killian’s neck, “why don’t we go home right now?”
His answer is going to be yes. Of course it is. There’s no reason for him to say no.
“No,” he repeats as he wades in the water. “Let’s stay with your friends for awhile. We’ll always have the morning.”
“Or, you know, any other time this week.”
Killian chuckles, but he doesn’t say anything else. Instead, he kisses her, long and slow, and pulls her flush against him. A wolf whistle sounds from the other end of the pool, obviously Ruby, and she can feel Killian’s smile against her mouth.
“Get a room,” Ruby yells. Emma holds her middle finger up. “Or don’t. I’m just saying I can already see most of your ass, and while it is a good one, I do have my limits.”
“Ruby,” Mary Margaret hisses, and Emma pulls back from Killian, unwrapping herself from him, until she can turn to watch her friends quietly bickering.
Her life is so damn messy sometimes, but she has her people. They’re not leaving. That’s all that matters.
And that, that is good.
And Emma’s happy. Truly. She’s a big fan of her biggest problem still being those damn orange slices, and she hopes none of that changes anytime soon.
@qualitycoffeethings @marrtinski @klynn-stormz @scarletslippers @elizabeethan @jrob64 @therealstartraveller776 @thejollyroger-writer @galadriel26 @galaxyzxstark @idristardis @karenfrommisthaven @teamhook @searchingwardrobes @jamif @shireness-says @ultimiflos @onepunintendid @killianswannn @carpedzem @captainkillianswanjones @mayquita @mariakov81 @jennjenn615 @onceuponaprincessworld @a-faekindagirl @scientificapricot @xellewoods @ultraluckycatnd @stahlop @kmomof4 @tiganasummertree @singersdd @tornadoamy @cluttermind @andiirivera @itsfabianadocarmo @captain-emmajones @ilovemesomekillianjones @taylrsversion @dramioneswan @jonesfandomfanatic @wefoundloveunderthelight @gloriousfemaleworrier @spartanguard @snowbellewells
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utterlyhopeful-fics · 4 years
Midnight Magic
A/N: Wrote a smutty part 2 to accompany you lovely folks! 🥰🥰
Henry Cavill x Reader
Also, if I keep tagging you and you’re not interested or want to be tagged; please let know!
Word Count: 1855k 
Warnings: MUCH PROMISED FLUFF, dirty talk, implied smut, foreplay, kissing, language, teasing
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Y/N wasn’t someone to demand attention but tonight was a different story entirely. Whether it be the holiday magic in the air or the sheer happiness exuding from her beaming smile, they’d never know for sure.  She glazed into the fireplace awaiting the arrival of her midnight kiss to show up. The embers flickered uncontrollably creating a spellbinding illusion of comfort. The cerulean blue hue of her dress was majestically magnificent, custom designed to perfection leaving little to the imagination. Paired with a sexy high slit revealed the majority of her right leg; just enough access.
This New Year’s Eve Henry had the peculiar notion to get dressed up as if they were enjoying the evening out. Y/N almost died of happiness then and there seeing the childish reflection in her husband’s hypnotic orbs. 2020 was one helluva year and though it brought them closer than ever as a couple, Y/N wasn’t blind to the hardships occurring throughout the world.  
His loins stirred excitedly as lust glazed over his features growing semi-hard. The only barrier holding them from going at it like teenagers. He licked his lips in anticipation eager to have his wife all to himself. No lavish parties or parades of people to entertain this year, just the lot of them, alone and horny. He continued admiring her from afar pouring two flutes of champagne for the pair.
“You look positively scrumptious this evening, Mrs. Cavill.”
Henry silently crept from behind sneaking up unsuspectingly slow. Goosebumps riddled her gorgeous skin rippling in masses. His breath ticked the tiny, delicate hair adorning her neck shooting a pleasurable surge to her limbs. Both endlessly love drunk on one another. His sensational touch alone kicked every sense into overdrive, heightened every emotion he emitted. Y/N reached back entangling her fingers with his newly deemed ‘quarantine curls’ she’d loved to tug on. Small bites traced down her neck leaving small marks in his wake of destruction.
“May I add how delectable you are in a tuxedo, Hen? My god, my poor ovaries must be working overtime.”
A salacious smirk broke out on his lips eyeing her lustfully.
“You haven’t the finest clue what I want to do to you right now, my love.”
Her hips grinded back on their on accord knocking the air from his lungs. All his remaining blood rushed to the tip of his cock as his belly stirred in playful chaos. They swayed back and forth to the melody playing in the background both reflecting on their last year together.
Henry lined himself up with the shell of her ear wrapping his bulky arm firmly around her waist drawing her as close as possible.
“I’m truly astounded this is our 12th year celebrating as a couple.”
Y/N smiled thinking back when they first met. The year was 2008, Henry was a newly promoted regular to a Showtime series called The Tudors. Y/N was a brilliant writer, the brains behind the complex operation. Henry considered her the beauty and brains; Y/N hated when he talked down about himself saying she’d never once doubted the man who became a wonderful husband and even better daddy.
One unparticular day he’d spotted her struggling to balance a pretty hefty pile of scripts and tumbled right into him. Luckily, his super-size and strength kicked in just in time catching the eye of the attractive stranger. In that moment, Henry knew there was something about this woman he craved to figure out. He was just the lucky bastard on the reciprocating end.
“And thank god your parents volunteered to take the kiddos for the evening. Some private adult time is just what the doctor ordered. We owe them BIG time.”
Y/N winked leading him to decipher the meaning behind her blanket statements. She stepped from his grasp breaking his hold on her. He whined at the loss causing Y/N to eye him curiously.
Oh, you little tease.
Henry’s frisky nature broke through lighting the atmosphere around them. Due to the ongoing pandemic and what not, Henry and Y/N found themselves in wintry London at their main hub of a home. Henry’s roots were deep-rooted and his plea so passionate as she agreed to move across the world with him. Their lives halted for the better allowing the family to spend more time than usual as a unit. Though initially hectic and overwhelming, they were secretly thankful for these little moments with their four children. It was a time they so dearly valued at their imaginative ages.
“Oh, I bet my pops could sense the sexual tension oozing off you, darling. You smell mouthwatering.”
“Hush! Besides it is completely natural to pursue a sexual relationship with my husband outside of our children. Gotta keep you coming back for more…”
“Oh sweets, you have no earthly idea how bad I want to fuck you every day of my existence. You are absolutely divine and somehow all mine.”
“I can’t take all the credit. Nobody’s ever made me cum the way you managed to figure out. You play me like a damn instrument.”
“With pleasure.”
“Ugh, you’re insatiable.”
“Oh, come on. Your sex drive is just as insane as mine. Admit it!”
Y/N bit the inside of her lip collecting her thoughts. Henry pried and teased her ribs forcing her to his whims.
“Fine, fine, you win! I’m a ravenous feign when it comes to you. You’d think having kids would cool my jets but then I see these gorgeous faces I birthed and it’s like I reset. Poof, just like that.”
“Well you’re a phenomenal Mum and quite the MILF too.”
Henry inhaled her perfumed scent taking a long sip of bubbly; anything to keep him from combusting.
“Let’s toast, love. We must.”
“My my, how time flies when you’re having fun.”
Her manicured fingers reached for the chilled glass looking up at Henry and his three-month-old beard. She rose her glass slightly higher in preparation for his speech. Her eyes gleamed with pride as she admired her husband.
“Thank you for loving me, Henry. Seriously, you changed my life in so many profound ways.”
The sap in him was beginning to show as his eyes watered with unshed tears; “My love, it is I who should be thanking for you the unending shower of love and affection. You are the beautiful mother of our four wonderous kids who are the absolute lights of my life because of you. You’re a woman worthy of many praises than my silly ramblings. Cheers to you and for another adventure of a year!”
She swatted his chest immediately shutting him up; “Don’t say that! I am just as equally lucky to have found someone who gets me for …me. It’s a wonderful feeling to have you by my side even if I did have to kiss a few frogs.”
“No doubt I the best possible selection.”
Y/N played along jesting back; “I wouldn’t go that far, maybe the easiest?”
Gob smacked Henry’s wit was rapid fire; “If memory serves, you were there too. And just as ravenous.”
“I was about to get nailed by an insanely hot British man. Can you blame me?”
“One look from you and I was a bloody puddle. I had to recite rugby players to keep from losing my shit.”
No matter life’s challenges the past years of their lives, their resolution to stay equals and lovers was stronger than ever. A sinful glow overcame Y/N as she stared directly up at him; “Cheers to you fucking me stupid then?”
“As you wish.”
She refused to glance away maintaining his smoldering gaze; her Y/C eyes screamed sex. His pupils dilated just as his heart speed up voraciously. Both subconsciously tilted their heads oppositely neither daring to move first, unwilling to yield. Y/N challenged his masculinity testing him. Many words could be used to describe Y/N but priss wasn’t one of them.  
“Oi, you are a true keeper.”  
Y/N checked the matching wrist watch completing her outfit; “T-minus 15 seconds until 2021 is here.”
Still unbreaking of her gaze, Henry stayed silent taking in the beauty of his wife. He could stare at her for the rest of his god given days and die a spectacularly happy man.
“Oh Hen, another marvelous journey with you. Can’t wait to see what 2021 has in store for us.”
She stared down at his inviting pout unable to look away nor did she truly want to.
“Maybe thinking about another baby?”
Her eyes bulged from her skull as shock illuminated from her pores.
“You’re joshing me?”
His lack of response was more than confirmation enough.
“There’s something so ridiculously sexy about you being pregnant. I always knew I wanted kids but with you, oh with you I want to have as many as humanly possible. Our very own football team.”
Confusion stamped her features at his terminology. Sometimes Henry forgot they were from different countries.
“Football as in soccer. You know the game with the checkered ba—”
Y/N cut him off; “Jeez baby, save your mansplaining. I’ve been on this side of the pond long enough to understand your oh so clever references.”
The pros and cons bounced around in her head, doubt never far behind but the mischievous joy coming off him was tantalizing; “Let’s do it.”
Cheers rang ecstatically from the television as fireworks commanded their attention but they only had eyes for one another. Henry closed the gap kissing her feverishly. He was forever seared into her brain ruined for all other men. Lost in the moment, Y/N barely had time to set her glass down untrusting of her own balance anymore. Henry followed shortly behind. Now with her newfound freedom, Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck locking him in place. His questioning tone was almost cause for concern before his façade shattered.
“Really? I do so enjoy seeing you round with my babe. So, fucking irresistible.”
Henry’s jacket was long removed strewn over the couch. That left him standing only in his tight button up and trousers. Y/N merely leaned back his direction bringing his attention towards the zipper aligning her spine. Henry chuckled undoing her dress too easily watching the zipper flair apart. He couldn’t resist admiring the flex of her muscles and how striking she was. Tugging the material over the curvy hips, Y/N noticed Henry was far too overdressed.
“Take off your clothes, now.”
“You bossin me round, babe?”
His muscular tush ignited in minimal pain as her hand connected with his ass whipping rather harshly. A small red welt appeared instantly. Henry stood shocked as Y/N’s smug smile decorated her face.
“You really shouldn’t push me. I don’t like my authority questioned.”
Henry’s mood shifted at her use of roleplay knowing he was in for a well and good night. Henry stripped removing his boxer briefs last. Y/N strutted towards her bedside dresser pulling out a pair of metal handcuffs. Dangling them in front of him, she grinned bashfully; “You’re going to sit your ass on that bed and I’m going to tie you up now. Got it?”
Tags:  @thedeadhearted @giveusbackourbucky @henry-cavill-obsessed  @onlyhenrys @omgkatinka @thereisa8ella @threeminutesoflife @homewreckingwreck @gemini0410 @maan14@bluegalaxyprime @sofiebstar @whyyykitkat @encounterthepast  @readermia @ly-canthropewrites @scorpionchild81 @henrythickcavill @snowbellexx @stephartrave @agniavateira  @cap-barnes​ @henryfanfics101  @mary-ann84 @westcoast-nightowl @poledancingdinos​  @justaboringadult @peakygroupie  @nalathefirefly​ @vikingsbifrost​ @bloodyinspiredfuck​ @moderapoppins​ @cooldiva1234​ @icedcoffeeismythang​ @titty-teetee​ @summersong69​ @kaatelyyynn​ @missursulacalmet​ @michelehansel​ @iloveyouyen​ @shyshu​ @star017​ @raynosaurus-rex @radkesgirl83​ @starrynite7114​  @wheretheriversrunintothesea​ @i-love-scott-mccall​  @darkbooksarwin​ @ellieseymour70​ @designerwriterchic​ @studywithrosie01​ @dangerouslovefanfic​ @lebguardians​ @crazybutconfidentaf​ @hen-cavill​  @cavill-sass​ @oh-for-fic-sake​ @icedbottles​ @buckysgoldenheart​ @brexrif​ @gryffindorwriter​ @laketaj24​ @foxyjwls007​ @lawsofthejungle​ @henrycavillfanpage​ @kaboogie21​ @fangirl199812​ @gothicninibalor​ @qualitynightkoala​ @strictlybuckybarnes​ @toomanyfandomsshreya​@hersilencescreams-blog​ @viking-raider​ @sesamepancakes​  @madbaddic7ed​ @fuckoffbard​ @funfickgirl22​ @inlovewithhisblueeyes​ @wolvesandhoundshowltogether​ @hoeforhenry​ @henrycavills-babe​ @abschaffer2​ @loving-this​ @one-of-those-fanfiction-blogs​ @lovelycavills​
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sleepysnk · 3 years
Team Player: Chapter Ten
Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: suggestive content
Word Count: 3.1k
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"Let's go Kirstein!"
Coach Smith's words echoed throughout the field, it was the day before the championship game against Marley University. The team that Trost had lost to a few weeks prior. Everyone was beyond excited but nervous for this matchup, it decided if Trost would be good enough.
The only difference at today's practice was that a familiar face would be returning, that person was Eren. 
He had worked all day with (Y/N) to get used to his new techniques, he had only one more day to try and it was finally time for him to prove to Coach Smith that he was a reliable and worthy player for the team. Eren silently prayed that all this hard work would pay off.
The air was chilly that day, it was a usual cool morning and, for some reason, Eren felt like he had a stroke of luck. That today would be the day he'd get back to the sport he loved, and maybe, just maybe, he'd get a spot on the Kansas City Chiefs. 
Eren watched his teammates jogging on the track, some panted, while others continued pushing through the pain of running for so long in the cooler weather. 
Coach Smith's attention averted towards someone he didn't expect seeing, he didn't think Eren would show up.
"Eren? Did you work out your issues?" he asked, looking back at the players who were still running. 
Eren tossed his bag to the floor. "Yeah, I'd love to show you my improvement," he replied, his voice confident. 
Coach Smith blew his whistle. "Everyone! Gather 'round! I'm gonna explain today's plan," he called, waving everyone over. 
Eren watched his teammates approach his coach, he hadn't seen some of them in two weeks; a few of them stared at Eren, or exchanged looks with one another. 
"Today we'll be running plays, you all need to be at the absolute best. Eren here is going to be joining us today, let's see if he's ready," he explained, looking around at the boys. "Are we ready?"
"Ready!" they yelled all together. 
"Good.. now go get some balls and get started," he said. "Not you Eren.. I gotta see what you can do.."
Eren stopped in his tracks and turned towards Coach Smith. "Okay, what do you want me to do?" he asked, nodding.
"How is your ankle? It's been awhile since I've heard anything about your injury. I need to make sure you're 100%," he asked, looking down at his ankle. 
Eren stepped a few times, rolling the muscle around to show there was no sign of pain. "It's been good.. I got better meds and I stayed off of my feet," he replied, looking up.
His coach only nodded, "I see.. well, let's see how being off your feet has paid off. Reiner! Come throw some balls for Eren," he yelled at the blonde. 
Reiner jogged over with a football in his hand. "Sounds good coach, Eren, it's good to see you again," he said with a smile. 
Eren smirked, "It's good to see you too Reiner," he replied. 
"Enough talkin', get on the field and catch some balls," Coach Smith ordered. 
Eren put his helmet on, he hadn't worn his helmet in so long; he missed the feeling of it on his head. 
Reiner stood at the end of the field, he tossed the ball up into the air. "You ready!?" he called.
Eren nodded, "We're good!" he yelled back. 
