#they sit down for three episodes a season and say what if we wrote the weirdest goddamn forty - five minutes anyone’s ever seen
papertowness · 8 months
i’m losing my mind .
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pt XVI good omens season 2 (still not traumatic) episode 3 EDINBURGH
HELLO IT'S ME IT'S THE OFFICIAL GOOD OMENS MASCOT WHY DO I STILL KEEP INTRODUCING MYSELF IDK. If you don't know who I am, thank God and Satan for their mercy and flee. Also, the day after I post this, I'll be watching the last three episodes on livestream for the first time so. You know. I'm hyped on the energy of this being my last day not enveloped in tears. Take the summary:
Before the episode starts, someone asks why Crowley said in the last episode that Aziraphale couldn't fall because look at him, all angelic when Crowley looked the same as starmaker. I reply that "Crowley thinks he deserved it, he sees Azi as something beautiful and untouched while he probably sees himself as idk marked in some way so god kicked him down."
I am told that I am learning too fast to weaponise the narrative to induce angst. So then I say oh, I go too fast for you. Tears ensue.
The episode begins! Everyone shrieks about Edinburgh, David Tennant, how it is their favourite episode, and SCOTTISH CROWLEY.
We open with lesbians being gay, and then Muriel enters as Inspector Constable! They are very sweet and very determined to do their job right, and they are adopted by Crowley and Aziraphale just like Jim.
Crowley sits on Aziraphale's chair's arm. The maggots all swoon.
Fine, I also swooned.
Aziraphale gaslight-gatekeep-girlboss-mansplain-manipulate-manwhores his way into getting Crowley to give him the Bentley keys (BOUNDARIES. BOUNDARIES.).
The really ineffable plan is whatever the fuck was happening in Aziraphale's brain when he somehow went from London to Edinburgh via Loch Ness (check the map) and then proceeded to disguise himself as a detective who pretends to be a journalist.
Crowley slays in sleeve garters and a cardigan keeping house in the bookshop meanwhile, does not sell books, instead cleans with Jimbriel and periodically yeets book stacks into corners when distracted.
Aziraphale reads his old diary entries about Crowley, a (6000+) 13 year old with a crush.
MINISODE MINISODE. They are in Edinburgh during the mid 1800s. Victorian outfits, check. Scottish Crowley, check. Capitalist Karen Aziraphale, che-wait what.
Huh. Well. There's a wee bit of body snatchin' going on, to sell to doctors for medical research because there aren't enough murderers, and to make enough money to survive.
Aziraphale channels his inner capitalist judgemental Karen and ruins that plan, come on Aziraphale you have religious trauma but you're better than this, and long story short, Wee Morag dies after Aziraphale realises his error, her friend Elspeth has to sell her corpse for pennies, and is about to commit suicide with laudanum. Azi, oh god. I'm glad you underwent character development at least.
He calmly educates Aziraphale about how his whole "the poor have more opportunities and you shouldn't give them money or they'll lose the virtue of poverty" is absolute bullshit, and he does this understanding Aziraphale's situation and not losing his temper.
The framing. The framing of the shot when they see Wee Morag and Elspeth sitting down on a step and explaining their situation. Aziraphale stands above, bustling with righteousness, and judges them. Crowley sits down. He sits down next to them, rather than taking the high ground. He meets them where they are and empathises. It is the fact that he is fallen and damned that makes him behave really divine and sorry I wrote a whole hymn on him have it I'll stop rambling just know I love him.
I think his amusement is a facade so hell won't think he's genuinely being good. I think he's morally grey and incredibly brave and kind.
When Elspeth is bouta kill herself with the laudanum, Crowley grabs it and drinks it himself, and grows tiny and then huge, absolutely high off his head. David Tennant takes the opportunity to travel Scotland from east to west in terms of accent variety.
He gives us the good message of NO DYIN'. NO MORE DYIN'. IT'S NOT ON. And then forces Aziraphale (who doesn't want to ruin her virtuous poverty) to give the girl all the guineas he has in his pocket, and tells her to go off and start a farm or something. BUT NOT JUST PRETENDY GOOD, BE PROPERLY GOOD.
He then gets pulled into hell. To be punished for this. Aziraphale is frightened and heartbroken for him, looking around desperately, and we find out that Crowley didn't meet him for a while after. And later he wanted holy water. To protect himself? He got punished by hell. For how long? The whole month in between the incident and the diary entry? There can't be anyone better at punishment and cruelty than hell.
Sorry I'm just screaming here.
Never mind fuck I started this summary really happy and bouncy and listening to a dance playlist. Dionysus by BTS and Italian pop is still playing and now I'm crying.
Is this the natural progression. Fuck I'm crying. Sorry guys something else happens with Aziraphale politely talking to a phone and Crowley smiling really beautifully while unsuccessfully trying to manipulate two lesbians into a relationship and something about a visit I don't care everyone's being morally dubious as usual and then lovely Scottish music outro I CAN'T FUCKING ELABORATE I'M SITTING HERE CRYING OVER CROWLEY.
right summary done, time to go sob, lmao i thought i wouldn't cry today over good omens HAHAHAHA still not traumatic eh HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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dianawinchester03 · 6 months
Season 1, Episode 9 - Home
Series Masterlist
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(Slight TW: Reader has a minor panic attack on the first scene. As someone who suffered with panic attacks frequently, I wrote it to the best that I could explain from my experience. You can skip if you'd like but it partly adds to the plot.)
Fire blasting and burning down a house.
A woman with her two young kids at the window, screaming for help.
A lamp cord wrapped around Sam's neck choking him to death.
Dean with an ax in his hand, knocking down a wall, then a knife flies at him, stabbing him in his heart.
People screaming for mercy.
My eyes fly open after being screwed shut. Realizing it was all just a dream I try to catch my breath. I can feel my head stinging with a horrible headache. I woke up drenched in my own sweat that's running down my neck and forehead. I look over frantically at the beds next to me to see Sam and Dean still asleep on their respective beds. I push my covers off and run into the bathroom. Splashing my face with cold water.
What was that? Was that a vision? It couldn't be. I'm not psychic like my mom, if I was it would've shown up long before. Holy fuck. Am I late bloomer or some shit? It felt way to real to be just a dream. No no no this can't be happening. I couldn't be psychic. I can't be. It should've shown up sooner.
God how I going to explain this to the boys. Are they gonna hate me? I'm overthinking. If I don't stop I'll start to hyperventilate. Calm down girl CALM DOWN. Relax. Just count like dad always thought you when this happens.
I could feel my heart racing, it's beating escalating by the second. Practically pumping out of my chest. I struggle to get air into my lungs, I could feel my breathing falter as my mind swirls, the images of that family burning alive, the agony they went through. My palms begin to clam up and I could feel my head growing lighter.
"One...breath...Two...breath...Three..." I whisper to myself counting until ten. My back presses against the door as I slide down it. I curl into a ball, pulling my knees to my chest. Crying, begging for that to not be a vision. Please just be a dream. Please just be a dream. I don't want to be psychic. I can't be. I can't be. I know it's supposed to be a gift but I don't want it!!
I hear light knocking on the bathroom door, "Y/N/N? Is everything okay?" I hear Deans soft voice outside, concern seeping through his tone. I sniffle and scoot to the side, opening the door. His face drops when he sees me on the floor, my tear stained face buried in my hands.
"Princess...what's wrong?" He instantly wraps his arms around me, sinking in the floor next to me and I bury my face in his chest sobbing. I could feel everything in that dream. Everything that those dying people were feeling. "I-I d-don't wan-" I struggle to get the words out, coughing through my tears.
"Hey shhh, it's okay sweetheart. I've got you" He coos in my ear, patting my head soothingly. "Was it a nightmare?" He asks me gently. "I don't know" My voice cracking. "It's okay, you don't need to talk about it. I'm here. Just let it out" He whisper into my ear, giving me a kiss on my forehead and the top of my head.
"Alright, I've been cruising some websites. I think I found a few candidates for our next gig" Dean tells us but my mind is still stuck on the dream I had last night, currently I'm drawing the house I saw in my dream. Something about it seems so familiar but I can't pinpoint what or why.
I'm sitting across from him at the desk on their motel room while Sam is on his bed, drawing like me. "A fishing trawler found off the coast of Cali, it's crew vanished" He says, taking a sip of his coffee. "And uh...we've got some cattle mutilations in West Texas" He continues to list. "Hey!" He calls out to me and Sam annoyed, we look up from our pads.
"Am I boring you two with this hunting evil stuff?" He asks us, glaring. "No. I'm listening. Keep going" Sam says quietly. "Yeah, me too. Continue" I say, looking back down at my pad with the drawing. "And here, a Sacramento man shot himself in the head. Three times" Dean emphasized the last part.
"Any of these things blowing up your skirt, princess?" He asks me, waving his hand in my face. I scan over my drawing and something clicks in my head. "Wait, I've seen this." Sam says. "Holy shit." I whisper to myself. "What?" Sam asks going to his bag to get something.
I go into my bag and pull out an old picture my dad had with him, mom, John, Mary and a four year old Dean outside of their old house. "What're you guys doing?" Dean asks Sam. Sam pulls out an old picture of Mary and Dean. Comparing it to the picture he drew of a tree and it was identical to the tree in the picture behind them.
"Look at this" I show Sam the picture of the house that I drew and the picture of our parents and Dean as a kid, behind is John and Mary'a old house...identical to the one that I drew from my dream. Sam is stunned by this, "You saw it too..." He said lowly and I nod shakily.
"Dean. I know where we have to go next" I say shakily. "Where?" Dean asked confused. "Back home. Back to Kansas" Sam says and Dean seems shocked by this. "Okay, random. Where did that come from?" He asks us. "Alright, these pictures were taken infront of our old house, right?" Sam takes the picture from my hand and his picture, showing it to Dean.
"This is house where your mom died?" I asked. "Yeah." Dean confirms looking at the picture. "It didn't burn down completely like Y/N's parents house. They rebuilt it, right?" Sam asks. "I guess so, yeah. What the hell are you guys talking about?" Dean asks us confused. "Okay look. This is gonna sound crazy but the people who live in your old house...I think they might be in danger..." I trail off looking at Sam.
"We think they might be in danger" Sam says. "Why would you guys think that?" Dean asks. "Uh..just...um..Look just— You gotta trust us on this, okay?" Sam stutters trying to come up with an excuse, grabbing his bag and I go to grab mine. "Okay, whoa, whoa. Trust you?" Dean gets up from the table as we pack our stuff.
"Yeah" Sam says. "Come on guys. That's weak. You gotta give me a little more than that" Dean says. "I can't really explain it is all." Sam says. "Well, tough. I'm not going anywhere until you do" Dean says annoyed and Sam turn to him sighing. "I have these nightmares" Sam begins. "So do I" I add. "I've noticed" Dean says sympathetically, probably due to my episode last night.
"And sometimes...they come true" Sam says and Dean is stunned. "Come again?" Dean asks. "Look, Dean..I dreamt about Jessica's death for days before it happened." Sam tells him. "Sam, people have weird dreams man. I'm sure it's just a coincidence" Dean assured him, sitting on the bed.
"No. I dreamt about the blood dripping; her on the ceiling, the fire. Everything and I didn't do anything about it because I didn't believe it" Sam argues. "It's true Dean. Days before me and my dad argued. I dreamt about it, I dreamt about me leaving and before you try to feed me that psychology bullshit. I'm not gonna eat it. Just listen to us. Please." I plead with him and Dean sighs shaking his head.
"The day Jessica died...I had this erring feeling that something bad was gonna happen all day. Then we heard Sam scream...." I confess and Sam looks at me shocked. "Really?" He asks. "Yeah. I'm sorry Sam I didn't k-" I go to say but he cuts me off. "It's not your fault. It's okay. You don't need to apologize" He assures me with a small smile and I sigh.
"Look Dean. We're dreaming about that tree, about our house and about some woman inside screaming for help. I mean. That's where it all started man. This has to mean something right?" Sam tries to reason frustrated. "I don't know" Dean says shaking his head.
"What do you mean you don't know?" I ask him frustrated. "Dean. You found me on the floor last night crying. It was because I dreamt that! Exactly what Sam saw, I did too!" I exclaim and he looks at me shocked. "I felt the pain, the misery, the anguish, everything. As if I was there" I tell him, tears forming in my eyes. Don't be a little bitch y/n, tough it out.
"This woman might be in danger. I mean this might even be the thing that killed our moms and Jessica!" Sam exclaims. "Alright. Just slow down would you?!" Dean yells, getting up from the bed and walking over to the desk. "I mean, first you tell me you two have got the Shining and then you tell me that I've gotta go back home. Especially when..." Deans voice is shaky as he trails off.
"When what?" Sam asks. "When I swore to myself that I would never go back there" Dean says sadly and my heart drops. I didn't even think about that. Dean saw everything that happened to his mom that night and then heard about everything that happened to mine. Of course he wouldn't want to go back. Gosh I feel so stupid and selfish now.
"Dean..." I say softly. "I'm sorry, I didn't think of it like that" I apologize, putting my hand on his shoulder comfortingly and he looks down sadly. "Dean, we have to check this out. Just to make sure" Sam pleads. And he looks back at Sam with anguish in his eyes, then back at me he sighs. "I know we do" He says understandably.
The boys and I pull up to their old house, by just the look on Deans face you can tell it's already hard enough on him. "You gonna be alright, charming?" I ask him softly, concerned. "Let me get back to you on that, Princess" He says quickly, staring at the house.
We all exit the Impala and walk towards the house. I take the initiative to knock on the door and after a couple seconds a young blonde woman answers it...the same woman from my dream. My breath hitches in my throat when she comes into view and I notice Sam is taken back by it too. Holy fuck it was real.
"Yes?" She asks us sweetly after opening the door. "Sorry to bother you, ma'am. But uh we're with the Federal-" Dean goes to lie but Sam cuts him off. "I'm Sam Winchester, this is my brother Dean and our best friend Y/N L/N. Umm...we used to live here. Y/N used to live down the block" Sam says, I notice the look of panic on Deans face when Sam spills the beans.
"You know, we were just driving by and the boys were wondering if we could come and see the old place" I say sweetly. "Winchester and L/N....Yeah that's so funny. You know I think I found some of your photos the other night" The woman says with a smile on her face. "You did?" Dean asks shocked.
She looks at us hesitantly for a second before inviting us in. "Okay, come on in" She opens the door wider and we all look at each other with a pleasant smile on our faces towards her and enter. She introduced herself as Jenny as we follow into the kitchen behind her to see a toddler boy, no older than 3, in his crib bouncing up and down chanting.
