#they’re really not hiding it anymore huh
hwangyeddeongie · 6 months
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holylulusworld · 4 months
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Summary: You’re a strict librarian.
Pairing: Mafia!Steve Rogers x Librarian!Reader
Warnings/Tags: short reader, mafia au, size kink (Steve), kidnapping?
I changed by posting schedule to match @navybrat817's Monday ask. Go, have a look a her blog and stories.
I had this one in my finished WIPs so here we go with Steve Rogers saving us from our job and boring Mondays. :)
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You yawn and rub your tired eyes. It’s a slow day today. The library is almost empty, except for two teens hiding between two shelves to make out. You give them a pass for now if they don’t overdo it.
You turn your attention toward the books on your desk. Your colleague left them there after their shift for you to take care of. Just like always, they are selfish and lazy.
You huff and throw the pencil in your hands onto the desk. Your eyes are blurry, and you are ready to fall asleep. With only the two teens around, you allow yourself to close your eyes for a moment.  
Close to drifting toward your favorite fantasy you sigh dreamily. Your bed is calling for you, and you already miss your fluffy pillows. “So…tired…”
The door suddenly slams open, hitting the wall and you shriek in terror. Even the teens stopped making out to watch a tall man step inside the library.
He sticks out of this place like a sore thumb in his black slacks, black turtleneck sweater, and expensive grey overcoat. You can’t see his shoes, but you assume they’re expensive too, just like the rest of his outfit.
“Hi,” you put on your best-faked smile. If only he stayed away, you could’ve daydreamed a little longer. “What are you looking for?”
“A book,” he gruffly replies, eyes roaming the library. It seems like he’s searching for more than a book. “Where do I find the—” His tongue darts out to wet his perfect pink lips, “law books?”
“On the left side, the third shelf. Are you looking for a specific book, Sir? I can tell you where to find it if you know the title,” you offer, but he shakes his head. He’s halfway toward the shelf before you end your sentence.
You huff and turn your attention toward the stack of books left on your desk. You still have to handle the books, check them for damage, scan them, and return them to the shelves.
Engrossed in your task you don’t hear the man return to your desk. He clears his throat, drawing your attention toward him. You flit your eyes up to watch him run his hand over his thick, but well-trimmed beard. His blue eyes search yours for moment before he speaks again.
“How can I help you, Sir?” you repeat the line you said so often in your life you can’t even count it anymore.
“I’m looking for a book,” he repeats, earning a smirk from you. “A specific book.”
“Do you have a title?” You slowly get up from your swivel chair and round the desk. “Sir?”
“Hmm…” he simply watches you step next to him. Compared to him, you’re small, tiny even. “You’re short.” He states a fact you already know about. “Very short.”
You frown at his attitude. Yes. You are short. This doesn’t give him the right to call you short. “What?”
“Oh, that’s nothing to be ashamed of,” he takes a step closer to get a better look at you. “It’s cute, really.”
“Cute?” you are fuming and would love to shove your shoe up his ass. But you cannot risk getting caught while hurting a customer. “Do you know the title of the book, yes or no.” Your polite smile is fading, and you can barely hide that you’re pissed at the stranger.
“I know the title,” he lowers himself to whisper the title in your ear. “Do you have that one?”
“Yes,” you spin on your heels and march away, not waiting for him to catch up with you. He’s a stranger at this place, but you know it like the palm of your hand.
“You’re not very talkative,” he comments while following you.
“It’s not my job to entertain the people coming here. And it’s forbidden to be too loud at a library.”
“Ah,” he laughs. “You’re very strict, huh? I like someone following rules. I have a few too.”
“Hmmm…” you browse the shelf, finger sliding over the back of the books. “There it is.” You pull the book out of the shelf to hand it to the man. “That’s the one you are looking for.”
“You’re very helpful too,” he muses while his eyes roam your smaller figure. “How long are you working here?”
“Do you want to borrow the book? Are you already a member of our library? If not, you can fill out the application form.” You point toward the application forms on your desk. “I must warn you. Do not overdue the books, Sir.”
“Doll, do you honestly believe I came here for a book?” His features darken, and he licks those plump lips again. He dips his head to drink your trembling form in. “Do you?”
“What?” You splutter.
“You, out!” He jerks his head toward the teens. “Now!” They run out of the library, never looking back. “And you…” He turns back toward you, still that smirk on his lips, “will come with me.”
Your eyes widen in fear. “No.” You shake your head. “I won’t go anywhere with you. I don’t even know you, Sir.”
He chuckles darkly. Before you can blink you end up thrown over his shoulder. You slap him and scream. It’s no use. You wiggle and beg but he walks out of the library, with you hanging over his shoulder.
“I told you to take the day off, doll,” Steve laughs as you mutter under your breath. “Sometimes your man must take matters in his hands…”
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rxzennia · 4 months
rare critters
– tales of the voracity pathstrider
✎𓂃 a healthy dose of curiosity (ft. dr ratio) yall if i have to write another report i think i might kms sorry im 3 days late lol i was busy making concept art 
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when dr ratio somehow acquired a few rare critters from herta space station, he thought of one person:
if he’s so bad at looking after himself, maybe he could take care of something else instead. and these cat cakes are pretty tame and adorable… seems just right for him.
ratio sent a text to let aventurine know he’s coming to drop off some souvenirs
said souvenirs being these critters
ratio has one on top of his head and two in one arm as he rings the bell
it’s sometime in the afternoon, and you’re not around
(you’re attending a meeting on aventurine’s behalf so he can have a longer lunch break)
(you do that pretty often, actually. that’s why your boss can have entire afternoons or evenings to himself)
nothing would’ve prepared ratio for what he sees when aventurine opens the door
one, no, two? no, three?? faceless serpents slithering around his feet
and one really huge one around his neck???
their maws, aeons, their maws. as stunned as ratio is, he’s also scared shitless
they remind him of a certain aeon and he isn’t sure if he liked the implications
though, that aeon has long since disappeared…
the very moment the serpents sniffed something in the air, they’re all right up in ratio’s face
the trash cakes are definitely scared shitless
they’re quivering and whimpering
ratio is trying so hard to hide his unease
“since when did you have pets, gambler?”
“oh, they’re my assistant’s – don’t bite, please.”
and these dangerous, dangerous noodles listened???
they backed off obediently while still scenting the air again and again
at least they’re not one hair away from ratio anymore?
wait, more importantly…
“you’re living with your assistant?” ratio can’t help but ask. “and… they brought their pets over?”
technically, the slithery creatures around the house aren’t your pets, they’re literally parts of you, but does aventurine want to get into the details? not particularly.
“doctor, it’d be heartless of me to tell them to leave their pets,” aventurine chuckled, “it’s a long story. are these…?”
“i thought pets would do you some good. seems like your assistant has the same idea.” ratio passes the three cakes over to him. “here – from the space station.”
aventurine tells the especially thick leviathan on his neck to get off so he could hold the trash cakes
more like patting its body a few times until it got the signal and slid off of him
the cakes like him!
once he’s passed the sniff test, the cakes are all over him
they do remind him of someone, with those yellow eyes and grey… trash can(?) like body…
he holds them carefully, because unlike your creatures, he needs to hold onto these little guys
else they’d fall
invites ratio in while he’s at it, and he sits down to properly examine them
ratio watches aventurine for a moment, until your serpents catch his attention
oh, he’s so unnerved by them, but also…
he’s so curious! his scholarly senses are telling him to seize the opportunity!
are they really the same creatures as the ones depicted in the scriptures for oroboros?
how did aventurine get his hands on them? or rather, how did you get your hands on them?
and why are they so, so… docile, if they are really what he thinks they are?
what have you done!? how did you get them to be your pets?
his academic interest in you might have just skyrocketed
he engages in a staring contest with a creature with no eyes
somehow, somehow he just knows it’s a staring contest
he’s debating between approaching or not
they look like they would snap his neck before he could even react
“don’t try it, doctor,” aventurine warns, reading ratio’s actions from a mile away, “they’ll probably bite.”
“huh…” ratio makes a sound of pure wonder as he stands still, staring at the few noodles slithering over each other and scenting the air around him. “how did you tame them, then?”
“i didn’t.” aventurine shrugs as he plays with the new critters in his arms. “just sit tight, my assistant should be back soon.”
does that mean you’re the one deciding who gets to touch your serpents and who doesn't???
meanwhile aventurine has taken to the cakes from the space station
they’re so delicate and adorable, with their huge eyes and how stretchy they are
such a contrast to your huge serpents
your serpents are curious about them too, it seems
they keep trying to slither up aventurine’s legs
he has to keep pushing them down, all the while their maws opened and closed
trying to get a feel for the taste of these critters
not trying to outright eat them, just trying to get a taste
ratio is itching to just… grab one of your noodles
he can’t
how devastating
just then, the door opens with a click
“i’m home, aven.” you enter and practically throws your shoes off. 
the sudden need to retain some semblance of formality in your home feels foreign to you now, but you’ve sensed someone else’s presence. it can’t be helped, even if the name aven feels odd on your tongue.
weird, aventurine usually runs out the moment he hears you
when you made your way to the living room, you see him and… some random guy?
said random guy looks like he’s into greek mythology?
is he like zeus or something
no, more like male athena or something
“oh, welcome back!” aventurine perks up as he lifts one of the cakes and shows it to you like a proud parent. “look at these little guys!”
your eyes never quite look away from the stranger, but you also dazedly take the critter into your arms. “this is…”
you immediately catch ratio’s eye – the way you carry yourself, the way the ends of your scarf seem to move on their own, and the way the few serpents find their way up your neck without so much as trying to touch the cake in your hands (even though they’ve been trying to taste it when it was in aventurine’s arms).
“veritas ratio.” he stands up before aventurine could introduce him and offers you a handshake. “you might know me as dr ratio of the intelligentsia guild.”
you stare at him without much of a reaction
his hand stays outstretched as he watches you expectantly
after a few seconds, you give his hand a firm shake and introduce yourself
you do know him, actually, you’ve read a few of his works
you quite liked his takes on philosophy and natural theology
he’s very insightful for a mortal
“can i help you?” you ask, because you don’t think ratio would bother talking to you if he hadn't been curious about something.
“your pets are most fascinating,” he gets straight to the point, “may i examine them?”
your pets?
the serpents? 
you look to aventurine, who just turns away like he didn’t tell ratio those are your pets
you pinch the bridge of your nose and exhales exasperatedly
then again, perhaps calling them your pets is the best course of action right now
because the other option is spilling the beans about yourself
so… nice save, aventurine
you set down the critter in your arms on a nearby table and turn to face the doctor
“here.” you pick up one of your leviathans and guide it over to ratio. “they might do… things around you, but they won’t hurt you.”
ratio tries not to flinch when the heavy leviathan slither up his arm and coil around his neck loosely, but he winces and backs away slightly anyway. “how are you so certain?” he watches the creature with so much wonder as it scents him, then lifts its head so he can stare at it properly. or the other way around; so it can stare at him properly. who knows.
a healthy dose of cynicism is always good
it’s not like you don’t understand where he’s coming from
you shrug, because you really have no better answer without outing yourself
“i have them trained.” you say, but at this point you’re just pulling shit out of your ass
aventurine immediately covers his mouth to hide a snort
you shoot him a quick glare
you run a hand along its smooth body to show ratio that yes, he can touch them
its maw opens a little wider and drools a little onto the carpet
ratio carefully puts his hand on top of its head
it turns its head on contact and nudges against his hand
trying to scent the thing touching it (aka ratio’s hand)
but it doesn’t do anything other than what appears to be purely harmless scenting
could this possibly be the subject of his next paper?
“don’t think about it, doctor.” you cut him off the moment you see the telltale glint of academic interest in his eyes. 
“i must disagree; they are of leviathan descent, are they not?” ratio asks, now caressing the big noodle with both hands and handling it with less hesitation than before, “this is of utmost significance; they might shed some light on the mystery of oroboros the voracity.”
you narrow your eyes at ratio
he doesn’t even try to prod around the subject, he just hits you in the face with it
as expected of such an erudite scholar, but still
(aventurine is watching the interaction with much interest while he plays with the cats)
(it’s like he’s enjoying the show)
(the remaining free serpents of yours has coiled up by his feet and fallen asleep)
(since they’ve realized aventurine doesn’t want them near the cakes)
you don’t want to bring too much attention to yourself, or your serpents
you don’t want things about oroboros to spread, either
in fact, you’re quite thankful to the enigmata and the ipc for heavily censoring them 
“with all due respect, i refuse.” you do not allow any room for disagreement. “you are prepared to uncover the truth. is the rest of the cosmos ready?”
that’s not all of your argument, but the one you determine would be enough to keep ratio from conducting and publishing research about leviathans for now. oh, right – you’re not against ratio’s curiosity. you simply don’t want that curiosity to spread far and wide.
ratio frowns, not expecting such a swift rejection from you, but you do have a point. he’s a little blinded by his excitement.
your rejection sounds a little personal, if aventurine may say so himself
to ratio, it is very much just you being overprotective of your pets
as all pet owners do
to be fair, it’s hard to say. ratio is a sharp man
you stare at him, and he stares at you
the leviathan hanging on his neck tilts its head in confusion
if ratio is anything, he’s persistent
especially when it comes to knowledge
he opens his mouth to try to convince you again
you beat him to it and raise a hand to stop him from talking. “you can examine them for as long as you do not make publications.”
ratio is taken aback, his brows furrowing as you give him permission for further interaction with these descendants of ancient leviathans. this is your first meeting, so why –
in fact, aventurine is wondering the same thing
like, why are you getting along with the doctor so well when you’ve only met today
he’s not jealous or anything, he just has a huge question mark on your reactions
you’re usually very, very guarded against people who ask questions
especially about your scarf
but then ratio did see your serpents slithering around
perhaps you see no way of weaselling your way out of this?
if we’re being honest, ratio also has a huge question mark on your reactions
“i am a fan of your philosophical works,” you say, guiding your serpent back around you, “hence i am willing to satisfy your curiosity… provided you agree to my terms. think of it as an invitation.”
ratio takes a moment to mull over your words. to think that someone under the ipc has read multiple of his works, and has enjoyed them… is that why you are willing to compromise? but, well… you give him a feeling of a learned person. perhaps he will enjoy debating you.
