#they should put wol in here
spiribia · 2 years
sometimes i feel like gw2 feels a bit narratively lacking just as a personal opinion -- but sometimes following a collection you will end up in front of a tangle of rusty pipes, one of which has an opening missing its grate and overgrown with leaves, and you will walk through the tunnel until it emerges into this vast utterly hidden green grotto with sunlight streaming in through cracks from above and facilitating the growth of these little strawberry patches. and a little charr kid is tending the strawberries and shes like Aw man you found my strawberries, you can have some, please just dont tell anyone else about this, its my secret place. this serves no other plot purpose but to be a moment you experience. and its little moments like this forever. 
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demigod-of-the-agni · 2 months
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Forgive me, forgive me. I ask, I beg, I pray, but it never comes.
You know I find it incredibly bewildering to see just how much kalki reflects myself in him like YEAH Duh of course he does, he’s my little guy it’s like his full time job. But at the same time he is a fully functional facet of my being and he is at the mercy of my whimsies, and whatever he discovers in his arduous journey of self realisation is ultimately a reflection of what I discover in the real world. It’s also incredibly funny because ffxiv lore for dark knights is really baked into the idea of (re)discovering yourself amongst the bloodshed and continuing to live and love and thrive despite the world working against us. who would have thought such a raw message could come from an mmorpg side quest about edgy emo boys of all places
also adamantite armour of fending i would lay down my LIFE for u
variant + phone bg version + ID below the cut
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tch as if you guys are actually going to use artwork of my little guy as your phone background. i know. how dumb. let a girl dream. i should make an alternate version but it's of Fray and Myste
[START ID: A picture with a red background focusing on the character's bust that is placed to the left of the image's centre. He is coloured with a dark blue overlay, contrasting with the red background. He has brown skin, long black hair that falls over his shoulders, and is wearing blue and gold armour and earrings. He is looking at the viewer, right eye dark brown and the left an glowing unnatural red, with an expression that looks determined and angry and yet bitter and forlorn. In the foreground and on the right side of the piece, a miniature version of the character stands coloured in a light blue overlay and wearing the same blue and gold armour, looking as if he is glowing. He is facing towards the left of the piece, or perhaps at the character bust, his expression unreadable. Above the miniature character's head is the symbol representing the FFXIV dark knight, coloured in gold. END ID.]
#the burst of creativity that shot through me is indescribable. i can only hope this is a sign that i am FINALLY out of art block#but OF COURSE my creativity comes back right when gamsat is around the corner. it's always a fucking exam. i fucking hate myself#maybe this piece is supposed to be vent art at how I CANNOT MANAGE MY SHIT AND I AM JUST. NOT DOING THINGS RIGHT. NOT DOING THINGS RIGHT !!#and i tell myself it's fine but maybe it's NOT fine? i told myself i'd work on it but nothing is getting worked on#nothing productive at all. not even for uni nor for myself. nothing is happening at all. it's just going through the days#waking up. wishing i'd slept more. stare at my laptop for hours. youtube. watch 10mins of lectures. then a nap. then the laptop. then sleep#but i dont and it pisses me off because nothing is working. i'm like if linguini lost his rat and i'm staring at the kitchen catching fire#maybe go to class if it's on for that day. scrambling notes together. pretending i DO have my shit together#i COULD put out the fire. but i'm not. i could and i can but im not. the extinguisher is in my hand. fire's not going out. i'm still here.#maybe. maybe that's why drk resonates with me so much. at the end of the day. maybe i am just a stupid bastard#-who can't get their act together. who actively shoots themselves in the foot and bleeds all over the place trying to make something happen#only this time- this time the perpetrator isn't someone i can point at and demand answers from. it's me hi i'm the problem it's me#and i can- i SHOULD find a way to make this all work. to make this whole Living My Life business work. but the extinguisher's in my hand#wow okay that was really heavy anyway uhhhhh TAGS TAGS TAGS TAGSSSSS#ffxiv#ff14#ffxivwol#ffxiv wol kalki#ffxiv dark knight#artoftheagni#and the fire keeps going#tw eyestrain#cw bright colors#idk the red is really bright and it;s nice for my eyes but idk for anyone else
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slashrabbitbunny · 5 months
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Some Vollain stuff ❤️🐰❤️
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afflatushesperia · 2 years
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“Nymeia lilies are... traditional, correct?”
idk what me and @void-sky did to have such friend-compatible WoLs, but grief buddies.... i think about them a lot.
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coldshrugs · 21 days
ffxivwrite - prompt 4: reticent
characters: estinien varlineau, hamignant varlineau, and featuring my wol, io laithe word count: 1599 rating: mature for mentions of bullying & death. summary: three short, heavily headcanoned scenes from estinien's life, at ages 12, 21, and 33. [middle section heavily inspired by this art]
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“I challenge you, Ser, to a trial by combat! Take up your arms and fight me!”
“And what is my crime this time?”
Hamignant brandishes his stick threateningly, but his answer is slower than usual. Shaky, even. “You don’t play with me anymore.”
Estinien shifts his weight, leaning a bit more heavily on the tall crook, but his eyes remain on the shallow valley just below the hill they stand on and the sheep grazing there. It is late spring and their coats are full and fluffy, ready for shearing. His twelfth nameday was less than a moon ago and he is expected to help this year. His parents depend on him more now, sending him on some of the errands usually tended by his father, and giving him additional fieldwork each day. It isn’t easy, but it feels good to be trusted.
In truth, he would very much like to continue playing with Hamignant. His little brother has a knack for making games of their chores, and should they be caught goofing off, his wit is quick enough to make even the most stern adult smile.
Estinien does not share his talent for conversation, but Hamignant never seems to mind. He is content to babble so long as Estinien is close by to listen.
The stick—his foraged sword—wriggles closer. Closer. Until it pokes into Estinien’s cheek.
His gaze slides sideways, to Hamignant’s dramatic stance. It would be funny if not for the serious set of his brow, the tight purse of his lips, and the sheen welling in his eyes. Halone bless him, he truly is upset…
Estinien shifts again, batting the stick away with his crook, and smiles at Hamignant. “Then fight me, little knight, but take care to hide your bruises from Mother and Father.”
With a cheer of delight and an expression that makes Estinien proud he put it there, Hamignant begins their spar. The sharp cracks of their wooden weapons echo across the meadow, followed by the occasional shriek or grunt when their limbs take a hit.
Hamignant stops to celebrate after landing a particularly flashy maneuver, jumping on the spot as Estinien nurses a sore knuckle. Not for long though—Estinien topples him and sends them both rolling down the hill in a fit of laughter.
They land fulms away from the sheep. Some come over to sniff them, like curious friends checking for injuries. Hamignant reaches up to pet snouts, red cheeks stretched in an open smile.
Estinien lies back to catch his breath.
“We should make a pact, Es. When we grow up, let’s both be knights. We can live in Ishgard and wear armor, protect beautiful maidens from harm, and fight dragons!”
 “Best not to wish for dragons, Hami, like mother says.” He chews his bottom lip. “Besides, I don’t want to be a knight. I like living here. Someone must stay and care for the farm.”
“Fine.” Hamignant’s smile sags, but he doesn’t look as defeated as before. Pouting this time. “You can stay in Ferndale all your days, and I’ll be a great knight of Ishgard. I will come back and tell you about my adventures. That could still be fun, right?”
Estinien grins and rights himself, then offers a hand to help his brother up. “The finest plan you’ve ever had.”
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At age twenty-one, Estinien is still getting used to his height.
Hitting striking dummies with Alberic is one thing—they don’t dodge, and they don’t hit back. And sparring with his unit is pitiable right now, as many of them adjust to growing bodies. It is something else entirely to swing the unfamiliar length of his arm at a sneering face, or struggle to take an unwieldy step backward before the fist meets his cheek. To fight and defend himself seriously.
He hits the training yard dirt with a weak groan that is all but drowned out by a roar of laughter. Four soldiers, all fledglings like himself, still in a training unit, stand over him.
“And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay down, Varlineau.” The one that threw the punch. Taller than he is, and stronger, and probably some noble’s son or nephew. It’s been a few moons, but Estinien has not learned their names. He is here for one reason, and he cannot make room for useless information. And why should he, when another puts a foot on his chest when he tries to stand?
They erupt again over such a hard-won victory.
“We heard you last night, whimpering in your bunk like a freshly-weened babe. That the Azure Dragoon should waste his time with you.”
“No better than an orphaned Brume brat. We should drag you back to Ferndale and let Nidhogg know he missed one—”
The ankle holding him down makes a sickening snap when he twists it. Striking dummies certainly don’t do that. The boy goes down with a pained scream.
Estinien stands. He says nothing, only wipes his bloody nose, the tears he doesn't feel falling, with the back of his hand. Then he swings. 
After three days in the gaol, they do not bother him again.
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He has been lying in this bed too long. His body has grown stiffer than he is accustomed to, even with the daily practice of simple stretches. He has been forbidden by chirugeon's orders from any activities that might reopen his wounds.
By fucking Halone and all the rest, he is bored.
At least he doesn’t want for company—that is not to say company has ever been a strong craving for him, of course. But he could do worse than the Warrior of Light making her near-daily visit.
Io sits in a ratty armchair, legs curled beneath her, by a sunny window so thickly lined with sympathy flowers, that the room resembles the Holy Gardens of the Vault. Or, more kindly, the meadows ringing Ferndale in late spring. The backdrop suits her.
Today, she knits, softly humming to herself in time to the rhythmic click of the needles. She’s lost in it, and her silence is appreciated. Neither of them has been very good at talking in recent days. He watches the wool slipping between her fingers with each meticulous loop, watches the way she’s gathered the half-formed garment in her hands. And all of it—the dappled light, the flowers, the repetitive scratch of Io’s work and wordless song, the weight of wool he used to know well, the herbaceous scent of medicinal salve rising from his wounds—dredges up a memory. If Estinien closes his eyes, it could be twenty-one years ago. He could be there, if only for a moment, if only as a visitor.
Grief wails inside him. It is the roar he’s felt for years, through the Eye he used as a tool. Strange, to feel it now as part of himself, bottomless and inconsolable and so full of love. Stranger still to realize they were not so different in the end.
It has been some time since he’s cried. He rubs the evidence away before Io has the chance to see it.
“Io.” Estinien clears his throat. “There is something I would ask.”
With her head still tilted towards her craft, Io’s eyes shift to meet his. She pauses, waiting for his question.
“Why did you save me? I was ready. I was. Now… I don’t think I’m ready for anything.”
Her answer comes in the form of a furrowed brow. She continues knitting without a word. Maybe she’s angry he asked. For all he lacks as a conversationalist, he is an expert in offending, even when he doesn’t mean to.
He lifts himself forward, off the pillows piled at his back.
“You could’ve left me. Or killed me. I feel him, Io. The echo of his loss; when it hits me… Io, you could’ve killed me.”