The second I entered, I felt a heavy sense in the house. I could feel a weight on my chest, like I couldn't breath when I entered. It felt dark, evil, brooding...I couldn't explain it but it wasn't good whatsoever. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.
"Juice, Juice, Juice" and a young girl probably around 10, seemingly doing homework at the kitchen dining table. "That's Richie. He's kind of a juice junkie." She introduces her son, going into the locked fridge and getting a sippy cup with juice.
"But hey. At least he won't get scurvy" He smiles at him, giving him his juice. "Sari, this is Sam, Dean and Y/N. Sam and Dean used to live here." Jenny tells her young daughter, Sari, at the dining table. "Hi" Sari says with a pleasant smile on her face. "Hey, Sari" I say sweetly while Sam and Dean wave at her.
"So you just moved in?" Dean asks. "Yeah. From Wichita" Jenny informs us. "You got family here, or..?" I ask curiously. "No, I just..uh..um..needed a fresh start, that's all" She stummers on her words as we nod. "So new town, new job— I mean, as soon as I find one. New house" She says with an awkward smile.
I look at the corner of my eye to see an unease but sad smile on Deans face. "So, how are you liking it so far?" Sam asks. She turns to us a bit unsure, "Well, uh, all due respect to your childhood home...I mean, I'm sure you have lots of happy memories here...but this place has its issues" She puts it vaguely.
"What do you mean?" I ask concerned. "Well, it's just getting old. Like the wiring, you know? We've got flickering lights almost hourly." She explains and that sets alarms off in my head. "Well, that's too bad. What else?" Dean asks. "Um...Sinks backed up. There's rats in the basement" Jenny further informs us and Deans frown deepens.
She realizes how it might sound and quickly apologizes, "Im sorry. I don't mean to complain" She says sincerely but he smiles reassuringly. "No. Have you see the rats or have you just heard scratching?" Dean asks. "It's just the scratching, actually" She says lowly. "Mom?" Sari calls Jenny over.
"Ask them if it was here when they lived here" Sari says and our faces drop. "What, Sari?" Sam asks her. "The thing in my closet" She says. "Oh, no, baby. There was nothing in their closets. Right?" Jenny tries to convince Sari and herself, turning to us for back up. "Right. No, no, of course not" I tell Sari nicely with a smile on my face.
"She had a nightmare the other night" Jenny tells us. "I wasn't dreaming. It came into my bedroom and it was on fire" Sari insists and the boys and I share bewildered looks.
We're now walking out of their old house and as soon as we left, the feeling I was getting when we entered the house was gone. I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. I've never felt this was on other hunts before, I can't tell why I felt like that in Sam and Deans old house. It makes no sense.
"You hear that? A figure on fire" Sam says a bit panicked as we leave the house, walking down the porch. "And that woman, Jenny, that was the women from your dreams?" Dean asks us. "Yeah" I confirm, "And you hear what she was talking about? Scratching, flickering lights. Both signs of a malevolent spirit" I list off as we walk towards the car.
"Yeah, well. I'm just freaked out that the two of you guys weirdo visions are coming true" Dean says roughly and I roll my eyes. "Thanks" I grumble sarcastically and his face drops when he remembers that my mom was psychic. "Y/N I'm so-" He goes to apologize but I cut him off. "Forget about that for a second" I say bluntly.
"The thing in the house, you think its the thing that killed our moms and Jessica?" Sam asks. "I don't know" Dean says frustrated. "Well, I mean. Has it come back or has it been there the whole time?" I ask. "Or maybe it's something else entirely guys. We don't know yet" Dean argues. "Well, those people are in danger, Dean. We have to get them out of that house" Sam defends.
"And we will." Dean says and goes to go into the car but I stop him, "No, we mean now" I argue. "And how you gonna do that huh? You got a story that she'll believe!?" Dean gets into my face and argues back. "Then what are we supposed to do?!" I yell frustrated, taking a deep breath.
"We just need to chill out, that's all" Dean tells us as he filled up Baby with fuel. We're all at a gas station, Sam outside leaning against the car next to me while I'm smoking a cigarette. "If this was any other kind of job, what would we do?" I ask as I take one last drag from my cigarette before flicking it on the ground and crushing it with the heel of my boot.
Sam takes a deep breath, rubbing his hands together. "We'd try to figure out what we were dealing with. We'd dig into the history of the house." He answers, walking over to Dean who's by the trunk. "Exactly, except this time we already know what happened" Dean says. "Yeah but how much do we even know? How much do you actually remember?" I ask Dean gently, walking over to them and leaning against the trunk next to Sam.
"About that night you mean?" He asks. "Yeah" Sam says and Dean shakes his head. "Not much. I remember the fire. The heat...." Dean says taking a deep breath, reminiscing on the events of the unfaithful night. I could see the flash of emotions as he talks about it. "....then I carried you out the front door" Me and Sam head snap up when Dean says this.
"You did?" Sam asks surprised. "Yeah. Why. You never knew that?" Dean says casually. "No" Sam shakes his head. "And, uh, well you know Dad and Mr. L/N's stories as well as I do. Mom was...was on the ceiling. And so was Mrs. L/N. Whatever put them there was long gone by the time our dads found them" Dean says trying to suppress his emotions.
I just stare at the floor as he talks about it. A lump growing in my throat. I never knew my mom obviously. Granted neither did Sam. Hell, Dean knew my mom more than me. Dean used tell me about when he was little, my mom and dad used to babysit him every so often whenever John and Mary needed the assistance.
He always loved being around my mom because apparently she used to make him pie. Apple pie, his favorite. She used to sneak him slices to carry home because his mom didn't want him eating too much sweets. From what I can tell, they shared a really close bond.
He absolutely adored her and I can tell that when he found out the same thing happened killed my mom, it truly affected him. He lost two mother figures in a span of a couple months, I may have never known my mom but by the stories I've heard. I know she was an amazing woman that I'd wish to be like someday.
"And they never had any theories about what did it?" Sam asks Dean. "If they did, they kept it between themselves" Dean says, turning around to lean against baby with us, me in the middle of the boys. "God knows we asked them enough times" I scoff. "Okay, so if we're gonna figure out what's going on now...we have to figure out what happened back then...and see if it's the same thing" Sam says.
"Yeah. We'll talk to our dads friends, neighbors. People who were there at the time" Dean says nodding. "Does this feel like just another job to you fellas?" I ask ironically. Sam chuckles dryly but Dean doesn't answer. Taking it into thought before excusing himself, "I'll be right back, I gotta go to the bathroom" He says walking away.
"Yeah, me too" I say to Sam, walking towards the bathroom. I'm just a couple feet behind Dean, when I bend the corner I see him dialing a number into his phone and put it to his ear. "Dad....I know I've left you messages before. I've left F/N messages and so have Y/N. I don't even know if you get them" He clears his throat lightly.
"But I'm with Sam and Y/N. And we're in Lawrence...and there's something in our old house. I don't know if it's the thing that killed Mom or not...but.." He trails off before taking a deep breath. "I don't know what to do" His voice cracks when he says this and my heart sinks in my chest. I could just cry hearing the way he sounds so defeated. "So, whatever you and Mr. L/N are doing. If you two could just get here....Please" He pleads.
"I need your help, Dad" He finishes, sounding like he's in the verge of tears before hanging up the phone. He turns around to see me, his face dropping probably at the fact I just heard everything. "Dean..." My tone is sad, concerned and soft. As I say this, his head drops and it's like the dam broke and he couldn't hold back his tears.
I rush over to him and wrap my arms around his shoulders, his arms wrap around my waist. I pull him close as he buries his face into my hair on the side of my neck sobbing. "Hey shhhh, it's okay darling. I've got you" I coo soothingly into his ear while he sobs softly, his body trembling. "We'll find them, I promise. Okay?" I pull away and take his face in-between the palm of my hands.
"I promise" I say again, a little more firmly. He nods weakly as I wipe away some of his tears with my thumb before pressing a kiss to his cheek and holding him again tightly. "I'm here, just let it out" I say softly as I rub my fingers in his hair.
"So you, John Winchester and F/N L/N. You guys used to own this garage a long time ago?" Dean asks Guenthur. After calming down and leaving the gas station. We all decided to go to our dads' old garage they owned together with an old friend of theirs and ask him a couple questions. "Yeah, we used to. A long time ago" Guenthur says chuckling a bit, he then turns to us wiping his hands with his rag.
"Matter of fact, it must be 20 years since John and F/N disappeared. So why are the cops interested all of a sudden?" He asks us suspiciously. "Oh, we're reopening unsolved cases. The Winchester and L/N disappearances are a couple of them, seeing as they're closely related" I say professionally and the boys nod along in agreement.
"Well, what do you wanna know about John and F/N" Guenthur asks us. "Whatever you remember, you know? Whatever sticks out in your mind" Dean says. "Well, he was a stubborn bastard, I remember that. And F/N was a bit of a dick but boy that man could put down in a drinking contest" He tells us chuckling and we all chuckle along with him.
"And whatever the game, John hated to lose, you know? It was that whole marine thing. And F/N, despite whatever he had a heart of gold. He had this tough way about him, you know he's seen some shit" Guenthur chuckles and I nod along listening. "They sure loved their wives. Mary and M/N. And they dotted on their kids" He says.
I see Dean's face drop again at the mention of our moms. "But that was before the fires?" I ask. "That's right" Guenthur confirms. "They ever talk about what happened those nights?" Sam asks. "No. Not at first. I think they were in shock." He tells us. "Right. But eventually. What did they say about it?" I ask.
"They weren't thinking straight. John kept saying something caused that fire and killed Mary." Guenthur says. "They ever say what did it?" Dean asks. "Nothing did it. It was an accident. An electrical short in the ceiling or walls or something" Guenthur assures us. "I begged F/N to get him some help instead he bought into it and uh...." Guenthur explains to us and trails off, looking down.
"And what?" I insist. "Well they just got worse and worse" He tells us. "How?" Dean asks. "Oh, they started reading these strange old books that F/N had. F/N took him to this palm reader in town that was friends with M/N" He told us and Dean looks over at me. "Palm reader? Do you have a name?" He asks him. "No" Guenthur scoffs.
Later we're by a pay phone and Sam's going through the phone book while Dean and I lean against baby. "So there are a few psychics and palm readers in town." Sam tells us. "There's uh, someone named El Divino. There's the mysterious Mr. Fortensky." He says the last part chuckling.
"Uh, Missouri Mosley. Some dude named—" He goes to continue but Dean cuts him off. "Wait wait. Missouri Mosley?" Dean asks. "What?" Sam asks confused. "That's a psychic?" He further questions. "Yeah. Yeah I guess so." Sam says and Dean gets off of baby and opens the backdoor, grabbing John's journal.
"Dad journal. Come here look at this" He tells us as he opens it and we walk over to take a look. "First page. First sentence. Read that." He hands me the book and Sam stands next to me. "I went to Missouri and I learned the truth. What F/N was telling me was true" I read out loud off the page and look back up at the boys.
"I always thought he meant the state" Dean says.
After we found Missouri's shop location in the phone book. It wasn't too far so we hopped into baby and headed on over. Now sitting in the waiting area, a dark skinned middle aged woman comes out talking to a middle aged man.
"Don't you worry about a thing. Your wife is crazy about you" She assures the man, smiling. "Well, thank you" The man thanks her and leaves. When he leaves she looks at us and takes a deep breath, "Poor bastard. His woman is cold banging the gardener" She tells us and I cock my eyebrow at this.
"Why didn't you tell him?" Dean asks and she turns to us. "People don't come here for the truth. They come here for good news" She tells us bluntly. "Well. Sam, Dean and Y/N, come on already. I ain't got all day" She says a bit annoyed and we sit there stunned. Guess she really is a psychic.
We follow behind her into what looks like her office. "Well, let me look at you" She smiles laughing. "You boys grew up handsome" She compliments them. "And you, Y/N. Oh you look just like your mother. As beautiful as ever" She says sincerely to me, a bit of tears in her eyes. "Thank you" I say softly.
She smiles at me and then turns to Dean. "And you were one goofy looking kid too" She turns to Dean laughing while me and Sam snicker. "You ain't wrong there" I mutter and Deans head snaps on my direction, giving me a slight glare. I scrunch my nose at him before flashing him a wink and he rolls his eyes scoffing, Missouri's eyes glances between us for a couple seconds with a sly smirk on her face.
She then takes Sam's hand with a smile, "Sam. Oh, honey" She gasps sadly, her smile dropping. Sam seems a bit weirded out by this. "I'm sorry about your girlfriend" She tells him sincerely. "And your fathers. They're missing?" She asks us and we're all surprised, taken back at her accuracy.
"How'd you know all that?" Sam asks. "Well...you were just thinking it just now" She tells us. "Where are they? Are they okay?" Dean asks concerned. "I don't know" She tells us. "Don't know? You're supposed to be a psychic, right?" Dean asks a bit annoyed. "Boy, you see me sawing some bony tramp in half? You think I'm a magician?!" She exclaims annoyed while Dean looks like a little boy being scolded by his parent.
Me and Sam stifle our laughter at Dean being told off. "I may be able to read thoughts and sense energies in a room but I can't just pull facts out of thin air. Sit, please" She orders us, gesturing to some chairs and the boys take a seat. I don't hold back my laughter anymore. "I like you Ms. Moseley" I smile at her and she flashes me a grin. "Please. Call me Missouri" She says and I sit inbetween the boys.
"Boy, you put your foot on my coffee table, I'm gonna whack you with a spoon!" She suddenly snaps at Dean and he freezes. "I didn't do anything" He says defensively. "Well, you were thinking about it" She shoots back and he looks at us before shrugging. Me and Sam smile at the sight and stifle our laughter.
"Okay. So our dads. When did you first meet them?" Sam asks her. "They came for a reading. A couple months after Mary died, it was also a few days after M/N died" She says sadly, tears welling up in her eyes. "F/N referred him to me because M/N was a good friend of mine. I just convinced John about what was really out there in the dark because he wouldn't believe F/N. I guess you could say, I helped draw back the curtains for him" She explains to us.
"What about the fires?" Dean asked. "Do you know about what killed our moms?" I ask. "A little. Your daddy took me to your house. He was hoping I could sense the echoes, the fingerprints of this thing" She tells us. "And could you?" Sam asks and she shakes her head. "I don't..." She hesitates.
"What was it?" I ask shakily. "I don't know." She says. "Ohhhhh....but it was evil" Her voice goes low and my breath hitches. Missouri looks at me and narrows her eyes. "You felt it didn't you?" She asks me and I look down. I notice the boys heads snap over at me shocked. "I don't know what I felt. But it wasn't good" I say.
