#they were nearing closing time and i hd train catching on my mind so
youllneverseemerelax · 10 months
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Belated urge to clean the mirror on this cool vintage armoire thing hidden by the latenight coffee/teahouse bathrooms
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prismatales · 4 years
Hi there the writings are amazing. Can I pretty please have another nighteye one where we just see him as a doting dad before his death with him being that amazing dad. Like just fluffy goodness. Thank you again X
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𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑺𝒊𝒓 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒚𝒆
Word Count: 1.2k
Category: Fluff.
Content/Warnings: Just a tiny pinch of angst, No beta read, Nighteye's partner is left ambiguous.
It feels good to catch up with my askbox for once lol. Hope you guys enjoy it ❤.
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This man, I repeat...This man has been wrapped around his little girl’s finger since the moment she was born.
He had been away on a mission alongside All-Might a few days before the birth. So he spent the whole time being such a nervous wreck that it almost ended up with All-Might giving him a “Carolina slap” in order to calm him down.
As soon as the mission was over and they were on their way home, Sasaki received a call from the hospital, telling him that the labor had started earlier than the due date and his child would be born soon.
It’s a unique sign for everyone around, to see someone as calm and collected as Sir Nighteye turning into an anxious mess. Literally vibrating in anxiety and paranoia at the idea of something going wrong during the birth while he’s not around.
And as soon as he steps out of the train, Sasaki’s already making his way towards the hospital, unable to think about anything else but getting there as soon as possible for his family.
When he finally arrives at the hospital, disheveled as if he had run a marathon. The first thing he does is rush towards the receptionist and ask for his partner’s room. Completely ignoring a doctor’s shout not to run in the halls as he makes way to the assigned room.
Once he finds said room, he nearly kicks the door down out of panic, and immediately freezes on the spot at the sight in front of him. There’s a pink bundle in his spouse’s arms that won’t stop wiggling and cooing at them.
With shaky steps, he approaches the two of them, being welcomed with a huge smile and a kiss before turning his attention towards the little being cradled in his lover’s arms. A little newborn with the perfect combination of their parent’s traits keeps yawning widely before shoving a tiny fist in their mouth.
“Here, you should hold her.” His eyes go wide open as soon as he hears those words...A girl? He had a daughter? A little girl…?
There’s no wasted time as the small newborn is carefully handed to him with instructions to support her tiny head full of hair, which he meticulously did.
As he observed every single thing, every single detail about the little girl looking at him with eyes full of curiosity, almost like she already knew who was the man holding her. In that moment, Mirai Sasaki was instantly wrapped around his daughter’s finger.
On one occasion, his spouse asked if he’s ever been tempted to use his quirk on their daughter in order to see what awaits her in the future. But as tempting as it is sometimes, he refuses to do so for a simple reason; Because he would rather leave every moment of her daughter’s life as a surprise.
However, there was this time he was close to doing it, after she got sick to the point of having to be hospitalized when she was two years old. A severe case of pneumonia that had both Sasaki and his spouse worried out of their minds.
He refused to leave his child’s side, even All-Might himself told him to take as much time as he needed to take care of the little girl. 
Once his child was finally out of danger, Sasaki refused to leave her side for an entire month, worried and terrified at the thought of losing her.
He’s never missed a single thing concerning his child. Learning to crawl? He was there. First steps? He was the one she walked to that time. Her first words? Well, she actually called out for the other parent. Sasaki kept sulking for three days after that...
An important part of this man’s daily routine is saying goodbye to his spouse and his daughter with a hug and a kiss, resisting the urge to take her to work whenever she starts whining, pouting and leaning over while making grabby hands at him.
But he always makes up for this once he’s back, and the small toddler is sprinting her way towards him with a huge, toothy smile and a loud, gleeful squeal as soon as she hears her father say “I’m home!”.
Everyone at his agency always makes jokes about asking their support agency for an armored baby carrier so Nighteye can bring his child to work...The email with the request has never been sent after he got the stink eye from his spouse.
There’s a running bet at the agency. Will Sir Nighteye arrive with his regular hairstyle or covered in ribbons and glitter after a beaty session with his daughter? You never know which one it’ll be, but during those days he comes looking like the human version of pinkie pie, Miss joke constantly sends him an invitation to team-up.