“Kill a man—my friend—when he doesn’t want to die? Let you fall to anguish and pain?" She lays the needles in her lap and her dark gaze all but dares him to argue. He’s never heard her speak with such firmness. “No, Estinien. I see you. Nidhogg’s isn’t the only grief you carry. And we all need reminding that burdens, even ones as heavy as this, can be shared.”
Silence entombs them, balancing on the knife’s edge of comfort and unease. Neither looks away. He counts the agitated rise and fall of Io’s chest until they are breathing in sync, then until both are steady.
Io is right, and her mere presence gives the lie to his words. He would’ve done the same, if it were her. He lies back, hoping she will say something to soothe the awkwardness they must both feel.
She hums, and the needles click, and that is enough. He listens (and watches when he musters a courageous glance) until the rays of sunlight tilt his direction instead of hers.
“I think it’s time to get on.”
“Me?” Io’s lips stretch into a crooked smile over the yarn. “Fine, Stin, I’ll kill you next time.”
His laugh is rough and unfamiliar sounding, closer to a cough. It hurts his broken ribs.
Io’s raspy chuckle is a far more pleasant sound. “Where will you go?”
Estinien sighs. He knows where he wants to go. The question is whether he will be welcome. “If it’s all the same, that is my business alone.”
Io nods and does not pry. Hm. There is usually always another question… In the absence of one, something settles in him… Some sense of peace he didn’t know he was allowed.
So he confesses: “To make amends.”
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Agility Courses
This is based off a small prompt I found on @kenvamp 's page! Here!
Thought it was a really fun prompt, and decided to do it myself! Enjoy!!
"Twilight! Come on, this will literally be the best way to get enough rupees for all of us to sleep at the inn tonight!" Wind practically whined. As if the other didn't know full well that Twilight was stubborn enough to sleep in freezing cold rain just to keep a little bit of his pride. 
And maybe a bit of his sanity cause dealing with all of the chain’s antics can really put it to the test.
And while the Rancher won’t admit that he’s probably a bit to prideful for his own good, the rest of the group knows how much he despises acting like a true dog (or wolf) when he is in the other form. So Wind asking Twilight to compete in a dog agility course as Wolfie was frankly an insult to the Rancher. 
“It’s literally 1,500 rupees! 1,500! That could easily give us an entire week! And fill up Wild’s slate with all the provisions we need and more!”
Twilight did have to hand it to Wind. 1,500 rupees really was a lot, but usually Wild had a lot more. However, the other had to spend the rest of his rupee’s on red potions since he ran out of whatever he needed to make them. They also had no way to replenish the rupee shortage unless they stayed around town and completed odd jobs here and there, or end up in Wild’s Hyrule so he could sell off all the ores he somehow keeps finding. 
He really needed to talk about his cubs hoarding tendencies. 
“No Wind, frankly it’s just insulting that you would even ask me that!” Twilight snapped, his eyes narrowing on the younger who put his hands on his hips as if it would make him seem more intimidating. No matter that Twilight stood at least a foot taller over the kid. 
“Come on! It would be so easy to win! You are so much smarter than all the other dogs, and I even checked to make sure Wolfie could participate and he can!” Wind said excitedly, “Wolves are entirely allowed, well Wolf dog because technically full wolves aren’t allowed” 
Well there goes that question. Still, he refused. He wouldn’t do something as demeaning as a dog competition. 
“I said no Wind, and that’s final!” he said, his voice leaving know room for argument. Which of course caused the younger to practically groan dramatically. 
“If we end up sleeping outside tonight, I am blaming you!” The sailor then declared, before going to storm off when he was suddenly stopped by Wild. Wind running face first into him and Wild quickly put his hands on the pirates shoulders to help steady him. 
“There’s a dog agility thing, Twilight you should join as Wol-”
“If you continue that sentence Wild, I will shut you up” Twilight hissed, causing Wild to freeze. “Seriously! I am not doing some dog thing!”
Wild gave an annoyed look to Twilight, as though it was this time Twilight was being the dumb kid. Even though it was usually Wild on the end of those stares. Which the kid definitely deserved due to the crazy shenanigans he has found himself in. 
Twilight only crossed his arms at Wild’s stare. “Don’t look at me like that! I don’t think it’s that bad for me to say no! It’s not even gonna-”
Cue the sound of thunderclap in the distance, and Wild’s knowing look that caused Twilight to glare even more harshly than before. It did always annoy him that Wild was eerily good at predicting the weather. But he was the survivalist of the group for a reason. 
“I talked with some of the people there though, it really would be an easy win. I even made to sure get a map so we know the course pretty well, plus I already signed us up”
“What! You-” Twilight growled, standing up straighter as he approached Wild who seemed entirely amused at the Rancher’s reaction. “You signed us up? Without my permission? What makes you so confident that I would even do this!”
Wild just still had that really annoying smirk on his face, confidence in his eyes. “I wasn’t going to originally. But when some fancy lady said that my mutt couldn’t win against her purebred, I put Wolfie down immediately because screw her”
That made him pause. Someone called him a mutt? What? He couldn’t help the little growl that escaped him, the wolf inside him practically twisting in offense. “What kinda dog did she have?”
“Pretty sure it was some sort of poodle”
“This lady thinks her poodle could win against a wolf?” Twilight hissed. “Oh we are going to prove that lady so wrong! Come on Wild, Wind, we are leaving now!” 
He pointedly ignored Wind and Wild’s laughter, and Wild’s hands signing to Wind that he told Wind not to worry, and that he’d get Twilight to join. Whatever. He didn’t care that Wild basically played him like a fiddle, because if there was one thing that Twilight hated more than being called a dog. It’s being called a mutt. He would prove that lady wrong, and win that competition better than that stupid poodle of hers.
Twilight was beginning to regret this. Already he could tell how severely out of place he was amongst all these various breeds of dogs. Especially considering he’s much bigger than all of the other creatures here, and while Wild was one of the shortest in the chain. It didn’t help that he was basically half the other Hylian’s height. 
When they had arrived, he could instantly spot who Wild was talking about. The lady one of the most ugliest looking outfits that Twilight had ever seen and it took everything he had to not curl his snout up in his disgust. No. He had to focus on acting like a proper wolf and frankly he should have a lot more experience in this since he practically raised Wild. 
Then again, Wild didn’t even know the difference between a wolf and a Hylian for the longest time so he may not be a good candidate in knowing how well he can act. Plus, no one was really casting suspicious looks his way. The only ones that were, Twilight was sure they were looking at him because they didn’t know if he was a wolf dog like Wild and Wind said he was. 
Either way, he did not like the lady. To the point where he almost felt bad for her poodle since it’s fur was entirely dyed pink, and not even a pretty pink. 
Probably one of the most obnoxious pinks he has ever seen in his life. Standing beside her seemed to be a younger man, maybe around Wild’s age. He’s probably the one that actually trained the dog and most likely the one to guide him through the course. 
In fact, that was Twilight’s biggest worry. Cause he refused to do this stupid competition without being sure that he would win but Wild promised he already studied the course layout and said they are one of the last to go so Twilight can study the other dogs. Much to his annoyance. The fact that he has to study actual dogs to win this thing. 
“Twilight your growling” he heard Wind whisper, lightly nudging the Rancher’s side. Breaking him out of his thoughts, to which he sees that Wind was right. He needed to calm down if he didn’t want to drag anymore unwanted attention to themselves. 
Wild was off getting them snacks since Wind loudly declared how hungry he was, and Twilight mentally agreed with him. There was about 7 other dogs to perform before them so they had plenty of time to eat. Especially since they all agreed that it would be Wild leading him through it. The two of them were instinctively bonded in a way that none of the other chain was, even with Wolfie’s instincts getting in the way. 
The others didn’t really understand that when Twilight was Wolfie, he did follow his more animalistic instincts more than his human thought. Wild was the only one who could properly understand him in this form, so if Wolfie ever need to make an appearance, Wild was the one in charge of taking ‘care’ of him.
It didn’t take long for Wild to come back with a few bags of what seemed to be popcorn…with caramel on it? Twilight tilted his head as the sweet smell entered his nostrils and practically made him drool with excitement. His tail slightly wagged as Wild handed one bag over to Wind and set the third one on the ground. “Only needed 5 rupees for three bags, so I had enough” Wild signed.
Wind did express his worry for not having enough Rupee’s to get anything, but thankfully Wild did seem to have at least some stuff left over. “Told you, I just don’t have enough for all of us to be in an Inn”
Twilight quickly stuffed his mouth with the popcorn, the sweet taste flooding his sense as he heard Wind snickering behind him. “I think Wolfie likes it” he teased, but Twilight only gave an annoyed ear flick in response. 
“Don’t eat to fast Wolfie” he then heard, the champions hoarse voice familiar but uncommon to hear. “Don’t want you getting sick”
Twilight only gave a whine in response but he did slow down his eating. Wild was right after all. 
“I wish we could’ve at least brought the rest of the group here, I really think they would’ve enjoyed watching this” Wind then chimed in, seeming to let out a disappointed sigh. 
Wild only rolled his eyes, throwing in another piece of popcorn in his mouth before signing “You know Twi would kill us if we did, he’s already embarrassed enough. Now keep working on that story you promised him, we need to explain how we got so many rupee’s once we win”
Wind only grumbled at that, as the three of them watched the course go. Of course, the poodle was sectioned right before them. The dog walking with an aura of smugness that really shouldn’t be possible for a creature like that. Then again it might be his own annoyance for the little thing, which definitely didn’t deserve his ire. 
“Now announcing Princess Rosa and her trainer Doron! This purebred poodle has been the champion for the last three games now, and quite a champion she is! Let’s see her grace in action, so judges whenever you are ready!” the announcer shouted, causing Twilight’s ears to perk up. While he was studying the rest of the dogs, it took only two competitors for him to realize just what the course entailed. It really shouldn’t be too difficult to perform. His only issue would be his size so he’s not as maneuverable as some of the smaller dog breeds. However, he is confident that he can figure it out on the fly. 
He was a hero after all. How difficult could a dog course be?
Yet, while watching Rosa, she went through the agility course with ease. A creature with limited intelligence did this course with a certain sort of grace that Twilight didn’t think he could live up too. Shit. How is that a dog moving with an ease that Twilight couldn't even begin to do. He knew he took a lot of practice from actual wolves, when it came to learning his new body alongside Wild who was raised by a small pack.
But maybe he should also take lessons from show dogs and agility dogs, who move with such confidence in their strides. Working with the smoothness alongside the orders of their pack, but with such confidence to stand out on their own. Wolves taught you to blend in. It seems this poodle knew how to take the space given to you, and own it. 
Though it was still a poodle, and he refused to let it win. 
He pointedly ignored Wild's knowing look however, but he knew the other was studying Rosa's movements just as much as Twilight was. 
She finished with almost perfect scores and Twilight was pretty sure she even beat her previous score. How was he going to even win that? He's not even sure if he can jump through the hoops that quickly or slide through those weave poles as easily as Rosa did. However, he knew he would try his best. 