"So what? Y/N's psychic too?" Dean pipes up. "No" "Possibly" Me and Missouri say at the same time. "It's not possible" I shake my head. "I would've known by now" I say firmly and Missouri frowns. "There are such a thing as late bloomers. It is possible Y/N. You could be unintentionally blocking your abilities on your own" She tells me.
"How?" Sam asks. "I can't say. Only Y/N would know" She says gently, looking at me. I shake my head and I notice the boys give me a sympathetic look. "So, you think somethings back in that house?" Missouri asks us changing the subject which I am grateful for. "Definitely" Sam says nodding.
"I don't understand" Missouri sighs. "What?" I ask. "I haven't been back inside but I've been keeping an eye on the place and it's been quiet. They never rebuilt F/N's old house. No sudden deaths, no freak accidents. Why is it acting up now?" She questions.
"I don't know. But our dads going missing and Jessica dying and now this house....all happening at once, it just feels like something is starting" Sam replies and I nod in agreement. "That's a comforting thought" Dean says sarcastically.
We convinced Missouri to come with us back to Sam and Dean's old house to take a look at the place. Now knocking at the front door, Jenny answers with her son Richie on her hip. "Sam, Dean, Y/N" She breathes out a bit relieved, looking like she was just frightened. "What're you doing here?" She asks us.
"Hey, Jenny." Sam says softly. "Um, this is our friend, Missouri" Sam introduces Missouri. "If it's not too much. We were hoping to show her the old house. You know? For old times sake" Dean says nicely as Missouri smiles at Jenny who looks at us a bit awkwardly.
"You know what? This isn't a good time" Jenny denies and goes to close the door. "Listen Jenny, it's important- OW!" Dean tries to budge but Missouri smacks him upside his head. "Give the poor girl a break. Can't you see she's upset?" Missouri snaps at him while Sam and I bit back our laughter.
"Forgive this boy. He means well. He's just not the sharpest tool on the shed. But hear me out" Missouri turns to Jenny, pleading with her nicely while Dean glares at her. Sam and I are shocked by this but try to stifle back our snickers. "About what?" Jenny asks, exasperated.
"About this house" Missouri states. "What're you talking about?" Jenny asks us but I get the sense she knows more than she's letting on. "I think you know what she's talking about" I chime in, giving her a knowing look and she looks down guiltily. Missouri flashes me a small smile before turning to Jenny.
"You think there's something in this house. Something that wants to hurt your family. Am I mistaken?" Missouri adds and Jenny takes a deep panicked breath. "Who are you?" She asks us. "We're people who can help. Who can stop this thing. But you're gonna have to trust us just a little" Missouri says calmly and Jenny hesitates a little bit before obliges, letting us in.
"If there's a dark energy around here, this room should be the center of it" Missouri says as we walk into Saris room. "Why?" Sam asks. "This used to be your nursery, Sam. This is where it all happened" She informs us. Sam looks visibly nervous, his Adam's apple bobs as he takes a look around the room.
As I look around the room I could feel the darkness surrounding the room that I felt earlier, this time. It's a lot heavier, more potent. It didn't feel like just one thing. It felt like there's a ton of dark shit in here and it's not letting up easily.
Dean seems a bit nervous too as he pulls out his EMF meter, powering it up. Missouri turns to him and asks, "That an EMF?" He looks up, "Yeah" He responds. "Amateur" She scoffs and he glares at her a bit. She walks around the room, touching various items and Deans EMF goes off a bit, the red lights and noise blurring.
"I don't know if you kids should be disappointed or relieved but this ain't the thing that took your moms" She tells us and we're all stunned. "Are you sure? How do you know?" Sam asks shakily. "It isn't the same energy I felt the last time I was here. It's something different" She explains to us.
"What is it?" Dean asks and she walks over to the closet, opening it. It felt like a flash of energy just came out of it as she opened it. "Not it. Them. There's more than one spirit in this place" Missouri states and I gasp lowly. "You felt it too didn't you. Don't deny it" She turns to me.
"I-" I stutter on my words, not able to explain. I can't be psychic. I just shrug, not looking her in her eyes that are narrowed in my direction."What're they doing here?" Dean asks. "They're here because of what happened to your family" She says, walking back to us. "You see, all those years ago, real evil came to you. It walks this house. That kind of evil leaves wounds. And sometimes wounds get infected." She explains.
"I don't understand" Sam says. "This place is a magnet for paranormal energy" She elaborates and turns looking around the room. "It's attracted a poltergeist. A nasty one. And it won't rest until Jenny and her babies are dead" Missouri says morbidly and I feel a pain in my chest. "You said there was more than one spirit" I say.
She turns to me and nods in confirmation. "There is" She says and walks back into the closet. "I just can't quite make out the second one" Missouri says and asks me. "Can you?". I struggle to answer. "I don't know. But all I know is this don't feel good at all" I say shakily. "Well one things for damn sure. Nobody's dying in this house ever again" Dean states firmly.
"So whatever is here, how do we stop it?" He asks Missouri.
We're all now sitting downstairs in Jenny's living room and Missouri set out a bunch of stuff on the table. "So what is all this stuff anyway?" Dean asks curiously as he sits by the table. I'm sitting next to him, my chair turned backwards with me straddling it and Sam standing next to me, leaning against the table with his hands.
"Angelica Root, Van Van oil, crossroad dirt. A few other odds and ends" She lists off, pointing at each item. "Yeah? What are we supposed to do with it?" I ask. "We're gonna put them inside the walls, in the north, south, east, west corners on each floor of the house" Missouri explains.
"We're gonna be punching holes in the drywall, Jenny's gonna love that" Dean replies with sarcasm, looking at me and Sam. "She'll live" Missouri retorts. "And this will destroy the spirits?" Sam asks. "It should. It should purify the house completely" Missouri responds with a nod.
"We'll each take a floor. But we work fast. Once the spirits realize what we're up to....things are gonna get bad" She warns us.
We got Jenny to leave the house for a couple hours so we can work on the house. Missouri is outside escorting her to her car. Sam's takes upstairs, while Missouri takes the basement and Dean and I took the kitchen. Dean pulls out an axe and starts breaking the wall with it, putting the bag inside....just like my dream....if it's true then that means...
"Holy shit" I gasp. "What?" Dean asks me concerned. "You breaking the wall. I dreamt that. And I dreamt Sam getting strangled with a cord" I tell him quickly. "Duck!" I yell and pull him to the ground. The knife was flying towards us, it stabs the cupboard above us.
We grab a table, knocking it down and using it as a shield, knives stabbing through it. "You dreamt me getting stabbed too, didn't you?" He asks me and I nod quickly. "Oh shit. Sam!" I gasp, realization takes over Deans face and we bolt upstairs.
We run into the room to see Sam on the ground with the cord wrapped around his neck, gasping for breath. "Sam!" Dean exclaims, he tries to pull the cord off, grunting but it wouldn't budge. I see the bag with the stuff Missouri gave us to put in the walls next to Sam.
I take it up and kick a hole in the wall which part Sam was supposed to put and and chuck it in the hole. Suddenly a blast of white light takes over the house, temporarily blinding us. I cover my head with my arms and Dean does the same.
I rush over to Sam to see the cord has loosen. He takes a deep breath, catching his breath and we pull it out from around his neck, holding him up. I sigh in relief as I hold my best friend in my arms. Dean lets out a sigh too, holding his little brother.
Later we're all back downstairs in the kitchen, that's in quite the mess. "You sure this is over?" I ask Missouri. "I'm sure" she says, turning to me. "Why? Why do you ask?" She questions. "Never mind. It's nothing I guess" I say and we hear the front door open and close.
I'm still a bit unsure about this whole thing, the place still feels a bit heavy but maybe I'm just being paranoid. I notice Sam seems uneasy about it too but he chooses not to say anything. The light turns on, "Hello, we're home" Jenny announces her presence, walking in with Richie on her hip and holding Saris hand.
She looks around in shock at the mess the place is in. "What happened?" She asks us worried. "Hi. Sorry uh. We'll pay for all of this" Sam apologizes and I notice Dean look at him like 'We will?'. "Don't you worry. Deans gonna clean up this mess" Missouri tells her and his eyebrows cock up at this.
"Well, what are you waiting for boy? Get the mop" She orders him in a motherly tone and he goes to walk off. "And don't cuss at me" She snaps and he turns back surprised. I hold back a snicker at his reaction as he goes to get the mop, mumbling to himself angrily. I chuckle at the interaction, my heart swelling a bit at the cute look in Deans face when he's mumbling like a child.
He's so freaking adorable. Wait. What? I think to myself. Missouri head snaps to me when I have this thought, a sly look on her face and she flashes me a wink. I look at her confused and she comes closer to me and whispers, "You'd be surprised at what he thinks of you". I cock my eyebrow in confusion and she shakes her head in amusement.
We all leave the house after cleaning up in a orderly fashion, turning back to Jenny and waving at her as we leave.
"Alright so tell me again. What are we still doing here?" Dean asks us a bit annoyed. We're all outside of their old house in the Impala. "I don't know. I-I just uh-" I stutter on my words. "We still have a bad feeling" Sam pipes up. "Why?" Dean asks up exasperated. "Missouri did her whole Zelda Rubinstein thing. The house should be clean. This should be over" He adds turning to us.
"Yeah. Well, probably. But we just wanna make sure. That's all." I tell him and he sighs, leaning back in his seat. "Yeah, well. Problem is. I could be sleeping in a bed right now" Dean groans. I look at the window to Jenny's room, she's banging on her window and it looks like she's screaming "Help!".
I nudge Sam roughly. "Sam. Dean!" I exclaim and we all rush out of the car. "You two grab the kids. I'll get Jenny!" He tells us as we run up the porch and knock the front door down. I run into Richies room and grab him, holding him to my chest. "Help! Please!" I hear screaming from Saris room.
When I run in I see Sam standing stunned at the door, what looks like a figure of a man in bursting flames while Sari is on her bed screaming for help. Sam rushes in and I hold Richie to my chest, clutching him closely. "Come here. Come here. Don't look. Don't look" He goes in and gets Sari, picking her up on his hip and we all run downstairs.
Sam rests down Sari and I rest down Richie when we get downstairs. "Alright. Sari. Take your brother outside as fast as you can. Don't look back okay, sweetie?" I tell her gently. Suddenly something grabs me and Sam by our feet, pulling up down the hall causing Sari to scream. Grabbing her brother she runs outside where Dean and Jenny should be.
The force pulls us, dragging us across the hall and into the kitchen, knocking us into the table. The force throws us all across the room, into the fridge, into the wall, across the floor, into the counter, like we're rag dolls. Me and Sam groan in pain getting to our feet.
We hear the door getting knocked doing, assuming it's Dean we go to bolt for the door but the force grabs us again, throwing us into the wall and we grunt in pain. "God dammit!" I scream, trying to pull out of the force as Sam does the same but fails while screaming.
The door finally breaks and we hear Dean yell, "SAM! Y/N!". But the flaming figure that we saw in Sari's room earlier appears again in front of us, making its way slowly to us. Our faces contort in pure fear. I look at the figure properly, my heart beating out of its chest when it comes into view clearly.
It was familiar...too familiar. A face I only saw in old pictures. "What the fuck?" Sam whispers stunned. "No fucking way" I breath out in shock. "Sam? Y/N?" We hear Deans footsteps and voice in the house. When he walks into room and aims his gun at the figure, ready to shoot.
"No! Don't! Don't!" Me and Sam yell for him to stop. "What? Why?!" Dean yells back in confusion. "Because we know who it is" Sam says. "We can see her now" I say and the figure diminishes the fire to reveal...Mary. Sam and Deans mom. Dean lowers his gun in shock, fear, confusion. "Mom?" Dean says softly. Mary takes a few steps closer to him with a small smile on her face.
"Dean" She says sweetly and tears well up in Deans eyes. She then walks over to Sam who has breathing is rugged but smiles tearfully looking at his mother. "Sam" She says softly and then turns to me, the smile growing wider on her face. "Y/N" She says nicely, tears welling up in her eyes when she turns back to Sam.
"I'm sorry" She says apologetically to him, tears streaming down both our faces. "For what?" Sam asks tearfully and she doesn't answer, she just has this look of guilt on her face. She then turns and looks up to where Sams nursery was. "You get out of my house. And let go on my son and his best friend" She demanding tone.
Right after she says this, flames engulf her own body and the burst of flames fly up to the ceiling. The boys and I try to turn our heads away but we're too stunned by what's happening. After that, the force that was pinning us to the wall falters and we're free.
The weight on my chest that I felt earlier was suddenly gone. The brooding darkness that was there, erased. We look around, gasping for breath. "Mom?" Dean whispers, looking around. Sam and I walk forwards from against the wall, "Now it's over" I say to the boys nodding.
The next day after the events in their old house, the boys and I are outside by the Impala and Jenny hands Dean some of the old pictures she found of their family. There's one with a young John and Mary, one with my parents when they were young, another with all of our parents, one with a four year old Dean holding 6 month old Sam and another with Dean holding a 6 month old me.
Dean smiles at the photo and looks at Jenny, "Thanks for these" He says gratefully. "Don't thank me, they're yours" She responds with a smile. He hands me the picture and I put it in a box with their old stuff, I walk back up to the steps by the front door where Sam is sitting and I take a seat next to him, leaving Jenny and Dean to talk.
"Well, there are no spirits in there anymore" Missouri tells us as she exits the front door. "This time for sure" She assures us confidently, taking a seat next to me. "Not even my mom?" Sam asks. "No" Missouri says softly, shaking her head and Sam nods. "What happened?" I ask her.
"Mary's spirt and the poltergeist's energy, they cancelled each other out" She explains to us and then looks at Sam. "Your mom destroyed herself going after the thing" Missouri says sadly. "Why would she do something like that?" Sam asks tearfully. "Well to protect her boys and their best friend, of course" She assures us and we nod with tears in our eyes.
"Sam...Y/N, I'm sorry" She apologizes. "For what?" Sam asks a bit confused. "You two sensed it here, didn't you? Even when I couldn't" She tells us. "What's happening to us?" Sam asks. "I know I should have all the answers but....I don't know" Missouri says honestly. "Am I psychic like my mom?" I ask her shakily.
"It's possible. Very possible. Even if you don't want the gift, it's yours to bear. Only time will tell" She says softly, I drop my head nodding."Sam, Y/N. You guys ready?" We hear Dean call out to us. We get up and walk towards the Impala. "Thanks Sam and Y/N" Jenny thanks us and we give her a nod.
"Don't you kids be strangers" Missouri calls out to us. I turn to her with a small smile on my face. "We won't" Dean says smiling back at her. "See you around" She says and Jenny gives us a small wave. We hop into Baby, Sam in shotgun and me in the back, Dean starts the ignition and we're off.
