#they/them is fine. he/him is okay. but your chances of being hit with a gender debate go up if you use she/her
hiya-im-mary · 1 year
Being in the fanf fandom isn’t fair cuz if I use she/her on FunFox I have a high chance of having my notifications flooded with gender debates :(((((
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bamfkeeper · 2 months
Kurt going absolutely feral if he sees you hurt, you never expected him to be so vicious.
I think sometimes people get caught up in his playfulness and kind hearted nature but can be absolutely vicious when he wants to be. If you got hurt in battle or if someone hurt you in any way, he'd lose his mind.
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, descriptions of injuries and blood/cleaning wounds, gender neutral reader, unedited ignore mistakes.
WC: 1.4k
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Kurt loves you so much, and he shows it every single chance he gets. He's thoughtful, patient, and he listens to you whenever you need him to. Sometimes his friends forget what he's capable of under all that sweetness he displays. You do too.
You never saw him go all out in the Danger Room. Most of the time, training by his side consisted of Kurt sticking to you like glue and protecting you. You eventually had to ask him to stop, you needed to try to fight on your own. How else would you learn?
He still watched like a hawk, observing from a distance, since he could absolutely teleport to you if he needed. While the Danger Room presented threats in a fake projection and had hard obstacles, there was no real threat. Sure, you could get hurt, nothing would actively attempt to cause severe harm.
But real battles were different.
In real life, your opponent will try to kill you.
In real life, there are consequences if you aren't careful.
When your first mission came, Kurt insisted on coming with the chosen members for the team, he wouldn't let you go off on your own. You could handle yourself, he knew that. But he still couldn't shake the feeling of not knowing what would happen if he wasn't there.
"Kurt, I'll be fine. You know I've been working hard and I've passed all the tests," you said calmly, while he shifted beside you and gave you a small pout. You knew he was just trying to keep you safe, he cared so much and all he wanted to do was protect you. His tail wrapped around your leg and he sighed back.
"I know, liebling..." he whispered softly, "But I cannot help it. I know you are strong, and fully able to care for yourself." he held your cheeks and smiled at you. "I just want to make sure you'll be okay."
"I can't get any better if you're always there to be my safety net, Kurt." you cooed, but with a small frown. "Sometimes, I need to get hurt so I can get tougher. Or so I can improve my skills. Besides, Scott said I've been doing really good and that I'm ready, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen me for this mission." you added. "You know he can be a stickler."
Kurt chuckled in return, "Ja, he can be rather strict...but I want to make sure you're safe. I won't interfere, not unless I have to." Kurt promised softly.
During the big fight, you were facing three larger enemies. The men held weapons and began to swing them at you, but you were trained enough to dodge and avoid their hits. You were doing well, swinging back and avoiding their weapons, but three against one was hard. You weren't used to such relentless attacks, at least not from opponents hellbent on actually killing you.
In the heat of the moment, you mistook your step, not able to move out of the way quick enough. You feel a fist connect to your jaw, then your cheek, then the center of your nose. You stumble back and feel something flow down your nose, a metallic taste on your tongue.
You get a little roughed up, a few more good punches to the face and being tossed around from the sudden barrage of attacks. You had been caught off guard, as you were used to Kurt showing up within the second to defend you. You were grateful, but mentally cursed yourself for relying on him mid-battle.
Kurt fights off a few opponents and looks just in time to see you thrown onto your back and roll a little from the force of impact. He sees blood on your face and your body shake as you try to stand and recover. At that moment, he looses all composure.
He rushes at the opponent, "Stay away from them!" he snarled angrily, teleporting on top of them and knocking them away from you. He swings his swords and begins an intense duel with them. Hitting over and over, weaseling away from their reactive attacks while landing fierce strikes. You watch from the ground, your pain momentarily subsided as you witness his attack.
You have never seen Kurt so fast. He swings and jumps, his agile body moving almost like water, avoiding any counter the opponent had. If he wasn't battling, you would've been fooled that he was performing for the circus again. He was so elegant to watch, how he moved was hypnotizing. His tail wrapped around the opponent's arm and jerked so their fist collided with their face. Kurt jumped off and let the enemy fall onto their back.
He showed his swords, giving a growl, "Is that all you got, wretched bastards." Kurt spoke with malice in his voice, teleporting between them and knocking the two opponents down with a single twist and kick. When he landed he pointed his sword at them, silent victory.
Kurt glared down at the enemies while the rest of the team with you secured them. He didn't take his eyes off the men who attacked you, glaring and baring his teeth like an animal. He growled and watched as they were all gathered so the team could clear the area. Only after the men were secured did he turn back and rush to you.
"Liebling!" A sudden puff of smoke appeared beside you, and so did he. "Are you okay??" he asked, kneeling down as his hands gently took your cheeks, his eyes taking in your bloodied face. "You're hurt....it's okay. I'm here, I'll get you to the jet..." he carefully cradled you, your surroundings flashed with brilliant purple and black shades, like you were rushing through clouds with bright light peeking through before your surroundings suddenly appeared as the interior of the jet.
"Just relax. I will take care of you, where do you hurt?" he asked, quickly grabbing one of the first aid kits. Your ribs hurt badly, and if they weren't broken you'd be shocked. You had taken a few good hits to the face, and hitting the ground just made your hip sore. But luckily nothing too serious.
"Kurt...m'fine, really." you rasped out, slowly wiping your nose, looking down at the blood that had collected. "Just a little sore...I'm alright." you reasoned with your blue lover, but he shook his head.
"Nein, schatz...you are beaten black and blue..." he knelt back down and gently wiped your face with a rag to clean the blood. He positioned your head up slightly, dabbing a cotton ball soaked with rubbing alcohol. The smell made you cringe, and you leaned back as your cheek stung.
"Ow..." you mumbled, "Kurt, please. I can handle myself," you looked up to continue to talk but the look on his face made you pause. He was worried, he didn't like seeing you hurt. He wanted to take care of you, that was all. He looked back at you, his yellow eyes full of concern and sadness. So you held your tongue and allowed him to continue, even though you were fully capable of doing this, there was no harm letting him.
He dabbed your cuts clean, then applied some ointment to them. The entire time he tended to you, he made sure that he was very gentle. "Easy, liebe...just a little bit more." He applied the last butterfly bandage to your cheekbone and pulled back, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "Done."
You sighed with relief, sitting up with some trouble since your ribs were definitely damaged. "Thank you, Kurt...you're always so sweet to me." you smiled and kissed his cheek. He eagerly responded and he kissed you back after you pulled away. His tail wrapped around your waist gently and he positioned to hold you.
"We will leave soon. For now just rest...I promise to tend to you if I need to." he whispered, holding your head to rest on his chest. You couldn't fight him anymore, and you relaxed against him. His tail slowly rubbed up and down your back just as you liked, lulling you to sleep.
"Schlaf gut." he whispered, nuzzling his nose into your hair and feeling satisfied with you pulled against him. It scared him, seeing you on the ground like that. You didn't have any serious wounds, but he couldn't imagine if you did. He knew it was bound to happen one day, being part of the team meant every once in a while, injury will occur. He shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts.
Instead he just held you a little tighter, happy you were safe and okay.
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Thanks for reading.
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dividers by @/adornedwithlight
Cover Images: Way of X #5 (2021); X-Men the Onslaught Revelation #1 (2021); Way of X #5 (2021)
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lelengerine · 15 days
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pairing. jaemin x reader
synopsis. what do you do when your feelings for your best friend start becoming not-so-platonic anymore?
genre. childhood best friends to lovers au, just jaemin realizing his feelings, pls imagine them living in a small town near the beach 🙂‍↕️, gender neutral reader, lmk if there's anything that was missed!
wc. 1.2k words
notes. inspired by holyland - wave to earth! such a good song and i highly suggest reading this while it plays as bgm >< this won the poll i had up yesterday so yay! likes and feedback are highly appreciated!
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the sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the sand as you and jaemin walked side by side, the rhythmic crash of waves the only sound filling the silence between you. the air was warm, a soft breeze tugging at your clothes, and your laughter echoed across the empty stretch of beach as you nudged him with your shoulder.
“come on, jaem, you’re still so slow,” you teased, jogging ahead a few steps, turning to face him with that playful grin he’d grown so fond of. you never changed, he thought. always light, always glowing, even when the rest of the world felt heavy.
jaemin’s steps slowed, and he watched as you spun around in the sand, your arms outstretched like a child, completely carefree. the sight of you bathed in the fading sunlight—hair tousled by the breeze, your face flushed from the sea air—did something to him. there was a pull, a weight pressing on his chest that he couldn’t shake. he stopped in his tracks, eyes tracing the curve of your smile, the way your laughter rang through the air, unburdened and effortless.
maybe i’ve been walking along with grief… can’t find the love within my heart.
how long had it been like this? how long had he been chasing after things that didn’t matter, only to realize that what he wanted most had been right beside him all along? the realization settled over him like a wave, gentle yet unrelenting, washing away the distractions he’d been clinging to. 
he was in love with you.
the thought hit him with a clarity that left him breathless. all those moments—sharing late-night snacks, lying under the stars, trading inside jokes that only the two of you understood—he hadn’t realized what they truly meant until now. jaemin’s chest tightened, a quiet fear gnawing at him. what if he’d already lost his chance? what if you didn’t feel the same way?
“jaemin?” your voice broke through his thoughts, a soft question laced with concern. you’d stopped spinning, eyes wide as you tilted your head at him. “you okay?”
he blinked, forcing a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “yeah, i’m fine.” but even as he said it, the words felt heavy, like they didn’t belong to him.
you moved closer, the sand crunching under your feet. “you’re so weird today,” you murmured, a teasing lilt in your voice, but there was something more—something searching, like you knew there was more to his silence.
jaemin’s gaze drifted away from yours, back toward the horizon where the sun was sinking lower, its golden light reflecting off the water’s surface. he swallowed hard, his pulse quickening. how was he supposed to say it? how could he put into words everything that had been building inside him without unraveling the delicate balance of your friendship?
can you settle down my soul? and take me back to the days of old with you.
he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “it’s just… i don’t know. being here makes me think about a lot of stuff.”
you raised a brow, folding your arms over your chest as you took a seat in the sand, motioning for him to join you. “stuff like what?”
jaemin hesitated, the weight of his confession hanging on the tip of his tongue. he dropped down beside you, his fingers absentmindedly drawing shapes in the sand. “stuff like… how things have changed. how i’ve changed.” his voice was quieter now, laced with uncertainty.
you didn’t say anything, just waited patiently, eyes locked on him, like you were giving him all the space he needed to figure out what he wanted to say. and maybe that’s why it was so hard—because you always knew him so well. you could see past his smiles, his jokes, even his silence.
i’m laying in the grass, a daydream in the sun… i’m back inside your peace.
he’d always thought that was enough—just being close to you, being your best friend, the person you turned to when the world felt too big or too lonely. but somewhere along the way, that had changed for him. being near you wasn’t enough anymore. he wanted more, craved it in a way that scared him.
