#they'll happen eventually i'll get around to em i PROMISE
Chapter 5! Sorry this took so long, mostly on account of wanting to get the OC art done as supplementary material. Promise it'll be the only time that needs to happen, and also that this will (probably) be the last time Frank stresses out over dumb shit in this story. Smooth sailing from here!
~Little Flame, Chapter 5~
The rest of the evening went as it usually did, comfy routines and familiar chatter being a welcome reprieve from the stress of the week. But Frank kept mulling over what Sally had said to him. Was it really so easy to tell what they were? How many others knew already? Not one had given an indication of open or silent judgement, always treating him with the respect they'd shown anyone else, and still clearly quite happy to seek (or demand) his company. But how could he tell if that was with knowledge or lack thereof? Could they be trusted to know?
"You're worryin' again, bug," Eddie said, snapping Frank out of their thoughts. "I can tell when you are."
"I'm not-" Frank began, but really it was no use. Eddie knew him too well, knew all the little ins and outs of his various moods in a way that only someone who truly cared about them would. With a sigh, he spoke.
"Well...I guess I was thinking. Things went...decently well earlier with our friends finding out about...that. Especially considering I wasn't out to Sally yet."
"Mhmm," Eddie nodded. "Not out to most folks around here, as far as I remember."
"Well, t-that's the point," Frank continued, "if it went well with her, I..." he trailed off, finding the words and confidence to say it out loud. "Eddie, do you think...they'd accept it? If I told them?"
Eddie's gaze softened, and he gently placed a hand on their shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Frank, I understand that you're scared. I'd be too in your place. But I promise, there ain't no one here that'd judge you. They all love you, just as much as I do." He chuckled. "Hey, they hardly mind that Poppy is trans, or when you'd told 'em y'ain't a man."
This gave Frank pause. It's true, they hadn't even thought of her, or how the last reveal had gone. Those did inspire quite a bit of confidence. Yet, just as soon as he'd begin to find resolve, the fears crept back. Those nagging doubts that said what if this time's too far?
They groaned in frustration, covering his face with their hands. "And it's not just that, I need to tell them about the baby too! But I can't say that without..." he sighed. "Tell me what I should do."
"Darlin', if it were up to me I'd be shouting it from the rooftops by now," Eddie stated confidently. "You know that. But it ain't my decision to make. You're the important one here!"
Frank gave an exasperated huff, still not looking up. "Why can't it be someone else's decision? That'd be so much easier."
"You... want someone to out you?" Eddie raised an eyebrow at this.
"No no," Frank sighed, defeated. "Look, I'll...think about it."
Eddie kissed him, gently cupping their face with his hand. "There's time enough to think. S'pose they'll have to know eventually though- only so long you can hide a thing like that."
"Again, you're right," Frank grumbled. "Geez, I'm hungry right now. I'm gonna get some food."
It was later on that night, while the two lay in bed, nearly asleep, that Frank turned to his husband. "Eddie?"
"I think I'll tell them tomorrow."
It was all well and good to say that during the night. But when tomorrow came, Frank was pacing in circles round the kitchen table, Egg cradled in their arms.
"Can't keep 'em waiting forever," Eddie said, glancing out at the gaggle of neighbors stood outside.
"Yes I can," Frank protested. "I've kept them in the dark about it this long, I can go longer."
Eddie narrowed his eyes. "That's not what I meant and you know it."
"Oh, why can't we just forget it? We'll send them all home, and try again never."
"Nope," the man's tone was firm but gentle. "You've come this far, shooin' em off now now won't do ya any good." He put an arm around love reassuringly. "Look. I'll be right here beside ya. You'll be fine."
Frank let out a desperate whine and buried his face in Egg's soft white fur for a moment, the cat purring soothingly. Then, taking a deep breath, they set him down, and looked directly into Eddie's eyes. "Ok. I'm ready."
Outside the door to the yellow house, the others waited impatiently. "What's takin' em so long?" Howdy huffed. "I've got work to get back to."
"Dunno," Barbie said with a shrug. "It must be something important, 'ol Frankie seemed real anxious to tell us about it."
Sally and Julie merely shrugged, each trying their best not give away that they knew too much.
Finally, the door swung open, and the couple emerged from inside, Frank still held close by the one-armed embrace of his husband. "Good afternoon everyone," they stated calmly, though Eddie could still feel them shaking just slightly.
"Hi Frank, hi Eddie," Wally answered jovially. "How are you?"
"Are you well?" Jaya asked. "You seemed terribly anxious when you told us to meet you here."
"I'm, well..." Frank swallowed hard. No turning back now. "I brought you all here for a reason. As you know, I am non-binary."
"Mhm.." the others all nodded agreement, seeming a little confused. Where was he going with all of this?
"Well, I...haven't been fully forthcoming with all the details in that regard." They straightened up, shutting his eyes and steeling their resolve. "I am also trans."
"What, you're a girl now?" Honey asked quizzically after a moment, readjusting the baby she held. "It's fine if you are."
"Catching labels like you catch your butterflies," Barbie added with a laugh.
"No! No no," Frank snapped frustratedly, waving the question away with their hands. "I've been through all that before and I hated it. No, I mean the gender, the...well, maleness I have now is by choice. Transmasculine."
"That's what you wanted t-" Howdy began, before stopping short at the death glare Eddie shot him.
"Wow, that's cool," Wally said, voice calm though he was (to all who knew him) still clearly excited. "Nice to know I'm not the only one."
"Wait, you are?" Frank asked incredulously, head whipping around to look at him.
"Yea," the demon answered simply. "Not as fancy as yours is, but I'm trans."
"That's four of us then!" Poppy stated cheerfully, gathering Frank to her breast with a soothing coo. "Oh come here sweetheart, I'm proud of you for saying it. I know how hard that is to say."
Frank felt lighter than air right now, all the stress lifted off of them in an instant. I really should stop doing that, he thought absentmindedly, hugging her back as they spoke up again. "Well now that that part is out of the way, I can tell you about the other thing."
"And what's that?"
"I'm pregnant."
Dead silence. For a moment, the scientist feared the worst. Lifted up by the rising poof of Poppy's feathers, they met her widened eyes.
"What?" she squeaked.
Frank chuckled nervously. "Surprise? I-"
Words cut short as the bird grabbed his face with her wings, looking directly at them with a mix of many emotions but primarily love. And fear. "Oh goodness, Frank! T-that's wonderful news! Are you feeling well? Healthy? Will you need any help? I can-"
"I'm doing fine, Poppy, really, I am," they reassured. "Plus, I have Eddie with me."
Eddie beamed at this, proud papa vibes on full display.
"They're doing well thus far, from what I see," Jaya stated confidently, gently prying her girlfriend away from the other. "Just about six weeks in most likely. When things progress further, then you me & Bea can step in to help things along. But they can handle this part himself."
Poppy fussed a bit more, still clearly full of her usual worries. But she finally, reluctantly let go, giving room for the others to step in and offer their congratulations.
"Heh, welcome to fatherhood, big guy," Jack said, giving Eddie a light punch in the shoulder with one of his many arms. "You'll do great, I know it."
Eddie laughed softly. "I-I sure hope so. Thanks."
"Suppose it does explain one thing," Barbie said with a gesture towards Frank. "You smell different now."
"Oh?" they asked, raising half of his unibrow curiously.
"Yeah!" she continued. "Thought at first it might've been a different shampoo or somethin', but that didn't make sense to me." Chuckling softly and rubbing her neck, she added, "plus, I don't know of any shampoo that'd make me suddenly really wanna hug you."
Frank smiled warmly, heart full of love, and held open his arms. "You know what? I'll let you do that, just this once."
"Wh- really?"
"Yes, what the hell. I'm feeling good right now. Come here."
Tail wagging, she cheerfully embraced them, gentle as she could. Soon Eddie joined them, then all the others as well (even Howdy). It feels nice to be held, Frank thought. Nice to be so loved and cared for, by all of my friends. "I love you guys," they sighed, contented. "I couldn't ask for a better place to raise a family."
"You're awfully sentimental," Sally teased.
"I blame the hormones," he replied.
When they finally broke apart, Frank turned to head back inside, a big part of them still eager to call the ordeal over. But a tap on their shoulder stopped him, and he looked up to see the smiling face of a certain shopkeeper.
"So...about that test you stole..."
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payeehay · 3 years
Jack's Fucking Dead, Pt. 3
Part 1 / Part 2 / The Dissection
It turned out that Jack wasn't an easy man to find.
He wasn't in his lair, none of the ghosts Danny had asked had seen him, and he hadn't come back to the house. They had waited, hoped, but eventually they were forced to accept defeat and just...try to move on.
So here Danny was, in Vlad's lab, investigating something Tucker had found in their most recent sweep of his computer systems.
Danny's feet touched down silently, and he started through the lab. It only took a minute of searching the sprawling wing to find a room with a large glass box, filled with green smoke, a hulking figure obscured inside. He knocked on the glass, and the figure got up and floated over.
He wasn't expecting his father's face to emerge though the mist.
"Oh my God, Dad," he muttered, before he could think.