Third Person POV
Missouri enters her shop, closing the door behind her. She feels presences in her home, resting her bag down she sighs. "That boy and that girl. I mean, they have such powerful abilities. Why they couldn't sense their own fathers, I have no idea" She says, turning around in the seats where Sam, Dean and Y/N were earlier is John Winchester and F/N L/N in their place.
John takes his face out of his hands and looks at Missouri. "Mary's spirit? Do you really think she saved the kids?" John asks her, clasping his hands infront of him. "I do" Missouri confirms and John looks down at his wedding band tearfully.
"And M/N's spirit. Was she there at all?" F/N asks a bit hopefully but Missouri shakes her head. "I can assure you, she's resting peacefully. I've made note of that" She assures him, tears in her eyes thinking of her deceased friend. "John Winchester and F/N L/N I could just slap you two. Why don't you two go talk to your children?!" She angrily shouts at the grown men.
"We want to" F/N says shaking his head, John still looking down at his wedding band tearfully. "You have no idea how much we wanna see them. But we can't" John says, looking up. "I just want to see my little girl, and give her a hug. But not yet" F/N says, holding back tears. They both look over at Missouri.
"Not until we know the truth" John says, determined.
Authors Note: This chapter is unedited so please excuse any mistake, I will be editing it when I get a chance. I hope whoever is reading enjoys!! I really do pray you guys love Y/N's character because bits and pieces of her personality come from me. I'm having so much fun writing this so don't be ghost readersss so please comment and tell me your thoughts and opinions.
Next chapter is out in a couple days so be sure to look out for that.
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theghostbunnie · 1 year
How do you see Max and Nikki’s relationship?
As siblings
I know that's like sometimes what ppl say when there's a straight pairing popular ship (makki) vs a gay popular one (maxneil) and they don't really mean it they just mean they have a uncomfortbilty or hatred towards one of the ships, but in my mind they're literally twins/hj
I have AUs where they're twins, half siblings, step siblings. I love them sm..There's even a line in one of the end credit rap songs that goes something like "we may not have the same color skin but imma treat em like my twin" and I'm like ah yes,,, something to feed into my delusions/j
((on a more srs note I feel like more ppl should look into the end credit lyrics alot of it seems specifically written to fit Max and might give people a better insight into his characterization))
But enough of my fannon delusions n self indulgence they're obviously not actually siblings they're best friends BUT they didn't start off that way no matter how sweet the "you now have three little bastards to deal with" line is bc in the first season, earlier episodes he's more of an asshole to her bc they're still getting to know each other.
He broke her instrument, quicker to basically tell her to shut up on multiple occasions, ect.
Back to the first episode, Max operates BIG on first impressions. Off the bat he's touching Neil's shoulder, he's impressed by his disrespect to authority, he wants to hotwire the bus with him. But Nikki? Hardly addressing her. Even says "why would you help us?" Bc despite biting him, she appeared to be just a 'little more violent, mini-David.' THAT was his first impression of her. Nikki didn't have his attention or respect technically until he learned her willingness to seek and cause chaos near the end of the episode. There's times at later points where she's clearly getting on his nerves.
I'm pretty sure I already wrote out a whole in depth thing about how Max has issues getting attached to people and will fight it off and deny it once it happens even at the cost of their feelings (points at camp corp episode) where as Nikki is a social person who has been denied a real friend til she came to camp campbell same as Neil, who is NOT a social person. They both start off clingy towards Max for this but Nikki works past it and makes 2 other friends while Neil doesn't.
So recap: Max builds a team of two other kids he can just share a common goal with at first, is a bit of a jerk to Nikki initially at times, but she grows on him and now he really values her as a friend n cares for her deeply.
But now onto NIKKI'S POV: She'd been bullied before, it was a traumatic experience for her yes but that's also the ONLY information we have on any past relationships she's had with peers, kids her own age. Any other time she's talking about someone she knew it's often just her mom. sometimes her dad (often not painting a good picture of him but through a childhood innocence lense) or an animal she knew.
So when she makes her first friend group in camp campbell her only prior experience with one is in the flower scouts. Nikki picked up bad habits from them bc she's a kid and doesn't have the emotional maturity to analyze her every behavior.
So when Max is being the type of person who was being quick to shut her down, who (in her own words) was micro managing her, and only ever seemed like he was having a good time when they were doing what HE planned to do, ofc she's gonna start harboring some complaints. Nikki isn't gonna sit down and talk about her feelings to him like an adult she's gonna do what the flower scouts taught her and you talk shit about the problem to OTHER friends.
This isn't to say she secretly hates him, no I firmly believe she deeply cares about him too but they're both flawed people so their friendship has flaws too that doesn't make it void of care for one another.
You can't unbiasedly hate on Nikki for that scene she's mocking him if you're not even taking into consideration WHAT her original issue was. Nikki shit talks, Max has control issues.
As episodes progress I think they really seem to work past it and become better people AND I THINK THAT'S RLLY SWEET I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP ❣️❣️
The way they interact with each other throughout the series really shows that their differences might cause some clashing but they have FUN together and I think their differences and problems just make them more interesting characters
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Can someone ezblain why we had that whole roy vs jamie over keeley fight revived? I was happy that they were being friends. Then they went to keeley's house and wer liek you pick and I was so sure she was going to be like why not both? I was on that train. Her canon reaction made sense but then made ask why bring it up at all? They were doing fine. Their relationship grew beyond fighting over a girl, after what they went thru togtherr? Idk
I really wish I could explain it, anon. Personally, I think the problem started an episode before when they suddenly introduced the "I don't want to just be friends" conflict when, from where I was standing, Roy and Keeley had already gotten back together, concluding the journey we've known they were on since the start of Season One. Keeley starts falling for Roy, they date, have some struggles, overcome them, and presumably conclude the series as an item, demonstrating that Keeley can be a strong, independent boss while also indulging in the romance she's been interested in since her introduction.
But then, suddenly, their night together + Rebecca's realization doesn't mean they're dating again. Okay, weird to introduce that in the literal final hour, but I guess they wanted one last conflict for the finale. I got ohhhhh so excited when Roy admitted to being anxious about "stuff" because what could that possibly be except him grappling with feelings for Jamie too? He and Keeley JUST slept together, he JUST wrote her a love confession, he JUST said overtly and without reservations that he wants more than friendship, so there's nothing Keeley-only related that he'd be this nervous about. It's got to be the poly plot-line that's been happening in the background. This is why everyone looks to Jamie during Colin's coming out scene. This is how we confirm Beard's reminder that there are more queer people in the room. This is why we see Jamie's bedroom with a sexualized Keeley AND a poster of Roy right beside it, positioning them as equals. This is why we got moments like Jamie attending Roy's uncle party because yeah, they haven't just become friends, they've become intimately close. Holy shit, Ted Lasso's actually gonna do it!
So I went into the bar scene not liking the regression to jealousy -- and I hated that Jamie used the video to try and one-up Roy, especially after all the good work the writing did with that: having him apologize and keeping that information from Roy when it was none of his business -- but I figured this was just the messy way the story was getting us to that poly ending. They need to act in the traditional Manly Fashion over the girl, going so far as to demand that Keeley choose one of them, in order to access the opportunity for her to say (and I could hear it so clearly in her voice): "Why should I choose just one?" The lead-up to this could have definitely been done better, I thought, watching the three of them sit down at the table, Like, I hate that we're suddenly regressing to set this up, it's stupid, but a canonical poly ending will be worth some missteps. Hell, I'll forgive a LOT here because we almost NEVER get that representation and in a show this popular? Hot damn, that's amazing.
And then Keeley just kicked them both out.
Thank god she remained single, like she always should have been. Strong and independent! I've seen a lot of fans say post-finale and I'm just in my corner going wait, I'm happy for you, truly I am, but I'm asking in the nicest way possible if we watched the same show?? The one where Keeley has ALWAYS wanted a romance? How she's an amazing character in part BECAUSE the writing allowed her to love romance and sex and being a badass boss? Where she and Roy were set up to be the True Love story from the very start? How a Keeley/Roy/Jamie story has been happening subtly in the background, now primed to become canon in the season largely focused on queer identities? How Keeley did not need to be the narrowly defined strong, independent, single woman when Rebecca Fucking Welton was right there, loving her life post-divorce, and instead the story decided to give her a man and a little girl at the last possible second?
They'll at least address that and have Keeley announce her intentions to stay single for a time after that mess with Jack, as a way of wrapping up her story, I thought and then that never happened.
They'll at least address Jamie and Roy's lingering feelings for Keeley because surely, after that bar confrontation, resulting in an actual FIGHT, they won't just shrug this off over some kebabs, I thought and then that never happened.
Well, it sucks that we didn't get a poly couple, but I suppose it was always a long shot--
[Dani slams in with two model women we know nothing about, just literal arm candy at a wedding where Beard marries his abuser that, intentionally or not, is kinda framed as a dream and wait wait wait THAT'S the canonical poly rep we're ending on??]
I've seen a couple people say that they enjoy the finale more after a re-watch and hell yeah. More power to you. Wish that were me. Unfortunately, outside the stuff I liked right at the start, I've enjoyed the finale less and less the more I've returned to it. So much just feels like it came out of nowhere, regressed the characters, contradicted long-term setups, and generally left me feeling disappointed about things they I believe we had good reason to expect from the show. These weren't things we simply hoped for and thus fans are in need of a reminder that this is not their story. This was stuff Ted Lasso textually and thematically implied... and when you're the feel good show of the quarantine era, pulling back from those implied promises feels even worse. The long-running couple break up in the most confusing, backsliding way possible. The last episode cruelly teases one of the most popular ships. Nate's entire redemption arc was rushed/had key moments pushed off-screen, giving him almost no time to re-connect with Ted. The established abuse plot-line is played straight at the end. Ted goes back to Kansas and, according to the montage, full-on abandons his found family in the name of doing right by Henry -- a level of sacrifice I don't think this kid needs or, if given the chance to have a say in all this, would necessarily even want.
Idk, there were a LOT of fantastic moments (the sign reveal makes me SCREAM!!!!!) but overall the bones of the finale left me feeling sad. The Roy/Keeley/Jamie situation is pretty reflective of that feeling.
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typingtess · 2 months
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:    “Sleeping Dogs”
The basics:  When several Drona subjects are attacked, NCIS is on the case.
Written by:   Andrew Bartels wrote or co-wrote "Allegiance", "Zero Days", "The Grey Man", "Humbug", "Fighting Shadows", "Driving Miss Diaz", "Angels & Daemons", "Where There’s Smoke…", "Glasnost", "Old Tricks" "Battle Scars", "Fool Me Twice", "Warrior of Peace", "Reentry", "The Prince", "Smokescreen", "The One That Got Away"/"No More Secrets" two-parter, "Yellow Jacket", "Missing Time", "If the Fates Allow", "Red Rover, Red Rover", "Divided We Fall", "Genesis" and "Survival of the Fittest".
Directed by:   Gonzalo Amat is directing his first NCIS: Los Angeles episode. 
Guest stars of note: Ava McCoy as Jordyn Rountree returns from “Perception” in season 13, Ashley Sharpe Chestnut as FBI Special Agent Summer Morehurst returns from "Let it Burn", both Kavi Ramachandran Ladnier as Agent Shyla Dahr and Duncan Campbell as Agent Castor return from “Shame”, Milissa Sears as Leah Novak returns from “Genesis” in season 13, David DeSantos as Anthony Beltran.
Our heroes:   Keep droning on about Drona.
What important things did we learn about: Callen:  In a roundabout way, asks Sam to be his best man. Sam:   In a roundabout way, says yes t being Callen’s best man. Kensi:  Absent. Deeks:   See Kensi. Fatima:  Hacks into the Drona files with Shyla. Rountree:  Willing to be shot at to protect Sam and Fatima. Kilbride:  Leaving after work to see his son.
What not so important things did we learn about: Callen:  Worshipped by Castor. Sam:   Thinks Castor getting knocked out twice in three months is a bad look. Kensi:   See Deeks. Deeks:   Absent. Fatima:   Likes Rountree with Summer. Rountree:  Runs after school buses, bad guys and through sand castles. Kilbride:   Hired Shyla because Shyla remembers everything.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  Seemingly in a small town on the border of Turkey and Syria warning Drona subjects that they are in danger.
Who's down with OTP:  Kensi and Deeks are off doing family things.  Rountree and Summer seems to be doing well. 
Who's down with BrOTP:  Callen popped the question – will Sam be his best man?  Callen has a side buddy in Castor.
Fashion review:  Callen wears a green, blue and yellow plaid shirt.  A long-sleeve black tee for Sam.  Fatima wears a tan leather field coat over a black turtleneck.  A pale purple fleece sweatshirt for Rountree.  Kilbride has on a dark brown three-piece suit with a white dress shirt and a brown and gold tie. 
Music: Not today!
Any notable cut scene:  Not today!
Quote:  Shyla:  “Oh, uh, your ride to the airport just pulled up outside.” Kilbride:  “I thought I told you to cancel that flight.” Shyla:  “Did you? Oh, I-I don't remember.” Kilbride:  “You remember everything.  That's why I hired you.” Shyla:  “Do you still want me to cancel it?  Bear in mind, it is nonrefundable and I know how much you hate wasting money.  Not to mention missing an opportunity to see your son after all these years...” Kilbride:  “All right, all right, I'm leaving.  Remind me to fire you when I get back.”
Anything else:  A gentleman is out walking his dog in a small park area surrounded by businesses.  The dog, Rebel, starts barking and jumps into a bush.  Returning to his owner, Rebel gifts the man a dead squirrel, which was not on the man’s breakfast meal plan.  The man’s phone rings – it is an older, flip phone.  A text message reads “DHRISHTADYUMNA”.  The man breaks the phone in half and tosses his phone, causing Rebel to play fetch.  While the dog is away, a person wearing a ski mask shoots the dog owner in the back of the dead.  Rebel returns to his fallen owner and sits right next to him because dogs are the best.
At a table by a coffee shop, Fatima, Rountree, Jordyn and FBI Agent Summer Morehurst are chatting.  Fatima is teasing Rountree for yelling “Federal Agents” as they were trailing a suspect.  The suspect ran (because he’s obviously watched the show).  “Tree” caught the guy after a 10-minute chase.  Jordyn is all in for the Rountree mocking.  Rountree always liked to show off how fast he was.  He’d forget to give Jordyn her school lunch on purpose and then run alongside the school bus to give it to her like Keanu Reeves.  And she hated his lunches – avocados and bean sprouts.  She was 14 and didn’t want to eat that stuff back then.  Summer says she’s not interested in eating it now.  Rountree says it all worked out for the best.  Jordyn aced her MCATs and is on her way to medical school.  Summer starts mocking “Treefontaine” when she gets a call – FBI wants to see her.  Jordyn is off to class as well.