“i’ve been thinking about us,” jaemin admitted, his voice barely above a whisper, as if saying it louder would make the truth too real. “about what we mean to each other.”
you tilted your head, a soft smile playing on your lips. “we’re best friends, jaem. we’ve always been.”
he nodded, but his chest tightened. that was exactly it—best friends. the words felt too small, too limiting for what he felt. “i know. but… i think i’ve been lying to myself about what that means for a long time.”
your brow furrowed, confusion clouding your expression. “what do you mean?”
jaemin’s breath hitched, and he could feel his heart racing, the fear clawing at him again. but he couldn’t hide it anymore—not from you, not from himself. “i think i’ve been in love with you for a while now.”
the confession spilled out, unplanned and raw, leaving him feeling exposed, vulnerable in a way he’d never felt before. his eyes darted to yours, searching for any sign of how you might respond. would you laugh it off, tell him he was imagining things? or worse—would you pull away, leaving a gap between you that couldn’t be bridged again?
oh, holyland… watch your breeze take over me, just like we used to be.
but you didn’t laugh. you didn’t pull away. instead, your gaze softened, and for a moment, the world seemed to still. the sound of the ocean, the distant cries of seagulls, even the wind—everything fell silent as you stared at him, your lips parting as if to speak, but no words came out.
“jaemin…” you finally whispered, your voice tender, unsure. “why didn’t you ever tell me?”
he laughed weakly, the tension easing just a little as he shrugged. “because i was scared, i guess. scared of losing you.”
a silence hung between you, but it wasn’t heavy—it was contemplative, like both of you were trying to find the right words in a sea of emotions that had been unspoken for too long.
let me float in your arms… so come back to me.
then, you reached for him, your fingers brushing his. the simple touch sent warmth through his entire body, a quiet reassurance that you weren’t pulling away. not this time.
“i’ve been waiting,” you admitted, a small, almost bashful smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. “waiting for you to say something. because i think… i’ve felt the same for a while too.”
his heart soared, a quiet joy settling into the spaces that had once been filled with doubt. he couldn’t help but smile—a real one this time—as he pulled you into his arms, holding you close as the waves lapped at the shore behind you. the weight he’d been carrying for so long seemed to dissolve, leaving only the warmth of your embrace and the quiet certainty that you were exactly where you were meant to be.
as the sun finally dipped below the horizon, casting the world in shades of pink and gold, jaemin knew with unwavering clarity that whatever came next, he was ready. as long as it was with you.
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distantdarlings · 11 months
THE SECONDS BEFORE // e. berkshire
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Enzo Berkshire x Reader Insert (no gender-specific details)
+ SUMMARY - Just before the infamous Battle of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall makes the decision to keep all Slytherin students housed together in the dungeons. The night before the Battle begins, you can’t sleep. You wake a friend to keep your mind occupied. (Romance, Angst if you squint)
+ WARNINGS - Heavy kissing, language, heavy petting, implied sexual material
+ MUSIC (listened to while writing) -
My Love - Sia
Your eyes found the ceiling as if waiting for something to happen. Perhaps if you stared long enough, it would burst into swirls of color and light—or maybe it would fold back and reveal the stars that you so desperately wanted to see. You felt like you all had been in the dungeons for years, wasting away. Every time you looked at one of your friends, you felt as if they looked older. Like they'd aged while down here. The odd exhaustion painted bruises beneath their eyes and tore their lips.
You sighed and tapped your fingers on your stomach, attempting to entertain yourself. All of the boys were asleep and there was no way in hell you were going to be joining them anytime soon. Something about this whole situation set your teeth on edge. You weren’t sure if it was the fact that half of the people the castle was currently at extreme odds with were some of your closest friend’s parents and family or that you all weren’t allowed in the dorms, so you hadn’t changed in a day or two, or something else. But you knew you were getting tired of being here. When Professor McGonnagal had suggested using the dungeons to house the Slytherin students until they were sure you all were safe, you thought it sounded smart and would be a good way to keep everyone together and alive for a little while. And it was, it just felt off for a lot of reasons. Nobody but the house elves had been down here in two days. You wanted to know what was going on out there.
You rolled over, tucking your arm beneath your head to remain comfortable. Your eyes found the older boy that slept peacefully beside you. You wondered silently what the boy might be dreaming about and how angry he'd get if you woke him up. There was a pretty large chance considering how the boy felt about sleep, so fifty-fifty?
"Enzo," you whispered gently so as not to startle him. "Enzo, wake up."
When the dark-haired boy did not budge, you resorted to shaking him a bit, hoping the heavy sleeper would wake. You were bored out of your mind and figured that someone should share that boredom with you. If there was one thing anyone knew about Enzo Berkshire, it was that his late-night talks were a world of comfort. His deep, raspy words hit you like a truck, bruising your body. It was an odd feeling with nothing but scratchy phrases and the moon for comfort, but you loved it.
"Enzo!" you hissed, giving him a light slap. At this, the sleeping boy jolted awake. His eyes found yours quickly, giving you a look of disdain. You knew he’d be mad for waking him, but it was too late to go back now.
"Hey, what is it? Are you okay?" Enzo asked under his breath, propping his elbows up behind himself.
You were taken by surprise. You’d honestly more expected Enzo to punch you in the arm rather than ask if you were alright. It wasn't like you were complaining, it was just strange. Something about the domesticated look in his eyes when he was worried about you made your cheeks flush a bit. You’d always had a bit of a thing for Enzo, this much was obvious. Coming to terms with it was the hard part.
"No, I’m fine, Enzo," you whispered, avoiding eye contact. You were a bit embarrassed now. "I just wanted to talk to someone."
"Oh," he exhaled, a tone of relief blowing against your hair. He let his head fall back in a small stretch, his hair tickling the spot between his shoulder blades. You watched the older boy's throat stretch against his flesh and shift as he swallowed a deep breath.
"Did you have a nightmare or something?" he asked, pushing himself into a sitting position and crossing his legs.
"Actually, quite the opposite," you replied, pulling your knees up to your chest and wrapping your arms around them. "I can't sleep."
"Ah, I see," he spoke. "Is there anything you'd like to talk about—I mean, to turn your brain off? Maybe that's what’s keeping you up, your mind's running too much?"
"Maybe," you sighed. You could only bear to glance up at the older boy every once in a while. The way his brown eyes pierced into you and threatened to steal every secret from your brain . . . It was tantalizing. You let out a small huff of air, hoping that Enzo would make better conversation. The silence was deafening and you had nothing to say.
"So . . . do you think Draco and Pansy are fucking?" Enzo asked. You nearly choked.
"What?" you squeaked, your voice sounding prepubescent. Out of all the things he could have said, that was it? "Oh, um, I don't know?"
"Hmm, I didn't mean to spring that on you, I was just wondering what you thought."
"Well, I mean I suppose they could be," you shrugged. You really didn't want to talk about your friends having sex with each other.
"Yeah, I think they are—they're always hanging out with each other, you know?" he said, running a hand through his hair.
"What, friends can't hang out with each other without fucking?" you chuckled lightly.
"That’s not what I’m saying, you know what I mean," he said, pointing at you. "I know you've seen them, they're so touchy-feely with each other."
"So what if they're fucking? There’s nothing wrong with that—"
"I never said there was, I’m simply observing . . . I know what sexual tension looks like," he spoke a bit quieter. You wondered what made him add that little line onto the end. Maybe he was trying to hint at something? Or maybe you were looking too deeply into a casual conversation? It was likely the latter.
More silence ensued, creating even more tension in between you two. It soon became so thick, it was just waiting for one of you to slash it with a knife. You prayed that he would just do something, but you were almost positive he was not interested in you, like you were him. And god knows you weren’t going to make the first move, because what if he truly had no feelings for you? Your friendship would be wrecked and your self-esteem would be down the drain.
"I like you,” you choked out.
You took a deep breath and calmly repeated yourself. "I like you . . . like, a lot, Enzo."
More silence—a different kind that made your head feel all fuzzy. Your eyes were facing the ground so as to avoid him who had been shocked into submission by your words. You wanted to beat your own head in with a broom. What the fuck were you thinking? You had spent your entire life knowing Enzo, swearing you’d never tell him, not unless he said something first. And what did you do? Fucking tell him. Merlin, you were so stupid.
"Every time you sit there and joke around with Theo or Pansy, I feel like I’m suffocating. And I never knew how to tell you that, so I became desperate for your attention, figured that I was too needy, and started ignoring you. I was hoping you'd catch on but you never did, and, Merlin, Enzo, I’ve never wanted someone so fucking badly . . ." you vented, pressing your fingertips into your temples. You had started to feel a bit more confident when the words had started spewing out but now you felt like you were on a stage in front of the world and Enzo’s silence was only making it worse. Why didn't he say something? At least turn you down or punch you or something.
"You want me?" Enzo breathed, his voice cracking under the pressure of a whisper. You glanced up from your lap and looked at the older boy. His eyes were glued to his hands as he seemed to be processing some things.
"Fuck, I need you, En."
His eyes found yours. The dark-haired boy leaned forward, on hands and knees, and crawled ever so slowly over to you. His eyes were trained on yours until they slipped down to your lips. You shuddered as the boy balanced himself on his knees, towering over your small, huddled frame. He slipped his lower body between your legs and pushed the both of you back. He hovered over you, feeling your heavy breaths mix. Your eyes were dilated and half-closed, waiting for the other's touch.
"You need me?" he spoke barely above a whisper, the gravel in his voice sending shivers up the younger's spine. Your head dipped down to let your nose gently bump against his throat. He could feel your breath there, letting it tease his flesh.
"Please," you spoke, the pitch of your voice had an effect on Enzo like no other. He imagined the way his lips would feel on your skin just before he did so. You weren’t sure if the boy above you would live up to the fantasies you’d created in your mind but it seemed impossible for him not to. The boy's inexplicable scent and the way it filled your senses, his gently cracked lips and the way you’d imagine them scratching along your throat and chest. Everything about him made your heart leap into your throat.
He didn't give you a chance to take a breath before trapping your lips with his own. They were skilled and tasted like the orange soda you both had before bed. You closed your eyes at the taste and feeling of the boy over you. He was everything you could have imagined and more. The built arms that balanced on either side of your head and the way his tongue slipped against yours.
"You sure?" he whispered when your lips disconnected for a breather. You nodded, catching his breath with deep exhales.
He reconnected your lips with no regard for your border-line asthmatic symptoms. You placed a hand behind you and pushed yourself into a sitting position, gently backing him onto his knees. He captured your waistband in his hands and tugged you onto your knees as well, loosening the fabric in the process. Nimble fingers tugged on the tie of your sweatpants, lightly brushing against the core of your body. You hissed into his mouth at the feeling, your lips faltering a bit. You could feel him smirking.
He laid the two of you back down, now much more convenient that your pants were loosened. He trapped your lips again, catching the bottom one gently in his teeth. His hand traced your stomach before slipping between your flesh and the waistband of your underwear, slightly rubbing against the most sensitive part of your body. You moaned aloud at the sensation, feeling his free hand slide over your mouth to hush you up. There was a possibility the other boys and students would hear but you didn't care, all you were concerned with was Enzo’s skin moving against yours.
The black-haired boy severed his lips from yours and found comfort with the skin of your throat. The hand stuck beneath your pants and the one on your mouth never once faltered, staying astutely in place. The sounds spilling from your lips and muffled by his hand only tightened his jeans, making it a bit hard to breathe.
He pulled his hand from beneath your waistband. You struggled to catch your breath as his hips lowered down to yours. Your hips bucked up to meet his, his breath hitching in his throat, his lips faltering on your neck. It was your turn now.