"Now! We have a new dangerous duo this competition! Introducing Wild, and his wolf-dog Wolfie!" the announcer then shouted after Rosa was done. Twilight immediately stood up, a certain form of determination in his step as he knew he would be trying his best to still win against a dog. 
Him and Wild easily fell into step together as they walked to the center of the course. Twilight's eyes scanning the course and mentally going through it. Wild kneeled next to Twilight, having the wolf stare at him in the eyes. Before Wild's eyes closed and head butted him. Twilight's ears going back as he leaned into the touch. 
They didn't really need to do this, but for them they swore it helped with their bond and getting on the same wave length. Helping them become one mind, one heart, one spirit before separating and doing what they needed to. Usually it happened before they hunted together and while they would enjoy being able to do it before a fight, they simply don't always have time. However, they don't do it just because and usually there has to be certain situations that really need them to really focus together. 
It seems as though this was a moment, as ridiculous as it was. 
Twilight then found himself sneezing, causing Wild to snort and roll his eyes in amusement as he pulled away. Flashing the wolf a large smile and a thumbs up and Twilight's ears only flicked in response. He still had to seem somewhat normal after all. 
Twilight easily slipped into position, right next to Wild's size as the two of them easily fell into stride. Now simply waiting for the bell to ring, and the two of them would be off. 
"We're back!" Wind shouted to the small little campsite that Time and Warriors seemed to have thrown together. Twilight and Wild were following right behind, both of them having amused looks on their faces as Wind excitedly went to show Time their winnings. Much to Time's surprise. 
"How in Hylia's name did you guys get this much rupees?" Time said, narrowing his eyes at the three of them. Though Wind was the one most likely to have sticky fingers, it was clear there was way to much for even a pickpocket to get. 
"Don't question it Time" Twilight then stepped in, giving off an aura of innocence cause frankly he was still way too embarrassed to admit where those winnings came from. "Let's just go get that Inn, Wars and the others can pick up the camp"
Time only narrowed his eyes at the other, before giving a tired sigh. Which was understandable, having to deal with the chain's shenanigans all the time. "I'll get it from you guys eventually, but I am really too tired to care and I want a bed"
The three of them only smiled at each other.
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royalrogue · 1 month
I’m a sucker for happy endings and a Zoraal Ja “happy ending” AU has been on my mind a lot recently so here’s an idea dump. This is probably a bit OOC but we’re here to have fun so bare with it.
I’m using my WoL for this as I think in a perfect world she would do this but feel free to think about your WoL instead!
Ahri has been keeping an eye on Zoraal Ja and his behaviour/vibe throughout the tournament. There’s alarm bells there, and when he makes his declaration about waging war on the star, she knows she’s going to have to nip it in the bud before it inevitably escalates.  War mongers are like that.
But she’s also been picking up on context clues the more she finds out. He’s been put in a pedestal since his birth as a literal miracle, which has both stroked his ego and placed a huge burden on his shoulders. Not only that, but he is the blood child of royalty, to the most powerful person on the continent who did the impossible and united everyone under a banner of peace.
He wants to surpass his father, that much is obvious, and it makes sense that he would go to an extreme option to try and make a “Superior Peace”. He’s also been surrounded by yes men and subordinates his whole life, which has made him think everyone around him is lesser. Ahri thinks she can push him to start down a different path, but she’ll have to wait for the right moment where she can break through his stone walls, especially when the sly Sareel Ja isn’t around.
She gets her opportunity following the Mamook trial, where he is defeated by the very man he is looking to surpass. Shade or no, no one worse could have bested him, and she knows he will mentally be at his lowest right now. Perfect!
When everyone splits up to get more information on the Mamook people, Ahri sees this as her chance. Locating Zoraal Ja, he seems to be resting/brooding while Sareel Ja is away doing Twelve knows what. You’d think the plants around him would die with the aura he’s giving off, but Ahri casually approaches, earning a glare that probably could kill someone.
She calls him out how she sees it: he’s been under the monumental pressure of being both the miracle son of a two head and the blood first born of the most important person on the continent his whole life. He wants to surpass his father using extreme means that will not work and will only lead him down a path of self-destruction not just for him, but for everyone around him. And, she knows for a fact that even if, by some actual miracle, he managed to get all the key stones and find the Golden City, his father wouldn’t allow him to rule as he is now.
But things don’t have to be like this. He doesn’t have to follow the expectations of other people. Has he ever thought about what he wants to do? Not as the Resilient Son, not as The Miracle, but as Zoraal Ja?
Zoraal Ja wouldn’t say anything in response, brooding as he is, so she continues by giving a proposition. There’s a whole world out there that doesn’t know him and his lofty titles and, with how things are going, she imagines he won’t want to stick around. So, why not leave Tural and travel? She can even be his guide, as travelled as she is, and show him all the places he wishes to invade. After all, he stands a better change of claiming the star if he knows his enemies weaknesses!
She tells him to think on it and leaves him be, having said her piece. She hopes the seed she’s planed sprouts the way she wants it.
Then the story continues as normal, with the gang finding out the village secret and then fighting the trial. But in the meantime, Sareel Ja returns to the waiting Zoraal Ja with information: Ketenramm has his own set of keystones that should allow them to access the city! All they need to do is take him out and steal them.
But to his surprise, Zoraal Ja refuses! He says he’s done, and he gets up to leave. Sareel Ja tries to reason with him but it falls on deaf ears, and Zoraal Ja departs for Tuliyollal. Sareel Ja can only stand there in disbelief, though he will not be deterred. He has waited too long to turn back now.
The rest of the story runs very similarly, Wuk Lamat goes on to win the competition and find the Golden City. They return to Tuliyollal triumphant, and the preparations begin for the ceremony. Ahri sees neither hide nor tail of Zoraal Ja during this time, which she expected, but she can’t help but worry her plan hasn’t worked. Her fears are put to rest though when she sees him at the ceremony, lurking in a dark corner at the very back.
He comes to her after the ceremony, knocking on her inn room door, to her surprise. It’s a bit awkward, but he tells her he accepts her offer for her to be his guide. Discovering the weaknesses of his future enemies in person would be a good strategic move. Ahri nods along, humouring him, and tells him he will need to wait until she has explored Xak Tural, which is her next stop. He agrees, he had preparations to make.
Things continue as normal once more, until the invasion. Instead if Zoraal Ja, it’s Sareel Ja leading the charge and confronting Gulool Ja Ja. While not versed in the way of the Viper, he is still an incredibly skilled magic user as the Palace seer. The duel still goes ahead, but due to the enhancements Sareel Ja has, he eventually deals the finishing blow on Galool Ja Ja.
Maybe through a combination of an inflated ego and still being sore over Zoraal Ja quitting, he challenges them to confront him in his kingdom, to lay witness to the empire he has built, that he rightfully deserves. If they don’t come, however, he will burn the city to the ground. Then, he departs.
Zoraal Ja is convinced to stay behind and help with the defence as the Commander of the Landsguard. Despite Sareel Ja’s threats and motivations being somewhat targeted, he is the best person to use the Landsgard to the fullest, and his battle knowledge will be crucial in the defence. The rest of the story plays out more or less the same, but with Sareel Ja ruling instead, and a (possible) exclusion of Galool Ja. (Could always be some cloning shenanigans!).
At the end of it, when everything is done and the battle is won, Ahri meets a less flashily dressed Zoraal Ja at the pier, ready to board a ship and start on the first leg of their journey.
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 5 months
I am fascinated by the interactions between chani and gurney and chani and Jessica. Here you have three people who are very important to paul and who care about him deeply but who all represent different parts of his identity. Jessica represents the bene gesserit and Kwisatz Haderach part of him, gurney the atriedes Duke, and chani his fremen side. What's interesting is they all want to protect paul, but each of them have a very different idea of how to protect him. For Jessica it's by using the power of the prophecy and Paul's power as the Kwisatz Haderach. For gurney its about military power, the atomics and the fremen army. And when it comes to chani well she's more interested in protecting his soul, helping him stay who he has chosen to be. However chani's want to protect paul more emotionally puts her at odds with gurney and Jessica who seem more concerned with his physical safety, which leads to some interesting interactions.
Chani very obviously mistrusts and dislikes both Jessica and gurney and I get the feeling she puts up with them because she knows they are important to paul. But she also knows that they both have there own ideas of who paul should be, she knows that they both want paul to grasp for power and she knows this could change paul, that it could take him away from her and we see this in the scene where she asks if he'll always be with her, it's showing that fear she has that he won't be.
There's that really interesting scene between Jessica and chani after paul drinks the wol, where Jessica comes to wish chani luck. It's interesting to me that Jessica seemed to have the desire to fix the relationship between chani and paul, she kind of advocates for him by telling chani he didn't have a choice. We see earlier as well when she tells paul that she's sorry about chani, thing is I actually do think she means it, I think she is genuinely sorry that her getting what she wants has caused this rift between paul and chani, almost like she feels a bit of guilt over it but still believes her means justified the end. It's the same when she wishes chani luck for the fight ahead, I genuinely think Jessica doesn't want any harm to come to chani. I do wonder if this is because paul and chani remind her of the love she herself had with leto and maybe she wishes in an ideal world paul could have both be the Kwisatz Haderach but also still be with chani, but I could be misinterpreting that.
Chani's response to Jessica wishing her luck is honestly understandable, zendaya did such a good job delivering that line, 'I'd wish you the same, but it seems you've already won your battle.' It's so full of bitterness but it's also chani calling Jessica out, she's come here all pleading almost and almost with an olive branch but chani is having none of it. As angry as she is at paul for drinking the wol, she knows that Jessica put a lot of work into manipulating both her people and paul, fanning the flames of the prophecy. They were both kind of battling over Paul's soul in a way and Jessica just won that battle, which makes chani feel bitter and angry and I think she holds a lot of resentment towards Jessica.
Then we have those scenes with gurney. As I said above it was clear from the moment he showed up that chani didn't trust gurney and again its understandable considering one of the earliest interactions they have is her overhearing gurney trying to persuade paul into using the prophecy and the fremen army to avenge his father. We get that little moment where her and paul are watching gurney trying to set up his tent and failing miserably, despite her mistrust of gurney when Paul says he is family chani still goes to help gurney showing that she is willing to put aside that mistrust for Paul's sake.
Then we have the war council scene where gurney very much is almost controlling chani, pulling her down when she starts shouting about the prophecy being fake and a means to control them, stopping her from interfering when Paul makes the crowd angry and pulling her down again when everyone bows to paul. But what is interesting to me is yes gurney is constantly stopping chani because he wants paul to get power and doesn't want her getting in the way of that, but there's also this underlying concern for her I think. He says when he pulls her down the first time that she'll get herself in trouble. Maybe I am wrong, but I also feel like maybe he stopped her jumping in when Paul angered everyone, partly because he didn't want her to get hurt. When you look at gurney's character in the first film he was the loyal guard of the Atreides, it was his job to keep the family safe, the Duke, Jessica and their son paul. To me it makes sense then that now that he sees paul as the Duke, he sees chani as he sees Jessica as the duke's lady/partner. So it would make sense if he feels a certain obligation to protect chani and keep her out of harms way.