Shyla is giving a not paying attention Admiral Kilbride notice about a meeting with his British and Australian counterparts.  Still not paying attention.  She would be willing to go.  Still not paying attention.  Kensi and Deeks are out because Rosa’s aunt had a stroke.  Still not paying attention.  Office minutiae like the security system doing a reboot and Agent Castor’s performance review aren’t capturing the Admiral’s attention either.   Shyla mentions a radioactive group of pubescent turtles foiling and armed robbery at the Santa Monica Pier and nothing.  Shyla sees a suitcase and realizes that he’s flying up to San Francisco to see his son.  She will arrange transport to the airport at 7PM but he wants to leave at 7:30PM – he’s not much of an airport guy.  With spring break, Shyla recommends the earlier departure time but the Admiral promises her he’ll be fine.  Eventually he relents but warns Shyla that if he is stuck with a “posse of frat boys you will never hear the end of it.”  She thinks that would be a great story.  As Shyla leaves, the Admiral wants a BOLO on the turtles and their giant rat leader – can’t have mutant vigilantes running around.
Sam walks in to the bullpen, greeting Callen.  On Sam’s desk is a printout of a man in a tuxedo.  Callen explains it is the tuxedo Anna, sorry, he and Anna, want Sam to wear to the wedding.  Sam thinks he can dress himself.  Callen brings up Anna’s, his and Anna’s color palate for the wedding.  The tux is just for Sam.  “Is this your way of asking me to be your best man?”  Callen thought Sam being the best man was a given.  Sam’s not so sure.  Callen has been spending quality time with Castor – they had some drinks and dinner after Castor was knocked out by Miraslava.  Sam notes that Castor worships Callen, even dresses like him.  Castor arrives, dressed similarly to Callen.    Callen breaks down and asks if Sam would be his best man.  Of course, Sam replies but he hates the tux.  Callen agrees.
Shyla walks down the stairs.  Callen asks if they have a case.  She replies “you tell me” as she brings them up to Ops.  Once in Ops, she launches all the security protocols that lock the door, shut the shutters and turn down the lights.  She was sent two encrypted files through a DOD top secret/special compartmented information channel, JWICS.  The first file is the driver’s license for the man the park – John Jenkins.  He’s the CEO for a software company.  The second file is the ID card of an FBI Analyst, Patrick Hertel.  Both men were found dead that morning.  Hertel was killed in his backyard, Jenkins in the park.  There were numbers with the file – eight, 11 and 22.  Maybe August 11, 2022. 
Callen isn’t interested in figuring out what eight, 11 and 22 mean.  JWICS files are sent by known people.  Who sent the file?  Shyla doesn’t know, it came from a SCIF on the border of Turkey and Syria, the town of Al-Rai.  It was Hetty’s last known location, who else would send cryptic clues.  Shyla seems excited –“are you talking about who I think you’re talking about?”  Callen confirms – Hetty.
In the Admiral’s office, Callen makes the case that to Kilbride that the JWICS file came from Hetty.  The Admiral wants to know why she would send the names for two men and some random numbers.  It isn’t an urgent message, it is a top secret butt dial according to the Admiral.  He’s checked – the SCIF was closed months ago.  Callen thinks Hetty could have routed the JWICS through the SCIF but if she did that, why didn’t she identify herself the Admiral asks.  Maybe Hetty thinks JWICS is compromised according to Callen.  More being a pain in the ass according to Kilbride.  Callen wants to investigate the victims to see if there is anything there.  Since Hetty bailed Kilbride out with the Simon Williams case, Callen can investigate as long as he stays in his lane – stay away from the official investigations.
Fatima and Rountree show up at Hertel’s home, which is covered with police tape.  They start to work on a story to get involved with the case when they see Summer working the case.  She comes to see Rountree and Fatima, who think there is a connection between Hertel’s killing and an NCIS investigation into John Jenkins.   Summer starts asking questions and Rountree drops “national security”.  Since Rountree and Fatima can’t share their info on Jenkins, which is none other than Callen and Sam are investigating what Hetty sent, Summer can’t working with them.  When they can share, so can she.  Hertel is FBI – they’re working for one of their own.
At the park area, Callen learns from LAPD that all the cameras were down due to routine maintenance when Jenkins was walking his dog.  Callen also shares that Summer is working the Hertel case.  Sam thinks it was a robbery – no wallet, no keys, no phone and the killer took away the shell casings.  LAPD found half the phone in Rebel’s mouth.  Callen gives Shyla a call.  She has not found a link between Jenkins and Hertel yet. 
Looking into Jenkins, his start up tech company has one employee – Jenkins.  They haven’t created a product in the last five years.  Jenkins and his company have been doing very well, despite offering no products.  He’s likely laundering money.  Asked about family, Shyla tells Callen and Sam that Jenkins was adopted and his adopted parents are long dead.  Turning back to the crime scene, if the dog found one half of the phone, Sam would like to see if he could find the other half.
Back at the FBI crime scene, Rountree sees an older couple arrive and go right under the police tape.  Fatima is on the phone.  Rountree calls for Summer, who is a bit embarrassed.  She asks about the older couple – they are Hertel’s adopted parents.  An arriving Fatima, who was on the phone hears adopted and notes that Jenkins was also adopted.  Summer isn’t impressed until Fatima tells her both men were shot in the back of the head to make it look like a robbery.  Summer never told them how Hertel was killed.   NCIS is now part of the FBI crime scene.
Callen and Sam talk about Callen setting a date but Anna is giving him time to find Hetty.  Sam hopes this is the case that gets them to Hetty.  Callen doesn’t believe that.  If Hetty wanted to be found, Hetty would be found.  She would tell them where to find her.  Callen wants to get married and it is unfair to make Anna wait so long.  Sam is looking forward to his best man speech – he has a lot of wisdom to share.  Callen thinks he’s heard most of Sam’s wisdom but the wisdom is for Anna, who needs to know what she’s really getting herself into.  Callen is having second thoughts about Castor.  The dog finds the other part of the phone.
As the Admiral arrives in Ops, Shyla has an update about eight, 11 and 22.  Both Jenkins and Hertel went through the LA foster care system.  They are both single, in their 40’s and both had government jobs.  Hertel is with the FBI, Jenkins is an NSA Analyst.  He’s not in most common databases for the NSA.  Shyla learned about his NSA role through some friends in Washington.  Shyla is about to call this in to Callen and Sam but the Admiral wants her to way.  He needs her to pull some files instead. 
Hertel was watering his plants when his killer walked up behind him and fired one shot into his head.  There was no cartridges left behind, just like the Jenkins crime scene.  Summer apologizes for stonewalling NCIS.  Fatima says they would have likely done the same if the roles were reversed.  Summer doesn’t understand the connection between the two killings. 
Fatima gets a call from Shyla, who asks if Hertel has a birthmark on his back.  A little reluctantly, Fatima asks Summer to pull up Hertel’s shirt.  There is a rather large birthmark on his back.  The Admiral, with Shyla, wants her to call Callen.   When Callen answers, he starts a sit-rep for Shyla but the Admiral stops things.  Eight, 11 and 22 are people, not numbers.  Hertel and Jenkins were eight and 22 from the Drona Project, “your alma mater Agent Callen.”  Callen has a flashback to his time with Drona.
The Hertel-Jenkins cases are now joint FBI-NCIS investigations.  Shyla is told by Kilbride to share everything they have on the case except Hetty’s involvement.  Since Hetty’s involvement was speculation anyway, Shyla wasn’t going to share it.  With subjects eight and 22 accounted for, who is subject 11?  That is Leah Novak, who Callen contacted in the prior year.  Callen is trying to find Novak now.
Callen calls Leah who doesn’t want to talk to him.  She is walking through a really sketchy looking indoor parking lot.  There is a team of masked men following her.  Sam tries to get Leah to listen to him but the masked men open fire.  Shyla, who was monitoring the phone call is able to trace Leah’s location to a Mid-City parking garage. 
In the garage, Callen and Sam find an empty shopping bag with wrapped up money inside.  Callen sees a badly wounded Leah, who says “14” before losing consciousness.  
Returning to Ops, Fatima and Rountree are told by Shyla that Leah is in surgery.  With someone targeting Drona subject, Callen could be in danger.  Rountree disagrees – Hetty would have warned Callen in her JWICS communications if he was in trouble.  The Admiral arrives, warning Rountree not to read too much into anything Hetty does.  There is another Drona subject who may be danger – number 14.  The Admiral wants Shyla to cancel is flight to San Francisco to see his son.  As he leaves, Shyla tells Rountree and Fatima to go to the gadget area to study Jenkins’s phone.  When she knows who number 14 is, she’ll update them.
There was brass left behind at the Leah’s shooting which means she likely hit at least two of her assailants.  Callen found a go-bag in Leah’s car with water, MREs and a satellite phone.  She knew she was in danger.  Sam thinks the same of Jenkins – that’s likely why he tossed his phone.  Callen thinks Pembrook is behind the killings – Callen found him and is now cleaning up what’s left behind of Drona.
While Rountree is sweet talking Summer, Fatima is working on Jenkins’s phone.  Once in, Rountree is off his phone and working with Fatima.  The “DHRISHTADYUMNA” text message is the name of a Hindu warrior who killed his teacher Drona.  There are contacts in the phone – Hertel and Leah Novak are there.  So is an Anthony Beltran, a former Army Ranger turned history professor.   Fatima sends his address to Callen and Sam.
As Callen and Sam pull up outside of Beltran’s home, Beltran is putting a duffle bag into his trunk.  When Callen and Sam try to speak to Beltran, Beltran runs.  Callen makes things worse by yelling “federal agents” while Sam gets in his car to cut Beltran off.  Beltran starts shooting at Callen, who promises they are not there to hurt Beltran.  “Leah sent us.”  Beltran is talked into putting his gun down.  Callen introduces himself as Special Agent Grisha Callen, subject 17.  He assures Beltran he’s safe.
In the boat shed, Beltran is in interrogation while Callen and Sam in the main room.  The duffle bag in Beltran’s truck had MREs, cash, burner phones.  He also got the same text message sent to Jenkins before Jenkins was killed.  Callen wonders who sent the text message and Hetty earns a message.  Callen isn’t pleased – this is Hetty training an agent, people are being murdered. 
Shyla pops up on the screen.  There was one vehicle seen on security/traffic cams at the Jenkins/Hertel/Leah shootings.  Backtracking with Kaleidoscope, Shyla traced the vehicle to a building downtown. Rountree and Fatima are going to the building and Sam will meet them.  Callen wonders why he’s not going but Sam wants answers from Beltran.  Callen is the best person to get the answers.
Callen starts to question Beltran, who won’t sit on the wrong side of the table right away, wanting to stand instead.  Beltran eventually sits.  As an alibi, Beltran says he was home when Jenkins and Hertel were killed.  Callen asks about the text message.  Beltran was preparing a lesson – he teaches ancient history – and missed the message when it was sent.  Once he saw it, however, he called Leah.  Leah told him about Jenkins and Hertel.  Beltran put his phone in his garbage disposal, packed his things and was going to hit the road when Callen and Sam drove up. 
Beltran thought Callen and Sam were working for “him” – Howard Pembrook.  Beltran shows Callen scars on his arm from Pembrook’s abuse.   Jenkins, Hertel, Leah and Beltran started working together a year ago, after Callen told Leah about Pembrook.  They wanted to take him down with lawsuits.  There was talk about bringing Callen in but the men in the group were angry Callen lied to Leah.  Beltran believes Pembrook found out about them and now he’s having them killed.  Beltran wants to see Leah – they are “very close.”
With Summer’s FBI team 30-minutes out, Sam, Rountree and Fatima in tactical gear go into the downtown building.  The vehicle has not returned to the location.  This is their best chance to scope out the building.  Sam breaks down the door.  It is a warehouse with huge computer servers, a desk, file cabinets.  While Fatima and Shyla try to get into the server, Rountree finds a photo of Callen on the wall from when he was in Pembrook’s garden.
Callen shows Beltran the photo and explains he was trying to confront Pembrook about the past.  Pembrook was fine.  Beltran is interested in what was in the building where Sam, Fatima and Rountree are.  He’s also furious at Callen for going to see Pembrook.  Everything bad that’s happened started when Callen met Pembrook.  If this was true, Callen asks, why didn’t Pembrook go after him?  Beltran talks about the lawsuit being a bigger threat.  Castor appears – the doctor says Beltran can see Leah now.  In Leah’s room, she’s on a ventilator.  Beltran is holding Leah’s hand, saying Pembrook must pay.
As Fatima and Shyla get access to the server, the previously opened files pop up. There were files for black-ops missions in Crimea, Somalia and Brazil.  Pembrook is still in the game.  An audio file has Leah and Jenkins using their Drona numbers as they work on a mission.  They aren’t being targeted by Pembrook, they work for Pembrook.  Sam can’t contact Shyla to warn Callen – signal jammers knocked out the cell service.  Gunmen rush near Sam, Fatima and Rountree.  Gunfire is exchanged.  Fatima and Rountree are pinned down.
Sam is able to get Fatima and Rountree to a safer location – people are still shooting.  If they can hold out, the FBI could rescue them but Sam is more worried the FBI is walking into an ambush.  More gunfire is exchanged.  Sam takes out at least one of the shooter.
In Leah’s room, Callen gets a call from Shyla about the lost comms with Sam and company.  The Summer-led FBI team suddenly is unreachable too.  Callen is going to the building, Castor will take Beltran back to boat shed.  Beltran wants to stay with Leah.  He’s not worried about his safety, he just wants to be with her.  Callen realizes there were only three Drona subject numbers – eight, 11 and 22.  Hertel, Leah and Jenkins.  Beltran wasn’t on the list – he was never warned. 
Rountree is willing to create a diversion by running – but not in a show-offy way.  Fatima thinks he’ll get killed.  Sam assures them nobody is getting killed today.  He has a plan.
Callen has his weapon out and orders Beltran away from Leah.  Leah said 14 to Callen before losing consciousness – Beltran was 14.  Callen knocks on the door to get Castor in as back-up.  Beltran is impressed that Callen figured it all out but is more impressed with his own handy work when a Drona gunman, not Castor, walks into the hospital room.
Using some flashbangs, Sam, Fatima and Rountree move the people shooting them out of their secure locations.  Once they were seen, team NCIS shoot them.  Summer and the FBI arrive.  Sam finds the signal jammer and shuts it off, he’s quick to contact Callen.