“very well, that is good enough.” he nods, even if he still feels just a little bit disappointed, he’s anticipating a good back-and-forth with you already. “in that case…”
“i will let you know when i am free.” you sit down next to aventurine and let the critters on his lap crawl over to you and knead your thigh with their little paws. “and, doctor?”
it’s apparent to you that ratio has the same thought as you did when you decided to let your serpents drop their disguises at home. you glance towards aventurine next to you, then back at the doctor.
“thanks for the critters.”
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alessiasfreckles · 7 months
Could you do kiss roulette 23 with Leah williamson
just one drink - leah williamson x reader
23. A kiss influenced by alcohol or other substances
warning: alcohol
“How many drinks have you had?” Leah asked, one eyebrow raised. 
“Not that many!” you insisted, trying to go back through the night and count the drinks you’d had. There was a cocktail when you arrived at the bar, a fun pink one, then an orange fruity one, then your friends had ordered a round of shots, then you’d had a blue cocktail, then - wait, was there another cocktail before the blue one? And was it just the one round of shots, or was it two? 
Leah folded her arms, giving you a stern look. 
“Okay, maybe a few. Like, three, I think? Maybe four. Wait, do shots count? They’re so little, teeny tiny drinks,” you held up a thumb and finger millimetres apart from one another, swaying slightly where you stood. “They’re teeny tiny, Leah!” 
“Is that right?” she asked, trying to hide a laugh. “Come on, trouble, let's get you home.”
“Noo, I don’t want to go yet,” you pouted, giving her your best puppy dog eyes. “Will you come in and have a drink with us? The girls really wanted to see you, just one drink?” 
She sighed. She had never been able to say no to you, and besides, it had been a while since she’d last seen your friends. “Fine. Just one drink, okay?”
“Yay!” you cheered, clapping. You grabbed her hand and made your way back inside the busy bar to where your friends were sat, excitedly ordering another round of drinks.
Half an hour later, Leah was decidedly tipsy. She hadn’t had much, just one G&T and a shot of tequila at your insistence, but as she wasn’t used to drinking much anymore, it didn’t take much for her to feel the effect of the alcohol. 
Her hand was on your thigh as you chatted animatedly to one of your friends. She watched you, your arms and hands moving as you gesticulated wildly, the way your eyes sparkled in the dim light of the bar, the way your shirt was cut just low enough for her to want to see what was underneath it. She moved her hand to your back, slipping under your shirt, wanting to touch your skin. 
You glanced over to find her smiling innocently at you as she trailed her nails up and down your lower back, making you shiver. 
“I’m gonna go to the toilet,” you told your friend, excusing yourself. Grabbing Leah’s hand, you pulled her behind you as you stumbled to the bathroom. 
When you were in there you quickly pulled her into an empty stall, locking the door behind you, a grin on your face.
“You’re teasing me,” you said, poking her chest. She smiled at you, looking at you through her lashes.
“Me? No, never,” she said, both hands under your shirt now, running up and down your sides. 
“No?” you asked. The floor was tilting one way slightly, then swaying back the other way. It felt like you were on a boat, and you tried to steady yourself by putting a hand on Leah’s shoulder.
“Nope,” she said, popping the ‘p’. 
“Huh, okay, so you’re not teasing me, so you definitely don’t want us to make out, so in that case I’m going to leave,” you rambled, feigning innocence.
“No, that’s not what I said,” she quickly said, frowning. You burst into giggles at the look on her face, making her pout. “You’re laughing at me!”
“I’m not!” you said, still giggling. “You’re just so cute.”
“You think I’m cute?” Leah smirked, tilting her head. Her fingers were going higher now, reaching your bra. Her hands settled there, and she slipped her thumbs under the band of your bra, resting against the skin, brushing the sides of your breasts gently. You shivered. 
“Yes or no?” she asked, making you frown.
“Huh?” you shook your head, trying to clear the thoughts you were having about her hands on your skin.
“You think I’m cute, yes or no?” she asked.
“Oh! Yes, easy. Next question?” you told her, trying to lean against the wall to look casual. You didn’t realise that it was further away than you thought, and you stumbled, falling into her. 
She laughed, hands still pressed against your skin. Now you were pressed against her, leaning just far back enough to see her face clearly. It felt like the cubicle was revolving around the two of you, spinning and spinning, but as long as you focused on her face and the feeling of her hands, her thumbs on the edges of your breasts, it was okay, you were okay. 
“Hmm,” she said, a thoughtful look on her face. Her eyes flitted between your eyes and your lips, down to your chest, and back again. You waited, holding your breath, anxious to see what she said. “Can I kiss you?” she asked, biting her lip.
You nodded quickly, surging forward to meet her lips. She tasted like tequila and lip balm, and as you kissed you forgot about the world outside of your little bubble. The only thing you could feel was her body against yours, how soft her lips were, how perfectly you fit together. Her hands were still under your shirt, but they’d moved further up your chest, making your breath catch in your throat. Your heart was pounding in your ears, and your skin felt like it was on fire where she’d touched it, her tongue in your mouth making you dizzy.
A cubicle door slammed shut, making both of you jump apart. You looked at each other with wide eyes, pupils dark, breathing heavily.
“Fuck, y/n.”
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princessbrunette · 7 months
peeked at your second acc n stepbro!jj is so the type that you two are watchin a movie while your parents are out of town n he starts rubbin your pussy through your little panties cos he's just 'admiring' - 🍓
‧₊˚ 🐚 ✩ ₊˚ 👙 ⊹ 𓇼
you loved quiet moments with your step-brother, domestic bliss as you pretend the house belongs to just the two of you— parents away for the weekend.
you lean against his warmth on the couch, the two of you watching one of the weird old shitty horror movies with terrible CGI about cannibals that he’s always making references to. he continually talks throughout the viewing, pointing to this screen, but your eyes fall on his bracelets and you bring his hand back down to where it rested on your stomach, playing with them.
“intestines should not look like that dude.” he speaks to the tv absentmindedly and you wrinkle your nose, not too interested in the movie.
“how’d you know?” you ask quietly.
“uh, seen some weird shit on reddit.” he blinks, doing a double take when your baggy sleep shirt rides up, now revealing the pair of cotton panties that had been hiding beneath. you feel him looking at you turn your head innocently to smile at him, before swivelling back to between your legs.
“oh, these are new. aren’t they cute?” you chirp softly and his hand hovers in the air for a moment before sliding hesitantly downwards.
“yea—” he clears his throat trying to sound casual despite his heartrate picking up and the obsession kicking in. he did not care about the movie anymore. “yeah. real — uh, real cute, sweetie. what, s’that a bow?” he uses his curiosity as an excuse to pluck at the ribbon at the top of the panties, his grip on it tugging the material up to wedge between your folds, creating a clear camel toe.
you bite your lip shyly in acknowledgment and his eyes flutter, dick stiffening in his shorts. he glances at you, licking over his lips— and he decides it’s going down tonight, he’s refrained for too long. “bet they’re like… super soft too, right?” he slides his fingers gently over the length of the panties, over where your clit lays and across the folds. your legs fall open and a shaky breath leaves you, but he’s having too much fun pretending he’s admiring the garment to stop.
“how much were these? look pretty good quality to me like… this is that fancy shit huh?” his finger teases along the waistband and you try and gather your thoughts, already feeling a wet patch starting to form where your hole is. as if he senses this, his middle finger starts to creep towards it.
“uh— don’t— don’t remember, was on sale. maybe like 20 dollars.” you shudder and he nods, feigning interest.
“damn, still a little pricey in my broke ass opinion… but i guess this crown jewel deserves only the best…” his thumb slides over your covered clit in reference and you pant, holding back a mewl as he digs his middle finger into your wet patch, stuffing the material into your hole slightly. you brave turning your head to look at him, gazing up at him with doe-like, blown out pupils.
“jayj… are you really that interested in my underwear?” there’s a tinge of innocence to your voice, like you truly believe there might be a chance he’s not messing with you. he huffs a chuckle out his nose as he smirks down at you.
“nah… you caught me…” his hand slides upwards, before his fingertips breach the waistband and he starts to push his hand inside the fabric. “guess i kind of just wanted an excuse t’play with this pretty pussy…” his fingers freeze above your clit, and he brings his mouth down to your ear. ��you wont tell on me, right sugar?”
‧₊˚ 🐚 ✩ ₊˚ 👙 ⊹ 𓇼
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queenimmadolla · 7 months
hey vivi!! big fan of you🩷 since you’re doing drabbles, do you think you can write about penny going on her first date ? i can only imagine what eddie would be like lol. love you ❤️
𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫!𝐃𝐚𝐝!𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐱 𝐌𝐨𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 (don't have to read but you'll want to) (𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭. 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧)
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“I’m sorry???” Eddie croaked out over the phone, and your teeth dug into your lip to fight a smile off.
  “It’s innocent, Eds. They’re just seeing a movie together,” You mused and briefly placed the phone against your chest to listen for any cries throughout the house. Quiet. The baby was still asleep, thank god. You’d already raised two kids out of their baby phase of life, but this one was giving you and your husband a run for your money. Colic and Eddie’s genetics (dramatics) made for one hell of a Velcro Baby. Maple always had to be attached to one of her parents, or she was crying bloody murder and since Eddie was away for the next two days, it was you she needed to be on. You’d managed to sneak her successfully into her crib when she fell asleep—usually her big brown eyes flew open the second you bent over to lower her in since you were only ever allowed to be standing when holding Maple, per her demands—just before Eddie called (and you’d dove to stop that phone from ringing). He wasn’t impressed with your plans for the rest of the day, “I’ll be in the row behind her, with a baby hidden under my shirt and attached to my nipple, and Wayne if he doesn’t want to hang out with big Wayne. Don’t be dramatic.”
  Eddie scoffed so you rolled your eyes.
  “Don’t roll your eyes at me, young lady.” Your back straightened from your lean on the counter, eyes scanning the living room for the camera he had to have hidden as he kept talking, “What are you gonna do when this punk puts the moves on my baby girl, huh?”
  “They’re ten years-old, Eddie. They’re gonna be sweating in their seats, I hardly doubt they’ll even hold hands.” 
  Eddie still didn’t like that. Really, there was no reason for Penny and whatever this kid’s name was to even be going to the movies. He’s sure the punk had a TV at home, and Penny had access to one, so they could just watch something separately in different homes, as in not together, and talk about it at school. Or not talk about it all. Not talk to each other at all. Yeah, Eddie liked that.
  “Tell her she can’t go.” He demanded, shooting a glare at the PA staring at him, eagerly waiting for him to get off the phone so he could usher him to his next interview. The hostility in his gaze was enough to make that very PA poof, disappeared into thin air.
  “I’m not telling her that.”
  “Fine, I’ll do it. Put her on the phone.” You didn’t bother hiding your smile anymore, grinning at his antics. He was such a dad and you loved it. Especially because you knew—what with him currently in New York—Penny would be at the movies with her little crush (and you, possibly your son, and your baby) whether Eddie liked it or not.
  You called for Penny down the hallway and you could hear her galloping down after your voice.
  “What?” She squawked out once she came to a halt at your side and like every other time she voiced that word in her flat tone with a hint of annoyance sprinkled in, you were reminded of the times your mother would reprimand you for being just as irritating.
  You lulled your wrist forward, tipping the phone to her as you raised a challenging brow, “Your dad wants to talk to you.”
  She quickly took the phone, holding it against the side of her head, hand pushing her hair out of her face before scratching her chin “Hi, daddy.”
  “Hi, sweet pea.” You could hear him croon and you shook your head in amusement. He was so fake. “What’cha up to today?”
  ”Nothing. OOH, Uncle Lucas patched my bike for me!” She recalled, thinking back to when the Uncle in question had followed through on his promise to repair her flat bicycle wheel before catching his flight back to Chicago in time for his practice. Penny would be watching his basketball game on TV tonight, after the movie. She cheered as loud as she could for him, but sometimes she cheered for his other teammate, Michael Jordan, too. All the time. She cheered for Michael all the time.
  “Of course he did, just had to steal my thunder. Mom says you’re gonna watch his game tonight.”
  “Yeah, here at home since you can’t take us. . .”
  “I said I’m sorry! I’ll take you to the Finals.”
  “If they win.” Penny mumbled and they both went silent before bursting out laughing. The Bulls wouldn’t be losing tonight.
  “Is that all you’re doing?” He asked, voice honey and sugar once he’d stopped laughing.
  “Pretty sure.”
  “Pretty sure? As in, not entirely positive?” Eddie’s voice broke as it went high and he cleared his throat, “Nothing you’re intentionally leaving out?”
  “What about your LITTLE DATE?! Penny, you’re too young, baby. What have we been talking about for years now, huh? Thought we agreed you’d wait until a couple of years into a marriage before you could start dating. You pinky swore. Wouldn’t you rather me go? You know how Maple is—do you want a baby crying in the background when you recall your first date for the rest of your life? And really, your mom is gonna be chaperoning, don't you wanna wait until I get back? What if this kid is one of those punks that tease you about your mom being hot? Wouldn’t you much rather have your cool, rockstar dad, instead of your hot mom, sitting menacingly—I mean—hold on don’t hang up, I meant ‘measuredly’—”
  Penny’s eyes flashed over to you in a ‘can you believe this?’ manner as you heard your husband blabber on like some grown up in Peanut’ s Special and she rolled her eyes. Eddie must have mumbled something else because you saw her stand up straight and glance around the house with a pout before she mumbled back into the receiver, “I didn’t roll my eyes. . .”