The center got into position to pass the ball to Reiner, his eyes scanned the players around him before he spoke. "Hut!"
Eren ran down the field, his head turning to see where Reiner was going to throw; he could see the ball falling towards him. He looked around to see if anyone was nearby, it was his ball at that point. 
The ball landed into Eren's arms, he slowed down a bit and looked back at his other teammates; along with his coach. 
"Nice catch.. you seem to have a better ankle," Jean said, patting his shoulder. 
Eren tossed the ball back to Reiner. "Yeah, I do. I'm ready to get back out there," he replied, flashing a smirk his way. 
"Let's run that again! Reiner! Do a random play of your choice!" Coach Smith yelled, crossing his arms. 
Eren jogged back to the line, he could feel the sweat already forming on his brow. He had to do his best, it was for the sake of his career and his team. Eren wasn't even thinking about the offer anymore, he just wanted to help his team; it was different, but he knew it was from all the work he had put in with (Y/N).
Eren smiled to himself as the image of her flashed into his head, he wanted to show her how much he's worked. 
Eren ran down the field, he turned his head to see what was going on. He wasn't sure where Reiner was going to throw; Eren wasn't even sure what play he was running, but one thing was for sure, the ball wasn't for Eren. 
He watched it fall into Jean's arms, his body making contact onto the floor. "Got it!" Jean yelled, sitting up a bit. 
Eren jogged over, reaching his hand out to help Jean up. "Here.." he said, looking down at him. 
Jean took his hand, "Damn.. you usually never help me up when I catch a ball. Did that girl do something to your head?"
Eren looked away for a moment. "Nah.. but she did help, I'm thankful for her," he replied, smiling a bit.
"You're a simp"
Eren looked at him, "What..?"
"I said it.. you're such a simp for (Y/N), it's obvious, especially when I was flirting with her in the library." Jean replied, a smirk forming onto his features.
Eren rolled his eyes, "Whatever.. she's pretty great though," he said. 
He turned his head to see his coach over. 
"I'll be right back," Eren said, patting Jean's shoulder.
He jogged to the sidelines where his coach was standing, he could feel his heart thumping against his ribcage. He hoped that his coach would tell him some good news, if not that'd seriously crush him; his dreams would be over as well. 
"What's up coach?" he asked, nodding his head. 
Coach Smith looked at him. "You seem to be doing well.. that last play was meant to throw you off," he said. "Before you used to go for the ball without a car in the world.. but now, I've seen a change in you," 
Eren looked at him, confusion written on his face. "So.. what does that mean?" he asked. 
"I'm going to let you play tomorrow.." Coach Smith replied. 
His eyes grew wide, excitement rushing through his veins. He did it. He actually fucking did it. Eren could now show all of his hard work, it paid off. 
"You're for real?" he asked, smiling.
"Yes I'm for real, Eren. I like what I see, keep this same vibe on the field tomorrow and we'll win this game," Coach Smith said, nodding his head. 
Eren stuck out his hand. "Thank you coach," he said, a serious expression written on his face. 
He shook his hand, "You're welcome Eren.. don't make me regret this," he replied.
"You won't, I can count on that."
The rest of practice went very well for Eren, he actually gave his own ideas on some new plays they should try out. He also talked about some ways they could improve the team, all of it impressed Coach Smith; he never knew Eren had this side to him. He was most impressed by the way Eren let the ball go, he didn't hog it anymore; he gave it up. It shocked some of his own teammates as well.
"Say Eren, who made you get your head out of your ass?" Reiner asked, leaning against the locker. 
Eren looked down and back up at him. "Let's just say, it was someone special," he replied. "They uh.. really made me see what I was doing wrong."
Reiner nodded, "Well whoever they are, they did a great job," he said. 
Eren chuckled, "Yeah.. she did.." he smiled thinking of (Y/N).
"Alright! See you all tomorrow! Remember, be here tomorrow at noon! The bus is leaving at 12:45!" Coach Smith yelled, his voice echoing in the room. 
Eren grabbed his backpack, pulling the straps over his shoulders. He wanted to go and find (Y/N) to tell her the good news. 
He turned to see Coach Smith standing there. "What's up?" he asked, blinking a bit.
"It's good to have you back," he replied, smiling. 
Eren looked down, "It feels good to be back."
He made his way out of the locker room with a huge grin on his face. He couldn't wait to tell (Y/N) the news.
The hallways were filled with different students who were either heading to class, just leaving class, or going off to their dorms to relax for the rest of the day. (Y/N) being one of them. She was exhausted and she just wanted to head back to her dorm and take a nap. 
She was walking with Sasha, her roommate, of course the girl was rambling about something her boyfriend Connie did. It didn't necessarily interest (Y/N), the only thing her mind was worried about was the brunette boy she kissed the previous night. 
She wasn't exactly sure what their status was, was Eren just playing some kind of prank? What if he was just using her? She liked Eren a lot, she couldn't necessarily deny it anymore; it was obvious. She made it her goal to figure out what was happening with what they had, she silently prayed it wasn't him just messing with her. If that was the case her whole confession would be an embarrassment and she knew the kind of person he was. 
"(Y/N)! Hello?" 
She looked over at Sasha who was waving her hand. "You're spacing out again.. what are you thinking about?" she inquired, nodding her head. 
(Y/N) blinked for a moment before speaking. "Oh! Nothing Sasha, I'm just really tired and today was a long day,"
The brunette didn't seem exactly thrilled with her statement, she didn't believe a word that came from her mouth. 
"What even happened between you and Eren? You guys were gone for awhile, not to mention it was storming," she asked, raising a brow. 
A rush of heat formed onto (Y/N)'s face, her mind going back to the kiss they shared in the rain. The kiss made her knees weak and she couldn't even speak properly, Eren was just a charmer. He had the most amazing hair, his scent intoxicated her, and don't even start about his body. 
"We just got lost in the rain, that's about it," she replied, shrugging her shoulders. 
Sasha leaned against the wall. "Uh huh.. well whatever you say (Y/N), I gotta go find Connie, can you wait here for a second?" she asked. 
She nodded, "Yeah go ahead! I'll wait.." 
Sasha ran down the hall to find her boyfriend, (Y/N) giggled at the sight of her friend. She was happy Sasha found someone, not to mention how cute her and Connie were. 
She started scrolling through her phone, a sigh came from her mouth noticing that she didn't have a notification from the person she wanted to hear from most. Eren. She hadn't heard from him since that night and the feeling was bothersome, it lingered with her all day and she wasn't sure what to do. 
Her attention averted towards the brunette running towards her, it was Eren. He seemed excited too, he had that same smile and his face was bright. 
"Hey? You seem to be in a better mood," she said, a smile forming onto her features. 
Eren panted a bit, "Yeah.. I had to – man fuck I ran a ton – I wanted to tell you the news," he replied. 
She furrowed her brows, "What news? What happened?" 
That same grin appeared onto his face again. "I'm back on the team!" he said, his tone excited and happy. 
Her jaw dropped, a smile appearing as she heard the news. "Oh my God! Congrats! I'm so proud of you!" she said, hugging him. 
Eren lifted her up and held her tightly against him. "Thank you but.. I gotta give you all the credit. You truly were the one who got me through this," he replied, slowly placing her onto the ground. 
Her cheeks grew hot from the contact. "It was no problem! I'm happy for you," she smiled. 
Eren rubbed the back of his neck. "Do you have class after this? I have an off period and I was wondering if you want to.. hangout?" he asked, nodding his head. 
She looked at her phone, she actually didn't have any afternoon classes that day. It worked out perfectly for them. 
"I actually don't.. do you wanna go back to mine?" she asked.
He chuckled, "Yeah, can we? My roommate doesn't really let me have girls over."
"It sounds good, mine is with her boyfriend right now. I have a free dorm," she said, looking down the hall for Sasha. 
Eren took her hand into his. "Let's go then," he said, smirking. 
The two both made their way to (Y/N)'s dorm, Sasha noticed the pair making their way out of the main campus building and she sent her a text telling her 'good luck ;)'. It made the two of them giggle. 
(Y/N) stood in front of her dorm door, she fished around her pocket for the key and unlocked it. Eren's chest was against her back and it made her stomach bubble with anticipation.
"Do you have practice later?" she asked, removing her shoes and tossing her bag onto the floor. 
Eren shut the door to her dorm. "Not until like.. six or seven, so we have time," he smirked, leaning down closer to her. 
Their noses brushed against each other before their lips connected into a kiss, God, did she miss his lips. They were soft and she could taste the faint hint of his mint chapstick, it suited him well. 
Eren's hands moved to her hips, bringing them closer to his own. He was starting to get excited, the blood began to all rush down to his dick and he was becoming needy. 
"Fuck, I missed your lips," he said in between kisses. "Sit on my lap"
Eren scooched back until his ankles hit the side of her bed, he plopped down and brought her onto him. Her thighs on either side of his legs, she looked so pretty like this to him.
"Shit.. Eren, touch me, please." she pleaded, her voice coming out almost like a whimper. 
Eren's hands explored her sides, his hands squeezed at the plush of her ass making her gasp. A chuckle rumbled from his throat seeing her reaction. 
"Who knew you were such a bad girl behind the scenes?" he said, kissing at her neck. 
She let out a breathy moan. "I'm only bad for you.." she replied, grinding her hips against his aching cock. 
Heat was pooling in between her legs from his kisses, Eren was so intoxicating and addicting. It took her breath away. 
"You're so hot, you have no clue what you do to me." 
She swallowed thickly, her pulse was beating against her neck and the room was growing hot. She needed Eren, she didn't care what way, she just wanted him. 
"W-Wait.. Eren," she said, pressing her fingers into his chest. 
He leaned away from her neck, a look of concern written on his features. "Shit.. did I make you uncomfortable? I'm sorry, I just got lost in the moment." 
She smiled, "No, you didn't, I just needed to ask you about something.." she replied. 
Eren placed his hands onto her thighs. "And that is?" 
Her hands went around his neck, twirling one of his strands of hair. "Do you actually like me? Or did you just say that because I helped you?" 
Eren furrowed his brows, "What? (Y/N), I do like you. I didn't say it because you helped me," he said.
She chewed her bottom lip. "I just don't know if you're being for real, I like you a lot Eren, I just don't want to look like a fool." she replied, looking down. 
Eren tilted her chin up to look into her eyes. "First off, I am being real with you. One thing I never do is lie to a girl, my mom raised me better and I could never hurt someone like you. You're sweet, funny, kind, drop-dead gorgeous, and you bring out a better side of me that I never knew I had. I like you a lot and I want you to be my girlfriend," he said, cupping her cheek. 
A smile crept onto her face. "You mean it?" she asked, nodding. 
"Hell yeah! I would never lie to you," he replied. 
She giggled a bit, "Well.. I'd love to be yours Eren. I like you a lot and I don't want the opportunity to slip by."
He put his arms around her waist. "I like you a lot too, I won't let you get away," he said, kissing her cheek. 
She leaned into his touch, a smile plastered onto her face. "Now.. where were we?" she asked with a smirk. 
Eren laughed a bit, "Oh? You like that huh? I never took you as the freaky type," he teased. 
She rolled her eyes, "You'd be surprised what I can do.. now, you deserve a little present for getting back on the team today." 
Eren raised his brows in surprise. "Oh? I like the sound of that, I'm interested," he smirked, bringing her closer to his face. 
She giggled, kissing him again. "You should be interested, now lay down so we can get this started," she replied, putting her hands onto his shoulders. 
"We're going to have a lot of fun, so get ready," Eren said, leaning towards her ear. 
A chill went down her spine before she smirked. "Oh? Is that right? Bring it on Jaeger," she teased. 
"Go put the scrunchy on the door." 
She grabbed the scrunchy off of her table, making her way towards the door. She placed it on the knob on the outside and closed it before rushing back to where Eren was sitting. 
He smirked, she could see his eyes that were blown with lust. "Good, the only words I wanna hear from your mouth from now on are your pretty little moans when you're wrapped around my dick," he whispered. 
"Show me you can be a team player, Eren," she replied, looking into his eyes. 
He chuckled, looking at her with a grin. 
"I'll show you a team player alright."
tagging: @ererokii @eremiie @callmepromise @thicmitten @moomii-hime @luvrboykento @katsuhera @flam3bird @bell0214 @daughter-of-the-stars11 @chayauwu @lunamoonawatcher @ryan249057 @sofi-yeager @hugemommymilkers
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Derek Morgan x Reader 
Warnings: fem!reader, cursing, kissing, mentions of cheating, death of a parent, alcohol.
Category: Mix of angst and fluff 
Word Count: 4k
Author's Note: Idea came from @m0rcia​‘s garvez idea from the Hotchner fam au :) 
During High School 
The boy next door. 
Oh how you hated him, something about him just irritated you. Tall, dark and annoying is what he was, there was no other way to put it. It wasn’t always like that though, truthfully you and Derek had gotten along rather well as children. 
Things started to change around the start of high school, you didn't hang out as much and you had both gotten your own friend groups. His focus was on football and yours was on school. The two of you used to spend hours upon hours outside throwing around that stupid football of his. You’d both go home covered in mud and grass stains but you didn’t have the same desire to be tackled into the mud as you did when you were younger.
Senior year was coming to an end, everyone had picked a path for their life and you were, well, stuck. You had no clue what you wanted to do or where to go from there. The whole neighbourhood was gushing about Derek, the school’s star football player and his plans to go to Northwestern with his football scholarship. Of course your parents also knew all about Derek and his scholarship, meaning that you got compared to him every single night until you figured out what you were doing with your life. 
Graduation day was absolute hell. It was hot and you were uncomfortable in the heels your mother forced you to wear. You sat in the smouldering heat with all of your classmates, listening as your wretched principal spoke. 
Clearly, you loved high school. 
It came the time to throw the caps, because your school did things like that. You un-energetically threw your cap in the air, watching as it hit the floor. Something hit your back as you bent to pick up your cap. Turning around, you were met with none other than Derek Morgan himself. 
“Sorry y/n” 
“Watch where the fuck you throw shit” 
“Okay mama, relax with the attitude” he squeezed your shoulder, “I’m sorry” 
“Are you though?” you rolled your eyes and pushed his hand off your shoulder. 
“I am s-” 
“Save it” you shake your head as you walk the other way. He didn’t say anything to you again after that day. 
The night before he left, his mom threw a little party for him. It started as a little party and ended with the whole graduating class in Fran’s backyard. You had gone over with your parents, but you didn’t speak to Derek. You said hello to Fran and his sisters, and a few friends you saw at the party. Your parents left early and you stuck around to hang out with some friends. 
Around 3am, you decided it was time to head home. It was only Derek with a few of his guys and their girlfriends hanging around, your friends had just left. Fran was in the kitchen trying to clean up the house, you stepped in and knocked on the wall.
“Need some help Mrs. Morgan ?” 
“Oh sweetie, call me Fran and I'm alright. Why don’t you head home ?” 
“That’s okay, I don’t mind. If it’s just the kitchen, I can finish up and you can go to bed ?” 
“Are you sure you want to do that?” she asked before setting the garbage bag down. 
“Yeah, I’ve got it. Get some rest” you smiled back. 
She kissed your cheek before heading to her bedroom. You liked Fran, she was always nice to you and checked up on you, even if you and Derek stopped talking. 
The backdoor clicked shut while you were washing the dishes. “Hey, I didn't realize you were still here” Derek spoke quietly, “where’s mom?” he asked you. “In bed, I told her I'd finish cleaning up” you told him, not turning around. 
“Thanks, I can take over if you wanna get home” he mumbled with his mouth full. You glance over your shoulder to see Derek practically inhaling a slice of pizza.
“You still don't chew?” you asked him, shutting off the sink and wiping your hands off. 
“What’s that supposed to mean ?” he said, his brows furrowed and his mouth full. You gave him a small smile and shook your head. 
“You actually smile?” Derek asked you, a look of genuine amazement on his face. 
“Shut up” you picked up a slice of pizza and hopped up onto the counter. Derek stood beside you, leaning against the counter. The only thing between you and him was the empty box of pizza. The two of you ate in silence, no tension, no anger, just there in the moment. 
Derek looked over at you, “what happened to us?” he questioned you. 
“What do you mean?” you hopped off the counter. 