Explaining that once again, Agent Castor is out cold, Beltran takes Callen’s gun.  Beltran doesn’t kill people who don’t deserve it – he didn’t have Castor killed, won’t kill Callen.  Callen notes that Beltran was going to kill Leah, who was in a coma in a hospital bed.  Beltran wasn’t going to kill her – she’s no longer a threat.  He just needed eyes on her to make sure.  Beltran says he and Callen are on the same side – they want to kill Pembrook.  Beltran’s partner has a sedative prepared for Callen – not going to kill Callen, just a long nap like Castor.  Callen hits the partner.  Beltran runs and after Callen gets the sedative in the leg, he runs after Beltran.  As Callen runs after Beltran, he has some Pembrook flashbacks before the sedative takes hold.  Callen is out cold and Beltran is gone.
Shyla updates Kilbride.  Callen and Castor are fine – it really was just a sedative.  Beltran and his partner are gone but the FBI are hunting them down.  Shyla also has Kilbride’s ride to the airport waiting outside of the office.  She doesn’t remember his order to cancel the flight.  Kilbride is not amused – he hired her because she never forgets anything.  She offers to cancel the flight but is non-refundable.  The Admiral hates wasting money, according to Shyla.  “Remind me to fire you when I get back.”  And the Admiral is off.
In the Armory, Fatima and Rountree are packing up their things.  Fatima asks about a story Summer started at breakfast.  Seems Rountree and Summer were having a lovely walk on the beach when the wind kicked up.  Summer’s hat went flying and Rountree went flying after it.  As he was catching up, he destroyed a kid’s sandcastle.  He got the hat back and then spent an hour helping the kid rebuild the castle.  Fatima thinks Rountree really likes Summer.  He admits he does but realizes he’s late for dinner with Summer.  He races away.
Callen is at the back balcony in the boat shed when Sam arrives.  Callen said had Beltran and he let Beltran get away.  And maybe he did it because he wants Beltran to kill Pembrook.  But if Beltran kills anyone else, well, Callen knows that’s his fault.  Sam thinks they need to find Beltran and Pembrook.  Callen wants to know how Hetty knew the Drona subjects were being targeted.  “Add it to the list,” Sam replies.  Callen is going for a drink with Castor.  Sam notes that it is the second time Castor got knocked out and lost his gun – maybe Castor shouldn’t be trusted with the wedding ring.   Callen tells Best Man Sam to knock it off.
What head canon can be formed from here:   So done with the Drona/Callen’s childhood storyline.  The program has a handful of episode left and this one and one down the road eat up valuable time with this tedious storyline.  And the episode down the road – where I will be screeching about retconning Pembrook – could have been used for more of Rountree’s history beside his sister, more of Fatima’s history period, more of Sam with Raymond, Kensi’s mom’s with Rosa.  There were other “personal history” episodes besides this nonsense.
As for the episode itself, it was really well done, if a bit talky, for a set-up episode for what comes in episode 19.  It was all about Pembrook without Pembrook physically in the episode (flashbacks don’t count).  It is still up in the air if Beltran, Leah, Jenkins and Hertel are villains or victims.  Beltran is a mess – no issue with killing Leah, Jenkins and Hertel but knockout syringes for Callen and poor Agent Castor.  The Drona drama is such a mess.
Episode number:   Episode number 16 in season 14.  This is the 318th episode overall.
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wrenreid · 2 years
Just Acting
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three things i would like to say before getting into this chapter… 1. this story is not in any way meant to make anyone uncomfortable. celebrities do not need to be fetishized. this version of “mgg” is a character based off of a person. no one has said anything, but i just want to get that out there 2. if you do not celebrate christmas, please replace it with whatever holiday you do celebrate or just enjoy the story from an outside view:) 3. i wrote this story a few years back so i know it’s a little cringey haha
Chapter Seventeen
Next week is Christmas, exciting right? Not really, as much as you need a break and want to head home, you don't really want to deal with your old friends and family. You actors are getting two weeks off of filming for the holidays.
Right now, you are 11 episodes into season 16, and after Saturday it'll be 12. Which means you have somewhere around 10 more weeks of filming and you'll be done with the season... or possibly the show. It still seems surreal, but ending seems even crazier.
You arrive on set around 5 am, going in for an early morning shoot. Your scene takes about two hours. In your trailer, you're reading a book for the first time in a while and lying on your couch. You don't have to film for four hours or so, but you couldn't get your mind to settle down and take a nap. Reading is the next best thing.
In the middle of running your eyes along a sentence, your door bursts open. Matthew stands in the doorway with a smile.
"I see you still haven't learned to knock like a big boy."
"Oh I'm definitely a big boy," he smirks.
You chuckle slightly. "What do you want?"
"Let's go get breakfast!"
"But why?" He questions.
"Being seen with you in public,” you give him a sarcastic look of disgust.
He frowns.
"I'm kidding... mostly. But we're not going on a date."
"Of course not. I'm hungry, you're hungry. We're just getting breakfast,” he explains.
You stand up, tossing the book on the couch. "Okay. Where we going?"
"You like Dunkin don't you?"
You nod your head, grabbing your bag. Following him out, you close your trailer door and walk down the steps to solid ground. Matthew leads you to his car and you hop in, excited to get coffee and food in your system.
You turn the radio up, hearing 34+35 play. You don't change the station, singing along to the lyrics instead.
"Can you stay up all night..."
"I mean I could," Matthew eyes you sideways with a smile.
You roll your eyes, still jamming to Ariana. The rap part of the song comes on, and you sing along, knowing full well that the sexual lyrics will get Matthew thinking.
"Damn," Matthew chuckles, looking at you for a moment before returning his eyes to the road.
You smile, cheeks burning a bit in a pink glow. Matthew finally pulls into the Dunkin parking lot. You get out, smoothing down your black ripped jeans. Your auburn flannel is the only thing keeping the December wind from making you too cold. You're wearing a white shirt underneath it, and your white high tops make the look put together.
Walking into the building with Matthew, you realize that Jess is working and will see you with him.
"Hey, Y/n!" Jess says after handing someone their coffee order.
"Hey, Jess." You say with a nervous smile.
"You know each other?" Matthew asks curiously.
"This is my best friend Jess." You say to him.
"Hi," Jess smiles up at him, "I love your show." She averts her gaze to you, giving you a questioning look.
"Thank you," he says with one of those charming Matthew smiles.
After ordering, he leads you to a table, but Jess pulls you aside before you can sit down. "So you're going on breakfast dates now?"
"Hell no. We were just hungry, and there's no food on set until 9:30 today."
"Okay..." she says, releasing your arm.
You sit down across from Matthew. "She seems nice," he says looking at Jess for a moment.
"She's great. Jess was one of my first friends in LA," you say to him, a slight smile spread across your face as you remember your first meeting.
"That's sweet,” he says, and you smile.
"Matthew, your order is ready," another Dunkin employee says. Matthew gets up and sets your order down on the table.
"I could've helped."
"Nah I got it."
You nod your head as he sets your iced coffee and breakfast sandwich in front of you. You thank him, taking a drink of your coffee after putting in the straw.
"So what are your plans for the holidays?" Matthew asks you, then takes a bite of his sprinkled donut.
"I'm going home,” you say.
“Where are you from again?"
"Philly," you tell him.
"Ohh right. Well I hope you have a good time,” he tells you.
"Are you being nice because we're in public?"
"Definitely," he chuckles.
You roll your eyes with a smile. "What are your plans, Gubler?"
"Going to see the family in Vegas of course. Also no last names."
"We're not alone," you smirk.
He sighs, accepting defeat.
You laugh. "Matthew. Happy now?”
"That's better, but I'd prefer you call me-“
"Okay, that's enough talking," you interrupt him before he says anything inappropriate.
The two of you eat your breakfast and drink your coffee in a mostly comfortable silence.
After saying goodbye to Jess, the two of you head back to set for the rest of the days' scenes. Matthew has a few more and you have one or two more shots left to film for the day.
"You went with Gube to breakfast?"
"Yeah I guess he's not always horrible," you say.
"Wow, I'm surprised you didn't bite his head off," Aj says.
"Honestly me too," you laugh.
Once the long day is over, you head back to your apartment and eat whatever random things you can find out of the fridge for dinner.
You fall asleep earlier than normal, tired from waking up so early.
"Matthew Gray Gubler dating new cast mate?"
"What? Of course we're not fucking dating!"
News travels fast in Hollywood.. You stare at an article on your phone with your name and picture.
"Y/n, it's fine. People just crave gossip and they're willing to make it up based on almost nothing."
You know Jess is right but it's infuriating having people all up in your business. "I know..." you continue reading.
"Criminal Minds star, Matthew Gray Gubler is spot having breakfast with new cast mate Y/n Y/l/n.”
Y/l/n joined the cast of Criminal Minds in late season 15 and returned for the new season which is in the works. Do Y/n and Matthew have a spark? Read more to find out."
You rub your temples. "That's so annoying."
"At least people know who you are," Jess says with a supportive smile.
"That's true." It's weird seeing a picture of you and a picture someone took of you and Matthew at Dunkin yesterday in a pop culture article. But Jess is right, it does mean your name is getting out there.
Before you leave to go back home for the holidays, the producers arranged an interview for the fans to get to know you better. You're pretty nervous, but this is a really amazing opportunity.
The interview is Friday morning (tomorrow), and you leave for Philadelphia just hours after. You've been texting Jeff all morning about how to respond to questions. He tells you to calm down, be yourself, and don't answer any spoilery or personal questions.
You've got this.
The lovely wardrobe people pick you out a nice outfit for the interview and drop it by your apartment. You're going to get your hair and makeup done in the dressing room of the studio.
For now, you sit with your legs in a pretzel on your couch, twiddling your thumbs above your phone's keyboard. You decide not to bother Jeff with any more questions and put your phone down.
The article about you and Matthew still takes residence in your mind. Why do people just assume shit off of nothing? Getting breakfast with a cast mate does not mean there's anything going on.
Well, we have slept together... You know you're being a tiny bit hypocritical because you're one of those fans that wishes for on screen romance to turn off screen. Like when Nina and Ian broke up, it hurt your heart. However, it's not like you make up rumors about people just for likes and publicity. This business is frustrating.
You stand up from the couch, your big t shirt falling over the shorts you're in, and head to the kitchen to stare into the fridge for a while.
After some time, you pop some Eggos in the toaster and grab some strawberries. You pour some honey on them for extra flavor and sit down to eat.
You have no plans until tonight when you film your last scene of the episode and of the year. The main cast has a little left to film and should end on Saturday, but you just have a few hours left of episode 12. After that, filming doesn't pick back up until January 4.
For the rest of the day, you lay on the couch, half paying attention to the tv. Around 6, you get dressed and leave the apartment to go finish filming.
The scene isn't too long, just Delilah at work.
"Miss Reign, can we talk?"
"Of course," Delilah says, turning her attention away from the computer. The receptionist takes a seat in front of Delilah's desk after shutting the office door.
"I want to discuss your new assistant."
"Okay, go ahead,” Delilah says intriguingly.
"She seems, I don't know… strange. I don't want to be mean or over step, but I see her staring at your window a lot or leaving without asking sometimes. And I don't know I just get this vibe from her. Maybe it's nothing, but I thought I should voice my concerns."
"Of course. Thank you for letting me know. I'll keep an eye on it. Let me know if you need to tell me anything else,” Delilah says.
Kelly nods, turning away to leave Delilah's office.
She's not sure what to think about this. Jenna hasn't seemed too strange to her, but maybe Kelly is right. She has been a faithful and trustful employee for a while. Delilah rubs her temples, not entirely sure what to do. She'll definitely be keeping more tabs on her assistant.
You get back home around 11, change into pjs, and crawl into bed. You'd eaten a few snacks while waiting around on set, and you're too tired to cook dinner now.
After a while of staring at the ceiling, scrolling through Instagram, and trying to force sleep by concentrating on the back of your eyelids, you finally fall asleep.
(i just got my wisdom teeth out and i’m dying)
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @scarredelirium @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz @tiredbut-here @skulzombiw @lena-1895 @eevee0722 @danis-stuff-is-here @kylakins88 @daydreamingqueen1 @regulus-black-223048 @virginmusicloverr36 @inlovewithcharmers @kylakins88 @f-me-reid @matthew-gray-gubler-lover <3
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pympartic · 2 months
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:[ OOC ;; Mobile Post //; So I don't know how many people know of this, but we actually Do Have Christopher Yost (aka one of the big writers on EMHs) notes on what he would have liked season threes episode line ups to be. And I've been thinking about them a lot because of possible thread ideas and thinking on what B Plots might have ran though these episodes. I'll link and keep Yapping below. ]
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:[ Link ! ]
So starting with the season premiere actually this one itches my brain.
S3E01 STRANGE TALES As Surtur releases an army of demons on Earth, the Avengers find themselves facing their worst fears... trapped within the realm of NIGHTMARE! Up against an enemy they can’t fight, the team turns to the only person who can help: Dr. Strange!
Okay first of all I LOVE NIGHTMARE EPS SO MUCH, but second of all I've talked to people in the past about how EMH isnt afraid to make changes to the source 616, the key difference between how it does so vs the MCU being that EMH will make a change and Really Commit to it.
Why does that matter?
I think this episode could have been used as a way to do plot points like for example Hawkeye getting booted from the team because the government said so! EMHs Avengers have been set up to be so fundamentally opposed to letting the government tell them what to do it's unlikely they'd do that, this is also due to the cartoons heavy focus on the avengers being a Functional Family Unit, the team really only breaks apart Once due to Skrulls with even Panthers leaving not even being him quitting moreso just having other priorities which they understand. Not to mention as Izzy brought up, Clint in EMH is trust based trauma down to his bones.
From what we've been told of the plans they had the show wasn't planning on doing Civil War either (Bold move tbh) so you could maybe have the fear of it happening be a thing for Tony who was set up to really worry and care about his people and their trust after the Skrulls made him paranoid. (Understandably)
Hell you could even do the Yellowjacket Spiral since they basically wrote in a clause of Hank Literally being so incapable of hurting Jan even Ultrons brain got affected! Maybe reference that killer robot he makes in the comics in a fit of mania only this time it doesn't stop like it should, or straight up make it Ultron! (EMH focused a lot on Hanks need for control and his feelings of loosing it or trying to keep it. The irony being that he couldn't keep the tech based on his mind under control and now he's trying to control Himself ((buddy you should idk talk to your friends and loved ones in Just Saying that do be how we do things around here)) )
Also because EMH has always drawn more from the comics then the MCU WE CAN ACTUALLY HAVE NICE DR STRANGE! Maybe he gets the avengers tea to calm their nerves, sits and talks with them as they recover from the terrors Nightmare put them through. GIMMIE NICE STRANGE-!