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divider ℗ cafekitsune ♡
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sanemistar · 14 days
hii (ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
i see that your reqs are open again! if you can, can you do a fic where geto has been hiding his feelings yn for a while and he while hes alone w her, he cant hold it in anymore
smth like one day all of the friends r busy ( gojo, nanami, & shoko ) and only geto and yn r free at the moment and geto comes over to her shared apartment with that yn and shoko share nd he finds her doing skin care and self care things so he joins in, and when hes alone w her his butterflies in his stomach are going crazy and so is his heart, and as shes applying his face mask, close face to face, hes gazing at her in the eyes and he cant seem to hold back his feelings anymore, so he pushes her back, holding her arms, ears red and just admits everything.
hope this isnt too much !♡︎
can’t hold back | suguru geto
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୨୧ pairing: suguru x fem!reader
୨୧ genre: fluff
୨୧ wc: 0.8k+
୨୧ warning: suguru may be a bit ooc
୨୧ a/n: lovesick suguru is definitely something omg !! i hope you enjoy reading <3
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it’s your day off after a long week of work, so you plan to hang out with your best friends because you haven’t seen them in a while due to your busy schedule. you text them in your group chat, but they all say they’re busy except for suguru, who happens to have some free time and is nearby. you ask him privately to come over and hang out with you at your shared apartment with shoko to keep you company while she’s out, to which he agrees.
you decide to do some skincare while you’re waiting for suguru to come over, so you put on your favorite mask and play some soft music. a little while later you hear a loud ring coming from your front door, signaling suguru’s arrival. you quickly get there and open the door and happily greet him as you invite him to come in.
“enjoying yourself, huh? let me join you.” suguru asks, which of course, you gladly agree to. you guide him through the apartment until you reach your room, and the moment the door opens he’s instantly greeted with your scent that feels like a warm hug on a cold night. you sit on the edge of your soft bed and pat on the empty space next to you, waiting for suguru to join you. he’s hesitant to step any closer, wondering how can you be so defenseless around him this easily? but then decides to join in anyways.
the moment he realizes he’s completely alone with you, in your room at that, butterflies begin to form inside his stomach and his heart starts racing. but he keeps his composure and remains calm, though he’s not entirely sure how much longer can he hold himself back.
“i’m gonna apply this mask for you, it’s really good! it’ll make your skin look glowy and healthy.” you enthusiastically inform suguru. he’s not really into skincare or anything of that sort, he couldn’t care less about what this mask does. he just loves it when your eyes light up and you beam brightly whenever you talk about something you enjoy, he can never get tired of it.
you lean in to apply the mask for him, and your eyes are instantly locked in a long gaze. your faces are so dangerously close that your hot breath is fanning all over his face and your lips are only inches away from a kiss, causing his skin to slightly tingle in both excitement and nervousness. this new sensation sets his heart on fire, and it’s becoming so overwhelming. he doesn’t think his heart can handle it anymore, like it’s about to burst out of his chest. he can’t help but wonder if you’re also feeling the same way, or is it just him?
you’re done applying it, yet your eyes never dare to look away, as if you’re caught in a trance. you both stay like that for who knows how long before suguru pushes you back, his hands tightly holding your arms. he’s reached his limit, he can’t hold back any longer.
“y/n… are you deliberately tempting me or what? looking at me with those eyes with your face so dangerously close. i’m losing my mind here.” you? tempting him? what is even talking about? you’re completely oblivious to what’s going on, and suguru quickly catches onto that. of course you just have to be oblivious, which adds more to his suffering.
he lets a big sigh escape his lips, and he lets go of you. but his gaze is still onto you, you notice that his ears are turning bright red.
“i just can’t hold back anymore, i don’t think we can be friends anymore. i’m in love with you, i’ve been feeling this way for a long time now.” suguru’s sudden confession takes you by surprise, not only because you’re trying to process the fact that THE suguru geto has just confessed that he likes you, but also because you can’t believe that your crush on him has been mutual all along. you begin to connect the dots and now everything makes sense. how he used to push other guys away from you, how overprotective he is of you, how sulky he feels when you hang out with satoru and kento without him.
you start giggling all of a sudden, and it slightly startles suguru. but before he gets a chance to say anything, you pull him in a hug. arms wrapped around his neck as your fingers play with the jet black locks of his hair. it doesn’t take him long before he wraps his arms firmly around your waist.
“i love you too, suguru.” you whisper softly against his ear, sending shivers all over his spine. the moment he’s been dreaming of is no longer just a dream, but a beautiful reality. suguru pulls away from the hug and lets his hand find a home on your soft cheeks as he leans in for a deep kiss. you smile against his lips as you kiss him back, letting yourself melt in the sweet sensation.
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thetriumphantpanda · 8 months
Take My Breath Away | Joel Miller
The Checklist - Breath Play
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Chapter Summary | It's the overthinking that makes it hard to ask for what you want sometimes, so you ask for the thing you want most in the only way you know how - in the heat of the moment.
Chapter Warnings | Again, and as always, porn without plot. Dirty talk, fingering, unprotected PiV sex, creampie, breath play (sexual choking), peeing after sex (pls do this), softness and lots of love. No outbreak AU. No use of y/n.
Word Count | 2k
Pairing | Joel Miller x F!Reader
Authors Note | Oh my god what is this? Charlie finishing another series? I cannot tell you how sad I am to be saying goodbye to these two - they have turned into the two greatest loves of my life. Thanks are due to @vickywallace for sending this idea into my inbox in the first place - thank you for such a wonderful idea and for supporting this series! If you like this then please considering reblogging or commenting, it makes my life worth living! And if you'd like to support me further you can donate to my Ko-Fi.
A reminder that whilst this is part of a wider series, this can be read as a standalone if you wish.
Beautiful divider by @saradika
I no longer have a taglist, to keep up to date with my work, please follow @thetriumphantpandanotifs and turn on notifications.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Ko-Fi.
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It started innocently enough. Joel’s big palm resting at your collarbone when he was inside you, his teeth nipping at your earlobe. It was a fleeting moment, no added pressure, but there was still a shot of thrill that settled across you, one that made you think of that little list and the thought in the back of your mind that you wanted him to push his hand a little higher and press.
How to ask for it properly had been playing on your mind for a little while. It’s not like the two of you weren’t open with each other, you’d proved that already. And you trusted Joel with your life, you know he wouldn’t hurt you. But each night, when you sit together on the couch and go to open your mouth to talk about it, nothing happens. Mainly because it feels inconsequential to you, does it need a big conversation like some of the other things? You don’t think so.
It happens about a week later. Friday night, dinner eaten, glass of whisky drunk in front of the TV. Joel is settled on his back, glasses perched on the end of his nose as he reads a book, you’re similar, but you’re restless. You’re reading some romance novel, and like clockwork, the two love interests have just turned up to the hotel to find there’s only one bed. They don’t really hate each other anymore, and in his sleep, he’s rolled over and draped an arm over her waist, chest to her back, and she can feel how much he wants her.
You scoff a little, which pulls Joel’s attention from his own reading, to you, “That bad huh?” He asks, innocently enough.
“Just predictable.” You shrug, trying to hide the way your thighs are unconsciously rubbing together under the sheets.
“Lemme guess,” He says, setting down his own book, along with his glasses, “They hate each other, but also secretly they don’t, and they’ve just turned up to the hotel and they have to share a bed?”
You turn to him, chuckling as you look at the front and back cover, “Have you read this before?”
“No baby,” He chuckles, “It’s just they’re all the same, if it ain’t that then it’s somethin’ forbidden or she’s too happy and he’s too grumpy, just a lucky first guess.”
There’s a little more talking, and then the lights turn off, Joel turning on his side to fall asleep, but there’s that deep throb between your thighs that no matter what you do, won’t go away.
“Joel?” You whisper, poking at his arm, listen to him grumble but ultimately not reply, “Joel?” You whisper again, a little louder.
“Yes, baby?” It’s soft when he talks, not annoyed at you for keeping him awake.
“Joel, I need you.” You whisper once more.
You can hear the rustle of the sheets as he turns, then his arm wrapping around your waist, tugging you into his chest, that hand of his wandering down to cup your ass, “You feelin’ needy, baby?” He asks lowly, pressing kisses to your forehead and then your cheek until he’s kissing your mouth.
You roll onto your back, gripping onto his naked shoulders so he follows, the entire weight of his body on yours until he rests his upper body on his elbows, hands pushing your hair back from your face as he settles himself between your thighs. You can feel him, pressing against that part of you, already semi-hard and wanting, like he was struggling just as much as you to go to bed without touching you.
“You needy for me too?” You ask innocently as his lips press to your neck, he doesn’t answer, just slowly rolls his hips into yours.
There’s a moment where he reaches down between the two of you, lets his fingers brush over your folds, dipping down slightly to find you already wet. It’s not a surprise for either of you anymore, you think that there’s always some level of slickness settling between your legs whenever you see him - still not quite believing you get him all to yourself.
Joel drags his fingers up to your clit, slick dragging across your bud of nerves, a soft whimper leaving your mouth as he gently circles it. He’s taking his time, working you up slowly because he knows you don’t have anywhere to be in the morning. In a few minutes, you’re already moving your hips in time with his fingers, his mouth kissing your neck, his teeth nipping at your skin too. You’re clutching at his shoulders, nails digging half-moon shapes into his skin, when he pulls his hand away.
You’d complain until you can feel what he’s doing - his fist tight around his cock, moving up and down as he positions himself at the entrance of your cunt, tip nudging there as his mouth comes to cover your own. You’re just opening your mouth to him when he slips himself inside, slowly edging further and further inside you until he’s sheathed in your tight heat and you’re moaning into his open mouth.
He’s slow with it at first, a gentle drag of his cock in and out of you, like he’s got all the time in the world. Every time he presses into you, he moans into your mouth a little, sighs when he drags back out and it’s perfect, but you know you need more. You reach out, circle his big wrist with your hand.
“Will you…” You trail off a little, “Will you do something for me?”
He stills inside you, tip of his cock pressed so deep you could cry, “Anything for you, honey.”
“Will you put your hand on my neck?” Your voice is timid, and you’re glad you’ve kept the lights off.
There’s enough moonlight drifting in through the blinds that don’t close properly that you can still see him, but he’s shrouded in shadows too. He’s careful when he moves, pushing himself up to rest on one palm that’s pressed net to your head, the other hand being dragged exactly where you want it. He lets you rest it where you’re comfortable, just at the base, right above your collarbone.
“You tap my arm three times if you want me to stop, okay?” He asks, finally dragging his cock back out of you.
He puts a little pressure on with his hand when he thrusts back into you. The pressure is nice, but there’s something about it that doesn’t feel right, so you do exactly as he says, tap his arm three times. Joel is quick to take his hand off you, but you grab it quickly enough that he doesn’t have chance to rest it back on the bed.
“Try it a little higher.” You suggest, pulling it back so that the pad of his thumb and middle finger are pressed into the skin just under your ear.
“Like this?” He asks quietly as he repeats his movements from before, adding a tiny bit of pressure to your neck as he pushes back into your slick cunt, and yes, you think, exactly like that.
Joel keeps his hand pressed there for a few of his movements before he lightens the pressure on your throat, letting you catch your breath but keeping that wide palm resting right where you asked for it to be.
It’s a sensation you never thought you’d enjoy so much, but every time Joel’s palm tightens around your throat, there’s a rush to your brain and a throb between your legs. It’s exhilarating and there’s something about the way you trust him, literally with your life right now, to know exactly what you want and how to give it to you.
“You like that, don’t ya?” Joel rasps out above you, hips snapping into yours.
He releases the pressure from your neck again, just enough for you to be able to nod your head and bite at your lip to try and stop yourself from grinning. Joel brings the hand from your neck up to your mouth, uses the pad of his thumb to drop your lip from your mouth.
“I wanna see that smile baby.”
So you do as he says - caught in the dance of his palm pressing against your throat, your mouth falling into a grin each time, sometimes a small giggle leaving your mouth as you do, and then the release of the pressure, back and forth like that until you can feel that coil tightening low in your belly, your own hips bucking to meet his own, desperate to come apart beneath him.
“You gonna come, baby?” He asks, palm tightening once more, you can feel your walls fluttering around him, the coil pulled tight, you’re not going to last much longer, “That’s okay, I got you baby, just let go for me.”
It’s always been his voice that does it for you - the gentle lilt of that southern drawl, the way he’s always taking care of you. The coil snaps, his hand tightening just a little further as you arch up into him, much dropping open in a silent scream as pleasure floods every nerve ending in your body. You’re mildly aware of him talking you through it, showering praise over you as his own hips start to falter, hand finally torn from your neck, both of his palms settled on the mattress beside your head as he fucks you for real now.
The sound of skin slapping on skin fills the room, Joel’s ragged groans mixed with your own squeals, not quite recovered from your orgasm. You reach your hands up, settle them on his sides and look up at him.
“Want you…” You choke out, “Come inside me, Joel.”
He groans, low in his chest, body shaking as his hips stop. He lets out a moan of your name as you feel his cock throb inside you, the familiar warmth of his cum spilling inside you. Joel’s body falls forward, crowding yours as he buries his head into the crook of your neck, mouth warm as he kisses you.
You both stay like that for a while, breathing heavy until you feel his softening cock slip from you. He rolls onto his back, dragging you with him so you’re leaning against his sweat-slicked chest, fingers drawing patterns through the hair there.
Eyes filled with love, you look at him, give him a small smile as he brings a hand to your neck, tracing where his fingers had been pressing, “Looks red, baby,” His voice is gravelly, thick with sleep, “Was it okay?”
Taking hold of his wrist, you drag his hand up to your mouth and press kisses to his palm. The hand he has around your back drags you up a little and then he’s manoeuvring himself so his mouth can press kisses on the two finger marks he’s left on your skin. You think this might be the way you love him most, soft and sated, gentle and loving.
“I gotta go to the bathroom,” You whisper at him, “Stay right here okay?”
Joel reluctantly lets you go. You curse him every time you have to walk down the hall to the bathroom for not buying a home all those years ago with an en-suite, especially when, by the time you come back, he’s flat out on his back, lightly snoring.
You take a moment to stand in the doorway, look at him painted in moonlight. He’s beautiful like this, none of those worries he has etched on his face. You love him, more than you’ve ever loved anyone before.
Padding quietly over to the bed, you settle under the sheets, draping an arm over his middle, your head pillowed on his shoulder. In his sleep, he pulls you further into his body, arm over your shoulder, other hand resting on the arm you have draped across his tummy. If this is what peace feels like, then long let it last.