It's fascinating to me how you've got these three individuals who all care about paul and who are all important to him and yet they are all kind of obstacles to each other's own motivations when it comes to paul and on chani's part there is also that mistrust and dislike over what Jessica and gurney are doing to paul. But despite that there still seems to be this concern for chani's safety from both Jessica and gurney, like they know what it would do to paul if harm were to come to her. They all come from different places and have different wants and views yet they are all connected by that one thing, their love for paul, and I just think that brings about some really interesting dynamics between the three of them.
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arighmaa-dataq · 4 months
Are you a fan of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV Online? Have you wanted to see what your favorite asmr boyfriends would look like in the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV Online? Then you've come to the right place! Decided to boot up the Dawntrail Benchmark and play with the character creator, and bring to you what I imagine the boys of Yuurivoice would look like in this game. Enjoy! Starting off with our favorite pastel punk boy, Alphonse as a bunny boy, probably as a monk or ninja. Can't get any of the job gear sets on here so just imagine something on him and everyone else.
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Next up I had to put in Seth, who your usual midlander. And it took me forever to find a hair that I thought would suit him and I'm still not sure if I got it right. As for class, either Gunbreaker, Warrior, or Paladin, but definitely some kind of tank.
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Now for our versatile flower boy, who of course HAD to be a viera too. Like I dunno what y'all were expecting. And he makes a cute one at that! For class, I'd say it's obvious he'd be a magic user. If I could give him Y'shtola's Sorcerer job I would, but for this I think a white mage suits him well!
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Next up is our Big Red Lucien, who I had to get a little creative with. For him it was either gonna be a Roegadyn or a Highlander. And fun fact, even at min height Roes are still much taller than our demon boy, and while the highlander would be closer to his actual height it just didn't really feel like our devilish himbo, so I went with Roe, and gave him some dark skin and yellow face paint to try and connect to his horn pattern. He'd be rockin as either a Warrior or Dark Knight.
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Next is Auron as an elf boy, and much like with Big Red, even at minimum height it's much taller than he is irl. Had to futz a bit again with the hair but I think he'd rock the elsa braid really well. I also see him very much kinning Estinien, which should make @jackieeleanor very happy. Aside from the obvious Dragoon, could also see him as a mechanist or bard.
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And now for Faust, who ABSOLUTELY go as a catgirl. And a fabulous one at that. Like you can't tell me he doesn't stream FFXIV every so often and rock the Keeper look like the diva he is. Would have a whole backstory for his WoL and everything. And he would very much be a very tired and annoyed Astrologian.
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Last but certainly not least, we have our favorite rat Charlie, who even here is a silly little guy. The most pathetically adorable lalafell you've ever seen, and very much bullied by everyone else in the party. Will likely die a LOT, and have to be carried by his Casper through dungeons. He's a little monk trying his best.
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myreia · 4 months
anxiety - for the random word generator prompt!
thanks, Sea! This took so long to finish ahhh - and it's in three parts because I'm a fool.
Chapter Rating: Teen Characters: Aureia Malathar (WoL), Thancred Waters, Minfilia Warde, Yda Hext, Scions of the Seventh Dawn Pairings: Aureia/Thancred (pre-relationship) Chapter Words: 1,516 Notes: A Realm Reborn, set during A Wild Rose by Any Other Name. Summary: Aureia’s inauguration into the Scions of the Seventh Dawn should be cause for celebration, yet she cannot shake her feelings of unease. These newfound friends of hers may have the best of intentions, but is she anything more than a means to an end in their hands? Chapters: part one • part two • part three Read on AO3
The low hum of chatter murmurs in her ears.
Aureia exhales a breath, her eyes closed, and folds her arms as she leans against the wall. The conversation is near enough for her to make out, but too far away for it to be intelligible. Overlapping voices, ebbing and flowing like the changing tide. She’s always found something irksome about the sound of distant voices. It gnaws at her mind, thinning her patience, provoking her to snap with each passing moment. The irritation is irrational, and yet she cannot put it aside. 
Thancred’s laugh rings across the room.
Her eyes fly open. She shakes herself, rearranging her expression into one of careful neutrality. She closed her eyes for only a moment; chances are no one noticed the difference. No one seems to notice much about her now the introductions are over and her task has been assigned. She may as well melt into the wall for all the difference her presence makes.
Thancred stands in the centre of the little group, a grin spread from ear to ear. He speaks animatedly, bright and cheerful in a way she hasn’t seen before. If she thought Ul’dah was his natural element, he has proved her wrong. He’s open and relaxed, slipping into the kind of casual comfort only found among friends. His language has shifted, using terms she has never heard before with easy confidence, contributing to topic that make her head spin. She always thought his academic side was an exaggeration, a little white lie he spun to make himself sound impressive when flirting.
Yet another thing she was wrong about.
The white-haired Miqo’te—Y’shtola, she reminds herself—chuckles and presses a hand to her lips, her eyes shining with mirth. The young woman in the visor—Yda, was it?—bounces on the balls of her feet and pipes up with excitement, earning her a withering headshake from the Lalafellin mage. Papalymo, if she remembers correctly. Even the towering Elezen, his face obscured by his hood and goggles, is warm and welcoming despite his reserved nature. Urianger, did they say his name was?
She hasn’t said a word to him. She hasn’t said a word to any of them.
These people here, these friends of Thancred’s, these Scions… The camaraderie between them is clear. From their identical tattoos to their amiability in each other’s presence, she has no doubt they have been friends for a long time. Comrades bound together, if not by shared experience, then by something just as strong. Purpose. Ambition. Duty.
It hurts more than she would like to admit.
“I am forever grateful, you know.”
Aureia looks up.
Minfilia stands a few feet away, eyes bright, smile soft, blonde hair glowing in the solar’s warm light. For the leader of a covert organization, she is not what Aureia expected. She thought she would be meeting a hardened veteran, grounded and devoid of the usual idealistic nonsense, with a keen understanding of the difference between lofty aspirations and harsh reality. The kind of person prepared to do whatever it took to see their goals realized. A spymaster or a soldier or a general.
Not a woman younger than herself who wears her heart on her sleeve.
Aureia bites her tongue. “What for?” she asks, trying to keep her tone neutral. 
Minfilia looks away, a faint blush on her cheeks. “Forgive me,” she says. “I am getting ahead of myself. A little context is necessary, perhaps. When your name was first made known to me, I thought you the same as many an Eorzean adventurer. Reckless, inspired, some seeking adventure for fame and fortune, others for the thrill of danger, others still simply for the honest work. But your deeds speak for themselves.”
She pauses and regards her quietly. Though her blue eyes are kind, there is something unsettling about their intensity. “It was never about the rewards, was it? You care about those you aid. In you there is the ability and the skill to make a difference, and so you do—for how could you not?”
Aureia blinks. “I…”
“Thancred told me much of your adventures in Ul’dah.”
“He… did?” Somehow he never thought to mention you.
Minfilia’s smile brightens. “Every time without fail he returned to the Waking Sands, he had one tale or another to tell of his adventurer friend in the city. Yda, Papalymo, and Y’shtola certainly did not have quite as much to say about their own connections. I admit, I was perhaps a little uncertain at first—we both know his tendency to be a relentless flirt—but having met you… I daresay I see now why he can wax poetic about you when given the chance—” She cuts off abruptly, suddenly serious, and places a hand on her arm. “Please do not tell him I said as much, I will never hear the end of it.”
Aureia blinks again, uncertain what to make of any of this. Minfilia speaks to her less like a venerated leader and her new employer and more like they are close friends. Stalling for time, she risks a quick glance across the solar to the little group. Thancred is laughing again. Countering something Urianger said, he takes up his customary lean against the wall and crosses his arms. As he sweeps his hair out of his eyes, he looks away and his eyes connect with hers.
She frowns.
He raises an eyebrow.
Her frown deepens. “Don’t worry,” she says absently. “I’ll keep it to myself.”
Minfilia lets out a relieved breath and removes her hand. “Thank you. I suppose… I apologize for my awkwardness, but when I said that I am forever grateful, I did indeed mean it. I know I expressed as much earlier in an official capacity, but I would like to thank you again on more personal terms, as a newfound friend and ally. It should come as no surprise to you that our work presents many dangers and comes at a high cost. Trust is imperative. We must have faith and trust one another to do what must be done. It is the best chance we have to forge a brighter tomorrow.”
Aureia nods, still distracted. A glint catches her eye—the shattered remains of a mage’s staff, mounted and displayed on the wall behind the antecedent’s desk. She noticed it when she first entered the solar, but she didn’t truly take stock of it until now. Though it is broken, she can sense the remnants of powerful aether emanating from it, murmuring in deep slumber.
“I see in you a kind soul,” Minfilia continues. “A good soul. Someone of your skill and talent could have gone anywhere, but you chose to come to us. We will do well with someone like you among us, I am certain of that.”
She blinks again, forcing her sluggish mind to focus on Minfilia’s words. Despite the kindness extended to her, she can’t shake the anxiety growing in the pit of her stomach. As far as first impressions go, this perception of her could not be more wrong.
“…thank you,” she murmurs, stumbling on her own words. Her throat is uncomfortably dry.
“I am so very glad you are here. Perhaps we are kindred spirits of a kind.”
“I…”—don’t know about that—“…maybe. Perhaps.” The affirmation slips out unintended, and she curses internally.
“The Echo is a heavy gift,” Minfilia continues. “A blessing, to be sure, but not one borne easily.”
Aureia freezes, a chill running down her spine.
“As advantageous as it is, it comes with its own burdens. I cannot say we fully comprehend it, even for those of us who have carried it through most of our lives.” Minfilia’s eyes meet hers. “I beg your pardon if this is improper, but I must ask—when did you first hear Her call?”
Her heart clenches. The power has always been with her, whispering at the edges of her mind, sometimes quiet, other times compelling her to action. In the same breath it has shown her things she wished she had never seen, it has also saved her life.
She can’t remember a time without it.
She wishes it was gone.
“I…” She has never discussed it with another. Such a gift was too dangerous to bring attention to in Garlemald, though her mother often suspected there was more to her capabilities than what was natural. Even in the relative safety of Eorzea, she would rather pretend she wasn’t gifted with it. “I should go. Thank you for your hospitality, Minfilia. I will look into the Amajina robbery as soon as I am able.”
The words come out fast and abrupt, any semblance of familiarity reverted to distanced professionalism. Uncertain whether to bow (a sign she’s been around too much Ul’dahn nobility recently) or to nod (the easy way out) or to shake her hand (awkward), Aureia simply turns around and walks stiffly to the door.