Jack's brows rose. "Phantom!" And then they furrowed. "What was that?"
Shit. "I said, uh, where's Vlad?"
"Oh!" Jack relaxed. "He stepped out to take a phone call. V-man has some very important investors!"
Good. That should give them some time. Danny started feeling along the edge of the doorless box. "Alright. Don't worry, I'll get you out of there."
Jack hesitated. "No, I- I'm staying."
Danny paused. "What?"
"We're learning a lot of interesting things!" Jack said. "We developed a weapon that can sense the exact amount of energy needed to knock a ghost out, and send it right to 'em in one big shot!"
"Wow, that sounds...terrifyingly efficient."
Jack chuckled. "Oh, it is," he said knowingly. "Those mischievous ghosties won't know what hit 'em!" he exclaimed.
"Right. So..." Danny searched for his words. "You...want to be experimented on?"
He didn't miss the way Jack hesitated. "Yes," he said, though. And then more quietly, "It's safer this way."
Ah. "Is this about what happened with Jazz?" Danny prodded.
Jack narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "How do you know about that, Phantom?"
Phantom stared back. "She told me." His gaze softened. "But you need to know, that only happened because you haven't practiced with your powers enough yet. Once you get some more experience, they'll stop going off when you don't mean for them to."
"And when I succumb to my ghostly rage and I do mean for them to?"
Danny sighed. "I promise you, that's not a thing. Some ghosts have obsessions that make them violent, but I really don't think you're one of them."
"And if I am?"
"Then your family has plenty of thermoses to suck you up into."
Jack hummed. There was a pause.
"Your family wants you home, you know," Danny said, a little more softly.
Jack's brows pulled together. "They...do?"
"Yeah. It's not the same without you. They're really worried."
Jack shook his head. "I can't go back. It's too dangerous. Vlad agrees, but everyone will be safe if i just stay here."
Danny bit his lip. He'd been meaning to tell his parents about Phantom for a little while now, he'd just never found the right time, the right way... But maybe this was the right time. He took a deep breath.
"Okay look, I was gonna do this once we were home, but there's something you need to see. You think ghosts are untrustworthy and dangerous, right?"
For once, Jack seemed to be choosing his words carefully. "They can be."
Danny spread his hands. "Well, you've been living with one for almost 3 years." A ring of light flashed around his middle, traveled across his body, and Danny Fenton was left standing in its wake.
"Phantom! Why do you look like my son?" Jack accused.
"What- no, I am Danny. And Phantom. I'm both."
"That's impossible."
Danny shrugged. "You'd think so, but apparently not."
Jack narrowed his eyes. "Why should I believe you?"
"Okay, how about this," Danny offered. Another flash of light, and he was Phantom again. "Ask me anything about my life. Like, anything. Something Phantom wouldn't know."
"Hmm... Why did we have to take you home that year we took you to the planetarium for your birthday?"
Danny grimaced. "Because I rode the centrifugal force ride and threw up?"
Danny rubbed the back of his neck. "And then I begged you guys to let me ride it again. And then threw up again. But in my defense," He raised a finger. "That was early astronaut training."
Jack narrowed his eyes again. "What about the slip'n'slide incident?"
Danny laughed at that one. "Oh God, yeah, I stole like a dozen of Jazz's bath bombs and put them in the little pool at the end, and the entire yard foamed up and smelled like gummy bears for like a week." He was grinning. "I still think that was a good idea."
Jack looked stricken. "Danny?" he asked incredulously. He put his hands on the glass.
"Yeah, Dad?" Danny stepped a little closer.
"How did this happen?"
"Well, you know how-"
"Phantom," Vlad's voice echoed across the room. He sounded exasperated. "What are you doing here?"
"What do you think I'm doing?" Danny demanded. He jabbed a finger toward his father. "I'm setting him free!"
Vlad strolled closer, passing tables full of weapons. "Oh please," he drawled, "Jack is free to go at any time, assuming he feels like putting innocent people in danger." He shot a pointed look at Jack, picked up a cannon, aimed it at Danny. "You, however, are not welcome here."
The shots lit up the lab. Danny dodged the first, the second, the third slamming into Danny's chest and throwing him back against the wall with a sickening crack. He heard his father yell, the shattering of glass, and then everything went painful and white.
His consciousness returned slowly.
"-my son!" he heard.
Vlad sounded like he was smirking. "I take it Daniel has told you his little secret?"
"Wait, you knew? And you still shot him?!"
"I can assure you, he's had far worse. Sometimes by your own weapons, correct?"
There was a shout, a series of thuds, and Danny could faintly make out Vlad on the floor, Jack on top of him, punching him in the face.
"You were my best friend! I trusted you!" Jack shouted. "You knew who he was and you shot him!"
Danny shakily floated up and over to join them, and Vlad waved a hand at him. "And look at that, he's fine. It was a warning shot, Jack."
Jack scowled. "Bullshit, you know I know how much that thing hurts." He got his face close to Vlad's. "You don't touch my children, ever again."
Danny smiled. "Looks like you can get angry without seriously hurting anyone, huh?"
"He knocked out my tooth, Daniel."
Danny looked, and there was indeed a tooth on the floor. He crossed his arms. "So? You deserved it."
Vlad looked like he was going to retort, but Jack muttered, "Where do I go now?" He looked far away.
"Well, your recent conduct aside, you're welcome to stay here and continue our work," Vlad drawled.
Jack looked at him like he'd lost his mind.
Danny floated closer, put his hand on Jack's shoulder. "Come home with me," he offered.
Jack looked pained. "I can't," he said quietly.
"You can. It'll be okay, I've been with you guys for years and we're all still fine," Danny assured him.
Jack looked down. "It's too dangerous, I can't control myself."
Shit. Danny thought for a moment. "Okay, how about this: you come back to the Far Frozen with me. You can stay there for a while, do some sparring with them to practice with your powers - maybe unlearn a couple things about ghosts - and come back home when you trust yourself enough. How does that sound?"
Jack looked pensive. "How do I know I'll be safe there?"
"They know you're my father, and I'm, uh, important to them." He didn't want to tell Jack everything just yet.
"How do I know they'll be safe with me?" Jack asked quietly.
"They're all pretty strong, I don't think you'll be able to hurt them."
Jack didn't speak for a long moment, but finally, he said, "Okay."
"Yeah?" Danny asked.
"Yeah," Jack confirmed.
Danny smiled. "Okay." He crossed the room, motioned for Jack to follow him.
"Where do you think you're going?" Vlad demanded.
"To your portal," Danny replied casually.
"You could at least ask!" he shouted after them.
"Go fix your tooth, Vlad," Danny shouted over his shoulder, and then they were gone.
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digitalcomfortspot · 3 years
(All artwork accompanying this fic was doodled by the amazing @mxgumshoe! Go commission them!!!)
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"Come on, Stone...! Hang in there!"
Zenigata sat over his partner as they writhed and whimpered under the heat of the fever. Their entire body was burning to the the touch, and they had lost consciousness an hour ago. The poison that fiend had given him was working far faster than anticipated, and Zenigata was getting worried that Lupin and the gang might be too late.
The antidote to the poison they'd been shot with was used as a ransom for Interpol, the monsters who concocted the poison holding it for a whopping 2.7 billion euros. If they wanted Stone- and several other downed civilians- to live, they'd have to fork over the cash or steal it themselves.
Koichi had practically begged Lupin and the gang on his knees, even if it was just a telephone call. He was close to tears when he asked them to steal it for him, and once they heard his partner in crime catching was involved, they agreed readily.
Now, it was just a waiting game.
Koichi paces, hands holding his hat against his chest. Worried thoughts raced through his head, as he waits. And waits. And waits.
Eventually, he practically wears a track in the carpet, and decides to sit.
When he hears Stone stir, he practically jumps to their side. "Stone-!!!"
"Hh... hey, Zeni...ga..." They try to say, but it turns into a flurry of wheezing, harsh gasps as they try to sit up.
"Don't strain yourself, partner! Lay back down, Lupin and the gang should be here any minute now...! Come on, now, lay back down!" He says, gently leading them back against the mattress with a hand on their head.
"Ze... zenigata... please..." They try to speak.
"What? What is it?" Worry paints his face, as he runs a hand gently theough their fading hair. With all the work, they hadn't been able to re-dye it, and it was fading to brown again.
It was funny how he noticed those tiny details more than ever in times of danger... like Laura's eyes in the sunlight. He blinks away the burning sensation of tears.
It won't be like Laura. It can't be like Laura. He won't let it be.
Not again.
"... i-in case I don't... make it-" They try to say, looking up at his with cloudy, tired eyes, but he interrupts them.
"Yer gonna make it! Don't say that like you're dying on me...!!" His eyes fill with tears, and he holds their hand tightly, his other hand still brushing back their sweat slicked hair out of their face.
They give him a pained, soft smile. "I... heh... a-always stubborn... hh...." They grimace, feeling pain flare into them again, before they try again. "Just... l-let me say this... please..."
He nods, leaning forward. "What is it, Magnus...?" He sounds like he's breaking, voice crackling with emotion and sorrow. Not like this... not like this, please, whatever powers that be, he thinks. Not like this.