You pushed your hands beneath his tee shirt and splayed your fingers against his warm back. The tips of your fingers traced down his spine, your nails catching his skin every once and a while. His lips on your throat never faltered, his tongue brushing against your skin gently.
You traced your hands down the rest of his back and curled them around his hips to the front of his sweatpants. The tips of your fingers trailed lightly over the small growth of hair just beneath the ties. His lips shuddered against your skin as your hand slowly, slowly slid between his pants and skin. His skin was hot and sharp, your fingers cold and soft. Like snow falling gently against his skin, it being like fire and melting it immediately on contact.
“Please, baby,” he begged, his lips brushing the shell of your ear with every pant he took.
The very tip of your finger brushed over his most sensitive area—a whisper of a touch. He choked out a groan into your ear, his hand tightening in your hair, pulling tightly against your scalp.
A shrill scream pierced the pair of your ears. You flinched at the sound, pushing Enzo back as quickly as you could. The two of you stared, wide-eyed and panting.
“The Death-Eaters are here—they’re outside the school grounds!” A young, terrified first-year pushed through the hallway leading into the common-room where everyone slept.
You lept to your feet. Enzo slipped a hand into yours and squeezed tightly.
“Guess we’ll have to finish this later,” he joked, his cheeks and lips still flushed. You rolled your eyes but when he looked at you, you both smiled nervously. It would be okay.
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itadores · 1 month
note: everything i write is a little bit silly! i hope u enjoy u and sakura opening blind boxes hehe
pairing: sakura haruka x gn!reader
word count: 1.4k
tags: gender neutral reader, fluff, established relationship, haru and baby used to refer to sakura
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Your hands hover over your phone as the device precariously balances against your water bottle resting on the table. Once you’re confident that your phone won’t come tumbling down anytime soon and fall screen first against the wooden surface of the table, you turn towards Sakura and pat the open seat right beside you.
“Come sit, Haru!”
Sakura eases himself down onto the bench, his leg briefly brushing against yours before hastily retreating. You don’t allow him to go far, bumping your knee against his, a silent reassurance that he doesn’t have to go anywhere. Sakura doesn’t look at you as he scoots a little closer to you, thigh touching your own, nearly feather-light. You lean more into the weight, which is more than a welcomed presence.
“Why do you have your phone out?” Sakura questions after clearing his throat, unsure of its necessity.
You multi-task, replying to Sakura as you pull up the camera app on your device. “I want to videotape our unboxing!”
Sakura’s brows knit in confusion. “Why? Are you going to post it or something?”
You shrug. “No, I just want to film it.” You turn to face Sakura as light concern washes over you. “Are you okay with that? It’s not going to go anywhere besides my camera roll, so you don’t have to worry about anyone seeing it.”
“Yeah that’s fine,” he replies, agreeing rather easily. Sakura ends up giving in and going along with most of your desires, but he usually needs far more persuasion. “Just don’t go showing it to Suo or Nirei or any of the guys,” Sakura grumbles. “Don’t need them spamming my phone with messages for no reason.”
If that’s all it takes for Sakura to agree to be filmed, then you’re more than happy to oblige him. It’s not too big of an ask, especially considering that you know he can still find it a little overwhelming when he receives a sudden influx of text messages despite having been in a group chat with his old friends since their first year at Bofurin.
“Okay, I’m going to start filming then. Are you ready?”
You wait for Sakura to nod before you hit record.
“Hi guys!” you say to your imaginary audience, waving at the screen. “Haru and I just went shopping and we bought some blind boxes that we’re going to unbox for you all today!”
You turn your attention away from your phone onto Sakura. Although there’s nobody else around listening to you, you lower your voice into a hushed whisper. “Baby, can you get our blind boxes out of the bag?”
Sakura grabs the plastic bag lying on the other side of him and sets it aside onto the table where it won’t block the camera.
“Thank you, Haru.” you give him a quick peck on the cheek, the skin warming beneath your lips.
“Yeah,” Sakura mutters under his breath as you reach across and grab the two blind boxes you purchased together out of the bag. Well, the two blind boxes Sakura purchased because he refused to let you pay for yours or the one you insisted upon him getting for himself. He had put cash down onto the counter of the cashier before you even had a chance to get your card out. When you tried to protest, he just mumbled that he was buying it, the tips of his ears burning red. You didn’t put up too much of a fight after that, resolving yourself to simply enjoy the sweetness of Sakura.
You place one of the blind boxes in Sakura’s hand before holding your own up towards the camera.
“These are the blind boxes we got.” you show the camera all the different angles of the packaging. You nudge Sakura lightly with your shoulder, prompting him to hold up his blind box in one hand. He’s a bit stiff and his movements are a little awkward. Sakura’s obviously unused to being in front of the camera and the center of its attention, but he’s endearing all the same.
“Which one do you want?” you ask as you inspect the back of the packaging, eyes roving over the different possibilities that you could be met with once you tore into the blind box. Sakura's brows furrow as he does the same.
"I'm fine with any of them," he says, shrugging. You roll your eyes, knocking your shoulder against Sakura's.
"Haru, you have to pick at least one you would really like to have!" you insist, voice bordering on a whine. You huddle closer to him, bringing your blind box between you two. "I think they're all super cute, but I really like this one," you say as you point to the option you like the most: a gray and white cat figurine with a shrimp tempura wrapped around its waist. "What about you, baby?"
Sakura's face screws up in concentration as he looks over the options again. You resist the urge to smoothen out the crease between his brows. "I guess I like this one the most," Sakura says, a little unsure, pointing at an orange and white cat figurine with a boiled shrimp wrapped around its head.
You nod in agreement. "That one's also super cute!"
Upon hearing your words, some of the tension leaves Sakura as he relaxes against you. You smile to yourself before looking back up at the camera. "Okay, we're going to unbox now!"
You attempt to open the box nicely, but after struggling for a bit, you, not so neatly, tear the cardboard apart. Your eyes fly to Sakura's face before you can catch a glimpse of the contents of the now ruined box. "Don't look inside yet, Haru!" you suddenly cry out. Sakura startles, hands pausing from opening the box. "Let's look at the same time."
"Okay," Sakura slowly says, head tilted in mild confusion. However, he doesn't question you.
"Okay, on the count of three! Ready?" You wait until Sakura nods to begin. "1...2...3..."
Once the number three leaves both of your lips, you immediately begin to truly tear into the packaging, pulling the figurine out of the wreckage of destroyed cardboard.
"Baby, I got the one you wanted!" you happily exclaim, showing off to Sakura the silly orange and white cat figurine with a boiled shrimp wrapped around its head that he liked the most.
"Isn't this the one you wanted?" Sakura asks, holding up the figurine he just pulled. Your eyes widen when your gaze falls onto the gray and white cat figurine with a shrimp tempura around its waist. The one that you wanted so badly.
"Oh my god, it's even cuter than I thought," you squeal. There’s no resistance on Sakura’s end as he lets you take the figurine from his loose grip. You bring the figurine close to your face, your eyes greedily soaking it all in. “It’s so cute,” you happily comment as you gently place it back into Sakura’s open palm.
“Do you want to trade?”
Sakura rubs the back of his neck, his fingers twisting and tangling through black and white strands.
“Do you want to switch?" he asks again. "Since I got the one you really wanted,” he mumbles, the tips of his ears glowing a soft pink.
Your eyes light up.
“Oh, that’s perfect, Haru!" you gush. "Here," you say as you slip the figurine you unboxed into Sakura's free hand. He follows suit, handing the figurine you wanted off to you.
"Ah, it really is super cute," you say once more, admiring the cat figurine now in your possession. You lean further into Sakura, dropping your head to rest against his shoulder. "Thank you again for buying them, baby," you murmur, lifting your head slightly to press a light kiss to Sakura's neck. You feel his pulse jump. "And for switching with me. I hope you like the figurine you got."
"It's no big deal," he tries to brush off, but the pink hue coloring his skin says otherwise.
"Still," you insist. "Thank you, baby."
"Yeah, you're welcome."
Most of the remaining tension in Sakura's body escapes into nothingness as he allows himself to fully sink into the weight of you. You happily sigh, utterly content with your current position. So long as Sakura indulges your want for PDA, you’ll continue to take advantage of it. Just as you're starting to get really comfortable, you abruptly sit up straight, startling Sakura into doing the same.
"I almost forgot to stop the video!"
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brights-place · 9 months
I apologize but could you maybe write more Creek x male/Gn reader headcanons please….I enjoy your writing for him😔 preferably sfw and nsfw hcs but whichever is fine 😔
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Creek Dating Headcannons
Pairing: Creek X S/O
Warnings: Fluff, Slight Angst
A/N: I wanted to do SFW! headcannons mostly fluff since I mainly write that and angst and cause i'm to lazy to write about NSFW Headcannons sorry lovely!
- He’s an stupid fucking hippie somebody get Cartman to hit him!/HJ
- Dating creek comes with it's pros and cons like in every relationship
- but you We’re dating the TRAITOR to the pop trolls.... well you were before
- Creek is the most positive, supportive, reassuring Troll in all of Troll Village before he betrayed all of them he was approaching everything with Zen like wisdom. He’s calm, collected and capable. - You fell in love with him like all the other trolls but when he betrayed troll village you couldn't help but be hurt since you and him did yoga together and always talked to eachother happily about your interests together... - you were dating him before he betrayed everybody and your relationship was kept private
- Compliments you and praises your ass 21/7 365 the reason I didn’t say 24/7 is cause he’s ask you to do yoga with him the other times or is doing some spiritual shit
- If he see’s you not doing the positions right while doing yoga in his yoga classes he’s walk over and fix it especially in some positions but when alone doing your just solo yoga session together he holds your waist and fixes you to some positions that are quite suggestive
- Hands touching your waist and helping you stay in balance while his breaths hit your neck or ear
- As your lover he takes that shit seriously and enjoys how you get jealous when other female trolls since he’s quite popular with them try to ask him out
- but if it’s the other way around male, female, any other gendered or non-gendered trolls ask you out he’s gripping your waist smiling at the person happily but his ‘Aura’ would be threatening
- Loves showing you how much he cares for you and loves having new experience switch you and quite enjoys the fact that YOU let out cute noises when shown a bit of affection from him
- he enjoys how flustered you get most of the time - He loves when you soothe and remind him that it’s okay to be funny and goofy in some moments - Pays attention to every detail about your stories, hobbies or anything you enjoy whenever you open up abit before realising your rambling. - He understands emotions and your aura so well so if you wanted to vent or rant to him he would listen combing his hands through your hair as you ranted/vented about things. - Creek would sense your Aura and notice your mood completely - Due to being this yoga, spiritual dude he'd try and relax you with words. - He always knows what to say to cheer up others - He likes to prove that he's better then Branch. So you'd have to apologize to branch and hold onto creek and pull him away cause it always leads creek leads him to play foul at times.