The day his daughter started kindergarten was a nightmare...at least for Sasaki.
For a little girl that would cling to her father 24/7, she’s awfully calm during her first day of school. Waving goodbye to her parents through the other side of the gate. Her parents however, are making an effort not to weep in front of the other parents as their princess is already making friends with the other children.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go home, princess?” “Yes! Now go save people!”
Did she cry after her parents left? Not at all. Her parents were both pleased and disappointed.
“...What if she doesn’t love her daddy anymore?” “Sasaki, I’ve never seen a child who loves their father more than our daughter.” “But what if--”
His partner was already threatening to call All-Might, ready to ask the hero and ask him to smack his sidekick all over again, that made him shut up in an instant.
He never, I repeat...never misses anything concerning his daughter’s school. A school fair? He’s more than ready to help her out with her project. School play? He’ll be in the first row. and on the rare occasion he’s unable to attend, either his spouse or another sidekick will be there to film the whole thing.
Graduation day? He made sure the camera charged overnight and left it near the keys so he wouldn’t forget it….he also took an additional battery just in case. Every single minute from the moment her class is standing at the front to the moment the teachers handle the diplomas are recorded in HD.
Whatever she decides to do with her future, Sasaki will respect her decision and support her in every step of the way...But that doesn’t mean he’s not worried out of his mind if she decides to go into UA’s hero course. 
That night after dinner the memory of his former mentor won’t stop haunting him, even morphing into some twisted perspective where it’s not All-Might, but his little girl who’s lying in that cold, dark room.
He’s close, so close to forbid her from joining the hero course, let alone allow her to attend UA at all or any hero school...but then again, he knows it’s not fair to forbid her from doing what she loves just because he’s scared of losing his only child.
So, although hesitant, he’ll still support her decision in every step of her career...With one condition…
“Promise me you’ll join your father’s agency after graduating…" “Bold of you to assume I wouldn’t, dad.”
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𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕: @bnha-ra @godtieruwu @hanniejji @savagetrickster @shoobirino @sugacookiies @unbreakableeiji @pixxiesdust @hawks-senseis @yikerb @definitely-yours @khemz1312 @sadskater25
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sunsetcurve · 5 years
we’ll come together (state of the art)
Summary: Before, she'd gotten so caught up in all of it—trying to stop Captain Man from erasing her memories, then trying to get his back—that she hadn't really had time to process this. And now she does. And it's making her head hurt.
Because, well. Henry is Kid Danger.
Fandom: Henry Danger
Relationships: Henry Hart & Piper Hart
Word Count: 1,640
A/N: it took every ounce of willpower i had not to title this “Hart to Hart”. 
(actual title is from one of my favorite songs by my favorite band ever, kids in the dark by all time low). 
anyway, here it is, the “piper and henry have a talk” fic that i really just needed to get out of my system. this was really fun to write, but keep in mind that my general motto when writing hd fics (and fic in general, really), is “fuck canon i do what i want” so this is really cheesy and somewhat ooc. it’s fine. sort of. i had a good time, and that’s what we’re here for, right?
Dedications: i’m gonna tag some of the wonderful people here, but no pressure to read it at all! @rorythevambire @up-the-tube @ciara-knightly @cactus-con @mychenrymadness @charlottepage @henryhearts @bijerbear @taylorswiftrulestheworld @just-a-j-reallly
if you want to be tagged/untagged in the future just let me know! enjoy :)
* * * 
When it's over, the Man Cave is quiet.
This is a strange, sharp contrast to the chaos that Piper had fallen into before, but now Captain Man's—Ray's—memories are back, and he's sleeping off the side effects in his room, and Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper are upstairs in the store and Schwoz is...somewhere. He went off with a vague explanation, and he's sort of a strange man so Piper's not really sure she wants to ask questions.
(Come to think of it, she's pretty sure she's seen him before—the German 'neighbor' who came to Henry's birthday party, the 'plumber' who came to fix their sink—she thinks she's even seen him around at the high school. Which makes a lot more sense now, but is still mildly unsettling.)
Piper tugs the headband out of her hair and fiddles with the bow in her hands. She's probably ruined her hair, and really the outfit isn't complete without the accessory but she can't really bring herself to care. She needs something to do with her hands, and her mind is running in circles that are way too fast to be satisfied by scrolling mindlessly through Instagram right now. There's too much to think about.