"I-I..." They look up at him, with a soft expression pushing througu the agony.
".... K-Koichi, I... I lo-"
Just then, the door bursts open, and in clambers the gang all at once. Lupin holds out the bottle of pulls he'd swiped, he and Jigen covered in bruises. Goemon was mostly unscathed, and Fujiko seemed to be checking behind them to make sure no one followed. No smiles were to be found this time, just panicked expressions.
"Pops-!! I got it!"
Magnus' words are forgotten momentarily, as the inspector springs forward, teary eyed as he shakes out two pills and rushes back.
"Take these...! Please!" He begs, and helps them tilt their head back. "Easy, now, that's the way..." He's strong for them as he helps administer the medicine.
They smile weakly, as they lean into the hand under their head. "Th.. thank you..." Glassy eyes look around the room, and they sigh in relief as they pass out finally, less anxious and in much less pain as sleep takes them.
Zenigata nearly has a conniption. "-!!! Stone?! Stone, no!!!"
"Easy, Pops! You'll wake 'em up!" Jigen gently rests a hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down. The inspector blinks, looking confused.
"One of the ingredients in here is melatonin, Pops! They need rest before the meds get into their system. They'll be okay." Lupin gives him a reassuring smile.
He takes a moment to process, and then nods resolutely, pulling up a chair beside his bed and just... waiting.
"... you gonna wait there all night, huh?" Fujiko asks, smiling a bit as she saunters up.
"Of course I am! He's my partner! I'm not gonna let them sit through this alone!" He exclaims, steadfast in his decision.
The femme fatale laughs a little, grinning. "Wow... you've got it worse than I thought! I've only seen you act like this when you think one of us is dead!"
Despite his tears, Zenigata's face turns bright crimson."Wh- hey!!! What's that supposed to mean?!"
Lupin puts a finger to his lips, shushing him with a grin. "Shhh, don't wanna wake up the sleeping angel! We left the rest of the antidote with your boss man downstairs, and they've given us a 24 hour amnesty in return! So long, Pops!" And with that, the gang takes their leave.
He sighs, almost going after them, but...
Stopping when he sees them sleeping so soundly. He has to wait.
He would always wait for him, he thinks, much to his own surprise.
- - -
It's dawn by the time Stone stirs again, Zenigata having been asleep for only a little while now. He'd stayed up all night watching over them, and when the sound of rustling blankets shifts against their body, he gasps and jolts awake again.
"BWUH!!! Huh-?" The inspector blinks, and then breaks into a massive grin when Stone sits up, looking nowhere near as pained anymore.
"Ugh.. God, my head... it worked, I think, but my head hurts something fi-" Stone pauses when they see the inspector's eyes brimming with tears. "Zenigata-?"
"MAGNUS-!!!" He yelps, not caring who might hear, as he leaps forward and practically bowls them over in a big hug.
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He bawls, head buried in his chest as he shakes and mutters over and over again, "You're alive, you're alive-!!! Lupin did it, you're alive!!!"
Stone looks surprised for a moment, still weak, but much less in pain. Then... his expression melts into softness, and they wrap his arms around Zenigata's back. "Y-Yeah, I'm okay...!" They smile right back, as he looks up with big, watery eyes and a wobbly smile.
"I don't know what I woulda done if you...!!!" He mutters, holding their gaze before hugging them again.
Stone smiles right back, gently helping to wipe away his partner in crime catching's tears. "Hey... hey, easy, I'm okay...! I'm okay..."
"I promise it won't happen again! I'll always protect you, okay?" Zenigata swears, giving them a squeeze. They wheeze a little, and he eases up.
"Yeah... I'm j-just glad I'm alive." Stone curls into him, and together... They stay like that for a long, long while. They don't wanna let go.
So, neither of them do.
Stone's unsaid words in the haze of near death are forgotten, at least for now. But as Lupin smiles and watches the two curled up together in relief through the window, he knows it's not long now.
Once those two got together, it was just a matter of asking them into the gang...
And then they could all finally have a happy ending. One where this was all just a bad dream. One where Zenigata was treated fairly, and Stone could be with him without worrying too much about being the only one who truly believed in ol' Pops.
Once they got together, the plan would be set into action. Lupin grins at that.
Now, if only those two would stop dancing around the damn subject.
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cattles-bians · 3 years
the 'um. are our exes dating' damie thread
post directory
em: unfortunately i have ‘rebecca as jamies old flame’ brainworms and ‘viola as danis old flame’ brainworms bc lesbians sure be forming these intricate webs of exes
obsetress: bestie the best part of this is that, like all exes, dani and jamie end up together, but so do rebecca and viola, yes this is canon and no i will not be taking questions
em: holy SHIT now THAT is a rarepair!!!!!!!
em: i mean they have a lot of free time stuck in that lake.......
obsetress: so what if i made custom discord emotes specifically so it would look like they were on a date
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em: viola: on her nightly wander through the grounds
me twirling my hair: haha do you come here often
obsetress: sometimes i just like to think about how viola is a taurus and rebestiecca is a virgo and they have the swankiest flat in london together with marble countertops and stainless steel appliances and rebecca is a high powered attorney and viola buys all the designer clothes she wants and dani and jamie will come into the city to visit them but then rebecca and vi immediately start fighting and dani and jamie are like "uh owen can you come pick us up they're fighting again" but he's too busy taking hannah out to a nice dinner so they just end up getting a hotel instead and then show up to brunch the next morning and rebecca and viola are there smiling pleasantly like nothing happened and viola didn't throw a box of biscuits against the wall just last night and when dani can't control her big mouth and asks about it (jamie elbowing her in the ribs as she takes a big gulp of bloody mary) viola and rebecca just look confused and rebecca furrows her brows and is like "what fight?" and dani and jamie just look at each other and jamie shrugs and slings an arm over dani's shoulder and then they order another round of drinks but like i said i only think about this sometimes it's not like it's a full-blown headcanon or anything)
em: there is so much to process here hannah but: taurus viola is such a god tier take & i can’t believe i never thought about it?? earth sign queens
obsetress: thank you i agree and i promise you this is not my taurus ass projecting, viola is actually a textbook taurus and in this essay i will––
em: i love typing a response and by the time i send a reply there is a full fic in my mentions
obsetress: like i said! not something i think about all the time or anything!
em: yeah viola is a little volatile sometimes but they always talk abt it after and most importantly they never go 2 bed angry! violas workin through some stuff n rebecca doesn’t let her push her around
em: i MEAN or they’re totally dysfunctional but i’m dying at damie like ‘ah owen cna u pick us up the girls are fighting again’
obsetress: rebecca sits her down and makes her talk about it and she gently steers vi towards "i feel" statements, focuses on stating "you did x, and it made me feel y," and when she covers vi's hand with hers, gently stroking her thumb over her knuckles, all the tension leaves vi's body
obsetress: and viola's willing, just for a minute, to acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, rebecca was right. but only this one time
obsetress: (rebecca does her best to hold back a smirk, because "only this one time" seems to happen every time, but she's not about to say that to viola's face, not now, when vi's leaning into her and nuzzling against her cheek)
em: oh this is Tender
em: damie sitting in the restaurant completely baffled makes me Lose It like yeah ok we all wanna be gentle emotionally intelligent lesbians dani clayton or jamie taylor but some of us aren’t quite there yet!!