- I WHOLE HEARTILY BELIEVE THIS LITTLE SHIT IS AN SWITCH IN BED! - He praises you every chance he fucking gets like have you seen him around poppy and the others he wants to be likeable but for you he wanted to be the only one in your heart like how you were the only one in his heart too. - but when you and him were taken by an bergen he held you close while you worried with the others - he tried to calm everyone down which kind of worked before that bergen chef decided to freak everyone out again - creek gripped onto you to soothe you the most out of everybody - When he betrayed you… He turned to look at you when he said that he was selling you all out for his own safety. - The pain in your eyes made his heart break as he was going to walk towards you but poppy choked him as he just finished that sentence
- you stared at him as he clawed to breathe others pulling poppy back but when he panted and glanced to you he saw how you stared and faced your back towards him not looking at him at all... - He did it to save himself he thought you'd understand? You SHOULD understand - He allows you to kiss his freckles for abit while he holds you close
- After the thing that happened with the Bergen’s and banishing Creek and that Ugly Bergen chef you were alone but poppy and the others helped you with that
- The other Trolls may have forgiven Creek, but Branch didn't and the two remain rivals throughout the series but you didn't forgive creek either once he came back - He tied to talk to you like he didn't betray you and tried to get back an place in your heart like he did before - “(Name) My love please I thought you out of all people would understand” he said taking an step closer reaching an hand out as you slapped it away with an look of disgust on your face “Understand? Understand what! You’d save yourself for an own selfish reason and leaving us to die in the stomach of Bergen’s!” You exclaimed loudly towards him “You left your friends to suffer! you left ME to suffer. Creek you are lucky that the others forgive you but I can’t” Creeks world crumbled at that moment as he saw you turn your back on him. - He wanted you to go back to loving him. The way you two would talk in each-others own pods sleeping together cuddling ranting and joking around by the dumbest things. - He wanted you to hold him. He wanted you to go back to Surprising him randomly and peppering his face with kisses… He couldn’t get that back could he?
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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venerawrites · 3 months
This is my first time requesting for arcane but, can you write an Ekko x male! reader (fem or Gender neutral is fine if you can't write for male readers) where the reader is really sweet and gentle. They like to forage, bake/cook for Ekko, make toys for the kids of zaun, painting, drawing, and craft stuff like clay rings, mugs, pottery, and make clothes as well.
It can be an imagine or headcanons, I don't mind either way.
author's note: hi! I don't write male readers, but I do write gender-neutral so I hope that's okay! I actually thought this request was super cute and I loved the idea! Hope you enjoy and thank you so much for requesting!
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Someone who is sweet and also artistic/crafty is going to be the perfect partner for Ekko. (Not kidding, this young man deserves all the love in the world!)
I imagine you being a part of the Firelights for a few years before Ekko gained the courage to ask you out.
Don't get me wrong, he had a crush on you way before that!
He saw something special in you the day you joined - the way you carried yourself, the little splatter of paint on your shirt, the big bag of art materials you brought with you, the way you warmly smiled at the kids and they took an immediate liking to you - it all made him look at you in a different light from everyone else.
However, having lost so many people in his life, he didn't want to risk catching feelings. So despite the initial attraction, he did keep his distance at first. He was a good leader, always making sure to check on you and ask how are you adjusting to the life as a Firelight, but he also always seemed to keep the conversations short and polite.
Ekko always had his eye on you - whenever he heard your melodic laugh or children screaming in joy (because they always did when you were around), his head whipped in your direction almost instinctively.
Because of your wide range of skills, especially when it comes to crafting things, it didn't take long for you to become everyone's favourite - you often build toys for the kids and played with them in your free time, which is why all of them got attached to you pretty quickly. When someone needed their clothes fixed or wished for a change of their usual 'uniform', they always came to you.
The man was a bit taken aback at first - he kept seeing everyone, including Scar, coming with new jackets, shirts, and even masks, yet he didn't seem to know how and where they got it from. Once he learned it was in fact you making them, he couldn't help but smile - so you were quite the crafty person, huh?
He came a few days later with his ruined jacket (he may or may have not actually ruined it on purpose), asking you to fix it. As he was the leader, you spent all afternoon sewing, so he could have it ready for the mission the next day. When you gave it to him during dinner, he was both surprised and also amazed - not only did you fix it quickly, but you also made it better by adding some details to it.
(Needless to say this became his favourite piece of clothing ever! It was also not the last time he came to you, asking you to 'fix' his clothes...)
That evening was the first time the realisation he might like you in a different way than every other member hit him like a ton of bricks.
And it did scare him! So much, so that he made it almost his mission to avoid you. Every time you entered a room, he quickly excused himself, and if by chance you caught him looking at you, he would quickly turn around, the tips of his ears going a few shades darker.
His plan didn't work that well, however, as you being one of the few people who can draw/paint, you were assigned to work on the wall mural. He had to supervise the work and therefore interact with you, and to be honest, it was quite awkward for a bit.
I imagine you would notice his weird behaviour, but would not address it as you were not sure why he was giving you mixed "hot & cold" signals. You would continue treating him like usual and eventually, after a few days of tense atmosphere between you (and also a bit of 'scolding' from Scar), he would apologize and actually relax around you.
Ekko is funny, loving, protective, kind, passionate, and a man that I cannot imagine anyone NOT falling in love with. So probably it did take you embarrassingly short time to catch feelings for him.
He may be a bit slow when it comes to his own feelings and emotions, but he is very good when it comes to reading everyone else's. So when you made him a special mug for his birthday and gave to him while your face looked like it was about to explode, he put 2+2 together.
This is when flirting Ekko unlocks and - PHEW! - this man has no mercy!
He loves to tease you just so he can see you as a flustered mess. While he is very confident as a leader and fighter, he still think it's unreal that you can catch feelings for someone like him - he comes with so much emotional baggage, that he cannot really understand what do you see in him.
(Not that he is complaining, because once he asks you out and you say 'yes', he doesn't plan to EVER let you go!)
Once you are together, he would always organise fun dates including crafting or making stuff - either he will teach you how to make tech stuff in his workshop or you will teach him how to make clay rings, dishes and pottery.
He loves how gifted you are and would often tease you by asking you: "Is there anything you can’t do?"
Very proud of you and the fact that you are his partner! He usually likes to keep his private matters to himself, but if he has a drink or two, EVERYONE is hearing about how skilled you are, how every body loves you (especially him) and how lucky he is to have you not only in his life, but also living in the Firelight base.
Speaking of living, despite the relationship progressing slowly, he would practically make you move in to his room just a few months after getting together. He loves going to sleep and waking up by his side and while usually you were staying with him only occasionally, he will have a long chat with you of the benefits to share a room.
"C'mon, don't you want to sleep in the leader's bed? Hey, hey, I'm kidding! But seriously, you come here almost every night and I do sleep better when you are by my side, so why not?"
Watching you interact with the kids in the base and even in Zaun has to be his absolute weak spot. He can never hide his smile and dreamy gaze when he watches you giving them new gifts/toys and he falls in love even deeper every time he sees you hug them and stroke their heads lovingly.
His other weak spot has to be your cooking! (The way to a man's heart is through his stomach after all!) He is pretty good cook himself, so dates in the kitchen are a pretty often occurrence for you.
Still, he can never match your skill when it comes to baking and desserts and he loves when you spoil him by making his favourite cakes/sweet food. He loves to watch you cooking, often sitting on the table and quietly sipping his tea, while observing you.
The Firelights love you as a couple and are happy it is you by Ekko's side - he suffered a lot and has been alone the majority of his life, so he deserves all the love and happiness you can offer.
cc artwork: Tekkon Kinkreet
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yaut-jaknowit · 11 months
okay, okay, I got an idea for a while that you mightttttt enjoy
Basically, Nsfw idea lesgo 🔥, imagine an Elder just fucking you in a empty council room after a frustrating meeting (amab reader if you’re comfortable with it because i’m lowkey incapable of reading smut with any other gender💀)
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Stress Reliever
Pairing: Wolf (Male Yautja) x AMAB!Reader
Warnings: rough sex (usual for these guys), knotting (again), mlm sex, anal sex, abandoned cock, no foreplay, no prep (straight to the point), aftercare, hints of voyeurism, blood and biting, sort of cnc (concent giving but not said, agreed upon before story starts), use of ‘good boy’, light aftercare.
Word Count: 2101 (I wish this was longer)
Summary: Wolf is frustrated after a meeting gone wrong. He has to release that pent up anger some how. Oh, how generous of you to be in the room with him.
Author Note: I'm more than happy to write AMAB stuff for you! If there's anything incorrect in here, please let me know. I don't have the body parts soooo I tried! I know you like Celtic but he's not an elder so I hope Wolf is fine for you. I do love that old, grumpy elder. If only I could get my hands on him
From his chair at the meeting table, you could feel the tension in his body. Strung tighter than a bow ready to snap. Halfway through the council meeting, Wolf had placed a heavy hand on your thigh, claws lightly biting into your flesh. The pressure grew over time till blood had been drawn at the conclusion of the meeting.
The mighty hunter ordered everyone out in an instant. His thundering voice echoing back at him like a storm ready to unleash its strength. A storm you were trapped in. The ridged grasp on your poor thigh had yet to waver, even as the last Yautja evacuate the council room.
It was only a breath before Wolf had strike like a predator on its prey. In one instant, Wolf pinned you, chest down, bent over the council table. His unbearable heat blanketed your feeble body. Chitters and snarls vibrated your back and raced up your neck, creating goosebumps in their wake. The elder had you promptly at his will.
A hand found its way to your hip, claws biting through the shirt to graze your skin. You shuttered at the feeling and released a shaky breath. Those unsteady noises were drowned out by the heady, dominating growl that had blood rushing to your undeniable growing shaft. “Wo-Wolf,” you breathed his name as if it was a sin to speak a decibel louder.
Warm, thin tresses created a partial curtain. Wolf’s hand on your hip tightened. “Paya,” he murmured barely above an inhale. Then, he tore the clothing covering your waist and legs clean off. The sudden rush of air hitting the exposed skin had you yelping, thighs clenching together. As if the male wouldn’t just pry them open if he wanted to.
In an uncoordinated, rushed move, Wolf slithered a hand to the back of your knee and jerked it up. Your leg was forced onto the table. The toes on your other foot scrapped, barely touching the ground now. He had you folded into the position he wanted.
You squirmed under his hefty, muscular weight for only a moment. The Yautja snarled and snatched the back of your neck. “Stay,” he bit a domineering command that shook you to your core. Your cock jumped and bumped into the table. A hiss coming from clenched teeth at how sensitive the tip had already become.
All you could mange was a whimper and weak nod, body resting pliantly on the stone table. Wolf stayed for a few moments before pulling his weight off of you. In this position, you weren’t able to fully see his figure from the corner of your vision.
His hips were pulled away from you. Sounds of metal and leather being mess with hit your ears. Before you had the chance to act upon thoughts of disobeying him, the Yautja returned in full force.
Thick, sticky, and hot. His shaft rested at the end of your tail bone and slowly slide across your soft skin. The weight was all too familiar. But, it always felt better inside, knotted, and milked dry.
One of his hands grabbed the entire of one globe and spread it. Your tight, although, plenty stretched hole, throbbed. Without hesitance, Wolf jerked his hips back and lined up the tip. The sharp head resting between the ring of muscles.
With a single thrust, the entire length was shoved inside of you. Despite the pain of the stretch, sounds of pleasures spilled from your lips like gold. A cry echoing back at you, ringing through the chambers like a choir. In the mixture of your own sounds came with the snarl and grunts of the lethal predator taking you. His hips slapping to yours in fervor, releasing all the pent anger of the last two hours.
