#they're a bit blargh
himebushou · 2 years
A very bad ending for Buddy Daddies; lots of angst under the cut.
Misaki reappears in Episode 11 or 12. It's December. Her career has finally taken off, but something's missing. She wants to see Miri again
Miri instantly bonds with her mother and is happy to see her. She shows Misaki all the progress she's made. Misaki is proud... and then regretful
Meanwhile, Kazuki and Rei have a conversation about whether it's immoral to keep Miri and Misaki apart — after all, Miri is Misaki's daughter. "Without Unasaka Misaki, there would be no Unasaka Miri," Kazuki says. Rei stares out at the sky, miserable
Rei confronts Misaki and asks if she really loves Miri. Misaki says that, for so long, Miri's laugh irritated her — but when she could no longer hear it, the silence was painful. Rei says that she has to commit to Miri properly, this time. Otherwise, she shouldn't bother coming back into the picture. Misaki swears that things are different now
Then, Kyuutarou delivers the news: the hunters are to be hunted and there's a hit on Kazuki's head. Kazuki panics and says that they have to get Miri to safety. Rei remembers what his father said: "It's kill or be killed."
For safety, Misaki whisks Miri away. Miri and her papas have a tearful goodbye, but both Rei and Kazuki swear that they will not be apart forever. There are many promises of love
There are two separate fights in Episode 13: Ogino vs. Kazuki and Rei vs. Suwa Shigeki. Kazuki learns, for the first time, that Ogino was responsible for Yuzuko's death. The revelation sends him into a tailspin and he fatally shoots Ogino... but not before getting shot himself. Kazuki thinks, "I want to go home... with Rei and Miri..." and then faints
At the same time, Rei battles his father, denouncing the organisation and saying that he doesn't want to kill anymore. Shigeki saya he's useless and asks what could be more important than serving the Suwa name? Rei whispers, "Being a father."
Shigeki laughs — Rei uses the opening to shoot him. Like a Shakespearean character, Shigeki manages to choke out a whole monologue before finally dying
Rei's phone rings. It's Kyuutarou. Rei answers — and Kyuutarou tells him that Kazuki's dead
Rei is so shocked that he doesn't realise that his father's lifeless form is not so lifeless. Shigeki musters enough strength to stab Rei
Rei's life flashes before his eyes — but he only sees happy memories of himself, Miri and Kazuki. To treat the viewers, the images we see from Rei's final moments have never been seen in the show before. The last thing that Rei remembers is a shot of the pair holding Miri's hands, one on either side. With a soft smile, Rei dies.
Timeskip. Several years have passed. An older Miri is standing in front of a row of three graves: Yuzuko's, Kazuki's and Rei's. She crouches down and runs her fingers over the names
"I love you, papas. I'll love you forever."
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aprillikesthings · 6 months
s5 ep2 Launch
ey did you see I posted some cosplay progress
I am v excited :D
anyway time for more She-Ra re-watch
My semi-frequent reminder that these are a re-watch, spoilers ahoy, I make a lot of dumb jokes and talk about other stuff
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man I know I keep saying this but they REALLY lean into the allusions to Christianity, like he straight up says "remade in my image"
"But first, you must prove yourselves worthy. Your leader, your...She-Ra, she would see you suffer in darkness for her sake" okay Satan in the Garden of Eden
"Cast aside this false hero and deliver her to me" like is he talking about She-Ra or is he Pontius Pilate talking about Jesus (...actually a better analogy is probably Pharaoh talking about Moses)
"Prime sees all. Prime knows all. They will not escape my judgement"
OKAY not to get into religion TOO much, but I keep wanting to point out that the version of Christianity they're repeatedly and non-subtle-y alluding to is absolutely one that exists and gives people a shit-ton of religious trauma. The writers etc are clearly doing this in response to that kind of Christianity. We know Nate grew up in that kind of church.
BUT. It's just so foreign to me.
Like, I've talked to a lot of my friends about how I have what feels a lot like survivor's guilt, because I didn't grow up religious at all--much less in a high-control church. (I was baptized in one, but we left before it could do any harm.) My personal experience of Christianity in the churches I've attended has been really good, non-judgey, and full of queer folks.
So I'm fully aware that the lines about "I see everything and I'M JUDGING YOU (and you are going to special space hell)" is referencing the way a lot of churches portray God. And I'm just like...but that's....not the God I know. That's not the God my church teaches.