“You used to say we’d be in each other’s lives forever when we were younger” he watched as you moved about the kitchen. 
“I’m still here Derek” you told him.
“But you’re not though” he uttered, looking at you. 
“It’s just different now” you picked up the empty box and threw it out. 
“How? I’m still me and you’re still you” He grabbed your hand. 
You scoffed and shook your head, “expect you’re not just you anymore. You’re the popular football player that everyone loves and I'm just.. me” 
He looked at you, he looked sad. He opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off. “Don’t do that. Don’t say it’s not true, because we both know it’s true.” Derek didn't say anything to you, he pulled you closer to him. You were now standing in front of him, he was still against the counter. 
“Y/n, you’ll always be important to me, you know that right ? I know we drifted, a lot more than I’d like to admit but I still care about you, I still check on you” his hand cradled your face, you were looking up at him. 
“Really ?” you asked him quietly, so quietly he almost didn't hear you. He nodded and leaned towards you. You leaned in too, his lips inches away from yours. 
“Can I?” he whispered, you nodded. His lips were on yours, your arms were over his shoulder, one of your hands resting on the back on his neck. Derek’s hand was still on your cheek and the other one on your waist. 
If it wasn't for his sister coming down and catching the two of you, it would have gone on a lot long. “Ahem” she cleared her throat, you and Derek pulled away from each other and turned towards her. 
“Hey you two” she had a smug smile on her face.
“Hi.. uh I should get home” you said quietly before heading towards the door. 
“Let me walk you home” Derek followed you to the door, you shook your head. “I’m fine. Goodnight you guys, tell Fran I say thank you for having us over” you slide open the backdoor and step out. 
The early morning breeze was chill but yet warm. It was starting to change to autumn weather, you walked across the street, the wind blowing the leaves down the street. You sat on your front porch when you got home, your mom stepped out. 
“Are you now getting home?” she walked past you to the car. 
“Yeah, I stayed back to help Fran tidy up. Where are you going ?” you asked 
“Work, there was an emergency” she told you as she got in the car, you knew she was lying to you. Sometimes she forgot you weren’t a kid anymore, you knew she was cheating on your dad. She wasn’t very good at hiding it, but you had the things on your mind, like your kiss with Derek. 
He was leaving for college in less than 12 hours, it made no sense to start something with him. You sat on your porch for the rest of the day, heading in to use the bathroom and get something to eat. 
You watched the sun rise, felt the temperature change, watched Derek pack his boxes into the car, saw his goodbye to his sisters and his mother. He looked across the street, he looked at you before getting in his car. He didn't smile, he didn't come say anything. 
He just left. 
15 years later
You found yourself, once again, on your front pouch watching Derek. Only this time, he was unpacking. Fran had passed away last week, it was a heart attack. No one could have known but that didn't make it hurt any less. 
You had seen him at the funeral, you didn’t say anything to him but he saw you. He gave you a small smile and you gave him one back. You hadn't seen him since your kiss 15 years ago. 
He stepped into the house and shut the door, you headed inside too. Your house was just as empty as his. Your parents had moved to the Bahamas in an attempt to save their marriage, leaving you with the house. You took the year after high school to work before finally settling on teaching as a career. You taught at your local high school with the same horrible staff and wretched principal that you hated all those years ago. You understood how the kids felt, it wasn't hard to connect with them. 
Settling in on your couch with a bottle of wine and Netflix, the doorbell rang. “Who is it?” you called out, not wanting to get up but there was no answer. The doorbell rang again, “who’s there?” you shouted, thinking that whoever was at the door didn't hear you the first time, but again there was no answer. The bell rang a 3rd time, “fuck hold on! I'm coming” you groaned as you walked to the door. You pulled the door open, 
“Are you deaf? you didn't hear me shouti-” Derek stood at your front door. “Oh, hi” you looked at him, he looked the same, only slightly older, more mature. “Hey, can I come in?” he asked, you nodded before stepping aside and letting him in. 
You really had debated if you should let him in, but you couldn’t turn him away, especially not now, not after what he had just gone through. 
He looked around as he followed you back to the living room. “House looks different” he took a seat on one end of the couch, “yeah, remodelled after they left” you sat at the other. Derek looked at you with a confused expression on his face, “left?” “they went to the Bahamas to try and save their marriage but I doubt that’ll work” you took a sip of your wine. You leaned the bottle in his direction, he took the bottle from you and took a sip. 
“No glasses ?” he chuckled, leaning back into the cushions. 
“Didn’t want to wash them afterwards” you turned the grinch back on. Derek laughed, you looked over at  him, “what ?” “you still watch this shit?” “hey! the grinch is my favourite, don't start with me Morgan” he rolled his eyes and settled back into his spot. 
15 minutes later, he rolled over onto his stomach and sprawled himself over your couch. “I'm hungry, what do you have to eat ?” he looked at you, “order a pizza” you mumbled, your eyes still on the tv. 
Half an hour later, a weight lifts off the house and your front door opens. Derek returns to the couch with a box of pizza. You watched as he set the box down and opened it, he looked over at you. 
“It’s rude to stare” he smiled and you shook your head “don't flatter yourself” 
He picked up a piece and practically inhaled it. “Seriously dude, would it kill you to chew ?” you watched him as his face changed into confusion. 
“Okay, I need to know what you mean by that! I've been hearing it my whole life” he pouted. You let out a loud laugh, “you never chew, you just inhale your food” you told him, his mouth making an O shape. 
Once again, you could yourself in the company of Derek Morgan, in the middle of the night, eating pizza, in silence. Shifting positions on the couch, you turned to him, “I'm really sorry about Fran, she was a wonderful woman” you spoke quietly, unsure if you regretted what you just said. He nodded, “she was, wasn’t she?” he gave you a small smile. 
“I saw your sisters when at the service, they didn’t come help you pack up ?” 
“They’ve got their lives, work and their families. I told them I'd handle it” 
“Hm, you’re not busy with work ? What happened to Mister Big Shot that went to Northwestern?” you joked, he chuckled. 
“Well, Mister Big Shot that went to Northwestern” he mocked, “got a law degree and works for the FBI now” he admitted to you proudly. 
“What the hell, are you serious ?” you were genuinely shocked, he nodded. If someone told you that Derek went on to be a football player, you’d believe them with no questions asked, but Derek, as a FBI agent, was something you never ever thought would happen. 
“The same Derek that rolled around in mud his entire childhood and was in trouble all the time, works for the fricking FBI ?” you laughed, “yup, that would be the one and I wasn't always in trouble!” 
The two you ended up sitting on the couch till about 3 am. “Can I ask you something ?” Derek turned to you, “of course” you looked over at him. 
“What happened to us? I want the truth. We’ve both grown up, the least we can do is talk about it.”
“I don’t know, we just drifted.” you looked at the wall, you couldn’t bare to look at Derek right now. His hand rested on yours, “y/n, c’mon, the truth.” 
“We just didn't fit into each other’s lives anymore. You went from Derek that would play dolls with me to Derek that was the popular football player. All the girls loved you, they practically swooned over you in the hallways, the guys were constantly talking about you and your games. I didn't want that attention. I just wanted you as you, not everything that came with it. The only way to let you go was to push you away I guess” you admitted to him, he sighed. 
“See, if you had told me that-” you cut him off, “what ? you would have ignored all the girls ? stopped being the star of the football team ? don’t lie to yourself Derek. We both knew you loved it, it’s who you are. You would have never given that up, especially not for me.” you looked over at him, his eyes were on you. He looked at you like he had never seen you before, like you were this fascinating thing that deserved all of his attention. 
“That moment we had in the kitchen that night, that meant nothing ?” he moved closer to you. “Of course it meant something but you didn’t even say goodbye. You just upped and left, Derek. All the times you came home to visit, you didn’t even say hello” 
“y/n, I tried. I came every time I came home. That day, I didn’t say goodbye because I thought I had upset you with the kiss, but I came every time I came home, to see you and try and talk. Your mom always said you weren’t home and she’d tell you.” 
“What? She never told me anything” 
“Well there you go. I tried, I promise you I did.” 
The two of you sat there, the tension was so thick you couldn't cut it with a knife. “Y/n” he called for you, you were too deep in your thoughts to hear him. “y/n” he called out again, his finger pulls your chin towards him. 
“You know I care about you, right ? I never stopped” 
“Okay” you mumbled and got up. 
“That’s it? We’re not going to talk about it ?” Derek stood up 
You walked into the kitchen, ignoring Derek and his questions. You leaned forward on the counter, your hands gripping the edge to try and ground yourself. 
Why hadn’t she told me he came ? He just wanted to talk, what’s her problem ?
“Y/n, come on. Can we talk?” Derek rested his hand on your shoulder, you shrugged your shoulder and pushed his hand off. “Get out” you mumbled, “what ?” his eyes burning into your back. “Get. Out.” you said a little louder, “Why ? I just want to ta-” you turned around, you grabbed Derek’s hand and pulled him out of the kitchen and to the front door. “Out” you opened the door, 
“I'm so confused, why?” 
“Derek, shut up and get out!” 
You pushed him out of the door, he stood there looking back at you with a look of shock and confusion on his face. You slammed the door shut before heading to the bedroom to find our phone, expect it wasn't there. It felt as if you tore apart the entire house looking for it. When you found it, you dialled the one person you knew could answer your questions. 
“Hello ?” She answered 
“Why the hell wouldn’t you tell me that Derek came to see me ?! and not just once, BUT EVERY TIME!!” you yelled into the phone 
“Honey, calm down” your mother said to you. 
“Don’t tell me to calm down! you lied to me for 15 years, you watched me sulk for 2 whole years about Derek kissing me and just leaving when you knew he had come to talk to me!” 
“He’s no good for you” she said as if that was a fact. 
“What the hell does that mean? Not like you’d know what was good for me anyways. You don't care about anyone but yourself” you just hung up on her, you weren't in the mood to deal with her and her nonsense.
You paced back and forth through the whole house for a few hours. You had downed an entire bottle of wine while you paced, you knew what you needed to do. 
Come on, it’s just Derek. 
You headed out of the house and across the street.
God, what if he hates me now ? 
You walked back towards your house.
Oh, he won't hate me. 
You headed back to his house.
This is stupid.
You turned around to walk back to your house when you heard his voice. 
“Are you gonna stand out here all night like a mad woman ?” he leaned against the door frame. You walked up to him, he stood there looking at you. “I’m sorry I kicked you out earlier.. I just needed a minute to process things” you admitted,  Derek chuckled. “Considering that it's 4am, I'd say you had more than a minute to process. I’m making tea, want some?” he asked you, you nodded, “tea sounds good” you walked in. 
The house hadn't changed, expect for the addition of a few new picture frames. There were some of his sisters and him from what looks like his college graduation, some of his sisters and their families and the one that stood out to you was of Derek, Fran and some little skinny white boy. You picked up the frame and turned to Derek. 
“Come all this way and flirt with me but you have a boyfriend ?” you asked, holding back a laugh. 
“Haha, very funny. That’s Spencer Reid, we work together” 
“He works for the FBI ? He looked like a baby” you laughed and set down the frame. 
“He’s grown a lot since then” Derek laughed and headed to the kitchen, you followed him. “God, it felt like just yesterday we were running around here with Fran cooking and yelling at us” you said, hopping up on the counter. “Yeah, we had some good times” Derek smiled as he handed you a mug of tea. 
The two of you drank your tea quietly, you broke the silence. 
“I talked to my mom” you looked over at Derek, he turned to face you. 
“Oh yeah? What’d she say ?” 
“Nothing important, just tried to lie to me yet again” 
“About ?” 
“Apparently you’re ‘no good for me’ whatever that means” you roll your eyes, Derek shifts closer to you and he changes the topic. 
“You’re a teacher now ?”
“I am” you smiled, “ I don’t remember telling you that though, you work your FBI magic on me?” you chuckled, he smiled at you. 
“Mom told me, actually” your head tilted to the side, he realized you were confused.
“I feel weird admitting this to you, but she used to tell me what you were up too. She said she came to your graduation too” he fidgeted with his fingers. 
You smiled to yourself at the memory of Fran at your graduation. Your parents had already moved away and you didn't have anyone, you mentioned it to Fran as a by-the-way thing and she showed up.
“She did, but you’ve been keeping tabs on me or everyone you graduated with?” 
“Just the ones I've made out with” he had a smirk on that annoying face of his 
“Oh so half of the graduating class?” you held back a laugh. A loud “hey!” and a light smack to the arm was what that comment got you. Derek picked up the empty mugs and put them in the sink, on his way back to his spot beside you, you stretched your legs out, one was on each side of him. 
“What’s the plan here Ms. L/N?” 
“Not sure Mr. Morgan” 
“Actually, it's Agent Morgan to you” he stated causing you to roll your eyes. His hands rested on your thighs, “just two friends, chilling in a kitchen. Maybe they might kiss” you mumbled looking at him, he looked back at you with a smile on his face. 
“Yeah they might” 
“Exact- wait what ?” 
His hand cradled your face, your lips inches apart. “Can I ?” “Stop talking and kiss me alrea-” His lips on yours ended your sentence. Your heart pounded in your chest, you could only focus on how Derek’s lips felt against yours. You had been dreaming for another moment like this since your last kiss with him, it felt as if time stopped and it was only the two of you while the world melted away. 
Derek’s eyes had opened, taking the beautiful women in front of him. Taking in the moment just to make sure he wasn’t imagining what he had dreamt of the last 15 years and for the first time in those 15 years, he didn't feel angry or sad when he looked at you, he saw the one he had been waiting for.  
It felt like forever before either of you pulled away for a breath. Your hands clung onto Derek’s shirt like he’d disappear if you let go, his hands found their way to the back of your neck, toying with the hair at the nape of your neck. The two of you, wrapped up in each other, smiling at one another like children. 
“Not so bad huh ?” 
“Not so bad Morgan” 
Taglist: @aaronhotchnerr​ @mac99martin​ @aaron-hotchner187​ @tclaerh​ @luke-alvez​ @iconicc​ @lieberhers​ @pumpkin-reads​ @ssa-holmes​ @katexrichardson​ @sluttytears​
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steve0discusses · 4 years
S5 Ep 3: Apdnarg is Really Hard to Spell
 Yo guys, people are getting vaccinated, the sun is parting through the clouds, and I felt so nice that I even stopped listening to quite so many throwback 00′s BTS mashups (and yet I keep clicking on these dissonant catastrophes thinking “this time it’s got to be better. This time they’ll figure it out.” and like, no. Turns out you can’t match Brittany’s Toxic with BTS’ Black Swan. You can’t do that.)
This must be a sign that things are getting better. If anything, it means my personal tastes are improving. I mean I only clicked on like 3 “Dark Academia” Playlists where I could pretend I’m some sort of spooky witch in an abandoned library with a bad music player and basic taste in classical music (like can we ban Satie from Youtube for a little while?). Hell, I might even do a prompt update to this blog!
Yeah, you heard me, I’m actually going to stay ahead of the update schedule for Yugioh Abridged (maybe. I haven’t actually watched cuz of spoilers, I just noticed the thumbnail pop up on Youtube and was like “Damn it, they came out of hiatus??? I got hurry UP.”)
Anyway, speaking of the sky parting.
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I’ll have you know my bro said this is actually more like a circumcision and it was one of the worst thing I have ever heard.
We get a chance to take in this lineup of confusing and varied character designs, and Joey. who is...still Joey.
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The animators probably had to hold a strike in order for them to put Yugi in the audience, lets be real. There are TOO MANY PEOPLE in this shot and one is wearing a turban where you draw every single wrap. I hope those artists charged by the line.
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Tea has a subplot where she’s just very frustrated with everyone she knows. They have been traveling together for like many weeks and got trapped in a foreign country so I get it. But at the same time, it’s kind of hard to picture Tea with female friends.
Because right now you got this 12 year old child, the other duelist who does not care about anything besides cards, and Kaiba’s 3 dragon cards that we’ve all collectively decided are female.
Hell it’s almost like the writers are asking themselves why Tea is here. Maybe they forgot. There’s no more ghosts to bus, no more people to knock out with her ass with random Olympic feats. Tea’s just sidelining.
(read more under the cut)
Mokuba is a itty bit bit taller this season, and so I guess that means he can legally climb on top of the cherry picker in order to give a riveting speech.