She can feel Thancred’s eyes on her as she slips through the threshold and into the cold hallway beyond.
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cfs-melkire · 1 year
FFXIV: WoL, OC, and Roleplay
Since there were some questions and confusion in tags, I figured that an educational/informative post like this might be helpful for some folks, so I'm going to break a few things down for those who might be unfamiliar.
Namely, we're going to get into what "Warrior of Light" means to different people, what "OC" means in the FFXIV context, and what "roleplay" means to different people (and why those distinctions exist).
Since this is going to be a long post, click the "Read Below" for more under the cut!
Warriors of Light
"Warrior of Light," in general, refers to the main protagonist of the critically acclaimed hit MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV. Lore fanatics will know that this title once saw more widespread use in-setting (to refer to the Twelvesblades but also to historical heroes in general), but put that aside for now. WoL - Warrior of Light for short, in handy acronym format - is the main character, the hero, the person you play as. You even see the XIV devs (Yoshi P & everyone at CBU3) refer to the players themselves this way, as Warriors of Light.
FFXIV takes a different approach from other MMORPGs by making the story centered around a specific individual: you, as the WoL. This shift really kicks into gear towards the end of A Realm Reborn (2.0), as prior to that, you were just one of many adventurers in the realm of Eorzea (unless you were a 1.0/1.x player; again, set that aside for now). But starting with Operation Archon, your character starts taking center stage in terms of global affairs. By the time you're into Heavensward content, the story of the Scions is, fundamentally, your story: the Warrior of Light's story.
This creates an interesting situation in which players have a shared experience with different takes on how the main character did, should have, and or would have act, acted, react, or reacted. Part of that has to do with our differing selections on race and gender for our characters. Part of that has to do with us projecting our own thoughts and feelings onto the WoL, in effect playing the game as our own self-insert of sorts! Observant newcomers may have noticed that the game progressively gives you more and more dialogue options the further along you get; we had very few of them in ARR and HW compared to later expansions! That has been a good change, and it's really helped players to see how a story could take different twists and turns depending on what kind of person would be at the helm of making those decisions as the main character.
As a result, we've seen a lot of prompts crop up on social media - on Twitter, here on tumblr, even on Reddit - about how people's characters differ from one another. How would YOUR Warrior of Light react, what would THEY have done, but also: what was their childhood like? What do they do for fun? Who do they get along with best? So on and so forth, all sorts of questions. Anyone who's ever been in fandom for any length of time knows that these kinds of questions, these sorts of hypotheticals, are very fun to explore. We've been doing this since we were kids! "Oh but what if this happened instead in my favorite film/show/story?" It's our imagination at work, and it feels great to turn something over in our heads like that.
On Twitter, mainly, these prompts came to be referred to as "WoL prompts" and were often tagged something like "wolqotd" (Question of the Day). But as folks have been fleeing Twitter in droves lately thanks to a certain billionaire manchild being grossly incompetent and generally unsafe, there's been a lot of cross-pollination between social media platforms. Since tumblr has had a historically different approach to FFXIV prompts and our FFXIV friends from Twitter seem to have developed a blindspot, I posted a well-intentioned blurb about how, and I paraphrase, "not all OCs are WoLs."
There was some mild confusion on that point, which brings us to this post. I'm gonna help clear that up right now.
Original Characters
Most of us have probably seen, at least once on the internet, some form of the phrase "OC do not steal" (often humorously misspelled as the meme "OC donut steel"). An OC - short for "original character" - is a common concept in fandom. In fandom specifically, it generally refers to any character that a fan has created for their own use, whether that use be for artistic expression, drawing doodles, writing short stories (read: fanfiction), etc. The character is original, meaning they're not part of the established setting or lore as produced and put out into the world by the makers of the show/series/novel/game/what-have-you, and the character is unique, meaning the character itself (their personality, their history, etc.) is specific to that fan and they're not just Pidgey #2761 caught on Route 1 in the years since 1998 by one out of millions of kids with no other discernible traits, features, or background details.
In the FFXIV context, OC refers to any original character made or created by a fan or player. Often (but not always) this takes the form of their playable avatar, the character they sign into the game with and play as. But there's a context, a MMORPG-specific context, in which "OC" means something more specific to folks in the FFXIV community. The best way I can explain that other meaning is to walk you through the thought process, but in short, a FFXIV OC is a character who is NOT the main character you play through the events of the game as, but rather a character who inhabits the setting and has their own life full of adventures & misadventures, with their own story to tell.
The thought process goes a little something like this: I'm really having fun with FFXIV, but I'm getting real bored of my character. Maybe I'll fantasia them. You know what, I'm tired of seeing what my Warrior of Light gets up to. I'm more curious about what the average person deals with. There's all these monsters out there beyond the city limits! How does anyone get anything done? Maybe they need, like, caravan guards. Yeah, that's cool... but what about Lalafell? They're so small compared to other people, but they get by fine. Hmmm, let me go back to the character selection screen and fantasia into a Lalafell. I'll make something really cool and cute looking. Now, where would they be from? I see a lot of them in Ul'dah, a few in Limsa... you know what, I don't see a lot of them in Gridania or the Shroud. It'd be really interesting to learn how a Lalafell ended up living there. Yeah, let's do that! Fantasia's done, now to find them some day-to-day clothes to wear. I wonder, if they're a caravan guard, where'd they pick up their fighting skills? Are they an archer or a mage? Did their family help them get into a guild? Hmmm.
On and on it goes, in this very manner, with all sorts of characters and stories. This is a FFXIV OC, and even though the player will be progressing through this game with their new Lalafell, they're not really viewing this character (or whatever race they might choose, e.g. Roegadyn or Elezen) as the Warrior of Light. Sure, they'll play to see what the Warrior of Light experiences, but there's a distinction in the player's mind: this is Toro Tororo, of Gridania, they sometimes sign up as a guard to make money but on most days they help out their family at the botanists' guild. They've never once seen or fought a primal.
This is, fundamentally, an MMORPG OC, just specific to FFXIV. This is very much the exact line of thinking that gave us Dungeons & Dragons and other tabletop RPGs! Someone was playing war games, said to themselves, "I really don't care about Napoleon or whichever general I am as I move these armies around, I really want to more about THIS soldier here, this guy, what's THEIR story?" and pointed at a single figurine of an infantryman standing alongside identically uniformed troops (thank you to Dave Arneson and his players). The full story is a bit more complicated than that, but the process itself is central to a lot of our own musings about tales and stories that we then spin out into our own creations.
But who plays FFXIV like this? Who goes through all of that effort to NOT be in the shoes of the WoL, and why?
In short: roleplayers.
Let's get the giggling out of the way. You've probably seen ERP referenced - short for "erotic roleplay" - and that has a long history that spiraled out of playing pretend in the bedroom & early internet chatrooms. But no matter what big streamers or people on Aether datacenter might tell you (I'm looking at you, Gilgamesh), that's not what most people mean when they talk about roleplay. ERP is only a very small facet of roleplay in general, the same way the horror-thriller genre is only one genre among many genres of film.
Roleplay is, fundamentally, writing in a collaborative setting where one or more writers act out the parts of one or more characters and make decisions for them.
You've seen this a lot, and have probably roleplayed without realizing it. Constructing a castle made out of Legos and having the knights fight each other, or setting up Barbie and Ken at the pool for a relaxing day and some barbeque, is roleplaying. You and a friend grabbing notebooks and writing out stories or drawing comics about your favorite characters from a popular series is roleplaying. Sitting around a table and playing Dungeons & Dragons is roleplaying, even if you're not doing character voices like the folks on Critical Role. Exchanging prompts about your WoL on social media is roleplaying.
Roleplaying within the actual game of Final Fantasy XIV is an extension of the above! Some folks really like to use the tools that MMORPGs gives them - character models, emotes, a chat box - to visually play out stories about all sorts of characters. FFXIV is particularly well-suited to this due to some crazy quality-of-life features, like target tracking (not only your character's head but their eyes move to follow whoever you target), multiple idle poses, an enormous range of emotes, being able to sit or lay down on furniture, etc. So when Felicia signs in on Toro Tororo, exits Gridania, and mounts up on their chocobo to head down to Bentbranch Meadows to meet her fellow player, Diego, who's on Heuloix Durendaire in order for Toro to sign up for the latest caravan down to Highbridge in Thanalan... that's roleplay!
There's such a breadth of stories to explore in any fictional setting, and FFXIV is no exception in that regard. It's often easier to make an OC who isn't saddled with the WoL's baggage in order to explore stories like this. Maybe someone wants to roleplay an Allagan who just woke up after being on stasis for 3,000 years. Or maybe someone else wants to play a Roegadyn pirate out on the open seas, and they put into port in places like Limsa and Kugane. Maybe Rockfist and Deathstaff want to host a fighting tournament to figure out who's the baddest of the bunch, or maybe the hardworkin' Miqo'te fellow wants to head into the Goblet for the evening to find a nice restaurant for a good meal and a nice drink, and maybe avoid being pressed for conversation by anyone other than the wait staff and that bartender who used to be their childhood friend.
Roleplayers make OCs to explore settings via collaborative writing, and often times those OCs aren't WoLs.
And sometimes they are!
And sometimes people roleplay via prompts or over Discord/messaging rather than in-game!
All valid. All good.
I could go on ad nauseum, but that just about covers it. If there are questions, please ask. In comments, in tags, via Asks, etc. I'll try to answer... or point folks to people who can provide better answers than I can.
Thanks for reading!
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autumnslance · 2 months
Hi! I’ve been trying to make an introductory post for my WoL, but when I tried doing so freeform it ended up overly long and full of rambling. I’ve searched for templates all over the internet, but the only ones I can find are in the general style of D&D character sheets that include irrelevant information about stats while not properly dedicating space to the actual character traits. I saw the format you used for your OCs, and it seems to be about what I’m looking for. Is there any chance you could provide a blank template along those lines for me and others who might have the same problem?
Funnily, while I keep them all similar, I didn't have a template before now. Also reminds me I need to do some updating and revision on my own OCs, it's been awhile and they can use a refresh for character and plot updates.
I recommend making static pages over posts; easier to track and edit. I am a stickler for organization, so keep my pinned post to the bare basics with links to the profiles and other pages, to keep from stretching the post to a mile long, in part, and to keep the info where it's easily read and relevant. Also because mobile app view won't show one's theme and links, and the pinned post is more likely to be seen and accessible than a sidebar or menu.
I have tutorials on how to set a custom theme (and access full blog features) as well as how to create those static blog pages. Tumblr may have made some updates since, but the gist is the same, and the Help pages have newer details if necessary.
I do urge keeping colors and format simple, accessible, and reader friendly, including screen reader friendly. A row of asterisks or tildes as a separator line are usually individually read out by screen readers, as is the code used to make those fancy hard-to-read gothic letters folks use for "aesthetics." In a lot of my profiles, I split sections with images of the character (which should also use alt text if we're trying to be kind and inclusive, and it's to the point of a profile page anyway).
