#they’re all such neat ideas and I love them! ♥️
aghostnamedcalamity · 5 months
Is Benjamin the tyoe of kid to constantly ask Mordecai if they can get a puppy?
I’d say he’s more the type of kid to sneak the puppy into his room without telling anyone and cough loudly at the dinner table to cover the sounds of the barking. And the puppy would probably be a pigeon, he loves those things. Mordecai’s hatred for them only makes them all the more forbidden fruit.
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angel-of-the-moons · 6 months
Arch I want you to know that I just had a Nothing Is Lost-adjacent dream last night and…the chokehold that Khonshu has on me is not even funny. I suspect you have the reveal outlined anyway, but if you’d like me to see the details I added them just for fun😊
Highlights include:
Reader and a friend (I guess she could have been Jezebel? Much younger tho…you know how random dreams are lol) visit Merit’s tomb. It was small and open and had a decayed wooden sarcophagus but no corpse in it (interestingly enough, there had been placed a miniature open one in the middle with a gold leaf engraving of an infant…I know that the pregnancy trope is not for everyone and idk if that’s even possible in the context of your fic, but it was a tragic little detail my brain decided to include that I thought I’d share). It somewhat reminded me of the miniature pyramidal tombs located in Sudan, which were featured in Assassin’s Creed: Origins.
Merit’s body had actually been moved into a museum archive for protection since it was beautifully preserved and intact with stunning jewelry and wrappings/clothes—like the ones that look like they could sit up and start talking to you. Reader gets this really uneasy sense of deja vu looking at her and that’s when the twist was revealed. Reader’s understandably overwhelmed.
Then they’re being chased by someone? Reader storms off down the street (they were in London for some reason—I guess maybe that’s the museum location) because she’s having a breakdown about the whole ordeal (understandably so) and turns a corner and is ambushed by a bunch of big guys that try to take her. Khonshu then shows up, legit flashes her the gen z hand heart sign, and proceeds to mop the floor since he’s so much bigger.
I think there was more to it but those are the details that I remember clearly enough lol—I haven’t had a plot dream like that in a while and I figured you’d like to hear it since it was inspired by your fic haha😊
(Also regarding all the bad stuff you’re facing rn…I never really know what words to say and whether they’re any good or help at all, but please hang in there even while the times are hard. The world is a brighter place with you in it and I’m so thankful for the beautiful works you choose share with all of us. Just know that there are people that care about you even though you’re an internet stranger. I’m sending lots of love and strength your way!🙂♥️🌙)
Okay the way this made me tear up and smile, I really needed this!
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I can't believe something I wrote was so... impactful that it made its way into someone's dream!!!
And the connection to London would be neat! I sort of have an idea featuring a museum in the story at some point, not with artifacts from Merit's tomb, but somewhere else (haven't entirely picked where yet)
Khonshu flashing the heart sign would be so hilarious! Trying to be hip with the young people, I see. He needs to spend a bit more time on social media to become more nuanced in modern terms.
Don't let him on Reddit tho. Or Twitter!
Also, you have no idea how close to predicting some major plot points your dream was!
Man.... The way this made me smile... Thank you so much 🥹
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my-johnlockficrecs · 2 years
what are you most afraid of? when was the last time you cried? sent a letter? drew a picture? ♥️
hi anon! i love the vibes your questions are giving me, thank you for these lovely asks 🥰🫶
i’m most afraid of stagnation. the idea that i will never grow as a person, that i’ll never know myself well enough in the first place to do that, terrifies me. it’s a constant fear, that. do i know who i am? how do i even begin to figure that out, like genuinely concretely get to know myself? also stagnation in the macro sense, in terms of my life. i want to try many things and live in many places, i want new people and new experiences to teach me new things and to fill my life with colour and contentment. i do not want to get stuck in a rut.
i’m also terrified of cockroaches and centipedes/millipedes. cannot stay in the same space as them, it physically horrifies me
the last time i cried; it’s actually been a while. i think it’s been months. yeah, as far as i can remember, it was while i was alone in my dorm one day, my friends were at class and elsewhere and i just. had a bit of “have i made any meaningful connections or is everyone just sort of putting up with me” sort of cry. that one was long overdue honestly, and once i cried it out i was fine, because i have made meaningful connections and people aren’t just putting up with me. our brains can be mean sometimes and it’s important not to get too lost in there 💖
the last time i sent a letter was years back (not too many, but still) to my then-boyfriend, now ex. i didn’t send send it, just handed it to him, but yes. i love writing people letters—in concept, mostly 😂 there’s something exceedingly vulnerable and raw in setting emotion down on paper, with no fictional characters acting as a neat filter. it’s just you and your feelings, and even if they’re good feelings, it’s overwhelming and scary sometimes to put all that down, never mind handing all that to someone else. writing like that definitely scares me, but i’m mentally working myself up to maybe start that up (see first answer for reason)
i haven’t drawn in ages. this question genuinely made me pull up and realise exactly how much technology has seeped into my everyday. i’m not an artist at all, but when i was at school, i would be doodling often, in my books, notebooks, all that. but now, i don’t have much use for notebooks. all my papers for uni are supposed to be soft copies. even the reading material is online. yet another reason to start writing, actually physically writing on paper with a pen again, i think. at least it’ll give me an opportunity to doodle if nothing else 🤷‍♀️
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