“W-Wolf!” you sputtered his name, hands clawing at the stone underneath you. Your nails dragged across it and couldn’t find an ounce of purchase to ground you for a moment.
“Pauk-de take it! Take it, little mate!” he spat out harshly in the wild fury of his pounding thrusts. “Those tarei’hasan are clueless.” Wolf laid more of his weight on top of you which effectively crushed you. “They had no clue to how Kainde Amedha hunt.” Sharp, lethal fangs scrapped across the skin on your neck. “Know it all’s!”
A particular thrust had you seeing stars while your body began to shake. “And I get to you use you.” Wolf clamped down on the crook of your neck, drawing blood. “All mine to release my rage on.” When your muscles fluttered around him at that last sentence, his hips stuttered with a groan. “Yeah, you pauk-de don’t mind it. Pauk-de loving it.” You practically heard the smirk in his guttural voice.
Yet, the Yautja lost himself to his frustration and need for release now. The oh-so levelheaded male was drowned in his emotions he hadn’t felt the way you were tightening on his. The way his deflated knot was already catching on your muscles.
Time slowed for the seconds leading up to an exploding climax. Everything kept building up despite this all being about Wolf releasing his frustration. At the top of this razor sharp edge, you were shoved over without a care in the world. Your cock twitch as it burst out the first rope of cum onto the underside of the table onto the ground.
Wolf snarled deafeningly straight into your ear when he felt your walls capture him in a vice grip. It forced his hips to stutter to an exasperated speed. In the heat of the moment, a hand curled around you throat. He pressed you against his chest and snarled a deep growl.
The moment he could slip out, he did only to shove the entire length of him straight back into you. A sputtering, nonsensical blabber spilled from your drooling lips. The oversensitivity far greater than you were expecting. And, you didn’t want it to stop. He let loose like a cannon destroying a fleet. This wasn’t about you. Not in any way shape or form.
A Yautja in need of release of pent up, boiling rage.
At every new slam into you had your spent cock hitting the table. The shocks of oversensitivity had your mind reeling to grab at yourself. But your muscles were locked tight, making it hard to even breathe.
“I’m the Payasaken Kainde Amedha specialist! Knowing…” his words trailed off into Yautja. A deep, nasty Yautja that had you shivering at the sounds.
He straightened up. Both of his scaly hands groped at the flesh of your cheeks and spread them as far as possible. His fire-filled eyes zeroed down on the way your abused hole was forced to stretch wide at each thrust. The way his deflated knot was shoved in then pulled back in a manner that conveyed his rage. He craved the sight of this small, vulnerable ooman struggled to take his cock. You were already a mess of wasted, spent cum and sweat blanketed your skin.
He was far from done with you.
A shift of his hips had the sharp tip of his cock driving down into your prostate then the knot to press against it. The double whammy had your vision swimming as you squirmed wildly underneath him. The overstimulation growing nearly painful.
Wolf released a threatening snarl and draped his weight over you again. Once more, without choice, you were trapped underneath. “There’s no escaping this, mate. You’re going to take what I give you.” The hand around your throat had tightened to a point that slowed the blood flow to your brain. You being to the effects of lack blood to your brain quickly.
Even in a fervorish state, Wolf knew when to release the pressure on your throat just to do it all over again three more times. Until he could smell the tall tale sign of your climax rising again. A Cheshire grin on his alien face as his thrusts begin to lose their coordination. The predator focusing on short but powerful drivers of his hips.
The hand not around your throat slithered between the two of you to press down on the small of your back. Enough to tilt your hips further down. One thrust and it was done.
Electricity shot through the taunt body of the Yautja as he slammed his hips flush to you. He bellowed a mighty roar that could be heard through the halls. The ball of flesh that sat at the base of his heft shaft swelled with a rush of blood. Ropes of hot, burning cum was milked at each squeeze of your stretched walls.
The entire frame of muscle that towered over you rested upon you like a heavy blanket. Deep, guttural breaths came from the spent creature that had just plowed you. You whimpered at the feeling of your asshole on the verge of splitting from the size of his girthy knot locked inside of you. Not a single drop of cum to be spilt past the ball of flesh nestled within you.
Purrs poured from Wolf’s throat. Sweaty, well-worn palms stroked down you side in a calming manner. Scratchy shushes falling from his mouth. “Good… good little mate. Such a good boy. Taking my knot. It’s okay, it’s okay.”
Until this point, you hadn’t realize your entire body was shivering from the oversensitivity he forced upon you. You couldn’t tell if your cock or hole ached worse. You whined.
“Paya, look at you,” he murmured and stayed above you. “The feeling of you tight around my knot drives me crazy.” Wolf let an arm to curl around your torso and timidly picked up. With the size difference, Wolf kept you suspended, toes unable to touch the ground. “Makes me want to pull out and take you all over again.”
In the haze of your mind, you felt him sit back down on his chair and put you in his lap. The two of you are trapped for the unforeseeable future. Your legs were spread to be on the outside of his legs, letting the empty room see the way he has filled you. Your spent shaft lying limp, resting where your thigh meets your torso.
The purr that still resonated from him vibrated along your skin. They sent a wave of goosebumps. Your head was lolled back to rest on his chest, eyes closed. Warm, rough hands soothed the skin on your inner thighs. “You’re still so tight, mate,” he purred straight into your ear. “No matter how many times I stretch you.”
For the moment, you could only airily huff and rolled your eyes. Claws ghost down your inner thighs to stop where your cock rested. When a hand swaddled the softened shaft, you stuttered a gasp and whined in discomfort.
His hand engulfed you and added a light pressure that had you squirming in his lap. “Look at you.” There was a Chesire grin planted on his face. Little, minute spurts of post-cum escaped and pathetically down the head only to be used as lube. Wolf softly twisted his wrist. You choked on air, body tensing up. A threatening snarl tearing from the elder’s throat as he locked his muscles. “At my hands wills.”
“Soon, I have another meeting.” Wolf’s words echoed in your brain. Your body locked up, eyes snapping open to thankfully found the room still empty. Yet, you couldn’t deny the way your cock jumped at the notion. “A magnificent sight of my knot locked deep inside of you. Something to walk into. Smell, taste,” he murmured lowly and gently stroked your deflated cock.
Sparks of hot, blazing electricity fired off of ever nerve in your body. Due to the knot still inside your stretched ass, there was no place to scuttle off to. Only you could just sit there and endure the hand stroking away at a teasing but maddening pace. Every sound made was consumed by the elder’s ears in an instant. All just for him.
Before he could push you too far into a dumb state, Wolf released his hold on you. Slowly, he reached over to grab an item then pressed it to your lips. “Drink,” he commanded. Unable to fully think, you just simply listened to his order. Your lips parting to consume the liquid provided for you.
Once he was satisfied with your intake, Wolf pulled the glass away and discarded it on the table. A purr started back up like an old farm truck to vibrate your bones. You laid there, content from his hands softly petting you.
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salty-croissants · 10 months
Hi!!!! Can I request pre relationship hc for bullfrog. Like when you first meet and stuff? (^^)
Thank you for the request !
I wanted to try and make a bit of a prequel to the events of the series with this one by imagining the reader meeting Bullfrog in the past to then eventually see him again in the Warden’s prison , it just sounded like a cool concept :)👍
Hope this turned out okay ! 
Details : use of gender neutral reader ; 
strangers to lovers ; 
presence of mature themes , including swearing , blood and an attempted assault ( reader gets saved in the end , dw !! )
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It all begun during one very rainy night …
It was late , and due to the fact that it had been a very long day at work and that you didn’t have your umbrella with you to offer some shelter from the unforgiving weather you had ended up trying to head for a shortcut passing through a more repaired alleyway …
You’ve never liked that road , but at that point you were soaking wet , freezing and just longed for the warmth and comfort of your home … 
You just had to be fast and not draw attention and everything was going to be just fine like usual . 
… or at least , that’s what you thought . 
After some more walking you were starting to see the lights outside the alleyway , which meant you were very close to leave that unsettling darkness and get closer to your apartment , but right before you could let out a sigh of relief and think about how silly you were to always worry so much about things you heard them : 
heavy footsteps behind you … and they were rapidly approaching . 
< Well hello , beautiful … out late , ay ? > 
Your heart started pounding in your chest , as four ominous looking strangers surrounded you , blocking every chance of escape … 
It seemed like things had taken a very , very bad turn . 
  < Come on babe , there’s no need to be afraid … we aren’t gonna hurt you , are we boys ? > 
< Damn , they’re even more cute up close … > 
You found yourself completely frozen in place , as the four cornered you more and more , and immediately jolted back when one of them tried to touch your shoulder …
< G-get away from me !! > 
< Aw , don’t think you got much of a choice here , sweetheart … better make things easier for yourself and just go with it . 
Wouldn’t wanna get in trouble now , would you … ? > 
You could feel your body shake , both for the cold of the rain and your sheer , paralyzing fear … 
You could only close your eyes praying to whoever might be listening that someone was going to see what was happening and get you out of that horrible mess …
… that’s when you heard the man behind you let out a scream , followed by the sound of a blade slashing through his neck .
< What - what the fuck !? > 
< Dammit - I can’t see shit , where did that bastard g - > 
Another scream , followed by a thud told you that another one of those creeps had been dealt with … 
After taking a deep breath , you slowly opened your eyes to get a clue as to what the hell was actually happening , and what you saw made your eyes widen : the two remaining men were furiously fighting against a frog with a white hoodie , without being able to land a single hit on him …
< Stay still you little - > 
He moved so quickly , your brain barely even registered the moment when his blades landed the final hits , leaving a pool of blood mixing with the puddles on the ground .
When he turned around to look at you , you couldn’t help but take one step back , still shaken by everything that had happened …
< Everything is all right now , mon ami … I’m not going to hurt you . > 
His voice was very calm and reassuring , with a bit of a French accent . 
< I , uh … I’m very sorry you had to see all of this … if you wish I could accompany you home to make sure that nobody else tries to harm you .
… actually wait , that might sound like a creepy thing to say - je suis désolé , I — > 
< Pfft … it’s okay … I’d like that . > 
You couldn’t help but chuckle in front of just how unexpectedly kind and … honestly adorable that strange frog was …
As you slowly got up , you realized just how tired you were after the scare you just experienced , but before you could lose balance and fall back down he immediately rushed to support you .
< Attention - >
< Ah … thanks … sorry about that . > 
< No need to apologize … just take it easy , I got you . > 
The journey back home didn’t encounter any more complications , and the two of you had quite a nice time just talking to each other : 
you discovered that the name of your savior was Bullfrog , and that he was an assassin … he didn’t really tell you a lot about himself other than that , but frankly that was all you needed to know . 
< Well , thanks for walking me home Bullfrog … I really appreciate it . >
< Ne le mentionne pas y/n , it was my pleasure . Though I’m afraid I will need to get going soon … there is another important task I need to get done tonight . > 
You nodded in response , while taking out the keys to your apartment from your pocket . 
< Say … I hope this isn’t a bit too forward , but you know , if you ever need a safe place to stay you can always come here . It’s the least I could do , you saved me after all … > 
< Merci , I’ll keep that in mind . > 
Bullfrog smiled at you , before disappearing in the shadows of the night like he had never been there in the first place … 
As you finally entered inside your home , promising to yourself to never enter a dark alleyway late at night ever again , part of you was hoping that one day you would see him again … 
… who knows , maybe that was going to happen … possibly in some maximum security cell … 
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Is it possible for a Kyle x childhood crush reader
Okay! Concept as not specified. Aged up as usual ^^ I wanted to do more for this but wasn't sure where to continue.