But also UGGGH there's a ton of churches that DO portray God this way and I don't want to diminish the harm they do by pulling some "Not All Churches" bullshit! D:
I'm not doing a good job explaining myself. Blargh.
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OH HEY they fixed Mara's ship
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Daci and I had a conversation just last night about how, of the few times I have actually yelled at them, it was because I was trying to sleep and they were being noisy, and now if I'm trying to sleep and other people are being noisy Daci will shush them.
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The only thing that excites Entrapta more than robots is space, apparently
But yeah everyone has a conversation about how she did betray them to join the Horde and it's reasonable to worry she might do it again.
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don't be a creep, Catra
okay I can't get a representative screenshot, but the bit where Horde Prime takes over a clone's body to in order to tell Catra I'M ALWAYS WATCHING YOU is creepy as SHIT
Anyway he grabs Glimmer and walks off which can't be good
The way Mermista keeps calling Entrapta "geek princess" is kind of cute
ANYWAY Horde Prime is laying it on thick again. "Worlds I brought into my eternal light."
"I take no joy in destruction."
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Glimmer lemme use your weapon. If everyone is fuckin' dead there will be peace and won't that be nice :D
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I'm...horribly reminded of my Dad's opinion of the middle east, which was "just kill them all and let God sort them out." He was only slightly joking. Ugh.
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...and this is how she finds out her Dad is still alive D:
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Yeah, I'd feel like shit too
Anyway she says she won't help him, but shattering the pretty globe was unnecessary
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True story: I was on a leash for a bit as a kid. I'm actually not mad about that at all--I had a tendency to wander off (...I still do) and one of my very earliest memories is realizing I was lost in a mall, and going into a hair salon to tell them I was lost because that's what Sesame Street said to do--tell someone who works there. But my memories are still from a toddler's POV--everything in the salon is HUGE and I could stand under the counter.
Anyway leashing Entrapta was a good idea
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LISTEN. I know I've made this joke before. But Entrapta has absolutely made herself robots for sex reasons.
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Either that, or she's made Hordak role play. Possibly both.
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And Entrapta's response of genuine surprise and "are you all...mad at me??"
I remember it was this scene, the first time through, that made me really realize: oh it's not just my headcanon that she's autistic. This was intentional, from the start.
Honestly this whole scene is just too good:
Mermista: "You’re seriously just realizing that? Yeah, we’re mad!" Perfuma: "You don’t consider how your actions affect other people! Even people who are supposed to be your friends." Frosta: "Like us. The ones getting beat up by your dumb bots. And whose kingdoms you almost destroyed." Entrapta: "I’m not good at people. But I am good at tech. I thought maybe if I could use tech to help you, you’d like me. But I messed that up, too. (she runs off) Mermista: "Entrapta, no! I said we have to leave! Can you listen for once in your life?" Entrapta: "I’m sorry I’m bad at listening! I’m sorry I mess everything up!"
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Mermista: "You’re still trying to get the signal?" Entrapta: "Of course. Glimmer needs us."
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OH GOD it's so funny Entrapta walks up to a structure made by Horde Prime and does sexy-voice "ooooh what's inside of youuuu" then slaps herself with her own hair LOLOL
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Anyway she figures out where Horde Prime's ship is but also finds out they're sending more ships to Etheria
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it's like the dream she keeps having but she's awake!!
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too many damn portals in this show
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something about how leaving high-control religious groups sucks because for a lot of people it feels like losing your sense of purpose (I'm mutuals with a bunch of exvangelicals on twitter okay)
"It wasn’t my destiny to be She-Ra, was it? It was random. Light Hope brought me through the portal because she needed to use the weapon. That’s the only reason I’m here. I don’t know what my destiny is anymore. But I know my friends need my help. I guess I’ll just figure it out from there. Thanks for everything."
OH she was asleep after all.
(I hate it when I have those dreams where I get up and start getting ready for my day and then realize I'm still actually asleep. I've had dreams where I do it over and over, too! Not restful at all!)
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I love Mermista
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Also, show of hands, how many of us were weird fucking kids and would've killed for someone in our peer group to tell us "you being weird is a good thing"
Thank God for adulthood and finding people who like me the way I am
(but also thank God for learning some social skills)
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yeah. I know that feeling. ;_;
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but yeah Adora, Bow, and Entrapta take off on the ship :D
aaaahhhh the moment when Glimmer asks Catra to stay. "Just...for a little." And Catra's tiny, quiet, "...okay."