I think I will put the intro and template here in the post under a cut, and then in a Reply Comment add a link to the Google Doc version, cuz of how Tumblr is about external links. An actual blank copy-pasta is on the GDoc, what's below has some thought processes for each section for guidance.
This a pretty modular template, that can be added to or subtracted from as needed. Move descriptive blocks around as they seem more or less relevant for your OC, substitute things that make sense over things that don’t; this is just a starting point!
I see these as broad strokes; a quick introduction and general overview of your character, meant to give an at-a-glance idea of who they are. It’s handy for other writers and artists, and even oneself for keeping track of some details. I recommend practicing succinct writing here; these blocks should each stay between 100-300 words or thereabouts. Use links to other pages and tags to point toward longer details and stories (and keep them handy for yourself!). It also makes it much easier when you want to revise things when characterization marches forward, or if you want to retcon something entirely.
But these are all just my opinions and ideas on how I approach OC profiles after making them in some form or another for about a quarter century. Make it as long or short as it needs to be, change it up, go nuts, I ain’t your mom, and so on 😉
Statistics: The basics; barebones, at-a-glance stat blocks, handy for quick reference. Can be added to or shortened as needed. If a stat starts to word wrap on a standard screen, trim it and move that extra detail to the “Description” paragraph below the list.
Race: (for FF14 fantasy possibilities) Nationality: (or Ethnicity, whatever works. Where are they from, as that helps shape them?) Height: (both feet/inches and centimeters are handy here) Eyes: Build: (I prefer this to weight, as that’s ridiculously variable depending on one’s build, which is more important visually anyway; are they broad, stocky, skinny, muscular, stringy, etc) Hair: (color, type, texture, preferred lengths and styling) Skin: (sometimes I fold scars into here, if there’s nothing too outstanding) Scars: Voice: (how do they sound?) Nameday: Age: (depends on your personal timeline for your OCs, but I recommend an age range over specifics; mid-20s, 25-35, late teens, a little over a century, etc. Less updating and fits with the handwaved time bubble anyway) Disciplines: (what are their main job[s]? The adventuring or professional skills they’ve learned?) Hobbies: Birthplace: Current Home: Occupation: (Their actual day job, different from or part of their disciplines?) Signature Items: (A particular weapon? A piece of jewelry? Always wear a specific coat?)
Description: A very short "immediate impressions" type description; what would someone "on the street" see when meeting/looking at your character on a typical day? Taking some of the info from the stats but then how you want those barebone facts to be seen; is the OC elegant, or rough? Expensive clothes or simple attire? Any particular smells, or sounds? I recommend around 100 words.
Biography: Very brief, general overview of the backstory that led them to the point where they become a story protagonist (adventurer, the WoL, or other roleplay archetype). Don't have to go into great detail, keep it short and simple; it's a blurb that sets up how they got here in broad strokes. I think my longest bio is around 300 words, and it probably shouldn’t go over that here.
To get more details, one can always link to specific stories, or to a tag. I have multiple OCs, so I might make my tags something like "Aeryn Backstory" or "Iyna Lore" or "Punchy History" or some combo thereof (I usually try to keep them consistent though for ease).
Persona: What face do they present to the world? How are they perceived by the public, acquaintances, coworkers, family, actual friends? Some of these answers will be the same, some may change depending on if and how they code switch in various social situations.
From there, what lies underneath the surface? What are some general internal attitudes, traits, feelings?
A hundred words for outward demeanor and another one hundred for innermost self ought to cover the general broad strokes.
Romance: If so inclined, details about the OC's relationship details; sexual and romantic orientations, relationship history, current situations, how they view and approach intimacy (or not!).
Links to relationship tags or stories or art can work well here, too.
Echo: Does the OC have an Echo at all? Is it a "typical" Echo, or do they have some special abilities, some things they're better at than others? How does it affect them, how do they feel about it?
This is another section that may be a free space section to remove or swap to something else relevant to the character.
Hobbies: The stuff outside of work and heroics. Ways they relax, special interests, side jobs, things they enjoy, and so on. This can be an expansion of the listing in the stat block, or you can cut out one or the other to avoid redundancy.
Companions: What’s their chocobo like, or do they have another favored mount? What pet(s) do they have? Are they practically a Disney Princess? Have a familiar? Do they prefer arcane entities? Technological constructs? Or do they eschew companions entirely?
How to find the OC in game: This is where I list things like realm and data center, and addresses for the FC house and personal house or apartment. Not necessary if you don't want folks to go looking.
Links: The links can be scattered through the post in relevant sections, or gathered together here. I tend to put my basic tag for the character, if I have an aesthetic tag for them, their story tags, any links to art references or other miscellaneous items I want easily found for myself and others. I often put this close to the top if a profile is longer and I want those links to be quick referenced.
OOC: Any particular notes one wants to make about the character from a meta perspective. Can also be combined with the Links.
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cinnabun-faerie · 2 years
Thank you so much for answering my previous ask ☺️ if possible could I please have some cute headcanons for Alphinaud G'raha Tia Thancred Y'shtola Aymeric Emet-Selch Jullus Zenos Hermes and Urianger with a WoL that turns into a blanket burrito when it gets cold outside? (It's actually cold where i live 😅 so it made me think of this ask idea) thank you and please keep up the good work
A/N: It's quite cold where I am as well! I hope you keep warm!
Note: Established relationships, fluffy
Warning: Spoilers if you haven't made it to Endwalker!
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"Do you have room in there for me?"
he thinks that you're so adorable when you're wrapped up like that
perhaps before joining you, he could go put a few more sticks on the fire
he'd rather not have you nor him freeze to death
actually he would ask if you want to go and sit together in front of the fire for a while
you'd grudgingly agree
it's much warmer with the fire and you're cuddled up with him in a chair, head resting on his shoulder
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Seeing as Ishgard is always cold, he understands why you'd be so bundled up
honestly you look so cute like that
but how was he supposed to hold you and get warm?
you had all of the blankets
perhaps you'd rather some body heat to help
"Sweetheart, can I hold you in the blankets?"
He would chuckle at your eagerness to engulf him into the blankets
"We can stay like this til morning if you'd like."
"I'd hope so or you'll end up a Knight-cicle."
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Rolls Eyes
It wasn't that cold
but if you were that cold, then he could just go get you another blanket
the things he does for the love of his existence
"If you keep rolling your eyes, Emet-Selch, you'll never be granted access to the blanket."
"You're not going to share with me? After I get you two more blankets? I can't believe you."
"Two? Maybe we can call a truce."
when he finally joins you under the blankets, you realize that he's just as cold as you are
you lay on top of him and tuck the blankets around both of you
"Don't worry, I'll get us nice and warm."
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G'raha Tia
G'raha was your blanket burrito buddy
he got a bit cold as well and the best thing to do was to cuddle up together
at least then he could pull you close to him
he was so cute for this as you were so fond of the way he nuzzled against you
"Shall I get more blankets?"
"No. I'm warm just like this. And I don't want you to move."
"Thank goodness. I didn't want to stop holding you, even for a moment.
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When he'd see you in your little blanket burrito, he would chuckle to himself
he should have known that you would be in here if he couldn't find you elsewhere
he would not try to wake you, but he would go to his side of the bed and cover himself with an extra blanket that you had not stolen for your burrito
his back was to you when you woke up to see him laying beside
you had moved closer to wrap your arm around him, your hand finding his
"Missed you."
"Missed you too, love."
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Whether you were used to the cold or not, you were constantly cold
and being with him in Garlemald didn't help
but he had a solution for that
he had the fluffiest blankets reserved just for you and him
and when he sees you all bundled up like a burrito, he would have the cutest smile on his face
he adored you so much no matter what you did
he would join you in bed and pull you close so he could kiss your forehead, nose, cheeks and finally your lips
his heart would melt when you snuggle up next to him
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He loved teasing you whenever you were wrapped up like a burrito
you just looked so cute
and you had the best reactions of course
"Cold are we?"
"And what if I am too?"
"Get your own blanket."
"I'm wounded, Y/N. My own partner doesn't want to share with me."
You would tug Thancred on the bed before wrapping him and you up in the blankets, earning a laugh from him
"Shut up."
"You know, if you want to get warm, I know a good way."
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Whenever you got cold, you had this habit of wrapping yourself up in a blanket burrito and waddling out to wherever Urianger
there you would simply throw yourself at him
and he'd always catch you and set you in his lap
he knew that you preferred the blanket and his body heat
at least then he could read to you and you could warm him up
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"Is it burrito season?"
"It is. Will you be joining?"
"When have I ever refused."
Whenever you got cold, she always joined you
sometimes you formed her own burrito or other times she would just join yours
and whenever either of you were cuddled together in one big burrito, it wouldn't be long before you both would be fast asleep
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How could you be cold when he always pulled you close, providing you lots of heat?
regardless, he found you wrapped up in the blankets to be rather endearing
his heart might even skip a beat when you start wrapping him up in the same big blanket with you
"Are you satisfied?"
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mrlarkstin · 6 months
Welcome One and All
My name is Era and I am your local dragon enjoyer. Before you scroll through my blog there are a couple things you should know!
Here be Dragons (Important Info)
This blog abides by a 2 month expansion spoiler embargo and a 2 week patch spoiler embargo, after that its free reign in here. So if you are a sprout I would recommend scrolling with care!
You can find my gposes under #eras poses and lore, lore based gposes under #eras lore. My general screaming and thoughts are #eras thoughts. Paladin rework is #eras paladin lore.
This is a Warrior of Light blog and this follows his journey as WOL in Eorzea!
I ship him with Vrtra and Estinien. All three of them are dragons (Eramus, Estinien and Vrtra), stick around to find out how Eramus and Estinien became dragons! Tee hee
I scream a lot about dragons. Like. A lot. I love dragons. More people need to kiss dragons.
I do Role Play! However, he has RP lore where he isn't the wol, he's just a single dad vibing in Ishgard! And he's open for RP! So feel free to slide into my DMs or anything!
Writing & Gpose
I write a lot and have been working on putting all my complete fics on a new AO3 account. Scroll with caution though as I write some pretty heavy topics (not all of them are like that, naturally, but mind the tags regardless). Everything is tagged and I am not responsible for your well being and safety. Please make sure you read before clicking on anything I post.
New AO3
I gpose a lot and have been asked multiple times if I take coms. The answer is- complicated. I don't take single shots as I prefer to work with couples. Coms are only SFW and are 1mil gil or 3$ CAD. You get as many shots as I can cram into your DMs. Though, I only take coms when I feel like I can. You can ask and I will put you on a list though! But I can't promise to take it, as my creativity goes from 0-100 SUPER fast.
On gpose. I gpose a ton. Mostly artsy lore heavy stuff for my wol. Some Examples!
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Side Blog
I have one side blog for writing (original work mostly) @era-writes
I have two discords! A gpose heavy one and a friend/content heavy one!