Yandere! Kyle Broflovski with Childhood Crush! Darling
Short Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsessive behavior, Manipulation, Stalking, Overprotective behavior, Jealousy, Violence, Implied kidnapping, Puppy love, Threats, Social isolation, Thoughts of/implied murder mentioned, Forced relationship.
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Kyle's yandere behavior would be Overprotective, Temperate/Emotional, Manipulative/Easy to manipulate, Caring, Obsessive, and Delusional towards his darling.
This is just to get that down while the concept plays out so there's an idea of how Kyle acts.
Out of the main four/five, Kyle, Stan, Butters, and maybe Kenny seem like they would have a childhood crush as a darling.
When Kyle met you it was when you were very young.
When you were about seven your families became close friends.
Which meant you and Kyle had become very close.
Kyle hates to admit it but since the two of you were eight or nine he's had a childish crush on you.
You know the one... where you aren't the age to understand relationships and think just holding hands and hugging sometimes is love.
That's how Kyle felt when it came to you.
It would be awhile before you learn of his obsession, however.
This puppy love he held for you influences his life.
He hid it from you and his friends but the thought of his crush still plagued him.
Kyle never parted from you unlike some childhood friends.
Through out elementary... middle school... and high school Kyle still couldn't bring himself to leave you.
Kyle was surprisingly closer to you than Stan due to your history.
There was rumors that Kyle had a thing for you but Kyle got extremely nervous and upset once he hears them to the point he lashes out.
It's not hard to tell that it's because he does have a crush on you that he silences the rumors and is just trying to hide it.
Kyle is your childhood friend... but he hopes he's also your childhood crush like you are to him.
It hurts his heart when he realizes this isn't true through the years.
But that's fine!
He gets rid of anyone who threatens his chances at you and him being together....
He's a very moral character but doesn't mind threatening, blackmailing, or using violence to secure his spot in your life... because he loves you.
If he'd murder depends on how far he's been pushed as his obsession wears down on him.
Kyle starts to get impatient with waiting when you both hit graduation.
He gets the idea to confess to you after the ceremony.
Due to all his waiting wearing his patience thin... he comes off very a bit desperate.
He tells you to meet him somewhere private then confesses to you.
He tells you everything.
Even some of the unsavory details that slip into his confession
He tells you how he loved you since you two were young.
He tells you how he used to practice love letters about you.
He tells you how he admittedly tried stalking you at one point (okay... a lot but you don't need to know that).
He admits how much he hated your romantic partners and what he did to them.
He admits to dreaming of you and him together....
His confession is both sweet but mostly twisted.
Like a rotten piece of candy that sours in your mouth.
By the time Kyle is done his eyes are wide and he's clinging to you.
He breathes heavily and shoves his face in the crook of your neck.
You can feel the tickle of his facial hair on your skin.
You're in shock at his words, his hold tight and uncomfortable.
When Kyle calms down he pulls away only slightly.
"I can't wait any longer. I had to tell you at some point... because I love you more than anyone else."
Your reaction to this sudden confession is most likely to throw Kyle off you.
His first mistake was getting too emotional and admiting the crimes he committed in your name.
Kyle is surprised at first to see you push him off you, his delusional mind not understanding your reaction.
"W-Where are you going!?"
You try to pull yourself out of your shock, shaking your head and running.
Kyle doesn't allow you to get far, tackling you into the snow to cushion the fall for both of you.
"Are you scared of me? It's just that... I love you and I'm explaining how I'd care for you... unlike those other partners of yours-"
Struggling against him in the cold only ignites his temper.
Kyle hates how you fight against him when he's just trying to show you he loves you.
"Come on... I've known you longer than anyone else! I've LOVED you longer than anyone else! We're meant to be together!"
Kyle is determined to be the only one for you.
Even if it means knocking you out in the snow and dragging you away...
Even if it means isolating you away from friends and family to keep you...
Kyle's only ever had one crush and it's you, why would he be with anyone else if he's known you the longest?
"I don't like hurting you... but you leave me no choice."
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Sun & Y/N Fluff
I said I'd write Sun fluff and Sun fluff I wrote! ALSO, the reader and Sun's relationship is described as friends but feel free to interpret how you like!
Summary: You go hang out with Sunny after a rough day at work
Reader: gender neutral
Warnings: None, this is pure fluff! Please enjoy :)
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46893826
It was the end of a long day of fixing broken arcade machines, STAFF bots, and dealing with too many grouchy guests for your job description. Your body felt heavy and you wanted nothing more than to flop onto the daycare’s squishy floor and listen to your best friend tell you terrible jokes.
The daycare looked like a glorious haven bathed in fluorescent light as you approached. You were so excited to finally be there you almost missed the exchange at the entrance. Sun, with his rays spinning slowly, was handing off one of the little ones, Molly, to her parent. Molly was snuggling up to her parent closely but offered you a tired wave as you passed them to enter the daycare. You waved back and took note of Sun’s rays slowing, almost stopping for a moment before they picked back up. Never losing his enthusiastic tone.
As the group talked about Molly’s day, you did a once over to make sure that was the last kid for the night. From there you did what you always do in this situation and began cleaning up around the daycare. Your feet may be aching, but you didn’t think that was much of an excuse to sit instead of helping your friend. You continued putting socks in the lost and found and little wrappers in the trash. You noticed a few of the balloon swords were scattered about as well as some yellow ribbons. You raised a brow and smiled, looking forward to hearing about what Sun and the kids had gotten up to. This helped you keep the energy up with Molly and her parent around, but you could tell you were being a bit sluggish. Thankfully, Sun kept their attention and they didn’t seem to notice, or at least mention your lack of energy.
Finally, Sun waved bye to Molly and closed the doors to the Daycare for the night.
“Are they gone?” You wasted no time asking Sun in a groggy voice.
Sun’s head immediately whips around to look at you and clicks once to the side. He begins walking towards you with concern in his tone. “Yes indeed, Starlight! Say, you look like—*”
You didn’t give Sun the chance to finish before you let gravity take you on a one-way ticket to Groundsville. You never hit the mats, of course. You’re barely halfway down when Sun scoops you up in his arms.
“FRIEND?! Are you okay? What happened?” Sun’s frantic tone only got worse as you began to ragdoll in his arms.
You placed a hand over Sun’s face and spoke in a tired tone, “I’m fine Sunny, just had a long day.”
Sun made a static sound like he was exhaling “WHEW! Friend, you need to warn me next time! I thought you were sick! Or worse!” Sun’s words were a chide, but his hold on you was never anything other than gentle and his overall tone shifted to a sweeter more relaxed state with the reassurance.
“Sorry pal, didn’t want to interrupt the goodbye. How’s Molly? Did you guys play any specific games?” You asked settling into Sun’s arms and giving him a sweet smile.
Sun’s rays began spinning again as he smiled back at you. He began walking as he explained the events of the day. “Oh yes! We played all kinds of games today. We played Simon Says, pirates and we even finger painted! Look at what the kids made!”
Sun had taken you over to the wall with all the new pictures displayed in all their messy glory. You giggled a bit as you looked them over. There were chickens, bears, wolfs and gators galore! As well as plenty of astral-themed paintings as well.
“These are delightful! Which one is Molly’s?” You ask looking for a signature. Sun points to one of the paintings in the middle. It depicts a small girl in a pink dress holding hands with Sun and someone in a blue dress. You look at Sun with renewed joy and he greets you with the same energy. “She made a new friend?” You ask.
“Yessiree! Remember Megan? That little bugger has been trying to befriend Molly for a while now. It seems to be paying off!” Sun explained and he pointed out Megan’s picture which showed her fighting some mean-looking pirates while protecting a pink blob that was probably Molly.
Sun went on to explain each of the drawings in more detail, as well as the harrowing tale of Foxy’s group of misfit pirates and the curse of Sunman Island. The stories he told only served to make you laugh with bits of how the children tried to get the secret treasure by wrangling the gangly animatronic who was turning the children into Sunmen when they weren’t looking. As the conversation continued, you felt your energy return.
“Sounds like you guys had a fun day! Hey, I think I’ve got my energy back, thanks for the help! You can let me down now.” You say with a pat on Sun’s shoulder.
Sun’s rays slowed a little and he eyed you for a moment before replying. “Are you sure? You seemed pretty worn out. We can go sit in the quiet corner and read if you need more time.”
You gave Sun an appreciative smile at his level of concern. “I’m sure, Sunny. I just needed to listen to my best friend talk about his day. Why don’t we finish cleaning up around the daycare?”
Sun’s rays spun a little faster this time and he made a sniffle noise like he was going to cry. “Starlight, that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you!”
Sun spun the two of you around and you couldn’t help but laugh at Sun’s gesture. “I’m so full of joy, I don’t know what to do!” As he slowed the spin he pulled you into a tight hug and chuckled darkly. “I’m also full of… THE SUNMAN CURSE!” Sun yelled out as he began dragging you towards the jungle gym. You yelled out and laughed along trying to grab ahold of something to free yourself. You manage to snag one of the balloon swords and smack Sun in the face with it. Not hard mind you, just enough to let him know you were armed and dangerous! It worked because he promptly releases you, safely to the ground of course, and began wailing. “Oh no! I’ve been slashed by the brave pirate, Starboard!”
You couldn’t help but laugh, “Starboard?”
“Yep! It’s your nickname and a pun! Pretty clever, huh?” Sun says while wiggling his rays. The action causes you to laugh a little more. You raise your sword to Sun’s face yet again and he raises his arms overdramatically in surrender.
“Hee hee! Avast ye scurvy dog! Where be ye treasure?” You say bravely while trying to shake off the earlier giggles.
“Don’t you know the real treasure was the friends you made along the way!” Sun says cheerily.
You smack him with the balloon sword. “FOOL! I want literal gold not a metaphorical heart of gold.”
Sun raises the back of his hand to his head. “Such cruelty! Who’s the real monster?”
“Oh, it’s definitely me.” You say with a smug grin.
“I should’ve known.” Sun replied, shaking his head.
You raised your sword and gave him a wicked grin. “Now about that treasure…”
Sun takes a step back and puts his index finger to his thumb and holds his hands up to his eyes. In a nervous tone he says “N-now, you wouldn’t hit a guy with glasses right?”
“No, but I would hit a guy with a balloon sword.” You say gesturing to the aforementioned sword.
Sun yelped and began running off with you hot on his tail. If he wanted to actually outrun you, there was no doubt he could do so, and with incredible ease. But he makes sure to keep the chase fair. Although he does take a few moments to pop around a corner and boop your nose before scurrying off again.
The game of chase continues for a bit, eventually devolving into a game of tag that you don’t want to admit you were losing. You might’ve stood a chance if your feet weren’t tired. Maybe. Probably not. But it’s a nice thought and a fantastic taunt.
As the game winds down you find yourself laying on the playmats breathing heavily. Sun saunters over and stands above you, hands folded behind him and leaning over you with a cheeky grin.
“Ready to admit defeat?” He asks, rays spinning this way and that.