Before, she'd gotten so caught up in all of it—trying to stop Captain Man from erasing her memories, then trying to get his back—that she hadn't really had time to process this. And now she does. And it's making her head hurt.
Because, well. Henry is Kid Danger.
And if she really thinks about it, it's not that hard to reconcile the two. They've got the same hair, the same smile, the same stupid sense of humor—the same bravery that Piper pretends she doesn't see. And, if she really thinks about it, there's a part of her that's known for a while. Since he broke his arm, maybe. Or even before then.
But she never wanted to believe it. The difficulty comes when she tries to put Henry in that position in her mind. She's seen Kid Danger fight off villain after villain, take punches and be shot at and thrown into walls and god knows what else that wasn't broadcasted on TV, and she's always known that there was a teenager behind that mask but realizing it's been her brother this whole time is something entirely different. Something that's hard for her to wrap her head around.
She wonders how many times he'd snuck out and come back in the dead of the night without any of them noticing, wonders how many injuries he'd hidden just to pretend things were normal. She wonders why she and her family never even asked about his disappearances. She wonders, briefly, how many times Henry has almost died without them knowing anything about it, and then stops that train of thought before it goes too far.
That's not something she wants to consider.
Piper rubs at her eyes with the heels of her palms.
Then, the elevator dings, and she makes a show of putting her headband back into place and trying to look like she's just re-adjusting her hair and not her entire view of the world. Henry steps out, and there's still glitter in his hair and on his cheeks—the bubblegum-ploy Ray had come up with had been less than successful. He looks at Piper, sitting on the steps near the elevator, and tilts his head curiously as he takes a seat next to her.
"So I'm guessing you were never actually the playground pooper?" she says first, because she's not really sure what else to say.
Henry laughs, sounding a little relieved, like he was expecting something else. "Nope. I swear on my life I have never pooped on a playground. Or broken my arm doing it."
"That's kind of a shame," she hums. "It was really good blackmail material." This gets him to attempt at bumping her in the ribs with his elbow, but she dodges before he can and sticks her tongue out at him. "It was also a pretty shitty excuse, y'know," she adds.
He scoffs incredulously. "Uh, first of all, it was Jasper's idea, and also, you fell for it," he retorts, defensive.
Piper sort of glances at her feet, then, furrowing her brow just a little. "Yeah, but I shouldn't have." She shakes her head. "I should've figured it out a long time ago."
"I was worried you would," he says after a moment, and scoots closer to her. "All the disappearances, right?"
"Yeah, and your terrible lies, like...the 'makeup excuse'? You can't do a decent wing to save your life."
Henry scoffs at that but doesn't argue, and then it's quiet for a beat and Piper tries to figure out how to say what she wants to. She's not good at this part; she's honest and bold and unwavering with her words, always, but this is different. This is trying to voice the mixture of pride and worry and frustration and fear that's been sitting in her chest for the last few hours.
She takes a breath. "And," she starts, without really knowing where she's going, and she sees Henry look up out of the corner of her eye but doesn't meet his gaze, "I should've known that your stupid junk store was just a ploy."
He opens his mouth to respond, but she keeps going; it's hard to stop now that she's started. "And I should've known that your boss was way too intrusive for it to be normal, and I should've known your watch was suspicious. And you never let anyone near your bubblegum, I should've figured out that there was something weird about that a long time ago, and I should've—" her breath catches, and then her voice quivers a little and she hates it, "—and I should've known you'd be the only teenager dumb enough to risk your life every single day—"
"Piper," Henry says, and puts his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, Piper, it's okay—"
"Don't say that!" She stands up, trying not to have a full-blown meltdown, because those are reserved for Jana Tetrazzini and Wi-Fi crashes, but then again, she decides, this outscales both of those things by miles. Her hands are shaking. "What if you had died? What if someone had—and we wouldn't even have known, and don't—" she says when his mouth opens, "don't try and tell me that you were fine; I've seen the news, I've seen you fight villains, I've seen people shoot at you with-with actual guns and you're not like Ray, you're not indestructible—"
"I know that, okay?" And Henry's standing now, too, and his voice is sharp—not angry, really, but frustrated, and maybe just tired. Piper deflates a little.