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hotluncheddie · 5 months
Day 7: Daddy Steve
wc: 2.5k | rated: E | tags: Sub Eddie Munson, established relationship (they're in love), soft dom Steve Harrington, anal sex, crying, pet names, Eddie Munson needs a hug
written for @subeddieweek <3
Some days are just too much. Everything crawling up too high and burying Eddie where he stands. Days where he just can't handle it anymore. Needs a break. Some care. A little softness.
It's been one of those days. 
The car Eddie’s working on just doesn’t want to run right and he heard a customer whispering to his boss, Jimmy, about his scars. Assuming it made Eddie someone untrustworthy; ‘you really want him in your shop Jim?’. 
Jimmy set them straight but it really set Eddie’s teeth on edge. They’re not in Hawkins anymore, but sometimes, it feels like he never got away. Still a suspect. Still a freak. 
Eddie slips into their apartment, shoving off his shoes and jacket. It's not so cold out anymore but he’s still got a henley on under his overalls, he pulls those half off and ties them at his waist. He keeps the henley firmly in place though. Pulling the sleeves further down over his hands. 
The scars over his forearms aren’t even that noticeable, some of his faintest. But that guy, at the shop, he noticed. He noticed and it made Eddie’s skin crawl. 
Steve is at the stove in their tiny kitchen, stirring something and humming to a song on the radio. 
Eddie stalks over, opening the fridge and pulling out a beer. ‘Good day?’ Steve asks from his spot, eyes already trained on Eddie, on the knit of his shoulders. 
Eddie grunts, taking a pull from the can. Not looking directly at Steve, at his soft eyes. 
Eddie doesn’t deserver them.  
‘Okay then, bad day.’ Steve jokes but it rips something up in Eddie. Pulls at his sinew, makes his scars itch. Everyone seems to know everything about him already, knows all his secrets, who he is. And maybe they do, his past is already laid out all over his skin anyway. 
‘Need to talk about it?’ Steve asks, but it sounds so patronising, so, so. 
‘God, just shut up Steve!’ Eddie scoffs, slamming his can down on the counter and turning away, arms crossed. 
He regrets it the moment it comes out of his mouth. 
Steve takes Eddie's outburst in stride, slowly taking him in his arms, wrapping around his back and hooking his chin over his shoulder. ‘Steve? Not heard that one in a long time.’ A soft kiss to Eddie's temple. ‘What happened to Stevie?’ Steve rubs his cheek up against Eddies. ‘Or sweetheart?’ Buries his face in Eddie's neck. ‘Or doll, hm?’
Eddie turns so they’re facing. Letting the weight of the day, the guilt over his outburst show on his face, in the slouch of his shoulders. 
‘That bad huh?’ Steve asks, running his eyes over Eddie's expression. 
Eddie sniffs. ‘M’sorry. Don’t, please don’t shut up.’ He pleads, wishing he could rewind time 30 minutes, rewind to this morning. Do it all over. 
Steve cups Eddie’s face in his hands, holding him up and looking right into him. ‘What do you need?’ Steve asks, forcing eye contact. 
Eddie blinks, breaths in through his nose but his exhale gets choked on a sob. Fuck, it’s been such a bad fucking day. ‘I need to not fucking think for a while, don’t, don’t wanna exist anymore Stevie. Just wanna be here, be yours.’ He pleads, eyes on Steve’s soft brown ones. He feels tears sliding down his cheeks and snot filing his nose. 
Steve hushes him, pulling Eddie into his neck and Eddie sobs. He cries ugly and loud and stains Steves shirt with his tears.But he can’t stop, felt too much today. Too bad.
He can’t do it tonight, exist. Wants to hide, needs it. 
Stroking his hand over Eddie’s hair Steve hold him close, swaying them gently on the kitchen tiles and Steve statrs to hum again. Eddie thinks it’s Fleetwood Mac but he can’t really hear over the sound of his own ragged breathing. He just knows Steve is there, that Steve’s got him. 
Eddie cries until he can’t anymore. 
Once his breathings back to normal Steve pulls his head back out. Lifting his own shirt up to wipe Eddie’s face clean. Eddie grimaces because, gross. But Steve just has this little smile on his face, private and grounding and Eddie goes still. Lets Steve do as he pleases and just focuses on breathing. 
Steve kisses his forehead once he’s done. ‘Go shower for me now Ed’s, yeah? It'll help you relax. I’ll make you some food.’ Eddie stiffens slightly at having to leave Steve’s arms. But, a shower does sound nice. Chance to scrub the grease and sweat from his hair and skin. 
Eddie nods and Steve kisses his cheek, murmurs ‘good’. Eddie bites his lips as he shuffles away. 
Eddie opens the shower curtain to see a small pile of clothes sitting in the toilet seat. A pair of loose shorts and one of Steve’s old crewnecks. Both Eddie’s favourites, they’re worn with age so they’re soft and usually reside in Steve’s side of the draws, making them smell a little more like him. 
Eddie feels his shoulders dip further, tension spilling away. Takes Steve’s quiet instruction, his love filled action, puts on the clothes and breathes deep.   
He smells Steve’s cooking, hears him singing softly through the walls, definitely Fleetwood Mac. 
After they eat, Steve insists on doing the dishes while Eddie drinks tea - watching Steve, waiting for him to be done - before they move to the couch. 
With the TV on low and main light off, Eddie finally feels his shoulders relax fully. Able to finally focus on just this.
Now, here, with Steve. 
Eddie straddles Steve's thighs, making himself as small as possible in his lap, hooking his feet behind Steve's calves. Tangling them till they’re one, connected. 
Eddies closes his eyes to focus on the feeling of Steve below him, the softness of his sweats against the backs of his legs, the rise and fall of his ribs. Pushing his forehead into Steve sternum Eddie shifts his fingers up under the hem of his t-shirt. Taking a deep breath as his fingers roam over Steve's soft healed sides, over his stomach and up to his pecs. Eddie cups them and squeezes, trying to fill all his senses with nothing but Steve. 
Steve's voice is honey warm as he speaks quietly into Eddie's hair. ‘You want Mommy tonight baby?’ And Eddie gasps, looks up at him with watery eyes, feeling caught. 
Until Steve is trailing soft fingertips over his face and jaw, over his fluttering eyelids and ears, over the scar that makes the side of his mouth droop. 
So faintly, Eddie worries Steve will miss it, he shake his head and keeps his eyes closed. Swallows around the lump in his throat. ‘Tell me what you need baby.’ Steve hums, still close, still touching. 
‘Daddy.’ He whispers, softly, into Steve's fingers at his lips, breathing it into his bones. A secret confession, a little bit of his insides spilt outwards.  
Steve ‘hmm’s’ in quiet understanding, kissing the corner of Eddie's scarred mouth, the tip of his nose, the furrow between his brows. ‘I’ve got you. Gonna take care of you, yeah?’ 
‘Need it. I’m sorry, just, I. I need it.’ Eddie's voice wavers, his eyes screw up tight. The relentlessness of the day, the week, claw at him again, fill up his lungs, fit to drown him. 
‘Hey, hey it’s okay. Whatever you want. You’re doing perfect. Answered my question so perfect Ed’s, okay?’ Steve smooths his hands over Eddie’s back, repetitive and grounding. ‘It’s just us, remember? Just us here. I’ve got you.’  
Eddie nods dumbly, feels tears prickle his eyes. He takes a shuddery breath and tries to focus on letting the day drift away from him again. The soft blanket of ‘Steve’ and ‘home’ and ‘safe’ taking its place.
They stay like that, Eddie clinging and Steve holding him through it. Letting him relax enough to fall, to dip. Softly Steve trails fingers through Eddie's scalp, scratching lightly, tucking his hair behind his ears. Starts tapping Eddie's lip with his thumb, toying with it, playing with the seam of them. Waiting. He’s always so patient with Eddie, when Eddie gets like this. 
Fisting the neckline of Steve’s sweatshirt Eddie inches impossible closer, sandwiching his forearms between their two chests. Nuzzling at Steve’s nose with his own. ‘Say it again’ Steve whispers into his mouth. In that way that's a little demanding but still playful, cocky, unbelievably Steve.  
Eddie leans away just slightly to see Steve’s eyes, hooded, with pupils blown impossibly wide. Eddie's insides churn.  
Steve buries his hands in Eddie’s hair and brings their mouths together. Crashing into a kiss that's teeth and spit and soft need. Eddie keens at the sensation, how all consuming it is, when Steve kisses him. 
They kiss until there’s no breath left in Eddies lungs, until the spit on his chin threatens to slide down his neck, until he feels the tip of his cock sticking to the fabric of his shorts. 
Steve pulls him away gently by the hair, just enough for them to suck in greedy lungfuls, sharing the air between them. Eddie breaks. ‘You, you say it again.’ He demands, desperate. 
‘Say what, hm? Tell me what you want Eddie.’ Steve moves strands of hair away from Eddies face, bit by tiny bit, preening him, taking his time. 
‘Want you to say it again, call me it again.’ Eddie pants, unable to catch his breath. he needs it. 
Leaning in close Steve tucks some of Eddies hair back behind his ear, sweeps it over his shoulder. Ghosting his lips over the shell of his ear Eddie feels the smile pulling at Steves lips. Goosebumps break out over his thighs.
Eddie full body shivers. Feels his vision tunnel with the sweet floaty feeling that comes when he’s held like this, talked to like this. Allowed to be, like this, with Steve.  
Whining Eddie shoves lightly at Steve's chest to get their faces back together. Kissing and kissing and kissing, Eddie whines into Steve's mouth as he sucks on Eddie's tongue, swallowing each other's moans and Eddie can’t help canting his hips forwards, grinding in tight little circles on Steve's lap.
‘Does baby want anything special?’ Steve asks, tongue still dipping in and out of Eddie’s mouth.  
Eddie shakes his head, still close, needs to be close. ‘Just want you. Want Daddy.’ he sounds desperate, feels desperate. 
Steve kisses him again, slowing them. Pecks Eddies cheeks, his nose.
And it’s done sweetly. Steve always so sweet, and soft, with Eddie. Only getting mean if he asks for it, only going harder if Eddie begs. 
‘Bedroom.’ Steve says into Eddies cheek. Stealing another kiss but stopping the movement of Eddies hips with firm hands at his waist. 
‘Fuck, you look so pretty on my cock baby.’ Steve pants. ‘So beautiful Eddie, always.’ 
Eddie whines and squirms, arms above his head, turning his face to rub his cheek against the pillow. He bites the inside of his arm as Steve thrusts especially deep, groaning above him. 
‘Say it.’ Steve says. ‘Say it for me baby.’ 
‘Ah fuck, fuck. Love your cock Daddy, love having your cock inside me.’ Eddie says, the filthy plea zinging up his spine and making his cock twitch. 
Steve strokes him, lightly, way too lightly. Thumbing his wet tip. Collecting Eddie’s pre and presents his wet thumb for him. Eddie opens his mouth greedily, sucking the digit clean. 
‘Say the rest of it baby.’ Steve insists. ‘Daddy needs to hear you say it.’ 
Eddie furrows his brows, confused, mind too fuzzy. Then a deep blush spreads across his face, down his neck. 
‘Daddy.’ Eddie pleads. He doesn’t. He can’t. 
Steve slows his thrusts and Eddie thrashes, still feeling the drag so deep as Steve bottoms out each time, but he’s grinding so slow it sets Eddies skin on fire. 
Eddie crosses his arms over his eyes, pouting. ‘I’m ah I’m- I’m beautiful Daddy.’ His chest rising and falling, breathing shakily through his nose. 
‘That’s is. So good.’ Steve placates. Leaning over Eddie to talk in his ear, pushing him deeper into the mattress. ‘Again.’ 
‘I’m, I’m beautiful.’ Eddie feels tears threaten to spill over his lash line. Feels his heart beat in his ears. Feels Steve’s stubble against his cheek. 
Steve kisses over Eddie’s jaw and neck. Over his scarred skin. Following the lines of his healed sutures, raised and jagged. Steve mouths over them, following the trail back up to Eddies mouth. ‘So so beautiful baby. Such a good boy for Daddy.’ 
Eddie can’t contains the sob that escapes him. ‘Daddy please.’ He whimpers,
He doesn’t want to talk anymore. 
Steve wraps his arm around Eddie’s knee, pushing it into his chest. ‘I know, I know baby. Gonna give you what you need yeah? You’ve been so good, so perfect.’ 
With a final kiss to Eddie’s mouth Steve hauls himself back up and resumes the previous pace. Thrusting deep and quick and Eddie moans, feeling split open and raw. Feels his cheeks wet with tears and he knows he’s being loud but his mind is so so quiet. Nothing but the feeling of Steve and the blanket of getting taken care of. 
‘My pretty boy. My baby. You’re everything Eddie, my everything. I love you so much, love you more than anything.’ Steve pants out and Eddie cries. Tears falling into his hairline, cheeks warm and he’s probably splotchy all the way down his chest but Steve pushes into him deeper, speeding up and grazing that spot within him. 
Eddie feels his orgasm build inside him. A string of wet ‘ah ah ah’s’ leaving his lips, in time with Steve’s quick thrusts. 
Steve changed angle, leaning over Eddie again, holding himself up on his palms. Able to get impossibly deeper, Eddie feeling him up his spine, in his mouth, all over. 
‘Together baby, together.’ Steve pants, wrapping one giant hand around Eddie, fisting in time with his thrusts. Which are getting sloppier, but still so deep. 
Eddie arches of the bed, hands grasping for purchase on Steve’s broad shoulders, his neck. Their chests pressing together as Steve bottoms out again. Tugging on Eddie just right, filling him up with a deep moan. ‘Daddy.’ Eddie wails, cumming all over their stomachs and chests, some hitting his chin as he gulps for breath. Fingers still digging into Steve’s skin, keeping him close. 
Steve grinds his softening cock into Eddie, sinking down on top of him, a deep body pressure. Eddie drifts. 
Steve is laying on his side mouthing at Eddie’s neck, leaving soft kisses over his skin and scars, up over his cheeks. Eddie groans, turning and wrapping his arms around Steve. Crowding in closer so their bodies are back flush. 
Steve hums, petting Eddie’s hair and kissing the crown of his head. ‘Back with me again sleepy head?’ He asks. 