You let out a huffy laugh, “Never.” You raise your sword to Sun and he easily dodges the tired attack. His smile seems to grow as you let out a chuckle. “You may have won the battle, but I will win the war!”
“Sure.” Sun says before he offers you a hand. You eye it suspiciously for a moment before you take it carefully. Sun helps you to your feet and once stable, you look at him and then around at the playground. Despite the day you had, it really was all worth it getting to see Sun for a bit.
“Thanks for making my day Sunny.” You say with a little nudge.
Sun can’t help the laugh that comes out and it only brightens your smile further.
“Good one.” He says. Sun fiddles with his ribbons a bit before continuing “Thanks for doing the same for me. It’s nice to know I have a friend like you.”
You give Sun a big hug before replying. “Anything for you, Sunny.”
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ravio-rants · 7 months
12 and 14 for Raide :)
Which canon characters (if any) do the oc have good relationships with? Why those characters?
okay Technically, technically, none of the canon characters are around in Raide's time. or if they are, he wouldnt have met them. (honestly havent decided if they're somehow still around or not, but that could be a really fun little side thing..)
however. im going to have fun with this. Raide is very creative, and kind, and also protective, so i think he would get along well with Uli and Colin and Rusl. Uli is a kind lady who i can easily see knitting and sewing most of the time, so raide and uli could honestly just quietly chill and craft while maybe talking about the stuff going on around them. raide would also be willing to help take care of the kiddos. Colin is Uli's kiddo, and has an interest in protecting people and learning to wield a sword, but also canonically enjoys crafting things (he made his own fishing rod with his dad, as well as the wooden sword if i remember right.) so raide would have fun crafting with him too, as well as helping him with his sword training. she might not want to be a royal guard, but they Do enjoy hitting things with sharp sticks, and they might as well teach someone who wants to learn, right? plus i dont think he would mind hanging out while colin goes fishing. Rusl and raide would get along because raide comes from a line of royal guards, and has the professional training that comes with it. rusl would respect that. Rusl would also respect their choice to not be a guard, especially because she still actively protects her friends whenever they leave town. They have the shared experience of having been guards tho, so they could bond over how shitty training probably was.
honorable mentions: i think Ashei and Raide would get along as the weird boygirls they are. the yeti's get along with everyone, but Yeto would let Raide help him with soup, and Yeta would so work on a quilt with her.
why those characters? because, as much as i like the main characters (link, zelda, midna) i dont think raide would get along with them super well. Link is a farm boy, and yeah they both have sword training, but like, they dont have the shared experience of Being Guards like Rusl would have. they would maybe be chill with each other but i dont see Raide like, joining him on a trip to castle town or smthn. Zelda is.. zelda. idk. shes pretty cold in this version, and kinda resigned herself to her fate, and we dont see her Do like.. anything. so idk. Midna is a little too mischievous for Raide. i think they would be chill with each other, on account of Midna being related to Raide's friends, but i dont see them being friends. so i chose other characters that Would have a better chance of being friends with them.
also yeah all these bitches would be in the light world but like.. i already have an idea for the worlds being able to mingle a bit and also we dont. we dont have canon characters in the twilight realm. zant gets exploded and midna wouldnt be friends with him.
Did you give your oc a love interest? Is it another oc or a canon character? Why?
yes i did! raide and calen are boyfriends!! they are both oc's.. why? because i dont really like shipping my characters with canon characters, plus with them living in the twilight realm, options would be limited. why i gave raide a love interest.. well, Raide and Calen are both based on parts of myself to some degree (raide being creative as hell and calen being a vague metaphor for chronic illness that i can explain at a later date) and i revamped them around the time i got out of an iffy relationship, and calen, in his previous incarnation, had been dating one of my ex partner's oc's, so i decided "fuck it, self indulgent oc ship." because i was lonely. they both deserve to be loved, gender fuckery, overwhelming creative wants, and chronic illness included.
(note: shipping your oc's or yourself with canon characters is perfectly fine, its just not something i like doing with My characters.)
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poltergeist-coffee · 11 months
It's all devil anon fault, it's all their fault
The headcanon- not the headcanon
Amd that had to be pac's Halloween costume
I'm not joking about it being stuck in my head, but devil anon it's a genius
They are a nice guy(gender neutral) actually, can't blame them, they are only spreading the ultimate truth
Now I have this hc more stuck on my head than it was before and I don't know what to do with it HELP-
What do you do with headcanons? Scream? Make a essay? Hit your head in the wall hoping the bloody mess left will please the voices that are going absolutely insane about it only to not be enough to stop their demands for much time and lose your mind and-
I've been hit with the two(2) brain rots that never truly leave me, mermaids and vampires
On the first chance, when I think I am over it, they come back stronger and hit me with a metal chair several times until my skull is absolutely destroyed
Don't ask about why I'm up to do violent metaphors, I don't know neither
No jellyfish today unfortunately because I have to study to some exams:(
But I want to talk about damselflies and dragonflies for a moment, damselflies will commit cannibalism when there's no much food but dragonflies might do it even if they don't need to
Lil psychopaths
Oh, yeah and they bite, they don't have any venom but as far as I know they can bite hard enough to make you bleed
- 🍽️ (<- spend way too long doing a research about dragonflies for no reason, shouldn't be allowed to have total access to internet)
Devil anon manifested so hard they made it real u-u we owe this to them adkjvsnkasj
kjnadjvakj THE TIMING IS SO BAD HALLOWEEN IS ENDING AND YOU HAVE VAMPIRE PAC STUCK IN YOUR HEAD XDD it's okay halloween and being spooky can be be all year not just October
violent metaphors because Cell is back it's what he would want
OOOH PLATE ANON HAVE YOU SEEN MY VAMPIRE AU? i sort of thought of one ages ago, i think i was going to do a post about insaneduo vampires but i never did.... it's in my drafts... somewhere....
thinking of vampires... pac's skin today reminds me of marceline from adventure time so much >:)) so i am planning to draw him like her heheh
dragonflies and qcellbit comitting cannibalism even when they don't need too <33
that's so insane omg jasndvkjas what silly bugs
0 notes
mxdnightlvers · 2 years
Can you do nsfw headcanons of dottore and pantalone with a virgin s/o who's shy and anxious but still want them to be their first?
➸ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Dottore and Pantalone with a shy Virgin reader (separate)
➸ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Nsfw, mainly sweet sex tho, a bit of cumplay
➸ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬/𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: Gender neutral reader
➸ 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: I’m sorry this took so long 😭 I’ve been busy irl and haven’t gotten a chance to write these past few days. Not to mention that writing takes a while for me so sorry for the late response 🥲 Howeverrrrr this was a very interesting request!!! Especially with these characters aaaaa 10/10 ty anon 🙏🏻 I enjoyed writing this alot.
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𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞 ❦
He’s so sweet and patient with you. Not like that unnerving fake kindness he shows everyone else, but genuine care and love towards you. So naturally, he would be the same for your first time. However, as much knowledge you have on sex in general, experiencing it for yourself has your heart racing with nervousness and anticipation. You’ve never had anyone see you in such a vulnerable state or even touch you like that. So when he touches the hem of your shirt, he pauses. “If you don’t want to do it, it’s fine. You don’t have to force yourself.” You search his eyes for any trace of faux sympathy but there were none. He was showing his genuine worry for you- showing vulnerability for you. Something that he’d never let the other harbingers see, but for you, he will. It gives you reassurance and you nod, mumbling a quiet, “mhmn, I’m sure.”
Despite your answer he still takes his time with you. However he can’t help but stare at your naked form as you lay beneath him. You’re so perfect- too perfect he simply cannot take his eyes off you. It’s not until you let out a small whine and tilt your head in embarrassment that he snaps out of it. A finger lightly lifting your chin so that he can kiss you, other hand slowly moving up and down your body. Letting you get used to the feeling of his hands all over your body before he spreads your legs. Slowly rubbing his fingers as you moan into the kiss at the newly felt sensation. Waiting for you to start grinding against his fingers before he pushes them inside you.
He takes his time with foreplay, simply ensuring you’re okay. Observing your expressions as he’s slowly pumping his fingers. Fingers curling to hit that one spot that drives you wild. It feels so good. His slender fingers just seem to know you so well despite being the first time he’s touched you like this. It had you shaking with just his fingers, tears already prickling at the corners of your eyes. Seeing as how much you enjoyed it he pulled out and positioned his cock at your hole, waiting for a nod from you before pushing himself inside.
He stays fully sheathed inside you for a few moments. Savoring how tight and warm you feel around him as you pull him closer by his neck. You felt so full and stuffed, unlike anything you’ve ever felt before that it was honestly kinda unnerving. Sure, it felt good but it was so new that you weren’t sure on what to do. Sensing your unease, Pantalone softly kisses your neck, softly reminding you that’ll he stop anytime you wish to. However, as new as it was, you still craved for more. You wanted to feel him more and after all, you trusted Pantalone. Despite his reputation, your relationship was built with trust, so you let him continue.
It doesn’t take him long at all to ease any worries you had. When his cock hits your sweet spot, it’s hard to simply not let go and lose yourself to pleasure. Pantalone holds back a bit, seeing as it’s your first time, he wants to be grounded enough so he can guide and reassure you. Kissing you in intervals. “You’re doing so well yeah?” “You feel so good.” “Don’t worry about anything sweetheart just let yourself go.” Sweet praises as he pounds into you, encouraging you to not hold back. Scratch his back, leave marks, make a mess. Do whatever you’d like because he’ll take care of it all. It is your first time of many but he still aims to make it special for you.
However he’s enjoying it as much as you are, seeing this side of you is simply intoxicating that it has his orgasm approaching rather quickly. Smiling when you give him permission to cum inside you. Feeling his warm seed filling you up and leaking out of your hole. Pantalone eyes glued to the way his cum also stains your thighs. He’d never imagine that you’d look so pretty with his cum leaking out of you but the way his cock twitches, he couldn’t just stop there. With your permission once more, he enters you only to fill you up again.
You’d never thought how embarrassing it’d be after you’re finished. Unable to look at him when he’s cleaning you up. However he finds a way to make you comfortable. Kissing you when he’s finished and telling you how good you did. Covering you up with the blanket and holding you close to him, running his fingers through your hair as you feel yourself drift off to sleep.
𝐃𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 ❦
He simply establishes a few rules before you two do anything. You are to tell him if anything feels uncomfortable, hurts or if you want to stop and tell him whether to go slow or faster. You must voice your wants to him and he would have no problem going down on you right now. He wants to explore you, discover all your sweet spots, know everything about you, but only if you’re also enjoying it. This simply keeps him from guessing whether or not you’re fine and helps you enjoy your first time. You trusted him enough to even ask to do this and you had full faith in him that he’d take care of you, but simply for yours and his reassurance, he had these rules.
However this doesn’t mean that he won’t be gentle for your first time. He’s not going to just remove your clothes and start immediately pounding into you. No no, he must take care of you. After all it’s also his first time having your entire body for himself. Yes, he wants to make you feel good but he has an entire gem to himself. He simply can’t help but inspect and explore your body. Pressing soft kisses to your neck, waiting to see how you react. Seeing if you like it when he bites your skin lightly or when he uses a little extra force. He’s observing the way your face heats up when he runs his hands over your chest. It’s almost embarrassing the way he touches almost every part of you, either with his lips, tongue or hands.