"I know," he says again. "But, Piper...Ray needs me. Swellview needs me. Someone has to do this, and...it just happened to be me, okay? This is my job now." He pauses, and then his lips quirk upward into a small smile. "I might not have the 'great power', but I still have the—"
"If you finish that sentence, I will hit you," Piper warns, and he shuts his mouth.
She's never seen him look this serious about anything, though. It's strange to her, that she could've missed a part of her brother that's so big, and now that she knows it feels like the mask couldn't change a thing. There's a voice in the back of her mind that wants to tell Henry to put his suit up for good, walk away while he's still living and breathing and okay (because maybe she'll never admit it, but her love for Kid Danger is significantly outweighed by her love for Henry Hart), but the rest of her knows that it wouldn't matter either way. He'd still be the same; brave and reckless and stupid, and her brother.
And she's trying to decide if she hates him for it.
"You're such an idiot," she says finally, and hugs him. She feels his laugh more than she hears it, and his chin comes to rest on top of her head and she's sort of trying not to cry, especially because she thinks her makeup looks good today and Henry's wearing something that isn't a flannel for once and she really doesn't want to ruin it.
"So...are we cool now?" he asks hopefully, after a moment passes, and she shakes her head against his chest.
"Nope. No way. We are so far from cool, Henry."
She doesn't let go, though.
Neither does he, and they just stay like that, and she can't remember the last time they've hugged like this and she would never say it out loud but she missed it. When they finally pull apart, he grins at her and tousles her hair like he used to do when they were kids.
"Come on," he says then, and steps up the low stairs. "I want to show you something." There's a familiar glimmer in his eye, the same look he gets when they sneak out to watch R-rated horror movies or pull pranks on their parents together, and she lifts an eyebrow.
"Show me what?"
He gestures for her to join him. "Just, trust me." His voice is tinged with fondness, and she scoffs as he continues, "It's like, a rite of passage."
Piper hesitates a moment longer before going to stand next to him. Henry glances at the ceiling, and then positions himself on the floor, and then tugs Piper close to him. She tenses, but wraps her arms around him. "Um. What are we doing?"
"You'll see," he says, and then looks up again. He clicks something on his watch, and a glass tube descends around them, and Piper yelps. Henry laughs. "You're gonna love this part. Ready?"
"For what?"
"Just hold on tight," he grins, and then, "Up the tube!"
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amnewsfeed · 6 years
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EZ Magic Video Review - World’s #1 Human Spokesperson Software has been published on https://jvzooreviewsite.com/ez-magic-video-review/
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EZ Magic Video Review – What are you looking for? Are you looking for more info about EZ Magic Video!? Please read my honest review about this product before choosing/purchasing, to know more information, features, who/why should use?, price, etc., of it. Thank you!
Value for money
Ease of use
Features & Functionality
Customer support
EZ Magic Video is a brand new cloud based video creation system, that is going to change the way you create and sell customized videos.. (Read more below)
World’s #1 Human Spokesperson Software Built By Marketers For Marketers
Select Exactly What Each Professional Spokesperson Says, Line By Line!
Produces Amazing HD Commercials Ready To Sell For $100's of Dollars Each (Or Use Yourself)
Thousands Of Clips To Choose From. Incredible Amount Of Customization
100% Cloud-Based. Nothing to Install. Ever!
Featuring A Variety Of Spokespersons
Point-and-Click Software For Fast and Easy Video Creation
Dozens Of Videos, Backgrounds, Lower Thirds Graphics, Soundtracks, & More At Your Fingertips
Say Goodbye To Working With Difficult Designers & Spokespersons!
And Much More
User Rating 4 (1 vote)
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EZ Magic Video Review
EZ Magic Video Review * * * * *
World’s #1 Human Spokesperson Software Built By Marketers For Marketers
I just received an email from Todd Gross today.
He told me about a new ‘Human Spokesperson’ software called “EZ Magic Video“.
By popular demand.. Matt Bush and Todd Gross have developed software that actually allows you to CONTROL the content of what HUMAN Spokespeople are saying! “Impossible” .. you are probably thinking, right?