Thank you for stopping by! If you have any questions or want to shoot the shit feel free!
You can find me on Aether!
(Also every April I host 30 Days of Nick Cage movies in my one server, tee hee)
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tainbocuailnge · 2 years
German Dark Knight quests
This is an English translation of the German script for the level 45 and 50 dark knight quests (and some extra bits at the end), meant as a supplement to the translation of the Japanese script found in this and this post showcasing the large differences between Japanese and English Fray’s characterisation. Since haillenarte mentioned in their posts that the German script usually stays closer to the Japanese script than the English script does, and I can’t read Japanese but can read German, I decided to check out the German version and translate it for comparison.
UPDATE: Please check out my translation website! I have the entire dark knight questline translated on there, including an updated translation of what’s in this post, as well as many other scenes from the rest of the game.
Since the English script is already in the other posts I won’t put it in here too, but I will separate it into the same blocks as the other posts for ease of comparison. I’m also sticking to gender neutral pronouns for the WoL, though German is a highly gendered language so all the screenshots of the German script will reflect me playing as a male au ra. It’s been a hot minute since I formally studied German so if you spot any glaring mistakes by all means correct me!
Level 45 quest - What must be said
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Fray: It’s your life and it ends again every minute... I’ve been thinking again about what you told me about the voice. Fray: Someone is trying to get through to you. Someone who needs your protection. But we don’t know any more. Fray: We have to perform another ritual as soon as possible. Maybe that will give us a clue about who the voice belongs to. Fray: After all, the voice resonates within your heart. Do you have someone you want to protect? More than anyone else? Fray: ...Sorry. I don’t feel very well lately... I’m alright. I’m just a bit tired. Fray: So, when you’re ready, we’ll perform the next ritual. Fray: Show me what you’ve learned. I’ll wait for you at Moraby Drydocks.
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Fray: Do you remember? The sea... Fray: I told you before that I went on a journey once. With someone who... A terrible danger awaited us at sea. Fray: I wanted to stop them. But we’d already drifted too far apart. There was no stopping them from getting on that damn boat. Fray: It was like I was dying. They were the person I wanted to protect more than anything in the world. But my words didn't get through to them. That's why I'm...
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???: What’s that? Isn’t the Maelstrom there to help us? ...I’m in need, goddammit! Styrnlona: The Maelstrom isn’t responsible for that. You should turn to the Yellowjackets when reporting something like stolen wares. Demanding dealer: The Yellowjackets... Before they get around to my case my newborn son will be an experienced sailor! Perhaps even admiral! Styrnlona: Hey, you! Aren’t you [your rank at the Maelstrom] [Name]?
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Strynlona: You did us all a great favour when you defeated the primal Leviathan. The citizens of Limsa Lominsa are forever grateful. Demanding dealer: Whaaaat? There’s a real hero standing before me! Demanding dealer: You’re a godsend. I’m in a real bind and need help. Demanding dealer: A nasty Qiqirn has stolen all my wares! [cry] What do I tell my clients? [sob] I’m going to lose my good name as trader! [sniff] Fray: Do you remember what I told you last time? You can’t help everyone. You can’t carry all the world’s suffering on your shoulders. Fray: The Yellowjackets will take on his case soon enough. You should worry about your training as a dark knight instead and find a worthy opponent. There’s more important things at stake... Demanding dealer: Don’t leave me high and dry! If you don’t help me, no-one will!
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>Yes, or nobody will help him.
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Demanding dealer: You’re truly a hero! Thank you! Demanding dealer: The Qiqirn that stole my wares has to be some kind of leader or chief... It’s bigger and stronger than the others.
>No, I can’t help everyone.
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Demanding dealer: But... didn’t you just say you were looking for worthy opponents? Demanding dealer: The Qiqirn that stole my wares is a real big guy! Bigger and stronger than the others. A leader or chief, I would say.
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Demanding dealer: I saw it walking towards the salt strand, the Qiqirn have a camp there. Please bring my wares back! Fray: It always ends like this... When nobody wants to help, the heroes have to go... You'll never become a dark knight like this.
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Fray: Cut that thieving Qiqirn down to size. Doesn’t matter how pathetically it begs for mercy. It shouldn’t have stolen the merchant’s wares... Fray: We’ll use the opportunity to prepare the next ritual. Show me everything you’ve learned as a dark knight.
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[Duty battle dialogue] Fray the Dark: There’s quite a lot of them... This’ll be a right bloodbath. Fray the Dark: Now we just need to get the wares! Fray the Dark: The wares are definitely in this chest...
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Fray: We... have the wares... [groan] Bring them to the merchant... [huff] Fray: Me? I’m just a bit... exhausted... [groan]. Go ahead, I’ll be right behind you... Fray: Bring it to an end...
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Demanding dealer: Hello, hero! Do you have my wares? Demanding dealer: Yes, that’s the stuff! Thank you, thank you. Let’s see if everything is there. Demanding dealer: Nooooo! In llymlaen’s name, I can’t sell these like this! Demanding dealer: Those Qiqirn put their dirty hands all over everything! I can’t offer this to my customers! Or even worse, they’ll demand a discount! Demanding dealer: What should i do? It’s the end for me! I’m ruined! I can say goodbye to that vacation in Costa del Sol... Demanding dealer: I know! I’ve got a hero standing right in front of me! You’ll deliver me new wares in a snap! Demanding dealer: The skin of a dangerous monster... A treasure from a trap-filled ruin... A lock of hair from a primal...
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Fray: ENOUGH!! Fray: Does it ever end? Is Eorzea populated entirely by children? Can nobody do anything on their own anymore? Does everyone have to keep begging the heroes for help? Fray: [Name] is also just a [your race]! With their own feelings and interests. Axe blades and thunder magic also hurt them! Nobody thinks about that, huh? Fray: We keep fighting for other people... Like back then, at open sea, against that watery primal... Fray: “We’re not chosen! Let the chosen one fight!” - Pah, you’re just hiding behind those words! What are you doing for Eorzea anyway? Fray: If you lot didn’t keep bringing in your troublesome business [Name] would’ve long since been a more experienced dark knight! Ugh, for real!
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Demanding dealer: Who just blows their lid like that? I’m terribly sorry, adventurer... Styrnlona: What the... [Maelstrom rank] [Name], your anger isn’t entirely unfounded, but... Styrnlona: ...A short walk sounds like the right thing to cool your head. Have a good day.
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Fray: That just had to be said. Don’t you think? Fray: Seriously, such an ungrateful lot...
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>All that matters is the voice.
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Fray: Right, the voice. You can’t ignore it. That would mean ignoring your own existence. Fray: I even know who the voice belongs to... Fray: But I can’t tell you who it is. You have to find out yourself. Fray: Well, let’s continue. Stick your hand out...
>I want to become a real dark knight as soon as possible.
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Fray: You’re already a real dark knight, [Name]. The dark power, that’s real. Fray: But remember what I told you in the Brume? That you have to face your feelings if you want to walk the path of the dark knight - if you want to survive it? Fray: You’re not at the goal yet. There’s a place in your heart you still haven’t reached. But the voice will help you with that. Fray: Well, let’s continue. Stick your hand out...
>You’re completely right. It had to be said.
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[Fray makes a surprised gesture] Fray: You also think I’m right? That’s great, [Name]! Fray: I know it’s not in your nature to lash out like that. But you can rest easy leaving that to me. Fray: I’m glad you’re finally realizing it... Fray: More important right now is that you find out who the voice belongs to. And what its true meaning is. Stick your hand out...
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???: The weak call for you, [Name]. As they always do. ???: They call, they scream, they wail... So loud that you can’t hear your own voice... The pain... The anger... The sadness... Nobody wants to hear about those. ???: But you. You will listen to it. ???: You hear my prayers.
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Fray: [Name]. Fray: You heard the voice, right? Fray: You don’t have to tell me what you heard. But I’ll ask you one thing: Are you prepared to give up everything to answer that voice? Fray: Your status, your fame, your fortune - everything? Only after losing everything will we have the freedom to do everything. If you’re willing to do that, then... come with me! Leave this Eorzea! Fray: Here you will never be able to fulfil your purpose. To be truly free. Here you will forever have to concern yourself with others. But if you turn your back on Eorzea - you can go your own way. Fray: You don’t have to answer right now. Meet me at the usual place when you’re ready. I’ll wait for you.
Level 50 quest - The knights’ core
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Fray: [Name]... There you are again. I was already expecting you. Fray: ...Ugh... We don't have much time left. We have to travel again soon... Or it'll be too late. Fray: Too late for you... You don't understand it yet, but I want to help you. I'm starting to doubt whether you're really prepared... But we'll see. Fray: We'll meet at the Gates of Judgement. Call my name and I'll come.
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???: That voice! Isn't that [Sir/Lady] [Name]? The hero of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn? Brave knight: Forgive me. I belong to Lord Drillemont's troops from Whitebrim Fort. Everyone in my regiment knows your name. Brave knight: It can't be a coincidence that I meet you here. It's the Fury's work! She wants you to help us. Nervous knight: A bit to the south from here lives a crowd of Gigas. They've been showing themselves in the region increasingly often and frequently raid caravans. It’s likely they intend to expand their territory. Nervous knight: The troops at Whitebrim Fort are well armed, but the Gigas are numerous and better suited to the cold than us. Nervous knight: They're better organised than other Gigas too. If we can disable their commander their advances will likely cease for now. Brave knight: Indeed. Our commander underestimates the danger and refuses to send troops. Please, won't you help us and hunt down the Gigas commander? Coeus the Loudmouthed, they call the beast. Then our problems will be solved.
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Durendaire knights: Please help us. Durendaire knights: What could be more important? Please help us! Nervous knight: Thank you! You’re a hero! Brave knight: We believe we have a trail. Follow us!
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Fray: That’s enough.... That’s.... ENOUGH!!!
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Brave knight: That’s the place. We believe Coeus the Loudmouthed will come through the pass. Did I mention he’s always accompanied by his two bodyguards? They of course also have to be defeated. Brave knight: Keep watch a little further down the pass. The leader of the Gigas won’t be long. May the Fury preserve you!
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Brave knight: You’ve defeated the Gigas’ leader! Thank Halone and you! Brave knight: That should stop their advance. We can easily deal with the few remaining unorganised Gigas. And if not, we know who we can ask. Brave knight: You have our thanks. We will inform Lord Drillemont of your deeds. Brave knight: And our comrades will hear of your heroic deeds too! They’ll all look up to you, if they don’t already. Brave knight: The troops at Whitebrim Fort can use any boost to morale they can get. Your willingness to help us will bring new courage. Brave knight: That reminds me... Could you perhaps autograph my shield? My name is...