obsetress: viola, staring at jamie's arm slung over dani's shoulder and the way dani's beaming over at her, tangling her fingers with jamie's: do you two... need to be doing that? why are you doing that
obsetress: rebecca: they're in love, babe
viola: i don't feel the need to do... that, and i love you just fine
rebecca: i love you just fine, too
dani and jamie: (staring, horrified, across the table as their waiter serves them their eggs benedict)
em: @ dani @ jamie some people aren’t on the cusp of fucking at Any Given Moment
obsetress: you: (that)
dani: i don't understand the question
rebecca: it... wasn't a question
obsetress: they're just tryna be cottagecore and vi and rebecca are out here all big city earth sign power lesbians fighting in their penthouse apartment and dani's just like "wow you two have a dishwasher???? how neat"
em: vi constantly answers the door in expensive dressing gowns that show way too much leg and the first couple times dani and jamie are suddenly v interested in the wall paper but eventually they’re just like congrats on the tits maam can we have a spot of tea
em: violas like, gloating about some business investment or properties or a lucrative deal she was ruthless enough to land and danis like oh cool :) i’ve been making a lot of jam lately. would u like some jam
obsetress: inflated property value ex-gf and homemade jam ex-gf
obsetress: meanwhile, their respective gfs, won over the jury in closing arguments ex-gf and successfully integrated a new bee colony and harvested her first jar of honey ex-gf, are sipping their whiskey and watching, enamored, as it all plays out
em: viola cannot understand they’re perfectly happy in their cosy little apartment above the shop n she’s like ‘i have some gorgeous new properties if you ever want to-‘ and rebecca and dani have to figure out how to change the topic before jamie goes off w her Kill Landlords polemic
obsetress: jamie, later: i will tolerate her, dani, i will tolerate her because you love her and because rebecca loves her, but i swear to GOD if she "not all landlords" me one more time i'll––
em: jamie ‘card carrying socialist’ taylor cannot fucking stand viola half the time n eventually she half jokes that dani ‘downgraded’ to her drop out working class ass n danis like ??? oh babe. baby cmere. me and vi broke up for like 1000 reasons but the class difference didn’t Help
em: way later dani mumbles something like ‘i said the $2 aldi wine tasted perfectly drinkable and she didn’t speak to me for days’ and jamies like ‘pardon?’ but danis already Zonked Out
obsetress: ldkjfslkdfjlsj this part SENT me just. the idea of dani's final, dozing thought being viola pressed over the two dollar aldi wine
obsetress: sometimes jamie doesn't understand how dani could've dated viola at all, but then they'll be at dinner and rebecca will make some comment about some case and dani and viola's hackles will raise in the exact same way and they'll start popping right tf off down the same lane
obsetress: and jamie's like "oh, right. that"
obsetress: (it also doesn't hurt, jamie begrudgingly admits to herself next time viola answers the door Tits Out™️, that viola's hot. super hot)
audacity: just. the chaos of capitalist vi and socialist jamie being in the same fucking room
audacity: liberal versus leftist ding ding ding round one fight
obsetress: i’m crying liberal vs leftist that’s literally it
obsetress: “of course i’m a leftist, jamie, i’m gay” “that’s not—“
audacity: i love you vi but my money’s on jamie HSKDHSKDHSJSH
audacity: GOD
obsetress: “it’s not like i’m a conservative just because i have money, please”
audacity: jamie looking at vi’s ostentatious new dress and going “how many renters did you make homeless for THAT”
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Jac & Savannah
Jac: [Before the parties would have started, aka the getting ready hours] Jac: What's the vibe in University Hall tonight then? Savannah: [a selfie of lowkey everyone getting ready together cos it's all girls] Jac: 👍 Looks like carnage Jac: don't lose your favourite 💄 Savannah: my ears hurt & I can't stop saying Americanisms Jac: 😂 Jac: Glad I'm not seeing you tonight Jac: almost Savannah: will you still love me tomorrow though? Jac: Even if you start saying like, totally and OH MY GOD at the beginning and end of all your sentences Savannah: I already do say OH MY GOD a lot Savannah: it's not very far to fall 😔 Jac: Fallen 👼🏾 Jac: as you missed out on Sinners Savannah: 😢 I'm sure Savannah: except not at all because I had a much better time with my 👼🏻 Jac: If the stories I've seen are anything to go by Jac: missed nothing but potential 💀💀 Jac: Sports people go so hard Savannah: I know Savannah: it's a definite no thank you from me, in like, every possible way Savannah: even if every 🤴🏻🤴🏼🤴🏽🤴🏾🤴🏿 here was there Jac: we're off 🏀⚽🏉🏑🥍🏏 boys for good Savannah: I swear to god, hit me with a 🏑or 🏏 if I consider it however briefly & however intoxicated Jac: make a pact with some OTT American girl tonight Jac: she'll banshee screech and keep 'em well away 'til I can Savannah: I'll just picture my dad's disapproving face Savannah: wait no, actually that would only spur me on Jac: Some of those girls HAVE to be cool Jac: not as cool as me, obviously Jac: but you should have fun with them 🚫 boys allowed Savannah: I don't know what to wear & it's upsetting me greatly Savannah: none of these girls understand that telling me I look amazing in anything/everything hanging up is NOT what I need to hear Savannah: obviously I do, that's why I purchased & packed it Jac: They aren't lying but they aren't being helpful Jac: send me the options Jac: you wanna get the mood right Savannah: can't we just get ready together? I PROMISE I'll shut my door on you as soon as we're done Jac: I don't know if my ❤ can handle that, babe Savannah: okay, I'll shut the door on you at the last possible second Jac: You know exactly how hard I find it saying no to you, don't you? Savannah: but if you want to say no, you can Savannah: I just know that you don't want to Jac: Give me a sec Jac: I'll convince it's the fashion emergency it is Savannah: 😊 Savannah: the real fashion emergency is that nobody is allowed to touch your hair but me Jac: The girl across from me does have full intentions to straighten it so Jac: wish me 🍀 Savannah: 😠 Savannah: she better step back Savannah: what protection is she intending to use? I think not Jac: You're the cutest ever Savannah: You have perfect natural texture, can she not see that? Jac: She must not see me how you do Jac: but I'm okay with that Savannah: Well, I've got my eye on her now Savannah: if Catholic school taught me anything it's that 🙏🏾 doesn't work so I won't be wishing you luck, I'll be taking hair styling action Jac: I thought you were going to say something about it teaching you how to fuck up other girls Jac: but you're much too ladylike and 👼🏾 for that Savannah: Oh honey, I knew how to do that before I got there Jac: Very true Jac: I remember Jac: we were kind of a bit terrible, weren't we? Savannah: I remember us being young & bored Savannah: so maybe we did some terrible things Savannah: but we're trying to do & be better now Jac: Works for me Jac: though I was considerably less bored when you were there Savannah: me too, of course Savannah: & maybe I was still doing terrible things at 18, which is less young, but I was also in Sligo so I feel like allowances have to be made Jac: Boredom increased as well as age Jac: it's allowed Savannah: heartbreak increased too Savannah: I can't be held responsible for what I do when I miss you that much Jac: It's too soon to make the 'and who' joke about your ex but it's something young and bored me would say so, feels right to honour past us by mentioning it Savannah: 😄 Savannah: he honourably gave me all summer to get over him, it's fine Jac: You were with him the whole two years, yeah? Savannah: yes Jac: thought so Jac: I could never stand anyone longer than a few weeks Savannah: I'm not sure I could honestly stand him longer than that Jac: Is it a security thing? Jac: keeping him around, despite that Savannah: If I was a lecture topic that would be one of the bullet points undeniably Jac: 'Course, sorry Jac: it's all the ❤ talk going on Jac: they'll be over it once this week is Savannah: I didn't mean it like that, I mean that like I wish I could pinpoint the exact reason Savannah: but there isn't just one, I guess Jac: It's cool, I also didn't mean to be a downer so we don't need to bulletpoint or pinpoint either Jac: lectures haven't started yet, just excited for that, obviously 🤓 Jac: you're not easy to commit to paper, to logic and rationale Jac: that's why I like you Savannah: you could never be, I'm so happy whenever I'm with you Savannah: & I'm even happier you're so excited because me too, of course Savannah: I know I'm very illogical & irrational, I'm the happiest that you like me in spite of it Jac: 🥰🥰🥰 Jac: Freshers has, obviously, been better than I had imagined it could be Jac: but that's almost entirely because of you Jac: I wanna get going now, with the actual course, what we're here to do Jac: though I want this time to last forever, so, conflicted but Savannah: I've changed my mind, I think I'm the happiest actually that none of these girls can see me 😳 because of you Savannah: I feel the same way though, about all of it Jac: I promise I won't embarrass you in front of your dormies Jac: even though I like it when you 😳 best of all Savannah: You could literally never do that either Savannah: none of them are anything like you to the point that I feel sad for them Savannah: because you're perfect Jac: You're the most incredible person I've ever met Jac: we're special together Savannah: you're special without me Savannah: but I'm not leaving you ever again Jac: I love you so much Savannah: I love you too Jac: [leaving it a long-ish time for them aka 10 minutes or something] Jac: I am free, and omw Savannah: Thank GOD Savannah: I thought you were going to say you weren't coming Jac: No way Jac: my room is on the top floor, so I kept getting stopped on every level 🙄 Savannah: At least I know that girl wouldn't have been able to straighten your hair in that amount of time Jac: unless she was just gonna do the top layer and then I'd look like a 🌲 Jac: but that did not happen, thank GOD Savannah: Don't even Savannah: I would cry Jac: Me too Jac: not that there's anyone I really wanna impress, also don't want or need the potential nicknames that would come from that non-look Savannah: Baby, I would never let anyone tease you, or you leave her with a non look Savannah: I could & would fix it in spite of my overwhelming sadness Jac: Dry