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Really says a lot about Mokuba that he is so unphased about talking to, I dunno...an entire planet of people. Kind of a shame we never see this courage from Mokuba used for anything other than talking really, really big and giving everyone around him a really hard time.
Mokuba takes a moment to dunk on Yugi Muto, as is Kaiba tradition.
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And then introduce the first pair of duelists, which obviously must be between the few people in this tournament that we actually know and care about.
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Thankfully, in between last episode and this episode, Yugi has figured out who his own Grandpa is. This is a relief, because Yugi is such a mess, that I was fully convinced it would take over half a season for him to recognize it. I mean how long did it take him to figure out he shares a body with a ghost? Like half a season?
Instead Yugi recovered gracefully from not recognizing his grandpa, but it’s not like he bothered to tell anyone else, so the rest of our cast is just gonna be like “Is he my hairdresser? The guy who delivers my mail? Who is this guy who made absolutely no significant changes to his outfit or voice?”
Like sometimes this show goes full Spongebob silly kid’s show and you never know when to take it seriously or not. They might be sacrificing the entire cast next episode. I really don’t know. But for now their big concern is who is grandpa??? Like an innocent card version of “Are you my Mother?”
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Faced with public speaking, Yugi decides to have a melt down.
We have seen him face monsters, we’ve seen him on TV dozens of times, he’s been in multiple competitions...but give a speech? Of course he can’t do that. The kid doesn’t attend enough school to know how to do that. Them’s learning skills.
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And that was when a newly assembled wife-jet spliced through the sky like a souped up razer scooter and deposited 1 fully equipped Seto Kaiba in a Buzz Lightyear jetsuit.
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Seto always watching over his Brother, ready to save this awkward party if it kills him (and it really should, that suit is held together by two seat-belts), making sure to get on that platform before Yugi starts going off about how he’s half an Ancient Egyptian. (Ah, life before social media. You could just be hella famous and also half a dead dude and people would just not know. I kinda miss the time before I knew literally everything about everyone.)
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Please admire how close those flames are to setting Mokuba’s heavily hairsprayed mane completely alight. It would be an unforgettable spectacle.
These were absolutely just random ass jet packs that Gozaburo Kaiba made to kill hell tons of people, right? Like Seto found it in the family cabin, clutched to the heart of some crispy fried corpse and was like “neat! Mokuba! I found a cool toy!” and just plucked that thing out of that skeleton’s clutches and has been flying around for months?
Like this is Seto Kaiba’s Butter Glider, right?
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Seriously what type of vehicle license do you need for one of these things? RIP My ‘Seto only has a scooter license’ headcanon.
Which I’m only even thinking about because I’ve had to try and make an appt with the DMV for days to get a freakin REAL ID. I went to sleep in 2019 and I could fly on a plane. I woke up in 2021 and it’s like “Want one last screw you?” and just...can 2020 please stop screwing me over? It’s March.
Anyway, the Jet is removed soon after, so no, this is not part of his new outfit. He goes right back to his Post-S4-Trauma-Normcore.
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After wrestling this competition out of his brother’s hands and confusing everyone in the audience, Roland must have gotten the memo to cut the microphone before Seto got too excited and we were quickly ushered on to the next stage of the tournament.
One sec...the BTS Mashup playlist I just clicked on did a Black Swan X 7 rings mashup and it’s the worst thing my ears have ever heard.
Holy crap. I had to actually turn down my volume. Like...Ariana Grande already has music that has way too many overlapping singing parts on it--and then lets just stick a 52-person boy band on top? That’ll fix it. Yeah. Go ahead.
Wow. Even I had to change the song and you know how much I enjoy pop culture mistakes.
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Spot the Mickey but like a million times easier because it’s a Massive Dick Shaped Dragon.
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Yep. That’s my grocery shopping outfit. Except maybe not a lab coat and a duel disk. Wish I had a duel disk, that would make social distancing just a hell ton earlier. Just a “Yo, only one person in checkout, please” and then bap them on the head with a propelled discuss/hologram.
Anyway, Grocery shopping/Doctor man dueled the Purple Hair Boy, and considering that Purple Hair got screen time and shook Yugi’s hand once--I think that Doctor man doesn’t stand a freakin chance.
Good. I hate him.
Also, every time he breathes he’s gonna fog up his glasses. I have experience in this area. He can’t read his own cards in the same way I can’t read my phone if I’m in the refrigerated aisle.
So the way this tournament works, is everyone has to sit in the stadium to watch the show. Kinda like showing up to a football stadium just to watch a recorded TV monitor...but then again...that is how it feels to watch a football game at a football stadium when it’s live (at least with the tickets I usually get.)
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And as we watch Grandpa waiting for his competitor, we find out that his competitor (Joey) is too busy eating snacks to give him the time of day.
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Why do cartoon hot dogs always have lettuce? Is that seriously supposed to be relish? Or is there a place in the world where you put lettuce on your hot dog?
Sorry, bro has just informed of his favorite hot dog order, which is absolutely terrible so I will share it with you: a Five Guys hot dog with ketchup, mustard, pickle relish, onions, mushrooms, pickled peppers, and you guessed it--topped with freakin lettuce.
My own kin. How am I over 30 and just finding out that my baby brother thinks it’s normal to walk into a restaurant with normal god-fearing law-abiding people and order lettuce and mushrooms on a hot dog?
I have fully failed him.
The rest of this episode is watching both Joey Wheeler and Mokuba have a shared panic attack while Seto does freakin nothing.
Please remember that Seto has both a jetpack and a dragon wife plane and could have easily solved this problem. But nah.
Then again, Seto Kaiba has given this crew so MANY rides, that maybe he’s tired of being the Soccer Mom for the team?
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Like they don’t actually say this episode, but Seto was the one in charge of like...this entire place, do you think he made the 2 for 1 special just to get Joey where it hurts the most? Or does it actually not take any subterfuge to screw Joey Wheeler because he’s just naturally this way?
Like Mokuba wasn’t there when Joey was told “stay right here, and then we will all go together to fight Dartz” and Joey was like “I’mma save Mai from herself although she told me not to!” and then he Hella Died. But, Mokuba did see the result, AKA, Joey’s dead body being carried on the back of Tristan. Maybe Mokuba never realized that Joey died because he went out of his way to be late?
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Lets do a tally of every time I can recall with my dodgy memory that Joey was threatened to be DQ’d/pretty much was DQ’d either by his own fault or no fault of his own
-When he wasn’t allowed to go on the boat to Murder Island because he was a stupid nobody kid who did not have a dueling glove
-When he wasn’t actually supposed to be in Pegasus’ tourney and was, in fact, secretly using half of Yugi’s entrance ticket the entire time
-when Bandit Keith stole the ticket that Joey got from Yugi so then Joey had to borrow Mai’s ticket although she had just used it so it really shouldn't have counted. Because, really anyone could have just piggy backed off of each other’s ticket until the whole boat went through that castle.
-When his account was hacked to get entered into Kaiba’s tourney when Kaiba very clearly told him he could not apply solely because he was Joey Wheeler.
-When he was late to his sister’s eye surgery because he got mugged by Marik’s Rare Hunters, so she almost refused to do the surgery.
-When Joey got possessed by Marik, and as Marik, threatened to murder everyone else in the tournament including both of the Kaiba brother’s who’s tournament it was, and then chained himself to Yugi Muto to throw both of them to the bottom of the ocean.
-I think there was a point when he threatened to attack Kaiba in Kaiba’s own tourney while not possessed? Like several times?
-when he got struck by Lightning and almost did not stand up fast enough after being struck by lightning, which is apparently a type of DQ in Duel Monsters.
-When he tried to save Mai from getting hit by a fireball, but then Yugi did it instead, and then so many people were standing on the dueling platform that Kaiba couldn’t possibly DQ them all.
-When he entered the restricted area of the blimp in order to hassle Kaiba into landing the Blimp, which Kaiba did not do.
-When Marik killed Joey before Joey could press the “go” button on his duel disk to play the card that should have won Joey the match.
-When he was dueling a lawyer in a digital universe but then the dice was like...weighted? So Noah had to walk over and be like “The hell is this weighted dice? This is my perfect digital world? How did you even do that?” and then Joey won because the match was no longer legit.
-When Joey yelled at Noah too much and so Noah turned Joey to stone for being a rude ass spectator
-When Mai was like “Wheeler and Valon, listen closely: do NOT murder each other” and then Joey did a murder on Valon so she was like “I guess I have no choice, I was very clear” and killed Joey straight up.
-When Joey decided to block Seto’s fireballs while Joey Wheeler WAS a playing card, somehow disrespecting both Dartz and Seto Kaiba at the same time.
-When Joey was playing cards but then got absorbed into a giant Leviathan and basically couldn’t play anymore after that.
-There’s probably hell ton of S0 stuff I just haven’t seen yet.
-This episode
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And Joey runs fast for a montage of wacky things that really have no business being in a theme park. Things like this:
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(remember when Bakura almost died from a rock that ended up being a balloon? It comes full circle.)
The stuff that the Kaiba brother’s think is normal and fun.
Anyway Joey fights off a bunch of hologram snakes and bats and everyone is like “Should we tell him it’s just holograms???” And it’s like wow, guys, how many times have these ‘holograms’ straight up murdered Joey Wheeler and everyone else on this cast? Too many? Because I have a google doc with so many deaths on it. 7,805,844,048, to be exact.
Anyway, he gets there with five seconds to spare and Mokuba’s like “well at least you were still entertaining while we filmed you in front of a live audience being a total spaz for 15 minutes straight, so I’ll let you go.”
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Grandpa and Joey start playing, Joey completely oblivious that this is just an older Muto, while Hawkins walks up awkwardly and is like “hey guys. I’m so sorry about this.”
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(welcome to my font choices, for those new here, I have to make weird font color choices to make sure it’s legible for the colorblind and also for the non-colorblind. This one is not much contrast, so I may change it up in the future, but for now, this is Grandpa Muto’s new font. I apologize to every graphic designer reading this. Please don’t tell anyone who has ever hired me for graphic design about this blog.)
What’s funny about this exchange is that after they find out that Yugi’s Grandpa is Apdnarg (HOLY my brain cannot get around the spelling for that, and I will not change it in the caps. I cannot do a ‘pdn’ ever again), they don’t stand on his side of the field or anything. Hawkins is legit Solomon Muto’s only fan during this exchange and like...damn. Way not to back your Grandpa, Yugi.
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Yugi immediately strides up to Mokuba to non-confrontation-ally inform him that he has stepped over a line and Mokuba is like “what are these things you say called ‘lines?’”
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According to Mokuba, Solomon Muto begged him to be in the competition so he could relive his glory days (glory days making no sense here, because the game has only been released for the past 15 years, so glory days is like...the before times that can only be referring to disgraced archeologists and Pegasus ((who is, in his own way...a disgraced archeologist, too))) and Mokuba was like
“You trained Yugi Muto, right? Hey that’s good enough for me. This drama is gold. People will eat it up. Hell yes. Don’t be afraid to abduct him a little bit. Maybe trap a couple people in a digital hellscape for a little while? Now we go by Pegasus house rules here, so fire as many lasers as you want, but just make sure not to hit anyone in the face. Oh man, we are going to be swimming in cash. Love it, Muto Sr, love it.”
But I dunno, I feel like Grandpa won’t make it past next episode. It is Joey. We kinda need him to make it past Ep 4 of the arc. If Grandpa Muto becomes the new Joey Wheeler, that will be a weird transition for this show to make.
But that’s all for today, as always, here is the link to read these in chrono order becuase there’s SO MANY that you don’t need to read backwards--don’t do it--just use the chrono tag (and I don’t know if you can add compound tags, but I did separate the Season from the Episode, so if you write S4, it should only pop up stuff from S4. I didn't’ do that to seasons 1-3 though because I just...didn’t.)
And because I brought it up: here it is, the best BTS Mashup that I found on my deep dive. Like legit--this one isn’t a mess:
Most of other ones are horrible in a fascinating way. Like I’m not even a BTS fan, I think I sort of age out of that metric, I’m just bored and quarantined. And lets be real, we all appreciate a good bop when we hear it.
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Tattoos became Marie's therapy
A translation of this in depth article by TV2 about her tattoos, her family, football, her struggles and moments of survival, Ingrid and about how all these things link together (06/06/2020)
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There are butterflies in her stomach. Marie Dølvik Markussen will do something she has done thousands of times before. Yet still, time stands still. 
She will only experience this moment once in a lifetime. For many years now, there have been rumours about the 12-year-old from the small village in Kvaløya who can do things with a ball that few others can. Now she stands in Storgata in Tromsø and must impress the royal couple and the Canadian governor. Her skills cause the congregation to close their eyes.
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- This is one of the coolest things I've experienced, the 12-year-old proudly thinks. Unaware of the hardships that she will soon have to face.
Marie Dølvik Markussen is the girl who fell in love with the ball - and the girl that is still in her. She was the child star who played on the boys team for Stakkevollan and made headlines in the local press. "The best girl in town," they called her.
As a 15-year-old, she trained with Tromsø's 2nd Division players at Alfheim Stadium.  The best women's clubs fought to sign her, and she was among the top goal-scorers on youth national teams.
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"Maybe it was a little too much, a little too fast," says Marie, turning her eyes down.  
The 23-year-old strokes his arm with dozens of tattoos. The drawings are a work of art that shows everything she has experienced. In total, she has over a hundred pieces, scattered all over her body.
“The tattoos are very personal. They are the result of all that has been. Some of them are from periods of life that I have gone through, that I did not think I would overcome. It is very motivating to look at them now, when it is not so foggy anymore.”
One tattoo shows a man hiding in a hole. "Hide," it says.  - It should remind me that if things get difficult or heavy, then you have to practice tuning everything out, and not hiding. Rather withdraw and come back stronger, says Marie. This is what the Tromsø girl was forced to do.
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"She is perhaps the greatest talent in Norway alongside Caroline Graham Hansen," Stabæk coach Øyvind Eide told VG in March 2014. He was brilliantly pleased with the latest addition to the squad - 17-year-old Marie Dølvik Markussen. 
And Marie delivered. Both in the Toppserien, Champions League and for the u19 national team. She was nominated for "Comet of the Year in the Toppserien".
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The nomination came despite the fact that she had been benched for several matches because she had leg and knee injury problems. 
“It went from being very fun, to being fun and serious. Then it perhaps the seriousness became a bigger than what I expected, especially what was expected of oneself,” Marie describes. The head and heart would only play ball, but the body repeatedly said no. 
In March 2015 news came that put the injury problems into the background. Marie was given her first senior national team call up. In her debut Norway lost 1-2 for the USA, but for Marie this was the biggest moment she had experienced on a football field. Then came an invitation from Germany.
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The big Wolfsburg club wanted Marie to try out.  “It's like Ødegaard or Real Madrid. Wolfsburg is a giant club,” said Richard Jansen, sporting manager at Stabæk.  
Wolfsburg liked what the attacking player was up to during her stay, and a year later, a pro contract was offered. Two days before Christmas Eve, the 19-year-old put her name tag on the papers. But an uncertainty came creeping in.
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“I thought it might be too early. At the same time, I've always tried to be tough and go for the opportunities that come my way,” says Marie.  
The attacker hoped that the contract with Wolfsburg would give her a fresh start. That the adversity with all the injury issues should be over. That she faced a brighter future. This was not the case.  
“I tried, and it didn't work at all. It's a very honest case.” The 23-year-old fixes her gaze and opens up about the difficult times as a pro at the German club Wolfsburg. “I just couldn't stand it.” The harsh training culture gave her body a shock.
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“My brother supported me a lot during that year. This is a tattoo that symbolises that I would get through the time I was there, and that we would do it together,” says Marie. She points to a tattoo of a heart and two hands holding each other. 
Then her brother got cancer.
“He got sick just before I was supposed to be going home. That was the final straw that made me just pack up and go. Everything else became unimportant.”
Quietly, Marie signed a two-year contract with Vålerenga. While everyone was wondering what had really happened, the Tromsø girl was satisfied by being close to her family and trying to find a way back to herself. 
“Making the decision to go home is one of the best things that has ever happened. From being so insecure, both on and off the pitch in Germany, to coming here and being appreciated. I had a lot of unmet needs as a human being there.” 
While her brother was fighting cancer, the Vålerenga player began to express herself with ink.