The way it works is ingenious. Over 2,000 video clips were recorded by 5 professional spokespeople, including Todd Gross himself.. But here’s the “magic”: The software easily allows you to not only string together full videos by combining clips, but helps you to smooth out the “seams” between each clip, so that the result is exactly the same as if you hired a spokesperson yourself for hundreds of dollars!
You can make as many videos as you want, and as long as you want, although most will run between 30 and 60 seconds, PERFECT for marketing for yourself OR your clients! You see, commercial rights ARE included.
As an example, you can have a video made coaxing folks to find out more about “Facebook Ads”, and to opt-into your list to learn more! The videos run across dozens of niches including local marketing for offline business as well. You really must see this to believe it!
NOTE: The RIDICULOUSLY LOW price for EZ Magic Video is going up in steps, so move on this swiftly!
Discover the “magic” and clobber your competition by using real human spokesperson videos for your marketing right away!
Let’s read my EZ Magic Video review to get the full story before you join.
EZ Magic Video Review – Product Summary
Product Name: EZ Magic Video
Creator: Todd Gross & Matt Bush
Launch Date: May 14th, 2018
Launch Time: 11 AM EST
Official Price: One-Time Cost, $67
DISCOUNT: Grab EZ Magic Video today with only $27-$37 (will increase throughout launch)
Bonus: EZ Magic Video Bonus + Special Bonus & It’s Yours Right Below!
Refund: 30 Days Money-Back GUARANTEED
Recommended: 100% Highly Recommended
The small list above is just a brief round-up of EZ Magic Video. However, Todd is offering a great deal for this product on his official website with many available pricing plans. This deal is going to be closed soon so if you want to secure your chance first, click the button below to get instant access to his official website now!
Meet EZ Magic Video
EZ Magic Video
In the first section of my EZ Magic Video Review, I want to briefly introduce what EZ Magic Video is all about.
Imagine if you had the power to put together Human Spokesperson videos where you could actually direct what the all-human spokespersons say…
We are talking about having your own professional spokespersons, practically on demand, so that you can build your own video scripts, line by line, by choosing from literally thousands of options, and create professional looking videos, in 90 seconds or less…
And of COURSE Todd is one of them!
We wanted to find a way to truly give you the freedom to create practically any video that you want, using an actual live spokesperson, without having to hire a professional person to record it for you.
This is a brand new cloud based video creation system, that is going to change the way you create and sell customized videos.
I am so excited to introduce you to EZ Magic Video!
EZ Magic Video Review – About Author
Todd Gross
The men behind this product is Todd Gross. I’m pretty sure that you may have heard the name Todd Gross at least once or twice if you are an online marketer. Not only he is a prestigious digital marketer, but he is also a talented product creator who have buzzed the market numerous times with his forward-looking products.
Todd Gross is a trusted name in the JVZoo space and has been a top affiliate for more than 10 years [JVZoo #1 affiliate since 2014] with many bestselling seven-figure launches on JVZoo and ClickBank.
Matt Bush
Also, his partner – Matt Bush is a JVZoo top affiliate, and grossed well over 2 million dollars in sales on various platforms over the past 12+ years. He is the creator of many #1 launches on JVZoo.
Todd & Matt know how to build successful launches…
Together they have launched their popular EZ line of products, and between this and their own products have grossed over $5 million.
Because of their renowned reputation in the market, there is no doubt that EZ Magic Video will also become a huge success in the near future. The next part of my EZ Magic Video Review is going to articulate its major functions.
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Features & Benefits
Each Segment Features Multiple Options To Give Your Videos True Variety
Featuring A Variety Of Spokespersons
Customizable Backgrounds
Choose From Our Extensive Library Of Eye-Catching Backgrounds Or Add Your Own
Add a background of the inside of a business to make it look like the video was filmed on location!
Choose From A Variety Of Soundtracks
Choose from one of our many soundtrack options, or add your own!
Read More Strong Features To Use EZ Magic Video Here
How Does It Work?
Creating Your Videos Is So EZ:
#1 Select Your Spokesperson #2 Build Your ‘Script’ #3 Choose Your Option #4 Render!
Watch the Quick Walkthrough Video Now!
Very awesome, right? So what makes this product different from others? Continue reading this article to find out.
Why Do You Need EZ Magic Video?
87% Of All Online Marketers Use Video Content…
We are truly living in the age of video. It is an incredibly compelling way to engage with people and sell online. Videos make sales and people are asking for it.