those eyes Jac: only ten minutes away and not looking like a shrub Savannah: 🥰 Jac: This walk takes longer going to see you than it does coming back Savannah: I miss you too Jac: 😳 Savannah: that's also how I'll look when you see me like this Jac: Come on Jac: you're perfect Jac: we just need to find an outfit as equally so for tonight Savannah: It's not the outfit, it's my insane nerves Jac: What are you nervous about? Savannah: This isn't like our psych night, you know, what do I have in common with any of these girls? Potentially nothing Savannah: I'm having catholic school flashbacks Jac: I get you Jac: think of it as less about making friends, and more about making decent neighbours Jac: the people on our course, we'll be seeing the full four years, the people in our dorms, it could just be this year, 'cos we'll all move next Jac: don't put too much pressure on yourself Savannah: I don't wanna do it but I can't be the girl who doesn't get involved, that would actually be crazy Savannah: you're right, I know that you're right Jac: I don't either Jac: if it had to compete with a night with you, no chance Jac: we'll give it a solid hour, and if it's truly awful, then we'll just hole ourselves up in one of our rooms and hide Savannah: okay Jac: but it won't be Jac: everyone will love you Savannah: I don't want everyone to love me, just you Jac: then they can admire you respectfully from afar Savannah: 👸🏽 Jac: I hear the American girls are loaded Jac: I bet they have loads of 🔥 makeup and clothes to borrow Savannah: the skincare would make my auntie 😢 Jac: wonder if there's any princesses Savannah: I'll find out Savannah: maybe not tonight but eventually Jac: you won't run away with her Jac: even if the skincare is beyond 💣 Savannah: I'll run away with the skincare Savannah: to you Jac: ❤ Jac: loml Savannah: ☺️ Savannah: It would be SO typical if the loudest brashest girl in this dorm who I already can't stand was royalty of some kind Jac: I think I saw her on my way out yesterday Jac: you'll have to point her out Savannah: You definitely heard her, I swear she's woke me every morning so far Jac: Ugh Jac: need to think of a way to 😶 her Savannah: I will be stealing her skincare because I'm BEYOND sleep deprived Savannah: What did you do when you had to share with Jude? Jac: military grade headphones Jac: but ignoring her makes her 😠 so it was one of the only joys I had too, like Savannah: Then I won't be able to hear all the secrets you spill in your sleep, she's not taking that possible joy from me Jac: 😨 Jac: ?! Savannah: I remember one of the first times I slept over, we had a full conversation because I asked if you were awake and you answered yes & asked me if I was okay, which was so sweet by the way, & I didn't realise that you were actually still asleep until after I'd told you everything Savannah: that's the only reason I'm hoping for secrets 😄 Savannah: you don't ever tell me anything scandalous, you're just an 👼🏻 who always tries to take care of me Jac: I'm glad my subconscious hasn't totally betrayed me Jac: and that it cares as much about you as conscious me does Savannah: your subconscious loves me too, it's the cutest Jac: ☺ Jac: you're very lovable Savannah: The girl we hate has literally just asked me if I'm talking to my boyfriend 🙄 the love of my life, yes, some ridiculous boy from freshers, not even Jac: 100% she thinks she's found a 🤴 and he's a total 🐸 who'll spend the rest of the year ghosting her Savannah: 😄 SO true Jac: Some of the lads on our course are nice and everything Jac: but they all seem like 👶 somehow Savannah: I could not agree more & I've done my time babysitting Jac: Seriously Jac: we've got enough to focus on without mothering some poor homesick boys, no thanks Savannah: Of course she's doing art history, it's clear she intends to focus on cliches Jac: Oh my God Jac: I bet she dresses like a mini Middleton Jac: bless her ❤ Savannah: I won't be borrowing her 💄👚👠👒 Jac: 🤭 Definitely not Jac: Meghan is prettier and much more stylish Savannah: I love her Savannah: no offence but I would have to run away with her if she were here Jac: 😏 I understand Jac: I'll control my 💔 Savannah: not that I could bear to break up her & Harry & their beautiful family unit, however hypothetically Jac: they're adorable Jac: and you don't need to steal anyone else's 🤴 or 👸 Savannah: I really don't Jac: no one wants to be that evil queen stereotype Savannah: that's a reputation that would follow you Jac: came here to escape all of mine, not acquire new ones Jac: new 👎 ones Jac: 👍 ones are welcomed, obviously Savannah: I'll resist the urge to make the obvious unfavourable comparison between an evil queen & my dad's new girlfriend in order to do the same Jac: Does she come as a package deal with ugly stepsisters or are they not that serious yet? Savannah: I don't think he's willing to be that serious Jac: at least you don't have to be either then Savannah: I'm not there, he can't control anything I do anymore Savannah: but he needs to be fair to Sienna Jac: What does she think about it all? Savannah: She says she's happy he's moving on too, because I was leaving & mum's getting better Savannah: like we're in a fairy tale Jac: That's obviously just what she wishes and hopes is true Jac: even if it's not totally, yet Jac: but it's not, not true, right? Jac: Your mum is doing better than she was, yeah Savannah: but we both know better than rock bottom isn't recovered Savannah: I don't want her getting her hopes up too high Jac: Absolutely Jac: that's tough, all you can do is talk to her and tell her that Jac: even if she's not listening, she will be, you know, it'll sink in regardless Savannah: She's BEYOND sick of the sound of my voice, I'm not giving up though Jac: you're such a good sister ❤ Savannah: because I only have one, god knows how you cope Jac: Poorly, I'm sure Savannah: no way! Savannah: you're an incredible sister & best friend Jac: I'm not but Jac: it's complicated Jac: and not important right now Jac: [show up for this outfit emergency sure] Savannah: [we all know how happy she is to see her and how extra she'd be about it as standard so] Jac: [enjoy your moment you're not meant to be having ladies] Savannah: [casually ignoring all the peeps that are everywhere because you've got your bae now] Jac: [we know the vibes, we out here being gay] Savannah: [and drinking 🥂🍾 cos we extra] Jac: [we loving life 'cos we're together we're these bitches but you will be separating ladies] Savannah: [get all your touchy feely flirting in now gal cos yeah she has to leave] Jac: [at least you have the thinly-veiled excuse of needing to dress her] Savannah: [take all the thinly veiled excuses while you can cos we can't avoid the convo forever ladies] Jac: [or can you lmao] Savannah: [lives together for the next decade, gets married and has babies, still hasn't had the convo lol] Jac: [truly, okay, so you gotta go girl, we know what this would've been like, cue dramatic pining] Savannah: [sends her a selfie like 🥺 as soon as she's left basically with the flimsy excuse of the girl they hate being there in the background] Jac: ugh, isn't there some art for her to go appreciate Jac: besides you Savannah: she can appreciate my 😳 if you keep complimenting me like that Jac: you look amazing Jac: everyone is gonna be DYING to talk to you Savannah: thanks to you I do Jac: like you said, you look good in all your clothes, obvs, it was just picking the one for tonight Savannah: but whatever the outfit choice, I'd still be a nervous wreck if you hadn't come over to make me feel better Savannah: you make me feel amazing, that's why I now look it Jac: You return the favour tenfold, trust me Jac: whatever dress I throw on is not even half of it Savannah: 🥰 but I do still want to see what dress you have thrown on Jac: Of course Jac: 🤞 my room hasn't been turned into designated pre-party area or something Savannah: I can remember perfectly well how intimidating you can be if you need to, but I'll try not to as my 😳 didn't subside that long ago & it's honestly so hot all the things that you're capable of Jac: I'm not okay with you being intimidated by me Jac: you're as capable and hot, that's why we're here together Savannah: You don't have to worry because I'm not, I know how kind & sensitive you are too, especially when we are together Savannah: it's one rule for me & another for all the stupid boys we're surrounded by, in my case literally right now, seemingly out of nowhere Jac: Eurgh Jac: at least they're not constantly around your dorm Jac: though most of them have been okay, they are some really annoying ones in JB Savannah: 🙌🏾 🙏🏾 I'm not actually going to announce to my dad that he made one good decision, but between you & me 🙌🏾 🙏🏾 Savannah: consider this your sanctuary whenever you need it, baby girl Jac: He made it for the wrong reasons so he doesn't deserve the round of applause but Jac: ❤ Jac: next year we can get somewhere amazing, and only have over the people we want Savannah: at this point that's literally just Maddie 😄 Jac: Devin is nice, even though she's American Savannah: I don't hold it against Meghan so I'll extend her the same courtesy, I guess Jac: I'd say Nat but I don't know if you'd want her in your house, you know 😏 Savannah: like I wouldn't want her their specifically or she's not house trained in general? Jac: [sends her the butch girl's sinners night socials like see for yourself] Savannah: oh Jac: 😂 Savannah: okay, well I did ask Jac: Yeah Jac: she like, likes me Savannah: of course she does, you're perfect Savannah: she'd have bad taste if she didn't Jac: you knew? Savannah: her aesthetic isn't exactly subtle Jac: That's true Jac: she's alright though, if you get past that Jac: aside from the hitting on you every five seconds thing Savannah: She didn't try & hit on me 😢 Savannah: I knew the ✨ were too much! Jac: Maybe your aesthetic is the opposite of subtle too? Jac: you'd be far more 😢 if Maddie hadn't Savannah: Maddie didn't, she was all over that boy whose name I didn't catch Jac: Awh, baby Savannah: 🥺 Jac: I'll flirt with you, if you're feeling leftout Savannah: you don't like her more than me, do you? Jac: in what world is that even possible Savannah: it's freshers, we're about as far removed from the real world as it's possible to be Jac: I don't like her Jac: you're my best friend ever Savannah: it's okay if you do, but you can't like her more than me Jac: Never Savannah: experimentation is what university is for, everyone knows that, so it's fine Jac: Yeah, it's fine is it? Savannah: of course Savannah: you can like whoever you want Jac: She's not my type so Savannah: Devin then Jac: You're cool with that Jac: like, that's what you want? Savannah: for you to be happy is all I've ever wanted Savannah: why wouldn't I be cool with whoever you date, unless they're horrifically unsuitable,  criteria which we can't impose on her simply for being American Jac: Okay Jac: 'course Jac: I'm back, I'll let you party in peace Savannah: you have to show me your outfit first Jac: I'm just gonna chill in what I had on, who cares right Jac: we aren't going anywhere Savannah: I obviously care but sure, you do look beautiful as you are Jac: You know what I mean Jac: no entry requirements Savannah: except 🍾🥂 Jac: so much Jac: the headaches aren't fun Savannah: but everything up to that point always is Savannah: it's going to be so strange not having you here later Jac: I know Jac: we should probably get used to it Savannah: No Savannah: I've just gotten used to having you back Jac: I'm not going anywhere Jac: but you need the legroom, you said Savannah: that's not how you made it sound a literal second ago & you can't leave me, I need you Jac: We'll only share a bed 'til you get a boyfriend Savannah: I'm not getting a boyfriend Savannah: I distinctly recall telling you, I like being single Jac: For now Savannah: Yes, because we're talking about right now Jac: We don't need to talk about this at all Savannah: not if you don't want to Jac: we should be having fun Savannah: stop it Jac: Stop what? Savannah: you've been trying to end this conversation since you got back Jac: Only for you Savannah: that's not true Jac: not just for that Jac: but we should be, you think so too Jac: experimenting, whatever else uni is good for Savannah: I think you should do whatever will make you the happiest Jac: I know, I know Savannah: so okay, if the fun you believe we're meant to be having tonight doesn't include me, I'll talk to you when you've had it, I guess Savannah: I don't want to hold you back or anything Jac: That's not what I mean Savannah: Well, what do you mean? Jac: I don't know Jac: and I don't know what would make me happiest Jac: can that be okay too Savannah: you don't have to have answers for everything all the time, especially not just in order to give to me when I'm being demanding about it Jac: It's fine Savannah: it doesn't have to be, you're allowed to be annoyed at me, even in our honeymoon period Jac: I'm not annoyed at you Savannah: you know what I mean, all your emotions are valid Jac: So are yours Jac: you've been clear what yours are, I haven't Jac: I'm angry at myself, not you Savannah: I don't want that Jac: It's not your fault Savannah: it feels like it is Jac: It really isn't Jac: I'm sorry Savannah: how can I make you feel better? Jac: I'll be fine Savannah: don't say that, let me fix it Jac: You can't change how you feel, and I don't expect you to Savannah: I love you, nothing is ever going to change that Savannah: that's how I feel, you know that Jac: I do know what I want Jac: and I'm not experimenting Jac: alright Jac: that changes everything Savannah: I meant with different people, that's all Savannah: you've said yourself that after a few weeks you lose interest Jac: I've not lost interest in you in two years Savannah: you haven't seen me in two years Jac: Like seeing you is going to make it go away? Savannah: if I can't live up to your romanticised view of me, then yes Jac: I know who you are Savannah: I don't think I really know who I am though Savannah: not after everything Jac: I think that's normal Jac: and I like whoever you are Savannah: if you can throw a 'for now' at me, I can too Jac: That would be convenient Jac: but it never happened before, so I don't see that it will Savannah: this has never happened to me before & yet you still believe I'll choose some boy over you Jac: I've not either Jac: I'm just saying how it was before Savannah: well that isn't a fair comparison Jac: Isn't it? Savannah: No Savannah: I didn't want you to kiss me before but it's all I want now Jac: that's what I want too Savannah: did you get the same message I did about the second year psych house party? Savannah: we could go Jac: Should we? Savannah: we want to join the pysch society, right? At least some of those 2nd years will be part of it Savannah: it's more productive than awkward small talk with these girls in my dorm Savannah: & most importantly, I'll get to see you again, so yes Savannah: I think we should Jac: You're right Jac: we can make these connections any time, this is a too good an opportunity to expand our horizons Savannah: exactly Savannah: though by the time I've walked over to you in these heels you'll have had time to make a million connections within that dorm too Savannah: 😄 Jac: You need to invest in a pair of flats for your bag, seriously Savannah: I've done my time wearing flats & I got rid of that urge, coincidentally, once my insecure boyfriend dumped me Savannah: I need to drink less 🍾🥂 potentially Jac: Okay 😏 but be careful Savannah: You're adorable Jac: I'd rather you didn't fall into the sea, or a golf hole, that's all Savannah: I promise to look where I'm going since you aren't here to look at Jac: Not much to look at currently Jac: I better get changed after-all Savannah: that's not even close to true Savannah: you're beautiful & interesting irrespective of what you're wearing Jac: Now you're being shameless Savannah: I would NEVER Jac: 😂 Savannah: if you make me laugh there's every increased chance I will fall into a ⛳️ Jac: 🤐 Jac: You're shameless in a good way Savannah: Then you won't mind me asking a shameless question, do you think she's going to be there? Jac: Who? Savannah: Natalie, of course Jac: Oh, I dunno Jac: if she knows some older psych kids already, could see it, but otherwise, doubt it Savannah: Hmm Jac: What's hmm? Savannah: I'm just thinking maybe I need to run into her if she's going to be flirting with you whenever you do Jac: So she can flirt with you too Savannah: So she'll stop doing it, I'm not that shameless, thank you Jac: How are you gonna get her to do that? Savannah: I'm sure she will respect that I saw you first Jac: You're so Savannah: it's like beyond terrifying when you don't finish a sentence Jac: it's only 'cos I'm gonna say something so nice it'll scare us both Savannah: I could never be scared of a compliment Jac: Just me, then, make it worse 😋 Savannah: Baby, you don't need to be scared either Jac: But I want you so bad it is Savannah: you aren't going to lose me so it doesn't have to be Jac: I'll try Jac: to believe that, to not be scared Savannah: I'll be here to help you, because nobody can separate us this time except us & that's not something I'm ever going to let happen Jac: Good, as long as that keeps being what we both want, then there's nothing we can't solve Savannah: I believe that Savannah: [probably show up so you can be extra in person gal starting with your 😍 over whatever she's wearing now] Jac: [when you're definitely going in for the kiss right away no pretense] Savannah: [we all know she's about it] Jac: [thank god lmao] Savannah: [don't need a repeat of that runaways moment] Jac: [truly, casually try to calm down with 🍾🥂 now 'cos nearly died] Savannah: [when you're lowkey so into each other that you forget you've got somewhere else to be going] Jac: [already bailed on one idea here ladies] Savannah: [makes me lol like how long did you last at your dorm parties, no time at all] Jac: [literal, and you were just on your phones nearly having an argument so] Savannah: [not that I blame you cos everyone I shared with were dicks and you are only there for the first year which will fly by but the point ladies] Jac: [my poor boo, but we know you ain't making bffs so it matters not] Savannah: [god bless you two because it will be a miracle if you make it to this party with how highkey you are rn] Jac: [how you've only kissed is amiracle] Savannah: [I have the hilarious mental image of them both fixing their makeup and hair like okay we can go & then making out again so they have to redo it and so on for infinity lol] Jac: [rinse and repeat, too real] Savannah: [like what are you putting on and taking off too, very we ain't even gonna make it to this club, Beyonce approves] Jac: [bop and a lifestyle] Savannah: [Savannah already has the biggest lips ever they would be obscene after kissing forever, what a visual] Jac: [someone said she should be cast as Sally from tnbc and I can't unsee lol] Jac: [corpse bride fool] Savannah: [should we let them hook up tonight or wait until tomorrow/ the end of freshers?] Jac: [I say tonight purely so they can be ultra gay at the festival moment tomorrow lol] Savannah: [I agree that's a great idea] Jac: [and we almost had a real convo so it's been amped up here] Savannah: [I know I'm evil but I think their first time should be like a bit awkward because we always let everyone have a swag one and like you can get there ladies but it fits with who Savannah is/ how easily she'd freak out if everything wasn't perfect after all this build up and it works once again for them because their communication and trust levels that neither of them would be like okay well that's NEVER happening again ever] Jac: [that makes sense to me too] Savannah: [like if Sav was freaking out/crying cos she's like this is not going according to plan Jac isn't gonna let her leave, as she said they can work anything out and would once she's calmed down because gal you're clearly into each other, you can do this, just chill] Jac: [we know you can calm her down and as long as it's not like 'I don't wanna do this anymore' she's not gonna freak too so] Savannah: [and we all know when it's swag it'll be swag because she's 100% that straight girl that was like oh yeah it takes me a really long time to have an orgasm which I know is a real thing like Rosie always saying she takes like 45 minutes but in her case it's definitely her boyfriends not doing the most because that was such a thing when I was in that straight girl tumblr tag lol] Jac: [it just makes sense, like we wouldn't know what to do with a penis 'cos we don't have one, you need to learn whereas if you know yourself if you know what I'm saying, gay sex is easier to be good at] Savannah: [she just always puts too much pressure on herself to be A+ at everything immediately so it made sense to me that she would have a me style freak out because she hasn't done loads of nerdy prep for this whereas Jac can just swag it because she's not doing that she's just in her emotions] Jac: [god bless, we just freaking out that she's gonna flip 180 at any minute but not gonna let that stop her obvs] Savannah: [it's fair because we'd all be thinking it] Jac: [hence tryna say it but being crap at doing so] Savannah: [go to the party first