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S3E03 RECURRING KNIGHTMARE Iron Man and Doctor Doom are pulled through time to ancient CAMELOT, finding themselves uneasy allies against Modred the Mystic. And back in the present, the Wasp’s only hope to get Iron Man back is the BLACK KNIGHT.
I CANT BE THE ONLY ONE WHOD THINK THIS BE FUN AS HELL RIGHT? Doom and Tony having to team up, the two drama bots having to fight Magic Wizards and knights?! That'd be SO FUN!!
S3E07 THOR CROAKS As Ragnarok approaches, Loki takes Thor off the battlefield. His only hope? Ant-Man and the Wasp… assuming a transformed Thor doesn’t eat them. Ribbit.
First off HEHEHEHEHE FROG THOR! Second off this actually got me really excited because a lot of season three and four concept art used the Hank Pym giant man. Yellowjacket is also not mentioned in any of the episode summeries. So there's a non zero chance that either this would be a Scott and Jan episode (Yay!) or Hanks ant man again and we get the fun Hank and Scott dynamics (BIG YAY) Either way this episode would have been fun for Bug Antics Alone!
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active-mind-15 · 2 months
"Kuroko no Basket Watches Kuroko no Basket: The Meta Saga"? Woah, is this really what it says on the tin? 🤭👏
LMFAO yes, it is exactly what it says on the tin. At the time I first wrote it, we were in an era of fic-writers doing meta fics like this where characters of a show would watch the show and give commentary (think back to the KNB fandisc setups). Since I saw some people doing it for KNB, I wanted to take my own crack at it. So I created a premise where all the main KNB schools were having a training camp together post-Winter Cup and stumble upon a mysterious DVD case containing all three seasons of the show, and the fic was meant to be them sitting down to watch it.
I wanted it to go deeper than them just giving commentary since this is essentially all these teams getting full context for everything that happened since the Teiko gang and Kagami started high school. In between the chapters where they were reacting to episodes, I planned to have intermission chapters where the characters would continue on with the training camp but also reflect on the episodes they've seen so far and how it's changed their perspective on other characters/events in the show. There's a lot I had planned for this one.
It's been on hiatus for quite some time, but it's another old fic of mine that had a strange resurgence in popularity because I've gotten notifs from as recent as a few weeks ago saying people have followed/favorited that story, even though the last update was over 6 years ago. I do want to update it soon, but I feel like I want to rework the prologue and make it completely different because as I'm re-reading it, it kinda doesn't make as much sense as I thought it did. But when I'm done cleaning it up, I'll link it here.
If anyone else wants to ask me something related to a WIP, please see the WIP list I made, pick one or more WIPs, and inquire about them through my inbox!
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she-karev · 3 months
A Day in Hell (Amber Karev Angst)
Previous Part
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Three of Six
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Fancast: Bruce Greenwood as Ian Talbert
Canon Episode: Season 17 Episode 1
AN: I wanted to do a story to showcase the hardships health care workers faced when covid hit. The doctors and nurses put our health first during a worldwide crisis and we should be forever grateful for that even without a pandemic to prove what should always be known.
Summary: Amber and Pierce try to convince Ian to get treatment but he refuses and tells them why.
Words: 1008
Chapter Links Here: 1,2,3,4,5,6
April 1st, 2020
Amber stands six feet from Maggie Pierce who explains the severity of Ian Talbert’s condition as he lies in bed with a nasal cannula. He has been coughing violently for three minutes straight that suggest he’s getting worse by the minute. Amber looks at him in pity trying to stay in doctor mode even with a patient she likes.
Ian sips his water before responding to his diagnosis, “I’m dying?”
Maggie explains, “Your lungs have glass opacities which increase the density and make it more difficult for you to breathe. Based on your coughing, the pneumonia is getting worse and we should start heavy antibiotics and keep you here for the next two weeks until you improve. If this persists, we can talk about removing the damaged parts of your lung surgically with your consent.”
“And what happens if I don’t do the meds or surgery? How long?”
Maggie thinks, “Given the rapid progression I would say a night before…”
Ian lays back in bed with a blank face for a few moments before he inhales deeply and coughs out, “No.”
The women look at the 64-year-old confused before Amber asks, “What do you mean no?”
“No treatment.” Amber widens her eyes at that in shock, “Just keep me here until I croak and call my attorney, he’s in charge of the arrangements.”
“Ian…” Amber sits in a chair next to Ian who is coughing lightly, “I know this is scary but there is a chance this could work if we do it now and we do it fast.”
“I appreciate that, really, I do. You’ve all been so good to me, and you’ve made this experience slightly less unbearable. But when this started, I told myself ‘Ian if you get this thing just let it take you and it’ll all be over’ I know that sounds bleak and you think I’m taking the easy way out but I’m not.”
Maggie steps in, “Ian, I don’t know you and you don’t know me. But I care about you, and I want to fight for you to keep going. Now if you want us to stop treatment that is your decision, but I need to know you are absolutely sure about this. It’s a big decision and you need to think about it before it’s too late. We’re at the early stages so survival is possible, you just have to be willing to fight for you too.”
Ian looks at the women in thought before pointing at the three white boards he wrote his equations on, “Can you tell me what you see?”
Amber looks at the math, but she doesn’t recognize the technique as it’s for risk factor, “I don’t know it looks like linear algebra maybe.”
Ian nods, “Your right. This board calculates the odds of having a baby over the age of 30. It also shows the odds she’ll have blonde hair.” Ian points at the second board, “These are the odds of her reading before she’s six. These are the odds of her making cadet sergeant in her high schools ROTC group.”
Ian chuckles nostalgically coughing before continuing, “These are the odds she’ll choose to enlist in the army instead of the air force.”
Ian points at the third board that causes him to freeze with agony written on his face causing Amber and Maggie to look at him in sympathy as they can already guess what the board shows.
Ian swallows and speaks in a broken voice, “These are the odds of her being blown up in an IED explosion in Afghanistan at the age of 22.” Amber looks down feeling sad for a man who knows a pain no parent should ever experience. Maggie sighs and looks up at the ceiling also affected but let’s Ian continue his sad story written on the boards.
“The odds of your marriage surviving the death of your only child…of you losing your job.”
Amber looks up at Ian who is tearing up, “I am so sorry.”
Ian nods, “I know you want me to fight but I don’t have it in me anymore. I’m just so tired, I just.” Ian starts to cough, “I just want it to-” Ian coughs violently causing Maggie to increase his oxygen intake to 90 causing him to breath more easily after a few moments. He lays there still coughing but only slightly.
Ian faces Amber who is still sitting on the chair, “I just want it to stop. Please let it stop.”
Maggie nods understanding this isn’t a light decision, “Okay it’s okay.”
Amber nods knowing there’s nothing they can do at this point, “We’ll make you comfortable and ease your pain with some meds until…I’ll be right here until the end. I swear.”
“Is there someone we can call for you?” Maggie asks, “Someone who wants to say goodbye?”
Ian coughs, “There’s just my ex-wife and I don’t think she wants to see me right now. I wasn’t the best guy after Olivia died certainly not the best husband.” Ian looks at Maggie who frowns in sadness, “Do you think she would care if I…?”
Amber nods knowing no matter how mad she is at him if it was Andrew in bed dying, she would want to know and get to say goodbye before it’s too late, “I would, if I was her, I would care and I would want to say goodbye.”
Ian looks on in thought before deciding, “Can you get me a tablet and leave me to talk to her alone?”
“Of course, Karev?” Amber stands up and exits the room with Maggie, “I have other patients to see, can you monitor and update me if he changes his mind?”
“Yeah. I’ll get his wife on zoom and leave them to talk…I really thought he was gonna make it.”
Maggie nods, “I know…just make him comfortable and let me know when we can contact his attorney.” Amber nods before grabbing a tablet and taking a deep breath before going back inside Ian’s room.
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alivegirlmari · 1 year
taishauna :0?
TAISHAUNA!!!!! god. god. i love them so much. literally my favorite scene this season is the little moment where shauna wakes up after the baby-eating dream and tai says they thought they'd lost her. jasmin portrays tai's devastating relief, her exhaustion, the inherent bittersweetness of the moment - thank god you're alive, but now i have to break your heart and now you have to live with this and i'm so sorry - SO well, it's the one thing about that episode that actually made me cry! my fave teen timeline moments are the ones where they either a) take care of each other or b) make me say 'ohhhh they're just kids!!' over and over, and the offscreen implication of the girls just all sitting around, holding this dead baby, waiting for shauna to wake up but not knowing if she will and being utterly powerless regardless has both. i'm never not thinking of tai telling shauna that she can do fucking anything, tai with no medical skills but still on the frontline at shauna's side, willing to hold her hand for three hours or thirty-six, tai giving in and chanting for the wilderness with tears in her eyes. like fuck! i'm not entirely happy with how they wrote some parts of them (the makeup corpse thing, her ~siding with lottie at first when lottie was talking to shauna's stomach; both felt like reactions just to the move the plot along but w/e), but tai in the birth scene reminds me so much of s1's abortion scene: tai doesn't want shauna to do it bc she doesn't want her to die but if shauna's gonna do it then she'll help!!! she knows that she'll potentially have shauna's blood on her hands and she does it anyways!! bc she's on shauna's team and she loves her!!
and i'm really sad we didn't get any adult taishauna moments this season bc what i also love is that they're maybe the one platonic (well they're romantic 2 me but ykwim) dynamic where it feels like not much has changed from teen timeline to adult timeline? like the other adult ships, regardless of how they felt about each other as teens, are now all tinged with things like betrayal, suspicion, disappointment, hatred, sadness etc. and yes taishauna do get snarky with each other and i'm sure tai didn't love having to clean up a dead body and obvs shauna wasn't happy about the jessica roberts reveal but like. who the fuck else is still having sleepovers as adults?? no one!!! bc that's really what it all comes down to isn't it!!! i love you and i will lean on you and i will follow you into a blizzard and i will do anything and everything to keep us safe and i will hold you so you can sleep as a teenager so i will return to you as an adult and hold you so you can sleep again bc some part of my body and mind intrinsically trusts you and i will keep your secrets no matter how ugly and hard they are to admit and we will always be those girls in the attic, we will always be those girls in the woods, and we will always have each other. LIKE??
also god that side shot of them in the diner in s1…so gay indie movie coded of them…they should hook-up in s3, i think. would it fix them? well No. but it can't make things that much worse can it. case closed.
anyways tl;dr: ride or die besties who aren't sappy 24/7 and are actually p grizzled...you are so beloved. to me.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
When Mary Manchin argued that SPN gets zero market testing, even Destiel, I already had the fucking receipts that we cleared 3 years later safely after much scrutiny.
When Jess of Mary Sue screamed at me that "the authors had no intention" of trying to take Destiel anywhere, early season 14, I stared at her like the unplugged alien she was, while she trumpeted for example how well she knew berens bc she sits at con tables with him but can never read his eyes rolling out of his head.
When season 15 started, i said at the start of the season we were going there. Because, well, it was the first thing he wrote, and his ONLY reason to stay, which is weird for not having intent. But anyway this "STOP GETTING PEOPLES HOPES UP" condescending garbage was so thorough that Natalie Fisher, a real life friend of Meredith Glynn, argued there wouldn't be a confession that year, only a few episodes before it aired, when we already had three layers of leaks, including the script wholesale and some international stuff, like me too/i you
The entire time they barked and barked and omg it happened. Then the ending wiped out and they laughed at my old "spec" along with that confession of roadhouse reunions and more, missing everything else matched up down to events and death order just to pretend they won something.
They screamed and denied anything was removed or omitted or cut then we got the scripts and the cuts. And then they screamed louder, and literally started thanking covid for destroying the ending to give them what they wanted, or as close as they could ever get.
Jensen's graphic designer stared me in the face and told me the pilot was fake when I had a list of like, 30 reasons 100 miles long it was real that they'd never get, and i told them and 2p0 and everyone they were wrong and gasp, they were wrong!! Go figure that winkyface no Danneel DMed you wasn't real, but whatever they sent you last week sure popped ur lid
So then 2P0 tried to hyperfixate on proving the pilot was gonna be dramatically different and way overblew getting shrill about the reshoots, so I went ~somewhere and within 2 hours confirmed the exact nature of the reshoots, which beyond a few additional fills when the whole group came back for ep 2 were mostly finished with the extended pilot shooting, and how small and minor those were--phrasing tweaks, framing and light mood adjustments. Boom, a week later screener drops, says the same damn thing.
This entire thing is a fools errand of dipshits not understanding WHO has reliable info about WHAT and think A Source Is A Source Is A Source, They Know Someone, Right? -- and like, no. now 2p0 out here trying to frantically retool his pilot dialogue less than 2 weeks before the pilot airs and got so fucking up his own ass about it he forgot there were other episodes to track.
Seriously guys. Follow the leak history there and realize just why 2p0 and co are treading water so desperately for a narrative to fix. For years they brushed all of the above events under the rug but it's time to consider them as a complete picture--both what the creatives were fighting for, and how absolutely fucking disconnected 2p0 is. even people with better contact like Jess don't know what the fuck they're doing. They won't tell their real friends like Natalie most of the time. And low ranking workers in one department do not inherently know the business machinations above their paygrade.
It's time for fandom to start boxing this off. to not fall for 2p0's nonsense blending con sizzle reals and official ads to try to make confusion. To delineate the departments and understand who has perspective on what. To know where to reach above that. And to look for caveats or deflections in the way authors speak.
If you guys weren't desperate for anti confirmation biases or bitter confirmation biases, you'd be embarrassed for EVER reading jensen's "a script got leaked" shit the way 2p0 did. he didn't say it was fake, he said it was different, and that's true, they had already revamped the axis mundi visuals even before the reshoots but the song remains the fucking same, dudes, cope.
Look real, real hard at which fandom leakers speak clearly with confidence on these issues, and which ones like 2p0 say a pile of nothing commital so later he can pull one of 5 options out and say he was right. No, we don't do that shit here. That's not being In The Know, that's you not even being able to sort out your fifth degree rumors, what the shit.
History matters here, folks. Don't buy a car with a history of breaking down, and don't follow a blog like 2p0 that perpetually does.
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qnewsau · 5 months
Bluey introduces two lesbian chihuahua mums
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/bluey-introduces-two-lesbian-chihuahua-mums/
Bluey introduces two lesbian chihuahua mums
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A supersized season finale of kids TV favourite Bluey has arrived and as well as making Aussies of all ages cry, the new story references a rainbow family for the first time.
Bluey‘s 28-minute season three finale, The Sign, premiered on ABC this week. The new episode follows the show’s titular puppy coming to terms with her family selling their Brisbane home and moving.