78% of people online are watching videos every week
55% of people watch videos online EVERY DAY.
Viewers are 90% more likely to buy a product or use a service after viewing a video.
Just one minute of video is equal to 1.8 million written words!
But Most Video Styles Are Missing One Critical Element… That’s Humans!!
Unfortunately Past Solutions Have Had Two Major Problems
#1 Working with Professional Actors & Actresses Is Very Expensive
Not only are your costs high when working with professionals, scripting what they will say is also a great challenge when you aren’t a professional copywriter.
#2 Current Available Software with Human Spokespersons Gives You NO Control Over What They Actually Say!
Human spokespersons in “pre-made” templates offer no flexibility with what is said.
So, I think EZ Magic Video is your perfect choice!
People are absolutely RAVING about EZ Magic Video and the potential it has to completely revolutionize how we create spokesperson videos, and for good reason.
It’s the World’s FIRST spokesperson software that allows you to customize what a real human spokesperson says in your video, line-by-line, all in a matter of minutes!
Don’t miss the launch party for this new-age software. Todd Gross and Matt Bush (the product creators) are giving away free training, going over the product in depth, offering free copies of EZ Magic Video..
This is just a TINY sample of what people are saying about EZ Magic Video:
“The amount of planning and work that had to go into this BLOWS my mind. Thank you guys for stepping up and showing next level/outside the box thinking.”
“I am blown away with EZ Magic Video. Finally, one can create videos with real spokes-persons and change the content with ease! Super easy to use with really fast rendering. I can honestly say this is a “game changer” for the video creation world!”
“I think I own every video program Matt has ever produced. I’ll buy them always knowing that they will be easy to use and most importantly instant cash makers for me. EZ Magic Video is truly a game changer for video production. I will be using it from day one for all my videos.”
Also, Take a look at some sample videos after using EZ Magic Video:
Who Can Benefit From Using This Tool?
Any marketer, regardless of the niche, who needs more content, more traffic and wants to make more money
Video marketers, SEO marketers, Lazy people
Affiliate marketers and Website Owners looking to increase sales
Anyone who wants to save money AND get the best solution at the same time
Comes With 100’s Of Clips On Local Marketing:
Computer Repair
Hair Salon
Real Estate
Child Custody
Pest Control
And Much More
EZ Magic Video Review – Pros and Cons
World’s First Truly Customizable “Human” Spokesperson Creator Software
1,000’s of Professional Clips Several Spokespersons
Exclusive Members Area With Detailed Training
Cloud Based Software – Nothing To Install
No Watermarks – Everything Is 100% Yours
Dedicated Support
The price may increase after a week launch.
The rest I will update if I detect further weakness of this software.
About The Price
» EZ Magic Video FE priced at $67 $27-$37 One Time (See Details)
World’s First Truly Customizable “Human Spokesperson” Video Software
$24.95 at open
$27 at 11 AM EDT on May 15
$27.95 at 12:01 AM EDT May 16
» OTO1 is EZMV Deluxe priced at $47 One Time (See Details)
2,000 additional video clips + Backgrounds + More Music
» OTO2 is EZMV Agency priced at $67 One Time (See Details)
Pre-Built Agency Website + 1000 more clips to use
» OTO3 is EZ Magic Video Local priced at $67 One Time (See Details)
2000 additional clips specifically for marketing to local businesses
» OTO4 is EZ Magic Video Club priced at $19.95/mo (See Details)
Get new monthly clips based on member suggestions, trending niches, hot topics, and more.
When you get instant access to EZ Magic Video today, you’ll get everything for just…
Final EZ Magic Video Review
Todd Gross offers a 30 days money back guarantee, so if there is anything about the product that you are not satisfied with, just email to ask a refund. No more question at all.
And if you meet any misunderstanding or confusion when using or learning, make sure you get in touch with the team because they can help you solve your questions right away. You’ve obviously got nothing to lose, and only new sales and conversions to gain.
What are you waiting for? Let’s try “EZ Magic Video” today right now and Get your best “EZ Magic Video Bonus” & plus FREE Special Bonus from me right below!
I’m also really looking forward to answering any question coming from you guy, so don’t hesitate to contact me anytime. Best wishes to you guys!
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