though ladies because if this hook up drama happened first you'd never make it] Jac: [yes, go get adopted by some psychology students] Savannah: [love that for you both tbh] Jac: [you'd be thrilled, nerds] Savannah: [even though you're both really distracted by how much you wanna hook up, focus nerds] Jac: [whatever gets you going i guess] Savannah: [is there anything we really want to happen at this party or should we just keep it chill, by which I mean sexual tension off the charts but a good time had by all] Jac: [Hmm, Natalie should not be there 'cos too cool for school but even if she was, bye, do you have any ideas?] Savannah: [I agree they should be the only psychology freshers there because nerds and defs getting adopted] Jac: [agreed, be those hoes we know you are] Savannah: [you've been extra in terms of nearly having a row so of course you gotta be extra the other way and just keep all those makeouts going, JJ would be proud] Jac: [people would be about it like the bitch on the beach 'cos straights are always like OMG YOU'RE SO SWEET AHH so you can lap that up shamelessly like oh yes we are haha] Savannah: [progress is being made tonight honey cos we did that little display for the butch on psych night but you've not actually kissed anywhere but your dorms] Jac: [proud of you gals] Savannah: [considering the awkwardness of a 2 year absence that we started this uni experience with, you're doing amazing gals] Jac: [truly, such a weird situation who knows what any of us would do] Savannah: [if it was me I'd have to just pretend the other person didn't exist for the rest of my life and suffer] Jac: [not I, I would get you] Savannah: [I really hope there's no gross posh boys at this party cos you don't need that any of y'all sweet nerds] Jac: [undoubtedly there is but pretend to be progressive and just silently oggle ty] Savannah: [tah very much lads] Jac: [gotta pretend to be cool even though they are paying you NO attention] Savannah: [nor will they, we're leaving the straightness behind forever] Jac: [that tickled me] Jac: [maybe there was a student teacher there or a real one but not in a creepy way, bit weird but uni is, so maybe they cornered 'em and now have separate meetings with 'em to like, get ahead, idk, nerd shit, so one of them has gone first and then it's like morning, afternoon, time to start getting ready so they've gone back to own dorms] Savannah: [yeah there's loads of potential for what that could be because we know they'd wanna be involved in everything] Jac: [literal like maybe there was two important peeps and they're tackling one each, it don't matter, you will have to part some times and that's all we need] Savannah: [yeah we know what the vibe we're trying to get at here] Savannah: I can't find my [insert obscure makeup routine item/accessory that she simply must have to get ready like okay]! Savannah: today is a trial already honestly Jac: Has Mega not Markle been snooping through your stuff? Jac: I think I saw it in your brown satchel last though, really Jac: What's up, boo? Savannah: I hope not & I instead hope that you're right as you usually are Savannah: maybe I have champagne brain or something Jac: I've not heard of it being a Thing™ but I still lock my door even when I'm just going to the kitchen 🤷 Jac: we did drink a LOT more at the party Jac: productive though, like we hoped Savannah: as long as I didn't make a TOTAL fool of myself, I'm counting it as a definite success Jac: Not even Jac: you were perfect Jac: we weren't that level of drunk or we would have KNOWN not to approach the editor of the magazine Savannah: I don't know how you always manage to put me instantly at ease, except of course that you're actually the level of perfect that you're trying to portray me as right now Jac: You deserve to be Jac: no one else works as hard as you Jac: you need to take the time and headspace to enjoy the spoils of Savannah: literally god knows when but I'll try Jac: tonight will be a good place to start Jac: the expectation is nothing but to dance and have fun Jac: in something as colourful and ✨ as possible Savannah: 😊 Savannah: I do understand why the majority of freshers are claiming it to be the highlight before its even happened Jac: it'll be mine to see how beautiful you'll be Savannah: you're this smooth, this early, after that much 🍾🥂? Okay then, wow Savannah: the pressure is back on Jac: Not even Jac: you make me feel the cheesiest Savannah: you're not though, trust me, because my ex was & you're so far from Savannah: his everything basically Jac: I'll take it as the compliment it undoubtedly is Jac: have you found your [thing]? Jac: I can go into town and check if they have some, though the chances are slim Savannah: you have to because I can only be so complimentary & remain productive when I already miss you this much Savannah: yes! You were so right about where it was, of course Jac: I miss you more Savannah: that's impossible & I refuse to acknowledge it Jac: you'll have to when I show you later Savannah: oh Savannah: well now I'm unfocused Jac: Are we mad about that or no? Savannah: frustration does come into it, anger doesn't Jac: You're so cute Jac: tell me how I can help Savannah: you are helping Jac: more Jac: I wanna help more Savannah: No, because I can't demand that you come here any time I want you to Savannah: even if I really want you to Jac: it'd be hot if you did Jac: demand away Jac: though I really do need to go into town, stock up on some essentials Savannah: I'm trying to be 👼🏾 Savannah: but you & the lord are testing me Jac: You're very good Jac: that's the problem Jac: I never want to leave you, or do anything but be with you, properly Savannah: 🥺🥺🥺 Savannah: you're going to make me cry or run towards you or something else as dramatic Jac: I can handle dramatic Jac: prefer the term passionate though, suits you better Savannah: you think you can Jac: prove me wrong Jac: try to, anyway Savannah: stop trying to tempt me, you'll never get to town if I do Jac: Okay, okay 👼🏻 Jac: just making sure you're the most excited you can be to see me later Savannah: you're making sure I need to see you now Jac: Maybe Savannah: it's not a maybe for me Jac: Promise? Savannah: yes Jac: 🥰 Jac: I don't know what to say but that Savannah: you don't have to say anything, just come & see me before you go Jac: alright Jac: hold on Savannah: 😊 Jac: I know you look much cuter than that emoji rn Savannah: [a selfie because of course she looks effortlessly 💣] Jac: oh Savannah: Now you know exactly how I look Jac: now I need to 🏃 Savannah: I wouldn't be mad about it Savannah: I am waiting for you, after all Jac: You reckon you've been patient enough, yeah? Savannah: don't you think so? Jac: You've not wanted to kiss me for as long as I've wanted to kiss you Savannah: I know Jac: so, you can wait a little bit and I won't feel too bad Jac: even if you 🥺 Savannah: I don't want you to feel bad, you know that's the opposite of how I want to make you feel Savannah: for a really long time Savannah: but if you want to make me wait instead, you can Savannah: I won't 🥺 Jac: Savannah Savannah: ? Jac: Do you know how good it feels to hear you say all that Savannah: I may not have waited as long as you but I still feel good right now knowing that this is something that's finally happening Jac: I want you to feel good Jac: and happy and safe and Jac: only good things Savannah: that's all I want for both of us Jac: you make me happy Savannah: I hope so because you did & do make me the happiest I've ever been Jac: then it's settled Savannah: that you're running here? Okay Jac: That, Jac: and the fact we're going to keep doing everything we can to make each other happy Savannah: 😄 Of course Savannah: I knew that's what you actually meant but it'll make me really happy to have you here Jac: I'm looking forward to feeling that Savannah: you won't have to leave too soon, will you? Jac: Nah Jac: we've got time Jac: you're my priority right now Savannah: that's a relief because you're everything to me Savannah: & if I have to make time by following you into town & every shop, then I will Savannah: but you might want more privacy than that Jac: there's no maybe that I want to be alone with you right now Savannah: that's another relief, I don't think I'm ready to be that shameless Savannah: it's a very small town Jac: 😂 Jac: you never have to be that shameless Jac: I only wanna do what makes you happy Savannah: please remind me of that when lectures start & you're the only thing I can think about because I feel like the urge to be shameless won't be as easy to ignore then Jac: I'll help you study if you help me Jac: you were always distractingly beautiful, we were still the perfect team Savannah: so were you, I know you think I wasn't looking, that I didn't want to, but that just isn't true Jac: I know there were Jac: moments Jac: it was just not knowing if they were the same moments for you as they were for me Savannah: as soon I met you I felt like I didn't know anything any more, not to be the level of sure that I thought I needed everything to stay at for my life to make sense Savannah: I was a mess, there's a high probability that I still am Jac: I didn't mean to do that to you Jac: I know you aren't asking for an apology for it or anything Jac: it was the same for me in that I'd not felt that before either Savannah: you didn't do anything, it was my own feelings that turned my world upside down & my own fault that instead of trying to actually deal with it, I decided to fill my world with loads of other things, as if that would force it into being the right way up again Savannah: of course it didn't Jac: I'm not about to blame mine on you either Jac: though you are the only person, girl or boy, that I've been this attracted to, I only mean that as a positive Jac: it was a mess of a time, and there's lots of it I do regret and have learned from, and continue to learn from, hopefully, but I don't regret it all, and don't think we should Savannah: I could never take you saying or feeling that for me as a negative Savannah: & yes, I agree, though I don't think I've done nearly as much learning or growing in these two years as I should've Savannah: which is why I don't want to be a distraction for you, despite the fact that this situation couldn't be more different than anything that happened in Sligo Jac: Me either, I didn't turn into or saint myself in your absence Jac: in certain ways, I got worse, honestly Jac: ways I still haven't dealt with Jac: but you could never be a distraction in the way those things and people were for you Jac: you make me better Jac: I know there were instances where we made each other worse