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She spent hours in the tattoo parlor.  “It has in a way been a ‘safe place’. These are very special hours for me. A time that I use as therapy, really.  
The text ‘safe place’ is also tattooed on her neck. And across the back, she and her brother have tattooed the same motif, which symbolises everything they have gone through together.
“It's one of my favourites, smiles the 23-year-old.”
For Marie, the tattoos are a map of life. “I have a whole story on me, and they remind me of what I have accomplished. It is a result of both bad and good moments.”  
Now the good feelings are in the majority.  Her brother is cancer free, and the Vålerenga player has managed to regain the joy of playing football. Last year she secured the series silver with the team, and this year she will play in the Champions League. 
“I have a much healthier approach to football now than I had before. It is not life and death, but it is very important. One must think that one is good enough even if it did not go the way one had thought. I'm very happy with how it has turned out now, that I'll actually be able to give the game another chance.”
Much of the reason why she has not given up is also due to her girlfriend, Ingrid Syrstad Engen, who plays for the club she left, Wolfsburg.
“Ingrid has been, and continues to be, an important piece of my life.”
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After four difficult years, Marie regained her chance to be part of the senior team last year. She was not selected for the World Cup, but national team coach Martin Sjögren highlights Marie as one of the players who has clear international potential.  “She is a player with an x-factor, which is not so common among Norwegian players. This means that she stands out and interests us,” says the national team manager.
For Marie, the goal is first and foremost to enjoy football.  “I just try to take it day by day and do the best I can at training. Then I see where it ends ups”
The hunger to succeed has been revived, not least with her teammates in Vålerenga. It has become her safe place.
“That's why I went home. To find myself properly both on and off the field. To become what I want to be, and help myself a little, maybe.  
But if some of my friends and teammates ask what all these tattoos symbolise, they may not get an answer. Some are too personal.  “Maybe I'll come up with an interesting story about them. Something that has not really happened. But usually I say very briefly what it means or who it is for, then they let it go.”
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Here are some amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of April. We really hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) Heat | Explicit | 1433 words
In which Louis and Harry mate with each other.
2) A Desperate Time | Explicit | 2,52 words
Aka Harry and Louis have a pee kink that leads to Louis pissing in Harry's lap. Graphic, kinky smut. Read at your own desire.
3) Bohemian Rhapsody Is Not A Documentary (But Freddieismyqueen) | Explicit | 3933 words
Note: There’s a BH mention.
A day in life of Harry Styles and his smol sunflower [quarantine edition]
Aka how many wonderful adjectives can be applied to Louis Tomlinson and his everything?
4) Just A Bit Of Work | Explicit | 4027 words
In which Marcel is a virgin, and becomes his office's amorous co-worker's next big conquest.
5) I Don't Wanna Look At Anything Else That I Saw You | Mature | 4375 words
After the hiatus of One Direction, all 5 members have their own solo careers. Louis, who just can't move on from Alex, his ex-boyfriend and bandmate, meets Harry, who's supposed to be Alex's doppelganger in his new single's music video.
6) Like Lovers In A Movie | Explicit | 4565 words
A grumpy Louis and a movie night don't mix. Harry's still able to fix it.
7) Christmas Lights In Paris | Mature | 4671 words
In which Harry makes a big mistake and has to get Louis back, while Louis' a cute, soft baker.
8) Wasting My Time | Explicit | 7856 words
Harry is in love with Louis. He can't do anything about it, until he can.
Louis is in love with Harry. He doesn't have a chance, until he does.
9) The Promotion. | Explicit | 8143 words
After being promoted, Harry is challenged to prove he is one of the guys. Whatever it is he had in mind, he never thought he'd be expected to fuck an escort in front of his colleagues and boss during this corporate party.
10) Want You To Want Me | Explicit | 8836 words
Harry likes Louis, Louis likes Harry. But it's not that simple. Louis doesn't know if he can handle Harry's lifestyle and feels overwhelmed. Can Harry convince him he's worth it?
11) Don't Hold Back Now | Mature | 11103 words
Harry gives Louis everything he asks for except for the one thing he wants the most. If only Louis knew who Harry truly was.
Or the demon Harry AU.
12) We Will Get Through This | Mature | 11219 words
Because of quarantine, Louis has to stay home with his roommate, Harry, who he's never really hung out with before. He's a sweet alpha who seems to really care and that annoys the hell out of Louis. But as he gets to know the alpha, he realizes it might not be dislike that he's feeling
13 Sunrise and Pixie Dust | Mature | 14816 words
Harry's taking a walk at sunrise in the forest he knows like the back of his hand when the wind starts blowing, the sky turns pink, and golden glitter starts to fall from the sky. He’s not sure about what’s happening, but when he comes face to face with a gorgeous winged-creature, he can’t help but be immediately mesmerized.
Or an AU in which Harry finds himself crossing the borders between two worlds.
14) Happier | Explicit | 15590 words
Literally based off of Ed Sheeran's song Happier.
15) My Heart Was Stolen, Can You Return It? | Explicit | 15824 words
Based on the prompt: "He's a cop. He’s the owner of a record store. A sudden rash of break-ins brings him to his store over and over and over again, until it becomes obvious that he might be tripping the alarm on purpose—just to see him. That’s illegal—but he's kind of falling for him, too."
I don't remember where I found this, maybe in a book I own or in a post I saw, but credit to whoever actually came up with it.
16) V | Explicit | 20275 words
Harry pays him to dance, Louis enjoys the sex on the side, and that’s all that ties them together. Whatever else the enigmatic man does is none of Louis’ fucking business.
Louis works at a club owned by infamous Harry Styles, leader of the largest criminal organization this side of the country. As they twirl closer together police and rival gangs start to gain the upper hand, forcing everyone's loyalty to be questioned.
17) I’m Having Your Baby (It's None of Your Business) | Mature | 26383 words
A bet can cost you a lot. Harry learns this in the weirdest of ways.
Louis just wanted a baby, and he got so much more.
18) Crush | Explicit | 26741words
Based off the song Crush by Mandy Moore.
19) My Love’s Not Simple (It’s Fragile) | Explicit | 27554 words
Harry's new job is threatened by his impending rut. Desperate for a solution, he allows Niall to introduce him to Louis, an omega whose heat begins the same day. They click.
20) Naked Attraction #2 | Mature | 29159 words
Louis Tomlinson is the first openly gay football player in the Premier football League. He was outed by the paps, but he’s had to embrace it since then. To show he doesn’t have shame in it, he goes onto Naked Attraction, and all the money will go to LGBTQ+ support, but he has made some changes to the show. Incidentally, he meets a certain Harry Styles there, and that is when things get interesting...
21) Compete Against The Stars | Mature | 30980 words
An ABO au where Louis finds out he's claimed to another Alpha. Angst ensues.
22) Where I Should Be | Explicit | 31324 words
Or, the affair AU where Harry is getting married, Louis is in love with his best friend, and they only have this life to get it right.
23) Will You Be My Boyfriend? | Explicit | 32484 words
Based on the prompt: "You’re at a party when you spot an ex. Quickly, you urgently pretend to be dating the nearest person, who happens to be very attractive."
24) Descendants of the Night | Explicit | 34371 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Harry is one of the old world. His best friends Liam and Niall are too. Zayn is a transient. Harry is newly back to the country after years of living in the city and he doesn’t know where to turn when confronted with finding Niall near death after a brutal attack.
“Liam, it’s me...I’ve heard you and the others talk about where to get medical care, Niall is in dire need. Where do I take him?”
There is only doctor in their remote part on England that Liam knows of who can help someone like Niall.
Louis Tomlinson.
Liam fears for what might happen when one like Harry meets one like Louis.
25) The Sidelines | Explicit | 47078 words
Note: There are mentions of Top Louis.
Or Harry and Louis play hockey for Penn state and can't stand one another, since they can't keep their hatred off the ice their coach and team do what they can to keep their hard earned spot in the playoffs and their two star players from killing each other.
26) Forgive The Urgency, But Hurry Up And Wait | Explicit | 53701 words
Note: This is the sequel to this fic.
Louis' going to do better. He’s going to have all of the uncomfortable conversations and the relationship talks. He’s going to make himself be a good boyfriend.
And he’s got absolutely no idea where to start.
27) Things I Can't | Not Rated | 67495 words
Louis has a plan for his life. He’s going to be the first in his family to finish college. He’s going to be a doctor - the best damn doctor in the country. And he’s going to work his ass off to make sure his younger siblings never have to wonder whether they have the means to pursue their dreams.
He doesn’t have space in his plan for a relationship with an effortlessly alluring musician, and certainly not for the child that unexpectedly results from that union. Louis is at a crossroads he never thought to plan for, and now he must make a decision: between what he wants now, and what he wants most.
28) Join Me In The Afterlife | Explicit | 262289 words
Or, the one where Louis is a simple guy - all he wants from his summer break is to spend some quality time with his mother, get to know her new husband, and learn to play the guitar. Nothing out of the ordinary, that is for sure. However, life has a funny way of working and when Louis finds a strange boy sitting on his bed one sunny day, his summer break takes a turn for the better (or worse) when he discovers a ghost has stolen his heart from the get-go.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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kevkesblog · 3 years
Translation: Interview with Julian Brandt before the DFB Cup Final (May 12, 2021)
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Mister Brandt, what would it mean to win the DFB Cup and your first big title in professional football?
 Ju: A DFB Cup final is a new situation for me. I’m really looking forward to it – even without the atmosphere being like it usually is. I have a real motivation to win this final. It would be something special for me. Many players in our team have already won the DFB Cup before. It would be very important for the team and the club to hold something like that in their hands again.
 What personal memories do you have with the DFB Cup final?
 Ju: Since I’m a Bremen native I remember in 2009 when Werder Bremen won the cup I was in Berlin myself – not in the stadium, but in the city. My friends and myself were very happy after Bremen won the final against Bayer Leverkusen. Now I play the DFB Cup myself for a few years now and follow the finals closely.
 You stood in a DFB Cup semi-final with Bayer Leverkusen back in 2018 however you lost 2-6 against Bayern Munich. Has this been among your most bitter defeats?
 Ju: Of course you want to advance once you’re so close to the final. We even played a quite good game. However Bayern just had more quality and we didn’t have a chance against them. It was disappointing not reaching the final. It should always be your goal. But I hope I can play another final or two in the future.
 How do you assess the opponent RB Leipzig?
 Ju: They are quite good in the way how they play football. They go deep and do a good pressing. It’s a trademark of RB Leipzig. If a player loses a ball, everyone else tries to get the ball back. They are a very athletic team with many young players, who have an extremely good quality. And they have a very deep bench with many good players. If I think about how they were able to sub against Bremen in the semi-finals – Benjamin Henrichs or Emil Forsberg – it shows a great strength. They deserve to be on second place in the Bundesliga this season.
 Is there a favorite in the final?
 Ju: No. I think they are both good teams and everything can happen.
 Borussia Dortmund played an moody season. How do you assess this season?
 Ju: (thinks) I think times are special right now. It’s a new environment for every team to play in an empty stadium and to readjust to new hygiene plans every now and then. Some team deal with it fine other are having more problems. We belong to those team who struggled with it. We miss the fans extremely. 80,000 fans in the stadium do unleash some energy with our players. Those few percentages were missing. Those are – with a few minor exeptions – among the main reason for your season. At least we made it into a final and we have a chance to win a title and make it somewhat a golden season. And I really hope many things will change for the new season – not only in terms of football but also in our private lives of all people. I think if the normal life returns – also the easiness with BVB returns as well.
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 Coach Terzic could crown his time as head coach with the DFB Cup before he’ll return to the bench as assistant coach. How important is it that he remains with the team in the future?
 Ju: You do have a different relationship with him, since he has already been assistant coach for a few years under Lucien Favre. And the good relationship stayed once he had taken over. On one hand you are a little looser with him on the other hand he is now the head coach. He helps us extremely. He can ignite a fire within our team from game to game. I think everybody is happy that he will stay with the team despite everything he has already achieved. Because lets be honest: once you tasted being head coach, perhaps you want more. However he loves the club and identifies with Borussia Dortmund.
 Lets talk about you again. You said once about your parents putting a lot of emphasis on being grounded and not losing ground. But isn’t that difficult sometimes if you are a national player at the age of 20?
 Ju: I think I never had a phase were I lost ground. At least that’s not what my family or friends told me. However its not easy all the time. I can understand that there are players, officials or coaches who like all the surroundings and it makes them better. Its unavoidable sometimes. Once success arrives and everyone patting you on your shoulder, the media hype starts, your mind has to deal with it first. It takes time. You can get crazy with it. I have always surrounded myself with family and friends. There has never been a reason to change. You become older and so you put more emphasis on different things in life unlike if you are 19 or 20 years old.
 Where have you put more emphasis on earlier than today?
 Ju: You went partying after the weekend as a 18, 19 or 20 year old after you scored a goal and made a good game. You get interested in new things. You basically get thrown into a pond as a young player. You want to try-out everything once. All your teammates drive great cars or wear expensive clothes. You are trapped in this system for a short time. However you wake up after a while and say: okay some things are cool, other stuff is unnecessary. For example I feel my contact for family and friends has become more important. I also spend more time in the gym then I did as a 19 oder 20 year old. And I pay more attention to what I eat. And somehow the time has ended where driving a fast car was something I was keen to do. I have a vespa roller in Cologne and sometimes that’s enough.
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You just turned 25. Do you have a feeling about the public still treating you like a youngster?
 Ju: That was the case two or three years ago, perhaps. It changes a bit right now. However: I still have to play the youngster in Dortmund whenever we play eleven vs eleven. But I realize how time runs. I’m already in this business for eight years. Yet I still feel fresh. I don’t really follow closely what the media writs about me, so I can make any judgement in that regard.
 You almost played all national teams from under-15 to under-21 up until the first team. You played 35 games for them so far. What help has this been for you career?
 Ju: First of all, it was an extremely nice time. Every year I got some new experiences – whether it was the EURO-Cup with the under-17 or the under-20 World Cup in New Zealand. You get to know many people over the years, which you meet later on. For example: I became under-19 European champions with Marcus Sorg – and now he is assistant coach at DFB with the first national team. There have also been really nice characters like Horst Hrubesch. I’ve made many new experiences. It helped me a lot.
 Source: dfb.de
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to44y · 3 years
39 Role-Play Fantasies Every Gay Couple Should Try
By Alexander Cheves
39 Role-Play Fantasies Every Gay Couple Should Try
I snuck into the bedroom on all fours. I was tired. It had been a long day. My boyfriend at the time was sleeping on the bed. I started sniffing his neck until a sleepy grin formed on his face. When I knew he was awake, I licked him — a long, sloppy, wet lick up his cheek — then ran to the living room. 
I heard him behind me. “Where are you going, puppy?” I was being bad. I was on all fours, shaking my ass on the sofa in his direction. He pulled out his dick and said, “Here boy.” 
This is role play. Specifically, this is “puppy play” — a form of role play I love the most. Role play can be spontaneous or pre-planned, and as elaborate as you make it. At its simplest, role play happens when two adults consensually engage in an eroticized pretend game, a shared sex fantasy. And it is not limited to two adults — group role play offers some of the hottest sex experiences imaginable.  
Everything in the world can inspire role play. You could do sofa role play and have someone sit on you. The most iconic gay role play scenarios have been done and redone endlessly by gay porn companies because they work — “Daddy and Son” will never get old — but that does not mean you can’t try them out for yourself. Try these 39 role play scenarios for the adventurous gay couple. Use your imagination! 
A Word of Warning From Writer Alexander Cheves
My name is Alexander Cheves, and I am known by friends in the kink and leather community as Beastly. I am a sex-positive writer and blogger. The views in this slideshow do not reflect those of The Advocate and are based solely off of my own experiences. Like everything I write, the intent of this piece is to break down the stigmas surrounding the sex lives of gay men.
Those who are sensitive to frank discussions about sex are invited to click elsewhere, but consider this: If you are outraged by content that address sex openly and honestly, I invite you to examine this outrage and ask yourself whether it should instead be directed at those who oppress us by policing our sexuality.
For all others, enjoy the slideshow. And feel free to leave your own suggestions of sex and dating topics in the comments.