In one scene, one of Bluey’s friends, a chihuahua named Pretzel, talks about his pet guinea pig running away and mentions his two mums.
“My mums told me he might come back, but he didn’t,” Pretzel said in the brief moment, according to the subtitles.
Shout out to TikToker Margie (below) for catching the reference!
But in the very sad comment section, homophobes weren’t happy, declaring the show “ruined” and “now not for kids”.
“I never knew there were homophobic Bluey fans until I saw this comment section,” one person wrote.
@aussiegirlmargie Bluey The Sign confirmed first LGBTQ+ couple in the show 🏳️‍🌈 #bluey #blueytok #disney #disneytok #momsoftiktok #momlife #lgbtcouples #lgbtq #lesbiancouple #parenthood #parentsbelike ♬ original sound – Aussie Girl Margie
Bluey producer confirms season 4
The hugely successful Australian series, produced and set in Brisbane, follows blue heeler puppy Bluey and her family – father Bandit, mother Chilli and little sister Bingo.
Producer Sam Moor told BBC Radio 4 earlier in the week that Bluey‘s future is “the question on everybody’s lips” right now.
“No, it is not the end for Bluey. I’m sure we have many more surprises in store for you,” Sam confirmed.
“We have more in store and we are thinking about what would be next.”
On Bluey‘s success, Sam said, “It’s something mums, dads, grandparents and kids can sit down and watch together.
“You can enjoy it on different levels but also for the same reasons. It’s very relatable.
“We’ve had emails from people saying, ‘It’s like you have a camera in my living room.'”
Bluey is streaming on ABC iview.
More on children’s TV:
Mark Trevorrow plays gay koala dad in ABC kids TV series
Peppa Pig featured two lesbian polar bear mums
Arthur’s teacher Mr Ratburn marries partner at big gay rat wedding
Arthur creator slams homophobic backlash against gay rat wedding
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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psych commentary 2x03
SF, Chris Henze, KK, Andy Berman, JRr, DH. Six ppl, wow.
AB: Hi everyone, I'm Dick Chibbles & I wrote the episode KK: Kelly Kulchak, executive producer (in her normal way, as always, I love her sm, but she is sometimes too soft spoken for me to hear) Chris Henze Steve Franks JRr: I'm the guy that played Wyatt in Weird Science DH, in some fake bedroom voice: Dulé Hill, Actor. I'm trying to be professional, like Henze.
Thanks Doc! Glad they brought him back
"He was bit by a werewolf"
Why was it a SIX PAGE tease? (KK: it's usually two)
Lassiter doppelganger, they wanted this beautiful man to play ANYTHING so they kept trying to put him as a character
AB: I call him the "pectoral prince"
LDP stayed for the read-through of the next episode & read for Zapato
KK "Shawn is the only one in a comedy, everyone else is in a drama"
"He was like a little kid!" "& he was just as excited to hang with you"
Her new hair!
SF: Why shoot them in sequence?
Pam Per, mildred my beloved
SF: *fighting with The Powers That Be to keep Mildred* KK: The powers that be? You mean ME?
Mel D, smart man
KK: Do a music video with you [SF] doing lead & James & Dulé singing backup
JRr: Pull the opening titles off another show & use them for ours
"Is that TC flying a helicopter?"
An actual home depot
"This was the actor Mel Damski & Chris Henze came to fisticuffs over"
SF: There's a moment we'll tell to the listeners of the commentary track, all eight of them, Me: Me, my mom, my brother, my other brother... Where are the other four?
Montages <3
C Earnst Hearth, awesome name
Very tall actor, that's why he's sitting
Is there a story behind the name Garrison? AB: I should make something up CH: Your favourite female tennis player in the 80s AB: This is true AB: But now you just ruined a major sexual fantasy for me CH: I'm not the one who picked that name for him, you did! What does that say about you?
Yes, & yes! SF: Everyone do their version. Mine is ye~s, And Ye~e~s AB, nasally: yies, yies, &... Yie~s! KK: Dule would you like a tuna fish sandwich? DH: Yés, Yés!
Network: Why does he have a corn collection?
Movement! Andy's scripts are 18 pages longer but they come out the same size because he, just like in high school, he changes the margins & reduces the font sizes so you need a microscope to be able to read it Me too buddy, I have my writing in three columns size three. I have a draft/outline for one of my fictions in 4 columns at font 1. That google doc takes a While to load. Andy berman be like "it's ok because I put in shawn & gus talk very fast"
The music (& lassiter just Listening, intrigued)
LDP learned to do that with a quarter specifically for that shot
KK: [lassiter] has a Man Crush
JRr: Gus & I having a private conversation 7 inches away from everyone else
Grape eating contest???? (AB failed against Pamela, but won the pushup contest by two)
SF, lying: Andy printed off a bunch of the fake TV money & bought the crew gifts
*pinap upside down cake in easy bake oven) KK: This was questionable SF: Not to me CH: It was funny, just not necessary SF: We had to work really hard to get an easy bake oven up in Canada. *bidding war on Ebay*
"they don't have burritos up there"
"It's by a body of water" 'That's the best you could come up with?' KK: You've been WAITING to put that line in since season one SF: Everything is by a body of water Poor Dule hasn't had a line in this episode yet, too many other people Then again he can say things with just a look
Actually Pip *singular*
"personal crush on one of the hungarian residents"
Man crush to fisticuffs
the washer & drier Well I mean it IS european
Billy Zane
Duuude! *whispering on the commentary* SF: They just came up with an idea for episode five of season three "Oh dude that's genius!" *won't spoil it for us*
TO *tampering with evidence* LDP *picks it right up*
this is where the wait for it appears ig
Shawn Spencer ultimately super cool dude, but yet with Bianca, holding a pillow to your chest I was trying to score by appearing vulnerable & that scene turned into Wauwh
There's got to be nothing more fun for an actor than just kissing someone who's married & their spouse is sitting ten feet away on the stage
DH: why are is he holding that PILLOW like that? KK, crying: I don't know Dulé SF: He's nervous & it's protecting him who told Shawn THAT was the way to be cool & then try to get somewhere with a lady
I like that YOU are the Holly Hunter
"the silence, poor Kelly has to watch this" 'Kelly gets very uncomfortable when two human beings are kissing' KK *laughing awkwardly*
Mel Gibson, people
KK: Wakes up in the fetal position AB: I still want to know when Shawn put a t-shirt & boxers back on CH: He fell asleep crying in the fetal position so that's how he woke up. It's USA network Hanky Panky, we can't show the crying & the shower
*creepy horrible location right in the hotel* We just walked through some double doors & *shudders audibly* Suddenly we're in chop-me-up land We were expecting a banquet room...
Steve Franks line: we're lucky if our psychic doesn't lick the body
That's right, I totally DID wonder what the chief meant about the case being solved, like no it is More Complicated, not Solved
*the one with the flashlight back there*
AB: We don't need to see Corbin eating the pineapple upside down cake close up like that SF: There is more footage of Corbin eating that than you could imagine.
*same purple shirt*
AB: Don't you hate it when characters never repeat an outfit? KK: No?? Do you??? AF: Chris Henze never repeats a wardrobe in real life CH: What's embarrassing is that I HAVE that orange shirt SF: What's embarrassing is I didn't realize that shirt was orange KK: Is that the one where I said "let's put it on the ground & have a picnic?" SF, deadpan: no JRr: What a fun little thing for you to say though? KK: a nice little checkerboard JRr: It's cute KK: Nothing says "picnic" more than Chris Henze
KK: Ilike how there are people rolling by in skateboards & then there are just two guys hanging out in coats
JRr or AB: I think we should use this location more often, the exterior of the psych office. DH: I think we shouldn't, bcause that's in whiterock AB: That palm tree is being Blown Down
Andy "Subtle" Berman
In Mildred's luggage there was supposed to be a bondage magazine with no reference to it, just a guy in leather on the front
DH: & if you watch, all this time I'm sitting in my trailer. I came out to the shot, saw how cold it was, & asked, "Mel? Am I in this shot? No? I'll be in my trailer. If you need me, call me.
KK: $240 000 an episode; Dule is in his trailer
AB: We had to put a curtain in the entrance because it's an ambulance jet: all that's there is a single stretcher
SF: We say this every episode, but we make this show on 45 dollars an episode *last episode he said $20, the a few before that he said $4, & the other day he said $200* Me: ... More or less yeah
Shawn, when getting kidnapped: I'm allergic to peanuts! SF: as if she's going to hand out snacks once they reach their cruising altitude
Adam Cohen & John Woodrard? I'm deaf, who are the composers?
"What is this?"
*Other things that fell out of the bag* AB: It could be more embarrassing, it could be something vibrating KK: Why would she leave her cell phone in her suitcase? AB: That's what it was CH: That's right
LDP went to the gym every morning before showing up to set
SF: This shot almost got cut out but Lou Diamond Phillips got so sad
AB: Look at that CH: & not a hair on the guy's body KK: I know it's so awesome SF: I spent an hour waxing him before this shot KK: I didn't know that was part of your job SF: I do it all
*James came out with no pants*
I want a 75 minute episode! Not just four minutes of deleted scenes! Give me ALL the deleted shots & extended scenes
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westeroswisdom · 1 year
HBO senior exec sees clear sailing for several more seasons of House of the Dragon.
Francesca Orsi, Executive Vice President and Head of Drama Programming at HBO (or whatever they’re now calling it), told Deadline that HotD would run for at least four seasons and possibly more.
House of the Dragon: News About Season 2, Possible Seasons 3, 4 … and Beyond?
Three years after the end of Game Of Thrones, HBO last July launched prequel series House of the Dragon to big ratings. It was quickly renewed for a second season, with executive producer/director/co-showrunner Miguel Sapochnik leaving and co-creator/EP Ryan Condal becoming sole showrunner.  
“We learned a lot from season one. As as you know, Sapochnik’s no longer joined us for Season 2 but he really set up such a beautiful canvas in Season 1 and the partnership formed between Miguel and Ryan yielded something that was incredibly special and one that the world really responded to,” Orsi said. “We regard House of the Dragon as a piece that’s been incredibly successful and has exceeded all our expectations in delivering a spinoff. The flagship Game of Thrones is iconoclastic and to follow in its footsteps, in what [GoT creators] David [Benioff] and Dan [Weiss] achieved, was no easy task, so we are proud of ourselves in what we were able to accomplish with Season 1.”
She mentions that Ryan Condal wrote all eight scripts for Season 2. Thank the Old Gods and the New Gods that Ryan is not a procrastinator!
Looking forward, “with all eight scripts written by Ryan, despite pencils down, I can say that we’re really confident about what we’re doing and the team that we have in place for Season 2,” Orsi said. “To be honest, we think that the audience will be just as pleased if not more so.”
[ ... ]
Filming has not been impacted by the writers strike. 
The reason Season 2 is just eight episodes has more to do with the storyline than anything.
“There was some question about the narrative shape of Season 2. We were developing it with Ryan Condal and [EP] Sara Hess, and we realized that we were sort of treading water narratively in the middle of the season,” Orsi said. “So it just felt much more rigorous, more urgent emotional arc for our characters if we compressed the season. And then that also dictated how we would kick off Season 3.”
As for number of seasons for HotD (emphasis added)...
With a portion of the plot originally intended for Season 2, including a major battle, moving to Season 3, there has been speculation that the series more likely would go to four seasons. Condal and Martin have reportedly been going back-and-forth on whether three or four seasons would be optimal to tell the full story; Orsi provided a surprising update on that debate.
“It hasn’t been finalized yet, it’s still under discussion,” Orsi said about the length of the series. “George and Ryan are going to meet after the writers strike. They had originally planned to meet before the strike took place and that was to figure out at what point the series itself was going to end. Is it four seasons? I don’t think from where I sit at this point will be any less than four. But could be more. We’ll see.”
As for the other spinoffs...
As to how long The Hedge Knight is envisioned to run, “ideally year-to-year and arcing out a three-season series, which maps out the three novellas that George wrote,” Orsi said. “Of course, we’d like more beyond that, and George is continuing to think about the remaining novellas that he still wants to write but at this point, we have our eye on three seasons that would map out each book, each novella.”
HBO continues to develop other GoT prequels (One about Aegon’s Conquest has been rumored), “but they’re so nascent at this point that it’s more of a moot point until we realize them as real contenders for production greenlight,” Orsi said, adding “But yes, we’re exploring a few worlds in George’s canon and body of work.”
[ ... ]
The one known spinoff centers on Jon Snow, with Kit Harington attached to star and executive produce. It also is in very early stages, Orsi said.
“We’re just working deeply with the writers to get it in shape for potential greenlight, but at this point, no, no determination on whether it can go all the way,” she said.
Obviously much depends on the outcome of the writers’ strike. The sooner the producers quit being miserly, the sooner the strike will end.
Support the WGA against greedy producers who use the writers as the equivalent of minimum wage labor. George R.R. Martin strongly supports the strike.
How Can You Support the WGA Strike?
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letterstobojack · 2 years
Thanks, BoJack
Dear BoJack, Remember when you asked Diane if you were a good person, deep down? And she said that there was no deep down and that all you are is in the things you do? Of course you remember. It happened to you. And on the chance that you don’t, you can just rewatch that episode near the end of Season 1. It’s streaming on Netflix, and I’ve been hearing good things. Anyway, I quoted that line to describe my best friend during my Best Man speech on his wedding, because he’s a good person and it showed in his actions. That’s the kind of impact that your show had on me. I’m sitting here wondering how a show about a talking horse become one of the most relatable shows I’ve ever seen. It’s hard to think that it’s all about to end, and that we’re about to say goodbye to these characters. Your show imparted a lot of lessons, but the one that really hits home is that human beings (or in your case, anthropomorphic animals) have the capacity to change, and that it’s never too late to try. And there’s no bigger proof of that than you, especially in the first half of this season. You checked into rehab. The grey in your hair is starting to show. You even agreed to have that crossover episode with Mr. Peanutbutter, even if it wasn’t on TV. And if you ask me, Professor Horseman has a nice ring to it. Will you get a happy ending? What does it even mean to have a happy ending? And what will happiness look like for BoJack Horseman? I know we’ll get those answers in a few days, and I can’t wait, but I just wanted to say thank you. For teaching us that we can change. And that it’s not too late to improve and move forward and live our lives. And as a great writer recently wrote, “That life is terrifying and overwhelming and it can happen at any moment. And when you’re confronted with life you can either be cowardly or you can be brave, but either way you’re going to live. So you might as well be brave.” PS. Vincent Adultman really is three kids stacked on top of each other. One of his hands is a broom, and the other is a mannequin hand. I’m totally with you on that one.
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