Eddie grunts, nibbling at Steves collarbone, mouthing and smoothing his lips over Steves soft skin. Eddie still feeling fragile, a little quiet, and needy. 
But so, so much better than before. 
‘Thank you.’ He mumbles, voice wobbling, but he’s too tired to cry any more today. 
‘Baby.’ Steve coos, kissing Eddie’s head again. ‘No need for that, want to help. Love you so much Ed’s, always.’ 
Eddie sniffs again, hiding in the darkness of Steve’s chest, hiding away in his heart, in his bones. Still awed by the beauty and kindness of his soul. 
He knows Steve’s got him, will let him rest there, basking and healing. Until he’s ready to face it all again. 
Tag List: @pearynice @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @scoops-aboy86 @chickensinrainboots @cheesedoctor @marvel-ous-m
247 notes · View notes
loquaciousferret · 1 year
Over And Done With
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Pairings: Javier Peña x f!reader
Warnings: persistent but not dubcon or noncon. javi being a cocky rude asshole (you all know my Javi by now) smut 18+, oral (f receiving) fingering, unprotected sex, unsafe sex, sexism
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Javi is still my leading man guys... Enjoy this little piece of filth. Thank you for over 1k on my other two Javi oneshots, so grateful! Thanks to Lucy and Gi as always for thots with me ;)
Playlist: Dark But Just a Game - Lana Del Rey | Less I Know The Better - Tame Impala | Business - Catfish and the Bottlemen | Californication - Red Hot Chilli Peppers
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You waited until the office was nearly empty. That wasn’t a deliberate choice, simply a consequence of how long it took you to pluck up the nerve to face Agent Peña and tell him that the meaningless sex you two had been having for the past few months was over.
You knocked on his door and he drawled to come in. 
You opened it and crossed the threshold to his office timidly. He was standing at a filing cabinet, rifling through papers, a tight white shirt stretching over his wide shoulders and strong biceps- Stop it. You tell yourself.  
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” He says, his gaze rising to meet yours. You don’t miss the way his eyes trail up and down your body shamelessly, fixing for a second on the exposed skin of your thighs, and again on your chest. 
“We need to talk.” You say firmly.
He doesn’t even attempt to hide the insolent roll of his eyes. He loosens his tie and reaches for the cigarettes on his desk.
“Really?” He says, irritated. 
“This… Arrangement between us. It’s over.” 
“Wow.” He says, sarcastically. “And the hits just keep on coming today. What put that stupid thought in your head then, huh?” 
You narrow your eyes. Why does he always have to be such a dick. You ignore the question.
You make your way towards his desk and reach into your purse. You retrieve a set of handcuffs and clatter them onto the tabletop.
“You forgot these in my bedroom.” You say, feigning nonchalance.
“I didn’t forget them. They were there for safekeeping.” His smirk is growing with each comment he throws at you.
“Well, I won’t be needing them anymore.” 
He has a smug and infuriating expression. “No, keep ‘em. They’re a parting gift.”
“They aren’t yours to give. They’re the property of the US government.”
“Riiight.” He agrees, in a mocking tone.
You turn to leave and hear him sigh. “Thanks for stopping by, sweetheart. My place or yours tonight?” 
“Peña-" You huff in frustration, turning to face him. "Have you not listened to a word I said? We are done.” 
He takes a lazy draw of his cigarette, not wiping the taunting smirk off his face the entire time.
"No, we're not." He shoots back.
You sigh. "Why do you have to be so difficult? It's not a big deal, we don't even like each other, in fact, I barely tolerate you, so-"
He cuts you off "Then why do you keep coming back for more?"
You shake your head and turn away from him, not pleased with the direction of conversation, and desperate to get out before he can work his magic on you. But he stalks towards you, and though you had nearly reached the door he is spinning you round to face him and presses your back into it instead.
"Shhh," He coos. "I know why. You crave me. Like an addict needs a hit, baby."
"No, I-"
"Yes. That's why you beg me for it. That's why you give yourself to me, any time, any place." His voice has dropped to a whisper and he is so close to you, his hot breath causes goosebumps to raise on the surface of your skin.
"You see how your body reacts to me?" He smirks, "I haven't even touched you, cariño."
"Just admit it." He urges you.
You somehow gather the resolve to shake your head, and a passing thought tells you that you should have attempted this in a more public place so he couldn't accost you like this and throw the whole conversation off track.
You reach out to push him away and create distance between you, trying to escape from the overwhelming cloud of his scent that envelopes you. Citrus, tobacco, sea salt, gunpowder.
"Please, Javi, no, I-"
He takes you by the wrist to stop you from pushing him, and his other hand lifts up your chin and forces you to look into his eyes. They are dark with lust and menace.
"Fine, baby, we can stop." He says, a sweet tone to his voice that you know is too good to be true. "On one condition."
"What?" You respond, somewhat breathlessly, still lost in the sensation of his heady presence.
"You let me slide my fingers up your skirt. If you're not dripping wet for me, I'll let you go."
You know that arousal has been growing between your legs ever since he invaded your personal space. It was an animalistic reaction, but one that betrayed your true feelings, leaving you vulnerable to the dominating Javi. Your thighs were clenched together in an attempt to relieve some of the tension, but it wasn't working.
"Don't be ridiculo-" You begin to protest.
"I'm not. Stop trying to deny your body what it wants. What you want. You want me."
When he slips a large palm between your thighs and begins to gently prise apart the tight grip you have them locked in, you know you are completely beat. One touch from him and you will fall to his mercy, desperately chasing the pleasure you know he is capable of giving you. And this reminds you exactly why it is so hard to ever break things off with Javi. He is utterly relentless, and there are no rules when he is in charge. He never gives you a fair chance.
A small moan escapes you, and he chuckles. You hate that in this game you are trapped in with him, you can never help yourself from showing your cards too early, always emboldening him further to take from you what he wants. And he is right, you do want it too, as destructive as it is to give yourself to someone like him, you can't deny the way he makes you feel, and you end up right back where you started every time you attempt to withdraw to a safe distance.
His fingers graze the hem of your panties, then, he must change his mind, withdrawing them. You whine, giving away more and more just how much you desire his touch. You are surprised when he is dropping to his knees in front of you.
"Shh, baby." He says. He takes the fabric of your skirt and pushes it up your legs, slowly exposing your skin inch by inch until it is bunched around your hips and he is separated from your arousal by only your thin red lace panties.
"Who are you wearing these for if you weren't planning on being with me today?" He says, licking up your thighs and sucking lightly at certain spots.
You whine pathetically at the sensation and his lips tickle you as they curve into a smirk. He puts a hand between your legs and seperates them further, putting his head between your thighs and pressing his face into the fabric. He inhales deeply and groans, sending vibrations through you, making you throb with desire.
"I'm gonna taste how turned on you are for me." He whispers.
He hooks fingers into the waistband of your panties and drags them down your legs. The cold air hitting your hot, wet core makes you shiver. You step out of your underwear and he stuffs them into his pocket.
He returns to being nestled between your legs and places kisses to your inner thighs, making his way closer to the spot which needs his attention at a teasingly slow pace.
You manage to keep quiet and resist from begging him to hurry up.
Thankfully, he finally licks a wide stripe up your entire core. He literally moans gutturally as he does so. He sends your head into a spin every single time he eats you out like this, so enthusiastic and starving for you.
He alternates between licking up and down your folds and stopping to focus on your clit at the top, sucking gently, circling his tongue around it, constantly varying his pace so that every time you started to get used to the sensation, he would have you whining again by changing up the intensity. He then focusses on your tight entrance, inserting his tongue and then fucking you with it, licking up the arousal leaking from you.
Then, he grips your thigh, and swings your leg over his shoulder to improve his angle of access to you. This practically makes your knees buckle, and he has to hold you up with both hands as he continues to feast on you.
You start to feel your orgasm building and grip his hair, rolling your hips against his mouth to increase the pressure. He senses all of these changes in your movements and knows you are close, focussing his attention entirely on your clit in a steady rhythmic fashion that he knows will take you over the edge.
It doesn't take long before you are shaking with the intensity of the orgasm. But he doesn't stop, harshly warning you to quiet down because there are still people around the embassy and these sounds are only for him. He sucks on your clit gently until it is overstimulated and tears begin to form in your eyes.
Eventually, he pulls back, but you only get a moment of reprieve until he is jamming two fingers inside your cunt to replace his mouth. Your wetness makes it relatively easy to take but you still mewl at the sensation. He curls them and their length allows them to hit a spot deep inside you.
Everything about being intimate with Javi is levels of intensity far beyond what you can achieve alone, or that you ever have with previous lovers. He brings a whole new meaning to the idea of pleasure. You don't tell him this. His ego is big enough.
He brings a thumb to your clit and brushes it gently, continuing to torment you with his two fingers which entered you, scissored and curled, slipped back out of you, and thrusted back in. His pace was inconsistent, so you were left on the edge, never knowing what to expect. As he starts to rub your clit in circles, you notice how sensitive you are from your first orgasm.
"Javiiii-" You drag out the syllable as you whine loudly in pleasure.
"You're gonna cum again before I fuck you." He growls.
"No, no, please." You say, your legs shaking. He combats this by pinning your thighs to the wall with his free forearm, keeping you stuck there.
"It wasn't a question."
He kisses at your skin, wherever he can reach, as he continues to work you with his hand. He presses his lips to your hipbone, then trails down to the thickness of your upper thigh, his moustache tickling you as he travels downwards. Then, he sucks lightly, and you gasp. He nibbles and sucks harder, trying to leave marks. He has a somewhat possessive side to him, revelling in marking your body whether it be with hickeys or handprints. Not in places that others will see, just in private spots where he can admire them for himself.
You know he is trying extra hard to be generous just to remind you why you aren't going to cut him off. He is taking his time on you to prove to you all the reasons why you won't really stop seeing him. It is obvious that this is his ulterior motive, and yet it is working, you start to think you were too rash in your decision to end things.
His tongue flicks over the painful marks he has sucked and bitten into your inner thighs. It tickles and this adds to the once again growing sensation of an orgasm, one that you know is going to rip through you with even more ferocity than the first.
You are whining and moaning his name, panting as the tension inside you reaches a peak, ready to snap at any second and have you unravel all over him.
When it does happen, you think you go slightly dizzy. Your mouth falls open into a scream that never actually leaves your room. You are overwhelmed into silence, your body twitching. You curl your hands through his hair and try to pull him away from you, and he finally obliges.
He takes you by the hand and pulls you away from the door, locking it behind you and moves you both towards the desk. He sits you on top of it, on top of no doubt important government documents. He unexpectedly kisses you on the head, and even in your blissed out post-orgasm state, you note that this is the first time he has ever done this.
But the moment is over quickly, as he is soon spreading your legs again, unbuckling his belt and releasing his erection from his stupidly tight jeans. It doesn't matter how many times you sleep together, you never get used to the size of it every time you see it.
He unbuttons your blouse and slides it off your arms. He stares and takes you all in.
"All for me." He says, dipping his head to the curve of your cleavage and plastering kisses there, stroking his cock against your folds to gather lubrication. You moan at the feeling of it sliding through your sensitive parts, nudging your clit and making you hiss sharply. The next time he comes down to your entrance, he stills. He presses a hand onto your chest to lay you backwards onto the desk. Then he plunges inside you at full force and your back arches from the table top instantly.
You exclaim and he presses a hand to your mouth. The other is gripping one hip, pulling you back onto his cock with each thrust. He has chosen to start with an immediately punishing pace. You know that he is impatient now, having spent so much time on you, that he wont want to draw out his own pleasure, and will use your body now without mercy to reach his own release.
The desk screeches against the floor and some objects roll off the side. This doesn't so much as cause him to falter. He is hyper-focussed on the task at hand, his gaze fixed on watching himself slam in and out of you, only occasionally looking up at you to appreciate the look of pleasure on your face for a moment before looking back down at the place the two of you are connected.
He removes the hand from your mouth and takes it to the other hip, thrusts now impossibly forceful with him pulling your whole body weight against him with every single one.
You wrap your legs around his back and lock your ankles together, pushing him slightly deeper inside you and he grits his teeth. "Fuck, cariño. Tan apretada."
"So tight," He repeats, "You like it, huh?"
You can't respond, too consumed by pleasure. You nod pathetically and you can feel his smirk burning down on you, you know he is watching your face now, admiring the way he can make your expression twist, your mouth fall open, and your eyes squeeze shut.
The feeling is so intense that you are growing numb to it, he is rhythmically slamming against your deepest spots, causing you to whine and whimper, your limbs going slack.
He always becomes more vocal as he reaches his climax, and he does so now, You like my cock, huh? You come in here just to get fucked like this? I know you wanted it, sweetheart.
"You gonna take my cum inside you like a good girl?" He asks
You nod at the last one. "Please, Javi."
"You gonna beg for my cum?"
You whine, half in protest, half because he has somehow changed the angle to result in even more devastating thrusts.
"Do it." He demands.
You perform for him how he asks, using up what little concentration you have to plead in a sultry tone that he fill you up. That he make you his. That he remind you who you belong to.
Soon, he is grunting, profanity spilling from his lips as he tenses up inside you, filling you with hot spurts of his cum.
He stays inside you and leans down, kissing at your neck and chest. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and play with the soft curls at the back of his neck. The pair of you rarely indulge in a tender moment after sex. He seems so different today.
He does pull out after a few moments, and you pout at him, disappointed by the sensation and missing the feeling of him buried inside you. He smiles and runs a finger over your downturned lips. "Can't stay in there forever. You don't think I want to?"
He takes a few steps away from you, turning away from you to readjust himself. When he faces you again, leaning lazily against the wall, lighting a cigarette, watching you re-dress, his demeanour has completely changed back to usual. His cruel, taunting smirk has returned when you look up at him, straightening your skirt and readjusting it to where it should be just below your mid-thighs. He looks and notices one of the bruises he left just peeking out from under the hem.
You stare back but you don't have any words for him. He fills the silence, walking towards you.
"You see? We’re done when I say we are done, princesa. I'll see you later."
He pats your ass dismissively, sending you on your way, and you exit his office on weak legs. You should have known this would happen, you and Javi still aren’t over and done with yet.