Hungry for more? Follow me on Twitter @BadAlexCheves and visit my blog, The Beastly Ex-Boyfriend. 
1. Construction Workers
As I write this, the house next door is being renovated. If you listened to them, you would think a gay porno was being shot outside my window. Lots of laughing and group camaraderie with one poor guy (the sub) making pained, grunting noises. He’s being paddled with what sounds like a wooden paddle wrapped in sandpaper. Just when I think the mean top is about to ease up, the sound of an electric drill starts, and the guys start laughing again. They’re playing old school country music and I imagine there’s lots of spitting. One of them literally says, “It’s a bitch.” 
Construction worker role play is a great group role play to get into if you can conjure up some buddies and orange vests — and you can even redo your kitchen in the process.
2. Sports Teammates
There seems to be more “locker room” gay porn than any other sub-genre. You know the scenario: a young freshman walks in the locker room among the beefy seniors on his football team, who have a nasty initiation ritual planned for him after practice. 
Accouterments of this play involve sports gear (a fetish all on its own), knee-high socks, gym shorts, copious amounts of sweat, and that wonderful camaraderie that forms when the group’s submissive guy gets bent over a bench press. 
3. Frat Boys
The gay porn site Fraternity X has capitalized on the fantasy of frat boy hazing. All their videos have the same basic narrative: a group of horny college guys are sitting around in a trash-strewn commons area drinking beer and watching TV when one bro starts running his mouth. Before long, his hands are tied and his mouth stuffed with someone’s underwear while everyone takes turns fucking him in a swivel chair. “Come on bro, it’s not gay if it’s with your brothers.” 
4. Brothers
When my ex-boyfriends and I visited new cities where no one knew us, we would sometimes say we were brothers. It was funny sometimes, a lark — other times, it was really sexy. At the local gay watering hole, we would tell the guys interested in us that we were related and see how many of them believed it. I’m not sure many did — especially when we got a little drunk and started making out on the dance floor — but they wanted to. Many guys have a brother fantasy. This is an easy one to role play in the bedroom, and there are endless imagined scenarios available to you: Big brother is visiting home from college and has to share your bedroom for a night. You two are close and like to wrestle, and one day the wrestling goes a little too far when one of you gets excited.
5. Strangers
Anonymous public hookups are rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Our mediated, digitalized hookup culture has all but replaced discreet staring contests in the gym and public cruising in parks and bathrooms. Many formerly cruisey places are more heavily watched now, and your success rate is inevitably lower. 
Also, some guys have some discomfort with completely anonymous sex. The risk of sexually transmitted infections is a factor — although, to be sure, someone who says they love you poses the same risk unless they’ve been rigorously tested. 
One solution to all these is to do anonymous role play with someone you know. If you want to play in public, plan to meet up somewhere that you are fairly certain will offer some privacy. If your fantasy is to anonymously pick up a stranger and take him back home, this is easier: just plan to meet somewhere (the gym, a bookstore) and watch him from across the room. Pretend you don’t know each other, and when the time is right, make that classic, subtle head nod — “Let’s get out of here.” 
6. Coach and Player
Another common gay porn scenario: the gruff, frustrated football coach tells his star quarterback to stay after practice for some additional training. For obvious reasons, this scenario works great for group role play as well. Who says the coach only has one MVP? 
7. Pup and Handler
Like many scenes in the world of kink, puppy play at its simplest is a form of role play. It falls under a broader category of role play types called “pet play.” In pet play, humans act stereotypically like different animals before and during sex. 
Like all forms of role play, puppy play is as simple or complex as you make it. Some pups — myself included — love the pup headspace and extend it past the bedroom into daily life. We do this by wearing collars, barking at/sniffing guys on the dance floor, and sitting/kneeling whenever our handlers/boyfriends say, “Sit.” 
There is an inherent power dynamic in puppy play, and many pups would say there is a Dominant/submissive relationship. Pups are automatically submissive to handlers. A good pup loves getting scratches, treats (sexual or otherwise), and led around on a leash by a handler. And while this is certainly not always the case, handlers are typically tops and pups bottoms (alpha pups being a common exception — see number 11). 
Puppy play is implicitly, if not explicitly, a sex role play, but some pups and handlers have removed the sex aspect of it and turned puppy play into a practice more akin to yoga — a de-stressing activity that frees them from the daily rigor of life. While I’m certainly not one such pup, I think that reveals something important about role play itself. There can be a therapeutic aspect to adult pretend games, if only because they remove you from your daily headspace and allow you to be imaginative. We know the positive effects that playing has on children, but few cultures have spaces for adults to do the same. 
8. Kitty and Cat Owner
This is like puppy play, but the submissive guy acts like a cat. This features of this role play are endless: rubber or latex cat suits, tail plugs, and felt mice dangling on a string. 
9. Pony and Rider
Pony play follows the same basic form as the other pet play types. Human ponies love neighing, wearing bits in their mouths (ones designed specifically for human pony play, as actual metal bits will break teeth), and being taken for a ride. The rubber, latex, and leather gear for pony play gets pretty elaborate and very costly, but I know some guys who have an almost quasi-religious dedication to pony play and are willing to fork over the cash. If Equus and all the endless bestiality porn on the internet reveals anything, it’s that horses inspire something very carnal and sexual in us humans. 
10. Pig and Farmer
In modern gay lexicon, a “pig” is a guy who loves bareback sex and male bodily fluids (cum, piss, spit, and sometimes scat), so it should come as no surprise that pig play has evolved as a form of pet play that typically involves all these things. Say “oink” when the farmer comes around with his fisting gloves — you’re in for a wild night. 
11. Beta Pup and Alpha Pup
There is nothing more fun than pupping out with another pup, which means barking, roughhousing, wrestling, licking, and rolling around on the bed with another guy that shares the pup headspace. If you’re a beta pup (submissive), you hope to pup out with an alpha — one that gets dominant when you start sniffing his groin. 
12. Slave and Master
The range of power dynamics in the world of kink can be explained by placing them on a spectrum. On one end, you have puppy play — a mild role play with a relaxed Dom/sub dynamic (some guys say there is not a Dom/sub dynamic at all). On the opposite end, you have Master/slave. Although extreme, Master/slave is still a role play — one that typically involves hardcore BDSM, leather, rubber, extreme bondage and restraint, temporary imprisonment, and long-term domestic service (washing, cleaning, yard labor, etc.), all in service of the Dom/Master. 
13. Doctor and Patient
You’ve undoubtedly seen these scenarios in porn. The restrained male patient needs an anal exam from the rugged doctor, who is conspicuously naked beneath his white coat and stethoscope. Doctor and patient role play is enhanced by a plethora of sex toys and kink supplies that fall under the “medical fetish” umbrella — speculums, metal douching nozzles, anal probes, white latex gloves, etc. 
14. Soldier and Drill Sergeant
This is a clear Dom/sub role play where the sergeant barks orders and the sub — I mean, the soldier — obeys. When sergeant tells you to drop down and lick his boots, you better drop down and lick his boots, private. Atten-shun! 
15. Ransom Victim and Kidnapper
Ransom/kidnap scenes typically involve a lot of bondage and duct tape. The full parameters of the play should be discussed before starting. Some guys might think the idea of being kidnapped and tied up is hot, but after three hours in a closet with duct tape over your mouth, you might feel differently. In the pre-play negotiation talks, you should set clear limits and boundaries. This role play is one that can be taken to extreme lengths — some guys love getting abducted from a public place and thrown in the back of a car — so you should only play with someone you know and trust (not a stranger or someone you met online). 
16. Daddy and Son
Many tops like being called “daddy” in the throes of sex, but daddy/son role play scenarios go a bit further. There is a lot of written and video daddy/son porn online, so explore the internet for ideas, because the scenarios are endless: Daddy sneaks into his son’s room at night while mommy is sleeping. Son comes home from college one day and catches his dad in the shower and decides to join. Son sneaks into his dad’s room one night to see his dad jerking off. Son forgets to clean his room and daddy decides it’s time for a spanking. Daddy and son are washing daddy’s car and they both get soaked and have to strip off their wet clothes. The fantasies are unlimited! 
17. Merman and Fisherman
Don’t lie, you’ve fantasized about walking down the beach and coming across a poor mer-boy washed ashore who needs help getting back out to sea. He will do whatever it takes. You might need to carry him. But first…. 
Aretwork courtesy of Fred Lammers. See more of his work here.
18. Baby and Parent
Baby role play commonly overlaps with diaper fetish and sometimes scat (feces) fetish. An adult baby will crawl around, cry, and eventually need someone to change his diaper.
19. Intern and CEO
For all its wincing misrepresentation of BDSM relationships, Fifty Shades of Grey touched upon a longstanding role play with a clear Dom/sub dynamic — low-level intern and executive CEO. Business tycoon and office boy. “Cancel my 3:30 meeting and crawl under my desk, boy.” 
20. Porn Star and Director
This one works great if you and your boyfriend like to film yourselves having sex. Strip for the camera as he directs you. He may eventually decide that this shoot really needs a second man, at which point he’ll begrudgingly have to step in as an actor/director. This role play obviously lends itself to groups, especially if you like to watch and direct others and be in control. 
21. Santa and Naughty Child
Christmas role play! When Santa finds out how bad you’ve been this year, he’ll have something more than coal to fill your stocking with. While a santa hat and some black leather boots should get you started, a hefty amount of playfulness and creativity is all you need to get on the naughty list this year. 
22. Cousins
This is like “brothers” role play, but considerably easier to accomplish if you do not, in fact, look anything like your boyfriend. Some guys are wigged out by immediate-family incest scenarios, but cousins? No problem. It’s perfectly acceptable to disappear off to the basement or woods during family reunions for some quality time, right?
23. Batman and Robin
The dynamic duo has been the source of superhero role play for much of the caped crusader’s long career. Their whole setup is kind of obvious, and pretty gay in itself: a wealthy older bachelor takes in a poor young house boy just to fight crime (in spandex and black rubber) every night? Please. 
See more of Philip Bonneau’s great photography here.
24. Batman and Superman
This power couple has inspired a plethora of gay fantasies (who’s the top? who’s the bottom?) and if you’re into cosplay, this role play is an easy one to get into. Unsurprisingly, a gay porn parody of the recent Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice movie just hit shelves.
25. Uncle and Nephew
There’s a lot of gay porn modeled after the proverbial “gay uncle” that comes by the house and messes around with his in-the-closet teenage nephew. As you can see, anyone into incest fantasies has unlimited role play options to choose from.
26. Married Couple
This is only role play if you are not, in fact, married. Everything under the sun — including the sun — can be fetishized and inspire eroticism, especially a married couple (as opposed to boyfriends or simply two gay men who play together). This milder role play involves acting like a married couple before or after sex. If you’re non-monogamous, go out and introduce each other as your husbands the next time you’re in a new city, and interested guys will flock to you. Many guys, myself included, love being the third (or forth, or fifth) for a married couple.
27. Pirate and Cabin Boy
All hands on deck! This more imaginative role play goes great with costumes and props. What submissive guy has never fantasized about being the lowly cabin boy on a ship full of rough and restless pirates? The group scenarios are very sexy, and the role play necessitates a lot of rope and a gag — opt for a torn strip of cotton cloth instead of a ball gag. 
28. Teacher and Student
The handsome, bespectacled professor needs you to stay after class. You’ve been misbehaving and it’s time for a lesson in manners. If you want to paddle your student’s bum over a wooden desk, do not use an actual yardstick, because they break easily. Invest in a good wooden or rubber paddle designed for the job. 
29. Firefighter and Rescue Victim
You do not need to light your house on fire to enjoy this role play. It will simply require some creativity, and perhaps a firefighter’s costume, which you should be able to find at your nearest costume store.
30. Policeman and Criminal
“Officer, please don’t give me a speeding ticket. I’ll do anything.” 
This old-school role play scenario is not complete without a good set of handcuffs and a black police baton — or, even better, a baton dildo. Thanks to Tom of Finland’s Kake Comics, homoerotic group police scenarios will always be part of the gay canon. 
31. Warden and Inmate
There is a lot of “prison” and “psych ward” porn on the Internet that typically involves groups, handcuffs, straight jackets, cages, and intense BDSM and ass torture (one particularly intense enema porn scene comes to mind). These should give you some inspiration when it’s time to teach your unruly prisoner a lesson. 
32. Hitchhiker and Motorcyclist
This is another Tom of Finland inspiration — one that old-guard leather enthusiasts will be familiar with. Grab a pair of daisy dukes and stick your thumb out on the side of the road — your leather-clad biker boy will surely come along and take you for a ride. 
33. Priest and Sinner
The darkly kinky undertones of penitence and adulation, glory through suffering, and asking for forgiveness on one’s knees has created an massive fetish sub-genre in which religious iconography is integrated beautifully into sex play. This darker role play can get very raunchy with a priest’s robe, a rosary, robe, anal beads, a good leather flogger, a gag, and an unbridled imagination — crown of thorns not required. 
34. Rape Fantasy
Many forms of role play involve overpowering someone or being overpowered, but as soon as you add the word “rape” to any label, it pushes the descriptor into uncomfortable territory, and in the case of “rape fantasy,” intentionally so. “Rape” is a socially and politically charged word that automatically evokes something ugly and violent — as it should. While the kinky community has always embraced pushing the sexual envelope, we draw the line at consent. We stand by three tenets: play must be Safe, Sane, and Consensual.  
That last tenet, “Consensual,” is one that does the most work combating the still-heavy stigma and misunderstandings that people seem to have for kink — namely that it is a culturally condoned form of abuse and rape. While this misconception is not true, at least for not the international majority of kinky men and women, it is simply a fact that many people fantasize about non-consent scenarios. Talking about them and addressing them goes into murky territory. If you engage in “rape fantasy” role play, it must be role play — that is, it must be consensual, a carried-out fantasy, a sexual pretend game. While you and your boyfriend can pretend that your play is non-consensual, and use bondage gear and other kink supplies to enhance that idea, you should also use safe words and establish and respect limits to make sure that what your are doing is safe and healthy.
35. Interrogator and Prisoner
Interrogation typically involves some degree of bondage and BDSM. We���ve all seen hot interrogation scenes in action movies, where the hero is tied in some kind of predicament while the bad guy and his thugs question him. He always escapes at the last minute, but while he’s tied to the chair, guys into interrogation scenes are intensely aroused. This role play may seem more like a performance than a sex play, it can also get pretty intense. Some questions can strike a painful and emotional chord in someone, especially if they are hooded and blindfolded. You should discuss beforehand emotional limits as well as physical ones: What “no-tread” topics can the top/interrogator not ask?
36. Home Invasion
You’ve see it in porn: the handsome thief in a black ski mask breaks in and sees the muscular home owner sleeping in bed (with an all-too-obvious erection beneath the sheets) and decides to take what he wants. Sometimes this scenario gets flipped on its head — the home owner knows Jiu-Jitsu or something and handcuffs the thief to the bed: “You’re going to pay for this, punk.”
While it certainly nudges closer to “rape fantasy,” some guys into home invasion are not aroused by the sex aspect of it. Some guys get off on being held up or mugged, and their fantasy may simply involve someone entering their home and stealing their money. 
37. Airport Security
If you’ve ever had a fantasy of traveling to Berlin and being stopped by the German airport personnel, strip searched by seven muscular men in uniform in a sterile backroom, and rectally examined on a cold chrome table, you might be into role play scenarios involving airport security. 
38. Fantasy Characters
The idea of being fucked by a minotaur is in the upper echelon of my hottest fantasies (their pantheon includes getting fucked by an faun, getting fucked by Rocco Steele, and being stranded on a desert island with all the guys from high school and seeing who makes me his bitch first). Fantasy and its counterparts — anime, comics, video games, mythology — are playgrounds of hot role play. Carried out, they might seem pretty elaborate and require some dedication, and probably some makeup and prosthetics, but what better weekend pastime could you have? Imagine the refusal texts: “Sorry guys, Danny and I can’t come downtown tonight, he wants to role play as a satyr so I’m dressing up as an orc and fucking the shit out of him.” 
Orcs, by the way, are so hot. 