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MAN. this is such a turning point for Glimmer and Catra.
Because at the end of s4 we had this:
Glimmer: "Guess you wanted all my attention for yourself. Your troops are gone. You're all alone. You've lost." Catra: "What are you waiting for? Do it. Looks like we're both alone, Sparkles."
But as she'd just said to Scorpia--"We're the good guys, remember?" So she doesn't hurt Catra. And instead they both get raptured onto Horde Prime's ship, and here they are.
Most of this post is about Shadow Weaver, but I think he's right:
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I think it's less "mental gymnastics" and more that she'd literally just been asked by Scorpia not to hurt her and did the "nah, we're the good guys" line. I do wonder if she regretted not doing it at any point, but I think she's too eaten up by the fact that she set off the Heart of Etheria to worry about whether or not she should've murdered or imprisoned Catra.
But at this point (in s5) they're both terrified: Horde Prime could just kill both of them any time he wanted. He doesn't actually need either of them after all. They're just bait at this point, hoping to get She-Ra, and he's pretty sure either of them will work. (Though does Adora even know Catra is on the ship? I don't think so???) But if it hadn't been for Mara's ship he would have eventually found Adora, at least.
But yeah Glimmer and Catra are both just scared and lonely and and even an enemy is better than no one if they're someone familiar (and not trying to hurt you).
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sasquapossum · 11 months
You know what's worse than a moderate liberal? A fake-moderate conservative. I discovered one today. I've actually known her for a while, she's generally a good person, but ... politically? Eugh. Here are some things I noticed about our conversation.
Lots of words about "antifa" and other leftist protesters. Not a word about Oath Keepers and Proud Boys storming the capitol.
Lots of words about how judgmental and censorious the far left can be. Not a word about actual book bans and bullshit curricula in Florida and Texas.
Total denial of the idea that when all "legitimate" means of protest are precluded then all protest must needs be "illegitimate". Wouldn't even address the examples of protests in USSR or PRC because they're not here, or of MLK being jailed because it was too long ago. Those were all within her lifetime BTW.
No recognition that the actions of those in power and the actions of those denied power are not symmetrical and do not balance out. A protester hiding their identity to avoid harassment by the state is not the same as a police officer turning off their body camera to avoid accountability. One is (quite reasonably) afraid of the state; the other is the state.
Admiring words - not just grudging respect but actual fawning - for Thomas Friedman (ptui).
Some verbiage about how a country is not even a country if it can't secure its borders. Honestly I tuned out a bit there, lest I get mad, so I don't remember the precise details. Something about "tall fences and big doors" I think.
I'm sure you get the idea. I see this kind of thing a lot among people slightly older than myself (I'm from what is usually considered the first year of GenX if that matters). It's frustrating to deal with because it's so squishy. It's not so much a set of beliefs that fit together as it is a grab-bag of "both sides" tropes borrowed from people like "both sides" Friedman (ptui) or "just asking" Carlson (blargh). Even if every point she raised about "the left" was accurate - and there were a couple of complaints that I've made myself - the relentlessly disproportionate focus and emphasis tell a very different story. This is not someone who is actually progressive in any sense of the word. This is what a "normal" conservative (I know) looks like, only seeming "moderate" by comparison to the utter lunatics who dominate US politics.
BTW did I mention that this MD friend of mine seems utterly oblivious to LGBTQIA+ issues and dismisses adult neurodiversity issues as some sort of self-inflicted peer-pressure thing? I guess we're all products of our times, and her times sure did produce a lot of crappy attitudes.
I don't want to cut this person out of my life, even though some of her beliefs are very problematic. Live and let live, and all that. I don't think she consciously supports racism, sexism, etc. as so many do. But I sure will be more circumspect about engaging in any future political conversations. There's just not enough time to drain the swamp of "order" and "civility" concerns to lay bare the bodies lying beneath.