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My other smutty Javier Pena works: Partners | Little Games | All Work, No Play
Pedro Pascal Masterlist Taglist @silkiers @lovers-liability @tightjeansjavi @chaotic-mystery @atyourmomshouse01 @lucreziazaninelli @pedropascalfan221 @decaffeinatedweirdo @kamcrazy123 @kdogreads @dreamsofmandalore @serenaxpedro @777-wonders @im-the-daddy-here-5 @emcousland-blog
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povlnfour · 11 months
series masterlist | prev part | next part
lando norris x fem!horse rider!reader
yourusername just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by landonorris, lilymhe and 192,306 others
yourusername 🇬🇧⏭️🇸🇬
👤 tagged landonorris
view all 10,093 comments
user3 bestie is travelling the world a lot with him huh
user5 and they still deny they’re dating
landonorris 🧡
liked by yourusername
texts with lily ੈ✩‧₊˚
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lando.jpg just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by danielricciardo and 90,361 others
lando.jpg exploring singapore
view all 3,498 comments
user5 so glad i’m not the only one freaking out over that secOND PHOTO
user7 SHE. SHES. MY GOD.
user9 does she not have the olympics or something to train for🙄
daniel.jpg is this why you’ve been hiding from me
yourusername ur not the favourite anymore
mclaren posted stories ੈ✩‧₊˚
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mclaren just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by scuderiaferrari, your username and 120,417 others
👤 tagged landonorris, carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari
view all 10,506 comments
user7 FOREVER OUR MCLAREN BOYS (oscar we love u as well)
yourusername someone raced well huh
mclaren we heard it had something to do with a certain incentive👀
user6 whAT IS GOING ON
twitter reacts ੈ✩‧₊˚
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landonorris just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by carlossainz55, yourusername and 250,710 others
landonorris an insane weekend. and this time i took away two trophies🧡
👤tagged carlossainz55, yourusername
view all 54,200 comments
user3 huh
user7 i am. is this confirmation? i don’t understand
yourusername baby u are so cute but the caption makes me seem like a trophy wife😭
user5 SO THEY. THEY ARE ?????
yourusername just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by landonorris, lilymhe and 234,109 others
yourusername told him if he got podium i’d be his girlfriend. guess i’m a pretty proud girlfriend right about now🧡
👤 tagged landonorris
view all 37,008 comments
lilymhe ‘i don’t have time for a relationship’ - you in my messages a month ago
landonorris 🫣
user13 going to cry there’s a new mom and dad on the grid!
alex_albon so i’ve been forgotten
oscarpiastri @/landonorris you can stop pining in my dms now
landonorris PLEASE SHUT UP
landonorris made me wait long enough but you’re worth a thousand years of waiting
user7 oh he’s WHIPPED
lando.jpg just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by yourusername, flo_norris_showjumping and 108,333 others
lando.jpg you’ve been my favourite view for a while, but i’m glad i get to share it now. let’s go get you a medal baby🧡
view all 10,926 comments
user9 🙄
user2 y’all are so sickeningly sweet and i love it
flo_norris_showjumping glad you got your shit together bro🩷
user1 crying. sobbing. shaking. tears are flowing
yourusername 🩷 i adore you so bad
daniel.jpg you’re still a loser but i’m happy for you
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taglist: @idkiwantchocolatee @vellicora @alessioayla @bborra @crimeshowjunkie @minkyungseokie @paolexsstuff @celestialpato @champagnelovers101
a/n: i know it seems like the end but it’s NOT i have a little more planned so hold on <<33 just some soppy relationship stuff really
taglist found here
- giselle xx
440 notes · View notes
Shifts In Perspective
Summary: No One Knows AU Part 19, Sam holds a Phantom protest.
“I just… I don’t understand it,” Valerie says.  “We’re enemies.  Right?  Like we actually are.  But I swear he took that hit for me.  There’s nothing else he could have been doing.”
Danny, for his part, has adopted his usual strategy when Valerie starts talking about Phantom: say as little as possible.  So instead, he just makes a small noise of acknowledgement.
“I just don’t know what to make of it, is all,” Valerie says.  “I mean, I don’t know.  Does it sound like him to you?”
Stopping you from getting hurt by one of my parents’ weapons?  Yeah, that sounds like me, Danny doesn’t say.  Instead, he adjusts the bandana that hides his hair over the sunglasses that hide his eyes and says, “I don’t know.  Not from what you’ve said of him before.”
“I know,” Valerie groans, turning so her board flies into the alleyway in between the buildings ahead.  Danny tightens his grip around her waist from behind so he doesn’t fly off.
“And he put himself in harm’s way too,” Valerie continues.  “I don’t understand it.”
“I don’t either,” Danny says.  And because he can’t help asking, “So uh, what are you gonna do about it?”
“Right now?  Nothing,” Valerie says, taking them up over the next building.  “But it was definitely weird.  I want to know more.  Maybe… maybe I’ll just pay closer attention, watch him for a little bit.”
Well, that doesn’t say anything about what he should do.  He really doesn’t want to manipulate Valerie’s feelings in regards to him, even if her no longer actively hunting him sounds nice.  But he can’t see any clear direction for ‘I’m going to watch to see what I can learn.’  Obviously he’s not going to suddenly start being nefarious.  But if he does more good deeds than usual, that’s manipulative, right?  But it’s not like he can just ignore it if people are in danger, and he can’t just stop fighting ghosts.
Honestly, there are times he wishes he hadn’t found out who Valerie is just because of the headache of trying to figure out how to act around her anymore.
“That sounds like an okay idea,” Danny says anyway, because he has to say something to that.  “Just be safe, okay?”
“Aww, are you worried about me?” Valerie asks, and Danny can hear the tease in her voice even through her mask.  “Don’t worry, Danny.  I’ll still kick some ghost butt.”
Danny smiles a little.  “I have no doubt about that.”
Valerie laughs, and flies them both down to an alleyway a little ways from the school.  Danny hops off, and after making sure no one’s around, takes off his sunglasses and bandana.
“Thanks for the ride to school,” he says.
“No problem,” Valerie says, retracting her suit into her backpack.  “Sure beats the bus, huh?”
Danny grins.  “You said it.”
They walk the rest of the route to school, holding hands until they reach the parking lot, at which point they let go.  Danny did manage to ignore his guilt at the idea long enough to tell Valerie he doesn’t want Sam and Tucker to know they’re dating.  Valerie asked no questions, which Danny appreciated.  But that means all their dates take place outside school, and inside, they act as they always have— or, as they always have since they became friends.
So as they part ways in the hallway, Valerie turns and gives him a bright smile, says “See you at lunch,” and that’s that.
Danny grabs his stuff from his locker and starts heading for his first class, when suddenly, as he’s walking past the janitor’s closet, he hears a very clear sob from the inside.
He startles and turns to face it.  He doesn’t hear another sob, but there’s some very obvious muffled breathing.
“Uh you okay?” Danny calls.  He knocks gently on the door, only for it to swing open, the person inside clearly not having shut it all the way.
The person inside whirls around, and Danny stares at her for a minute, stunned.
“S-Sam?” he asks, trying to process what he’s seeing.  “Are you alright?”
Sam pulls in a shaky, horrible sounding breath, and gives him a terrible attempt at a glare.
“Leave— leave me alone,” she gasps, but it ends with her pressing her hand over her mouth in another sob.
“Hey,” Danny says, his hands and concern both shooting up as he takes a step into the closet.  “Hey, what’s wrong, you—”
“I said leave me alone!” Sam screams, and reaches out and shoves him hard back into the shelves of the closet.  Danny wheezes, the wind knocked out of him, but Sam runs out past him before he can say anything else.  Danny runs out into the hall as soon as he gets his breath back, but Sam’s already gone.
After that, Danny doesn’t see Sam for the rest of the morning, which makes him even more concerned.  He looks for a chance to talk to Tucker about it, but doesn’t manage to find one before lunch.  So he meets up quickly with Valerie, tells her he’ll be right back, and heads quickly to the lunchroom to check on her.
Instead, he finds Tucker sitting alone at a lunch table.  He looks up as he sees Danny approach, and looks away quickly after, but Danny can still see the nerves on his face.
“I haven’t seen Sam all day,” Tucker says anyway.  “Do you think she’s sick?”
“She’s not,” Danny says, looking at Tucker until he draws his gaze.  Tucker looks at him for a whole half a second before looking back down at the table, which has to be a record for lately.
“Actually,” Danny says, sitting down across from him.  “I found her this morning crying in the janitor’s closet.”
Tucker’s head snaps up, and now he’s looking at Danny.  “What?”
But before Danny can explain the little he knows, a box slams down on the table next to them, startling them both.
“We’re having a protest about Phantom,” Sam announces, glaring down at them both from over the box.
Danny and Tucker both exchange a brief glance before turning back to Sam.  Her face hasn’t changed from the firm glare she’s wearing.
“Um, okay,” Danny says, carefully.  “Sure.”
He doesn’t want to ask why, because while he doesn’t see any traces of that morning’s breakdown in her face, the fact that he hasn’t seen her since then can’t be a coincidence.
“You’re joking, right?” Tucker asks, looking at Sam in a way Danny can’t read.
“Absolutely not,” Sam says, with a harsh glare right at Tucker.  “My permit’s in the box, we’re setting it up after school.”
“You and me?” Tucker asks.
“No, all three of us, obviously,” Sam says.  She still hasn’t sat down.  “I’m not just going to leave Danny out.”
Danny raises his eyebrows slightly but doesn’t say anything.  It doesn’t feel like it would go over well to say much.
Tucker, however, does not seem to get this memo.  “Sam—” he starts.
“Great,” Sam snaps instead of letting him finish.  “I’ll meet you out front after school.  Bye.”
With that, she picks up the box again and storms off again without sitting down.
“She’s joking, right?” Tucker says after she leaves, seeming to be directed more at the empty space than at Danny.  Danny responds anyway.
“I don’t think she is,” he says slowly.  “But really, she didn’t look great this morning.  I don’t know if…” he trails off, not exactly sure what he’s trying to say.
Because what he’s thinking is I don’t know if I should take this too personally.
But he can’t say that to Tucker.
He looks after Sam for a moment, but though he can feel Tucker looking at him, when he turns Tucker just drops his gaze back to the table.
But after a second, he nods.  “Okay,” he says.  “After school, then.”
Danny nods.  “Yeah,” he says.  And that’s that.
Sam really goes all out.  It isn’t that surprising, especially with how rich her family is, but it’s still rather impressive in the course of a single day.
There’s giant posters with his face— well, his face as Phantom— on them, inside a stereotypical red circle with a line through it.  Sam hangs up a list of major grievances right next to the stage that’s already set up.  There’s stuff like property damage, public disruptions, time taken to finish fights, and a list of every single person who’s ever gotten hurt during a ghost fight.  Admittedly, the last part stings the most.  Danny keeps away from the stage.
He personally is standing at the archway entrance, handing out rubber bracelets that read “Phantom Sucks,” which, well if anything he can laugh at the irony.
And for the most part, he’s succeeding in his “don’t take this personally” plan.  Sure, it doesn’t feel great that so many people show up, many of whom he recognizes.  There’s people who got caught in the line of fire and some whose cars got smashed or store windows got broken.
But for the most part, Danny’s able to keep his mind off it all.  In part because he’s put himself technically out of the actual event, and in part because he’s thinking more about Sam’s slightly manic energy as they helped put everything up.  This still feels like an aftereffect of the way he found her this morning.  Which just makes it more worrying that he doesn’t know what’s wrong.
He’s interrupted while watching Sam up on the stage, making a speech that, thankfully, he can’t quite hear.
“You are kidding me, right?”
Danny turns to see Jazz standing behind him with her arms crossed.
“Okay look let me explain,” Danny says, holding his hands up.
Jazz turns her head to the sky in exasperation.
“Jazz, seriously,” Danny says.
“Fine,” Jazz says, waving a hand at him.  “I’d love to hear it.”
“I found Sam having some kind of breakdown in the closet this morning,” Danny says, glancing briefly back at her.  “I don’t know what’s going on, but I don’t think this is really about me.”
“And that means you have to show up why, exactly?”
Danny crosses his arms.  “I’m worried,” he says.
“You can do that at home.”
“Yeah, okay Jazz, thanks,” he says, glaring at her a little bit.  “I’m just waiting until I can get a chance to ask her what’s wrong.  Then I’ll come home and you can lecture me.”
“Who said I was going to lecture you?” Jazz says.  “You’re free to make your own terrible choices.  Have a great time at the Danny Phantom protest.”
She turns and starts to walk away.
“I’m really not taking it personally,” Danny says before she’s too far away to hear.
Jazz glances back at him again.  She looks him up and down for a couple seconds, obviously scrutinizing, before her glare fades just a little.
“Okay,” she says.  “Good.”  And then she leaves.
Danny sighs and leans back against the cardboard archway, shortly before realizing that’s not a great idea when the flimsy cardboard collapses and he falls on top of it on the ground.
“Cardboard, it’s cardboard,” he mutters to himself as he pushes himself back up, and pulls the arch with him.
Danny squeezes his eyes shut.  Oh, great.
“Valerie, hey,” he says, turning to face her with the best smile he can muster.  “You here for the protest?”
Valerie, however, has a look of slight disgust on her face, which throws him off guard.
“Uh, no,” Valerie says, which doesn’t help in his confusion.  “Are you?”
“Oh, nah, I’m just helping Sam out,” Danny says with a glance back at the stage that hopefully just screams “casual.”
Valerie steps up next to him, and when Danny looks over he sees her looking at the stage.  He’s not sure how he feels about the look on her face.
Sam screams something about how dangerous Phantom is loud enough for the two of them to hear, and Valerie wrinkles her nose.
“Wow,” she mutters after a second.  “I hope I haven’t ever sounded like that.”
Danny blinks.  “Huh?”
Valerie turns to face him.  “Let’s get out of here,” she says.
“Uh, I was actually waiting to talk to Sam,” Danny says, looking back at the stage.  “She… I don’t think she’s alright.”
“Oh she’s definitely not,” Valerie says.  “Let’s get out of here anyway.”
“What?  I can’t just leave her if I know she’s not okay.”