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???: March, march! Return to base immediately! Brave knight: What happened? Why the rush? Capable knight: Orders from above. Lord Drillemont heard that we’re working with [Name] and ordered us to return immediately. With them in custody, in fact. Brave knight: In custody? What’s the meaning of this? Capable knight: There have been... accusations. People are saying they’ve been spotted in the Brume... speaking with the corpse of a convicted heretic. Capable knight: I don’t believe it of course, but we both know how serious such accusations are.
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Brave knight: Surely someone is trying to play us for fools... I mean, speaking with a corpse? Do they take us for idiots? Capable knight: Have you heard the accusations, [Sir/Lady]? They... have a certain weight, since they come from Temple Knights. Capable knight: It might be necessary... Ah, purely as a formality of course... To ask you to remove your weapon.
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Fray: Ha, ha! “Remove my weapon”? After what happened in Ul’dah? Are they out of their minds?
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Fray: Tomorrow will be the best day in your life, [Name]. Your breakfast will taste better than any meal you’ve ever had. Fray: That is, when you finally manage to look the truth in the eye. [Name], get ready for the evacuation of your soul...
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Fray: You know already. You know whose voice speaks in your heart. You know who has to shoulder more suffering than anyone else in the world... You know who you have to save! Fray: Don’t act so surprised. Of course Fray was stone dead, right from the start. But you wanted it to be different. Fray: A sword, a crystal... All that was missing was a teacher. So you made yourself one. Fray: The soul crystal of the Dark Knight, in which all his experiences were stored. Your aether and repressed feelings... The pain that you locked deep inside your heart... All that suffering that you have to endure as a hero.... The fear that the Champion of Eorzea is not allowed to show... Those are the ingredients from which you made a new Fray. Fray: A mentor who could show you the feelings slumbering in your heart. Who could express these feelings for you, like you never could. Fray: You still don’t want to believe it, but you can’t deny it. You can’t deny what we have achieved. Fray: Haven’t I been good to you? I’ve given you a choice that none of your so-called friends ever gave you. Your so-called friends in the Scions or the Eorzean Alliance. Fray: The choice to say no. To not help. To think of yourself. To save yourself. I’ve given your innermost desire to say no a voice, and made sure you heard it too. Fray: Open your eyes! Look at me! Are you seeing it now? I... am you!
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[Fray takes on your name] [Name]: Everything that happened until now was your story... [Name]: ...And everything that happens from now on is mine!
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[Duty battle dialogue] Dark shadow: Fight me! As hard as you can! You can’t kill me, no matter how hard you try. Dark shadow: You can’t defeat me. I’m a part of you. Drillemont: [Name], I’ll help you! You helped us in our greatest time of need too. Dark shadow: Help them? Bet they’ll have to save you again?
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Dark shadow: I... we were so close...
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Dark shadow: That is exactly the problem! Dark shadow: Do you even know how ridiculous this struggle must look to the others? Dark shadow: Free yourself from the pain!
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[Battle over] [Name]: After a battle everything else in life is turned down in comparison - you can deal with anything. [Name]: I made you strong. I have... given you all your strength... [Name]: Recognise the irony of your existence: Your strength is the cause of your pain. It makes you a hero, and as a hero you’re doomed to suffer.
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Knight: [Name]! We’re with you! Cenota: [Name]! Believe in yourself! Believe in us! Clotairion: We know who you really are. Don’t forget that!
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[Name]: They stand at your side... while you carry their pain. [Name]: But that’s what you want, isn’t it? You want to suffer. You’re always looking for someone whose pain you can carry. That’s your nature. [Name]: The nature of a dark knight. It’s your fate. Nobody will ever do it better than you... [Name]: You seek this pain. You seek that suffering. [Name]: You’ve brought the last offering. So take this reward... [Name]: [Name]... [Name]: [Name]... I’m the part of you incapable of being a hero. Hide me. Deep in your heart. [Name]: I will speak to you again. Because I know you’re stronger than me.
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[Name]: What belongs together comes together. [Name]: I’ll return back into you and give you the power to protect the world. I’ll cry your tears. I’ll carry your burden. I’ll be your rage. [Name]: Let’s go on a journey together again.
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Capable knight: We have you back, Halone be praised! For a moment there I thought we’d lost you to your innermost demons. Capable knight: I don’t really understand what happened here, but Lord Drillemont doesn’t seem too angry. Fortunately nobody was permanently injured... Capable knight: First up I’ll make sure Fray’s body is given an appropriate burial. Capable knight: And you? Are you sure everything is okay? You were a little... confused. But what am I implying... Forgive me, my lord. And farewell.
Notes and commentary:
"Das ist dein Leben und es endet jede Minute aufs Neue” is a quote from the German dub of Fight Club apparently, though I never watched it in any language so I have no idea what the context is.
German has formal and informal pronouns, but the only character in these quests to use formal pronouns for your character is the capable knight. That said, everyone still speaks fairly politely to you except Fray, who speaks so casually to everyone it crosses into being rude and overly familiar.
Personally I like German Fray a lot. They feel like the best of both worlds, keeping the emotional vulnerability of Japanese Fray while adding some of the bitter anger English Fray has. They also have a certain awkwardness to them that is really endearing, and which I’m not sure really comes across in just these two quests even with the lame breakfast oneliner. The lv35 quest has this exchange which I really like.
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>That voice I heard. Who is speaking to me? >Why were you being accused by the High Tribunal anyway? Hmmm? -->Wild playing and endangering the elderly - shouldn’t that be punished severely? (This is the excuse the temple knights used to take away the old woman’s granddaughter)
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Fray: R-really? But things like that just happen when kids play... Fray: A-haha, I get it! You made a joke! You really got me there. Seriously though, what do you want to ask me?
What stood out to me about German Fray next to the English one (and my limited knowledge of the Japanese one) is that they’re a bit of a jokester, though it doesn’t really show in the last two quests because they’re getting desperate. When you free the prisoners from the Amal’jaa in the lv40 quest duty, the enemy yells “You’ll pay for this with your blood!” and Fray responds “Send me an invoice!”
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There’s also the exchange with Fray when you learn what happened to the old woman whose grandchild was taken in the lv30 quest, which in English goes like this
Fray: They might spare the girl, you know. Leave her with a few scars and a lifelong lesson. Fray: ...Or, we could beat every single one of them within an ilm of their lives and rescue the girl. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? [You nod, and Fray smiles] Fray: I knew you would.
and in German goes like this
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Fray: Are you the dark knight that will stand up for this old woman? Think about it carefully, since it might cost you your head. Fray: Think about the enemies you’re facing, and the wounds they will inflict on you. Think about how you could just turn around and go lie in a warm bed, and nobody would suspect you. [You nod, and Fray smiles] Fray: I feared as much.
In the Japanese and English versions (and French, since French drk is just a direct translation of the English one) the original Fray legitimately lost his trial by combat, but in the German version the trial was rigged. The Ishgardian Citizen describes how Fray was winning until Halone herself struck him down with a pillar of fire - someone in the audience mumbled that it looked suspiciously like a Flare spell cast from the direction of the jury, but naturally the citizen immediately reported that heretic to the inquisition for doubting Halone’s judgement. The reason I even read the German version was because I got mad about translators making some shit up wholesale, but I have to admit I do like this particular thing that translators made up wholesale.
It also turns out Fray writing in the quest journal is unique to the English version! I really missed their commentary when I checked the German journal and it just wasn’t there. Another win for making shit up wholesale I suppose.
I’ve been told the scripts for different languages of the game are written concurrently rather than first in Japanese and then translated, so it’s not entirely fair to claim any one of them as the original that the others are unfaithful translations of. Even if that’s the case I still don’t think the different language scripts should be so wildly different in meaning from each other, but putting that aside I do like having these varying takes on Fray to rotate in my head and I wouldn’t have any complaints if the way they were implemented was through supplementary material like short stories or a manga or something.
I also think each version of Fray has something good going for them, and that they become better when put next to each other. I like how the English script has even your repressed feelings be so repressed that they cling to their front of smug superiority and righteous anger until the very end, and only manage to really express themselves in the journal where nobody would ordinarily look. I like Japanese Fray spilling their whole entire heart out and sounding permanently on the verge of crying from how desperate they are despite their imposing appearance. And my personal favourite is German Fray for how much they feel like genuinely just a regular person who’s in too deep and has no choice but to keep doing what they think is best.
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crrahsa-yamah · 12 days
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I'm playing Dawntrail at last. I unapologetically love Wuk Lamat and I've heard that she gets hate for being, as one article put it, our "new mandatory best bud." I thought that was a super unfair thing to say, because every RPG forces you into an adventure with your new mandatory best buds. That's kinda how it works. If I weren't so fond of G'raha I would certainly be sick of him. What's the real issue?
Why would anyone not love Wuk Lamat? She's a big goofy one-orange-braincelled cat. What's there not to like?
A few hours into Dawntrail proper, I suspect the resentment isn't actually coming from people having a problem with Wuk Lamat herself, but with having not been given character motivation to support her ambitions, at a moment when everyone is waiting to see if emotional investment in the story can continue after a mandatory de-escalation of stakes. The story is far too self-conscious about its lack; it isn't the time to call attention to our needing a motive right when we haven't got one. Although my WoL truthfully answered she does not like getting involved in politics, G'raha somehow managed to insist that we secretly wanted to do it deep down. It could've gone over better with, for instance, "I know you love adventure and you'll get bored here at home," instead of copypasta about how you will definitely do what you want, which turns out to be the thing they haven't given us a reason to want.
I wonder if people are feeling that motive-shaped hole that the story keeps weirdly calling attention to, and sort of subconsciously blaming Wuk Lamat for taking us on this cheap vacation adventure and not giving us enough reason to care. It's not her fault that she came along right after Endwalker; there is nothing wrong with her as a character; the problem is the way the narrative is not delivering us a motive. And worse yet, the story is actively dwelling on how we don't have much motive to help, like the writers are kinda stuck and want to delegate their most important job to the player to solve. Again, this isn't something to blame Wuk Lamat for, but it just doesn't help that she's so far from being the only, or necessarily the best, person to solve this relatively non-urgent problem, and yet we're stuck with her plan. No wonder people are taking it out on her-- she's supposed to be the motivating figure at the center of this story, but the narrative is failing her by navel-gazing about whether we really should bother. That may change, I know. Maybe we'll suddenly find a reason. But by now some people might already resent her. I don't because I feel like it's not about her, it's about the void at the center of G'raha's question. About why her problems should be ours.
We've passed the point of backing out and we're about to set off on the part of the expac where we split up and have two smaller parties for character development. And still, something extremely critical has not been established yet: Why shouldn't we back Koana? The story hasn't established a sufficient sense of why Wuk Lamat has to, or even should, win. Like yeah, Tural needs childless cat ladies. But it could also have a catboy? Who sounds like he at least tried to learn how to run a country, when it sounds like his sister has mainly gone around biting things and getting disciplined. Since the two of them get along well together, why shouldn't we convince Wuk Lamat to throw her support behind Koana, and prove that two heads are as good as... two heads?
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