Of course, he needs to taste you. How can he resist when you’re so wet for him from his touches. Practically drinking you up when he gets the slightest taste of you. Pulling you closer by your thighs, his tongue bringing you to an orgasm but he doesn’t stop tasting you, his saliva coating you as he licks you clean and it’s only until you start squirming against him that he pulls away. With a cheeky grin he leans down to whisper to you, “You taste so- so good darling.” Breath tickling your ear as you grow red from the embarrassment.
You’re so wet and ready for him that by the time he pushes his cock against your hole, he slides in with ease. You take him so well it’s surprising to you both. He doesn’t waste any time in slowly moving seeing that you were quite eager to feel more. Watching the way his cock stretches you out, yet the way you’re so tight around him. Watching how you grab onto his hands as he speeds up. Teeth gritting when your nails dig into his skin. Leaning down to kiss you when he realizes you’re holding your moans back. Shoving his tongue inside you so he can hear the way you moan his name. However he’s giving you enough air so that you’re able to freely tell him what you want.
This man really and truly loves his experiments so obviously he loves experimenting on you. Just in a much much nicer way. Would you like it better if he lifted your legs? Flipped you over and had you on all fours? Or maybe if you were to ride him while he pounds into you? Or maybe you prefer the simple missionary, fucking you slowly- but lovingly. He wants to know it all and he won’t hesitate to try it out. You’re enjoying yourself so much why would he stop now? If you’re going to give him the honor of being your first time then he will not disappoint. Eager to find what makes you wild and he will keep going until you’re tired.
Same as where he cums. Do you look prettier with his cum inside you? Or splattered on your stomach. He has no problem finishing anywhere once you’re okay with it. Guiding your hands over his cock as he cums, lightly biting down on your lips as he does. Your curious hands feeling the cum spurt out the tip and spreading it along his cock. Dottore pulling away, panting heavily but you know he’s not finished. He’s simply waiting for any sort of conformation from you. It’s sort of difficult to answer when he’s staring so intently at you, especially when you’re still so needy for more. Dottore is quick though, when he sees your flustered face he simply buries his into your neck so you have a little more room to answer him.
When you guys are finally finished you’re so tired that you can barely move. He cleans you up pretty quickly and dresses you in his shirt before tucking you in. He slides in next to you and pulls you closer to him. He wants to ask you so many things, but when he sees how exhausted you are he refrains from doing so. Perhaps it can wait until you two wake up. For now he just wants to make sure he’s holding you safely in his arms.
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jewbeloved · 2 years
If Team Stan's s/o was with them during the pre k fire incident💗💗🔥🔥
Part 2 right here
I'm gonna mark this as platonic since this involves the boys being preschoolers and so as you. I should also count this as a fanfic since this post is so long lol.
Warnings: Arson (fire)
Gender: Neutral
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💙🧡 The Main Four ❤️💚
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You and the boys were all in the same class together.
You were playing on the rug with your f/t (favorite toy)
You have gotten along well with the boys ever since your first day at preschool.
While you were putting up your f/t in the toy box, the boys approached you with a smile on their faces.
"Oh, hey guys!" You waved at them and they all waved back.
"Hey Y/n, we all were thinking if we could play fireman together :3"
"Jews can't be fireman you know"
"Shut up fatass, since when was that a rule?" Kyle poked Cartman's rib.
"Don't call me fat you stupid Jew!!" Cartman gave Kyle a little push.
You giggled at both Kyle and Cartman.
"What's so funny y/n?" Cartman gave you a playful glare.
"Sorry, you and Kyle are both funny when you guys argue and call each other names like that" you continued to giggle.
"Hmmph!" Kyle and Cartman both pouted at the same time at you.
"Mmmmphhmmmmm", (Well guys if we are going to be firemans we need to start a fire).
"Kenny is right you guys"
"How are we going to start a fire?"
The boys turned to face you.
"Y/n, do you have any idea how we can start a fire?"
You tugged at your little f/c scarf while thinking.
"Uhh I'm not really sure.." Cartman groaned.
"That wasn't much help now was it?"
"Don't be mean Cartman! We all have no idea how to start a fire!"
"Alright then, how EXACTLY are we going to start a fire if we all have no clue on how do it?!"
You then scanned the room until your eyes stumbled upon a blonde boy hitting another boy on the hand with a hammer.
"What about that guy over there guys?" They looked at where you pointed at.
"You mean Trent boyett?"
"You know that guy?"
"He's the biggest and bad bully here, but you might not be wrong about him starting a fire for us"
You and the boys approached Trent as he was still hammering the poor boy's hand.
"Trent!" Trent stopped hammering the boy's hand and the boy took this as the chance to run away.
"What do you shit heads want?"
You and the boys looked at each other for a few secs.
"We're playing fireman but we need to start a fire first"
Trent looked at all of you in disbelief.
"Do you assholes even know how to start a fire?"
"Well do you know how to start one?"
"Well sure I do! I burned a lot of stuff before"
"Start one and we will try and put it out!"
"Are you fellas sure this is a good idea?" You heard Butters approaching you all.
"Shut up Butters, we know what we're doing!"
"Oh, okay then.." Butters then walked away.
Trent went slient for a few mins before signing.
"Fine, whatever"
Trent grabbed a piece of paper off the table and crushed it up before pulling out a lighter and setting the paper on fire.
"Woah! Fire!"
"Me first me first!"
Stan went up to the fire while making a fire truck siren noise.
You watched as he pulled down his pants and began peeing on the fire.
The rest of the boys pulled down their pants to and began peeing on the fire with Stan.
"Huh?" You stared in confusion.
"Come on Y/n, help us put out the fire"
Trent also stared in confusion.
"Uh, okay" You went to stand next to Cartman as they continued to "try" and put out the fire.
"What am I supposed to do?"
"Drop your pants or shorts down and pee on it"
"And how is peeing on it going to put it out?"
"Come on Y/n, just trust us alright?"
"Okay, but I hope you guys know what you're doing.."
You dropped down your pants/shorts and proceeded to pee on the fire infront of you.
After 1 min, you and the boys pulled up your pants/shorts.
But you all began to stare in confusion at how the fire isn't put out.
"What? Why isn't it going away?"
"Hey! why aren't you guys putting out that fire??"
The teacher ran over after she smelled the smoke of the fire. (I forgot the teacher's name)
"Trent Boyett what have you done now?!"
"They said they could put it out!"
"Children back away from the fire, now!" You all moved out of the teacher's way while she grabs a rug and try to smoother out the fire.
The rug got led on fire and then the fire caught the teacher's dress on fire.
"GAHHH!!!! IM BURNING!!!" You watched in horror as the teacher was running around while on fire.
"Put it out! Put it out!" After the teacher stopped running around and dropped on the floor, the boys ran over to her and dropped their pants again and began peeing on her.
You and Trent stood and watched with the same expression on your faces.
After a short while, you were standing outside of the building with the boys while being surrounded by your other classmates and police officers.
"I'm too young to go to jail!" tears started to fall from your eyes.
"Y/n, y/n! Calm down okay? We will get out of this together" Stan gave you a pat on your back while reassuring you.
The police officers were finished talking to Trent about the incident and they walked over to you and the boys.
"You 5! Trent is trying to tell us that you guys were the ones that started this mess!"
"Not us! We're good kids!"
"Is that so?"
"Tell them it was an accident! You all thought you could put out the fire!"
"Trent Boyett is a liar, sir.."
"I always thought so, come on Trent you're going to juvenile for a long time!" The police officer putted handcuffs on Trent and began dragging him to the car.
"Butters! You saw everything! Tell them what happened!"
Everyone, including you looked at Butters to see what he's about to say.
"I wish I could Trent, but I don't wanna get involved ..my parents will ground me.."
"You better pray that I don't get out of juvenile! You better all pray!!" Trent yelled as the officer threw him into the car and began driving off.
"See Y/n? We are all okay now" Stan wiped the tears off your face while giving you a smile.
"But...what if he comes back? I feel a bit guilty for lying..."
"So? That's like 5 years from now, he won't be coming back for a long time"
Stan removed his arm off of you to give you some space.
The boys began to jump, cheer, and give each other high fives that they had gotten rid of Trent.
They pulled you into a group hug to.
You didn't know how to react that everyone thinks you and the boys are innocent even though you guys are the ones who started this mess.
You might as well and hope that Trent doesn't break out of juvenile to kill you and the boys💙🧡🧡💚💗💗
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Should I make a 2nd part to this or nah?
Also this scenario was based off the south park episode 'preschool' <3.
You can watch it here: https://www.wcoforever.net/south-park-season-8-episode-10-pre-school
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faeryarchives · 2 years
hiii! I hope you're having a good day :)
can I request a kenma!reader being in a relationship with idia? my favorites in twisted wonderland have been switching sm, but it's currently idia <3
thank you!!
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hi i hope you are also having a nice day ~ and of course its ok <3 hope u enjoy !!
idia shroud with a kenma-like gender neutral reader!
the volleyball team's setter and was referred to as the "heart" and "brain" of the team by their teammates.
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when you first showed up in the mirror chamber, idia have this feeling that is telling him that "i feel i found my person thing, someone similar to me." thing
and it turns out he was right! the dorm leader found out by chance that you two are somehow similar
somehow, you found your way to the ignihyde dorm while focusing on your game. being the kind boy he is, the sweet ortho helped you to go back to your dorm but not without introducing idia to you.
"big brother! i have great news!"
"i am not going to leave my room for the dorm leaders meeting, i haven't finish this level in man of war yet."
"that's not what i mean!"
"oh is that the hydra? that boss fight was so hard but if you dodge its major attack i think you'll do fine."
"oh okay... wait what?! why are you here?!"
and that's how the two of you start off as friends! ortho is really glad to see his big brother having fun with you like it was rare for him to even talk to someone in person other than ortho
the dorm leader was flabbergasted by the fact that you are almost as good as him in games?! like he is having problems with a puzzle? give it to you and without even 5 minutes you already solved it!
and the fact that you are a volleyball varsity player in your previous world just 🤯
"am i just a noob in this game or you are just too op?"
"my aiming is probably a habit i picked up by playing volleyball."
"you play sports?! my pe hate club buddy betrayed me."
"i never said pe was my favorite."
idia would actually realize that he is having fun with you as company, whether be it just watching anime or playing or sleeping away - it never fails idia to crack out a small smile
there was one time - the two of you are watching the latest romcom anime when you fell asleep on his shoulder and he was like "oh my god is this where the protagonist admits their love? the who is the protagonist?" then realization hits him
the one and only idia shroud is the protagonist
this man would probably ask you out by asking you to be his player 2 for life
"will you be my player two for life?"
"why can't i be player one?"
"no i am player one hmph."
if you two would always hang out even you weren't still together, expect grim and the adeuce duo raid the ignihyde dorm to drag you to hang out with them 🤬🤬
you two would have a virtual pet child that you will take turns in taking care of no arguments very true
playing while cuddling is a must especially when either the two of you are having a bad day
being in a relationship with idia would be 10/10 because this man never experienced to be this connected with someone and he feels very safe with you because you love him as just idia. no filter no fear idia could feel like he could act like himself around you.
oh my god i forgot the tags 💀 ok but anyways i miss binge watching anime tbh but im just too lazy
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