“Sure you can,” Valerie says.  “She’s been awful to you.  I know that, and I don’t even know everything that’s happened between you guys.  She also hasn’t asked for your help.  You can’t be telling me you want to be here.  You don’t look like you want to be here.”
Danny crosses his arms.  “Of course I don’t want to be here,” he mutters.
“Then let’s go,” Valerie says.  “Come on, I’ve had a date idea I’ve been meaning to take us on for a while.”
Danny hesitates.  He looks up towards the stage one more time.
…He’s not getting Sam’s attention any time soon.  And he can always ask her what was up tomorrow.
Danny takes a deep breath, pushes his guilt to the side, and turns to Valerie.  “Okay,” he says.  “Let’s go.”
Valerie takes them both a ways away from the protest before she pulls out her board.  By the time she does, Danny’s been expecting it though, so he puts his bandana and sunglasses on and climbs on behind her.  Then he wraps his arms around her so he doesn’t fly off as she takes off.
He wouldn’t be in any danger if he did fly off, but she doesn’t know that, and that’s not really how he wants her to find out.
Valerie doesn’t go nearly as fast as he can, but she still likes to go fast, and Danny can appreciate the rush of wind in his face as they both head upwards.  For all the problems being half ghosts causes, he’ll never get sick of flying.
They both end up high in the air, high enough that Danny can see the clouds around them.
“Are you nervous being this far up?” Valerie asks as they stop.  “We can go lower if you are.”
Danny shakes his head.  “I trust you,” he says.  It’s only a partial lie.  He knows Valerie won’t let him fall.
Valerie smiles back at him, then hits a button on her board that locks it in place, and sits down, pulling her hood off.  Danny pulls off his bandana and sunglasses and sits down next to her.
“We’re gonna be up here a while,” she says, leaning back on the board.  “For the sunset for me, and then the stars for you.”
Danny grins.  “Awesome,” he says.  He doesn’t have to try too hard to get excitement in his voice.  Even though it may not be his first time stargazing this high up in the air, it never gets old for him.  And doing it with someone is new.  He’s glad it gets to be Valerie.
Valerie grins back at  him, and leans back on her board.  There’s just enough space there for her to lean on her hands, and Danny marvels a minute at how calm she looks.  She doesn’t have any natural abilities to rely on up here.  If something goes wrong with that board, as far as she knows, they’re both in trouble.  He wonders for a minute who she got it from.  She said they were anonymous, but she must trust them for some reason.
“So hey,” Valerie says, bringing an end to his thoughts and drawing his gaze to her.  “Can I ask you something?”
Danny nods.  “Sure.”
“When you talked before about someone who makes you feel like you’re just around to vent to.  Was that Sam?  And the thing she vents about all the time, was that Phantom?”
Danny looks away.  “Uh,” he says, “maybe.”
Valerie doesn’t say anything for a moment.  When she speaks again, it’s definitely not what he expects to hear.
“Danny, why didn’t you tell me to stop talking about Phantom all the time?”
Danny looks over at her in surprise.  “Huh?”
“You had to be sick of it.  And you had to have not wanted to hear me go on about him too.  Tell me to stop, dumbass.  I will.”
“But you were angry about him because he ruined your entire life,” Danny protests.  “It’s not fair of me to ask you to stop talking about all your problems.”
“Danny, that’s like, what our entire relationship is built on.  We don’t ask about things the other person doesn’t want to talk about.  Why shouldn’t that go the other way around too?”
“Because—” Danny starts, but he’s not sure where to go once he does.  Because our not talking about anything made it so I never realized you were the Red Huntress?  Because our not talking about anything means you still don’t know I’m Phantom?  Because maybe sometimes we actually should talk about these things?
“Danny, I don't want you to make yourself miserable for me,” Valerie says.
“I’m not miserable,” Danny mutters.
Valerie snorts.
“Well, come on.  I’m not blaming myself entirely.  But Danny.”
Danny looks down and starts fidgeting with his hands.  “You weren’t supposed to notice that,” he mutters.
“I like you,” Valerie says.  “We’re dating.  I’m supposed to pay attention, aren’t I?”
Danny doesn’t say anything.
Valerie reaches out and takes one of his hands and squeezes it.  “Hey,” she says.  “Tell me what Sam and Tucker do that bothers you so much.”
“It’s not their fault.”
“Did I ask whose fault it was?”
Danny moves their hands so their fingers are interlaced and looks out at the sky.  Partly because the sun is starting to set, and partly because it’s easier to talk when he’s not looking right at Valerie.
“We’ve been friends since we were little kids,” he says quietly.  “They’re two of my favorite people in the entire world.”
“But?” Valerie prompts.
“I hate being around them now,” Danny says, wiping at his eyes with his free hand.  “It’s never fun.  It never feels like I can just enjoy the time.  Sam is… angry.  Constantly.  And before, she— I mean she’s always been passionate about things, but this feels different.  And Tucker never looks at me anymore.  And he won’t tell me why or what’s wrong.  And every single conversation we ever have is about Phantom.  I mean, can’t they give the guy a break?  He’s not perfect!  And he shouldn’t have to be!  Why does everyone expect him to get everything right all the time?  It’s too much to put on one person— ghost, whatever,” he finishes with a mutter, stopping himself before he says something he shouldn’t.
Valerie’s quiet for a long moment, and Danny looks away and braces himself for some kind of comment about how he has to keep in mind that Phantom is dangerous, and it’s good that Sam and Tucker are wary of him, and god, he wants to go home and sleep.
Instead, however, Valerie turns him back to face her and pulls him into a tight hug.
“I’m sorry, Danny,” she murmurs.
Danny sniffs, and rests his head on her shoulder.  “For what?”
“Making it harder for you,” Valerie says.  “I mean, you still should have asked me to stop.  And I’m not kidding about wanting you to do that from now on.  But I am sorry.”
“You have a reason to be upset,” Danny manages.
“Yeah, I do,” Valerie agrees.  “But there are things I have in my life now that I didn’t have before.”  She squeezes Danny one more time and pulls back, smiling at him.  “I’m closer with my dad now.  And I wouldn’t trade that relationship for anything.  And I’ve got you, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything either.”
“Those didn’t happen because of Phantom,” Danny says weakly.  “You did that.”
“I know,” Valerie says.  “But I’m starting to think… my life doesn’t have to be about him.  I don’t have to define myself based on what happened with Phantom.  And I mean, seeing that protest today, I…” Valerie shakes her head.  “Maybe I’ve been a little hard on him.”
Danny sniffs, and wipes at his eyes again.  “Sorry,” he says before Valerie can say anything.  “I don’t know why I’m crying, ‘s stupid, I—”
“Oh shut up,” Valerie says.  She pulls him back in for another hug, and doesn’t seem to mind when Danny takes the chance to shake in her arms.
“Hey,” she says after a while, and Danny pulls back to see her looking up.  “The stars are out.”
He looks up and sees that she’s right.  He sniffs again and blinks quickly to stop his eyes from blurring.
Valerie wraps her arm around Danny and points up at them with her free hand.  “Which constellations can you find?”
Danny leans his head on her shoulder, and looks to find the stars that are visible.  So high up, there’s less light pollution, and more to see.
“Aquarius,” he croaks, and neither of them mention how terrible his voice sounds.  He points up at the constellation.  “That star there is the supergiant Sadalmelik, and you can follow it down to Sadalsuud.  But you can’t see the whole thing.  We’d have to go further out in the country.”
“Next date, got it,” Valerie says with a smile in her voice.
“And that over there is the square of Pegasus,” Danny says.  Valerie follows his point.  “See it?”
“I think so,” Valerie says.
Danny sniffs one last time and drops his hand.  “Sorry we talked all through the sunset,” he says.
“Oh yeah, I’m real pissed about it,” Valerie says in an obvious tease.  “We have no choice but to do this again so you can make it up to me.”
Danny’s smile fades, and he doesn’t say anything.  Valerie doesn’t say anything else, though, and for a long while they both sit there.
Rather than stargazing, Danny spends it trying to feel better about the decision he’s made.
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
Steve held onto Eddie tightly, needing some time to process everything that had happened over the past few minutes: the confessions, the amazed laughter, the sensation of Eddie's lips against his own... It all felt so different from what he was used to, even now, when they were simply holding each other, their heads buried in the crooks of each other's necks. Eddie smelt differently, tasted differently; everything about him felt different. He was all sharp edges, not a single curve beneath Steve's fingers... But their bodies still fit together perfectly, even though it felt so different from any girl Steve had ever held in his arms.
'Are you okay, Stevie?' Eddie murmured softly in the silence between them.
'Yeah. Just, like, really overwhelmed,' Steve answered.
And apparently, that had been the wrong answer: with an unexpected abruptness, Eddie let go of Steve, took a step back, his eyes wide.
'What's wrong?' Steve asked. Eddie knew that Steve had never done anything with a guy before, he knew very well that this was all new for Steve – so why did he look so shocked by Steve being overwhelmed? Wasn't overwhelmed a good thing?
'What do you mean, overwhelmed?'
Steve felt like he was overlooking something here, like a big part of this conversation was hiding in plain sight but he was too stupid to recognize it.
'I don't know, just like... This is all new for me. But good new! It's just gonna take some getting used to, I guess.'
Something in Eddie's gaze hardened. 'It's gonna take some getting used to, huh?' Eddie echoed. Steve flinched by how mocking those words sounded.
'Jesus Christ, I can't believe I actually thought... I can't do this, man.'
Something felt so completely wrong and Steve still had no idea why this was happening. 'I don't understand.'
'Look.' Eddie squeezed his eyes shut, took a deep breath, then opened them again. 'I've heard this one before. A little more often than I would've liked, to be honest. Some guy being all sweet and telling me he cares about me and shit. And then all of a sudden when shit gets real it's like “Sorry Eddie, I'm so overwhelmed” – and I'll give them time, be patient, because I actually believe them when they tell me they care about me. And it's all love behind closed doors, and it feels damn near perfect, until I see them when we're not behind closed doors anymore and they act like I'm a fucking stranger, or a freak, or worse than that. But I need to understand that they're so overwhelmed, so scared, that it's a lot, that I'm a lot and – I'm not made for loving behind closed doors, Steve, I can't do that. I can't be someone's dirty secret anymore. Not again, and certainly not with you.'
Steve felt his heart break for Eddie. Whoever those guys were, whoever had hurt Eddie like that – he wanted to tell them exactly how disgusting they were. Not for loving boys, but for treating the most perfect boy in the fucking universe like that. Like a dirty secret. Like something that needed to be hidden away.
He wanted nothing more than to hold Eddie just as tight as only a minute before, to kiss him and tell him how wrong he was when he thought that that's what Steve meant when he said he was overwhelmed... But right now, Eddie didn't really look like he'd appreciate another hug or a kiss, so instead, Steve settled for grabbing his hand. He saw Eddie's jaw clench, felt how he tried to pull away, but he strengthened his grip, stubbornly refusing to let go.
'I hate that that happened to you,' he told Eddie. 'And those guys – they were all fucking stupid. I would never – I don't wanna hide behind closed doors, either, Eddie, I promise. I'd happily tell Robin and Nancy, and even the kids, right this moment, if that's what you want. Hell, I would tell anyone, scream it off the fucking rooftops. I swear I didn't mean it like that.'
Finally, that guarded look started to disappear from Eddie's eyes.
'All I meant,' Steve continued, 'is that this is new, and different, and yeah, maybe it is a bit scary - but only in the best possible way. I don't think I've ever been more certain about what I'm feeling than right now, with you.' He squeezed Eddie's hand. 'And that's fucking overwhelming, but that doesn't mean I want to hide it away. I know that you have so much love to give. I can't believe how lucky I am to be the one to receive it. And I'd never wanna hide something so precious behind closed doors. Even if I'll always continue to be overwhelmed by it.'
Eddie opened his mouth, but the words seemed to get stuck in his throat. A single tear escaped from his eyes and rolled over his cheek.
Steve took a step closer, gently brushed away the tear with the hand that wasn't holding Eddie's. And when Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve's torso again, clinging onto him with something that almost felt like desperation, Steve was again struck by how different this all was. How overwhelming. How infinitely precious.
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ryukatters · 22 days
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x gn!reader
Content: (loosely) based on that phantom parade scene of gojo throwing a fit bc he ate something spicy after going on that treasure hunt thing (I know I’m so late idk if anyone will get that reference anymore), fluff, are they lovers or not? idk you can decide
One distressed phone call has you sprinting from your office to some random alleyway in the middle of the city. You’re nervous to see what could make the Gojo Satoru sound so…afraid?
The grip around your phone tightens as you navigate through the bustling streets of Tokyo. You zoom in on the map, trying to sort out which little lines will take you to Gojo’s live location (which he insisted on sharing with you months ago, on the basis that you did the same.)
It doesn’t take you long to zero in on him.
“What took you so long?” Gojo cries out, “I’ve been dying for the last 15 minutes!”
You scan him for any signs for external injury. But that’s impossible, you think, he’d never let his technique down long enough for that to happen. Internally maybe? Did he ingest poison? Was it starting to affect his brain? You’re not sure what you’d explain to Jujutsu Headquarters if you bring the strongest back to them dead.
“I think this might be the end,” he sniffles. “There’s still so many things I want to do. Like trying that new teppanyaki place in Roppongi. Hey, you think they’re taking reservations right now?”
It’s decided. The only thing wrong with Satoru Gojo is his frivolousness. Maybe what’s wrong with you is that you’re willing to drop everything for him at the simple call of your name.
“Satoru,” he chirps.
“Yes, my pookie bear?”
You click your teeth in annoyance. “Don’t call me that. What happened?”
“Attempted murder,” Gojo deadpans. Instead of elaborating, he pulls out a piece of candy from his pocket and unwraps it. He proffers the treat to you, slapping your hand away with a frown when you reach for it. “Say ahhh~”
You roll your eyes and sigh. You know him well enough to know he wouldn’t poison you. Knowing Satoru, he probably just got a treat that wasn’t sweet enough for his eccentric tastes. Gojo shoves the candy in your mouth the minute you open it the smallest amount. He waits for your critique, nodding as he says, “Gross, right? Why is it so spicy? I thought my tongue was going to fall off.”