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vagueiish · 11 months
i'm restarting baldur's gate 3 with oliver, my favorite son, sos i can properly roleplay the nerd. and i might blargh about it here, because i desperately want to ramble about him because i love him so. idk yet, i'll tag this and any other playthrough ramblings as 'scott sucks at bg3' either way in case anyone wants to filter it out, but.... well, i'm gonna ramble a bit about some spoilerific stuff so under a cut it goes, haha
it's been a bit since i've seen any scenes with the dream guardian, so i might be wrong, but the implication is they're supposed to be someone attractive to the viewer, right? the initial title before being changed was like dream lover or something iirc, lmao, so i do wish the dream guardian that we get to create wasn't so 'love interest coded' no matter what, if that makes sense? i know why things are the way they are, but for oliver.... for Reasons, the lover angle doesn't really suit, but i think it'd work better for him if the dg were more like the mother he never got to know. so that's the angle i'm going with for his canon
i think the emperor would get much farther with this sad boy by taking on the guise of the mother he never got to know, who haunts his narrative, whose love and forgiveness he seeks desperately rather than some hunky warrior dude. so. yeah. the slutty outfit scene is gonna be weird, which i'm just gonna have to do like frieza and ignore that.
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steampunkedparm · 11 months
wuhbuhbuhbuhbuh inknow these sudden bursts of productivity are probably not the healthiest, esp when i latch onto and get incredibly immersed in a project
blargh they're nice though but damn it might be mental illness y'know
(i think if i do get this full time position snd save up quite a bit more money just in case. i. might go see a psychiatrist or whatevrr you go to do the mental health screening thing :P not really lookin for drugs, just answers)
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dewitty1 · 2 years
Saturday Six (Stuff)
I've been a bit lax in posting this lately, and in posting stuff to this blog. Life is just Blargh atm.(’-’*)
The parent's closed on their new house and are already moving stuff, although they say they're shooting for being fully moved by April. I'm just like "what's the dang hurry?"p(´⌒`。q)
But with that I hope they let me use the spare garage to work in. I'm so tired of this little hallway/foyer.(。-ω-)ノ
I like the cooler day temperatures, but I'm not ready for the cold.(*`へ´*)
Trying to think of nice things about someone who's annoying is really hard.(.﹒︣︿﹒︣.)
I'm seeing Elton John tomorrow night! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) ♫・*:.。. .。.:*・
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redwinterroses · 3 years
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imharehunter · 3 years
Below this is calling out an ex friend for s*xual harassment and being creepy. All nsfw will be censored. Since this might be calling myself out with my age, but fuck it more layers to this dying cake of blargh, I was 13 when he sent me this shit. 13. He was 15. Anyways onto the post below the cut off
Hi, I'm a lesbian. Have that in ur mind while reading this. The person below goes by mika, he's 15, bi. That's all the shit u could find from his Twitter. He legit kept asking me for pics of my titties. I don't like those things, they're stupid.
I'm also NOT sexual w/ anyone. I hate it and I just wanna hold hands and cuddle.
If he tries to frame this as a "ur just digging up old shit" I'm not. It took me a month or 2 to calm myself down and regain myself from this situation. It took me until as of Monday to even tell my BFF. Anyways
I didn't give him anything sexual cuz I'm a lesbian who hates sexual stuff why would I give anyone nudes
We start off here
This one is me showing my hatred towards my own dumb shit not gonna write word.
He CONSTANtly begged for nsfw from me, a minor.
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He expresses his want to do sexual acts with me. With that I wanna throw up, but continuing on.
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This is just wrong.
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Above this one he sent me nsfw of Sayori from ddlc. Have I expressed how much I hate the sexualization of them? That's a separate rant, but this, my dude, is disgusting
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He kinda just sent me nsfw without warning and shit. He sent me this too I told him not too also
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He did this ew. Let me make my cannibalism jokes
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He called me this
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And worst of all, this message where he asks me if I'm self pleasuring. First of all, NO, shut up.
Finally, at the end of this, I got Aspen to kinda tell him off. I didn't tell Aspen really anything cuz a. I was afraid to. B. I had a an emotional shut down.
I only told him now, and I told twitter a bit ago.
He blamed it on his horniness, but your actions while horny are still your actions. You don't deshell and become a new being when your horny. You are still You. I'll excuse the occasional horny post, but these days were back to back.
This isn't just a simple nsfw joke. It's sexual harassment. According to Google sexual harassment is defined as:
It is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person's sex. Harassment can include "sexual harassment" or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.
I'm pointing to the "requests of sexual favors" he constantly does this.
He has since deleted his Twitter and Discord bc he thinks I'm just "overreacting." And he is trying to be the victim. He's not a victim.
Take care everyone.
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therosebudboy · 7 years
it’s almost eleven pm and i cant stop feeling iffy about the new fob song
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