39. Daddy-Home-Early and Yard Boy
This is one of the oldest in the book. Bill comes home from work, loosens his power tie, drops his briefcase by the door, and sees the new yard boy his wife just hired through the kitchen window — young, shirtless, and bent over transplanting sod. Bill gets stirrings he never felt before, and before long he’s stroking his enormous penis in the window when the young man turns and sees him. The two have an uncomfortable five-second staring contest, then Bill calls him in — perhaps for a glass of lemonade — and the young man struts and sweats across the yard and closes the screen door behind him. 
And that, gentlemen, is how gay porn was made.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
25 Best Sports TV Shows
Sports stories have traditionally belonged to the movies. Something about the rhythms of competition, in which an athlete or team trains, plays, and then either wins or loses, is a natural fit for the film world’s three act structure.
Television, with its multiple episodes and seasons, is often more discursive and therefore less viable for truly great sports stories. Thankfully, that all seems poised to change. While some sports TV shows have found success in the past, now the medium has really kicked things up a notch. Sports stories like Brockmire, Ted Lasso, Cobra Kai, and more are not only welcome on television, but an essential part of the cable and streaming landscape. 
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With that in mind, it’s high time we pay homage to TV’s great sports programs. What follows is a list of 25 of the best sports TV shows of all time, hand selected by Den of Geek (i.e. me: the arms-crossed weirdo in the picture at the bottom of this article). 
It’s important to keep in mind that these are the best scripted sports TV shows. Television is, of course, no stranger to live sports and the various programs that surround them. Consider these unscripted American sports shows as honorable mentions: Hard Knocks, Last Chance U, Ken Burns’ Baseball, The Last Dance (and most other 30-for-30s), Cheer, Inside the NBA.
Enough of the undercard, now onto the main event. 
25. Red Oaks
Amazon Prime’s Red Oaks examines the bougie tennis lifestyle of the 1980s. It all comes through the lens of David Myers (Craig Roberts), a college student looking to pick up some cash by taking a summer job at an upscale Jewish country club in New Jersey. Sports stories and coming-of-age stories fit particularly well because the end goal of each one is usually growth. It’s hard to say whether David grows during his time at Red Oaks, but he certainly changes over the series’ three seasons. 
24. The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers
A TV show based on Disney sports movie behemoth franchise The Mighty Ducks was all but an inevitability, particularly when the major conglomerate secured its own streamer in Disney+. We’re all lucky then that The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers turned out to be quite good rather than completely perfunctory. The show is bold enough to recast its Ducks’ franchise as the villains and to rally around the radical idea that youth sports should be fun. 
23. One Tree Hill
At first glance, One Tree Hill doesn’t seem too different from the other teen shows of its era on The CW (though The CW was still “The WB” for One Tree Hill’s first two seasons). It’s about high schoolers in a small town, doing high school things. Where One Tree Hill excels (at least in its early, still high school seasons) is the introduction of basketball as a storytelling crutch. Half brothers Lucas (Chad Michael Murray) and Nathan Scott (James Lafferty) have a turbulent enough relationship to begin with. What better way to contextualize that relationship than through the high stakes lens of high school basketball?
22. Lights Out
Not to be confused with the 2016 horror film of the same name, Lights Out is a boxing series from FX that ran for one excellent season in 2011. Holt McCallany (best known now as Agent Bill Tench on Mindhunter) stars as retired heavyweight champion Patrick “Lights” Leary. Despite displaying signs of neurological trauma from his career, Lights can’t help but want to return to the ring for one more shot of glory (and to pay off his family’s many debts). Lights Out is a sad, elegiac little story about how one man who sees a sport that broke his brain as the only realistic option for success. 
21. Big Shot
Big Shot premiered shortly after its bigger-named Disney+ cousin The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers. And while Game Changers made a slightly bigger splash, Big Shot might be the better sports show. The story follows Marvyn Korn (John Stamos), a tempermental basketball coach who ends up at an elite all-girls prep school to shepherd its basketball program. Big Shot runs through all the tried and true tropes and beats of sports stories and does so with aplomb. Consider it Hardball meets Hoosiers with plenty of Stamos charm. 
20. Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper
Sports are somewhat incidental to Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper’s mission. Sure, lead character Mr. Cooper (Mark Curry) is a former Golden State Warriors basketball player turned PE teacher. But like its TGIF programming block peers, this show is a charming hangout comedy with few lasting conflicts to speak of. Still, you don’t spend that much time in a gym without some three-pointers and lay-ups. 
19. Coach
Before Craig T. Nelson was Mr. Incredible (or made this truly amazing televised statement), he was best known for portraying the title role in ‘90s ABC sitcom Coach. In fact, many of our archetypical perceptions of what makes a football coach likely come from Nelson’s portrayal of Coach Hayden Fox (who first coached for a fictional NCAA football team and later an NFL one). This is a man whose skill at molding young athletes belies his lack of skill at…well, everything else. Ultimately, Coach is a worthwhile multiseason experience in which a grown man grows up.
18. Kingdom
Kingdom is probably the best sports TV show that you’ve never heard of. Don’t worry, it’s not your fault. That’s just the kind of thing that happens when a show is damned to languish on AT&T’s ludicrous “Audience Network”. Kingdom is set in an MMA gym and captures all the drama provided in the heightened world of mixed martial arts combat. The show is blessed with some great characters and an even better cast. Frank Grillo (Captain America’s most annoying foe, Brock Rumlow), Kiele Sanchez (Lost), Matt Lauria (Friday Night Lights), Jonathan Tucker, (Justified)  and Nick Jonas (yes, that Nick Jonas) all make their mark on the series.
17. The White Shadow
Premiering in 1978, CBS’s The White Shadow was uncommonly progressive for its time. The series follows Ken Reeves (Ken Howard), a white NBA player who retires after a knee injury and elects to take up coaching at Carver High School in South Central Los Angeles. Coach Reeves’s team is made up primarily of Black and Hispanic players and the show deals with the social ills of life in the inner city. It’s also quite funny and charming and features a commitment to realistic basketball scenes.
16. The League
FX comedy The League works as a sports show (and as a TV show in general) because it has a deep understanding of sports from a fan’s perspective. Sure, fans watch collegiate and professional sports to marvel at the athleticism, training, and skill on display. But more importantly, they watch sports to have something to talk about with their friends. Though the participants in the titular fantasy football league at the center of The League grew up as friends, who’s to say they would have stayed friends so long without this league keeping them together? Ruxin (Nick Kroll) is an asshole. Andre (Paul Scheer) is annoying. And Taco (Jon Lajoie) is, well…Taco.
15. Rocket Power
If the ‘90s taught us anything it’s that extreme sports are sports too, man! Rocket Power is a lovely little slice of life Nick Toon that follows four kids in a fictional California surfing community. Otto Rocket, Reggie Rocket, Maurice “Twister” Rodriguez, and Sam “Squid” Dullard spend their days skateboarding, surfing, playing street hockey, and occasionally snowboarding. It’s a wonderful ode to childhood and all the athletic activities that make the day (and years) go by far too quickly. 
14. Luck
If things shook out differently, perhaps Luck could have been considered one of the five or so best sports shows of all time. All of the pieces were in place. This 2012 HBO series had the right creative team (created and run by Deadwood’s David Milch and starring Dustin Hoffman with a pilot directed by Michael Mann) to go along with an intriguing premise (complicated characters’ lives intersecting at a horse track). But alas…the dead horses. Oh so many dead horses. Despite stringent safety measures put in place, Luck lost three hoof bois during filming of its first season and was canceled shortly thereafter. May they all rest in peace.
13. All American
High school is a turbulent time in all our lives. And when the high stakes world of competitive football is added in, things can only get more intense. The CW’s All American opts to take the world of high school football and opts to add in a welcome dose of sociopolitical commentary. This series is loosely based on the life of former New York Giants linebacker Spencer Paysinger and follows his character “Spencer James” as he is recruited from South L.A. to play for the affluent Beverly Hills High. The show wisely understands that sports (particularly when they involve Black teenagers) are a marvelous portal to explore American society. 
12. Pitch
Cruelly cut short after just one season of 10 episodes, Pitch is the kind of sports show that will inspire sports stories for years to come. This baseball series for Fox comes from Dan Fogelman (This Is Us) and Rick Singer. It follows the saga of Ginny Baker (Kylie Bunbury), who becomes the first woman to play in Major League Baseball when she’s called up to pitch by the San Diego Padres. Pitch was blessed with an excellent cast including Bunbury and Mark-Paul Gosselaar as a veteran catcher nearing the end of his Hall of Fame career. More interestingly, it was blessed with an actual MLB licensing deal. There are no silly fictional teams in this show like the Tuscaloosa Barn-Burners or the Helena Hellcats. It’s all real MLB team names and logos, adding to the realism of a cool premise.
11. Ballers
Of course, Elizabeth Warren’s favorite show has to be on this list. Ballers has a bit of an unearned reputation for being cringe thanks to its ridiculous name and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s delightful cornball energy. In reality, this is an exceedingly watchable TV show and one that examines the corporate side of professional sports quite well. It’s also noticeable for being most viewers’ introduction to eventual Tenet star John David Washington. 
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10. GLOW
Is professional wrestling a sport? Vince McMahon would argue that it’s “sports entertainment.” I would argue that that’s more than good enough to get the excellent GLOW on this list. GLOW tragically fell victim to Netflix’s whimsical cancellation procedures. Why the almighty algorithm decided a show needed to be canceled after it was already renewed is beyond me. But don’t let that sour three seasons of superb sportsy storytelling. GLOW follows the fictionalized rise of the very real “Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling” and it centers it on the conflict between two former best friends, Ruther Wilder (Alison Brie) and Debbie Eagen (Betty Gilpin). GLOW differs a bit from the usual sports fare in that the “sport” at its center wasn’t necessarily plan A for the athletes. But the experience of watching the ladies train, grow, and succeed is pure and sublime sports story stuff.
9. Cobra Kai
Cobra Kai absolutely could have been phoned in. The streaming world runs on nostalgia and there’s nothing more sweetly nostalgic than The Karate Kid franchise. Instead, this Netflix series changes the original franchise’s perspective by focusing on the “villainous” Cobra Kai dojo and re-examines things from Johnny’s point of view. Ralph Macchio and William Zabka deserve credit for embodying realistically adult, yet flawed versions of their original characters. Equally deserving of credit though is a whole host of young actors bringing the martial arts to a whole new generation. 
8. Blue Mountain State
A lot of the shows on this list are, let’s say, reverential to the sports, teams, and athletes they cover. Spike comedy Blue Mountain State is decidedly…not. This series, following the Mountain Goats football team for the fictional college Blue Mountain State, understands that not all depictions of athletes have to be saints. Sometimes college football player can just be the big dumb animals you want them to be. Through three seasons, this show developed a cult following that would follow it over for a lifetime of reruns on Netflix. Blue Mountain State is crass, dangerous, and entertaining, not entirely unlike football.
7. Sports Night
Speaking of being reverential to sports…like all Aaron Sorkin-created TV series, Sports Night can be a bit full of itself sometimes. That only works when the topic at hand, like the federal branch of the U.S. government, is consequential. Thankfully, sports can be pretty important sometimes too! This late ‘90s show follows the goings-on at a Sportscenter-esque news program hosted by Dan Rydell (Josh Charles) and Casey McCall (Peter Krause). It has all the witty dialogue you’d come to expect from a Sorkin venture. And if you can make your way through the inexplicable laugh track of the early episodes, you will find a mature, entertaining show that properly understands and contextualizes professional sports’ role in American society. 
6. Survivor’s Remorse
Survivor’s Remorse came into the world with two strikes against it. One is a bizarrely overwrought name, and the other is that its home network, Starz, isn’t a given on many cable packages. Still, this LeBron James-produced comedy is shockingly one of the best sports TV shows ever (and perhaps still the best creative venture James has been involved in yet). This story follows NBA athlete Cam Calloway (Jessie T. Usher) as he tries to balance the business and basketball aspects of his life. At first the show focuses on Cam’s guilt for having got out of his impoverished neighborhood when so many couldn’t (hence, the show’s title), but ultimately it evolves into a family comedy drama featuring some truly remarkable characters and performances like Cam’s cousin and manager Reggie Vaughn (RonReaco Lee) and his baller half-sister “M-Chuck” (Erica Ash). Even Monica Rambeau herself, Teyonah Parris, is a part of the proceedings. 
5. Playmakers
Sometimes I can’t even believe that Playmakers is real. Surely, this ESPN series about a fictional football team in a fictional league that is clearly the NFL was just a post-9/11 fever dream we all endured together. Alas, Playmakers was real and it was awesome. This series follows the players on the Cougars as they navigate a football landscape filled with ripped-from-the-headlines strife including Performance enhancing drugs, good old-fashioned drugs, domestic abuse, concussions, and more. The series even introduces the outing of a gay player more than a decade before Michael Sam and Carl Nassib revealed their sexual orientations. Naturally, Playmakers was canceled when the NFL intimated to its broadcast partner ESPN that it wasn’t too pleased with the content of its show. And enraging the National Football League alone is enough to make this an all-time classic.
4. Eastbound & Down
Eastbound & Down creator and star Danny McBride isn’t necessarily a huge fan of baseball. But he is, thankfully, a huge fan of weirdos and creeps. When McBride discovered just how bizarre and poorly behaved certain flamethrowing relief pitchers could be, Kenny Powers and the show around him was born. The baseball “action” in Eastbound isn’t much to write home about. The show isn’t too concerned with the results of any given baseball game and McBride always looks like he’s throwing a javelin and not a baseball. It’s still a phenomenal saga about athletes that dives into Paul Bunyan-esque tales of legendary misbehavior that fame encourages. It’s no coincidence that in the follow ups to Kenny Powers, McBride has delved into megalomaniacal vice principals and bejeweled, sweaty televangelists – all different aspects of the white American male id.
3. Ted Lasso
Of all the sports shows in the TV canon, none feels more like a traditional sports movie than Ted Lasso. This Apple TV+ series plucks an American football coach-fish and gently places him out of water in the English Premier League. The affable Lasso (Sudeikis) is charged with reversing the fortunes of EPL side AFC Richmond. Little does he know, however, that spiteful owner Rebecca Welton (Hannah Waddington) is counting on him to fail, Major League style. Ted Lasso isn’t interested in reinventing the wheel. Instead it perfects it. This is a tale of relentless optimism and unconditional positive regard. Ted breaks the mold for what we expect from coaches, which is probably why so many actual coaches are fond of the show. Simply put: sports stories can’t be done much better than this one. 
2. Brockmire
Sometimes commentators like to bemoan the modern state of baseball. What was once American’s pastime has now supposedly fallen behind things like football and videogames in the pop cultural pecking order. Then along comes something like Brockmire to teach us that baseball as a continuous, seemingly eternal American presence is just as vital as ever. In a career-defining role, Hank Azaria plays disgraced baseball broadcaster Jim Brockmire. Once at the top of his game, an on-air drunken meltdown loses him his job and his sanity. In season 1 of this superb IFC show, Brockmire returns to the booth, this time for an independent league team in Morristown, Pennsylvania. The four seasons that follow are one big love letter to not only baseball, but the messy human experience itself. It’s rare that you get something this funny and this affecting. The fact that it’s wrapped in a stylish diamond-shaped bow is just icing on the cake. 
1. Friday Night Lights
Not only is Friday Night Lights the best sports TV show of all time, it’s hard to imagine it ever being supplanted from its throne. Simply put, Friday Night Lights is a sports television masterpiece. Each of Friday Night Lights’ five seasons (save for the writer’s strike-shortened second) fully capture the ecstasy and agony of high school football in a small Texas town where high school football is the only thing that matters. Friday Night Lights doesn’t shy away from the unsavory institution that is big time high school athletics.
The series opens with a life-changing injury before following it up with tales of corrupt boosters and garden variety West Texas racism. And yet, the show never looks down on its characters. If winning state is important to Coach Taylor (Kyle Chandler), Matt Saracen (Zach Gilford), Tim Riggins (Taylor Kitsch), Smash Williams (Gaius Charles), and Vince Howard (Michael B. Jordan), then it’s important to us too. In fact, when Friday Night Lights is really rolling and the W.G. Snuffy Walden’s Explosions in the Sky-style soundtrack is swirling, you might not recall anything ever mattering to you as much as the Dillon Panthers or the East Dillon Lions winning a football game. Clear eyes, full hearts, absolutely cannot lose.
The post 25 Best Sports TV Shows appeared first on Den of Geek.