Your eyes light up as the flavors of the curry-flavored candy dance in your mouth. “This is so good! You’re such a baby, Gojo. It’s not even spicy.”
Horror paints Satoru’s face. “It is! My mouth feels like hell. Your tastebuds must be broken or something,” Gojo huffs, crossing his arms petulantly, giving him the appearance of an overgrown child. “And who makes curry flavored candy anyways?”
“Why don’t you just use your technique or something? Make it so that the food doesn’t touch your tongue?”
Gojo looks at you incredulously before he blanches. “Unlike you, I actually care about what I put inside my body.”
You return the look tenfold, eyebrows raising in disbelief. “Oh really?”
“Really really.”
“Then what’s in that bag you’re holding?”
You nearly miss the barely imperceptible shift in Gojo’s blindfold as his eyes widen, hiding said plastic bag full of confectioneries behind him, hidden from your prying gaze.
“Sweets stimulate my brain! You know that. It’s brain food.”
“Uh huh.”
“C’monnnn,” Satoru whines, bringing forth said bag, revealing all the various goodies he’d collected throughout the hour. “Are you cruel enough to deny a guy a sweet treat? Ijichi’s been bitching all morning about all these missions!”
Gojo doesn’t give you a chance to retort. “I finished my missions in record time! I think that’s means for a celebration. A prize, even.” He lifts his blindfold up then, revealing a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You bite. “What kind of prize?”
Satoru eyes you up and down with a saccharine smile. He pretends to be deep in thought, “a kiss, maybe?”
You follow suit, crossing your arms as you hum. “Hmm…I don’t know. Seems to me you’ve won a bunch of things today already.”
“Not enough.”
He grabs you by the arms, pulling you until you’re just a breath away. His hands slide down to your own, enveloping them in a warmth that makes you tremble with want. “Indulge me a little, will you?”
Satoru knows that you will. You always do. Even the most unreasonable of requests, like asking you to kiss him after you ran a marathon through Tokyo just to find out he was throwing a fit over confectioneries.
He lets you close the distance, savoring the way your scent invades his senses.
He pulls away rather abruptly, a delicate frown painting his features. “What’s wrong?” You ask.
“My mouth feels like it’s on fire again,” he pouts.
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joemama-2 · 11 days
fragments of us
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tags: angst, light fluff, dividers by @/cafekitsune
pairing: gojo x reader
word count: 1592
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“How’d you know I like this flavor?” You gasp.
A smile is directed at you as Satoru sits next to you. A cone of ice cream, taken by you, that’s filled with a sea of blue. Oreo chunks along with chocolate chip pieces decorate it, mixed with cookie dough. The flavors explode in your mouth, with a satisfied hum leaving you.
“Just a hunch,” he licks from his own cone, the same flavor as yours. “I’m pretty great at making educated guesses, you know? They call me the Strongest for a reason.”
Your laugh tickles his ears just right and he doesn’t even realize he’s scooting closer to you until you scoot away. Acting on muscle memory can be good, but in this situation, he has to realize that it’s probably not the best idea.
He clears his throat and juts his chin the direction of your cone. “Don’t waste any, okay? I spent my hard earned money on that.”
“I promise to eat it all.” You reply, already taking bites from the crunchy cone.
Satoru has a problem with staring, especially you. Even something so mundane catches his attention completely. Especially when it’s you doing it. The ice cream dripping down his pale fingers is a reminder to stop his reminiscing.
You two sit side by side in an all too familiar ice cream parlor. It’s comfortable, at least for you. Making conversation with Satoru is easy, he always knows what to say to keep the momentum going. It strangely feels like you’ve done this way too many times before, maybe that’s why it’s so easy to talk to him.
You shake your head free of those thoughts and focus on the now.
“What’s next on the agenda?” You ask him, eyes flickering over to his pretty ones, that are already looking at yours.
“Hmm, that’s a surprise,” he grins and tilts his head. “You like surprises?”
“Mm, sometimes.”
“I don’t usually like surprises by men I don’t know very well.”
He hopes he hides his heartbreak well. Humming instead, leaning back in the booth. “Well, I hope you’ll like it. But I have a feeling you will.”
You smile, chin propped up on your hand. “Another educated guess, I presume?”
A small chuckle vibrates through him. “Exactly.”
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He takes you to an aquarium.
“Wow,” you gasp in awe, the different variety of sea animals surrounding you. “How’d you find this place, Satoru? It’s beautiful.”
A simple shrug. “I used to come here a lot.”
“Really?” Your head turns up to him. “You don’t come here very much anymore?”
A second of silence passes as he considers his response to your question, deciding on a shake of his head. “Nah, not really. Just…doesn’t feel the same.”
You want to pry more, ask why it doesn’t. But you think it’ll be rude and invasive, considering you just met him. So, you nod and focus back on the beauties of the sea before you. Feet walking on their own, leading you from corner to corner, room to room.
Throughout it all, he follows. He’s mostly silent, but he adds comments here and there that make your stomach feel funny.
Two fish capture your eyes immediately, pointing to them through the glass. “That—“
“Like them, huh?” He cuts you off, the fish also the cause of his fixation.
You pause, eyebrows raising at him in slightly surprise before replying. “Y-yeah, I do. Do you too?”
“Love them.”
His response is immediate, automatic almost. You focus back on the two betta fish. One white, the other black. You sort of want to joke how the white one loosely, or exactly, resembles him.
The black one, well….you think it resembles someone else. It’s almost like it’s on the tip of your tongue, a faint outline in your mind of who it could be, who it is.
But the silence feels nice, so you hold back. The two of you watch the fish go about their routine, swimming side by side, their fins looking like they’re floating through the water. They move together, as one.
For some reason, a heavy press settles on your chest, causing your throat to dry up. Confusion swirls through your mind as you silently battle whatever this is that’s suddenly been sprung on you.
Just as you feel your eyes begin to sting, his arm finds home on your shoulders. Steering you away towards another area, far from the fish and far from your inevitable breakdown.
A small sense of deja-vu causes you to stop in your tracks. You feel like you should say something, but what would you say? Inner turmoil renders you immobile for a few more seconds before you shake your head and continue walking.
Little did you know, Satoru’s stomach was currently doing flips, heart beating faster than normal (it always beats fast around you). However, hope only gets him so far, because like always, you brush off whatever’s going on and resume.
He’s half tempted to pull you back and shake you to wake up and come back to him.
He doesn’t.
He follows beside you and the rest of the time is done without any words shared.
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He walks you back to your apartment.
There’s a hint of hesitance in his eyes as he watches you fiddle with your key. Once your door is opened, you turn around to face him. A small smile on your face. It’s polite, formal. Like one you direct towards a stranger.
“Thank you for today. I actually had a lot of fun getting to know you.” You tell him, looking down at the small necklace he got for you that resembles the betta fish from before.
His own smile is warm and welcoming. “Of course, I would’ve hated passing up the chance of talking to someone as beautiful as you.” His comment comes out smoothly, like he’s down it multiple times before.
Each time, your cheeks blush and your smile turns shy, stumbling over your words. “O-oh, uhm….thank you.” The small laugh he gives you makes your body feel hot.
“Maybe we can do this again?” His head tilts, a small tilt to his voice.
Your eyes widen slightly before nodding. “Sure..! Yeah, of course. Just—uh—just let me give you my number.”
He waits patiently as you fiddle around for a napkin in your bag, using a stray pen to messily write your number. Your hands are shaking a bit, which is a little annoying. Once done, you give him the paper, he gives it a small glance before folding it into his pocket.
You two stand staring at each other. You’re not sure if you should kiss his cheek, say thank you again, or just bye. But he did buy you things and he was really nice. You feel bad if you would’ve just left it at that.
So, carefully, you walk forward and give him a small hug. “Thank you again.” You mumble into his clothing.
The way his arms wrap around you almost immediately, his hands on your back running up and down in a soothing motion brings back that heated feeling. The hug lasts longer than one normally should between two strangers, but neither of you pull away.
“Don’t thank me, I’ll always be here.”
When you’re going to bed that night, you take off the necklace he got for you. Opening the drawer of your small jewelry vanity, but you stop mid-way. Because inside, there’s already several of the exact same necklaces inside.
The same fish with the same black string tied to it. Your brows furrow, fixated on the scene in front of you.
It’s only then do some questions ring through your mind. Firstly, how did he know where you lived? He didn’t even ask, and it was almost like you were following him.
Two, what did he mean by he’ll always be here?
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It’s exhausting for Satoru. Going to sleep at 4 in the morning then waking up at 7 is one thing, but this is something entirely different.
He knows he should probably let you go, stop killing himself with this. But he can’t. He’s already lost one person he held dearly, and even though you’re still here, he still lost you too.
Pictures from the past greet him as he walks back into his house. He doesn’t look at them, not anymore. Looking back at when everything was perfect hurts him too much, much more than he’d like to admit.
He’ll never take them down, though. A part of him hopes he’ll be able to show you them. You’d probably call him a crazy stalker and call the cops on him. It doesn’t matter to him, however.
He debates himself every night and every morning. Questioning his decisions in life and if what he’s doing is the right thing. But his grip is tight. Satoru can’t let go of things, people easily.
Although that’s a weakness he’s realized, he still pursues.
He pursues it because when he sees your families figure standing in line to your favorite coffee shop that you visit every morning, his lips form a smile.
He pursues it because when he not so accidentally bumps into you, chatting you up like it’s second nature, the smile you give him is what keeps him close to you, in your grip.
The lingering thought stays in his mind. He’s not sure how much longer his heart could last.
Not when he’s already on his 60th first date with you.
Maybe one day he’ll you go.
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sourlemonsprout · 7 months
just imagine Alphonse and Seth’s individual reactions to finding out Sugarboo snorts when they laugh. Like you know they’re holding back for a bit when Seth first started staying with them but then Al was like “hey y’know they’ve got a snort laugh right?” and Seth demands proof (he believes it he just wants to see it for himself)
Alphonse x Seth x Boo (gn!reader)
Thank you so much for all the love and requests!!
Word Count: 862
The sun had just begun to set, casting a warm golden glow across the living room where you sat comfortably snuggled into your boyfriend's side in one of your wide chairs in the living room.
"Are you sure you're okay sleeping down here on the couch, Seth?" you asked. "If you need a break, you can always take the bed. Or I can look for a sleeping bag somewhere around here." You turned your head away, trying to remember if you even had a sleeping bag anymore.
"No, no, it's alright. I'm fine Sugar, really," he assured you.
"I truly appreciate you lettin' me crash here," he said rubbing the back of his neck.
"It's no problem, really!" you assure him.
"I think he actually prefers camping to a warm bed. If you gave him a sleeping bag, you might have to go searching for him in the woods." Al said, drawing a light giggle from you, to which you brought a fist up to cover your lips.
"You laugh but it's true!" Seth nodded.
"To each their own I suppose, I'd gladly take a cozy bed any day over a tarp and sleeping bag." Al shrugged.
"Speaking of cozy, I'm gonna go change into some comfier clothes," you pat Al's leg before hopping up. Seth's gaze follows your figure as you hop up the stairs and disappear out of sight.
"You good?" Al asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Huh, oh, yeah." Seth shook his head slightly, a little flustered that he'd been caught staring.
"Uh huh, your face was lookin' a little pink there for a second." Al pried.
"Well, ya' know, they've got a nice laugh," he admitted quietly.
"It's uh, been a while since I heard a laugh like that," he said with his mouth drawn in a faint smile, the edges of his deep brown eyes grew soft.
"Oh yeayea," Al nodded.
The boys sat in comfortable silence, taking in the moment and appreciating the calmness around them. It had been a long time since they had felt so at ease in each other's presence. There wasn't the slightest hint of tension, regret, or anger between them. They had finally found a moment of respite, and it was all thanks to the sunshine that you had brought into their lives.
"You know they snort when they laugh hard enough?" Alphonse broke the silence. Seth spun his head to face Al, his eyebrows furrowed slightly with disbelief.
"Mmm, it's true." Al nodded. A flicker of light danced across his eyes as he leaned back in his chair, "I remember bein' a little shocked the first time I heard it. But I gotta admit, everything's just so much funnier with a laugh like that," he recounted, a warm smile spreading across his face. The more Seth thought about it, he could totally picture you snorting while you laughed, and oh he longed to hear it.
"Well, I just have to believe it when I hear it for myself," he stated matter-of-factly.
"I know they've been hiding it, but I'll see if I can break them," Alphonse said with a smirk.
It wasn't long before you entered the living room, wrapped in fresh pajamas and holding a blanket, there was a spring in your step as you walked.
"Here, I brought down this extra blanket for you," you said, chucking the soft grey blanket that you were holding onto his lap before collapsing on a chair.
"It's startin' to feel like a slumber party up in here," Al said, bumping his hands up with a silent 'whoop-whoop'.
"You guys wanna watch a movie?" you ask, eyes angling for the remote before the boys were nodding their heads.
"Alriiiight!" you say with a huff as you slap both needs and bend forward to get up.
"Jesus, you stand up like a Midwestern dad," Al laughs as he mimics your actions dramatically, leaving you two giggling at one another like children. As Alphonse continues to mock you for 'being an old man', your giggles turn into full-blown laughs until a small snort escapes your mouth, which has you doubling over, grabbing onto Al's arm for support as you cover your mouth with your other hand. Just as Seth thought he couldn't adore you anymore, you reveal a laugh like that. He loved how your face glowed with euphoria as you clutched at your sides, trying to regain oxygen in your lungs. Your infectious laughter filled the room, causing Seth to chuckle, unable to resist the joyful atmosphere that surrounded them. The more you snort, the harder y'all laugh.
Once you were able to breathe properly and stand upright, you gave Al a little kiss on the side of his cheek and snatched the TV remote off the coffee table.
"Alright you two, what're we watchin'?" Seth asked, still unable to wipe the grin off his face.
"Nothin' scary, I'm lookin' at you Boo," Al opined, shooting you a side-eye.
"Maybe a comedy?" Seth suggested. The corner of your mouth curled into a smile as you squinted at him.
"You're just trying to get me to snort again, aren't you?" you chirp.
The End <3
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