Jac: but is it giving us too much credit to say that was more, the upsidedownness of how our feelings made our lives feel, rather than us being together? Savannah: I guess that the only way we can truly take that credit by earning it now, in being together & doing better Savannah: because our lives are still going to be upside down here, sometimes & maybe even often to start with Jac: I can acknowledge that my life isn't upside down because of this, us, you Jac: not dealing with it, facing it, that was a big part Jac: not all of it, our lives are big and complex and messy, regardless Jac: but denying who I am, what I want, well, it didn't even feel like my life Savannah: if only the guilt I feel began & ended with you, I know I can do things to heal that Savannah: this relationship is the most well functioning one I have, including the relationship I have with myself Jac: I really know what you mean Jac: I've barely communicated with my family since Jac: and even before that, I was never great at it Savannah: I literally have no room to judge, you know the state that my family has been and is currently in Jac: and there are relationships, guilt, I personally feel I'll never be able to erase Jac: it's fitting punishment but still Jac: the only comfort is that Isabelle is doing fine despite it all, despite what I feel I had a massive hand in, even if I didn't do it myself, or know it would be done Savannah: ^^ Savannah: & there's a degree of comfort in all our siblings clearly coping better than us Savannah: not that it would be very difficult to raise the bar there Jac: Seriously Jac: I mean, I try to take comfort in it Jac: not just feel jealous and bitter, not a good look, I know Savannah: me too, even though it also makes my heart sink how my sister viewed me & how far from the truth it was Jac: You didn't just put up the front for yourself, you were protecting her from knowing how you really felt, when there was already so much for her to cope with, even if she did well Jac: which is far better than what I did, not that it's a competition or I'm trying to tell you you did perfectly Savannah: but now that's a dialogue I can never open back up because I was lying Savannah: she can never know that when it's exactly what both our parents did Jac: Never say never Jac: beyond that aphorism, I doubt you know everything about her thoughts and feelings, it's normal to have that barrier at the time Jac: things are easier to discuss after the fact, when you've both got a degree more clarity, removed from the !!! of things when they're happening Jac: as much of a hypocrite as that makes me to say, because I've started no such conversations myself Jac: but Sienna adores you as much as you her, and not because she thinks you're perfect, but because you're her big sister Savannah: we definitely both know that better than most, there's reasons why I deleted every conversation I began with you then & I'm not censoring myself now Savannah: don't worry, I'm not going to insist you have a heart to heart with Jude or any of the others Jac: ^^ Jac: The amount of times I went to say, everything I could possibly say, pour my heart out to you, that that felt like exactly the right thing to do Jac: then had to go distract myself with whatever wrong thing Jac: I have talked to Jesse, a bit Jac: more recently, too Savannah: I'm sorry that the timing was all wrong for me to be able to listen to or express any of it, but I'm ready now, I promise Savannah: for everything you could possibly say Savannah: including that you've told your brother about me Jac: No, it wouldn't have been right to do it that way Jac: like it wasn't right to just, kiss you Jac: it felt it but we weren't ready for any of it, it might seem like I was, just because I knew how I felt about you, but so much else was confused and yeah, it wasn't, I wasn't Jac: you aren't mad? Jac: obviously they've all seen you're here too now Jac: but I've not gone into any kind of meaningful detail with the rest of them Savannah: It's okay, I'm glad you've had someone to talk to Savannah: I know this week has been confusing too, that I must have made it confusing for you Jac: In a good way Jac: obviously, I'm so glad to have you back in my life Jac: I didn't think we'd ever get closure either Jac: and I had more trouble making peace with that than just about anything else Savannah: thank god I didn't go on that gap year Jac: You were thinking about it? Savannah: originally we were going together, Milo & I, so it would've been more of an undertaking to go alone, but I thought you wouldn't want to see me, so Jac: That makes sense Savannah: Putting us in different years was as much distance as I could give you without like uprooting my entire future, it seemed like a good idea Savannah: obviously it therefore stands to reason that my dad said no Jac: Was going to say, surprised your dad agreed to that plan at any point Savannah: he was somewhat distracted by his new girlfriend Jac: Of course Jac: #1 priority 'til you're not Jac: what's Sienna's plan for next year? Savannah: she's struggling to decide which uni she should go to Savannah: maybe she'll take a gap year, that'd be so typical Jac: Yep, Jude and Jameson get away with murder in comparison Savannah: It would unfair even if he was any kind of decent father, but how he believes he can lecture me as things currently are, I have no idea Jac: A lot of people are, not happy to live the mess their life is in, but are happy to be willfully blind to it Jac: it's easier than making changes, especially when you're a part of the problem Savannah: he's called me every day that I've been here, like, we're not bringing this into my new life, thank you Jac: That's too much Jac: designated a day(s) and time and don't answer any other time, he'll have to learn to respect it Savannah: he has literally NO boundaries for someone who shut the door on us & walked away until he was forced to come back in Jac: it's a control thing Jac: but where was his authority when it would have actually benefitted you, re. everything with your mum, why wasn't he laying down the law then? Jac: only when it benefits him and makes him feel better about himself Savannah: exactly, I'm beyond tired of it Savannah: he made those 2 years so much worse than they already would've been Savannah: I'm obviously not going to insist that all the blame for Milo lands squarely on his shoulders but if I had a home that I felt comfortable spending time in, I wouldn't have needed to be at his as often as I was Savannah: which really didn't help me process anything that I should've been Jac: It definitely was a factor Jac: I know how that feels too Jac: not wanting to be home Jac: but not wanting to be out of the house either because that was just as bad in different ways Jac: I see the appeal of having somewhere to be Savannah: I knew you'd understand Savannah: I'm so happy to have you to talk to again Jac: Obviously I don't love that for you, that you had to do that Jac: but I, again, know the feeling Savannah: It's what I've always done, with Ty & you too Savannah: I missed your house the most though, it was my favourite place to land Savannah: even if none of your siblings liked having me there 😄 Jac: Said as if Jude's friends aren't the most annoying people in the world Savannah: there's so many of them Jac: Yeah, she'd invite any old stray home Savannah: that sounds like a caffeine headache to me Savannah: I don't know how she does it Jac: She doesn't do a whole lot of anything else, that's why Savannah: who's she dating? Jac: your guess is as good as mine Savannah: okay, that sounds like an entirely different headache Savannah: at least some things have stayed the same Jac: I wouldn't know, really Jac: it's not like that, me and my siblings Jac: well, it hasn't been Savannah: I'm sorry for how much of that is my fault Savannah: because I hurt you Jac: I'm not going to put all the blame onto your shoulders, either Jac: it isn't Savannah: but I know you & I knew what would happen Savannah: I didn't stop you from shutting down because I wanted everything to stop Savannah: when you kissed me it felt like the world should've, but it didn't Jac: I know Jac: it would've been so much more of a thing for you to go with it, to change what you were, or who you were seen as, at least Savannah: I was so in love with Ty & I wanted it to work so badly but I couldn't do it Savannah: I'd never failed before at something I'd been that determined about Savannah: It sounds so stupid to say at this point Jac: It's not Jac: but you know, I mean, at the risk of making it sound like I thought you were stupid, when it was probably so obvious and you did know Jac: I was trying to get him out the picture Jac: you didn't fail Savannah: if our relationship was strong enough you wouldn't have been able to Savannah: as I said, everything changed when I met you anyway Savannah: he wasn't stupid either Jac: Yeah Jac: as pointless as it is to say how we should've handled it Jac: I want you to know I hold myself accountable for what I clearly shouldn't have done, and you can too Savannah: we all did things that we shouldn't have done Jac: True Savannah: I forgive you and you can forgive yourself too Jac: It's hard, isn't it Jac: not to feel like I was the worst when my intentions are the only ones I can truly know Savannah: yes & I feel it too, all the time Savannah: but I've seen you at what you believe to be your worst & I still love you Jac: I love you too Jac: and forgive you, of course Jac: and anyone else who's forgiveness you need, or you want to be better with, we can work on it together, okay Savannah: okay Savannah: everything happens for a reason, right? I don't want to consider changing it if it means I won't end up here Savannah: painful as things have been & still are Jac: I think so Jac: if I didn't believe in fate before, this would've eradicated any doubt Savannah: tempting as it would be to say that I wish I'd just kissed you back in that hotel room, we might not be here together if I did Savannah: two years is kind of my limit apparently, so far at least 😄 Jac: No pressure, or anything Jac: we have to do at least the four at the same uni so Savannah: okay, you can dump me after that if you insist Jac: It's your turn Jac: and I never would so Savannah: well, I'm never going to leave you Savannah: not again, because technically I already did, which makes it your turn Jac: Okay, looks like we're staying with each other Savannah: if you EVER get here Savannah: I thought you were supposed to be running Jac: You'll have to stop talking, my love 😏 Savannah: you'll have to stop me
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