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lalaytight · 3 years
NCT 127 + Sungtaro as Uni Students
-Information Prior to Reading-
Clearing - When applying to University after the official date of the A level results, national results, the clearing section opens which allows people who did not get the required grades or have changed their mind in term of courses, apply to university and get a spot.
Dissertation - he final project completed in the last year of University, is normally around one set topic and makes up a good chunk of the final grade awarded at the end of the course.
Pre's - Stands for Pre Drinks a social event where alcohol is consumed prior to going to the clubs.
Masters- A second degree normally 12-18 months long in addition to the bachelors degree when you first graduate. Normally more specific than the first degree.
Gap Year- A year taken between finishing up school and going off to university, normally spent either saving for university or more commonly travelling the world and 'finding' yourself in a third world country on a beaten path.
Pull/ going on the pull- The act of trying to get a date or take someone home with you whilst on a night out in the clubs/ pubs. Can be either successful or unsuccessful but is a great past time.
Tactical chunder-  The act of throwing up whilst drunk in order to sober yourself or remove some of the alcohol from your body. Is often done to make room for more alcohol.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, Swearing, overall shenanigans, phallic imagery (?), Illegal substance usage
Moon Taeil
Taeil is studying a Chemisty Masters. He completed the undergrad and met a girl. The year below and didn't want to do long distance. So he signed up for a master's course so they could stay in the same area. And he has to admit it was definitely a good choice. Not only is he not having to worry about getting a job, loosing his missus to someone else or having to part from his mainly younger best friends.
He considers himself old now and therefore, isn't involved in any of the society's or sports clubs. He also can't be bothered, not between labs and reports he's got to write. He can barely make time to play fortnite yet alone serious sports. But he will sneak into any of the parties being hosted by the societies his friends are a part of. Will bring his own bottle of Gin and never take it home but its all about the atmosphere. And hanging out with his friends.
In class, Taeil works with the same lab partner for everything. He hasn't changed since September and has no intent to. He's not big on making more friends than necessary and he's got this tight bond with his current partner and therefore, doesn't bother looking for anyone else if they have to do group work. He's studious and his reports are always written well. There's also a little smiling moon placed in the top corner of any one he has to print out. It's completely against the guideline published but its so cute he gets away with it each time. Plus he's also a major teacher's pet and will stay late to help clean the lab after a session.
On a night out Taeil is plastered. He's drunk out of his mind but it's the way he likes to be. He's buying everyone drinks. His bank accounts hurts at the end of the night but he only sees it as a good night. He has no interest in pulling or trying to flirt with anyone he's a committed man. But he will attempt to help his other friends settle down. Therefore, he's everyone's wingman. A shit one but its the effort that counts. If he's lost he's by the bar ordering shots for someone he thinks is sobering up too fast.
John Suh / Johnny
What would the great Johnny Suh study at university. Well its nothing you expect it to be. He's studying building surveying. Yeah you heard that right. And he's so proud of it. The looks he gets when people ask him what he does and that's his answer. This big tall buff guy who kinda screams like he's studying something sporty. He's all about buildings. Wont even try to say he's doing archetecture. Rather he'll just bring out a folder of photos on his phone which are just him in his High Vis Jacket in a multitude of poses.
Johnny is the captain of the Rugby team, that's how he met and then adopted Jeno. He can be seen only on Wednesday at the student night wearing his rugby uniform, the university mascot drawn on his face and a bottle of beer in his hand. He starts the sing along of the rugby boys as they walk through campus. You'll know the one, where they talk or chant about their appendages. He cheers the loudest when one of the newer players join in
In class Johnny is that one guy that everyone loves. He's fun he's entertaining and he's just so nice. He's always there to help his other peeps when they're struggling responding to the questions in the course group chat on Facebook. He send's merry Christmas and happy holidays messages without fail. The cutest little messages and stuff and if you didn't expect this great six foot something guy behind the screen you'd be correct. He's so nice and polite and seemingly hard working that he can get away with anything. You wouldn't notice that he does fuck all in a group project. He's just so present you think he's contributed loads. Until you notice the only writing he has on the entire worksheet is his name.
Johnny is the ultimate party planner. He's always responsible for organising the house party or pre's and he gets absolutely everyone around. He know's Jeno and next thing you know the rest of the younger guys are round his house and Johnny's suddenly got like 7 20 something year old sons. He's bringing all the snacks and an endless supply of Magners. Anyone wants a drink, help yourself. On a night out he's the first to break off from the group. He's straight to the smoking area to light up his juul. He spends a little too long there cause he's too busy flirting but he leaves with their insta and then goes to try and bully Mark onto the dance floor. But when Mark protests and he's told to leave Taeyong's son alone, his best partner is crime Jaehyun is right by his side to go thot drop to the 90s club hits playing on the floor.
Lee Taeyong
Taeyong is another masters student. His first degree was in illustration and he hated it. Completely put him off art. He never wanted to draw for a living ever again. Never again. But he didn't know what to do with his degree. That was until he went to a careers event and there was an art therapist present, and he knew this was his calling. Or perhaps he was desperate and the way the man talked seemed to draw him in. Therefore, his masters is art therapy.
Taeyong used to be the president of the music society, and he could have stayed on another year when he started his masters. But he decided to take a step back and instead focus on his studies. Or at least pretend to. Now he just focuses on not killing his housemates and wondering why he stayed in a student house for another year. Not when he could have afforded a studio apartment.
Taeyong feels a new life for art by doing his masters course. He's slowly falling back in love with the thing his first degree ruined for him. And the therapy side is so interesting and new to him that he's constantly amazed. To the point where he goes and actually does the further reading. He might be the only one in the class to do so but that doesn't stop him. The lecturers love him because of his genuine interest in the subject and he always gets the opportunity for anything cool they put on. His interest though can be a little dangerous as he's constantly testing his new techniques out on his roommates and if he has to see one more dick drawn by Yuta one of them will not be attending lectures the next day.
Taeyong contrary to popular belief is not the mom friend on a night out. He is the next morning. But on the night out he's wild. A lightweight who sticks to drinking wine only, he likes to belief he's the light and life of the party. He isn't really but he is the one on the tables at the club throwing the best dance moves. Every time he hits the dance floor its like he starts a performance and you can't take your eyes away. Somehow he's still in control of his movement. It's a miracle but he does it somehow. And the next morning he refuses to admit he was once again performing at the club like he was on a stage in front of millions as he's forcing bread down the throats of every single housemate.
Nakamoto Yuta
Yuta doesn't seem to be a big reader when you look at him. You'd never think he'd spend most of his university time bent over a book reading it to be able to write the report about it. Probably because he doesn't but he's an English Literature student nevertheless.
Yuta belongs to the football, soccer, club and is the captain. He takes great pride in his team but will not hesitate to do a fun meaningless game often. In fact he was the one who suggested to Johnny that the football and the rugby team should play eachother at tennis of all sports to see who was the superior. Before a big match Yuta attempts to organise more practice, but its never okayed by the coach. He still goes to the pitch to wait and is disappointed every time when nobody turns up to his unofficial training session.
Yuta loves his English literature class. Mainly because they do deep dives into the book and he secretly does love reading he just doesn't like being told what books to read. He's passionate about Brontè and can tell you almost anything about the twilight universe. But he absolutely refuses to read the books for the assignments. Rather he'll scroll his way through a couple summaries, a wikipedia page and one of those websites that publish old essays instead. His grades are high and he's yet to be caught not having read really any of the books they've worked on. Rather he just flings around the terminology and hopes its actually being used. Yuta attends every lecture, not because he wants to learn. Rather because he loves going in to his class and talking to the rest of the students on his course. He's a part of a mainly female friendship group and he's not hesitant to tell them when they deserve better than the guy that's stringing them on. He's always there to remind them how they truly deserve to be treated and point out the red flags when the girls try to justify staying with them. He wouldn't ever date any of them, and he's sure many of them think he swings for the other team only. But like he's not going to protest. Unless they're being mistreated by their partners and they need to wake up. He also makes a small fortune selling his old notes to students in the year below, Jaemin has set up a monthly subscription pay to ensure he gets all the notes he can't be bothered to take.
At a party Yuta can be found drinking some sort of liquor and chatting to Doyoung in the corner. The pair are laughing like school girls and having the times of their lives. If you ever approach expect to be disgusted and possibly confused considering how much of a strong feminist he is. The pair can be found having the most controversial conversations possible. Yuta just wants to argue though and Doyoung presents a very good opportunity. When asked later he will never deny what you heard nor excuse his words, only gives a meek smile and then disappears. He's found in the grimiest bathroom normally and he's not alone. Let's leave that one up to the imagination. But he's the self proclaimed king of one night stands.
Kim Dongyoung / Doyoung
Doyoung was confused at first over what subject to take. He was torn between law and criminology. To the point where he had applied and had offers for both courses some of which being at the same university. However, when it came to results days he ended up on the criminology course. He's not pressed though.
Doyoung is not involved in any societies or sports. However, he is pretty involved in another aspect of the university community. He's very frequently involved in the university confessions page on Facebook. He's actually one of the admins. And he loves to approve and post the more controversial confessions. Especially the ones which are most likely to cause massive arguments between courses. He'll accept the confession post it and then just sit back and watch the chaos. He's Admin C.
Class wise Doyoung loves the argumentative side of the subject. Why wouldn't he be involved in the discussions and debates. It's his favourite part and he's always team captain. But when it's normal classwork he's just as involved. In his opinion if he's paying all this money for the course he's going to get as much out of it as possible. He'll do the snazzy presentation for your group project with the transitions background noises and memes. You get high scores because of this presentation. He's top of the class and has no intent of letting that position go to someone else.
On a night out he can be seen purposefully trying to stir the pot. He's a shit starter and proud and its even worse when drunk. You think someone is looking at you funny, he'll say they are and then go with you to confront them. He'll talk about something controversial and try to play devils advocate just to watch your reaction. He is also the one to have the evidence of what happened on his snapchat the next morning. A useful ally to have if you want those pictures deleted.
Jung Yoonoh/ Jaehyun
Big, tall, kinda scary looking Jaehyun is studying education. He's always wanted to be a dad, but his parents warned him of the problems of being a teenaged dad. And then again at having kids really young before you have the money needed to support them. So he had to suck up the desire to be a father until he found an happy alternative. Enter Jaehyun studying to be an Early years, ages 4-8, teacher. He can be the school father to these children and then hand them back to their parents in the afternoon.
Jaehyun used to be part of the football team until he realised he couldn't be bothered. He then tried to dabble in some of the societies but he couldn't find one he enjoyed. Rather he settled in becoming one of the campus crushes. Running a successful instagram account and taking a part in the social media take-over event the student union hosted.
Jaehyun loves his course only when he's out working on placement within the school setting. He hates the class work. But when he's in class that's where he shines, well most of the time. He loves the kids, and they love him. The bond he builds is so strong and it normally works very well in his favour the class listening to what he wants them to do and everything generally seems to go well for him. He's also a hit with the female teachers who are supervising him. To the point where he can get away with nearly anything. He'll never forget the one time he turned up after a heavy night out, hanging out of his boots, to the point he was throwing up in the students toilet and he's charm and good looks meant the female teacher he was working with let him off the hook. He swore never to drink again before going to work but he totally owed it to her for not reporting him to the university for being completely out of sorts to the point where he just put on a film all afternoon and snoozed on the desk.
When he's not got work the next morning Jaehyun is down for the longest night out he can muster. He will drag everyone to the one club that closes at 6am. By the end of the night there's only a few strong solider's left, namely Johnny, Yuta Jungwoo and himself, but he'd never stop. His wallet hurts after paying all the entry fees but it was completely worth it. His favourite student night is the naughties night that is hosted every term, he's screaming along to Beyonce and Fall out boy all night along. He's hit hard by the hangover the next morning but his cuddle buddy Taeyong is more than used to it by now and the pair sit watching reruns of Judge Judy and feeling sorry for themselves.
Dong Sicheng/ WinWin
Included in WayV link pending
Kim Jungwoo
Jungwoo might arguably be the smartest of the bunch and he won't let you forget when he's proudly stating he studies Engineering. He deserves to as well cause the course is hard. He's a mathematical genius and he's dream is to go on to study robotics afterwards.
Jungwoo is a proud member of the Harry Potter society. Well kinda, his housemates all know he's a part of the society and he's very active talking about it to them all. But he won't actively tell people he's apart of it outside his close friends. It's mainly because he's embarrassed that he's one of the younger members normally heavily surrounded by middle aged women. But he wouldn't leave, he's too deep in the fan fiction they're collectively writing. #JusticeforWolfStar.
Jungwoo is relatively quiet in class choosing to stick with his selected course mate group. He doesn't tend to speak to anyone outside his tutor group and instead focuses more on just trying to pass each assignment sent his way. He does try his hardest to stay on top of the work assigned for him, and tries to put his effort in. But as he gets closer and closer to the end of the course he cannot find it in himself to put as much effort in as he did in his second year, he was pissed or high for most of his first year to say he was putting his uttermost effort in. He is however, well known for bringing the best weed brownies to the tutor group parties. It's a secret recipe he refuses to tell anyone how he does it.
If you've lost Jungwoo on a night out he's 1000% in the smoking area. If he's not lit up he's sat there chatting people up left right and centre. It's his favourite socialisation point and he states he can always find the most interesting people in the smoking area. And normally get a couple of free cigarettes out of it. He's the first to ask if you've got a lighter he can use. He's a big fan of hitting the gay club at about 3am because their drinks are normally cheaper and it stays open the latest. Also because there's a chance he'll bump into a drag queen.
Mark Lee
Included in NCT Dream's version
Lee Donghyuck/ Haechan
Included in NCT Dream's version
Osaki Shotaro
Shotaro is another student studying theatre studies. At first he wanted to just study Dance but then decided he liked the idea of studying more of the entire theatre style. So he randomly applied for one theatre studies course. He was accepted and didn't look back.
Therefore, as part of the group studying theatre he has to take part in the productions the university put on. Well it's not a exact demand for the course but it's heavily implied. And Shotaro doesn't mind, especially when he successfully lands the role of Dance captain every single time. It's his favourite thing to go up to the cast announcement list and see his name next to dance captain. He also loves attending all the costume fittings ensuring to arrive as early as possible and drag it out for a little while longer. It's most likely because he's got a crush on one of the students working on the costumes, but he's way too shy to actually ask them out.
Shotaro can normally be found staying late in some of the practice rooms. Despite his dancing skills, being part of the theatre course means he has to be involved in the other sides and his confidence is lacking. Therefore, he is working his hardest until he feels like he's on par with some of the other students. He mainly gets help from Haechan who's taken a liking to the other boy and the pairs mutual love for Justin Bieber solidified their friendship.
Another lightweight, Shotaro is cautious of how much he has to drink at any point of the night. He likes to still be in control and therefore has never been black out drunk. But he has tried a little bit of everything. Plus Yuta has practically adopted him on nights out and therefore, if Shotaro is tempted for a drink he'll get one but never has to pay for it. And no Yuta doesn't pay for it either but they do con some unsuspecting person into paying for them both.
Jung Sungchan
Sungchan was another confused at first on which subject he wanted to study at university. He was torn between just Media and then the more specific Film Studies. Though after one very intense talk from a Film studies tutor at sixth form he did chose Film studies.
He's also involved in the school productions, he has the responsibility of filming the performances, well at least one or two of them, so that they can upload them to the theatre society's YouTube channel. He is also in charge of organising the lightening of the show when he's not working the camera. When he has to focus on the recording he just ends up praying the lightening works as he leaves it partially under the control of Jisung and knows if he dares has a go at the societies baby he's dead.
Sungchan is that one member of the class who seems to always have the best editing software on his laptop and the most intense amount of knowledge regarding it. When anyone asks he only states it because he didn't want to look like an idiot on his first couple days. The truth is that he runs a rather successful YouTube channel where he makes edits and crack videos. Sony after effects is his best friend.
On a night out Sungchan lets loose. He absolutely loves the feeling of alcohol in his system. He becomes clumsy and for his size it can cause many problems but he wouldn't have it any other way. He tends to have to be guided through a dance floor by someone else to avoid bumping into people and spilling his over priced double vodka and coke. He's desperate to head for food at about 2am and rushes to follow someone the instant they mention being hungry.
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